DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267092

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land D Building Total 1 QE 2160 2021 31,990 83,010 115,000

DTE Code Numberin O Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located |INEWTOWN-FOREST HILLS LSD Taxing District Name on Tax DupliCata/ENDELL ROBERT JAMES Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel N£501-0009-0178-00 Map Book Page Description: OLENTANGY LN 78.22 X 229.52 IR LOT 72 RIVER VIEW SUB BLK 3 PT 2

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or printall infomiation. See instructions on reverse.

1, Grantofs Name: Robert James Wendell Phone:

2 Grantee's Name' Robert James Wendell and Brooke M. lorfida Phone Grantee's Address: 7025 Olentangy Lane, , OH 45244 3, Address of Property: 7025 Olentangy Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45244 4, Tax Billing Address: 7025 Olentangy Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45244

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) (a) To or from the , this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include amdavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a dstribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surtender of the subsidian/s stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; U) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fomier residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars: _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under RC section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOR YES_[1 ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies forcurrent agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, NOR YEs-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOLL YES* If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOR YES_[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOJEL YES 13 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Billie Faulkner 8£*it Fall"(46 05/06/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representalve Signature of Grantee or Representak Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 05/49/2021 Co. No. 60853


Instrument Taxmg Dist. No. Tax Ust Land Building Total Lt ZZUU zuzl 1/,SZU 30,420 47,940

5 l U DTE Code Numb%OOOLAWN PRINCETON CCD 0 Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located in SECRETARY Or I IOUSING AND URDAN DC 202'iaxing District Name on Tax Duplicate 598-0020-0190-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Perm08*fmt'&19· Map Book Page Descrip#on: 0.44 AC PT LOT 3 JOHN TUCKER EST

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infomlauon. See instrucions on reverse,

1. Grantots Name: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Phone: Candelaria Mendoza Ordonez 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 666 Fresno Road, Cincinnati, OH 45240

3. Address of Property: 10075 Chester Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 4. Tax Billing Address: 666 Fresno Road, Cincinnati, OH 45240

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) i 1(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumenta]Ny, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security fora debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a giA, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either, _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(9 Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganizalon of corporations or uninoorporated associauons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent thal the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a didribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholders shares In the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideraion, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's 3 stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral lights, unless tile lease Is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars: _(k) Of an occupied residential property being tansfermd to Ihe builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealerin real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transacton is notagift: (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a pe,son to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or rightof-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; __(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Intamal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law ordevisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for #le real property; _(0 To a trustee of a trust, when tile grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trusl bya trustee of the trust, when Ae transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of he grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets: _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust If the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facili constructed pursuant to section 307,696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this proper is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or suiviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[EL YES.EL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated thatthis property qualifies forcument agricultural use valuation forthe preceding orcurrent tax year, NOM YES.EL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits tile owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and limely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yean NO*-YES-0 If yes, is the property a mum-unit dwelling? NO-!IL YESQ 9. Is this property leased or oherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO*. YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid 8 penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pellury that this statement has been exami e ant'* best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Erin Stacey Printed Name of Gra*f*56*anve_D Sili.*4411pfRepresenta.) Date OTE FROM 100 D Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Tax list county 31 Tax. dist. Date istrument year number number WD 2021 1080 uL,/1 i,Ijf*lie roperty located in taxing district Tax duplicate year

EDGAR CONSTRUCTION LLC TR 267094 cct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Papl No. of Parcels 570-0050-0023-00 escription 0 Platted 0 Unplatted FIDDLERS GREEN RD 90 X 219.70 IRR 2 LQI 5 GERHARDT 3RD SUB. uditor's comments: C] Split [J New plat LI New Improvements U Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Othr

;rantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. SOO Neigh. Code . Grantor's name Edgar Construction, LLC Trustee Phone !. Grantee's name Casey M. Lariccia and Angela R. Byers Phone Grantee's address 3093 Fiddlers Green Road, Cincinnati. Ohio 45248 k Address of property 3093 Fiddlers Green Road. Cincinnati. Ohio 45248 No. of Acres k. Tax billing address Cincinnati Federal 6581 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 No If yes, check type: 6 Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes 1 Condominium ' 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value ) Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer Land contract inlin Bldg. Value > Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift 1 Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 199,750.00 n b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any), $ 35,250.00

+ d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and R) $ 235,000.00 10130 ) e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only 235,000.00 J f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ... ..4.""",0.".6'...... g) Narne of rnortgagee Cincinnati Federal h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8, Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

0. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fded.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 235000 1. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? rl Yes 171 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only Valid sale weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 1. Yes 2. No declare under penalties of pe,jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is bue, correct md complete statement 20210613003 Receipt Number A#ek Bl 61*,a 4.30-:U ' Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature 6Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G*31 and, if applicable, the lee required by R.C, 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by - and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 706.00 Grantor . DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date U5/1 3/ZUZ 1 Hamilton County Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267094

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

FIDDLERS GREEN RD 570-0050-0023-00 28,950 0 28,950 90 X 219.70 IRR LOT 5 GERHARDT 3RD SUB Acres 0.4775

FIDDLERS GREEN RD 570-0050-0024-00 57,750 13,490 71,240 90 X 211.79 IRR-LOT 6 GERHARDT 3RD BLK C Acres 0.4936

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated )TE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT levised by County Auditor )ust, Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319 54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31


2021 2120 05/13/2021 Droperly LocateY'|fP Taxing District Vame on Tax Duplicate 1.nrwi aA,n-1-OCKLAND CSD Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel Nqr:RIRTn Wnul=g INC Map Book Page No. of Parcels Zuzl 267095 )escription: O Platted 0 Unplatted 641-0003-0193-00


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS ] Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code ]CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed O New Improvements O Other 500 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instrucions on reverse. No. of Acres

1. Grantor: Cristo Homes, Inc. Phone:

2, Grantee: David C. Oxford and Fernanda F. Aguiar, Trustees Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3189 Princeton Rd, #298, Hamilton, OH. 45011 Land Value

3, Address of Property, 414 McEwing Dr, Cincinnati, OH. 45215 0 4, Tax Billing Address: 3189 Princeton Rd. #298, Hamilton, OH. 45011 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No IX]Yes (requires information below) Bldg Value F*1 1,2 or 3 family Manufactured Home 4780 EJ Condominium E] Apartment - Number of Units

) [Z] Farm Building El Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 2 Grantor is a Mortgagee C Land Contract DTE Use Only 4 0 Gift 23 Trade ' Life Estate 0 Leasehold El Mineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee 1%] Other. Fee Simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 169.520 4780 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $0 OTE Use Only (c) Cash Of any) $ 42,380 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 211.900 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property.___. $ 0 OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-78).__ $ 211,900 (g) Name of mortgagee Security National Mortgage Consideration (h) Type of mortgageE]Conventional EFHA [1 VA jiOther (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real proper4,_..__..___._.._ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE lise Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.El Yes 181 No (If yes, complete fonn DTE 101) Valid Sale 1 YES 2 NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 0 Yes FE No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 211900 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 1- Yes 121 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 13 Yes F No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? F Yes R No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513004

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

05/11/2021 Heather Meyer 4*YUi AL- Printed Name of Grantee or Representatjve Date Receipt Number Signatutb of 8rantee or Reprnlitive 636.20 urantor RECEIPT FORAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C. in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax Ust Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number WD 2021 3050 05/13/2021 Propedy Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate DEER PARK-DEER PARK CSD Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Pemlanent Parcel No.SHAFER DEAN L Map Book Page 2021 N'26?e98 Description: O Platted O Unplatted 609-0010-0021-00


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code OCAUV 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print al information. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres 0 1. Grantor: Dean L. Shafer Phone: '2. Grantee. RP2HAM LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 5725 Dragon Way, Suite 224, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 Land Value 3, Address of Property: 4342 Orchard Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 1 4. Tax Billing Address: 5725 Dragon Way, Suite 224, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

5. Are there buildings on the land?[ZINo IX]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value

C] 1,2 or 3 family Fl Manufactured Home 11630 F-1 Condominium 13 Apartment - Number of Units -- [3 Farm Building [3 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 30700 r 0 Grantor is a relative C Part Interest Transferred [3 Grantor is a Mortgagee El Land Contract 131 Gift E Trade [3 Life Estate El Leasehold DTE Use Only E] Mineral Rights Reserved [7 Leased Fee IE] Other. Arms Length 42330 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 165,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 165,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real propeg.----_ $ DTE Use Only (D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (/D-7E1.______$ 165.000 (g) Name of mortgagee CASH TRANSACTION

Consideralori (h) Type of mortgage[]Conventional FHA []VA Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properL___--- --_- $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.10 Yes [El No DTE Use Only (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 165000 0 Yes El No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? IE] Yes E No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?lEi Yes ¤ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210513005 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Shelly Polilli 05/06/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative 495.5ceipt Nurnber Crantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Aualor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 11 exempt by O.R.C. 31954 (G}(31, Use Cim Form 100 (E)9


Type Inslnument Tax Ust Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 WU 20Z1 3040 00/1 j/£1101

Propety Located in C.INTI CORP.CINTI CRn Taxag District Tax Duplicate Year Name on Tax Duplicate Mwak,GO Arr=#PRIRFC i,r 2021 267097 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of ParceIs 134-0005-0545-00 Description: 0 Platted o Unplatted SS CHESTNUT ST 0.042 AC PT SQ 17 LONGWORTH 1 SQUARE SUB DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 C.AU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh §0110 Grantee or Representati* Must Compl*4114Mestions in Thls,$0*tion Typsorplintall**rma'duh.'$00}11*1*tion,:on:r***·.:,,2/./1 0 ·: _: No.of Acres 1. Grantor: Jamango Enterprises, LLC Phone:

2. Grantee: Steven B. Swiatowy and Michelle Renee Rebmann Phone: Grantee's Address: 437 Chestnut Street Cincinnati, OH 45203 La,ld Val 3. Address of Property: 437 Chestnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45203 4. Tax Billing Address: 437 Chestnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45203

5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No [E]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value ¤ 1,2 or 3 family j Manufactured Home 8860 13 Condominium F-1 Apartment. Number of Units 0 Farm Building 0 Other - Total Vakle If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 50500 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Modgagee 0 Land Contract 0 Trade 0 Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE UGe Only 53 GiftMineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee Other: Fee Simple 59360 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (ifany) $ 310.800 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ -10,800 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 300.000 (e) Podion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) $ 300.000 (g) Name of mortgagee (h) Type of mortgage¤Conventional OFHA BVA OOther Consideration (1) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes 111 No OTE Uae Only (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Salg 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agticultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1, YES 2. NO

0 Yes IE No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 300000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Redudion (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely appcation is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Yes ¤ No If yes, is the property a multi-unlt dwelling? 0 Yes ¤ No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes 1 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513006 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

Erin Stacey - 05/11/2021

-Date Printed Name oenme or Reprehntahe signature of Granteepresentative* Receipt Number 900.50 RECEIPT FOR PA™ENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by seconT{.54(F) (3) R.C., and, I applicable, the fee mquired by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Ousty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Folm 100 (EX)


Type Inakunent Tax List Year County Nunber Tax DistNumber Date WD 2021 31 1070 05/13/2021


Property Located in MICHAEL JOHN C & NANCY J Tal*11*ict 267098 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 560 0030 0186 00 Acct. or Pennanent Parcel No. Al In.ARr,Al F 111 KA y Onn nOMap Book Page No.ofParceb Description: IRR LOT 61 CALVIN CONE o Platted 0 Unplatted SUB BLK B PT 2

DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 510 N,igh. Code 0 CAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Grante® orReprosentat14*,st¢git,i*et#»Qu,#lion#In·TAISac#on>1 , ' 4,

No. of Aam 1. Grantor: John C. Michael and Nancy J. Michael Phone:

2. Grantee: James D. Flowers Jr. Phone:

Grantee's Address: 10406 Sugardale Drive, Harrison OH 45030 Land * 1 3. Address of Property: 10406 Sugardale Drive, Harrison OH 45030 4, Tax Billing Address: 10406 Sugardale Drive, Harrison OH 45030 5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No [E|Yes (requires Information below) Bldg. Value 19300 ¤ 1,2 or 3 family ¤ Manufactured Home 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building 0 Other- To¢al Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 59450 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor Is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred ¤ Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract 0 Trade 0 Life Estate 0 Leasehold OTE Use Only GiftMineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee ® Other: Fee Simple 78750 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 285.729 (b) Balanced Assumed (ifanv) S DTE Use On}y (c) Cash (if any) $ 5,271 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 291.000 (e) Portion, If any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ OTE Lise Ortly (f) Consideration for real property on which feeis to be paid (70-ZE) $ 291.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Ruoff Mortgage Consider@lon (h) Type of morlgageEIConventional ¤FHA OVA OOther (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real propegy $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is enutled to receive the senior cilizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE U= CI,b, exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DIE 101) vulds,10 9.The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies forcurrent agricultural use valuation forthe preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2.1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this 291000 reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this propedy be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented lo tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes g No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penal on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is atrue, 20210513007 correct and complete statement.

Erin Stacey .-1 05/11/2021

Printed Name of G,anE[% Sonature of Gran:rEEitentah \-Datn..- Receipt Number


The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ 873.50 has been paid bv Grantor , and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor, DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instument Tax lIst Year County Number Tax Dist Number Oale 31

WU ZUZ7 31 LU us/1 3/*j'41

propedy Located in I n\/Fl ANn-1 n\/R ANn CAn Taxing District Tax Duplicate Year Name on Tax Duplicatt_ecg, mv LLC 2021 267099 Acct or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of ParceM 021-0000-0004-00 Description: o Platted 0 Unplatted HIGHRIDGE CIR 60 X 189.96 LOT 28 STONEYBROOK SUB 1

BLK D OTE Cods No.

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value O CA,U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other Neighg*0 J : · Grantee or:Reproserlistive M#.)*ip!**1*u.t*.*411**s¢¢*b, j') , z ,i:t:

Typel#r *dnt-*Bilbromaka**01* **1**i/t}),4fit. .,,'· ... ..i.·,*- 5 7 , · No. ofAcr,g

1. Grantor: SFR3-AIC, LLC Phone: 1.2. Grantee: Edward L. Alsip Phone: Grantee's Address: 10 Highridge Circle, Loveland, OH 45140 Land Vah,0 1 3, Address of Property: 10 Highridge Circle, Loveland, OH 45140 4. Tax Billing Address: 10 Highridge Circle, Loveland, OH 45140

5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No [E|Yes (requires Information below) Bldg. Vakto C] 1,2 or3 family Manufactured Home 10500 5 [3 condominium 0 AparDnent. Number of Units [] Farm Building [Z] Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Condftions of sale (Check all that apply): 11690 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract 0 Trade 0 Life Estate 0 Leasehold OTE Use Only GiftMineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee [El Other: Fee Simple 22190 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 149.360 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ - OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 37.340 (d) Total Considedon (7A+78+7C) $ 186.700 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $, DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real propedy on which fee is to be paid (7D-f) $ 186.700 (g) Name of mortgagee American Neighborhood Mortgage Consider,ton (h) Type of morlgageSConventional FHA VA OOther (i) If gift, in whole or pall, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is en6tled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse hotnestead DTE Uae Only exemption for the preceding or currenttax year.0 Yes IB No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vald Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this propedy qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1 YES 2. NO

0 Yes m] No (If yes, complete fom DTE 102) 186700 10. Application For 2.1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this appacation prohibits the ownerfrom receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? G Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes No 11. Is 1his property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays} of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513008 I declare under penalties of perjury thallhis statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a inie, correct and complete statement.

Erin Stacey 5/11/2021

Dste Printed Name of GrarlteL-__23 Signature of e*r Representailven) Receipt Number 560.60 RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by seg.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid bv and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audilor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date WD 2021 3040 05/13/2021 instrument year Countvnumber 31 number Number )roperty located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district ASSUM TERRELL L Vame on tax duplicate Tax duplicate yeAr 2021 267100

050-0007-0088-00 \cct. or permanent parcel no Map book Page 3431 BROTHERTON RD 50 X No. of Parcels )escription 100 PT LOTS 3-4 Pill-AR 0 Platted 0 Unplatted SUB PARS 88-89 CONS

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. Neigh. Code 1. Grantor's name Terrell L. Assum Phone 2. Grantee's name Michelle Ask and Sean Molloy Phone Grantee's address 3431 Brotherton Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 3. Address of property 3431 Brotherton Road, Clndnnati, Ohio 45209 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address Prosperity Home Mtg Loan Servicing, PO Box 222503, Chantilly, VA 20153 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: Condominlum / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildlnrls Other

vacant, what is intended use? 22790 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor Is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Bldg. Value ) Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift A _ Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other Fee Slmole 42270 & 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any).. $ 169.750.00 0.00 0 b) Balance assumed (ifany).... Total Value 5,250.00 ) c) Cash (if any) .$ 65060 3 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7rt) .$ 175,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property .....,..,...... $ 0.00 DTE Use Only

3 0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ..... 175,000.00 3 g) Name of mortgagee Prosperity Home Mortgage LLC h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only 0.00 i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property. 8. Has the grantor Indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? 4 Yes No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor Indicated that this property qualified for current ag®ultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 175000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pe'jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief 18 true, correct 20210513009 and complete statement M inhelle flsit 9*11&*/yk 511 Ill Receipt Number Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Codesection (R.C,) 319,54(G)(3) and, ifapplicable, thelee required by R,C, 322, In the total amountof $ R95.50 has been paid by Grantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

Date DUSTY RHODES County Auditor 05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12

Date Co. No. Number FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267101

Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total

AF 1090 2021 37,370 167,120 204,490

DTE Code Numbersio 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located 1%PRING Fl=I n-FINNFYTOWN Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicawl ITCHINg Rl ITH M CO-TR & .IAMES P CO- Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel N(590-0202-0148-00 Map Book Page Description: - RLOSSOMHILL LN 37.12 X 229.09 IRR-LOT 9 BROOKHIL LSUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See Instructions on reverse, 1. Grantor's Name: James P. Hutchins, Trustee, deceased Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Ruth M. Hutchins, Trustee Phone: Grantee's Address: 502 Blossomhill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

3. Address of Property 502 Blossomhill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

4. Tax Billing Address: 502 Blossomhill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because (he real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) (a) To or from the United States, this state, or any Instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely In order to provide or release seourity fora debt or obligation; (mustinclude affidavit of facts) _(c) To conn or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, In any lomt, between husband and wife, of paint and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not tile result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganizalionof c.orporationsor unincorporated associalionsor pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent thal the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution In kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of tile cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease 19 for a term af years renewable forever; _0) When the value of Ihe real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollms: _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence Is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a daaler in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heiror devisee. between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and Is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such ofganization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, Including a surviving spouse of a common decedent when no consideration in money Is paid or to be pild for the real properly; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, wherl Ihe grantor of Ihe trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trusl by a trustee of the trust, when the Iransfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust If the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became Irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation ilito a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307,696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R,C. section 5302,18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOIL YES„!E (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current aglicultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOE. YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO IL YES L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO EL YESIL 9 Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_£ YES ' - Ifyes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form 'c te :ccrt; Actitcr Mithir 30 12/9

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name James P. Hutchins, Trustee, deceased

Grantor's Address 502 Blossomhill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

Grantee's Name Ruth M. Hutchins, Trustee

Taxing District Harni It011 Parcel or Account No. 590-0202-0148-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

) Signature of ia,(0 or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in mv presence, this 7th day of May * A < 20 21 D. SHANE BRZEZINSKI 1-..AfF.=tl133·. t.r/Logam*&#*I My NOtary Commission Public, State Expirns Of Ohio '6 . 11*148*3·. November 15,2024 N otary pup»---

Endorsement by County Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County,Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument TR 2021 - 1090 year Countvnumber 31 number 05/13/2021

Number Property located inqp#INCiFIA n-FINNFYTOWN taxing district Name on tax duplicAtpHUTCHINS RUTH M TR Tax duplicate year 2021 267102

Acct. or permanent parcel no599-0202-0148-00 Map book Page BLOSSOMHILL LN 37.12 X No. of Parcels Description 229.09 IRR-LOT 9 BROOKHIL 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 L SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. Il C.A.U.V Il Building removed 0 Other 510 - Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Ruth M. Hutchins, Trustee Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Tamico R, Randall Phone Grantee's address 502 Blossomhill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

3. Address of property 502 Blossomhill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address Prosperity Home Mtg Loan Servicing. PO Box 222503, Chantilly, VA 20153 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 13080 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative 1 Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value .- Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other Fee Simole 58490 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 252,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 63,000.00 71570 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) ...'. 315,000.00

0.00 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .. 315,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Prosperity Home Mortgage LLC

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ,..,.,.„...... ,...... $ 0.00 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? 4 Yes No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to completethis application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consideration 315000 prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to #ie best of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct 20210513011 and complete statement ) *1-&4 co 2.14Uail / s h lai Receipt Number . Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 945.50 Theconveyance fee required-by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

. .

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date )TE FORM 10 1 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Ruth M. Hutchins, Trustee

Grantor's Address 502 Blossomhill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

Grantee's Name Tamico R. Randall

Taxing District Ha Illi It011 Parcel or Account No. 590-0202-0148-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

< r Signature of @13§for Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, this 7th 46593?2\ day of May 40 /7 20 21 n 99<: a D. SHANE BRZEZINSKI ,/ 1 /1* 1, '2% 4%4*57, November 15,2024 Endorsement by CGinT¥jr*ditor: Notary Pub Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy ofth© indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 1010 05/13/2021

lype Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument ANDERSON-F 3RaST HILLS countynumber 31 numbe RBV VENTURES LLC Property located in 21ing district faill3 Name on tax rl,Irlir.Ate 500-0045-0160-00 Tax duplicate year NORTHPORT DR 65 X 116 Acct. or permanent parcel no LOT 311 JUMMIT [JT JUD Map book Page No. of F%reels Description BLK B PART 1 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 510 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Omer Grante# or Representative Must Complete Ali Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name RBV Ventures LLC Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Megan N. Powley and Samuel F. Klassen Phone Grantee's address 8415 Northport Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

3. Address of property 8415 Northport Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45255 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 1800 W Larchmont Avneue IL 60613 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 12210 0 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other fee simole 36790 43 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 200,000.00

b) Balance assumed (lf any). $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) ....$ 50,000.00 49000 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70 ..... 250,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 250,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Guaranteed Rate Affinity

h) Type of mortgage 4 Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax yearl Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the propelly a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 250000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes [7 No Ifyes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

ldeclare under penalties of pellury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct

-ZUZIUS]ju'IL Kecelpt Number Printed Nat* of Grantee or Repre6|ative Signdfure of GEtee or Representative Date Theconveyance feerequired by|dhioRevised CodesectionReceipt (R.C.)319.54(GX3)and, for Payment If applicable, of Conveyance the feerequIred Fee byR.C, 322, In thetotalamountol $ has been paid by and received by the HAMITON County Auditor. 750.50


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 .-It ·nUM IM 0 Real Property Conveyance Fee Reviraf by 50.-4, Auditor 0/r, I. t':=: ' f .90

200/0;06 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date instrument year number 31 number WD 2021 1 0R0 05/13/2021

Property located in Number taxing district GREEN TWP-OAK HILLS LSD Name on tax duplicate LANE CHRIS & LISA Tax duplicate year 2UZ 1 267104 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page 550-0172-0412-00 Description No. of Parcels MARCELLA DR 55 X 110 0 Platted 0 Unplatted LOT 3 CHEVIOT HTS 3RD SUB

BLA Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 OthAr Grantee!0€86076*dntittv€Mus_Cogip*te AU"Ques'tion* in'Thfs'§64*162. See fns

3. Address of property 3442 Marcella Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45248 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address Citizens One Home Loans - PO Box 2800, Glen Allen, VA 23058-2800 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units_ Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I ' Part interest transfer I Land contract 9380 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value _ Grantor is mortgagee / Other fee simde

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 156,750.00 32530

b) Balance assumed (if any) · $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 8,250.00

d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) 165,000.00 41910

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... , DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 165,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Eagle Savings Bank

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantorindicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is theproperty a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 165000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? O Yes 0 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days Uncluding , DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

ldeclare under penalties of pedury thatthls statemem hasbeen e=nined by me andto #le best of my Imowledge and benef is true, correct 20210513013 and complete statement

Receipt Number \0(\Xi (2<*bosrr ©44-« 5/7/1/

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required by Ohlo Revised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the tohl amountof $ AOR Rn

has been paid by Gr2ntor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 OTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(31, Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


County Number Tax Dist Number Date Type 111 Tax *1 3040 05/13/2021 31


Properly Located in DUNN PATRICIA Ta*(KE[District 267105

Name on Tax Duplicate 206 0001 0178 00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. \A/FRTWOOn NORTHFRN RI VDMap Book Page No. of Paroels Description: 47 X 125 0 Platted O Unplatted LOT 64 RACKS 9TH SUB BLK

C DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 520 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 CAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print al inhmaton. See Instructions on reverse. No. of Acres Patricia Dunn 1. Grantor: Phone:

2. Grantee: Ronald Eberhar¢it 11 Phone:

Grantee's Address: 507 Tom Klte Drive, Round Rock, 'TX 78664 L.Ind Value 1 3, Address of Properly: 2171 Westwood Northern Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45225 4. Tax Billing Address: 507 Torn Kite Drive, Round Rock, TX 78664 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No [E]Yes (requires information below) Bldg.Vitue 830 [3 1,20r3 family Manufactured Home CO Condominium CJ Apartment - Number of Units E3 Farm Building 0 Other. Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 7900 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative 13 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract [3 Trade 0 Life Estate Leasehold DTE Use Only 1 GinMineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee E OUier: Fee Sirnple 8730 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use ONy (c) Cash (ifany) $ 97,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 97.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property,__-__ $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideratlon for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-/E) f 97.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Con,Ideration (h) Type of mortgage[Conventional FHA VA IjOther (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse hornestead OTE Use 0,14' exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form [)TE 101) vard Sale 9.The grantor has Indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 0 Yes [El No (If yes, complete form OTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this 97000 reduction until another proper and timely application is rled): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes [El No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has 20210513014 correct and complete statement. expt*by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true,

Erin Stacey 05/11/2021 Printed Narne of GrantepfieiNE81Z3 Sigriature of5P'lb'6* Date Receipt Number 4(ECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3} R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C,, in the total amount of $ 291.50 has been paid bv Grintor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 11=Coru./.141 Real-Property Conveyance Fee. 1-3<15(35; D\ , 011[i]\ Al-(Iill) Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. VVU 3040 05'11'2024 Type Tax li@021 Tax. dist. Date Instrument year number 31 number CINTI CORP-GINT; Cju Property located in I IARRIJON RONALD Alifig district Nu106 Name on tax fitiplir.Ate i y ,-uuoo-u 139-00 Tax duplicate yeAr

Acct. or permanent parcel nn 1/177 IAIAI:=c 8\/p '27Y1&0 zin Map book Page PT LOT 2 JACOB BADGLYS Description No. of Parfels SUB 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No

Il CA.U.V Il Building removed O Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section. See Instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's name Ronald Harrison Phone Nelgh. Code

2. Grantee'sname Stacie A Baldwin Phone Grantee's address 4433 Innes Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223

3. Address of property 4433 Innes Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 No. ofAc es 4, Tax billing address Guaranteed Rate Inc, 4044 North LIncoln #318, Chicago, Illinois 60618 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 2 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 8830 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Slmole 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 150,350.00 14620 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any)... Total Value c) Cash (if any) „$ 4,650.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7c)...... ,,..,..,...... $ 155,000.00 23450

0.00 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property .....'...... DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... 155,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 0.00 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? / Yes No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Conside at'on the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 155000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? F Yes IT No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Val d sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declareunder penalties of pe4ury thatthis statement hasbeen examined bymeand to the best of myknowledge and belief Is true, corect and complete statement Rece p umbe

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the fee required by R,C. 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 465.50


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Ronald Harrison

Grantor's Address 4433 Innes Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223

Grantee's Name Stacie A. Baldwin

197-0036-0139-00 Taxing District HailliltOn Parcel or Account No.

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

*,44/ %60;Al Signature of Grantor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, this 1 Oth day of May ' ]-Iin 21

.-2,;-62,4 PAMELA G. McGUiRL Notary Public{*r ls.EBfeij<*,%}* Notaly Pul))10, State of Oht k, V.iff>'*,

County Auditor:


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 267107 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

SE 3160 2021 15,160 28,370 43,530

DTE Code Number 510 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: N.COLLEGE HILL-NCH CSD Property Located in Taxing District POLSTON GEORGE & CAROLYN 2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 595-0008-0148-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page 1815 DALLAS AVE 35 X 120 Description: PT LOT 1011 1012 N COLL HILL SEC B

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. George Polston \1 Grantor's Name: Phone

Lb. Grantee's Name: Carolyn Polston Phone

Grantee's Address: 1815 Dallas Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239

3. Address of Property: 1815 Dallas Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239

4. Tax Billing Address: 1815 Dallas Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; -(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either, _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholders shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased, _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars, _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantors power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; (v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOI YESIL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[EL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOL YES*. If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NOIE YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-EL YES 13 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been exaed by me yd to tip)0{Bpowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Carolyn Polston 14.(*%,24 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sign61[ure rantee or 'lpresenietive Date OTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor < Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax dist Date 05/13/2021 instrument SV year 2021 Countynumber 31 nuniber '3040

Number Property located 114:INTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district Name on tax di,rlirAt*IOORE MICHAEL D & BARBARA Tax duplicate year2021 267108

Acct. or permanent parcel n92-0001-0150-00 Map book Page CAMBRIDGE AVE No. of Parcels Description 69.52 X 158 IRR 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 LOT 17 TIFFANY SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. Il C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 OthAr 510 ¢17 Tee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Michael D. Moore and Barbara S. Moore Phone Neigh. Code

* 2. Grantee's name Michael B. Funcheon and Shawna Ryan Phone - Grantee's address 6490 Cambridge Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45230

3. Address of property 6490 Cambridge Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 7870 Kemper Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: /1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 7830 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights rese,ved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other fee simole 52780 7. a) New mortgage amount (lf any) $ 252,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any)...... 63,000.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and 7* $ 315,000.00 60610

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 315,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Rapid mortgage

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeaf? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 315000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes RS No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pe'jury thatthls statement has been examined bymeand tothebest of my kng*e and bellejistote, correct 20210513016 17(11 an;crment AdWtwAder - - 1*223,5:1 gil Ilt Receipt Number Printed Name of drantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance feerequlred by Ohio Revised Codesection (R,C.)319.54(G)(3)and, ifappHcable, thefeerequired byR,C. 322, Inthetotal amountot $ 015.60 has been paid by Crantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument WD 2021 05/13/2021 year Countvnumber 31 number 3040

Number Property located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CRn taxing district

Name on tax di iplir:te WATERS THOMAS E JR & MICHELLE L Tax duplicate year 2021 267109

Acct. or permanent parcel no 050-0005-0053-00 Map book Page 3303 BACH AVE No. of Parcels Description 25 X 140 El Platted 0 Unplatted 1 PT LOT 80 MILLS-KLINES 1 ST SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value C)TE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510

1. Grantofs name Thomas E. Waters, Jr. and Michelle L. Waters Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Jessica Stark Phone Grantee's address 3303 Bach Avenue Cincinnati. OH 45209

3. Address of property 3303 Bach Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45209 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 3303 Bach Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45209 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 15520 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simole 68450 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 279,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 31,000.00 83970 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) $ 310,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... ,...... $ 310,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee 1 st National Bank

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (NoAce: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 310000 prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes 0 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pellury thatthls statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true, corect 20210513017 and complete statement Receipt Number Jessica Stark 4u*»_t - 0 5 1)1 1*VI

Printed Name of Grantee or RepresentativeReceipt lire for)*inentof Granteor of Conveyance Rresentptive Fee Date Theconveyance feerequIredby Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(31 and, if applicable, the feerequired byR.C. 322, Inthetotal amountof $ 930.50 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12

Date Co. No. Number FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 267110 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total QE 1020 2021 24,690 70,220 94,910

DTE Code Number510 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located irPOLERAIN-NORTHWEST LSD Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicatVOLF KENNETH & SUMAKO zu21 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel Ncp10-0073-0199-00 Map Book Page Description: HIGHWOOD LN 96.50 X 11 3.46 IRR LOT 87 HIGHGRO VE SUB BLK B

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print allinformation. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name:Kennerth W. Wolf and Sumako Wolf Phone: 2. Grantee's Name: Kenneth W. Wolf, Trustee of The Kenneth W. Wolf Trust u/a April 28, 2021 Phone: Grantee's Address: 6594 Memory Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45239 3. Address of Property: 6594 Memory Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45239 4, Tax Billing Address: 6594 Memory Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45239 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; -Ce) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; -(9) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation;

-Ch) By astock; subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars;

Uk) Of anresidence; occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) -K(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; __(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; -(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property: _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; -(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. Theyear. grantor NOR hasYES.[1 indicated (DTE that Form this 101property required) is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOE. YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO O YES-W. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOZ· YES-[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOM. YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has beeryxamined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Erica Groman 4 *136#v »* OVVViALVZ 04/28/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Slgiature of Grantee or R®rdsentative Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267111

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

TE 3040 2021 31,340 129,470 160,810

DTE Code Number sin 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate ROGERS ROBERT J TRS & JOAN C TRS Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 002-0008-0076-00 Map Book Page Description: LE CONTE AVE 101.50 X 130 1RR LOT 30 SALEM VILLAGE 2ND

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all Information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor' s Name: The Rogers Familty Living Trust Dated November 8,1991 Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: The Rogers Famjlty Living Trust Dated November 8, 1991 Phone:

Grantee's Address: 6845 Le Conte Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45230

3. Address of Property: 6845 Le Conte Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45230 2 4, Tax Billing Address: 6845 Le Conte Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45230 J 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; *- _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; ' _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer Is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution In kind of the comoration's assets in exchange for the staci(holder's shares in the dissolved corporaion; - _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's * stock; 3 -0 By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; - _0) When the value of the real property or Interest in real'property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; 5 _(k) Of an occupied residential proper being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others,.to a su,viving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee adng on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of propedy sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without considerauon and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a sulviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) .To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw tust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is enbtled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. Noll YESR (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this propedy qualines for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current taxyear. NO.EL YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application Is filed): Will this proper be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOR YES.11 If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOIl YES-[1 9. Is this property leased or othetwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-[EL YES 0 If yes, nbw owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjurythatthis statement has been exlned by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. /7.1 IEr- 05/03/2021 Daniel M. Bennie, Agent ij..&11(1&2 VU Printed Name of Grantee or Reoresentative Signature of d§6 or ReoresentativA / \ Data DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name 11·1€ ROGE*g fAM i xy U Vi/4 1MUST bA'laO AfNeUM€ 8, /44 1

6845 Le Conte Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230 Grantor's Address

Grantee's Name -Ille lec)48(S FAMILY LIVIA/4 -heuri- 041'09 , Aid*£41362< 4 144/

002-0008-0076-00 Taxing District Parcel or Account No.

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount·of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. fl,j*reRepresentative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, this .p «:.p, L= 44;*- JIll R. MCGRAIL dayof 20 24 Attorney At Law ,:.9:.:26;:,1L(5...*.::.'.,t ,•i'.... ARY PUBLIC --<:..1 'sjiTE OF OHIO ...: -n ;420; i. t*jj<5112 My uoiws.... Notaly Public %(P....15#4.'111,4,&6.\S No Expiration Date

Endorse"ifi,lit, don di' 147.03 O.R.C. Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy ofthe indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FORM 100 (EX)STATEMENT OF REASONRevised FORCode Sections EXEMPTION 319.202 and FROM319.54 (G) REAL (3) PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 06/3/2021 Co No 261912 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taxing Dist No Tax List Land Building Total WE 3040 20Z1 10,000 114160 1ZZ,luU

450 DTE Code NumbENTI CORP-CINTI COD O SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in URBAN LEGACY IV LLC 203*xing District Name on Tax Duplicate 080-0002-0341 -00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permlilill arclo*, Map Book Page Description: ST MARYR Rn„ARF 11 CnNnnMIN,111/1

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name: Urban Legacy IV, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: 209 Limited, an Ohio limited liability company Phone

Grantee's Address: 1209 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

3. Address of Property: 120 E. 13th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 4, Tax Billing Address: 1209 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the i property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever, _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence, _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 1(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift (mustinclude affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a sulviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner, _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) Tothegrantorof a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports fadlity constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6, The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[EL YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.E. YESIl (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NolEL YES-Li If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-[1 YES* 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-[1 YES [3] If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) 19 date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been exolpi*1 by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 1/ Richard D. Herndon 05/10/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Reoresentalive Silinaturs of Grantee or Reoresentative Date Hamilton County

Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267112

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

UNIT 1 20% 080-0002-0341-00 10,000 112,180 122,180 ST MARYS SQUARE 11 CONDOMINII

Acres 0.0000

UNIT 2 40% 080-0002-0342-00 7,700 218,940 226,640 ST MARYS SQUARE 11 CONDOMINII

Acres 0.0000

UNIT 3 40% 080-0002-0343-00 7,700 322,930 330,630 ST MARYS SQUARE 11 CONDOMINII

Acres 0.0000

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated AFFIDAVIT FOR EXEMPT TRANSFER


Gregory W. Olson, being first duly cautioned and sworn, states as follows:

1. He is the Manager of Urban Legacy IV, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("Owner") which is the owner of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property"), and the Manager of 209 Limited, an Ohio limited liability company C'New Owner").

2. Owner is transferring the Property to New Owner, as a capital contribution to New Owner and in connection with Owner becoming a member ofNew Owner.

3. No consideration readily convertible into money is being given in connection with the transfer of the Property and the transaction is not a gift.

4. This Affidavit is made in support of the exemption from Real Property Conveyance Fee pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 319.54(F)(3)(m).

Further Affiants Sayeth Naught.

Gregory4.Vig Olson

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 3 day of /1,16*, 2021.


C..05. STEPHANIE M BENNETT , y _ Notary Public, State of Ohio My Commission Expires: April 19, 2026

{00573439-1} EXHIBIT"A"

Situate in the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio and being more particularly described as follows: Units 1, 2 and 3 of St Mary's Square II Condominium, as described and set forth in the Declaration of Condominium Ownership for St Mary's Square II Condominium and the By- Laws and Drawings attached thereto, recorded in Official Record Book 9854, Page 1213 and recorded in Plat Book 390, Pages 50 through 53 of the records ofHamilton County, Ohio.

Parcel No.: 080-0002-0341-00 080-0002-0342-00 080-0002-0343-00 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267113

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

AF 1010 2021 15,000 84,900 99,900

DTE Code Number 550 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in ANDERSON-FOREST HILLS Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicateFISCHER CLARENCE O & DELORES Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No, 500-0260-0516-00 Map Book Page Description: UNIT 197 - .455 % WOODLYN VIEW CONDOMINIUM SEC 15

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

513-474-3700 antor's Name: DELORES FISCHER (Dec'd.) Phone CLARENCE O. FISCHER 513-474-3700 Phone rantee'srantee's Name: Address: 797 S. Woodlyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230 3, Address of Property: 797 S. Woodlyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230

4. Tax Billing Address: 797 S. Woodlyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments, _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholders shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a sulviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a su,viving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; (v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. -(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) Froma county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO_31 YES_C. (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOK YES.[1(DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-L YES.!L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOIL YES_I 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residentia; purposes? NO_[fl YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been PRmined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. GLeok 2. Mizher S__11 Z /1/*- 6 5 04 r zn z 1 Printed Name of drantee or Representative 3igt;Fe of G,6ntee or Representative / Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Countr Auditor Dusty Rhodes 06/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form OTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. .. Tax. dist. '3040 - Date 05/13/2021 1 Type SH Tax listyear 2021 Counnumber 31 number

. Property located IRINTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district Numbe EESTON STEPHANIE 2021 267114 Name on tax di,plir.At Tax duplicate year 47-0002-0046-00 Acct. or permanent parcel U Map book Page 75 X 148.50150 kISol- No of Parcels Description REID & 209.06 FT E OF 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 HAMILTON AVE

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE e No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510 -i-„2:,1,11.... I. .1.1 .1,

1. Grantoes namb Emily J. Chopelas and Benjamin A, Heesten, by PSO Phone (614j 2224844 Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Variessa Y. White Phone (614) 222-4844 Grantee's addres& 1007 Marlon'Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229

- 3. Address of property 1570 Wittlou Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address 1007 Marion Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 1 Yes No If yes, check type: I/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 11310 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other Private Selling Officer 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) S 20110

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 190,050.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 70 $ 190,050.00 31420

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ... 190,050.00 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part. estimated market value of real property 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Considerat on the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year'? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 190050 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes 0 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the bestof my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete statement

Receipt Number Ryan Adamic 5/11/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R,C,) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 570.80 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 O'IE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Aevi,ed by County Auditor Dus* Rhodes 11/12 11 exempf by O. R.C. 31934 (GXJ), the DTE Form 100 (80 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY



.WU - .' Zuzl 1,06 05/13/*SQ pnopeftY LOC*¢1 105% YrAMORF.RYC En-rINTI Taxing District

Name On Ta)(DUplate PA,8, w=:3 AlirA, c <2 »c, 1 InT Q Tac Dupli¢ate Yes 4.6 1 267115 Acct or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. c¢Par©06 000-0212-0121-00 Description: 0 Platted O Unplatted GLENELLYN DR 70 X 150.48 IRR PT LOT 6 J PIERSON 1 EST OTE Code No.

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split ONe# Plat 0 Parttal Value O CAU.V. 0 Building Removed O New Improvements O Other

. Grante, 4, R*es.*09**u*-4446:* Al:th:**donsin™; Sectn 1*.,-P*lt1**1*.S¥ell'*19:loy•m No. d kel 1. Grantor NicoleS. Walker andEHIctR. Walker Phone.

2. Grantee: Austin W MacEad,en and Soott E. MaGEachen ' Phone: Grantee'* Adkhss: 2770 Turpin 00 Cou,1 C#:dnn#, 01,10 45244 3, Addressof P}*pei* 4390#<,101,*Couit eincmnan, 9H 45236 La,- 4. Tax*ling Ad@*SS: On*WholiMMI@*gIP.0.80* 202028 MorineaSC 29502

5. Am **reld*W,on #181*11040 -}El¥es *4*8**1ma¢Cn belD•) ad,v*. [El 1.2.0,3»* 19670 OF'.*MY'*my ID N)**¢-4 NUnki/OftmRs, 00,1*.. - 70*V*,

". '

" 56630 0 9,•*i,a,Wat# . OPMinlerest ™Rsferreth O 440*ts * Mortoage, - ' C! L=*Con**t 81444044*8*4.25 @.0/2,144 OTEU"04 - 76300 7. (s)New.Mor#age Amount#f an,) $ 257.450

(b) Bianced Assumed Of any) $ DTEU.0* {c)¢40'anY},' $ 13.550 (d) Total Considera6on FA+78+7(D $ 271000 (e) Po®n, tf «iy. of,total considetatic,) paid for items otherlhanmal propetty__ _ $ OVE lj.0* $ 271.000 M Conskier*n;lor real propelly on *Itch fee isto be paid (70-7E) - (g) N*ne ofmo¢*gae '**10»-1.N-00 Ch) Type*t mo,lgg,sECMNI*6* flFHA OVA Oomer CO"/4./lon . 0) If glitin**or.pal™0matedm=*et,*0 0!,601 propeq $ 8. The'gr,ntor'hashdk:*411*0)18propelly.*1)*edto nklivel* SentorciOZe# dis*lotiperson, orsur*ing spouse homestead DIE Wa•0* exornpien

7 'd-44„tls.*1-91-&FQ74$,#=*-1.-andb*fia*ve,-A r . 1. ;Gip'f'Izil.IE';Elizi' %4==iciL/I.*t JA A 1 5,(4-LOU Prk,W Name d Glarlee or Repre,ent:Ove D* ReoeiptNumber

RECEIFT FORPAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 813 50 me oonveyance *,0 feqlliredby@8#519 54(11 (3) R.C.,and, trapplica!14 ihef*elquk*d byC{*ter 322RC., lnt» total amount d $ has been paid bv and received by the HAMILTON County Audtor. OUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

rype Tax list Tax. dist. Date nstrument year Counwnumber 31 number WD 2021 3040 Of/1 R/On,1 Number roperty located in taxing district CORP-CINTI CSD lame on tax di, plicatpCINTI Tax duplicate year WASHBURN SAMANTHA JANE 2021 267116 cct. or permanent parcel no Map book Page 025-0003-0161-00 No. of ParceIs ,escription UNIT 22 - 1/24TH 0 Platted 0 Unplatted LONGWORTH COURT CQNDOMINIUM

uditor's comments: 0 Slzlit 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other

3rantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. GRn

1. Grantor's name Samatxha Jane Washburn Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Lenay: Erin Speece Phone Grantee's address 60C Delta Avenue, #22, Cincinnati, OH 45226

3. Address of property 600 Delta Avenue, #22, Cincinnati, OH 45226 No. ofAcres L Tax billing address RiverHills Bank - 553 Chamber Drive, Milford, OH 45150 i. Are there buildings on:he land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 0 1, 2 or 3 family dweling / Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mob le) home Farm buildinas Other vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract 9800 Trade Life estaa Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value 3 Grantor is mortgagee / Other fee simole

211,375.00 56930

Total Value c) Cash (if any) 11,125.00 d) Total consideration *add lines 78,7b and 7,9 $ 222,500.00 66730 e) Portion, if any, of tolal consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only . f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 222,500.00 } g) Name of mortgagee RiverHills Bank

3 h) Type of mortgage , Conv. RH.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled perss:,or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicatad that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 0. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ./ No 1. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 1-1 Yes 171 No If yes, 222500

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

ind complete statement declare under penalties of per ury that this statement has been exame and tothekestof my knowledge and belief is true, correct 20210513023 Receipt Number -RM (A ,-FL M 05/07/21 Printed Name of,6,0148* 01 Representative Signature of 44@g)lee or RA*entative Date Receipt for PAnltght of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee refuired by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G}(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 668.00 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 'L Real Proper-ty Conveyance Fee- »k 11&11 lillilli 111 lilli Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type EXD Tax list2021 Tax. dist. 2130 Date 05/13/2021

instrument year countynumber 31 number MARIEMONT-MARIEMONT CSD Property located in Number DILL JOYCE b 2Ting district 267117 Name on tax di,plir#A Tax duplicate yeAr 527-0020-0164-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no CINT[Il m[ 70 X 111.81 , Map book. Page No. of Parcels IRR LOT 13 TOWN OF Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 MARIEMONT SQ 25

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

0 CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 OthAr 510 Grantee or Representative Mlist'ConipleteAH Questions in This'-Section. See.Instructions:on riVerse. U 1. Grantor's name Joyce S. Dill, deceased. by Stephanie A Dill-Farrell, Executrix Phone Neigh. Code Phone Grantee's address 3725 West Center Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

S 3. Address of property 3725 West Center Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 No. of Acres

--4. Tax billing address CoreLogic, PO Box 9218, Coppell, TX 75019 1 *- 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: 4- 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value *- Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

81000 5 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract 75 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other Fee Simple 386940 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 8 900,000.00

b)Balance assumed (if any) s Total Value c) Cash (ifany) .. » ...$ 240,000.00 467940 1,140,000.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) '6."

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real'property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 1,140,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA.

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. RH.A. MA. Other i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property..... 8. Has the grantorindicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse DTE Use Only

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? 4 Yes No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this propedy qu@med for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax yea,7 Yes /No Ifyes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to completethis application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ·/ No 1140000 11. Is this property leased or othe,wise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes 0 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transferto avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

I dedate underpenaltles of pe,lury ihatthis statemer,thas been examined by me and to thebestof my knowledge and belief Istrue, correct 20210513029 535 341 -'pv *94*. 3-13-11/ Receipt Number k f <

Theconveyance feerequiredby Ohlo Revised Codesedon (R.G,) 319.54(G)(3) and, ifapplicable, the feerequired by R.C.322, Inthetotal amountof $ 3,420.50 has been paid by r=rpr,tor -and received by the HAMILTON Counv Auditor.

DUSTY RHODES Date County Auditor 05/13/l021 STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Joyce S. Dill, deceased, by Stephanie A. Dill-Farrell, Executrix

Grantor's Address 3725 West Center Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

Grantee's Name David M. Freitas and Kristine Freitas

Taxing District Ha ITIi ItO n Parcel or Account No. 527-0020-0164-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satis fariiaR··af both the grantee and the grantor. 48 y iy7X / .:sz4131%4 1 CHRISTINA KAY BOEHM J3=FP-CA *'5 ·A- Rh-xj A©-+KY -' IEA.t Loci-A

SworTMW©kmrmed in my presence, this 6 20day of ryh,(6*, 2-A .

Lf/1 V -/; vu*/1-&- A d (1.j..» B/f44-z- Notas-*ublic

Endorsement by County Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by Coun4 Audibr OusM Rhodes 11112 Ifexempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (E)9 55 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY

Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 WD 2021 3170 05/13/2021


Propetly Located in NORWOOD-NORWOOD CSD Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate ENNIS RITA J & JOHN DIPUCCIO Tax Duplicate Year 2021 267118

Book Acct or Permanent Parcel No. Ar,1 -Anng.noRR-na Map Page No. of Parcels Description: CATHEDRALAVE 40 X 165 o Platted O Unplatted LOT 58 CATHEDRAL PARK SUB 1

DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split ONew Plat 0 Partial Value,620 0 CAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Typeorprintallinformation.: See instrudons on reverse.: No. ofAcres 1. Grantor: RITA J. ENNIS AND JOHN M.DIPUCCIO Phone:

2. Grantee: GREGORY T. MELTON Phone:

Grantee's Address: 1778 COURTLAND AVENUE, CINCINNATI, OH 45212 L.and Value 3. Address of Properly: 2123 CATHEDRAL AVENUE, NORWOOD, OH 45212 4. Tax Billing Address: 1778 COURTLAND AVENUE, CINCINNATI, OH 45212

5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No ®Yes (requires information betow) Bidg.Value 1,2or3 family 1 Manufactured Home 9960 0 Condominium Apartment . Number of Units Fami Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 47460 0 Grantor isa relative 0 Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee [3 Land Contract D Gift U Trade E] Life Estate E] Leasehold OTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee IX| Other: FEE SIMPLE 57420 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) S (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) -$ DTE UM Only (c) Cash (if any) S go.000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 90.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property--*-__ $ DTE Use 0,4 (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E1______--.._-_ $ 90.000 (g) Name of mortgagee N/A Consideral,0,1 (h) Type of mortgage¤Conventional ¤FHA OVA DOther (i) If gift, in whole or patt, esumated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead (If yes, complete fonn DTE 101) OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.lE! Yes E No Valid Sate 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 90000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? U Yes No If yes, is the propedy a mulA-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?113 Yes g No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill,

1 declare under penalties of pedury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, 20210513024 correct and complete statement.

05/04/2021 KATHERINE THIEMAN 1+1-ic:2**$ Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature o: Grantee or Representative Reoeipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 270.50 The conveyance fee required by se*@54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by_ and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 101

Revised 6/16

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTIE 100, 100(EX), lOOM & 1 OOM(EX)

Grantor's (Seller's) Name @j-\-4 3. Enni 5 Y,John 71. Di(PLACCiO Grantor's Address 2193 CS,dhidral Aurut (-her-uoo

Taxing District I 54

Parcel, Account or Registration No. (051 - DOD'3 - 0339

Complete This Section Only If Real Estate Is Transferred

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or wit[ receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) f6r the preceding or current tax year, The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ 3939. irl Current Tax Year $ 0 455. 6.4

Complete This Section On!y If Manufactured Or Mobile Home Is Transferred

The grantor of the manufactured or mobile home referred to above states that the home received the senior citizen, disabled persons or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 4503.065 for the current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reduction(s) to the satisfaction ofboth the grantee and the grantor. /..#.--\

Signature ofGrantor or Representative Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, %,%"I, ***@ENE E CARROLL f*-·, Pcal (year). f*,e:=ie/=4„---Notary Public, State of Ohio E \64>4,:-0-.1 -- My Commission Expires 5 .: 04/11/2022 /1,1\ , 4 >-11/ (/U,1 1,4 "44 OF 0.0..< ,/ *' v']46tary Public v 'Ul,1,1.1- Endorsement by County Auditor:

Upon presentation of this instrument the County Auditor shall indorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 05/g2021 CO. NO. 2#.U21


FS,»trument loGIbist. No. 2021 Tax LIst 60,48Od 322*420 3811000


DTE Code Nu n19#EEN TWP-OAK HILLS LSD 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 202_ Properly Located 11@LASS JOHN B & LISA J CO-TRUSTEES axing District Name on Tax Duplicate 550-0310-0724-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Pert¥liNMEMgthl4484 DR 0.3968 AC Map Book Page LOT 36 HIGHLANDER ES IAI ES SUB Description:

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or plintall information, Seeinstructionson reverse. John B. Glass and Lisa J. Glass as Co-Trustees of the John B, Glass and Lisa J. Glass Trust Agreement 7-20.2018 1. Grantots Name: Phone Lisa J. Glass as Trustee of the Lisa J. Glass Trust U/A/D 4-12-2021 2, Grantee's Name: Phone: Grantee's Address: 5808 Jennifer Lynn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45248 3. Address of Propelly: 5808 Jennifer Lynn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45248 i 4. Tax Billing Address: 5808 Jennifer Lynn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45248 7 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; -(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; -Ci) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; __(j) When the value of the real propedy or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new resjdence; _(1) To a grantee otherthan a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars, _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; -Cs) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; Z.(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets (v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became in·evocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO_[EL YES-[l (DTE Foim 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOK YES.!2- (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOLL YES.1 If yes, is the proper a multi-unit dwelling? NOW YES-[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOK YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

JamesI declare A. under Singler penalties of pe'jury that this statement has been eto tht of and belief Is a true, correct and51(1202( complete statement. Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signalbf Grantee or Representative Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by Counly Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Fotrn 100 (EX)


Tax Usl Year Type Instrument County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 LW 2021 1090 05/13/2021


Property Located in SPRINGFIELD-WINTON WDS Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate LOREN REAL ESTATE LLC Tax Duplicate Year 2021 267122 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 590-noqi.nozi:unn Map Book Page No. of Pads Description: SOUTHFIELD CT 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 32.83 X 217.52 IRR LOT 43 1 WILDBROOKACS 2ND SUB BLK DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value OC.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other 1¢01gli7

L Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section ,: Type or plint all infomlation. See instructions on reverse. No. ol Acres 1. Grantor: Loren Real Estate, LLC Phone:

2. Grantee: Jonathan P. DeLotell & Brittany D. Ludwig Phone: Grantee's Address:1005 Southfield Court Cincinnati, OH 45231 land V* 3. Address of Property:1005 Southfield Court Cincinnati, OH 45231 4. Tax Billing Address:1005 Southfield Court Cincinnati, OH 45231 5. Are there buildings on the land?[3No fXIYes (requires Information below) 01%*0 [x] 1,2 cr) family IELI Manufactured Home i--1 Condominium 1-7 Apartment - Number of Units E--3 Farm Building 11 Other- If land is vacant, what is theintended use? Total Value 21510 6. Conditions of sale (Check all thal apply): 0 Grantor is a relative U Part Interest Transferred L.-1 Grantor is a Mortgagee L_j Land Contract 0 Gift El Trade i_j Life Estate 53 Leasehold DTE Use Only {J] Mineral Rights Reserved 53 Leased Fee [XI other: Fee Simole 31390 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) -$ 1 RAffa nn (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) ; 1 447 on (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ (101 ODD. DD (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly - $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which feels lo be paid (70-7E). __- - -_ - $ -C'lD %0 DD , OlD (g) Name of mortgagee Thrive Mortaaae, LLC (h) Type of mortgageRConventional MFHA EVA [10ther ConSkiefUton (i) If gift, in whole or part estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or sulviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year,E Yes 181 No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) OTE Use Only Valid Sat 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2 NO 0 Yes ® No (If yes, complete form DTIE 102) 190000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 181 Yes 0 No Ifyes, isthe property a multi-unit dwelling? C}Yes ®No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Fl Yes lit: No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date

of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513028

correctI declare and under complete penalties statement. of perjury that Ihis st»ent has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true,

Laryssa Wells - Agent 7 - --__--DK„,,Ay>·- 5/11/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number 570.50 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number 4 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 - 05/13/2021 267121 Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax Ust Land Building Total

D J aE 3110 2021 103,910 166,910 250,020 DTE Code Number O Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in510 Taxing District TGOMERY-SYCAMORE CSD Name on Tax Duplit*@' Tax Duplicate Year PHIRIN L & BRIAN A Acct. or Permanent pal&VARDY Map Book P*1 603-0009-0039-00 Description: HOPEWELL RD 107.76 X 186.62 IRR LOT 17 JONES FARM SUB BLK A The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infomiation. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name: Brian A. Kennedy and Phirin L. Kennedy Phonej (312) 925-6983 2. Grantee's Name: Phirin L. Kennedy, Trustee Phone: (513) 370-0127

3. Address of Property: SAME 4, Tax Billing Address: Corelogic, 2500 WESTFIELD DR STE 102, HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60124

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security bra debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confrm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments: _(D Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associalons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the staciholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrendbrof the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease Is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration forthe new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step In, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a stee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right*way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of propedy sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property, 1(t) To a *ustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited powerto revoke the trust _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuantto the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. secion 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that elis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.Cl YES.[1 (DTE Fom 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO-[1 YES-EL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is lied): Will this property be grantee's prindple residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO-0 YESO If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO11 YES-EL 9. Is this property leased or othetwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-12 YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been exa*Ded,by me and to the best oef is a true, correct and complete statement. Stephen K Shaw -3£*Ssr- 05/11/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representat,ve Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Count, Auditor Ous4 Rhodes *20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Tax list Tax. dist. Date 2021 county 31 instrument WD year number number 2120 05/13/2021

Number Property located ini OCKI ANn-1 OCKI AND CS;r) taxing district

Name on tax duplicalpHARDY PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC Tax duplicate year 2021 267126

Acct. or permanent parcel n0641-0011-0164-00 Map book Page SS HIGHLAND AVE No. of Parcels Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 0.110 AC S33 T4 ERl 164,192 CONS Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

- 1. Grantor's name Hardy Property Holdings, LLC Phone Neigh. Code

,2. Grantee's name Vuncia V, Council Phone Grantee's address 102 Eggerding Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215

3. Address of property 102 Eggerding Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 102 Eggerding Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 5. Are there buildings on the land? v Yes No If yes, check type: 2 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 4020 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights rese,ved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple 26330 7. a) New mortgage amount (If any) $ 94.500.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) 5 Total Value c) Cash (if any) 15,500.00 30350 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) 110,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... DTE Use Only 0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 110,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Fairway Independent

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. RH.A. MA. Other DTE Use Only D If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form OTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v' No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? i Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 0/ No 110000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 13 Yes IE] No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

20210513033 andI declare complete under statement penames of pellury #lat mis statement has been examine me and 10 fhe best of my Imowledge and belief is *le, correct Receipt Number Jeff Frve 05/11/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sign*c#'Gral*or Representative heceipt Tor Payment of Convevance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.)319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable. the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ 330 50 has been paid by Grantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. WD 2021 3120 05/13/2021 Type County Tax. dist. Date instrument number 31 LOVELANDCx *LANDlist CSD number

NAEGELE CHRISTOPHER Property located in 1@020 district Num459127

Name on tax rl:,plir.Atp 621-0005-0255-00 Tax duplicate year NW EAST KEMPER RD Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page 0.2208 AC Rl 15 518 No. of Parcfls Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments. 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Christopher D. Naegele Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Joseph H. Oberholzer Phone Grantee's address 269 East Kemper Road Loveland, OH 46140

3. Address of property 269 East Kemper Road Loveland, OH 45140 No. ofAcres

4. Tax billing address 269 East Kemper Road Loveland, OH 45140 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium Apartment: No. of units 21,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 3010 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Ufe estate Leased fee Leasehokl Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 1 Other fee simele 10380 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 80,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) 9 Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 20,000.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a. 7b and M „-$ 100,000.00 13390

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly...... ,,.,..$ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 100,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Savings Bank h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) I f gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is #le property a multi-unit dwe[ling? Yes v No 11. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, 100000 new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

Ideclare under penames of pequy that this statement has been examlned by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is bue, coect and complete statement Rece161'63934 Jeff Frye 05/11/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sigpt#,8 *Graotee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance feerequIred byOhio Revised Code sectjon (R.C.) 319.54(G)(31and, dapplicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, h the totat amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 301.00


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 Hamilton County Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267127

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

621-0005-0228-00 90 90 SEE KEMPER RD 0.1174 AC Rl 45-S18 PARS 228-229 CONS Acres 0.0000

621-0005-0255-00 8,600 29,670 38,270 NW EAST KEMPER RD 0.2208 AC Rl T5 S18

Acres 0.0000


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

4 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267128

) Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax Ust Land Buildng Total

QE 3040 2021 62,580 177,140 239,720

DTE Code Number510 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located irCINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicateORWIN DEBRA L Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel NO108-0006-0025-00 Map Book Page DeSCrlption: 3824 DAKOTAAVE 70 X 146 IRR PTS LOTS 28-30 J W LYONS EST SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all Infomlation. See instructions on reverse. Debra L. Corwin 1. Granlofs Name: Phone:

2 Grantee's Name: James G. Corwin Debra L. Corwin Phone: Grantee's Address: 3824 Dakota Ave Cincinnati, OH 45229 3, Address of Properly: 3824 Dakota Ave Cincinnati, OH 45229 4. Tax Billing Address: 3824 Dakota Ave Cincinnati, OH 45229

5. No Conveyanoe fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affklavit of facts) _(c) To confinn or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; X.(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessmenb; _(f) Pursuantto court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant tosuch order _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincomorated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a staci*older as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporalion to its parent comoration for no oonsiderations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or suffender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whetherornot itextends to mineral or mineral dghts, unless the lease is fora term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the bulder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _0 To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily conveble into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the tansaction is not a gift (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, 10 a surviving tenant, 0 on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value d the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Intema| Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration In money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; _(1) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of tile trust has resolved an unlimited power to revoke the trust _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became i,revocable at the death of thegrantor _{w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant tosecion 307.696 {307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between petsons pu,suant to R.C. secion 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reulization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive lhe senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or cument tax year, NO-li YES.[1 @TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cument taxyear. NOA YES-[1 ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to oomplete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yean 14011 YES M. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOZL yES.[1 9. ts this pTopetty leased of otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOZ YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined,kme,pd*5Upetof my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement, Jeff Frye C VIWI-A 05/11/2021

Printed Name of Grmtee or Representative signature bli468 4*05«Me Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 4 Date Co No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267129

0 Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List tand Bunding Total 4 AF 3040 2021 157,070 268,530 425,600

DTE Code Numbeo 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located iIKINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicalmOMPSON ARTHUR L & MARY SUSAN Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel NO.38-0006-0044-00 Map Book Page Description: 3418 AULT VIEW AV 45.61 X 120.19 IRR


- The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all informauon. See instructions on reverse,

1, Grantor's Name: Mary Susan Thompson Phone: Arthur L. Thompson 2. Grantee's Name: Phone: Grantee's Address: 3418 Ault View Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208

3. Address of Property: 3418 Ault View Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208 4, Tax Billing Address: 3418 Ault View Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or poltical subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely h order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) (c) To conirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent thal such transfer is notthe result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a r=ganization of corporations or unincorporated assodauons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the propedy to a stockholder as a distribuuon in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporalion; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent oomoraion for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not il extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0 When the value of the real property or interest in real propedy conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as pad of the oonsideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee otherthan a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a slop in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) L(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a sumiving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-ofway when the value of the interestconveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of ptoperty sold to a sulviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To of from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(cX3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at la¥ or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common deoedent, when no consideration in money Is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) Toa tfusteeof a trust when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor' s power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the ¥ustee or pursuant to trust provisions thal became irrevocable 81 the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOE. YES.[2 @TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current taxyear. NOR YES.Q. (DTE 102 refired) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reducion until another proper and timely application is led): Willthis property be grantee's principle residence by Januaty 1 of nextyear? NO O YES-@L If yes. is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOK YES.Il 9, Is this property leased or otherwise rented 10 tenants solely for residential purposes? NOR YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Audilor wi#tin 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of #le date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on theirtax bill. ldeclare under penalties of perjurythat this statement has been examinid.hy me and to339*t of my knowledge and belief is a true correct and complete statement. . 05/11/2021 Jeff Frye


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267130

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

WE 1100 2021 182,400 530,630 713,030

DTE Code Number510 O Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located inSYCAMORE-SYC FD-IND.HILL Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat#THEY MATTHEW T & CARLY L Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No@00-0093-0289-00 Map Book Page Description: HEITMEYER LN LOT 10 0.2446 AC S8 T4 Rl HEITMEYER RESERVE SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. \J 1. Grantofs Name· Matthew T. Athey and Carly L. Athey Phone: 614-354-5892

3 2. Grantee's Name: Matthew T. Athey and Carly L. Athey, Trustees Phone:

Grantee's Address: 4954 Heitmeyer Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 3. Address of Properly 4954 Heitmeyer Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 4. Tax Billing Address: 4954 Heitmeyer Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; __(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; __(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; -(9) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrenderof the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is fora tem of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; Uk) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; -Cs) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _1(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; -(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year, NOI YES.EL- (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cument taxyear. NOE YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 ofnextyear? NO L YES.k If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.!31 YESIL 9. Is this property leased or othenvise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-5 YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 1 , 1 4/2-liZI PrintName ofrantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date / STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 05;*@/2021 Co. No. 26/431


List aeninent T.r«bst. No 2021Tax 76,000 10*7000 Sk,000


DTE Code NumbeYMMES TWP-LOVELAND CSD 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks:

Property Located in WAI I FMII Y M 2011xing District

Name on Tax Duplicate Ron-nnAn-ni 70-nn Tax Duplicate Year Acct or PenT©WRIA*194*ODS DR Map Book Page Description: 100 X FT IRR LOT 25 CHATHAM WOODS SUB BL B PT 2

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print al infomiaon. See instructionson reverse,

1, Grantor's Name: Emily Michelle Wall aka Emily M Wall Phone:

2 Grantee's Name: Emily Michelle Wall Michael Jonathan Perrich Phone: Grantee's Address: 10181 Chatham Woods Drive Loveland, OH 45140

3. Address of Properly: 10181 Chatham Woods Drive Loveland, OH 45140 4. Tax Billing Address: 10181 Chatham Woods Drive Loveland, OH 45140

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(8) To or from the United States, this state, or any Instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United Stales or this state, _(b) Solely in order 10 provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) Toconfirm orcorrecta deed previously executed and recorded; £(d) To evidence agift, inany form, between husband and wik, or parent and child or the spouse of either, _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer & not the resultof a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corpardon to its parent corporation for no oonsiderations, nominal oonslderation, or in sole consideration of the cancelation orsurrenderoftle subsidiary's stock: _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is tora tem of years renewable forever, _{i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does notexceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fotmer residence is traded as part of he consideration for the new residence; (I) Toagrantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others, _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the tansaction is not a gift: (must include affidavit of facts) (n) To an heirordevisee, between spouses or to asurviving spouse, from a person to himself and othets, to a surviving tenant or on the death of a registered owner, (0) Toa trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right·ofway when the value of the interestconveyed does notexceed one thousand dollacs; (q) Of ploperly sold to a suiviving spouse pursuant to section 2106,16 of the Revised Code; _(r} To of from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at laN or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust when tile grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust when the transfer is made lo the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantors power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the kustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporaon for incorporation into a spo,Is facility constructed pursuant tosection 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons puisuantto R.C. section 5302.18, _(y) From a county land reutilization corporaon organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third parly 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is en@led to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO W YES.[1 ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated thatthis property qualifes for current agricultural usevaluationfor the preceding or current tax year. NOR YES.CL ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the o,mer from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-Cl YESEL If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NOZ YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.Z. YES [l If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registation Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays)of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on theirtax bill. I declare underpenalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to me bestof my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

05/11/2021 Jeff Frye Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sig£*,'8sentathe Date V W DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Date 2021 county 31 Tax. dist, 1060 05/13/2021 instrument WD year number number

Number Property located inGREEN TVVP-NORTHWEST LSD taxing district

Name on tax (11 plir'tA CLIFFE ALLEN T Tax duplicate year 2021 267132

Acct. or permanent parcel no 550-0094-0105-00 Map book Page No. of Parcels OPENGATE CT Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 106.33 X 209 FT IRR LOT 29 OPEN GATE MEADOWS SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split ONew plat ONew improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Allen T. Cliffe Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee'sname Elmer W. Pittman, Jr Amy Pittman Phone Grantee's address 5726 Opengate Court Cincinnati. OH 45247

3. Address of property 5726 Opengate Court Cincinnati, OH 45247 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 5726 Opengate Court Cincinnati, OH 45247 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 19480 . 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value _ Grantor is mortgagee q Other fee simole 98550 2 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 402,300.00 K b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 44,700.00 c) Cash (if any) $ 118030 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7* 5 447,000.00 2 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only - f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 447,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Guardian Savings Bank 11) Type of mortgage 4 Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other OTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property.. 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 447000 pnncipal residence by Jan. 1 of next year'? V Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11, Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes IE} No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare inder penales of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the bestof my knowledge and belief is true, correct 20210513038 and complete statement Receipt Number Jeff Frye 05/11/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sig f e Representative

pt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 1,341.50 Theconveyance fee require*#YaQRevised¢odesecti n (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3)and, if ®plicable, thefee required by R.C. 322, In the total amountol $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 . DUSTY RHODES Countv Auditor Date E FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

rantor's Name Allen T. Cliffe

rantor's Address 7365 E Kemper Rd Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 rantee's Name Elmer W. Pittman, Jr Amy Pittman axing District 142 Parcel or Account No. 550-0094-0105-00

he grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons - surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax :ar. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Cu ent Tax Year $ he grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted f r the tot estimated a ou t of such reductions to the tisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

V Si a antor or Representative

vorn to or affirmed in my presence,

1S 20 1'7

..91'010,/ JEFFREY FRYE :*2*>!ea Commission No. 2012-RE-437705 f*( Notary Public, State of 01,10 Notary Public My Commission Expires December 6, 2017 ndorsement by County Auditor: pon presentation of this instrument, the Cou Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and ovide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor H exempt by O.R C. 319.54 {G)(3). Use DTE Form 100 (EXJ Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type hstrent Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Dale 31

WD 2021 1060 05/13/2621

Property Located in Ta}dng District U.Kel=IN I VVI-'-NUK I MVVtb I LbU Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year AUEK UAVIU JOSEPH & NICOLE ELIZABE 11 2021 Acct- or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No@HU3 Description: 550-0083-0069-00 0 Platted 0 Unplatted GIFFIN RD 0.40 AC 61.48 X 270 IRR OTE Codi No 1021.10 FT FROM C OF GIFFIN RD

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split O New Plat 0 Partial Value 40. Code 0 C.AU.V. 0 New Improvements 0 Other - 0 Building Removed 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse No of kres

1. Grantor: David Joseph Auer and Nicole Elizabeth Auer Phone: S 2, Grantee: Tyann Nicole Godwin Phone: Grantee's Address: 3690 Jessup Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 Lan, Value 3, Address of Property: 3690 Jessup Roaq. Cincinnati. Ohio 45247 4. Tax Billing Address: 2241 Harvard Street. Suite 200. Sacramento. CA 95815

5. Are there buildings on the landf No *IYes (requires information below) Bldg. Value i* 1 1.2 or 3 family !,- 1 Manufactured Home .-5 11070 2 1 Condominium : 1 Apartment. Number of Units Other- [-' 6 Farm Building ;' Total Vate If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 47550 : ! Grantorisa relative 1 ! Part Interest Transferred · 1 Grantor is a Mortgagee i. 1 Land Contract : 1 Gift 1 3 Trade ; ! Life Estate E . Leasehold GTE Us, Only [ 3 Mineral Rights Reserved F E Leased Fee .*] Other. fee simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 208.160 58620 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) S 3,840 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 212.000 (e) Portion, if any, oftotaloonsideration paid for items other than real property $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for reaf properly on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E) $ 212.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Summ,t Fuw,ng *c CD"·3*le'*on (h) Type of mortgage[·Convenlional FHA r·VA EOther 0) If gift. in whole or part. estirnated maitet value of real property $ 8, The grantor has indicated that Ihis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Uu Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.r:,Yes E- No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid 5810 1 YES 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 2 NO r. yes R No (If yes. complete form DTE 102) 212000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's prindple residence by January 1 of next year? FO Yes E No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? F. Yes R No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residenbal purposes?r Yes R: No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

20210513040 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of m*,*dge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. T'149 nn /1/, ,z: 604-0 6*(\'Ii)14iC*<43521\ Printed Mame of Grantee or RepresentaUve Signature oftrantee 0(0presentative Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 636.50 The conveyance fee required by @¤Not&19.54(F) (3) R.C.. and. if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 3040 05/13/20T Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat£INTI CORP-CINTI CSD Tax Duplicate Year 2 41 1 34 Acct. or Permanent Parcel 1*CHMIDT ERIC Map Book Page 2021 2617018*els Description: 183-0002-0157-00 0 Platted 0 Unplatted


50 X 167.50 DTEICode No. NS RALPH 612.50 E OF

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. \J No. of Acres Eric Schmidt 1. Grantor: Phone: 513-236-6906 2, Grantee: Jacquana Leticia Smith (MA 1*9, 21\ T <5,'44 Phone: 984-484-4012 Grantee's Address: 5012 Ralph Ave,, Cincinnati, OH 45238 Land Value

3. Address of Property: 5012 Ralph Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45238 1 4, Tax Billing Address: 5012 Ralph Ave,, Cincinnati, OH 45238

5. Are there buildings on the land?1 -_]No IX]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value X] 1,2 or 3 family C 1 Manufactured Home 6780 1-7 Condominium [-3 Apartment - Number of Units F- Farrn Building 53 Other- If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Value

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 19570 L] Grantor is a relative C] Part Interest Transferred E] Grantor is a Mortgagee [3 Land Contract 13 Gift F]j Trade [7 Life Estate [3 Leasehold DTE Use Only 53 Mineral Rights Reserved !_3 Leased Fee [Xj Other: arms length 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 195,395 26350 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 3,605 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7(D $ 199,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property...... $ 0 DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7E)...... $ 199,000 (g) Name of mortgagee Fairway Mortgage (h) Type of mortgageOConventional *FHA 11 VA [}Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 0 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.El Yes El No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO C Yes E No (lf yes, complete form DTE 102) 199000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? [El Yes n No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes FB No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?13 Yes PE No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513041 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Jacquana Leticia Smith r\,\ , , .C r C & c C («1 ,/1, f 05/03/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of'Grantee or Representative Date 597.50 Receipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 S IATEMENT OF REASON FOR tXEMPTION FROM REAL 1-'NOMEKI Y CUNViYANut rt=t

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No, Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 05/13/2021 267135

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

WE 3170 2021 19,760 56,190 75,950

DTE Code Number 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: 510

Property Located in NORWOOD-NORWOOD CSD Taxing Distrjct

Name on Tax Duplicate I IUDCON VERLIN[ Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 651 0005 0026-00 Map Book Page

Description: 6311 WARREN /\VE 33.33 X 100 LOT 319 NORWOOD PLACE SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instrucuons on reverse. Verlene Hudson 5 1. Grantots Name: Phone:

Phone: 3- Grantee's Address: 5311 Warren Avenue, Norwood. Ohio 45212

Same 4. Tax Bil[Ing Address:

3 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) 5 __(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this slate, _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _M..(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or patent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant 5 ouch order, _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to tile dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _Ch) By a subsidiary corporation to Its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideraon for the new residence; _{I) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is nola gift, (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person 10 himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on tile death of a registered owner, _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-f-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; uzz(r)--To orfroman organization-exempt from federal-income-taxation-undersection 501(e)(3)0f»the-Internal-Revenue Goderprovided-such transfer is without eonsideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devIsees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money Is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; (v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantorof the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. secljon 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO_El YES.[E (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or ament tax year. NOIEL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from recei*®his reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO,12. YES* If yes, is the propetty a mulb-unn dwelling? NOS YES-!1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOJE- YES [3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the * this transfer to avoid Venalty on th#*bill. IAdnetcaorneyundalties of perjury that this statement has been alief Is a true, correct and c,nipleifstatement. Printed Name of Grantee or Representative S#140,8 of Grantee osenWII¢6 585/ / EFORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX) rantor's Name Verlene Hudson

rantor's Address 5311 Warren Avenue, Norwood, Ohio 45212 rantee's Name Allan T. Hudson axing I)istrict 152-NORWOOD-NORWOOD CSD Parcel or Account No. 651 -0005-0026-00

le grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax :ar. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $ le grantor and the grantee have considered and accolted for the total,,stima*d amount of such reductions to the tisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. / //»1.

'i -b ature o Grantcror Representative vorn to or affirmed in TA presence, is -4.,9-'ki I day of °t 20 2 |

1* (Eiffi*1 Notary Public, Stat&61 Ofild ,/ Notary rublic 1 My Comm-January Ekihs 18,2026 idorseh« Auditor: )on presentation ofthis instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and ovide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor,

County Auditor:


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319,202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 05/19/2021 Co. No. 26¥156 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total Ut 3230 Zuzl luz,U50 Jau,550 482,6UU

510 DTE Code Number Remarks: WYOMING-WYOMING CSD 0 SplitiNew Plat Properly Located in GIULANUO SARAH 1 2O27axing District Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 592-UU15-UU14-UU Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page COMPTON HILLS-Uk 200 E I Description: IRR Rl T) Sl 1 NE

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. Sarah T. Giolando and Reid E. Matlin 1. Grantor's Name: Phone: 206' - St Y - 6966 2, Grantee's Name: Reid E. Matlin and Sarah T. Giolando Phone: ·206- 37*- 6166 Grantee's Address: 310 Compton Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45215 3. Address of Property: 310 Compton Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45215 4. Tax Billing Address: 310 Compton Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45215

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) -(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; 0 1.(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the r property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; -0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; __(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; __(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NolE YES.[1 (DTE Fom, 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOM YES.CL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO.!2 YES.!EL If yes, is the propedy a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[El- YES-[2 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residenual purposes? NOIEL YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill, I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement, A AA . F#ya,k T (3:,Pb (GRAb r --=**· . J /'- 5--6-zi Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sigii6%[_Grantee or Representabve Date SU kttlt,A S--6,= 241{ STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Co. No. 05/jill?2021 2139 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Total Tax List Buling (litume" T'*0*BL No 2021 -1,545 U 1,560

500 DTE Code Numb«:INTI CORP-CINTI CRn 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located In HYDF PARK I ANn lIC 20:Taxing District Tax Duplicate Year Name on Tax Duplicate nfn-Anni-0397-00 Acct. or Perm«1 0*mi06 8\LAROTHERTON Map Book Page Description: RD 0.005 AC PT LOTS 13-14 MANK PLAUUN

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or Hls/Her Representative Type or print all Information. See instructons on reverse.

1. Grantors Name: Hyde Park Land LLC Phone:

Michael Shumrick Phone: 2. Grantee's Name: Grantee's Address: 4230 Marburg Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45209 4230 Marburg Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45209 3. Address of Property: 4. Tax Billing Address: 4230 Marburg Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 452C)9 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affklavit on items checked below) -(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States orthis state; 05 _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Indude affidavit of facts) 1(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, btween husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either _{e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; IS __(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the oorporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribulon In kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the (issolved corporalon; -5 _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; HYS _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is tora term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real properly or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; -_(k) Of an occupied residential propetty being transferred to the builder of a new residenoe when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _0) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely forthe purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money,s paid or to be paid for the real estate and thetransaction is not a gift: (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or or, the death of a registered owner; _Co) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; -(P) Of en easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does notexceed one thousand dollars; -(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal Income taxation undersecuon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer Is without considelation and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by 8 trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's powerto revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; __(v) To the beneliciaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from he grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions mt became Irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a spotls facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. __(x) Bet*een persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302,18. __(y) From a county land reutllization corporation organized under R.C. secuon 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicaed that this property is entitled to receive the senior clizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOK YES_ (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The granlor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.EL YES_ (DTE 102 required) 8, Application For 2-1/2% Reducion (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is med): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January l of next year? NO_ YESk If yes, is the property a mul#-unit dweting? NO_ YES 151 9. Is this propetty leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_ YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding Weekends and holidays) ot the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury thatthis statement has beon,],amined by me ancito the best tf my knowledge and belief Is atrue, congct and complet» statement. 12/15/2020

Julia Surdel C 1/ 1 j,i

Conveyance Number 267139

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

4230 MARBURG AVE 050-0007-0007-00 57,460 156,980 214,440 40 X 115 IRR PTS LOTS 13- 14 PARK PLACE ADDN SUB Acres 0.0918

COR MARBURG AV-BROTHERTON 050-0007-0397-00 1,560 0 1,560 RD 0.005 AC PT LOTS 13-14 PARK PL ADDN Acres 0.0000

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County Tax. dist. instrument Date year number 31 number WD 7091 3170 05/13/2021 Property located in Number NORWOOD-NORWOOD CSD taxing district Name on tax di,plica e . VOGT KRISTEN M Tax duplicate year 2021 267140 Acct. or permanent parcel no. 651-0003-0084-00 Map book Page Description No. of Parcels GLENSIDE AVE III Platted 0 Unplatted 50 X 150 1 LOT 64 NORWOOD HTS SUB Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements C Partial value DTE Code No. Il C.A. U.V Il Building removed 0 OthAr Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 510 1. Grantor's name Kristen M. Vogt Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Allison M. Brown Phone Grantee's address 2171 Glenside Ave. Cincinnati. OH 45212 3. Address of property 2171 Glenside Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45212 4. Tax billing address P. O. Box 650856 Dallas, TX 75265-0856 No. ofAcres 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Other Land Value ) vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract 11370 Bldg. Value - Grantor is mortgagee Other Fee SimDIe

S. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 175,500.00 33600

+ b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 19,500.00 b d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7band 70 $ 195,000.00 44970 0.00 g e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ... 195,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Caliber Home Loans

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. RH.A. \LA. Other DTE Use Only D If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property.. 0.00 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current DTE Use Only tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 0. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete lit application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consideration principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? l Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 195000 1. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? C Yes 12' No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No declare under penal#es of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct Ind complete statement, 20210513046 4 fy\ %41*qtioV1*, Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Reiblbsentative Signature of Grantee or Rep¥entative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R,C. 322, in thetotal amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 505.50 Grantor

DUSl-Y RHODES County Auditor Date 05/1 vonoi DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dudy Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. WU 3040 05/13/2021 Type Tax listzu21 Tax. dist Date instrument year Countnumber 31 number CIN 11 CUK»UI N I I UtiU Property located in Numbe KUMUAUM NAI MAIN IVI 6, t LILADC I n 98!lg district 267141 Name on tax fil tplir.Ate Tax duplicate year 001-0001-0212-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no. TRI[JTA CT Map book Page No. of ParceIs 36.60 X 299.71 IRR Description 0 Platted El Unplatted 1 LOT 39 RAINBOW HILL SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 CA.U.V 0 Building removed Il OthAr 510

1. Grantofs name Nathan M. Rombach and Elizabeth Rombach Phone Neigh Code

2. Grantee's name Emily K Griffith and Karen 6,Griffith Phone Grantee's address 6628 Triesta Ct, Cincinnati, OH 45230

3. Address of property same No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address Union Home Mortgage Corporation 8241 Dow Circle W, Strongsville, OH 44136 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 0 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominjum Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what Is intended use? 7560 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor Is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved G ift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 169,000.00 48790

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 36,000.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 71 S 205,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e)...... $ 205,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Home Mortgage Corporation

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only 1) Ifgift, in whole orpart, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reducbon. (Notice: Failureto complete this application prohibits Cons'deration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? O Yes E No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Val'd sale

1.Yes 2. No

of my bwiedge and belefistue, correct andI dedamlider complete statement penalles of pe4uy mat this *t,ment has be*amined by mo the C V ---- fl Rec8&98 47 Laura Paletta fl#*LL r 05/05/2021 -- Printed Name of Grantee or Representative (2Sature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code seclon (R.C.)319,54(G)(3) and, ifapplicable, the fee required byR.C. 322, inthetotalamountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.


Grantor DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267142

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

AF 3030 2021 37,150 26,070 63,220

DTE Code Number 420 O Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located in CHEVIOT-CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate POEHNER JACK W & HELEN L Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 551-0003-0362-00 Map Book Page Description: N BEND RD AC IRR 170 FT S OF PHOENIX AVE

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1, Grantofs Name:Jack W. Poehner (deceased) and Helen L. Poehner Phone

Helen L. Poehner 2. Grantee's Name: Phone

Grantee's Address: 3916 North Bend Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

4 Tax Billing Address: 3916 North Bend Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 _(a)5. To No or Conveyancefrom the United fees States, shall thisbe charged state, or becauseany instrumentality, the real property agency, being or political transferred subdivision (we may of the request United and States require or this an state;affidavit on items checked below) _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) S _(c) To conf,rm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; t- -(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; - _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; H _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; 3 _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _Ch) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence: _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 3(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee ac#ng on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _dr) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust: _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. sechon 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this propedy is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOE YES-[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOE YES_EL (DTE 102 required) 8 Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO_Cl YES-1*L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOE YES-CL 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_[El YES [3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined bv me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement

Kim Mockbee -42. 5/7/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signahjre of Grantee or Representaive Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

05/13/2021 267145 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Inst,unlant Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total

AF 1010 2021 39,080 155,770 194,850

DTE Code Number 510 O Split/New Plat Remarks: ANDERSON-FOREST HILLS Property Located in Taxing District HUHN LINDA M & DIANE SCHLOSSER 2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 500-0043-0226-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page CLEMSON CIR 65.10 X Description: 117.66 IRR LOT 768 SUMMIT ESTS SUB BLK L PT 3

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See Instrudons on reverse. Linda M. Huhn and Diane Schlosser 1. Grantots Name: Phone:

Linda M. Huhn 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 1667 Clemson Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

3. Address of Property: 1667 Clemson Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, orany Instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States orthis state; 3 _(b) Solely In orderto provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) 2-_(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded: _(d) To evidence a gift in any fomi, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either _Ce) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; 3-- _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order: -(9) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a copoiation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a stribution in kind of the corporation's assets In exchange for the stockholder's shares In the dissolved corporation; S _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal considerauon, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is fora term of years renewable forever, _(D When the value of the real properly or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars, _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fomier residence Is traded as part of the consideration forthe new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transacion is not a gift (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heirordevisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the dealh of a registered owner, _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased: _(P) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) Toor from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer Is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law ordevisees, Including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust _(u) Tothegrantorof a trust byatrustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exemise of thegrantots powerto revoke the trust orb withdraw trust assets: _(v) To the beneliciaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantorof the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility construded pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilizauon corporauon organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is enatled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOIE YES,[1 ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualires forcurrent agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOR YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this applicauon prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's prindple residence by January lof next yeaf? NOCL YES-!EL If yes, ls theproperty a multi-unit dwelling? NOIEL YES-Cl 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes7 NO.[i YES O If yes, new owner must com*te and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a pen* on their tax bill, ldeclare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me andls, the b*»my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement

William D. Sherman 05/11/2021

Printa,1 Nimi Al Armni#* Ar Ronroconinliwn C*.0.-'/ r...... 9."...mliw. nal. STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. 1 Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267146

Instrunnent Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

LE 1010 2021 29,470 73,380 102,850

DTE Code Number 510 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in ANnFRSON-FORFAT Hill S Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate BROWN KHRISINDA GARRIFI ]FA VAI ORII Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel NO_Snn-0342-0082-00 Map Book Page

Description: SHIRMERAVE 70 X 124 IRR PT LOT 101 BROOKS 2ND SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all inbrmation. See instructions on reverse. Khrisinda Gabrielle Brown, unmarried 1. Grantofs Name: Phone:

Valorie M. Brown 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 6447 Sherman Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230

3. Address of Property: 6447 Sherman Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230

4. Tax Billing Address: 6447 Sherman Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 , 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) -L-la) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in orderto provide or release security for a debt or obligation, (must Include affidavit of facts) ?t_(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _M_(d) To evidence 8 gift In any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either, 5 _(e) On sale fordelinquent taxes or assessments; - _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; 1-(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent thatthe corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distibution In kind of the corporation's assets In exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; 2,_(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's 5 stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not It extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; (1) When the value of the real property or interest in real propery conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builderof a new residence when the focmer residence is traded as part of the consideraljon forthe new residence; _(1) To a grantee otherthan a dealer in real properly, solely forthe purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transacuon is notagift (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an helrordevisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself 8nd others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code: _(r) To orfrom an organization exempt from federal inoome taxaon under secuon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a oommon decedent when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantorof the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs powerto revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if #le fee was paid on thetransfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to Must provisions that became invocable althe death of the grantor: _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307,696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between porsons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to 8 third party

6. The grantor has Indicated that this propeg Is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOX YESIZ (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has Indicated thatthis proper4 qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, NO.[E YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/296 Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fled): Will this proper be grantee's pilnclple residence by January 1 of next yearl NO-LLYES-INL Ifyes, is the property a mul l-unit dwelling? NOE- YES-[1 9. Is this propedy leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[EL YES 13 If yes, new owner must com*te and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjurythatthls statement has been examined by me and to the best of my Imo,dedge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement

05/12/2021 G. Robert Hines (.91.13621/22*4246) Drin*a,1 ? lan,n f Tran¢na Ai Oar,ree-,#a#iva Al,in,h,m Af Arinfoo N Ron,munfillvA nAm OTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Ousty Rhodes @20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 3040 05/13/2021 Tax list Type Count 31 Tax. dist. Date instrument CINTI CORP-*GUTI CSD number number

PETERSON STEVE Property located in 2021 Nu;*6148 taxing distnct 129-0001-0077-00 Name on tax Milplir-At# Tax duplicate yemr 6464 MC HUGH PL Acct. or permanent parcel nn 50.62 X 118.11 , Map book Page LOT 35 MC HUGH PL 1ST SUB No. of Parbels Description C Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 3 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE COlf, t0· 0 C.A.U.V El Building removed 0 OthAr

1. Glantor's name Steve Peterson and Cari Peterson Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Reed Gilkison Phone Grantee's address 6464 Mchugh Place, Cincinnati, OH 45213

3. Address of property 6464 Mchugh Place, Cincinnati, OH 45213 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 6464 Mchugh Place, Cincinnati, OH 45213 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: ,/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 9590 r. vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value

Grantor is mortgagee v Other arms length 17650 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) f 180,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) S Total Value

c) Cash (if any) ..$ 27240 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7('.) 180,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real proper ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 180,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee T2 Financial

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.HA v V.A Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or currenttax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failureto completethis applica#on prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeaf? 1< Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 180000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes E No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoids penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

l declare under penalties ofpe*try that this statement has been examined bymeand tothe best of mylmowledge and belief Is true, coirect and complete statement 20210513053 Mmha, R A\\en npely) 5-891 Receipt Number Printed Nae of 9arrt6e or Representative Signature of Gcarttee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.)319.54(G)(3) and, ifapplicable, thefee required byR.C. 322, inthetotalamountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 540.50


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3)

Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 0561@/2021 Co. No. 28Z,149


GE ument T**7501· No 202*a» List 29 400 871'*10 800000


DTE Code Numb#ORWOOD-NORWOOD CSD 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in SUNSHINE ALEX B 2011xing District Name on Tax Duplicate 651-0006-0157-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or PermE@@00 P

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infomiation. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name: Alex B. Sunshine Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: The SSA Group LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3512 Monteith Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208 3. Address of Property' 5250 Hunter Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45212 <3» 4. Tax Billing Address: 3512 Monteith Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208 t- 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

47 -(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; 3 -(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confim, or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(D When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 1(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a sulviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars: -_(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust : _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOI YES.[L (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOIi YES.[1 ([)TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is §led): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeae? NOIL YESL If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[1 YES.El 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOIl YES Iii' If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been el,min*ky_mund to the host of my kgowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. IQ;* L1*61- 62,06 &4- 51 16/101' Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS RELATING TO TITLE (ORC 5301.252 (B) (1) TO (5))


The undersigned being first duly sworn and cautioned hereby states and deposes as follows:

1. Affiant states that he has knowledge ofthe facts contained herein.

2. That Affiant ("Owner"), is the fee simple owner of the property, located in Hamilton County, Ohio being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" (the"Property").

3. By deed being presented with this Affidavit Owner is conveying the Property to The SSA Group LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("Grantee"), of which Owner and Greg Sutton are the only members.

4. That Owner did not receive any money or other consideration readily convertible into money as a result of the transfer and this transaction is not a gift.

5. That the purpose of this Affidavit is to explain to the Auditor why the exemption set forth under letter'lm" was selected on the exemption statement form.

Further affiant sayeth naught.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this *' day of MCLM , 2021.

0* Ablic \3 2 \ JIM GRONEFELD -My- Commission Expires: 06,-l71-ZO211 |**1 Noty Pubic, Stile of Ohio 1

.4,44„95,» Exhibit A

Situated in the City of Norwood, Hamilton County, Ohio, and being Lot No. 203 and the north half of Lot No. 204, ofNorwood View Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 105 of the plat records of Hamilton County, Ohio, and north half of Lot No. 204 described as follows:

Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot No. 204 on the east line of Hunter Avenue; thence eastwardly on the north line of said lot 204, 112.5 feet to the northeast corner of said lot 204; thence southwardly on the east line of said lot 204, 12.5 feet; thence Westwardly on a line parallel with and midway between the north and south lines of said lot 204, 112.5 feet to the east line of Hunter Avenue; thence northwardly on the east line of Hunter Avenue, 12.5 feet to the place of beginning.

Parcel No. 651-0006-0157-00 More commonly known as: 5250 Hunter Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45212 U It r UMIVI'IUU REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year - County Number Tax Dist Number Date

- 31

i Number Properly Loca@Rn 2021 3040 Taxing District 05/13/2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year CT CUKY-CI N 11 CSU Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book No. of Parcel$ WMttltK MAK T t IK Page Description: 0 Platted O Unplatte*021 267150 028-0004-0075-00

GOLDEN AVE 0.3996 AC R2 T4 S25 DTE.Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code

510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all informajon. See In*uctions on reverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Mary E. Wheeler, Trustee of The Mary E. Wheeler Revocable Living Trust * Phone: 330-491-2721

2, Grantee: Bryan Summerlin and Emily Cady * dated May 1,2019 Phone: 330-491-2721 Grantee's Address: 2804 E. 9th Ave #34, Winfield, KS 97156 Lsid Viue 3. Address of Property: 3430 Golden Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226 4, Tax Billing Address: 12498 South 71 Highway, Grandview, Missouri 64030

5. Are there buildings on the land?[ZINo Yes (requires infomnation below) Bldg. Value 1,2 or3 family F-7 Manufactured Home F-7 Condominium F-1 Apartment - Number of Units 24630 1-1 Fann Building 0 Other - 1 If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Vgue 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 61090 0 Grantor isa relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee Il Land Contract 0 Gift Il Trade £ Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee Wl Other: Armslength 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 360.000 85720

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) S DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ go,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C} $ 450,000

(e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property._._._.- $ OTE Use Ordy (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) S 450.000 (g) Name of mortgagee North American Savings Bank, FSB (h) Type of mortgageEConventional CFHA ¤VA []Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes F No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) OTE Use O,Wy Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifes for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 13 Yes F No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 450000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yea,9 0 Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? C Yes e No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes [1 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date

of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513054 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

Title One Agency, Inc.-Cheryl Ann Sturiale 29.-+ CL. 05/10/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of ddbe or Representative Date 1,350,5c®t Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 [)TE FORM 100 Revised by County Auditor REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Dusty Rhodes 1 1/12 If exempt by OAC. 319.54 (G)(31 Use DTE Form 100 (EX) FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY

Type In,Dument T= List Year Coun!y Nutrber Tat Dist Number 0@18 OU 2021 31 1060 05/13/2021

Propetty Located InGREEN TWP-CINTI CSD Muffam WALDEN NILEY C 111 & 1 INA SCALF Name on Tax Duplicate Taxi'18ipct 267151 Tax Duplicate Year Acct or Permanent Parcel No. 550-0142-0203-00 Map Book Description: Page k cip/..b MAYLEE PL 75 X 165 O Platted O Unplatted LOT 214 WESTACRES SUB 1 BLK B

DTE Cade Ne AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 C.A.U.V. 510 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 1¢110. 000, Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Siction Type or prht 80info,maion. Seelnstructions on reveme. 1.Grantor NILEY C. WALDEN 111 No. d Ans Phone: 2 Grantee: TINA SCALF Phone: Grantee's Address: 5378 Maylee Place. Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 3. Address of Properly: 5376 Maylee Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 t.'Elvia» 1 4. Tax Billing Address: 5376 Maylee Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 5. Am there buildings on the land?E]No Yes (requires informaUon below) mlo·VEk,8 1 1,2 or 3 faml ¤ Manufactured Home 13000 0 Condominlum 0 Apartment- Numberof Units Farm Building 0 Olher- If land is vacant, what is the intended use? ToWVilk»

6. Condmons of sale (Check all that apply): 36000 Grantor Is a relative [g]Partlnterest Transferred O Grantorisa Mortgagee C]Land Contract 0 Gift 6 Trade li) C Ufe Estate 0 Leasehold OTEU»01:ty I Mineral Rights Reserved Il Leased Fee

(e) Portion, if my, of total consideration paid forilems otherthan real property.„. --- $ OTE U:,0,4 (f) Consideralon for real propty on which feels to be paid (70-70 $ 70.000 (g) Name of mortgagee

(h) Type of modgage Conventional ¤ FHA ¤VA ¤ Other Col'stdaricoll (i) If gift In whole or part edimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated thatthis properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, orsurvi,ing spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.[El Yes 0 No (If yes complete form DTE 101) OTE Ul, ally Valls,18 9.The grantorhas Indicated that this prope,4 qualines for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 1/0 0 Yes Iil No (If yes, complete form DTE 102)

10. Application For24/2% Redudion (NOTICE: failure tocomplete this applicahn prohibits the owner from receiving this 70000 redudon until another proper and limell, applicauon Is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, is the properly a mulli-unit dwelling? 0 Yes S No 11. Is this property leased orotherwlse rented to tenants solely forresldential purposes?[] Yes [gj No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditorwithin 60 days (Including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transferto avoid a penalfy on their tax bill.

ldeclare under penalties of pe4urythat this statement has been examined by meandto the bestof my knowledge and belief Is a true, 20210513055 correct and complete statement

)1;lf# A,Daj-1 Ok,Sh#4,3· 05/07/2021 Printed NamA of Grantee or Representative Signat*50'6ntee or Representative Date Receipt Number RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C, and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 RC. in the total amount of $ 210.50 has been paidbv nrant"r and received by the HAMILTON County Audtor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name NILEY C. WALDEN 111

Grantous Address 5376 Maylee Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

Grantee's Name TINA SCALF

Taxing District 009 - GREEN TWP-CINTI CSD Parcel or Account No. 550-0142-0203-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

10.--itignature of Grantor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, this 7th day of May - 20 21

JEFFREY G. BAKER (1'ME -1 *Com-* apul *1242025 Endorsement by County Auditor: \==g, x11*57®>r Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse·*rreturn it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his Itpresentative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(31 Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 1080 05/13/202*er Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicatIAMI TWP-3 RIVERS LSD Tax Duplicate Year Acct, or Permanent Parcel N18!SCHER SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IV LLC Map Book Page 2021 WJ#Ads Description: 570-0101-0252-00 O Platted 0 Unplatted WS HALEY LN 0.4801 AC

S9 Tl FR2 DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS - 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value . 0 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 10Code

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section Type of plint allinformation. See insbucuons on reverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Fischer Single Family Homes IV, LLC Phone:

2, Grantee: Jason Rimmer Phone: Grantee's Address: 3895 Haley Lane, Cleves, OH 45002 Lal¥ Value 3. Address of Property: same 4. Tax Billing Address: same 5. Are there buildings on the land?[3No 1®Yes (requires information below) EX] 1,2 or 3 family EL] Manufactured Home LJ3 Condominium F-7, Apartment - Number of Units 1 Farm Building [3 Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Value 0 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 3 Grantor is a relave 0 Part Interest Transferred [3 Grantor is a Mortgagee C] Land Contract 1_1 Gift [3 Trade C] Ufe Estate El Leasehold DTE Use Only

5 3 Mineral Rights Reserved [3 Leased Fee ® Other arms-length 23890 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 351,556

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 32,344 (d) Total Consideration (7*+78+7C) $ 383,900 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property._____ $ 0 OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) $ 383.900 (g) Name of mortgagee Victory Mortgage, LLC (h) Type of mortgageConventional E FHA U VA 00ther (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 0 8. The grantor has indicated that this propelly is enmled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes tEl No (If yes, complete fomn DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, 1. 023900 2. NO C Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely applicauon is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely forresidential purposes?¤ Yes ® No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date 20210513056 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has b,6n,*4d by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true,

1,1 40 on Printed Name of Grantee orRepres*at*rantor Signature 6f Grantee or kepresentative Date/ / copielmEL L H Li /7011-\ Receipt Number RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ ias been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 05/13;:021 DTE FORM 100 Revised by County Auditor REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT 35 Dusty Rhodes 11/12 11 exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G){3). Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Typ nt County Number Tax Die NLNT|ber Dato TYr 3040 05/13/2021 31


Properly Located in MITCHELL SHERRI 25@lg District 267153 Name on Tax Duplicate 208 0066 0210 00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 9749 SHAFFFR AVF Map Book Page No. of Parcels Description: 50 X 145.74 IRR 0 Platted O Unplatted PT LOT D SHAFFER SUB

DTE We No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 510 O C.A,U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other ,'leigh. Code

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No 01 Acres 1. Grantor:Sherri Mitchell Phone:

2. Grantee:Oaks Property Group, LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address:2759 Shaffer Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45211 Land Value 1 3. Address of Property:2759 Shaffer Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45211 4. Tax Billing Address:P.0. Box 58731 Cincinnati, OH 45258 5. Are there buildings on the land?L_!No *]Yes (requires information below) 8dg.V,*10 [*] 1,2 or 3 family ,- 3 Manufactured Home [-3 Condominium , 7 Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building fs Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total VJIue 6. CondiUons of sale (Check al! that apply): 10170 E-] Grantor is a relative C] Part Interest Transferred L_l Grantor is a Mortgagee E-3 Land Contract [3Gm (3 Trade E Life Estate C_] Leasehold OTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved El Leased Fee [XI other: Fee Simole 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (ifany) . S n.on 16080

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) * $23820 no (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) ; 13.810. DD (e) Potion, if any, or total consideration paid for items other than real prope,4.___. $ DTE Use Orly (f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7El $ 13,9 20.08 (g) Name of mortgagee N/A (h) Type of mortgagerlconventional EFHA OVA FlotherOftSh----- Consideraton (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.Ef Yes 18? No (lf yes, complete form DTE 101) OTE U&* Or* Valrd Sate 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. , 1.YES 2. NO M Yes ®No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this 23820 redudon until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dweINng? El Yes tRi NO 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? m Yes 025 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statst tent has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, 20210513057 correct and complete statement.

Laryssa Wells - Agent .LJOY»---_) 5/10/2021

Printed Name of Gralitee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number


The conveyance fee required by secljon 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C„ in the total amount of $ 72.20 has been paid bv Grantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 2,1 A I tlintl,11 Ur NtAbUN rUK £At,VIP I IUN I NUM KtAL l'KUPti< I Y UU!4Vt:YANCt r tt

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319 54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No Numbe,

% FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 05/13/2021 267154

fflstrl'ment Tanng 0,6t No Tax L,st land Building Total

WE 3030 2021 20,850 82,830 103,680

DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 5ZU Properly Located in 'CHEVIOT-CINTI CSD Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplica ITH-JAM[L Tax Duplicate Year onol Acct. or Permanent Parcel N%51 -0000-0113-00 Map Book Page Description: ArrL[CATCAVE SOX 120 NS APPLEGATE 220 FT W OF ROBB

.· . The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or ptintall inforination. See instrucbons on reve,se.

1. Grantor's Name' Jamel F. Smith Phone:

2, Grantee s Name Jamel F. Smith and Wynette Phyllis Carter-Smith Phone Grantee s Address: 4212 Applegate Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45211 3, Address of Properly' 4212 Applegate Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45211 4, Tax Billing Address· 225 Pictoria Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45246 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state. or any instrumentality. agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state: _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligatton. (must Include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded: 1(d) Toevidence agift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of eitteri __(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments: _(f) Pursuant to court order, to tile extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order, _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation. to the extent that the corporation conveys the property lo a stockholder as a distribdon in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the slockholdefs shares In the dissolved corporation; _(h) Bya subsidiary corporauon toits parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration. or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights. unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever. _(1) When the value of the real propedy or interest iii real property conveyed does nol exceed one hundred dollars: _(k) 01 an occupied resider,bal properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is #aded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property. solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily converlible inlo money ts paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant or on the death of a registered owner: (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars: _-(q) Ofpropetty sold to a suuviving spouse pursuant tosection 2106.16 of the Revised Code: _(r) Tooffroman organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(cX3) of the Internal Revenue Code. provided such transfer is without considerabon and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization: _(s) Among theheirs at law ordevisees, induding a surviving spouse of a common decedent. when no consideration in money,s pad or to be paid for the real propelly, _(t) To a trustee of a trust. when the grantor of the Must has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust _(u) To the grantor of 8 trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke Die trust or to withdraw trust assets: _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the lee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor. __(w) To a comoratton for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 1307.69.9! of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R C. section 5302 18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C section 1724 lo a third party 6. The grantor has Indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOIL YESC ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated Ihat this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOS YESIZ (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE· failure to complete this application prohibits the ovmer from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's pnnciple residence by January 1 of riext yea No.LL YES,k H yes. is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOL YES.[1 9. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented !0 tenants solely for residential purposes? NOS YES E If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax biU, I declare under penalties of perjury thattatement has beennCt by me an*the bmy kndedge an*bejlef is a true, correct and complete statement 05/11/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representalive 4gnat,4 01 Grantee 0, Represental,ve 5 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) 05/13/2021 26157 Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Nurr¢,er QE FOWPOOUNTY USURMNLY 132,240 10,6991 236,930

Instrument Ta# ng Dist. No. Tax Ust Land Building TotN 401


HUMBLE PIE PROPERTIES LLC 2021 DTE Code Number O Split/New Plat Remalks. 527-0040-0028-00 Property Located in Taxing District Name on14&Al*iM8g AVE 45 X 105 Tax Duplicate Year LUT23-HUNIEWOOD SUB Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page Description

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or p,int al! infolmation. See instuctions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Humble Pie Properties, LLC Phone: 3796 Homewood LLC and 3796 Homewood 2 LLC 2. Grantee's Name: Phone Grantee's Address' 6945 Murray Ave #2, Cincinnati, OH 45227

3. Address of Propedy, 6957 Murray Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45227 4. Tax Billing Address' 6945 Murray Ave #2, Cincinnati, OH 45227

4 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivsion of the United States or this state, r»- _(b) Solely in order to provide orreleasesecurity foradebt orobligation; (must include affidavit of facts} _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, 0 _(d) To evidence a gift in any form, bet#een husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; -3 _(e) On sale for delinquenttaxes Or assessments; _(f) Putsuantto court order, to the e*tent thatsuch transfer is not the result of a sale effected orcompleted pursuantto such order; _(g) Pwisuant to a reorganization of comorations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporaUon conveys the property to a stockholder as a distdbution in kind ofthe corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholders shares in the dissolved corporation: _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to Its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal considera#on, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or suirender of the subsidialy's stock; _(i) By lease, whetter or not it extends to dneral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of tie real proper or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee otherthan a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step En, its prompt sale to others; _3_(m) To or from a pemon when no money or other valuable and tangble consberation readily convertible into money Lg paid or to be paid forthe real estate and the transaction is nota git (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) Toan heir ordevisee, between spouses or to a surviing spouse, from a person to himself and othets, toa surviving tenant or on thedeath of a registered owner; _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minorchildren of the deceased: _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the Interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars: _(q) Of property $0Id to asurviving spouse pumantto secon 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such tansfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organizaaon; _(s) Among the hejrs at law or devisees, including a sumlving spouse of a common decedent when no consideration in money is paid orto be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee ofa trust when thegantorof the trust hasrese,ved an unlimited power to revoke the trust _(u} To tle grantorof a trust bya trustee of the trust when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the tist or to withdraw tust assets: ._(v) Tothebeneficiaries of a frustifthefee was paid onthe transfer from the grantorof the trust tothe trustee or pursuant to hist provisions thatbecame Irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporalon into a sports fad14 constructed pursuant to sedon 307.696 [307 69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. sedon 5302.18. _(y) Rom a county land reutilizauon colporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indcated that this property is entitled to receive the senior cazen, disabled peigon, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding orcurrenttax year. NOE YES„CL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indcated that this property qualmes for current agricultural use valuation for tile preceding or current tax year. NO.El YES„EL (OTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE failure to complete this applicdon prohibits the owner tom receiving this reduction until another properand timely application is med): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 ofnext year? NOk YES12 If yes, is the property a multi-unitckelling? NO EL YESIZ 9. Is this property leased orothemise rented lotenants solely for residenfial purposes? NO12 YES_i If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the Court Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and holidays) of the date of this ttansfer to avoid a penaN on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined me d to the t of owledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Jonathan Sanders 05/10/2021

Printed N ame of Grantee or Representave Signature Gra ent ' Date AFFIDAVIT



Now comes Robert A. Calabrese, Esq., the undersigned Affiant being duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and says as follows:

1. This affidavit is being executed for the Hamilton County Auditor because exemption (m) has been checked on the Statement ofReason for Exemption from Real Estate Conveyance Fee.

2. As of the date ofthe signing of the associated deed, Humble Pie Properties, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, is the member of 3796 Homewood 2 LLC, an Ohio limited liability company.

3. Humble Pie Properties, LLC is the title owner ofthe property known as 3796 Homewood Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45227, and more particularly described as Exhibit "A" attached hereto.

4. The aforementioned real property is being transferred from Humble Pie Properties, LLC to 3796 Homewood 2 LLC, as a capital contribution. There was no consideration paid by grantee to the grantor for this conveyance. This conveyance is not a gift.

5. Affiant is the attorney who coordinated the closing and prepared the deed, and has personal knowledge of the facts herein stated and this affidavit is given in conformity with O.R.C. 5301.252.


Roberf A. Calabrese, Esq

Sworn to and acknowledged before me and signed in my presence by the above named affiant this 7 day of May, 2021

Notary Public This document was prepared by: Robert A. Calabrese, Esq. 7365 E. Kemper Rd, Suite B, Cincinnati, OH 45249 6'4*/ed -351'* 11 Its Notary Public, Stale of Oftic My Commission F-:reg -z:ruA< / 1, 16>2·Z-

-'7-625* O DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 1060 05/13/202'pr

Property Located in Taxing District UKEEN IWP-NORI HWEST LSD Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year NABER ALEXANDER J Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page 2021 3§74*Ads Description: 550-0080-0057-00 O Platted O Unplatted LAUDERDALE 89.20 X 148.49 IRR LOT 10 FLORIDALE DTE'bode No. CREST BLK A

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value O CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 'bcode

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print allinformaon. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres Alexander J. Naber \1. Grantor: Phone:

UP. Grantee: Katherine Lynn Guban Phone:

Grantee's Address: 5692 Lauderdale Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 5692 Lauderdale Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239 1 4. Tax Billing Address: Citizens One Home Loans PO BOX 2800 Glen Allen VA 23058

5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No |Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 1,2 or 3 family [-3 Manufactured Home 11360 F-1 Condominium Fl Apartment - Number of Units [3 Farm Building Fl Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 42890 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative 13 Part Interest Transferred Il Grantor is a Mortgagee [3 Land Contract m Gift 0 Trade Il Life Estate Leasehold DTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved El Leased Fee Other: Fee Simple 54250 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 149.600

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) r DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 37,400 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 187,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property -_ $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E).. $ 187.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Eagle Savings Bank (h) Type of mortgageBConventional [FHA OVA ¤Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property . $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 187000 0 Yes E No (lf yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential pug*ses?¤ Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor **'60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210513062 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare undtr penalties of perj0ry that this statement has bee,71'in*r'he an;Co the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and_ LA/\,1 (Tplete MSstatemenil Vlt p 1 Alik U- 9307-\ Printed Name of Grantee orkepreien&tive Date Signature of-Gidn*or Representative 561.50 Receipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date ... ru=pu- rawrgn, i L,vt, vc, Al,oc rcc ola, clvict,1 wr VALuc ANS, ACGcir I revised by County Auditor )usty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax Ust Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 P

Number Droperty LocateMD 2021 3040 Taxing District 05/13/2021 laine on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year W N 11 LU Ky-61 !N 11 Ub U cct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Parcels AD[]1301,1 MARi' ELLEN & KATI ILEEN 2021 267159 )escription: O Platted 0 Unplatted 210-0073-0049-00

3409 STATHEM AVE 50 X 150 DTE Code No. 1 LOT 38 WESTWOOD HTS SUB AUDITOR'S COMMENTS ] Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value ] CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code


No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Mary Ellen Addison and Kathleen Addison Phone:

2. Grantee: Michael 0. Broderick and Sofia R. Castagna Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3409 Stathem Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45211 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 3409 Stathem Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45211 4, Tax Billing Address: 3409 Stathem Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45211

5. Are there buildings on the land?[ZINo IXIYes (requires information below) Bldg, Value 1,2or3 family j Manufactured Home 5970 0 Condominium 1-1 Apartment - Number of Units F-1 Farm Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 22020 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract 0 Gift ¤ Trade ¤ Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee Other: Fee Simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (ifany)...... $ 154,400 27990

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 38,600 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 193,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property - $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E). -. $ 193,000 (g) Name of mortgagee American Mortgage Service Co. (h) Type of mortgageBConventional ¤FHA UVA Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properIL - .._. - .- .. $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 0 Yes m No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 193000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 8 Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes G No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? ¤ Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513063 I declare under penalties of pe'jury that this statem h bec exaTined by do the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

/1-l y 01 I />fi /1 Lisa Severt 05/10/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative (Signature of Grantee or Representative Date 579,ceipt Number

Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE -he conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ tas been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12

Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 267160 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 3040 2021 21,000 94,430 115,430

DTE Code Numbe,550 0 Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located illpINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax Duplical!&AAD DAMIAN Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel N@28-0004-0172-00 Map Book Page UNIT 17-8 1.613% Description: MTAIRY OAKS CONDOMINIUMS PHASE XI

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. Damian Raad rantor's Name: Phone

2, antee's Name: Damian N. Raad, Trustee of the Damian Raad Trust dated May 5, 2021 Phone

Grantee's Address: 2347 Buddleia Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239

3. Address of Properly: 2347 Buddleia Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239

4. Tax Billing Address: 2347 Buddleia Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments: _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the prope,ty to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock, _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever, _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property: 1(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOJEL YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOJEL YES.[1 ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year'? NO-CLYES-lEL If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOJEL YES-cl 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_[EL YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Damian Raad yruAL 1 (04\ 05/05/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantei or Representative Date r

DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370102

WD If exe#*y Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form'Ri@6100(EX). 05/13/2021 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type REEN TWP- *R'1*IWEST LSD Tax. dist. Date instrument year countynumber 31 number , FLIMINC DANICL T & MILICCAA 2021 07-1R1 Number Property locatdd In taxing district , ODU-UUOS-UZO /-UU

Name on tax dbplinatA 71.42 X 232.ECFT Inn Tax duplicate year PT LOT 47 RAMBLINGRIDGE Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page 1 SUB PAR 287 PG 92 PAR 130 No. of Parcels Description CONS 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comnents: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code It];0 0 C.A.U.V Il Building removed 0 OthAr

1 1'.'

Neigh. Code R#Oens , 11. gl D - Grantee's Arirlreqq 5-21«49- 124*607*fir -b r (L,j< Al- 46'42 No. of Acres 3. Address of |property 5 (1/Vi/-0 0 4. Tax billing ddress C 4, al 50,.2«4 136,1i, es:39 2f- Afo«r' 74-<1,84 - 5. Are there buildings on the land?20·Xes 0 No If yes, check type: opqsa·41 Land Value 3 Al: 2 or 3'family dwelling 0 Condominium 0 Apartment No. of units 11760 0 Manufactured (mobile) home 0 Farm buildings 0 Other If land is vacant, what is intended use? Bldg. Value 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 0 Grantor Is relative 0 Part interest transfer 0 Land contract 38380 C] Trade [3 Life estate 0 Leased fee Oleasehold, 0 Mineral rights reserved 0 Gift % U Grantor is mortgagee *Other f-1-L- 3-4=4 Total Value 7. a) New mortgage amount (lf any) f /63™066 -

b) Balance assumed (if any) 4 50140 c) Cash (lf pny) S jOLO-(56- DTE Use Only d) Total consideration (add lines 76,7b and 70) S ./&b, 060--- e) Portion, f any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property /80.0 80.+ f) Considertion for real en wlitch fee Is to be pd (7d glinus le) DTE Use Only g) Name of mortgagee - A, 441 *Mf 1 5 -UL h) Type of ortgage *Ronv. 0 F.H.A. 0 V.A. 0 Other i) If gift, in whole or 0art, estimated market value of real property. DTE Use Only 8. Has the grahtor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead|exemption for the preceding or current tax year? O Yes ot-No If yes, complete form DTE 101. 9. Has the grantor Indicalpd that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current Consideration tax year? [J Yes 6110 If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application fprowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner frpm receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fied.) Wil this properly be gIDntee's 180000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeae?Yes C]No If yes, isthepropertyafnulti-unit dwelling? 0 Yes fAID DTE Use Only 11.Is this propey leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

540.50 DUSArant*ODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54((3)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date 2021 instrument WD year Counwnumber 31 number 3040 05/13/2021

Number Droperty located in CINTI C.ARP.CINTI CRn taxing district

Vame on tax durlir.AtA KERR BRIGITTE Tax duplicate year 2094 267162

Acct. or permanent parcel no. 008-0002-0102-no Map book. Page No. of Parcels CROSLIN ST lescription O Platted O Unplatted 100 X 120 LOTS 7-9 1 GUTHRIE ETAL SUB BLK 12 PARS 102-103 CONS

4uditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 CA.U.V O Building removed 0 OthAr 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantofs name Brigitte Kerr Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name CR Group, Inc., an Ohio corporation Phone Grantee's address 7750 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236

3. Address of property 5858 Croslin Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45228 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 7750 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 6490 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value ._ Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other Arms Lenath Transaction 22750 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $

b) Balance assumed (if any) f Total Value c) Cash (if any) ,$ 67,000.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70 $ 67.000.00 29240

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... DTE Use Only 0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... 67,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fled.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeaA _ Yes / No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 67000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 17 Yes F No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

ldeclare under penalles of perjury Wat this statement has been examined bymeandtothe best of my knowledge and belief 18 true, correct 20210513066 and complete statement Receipt Number G. Robert Hines 05/12/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance feerequiredbyOhioRevised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3)and, If applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, Inthetotalamountof $ 201.50 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor ) Dusty Rhodes 11/12

Date Co. No. Number

05/13/2021 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 267163 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total TE 1110 2021 81,000 275,510 356,510

DTE Code Number10 O Split/New Plat Remarks: SYMMES TWP-LOVELAND CSD Property Located in Taxing District NICHOLAS HELEN M TRS & NICK G TRS 2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 620-0180-0626-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page NS CACTUS LN 0.6645 AC Description: Rl -T5-930

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information, See instructions on reverse. Helen M. Nicholas and Nick G. Nicholas, Co-Trustees of the Helen M. Nicholas Living Trust dtd 4/13/2000 1. Grantor's Name: Phone: Helen M. Nicholas and George Nicholas, Co-Trustees of the Helen M. Nicholas Living Trust dtd 4/13/2000 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 9226 Cactus Lane, Loveland, Ohio 45140 3. Address of Properly: 9226 Cactus Lane, Loveland, Ohio 45140 4 4. Tax Billing Address: 9226 Cactus Lane, Loveland, Ohio 45140 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any Instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security fora debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments, _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order, _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; __(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; (j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) -(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased: (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; -(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; Us) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; 1(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; -(V) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. -Cx) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. No_EL YES-[EL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, NOM YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January l of next year? NO_O YES-[*L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO_[E- YES-El 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_!*L YES [3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties ofperjury that,this statement has been e*mined by me and 16111&0*stal my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. ./9 / 1 *5£ 9., N \(Lks\af 05/04/2021 Pridted Name fgantee or Representative Sige of GQ}tee or Represenialik Date TE FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

3rantor's Name Nick G. Nicholas

3rantor's Address 9226 Cactus Lane, Loveland, Ohio 45140

}rantee's Name Helen M. Nicholas and George Nicholas, Co-Trustees of the Helen M. Nicholas Living Trust dtd 4/13/2000 raxing District 081 Parcel or Account No, 620-01 80-0626-00

['he grantor ofthe property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, )r surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax rear. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

Fhe grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the tatisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor r Jjljo·/ ftor or0 Representative

iworn to or affirmed in my presence, his 9+6 day of M 20 3 1

5%.. r>?7> L) N©tary PUMB Sect,00 to ttle COUntyi. kno A r· Auditor.-

County Auditor:


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12

Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 267164 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total QE 3040 2021 66,490 213,500 279,990

DTE Code Numbeplo O Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located i# INTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplical@ EGEL RICHARD M & TERESA zuzl Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel N849-0004-0169-00 Map Book Page 4316 33RD AVE Description: 40 X 110 LOT 107 OAKLEY PARK SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infonetion. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantofs Name: Richard M. Riegel and Teresa I. Riegel Phone:

2. rantee's Name: Richard M. Riegel and Teresa I. Riegel, Trustees of The Richard and Teresa Riegel Joint Trust dated May 6, 2021 Phone Grantee's Address: 4316 33rd Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 3. Address of Property: 4316 33rd Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 4. Tax Billing Address: 4316 33rd Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; -(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, __(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments, (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; __(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) __(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; __(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased: __(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a sulviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properg 1(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a tnistee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. -Cx) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. -(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO_®. YES_11 ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO-[EL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOUYES_[*1. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-[EL YES-Il 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-!EL YES [3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has ber-la»1 by mt?nt the best/r-)- of my kn7!edge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement, Richard M. Riegel 05/06/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Bignature6*(U/Y of Grantee / or VI Represdntative - UZS·(LFV Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor k\, ) Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

05/13/2021 267165 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

AF 1060 2021 10,750 0 10,750

DTE Code Number500 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: GREEN TWP-NORTHWEST LSD Property Located in Taxing District OMMER WALTER W TRS & DOLORES J TI 2021 Name on Tax Duplicat@ Tax Duplicate Year 550-0072-0064-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page 50 X 150 Description: LOT 63 DOMMER FARM SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Walter C. Sommer and Dolores J. Sommer, as Trustees of the Sommer Family Trust Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Steven S. Sommer, Co-Trustee of the Sommer Family Trust Phone

Grantee's Address: 3668 Monfort Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 3. Address of Properly: 3668 Monfort Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 4, Tax Billing Address: 3668 Monfort Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order, _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust, 1(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became imevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO-[1 YES.[EL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[EL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the ow,}er from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yea NO11 YES-[EL If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOIEL YES.CL 9. Is this property leased or othe,wise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[El/kS O If *gg;li*qwner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 d,s (including weekends and holidays) of the datethisnsfer toida penallybheir tax bill. Ideclare Ner penalties of perju* thalyhis statem*Deen examined by * and* the b»6t of my knowledge tubelief is a true, correct and complete statement. \Ljv H17--bl Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Hamilton County Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267165

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

550-0072-0064-00 10,750 0 10,750 50 X 150 LOT 63 BOMMER FARM SUB

Acres 0.1722

50 X 150 550-0072-0065-00 26,600 75,560 102,160 LOT 64 BOMMER FARM SUB

Acres 0.1722

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated REL DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Walter C. Sommer and Dolores J. Sommer, as Trustees of the Sommer Family Trust

Grantor's Address 3668 Monfort Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

Grantee's Name Steven S. Sommer, Co-Trustee of the Sommer Family Trust

Taxing Distnct Parcel or Account No. 550-0072-0064 & 0065

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

Signature of Grantor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, 13- day of /10,>Lsvs-:-W;Z+ 1

4; 1,jSfi'4*-4,\--34. r. DAVID» .,: J Notarv ASHCRAFTPublic, State of Ohio - Z/Notary Publ*'- *Rilsj , My Commission Expires 2 .... C "vn.. ·,""c T 4, ti.IL.1 Endorsement by County Auditor: f'K\lk'dfil£:/, Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy o f the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 20370102 Statement of Value and Receipt 1 If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX).

on,1 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 3090 05/13/2021 Type 1-VTax list Tax.County dist. Date instrument INnIAN Hlf¥5NnIAN HII I number 31 number Property lori,Arl in PETERLOON MEADOWS INC ta)80@klistrid Nu 7166 Name on tax duhlirsnte Al Q-nfon.011 9-nn Tax duplicate year OLD ORCHARD LN Acct. or perman ent parcel no. Map book 1.0205 AC LU 1 8 Page Description No of Pa cets THE MEADOWS OF O Platted O Unplatted PETERLOON SUBDIVISION PHASE lA Auditor's comments: 0 Split [3·New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building r»moved 0 0,hAr 116 Gran***Re pke*®fa«*

2.Grantee'snameGrantee's ar{Arn- A-R 863 Al*6-Ul 136 AM,A No. ofAcres

3. Address of propeMy *T- Z , fw-·u-c.o#Lf 0 6- Sr€,C- Led J 6/0 43242. 0 4. Tax billing address 5-203 7,€ 6, ki,/ 114 (1nA· 06+ 432*

5. Are there buildings on the land? 0 Yes r C S Mt 6. Conditions of sale1 (check all thatBldg. apply) 0 Grantor is relative 0 Part interest transferValue 0 Land contract _ 0 Trade 0 Life estate 0 Leased fee Illeasehold 0 Mineral r*ts reserved 0 Gift - 0 Grantor Is mortgagee »Other f-*15 5 1 M 2 L.-t- 5 7. a) New mortgage amount (lf any)..C£Mf.5.-7..7,4,4.4..£:ritZ#22...... 924/.....$ /; 2;7,3 6/ Total Value g- c) Cash (if pny) 5 9. d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c)...... ,.....,...... ,...... ,.,...... ,C...... ,A..$ /4 Y; 7, 349. DTE Use Only

650,606- f) Consideration for real property on which f90-Isto be paid (7d minus 7e) . ; DTE Use Only g) Name of Jortgagee Un/6*i -D'01,4,

and complete statement 0 1)Av 40 4, *511,1/ Receipt Number

Printed Nameof grantee or representative Signature of grantee or representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322,In the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 1,950.50 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

FD 2021 1060 05/13/202*

Property Located in Taxing District 1 vvr-INUM I Mvvt* I LbU 16-1 lut Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year hUMIVitK bliVEN S IK Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page 2021 @@Irl@les Description: 550-0072-0064-00 O Piatted O Unplatted 50 X 150 LOT 63 BOMMER FARM SUB DTE ode No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value OCAU.V 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 1*8Ciode

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all Information. See Instruction# on reverse. No. of Acres

1. Grantor: Steven S Sommer, Co-Trustee of the Sommer Family Trust Phone: 2. Grantee: Michael C Bennett and Tammy,1 Benqg# 4 , Phone: Grantee's Address: 3 /1 Li fr /Viuittort Af,9tl (3-rh DA 957-lf-1 Land Value 1 3. Address of Property: 3668 Monfort Heights, Cincinnat;,ehio 4524 4 Tax Billing Address: -15\Aug ,/M»Tat Ili'44 (Sv\-IN M , l/6-)-4-1 5. Are there buildings on the land?[Z|No TE]Yes (requires infomation below) Bldg. Value 1,2or3 family Manufactured Home 3760 F-1 Condominium F1 Apartment - Number of Units [3 Farm Building Fl Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 0 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): [3 Grantor is a relative (3 Part Interest Transferred [3 Grantor is a Mortgagee E] Land Contract 0 Gift ¤ Trade Il Life Estate E] Leasehold DTE Use Only E] Mineral Rights Reserved [3 Leased Fee ® Other: Fee Simple 3760 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE lise Only (c) Cash (lf any) $ 120,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 120,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property _ __ $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7E) 120.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgageConventional FHA Il VA Oother (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property.. $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year m Yes 0 No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 1. YES 2. NO 9.The grantor hBi,lf;dicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 120000 0 Yes qNo (lf yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the oyner from receiving this reductipt]*ntil another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee$ principle residence by January 1 of next year? KI Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes' No If yes, new owner must

complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor wi®;60 days (including Gbekends and holidays) of the date 20210513071 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pprjury that this statement has beenAA e yne e an/to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct acomplete statefinti 1 J aw /111,IL 1 1 )+1 Pnnted Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Gra0ee or Representative Date 361.00 Receipt Number Grantor

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319 54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor 05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date Hamilton County Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267167

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

550-0072-0064-00 10,750 0 10,750 50 X 150 LOT 63 BOMMER FARM SUB

Acres 0.1722

50 X 150 550-0072-0065-00 26,600 75,560 102,160 LOT 64 BOMMER FARM SUB

Acres 0.1722

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated REL DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Steven S. Sommer, Co-Trustee of the Sommer Family Trust

Grantor's Address 3668 Monfort Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

Grantee's Name Michael C. Bennett and Tammy J. Bennett

550-0072-0064 & 0065 Taxing District Parcel or Account No.

The grantor o f the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. 841 Signature of Grantor oFRepresentative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, this 1 K day of 19447 . /71 4 ID ASICRAFF j Notary Public, State of Ohio M Commission Expires 1, Ina 14, 2073 Nota Uill;Sjt{- „

Endorsement by County Auditor:

Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy o f the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Countv Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. wn on,1 1170 nS/'13/7021 Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date number Instrument NOR\A/nor-1$9kwnon county 31 number

Property located in Rl 1 IF WATFR RFAI FSTATF HOl nINGS IN( tai*g district Numt7168

Name on tax rli,plirnte 651 0032 0010 90 Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no COURTLAND AVE 50 X 150 IRR Map book Page LOT 9 EDWMILLS 1STSUB No. of Parc* Description El Platted [3 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat El New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 499 .LGY*Rub ,4288£dihibr@Nuate*21.*tai#*uestron#iricms:*Drip,i fie in#duct,4*41$4444#1

1. Grantor's name Blue Water Real Estate Holdings, Inc. Phone Neigh. Code '< Grantee's name JRS Interests I, LLC Phone Grantee's address 955 RHan LU\t© tw . F<«rry.rdrA Ibec·.k FA 110*1

3. Address of property 2041 & 2037 Courtland Ave; and 2038,2042, and 2046 Weyer Ave., Norwood, OH 45212 No. of Acres

Tax billing address <%53 Atlonhc_\ke,w Drr, Te-64 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 1 Yes No If yes, check type: 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings v Other commercial

vacant, what is intended use? 11530 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee Other 0 7. a) New mortgage amount Of any) S 388,000.00 i b) Balance assumed (if any) S Total Value c) Cash (if any) 129.500.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and k) f 517,500.00 11530

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e)...... $ 517,500.00 g) Name of mortgagee Cincinnati Development Fund

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Applicationforowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? _ Yes v No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? n Yes E No If yes, 517500

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

Ideclare under penaltes of pe,jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my Imowledge and belief Is Irue, correct and complete statement Recei;Q*|*Up72 Jthn Sly<,Fk 4£_ .01 --- 5-11-2.1 Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sign*ure of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the feerequIred byR.C. 322, In thetotal amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 1,555.00 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 Hamilton County Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267168

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

COURTLAND AVE 50 X 150 IRR 651-0032-0010-90 32,930 0 32,930 LOT 9 EDW MILLS 1ST SUB

Acres 0.1740

COURTLAND AVE 150 X 150 IRR 651-0032-0011-90 30,170 3,319,610 3,349,780 R2- T4- SSW SS COURTLAND 440 FT W Acres 0.5220

WEYER AVE 37.50 X 150 FT IRR 651-0032-0016-90 14,960 6,290 21,250 PT LOTS 27-28 EDW MILLS 3RD Sl

Acres 0.1360

651-0032-0017-90 15,450 5,930 21,380 WEYER AVE 43.50 X 1501RR PT LOTS 28-29 EDW MILLS 3RD

Acres 0.1480

651-0032-0018-90 15,180 5,440 20,620 WEYERAVE 42.50 X 150 IRR PT LOTS 29-30 EDW MILLS 3RD

Acres 0.1410


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 os;19!=021 CO No. 285%9


dr. T%12t NO, Tax List L./0 Tol 2021 DUL,Z/U 6%'77Ju 1,3UU,UUU

510 DTECode Numbr'I1 Will IkinIA1 El,1 1 O SpliUNew Plat Remarks:

Property Located in CWCD,r'81 KEVIN 8, JACQUELINE 9n7 Twdng District

Name on Tax Dupicate 990_n'>An nniA An Tax Duplkate Year

Acct or Perrnmart!!p*NA r IRR Map Book Page Descliption: Rl -T5-S33 SE

0 The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or Ant al *rmalion. See in*uc6ons on,,se. Phone: 513-290-1982

KEVIN SHERIDAN 2 Grantee's Name: Phone: 513-290-1982 Grantee's Address: 8725 SPOOKY HOLLOW OR, CINCINNATI, OH 45242 3- 3 Address of Properly' 8725 SPOOKY HOLLOW DR, CINCINNATI, OH 45242 2 4 Tax 811Nng Address: 8725 SPOOKY HOLLOW DR, CINCINNATI, OH 45242 5. No Conveyance fees shall becharged because the real property being transferred: (vve may Mquest and require an aflidevit on Itomi checked bilo¥4 3 _(8) To or *om ne United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, of poitics! subdvision of Ihe United States or this state: C€ -(b) Sol* in order top,ovide or releasesecurity for adebtor oblgaSon; (must include aflidavit of facts) _(c) To connim or wired adeed previously executed and recorded; 1(d) To evidence a gm, b any folm, b-een husbmd and wile, orpsentand child or the spouse of either _(e) On sale for deinquent k,xes or assessments; _(f) Purguant *courtorder, totheextentlhatsuch transferisnottheresultof asaleelfected orcompleted pursuantlosuchorder; _(g) Pursuant to a reolgiwWzation of corporaBons or uninoomorated assodaaons or pursu# to the dissokabil of a Wporalon, to me extent thal the corpor860,1 conveys the ploperty to a slockholder asa dstibudon in kN of thecorporation assets in e*change for thestocolder's shares in the dissolved oorpora6on; _(h) By a subsary corporath to its p,ent corpora#on for no consideratons, nominal consid«84 or in sole consideraion of the canceialon or surrender of be subsdals stock; _(i) By lease, whetherornot it extends to dneral orminerd lights, unless thelease is forate,mof years renewable forevec 0 When the value of the red propegorinterest in,eal property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dolars; _(k) 01 an occupied residential properly being transterred to thebuider of anew residence when the former residence is aded as patof the consideration forthe new

_(1) To a grantee olher #lan a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpoe Of and as 8 step in, its prompt $*toolhers; _(m) To or tomaperson when nomoney orother valuable and tangue consideraton reallyconverIN intomoney is paid or to be paid forthereatestate andthetransaction kS not a git (must Include aflidavit offact,) _(n) Tom heirordevisee, between spouses or lo a suiviviN spouse,fromaperson to hknself and others, toasurviving tenant oronthededh of aregistered owner: _(0) To a Inistee acing on behall of minor chidren of the deceased; _(p) Of aneasementorright#way when the valueof theinterest conveyed does not exceed one ,ousand dolars; _(q) Ofproperl,sold toasur,iving spouse pursumttosection 2106.16 d the Revised Code; _(4 To or from m olganization exempt trom federal income t=auon under secion 501(c)(3) of the Intamal RenueCode. provided such transter is wiolout consideraoon and Is 6*-m d te d,anttle or *ic pmpose d Such ollaVZ#A _(s) Among ne hels st law or devisees, adudag asurvMng Spouseof acommondecedent when noconsideration inmoney is poid or lo be pu forthe realprope,4; _(t) To a trustee of atrust, *en ne gmlor of the trusthas reserved an unimited powerto revoke the*ust _(u) Tothegraitorof abustbyatrustee of the kust when metransferismadelothegrmtor pursuanttotheexerciseof thegrantor'spowertorevokenebustortowith

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) i Mk'. Revised by County Auditor 05/13/2021 *El#' Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Dale Co No Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 TE 1010 2021 258,360 912,350 1,170,710

Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total



DTE Code NlimberCOFFARO ROBERT P JR TR 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 2021

Property Located in 500-0280-0012-00 Taxing District Name on Ta)El*ION(lat@AH PI< 5 9292 ACS Tax Duplicate Year A BRIDGES Acct, or Pern*¢fll**7fJJ Map Book Page Description: pARR 19.?R rONR

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Robert P. Coffaro, Jr., Trustee Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: 7321 Clough Pike, LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: PO Box 54404, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254 3, Address of Property 7321 Clough Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244

4. Tax Billing Address: PO Box 54404, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an aftldavlt on Items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _0) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 1(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has rese,ved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 530218 _(y) From a county land reutilizauon corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO-[EL YES-[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.EL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO*l YES.L. If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NOIZ YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOE YES rl If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the be m15*edge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. Andrew J. Ferguson -%1412/ K 05/12/2021 Prin,0,1 NgrnA r,f (linntea Ar Ron„*01nt:liwe Rlinil,/I If Crini/. Ir R,„waill.Ner' n.f, Hamilton County Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267170

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

SS CLOUGH PK 5.9292 ACS 500-0280-0012-00 258,360 912,350 1,170,710 PT LOT 3 ELISHA BRIDGES EST & TRACT ADJ Acres 5.9300 PARS 12-28 CONS

500-0280-0062-00 22,960 0 22,960 CLOUGH PK 1.0752 ACS MS #618

Acres 1.0752

500-0280-0276-00 10,740 0 10,740 CLOUGH PK 0.1760 AC MS #618

Acres 0.1760

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS


Andrew J. Ferguson ("Affiant"), being first duly cautioned and sworn, and having personal knowledge of the facts and being competent to testify as to these matters, states as follows:

1. By Warranty Deed, Robert P. Coffaro, Jr., Trustee desires to transfer his interest in the property to 7321 Clough Pike, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company. 2. Robert P. Coffaro, Jr., Trustee is the owners/members of the LLC. 3. For this reason, the transfer is exempted from the real property conveyance fee. 4. Affiant says they are transferring the parcel for no consideration in order to cause the record ownership to be in the wholly owned Limited Liability Company, 7321 Clough Pike, LLC, and the transfer is not a gift.

Andrew J. Ferguson .//

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence by Andrew J. Ferguson this |2 day of 1/*AA li .2021,


*»* N1ixziOctober 6,2025CN*/l #*- 9171*T %..k -3·10 6/ 03% This Instrument Prepared by: REBOLD LARKIN MURRAY, LLC 5636 Bridgetown Road Cincinnati, OH 45248 (513) 574-0100 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12

Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 267171 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax Ust Land Building Total

QE 3040 2021 9,240 9,240 18,480

DTE Code NumbiP9 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located(ANTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax Duplicli@TT DOUGLAS W Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel 1187-0060-0088-00 Map Book Page

Description'' 0.33RIVER AC RD Rl T3 S4

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See Instructions on reverse. 1. Grantofs Name: Douglas W. Hott Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Richard W. Hott and Nancy M. Hott Phone:

Grantee's Address: 338 Glen Oaks Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45238

3. Address of Properly: 3516 River Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204 4. Tax Billing Address: 338 Glen Oaks Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45238

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; Ub) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; 2Ud) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(0 Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order: _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; __(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exerdse of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trustifthe feewas paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. __(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization comoration organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOJE YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOR YES.El ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yea? NO.21 YES.11 If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO£ YES-F 9. Is this property leased or othetwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Nol YES III If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pedury that this statement has been examined by me and to t11§.best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Billie Elam r*:> I.1-AASC/6-- 05/12/2021 0,;ni./ I.-- -'B--6-- -- n--...-A-/... DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20

20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date instrument year WD 2021 number 31 number 3040 05/13/2021

Property located in Numbe C I N 11 UUK»LI N I I L,b U taxing district Name on tax d, iplicate KLINGE!43MITI I NICI 10640 0 IM.111 CLOOM Tax duplicate year 2021 267173 Acct. or permanent parcel no u, -uuuo-uj32-00 Map book Page Description No. of Pa cels UNIT 369-8 20.40% O Platted O Unplatted CATAWBA HOUSE CONDOMINIUM Auditor's comments: El Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 1«f#*¢*****8***j{*i*«*«*«40@*r: *ALL#fi'FleaO,91,4R'. 550 1. Grantor'sname Nicholas Klingensmith and Kari Bloom Phone Negh. Code 2. Grantee's name Mitchell Eastland Phone Grantee's address 369 Oregon Street Unit B, Cincinnati, OH 45202 3. Address of property 369 Oregon Street Unit B, Cincinnati, OH 45202 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address American Neighborhood Mortgage Acceptance Co., LLC 700 East Gate Drive Suite 400, Mount Laurel NJ B 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 0 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling / Condominium Apartment: No. of units Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other Land Value vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative l Part interest transfer I Land contract 12990 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Va ue _ Grantor is mortgagee / Other FEE SIMPLE

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 289,710.00 97090

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 32,190.00

d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and 7,9 321,900.00 110080 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 321,900.00 g) Name of mortgagee American Neighborhood Mortgage Acceptance Company., LLC

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. RH.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property... 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current DTE Use On y tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner«cupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consde aton prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 321900 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? O Yes Rf No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Val'd sale

1. Yes 2. No Idedare under penalUes of pe,jury thatthisstatement hasbeen examined by me and 10 Ute bestof my howledge and belief is true, correct and complete statement 20210513076

Rece'pt Number Soron Grljk)Oug, .9ry* M'I d.iz'p 04/30/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Represent*xe Signature of Grantee or 1/presentat» Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required byOhio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3)and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 06€.20 Grantor D DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes *20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. LE 2021 3040 OR/1 1/9071 Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date number 31 number instrument CINTI CORP2f14-1-1 CSD

Property located in WALLS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 111 LL( tadal district Num7174

Name on tax Allplir-Ate 1 Qzl-nni 1 -nl 94-An Tax duplicate yegr 1619 BURGOYNE ST 25 X 70 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page PT LOT 36 SMITH & WHALEYS No. of Parces Description SUB 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

Il CA.U.V Il Building removed 0 OfhAr 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantofs name Walls Real Estate Investments 111 LLC, an Ohio limited liability company Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Tonia Smith Phone Grantee's address 2517 Ring Place, Clncinna, Ohio 45204 3. Address of propelly 1619 Burgoyne Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 No. ofAcres

4, Tax billing address 2517 Ring Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: /1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 4470 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved / Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee Other 10410 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 42,530.00 c) Cash (if any) $ d) Total consideration (add lines 78 7b and 7() $ 42.530.00 14880

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 42,530.00 g) Name of mollgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. MA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2,5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. l ofnext year? _Yes / No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 42530 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? F Yes 1- No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pellury that this statement has been examined by me Ed to the best of my Imowledge and belief 18 true, coiect and complete statement ReceliAWJMBAP'U/t G. Robert Hines G. 944.t 44/43 , 05/Om021 Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required byOhioRevised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 128.30


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 Real Property Conveyance Fee DTE FROM 100 DustyRevised Rhodes by0§/20 Countv Auditor

20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list Date instrument WD year 2021 Countynumber 31 Tax. numberdist. 1060 05/13/2021

Property located i'LMetiv i v#-140RTI IW[JT LOD taxing district Number

Name on tax rl„plir.At'l IA'./LIN CT[rll[N K. 1 JACKIEE L Tax duplicate year on,1 267175

Acct. or permanent parcel nog,00000-cOS-4-00 Map book Page Description BASSWOOD DR 112.72 X No. of Paroels

139.63 IR LOT 37 EDGERS 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 4TH SUB BLK J Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements C Partial value DTE Code No, O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other Grihtee Or'Rblir®**ntati#*iMust]Cd,nflet* All»Questions'i*This Section. See in*t¢tictions on reverse. 510 1. Grantor'sname Stephen K. Havlin and Jackie L. Havlin Phone Nelgh. Code 2. Grantee's name Erica Marie Benton Phone Grantee's address 3298 Balsamridge Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45239 3. Address of property 3298 Balsamridge Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45239 No. ofAc es 4, Tax billing address First Financial Bank 225 Pictoria Drive, Ste. 700 Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Othec Land Value vacant, what is intended use? 13940 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value _ Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simole 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 182,400.00 45090

b) Balance assumed (if any) 1 Total Value c) Cash (if any) 25,600.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 74 5 208,000.00 59030 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property...... $ 0.00 DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) . 208,000.00 g) Name of modgagee First Financial Bank

h) Type of mortgage ./ Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property... 0.00 8. Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current DTE Use Only tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to completethis application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) \Mil this property be grantee's Consideration prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeaf? L Yes No If yes, is the propetty a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 208000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes 0 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Val'd sale

1. Yes 2. No I declare underpenames of pe*rythatthis statement has been examined byrneend tothe best ofmyloowledge and belef Is trud carect and colnplets statement 20210513078

Sharon Grubaugh Receipt Number 8*trn + Asalirh 04/30/2021 Printed Name of Grantee o[Representative Signature of Grantee OL!3!!er Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by OhloRevised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the fBe required by R.C. 322, in thetotalamountof $ Rod Kn has beer, paid by uranioi and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. . DUSTY RHODES Date County Auditor 05/13/2021 STATEMENT OF EASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE RevisedDTE FORM 100by (EX)County Auditor / A Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Dusty Rhodes 11/12 \17 Date Co. No. Number

05/13/2021 267176 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taxing Dist No Tax List Land Building Total

WE 3040 2021 29,390 65,670 95,060

DTE Code Number 510 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located inCINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax Duplicatd,KB ADVENTURES LLC Tax Duplicate Year 120-0002-0055-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No Map Book Page BOSWORTH PL Description: 30 X 150 LOT 35 THE HOME OWNERS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. Bryan K. Banks 1. Grantofs Name: Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: BKB Adventures LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company Phone: Grantee's Address: 5559 Bosworth Place, Cincinnati, OH 45212 3, Address of Property: 5559 Bosworth Place, Cincinnati, OH 45212

4. Tax Billing Address: 5559 Bosworth Place, Cincinnati, OH 45212

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrenderof the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is foratean of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 1(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a sutviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner, _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, induding a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[L YESE. (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOIE YESIL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOIL YESL If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOE- YESE. 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOEL YES r If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury thatthis statement has beenmined by me and lo.the be

STATE OF (31/\10 1

COUNTY OF NA» ILia/u' ss

The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and states:

1. BRYAN K. BANKS, a single person, is conveying the property located at 5559 Bosworth Place, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio 45212 ("Property") described on Exhibit "A " attached hereto to BKB ADVENTURES LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("Grantee"), for no money or other valuable tangible consideration readily convertible into money, and the transaction is not a gift.

2. Affiant is the Sole Member of Grantee, BKB ADVENTURES LLC, an Ohio limited liability company.

3. This Affidavit is intended to accompany the"Statement ofReason for Exemption from Real Property Conveyance Fee" whereby the exemption is claimed under Subsection (m).

Further, Affiant sayeth naught.

DATED this 39 day of A- F 2 1 6 .2021. 'Er lic- 4-) BRYAN K. BANKS

SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED in my presence on the L2 <) day of A-(),2-IL ,2021. &&1*Qkge,vt- Notary PubliC) Print Name: 47 A R. >c 'A I egc_1 1-/7-ns Gafy Sch** Comm. Expires: No# Nbi 81*0010 I.D. Number: My Conimillion E,®Iret January 17, 2026

This Instrument Prepared By:

Michael M. Sketch Adams Law, PLLC 40 West Pike Street, P.O. Box 861, Covington, Kentucky 41011 / (859) 394-6200


227102.78940 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type instrument Tax List Year Counly Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 WD 2021 3200 05/13/1021


Property Located BPRINGDALE-PRINCETON CSD Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicat*,OLLIS NICHOLAS E & CAROLYN E Tax Duplicate Year 2021 267177

Acct. or Permanent Parcel No Book ' 599 0070-0331 00 Map Page No. of ParceIs Description: 0 Platted CLEARFIELD LN O Unplatted 73.74 X 159.17 IRR - LOT 1 309 BEACON HILL ESTS SUB OTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print aa informalion. See instructions on reverse. No. ef Acres 1. Grantor. Nicholas E. & Carolyn E. Hollis Phone:

2. Grantee:Bautista Stucco, LLC Phone: Grantee's Address:810 Clearfield Lane Cincinnati, OH 45240 la,1 Vabe 3. Address of Property:810 Clearfield Lane Cincinnati, OH 45240 4. Tax Billing Address:P.O. Box 432 West Chester, OH 45071

5. Are there buildings on the land?,__!No IX}Yes (requires Infomation below) Bldg. Value Eg] 1,2 or 3 family E- J Manufactured Home 11660 E-3 Condominium 12 -3 Apartment - Number of Units 03 Farm Building [3 Other- If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Vaiue 36420 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative l_.1 Part Interest Transferred }-7 Grantor is a Mortgagee 1-3 Land Conkact E.] Trade E) Life Estate 0 Leasehold OTE Use OMM El] Mineral Rights Reserved (3 Leased Fee ® Other: Fee Simole 48080 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 0.00

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Ody (c) Cash (ifany) $ idn,nno An (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) f 1 40,000.00 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property-...... $ DTE Use Only (0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7E) $ 1 4 0, ODD, DO (g) Name of mortgagee N/A (h) Type of mortgage,U,Conventional OFHA }3 VA EOther L@,SL,__ Considetation (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property -. ---- . _. .. ._ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes 91 No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) OTE Use Or,ly Valid 5010 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO O Yes @11 No (Ifyes, complete form DTE 102) 140000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? tEl Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multhunit dwelling? 53 Yes ® NO 11. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?E) Yes ]Sfi No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513080 I declare under penalties of perjury that thls stat*ment has been ex mlned by d to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement

Laryssa Wells - Agent \4»-/St-=.------# 5/12/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representauve Date Receipt Number 420.50 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date UD/'1 3/LUZ I DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20

20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County Tax. dist. instrument WD 2021 Date year number 31 number 3040 05/13/2021

Property located in m.Ti rn#p.r:INT, r'.Rn taxing district Number Name on tax duplicate__SHELLSTAMFSHIA TEREESE Tax duplicate year 2021 267178 Acct. or permanent parcel no. 1 11 -nnn7.nlinx.nn Map book Page - Description 1934 BERKLEY AVE No. of Parcels 40 X 145 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 LOT 133 AVALON 2ND SUB Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 OthAr 1*1*B'*w@*.*m**:*1*1: 510 1. Grantor's name Tameshia Shells Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Benjamin D Hull-Garwood, Carrie E Hull-Garwood Phone Grantee's address 1934 Berkley Ave, Cincinnati, OH. 45237 3. Address of property 1934 Berkley Ave, Cincinnati, OH. 45237 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 1934 Berkley Ave, Cincinnati, OH. 45237 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1,2 or 3 family dwelling v Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract 5270 i Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value - Grantor is mortgagee v Other Fee Simole 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 203,700.00 41280

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value - c) Cash (if any) ·$ 6,300.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) $ 210,000.00 3 405=0 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only S f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 210,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Home Mortgage Corp

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) I f gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor Indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTEE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Falure to completethis application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes E No If yes, 210000 new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within € 0 days (induding DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

l declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined best of my Imowledge and belief Is tue, correct and complete statement

Receipt Kyle Rountree 5-12-2021 91302 0

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signa or epresentative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

630.50 Grantor DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by OR.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use OTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

LW 2021 1090 05/13/202¥r

Property Located In SPR#1!585)8NIP!88Y LN, CINCINNATI, OH 45240 Taxing District

Tax Duplicate Year Name on Tax Duplicate US BANK NATIONAI ASSOCIATION TR FnA 4021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 590-0162-0134 Map Book Page* No29/dalr&,Is 590-0162-0134-00 Description: [see Exhibit Al MORNING GLORY LN Platted j Unplatted 34.10 X 178.35 IRR LOT 194 HOLLYDALE SUB BLK DTE Code No H

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS Il Split New Plat Fl Partial Value Nel.%ode Fl CA.U.V. 1 Building Removed Fl New Improvements Other ,. ',2·, : *' : 3 -, .*Grantee 4, *t-iMj%2:,te:*2'91111"f]3'!T,L&,ctidn 1- . >«,-{i . No. of Acres U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS INDENTURE 1. Grantor: TRUSTEE, FOR THE CIM TRUST 2016-3, MORTGAGE- Phone: 800-439-5451 BACKED NOTES, SERIES 2016-3

2. Grantee: JANEK PADAR Phone: 888-414-6616 Land«alud 9- Grantee's Address: 10576 MORNING GLORY LN, Cincinnati, OH 45240

3. Address of Property: 10576 MORNING GLORY LN, CINCINNATI, OH 45240 Bldg. Value 3-- 4. Tax Billing Address: 10576 MORNING GLORY LN, Cincinnati, OH 45240 9530 5. Are there buildings on the land? |1 No 1-71 Yes (requires information below) 1,2 or 3 family E] Manufactured Home Fl Condominium Apartment - Number of Units Total Value 3 F-1 Farm Building Other - 23520 -5 If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of Sale (Check all that apply): DTE Use Only Fl Grantor Is a relative Fl Part Interest Transferred Grantor Is a Mortgagee El Land Contract Gift Trade Life Estate Leasehold 33050 Mineral Rights Reserved F-1 Leased Fee FFI Other: DTE Use Only 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 0.00 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) . $ 0.00 (c) Cash Of any) "$ 116,333.00 DTE Use Only (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C). $ 116,333.00 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ 0.00 (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E)...... $ 116,333.00 Consideratlin (g) Name of mortgagee

Other (h) Type of mortgage ,Conventiona'' L-1 FHA0 VA El DTE Use Oily (1) if gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property Valid Sale 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead 1.YES 2. NO (If yes, complete form DTEE 101) exemption for the preceding or current tax year. Yes FTI No 116333 9. The grantor has indicated that this property quallfies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. m Yes 1-xi No (Ifyes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year?FTI Yes Fl No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Fl Yes FT| No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? F7 Yes [T| No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210513082 of this transfer to avoids penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complet statement. Receipt Number 32ry),42 buekosqw Aii*) Datesl/6 14 1 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signat* *ntee or Representative 349.70 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE

The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. has been paid by 05/13/2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE DTEE FORM 100 (EX) 1 Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor U' Dusty Rhodes 11/12 3 Date Co. No. Number 05/13/2021 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 267180 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total D LE 3090 2021 468,030 1,453,720 1,921,750 1

DTE Code Numbeplo 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: INDIAN HILL-INDIAN HILL Property Located in Taxing District UNT STEPHEN R TR 2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 529-0114-0063-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page SHADYGLEN RU 155 X 350 IR Description: LOT 9A c, ipp,Air:=R Minops


The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Stephen R. Hunt, Trusee Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: 6120 Shadyglen Road, LLC Phone: Grantee's Address: 6120 Shadyglen Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243 3. Address of Property: 6120 Shadyglen Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243 4. Tax Billing Address: 6120 Shadyglen Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; -(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; (d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of eithec (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; __(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; __(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real propetty, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 1(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _do) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or rightof-way when the value of the Interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, induding a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; (w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this propetty is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOX YES.[1 ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOIE YES11 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO M YES-12. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Noll YES[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.S YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pe'jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Anna Butcher 05/12/2021 Affidavit of Facts Relating to Title (Sec. 5301.252 O.R.C.) State of Ohio County of Hamilton

Stephen R. Hunt, Esq., ("Affiant") the undersigned, being first duly sworn and cautioned, hereby states as follows:

1. Affiant is of full age, has personal knowledge of the facts herein and is competent to testify in court.

2. Affiant prepared the attached Limited Warranty Deed for the owner of the property, 6120 Shadyglen Road, LLC, an Ohio Limited Partnership, identified as Parcel No. 529-114-63 and located in Village of Indian Hill, Hamilton County, Ohio.

3. Affiant states that said deed transfer is exempt because there is no consideration paid, becausethe property is being transferred fromthe Trustee totheownerof thesubject property.

Further Affiants Sayeth Naught.

,- V Stephen R. Hunt Esq.

Sworn to and subscribed in my presence, this 11 day of May, 2021 by Stephen R. Hunt.

1 AS?r< ANNA M. BUTCHER GU V B Woutf Notary blic, St*of Ohio hgot#y Public i *3*A 1 My Comission E]*s 07-23·2024

Instrument Prepared By Stephen R. Hunt, Esq., Aronoff, Rosen & Hunt, 425 Walnut Street, Suite 2200, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, (513) 241-0400, [email protected]


Inshument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

AF 3040 2021 24,330 70,270 94,600

DTE Code Number 510 0 SpliVNew Plat Ren,arks: Property Located in CINTI CORP CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate MILZ DANIEL J 8, SYLVIA S Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 216 0001-0013-00 Map Book Page

Description: 6311 HAMILTON AVE 60 X 130.01 IRR PARS 43-61 CONS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name: Sylvia S. Milz Phone:

Phone: 6341 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

4. Tax Billing Address: 6341 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) 0 _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; r _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; 3 _(d) To evidence a gift in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; S _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a cooualion, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _0 By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral lights, unless the lease is for aterm of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily ronvertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transacon is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner, _(0) To a trustee ading on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and Is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid forthe real property; -(t) To a trustee of a trust when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantorof the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.Q YESIEL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated thatthis property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO-L YES.CL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO,EL YES_CL If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[2 YES-CL 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOIEL YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me vid to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement, Sharon Grubaugh 8(nilm dhiai,th 05/05/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representallve Signature of Grantee or Representative Date IE FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Frantor's Name Sylvia S. Milz

Irantor's Address 6341 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224

Irantee's Name Daniel J. Milz axing District Harnilton County Parcel or Account No. 246-0004-0043 & 0061 hegrantor ofthe property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons - surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.1 f2(A) for the preceding or current tax Bar. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $ ne grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the tisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

c (3- /7 172*44. /2E]4 1*Le,th.tailial.E.X.*.81.*1NotaryJAIME Publ KELLY Ste of Ohio V dignature of Grantor or Representative \ iMbli#*F / My Commission Exp- voril to *Itiresen 24*MA Ls -178873er' 94 day of 1 %©h 20 jl WA & *44 thy Public adorsement by County Auditor: ion presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shaM endorse it return it to the grantee or his representative, and ivide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sectiors 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3)

Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Revised by County Auditor 8 Date Co. No. Number FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267182

Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land BuikNng Total

WE 1090 2021 28,590 119,890 148,480

DTE Code Number 51 o O Split/New Plat Remarks: Properly Located inSPRINGFIELD-MT. HEALTHY Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat*OLSTON KING P & JANICE M Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct or Pelmanent Parcel 1*90-0372-0200-00 ' ap Book Page Description: ADAMS RIDGE DR 0.261 AC LO 1 11 ADAMS RIDGE SUB


The Following Mi,st Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or punt Ell intmation See instructions on reverse. 1\@ankis N,ne' King P. Colston, Jr., and Janice M. Colston Phone' 513.522.0881

2. Grantee's Nne: King P. Coiston, Jr, and Jarlice M. Colston, TTEE The DOE , Colston Rev Uv Tr Dated July 12th, 2002 Phone' 513.522.0881 Grantee's Ad(*ess- 2063 Adams Ridge Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45231 3 Addess of Property 2063 Adams Ridge Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45231 4. Tax BiHing Adciress' 2063 Adams Ridge Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45231

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real proper being transferred (we may request and require an aflidavit on items checked below) -(a) To or from Ihe United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely h order to provide or release security for adebtorobigation,(must include aflidavit of facts) _(c) To confnn or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, 11 any form, between husband and wife, or pient and child or the spouse of either _(e) On sale for delinquent hes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to Colrt order, to the extentthat such *sfer isnotthe result of asale effected or completed pursuanttosuch order, _(g) Pursuant to a reorganiation of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a strockholder as a distibution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissoh,ed corporation; _(h) By a subsidiay corporation b its psent corporation forno considerations, nommal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cmcelation or sumnder of the subsidisy's stocki _(1 By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease isforaterm of yess renewable forever _@ When me vabe of the real property orbterest inreal property conveyed does notexceed one hur**ed dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residenfid property being *ansferred to thebuilderof a new residence when the former residence is *aded as pert ofthe consideration for the new residence; _(1) To agrantee other than adealer *real property, solely forthepurpose of and asastep in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other vah,able and tangible consideration readily convertble into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the tansaction is not agit (must include amdivit of facts) _(n) Toanher ordevisee, between spouses or toast:viving spouse, *om aperson tohimseland othe,s, toasurviving tenant or on the death of aregistered owner _(0) To a tustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of aneasement or right-of-way when the value of theinterest conveyed does notexoeed one thousand doin; _(q) Of preperty sold to astiviving spouse pl,suant toseetion 2106.16 of the Revised Code, _(r) Toorfrom an orgmization exemptfrom fede,al licometmation under section 501(cX3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is futherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; -Us) Among the he*s atlaw or devisees, includag a surviving spouse of acommon decedent when noconsideration inmoney is paid or to be paid forthe realproperty 1(t) To a mustee of a Must, when the Fantor of the tust has reserved m unlimited power to revoke the tust __(u) Tothegrmtorofatrustbyatrustee of thetrust when thelmiisferismade tothe[,iwipursuanttotheexercise of thegrantor'spowertorevokethetrustortowithdraw tust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a tust i the fee was paid onthetansfer from thegrantor ofthetrustto the tustee orpursuant totrust provisions thatbecaine irrevocable atthe death of the gantor; _(w) To a corporaon for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 1307.69 9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reulization co,poration organad under RC. section 1724 to a th*d pt•ty 6. The gmtor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or slsviving spouse homestead exemption for the precedag or comnt ts ye. NO.[1 YES.!EL ®TE Form 101 requhd) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property quaifies forcurrentagliculturd use valuation forthe preoeding or cl,rent tax year. NOE- yES.[1 ([)E 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/296 Reduclimi (NOTICE faikre to complete this ejpplication prohibits the owner tom receivhg this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Wil this property be grantee's princ*le residence by January 1 of next ye,? NOil YES-L If yes, is the property a multi-unit awelling? NO-[1 YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tensits solely for residential puiposes? NO-El YES r If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form tothe County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and hoidays) of the date of this *ansfer to avoid a penalty on thet tax bit I declare under penalties of perjury thatthis statement has been examined by me and to the be* 0»y knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. C hAA /1 King P. Colston, Jr. and Janice M. Colston 4'K)9©al Pinted Name of Grantee or Representati,e SigTature of Grentee or Representative Date DTE 101 Rev. 6/16 STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100, 100(EX), 10OM & 10OM(EX)

Grantor's (Seller's) Name King RCblston J.,and Janice M. Colston

Grantor's Address 2063 AdemsAdge [)r. ancinndi, OH45231

Grantee's (Buyer's) Name tqng R Colston i.. and Jenice M. Cblston. TTEE Cblston Agv. Uv Tr dtd 7/12/20%

Taxing District 122*ringfield-Mt. Heelthy-00830

Parcel, Account or Registration No. 59(X)372-02001)0

Complete This Section Only If Real Estate Is Transferred

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is: Preceding Tax Year $ 5,902, 23 Current Tax year $ 3.9/ 7.36

Complete This Section Only If Manufactured or Mobile Home Is Transferred

The grantor of the manufactured or mobile home referred to above states that the home received the senior citizen, disabled persons or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 4503.065 for the current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reduction(s) to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor M. 1.N Q.CAib». u*=177Z, (%6146 Signature of Grantor or Representative Sworn to or affirmed in my presence,

as / *dal*# t#XV 80 al CywA. -45f'--, ' JULIES M PETERS #3-0-0=.PE Notary Public, State of Ohio 1*l..*f My Comm. Expires Oct 21, 2023 Endorsement by d@ir: Recorded in Warren County «yul

Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall indorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FORM 100 Revised by County Auditor REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX} FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY

Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date ) 31

WD 2021 3040 05/13/2021


Property Located itINTI CORP CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate OAKS CRIAN & ANDR[A Tax Duplicate Year on?i 267183 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Book Map Page No of Parcels Description: LIZ-UU04-UUDO-UU 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 3411 DAYTONA AVE 55 X 125 PT LOTS B & 10 F W 1 SCHWARTZES EST 1ST SUB OTE Code No. PARS 65 & 133 CONS AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value OC.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other *100de

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all hformation. See instrudions on reverse. 1. Grantor. Brian & Andrea Oaks No. 01 Acla Phone: 2. Grantee.SMACH, LLC Phone: Grantee's Address:3411 Daytona Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45211 3. Address of property:3411 Daytona Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45211 Land c 4. Tax Billing Address:6662 Orleans Ct., Cincinnati, OH 45224 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No *]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value LXJ , 2 or 3 family F"-1 Manufactured Home 10390 El Condominium f- 7 Apartment - Number of Units 43 Farm Building Fl Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Vatua 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 8160 Fll Grantor is a relative (J-1 Part interest Transferred E] Grantor is a Mortgagee !3 Land Contract 13 Trade 0 Gift 0 Life Estate [Jl Leasehold OTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Rese,ved !3 Leased Fee 1%] Other: Fee SimDIe 18550 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 150,500 00

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any} $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ Q,Rnn no (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 1(20'CDC).00 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly- ...... $ OTE Use Only (1) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E)...... ,. ,.- - - $ U 06 DDE) . DC) (g) Name of mortgagee Wildcat Lendina Fund Two. LP (h) Type of mortgageEConventional EFHA £]VA C{Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property.....,...._...... _,.... ,..., $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or suNiving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes 5{? No (if yes, complete form DTE 101) OTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 0 Yes Mi No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 160000 10. Application For2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely applicauon is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 1% Yes 0 No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 9fi No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r= Yes mt No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days Iincluding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513085 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examin,d by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correot and complete statement. Laryssa Wells - Agent */4 -«C_ _ 5/12/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representalive Date Receipt Number 480.50 RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by sATEMf 9,54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor 05/13/2021 267188 Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 LE 1100 2021 57.010 220 190 Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List ' Land Bu#dind 2&8,100


SYCAMORE-SYC FD-IND.HILL DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: MILLER PAUL M & BRANDON M 2021 Property Located In Taxing District 600-0211-0310-00 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year Map Book -TRRPT-LOTZ J JONES EST Page Descriptiomi IR

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. Paul M. Miller and Brandon M. Miller 1. Grantofs Name: Phone: Paul M. Miller and Brandon M. Miller 2. Grantee's Name: Phone: Grantee's Address: 6959 Rosemary Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236

3. Address of Property 6959 Rosemary Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 4 Tax Billing Address' 6959 Rosemary Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(D Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distributjon in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral ormineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or Interest In real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid orto be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heirordevisee, between spouses orto a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, oron the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee adng on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of propeN sold to a suiviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a suwing spouse of a common decedent when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust _(u) To the grantorof a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exerdse of the grantofs powerto revoke the trust or to withdraw tnist assets; _(v) Tothe beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on thetransferfrom the grantorof the trust tothe trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable atthe death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 1307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to RC. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantorhas indicated mt this property is entitled to receive the senior czen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption forthe preceding or current tax year, NOS YES-CL ®TIE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOE YES!1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failureto complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until anotherproperand timely application is med): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO11 YES.! If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOE YES.[1 9. Is this propelty leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOS YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit 8 Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined bydtte and to the-best of * knowledge and belief is a true, correctand complete statement. 404*Ii vt Sktibc, ZW,tr -771 336·*1 5,/1.%¢.1.j Prinl,d Nan* (* Grantee or Representative SignatureGrant* or Representaive / Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20

20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date instrument year number 31 number WD 2021 3040 05/13/2021

Property located in Numbe CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district Name on tax rilirlICAtA MILZ DANIEL J Tax duplicate year Acct. or permanent parcel no. ZUZ-1 267184 Map book 246-0004-0043-00 .Page Description No. of Parcels 6341 HAMILTON AVE Il Platted 0 Unplatted 60 X 130.01 IRR 1 PARS 43-61 CONS Auditor's comments: 0 Split Il New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V C Building removed El Othr

.... 510 1. Grantofs name Daniel J. Milz Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Rachael Nolan Phone b Grantee's address 6341 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224 3 3. Address of property same 4. Tax billing address Union Home Mortgage Corporation 8241 Dow Circle W, Strongsville, OH 44136 No. of Acres

)5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1 1 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other Land Value 1 vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative i Part interest transfer I Land contract 8520 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple T 7. a) New mortgage amount (il any) 242,500.00 24590

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 7,500.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and ™ 250,000.00 33110 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 250,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Home Mortgage Corporation

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property S 8, Has the grantorindicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senio, citizen, disabled perso, i orsurviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax yeae? 'Yes J No If yes, complete form DTE 101. 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current DTE Use Only tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application Is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consideration principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? v Yes No If yes, is the proper a multi.unit dwelling? Yes v No 250000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes 0 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Val d sale

1.Yes 2. No

and complet, *tement I dedare under pendes of perjuy that #118 statement has been eomininedc 1,(En/A by me Ae bstatopy Imowledge and be[ief Is hue, correct 20210513085 Laura Paletta R ipt Number 77 , 6461*371*2*5611 05/05/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative gnure of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 750.50 Grantor . DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/ 13,2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 3 20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

- If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. Tax list J Type County Tax. dist. instrument WD 3040 Date 05/13/2021 year 2021 31number number Property located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district Number Name on tax di,plirate TIMMONS STEPHANIE M & STEPHEN J 2021 267185 Tax duplicate year

Acct. or pennanent parcel no. 050-0003-0080-00 Map book, TAYLOR AVE 93.64 E-I IR Page No. of Parcels Description PT LOT 53 SCHUSTER & 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 WILSONS SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed O Other 510

1. Grantor's name Stephanie M. Timmons, fka Stephanie D. MacMillan Timmons, fka Stepha Ph6ne Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Kelsey Grace Phone Grantee's address 4009 Taylor Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45209 - 3. Address of property saa No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address saa 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 26320 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative 1 Part interest transfer ! Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other saa 44960 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $

b) Balance assumed (ifany)...... S Total Value c) Cash (if any) .,,$ 311,500.00 71280 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7* ...$ 311,500.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 311,500.00 g) Name of mortgagee CASH

Conv. F.H.A. V.A. h) Type of mortgage Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) redudion. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this properly be grantee's Consideration 311500 prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 13 Yes E No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I dedare under penalties ofperjuly that thisstatement has been me andto the best of my knowledge and belief Is Due, correct 20210513086 and complete statement

Receipt Number Sarah DeWeesec \): C).Af)/124<12,2,L,211£TerTI2 May 11, 2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section(R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, inthetotal amount of $ 935.00 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Counh Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20

20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County instrument WD 2021 Tax. dist. 3040 Date 05/13/2021 year number 31 number Property located irPINTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district Number 2021 267187 Name on tax duplinatASPURGEON LINDSAY L Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no88-0007-0085-00 Map book 267 GILMAN AVE 35 X 100 Page No. of Parcels Description SS GILMAN AVE 765.45 FT E 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 OF AUBURN AVE

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510

1. Grantor's name Lindsay L. Spurgeon Phone Neigh. Code

- 2. Grantee's name Rebecca Stoebe-Latham and Kevin Latham Phone Grantee's address 267 Gillman Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45219 3. Address of property saa No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 18111 Preston Rd, Suite 900, Dallas TX 75252 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 5030 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other saa 15030 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 287,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 40,000.00 c) Cash (if any) $ 20060 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7* $ 327,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 327,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Primelending

h) Type of mortgage 4 Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consideration 327000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? M Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes E No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of perjury 8iat this statement hasbeen examined bymeand tothe best of my knowledge andbellef IS hue, Conect 20210513088 and complete statement 0 Sarah DeWeese Receipt Number cGAR kil]DIAUD May 7, 2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 981.50 The conveyance fee required Grantorby Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, inthe total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date OTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list WD 2021 County Tax. dist. 1030 Date 05/13/2021 instrument year number 31 number

Property located irpOLUMBIA-MAD PL-CINTI SD Number taxing district WILSON KATHERINE 2021 267189 Name on tax di,plicpte Tax duplicate year 520-0172-0311-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no Map book BRAMBLE AVE 35 X 125 Page No. of Parcels Description LOT 449 MADISON PLACE SUB 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510

1. Grantor's name Katherine Wilson Ph6ne Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Anna M. Rusconi Phone Grantee's address 6938 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45227

2 3. Address of property saa No. ofAcres 54. Tax billing address 18111 Preston Rd. Suite 900, Dallas TX 75252 1 r 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type:

2 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value 1. Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other - vacant, what is intended use? 9370 0 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value s _ Grantor is mortgagee V Other saa 47850 5 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 206,080.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) F Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 51,520.00 57220 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) 257,600.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .,....,...... $ 257,600.00 g) Name of mortgagee PrimeLending

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.H.A. MA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 257600 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes 18 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I dedare under penalties of perjury that this statement hasbeen examined bymeand tothebestof my knowledge and belief Is true, coriect 20210513090 and complete statement

Receipt Number Sarah DeWeese 55(roh Dulket May 10, 2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Codesection(R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, inthetotal amountof $ 773.30 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT b Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Tax Usl Year Type Instrument County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 luf 7021 2120 05/13/2021

Number LOCKLAND-LOCKLAND CSD Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate REAL ESTATE KING INC Tax Duplicate Year 2021 267190 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 641-0005-0150-00 Map Book Page No. of Faicels Description: 450 HILLSIDE AVE 31 X 123 0 Platted O Unplatted PTS LOTS 10-11 FRENCHES SUB

OTE Codo No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Padial Value 414 0 C,A.U.V. 0 Buiding Removed 0 New Improvements O Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section Type or print all information. See inst,uctions on reverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Real Estate King Incorportated Phone:

2. Grantee: Patricia E. Jordan Phone:

Grantee's Address:450 Hillside Avenue Lockland, OH 45215 t«and Vlk 3. Address of Properly:450 Hillside Avenue Lockland, OH 45215 4. Tax Billing Address:450 Hillside Avenue Lockland, OH 45215 5. Are there buildings on the land?jUNO [®Yes (requires information below) 81'*de5 11 1,2 or 3 family 123 Manufactured Home F-7 Condominium :Il Apartment - Number of Units r-7 Farm Building rE! Other- If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Vake 8600 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred S] Grantor Is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract C] Gift 13 Trade El Life Estate F] Leasehold OTE Use Only

El Mineral Rights Reserved !3 Leased Fee ® Other: Fee Simole 11460 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) _ $ -106,603.aCL-_

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use 04 (c) Cash (ifany) S 1,997 00 {d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) , 104'q 00.00 (e) Portion, ifany, of total consideration paid for items other than real property. DTE Use ON, (fj Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E1-- ...... __ I- ; 109,(too. OD (g) Name of mortgagee Caliber Home Loans. Inc. (h)Type of mortgageEConventional EFHA UVA F{Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... - - --. -...... _ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is enti(led to receive (he senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.13 Yes }E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) OTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 1 NO 0 Yes Wij No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 109900 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fled): Will this propedy be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes n No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling r Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? E{ Yes ® No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill, 20210513091 I declare under penalties of perjury that®is statern t has been examined by me and,to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement '

--I Laryssa Wells - Agentf j_. ./ «j(-t .-. 5/12/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or RepresentaUve Signature of Grantee or Representalive Date Receipt Number 330.20 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES Date County Auditor AG/11 7/9All DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date WD 2021 3040 05/13/2021 instrument year countynumber 31 number

CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Number Property located in taxing district LUCKENBACH STEPHEN M & REBECCA 2021 267191 Name on tax dtiplicate Tax duplicate year 056-0002-0017-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page 1885 MADISON RD 110 X 180 IRR No. of Parcels Description SS MADISON RD 254.61 FT W OF BAKER PL 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 PARS 17-18 CONS

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. OCA.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510

1. Grantofs name Stephen M. Luckenbach and Rebecca Luckenbach Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Steve Wolf and Megan McCarthy Phone Grantee's address 1885 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206

3. Address of property same as above No. ofAcres

',4. Tax billing address CenterBank, MAIN OFFICE, 744 State Route 28, Milford, OH 45150 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? v Yes No If yes, check type: 11 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 85800 * 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other Arms Length 215670 0 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) . 444,470.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) S Total Value c) Cash (if any) ...$ 635,000.00 301470 d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and 7* $ 1,079,470.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... ,...... $ DTE Use Only D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus le) .,,....,...,,,,.,...,,.....$ 1,079,470.00 g) Name of mottgagee Centerbank

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 1079470 prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes •' No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? m Yes [E No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

l declare under penames of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to 0» best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct 20210513092 and complete statement

Receipt Number Stacey Mcintyre UJYUKffu 05/10/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grar|e or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ 3,239.00 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09'20

- Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106 -


4 If exempt by Ohio RevisedTYPE Code OR PRINT section ALL 319.54(G)(3), INFORMATION. use form DTE 100(EX) Type WD Counw 31 Tax. dist 1010 Date 05/13/2021 instrument Taxyear lis(2021 number number ANDERSON-FOREST HILLS Number Property located in taxing district DELLER KENNETH J & KATHLEEN M 2021 267192 Name On tax clliplir.Ale Tax duplicate year 500-0112-0031-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page MINEUKEEK UK /5.68 X No of Parcels Description 183.67 IR LOT 23 MOUNTAIN L J Platted I Unplatted 1 BROOK SUB BLK B

Auditor's comments: [3 Split [3 New piat El New improvements 12 Partial value DTE Code No D C.A.U.V [l Building removed D Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Kenneth J. Deller and Kathleen M. Deller Phone Neigh Code 2. Grantee's name Margaret A. Andersen and Nicholas C. Andersen Phone Grantee's address 8277 Asbury Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45255

3. Address of properly 8277 Asbury Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45255 No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address do RiverHills Bank. 553 Chamber Drive, Milford, OH 45150

- 5. Are there buildings on the land? 1 Yes No M yes, check type: 2 1,2 or3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buitdinas Other- vacant, what is intended use? 15000 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any)...... ,...... $ 318.250.00 55550 000 b)Balance assumed (ifany) _ ...... r Total Value 16,750.00 c) Cash (if any) ...'...... 335,000.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 74 7band 7c)...... ,..,....,,,.,.,..... ,...... $ 70550

0.00 e) Portion, if any. of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... S DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... ,,.$ 335.000.00 g) Name of mortgagee RlverHills Bank

h) Type of mortgage v Conv F.HA. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift. in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly....,...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 9 No Ifyes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this properly qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving th,s reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this proper be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes. is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes V No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No If yes, 335000

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on eir tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2 No

I dedare under pena[es of pe®ry thatthis statement has been examin by o Ihe best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete statement All€#041$ 0. Anousen L

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 3170 05/13/2021

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument county 31 NORWOOD-I QRWOOD CSD number number

RHEIN KIRK M & CALI L 2021 Property located in taxing district Nun18*f i v3 651-0030-0091-00 Name on tax (litpliCAte Tax duplicate year 2509 MARSH AVE 50 X 145 Acct. or permanent parcel no LOT 20 S HOP.WOOD cvhin ci,A Map book Page No. of parcbls Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Codglp# O CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 'emiw#*6HwaEM, i#*Mv.*MwaecBMI* 8*1

1. Grantor's name Kirk M. Rhein and Cali L. Rhein Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Eric Avila and Katie Avila Phone Grantee's address 2509 Marsh Avenue, Cincinnati. OH 45212

3. Address of property saa No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address PO Box 650856, Dallas TX 75265 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes LJ \ No If yes, check type: 21,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 13070 vacant, what is intended use? 05 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative 1 Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Ufe estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value

Grantor is mortgagee 6/ Other saa 96650 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 405,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 4 45,000.00 109720 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and /r) .$ 450,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus le) ...... $ 450,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Caliber Home Loans

h) Type of mortgage v Conv F.H.A. VA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ,...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 450000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes El No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

ldeclare under penalUes of perjury that this statement has been examined byrne and to the bestof my knowledge and belief Is *ue, correct and complete statement 9Alln

Receipt Number Sarah DeWeese 91)22jh &43*21 May 7, 2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.)319.54(G)(3)and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, inthe total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 1,350.50 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes @20 Statement of Value and Receipt - 20370106

- If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Tax list 2021 Tax. dist. 3040 Date 05/13/2021 year Countvnumber 31 number CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Property located in taxing district Number WOOD FRANK DILLMAN RASH Name on tax dtiplic:,te 2021 267194 Tax duplicate year 063-0004-0287-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book. UNIT 1503 0.6446% Page No. of Parcels Description EDGECLIFF CONDOMINIUM 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. Il CA.U.V Il Building removed 0 Other 550

1. Grantofs name Frank Dillman Rash Wood Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Hong Howard Fan and Mary W L. Djung-Fan Phone Grantee's address 2200 Victory Parla,vay, Unit 1503, Cincinnati. OH 45206 - 3. Address of property saa No. ofAcres

-4. Tax billing address *z-zoo viorarz>f FAckS*/»'f U UTF ic303, Ciricliw/1.01{ 45204 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes hlo If yes, check type: 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling q Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 8750 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value _ Grantor is mortgagee v Other saa 108150 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) S

b) Balance assumed (if any)...... S Total Value

c) Cash (if any) S 350,000.00 116900 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 74 .,,$ 350,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 350,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee CASH

Conv. F.H.A. \LA. h) Type of mortgage Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until aopther proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consideration 350000 prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next yearf>*es No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 3#s v No 11. Is this prope,ty leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes ' No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

l declare under penalties of perjury thatthis statement has been examined bymeand totie best of myknowledge and belief is tue, correct 20210513095 ariel complete statement

Receipt Number Hong Howard Fan ---il:EL May 7, 2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature ef Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 1,050.50 The conveyance fee required IlyGrantor Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, In thetotal amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Tax list Type SV 2021 County Tax. dist 3040 Date 31 05/13/2021 instrument year number number

CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Number Property located in taxing district WILLIS JOI R & JAMAL D WILLIS 2021 267195 Name on tax dupliCate Tax duplicate year 195-0033-0205-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no Map book vi KGIINIA AVE Page No. of Parcels Description 0.14 AC 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1

Auditofs comments: E Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 OthAr 510 GiBRBnli**6@* 1. Grantor's name Joi R Willis and Jamal D Willis Phone Neigh. Code

Phone 2. Grantee's nameaddress Marshall 4259 VirginiaJackson Ave, Ivey Cincinnati, I[ and Renee OH M 45233 Ivey

3. Address of property 4259 Virginia Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45233 No. ofAcres

4. Tax billing address 4259 Virginia Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45233 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? v Yes No If yes, check typer I/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value ) Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 9690 5 6. Conditions of sale (check a[1 that apply) 1 Gnantor is relative I Part interest transfer 1 Land contract Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value

L TradeGrantor is mortgagee v Other arms lenath 76060 '-7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $

Total Value

c) Cash (if any) $ 299,900.00 85750 k d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) $ 299,900.00 3 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only 3 f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e)... 299,900.00 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person orsurviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax yeaf? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 299900 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? v Yes No Ifyes, isthe property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 11. Is this property leased or othenvise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes E No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date ofthis transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

20210513096 I declare under penalties of pe®ry that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is ue, correct and complete statement M MAO. n -MI-f#\ VYAft 5-13-21 Receipt Number Printed*lame of Gpmt#e or Representative Signature of GRM[Se or Representative Date

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 900.20 Theconveyance fee required 4Z*dievised Codesecuon (R.C.)319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, thefee required byR.C. 322, inthetotalamountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES Cni Intv A[ irlitor F|A+A DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Ravised b9 Count, Audtor Ousty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date WD 2021 3040 05/13/2021 instrument year countynumber 31 number

Number Property located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district

Name on tax di,plite DISTINGUISHED PROPERTY SOLUTIONS L Tax duplicate year 2021 267196

Acct. or permanent parcel no. 119-0002-0345-00 Map book Page 1823 GARDEN LN No. of Parcels Description 40 X 103.31 IRR 0 Platted 0 U nplatted LOT 33 SWISS GARDEN SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U,V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions:ih This' Section: See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor'sname Distinguished Properly Solutions. LLC Phone Neigh. Code ) 2. Grantee's name Elena L. Eberhard Phone T Grantee's address 1823 Garden Lane Cincinnati, OH 45237 . 3. Address of property 1823 Garden Lane Cincinnati, OH 45237 No ofAcres | 4. Tax billing address 1823 Garden Lane Cincinnati, OH 45237 4. Are there buildings on the land? •/ Yes No If yes, check type: 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant. what is intended use? 4410 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract ) Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value 5 - Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simole 14060 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 80,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 125.000.00 c) Cash (if any) $ 18470 d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and lc) $ 205.000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property OTE Use Only 0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 205,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Savings Bank h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.H.A. VA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the granlor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete fonn DTE 102.

10. Applicationforowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's , principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 205000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? O Yes 13 No If yes, neW owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. YeS 2. No

Ideclare under penalms of pelluty that this statement hasbeen examined by and tothe best of my bowledge and belief Istue, comct 20210513097 and complete statement Receipt Number Jeff Frye 041 05/12/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sig,460606ra or Representative Date Receip for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyancefee required b¥-Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and.if applicable. the fee required by R.C. 322, In the total amount of $ 615.50 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Aciditor Dusty Riades 09'20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exemot by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). WD 2021 1050 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 05/13/2021 Type Tax list county 31 Tax dist Date instrument DELHI TWP-('N%,HILLS LSD number number GOOD VALUE REALTY LLC 2021. Numbe,267197 Property located in taxing cistrict 540-0060-0105-00 Name on tax duplirate Tax duplicate year FASHIONAVE 55 X 140 Acct. or permanent parcel no LOT 42 LICC[ITT CU[ C[C 2 Map book Page - ... No of Parcels 1 Description BLK B r Platted r Unplatted

Auditofs comments: E] Split El New plat 1 1 New improvements Il Partial value DTE Code No 510 El C.A.U,V U Building removed 1-3 Other Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Good Value Realty LLC aka Good Value Realty Ltd Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Bryant Davis and Rachel Davis Phone Grantee's address 1049 Fashion Avenue. Cincinnati. OH 45238

3. Address of property 1049 Fashion Avenue. Cincinnati, Oil 45238 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address Veterans United Home Loans. 1400 Veterans United Drive. Columbia, MO 65203

5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No E yes, check ype: Condominium Apartment: No. of units 0- •/1,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what Is intended use? r 8280 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract 3 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value

8 Grantor is mortgagee Other 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) ...... 220.968 00 32390 b) Balance assumed (if any) ...... $ Total Value c) Cash (if any)-- - -·...... $

d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 70)...... $ 220·968.00 40670

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ 4,968 00 DTE Use Only

f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 78)...... ,...... $ 216,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Veterans United Home Loans

h} Type of mortgage Conv F.HA, v VA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly...... ,...... ,...... ,.,.$ 8, Has the grantor indicated thal this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current taxyear? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 1 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10 Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan, 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes. is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes V No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? F Yes IF. No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form lo the County Auditor with,n 60 days (including [)TE Use 31*00 weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill Valid sale 1, Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement haskeen examined *ne and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete statement -r) Receipt Number 14, nt Th V 1 9 Fr446

648.50 ®WBRI¢ RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Fonn 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number WD 2021 1110 05/13/2021 Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat€SYMMES TA/P-LOVELAND CSD Tax Duplicate Year 261 1 9% Acct. or Permanent Parcel 11MTI SUBHASH R & RATNA Map Book Page 9021 26·Ptl*els Description: O Platted 620-0190-0545-00 O Unplatted


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value [1 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres Phone: (513) 697-1611

2. Grantee: Gregory Leonard Dose and Ofra Frieder Dose Phone: 630-209-3521 Grantee's Address: 9167 Pinewood Drive, Loveland, OH 45140 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 9167 Pinewood Drive, Loveland, OH 45140 0 4. Tax Billing Address: WesBanco Bank, Inc. 1 Bank Plaza, Wheeling, WV

5. Are there buildings on the land?[3No |X|Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value

Fl 1,2 or 3 family E] Manufactured Home 25440 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building E--1 Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 118370 0 Grantor is a relative [3 Part Interest Transferred [3 Grantor is a Mortgagee D Land Contract [3 Gift [3 Trade [3 Life Estate £ Leasehold DTE Use Only D Mineral Rights Reserved D Leased Fee 0 Other: 143810 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 235.000

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 247,890 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 482,890 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7EL - $ 482,890 (g) Name of mortgagee WesBanco Bank (h) Type of mortgageBConventional FHA OVA OOther Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property ...... _ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes Id No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 482890 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes ID No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?0 Yes @ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513099 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me a d to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, corcect and complete statement, 6©ct-nnci JacBon JA#M8{f6 Printed ame of Grantee or Representative {y It/?(TLI Signature of Grantee oR8entative 1,449.20Receipt Number Crantor RECEIPT R PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Coulity Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/70 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. 3020 05/13/2021

Type Tax list Tax dist. Date Instrument BLUE ASH-SAMORE Countvnumber 31 number

MERRITT MICHAEL A & KATHLEEN M Property located in tiQ#'t district Nur#7199 612-0030-0281-00 Name on tax duplicate Tax duplicate year SCAMPER LE 88.91 X 165 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Page IRR LOT 38 FERRIS & Map book No of Par®Is Description WILLAIMS 3RD El Platted [3 Unplatted

Auditor's comments· n Split [3 New plat El New improvements n Partial value DTE Code No

O C.A.U.V 0 Building removed C Other 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Michael A. Merritt and Kathleen M Merritt Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee'sname Blake R Hansen and Jessica R. Braddock Phone Grantee's address 9146 Fidelis Dr, Blue Ash, OH 45242

3. Address of property 9146 Fidelis Dr, Blue Ash, OH 45242 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address c/o Guaranteed Rate, Inc. 3940 North Ravenswood Ave, Chicago, IL 60613 5. Are there buildings on the land? 9 Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildinas Other 1» vacant, what is intended use? 17320 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer ) Land contract

Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other Arrns Lenath 73140 7 a) New mortgage amount (if any).,...... ,..,..,..,,,,,,,. ..$ 125,00000 b) Balance assumed (if any)...... _...... ,...... $ Total Value 230,000.00 $

355,000.00 90460 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7c). $ 0.00 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... ,...,.. .$ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 355,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Guaranteed Rate. Inc

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ______...... $ 8 Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No Ifyes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) redudion. (Notice; Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11.Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Yes , No If yes, 355000 new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only Valid sale weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 1.Yes 2 No

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has bee>nined by me and tQ» best of my knowledge and belifis true, correct and cqmplete statement " - ' «y<*/ «auts- -4- Rec*)21'{15*8899 ,-- '»i j l / Date Printed Name of Grantee orkepresentative Signatu)€fof Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3}and, If applicable, the tee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of S has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON Counly Auditor, 1,065.50 Grantor

Date DUSTY RHODES County Auditor

05/13/2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE 4 Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) 0 Revised by County Auditor 05/13/2021 267200 Dusty Rhodes 11/12 08'. Co. No. Nu,r*er

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY QE 1010 2021 25.830 145.9 171.770 Insm,n¢ Tax list Ta,ing Dist. No. Land Buldro Tol


EMbUN-1-UKib I MILLS DTE Code NurA@Y C]Split/New Plat Remarks: 2031 Properly Located liHu'|%@61,W@Zed ANb86, OH 45255 Taxing Distict Name On Tax Duplcate 500-0214-0167-Ob Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Pe*#dli8*,EPaC@BNO.% 500-0214-0167 Map Book Page DescriptioncOM#WRRINIJEKSON

Th* Folo•ing must h Coallild h, Gra- 01 HWHer R,prosentali Type orp,W dinlomilon. 8,0 li,st,ucions on *me.

1. Grantots Name: Diane M. Thompson and Thomas J. Thompson Phone: (513)3284788

2. - Grantee's Name: Diane M. Thompson Phone: (513)3284788 Grantee's Address: 1558 Cohasset Drive, ANDERSON, OH 45255 3. 1558Address Cohasset of Property: Drive, ANDERSON, OH 45255 4. 1558Tax BHng Cohasslt Address: Drive, ANDERSON, OH 45255 5. No Conveyance fees shal be charged because ne real properly being transferred: (VN may requist md requi,IN,#davit on illms checked below) _(a) To or from the United States. this state, or any in*umentahty, agency, or political stibdivision of the United States or ths state; -) Soletyl,order lop,ovide orrelease seculity foradebt orobligation, (multinclud amdavitof facts) -(c) To coninn or corrects died previously executed andrecorded; _(d) To evidence a gill h any form, beheen husband and v¢le, or parent and chid or be spoused dher; _Ce) On sale for delkiquent taxes or assessments; 1(f) Pursuant to coult order, to the extent that such *ansferisnotthe,esult of a sale ellected orcompleted pursuant losuch order _(g) P,nuant to a reorganizMion of corponions or unincomorated associauons or pursuant to the dssok#on of a corporabon, to the extent that he co,poration conveys the property to a stockholder as a )301041*on in Wnd 01 the copoial*n's assets b exchange for te slockholders shares in the dsdved corpor


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 3060 05/1042021 Property Located in ORES I PARK-WIN ION WUb Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat Tax Duplicate Year CDONALD BRANDON Zuzl 267201 Acct. or Permanent parcel IM Book Map Page No. of Parcels 591-0008-0037-00 O Piatted O Unplatted HARINGTON CT 102.23 X 106 IRR LOT 112 MODEL CITY 1 SUB SEC 8 PT 1 BLK B DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 C.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh, Cod,510 ,.,<'?: ..]Gtiriti*bt.*Zeproseht«ti@,MusiCd,dipldte*11]'(166'stibh'kinT[ii*Sedtidn" j?f/:' t, f

No. ofAcres 1. Grantor: Brandon McDonald Phone:

2, Grantee: Sean Decker Phone: Grantee's Address: 11625 Harington Court, Cincinnati, OH 45240 Land Value 3, Address of Property: 11625 Harington Court, Cincinnati, OH 45240 4. Tax Billing Address: 11625 Harington Court, Cincinnati, OH 45240 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No [*Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 0 1,20r3 family £ Manufactured Home 10280 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building 0 Other- If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Value 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 22750 E Grantor is a relative Il Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract j Gift C Trade 0 Life Estate j Leasehold DTE Use Only El Mineral Rights Reserved ¤ Leased Fee 0 Other:

7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 33030

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 60,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 60,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property - . - $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7EL.-...... _...... $ 60,000 (g) Name of mortgagee Wa (h) Type of mortgageOConventional FHA IlVA Ilother Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property_.-...._....._ - ...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes IE No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, 1.YES 2. NO 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this 60000 reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? E Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, 20210513101 correct and complete statement.

Sean Decker A- 041

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 180.50 Fhe conveyance fee required by sectio3J#F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ ias been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 0§/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date WD 2021 Counw 31 instrument year number number 1090 05/13/2021

Number Property located in RPRINGFIFI n-FINNFYTOWN taxing district

Name on tax d I Iplicte GHIMIRE RAJ K & KRISHNA K Tax duplicate year --2021 267202

Acct. or permanent parcel no. 590-0220-0068-On Map book Page No. of Parcels FONTAINEBLEAU TER Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 63.89 X 158.47 IRR LOT 68 BRENTWOOD SUB SEC

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must CompJete All Questions in This SectionpSee_instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's name Rai K. Ghimire and Martha Ghimire Phone Neigh. Code . 2. Grantee's name Nicole Lynn Reed Phone 2 Grantee's address 8762 Fontainebleau Terrace Cincinnati, OH 45231 3. Address of property 8762 Fontainebleau Terrace Cincinnati, OH 45231 No. of Acres 4 4, Tax billing address 8762 Fontainebleau Terrace Cincinnati, OH 45231 , 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type:

* 2 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 13010 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract 4 Trade Ufe estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple 3 7, a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 153,174.00 30360 I b) Balance assumed (if any)...... $ Total Value 2,826.00 c) Cash (if any) $ 156,000.00 43370 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e)...... $ 156,000.00 g) Name of nlortgagee United Wholesale Mortgage h) Type of mortgage Conv. 1 F.HA. VA Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property „„„„„...... S 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 156000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? m Yes IE) No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DIE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

ldeclare under penalies of pellury that this statement has been examined by me and to the bestof my knowledge and belief is live, comct 20210513101 and complete statement Receipt Number Jeff Frye 05/12/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative f ra #e or Representative eceipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance feerequired by Ohio Revised Codesection(R.C.)319.54(GX3)and. if applicable. the fee required byR.C. 322, in metotal amount of $ 4AR fn Grantor has been paid by and received by be HAMLTON County Auditor.


DTE FORM 100 (E)0 Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor

Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267203

D Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 3040 2021 123,730 139,520 263,250

DTECode Numbersin O Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located inCINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include amdavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _x_(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for atemi of years renewable forever; (j) When the value of the real property or interest in real propetty conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To atrustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the tnJst or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding orcurrent tax year, NO18] YES-[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this propetty qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, NOEL YES_CL ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOS YES_C If yes, is the propetty a multi-unit dwelling? NOS YES_[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_IE YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Shannon Taylor Sda=:46* 05/12/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representativqf Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type WD Tax list 2021 County Tax. dist. 2105 Date 05/13/2021 instrument year number 31 number

GREENHILLS-WINTON WDS Number Propelly located in taxing district VIOLA MICHAEL L & CATHY H 2021 267204 Name on tax dlip|ir:Ate Tax duplicate year 597-0070-0059-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page ALUVI I LIN U. ILOAL No. of Parcels Description PTS LOTS G-12 & G-31 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 VILLAGE OF GREENHILLS

itor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. m C.A.U.V 0 Building removed D Other 510 rantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Michael L Viola and Cathy H viola Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Nakita K Brown Phone Grantee's address 4 Adelle Walk Cincinnati, OH 45218

3. Address of property 4 Adelle Walk Cincinnati, OH 45218 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 4 Adelle Walk Cincinnati, OH 45218 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 2 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 8560 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee Other Fee Simple 13150 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 132,554.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 2,446.00 21710 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and k) S 135,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... 135,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee LoanDepot Conv. 4 F.HA. V.A. h) Type of mortgage Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property. 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes ,/No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indic*ed that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v'No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consideration 135000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes [0 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

Ideclare under penales of pe*Ny that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my Imowledge and belef is tue, correct 20210513102 and comple* statement

Sandra K Whitehead Receipt Number 4,44 -944 May 11, 2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee 6resenta Date Receipt for PaynT*Fii-of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee require*@jp Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required byR.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ 405.50 has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date w I crunivt luu : Revised by County Auditor «-,- *8=ALc··. ' PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) 3 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY 4 4 Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 1

Number Properly LodM in 2021 3040 05/13/2021 Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year RP-C I N 11 CSU Acct. or Permanent Idimmp Book Map Page, No of Parcels Description: GAMEL MAKA O Platted o Unplat!69 1 267205 100-0001-0150-00

STRATFORD AVE 30 X 85.44 GUY SUB OF LOT 2 WADES DTE Code No. EST SUB LOTS 7 PT 6 AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value O CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed O New Improvements O Other Neigh. Code

520 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor: Mark Gamel No. of Acres Phone: 2, Grantee Wallace Real Estate, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company Phone: Grantee's Address: 2364 Stratfird Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 2364 Stratford Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219 4, Tax Billing Address: 44 W. Freedom Way, Unit 203, Cincinnati, OH 45202 5. Are there buildings on the land?I- No 8]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value * 1,2 or 3 family Manufactured Home ' 1 Condominium 'IX: Apartment - Number of Units 5530 i Farm Building Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Value 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): Grantor is a relative 44350 2 . Part Interest Transferred 1 Grantor is a Mortgagee Land Contract ' Gift .3 Trade ' Life Estate _ Leasehold OTE Use Only Mineral Rights Reserved ILeased Fee X Other: fee simple

7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 132.000 49880

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 33,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 165.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property. -- $ 0 DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7EL--*_.._- $ 165.000 (g) Name of mortgagee LendingOne, LLC

(h) Type of mortgager'Conventional r FHA r VA F Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real propertl-___ _- $ 0 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. r Yes 1* No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO f- Yes F No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 165000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Fl Yes F No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? F- Yes 1* No

11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? fu Yes r No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513103 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Laura Hornschemeier 05/12/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signaturejof Glintee or Representative Date Receipt Number 495.50 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 RC., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor DusN Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by OR.C. 319.54 (G)(3), lIse DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year Coutty Number Tax Dist Number Dale 31 wn 2021 3040 n#;/11/2071

Nlmber CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Properly Located in Taxing District REAL WORLD PROPERTY GROUP LLC Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 2021 267206 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 107-0008-0105-00 Map Book Page No. of Parcels Descripaon 542 BLAIRAVE 46 X 127 O Platted O Unplatted LOT 20 THE SAMSON RLTY CO

OTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value OCAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Nei Code 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print al infomation. See instructions on reverse. Na of Acres 1. Grantor: Real World Property Group, LLC Phone: 2. Grantee: Maximo Rodriguez Perez and Silvia M. Lopez Mendoza Phone: Grantee's Address: 542 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45229 Land Value 3, Address of Propertv: 542 Blair Ave., Cindnnaa, OH 45229 4. Tax Biling Address: 542 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45229

5. Ate there buildings on the land?[3140 Yes (requires information below) Bld@ Value [33 1,2 or 3 family (Z Manufactured Home 4310 LE Condominium Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building El Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Value 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 5060 E Grantor is a relative Il Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract E Gift E] Trade [Z| Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Use On, U Mineral Rights Reseived 2 Leased Fee 0 Other: 9370 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 107.500 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 107,500 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property__-__ $ _ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E1 $ 107,500 (g) Name of mortgagee (h) Type of mot@ageDConventional FHA VA ]Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated maket value of real property.....- _.__.____. -- $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this propedy is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTEE 101) DTE Use Onb, Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultuml use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2 NO El Yes El No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 107500 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction uniN another proper and timely application is filed): Will this propedy be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? [El Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes iE] No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?C] Yes M No [f yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513104

correctI declare and under coippleteistatement penalties of perjury that this staternen@as 1examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, Ulltu- tildA A-*-Lt Printed Name of Grantee or Representative S[gnalbre of Grantee or Representive Date Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 323.00 The conveyance fee required by secuon@19!848 (3) R.C., and, ifapplicable, thefee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number WD 2021 3180 05/13/2021 Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicatfiEADING-READING CSD Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Permanent Parcell*HELL MICHAELA Map Book Page Qn,1 2*cels Description: 0 Platted 671-0017-0143-00 0 Unplatted


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value O CAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code 510 t m

Jillian Rae Glunt 2. Grantee: Phone:

Grantee's Address: same as 3 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 17 Sugarmaple Ct, Cincinnati, OH 45236 1 4. Tax Billing Address: same as 3 i 5. Are there buildings on the land?CINo Yes Bldg. Value k (requires information below) Manufactured Home 11080 3 * 1,2 Condominiumor 3 family [3 Apartment - Number of Units 5' Il Farm Building 0 Other - Total Value If land Is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 43830 0 Grantoris a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract 13 Trade D Life Estate £ Leasehold DTE Use Only GiftMineral Rights Reserved 13 Leased Fee 91 Other: 54910 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 172,000

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) 1 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 43,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 215,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real propey_-_.-- $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) $ 215,000 (g) Name of mortgagee (h) Type of mortgageConventional ¤FHA VA Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes S No DTE Use Only (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vand Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 215000 0 Yes 0 No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Z Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes [9 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210513105 of this transfer to avoid a penay on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined y me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

Nicole Zuber (»df P w 05/12/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Represetivr' ' Date 645.50 Receipt Number Crantor RECEIPT FOR PA*MEAT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by Counu Auditor )Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


- Type Inst,ument Tax Ust Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 3150 05/13/20 Propelly Located In Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicateMTHEALTHY-MTHEALTHY Tax Duplicate Year 267208 Acct or Permanent Parcel %,ROYLES JASON S Map Book Page 2021 28308215 Descrip#on: 593-0005-0099-00 O Platted o Unplatted


AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 C.AU.V. 0 Other 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print allinfomation. See insuctionson revene. No. of Acres

- 1. Grantor: JASON S. BROYLES Phone:

2. Grantee: SFR3-000 LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 228 PARK AVE. S., SnE. 73833, NEW YORK, NY 10003-1502 Land Value 3, Address of Propeity: 7413 PARK AVE.,CINCINNATI, OH 45231 1 4, Tax Billing Address: 228 PARK AVE. S., STE. 73833, NEW YORK, NY 10003-1502 5. Are there buildings on the land?E}lo IXIYes (requires information below) Bldg.Valle 1*1 1, 2 or 3 family F-1 Manufactured Home 8540 il Condominium F-1 Apartment - Number of Units E] Farm Building 0 Other - TotS Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 13250 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee Land Contract m Gift Trade 0 Life Estate U Leasehold DTE Use Only

0 Mineral Rights Reserved [3 Leased Fee 11 Other: SALE 21790 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (ifany) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 90,000 (d) Total Consideraton (7A+78+7C) $ 90,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)7[E) $ 90,000 (g) Name of mortgagee

Considerauon (h) Type of mortgage OConven#onal CFHA C VA Cother (i) If gift, in whole or part, esumated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption forthe preceding or current tax year.El Yes m No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualities for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cut'rent tax year. 1.18000 2 NO 0 Yes ®No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction unbl another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes Z No If yes, is the propetty a multi-unit dwelling? ¤ Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased orotherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?C Yes No If yes, new owner must

complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date 20210513106 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury thatthis statement has 1*p*inedby me and to the best of my knowledge and belef is a true, correct and complete tatment. th .M ) Liwwd V 3# 1 A ,-/ A Date 270.50 Printed Name of GAntee or Representative Signature #f Gr*§,91**reseittative Receipt Number Grantor

RECEIPT FOR PA™ENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R C., in the total amount of $

has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES Cnlintv Allrlitnr Date 1 1 Ad rOZG DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Countv Auditor < Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County 31 Tax. dist. Date instrument year number number WD on,1 2050 05/13/2021

Number Property located in taxing district ELMWOOD PL-ST.BERNARD Name on tax riliplir:ate FOR KEN I PROPEK I IES LLU Tax duplicate year 2021 267209 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page 661-0004-0014-00 No. of ParceIs Description 505 LOMBARDY ST 30 X 125 0 Platted 0 Unplatted LOT 464 HOPKINS 3RD SUB

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 OthAr

. 1 .''... 510 - 'Mr,-8---em-'Mwm#BM.'IRN!{11141!lltmipa#NUill#l*f*}==1",Ill'|R'MMIMIMNnigp"IMB# *81=10]imhw#iMAE 1. Grantor's name For Rent Properties, LLC Phone Neigh. Code

Phone . Grantee's address 3459 L.vimw,01 41* C,pt i <0 +1 q.511,1 ' 3. Address of property 505 Lombardy St, Cindnnati, OH 45216 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address 7& 9 4% /2*v<..u*-oud F v 145.13 0 Ade there buildingson the land? /Yes No If yes, check type: 1 / 1, 2 or 3 family dweiling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 1 vacant, what is intended use? ; 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part Interest transfer I Land contract 2570 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor Is mortgagee v' Other fee simole

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 5 8280

b) Balance assumed (if any) S Total Value c) Cash (if any) 55,000.00

d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and 71 ..$ 55,000.00 10850

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property.. DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 55,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee N/A

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. 4 Other cash DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax yeaf? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicats€Uhat this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 52 If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failureto complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until anotherper and timely application is filed.) Will this prope begraqtee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? _ Yes (_blef If yes, is the propedy a multi-unit dwelling? fes (314 55000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes f No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

I declse underpenaes of pe*,ythatthis stament hasbeen mmined byrne and *the best of my Imowledge and belef is true, comct and complete statement 20210513106

Receipt Number SG... ,-, R.: i £1 5,1- 05-0,02< Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required byOhio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required byR.C. 322, in the total amountof $ has been paid by and received bythe HAMILTON County Auditor. 165.50 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 051 13/202 1 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor DosY Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) FOR COUNTY AUDFTOR'S USE ONLY

Type Instnument Tax List Year County Ntunber Tax Dist Number Datg 31 WD 2021 1010 ns/1„,0,1


ANDERSON-FOREST HILLS Proper Located in Taxing District DAIKER BRIAN T & NANCY L Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 2021 267210 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 500-0045-0180-00 Map Book Page No. of Parcels Description: HILLTREE DR 72.54 X o Platted O Unplatted 124.86 IRR LOT 437 SUMMIT ESTS SUB BLK G PT 2 CTE Code No.

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Cod@10 0 C.AU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No. orAaes

1. Grantor Brian T. Dalker and Nancy L. Dalker Phone:

2, Grantee: Ventwe Real Estate Group, LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 35 Commercial Way, Springboro, OH 45066 Land Vallie 1 3. Address of Property: 1629 Himree Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45255 4, Tax Billing Address: 35 Commercial Way, Springboro OH 45066

5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No [*Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 12570 1,2 or 3 family I Manufactured Home 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units LJ Farm Building C3 Other - Total Vaua If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 46080 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): E Grantor is a relative [3 Part Interest Transfened LI] Grantor is a Mortgagee iII Land Contract E Gift 0 Trade 0 Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Use 0* [Z] Mineral Rights Reserved D Leased Fee X Other: SALE 58650 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DIE Use ONy (c) Cash (if any) $ 177.500 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 177.500 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ DIE Use Only (D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) S 177.500 (g) Name of mortgagee Conskleration (h) Type of mortgageConventional []FHA OVA Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is enfiled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption forthe preceding or current tax year.0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vaid Sab 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation forthe preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 1 NO

El Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 177500 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reducti on (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely applica#on is filed): Will this properly be grantee's prindple residenoe by January 1 of next year? in Yes m No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes G No 11. Is this property leased or othernise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?l Yes E No Ifyes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registrauon Form to the CounN Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513107 I declare under penalties of pe*try thatthis statement has n e ' by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and comhlete st*ement f- 19-24

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of '- or Re)rtive Date Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 533.00 The conveyance fee required by se&5084,54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by anc! received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 o IM I C,vICI, I vr rroMoviv rvr, cAcivir 1 Iviv rru,Ivi Irc,u. r-,Fvrcir l T uvivvc=, Alvuc rcc

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 05/13/2021 267211

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

WE 3040 2021 183,500 214,880 398.380

DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 510 Property Located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Tax Duplicate Year Name on Tax Duplic« NOCHARO JOHN J & VALERIE J TAYLOR 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel N 39-0000-0053-00 Map Book Page Description: 3417 DUNCAN AV[ 45 X 181.78 PT LOT 2 HENRY MORTON EST

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative J Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. John F. Finocharo and Valerie J. Taylor 513-780-6555 1. Grantofs Name: Phone )2, Grantee's N' J. Finocharo and Valerie J. Taylor, trustees of the Finocharo-Taylor Revocable Trust dated 4-19-2021Phone: 513-780-6555

Grantee's Address: 3417 Duncan Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208

3. Address of Property: 3417 Duncan Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208

4. Tax Billing Address: 3417 Duncan Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (vi may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments, _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation, (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) (n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner, _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; 1(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has resetved an unlimited power to revoke the trust: _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets, _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [30769.9]of the Revised Code _(x) Between persons pursuant to RC section 5302.18 Uy) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO_11 YESL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOA YES_[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of nextyear? NOL YESX If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-L YES.F 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_R YES F- If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Zila Welsh, Paralegal 05/03/2021

A ..1, 1 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE OTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor

4 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 267212 0 31

Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

WE 3130 2021 112,480 152,300 264,780

DTE Code Number 510 O SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property LOCated inMADEIRA-MADEIRA CSD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax Duplicat#CKERSON JANE L Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel No 525-0009-0062-00 Map Book Page Description: SHEWANGO WAY 75 X 160 LO 1 77 GALLKIUGE 3KU SEC B

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative

- Type or print allinormation. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Jane L. Ackerson Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Aaron P. Ackerson, Trustee of the Jane L. Ackerson Irrevocable Trust dated May 5, 2021 Phone: Grantee's Address: 7330 Shewango Way, Cincinnati, OH 45243 3, Address of Property: 7330 Shewango Way, Cincinnati, OH 45243 4, Tax Billing Address: 7330 Shewango Way, Cincinnati, OH 45243 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(D Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forevec _(j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars: _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the buider of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(cx3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common deoedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly, _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by 8 trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantoes power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _Cy) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOS YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7, The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cument tax year. NOR YES.C ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOL YES.!L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOE YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOI YES E W yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been by me and to t m knowledge''. and belief is a true, correctrd complete statement. 51 \L/2'1 Printed Name of Grantee or Reoresentalive Sian Gran Reoresentative - Date ' DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor L Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by OR.C, 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY J Tax List Year Type Instrument County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number Properly Local01 2021 3040 Taxing District 05/13/2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 4/IN 11 UL,rip-LI I, 11 600 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Parcels MORR13 MARYANN & ERIC J KAUMIIEIMEI Description: 0 Platted O Unplatte#021 267214 001-0004-0290-00

TRAILWOOD DRIVE 64.49 X 126.70 FT IRR LOT DTE Code No. 1 61 TRAILWOOD 11 BL A AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 CAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code ' ,»foff']Gidnteed¢R#presenidti#6*@t«288ipi*A'IfQGH"" * '- ' '" '' «» - ' " 510 f. , 'St*,t,4{«Ty*,Wp'0rit*]nfo'mi#tiont'Se*,*t*» ®,®$h*'6*," 7:i..«{{9 1'2,».]: '46.:i "- No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Mary Ann Moms and Eric J. Kaumheimer Phone: -

2. Grantee: Alexander James Villeneuve and Ashley Corde Phone: Grantee's Address: 2071 Trailwood Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 2071 Trailwood Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230 0 4. Tax Billing Address: 2071 Trailwood Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230

5. Are there buildings on the land?[3No Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value ITI 1,2 or 3 family F-7 Manufactured Home Fl Condominium 11 Apartment - Number of Units 14630 F-1 Farm Building 0 Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Total Value 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 60950 0 Grantor is a relative ¤ Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee U Land Contract 0 Gift ¤ Trade ¤ Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Use Only ¤ Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee Other: ARMS LENGTH TRANSACTION

7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 0 75580

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 336,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 336,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real propeg___...... _ $ 0 DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E1__...... _._.__ $ 336.000 (g) Name of mortgagee (h) Type of mortgage Conventional ¤ FHA ¤ VA Other CASH CLOSING Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real propeg- -__.--_------$ 0 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 0 Yes m No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 336000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? m Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?] Yes ¤ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date

of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513111

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Alexander James Villeneuve 614LW,t<£56*tc-o,-1.- 05/12/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number 1,008.50 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 ITE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT levised by County Auditor Ifexemptby O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use OTE Form 100 (EX) lusty Rhodes 11i12 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY 6

Date County Number Tax Oist Number Type Instrument Tax Ust Y•ar 31


WD 2021 3160 05/13/2021 Taxing District Properly Located in Name on Tax DuplicateN.COLLEGE HILL-NCH CSD Tax Duplicate Year Ne of Parcels Book Acct. or Permanent Parcel 18.ICI

1921 BISING 54 X 125 LOTS DTE Code No. 35- 36 JOHN MEYER 2ND PAR 1 32-33CON

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Partial Vallie 1 Split 0 Now Plat Neigh. Code O New Improvements O Other ] CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 510 tirinteebikepr;de riiatkWM*t '66ilipl66All ailikioni ln This Section:. Typeor»talinfornii(ion.·Seeinstructions on reverse. No, of Acres

Marice Hickman Phone: 1. Grantor: 2. Grantee: 118 REI LTD c Phone: Grantee's Address: 2270 Taggert Drive, Bethel, OH 45106 Land Value 3, Address of Property. 1921 Bising Avenue. Cincinnati, OH 45239 4. Tax Billing Address: 2270 Taggert Drive, Bethel, OH 45106 Bldg. Value 5. Are ttere buildngs on the land?¤No Yes (requires information below) jl 1,2 or 3 family F-7 Manufactured Home 6410 1-1 Condominium 1-7 Apartment - Number of Units F1 Farm Building 0 Other- Tolat Vak» If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check afl that apply): 16100 Cl Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred ¤ Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract OTE Use Only 0 Leasehold D Gift 0 Trade 0 Life Estate 0 Mineral Rights Reser,ed j Leased Fee 01 Other: fee simple 22510 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (lf any) $ DTE Use Only (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ (c) Cash (if any) $ 35.000

(d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 35.000 OTE Uw Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property_ ___ 3 (D consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7EL 35.000

(g) Name of mortgagee Corlsideratio' (h) Type of mortgageConventional OFHA OVA Ilather (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property Is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only (lf yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sate exemption for the preceding or current taxyear.0 Yes 0 No 1.Ya 1 NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 0 Yes g NO (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 35000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes No Ifyes, is the properg a multi-unit dwelling7 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this properlyleased orotherwise rented totenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes m No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registranon Form tothe County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill./ 20210513112

/A. , 1 correctIdeclare and under complete penalties statement of pellury that this statent has been ex8-6¥ me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, 05/07/2021 Scott Biddle, Representative 'Signature of Grantee or Representative / Date Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative 105.50 Granror RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyanoe fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. Date DUSTY RHODES County Auditor 06/13/2021 . 1 . 1 VI .lilli !,cAL rAW,-CAI T uvt,IVC TA[,lucrcr DIA I tivit=IN[ Wr VALUt AN[J Ktttlr I Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31


Property Locatd 2021 3040 Taxing District 05/13/2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year CLNTI CORP-CINTI CSD Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Parcels 10ELKE JON P Description: O Platted O Unplatte*021 267216


MONTCLAIRAVE 47.51 X 200.29 IRR OTE Code No. PT LOT 41 J R BAUMES 2ND SUB & TRACTADJ 1 PARS 27-120 CONS AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres 1, Grantor: Jon P. Toelke Phone:

Wallace Real Estate, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company Phone:

2909 Montclair Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45211 Grantee's Address: Land Value -*r 3, Address of Property: 2909 Montclair Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45211

-I5. Are there buildings on the land?_ - No X Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value Manufactured Home

1-- Apartment - Number of Units 6230 3 j Farm Building , ' Other- Total Vaue If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 3 6, Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): Grantor is a relative 1 {Part Interest Transferred ! Grantor is a Mortgagee Land Contract 15400 Gm I Trade 1 Life Estate _ Leasehold OTE Use Only Mineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee X, Other: fee simple

7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 60,000 21630 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 1,000 (d) Total Consideration (U\+78+7C) $ 61,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property.i-__-_ $ 0 OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E).-. - -...... $ 61,000 (g) Name of mortgagee Margaret Anne Halloran. Trustee Consideration (h) Type of mortgage F Conventional OFHA F VA Bother (i) I f gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 0 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.F Yes IF No OTE Use Only (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sde 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO r Yes igj No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 61000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? r Yes Ir No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 1- Yes 1- No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?Ii Yes r No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513113 I declare under penalties of perjury that this sta*,entliarbeeexamined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 1 », /1

Laura Homschemeier 05/07/2021

Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative (-_.- li- -Si®ature of dlabtee or t*16«taove Date 183.50 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date u51 13/Lu21 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor . Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exemptby O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(31 Use OTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax L[st Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Nurnber WD 2021 3160 05/13/2021 Properly Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat*i col I FRF HII 1 -NCH CRn Tax Duplicate Year 2672/1

Acct. or Permanent Parcel 1401 B R EI LTD Map Book Page -,021 2/0» Description: O Platted 0 Unplatted 595-0005-0032-00

1921 BISING 54 X 125 LOTS 35- 36 JOHN MEYER 2ND PAR 01§ Codi No. 32-33CON

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Nligi. Cod• - O CAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type orpdntalinformation. See instuctions on reverve. No. of Aue, 1. Grantor 118 REI LTD Phone:

2. Grantee: SFR3-020 LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 228 Park Ave S. STE 73833, New York, NY 10003-1502 Land V,Ue 3. Address of Propertv: 1921 Bising Avenue, Cincinnau. OH 45239 4. Tax Billing Address: 228 Park Ave S. STE 73833, New York. NY 10003-1502 5. AAhere buildings on the land?C]No Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Valul 7 1,2 or 3 family Manufactured Home 6410 Fl Condominium 1-1 Apartmed - Number of Units 1-1 Farm Building 0 Other- Total Valui if land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sate (Check all that apply): 16100 Il Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee ¤ Land Contract 0 Trade 0 Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Uu Only 8 GwtMineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee ® Other fee simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 22510 (b) Balanced Assumed Of any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) S 53,500 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 53,500 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property.- ____ $ DTE Uw Only (1) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E1.------..... - ... - $ 53,500 (g) Name of mortgagee Con*.* (h) Type of mortgageConventional ¤FHA ¤VA Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real propeN $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vald Sale 1.YES 1 NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 53500 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed}: Will this propehy be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, is the propertya multi-unit dwailing? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenaotisolely for residential purposes?¤ Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registrauon Foo the County Auditorwithin 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax yll. 20210513114 I declare under penalties of perjury that this stafment has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 05/10/2021 Scott Biddle. Representative y2719133 2 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Snature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number 161.00 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date nr/17/on21 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 {G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor 05/13/2021 267218 Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 QE 3040 2021 14,010 16. 790 30,800 Instrument Tang Dist. No. Tax List land Building Total



Remarks: DTE Code Numbe#HITE AMBER & JAIRO LOPEZ MORALES 0 Split/New Plat Onol Propedy Located in 204-0017-0028-00 Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate Year TRAAN#WA& 50 X 105 Acct. or Pel[U!,mikgarg*Nmt= 1 AR Map Book Page DescriptionASSN 2ND SUB PARS 28-29 CONS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or plint all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name:Amber White and Jairo Lopez Morales Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Marta Lopez Morales and Arnoldo Mendez Mendez Phone: Grantee's Address: 1532 Manss Ave, Cincinnati OH 45205 1532 Manss Ave, Cincinnati OH 45205 3. Address of Property: 4. Tax Billing Address: 1532 Manss Ave, Cincinnati OH 45205

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or pollical subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in orderto provide or release security fora debt or obli#on; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To conlirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; Z.(d) To evidence agift,in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent thal such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant lo a reorganization of corporauons or unlncorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporah-on's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation, _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations. nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _0) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _U) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builderof a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _0) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is nola glft; (must include aflidavit of facts) _(n) To an heiror devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a suiviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of propetty sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs atlaw or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid orto be paid for the real properly; _(t) To a trustee ofa trust, when the grantorofthe trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the granlor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the granlor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 p07.69.9]of the Revised Code. _00 Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The arantor bas Indicated that this property Is entitled to receive the senior dtizen, disabled person. or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or cument tax 7. yekliThe grantor YESj ®hasTE indicated Form 101 that required)this properly qualifies for current agricultural use Valuation for the preceding or current tax ye¢102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from req*johls reductioniFNnolher proper and timely appcation is filed}: Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO!*1%f yes, is the propetty a multi-unit dwelling? NOR YES11 9. is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.9 YES-Q- If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to thr.Gounly Auditor-within 60 days {including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury thatthls statement has bee£arnined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement 05/12/2021 Dawn Parks Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sig*uTe of Grant»Er Representative STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 05/152021 Co. No. 261299r FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taxina Dist. No. ax List QE 3040 2021 20,4Yod id**40 125*10


DTE Code Number CINTI CORP-rINT' CRn O Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located in HERMANSFN FRIC C A RRI-ICE 2021 Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate OOP-0009-0217-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or PermannKs@kt® Map Book Page Description: 59.25 X 139.71 IRR LOT 19 GLADE MEADOWS SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name: Eric Hermansen Phone 2, Grantee's Name: Eric Hermansen and Rachel Hermansen 13*·Ix-je 1!Iref*Ctntiell Phone: Grantee's Address: 1487 Mears Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 3, Address of Property: 1487 Mears Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 4, Tax Billing Address: 578 Sonny Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; Uh) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a sutviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R,C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or su[viving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[1 YES-C (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current taxyear. NO.CL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 ofnextyear? NOO YES.12 ifyes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NOIl YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-CL YES C If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has bee,6minf«y ne an»theest of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Kristin Timmer 05/05/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature 61 Grantee or Representative Date 11 It rUMM IUU NEAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number Property Locat8*1 2021 1060 05/13/2021 Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year brttiv I vvr-1,1Vrfl nvvcc, I -1_36 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book MOORMANN COLIN M & KAYLA [ WORIC Page Description: ZUZI Mmr 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 550-0093-0216-00

FARCREST CT 80 X 150 LOT 75 FARLOOK HILLS SUB DTE ode No. BLK C AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value OCA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or printall infomiation. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Colin M. Moormann and Kayla E. Moormann Phone: 330-491-2721 2, Grantee: Jennifer Pettit and Shawn Pettit Phone: 330-491-2721 Grantee's Address: 1830 Fairfax Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45207 Land Value 3, Address of Property: 4659 Farcrest Ct, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 1 4, Tax Billing Address: 1525 S. Belt Line Road, Coppell, TX 75019

5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No B|Yes (requires infonnation below) Bldg. Value ITI 1,2 or 3 family Fl Manufactured Home Condominium F-1 Apartment - Number of Units 11720 Farm Building j Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Tol Value

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 68780 0 Grantor is a relative Il Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee Land Contract D Gift C Trade 0 Ufe Estate Leasehold DTE Use 0* 0 Mineral Rights Reserved U Leased Fee Bl Other: Armslength 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 304.000 80500

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) e DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 16,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 320,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ DTE LIse Only (f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) $ 320.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Caliber Home Loans, Inc. (h) Type of mortgageConventional rFHA C VA rIOther Con*deratlon (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real propeg - _____.-_ --- $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or cument tax year.rl Yes [1 No (If yes, complete fonn DTE 101) OTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cument tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 13 Yes IRr No (lf yes, complete form DTE 102) 320000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this applicaon prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? m Yes C No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Cl Yes [El No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?r Yes C No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513117 I declare under penalties of pe4ury thatthls statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is atrue, co,Tect and complete statement.

Title One Agency, Inc. 05/10/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative daic-_<21_25_ Signature d ntee or Regesentative - Date LM*516- 4*4 ZrrLKA-'A iE 960 5OReceipt NOmber Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The oonveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, If applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C,, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 TE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT revised by County Auditor )wtv Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


-4e Insrument Tax Ust Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

QU 2021 3020 05/13/2dlif roperty Located in Taxing District Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Permanent Parcel NOOPER RUTH M Map Book Page 2021 161220'IS O Platted O Unplatted lescription 612-0040-0415-00


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS ] Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code ]CAUV 0 Other 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres

4. Grantor: Ruth M. Cooper Phone: 2, Grantee: Jeffrey Cooper Phone:

Grantee's Address: 4987 Ridgecrest Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45242 land Value 3. Address of Property: same as (2) 1 4. Tax Billing Address: same as (2) 5. Are there buildings on the land?E] No IXIYes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 1,2or3 family I-7 Manufactured Home 10410 1-3 Condominium F7 Apartment - Number of Units

Farm Building Cl Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 45360 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): Igl Grantor is a relative 13 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 131 Land Contract El Gift 0 Trade El Life Estate E Leasehold DTEUsa Only ELI Mineral Rights Reserved El Leased Fee 0 Other: 55770 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c)Cash (if any) $ 117,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 117,000 DTE Use Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly____ « (D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7131 r 1 17.000 (g) Name of mortgagee_---_---_ Consideraton (h) Type of mortgageConventional OFHA ¤VA []Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properw.._----_,__...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes IE No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vild Sde 1.YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 117000 0 Yes 0 No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Icl Yes ,BE No 11. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes 181 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210513117 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

04/15/2021 Jenee Zweidinger /W Jenee Zweidinger

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date 351.50 Receipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.5*19 (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON CounY Auditor. 05/13/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date AFFIDAVIT OF PURCHASE PRICE OF REAL PROPERTY

I, JEFFREY COOPER. Grantee, purchased the following property from RUTH M. COOPER, Grantor. on JJ /&15 , 2021:

Parcel No: 612-40-415 Property Address: 4987 Ridgecrest Drive, Cincinnati. OH 45242

The consideration for this transfer is $117.000.00.

1 execute this Affidavit on q1 -bbl .2021.




COUNTY OF HAMILTON Subscribed and sworn to before me on Apr i ( 30 1-P) , 2021 by JEFFREY COOPER, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.

1 b t,_ i v-r Notary Public DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C, 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY 679/

Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number SV 2021 1050 05/13/2021 Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat®ELHI TWP-OAK HILLS LSD Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Permanent Parcel mCHMOND CHARLES E & LINDAA Map Book Page 2021 58*lr Description: 0 Platted o Unplatted 540-0060-0507-00

STYLE LN 58 X 130.07 LOT 24 IDLEWOOD SUB BLK B DTE tiode No.

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 510 5 s » f >,G¥untee'brlt*66*mall*Nuittompl6terA11*6*tion*inlth,6$*btioli,« ' «ff{ I]j] Ty,ia»61'#Ant Wildfamlavo¢t:]Sdelndrudions'®'mvede., «'ty»-».'3 -«'1»„ .,«.·,.,, No. of Acres

1, Grantor: Charles E. Richmond and Linda A. Richmond Phone: 330-491-2721 Phone: 330-491-2721 Grantee's Address: 196 Cardinal Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 Land Value 3, Address of Property: 5427 Style Ln, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

* 5. Are there buildings on the land?[]No [X]Yes (requires inforrnation below) Bldg. Value

[X] 1,2 or 3 family Manufactured Home 8390 0 Condominium [3 Apartment - Number of Units

[3 Other. Totaj Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 35740 [3 Grantor is a relative C] Part Interest Transferred C] Grantor is a Mortgagee U Land Contract U Gift C] Trade [3 Ufe Estate [3 Leasehold DTE Use Only C] Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee [g] Other: Armslength 44130 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) 173.695 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 3,205 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) -$ 176,900 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property._ $ OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real propetty on which fee is to be paid (70-7E)...... _. $ 176,900 (g) Name of mortgagee Caliber Horne Loans, Inc. Consideration (h) Type of mortgageConventional EFHA VA []Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 176900 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this property leased orotherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Yes [1 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513118

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

05/10/2021 Title One Agency, Inc.-Cheryl Ann Sturiale de« O-/>1-

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of dItee or Representative Date Receipt Number 531.20 Giali loi RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number D* 31

Number SV 2021 3040 05/13/2021 Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicatiNTI CORP-CINTI CSD Tax Duplicate Year 267224

Acct. or Permanent Parcel NOORE HAROLD A Map Book Page 2021 2%°145*els Description: O Platted 0 Unplatted 178-0028-0042-00


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value O C.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. Code 510 Gfaht**f Rei**Sedtative Mult Comblat#,41109*It)6#8*Thifi Sectibn .fTV#d''ar#bt@I'lhforduanASdifb*ddonsf#6*6.{5" «»· - No of Acres 1. Grantor: Harold A. Poore Phone: 330-491-2721

2, Grantee: Jonathan Hogue and Grace Wilcox Phone: 330-491-2721

Grantee's Address: 6852 Main Street, Apt 2, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 land Value 3, Address of Property: 744 Mt. Hope Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204 4. Tax Billing Address: 1525 S. Belt Line, Coppell, TX 75019

5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value [X] 1,2 or 3 family j Manufactured Home 2390 [3 Condominium [3 Apartment - Number of Units E/l Farm Building 0 Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 33800 [3 Grantor is a relative C] Part Interest Transferred U Grantor is a Mortgagee [3 Land Contract [3 Gift [3 Trade 0 Life Estate [3 Leasehold DTE lise Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved Il Leased Fee ® Other: Armslength 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 221,000 36190

(b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 39,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 260,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (70-7E)...... _...... e 260.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Caliber Home Loans, Inc. (h) Type of mortgageE]Conventional 0 FHA OVA [JOther Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properL__...... __-- .... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO Il Yes Ki No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 260000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Yes ¤ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513119

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

Title One Agency, Inc.-Cheryl Ann Sturiale 6,6- 90 -2_-/ L 05/10/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grhe or Representative Date 780.50 Receipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 96/13/2021 co. m Numt267225


Ingft Ta)ang5C»*- onerst 5*230 Bundy00,210 T(t74,470


DTE Code Number BLUE ASH-SYCAMORE 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in KEY JOCELYN N & SHAWN A Tagia© District

Name on Tax Duplicate 612-0190-1283-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct or Permane[*Pmtos[*laRFTTA AVE 0 1429 AC LOTS 261 & 262 WOOn HARMON A Cn FIR*lagl01*21 -r 912 Page Description:

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See Instrucions on reverse.

1 Grantor's Nemer Jocelyn N. Key and Shawn A. Key Phone:

2 Grantee's Name: Shawn Allen Key Phone:

Grantee's Address: 11056 Margaretta Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45242 3. Address of Property: 11056 Margaretta Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45242 4. Tax Billing Address: 11056 Margaretta Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45242 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an afrdavit on items checked below) _(a) To or Qom the United States, this state, or any instrumentalhy, agency, or polical subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in orderto provide or release security for a debt or obligalon; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) Toevidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child orthe spouse of either, _(e) On sale fordelinquent taxes or assessments; U) Pursuant to courtorder, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; Ig) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporailonsor uninoorporated associaons or pursuant to the dissolution of a comoration, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in Idnd of the corporation's assets in exchange forthe stockholder's shams in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation orsurrender of the subsidiary's stock; _0 By lease, whetheror not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease isfora tenn of yeats renewable forever; _{1) When the value of the real propeft, or interest in real propetty conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the oonsideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real proper, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m} To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily oonvertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transacuon is not a gift; (must include 0ndavit of facts) 1(n) To an heiror devisee, between spouses orto a sulviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner, _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(CD Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) Toorfroman organization exempt from federal income taxaaon undersection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, induding a surviving spouse of a common decedent when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; -Ut) Toa trustee ofatrust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the tiust Uu} To the grantor of a kust by a trustee of the tust, when the transfer is made to the graitor pursuantto the exemise ofthe grantor's powerto revoke thetrustor to withdraw trust assets; M To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantorof tile trust to thetrustee or pursuant to trustprovisions that became irrevocable atthe dea#i ofthegrantor _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuantto section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. Ux) Between persons pursuant to R.(1 section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a #lird party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption forthe preceding or cu ent tax year. NOIE YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies forcurrent agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOX YES_[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the mier from receiving this reduction until another proper and 5mely applicaion is med): Will this propertybe grantee's plincipletesidence by January 1 of next yearl NO.!2 YESIL If yes, is the propertya multi-unit dwelling? NOX YES.C 9. Is this property leased orotherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Ng:182 YES IIi If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registraion Form to the County Auditor vathin 60 days (including weekends and hoidays) of the date 00Ais tinsfer to avoid a penaIN on their tax bill.

I declare underoenaltias of perjury that this statement has been examinq

Printed Name of Grantee or Representauve Sgnature of 6*e or Representative Date Real Property Convexance Fpe 0 111 Statement of Value and Receipt DTE FROM 180 < 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date 2021 05/13/2021 instrument WD year numberCounty 31 number3040

CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Number Property located in taxing district OK MICHALE SUNG-JIN & YE DEUN PARK 2021 267226 Name on tax duplicate Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no.80-0002-0477-00 Map book Page NS MERCER ST No. of Parcels Description 0.025 AC 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor'sname Michale Sung-Jin Ok and Ye Deun Park Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Luke Hensley Mosley and Katherine Davis Mosley Phone s address 10 Mercer Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

3. Address of property 10 Mercer Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 No. ofAcres

4. Tax billing address Regions Bank dba Regions Mortgage, Dept, 2520, PO Box 2153, Birmingham, A 35287 1 < 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type:

L / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 37380 r 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative i Part interest transfer I Land contract j Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value _ Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simgle 154070 3 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 592,000.00

T b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) ...$ 191450 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7* ....$ 592,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... ,...,.,.$ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...,,...,,..,,,...,..,,,...$ 592,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Regions Bank dba Regions Mortgage

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property... 8. Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complele this application prohibits Consideration

the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this properly be grantee's 592000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 17 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pe,jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct 20210513120 and complete statement Receipt Number 1-BAL 1/14-ulf -1-LE)-/ Printed Name of Grantee'or Representative Sigpmture of Grantee or Representative Date

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 1,776.50 The conveyance fee requirNt,Q@ Revised Code section (R,C,) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor,


)0 DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) 4 Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 4 05/11372021 Co No 268* FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 4

Instrument Taxing Dist No Tax List Land Building Total At 3160 2021 21,45U 66,160 109,610

51U DTE Code Number N.COLLEGE HILL-NCH CSD 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in STANBERRY JOHN B & KIMBERLY w 2021 Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate 595-0002-0121-On. Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Perrnallect.ERPCOAh I n,2 Rn y 141 71 Map Book Page Description: LOT 5 HOMESTEAD SUB BLK C

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. John B. Stanberry 1. Grantor's Name: Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Kimberly K. Stanberry Phone:

Grantee's Address: 7018 Clovemoll Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231

3. Address of Property: 7018 Clovernoll Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231

4. Tax Billing Address: 7018 Clovemoll Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation, (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _Ch) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real propetty, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a sulviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right·of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is futtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exerdse of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _M To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; -(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 p07.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization comoration organized under R.C, section 1724 to a third party 6, The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO-El YESE (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO_[FL YESIl ([)TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO.LL YES.121- If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[EL YES.[1 9, Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[EL YES 1-3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best *I!*knowyg«'and belief is a true, correct and complete statement, Andrew J. Ferguson --*-%- 05/12/2021 : FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX) antor's Name John B. Stanberry anto's Address 7018 Clovernoll Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 antee's Name Kimberly K. Stanberry

xing District 135 N. College Hill Parcel or Account No. 595-0002-0124-00

e grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax ar. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $ 540.56 te grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the isfaction ofboth the grantee and the grantor. -1 , Signature of GraB«# presentative

,orn to or affirmed in my presence, s 1 /7-*(- day of \A/\Al 1 1 20 /.C

r- -. " 5<1 \ MARGARET SPET7 #1/l* A DEFAI# 991h f rizz,:6.1.= ,.1 Notary Public, State of Ohio Notary Public mi U '----«1*i My Commission Expires· October 6.2025 actorseil$6itii*Mlihinty Auditor: ,on presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and ivide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

'pe Tax list Tax. dist. Date strument year number WD 2021 county 31 number 3030 05/13/2021

Number operty located in uncv,vi-CINTI CS[D taxing district

ime on tax duplicate ELLIOTTAUCTIN N Tax duplicate year 2021 267229 :ct. or permanent parcel no. 551-0003-0317-00 Map book Page No. of Parcels AUGUSTAAVE 50 X 167.21 Cl Platted 0 Unplatted LT 30 HIRSCHBERG & KAPLAN SUB & PT VAC

iditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New Improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other raritee orRep**sent*tive.Must} Compl*te{All Cluestii>wi §]in]Thls.Sect[on. See- Instructions.on;reversei 510

. Grantor's name Austin N. Elliott Phone Neigh. Code

Grantee's name Brendan Joseph Roth Phone Grantee's address 3315 Augusta Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

Address of property 3315 Augusta Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 No. of Acres Tax billing address Cincinnati Federal 6581 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 7480 1. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v' Other fee simple '. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 88,000.00 18070

b) Balance assumed (if any) Total Value c) Cash (if any) 22,000.00

d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) 110,000.00 25550

e) Portion, If any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 110,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Cincinnati Federal

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.HA V.A Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... 3. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only ). Has the grantor Indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 102. ). Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, isthe propertya mul#-unit dwelling? Yes v No 110000 1. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes El No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

dedare under penalbes ofpedury thatthis statement has been examlned by me and to the best ofmy knowledge and belief ishue, correct 20210513124 nd complete statement Receipt Number //Flaa K 120·lu 1-a 0-A V 05 -03-2-1

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code sedon (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ 330.50 has been paid by Crantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

DUSTY RHODES Date County Auditor nel 9/,noi Dl'E FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audilor Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX).


Type Tax dist. Date instrument HARRISO -TaxWARR-SOUTHWEST list Countynumber 31 number

HEITMEYER LINDA Property located in t@008 district Num*7230

Name on tax rillplir.Atp. 561-0015-0191-00 Tax duplicate year COUNTRYVIEW DR 65 X 135 Acct. or permanent parcel no Map book Page - LUI QUUUIVIKT VIEVV No. of Pardls Description ESTATES BLKA 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name LINDA HEITMEYER Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name TAMMY LUNSFORD Phone Grantee's address 116 COUNTRY VIEW DRIVE HARRISON OH 45030

3. Address of property 116 COUNTRY VIEW DRIVE HARRISON OH 45030 No, ofAcres

4. Tax billing address CINCINNATI FEDERAL 6581 HARRISON AVENUE CINCINNATI OH 45247 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other. vacant, what is intended use? 11450 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer 1 Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other FEE SIMPLE 46300 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any)...... 4 210.571.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) ,"...... '..'. Total Value c) Cash (if any) 4,429.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and ™ .$ 215.000.00 57750

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... ,...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 78) ....,,.,...,,.,..,....,,,,,$ 215,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee CINCINNATI FEDERAL

h) Type of mortgage Conv. v.HA. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ,...... ,...... ,...$ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101, DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes /No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 215000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes Itl No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare underpenalUes of pellury that this statement has beet*.dMiEy me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete statement 7, Rece2*AIN'1&124 SN**\ C- 09%,os < - / -Pt S-5-2 ( Printed Name of dantee or Representative'Signature of Grante ' -C-' hkaedi4S itative Date Receipt06r Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R C.) 319.54(G)(31 and, if applicable, Ille fee required by R.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor 64550


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 . DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Red,ed by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). 0 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Tax list 4 Type Tax. dist. Date instrument year number WD 7n71 county 31 number 1060 05/13/2021

iroperty located in Number GREEN I WP-NOR I MWES I Lbu taxing district Jame on tax duplicate n YA, i GEORGE 8 Tax duplicate year 2021 267231 icct. or permanent parcel no. 55U-ULU4-UU25 1 -UU Map book Page )escription No. of Parcels GAINES RD 100 X 200 0 Platted 0 Unplatted LOT 9 EMBER WOOD ESTATES

- uditor's comments: 0 Split Il New plat 0 New Improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O CA.U.V 0 Building removed El Other 30ante»]ForRe#.*suntativeNIi**Complet,IWI)Questlent#jift{Thi* Section,!See instrudionsjork}!· 510

1. Grantor's name George S. Hyatt Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Elliott Clemens Phone Grantee's address 5807 Gaines Road, Cincinnati. Ohio 45247

3. Address of property 5807 Gaines Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address Quicken Loans, LLC PO Box 6577, Carol Stream, IL 60197 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: I/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominlum Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what Is Intended use?

15160 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other fee simple

7. a) New mortgage amount (If any) 292,980.00 88090 b) Balance assumed (if any).. Total Value c) Cash (if any) ...$ 15,420.00

d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7rs) 308,400.00 103250

e) Portion, If any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .... 308,400.00 g) Name of mortgagee Quicken Loans. LLC

h)Type ofmortgage 4 Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8, Has the grantor Indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes ./ No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 0. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Consideration principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? i Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 308400 1. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes E No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No declare under pendbes of pe,jury that this *tement has been exanined by me and to the best of ng Imowledge and belief is true, correct ind complete statement 20210513125 5 -5-boi Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required byR.C. 322, in the total amount of $ 025.70 has been paid by _ and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. U,2111,Ul

DUSTY RHODES Date County Auditor nfi/19/2021 1 1 OTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee #SOG P Colm:\ P.uorts, ui st, Riiodes 6/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Date instrument WD 2021 1100 05/13/2021 year Countynumber 31 Tax. numberdist.

SYCAMORE-SYC FD-PRNCTN Number iroperty located in taxing district BRINK SEAN M 2021 267233 Vame on tax di,plicptp Tax duplicate year 600-0014-0102-00 \cct. or permanent parcel no Map book Page FIELDSTED DR 45.36 X No. of Parcels )escription 190.37 IR LOT 9 WINDFIELD 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 SUB SEC 1

\uditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. Il C.A.U.V Il Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Sean M. Brink Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Shannon Kelsey Knutson Phone . Grantee's address 12149 Fieldsted Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

3. Address of property 12149 Aeldsted Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 No. ofAcres

4, Tax billing address myCUmortgage, LLC, PO Box 341262, Beavercreek, Ohio 45434 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 11970 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative ' Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights resen/ed Gm Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simole 44940 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 194,400.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) S Total Value c) Cash (if any) ....$ 45,600.00 56910 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) ,$ 240,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... '...... '. 0.00 DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 240,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Wright-Patt Credit Union, Inc.

h) Type of mortgage 4 Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property... 0.00 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 240000 prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 171 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

20210513126 I declare under penalties of pe,lury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete statement Shannon Kelsey Knwkon S-)G j 2-1 Receipt Number 4 . Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date ' '

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 720.50 The conveyance fee required**R189 Revised Codesection (R.C,) 319,54(G)(3) and,If applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, inthetotalamountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

. 05/13/2021 nil=Tv #wnnig flrilint„ Aitrlitrnr 13,+P e DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee RE,thed by€ounn A. e:'0 , 6 Dush' Rliodes 09.'26 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

I f exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION.

Tax. dist. 2130 Date 05/13/Z021 Typeinstrument WD Tax listyear 2021 Countnumber 31 number MARIEMONT-MARIEMON I CSU Property located in Number l.,LINUtKMAN UthIN n 65tliT VV ;051110 district 267234 Name on tax di,plir.Ate 52 /-0020-06 /4-00 Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no PETOSKEYAVE Map book Page Description 0.1549 AC No. of P,prcels S9 T4 FR2 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. Il C.A,U.V Il Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Dean H. Clingerman and Betty W. Clingerman Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Jeanna C. Jackson and Michael C. Jackson Phone Grantee's address 3912 Petoskey Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

3. Address of property 3912 Petoskey Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address Prosperity Home Mortgage, PO Box 222503, Chantilly, VA 20153 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 34920 vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Slmole 113180 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) f 433,500.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) ...... - 76,500.00 148100 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) 510,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... ,...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... 510,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. \LA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is lied.) Will this property be grantee's Con§'f!66on principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes IT No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No 20210513127 ldeclare under penalties of pedury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct and complete statement bon Arn bne\630 0.1 0 -5/G 14 1 Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sigr®6re of Grantee or Representative Date 1,530.50 Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required 811Mevised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the teerequired by R.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

05/13/2021 . OTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor , Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list county 31 Tax. dist. Date instrument year number number WD 2021 3010 25Llll2221 Number' Property located in taxing district CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Name on tax duplicate Tax duplicate year FEIN & PAULY INVES I MEN I S LLC 2021 267237 Acct. or permanent parcel no Map book Page 036-0002-0015-00 No. of Parcels

Description 5706 PEABODY AVE 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

45 X 213.30 IRR 1 PT LOT 1 EBERSOLES 2ND

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat [ENaN improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Off,Ar

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section. See instructions on reverse. 510

1. Grantor'sname Fein & Paulv Investments, LLC Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Mary Katherine Deltsch and Timothy R. Clark Phone - Grantee's address 5706 Peabody Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

3. Address of property 5706 Peabody Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address NewRez, LLC, PO Box 740039, Cincinnati, Ohio 45274

5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 6960 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other Fee Simole

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any), 260,525.00 26290

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 3 45,975.00

d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 74 $ 306,500.00 33250

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real' property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 306,500.00 g) Name of mortgagee Sibcy Cline Mortgage Services, Inc.

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only

i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property ...... '....'*.'.,4."...... 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 306500 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 171 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and tothe bestof my knowledge and belief is true, correct 20210513129 and oomplete statement Receipt Number Mory Kati\er, ne Det rsch /M 09- 14£1IA-bEE(e.- 55/2021 U Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee

The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R,C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, In the total amountof $ 920.00 has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. Gaillul

. Date DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Ar/1 7/7001 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 31954 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 WD 2021 111n 01%/13/2021


Property Located in SYMMES TWP-SYCAMORE CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate PADHY LISA MARIE TR Tax Duplicate Year 2021 267239

Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 620-0210-0247-00 Map Book Page No. of Parcels

Description: PEMMICANRUN 79.19 X O Platted o Unplatted 166.13 IRR LOT 31 PEMMICA N RUN SUB BLK B PT 1 DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Ne* CAl 0 0 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or printall infor,naon. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Lisa Marie Padhy, Trustee of the Lisa Marie Padhy Living Trust dtd 12/8/17 Phone:

2, Grantee: Robert Ohr and Mary Ellen Ohr Phone: Grantee's Address: 11339 Pemmican Run Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 Land Value 0 3. Address of Properly: 11339 Pemmican Run Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 4. Tax Billing Address: 11339 Pemmican Run Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

5. Are there buildings on the land?jNo Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 20650 [3 1,2 or 3 family [S] Manufactured Home 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building 0 Other- Total Vall If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 71400 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): ® Grantor is a relative [3 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee [3 Land Contract 0 Gift 12] Trade 0 Life Estate 13 Leasehold DTE Use Only Il Mineral Rights Reserved n Leased Fee [I] Other: 92050 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) « OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) ' 313.000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 313,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property __ $ DTE liu Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) .- _ _ $ 313,000 (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgage¤Conventional ¤FHA VA Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property_ __ _...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes Ul No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO

0 Yes 1 No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 313000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes E No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes & No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210513131 I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examiny, me a d to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. D. Todd Rush,. Esq. 46-lj» - 5/1«z. i Date / Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature ofWintee orwepresentative Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 939.50 The conveyance fee required by sedlie#9:54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid bv and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor, DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12

Date Co. No. Number FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 05/13/2021 31 267240

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 1100 2021 26,940 59,150 86,090

DTE Code Number 510 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in SYCAMORE SYC FD PRNCTN Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate SHELTON CHARLES E & PATRICIAA Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 600 0011 0835 00 Map Book Page Description: THIRDAVE 50 X 100 LOTS 835-836 HIGHPOINT 1 SUB PARS 835-836 CONS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name: C.8 A «LE 1 U: Sit F LIeu Phone: 2.Grante€%Narnr. fAT*,)/1-1 4 A- 3:t/FLTVA/ Phone: 51 3 -Rot) 0967 9 - 4. Tax Billing Address: 5 11 /vis- .,1 9 02/) 0 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To conf ini or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; -(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; Je) On sale fordelinquent taxes or assessments; g(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation;

-Ch) By astock; subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; -0 When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; -(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust;

_(u) To thetrust grantor assets; of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.11 YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO!1 YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NOLL YES.0 If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOIl YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOIL YES [3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the datyf thisransfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examin*81*Al»te¢St¥Jdedet' belief is a true, correct an complete statement, /310 irs #f) 62) rivt' MA# *to\, 62 - - Printedflame of Glintee or ReF 9/ 2 / -3>*, Si*f&;p136 or R*ei@,tive# Hamilton County

Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267240

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

THIRD AVE 50 X 100 600-0011-0835-00 26,940 59,150 86,090 LOTS 835-836 HIGHPOINT SUB PARS 835-836 CONS Acres 0.1148

600-0011-1432-00 470 470 W R 3RDST 50 X 7.50 (0.0086 AC) R2 T3 Sl PT VACATED ALLEY

Acres 0.1240

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated REL DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by OR.C, 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax Ust Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WU 2021 3040 05/13/2021

Nunlber Property Located ®INTI CnRP-CINTI csr) Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate SPITZ M DOUGLAS Tax Duplicate Year 2091 267241 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Panels Description: 094-0008-0258-00 O Platted O Unplatted MULBERRY ST 33 X 55.50 1 PT LOT 35 DORSEY BLUE SUB DTE Code No.

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value OCAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh. 64*)

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all InformaBon. See Instrucions on reverse. No ofAcres 1, Grantor: M. Douglas Spitz Phone:

2, Grantee: Spark Investments, LLC Phone: Grantee's Address: 376 Part,ldge Bend, Powell, Ohio 43065 Land Valr 3. Address of Property: 304 Mulberry Street, Cincinnati, Ohi045202 4, Tax Billing Address: 376 Partridge Bend, Powell, Ohio 43065 5. Are there buildings on the land?[g]No C]Yes (requires information below) Bldg Value ¤ 1,2 or 3 family ¤ Manufactured Home 24320 0 Condominium j Apartment - Number of Units j Farm Building 0 Other- If land is vacant, what is the intended use? Fulw. Buriing Total Value

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee ¤ Land Contract 0 Gift 0 Trade 0 Life Estate ¤ Leasehold OTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved j Leased Fee Other: Armslength 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 24320

(b) Balanced Assumed Of any) $ OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 145,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 145.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly--_.. $ OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7DdE) $ 145.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Cash Transadon (h) Type of mortgageOConvenuonal (FHA OVA eother Consider*jon 0 If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year,Cl Yes IE No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) GTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 1 NO 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 145000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction unbl another proper and timely appication is led): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes E No If yes, is the property a multl.unlt dweling? Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes if No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this tansfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pellury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, 20210513133 correct and complete statement.

Title One Agency, Inc.-Cheryl Ann Sturiale 0-1 (3.4

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of (14*e or Representative Date Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVE™ICE FEE 435.50 The conveyance fee required by **619:54(F) (3) R.C., and, If applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., In the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

05/13/2021 e Real Property Conveyance Fee DIE Fl,]M 13,1 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. 1050 05/13/2021

Tax I ist Type Tax. dist. Date instrument DELHI TWP-c)MIHILLS LSD numberCoun, 31 number

SPELMAN WILLIAM J & TRUDY L 2021 Nur*86042 Property located in taxing district 540-0060-0192-00 Name on tax chiplicate Tax duplicate yeAr FASHION AVE 78.76 X Acct. or permanent parcel no. 119.81 IRR I OT 37 FASHIO Map book Page HGTS SUB No. of Pa le s Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Coc#1410 ¤ C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Karen L. Folz Phone Ne-gh. Code

2. Grantee's name William J. Spelman and Trudy L. Spelman Phone Grantee's address 1011 Fashion Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

3. Address of properly 1011 Fashion Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 No. ofAc es 4, Tax billing address Union Home Mortgage Corp., PO Box 7129, , IN 46207 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: / 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 9650 vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative : Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Slmole 33330 7. a) New mortgage amount Of any) "...... $ 140,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) 9 Total Value

c) Cash (if any,) $ 35,000.00 42980 d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and 7c) $ 175,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus le) .,,.,,.... ,,,..,,,.,,..,,$ 175,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Home Mortgage Corp,

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA, \LA. Other DTE Use On y i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ,..,,...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Cons'de at'on the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeaf? 4. Yes No If yes, Is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 175000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 171 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Val'd sale

1. Yes 2. No

1 dedare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined byrne and tothe best of myknowledge and belief is true, correct and com ele statement 20210513134 4401 LS€1-**A AkaL U.7*}yon 51544 Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative G ntee or epresentative4 Uate SignatureRe ei t for Piyment p of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R, , 319.54(G)(3) and, ifapplicable, thefee required by R,C. 322, In the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 525.50 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 1 Real Property Conveyance Fee k e

20370106 Statement of Value and Receipt

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 1110 05/13/2021 Type 1 Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument Count 31 SYMMES TV\paYCAMORE CSD number number CAMPBELL JOEL B & JOY M 2021 11'Z+J Property located in NurABe taxing district Name on tax ri„plir.Ate 620-0170-0344-00 KEMPER RD 0.787 AC Tax duplicate year Acct. or permanent parcel no. LOT 3 WHITF Ang= =RTATER , Map book Page Description SUB No of Pa Zels 0 Piatted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Codel@o. O CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 1, Grantor's name Joel B. Campbell and Joy M. Campbell Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Andrew Anzqno and Helen C. Anzano Phone I 1» r- Grantee's address 9385 White Rose Court, Symmes Twp, OH 45140 3. Address of property 9385 White Rose Court, Symmes Twp, OH 45140 No. of Ac fs 4. Tax billing address Guaranteed Rate, Inc. - 4044 North Lincoln #324, Chicago, IL 60618 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other Land Value vacant, what is intended use? 42840 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative i Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value ._ Grantor is mortgagee / Other fee slmole °t 157590 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 548,250.00

b) Balance assumed (if any). $ Total Value

c) Cash (if any) $ 141,750.00 200430 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) ,,,,$ 690,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... ,.$ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 78) ...... $ 690,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Guaranteed Rate, Inc.

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property... 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Conside at'on principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 690000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes [7 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Val'd sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pejury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct and complete statement , { 20210513135 c v 1 0 rh |-E LEN ANEAMO 1 1»L-UX.-A Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Siture of Grantee or Reprdntative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section{R,C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R,C, 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 2,071.00 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 05/13/2021 Hamilton County Parcel Transfer - Notation List

Conveyance Number 267243

Property Number Land Building Total Property Description

620-0170-0343-00 101,110 0 101,110 KEMPER RD 0.920 AC LOT 2 WHITE ROSE ESTATES SUB Acres 0.9200

KEMPER RD 0.787 AC 620-0170-0344-00 122,400 450,270 572,670 LOT 3 WHITE ROSE ESTATES SUB Acres 0.7870

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