BIOGRAPHICAL DATA BOO KK Pinnacle Class 2021-2 28 June
BBIIOOGGRRAAPPHHIICCAALL DDAATTAA BBOOOOKK Pinnacle Class 2021-2 28 June - 2 July 2021 Pinnacle Fellows Biographies UNITED STATES AIR FORCE LIEUTENANT GENERAL STEVEN L. BASHAM Lt. Gen. Steven L. Basham is the Deputy Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, Ramstein Air Base, Germany. As the air component to U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command, USAFE-AFAFRICA is responsible for providing full-spectrum warfighting capabilities to both combatant commanders throughout their area of responsibility, which encompasses 104 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East, the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, and possesses more than a quarter of the world’s population and world’s gross domestic product. Lt. Gen. Basham was commissioned in 1989 through Officer Training School. He has completed numerous flying, staff and command assignments and is a command pilot with more than 3,400 flying hours in the B-1, B-2 and B-52. Prior to his current assignment, the general was the Director, Legislative Liaison, Office of Secretary of the Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia. EDUCATION 1987 Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Technology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green 1996 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 1997 Master of Arts, Management, Webster University, Webster Groves, Mo. 2001 Master of Arts, Strategic Studies, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala. 2002 Master of Arts, Airpower Art and Science, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Maxwell AFB, Ala. 2005 Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence 2007 Master of Arts, Strategic Studies, Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.
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