Submitted by: Michael F. Luck, Senior Vice President - Developmentand Public Affairs REPORTON EXTERNAL RELATIONS

Annual Giving The spring direct mail appeal, sent in late March, has generate? $19,942 to date from 554 alumni. Of this amount, approximately $2,600 is available for the National Endowmentfor the Humanities challenge grant. This brings the total received via the annual giving program since January 19 to $29,646.50. The spring phon-a-thon will be held for five evenings. T~ree groups w~ll be participating for the first time; two of these groups will be appealing for gifts for the N.E.H. challenge grant--the History and Philosphy departments.

AnthonyWayne Society · Newmembers since October 1, 1983 number 25. Most recently accepting membership are: Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Gardner, Mrs. Harold Lupiloff, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kamienny, · Dr. &Mrs. Joseph M. Jacobson, Mr. &Mrs. F. Metyko, Dr. &Mrs. NormanNigro, and Mrs. Beverly Jacob Schakne. - • The Hilberry Theatre party was attended by 120 people for the performance of "YouCan't Take It With You.11 Preceding the play, seventy of the group dined at the Faculty Club. Amongthe group were manyguests who have shownan interest in the Society. This event took place on Thursday, April 14. Plans are in formation for the picnic auction that will be held on Saturday, June 11 at the homeof Sue and Paul Nine. The auctioneers will be membersof the Lions. Proceeds of the evening will go to defray the cost of the Charter Night Dinner Dance slated for September 10, 1983. A committee has been formed to plan Charter Night. It includes Dorothy Timmisas Chairperson, Lorna Abraham,Mary Jane Bostick, Barbara Czamanske,Olga Dworkin, Sylvia Iwrey, Susan Nine and Louise Scott. Edie M~ttenthal left her post as ~i~ector of the AnthonyWayne Society on April 28. She has taken a posit1on as Director of the Detroit Office of the American Committeefor the· WeizmannInstitute.


Corporate and Foundation Relations President Adamanyand/or Dr. Luck met with executives from the following - corporations and foundations this month: Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Kellogg Company,Battle Creek, Michigan Shell Oil CompaniesFoundation, Houston, Texas HoneywellCorporation, Phoenix, Arizona Stroh' s Brewery Bank-·ofthe Commonwealth Michigan National Bank McGregorFund

A visit to the Ford Foundation in NewYork was made by Mr. Booth and Dr. Winans, English Department, to discuss aspects of the N.E.H. Challenge Grant.

Preparations for the second annual Corporate Leadership AwardsProgram have begun. The first week in October is being considered for the 1983 program. Nomineesfor this year's awards are being evaluated. Final selections will be made in May. • Over twenty proposals were sent out this month to local and national corporations and foundations requesting support for eight different - projects throughout the University. Prospect identification, evaluation and cultivation for the N.E.H. Challenge Grant match is being coordinated with the Associate Dean of Liberal Arts. DevelopmentOffice • An announcementhas been sent to the University communityinforming them that funds from unrestricted gifts will not be dispersed by the Needs and Allocations Committeethis year. • An announcementwill be sent in the next month to the University communityindicating official procedures for solicitation of gifts from private sources. Progress continues in the on-going project to consolidate and reactivate small scholarship and loan funds in conjunction with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids. • The Annual Meeting of the WayneState Fund will be held on May17 at Noonat the McGregorMemorial Conference Center. - DEVELOPMENTANDPUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda May11, 1983 -~ Planned Giving Almost 100 responses have been received to the recent mailing about writing one's will and bequests to WayneState University. Each - response was followed up with a more detailed booklet and letter from O.U.D. staff. Notice of nine bequests have been received, each will be followed up by the ~evelopment staff. Notice was received of an additional $125,000 of principal for the Fern Walters Scholarship Fund in the LawSchool. Personal meetings are being scheduled with nine prospects for the Planned Giving mailings who have indicated very strong interest in the program. Mrs. Bess Lupiloff has established the Harold Lupiloff Memorial Fund, with a principal to total at least $10,000 by the end of 1983.

Press Coverage National Scene: Chase's Calendar of Annual Events for 1983 lists July 11 as AnthonyWayne Day, sponsored by WayneState University to recognize the contributions of the Revolutionary War general for whomthe university was named. President David Adamanywas quoted in a NewYork Times article April 13 on the university's decision to sell its stock in companies active in South Africa. - The President was noted in Science Magazine, Feb. 25, as the keynote speaker for the AmericanAssociation for the Advancementof Science national meeting to be held in Detroit May26-31. WSU'slegal case involving T.I.A.A. and C.R.E.F. was reviewed in an April 6 Chronicle of Higher Education story on a similar court case involving the employees of the Arizona state government. State Scene: President Adamanywas interviewed April 18 by TV 3 in Kalamazoofor a series on higher education and by Dave Person, higher education writer for the KalamazooGazette, prior to the President's talk to the alumni in that area. The Saginaw News, March 30, published a letter from President Adamanyin which he praised the newspaper for an earlier editorial supporting the state income tax increase and the need for college graduates to reinvest in the institutions from which they graduated. Local Scene: President Adamanywas also widely covered by other print and electronic media including: his editorial response to TV4 on the state income tax proposal; his reaction to the governor's cut in the WSU budget, TV2, 4, 7 and 62, radio stations WCXI,WDET and the Detroit News; WSU'srelationship with communitycolleqes. WWJ-radio;his commentson the reinstatement of state funds to the university, WWWW-radio;and the discontinuance and consolidation of courses in the College of Liberal Arts - and the Colle~e of Education, TV 7 and radio stations WJMCand WDET. DEVELOPMENTANDPUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda May11, 1983 -4-

Social WorkProfessor Carl Hartman's research on the stressful situations A confronting Detroit bus drivers was extensively covered in a Windsor W Star story, Feb. 25, titled "Bus Driving Exacts Its Toll." The views of Janet Langlois, director of the University Folklore Archives, on the origin of April Fool's Day were published in a delightful page 1 story in the Detroit Free Press April 1.

Electronic Coverage - Faculty and Staff: Faculty and staff members interviewed by the electronic media included Senior Vice President Michael Luck, the anthropological roots and interpretation of humor, WXYZ-radio;College of Education Professor John Camp,Computer Camp, WWJ-radio;Professor of Surgery Yvan Silva, medicine and India, WJR-radio Focus Show; Janet Langlois, director of Folklore Archives, April Fool's Day, TV62, and radio stations WWJ,CBE, WCZY and WJR; Sociology Professor Leon Warshay, the sociological implications of baseball (keyed to Tiger opener), radio stations WWJ,WJR, WMJC, WHND,and WWJ;College of Education Professor John Pietrofesa, humansexuality, TV7 Womanto WomanShow; Political Science Professor Charles Parrish, Social Security changes, TV 7; Chemistry Professor Colin Poole, toxic waste at Schwartz Creek, TV2 and TV 7; Political Science Professor Wilbur Rich, Chicago mayoral race, TV7 and WWJ-radio;Sociology Professor Mary Cay Sengstock and Gerontology Research Associate Melanie Hwalek, elderly abuse, WCAR-radio; (Professor Sengstock also interviewed on Chaldean-Americans, Cable NewsNetwork Television); and Director of Placement John Crusoe, summerjobs for college students, TV2. - Other Electronic Coverage on Campus: George Blond of Circa Restaurant donating day's receipts to WSUChamber Singers, TV 7; College of Engineering bridge building contest, TV 7 and TV62; jobs for college students (done live on campus), TV 7; Burke Marshall, visiting Law School lecturer, civil rights, TV62; WSUfencing team, before and after winning NCAAchampionship, TV4 and TV 7; WSUspring football practice, TV4; and WSUpizza eating contest, TV4, TV7 and TV62. Of the electronic coverage monitored by the Public Relations staff, Commencementwas covered by TV2, TV4, and WJR-radioon April 28. Bob MacDonaldcited the Donnelly Awardwinners as "Winners of the Day" on J.P. McCarthy's Morning Show, at about 7:30 a.m., then D.J. Ga11 agher brought a TV·4 crew out to cover the Bricktown opening ceremony in front of Herb's Place at noon. The story of WSUDay in Bricktown ran at 5:30 p.m. Both TV2 and TV 4 sent crews to cover the evening event and ran at 11 p.m. TV4 merged the footage with an interview of the previous day with President Adamany. Mentioned it was the end of the President's first academic year and covered progress made on items in his "Agenda.11 TV2 also ran commencementfootage at 11 p.m. - DEVELOPMENTANDPUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda May 11, 1983 -5-

Recent Alumni Events/Activities - Wednesdays at Wayne completed its spring series in the McGregor Center on May 4. Our featured guest speaker on this occasion was alumnus/composer Christopher Morgan Loy who spoke on "The Method and Meaning of Modern Classical Music." Mr. Loy came in from Cleveland for the occasion. On April 6, alumna Gayla Houser, Promotion Director for the Central Business District Association, discussed "Malls and Main Street: Will Downtowns be the Ghost Towns of the Future?" President Adamany met for lunch with selected key alumni in the Lansing area on May 4. He was also the featured speaker before our New York area alumni at the Columbia University Faculty House on May 5, and before our Wash­ ington, D.C., area alumni at the George Washington Uni­ versity Club on May 6.

Upcoming Alumni Events/Activities Medical Alumni Reunion Day will be held on May 14 in Scott Hall. The day will include clinical sessions, tours of the Detroit Medical Center, and dinner at the Westin Hotel in the Renaissance Center. President Adamany will meet with Dearborn/Downriver area alumni for brunch at the Fairlane Manor in Dearborn on May 15. He also met with Detroit area alumni for dinner at the Detroit Press Club on April 29. These metro area meetings will complete the series of four "Meet the Presi­ dent" gatherings which began in February. More than 100 alumni and friends attended each of these monthly meetings. Women of Wayne will co-sponsor a benefit concert by the Chamber Singers on Sunday, May 22, at 4:00 p.m. at the Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. A reception will follow the concert. An Ad Hoc Committee representing the graduating classes of 1933 and 1934 has been meeting to plan a 50th Anniver­ sary Reunion. Survey forms to determine interest and possible participation have been sent to members of these classes by the Alumni House and the response has encouraged the Committee to begin planning a three-day celebration on September 23-25, 1983. - DEVELOPMENTANDPUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda May 11, 1983 WAYNESTATE FUND GIFT REPORT - March 1983


March 82-83 FY March 81-82 FY 1983 To Date 1982 To Date

Numberof Gifts* 603 15, 168 807 14,794 Dollar Amount* $ 142,373 $1,627,487 $100,508 $1,460,141

* Includes all cash received from corporations, foundations and individuals.


College/ March 82-83 FY March 81-82 FY Department 1983 To Date 1982 To Date

- Business Admin. $ 970 $ 44,527 $ 470 $ 29,917 Education 475 27,958 50 29,053 Engineering 1,790 44,289 550 31,679 Health/Phys. Educ. 5,102 45,538 1,330 20,708 Law School 9,970 140,983 2,690 97,702 Liberal Arts 6,916 77,288 23,450 66,396 Medical School 3,470 419,109 24,664 426,349 Nursing 565 32,908 570 31,554 Pharmacy 21,490 51,760 75 26,248 Social Work 255 12,823 205 15,557 Theatres 450 34,218 475 33,016 WDET-FM 3,907 121,274 5,097 142,937 Undesignated 2,941 125,128 3,314 100,952 Misc. Gifts 84,072 449,684 37,568 408,073

TOTALS $142,373 $1,627,487 $100,508 $ 1 ,460, 141


The following gifts of $1,000.00 and over have been received by the WayneState Fund from 3/1/83 to 3/31/83.

- NAME PROGRAM AMOUNT Ralph Slovenko Sidney B1 ue·s tone Garden $ 2,000.00 Hoechst-Roussell Roland Lakey Research Fund 1,000.00 L. Perrigo Company Roland Lakey Research Fund 1,000.00 Loews/Lorillard Roland Lakey Research Fund 1,000.00 Bendix Foundation Engineering Building 50,000.00 Interstate Drug Exchange Roland Lakey Research Fund 1,000.00 Pharmavite Corp. Roland Lakey Research Fund 1,000.00 George A. Miller Fund George A. Miller Fund 13,598.65 Parke-Davis Roland Lakey Research Fund 1,000.00 Dennis Wojdyla RowingTeam 2,600.00


-- ~ Proposal Status Report -

c::, March 24, 1983 - April 22, 1983 rr, < rr, Date Name Title Amount Determination 0 "O' 3: rr, 4/1/83 CarmanAdams Foundation Children's Book Fair $7,500 Pending ::z -I over 3 years )::, ::z c::, 2/15/83 . Aetna Life and Casualty Student Loan Fund in $5,000 Rejected 3/28/83 "O Foundation, Inc. College of Pharmacy c:: OJ ' 3/1/83 AmtecAutomation Control High Tech Workshop/Physics $1,000 Pending n- Systems )::, "Tl "Tl )::, 3/1/83 Avondale Electro-Mechanics High Tech Workshop/Physics $1,000 Pending :;:c -u, 3/1/83 Axelson-Veet Enterprises High Tech Workshop/Physics $1,000 Pending n 0 3: 3: 3/1/83 Chicago Pneumatic Systems High Tech Workshop/Physics $1,000 Pending --I Division -I rr, rr, 3/1/83 Cincinnati Milacron Markey High Tech Workshop/Physics $2,500 Rejected 4/18/83 Company 3/1/83 .Control Data Learning Center High Tech Workshop/Physics $1,000 Pending )::, !.Q ct) 3/2/83 Deluxe CheckPrinters EquipmentNeeds/Center for $15,000 Received $1,500 a.~ a, Foundation Health Resources-Nursing 4/8/83 3/1/83 .Digital Electronic AutomationHigh Tech Workshop/Physics $1,000 Pending Incorporated

3: ~ 3/1/83 The Ford Foundation Energy & Transportation $10,000 Rejected ...., Workshop/Physics 4/5/83 ..w ...., 3/1/83 Formative Products Company High Tech Workshop/Physics $1,000 Pending \0 (X) w 4/1/83 The Gordy Foundation Gordy Leadership Awards $172,000 Pending Multi-year endowment pledge , ;.;:~ •. Propo~al.catus Report - Can't Page 2 - - Determination Date Name Title Amount Rejected 4/15/83 C, Scholarship $10,000 ITT 12/3/82 Indian Head Foundation < over 3 years ITT '0 $10,000 Pending ~ 4/14/83 KLMRoyal Dutch Airlines Graduate Teaching Program ITT ::z Netherlands/Nursing -i , Pending 4/13/83 McGregorFund Extraordinary Maintenance $49,700 i Program 1983-84 -0 C .' Roy G. Michell Charitable Children's Book Fair $6,000 Pending c 4/1/83 years ("') Foundation and Trust over 3 )> .. Pending ;E 3/22/83 NewDetroit, Inc. Printing of Dr. Adamany's $1,500 ..... Speech to Detroit Economic :;o (/') Club ("') 0 Pending I 4/14/83 Philips Industries Graduate Teaching Program $25,000 ..... Netherlands/Nursing -i -i ITT $6,000 Pending ITT 4/1/83 Walter and Edna Ritter Children's Book Fair Foundation over 3 years Pending 3/24/83 R. P. Scherer Corporation Roland T. Lakey Education $1,500 )> and Research Fund lC Cl) Pending g-4/1/83 Lilian H. and Karl W. Scott Children's Book Fair $4,500 Foundation over 3 years Pending 4/12/83 Skillman Foundation NEH/Humanities $50,000 3: ~ $150,000 Pending __. 4/12/S3 Richard H. and Eloise Jenks NEH/Humanities ..w WebberCharitable Fund over 3 years __. \0 CX> w SML/dij 4/22/83 PREPAREDBY: Susan Lobanov 7-2275 REVIEWEDBY: