Pan Am, Engineers Settlelabordispute
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: Distribution fair M% iMi a UCh Today tan rf* totow*. T TooijW ta- WBBAM « Sw Shmrtn Itte 18,700 (Night «r «a Tlmraday. 1MW tenlcht la O* Ma, Ufhett naif day in the 7ta. Friday fair and I pleasant. Set Weather, page X Dial SH 14)010 VOL. 85. NO. 21 utM duir. Honlw ureoj» rndtr. ucmi CIU Pmujt RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1962 F»1J U Rtd Bui "* u" lAdntoat--—• ] U»uit| OffleM. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Levitt School Fight Brewing MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - A The clubs have taken the in the final stages of negotia- Said the board president: fight may be In the offing here position that since the 1,250- tions to increase the school size "If they go too far on this, over the question of who gets house Levitt project is geo- from 24 room — Levitt's orig- we (the school board) will let Pan Am, Engineers the 34-room Levitt school. graphically in the township, the inal "limit,"—to 34. them have the Levitt school— The Regular Democratic clubs deed to the school should go and they can rent it out for No Deed Transfer office space or turn it into a in all three districts of Mat- to the township, not the school Although- no formal docu- awan Township recently went district, as such. municipal building or whatever ments of deed transfers have they like—because they will not on record as opposed to the Harold J, Dolan, president of been signed, the school head school's being donated to the the school board and a member be able to operate it as a pointed out yesterday that the school." Matawan regional school dis- of the township's Planning Levitt-Planning Board agree- trict. Board, has reacted strongly to ment was for the school to go He added: SettleLaborDispute The clubs—which backed the this. to the district. A Referendum winning candidate in last April's He said yesterday, "If they Mr. Dolan does not .believe "Then we can have a refer- WASHINGTON (AP) - Pan meeting, a new strike threat was Eastern's offer to hire its 575 a legal ban or postponement of primary against a splinter want to make this a political that the Levitt school can be endum to spend a million dol- American World Airways and its posed by the Transport Workers striking engineers on an individ- the strike. Democratic group, and there- football, and use It as a gim- operated within the frame- lar to built a school for Levitt flight engineers settled their labor Union against Pan American and ual basis expired at midnight. The1 Throughout the dispute, and in fore on the face of It would mick in the election campaign, work of the regional district children, I wonder how the dispute today on terms proposed Northeast Airlines. offer had been accompanied by similar negotiations with Trans unless it Is owned by the dis- taxpayers would look on their appear to be the major po- they may be In for some sur- by Secretary of Labor Arthur J. The Pan American settlement the threat that engineers not re- World Airlines and American Air- litical power in this tradition- prises." trict. proposal then?" Goldberg. porting for work would lose their lines, th« jet crew issue has been ally - Democratic municipality Mr. Dolan termed it "the low- had no direct relation to the engi- In the early stages of ham- There has never been a sim- The agreement, announced by neers' 33-day-old strike against rights to jet flight engineer jobs. foremost. —want the school turned over mering out agreements be- ilar 'case to this and, so far, est kind of politics"' to use Goldberg at 2 a.m. EDT follow, The company did not say how The airlines are expected to an- to the township. the state Department of Educa- "this gimmick" In an attempt Eastern Air Lines. But since the tween Levitt and the township ing a six-hour surprise nego- terms were identical to those re- many had returned. nounce shortly reduction of jet last year, it was Mr. Dolan who tion has not been asked to rule "to wheedle a few votes." tiating session, calls for binding The school district is com- jected for the second time Tues- Eastern resumed limited opera- cockpit crews from four men to prised of Matawan Borough and spearheaded the move to force on it from the standpoint of Joseph P. Stenger, Planning arbitration of economic issues three. The flight engineers want Levitt to donate a school, and feasibility or legality. day by Eastern after acceptance tions Monday and continued Tues- Matawan Township. (See LEVITT, Page 2) and settlement of the tangled jet by the union, it appeared the day with two flights each way the third job. The airlines want crew issues along lines he pro- agreement might have a bearing between Miami and New York. men trained as pilots to hold it posed earlier in the week. on the Eastern strike. Goldberg's proposal, to which To a great extent the Flight Both Pan American and East- Pan American and the union Engineers International Associa- Goldberg said Eastern had con-ern were struck on June 23. agreed, was that engineers cur- Reject Subdivision tion will be getting what it want- sidered his proposals acceptable Within four hours Pan American, rently working for the airline ed. When the airlines cut their earlier. A Labor Department the nation's biggest overseas car- would get the job, until attrition jet crews from four to three men,spokesman said no new meetings rier, had obtained a federal court gradually cuts their ranks, at currently employed engineers will were planned in the Eastern restraining order against the which time pilot-trained men also Under New Code have priority for the third spot. strike, adding "the next move is union. would be employed in the third up to them." OCEANPORT — The Planning decision with two sets of maps, Even as the negotiators were Eastern made no attempt to getslot. Board last night declined to con-one showing sewers and one aider the ma/or subdivision ap- without. However, because Bor- plication of William H. Witten- ough Engineer Otis Seaman was Steinbach's berg, 36 Irving PI. not present last night, the dis- Babysitters Lay Down Law Mr. Wittenberg is seeking to cussion of the matter was ad- Under New create 73 building lots on 22 acres journed to a special meeting Mon- ROSELLE (AP)-Six teenage babysitters, an hour's notice and expect us to lit despite day. of the Wittenberg Nursery tract. claiming that some parents have an "obvi- the fact that we may have previous engage- In other business, the board Ownership He said he plans to develop all ous disregard for fair business practices," ments." of the property with the excep- granted a minor subdivision to NEW YORK - Genung's Inc have banded together and laid down the law tion of seven acres surrounding its secretary, Frederick Geiger. Mount Vernon, announced yester- to their employers. 3. Notify the aitier if the television set his greenhouses on Monmouth Rd, Mr. Geiger revised the property day it has agreed to purchase is not working. "If we know there's no TV The girls, all 16 years old, drafted a six- we can bring a book." The board's refusal to act on lines of his two lots at Itaska the R. J. Goerke Co., of Eliz- point code of fair employment practice for the application followed the PI. and Seneca PI. to form two abeth, N. J,, operator of five the 308 families living in the Lockwood Vil- TIME-AND-A-HALF lots or more suitable dimensions. opinion of its attorney, S. Thomas department stores including thi lage Apartments, where the group does most 4. No Introduction of additional children. Gagllano who said the board is Steinbach Co. of Asbury Par of its sitting. "... Some persons recently have told us bound by a new zoning amend- and Red Bank, N. J. Adele Macy, spokesman for the sitters, they have only two children and then before ment adopted by Borough Council Goofball Steinbach's originally w#: said yesterday that two of the offending par- they leave they bring over three children of July 5. established at Long Branch, N. J ents have been put on an unfair list and will neighbors." Mr. Wittenberg submitted his 32 years ago by the late Joh be boycotted by the girls. 5. Time-and-a-half for afternoon assign- lubdivision map to the Planning Crackdown Steinbach. In 1872, the store HAVE TO COOPERATE ments and for all hours after midnight. "We Board June 26. It was held for moved to Asbury Park. Many always have been paid the additional amount further study at that time. years later, a partnership was The Confederation of Babysitters does not Continues consider Itself a union, Miss Macy said, "but after midnight but the added charge for day Bigger Lots formed between Steinbach's an work is because the children are all awake NEWARK (AP) - Newark's) the Kresge Co., Newark. we have to co-operate to protect ourselves." The newly adopted zoning and it takes a lot more work to keep them drive against the use of goof-balls It was in 1943 that R. J The six regulations, with Miss Macy's quiet." .•••'••• ' amendment affects all borough among young persons picked up comments, are: properties of five acres or more Goerke, Jr., Elizabeth, boughl 6. Treatment as babysitters and not ai yesterday as 147 owners of eating AT GENEVA CONFERENCE — U.