The Application of GIS to the Reconstruction of the Slave-Plantation Economy of St
The Application of GIS to the Reconstruction of the Slave-Plantation Economy of St. Croix, Danish West Indies Daniel Hopkins, Philip Morgan, and Justin Roberts he project of developing a historical-geographical understanding of slavery and the economic and social systems that supported it requires the exploration of primary data sources that have otherwise notT received significant attention. This paper focuses on a remarkable se- ries of maps, cadastral records, and censuses of the island of St. Croix, in the Danish West Indies (now the United States Virgin Islands) which provide uniquely rich materials for the analysis of the workings of an eighteenth-century slave-plantation society. These Danish records are so susceptible to demographic, economic, and cultural analysis, and the information they convey can be so precisely placed within the mapped physical realities of the landscapes of St. Croix, that they may represent a be nchmark for studies of the geography of New World plantation society in general. Atlantic slavery dominated huge agricultural areas, and its profits permeated the European, African, and American economies, to say noth- ing of its cultural implications,1 and research on this tremendously impor- tant subject has proliferated enormously. Most of this work has been published by historians,2 but the dividing line between history—and es- pecially economic history—and geography can of course not be very sharply drawn in the case of the slave-plantation system. Some very solid historical geography of plantation slavery in the Caribbean has been writ- ten, but the field remains quite open.3 The source material is widely scat- tered and by no means uniform or easy to handle, and a great deal of the fundamental record of the geography of slavery doubtless remains to be re- constructed and interpreted.
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