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1 ABLAING VAN GIESSENBURG, W(illem) F(rederik) G(eor Is het ontwerp der cultuurwet op wettige, billijke en gelijksoortige grondslagen daargesteld ? Utrecht, J. de Kruyff, 1866. Original printed wrappers. 30 pp. € 55,00

Privately printed. - Brochure focused on a long running polemic, the forced cultivation in the . Cat. KITLV p.195.

2 ANGELBEEK, J(acobus) J(ohannes) van. Pleidooi, gehouden ter openbare terechtzitting van den Hoogen Raad der Nederlanden, den 8sten Mei 1873. Voorafgegaan door een woord van dankbetuiging aan den Minister van Koloniën (D. Fransen van de Putte). Leiden, T. Hooiberg en Zoon, 1873. Original printed wrappers. (8),39 pp. € 95,00

Address dealing with the suspension of a member of the court of justice of the Dutch East Indies, Mr. Angelbeek. He refused to execute a death-warrant and was sent for the ostensible reason of sick-leave to Holland. - Copy from the library of Dutch parliament. Cat. KITLV, 1e suppl., p.98.

3 APIANUS,Petrus & Gemma Frisius. Cosmographia .. apud lovanienses medicum & mathematicu insignemiam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac non-nullis quoq, locis aucta. Additis eiusem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemmae Frisii. Antwerpen, Aegidius Coppenius Diesthensis for Gregorius de Bonte, 1545. 4to. Contemporary limp vellum, in modern cloth box. With large woodcut on title- page depicting a geographical globe, folding worl map, woodcut initials and ca. 50 woodcut maps, diagrams, etc. in the text including 5 with volvettes and 1 with original lead plumb line. (2), 66 lvs. € 13.500,00

First published in 1524 by Apianus, the augmented edition was first published in 1529 and republished many times throughout the 16th century; with contemporary annotations on endpapers. - A fundamental work on cosmography, augmented by the Flemish mathematician Gemma Frisius. The world map is one of the earliest maps to contain the name of America. An attractive copy of one of the most significant and influential books for navigators and travellers. Extensively illustrated Shirley 82; European Americana 545/3; Sabin 1748

4 (AUBIN, Nicolas). Dictionaire de marine contenant les termes de la navigation et de l'architecture navale. Amsterdam, Pierre Brunel, 1702. 4to. Later half calf. With fine engraved title-page by J. Lamsveld, engraved coat of arms, and 30 engraved plates (12 depicting flags) and numerous woodcuts in the text. (12),776 pp. € 2.750,00

First edition. - Very important maritime dictionary with the entries in French and Dutch and the explanation in French. With beautiful plates depicting Dutch vessels and flags. Cat. NHSM II, p. 1000; Polak 225.

5 BAKE, R(udolph) W(illem) J(ohan) C(ornelis). De doorgraving der landengte van Suez, en hare gevolgen voor Nederland en zijne koloniën. Twee voorlezingen, gehouden in de afdeeling Koophandel der Maatschappij Felix Meritis te Amsterdam. Haarlem, A.C. Kruseman, 1857. Modern boards, original printed wrappers preserved. 106 pp. - Ibrahim-Hilmy I, p.49. - (Some foxing). € 75,00

6 BAKHUYZEN, Ludolf. Dutch shipping near the coast. Rotterdam, Sallieth, 1783. Engraving after Ludolf Bakhuyzen by Gerret van der Pals. Ca. 28 x 36,5 cm. - Fine. € 795,00 7 BANCK, J(ohn) E(ric). Onze aanvrage om concessie nader toegelicht en met cijfers gestaafd: door Banck c.s. Amsterdam, Wed. J.C. van Kesteren & Zoon, 1863. Original printed wrappers. 64 pp. € 65,00

Request for a railway concession on explained more fully. Cat. KITLV p.157; NNBW VI, p.69.

8 BANCKERT, Adriaen. E. manhafte zee- held Adriaan Bankert, L. Admiraal van Zeeland. (No pl., ca. 1650). Engraved halflength portrait with sea-battle in the background after H. Berckman by Jean du Bois (Johannes van Houten) with 12 line poem by W. Brest. Ca. 44 x 34 cm. € 295,00

Adriaen (ca. 1620-1684) was the oldest son of the famous Joost Banckert (ca. 1597-1647; 'Gesel der Spanjaarden, schrik der Portugezen'). Adriaen played an import role in the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars, but did not receive the recognition he deserved because he was from Zeeland. Cf. Muller, Portretten, 203 a; Hollstein 3; Van Someren 241.

9 BAUMGARTNER, Alexander. Reisebilder aus Schottland. 3. vermehrte Auflage. Freiburg, 1906. Original decorated cloth. With folding map and 87 plates and illustrations. XIV,369 pp. € 65,00

10 BEKKING, H(enri) C(harles). De 'schandalen' van den 'vrijen arbeid in Rembang'. Eene toelichting op het rapport van den heer O. van Rees, over de vrijwillige tabakskultuur. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1864. Modern wrappers. (8),159 pp. € 195,00

Comment on free-labour and tobacco-plantations in Middle-Java by an 'Oud- Resident van Rembang'. - Cat. KITLV p.194.

11 BEMMELEN, W. van. Naar hooge toppen en diepe kraters. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., (1919). Original green cloth gilt (spine sl. dam.). With 9 fine sepia plates. 155 pp. € 45,00

Mountaineering in . € 45,00

12 BERNATZIK, Hugo Adolf. Gari-Gari. Leben und Abenteuer bei den Negern zwischen Nil und Kongo. Berlin, Deutsche Buch- Gemeinschaf, (1930). Original pictorial boards, spine half cloth. With folding map and 116 photographic illustrations. 204,(2) pp. € 65,00

First edition. - Classic travel- account by the Austrian ethnographer Hugo Adolf Bernatzik (1897-1953) dealing with his trip along the Nile in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. - A fine copy. Kainbacher p.41.

13 BICKMORE, Albert S(mith). Reizen in den Oost-Indischen archipel. Uit het Engelsch vertaald en van aanteekeningen voorzien door J.J. de Hollander. Schiedam, H.A.M. Roelants, 1873. 2 volumes. Contemporary half green cloth, spines lettered in gilt. With 2 folding lithographed maps. XVI,314; VII,291 pp. € 325,00

First Dutch edition. - The American professor in natural history Bickmore, sponsored by the Boston Society of Natural History, arrived in 1865 in Indonesia to study the natural history. Besides the flora and fauna he also devoted a great deal of attention to the physical geography and the population. The concept of a Western and Eastern division between the Indonesian peoples was initiated by him. - Fine. Tiele 118; Cat. NHSM I, p.248; Cat. KITLV p.5.

14 BLOEMEN WAANDERS, F(rançois) G(erard) van. De gouvernements-koffiecultuur op Java (naar aanleiding van het rapport der staatscommissie ingesteld bij koninklijk besluit van 14 october 1888). 's Gravenhage, H.C. Susan C.Hzn., 1890. Original printed wrappers (spine rep.). 28 pp. € 35,00

A memoir on the coffee plantations in Java managed by the Dutch colonial administration, written by Van Bloemen Waanders (1825-1892), Minister of the Colonies. Cat. KITLV p.733; Von Hünersdorff p.1581.

15 BOLTS, Willem. État civil, politique et commerçant, du Bengale; ou histoire des conquêtes & de l'administration de la Compagnie Angloise dans ce pays. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois. La Haye, Gosse, 1775. 2 volumes in 1. Contemporary mottled calf (hinges dam., but holding), spine gilt. With 2 engraved frontispieces and large folding engraved map. XL,222; 240 pp. € 395,00

First French edition. - Willem Bolts (c. 1740-1808) was a Dutch adventurer who entered the English East India Company in Bengal, and got into trouble for private trading in the name of the East India Company. The government of Benares sent him off to as a prisoner. He sought legal action against them, but ruined himself in the proces. This vigorous exchange of views developed into a bitter controversy and played an important part in fuelling the extensive public debate that was taking place on the subject of the East India Company's operations in India. The French translation was made by Jean Nicolas Demeunier. - Pasted in is a letter in French, dated 1776, dealing with the ceding of Benares by the Rajah to the English East India Company. - Cox I, p.299; Chadenat 2791.

16 BOOL, H(endrik) J(ohannes). De opiumpacht op Java. (No pl., 1888). Wrappers. 21 pp. € 35,00

Offprint Vragen des Tijds. - Opium lease on Java. Written by Bool (1828-1898) 'verdienstelijk ambtenaar bij het Ned. Indisch bestuur en lid der Tweede Kamer' (NNBW IV, p.206). Proceeds, direct or indirect, from opium sales were a significant part of state revenues, especially during the 19th century.

17 BRAAM, Jacob Pieter van. Jacob Pieter van Braam Capitein ter Zee en thans Schout bij Nacht van Holland en West Friesland. Rotterdam, M. de Sallieth, 1790. Stipple-engraved oval halflength portrait with sea- battle in the background and coat of arms by M. de Sallieth after Schmidt. Ca. 42 x 31 cm. € 295,00

Van Braam (1737-1803) was a servant of the (1764-1795. - Fine portrait with coat of arms and ships. - Very fine state. Van Someren 734; not in Muller.

18 BREITENSTEIN, H(einrich). 21 Jahre in Indien. Aus dem Tagebuche eines Militärarztes. Erster Theil: . Leipzig, Th. Grieben, 1899. Original green cloth with coloured pictorial lithographed title mounted. With frontispiece and 8 illustrations. VIII,264 pp. € 65,00

Original edition. - 'Ich werde ihn in die Hütte des Kopfjägers begleiten, welcher im Herzen Borneos in grossen Hütten aus Bambus sein leichtsinniges Leben führt;' (Vorwort). Cat. KITLV, p. 29.

19 BRUCE, James. Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. Edinburgh, printed by J. Ruthven for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1790. 5 volumes. 4to. Contemporary marbled calf with gilt fillets round sides, spines gilt with red morocco labels (1 label missing; rebacked with the original spines laid down, some wear to spines and extremities), inner dentelles. With engraved title-vignettes, 3 battle plans, 3 folding maps, 4 leaves of Ethiopian dialects and 55 engraved plates. € 4.250,00

First edition. - James Bruce, Laird of Kinnaird (1730-1794), the first European to undertake an expedition aimed specifically at finding the Nile's source, failed in his attempt, but his exploration paved the way for many more travelers who came after him. In mid-1768 Bruce ascended the Nile from Alexandria and journeyed into the Ethiopian interior. In 1770 he believed to have found the source of the Nile near Gondar, the ancient capital of Abyssinia. Still he was mistaken, as he had not reached the source of the Nile, but only that of its considerable tributary. He descended the Blue Nile to its confluence with the White Nile at the site of present- day Khartoum. He was one of the earliest explorers to report this connection between the White and Blue Nile. The results of Bruce's travels was a very great enrichment of the knowledge of geography and ethnography especially of Ethiopia. His very readable account is still fascinating today. The plates based on Bruce's own and Balugani's drawings include botanical and zoological specimens, antiquities and artefacts. - 'One of the most splendid narratives in the litterature of African exploration' (Hallet, Africa to 1875, p.110). - Some foxing and offsetting from plates, otherwise a fine copy of a milestone in the history of travel literatur. Nissen ZBI, 617; Ibrahim-Hilmy I, p.91; Gay 44; Blackmer Collection 221.

20 BRUMUND, Jan Frederik Gerrit. Schetsen eener mail-reize van Batavia naar Maastricht op reis en thuis. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1862. Original printed boards. VIII,317 pp. € 395,00

First edition. - Voyage by 'overland-mail' from Batavia to Singapore (including large description of the city), Galle, Aden, the Red Sea, Cairo to Europe. - Scarce. Cat. KITLV p.713; Cat. NHSM I, p.181; Tiele 205.

21 BRY, Johann Theodore de. Conterfactur der 3 Schiffarten welche di Hollander dürch das Mitnachtischen Mer nemlich beij Norwegen Mosca Nova Zembla und durch Waygats nach den orientalischen Indien fuhrgenomen hatten .. (Frankfurt am Main, de Bry, 1601). Double-page map. Ca. 27,5 x 36 cm € 4.250,00

Beautiful map from the German edition of the 'Petits Voyages' of De Bry. - Map of the Arctic regions, the so-called Willem Barents-map, based on Willem Barents' three voyages to the north with the purpose of discovering a North-East Passage to China. - Very fine.

22 BRØNSTED, Johannes. (Ed.). Vore gamle tropekolonier. Ved G. Olsen, K. Struwe, A. Rasch, G. Nørregaard, J. Bro-Jørgensen, J. Vibaek, Fr. Skrubbeltrang. (Copenhagen), Westermann, 1952-53. 2 volumes. Folio. Contemporary half calf, spines ribbed. With many illustrations (several in colours). € 675,00 Excellent survey on the history of the Danish in the East and West Indies and West Africa. Volume I: The Danish in Tranquebar, India 1616-1845 and on the Goldcoast, West Africa; Volume II: The Danish in the West Indies, St. Thomas, St. Jan, St. Croix, 1702-1917. - A very nice copy.

23 BUDDINGH, (Steven Adriaan). Neêrlands-Oost-Indië. Reizen over Java, Madura, Makasser, Saleijer, Bima, Menado, Sangier- eilanden, Talau-eilanden, Ternate, Batjan, Gilolo en omliggende eilanden, Banda-eilanden, Amboina, Haroekoe, Saparoea, Noussalaut, zuidkust van Ceram, Boeroe, Boano, Banka, , Riouw, Benkoelen, Sumatra's West-kust, Floris, Timor, Rotty, Borneo's West- kust en Borneo's Zuid- en Oost-kust; gedaan gedurende het tijdvak van 1852-1857. Rotterdam, M. Wijt & Zonen, 1859- 61. 3 volumes. Original red cloth, with pictorial and richly gilt upper covers, blind- toooled back covers, and richly decorated gilt spines (sl. rubbed). With tinted lithographed portrait, folding coloured lithographed map and 27 coloured lithographed plates by C.W. Mieling. (10),415; (6),415; (6),445 pp. € 1.450,00

Original edition. - Steven Adriaan Buddingh (1811-1869), Minister at Batavia, was charged with the inspection of the Protestant churches and schools in Indonesia in 1851, he spent a total of five years (1852-57) completing the assignment. He visited Java, Madura, Celebes, the Moluccas (Ternate, Batjan, Banda, Amboina, Haroekoe, Saparoea, Noussalaut, Ceram), Floris, Timor, Banka, Sumatra and Borneo. The fine coloured plates by Carl Wilhelm Mieling represent a variety of views in the archipelago. 'This is more than a travelogue, containing as it does information on a wide range of subjects skilfully interwoven into the narrative. Of particular importance is the discussion of Hindu-Javanese antiquities and the description of towns and their inhabitants .. The combination of an interesting and informed text with so many coloured plates makes Buddingh's Neêrlands-Oost-Indië one of the handsomest of Dutch nineteenth century travel books, especially those copies which were bound up by the publisher in red cloth, with gilt blocking on the upper cover and spine' (Bastin-Brommer p.37-38). - A fine set. Bastin-Brommer N 575; Landwehr, Col. Pl., 247; Tiele 214; Cat. NHSM I, p.248; Cat. KITLV, p.4.

24 BURLAND, C.A. So sahen sie uns. Das Bild der Weissen in der Kunst der farbigen Völker. Wien, Anton Schroll, Co., (1968). 4to. Cloth, with dust- jacket. With 90 photographic illustrations (12 in colours) by W. Forman. 140 pp. € 35,00

25 CAMPEN, J. van & E. HARTKAMP. Asian splendour. Company (VOC) art in the Rijksmuseum. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2011. Wrappers. With many coloured illustrations. 95 pp. € 25,00

26 CAMPEN, J. van & E. HARTKAMP. Aziatische weelde. VOC-kunst in het Rijksmuseum. Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2011. Wrappers. With many coloured illustrations. 95 pp. € 25,00

27 CATROU, François. Histoire generale de l'empire du Mogol depuis sa fondation sur les mémoires portugais de M. Manouchi, Vénitien. La Haye, Guillaume de Voys, 1708. Sm.8vo. Contemporary calf, spine gilt (sl. rubbed). With engraved title-vignette and large folding engraved map. (24),380 pp. € 475,00

First published in French in 1705; with armorial bookplate of Philip Lord Hardwicke Baron of Hardwicke. - 'Niccolao Manucci's book, from which Catrou drew much of his material, was not printed until 1907, when it was translated by William Irvine (the Indian Text Society), of the Bengal Civil Service, for the reason that it had disappeared from view until it turned up in Berlin a few years ago. Its title was Storia do Mogor and it was written partly in Italian, partly in French, and partly in Portuguese. Historians have long bewailed its disappearance, for hitherto they have been unable to check the statesments of Catrou. Manucci practically spent his life in India and witnessed so many things and records them so fully and delightfully that he is almost second to none as an historian of Aurangzib's reign' (Cox I, p.285). 'A la suite des événemens historiques, le P. Catrou a donné, des revenus, du gouvernement et de la police du Mogol' (Boucher de la Richarderie V, p.67). - A fine copy. Chadenat 6219.

28 CHAILLEY-BERT, J(oseph). Java et ses habitants. La sociéte indigène - la sociéte européenne - la concurrence économique - Européens et Orientaux - la question Chinoise - la concurrence politique, Hollandais et Javanais - l'éducation des indigenes - l'Institut botanique de Buitenzorg. Paris, Armand Colin et Cie, 1900. Contemporary half green cloth, spine lettered in gilt. XVIII,375 pp. € 75,00

First edition. - This book, although critical in places, had reinforced the Indies reader's notion of living in a 'splendid place' where life was beautiful (Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies p.134). - Nice copy. - Cat. KITLV p.83.

29 CHASE, Ezra B. Teachings of patriots and statesmen; or, the 'founders of the Republic' on slavery. Philadelphia, J.W. Bradley, 1860. Modern cloth. With steel-engraved portrait of George Washington. 495 pp. € 125,00

Memorial of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society to Congress on the slave trade, 1790; Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, drawn by Madison and Jefferson; Slavery in the district of Columbia in 1831, 1835 and 1836; Agitation of slavery in the House of Representatives in 1839; etc. Sabin 12174; Work p.299.

30 CHINESE SCROLL. 19th century Chinese hand-coloured scroll depicting a tiger-hunting. Ca. 31 x 4.20 cm € 1.450,00

31 (COLERIDGE, Henry Nelson). Six months in the West Indies. 2nd edition, with additions. London, John Murray, 1826. Later half cloth. With engraved frontispiece map. (4),328 pp. € 150,00

Description of Trinidad, St.Vincent, Martinique, Madeira, Barbados, etc. 'Contains an unusually lucid and cool consideration of the situations of the slaves and planters, maintaining that, all things considered, the formers' lot was very comfortable indeed. .. The work attracted a great deal of attention.' (Ragatz p.221). Sabin 14318; The Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection, 738.

32 CORNETS DE GROOT, A(driaan) Javaansche spraakkunst, uitgegeven in naam en op verzoek van het Bataviasche Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, door J(ohann) F(riedrich) C(arl) Gericke. Batavia, Lands Drukkerij, 1833. Original printed boards (spine dam.). With lithographed title-page of the Transactions of the Batavia Society. XII,232 pp. € 275,00

Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - First edition. - 'The grammar left by the gifted Cornets de Groot after his untimely death in 1829 at the age of 25, was, even in its unfinished state, a remarkable work and no doubt the most valuable of the four grammars of the early thirties' (Uhlenbeck p.44). It was published with a preface by Gericke. This is the first publication from the Batavia Government Press to use Javanese characters. - Good copy. Uhlenbeck p.82; Van der Chijs p. 61; Smith Diehl p.170

33 CRANZ, David. Historie van Groenland behelzende eene naukeurige beschrijvinge van 's lands ligging, gesteldheid, en natuurlijke zeldzaamheden; den aart, zeden en gewoonten der inwooneren aan de West-zijde bij de Straate Davis; 's lands aloude en nieuwe geschiedenisse; en in't bijzonder de verrichtingen der Missionarissen van de Broeder-Kerk, door welken twee gemeenten van bekeerde heidenen aldaar gesticht zijn. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. Haarlem, C.H. Bohn, Amsterdam, H. de Wit, 1767. 3 volumes in 1. Later morocco, spine gilt. With 14 folding engraved maps and plates by J. Swertner. XXXIV,356; 282; 382,(2) pp. € 1.250,00

First Dutch edition with more and better plates than the original edition in German (1765). - Detailed description of Greenland by David Cranz (1723-1777), the historiographer of the Brethern, he stayed at Ny Herrnhut in Greenland, in 1761-62. With sections devoted to the establishment of the first Herrnhut or Moravian mission in Greenland, the nature, manners and customs of the inhabitants on the West coast on Davis Strait, whales and the whaling-industry in general, and the Eskimos. This account was very popular and translated and reprinted in many languages. 'das vollständigste Gemälde von Grönland im 18. Jahrhundert, ein Werk, das auch Heute noch mehr als nur historisches Interesse beanspruchen darf' (Henze I, p.751). - A clean copy. Arctic Bibl. 3469; Chavanne 5634; Tiele 282; Cat. NHSM I, p.301; Sabin 17415.

34 DOMIS, Hendrik Jacob. De residentie Pasoeroeang op het eiland Java. 's Gravenhage, H.S.J. de Groot, 1836. Contemporary mottled calf with gilt fillets round sides, spine gilt with red morocco title-label, inner dentelles, a.e.g. (small damages). With lithographed title-page, map and 2 lithographed plates by J.D. Steuerwald. VI,178,(2) pp. € 495,00

Original edition. - A particular interesting description of Pasuruan, East-Java, by the civil servant J.H. Domis (1782-1842). The Dutch established a fort at Pasuruan in 1707. It was the capital of a residency from 1811 to 1934. With attention to the coffee and sugar cultures. - A fine copy. Tiele 323; Cat. KITLV I, p.10; not in Bastin-Brommer and Von Hünersdorff, Coffee.

35 DUDOK VAN HEEL, J(oannes) P(etrus). Open brief over spoorweg-aanleg op Java aan de leden der commissie ad hoc uit het Indisch Genootschap J. Millard, P.J. Bachiene, J. van Kerkwijk. Amsterdam, M. Schooneveld & Zoon, (1864). Original printed wrappers (sl. dam.). 41 pp. € 75,00

Focused on railway construction on Java. - Cat. KITLV p. 158.

36 EAST INDIA COMPANY. (VOC). Regulement van de Commercie Compagnie, der stad Middelburg in Zeeland. (Middelburg, 1721). With VOC-vignette of the chamber of Middelburg. 33 pp. Extract uyt de resolutien van dato 20 February Ao 1728, en 12 January Ao 1729 genomen by de Heeren Hooftparticipanten in de Compagnie van Commercie der stad Middelburg in Zeeland. (Middelburg1729). 6; 4 pp. Extract uit het verbaal van de Vergadering van Commissarissen en Hoofd-Participanten van de Commercie-Compagnie, gehouden op den 8 Maart 1842. (Middelburg, 1842). 16 pp. 3 pamphlets in 1. Folio. Old wrappers. € 550,00

Interesting for the history of the VOC, containing the names of the directors and the shareholders.

37 EAST INDIA COMPANY. (VOC). HET TE WATER LOOPEN, DER DRIE SCHEEPEN, VAN DE WERFF DER OOSTINDISCHE COMPAGNIE TE AMSTERDAM, OP DEN 2DE JULY 1783, 'S NAMIDDAGS TUSCHEN 2 EN 3 UUREN; TEWEETEN DE MEERMIN, DE BATAVIER, EN DOGGERSBANK. Onder het bestier van Dirk van Haarst, scheeps bouwmeester der gemelde Compagnie; van welke scheepen de spanten zyn opgericht, den 2de January, 5 February en 20 dito van''t zelfde jaar. - LES TROIS NAVIRES DE LA COMPAGNIE DES INDES ORIENTALES, LA SIRENNE, LE BATAVE, & LE DOGGERSBANK .. (etc.). Amsterdam, P. Yver, F.W. Greebe en J.W. Smit, (1783). Engraving of the shipyard of the Dutch East India Company after J. Andriessen by C. Brouwer. Ca. 36,5 x 49 cm (including margins). € 1.450,00

The fine engraving depicts the launching of three VOC-vessels on July 1783 (they were built within half a year !) from the East Indies warehouse and shipyard complex belonging to the VOC in Amsterdam, below printed text in Dutch and French, with in the middle an engraved vignette with VOC monogram. - In excellent condition. Muller, Nederlandsche historieplaten, 4512.

38 EEKHOUT, R(eneke) A(driaan). Opmerkingen over het kultuurstelsel en bedenkingen tegen de afschaffing der heerendiensten en de invoering van het stelsel van vrijen arbeid op Java. Met eene voorrede van M.A. Eekhout. Heerenveen, F. Hessel, 1866. Original printed wrappers. III,24 pp. € 85,00

Comments on the cultivation system, objections against abolition of compulsory labor and introduction of free labor on Java. Cat. KITLV p.195.

40 ELST, S.L.W. van der. Staats-koffiecultuur op Java. 's Gravenhage, J.M. van't Haag & Soerabaija, Gebr. Gimberg & Co., 1874. Original printed wrappers (spine rep.). 64,(3) pp. € 55,00

Government coffee-culture on Java. - Cat. KITLV p.167; Von Hünersdorff p.468.

41 ENCYCLOPAEDIE VAN NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE. Met medewerking van verschillende geleerden, ambtenaren en officieren samengesteld door J. Paulus, S. de Graaff en D.G. Stibbe. 2e druk. 's Gravenhage., Leiden, 1917-39. 8 volumes. Original cloth. € 1.250,00

Indispensable reference work on Indonesian history and culture, containing many important bibliographies and articles. - Added the always missing last issues: Aanvullingen en wijzigingen. Aflevering 61-62. 's Gravenhage, 1939- 1940. 2 volumes. Wrappers.

42 EXTRACT-RAPPORT OVER DE CHICAGO EN NORTH WESTERN EN DE CHICAGO-ROCK- ISLAND EN PACIFIC SPOORWEGEN, OVER 1870-1871. Amsterdam, Metzler & Basting, 1871. Original printed wrappers. 33 pp. € 55,00

43 EYRE, Vincent. Retraite et destruction de l'armée l'Afghanistan en janvier 1842, journal du lieutenant Vt. Eyre .. suivi de notes-familières écrites pendant sa captivité chez les Afghans. Traduit de l'Anglais sur la 3me édition, par Paul Jessé. Paris, J. Corréard, 1844. Contemporary half morocco, spine lettered in gilt. With folding plan. VII,328 pp. € 150,00

'Personal narrative of British operations against Kabul, the revolt of the Afghans, and their destruction of the retreating British forces. Sir Alexander Burnes was murdered, and the troops under Brigadier Shelton were defeated at Beymarro' (Yakushi E67). - (Some lvs browned).

44 FEITH, P.R. Catalogus der verzameling van boeken en prenten betrekking hebbende op de stad Batavia, bijeengebracht door en eigendom van P.R. Feith. Batavia, De Unie, 1937. Folio. Wrappers. With plates. (54) pp. € 65,00

Privately printed. - 'Deze catalogus, die thans uiteraard zeer zeldzaam is, zou een document van historische waarde worden' (Loos-Haaxman, Verlaat rapport Indië, p.95).

45 FERGUSON, Robert. Nineveh and its ruins: or, the history of the great city. London, T.J. Allman, (ca. 1860). 4to. Original pictorial cloth gilt (sl. discoloured), a.e.g. With chromolithographed frontispiece and title-page, and numerous woodengravings. VI,(2),102 pp. € 150,00

'Nineveh, which was the capital of Assyria, was situated on the eastern bank of the river Tigris, about 280 miles north of Babylon, which was the metropolis of the Chaldean empire, and which it sought to rival in spendour and renown'.

46 FINLAYSON, George. The mission to Siam, and Hue, the capital of Cochin China, in the years 1821-2. From the journal. With a memoir of the author by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. London, John Murray, 1826. Contemporary straight-grained calf, gilt fillets round sides, skilfully rebacked. With engraved view of Bankok (stained). XXXI,427 pp. € 1.750,00

First edition; with armorial bookplate of George Wilbraham. - In 1821-2 George Finlayson (1790-1823) accompanied the mission to Siam and Cochin China in the character of naturalist, returning with it to Calcutta in 1823. By this time his health was thoroughly broken, and he soon afterwards died. The journal which he had kept during the mission was edited, with a prefatory notice of the author, by Sir Stamford Raffles (DNB). - Rare.

47 FRANCIS, Emanuel Alexander Intveld. Iets over de particuliere landerijen bewesten de rivier Tjimanok. Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon, 1869. Modern wrappers. With folding table. 36 pp. € 45,00

Private farm-lands on the West-side of the river Tjimanok, Java. Cat. KITLV p.203.

48 FRIEDMANN, S. Nederlandsch Oost- en West-Indië volgens de nieuwste inrigting, met betrekking tot aardrijkskunde, statistiek, voortbrengselen, luchtgesteldheid, en vooral tot den gezondheidstoestand. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Amsterdam, J.C.A. Sulpke, 1861. Modern cloth. XII,260 pp. € 95,00

First published in German in 1860. - A survey of the chief objects of interest in the Dutch East- and West-Indies.

49 GEER, Willem van. De opkomst van het Nederlandsch gezag over Ceilon. Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff, 1895. Original red cloth with gilt lettering (spine discoloured), a.e.g. XV,153; 100 pp.

Thesis on the rise of Dutch power in Ceylon/Sri Lanka. € 165,00

50 GERLACH, Abraham Jean Arnaud. Onze Oost. Geschiedkundige schetsen. 's Gravenhage, P.K. Kraft, 1892. Original printed wrappers (spine rep.). 248 pp. € 75,00

Historical sketches of the Dutch East East Indies by Gerlach (1811-1906) an ex colonel (KNIL). Cat. KITLV, 5e supplement, p.29; Buur 364.

51 GEVERS DEYNOOT, Willem Theodore. Herinneringen eener reis naar Nederlandsch Indië in 1862. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1864. Original decorated gilt embossed cloth. With tinted lithographed title. (8),234 pp. € 245,00

The author, a member of parliament, visited Java, Sumatra, Celebes, the Moluccas and Timor. Singapore, Calcutta, Madras and Ceylon were also visited. - A fine copy. Cat. KITLV p.57; Buur, Persoonlijke documenten, 100; Tiele 381; Cat. NHSM I, p.181.

52 GEZICHT VAN HET Y EN PAMPUS. (No pl., ca. 1790). Engraving, coloured by hand, depicting Dutch shipping on the IJ near the island of Pampus. Ca. 27 x 36 cm (not including wide margins). - Fine. € 695,00

53 GOLDSMITH, Oliver. An history of the earth and animated nature. 2nd edition. London, J. Nourse, 1779. 8 volumes. Contemporary calf, spines gilt (some extremities of spines damaged; some hinges broken but holding). With 105 engraved plates. € 575,00

A fine set with nice engravings of various animals and birds, including the dodo, fishes and insects from all parts of the world. - Nissen, ZBI, p.170

54 GREENWOOD, Jonathan. The sailing and fighting instructions or signals as they are observed in the Royal Navy of Great Britain. (London, ca. 1736). 12mo. Back cover contemporary calf, front cover modern calf, spine rebacked with the original spine laid down. With 5 leaves of printed text (3 corners repaired with some loss of text), 2 half-titles and 66 engraved plates, each containing two engravings of old battleships flying various signals (the flags or signal-lights being coloured), or, in several cases, engravings of ships' guns firing signals. € 950,00

A very charming and scarce little naval signal book. Each signal is represented by a drawing of a ship flying the flag or flags of the signal at the proper place.

55 GRIFFIN, Edward D(orr). A plea for Africa. A sermon preached October 26, 1817, in the first Presbyterian Church in the city of New-York, before the synod of New-York and New-Jersey, at the request of the Board of Directors of The African School established by The Synod. NewYork, Gould, 1817. 76 pp. € 125,00

Includes notes on the slave trade and on some former slaves. - (Waterstained). Sabin 28818 (note); Hogg 4590.

56 GROLL, Johannes. Eene zeehaven voor Batavia. Mijne indrukken over de verzameling van officiëele bescheiden, uitgegeven door de Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid te Batavia. Rotterdam, Nijgh & van Ditmar, 1873. Original printed wrappers. With folding plan. 30 pp. € 95,00

Plans for a seaport for Batavia (). Cat. KITLV, 1e suppl., p.56.

57 HANOU, J. De schipbreuk van het Nederlandsche barkschip Jan Hendrik in bloeimaand 1845. - H. VIEROW. De reis naar Brazilië, door een gedeelte der bemanning van het verongelukte schip Jan Hendrik, met een sloep ondernomen in zomermaand 1845. (Amsterdam, G.W. Tielkemeijer en W. Willems, 1847). Modern cloth, with red morocco title-label to spine. pp.129-208. € 95,00

Published as part of the poem by Bernard ter Haar (1806-1880): The St. Paulus rots. This volume contains two accounts of the Dutch shipwreck of the ship Jan Hendrik: the journal of the seasurgeon J. Hanou and the journal of the navigation officer H. Vierow. - With bookplate of F.C. Koch Cat. NHSM I, p.191; not in Huntress.

58 HART, C. van der. Reize rondom het eiland Celebes en naar eenige der Moluksche eilanden. Gedaan in den jare 1850, door Z.M. schepen van oorlog Argo en Bromo. 's Gravenhage, K. Fuhri, 1853. Original printed boards (spine sl. dam.). With 3 maps (2 folding) and 13 tinted lithographed plates (6 folding). XIV,(4),276 pp. € 850,00

First edition; the book was sponsored by the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. - Report of a visit to Celebes and the Moluccas with fine plates after drawings by the senior naval commander and draughtsman C. van der Hart and officers serving under his command. - A fine copy. Bastin-Brommer N 515; Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 304; Tiele 455; Cat. NHSM I, p.247; Cat. KITLV p.30; Ruinen C 132; Haks & Maris, Lexicon, p.113.

59 HASSELMAN, J.J. & F.H. van VLISSINGEN. Beschouwingen omtrent de exploitatie der wester- afdeeling van Borneo. Amsterdam, A. Zweesaardt en Zoon, 1859. Original printed wrappers. 42 pp. € 95,00

'Observations on the exploitation of West Borneo ()'. Cat. KITLV p.28; Avé, King, De Wit, West Kalimantan, 782.

60 HASSELMAN. J(ohannes) J(erphaas). Beschouwingen omtrent het kultuurstelsel, eenige andere Indische aangelegenheden en vrijen arbeid op Java. Zalt-Bommel, Joh. Noman en Zoon, 1860. Original printed wrappers. III,75,(1) pp. € 95,00

On colonial government on Java by Hasselman (1815- 1895), an 'oud-resident van Djocdjokarta'. In 1867 he became Minister of the Colonies. Cat. KITLV p.191.

62 HEDIN, Sven. Grand Canyon. Stockholm, Albert Bonnier, (1925). Contemporary half calf. With portrait of Anna Hedin and 48 plates (10 in colours) after the author. 295 pp. € 95,00

First edition in Swedish. - The Swedish explorer, geographer and archaeologist Sven Anders Hedin (1865-1952) visited the Grand Canyon in 1923. - A fine copy. - Hess p.28.

63 HELDRING, B(althazar). Nederland en Indië. Amsterdam, C.M. van Gogh, 1868. Original printed wrappers. 27 pp. € 30,00

The author's opinion is 'Indië moet in Indië geregeerd worden'. - Cat. KITLV p.87.

64 HERWERDEN, Jacob Dirk van. Antwoord aan .. W. Bosch, oud-chef over de geneeskundige dienst in Nederlandsch-Indië, naar aanleiding van zijn: 'Indië zoo als het geweest is en men het weer zou willen hebben' 's Gravenhage, Gebroeders Belinfante, 1860. Original printed wrappers. 112 pp. € 195,00

Answer to Willem Bosch (1798-1874) who is in favour of the colonial government before the time of the new more democratic constitution of 1848. - Added: Willem BOSCH. Het antwoord .. van J.D. van Herwerden aan .. W. Bosch, getoetst aan de feiten. Arnhem, J. van Egmond, 1860. Original printed wrappers. 35 pp. - Cat. KITLV p.191.

65 HERWERDEN, Jacob Dirk van. Desorganisatie en toekomst der gouvernements-koffij-cultuur. 's Gravenhage, J.A. de la Vieter, 1876. Original printed wrappers. 31 pp. € 45,00

First published in Dagblad van Zuidholland en 's Gravenhage. - State of the coffee plantations in the Dutch East Indies. Von Hünersdorff p.693; not in Cat. KITLV.

66 HORSTING, L.H.C. Pawiro. Zwerftochten door Indie. (Batavia, Leiden, Kolff, 1924). With 59 tipped-in maps and plates. (6),324 pp. € 45,00

First edition; with autograph dedication by the author. - Nicely illustrated travelogue of the Dutch East Indies. Buur, Persoonlijke Documenten, 961.

67 HOUTEN, Willem van. De scheepvaart, of een duidelijke voorstelling van zaken, die daarop betrekking hebben, of er mede in verband staan. Breda, F.P. Sterk, 1833. Modern cloth, original printed wrappers mounted. With woodcut vignette on title- page and 3 engraved plates (2 folding). (20),734,(1) pp. € 395,00

First and only edition. - Deals with many aspects of ships and shipping and the rigging of the ships. - Some foxing otherwise a fine copy. - Scarce. Cat. NHSM II, p.757; Bierens de Haan 2156.

68 HOËVELL, G(errit) W(illem) W(olter) C(arel) van. Ambon en meer bepaaldelijk de Oeliasers, geographisch, ethnographisch, politisch en historisch geschetst. Dordrecht, Blussé en Van Braam, 1875. Modern boards, original printed wrappers mounted. With folding map, coloured in outline (repairs on fold). VIII,VIII,234 pp. € 450,00

Original edition. - General description of Ambon, by a district officer of Ambon-Lease, with special attention being paid to the districts of Hila/Lariki and Saparua/Haruku. - Scarce. Tiele 489; Cat. KITLV p.33; Ruinen A64; Polman 116.

69 INDIA. FORT St. GEORGE ON THE . Belonging to the East India Company of England. - LE FORT ST. GEORGE SUR LA COTE DE COROMANDEL. Appartemante a la Compagnie Angloise des Indes Orientales. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1794. Engraved optical view after I. van Ryne, coloured by hand. Ca. 26 x 40 cm. € 950,00

Fine bird's-eye view from offshore of the fort in Madras with many ships in the foreground. 'Madras was the Company's first fortified settlement in India; the construction of Fort St George began in 1640 and continued on and off for another 150 years. It houses all the administrative and military necessities, as well as St Mary's church (the oldest Anglican church in India), finished in 1680. The Old College, the equivalent of the Writers' Building in Calcutta, was one of the Company's few eighteenth-century buildings in the gothic style, and still stands' (Wild, The East India Company, p.52). - Some foxing otherwise fine.

70 INDRAPOERA. D.S. Mailmotorschip, N.V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd. (Rotterdam, 1932). Large coloured cross-section of the Dutch ocean liner Indrapoera. Ca. 27 x 122,5 cm. - In fine condition. € 195,00

71 JANSEN, M.H. De omwenteling in het zeewezen. Een bijdrage tot verzekering der onafhankelijkheid. Dordrecht, P.K. Braat, (1864). Original half cloth. With lithographed title-page and 2 folding lithographed plates by Emrik & Binger. 206 pp. € 195,00

A contribution to the revolutionary spirit in Dutch maritime affairs and how to operate in the future. Cat. NHSM I, p.480

72 JANSSEN, C.W. K.F. Holle. Wat een Nederlander in Indië doen kan. Eene schets. Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy, 1888. Original printed wrappers (spine rep.). With portrait. 32 pp. € 110,00

On Karel Frederik Holle, a teaplanter in the Dutch East Indies, 1829-1896. Cat. KITLV p.243. - See Hella S. Haase, Heren van de thee, Amst., 1992 and Tom van den Berge, Karel Frederik Holle, Amst., 1998.

73 JOHAN VAN OLDENBARNEVELT. N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappy 'Nederland'. (Amsterdam, 1929). Oblong 8vo. Original pictorial wrappers. Brochure on the Dutch ocean liner Johan van Oldenbarnevelt with illustrations of the interior. 20 pp. - In fine condition. € 65,00

74 JONG, Dirk de & Matthias de SALLIETH Atlas van alle de zee-havens der Bataafsche Republiek. Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1802. Folio. Contemporary half calf. With 28 double-page views of Dutch harbours. € 8.500,00 First edition. - Fine copy with wide margins and strong impressions of the plates. - (Some minor marginal foxing). - Cat. NHSM I, p.319.

75 JONGE, Johannes Cornelis de. Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche zeewezen. Van de vroegste tijden tot de inlijving in Frankrijk, 1810. 's Gravenhage, Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Cleef, 1833-48. 6 volumes in 10. Contemporary half calf (some spines damaged but holding). With portrait, 11 folding maps, plans and plates. € 395,00

First edition. - Most authentic history of the Dutch navy and colonial history. Most of the original documents used in this work were destroyed by a fire in the Department of Naval Affairs of the Netherlands in 1858. - Cat. NHSM I, p.351. 76 JUAN, Jorge & Antonio de ULLOA. Historische reisbeschryving van geheel Zuid-America; gedaan op bevel des konings van Spanje. Goes, Jacobus Huysman, 1771-72. 2 volumes. 4to. Contemporary mottled calf, spines gilt, with morocco title-labels to spines (2 hinges sl. damaged but strongly holding). With title-pages printed in red and black, engraved allegorical frontispiece, 11 engraved plates (6 folding) and 14 folding maps and plans by H. Vinkeles, J. van Schley, and J. van Jagen. (8),XXIV,428; VIII,IV,406 pp. € 2.250,00

First Dutch edition, with new and improved plates and maps. - The most comprehensive 18th century account of South America giving the results of the scientific expedition by a group of leading European scientists. Primary source for the history of Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia. This voyage arose out of the desire of the French government. Members of the Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Charles-Marie de la Condamine, together with two of the most scientific officers of the Spanish navy, Antonio de Ulloa (1716-1795) and Jorge Juan y Santacilla (1713-1773), 'carried on a series of operations of unexampled difficulty and encountered hardships and sufferings which demanded the strength of the strongest constitutions and the energy of minds stimulated by a love of science' (Cox II, p.275). 'Juan and Ulloa's Travels may be selected as the most entertaining and satisfactory work of its kind' (Sabin 36813). - A very fine copy. Tiele 1120; Cat. NHSM I, p.281; Muller, America, 826; Sabin 36804.

77 JUNGHUHN, Franz Wilhelm. Gedenkboek Franz Junghuhn 1809-1909. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1910. 8vo. Original pictorial wrappers, uncut. With 2 portraits and 56 photographic illustrations and plates. X,361 pp. € 125,00

Memorial volume for the German naturalist and traveller Franz Junghuhn (1809-1864). Contributions by W. Volz, K. Martin, R.D.M. Verbeek, A.W. Nieuwenhuis, J.F. Niermeyer, I. Groneman, etc. With a bibliography by W.C. Muller. - A fine copy.

81 KEULEN, Johannes van . De nieuwe groote lichtende zee-fakkel, van de geheele wereld .. alwaar klaar en volkomen in vertoond werd, alle bekende zeekusten van de geheele wereld, en deszelfs inboesemen. Met een pertinente beschryvinge, van alle bekende havens, bayen, reden, droogten .. te samen gebracht door Claes Jasnsz. Vooght en Gerard van Keulen. Amsterdam, Gerard van Keulen, 1716 - 1753. Facsimile edition. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1969. 6 volumes in 3. Large folio. Imitation leather. With numerous charts and plates (some in colours). - Fine reprint of the famous sea atlas, printed in 500 numbered copies. € 1.650,00

82 (KOEMAN, C.). (Ed.). Links with the past. The history of the carthography of 1500-1971. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, (1973). Large folio. Cloth, in wooden box. With 39 folding facsimiles, in colours, and 47 illustrations. XII,179 pp. € 375,00

Contributions by F.C. Bubberman, A.H. Loor, B. Nelemans, G. Schilder and J.B.Ch. Wekker. With English, Spanish and Dutch text. The coast of Guyana was discovered and first charted by the Spaniards. Alonzo de Rojeda, with Juan de la Cosa and Amerigo Vespucci first reached the coast, near the estuary of the Marowijne River, in 1499. A similar voyage of discovery was undertaken shortly afterwards by Vincente Yanez Pinzón. The history of 's discovery and evolution is a continuous process, which has proceeded through the ages with uneven speed. - Limited edition.

83 KONIJNENBURG, Emile van. L'architecture navale depuis ses origines. Publié par l'Association Internationale Permanente des Congrès de Navigation. Brussel, (c. 1905). 3 volumes. Oblong folio. Original pictorial wrappers and boards. With 7 coloured maps, 74 plates with 277 illustrations and 100 coloured plates with 150 illustrations. € 395,00

A superb illustrated history of shipbuilding, accenting the Netherlands. With beautifully coloured and very detailed plates. - Cat. NHSM II,p. 765.

84 KRARUP NIELSEN, Aage. Leven en avonturen van een Oostinjevaarder op . Vertaald door Cl. Bienfait. Ingeleid door H.T. Damsté. Amsterdam, Em. Querido, 1928. Original decorated blue cloth (spine discoloured). With double-page map of Bali and many photographic plates and book decorations. 233 pp. € 45,00

First edition. - Biography of the Danish 'king of Bali' Mads Johansen Lange (1807-1856).

85 LAMSTER, J.C. 'Indië' gevende eene beschrijving van de inheemsche bevolking van Nederlandsch-Indië en van hare beschaving. Haarlem, Droste's Cacao- en Chocaladefabrieken, (1928). Oblong 8vo. Original half cloth. With 144 illustrations and 150 coloured tipped-in plates. 176 pp. - With fine coloured plates. € 45,00

86 LE BON, Gustave. Les civilisations de l'Inde. Paris, Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1887. 8vo. Contemporary half brown morocco, spine gilt. With 2 maps, 7 chromo- lithographed plates and 350 illustrations. VII,743 pp. - (Foxed as usual). € 275,00

87 LE COMTE, P. Praktikale zeevaartkunde en theoretische kennis, voor handel en scheepvaart. Amsterdam, Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen, 1842. 2 volumes. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spines gilt. With 121 engraved plates after P. Le Comte by D.Veelwaard. VIII,313 pp € 1.750,00

First edition. - Standard work on Dutch sailing ships, with detailed plates. - Very fine clean copy. Cat. NHSM II, p.757.

88 LENNEP, Jan Hendrik. van. Het boek voor den zeeman, uit Jan Davids' boekekraam. Haarlem, J.J. Weeveringh, (1860-1862). 3 volumes. Contemporary half cloth (discoloured). With woodengravings. € 395,00

Bound with: Jan Davids'' zeemagazijn, bijblad tot Het boek voor den zeeman. Haarlem, J.J. Weeveringh, (1861). 3 volumes. - An interesting collection of Dutch voyages by Willem Ysbrandtsz Bontekoe, Willem Barentsz., Dirk Albertsz. Raven, Cornelis de Houtman, Frans Jansz. van der Heyden, etc. - A fine set. Cat. NHSM. I, p.125.

89 LIER, I.C. van. Mr. J. Loudon en zijn bestuur, geschetst. Batavia, Bruining & Wijt, Utrecht, J.L. Beijers, 1875. Sm.8vo. Original printed wrappers. 99 pp. € 145,00

First published in Nieuw Bataviaasch Handelsblad. - The administration of James Loudon (1824-1900), Governor- General of the Dutch East Indies, 1872-1875.

90 LINSCHOTEN-VEREENIGING. Volume I - CX. 's Gravenhage, Zutphen, 1909-2011. 120 volumes + 3 index volumes. Original blue cloth or half cloth, with gilt lettering and vignette. With many maps and plates. € 7.500,00

Linschoten-Vereeniging. - All published. - Rare complete run of this very important series, containing standard editions of unabridged narratives of travel and exploration of Dutchmen, with scholarly annotations, many of which were originally available for consultation in manuscript only. Including the early accounts of the Dutch East- and West India Company: Jan Cornelis May, Henry Hudson, Jan Huygen van Linschoten, Jacob van Roggeveen, De Marees, Cornelis de Houtman, Dirck Gerritsz. Pomp, Abraham Rogerius, Jacob van Heemskerk, Jan Cornelisz. Rijp, Hendrik Ottsen, Mahu en de Cordes, Hessel Gerritsz, Nicolaus de Graaff, Willem Barents, Hendrik Ottsen, Abel Jansz. Tasman, Olivier van Noort, Joris van Spilbergen, Ketelaar, Jacob van Neck, Wybrant Warwijck, Dircq van Adrichem, Jacob le Maire, Willem Cornelisz. Schouten, Pieter van den Broecke, Bontekoe, Herndriksz. Quast, Paulus van Caerden, Pieter Willemsz. Verhoeff, Francisco Pelsaert, Jacob Haafner, etc. This rare complete run forms the basis of investigation of various aspects of how the companies functioned, and shows the different facets of the companies history and the tremendous diversity of activities, giving information about the countries visited in Asia, Africa and the New World. These companies (the VOC was the world largest trading and shipping company) and private entrepreneurs played a major role in European expansion, one of the most significant processes in world history of the last five hundred years. The Dutch traded far into the remotest corners of the world and the exotic objects they brought home changed everyday life in Europe. - An essential work for reference and scholarship.

91 LIVINGSTONE, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa. London, Ward, Lock & Co., (1899). Original decorated cloth gilt. With portrait and photographic plates.XV,617 pp. € 75,00

First published in 1857. - In 1852 Livingstone asked his family to join him in Africa. With the help of the Makololos, a South African tribe, Livingstone planned to explore the whole of southern Africa as far as Angola. The missionary had become an important explorer. As the first European, he traveled on the Zambezi to Kazembe in a pirogue, a fast water vessel made from a tree trunk. In order to escape from the slave traders of Portuguese Africa, Livingstone traveled via Cassange and Bihé to Luanda, a Portuguese port and the capital of Angola, where he arrived completely exhausted on 31 May, 1854. As soon as he had recovered from his fever, he undertook a trek to Lake Dilolo, discovered the source of the Kasai, a left tributary of the Congo, and arrived in Linyanti, the capital of the Makololos. In the course of the major Zambezi expedition that followed he discovered the Victoria Falls, the falls of the middle Zambezi, in 1855 (Waldmann, Ecyclopedia of world explorers, p.226). Mendelssohn I, p.908-10; SAB III, p.136; Hess & Coger 3068.

92 LORENTZ, Hendrik Albertus. Eenige maanden onder de Papoea's. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1905. Original decorated cloth. With folding map and many photographic plates and illustrations. VIII, 310 pp. € 125,00

First edition. - Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz (1871-1944), son of a tobacco grower in , developed an interest in the exploration of Dutch New Guinea, and he soon took part in three successive expeditions to the region. His first experience of an expedition was as a member of the 1903 Wichman Expedition to North New Guinea, followed by two expeditions led by Lorenz, the South New Guinea scientific expedition between 1907 and 1910. - Fine.

93 MANNING, Samuel. American pictures. Drawn with pen and pencil. (London), The Religious Tract Society, (ca. 1876). 8vo. Original pictorial gilt cloth (discoloured), a.e.g. With many wood-engraved illustrations and plates. 224 pp. - A fine illustrated history of the United States. € 95,00

94 MARTIN, Karl. Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederländisch West-Indien und darauf gegründete Studien. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1887-1888. 2 volumes. Original printed wrappers (spine vol. II sl. dam.). With 5 maps and 25 plates (14 tinted lithographs), and several illustrations. VII,186; VII,238 pp. € 275,00

Description of Surinam, , , Curaçao and Venezuela, with fine plates. Martin 'drang im April 1885 von Paramaribo aus ins Gebiet des oberen Surinam vor, begleitet von dem Geometer W.L. Loth; er kam in eine Gegend die bis dahin nur von J.F.A. Cateau van Rosevelt ca. 20 Jahre früher, betreten worden war' (Henze III, p.383). - Fine copy of the 'Seperatausgabe'. - Cat. NHSM I, p.264 (the first volume only).

95 MARTINET, Johannes Florentius. Het vaderland, met geheel nieuwe geteekende en gekleurde kaarten van iedere provincie, de generaliteitslanden en de geheele republiek, en zeer gewigtige vaderlandsche afbeeldingen. Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1791. Contemporary half calf, spine richly gilt. With 8 engraved plates and 9 folding engraved maps, coloured in outline. XII,656,(19) pp. € 850,00 Tiele 721. - A very attractive copy 96 MICOLA, J. Lotgevallen van vijf Temenggoengs. Batavia, Landsrdukkerij, 1898. Original printed wrappers. 46 pp. € 95,00

First published in 1880. - Adventures of five people from Temanggoeng, Java. Malay text in Arabic characters (Jawi-script): Hikajat lima Temenggoeng. Tertjitak pada pertjitakan Gubernemen di Betawi. Cat. KITLV p.302.

97 MIJER, P(ieter). Over het openstellen van kunsthavens voor den algemeenen handel in Nederlandsch-Indië. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1859. Original printed wrappers. 72 pp. € 65,00

Opening of the harbours for the trade in the Dutch East Indies. Cat. KITLV p.149.

98 MILTON, William Fitzwilliam and Walter Butler CHEADLE. The North-West passage by land. Being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, undertaken with the view of exploration a route across the continent to British Columbia through British territory, by one of the northern passes in the Rocky Mountains. London, Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, (1867). Original green pictorial cloth gilt, spine lettered in gilt. With folding map and 8 engraved plates. XXIV,394 pp. € 175,00

Seventh edition, first published in 1865. - 'A lively narrative of a sporting trip from England across Canada and return from British Columbia by sea, June, 1862 - March, 1864. This work achieved considerable popularity and drew attention to the agricultural, and mining possibilities of the Canadian West' (TPL 4340). - A fine copy. - Sabin 24631; Wagner & Camp 420. 99 MOLL, G(erard). Verhandeling over eenige vroegere zeetogten der Nederlanders. Amsterdam, Johannes van der Hey en Zoon, 1825. Contemporary half calf, spine gilt. XII,220,(3) pp. € 95,00

Voyages of Jan Huyghen van Linschoten, Cornelis and Frederik Houtman, Petrus Plancius, Jacques Mahu, Simon de Cordes, Sebald de Weert, Olivier van Noordt, Joris van Spilbergen, Jakob Lemaire, Willem Cornelisz. Schouten, Jacques l'Heremite, Gheen Huygen van Schapenham, Jacob Roggeveen, Abel Janssen Tasman and Marten Gerrittsz. de Vries. - Tiele 760; Cat. NHSM I, p.121.

100 MONTAGUE, MARY WORTHLY. Letters of the right honourable Lady M-y W-y M-e; written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction ... which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks. New edition. London, T. Becket and P.A. de Hondt, 1767. 3 volumes. Sm.8vo. Contemporary calf with gilt fillets round sides (some hinges weak), spines ribbed with red morocco title-labels (extremities sl. dam.). XII,(4),180; (4),195; (4),230 pp. € 475,00

First published in 1763; with written owner's name Moseley 1767. - Lady Mary Worthly Montague (1689-1762) was the first lady to travel abroad for mere curiosity's sake. In 1716 she accompanied her husband, Edward Montague, on his diplomatic mission to Constantinople, making the journey overland. The letters she wrote back home are justly ranked among the most celebrated of their kind in a century richly endowed with excellent letterwriters. She became a great admirer of Turkish culture and her work includes in sights that were exceptional for their time. A year after her death, her Turkish letters were published for the first time and they have not been out of print since. Blackmer collection 1150; Atabey collection 829; Gay 94; Paulitschke 682; Robinson, Wayward women, p.32-34.

101 MOOIJ, Jan. Het zinken van het Amerikaanse schip Janson voor de Helder. Komende van Batavia op den 4de februarij 1820. Original watercolour, signed J. Mooij. Ca. 41,5 x 54,5 cm. € 4.950,00

The loss of the American ship Janson off the coast of Den Helder, captain Benjamin Mayo, owned by S.G. Arnold & Co, Joseph S. Martin a.o. depicted by the Dutch marine artist Jan Mooij (1776-1847) who lived in Den Helder and was an eye- witness of the shipwreck. ''The ship Janson of Providence, Rhode Island, had arrived at Texel Road off New Dieppe from Batavia with a valuable cargo of coffee and rice. Starting from the right the watercolour shows three stages: 1. anchored amid drift ice that stove in the bow, 2. the ship is sinking and the crew is making efforts to abandon ship, 3. the ship is about to disappear. According to one report, nothing was saved but 'all hands' and the stern boat. The ship's pet monkey is running up the rigging of the main mast as the ship is about to sink completely'. This text was taken from the book by J. Welles Henderson and Rodney P. Carlisle Marine art & antiques Jack Tar a sailor's life 1750-1910. (Woodbridge 1999) with on page 230 also the image. An account of the shipwreck was published in the Providence Patriot, March 15, 1820 and in the Providence Gazette, March 13, 1820. An extract of a letter (February 1820) of the captain to the owners of the ship is added in photocopy. - In excellent condition. - Scheen II, p.74.

102 (MOORE, Willem Charles Jacobus van den). Landbouw-, Nijverheid en Koophandel. Brieven van den Bruinen Ridder aan een Ongenoemde. Saamaaranch, G.C.T. van Dorp, 1865. Original printed wrappers. 10 pp. € 65,00

Three other pamphlets on Dutch colonial government were published under the same name and issued between 1865- 1866. - Cat. KITLV p.76.

103 MOORE, Willem Charles Jacobus van den. Insulindische brieven, over de herziening van't regeerings-reglement van 1854. Soerabaia, Gebr. Donker & Co., 1883. Original printed wrappers (spine rep.). (4),72 pp. € 45,00

The cultivation system began to be dismantled in ca. 1850, initially because of a hostility in the Netherlands, under the more democratic constitution of 1848. Cat. KITLV p.79.

104 MÜLLER, S(alomon) & L(odewyk) HORNER. Reizen en onderzoekingen in Sumatra, gedaan op last der Nederlandsche Indische regering, tusschen de jaren 1833 en 1838. Bewerkt door S. Müller. 's Gravenhage, K. Fuhri, 1855. Modern boards. (4),201 pp. € 225,00

First published in Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië. - Exploration of Sumatra 1833-1838. - Tiele 772.

105 NÁVAY de FÖLDEÁK, A. de. La Hongrie. Son rôle économique. Préface M.E. Levasseur. Paris, 1911. 8vo. Wrappers. With photographic plates. V,234 pp. € 30,00

106 NEDERBURGH, S(ebastiaan C(ornelis) H(erman). Opium-smokkelhandel. Iets over een middel om zonder eenige kosten, verlies, of winstderving voor de schatkist, en zonder eenig ander ernstig bezwaar of gevaar, den opium-smokkelhandel op Java en Madura zeer belangrijk te verminderen. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1889. Original printed wrappers. 22,(6) pp. € 65,00

Means to reduce the opium smuggling on Java. Opium farms were generally in the hands of Chinese entrepreneurs who maintained private security forces to enforce their regional monopolies. - Cat. KITLV p.95.

107 NEITZSCHITZ, George Christoph. Merkwürdige Reisen/ so derselbe durch Europa/ Asien und Africa seiner Zeit gethan; dabey nicht nur die Beschaffenheit derer Länder, sondern auch viele andere besondere Begebenheiten angemercket werden .. Magdeburg, Gottfried Vettern, 1753. 4to. Contemporary calf, spine gilt (top of spine skilfully rebacked). With title printed in red and black, engraved title, folding engraved view of Jerusalem (lower part damaged with loss of text of the legend, not affecting the image) and 10 engraved plates. (6),320,(23) pp. € 875,00

First published in German in 1666. - Account of the two travels by Neitzschitz to the Levant, 1630-37. He also accompanied the imperial legacy led by Count Buchheim to the Ottoman court. - (Age-browned). - Scarce. Tobler p.102; Ibrahim-Hilmy II, p.62; Gay 269.

108 NOBLE, John. Zuid-Afrika, zijn verleden en zijn heden. Eene beknopte geschiedenis van de Europeesche volkplantingen aan de Kaap. Uit het Engelsch. Amsterdam, J.C. Schröder, 1878. Original green cloth, with gilt lettering. XVI,416,(2) pp. € 75,00

History of the European settlement in South Africa. SAB III, p.553.

109 NYPELS, G(eorge). De expeditiën naar Bali in 1846, 1848, 1849 en 1868 en de daaruit te putten lessen. Met een voorwoord van P.J. Blok. Haarlem, Erven Loosjes, 1897. Contemporary half cloth (sl. rubbed). With folding coloured map. XII,220 pp. € 350,00

First edition. - Excellent survey on the military occupation of Bali by the Dutch. - Scarce. Cat. KITLV p.49; Lekkerkerker A41.

110 PANANTI, Filippo. Mijne lotgevallen en reizen in de Barbarijsche roofstaten. Uit het Italiaansch. Leeuwarden, Steenbergen van Goor, 1830. 2 volumes in 1. Contemporary half calf (spine dam.). XX,331; VIII,336 pp. € 375,00

First Dutch edition, first published in Italian in 1817. - A geographical and historical narrative of a residence in Algiers, with biographical sketches of the Dey and his ministers, observations on the relations of the Barbary States with European countries, etc. Gay 941 & Playfair 322 & Ashbee p.49 (not the Dutch ed.); not in Tiele or Cat. NHSM.

111 PARANAVITANA, K.D. and R.K. de SILVA. Maps and plans of . A representative collection of cartography from the Dutch period. (Colombo, 2002). 4to. Boards, with dust-jacket. With many maps and plans (several in colours). VIII,187 pp. € 175,00

Published on the occasion of the commemoration of four hundred years bilateral relations between Sri Lanka and the Netherlands 1602-2002. 'This book is to be savoured for its colourful collection and the scholarly commentaries that accompany the maps'.

112 PARRY, William Edward. Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North-West passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; performed in the years 1819- 20, in his majesty's ships Hecla and Griper. With an appendix, containing the scientific and other observations. 2nd edition. London, John Murray, 1821.

4to. Later half calf with old boards, spine gilt with black title-label. With 6 engraved charts (4 folding), 5 lithographed profils and 9 aquatint plates by W. Westall after Beechey. (8),XXIX,310,CLXXIX pp. € 1.650,00

First edition published the same year. - The first (and most succesful) of Parry's four voyages under his own command. By August 1, 1819, Sir William Edward Parry (1790-1855) had managed to sail westward completely through Lancaster Sound, establishing that it was actually a strait. He then made the European discovery of Barrow Street, which he named after Sir John Barrow. Continuing westward, he reached the south coast of a large island he named Melville Island after Lord Melville. Parry and his men had sailed west of the 110th meridian of longitude, half the distance of the Northwest Passage, and thereby won a prize of £ 5.000, which Parliament had offered as an incentive for the discovery of the Northwest Passage. - (Some spotting and foxing as usual). - Fine. Arctic Bibl. 13145; Hill 1311; Sabin 58860; Stam, Books on ice, p.24.

113 PERCIVAL, Robert. An account of the island of Ceylon, containing its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants; to which is added, the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy. Second edition: With an appendix; containing some particulars of the recent hostilities with the King of Candy. London, printed by and for C. and R. Baldwin, 1805. 4to. Contemporary half calf (hinges weak but holding), spine gilt with red morocco title-label. With engraved frontispiece, engraved folding map by A. Arrowsmith, 3 engraved folding charts (harbors of Trincomalay and Columbo and pearl fishery grounds) and 4 engraved plates. XII,446,(2) pp. € 850,00

Second and best edition. - Excellent account of Ceylon to which in this second edition not only an appendix was added but also an index and the plates. - The British succeeded the Dutch in Ceylon in 1796, Captain Robert Percival arrived with the British forces in 1797 and spent three years in Sri Lanka. He was, as he writes, 'induced by curiosity' because 'the accounts hitherto published of this island had been

extremely imperfect; as the watchful jealousy of the Dutch both excluded the researches of strangers, and prevented their own people from publishing any observations.. '. He had a pronounced hatred of the cruelty of Dutch rule. In 1800 he joined General Macdowal's embassy to the court of Candy and gives a valuable report of this happening. In his description of pearl fishery he brings to life the extravaganza, the customs and superstitions of the fisherman and the dangers of the deep. Among the plates i.a. a view on the fort of Batacolo, elephant hunting, and the Cinnamon gardens near Columbo. - A fine copy. Goonetileke 35a (mentions erroneously 4 instead of 3 charts).

114 PETERSON, A.E. & G.W. EDWARDS. New York as an eighteenth century municipality. New York, Longmans, Green & Company, 1917. Original cloth with gilt lettering. With plates. XXVII,199; 259 pp. - (With library stamps). € 45,00

115 (POLDERS, J.M.). Volledig verslag van de zee-battaille van den 11 October laatstleden, tusschen de Bataafsche en Engelsche vlooten; door het Committé de Marine aan de Nationale Vergadering gedaan, den 20 November 1797, het derde jaar der Bataafsche vryheid. Den Haag, (1797). Sm.8vo. Old wrappers. With coat of arms of the Republic on title-page. 45 pp. € 575,00

With bookplate of J. Belonje. - Account of the sea-battle of Camperdown/Kamperduin between a Royal Navy fleet under admiral Adam Duncan and a Dutch Navy fleet under vice-admiral Jan de Winter. Including a list of killed and wounded sailors. With mounted on last leaf, an original newspaper clipping regarding this sea-battle, dated 1797 and signed by J.A. Bloys van Treslong. - Rare. Not in Cat. NHSM.

116 DIPLOMATIC POST SENT FROM VARIOUS PLACES IN EUROPE TO THE DUTCH GOUVERNMENT. 96 manuscript transcript letters. 1715- 1729. € 795,00

84 letters written in Dutch, and 12 letters written in French, giving an eye-witness account of the political situation in various places in Europe at the beginnening of the 18th century. –

G. Coijmans, Copenhagen, 1729. 1 letter. - W. van Assendelft, Copenhagen, 1729. 1 letter. - F. H. van Bilderbeek, 1715. 9 letters. - J.H. Bruijninx, Vienna, 1715, 1725- 1729. 43 letters. - C. van Rumpf, Stockhol, 1725, Grodno 1726, Dresden, 1727-28, and Warsaw, 1729. 8 letters. - A.F. le Plat, 1715. 7 letters. - J.L. Runckel, Schafthousen, 1715. 12 letters. - A. van Hoeij, Paris, 1728. 1 letter. - D.V. Bleijswijk, Dantzig, 1728. 1 letter. - De Wilde, Moscow, 1728. 1 letter. - And 12 other letters, 1715-1728.

117 RAFFLES, Thomas Stamford. The history of Java. London, Black, Parbury, and Allen, and John Murray, 1817. 2 volumes. 4to. Contemporary red morocco (inner joints restored), richly gilt. With 2 maps (one large folding map of Java, coloured in outline), 10 hand-coloured plates by William Daniell and 53 etched or aquatint plates (including alphabets and facsimiles of inscriptions, and musical scores), and some engraved vignettes. XLVIII,479; VIII,288,(3),CCLX pp. € 6.950,00

First edition; with armorial bookplate of Sir Stephenson Hamilton. - Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1781-1826) 'was interested in every aspect of his subject, and devotes whole sections to Javan ethics, literature, poetry, music, and musical instruments, drama, games of skill and methods of hunting, besides the more ordinary matters of interest population, natural history, religion, antiquities, and the military system .. The history of Java stands very high in its own class, and the aquatint plates are full of interest' (Prideaux p.252-253). 'In terms of the pictorial depiction of Javanese costume and topography the importance of the History of Java can hardly be exaggerated .. The marriage of a scientifically original text with beautiful illustrations by an accomplished aquatint engraver resulted in a book about Indonesia of outstanding quality; indeed, a masterpiece' (Bastin-Brommer p.6-7). The ten coloured aquatints, though unsigned are by William Daniell, illustrate Javanese life and costume, and the Papuan boy who accompanied Raffles to England in 1816. The plate of the Borobudur is one of the first depictions of the monument. 'An influential work valued for the author's firsthand observations on the customs and condition of the Javanese under his administration as Governor-General during the British occupation of the Dutch East Indies (1811-1815)' (Von Hünersdorff, Kaffee,p.1213). Raffles' History of Java, the source of many basic Western ideas about the area, remains the starting point for studies of the Eastern archipelago. - A very fine copy. Bastin-Brommer N 90; Abbey, Travel, 554; Tooley, Coloured Plates, 391; Thomson, The Exotic and the Beautiful, 304.

118 DE REIS VAN SINTE BRANDAAN. Uitgave, inleiding en commentaar door Maartje Draak. Herdicht door Bertus Aafjes. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, (1985). Wrappers. 284 pp. € 18,00

119 OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE GREAT UNION MEETING HELD AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, DECEMBER 19TH, 1859. N.Y., Davies & Kent, 1859. Original printed wrappers. 176 pp. € 95,00

The largest meeting ever held in New York in favor of Constitution and the Union. - (Some blank corners dam.).

120 RIJCKEVORSEL, (Elie) van. Brieven uit Insulinde. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1878. Original printed wrappers (spine damaged). VIII,426 pp. € 125,00

Original edition. - Letters by Elie van Rijckevorsel (1845-1928), written to his mother during his stay in Indonesia (1876-1877), with ample descriptions of Ternate, Benkoelen and Palembang, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo, Batavia and , Celebes and Amboina. - Fine. Tiele 949; Cat. NHSM I, p.249; Cat. KITLV p.257; Buur, Persoonlijke Documenten, 185.

121 SCHEDEL, Hartmann. Register des buchs der Croniken und geschichten mit geschichten mit figur und pildnussen vonanbeginn der welt bis auf dise unnsere Zeit. Nürnberg, 1493. Facsimile edition. München, Konrad Kölbl, 1975. Folio. Imitatin leather. With numerous views and illustrations. - Fine reprint of the famous Weltchronik. € 45,00

122 SCHWANER, C(arl) A(nton) L(udwig) M(aria). Borneo. Beschrijving van het stroomgebied van den Barito en reizen langs eenige voorname rivieren van het Zuid-Oostelijk gedeelte van dat eiland. Op last van het Gouvernement van Nederl. Indie gedaan in de jaren 1843-1847. Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen, 1853-1854. 2 volumes. Original embossed cloth (sl. rubbed, backside vol. I sl. waterstained). With chromolithographed views on title-pages and 24 chromolithographed plates after Von Gaffron by C.W. Mieling (map missing). (2),234; XIV,200 pp. € 2.250,00

Original edition. - The German explorer Schwaner (1817-1851) was ordered by the Netherlands Indies Government to explore South-East Borneo. He remained in the island between 1843 and 1848. During that time he was the first European to cross the island from Banjarmasin to . The author was accompanied by the artists Auguste van Pers (1815-1871) and Heinrich von Gaffron (1813-1880). He included much early information on the ethnic groups he encountered. Schwaner is 'der hervorragendste Borneo-Forscher seiner Zeit, bahnbrechend als Erschliesser des Südteils der grossen Insel' (Henze V, p.98). - With beautiful coloured plates. - Rare. Bastin-Brommer N580; Landwehr, Col. Pl., 430; Tiele 995; Cat. KITLV p.27.

123 SELBERG, E(duard). Reis naar Java en bezoek op het eiland Madura; vrij vertaald, naar het Hoogduitsch door W.L. de Sturler. Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen, 1846. Original blue boards (extremities of spine sl. dam.). With folding map. (6),378 pp. € 375,00

First Dutch edition. - The author travelled to Java and Madura as a ship's doctor in order to undertake anthropological and medical research. Rare travel- account of Java and Madura. - Fine. Cat. KITLV, p.10; Tiele 1069 (note); Cat. NHSM I, p.179.

124 (SERIèRE, Guillaume de). Open brief betreffende den vrijen arbeid op Java, naar aanleiding der brochures van de oud-residenten Bik en Bekking, en een artikel van den adsistent resident met verlof Ten Cate, door een gewezen Indisch hoofd-ambtenaar. 's Gravenhage, J.A. de la Vieter, 1859. Original printed wrappers. 20 pp. € 85,00

Brochure on the cultivation system and the abolishing of forced cultivation on Java in reaction to the pamphlets of the residents Bik, Bekking and Ten Cate. Serière (1788- 1868) was Governor of the Moluccas (1841-1845). Cat. KITLV p.191; Van Troostenburg de Bruijn, Oost- Indische predikanten, p.393-394.

125 SEVENHOVEN, Jan Izaäk van. Beschrijving van de hoofdplaats van Palembang. (Batavia, Lands Drukkerij, 1823). Modern half cloth. (87) pp. € 95,00

Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap. - Description of Palembang, the capital of the province of .

126 SEWARD, William H. Travels around the world. Edited by Oliver Risley Seward. New York, D. Appleton and Comp., 1873. Original blue cloth gilt, spine richly gilt. With portrait, folding map and 200 woodengravings. XII,730 pp. € 175,00

Voyage from San Francisco to Japan, China, Cochin China, Indonesia, Straits of and Ceylon, British India, Egypt and Palestine, Turkey and part of Europe. - A fine copy, nicely illustrated. Sabin 79594. 127 SNOUCK HURGRONJE, Christiaan. Nieuwe bijdragen tot de kennis van den Islam. 's Gravenhage, 1882. Wrappers. (64) pp. - (Offprint B.K.I.). € 25,00

128 STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history. 3rd edition. London, John Murray, 1856. Original embossed brown cloth (spine sl. dam. and discoloured). With folding coloured diagram, 5 sketch-maps and 6 folding coloured lithographed maps. LVIII,550; 32 pp. € 175,00

First edition published the same year. - 'In this very popular work he emphasized the connection between history and geography; that is, he interpreted history through geography. The maps are very good' (Blackmer). Blackmer Collection 1600; Tobler p.188; Rohricht p.455.

129 STANLEY, Henry Morton. In Afrikas donkere wildernissen. Tochten, ontdekkingen en ontmoetingen, opsporing van, en terugkeer met Emin Pacha. Arnhem, Nijmegen, Gebr. E. & M. Cohen, (1890-1891). 2 volumes. 8vo. Original green pictorial cloth (extremities of spine very sl. dam.). With 2 folding maps and numerous woodengravings. (8),X,600; (8),579 pp. € 150,00

First Dutch edition, first published in English, In darkest Africa, in 1890. - Narrative of Stanley's (1841-1904) last African expedition. He travelled up the Congo River and crossed central Africa in command of a relief expedition for Emin Pacha. - A fine set.

130 STUERS, (Hubert Joseph Jean Lambert de). De vestiging en uitbreiding der Nederlanders ter Westkust van Sumatra. Uitgegeven door P.J. Veth. Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen, 1849-50. 2 volumes. Original printed boards (spines rep.). With 2 folding maps and 14 handcoloured or tinted lithographed plates by C.W. Mieling after the author (some plates in vol. II partly waterstained). CX,240; (2),264 pp. € 950,00

First edition; reviewer's copy of the 'Algemeen Letterlievend Maandschrift, 1850, with some manuscript notes. - Interesting account based on information and reports collected by De Stuers (1788-1861) when he was military commandant and resident of between 1824 and 1829. He left the colony after a conflict with the governor-general about the expansion of authority in Sumatra. 'Veth published the book because it clarified a little-known episode in colonial history. In Veth's view, it underscored the need for the Netherlands to concern itself more actively with the administration of the Outer Islands. In an annotated introduction running to over a hundred pages Veth reviewed the history of Dutch military action on Sumatra' (Van der Velde, P.J. Veth, p. 119). The fine plates are after drawings by the author. Tiele 1066; Cat. NHSM I, p.512; Cat. KITLV p.18; Bastin-Brommer N 406; Landwehr, Coloured plates, 449.

131 STURLER, Jacques Eduard de. Reizen uit Oost-Indie naar Europa; in Engeland, Nederland, Duitschland, Frankrijk en Zwitserland, gedaan in 1836. 's Gravenhage, Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Cleef, 1840. Contemporary half cloth (rubbed). With lithographed title-page (stained) and plate. IV,492,40 pp. € 275,00

Original edition; with autograph dedication by Willem Louis de Sturler. - Narrative of the voyage from Batavia to Holland, through Europe. The appendix contains an interesting article on the Culture System on Java. - (Some marginal foxing). - Scarce. Tiele 1067; Cat. NHSM I, p.179; KITLV p.189.

132 SUERMONDT, G. , H. HOPE LOUDON. West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Toegelicht. - West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Het advys der Kamer van Koophandel te Batavia, de 'Oud- Koopman', enz. wederlegd. Amsterdam, M. Schooneveld & Zoon, 1865-1866. 2 volumes in 1. Modern wrappers. 79; 127 pp. € 125,00

Memorandum on the cultivation of coffee in and promotion of a coffee company. Cat. KITLV p.166; Von Hünersdorff, Coffee, p.1435.

133 TASMAN, Abel Janszoon. Journal of his discovery of Van Diemens Land and New Zealand in 1642 with documents relating to his exploration of Australia in 1644 being photo-lithographic facsimiles of the original manuscript in the Colonial Archives at the Hague with an English translation (by J. de Hoop Scheffer and C. Stoffel) and facsimiles of original maps to which are added life and labours of Abel Janszoon Tasman by J. E. Heeres .. and observations made with the compass on Tasman's voyage by W. van Bemmelen. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1898. Reprint. Los Angeles, N.A. Kovach, 1965. Large folio. Original green cloth, with gilt lettering and dust-jacket. With 5 folding maps in pocket and facsimile of Tasman's journal including many maps and profils. (8),(200),164,22 pp.. € 875,00

225 copies printed. - First complete account of Tasman's life and labours. The manuscript was discovered about 1854 at Batavia. Tasman sailed on an exploratory voyage for the discovery of the unknown South-land on behalf of the Dutch East India Company, resulting in the discovery of both Tasmania and New Zealand. He also sailed through the Fiji Islands and north of the Solomon Islands and made a coastal survey of the north coast of New Guinea. 'Still the most comprehensive account of Tasman's life and achievement .. All subsequent publications have been based on this work which was the fruit of fundamental research' (Schilder, Australia Unveiled, p.157). Cf. Cat. NHSM I, p.126; Hill 1670; Cf. Ferguson 16722 and Hocken p.1.

134 TERANG, Ida Bagus. Man working on the sawahs. Balinese drawing, wash technique on paper, signed. Ca. 30 x 21cm. € 350,00

Provenance: Sam Wagenaar collection. - Batuan school.

135 TODD, John. California and its wonders. New edition. London, T. Nelson and Sons, 1880. Sm.8vo. Original decorated gilt cloth. With frontispiece and 16 wood-engraved plates (several double-page). 208 pp. - A nice copy. € 95,00

136 UILKENS, J(akob) A(lbert). Een bezoek aan't paleis te Buitenzorg, in den jare 1900 en zooveel. 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1883. Original printed wrappers. (2),76 pp. € 95,00

An imaginary interview of a journalist of the Times with the Governor-General of Indonesia, discussing the administration of Indonesia and India. Cat. KITLV p.79; Buur, Persoonlijke documenten, 264

137 VELDE, Willem van de. The Willem van de Velde drawings in the Boymans-Van Beuningen Museum Rotterdam. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, 1979. 3 volumes. Oblong 4to. Cloth, in slipcase. Text volume and 2 volumes with numerous plates. - Fine. € 275,00

138 VETH, Pieter Johannes. Atchin en zijne betrekkingen tot Nederland, topographisch-historische beschrijving. Leiden, Gualth. Kolff, 1873. Original printed boards (extremities of spine sl. dam.).. With folding tinted lithographed map after W.F. Versteeg. VIII,136 pp. € 175,00

Description of Aceh, a muslim state in the northernmost part of Sumatra. Tiele 1156; Cat. KITLV p.21.

139 VINCENZO MARIA di S. Caterina da Siena. Il viaggio all' Indie Orientali. Con le osservationi, e successi nel medesimo, i costumi, kiti di varie natione, & reconditissimi arcani de gentili; cavati consomma diligenza da loro scritti, con la descrittione degl' animali quadrupedi, serpenti, ucelli, e piante di quel mondo nuovo, con le loro virtu singolari. Venetia, Giacomo Zattoni, 1678. 4to. Modern limp vellum, with ties. With woodcut printer's device on title-page and several woodcut head- and tail-pieces, and initials. XXIV,516,20 pp. € 1.750,00

Second edition, first printed at Rome in 1672. - Vincenzo Maria was a Carmelite missionary whose name was Antonio Murchio. His book 'is far more than an itinerary of the Carmelite mission to India: Book I tells of the journey to Malabar; Book II is about the St. Thomas Christians; Book III is on the political, religious, and social life of Malabar; Book IV, probably prepared with the aid of Father Matthew, describes the plants of Malabar, tells of the return trip to Europe, and includes a description of Goa. While he cites a number of earlier European commentators on India, his description of Malabar, where he lived for almost one year (February, 1657, to January, 1658), is original and perceptive. .. He spent very little time in the port cities and came to know interior places rarely frequented by Europeans' (Lach, Asia in the making III, p.892). 'Perhaps the most important of the 17th century Italian travellers' (Atabey p.689). He journeyed through Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Persia before he finally arrived in India. He had a keen eye and has much of interest to record about manners, customs, costumes, natural history, etc. He returned to his homeland via Muscat which he describes over a chapter. 'The present account is much more detailed than the usual contemporary reports' (Hünersdorff, Coffee, p 1045) .- (Some staining and soiling). Atabey Collection 1297 (3rd edition); not in Blackmer or Weber; Streit V, 538; Cat. NHSM I, p.240.

140 VISSERING, C.M. Een reis door Oost-Java. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1912. 8vo. Original red cloth (spine discoloured). With many photographic illustrations by J. Faber, J. Bienfait, G.P. Lewis, Th. Mens Fiers Smeding, a.o. 254 pp. € 75,00

A fine illustrated travel- account of a trip through East- Java.

141 VOC & WIC. NAAMREGISTER van de .. Gecommitteerde Raden in de Collegien ter Admiraliteit, alsmede de .. bewindhebberen van de Oost- en West- Indische Compagnie .. nevens de bedienden der zelve. Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1780. Sm 8vo. Contemporary green overlapping vellum with blind-tooled VOC monogram on sides. 92 pp. € 795,00

An annual who's who of the directors of the VOC and WIC and their servants. Bound with NAAM-BOEKJE van de .. hooge Indiasche regeeringe, gequalificeerde personen, enz. op Batavia; mitsgaders de respective gouverneurs, directeurs, commandeurs en opperhoofden op de buiten comptoiren van Nederl. India .. Amsterdam, 1780. 156 pp. - And 8 other Dutch annuals. - A fine copy. Landwehr, VOC, 1495-1496.

142 VREEDE BIK, P(ieter). De vrije arbeid te Soerabaija, getoetst aan de waarheid. 's Gravenhage, Gebroeders Belinfante, 1859. Original printed wrappers. 19 pp. € 75,00

Remarks on the abolition of the cultivation system, especially dealing with the sugar cultivation near , by a resident of Surabaya, Pieter Vreede Bik (1806-1883). Cat. KITLV p.191.

143 WALDEGRAVE, William. William, Lord Radstock, admiral of the White. From a painting .. by F.W. Wilkin. London, T. Cadell & Davies, 1810. Engraved portrait of admiral William Waldegrave, first Baron Radstock (1753-1825). Ca. 38 x 32 cm (incl. margins). - DNB p.480. € 125,00

144 WATERTON, Charles. Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824. With original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds, etc. for cabinets of natural history. New edition. Edited, with biographical introduction and explanatory index, by J.G. Wood. London, Macmillan and Co., 1885. Contemporary half green morocco, spine gilt. With many wood-engravings. XVI,520 pp. € 150,00

Vivid description of the Guianas, Pernambuco, St. Domingo, Martinique, Barbados, etc. With special attention to their flora and fauna and the aboriginal population. Waterton (1782-1865) was an eccentric enterprising traveller (barefoot across jungles, ride on a cayman, etc.) and a zealous naturalist. It is an outstanding work on the natural history of Colombia and Venezuela. - A nice copy. Sabin 102094; Hill 1833.

145 WEBER-VAN BOSSE, A(nna). Een jaar aan boord H.M. Siboga. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1904. Original decorated cloth gilt (top of spine sl. dam.). With folding map and many photographic plates and illustrations. XI,337 pp. € 65,00

First edition. - The author accompanied her husband Max Weber on a scientific sea-expedition in the Indonesian Archipelago during one year, 1899/1900. - A fine copy. Buur, Persoonlijke documenten, 629.

146 WIJK, J.E. van. Java, beschrijving van de aardrijkskundige gesteldheid, het bestuur, de gebruiken en instellingen op dat eiland. 2e druk. Amsterdam, G.L. Funke, 1876. Sm. 8vo. Modern boards, original pictorial lithographed wrappers mounted. With folding map, coloured in outline. 232 pp. € 275,00

Rare survey on the geography, government and customs of Java. Cat. KITLV p.12.

147 WILLER, T(homas) J(osephus). Het eiland Boeroe, zijne exploitatie en Halfoersche instellingen. Uitgegeven met bijdragen en toelichtingen in verband tot Europesche kolonisatie in Nederlandsch-Indie door J.P. Cornets de Groot van Kraaijenburg. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1858. Contemporary half cloth (sl. dam.). With folding lithographed map. XII,418 pp. € 275,00

Of particular interest for the history of the Moluccas: Seram, Halmahera and Buru. Willer goes further into the reforms necessary for the economic exploitation of Buru. The editor reviews the history of the colonization question from the 17th century up to 1857. Cat. KITLV p.32; Polman, The Central Moluccas, 536; Tiele 1211.

148 WILLEY, Austin. The history of the antislavery cause in state and nation. Portland, Brown Thurston, 1886. Original pictorial cloth gilt. With 19 (mostly) photographic portraits. XII,503 pp. € 125,00

'For broader and richer intelligence the work goes back centuries to the origin of the African slave-trade, sketches its horrible progress, its legal abolition by the British government, and the abolition of slavery under it and in other countries. Slavery is then followed to this continent, and traced down to the Revolution, and to the Abolition Ara. Then opens the great conflict; its principles, objects, measures, and true spirit, all carefully outlined till slavery fell'. (Preface). Work p.305.

149 WILLINK, Daniel. Amstellandsche Arkadia, of beschryving van de gelegenheit, toestant en gebeurtenissen van Amstellandt, met deszelfs onderhoorige dorpen, heerlykheden, ambachten, lusthoven, wateren, enz. In orde geschikt, en nader overzien, door .. Gerrit Schoemaker. Amsterdam, Arent van Huyssteen, 1737. 2 volumes. Sm.8vo. Contemporary vellum. With 2 engraved title-vignettes, engraved frontispiece, folding table, and 12 folding engraved views of the Amstel, Oudekerk, Amstelmond, Amstelveen, Waverveen, Sloten, Sloterdijk, etc. by J.C. Philips, C. Pronk a.o. (16),400; 327,(8) pp. € 475,00

First edition. - A fine copy. - Nijhoff-Van Hattum 335.

150 (WRIGHT D'ARUSMONT, Frances). Views of society and manners in America; in a series of letters from that country to a friend in England, during the years 1818, 1819, and 1820. By an English woman. 2nd American edition. New York, E. Bliss and E. White, 1821. Contemporary half calf. XII,387 pp. € 175,00

Frances Wright (1795-1852) visited both the United States and Canada. Later she sat up a colony, called Nashoba, for the rehabilitation of Negro slaves in Tennessee. (Cf. Robinson, Wayward women, p. 197/198 on Frances Trollope). This New York edition has additions and corrections by the auhtor. - (Foxed). Sabin 105597; TPL, 2 Suppl., 7059.

151 ZORGDRAGER, Cornelis Gijsbertsz. Bloeijende opkomst der aloude en hedendaagsche Groenlandsche visschery .. Met byvoeging van de walvischvangst .. door Abraham Moubach. Nevens een korte beschryving van de Terreneufsche bakkeljaau-visschery. 2e druk. Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1728. 4to. Contemporary vellum. With title-page printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece (P. van Thol en R.C. Alberts, 1727), 6 folding maps and 11 engraved plates (1 folding after A. Salm by Van der Hem ). (36),392,(13),(2) pp. € 4.250,00

Second and best edition. - This classic work on the Greenland whale fishery is one of the most thorough and authoritative descriptions of the early 18th century. It is the most important and extensive old Dutch work on whaling, including ample descriptions of the early discoveries and exploration in the northern regions. Giving along with extensive natural history, geography, history, and economics, detailed lists of ships' outfits, lists of shipowners and captains, an extensive vocabulary, and copious other details. At the end an account of New-Foundland cod-fishing. - A fine copy. Tiele 1241; Cat. NHSM II, p.899; Allen 177; Jenkins p.162; Sabin 106376.