[email protected] What How Why 6 TIME PERIODS IN HET 1. Pre-classical or prehistory (up to 1776) 2. Classical (1776-1870s) 3. Marginal revolution (1870s-1890s) 4. Neoclassical economics (1890s-today) 5. Keynesian revolution (1936-1960s) 6. Formalist economics (1945-today) What question should economics and economists seek to answer? PART I: THE PREHISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY The School of Athens (1510) by Raphael CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY, 400BCE OIKONOMOS, CHREMATISTICS AND THE GOOD LIFE • Thinkers (philosophers): Hesiod, Democritus, Plato, Xenophon, Aristotle • no market; but force, authority and tradition • Administrative approach to economic issues • Questions: What does it mean to live the good life? What is the fair price for a good in the market? Is it morally acceptable to earn money? The Republic (380BCE), Oeconomicus (362BCE), Nicomachean Ethics (350BCE) THE SCHOLASTICS, 12-16TH CHRISTIANITY, JUST PRICE AND USURY • Thinkers (monks): Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) • ‘Medieval economics’ aims to regulate Christian behaviour in the spheres of production/consumption/distribution and exchange. • Questions: How should good Christian behave i their economic affairs? What is the fair price for a good in the market? Is it morally acceptable to earn money? • Setting the moral scene for the emergence of capitalism Summa Theologica (Aquinas, 1274) THE MERCANTILISTS, 16-18TH TRADE, BULLION AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS • Thinkers (businessmen): Thomas Mun (1571-1641) & many others