If1 afc ii csnwiiir 'Vv,5 vv.rr jua-a-n hMNNMalDr o H )Mait! MausaitainSaztttt k V - (C 4& t& LMH.-- llla..ailt'.aaaaiJ. jflP T dkf a,n. IW laar aa f A1 ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. tap via ivot ;4i9im.7ltj JV-L-la.-. " atn . !tT5r.r55.r ifaaiiaaa ""rv,. TTtliai ? MwssnaOHa it mi mu ttt ixxrm 5- - a aanlaaaauaa, .If r.ii53taaniii raa. aM ft ja aafjjar. aiartaaw.a.aafarTaarM,iOTpta..iniii.n.MT.lH aa,iaalnKiiaiia..nMiTa.tafc.iaw..iinl,ahilaa..waiaa aj, a.wa awaiar.a atmiaiL. t- - -- .t 13. 18S4. 1 No. !)!)(. a, to . VOL. XIX.--No. 7. HONOLULU. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY WHOLE f,u.ll,lictn Xjfervpa. jfirniir Tdft'rrs. tirw-a- ii Jilttkxttitt! &Js giuarantt ,ffiifi"rri. &&. gxixitss jjtj. - - - - - srCcajc - 1 rt e MrMMt Wca att i sax c Ko-m- fnnTP7 FRONT AGADT ! Bilon Beard f Vmltrerlttrj. UNION INSURANCE COHPAHT TTlLUAiis. smoao CO. 1- - aJfcm., Tti A T W rWi UKXT9 fv 1k Shlppim and UmnUslou MrrtiiiU AT LAW. A larty mmImia ATTORNEYS MM Jl raltrarala 1UTTI. ft, mMlwa.T aaaa, F auaaaiaaaaX ., .:w ,..m. . - ?s vwtat ? bmMl a. tf rtilUif IphU Daril if rndtnrrlttrs. awry aaaa l 4. ' 4?4liVKN.O irimiin - W- - 1L CK0SSJIA5 BSO. iw'" a auaartaaaa ; nrouru ija rocxsss?:! xsscxist? BLACKSMITH AND MA CHI HI ST: Contractor & Builder inconroRATCOi iaos 4 t CX A CO. - a tk lV W. SMITH A 4 4 ta a"rtaUy COMXISSIOX MKBCHA5TS, TV' a- a att-- mm Bar act:ft & tut a aaal Stock, and Real Estate Brokers, rJ CASTLE COOKE, AGENTS Mrrrl, tat nm twatV r..i..cii.r.rr. I ll Itonaarr liaTlta. V. if !am aa ava awea aaraaat. 2 J l t m Krlh ItawalUn !Ua4. T wtoi awtifam a Vi:K.T.ttrnrJ.fl.J.t'Tlltrjumi r DW.il MM r I .111 IHHWI. CMkirvl. aaaJ tiaaaa, Ty. JLSKTOJLIX JOHX xott; Jlai'iitt mitrxra Im Neyr "ft Ho bhI RAftsM. afei 9M.j i4m ao aa kaa 5vt. Fine Sliop Xab.UvrtrItaaw u iWa3lrftwK yAny, H. W. SEVEEAHCE, 9 a. aa. aaaaa tar IMwMb vocetaK nwww - ta ta aHj j kit i 9taa to WlHJ Mk kr 1W &W.V 1M.I HI Mill laOTi " ctatvm.r 9 iMmajepr urtoxnox ai&Knivnrnuii. :?.' S, aa MW Mta aMfca. 3PJ i aWfU ta ts tacri tartn a. nM I; lianaHi a4 i r.I VW3t.A K1XXZX. J. M. OAT A COU SAIXMAKEKS. KINC STREET, Insurance Notice. CstAbllahed 1800a COMMISSION MERCHANT XkVX"", cmIi w w-9t- vaiaiiBf. t - ATTOKWMT c AT taw ta ta avl tww rjk.rirt. ULiat-x-vx- tn air, - iU ktm wi- AOtTIT Xa. om. sTttirr. irfXaMst- rilUK rvilTllK BItrtKII Fi. w4 la- - tnI FwW 1.0711 as aanNa 4 T liuu B. L IT K M XaftM CWlwrtlMMM1 ' i WMT-r- trnMiwij.InvrrKyUiy ill. KU.I l- aer-- i a a. a XaIIA. L. WAY - tet ami vl t i JUKOSJL. S Tbgmt aa toiOTtaw aM4 axt - miT im WII..I.'. aw rwn i m r.i mc. ppwan-- i MiEXT fa ih IvtantU. DR. JORDAN & CO. a i. r n - . - X" awa-a- tMavr mm naaiiMtf. W Wttt U Ll U3 MIUI MJUC ! j MKSSrtSBS " Ml ailirln riTorww ttr a tlStn CONFKCTlOSrBR V Tna rii'iLsf vkoftoi:m x JfpOe wd W - jXgl la a ifcr Kltuain. rwtt rMaairwr Ui8W Wrtaat mM CMra', 2Mt Candy Manufactory eakenr j INI I tier KUa' Mrt in Cao W 3L HATCH. fko Ciny JWtf and .ttratfeft F )lt t.. v..ilvj W - taia taaiat taaaW ntlCtS IPmmjWh. Jt. u. iaJ aVtraa4bw4ar-- thn W I? a. ailoHmmn uh! Kartiw TtMaw. i - rtHisOP .Yauavnc n. B&toM cam. W aai Mbat CooX aatl bmr)k fcrOrt n tJ. rma.aita- UWtT. taw fin ft. FraatuaX C&aJM&aaar. TtaSrj SaXtr. ?H t r ttt1 ih rtt rm r ATrL WKAfc, wwta ua kmC w nftM w- a. data lUO.HAIXJk. !0.", Ca TIwaTftywt.Wwaayaaa4rart. Xr X,Tir.nSu,V)TeH.tdSt, nraURANCE COMPAIIT. s a o lVMW xt VL?XZZX.i 3U01X5 13 riSE la :iw4 A3 Xii3AlX ITSHTR 'al .crl rt HimU S.S.TXMX. 7 Wo. PtoaK 0to arf wtl am- -. RttPS ALWAli on hand buli tr V'lUiN JMT BwtJMC tM akne 45 f Champagne Cider Manufactory, mncnDmuktii iiunu THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Jm faitaac. lattJa a H tfcat Wajwr FflrtMM : 1pm1 ,M?ttlt rtmt Nm im vi4 It fob Pa? liJi! ilMIn.uli)lrtTkwlb. wil e T Kna hnmntait to tar t- at alt va ! iw. COMPANY J A .'1 u.Mrlk LIFE INSURANCE iSw wv tM few IwAmne sum W MtoclttflC SrolLor!MCiJ. taaaer iattatto Conlcottonory n It r I fft 1UU BO tta OiAvr tri Ja rraatattr JkUMtta Vkk44artEtiM.,tfVj t tnttr at ttirtvl 0rVn fta HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C or W Won. r.iurouii. INDIA RICE MILLS, AT atlaaiijai ml EtMULCTK A CO, REDUCED PRICES! FIBE IXSimANCE COMPANY, IKlrr ta .all Ikr paiiliaaw uu.ia.T. IOT. Tlw iMinJwtir, T-- CASTXX. J. tOflamilll & jm kawr. tk Kftfc mTTHVArn S3? or njiSBtTs-ijnuim- roww Banjuir fawn,. BiHarr. TWpaai? A.nriroJpr:y vrr LX ta Cav- - THE BEST BSUDS OF CHOICE CIGVRS Prcmont StxcU Son PniicwTO. afcaaaW tMrltafr iayfc. t JLlawUltt xunmnuc. and J- rciui. vat lafrtwa at t - Cw ,at urUMt Xum. Tia. tat araa a Cafw kff a T to W A. . rrUialXaknnhqiriwIMnnHiai 1 tars a?? trcs imafc Mtanmniin)nnfpTOn-fw. - I Tontine investment Polioi6 rpHK INDIA RICK UtL.LS A fTKR tavrC tM Lwi KtaU Ba . THE J C083ULS J., ft rar af rtaatK-a- i aaawaaaMr-a- am war fiba Mital aaJlaaC' Md rtaj. - atST tt Caa. JtSl HUS ay Mt a aAii H. .31I.UK1:a ukotukc. &. - Vaparti utat? a)aaaa aiia i ykiv iiw UMdbar of w cka mailnFit liutaiy. w ax ibv Tit;i.- ... aa aoafaaaam ! a B Vilfa IZZ2 STUZB aid 3AXE ST CE A jstau. Haai naaaa, mt rtoMbja, Titt.Far TWiiaaaaaa.ii aa4 rwaU a. Vr& Iht WMoteit t taMiu Ami &3GY. A. T. FEHICE CO. LAWREf FRTH. Pr GREAT WESTERN Itta ton a. kkOnr Coram Kan ami rr . wnui, SaS? C3A33CS33 CCJOI3S JOX 3t3iCtAJT5 tky iaa4 BwiaaifaHT TaarlaMa.1fepat"tlaft aS afccWmt a sce 7, 4 Tarwaaattaat aira f . IM aai FaaAcorvTia.Jvc'roxxa.EatxaMfw rnra;.o ft Wra .m INSURANCE COMPANY. kmIi -i i i4 - ray uactlaw. SO VaU TtM- Wyo--lt EanlwBMit TaHty tbr Pat Fata KUtt Head ODtt. St. Xaw Tark. a4 aa- - a ftaajtMa t t. a I'm ata . n .witt uuB. rwrDwri aawa vmt Surveying Uir-Iaat- i lVHaj. Taasa, OOl aa Civil Engineerlngand TV ktora l insbi atT ax ruattuaai aa .IjfrarT 21 XtttMl iaaiWr 33 Doac: 1 "W lUaaltv. to aXPxTioo a y r3J. axa- ofnci t t tl. l.iaf.. ta aaJlt.aU tiio XxaioaJ aarf unrtu wit HImimJ in tma ami .ill If ait. ShA mi Y... Hoduoo ;aW. or wtt & HCLJLBXrS COL. caa4ur. riratat. TWaiT Cwim hi aaa ttlT. Tlaw i a taw mm tritaaw cmuw csubi rMMMMi Xwrfcflrt aaHi 6bti ilwiVr at ru J. 5. VJlLJUB. lav mm m ait 4C grmtit am ;. To for 100 pounds Drusists Totoacconists hi 9et tavnataK KanUare. Habvfi; WIlilAJI TTRXrR. - 50cts. WBVCIS-AL- A" ISTAtt. ttanttKMAdiMt. PatfUMtr. aa4 t7- FaelartJHr ia4taaataa. Hi t. cait T ADH1TWM 3untnu.u Practical Watch 4 Clock Maker u:iiojr a. w. uL-- l3.nU Tilt 1 urMiirrnwrAOOf Ta4.rAtrKa M WAIL CKC. Xll-- I and Jeweler, Rce aad Marine Insurance Company it tai Jtataaa fa Ux Waallaa laaaaaa mI k' n Vtca-- '! i r 7i a saaartl &. CKcrsAOi a co. !M B at . G7 4rMC BuftviU'U. L. lufomtto la - or.isn itiuin. U wfa4rHjr ar Vlawk ' V aa Frcrfi 04 qauuac runwr ffMmw7 i 0a aVrawiuD S. L vairiitT 3H Fan ami. s ; : S I9.MO,000 1bK A Fhatmqc jpta, W nAavd 3i CAPITAL a4 ht CeiwcaI31TTTtliJ1aJtolCaaLatLIaMT I' t.cla,tajlUt-r - WHXXX2CC D. LANE'S aai a a W. ALSIU a? J. 3rJ ita HAiroM .' a. bvjhn ahajta HjIaI lt L S .f rr-j- a 'm laaftfT af v awtiw, as alc Kwaa iam Ki j CO. aralft Itlt & GKIXa-lXT- tt CO. LTCiS WORKS, WMi arv MrrarrJ tu ateM t flr. Ear X. MARBLE rfar'Sar taapw waritoa aaj i T aarT-- a fa 3 lb l'ltoaa(lvaMtriakUlfcaa-- ' jib lrvtt Ittiani of Cailn. ttrav SAMUEL NOTT, l rm& oit ai pe ita Merchants, ytaaievl iniH.Tr Palmtia it nnto - atai lt-l- Connissios. (rtural Mrrfr roirMir.ci. xhkiiici.t. XarlBT Kl.a. ,a ari-- j;l. x'f.- )tvaj. Tiav ' - a St- Cal Chxvnuamm. Jtcw X X aaLau.aa a ! a, 1m gd Ti. I C2iOTia. - FnaeawK Ears a4 rallrfraiarji'4.' Mlw uj awigUiiura vvold vara uujl. It Sa ri3. a ItTrT. la 7 Tto Cfenpn bInct tv Bar MANUFACTURER OF M0NUJ1ENTS Laa. rraa,ptlr aaj a.lail b4 fay aale Plu.mui'g, a . J IT ASI Ha- - Ikf OctMr acj ' 2nifiC lwma a 3&t. BF rTJ3.HTB3 LI Ml VJ.LXII . a lita fiwt ?tt FjtI Dr. x b. rafntsox. ILL IH2S Ka.l.tW.1 auJ. ,f .4a tnc i7 " MtcBiw rf aatt taf jvoilv; ,BUniL.cvY Shuhd ntt FEJJL1S rf aJ aad CKaraj Jtarfc. a. onefc riujktf-m- Hutu nwk ?UROtU. PKTCU The City Xondon In- Gas FiTTixcf, j.ir 9LOcacng dun and PHY1CIA AI naiim at xniKr Titfatt. HiiHa 3izK of Tire Ni iic CmsigBmeats of Paddj Solicited. takw u isvuihUi sig of a uh BU1jU A. MT t- VTiiiitisd Tess. lad 0. S J ai ff. j. rar - Uaalal surance Co.. Limited. jjojukw afwcLiQj mduys aa& firwfai. SlUf aa CaTTrM" a"tFli aJ.a? a' Xlrife. TliVSMITII & fffctif trhaa. o IM MSI. CO. Ttlc? ia Eiuiisd'ffijte lloOFEK, GREENWOOD, T!te at aadu aad wm as total b dtaur HOXOLTTLU IHOX WORKS ! Wm.M. at CAPITAL. : : : 35,000,000 Gaaaral Caaaaabala. Marak&at aai . CilK IUIJJ JURSLE WORK OF EVERT DESCRIPTIOH 4adrfv wiws OuUitCTKCjiW.JIKU1 UKtlD. Pr.pri.tar af tjW laIU Kla. KlOa. aw? an mimc. UBtES MB CHHB5E.VS FH1SICU.V tmo. . HCjIJUB' 19 rwt lJtins XlDE TU UABIK ortcLiMicn avcait Xai. Unnus Lwa hoa in ftac pwuwwatwa a. OUManUU) JKJ Machlncrj cf Eierj Description mintaanttlalai ta. it c&wut ejroi-J3xiX- iiMBcv uiu Obbiiutbcb. 3o- - 4 Swi. ta pwiiftimCbwMite e AT T05SIEIX SATIS. arfUanpaml Mamat nak aratoatlRaB Batal. tjm rf !(!hs apwi aw tiw General 3 rmnm Inn aaii Santa. TEE I0WST raawaia. Macaawrr. o taa aaw aw - JU p 'Jatwaaaal. .jai m mzs, wsucii X (stfdMCi. wntoi tu H .urnBT twrti HJUCH3 M- ui I a paiei Siij tavuaata urau ! Ufmi uuai.. "-- . y dor cnnn At to i U uw fiitat b aal join u. 1MT. 5 aTTELEPH0E3l.- - Wiiaajxwpwi j tjnnaan Jl.aaiTaiL. aad llm.to a cluawil.aJ Lx lYaaatlj AJJi.t4aa4 Krt. Fislieries ar w&w dhQ (E1JOC3S.W 333. CttI. r;Ur ii wTsui tar 7 ataoing wims 39L1AT IT312C aid rf 3E3 D. H. HITCHCOCK. X.F.BCF.CESS. I' U BUUEB. miramfartf iriiw aad xa itHiimhw a UriRnoai Jm UaaaH TMtntaraai. Qm nil Lav- - aad 2f PaAIi ai trrr.T axix-- 'tur Tiac JSi it tma la Baaa-ia- hiMf Ajxots&f Attaciwr t tJT Etjng gnat nt nnoafivT ail dun. tataA aiooi Uj. vMbuI m UAr n HJiu. arw 0 win pnnnpiiy tMB titt Sfawn. ptwila mc ru jJ 'mmbiim mimBiBiI tn aim. Smnat own a 4Jl a.uV iwiMtoip Wftm rt-- S1TPPL7 THS HAWAHAa 13XA3BS JrtaI W AU'raii Ail f m Clicait Vimrt. and wauwaga - araa MES. THOHAS LACK, Tiie London nnd Provincial W1a" 4S9Wttlnf tn lUQK C COMMISSION MERCHANTS J iic iiiunni. 50r- uaot uwk tM wrrn thi tta taVc auMrtmn auutmr satt at Xj. 9 S-l- HoaaUla. rt and DHALHR PIHE Iliehrot lirmV at (uttua ettin?i. iwir Uuvi; aMtail taear IMPORTER INSUEANUE COMPANY ! ii A wad mm w-- il Sewing Cenuino Xalxxxltcdo' 5 TStSSKa1'' mthia,B& ESS & Machines, and i Nets and Seines to Order, . 1SSS, B Sab-cril- . Oil yaraap I Parts, Attachments, tATlTAL S5,00a.l)U0 - , frnmlMm mt T-- iA? "- or flfc a. ..I. 4rMaUM 0S pasr and Accessories. XlaOOOLtXXX ran. HneMt Slff M yon. .A&mirx rtiii r CMtta it UckMrttH HrBf.awrt IVaTtKa ;HS ! Wlitt Xer Eae. Jj--- T a." aa t ar- - ; "wU aX a rv S'J 0VES, aat ha jaiuji& ED TUC Data. Crm. Haw. sat t T Y 1TI8!H"E- J A.t'. liaar.la DaiTTraaUj aaad Is tA. Umila4 Stalaa. 17. l3UaI5"Tarva Fofrcae yiffm KAiNGES, Goods, Tamils tt Goods rtrt. Solri-- New New Net and i Co. a. .Vtir to arnac 3tMse Jewfts. American teils. rf smaes ff C tJi'I. Eirirfi Tferea ataJtexltam acrwM Ffi0 LiTEfiFOOL we Lnui)5, (iaii(lulicrs, Jhcoti by X Jr A fe AMIYTWITH am a recede bfa. Aaoctmajiu SrrV. OX. J. COIUS BlffmiFS CHlORIKiniE. EhUM ai thj gm a Lan of EILEY, errfwff -i . i atac ! a atnait tmb - j. BlS Mian; mr irr tt ii aaafr- .art-- f nm -, . avai mm SFITTERS, CtAEa MILE. OB.M1CHI3E C8TT05. Gonornl haaaiaa; fa" fwaai a iaaa watf ftwaa mttmtn mtelcailaafdh ! twiioat! r Goods Suited" JAX3ITIOS utxatoa toaatwai aarf ia araaafi am. then , Market,. taa to - th am atilif this HOUSE FURNISHING r a- r lap u an xait "T7 . bet lra )i ( issaI?icFcgLtjry,'', S - faaaaaV r - aad aaagmC n&Kfc w9 ie seM in. aaaaii t nit. an4 AT BOTTOM P8ICES. m(k rtiWaa dia 7 tagwawatxrjjJJ.ja uMhnTK. ai wihi pfaaC Afflontr oar sa.'i.'S; can fee Soami: C .laWlllllBIMIUri r cs Ljwjsa,cxv sa II.-tlinW.iK- in art ! aamo4 V !. ainriarcua ret " Lo-Cfot- Jw. mnbtLCap. Jl L BfciW Eocj..-fe- 6fceenK. Bfee Star. SnmacCisb" CXPITAXi . .a-- t tMar- - aattii 4m iBBea&L ' tawaai Co9tf. Btibii Rt?, jtzfi.-- Et PtMaV &?t Be-- Cfcecfc- - Xba lh.(atBwt far coIkc:: Tnzbtf Si&efc. Fjaarj ia.I PtiiiLs zAIiister KF.ROSEKE STOVES! C f" la $5,ooo,ooa XKW HUH K. ' - tWawaua- Uw wta4af ib w&e Towet. PUin ami Bcifore.i Cotm HaB&cMeis. 1 IMI'KFtL MLOBftn si wax M" CIt. A. JAECEff, )ft aij a. ; ain:BiaiMii ant M - wt ai'aia ' imHiv awec ur soac- X TajTrHry Hjafivn-Mia&- . urn Lrk.-ii- j iti'i .i of S3i WasCt Dtuaa?k TaWe 2Taf&ia. it di Ta i ar!ff lIYERFODLaBdXlDJriHlfi G103E HUMCtD- - Oocfce-- . acs-jf- lhap,rrft. Lt unii in-- - amm?.. mb aoat at BfaeaTlMt'iiLtettiWtflttt&airfClttIir Sfuol ad V-- aara II lamaj v pi4-jtfe'Mattk- '4:a 0ta. ttflW Bairit. tuBteiiBL ,. few jpiwes Fine Eti'jfck Tnjw5aa& FreatA ra INSURANCE CO. w k-- ' MawM - C IB, IS a. JMf Jnatawe. --j nte yard ju upwai-i-: iteown DriEs. Bres-- Dre 01SMDMTDTHT! r 4 T aa- -t .S pr Liius Laea. fflLlfflMSSuSTfll; Assets. S31, 161,000 aariW-- ) i. 5w4-- . ar&ice Limm ami 7t met: F&nf Tritlt linun. Peutl rflr tfte taJtfai aa ;4bk:54 Ifatsttti.l5to3ile; SSS.714,000 ban faoaar. aad v She. Skt abjI Fjmfy ITannefe. iftirs, cocwiu Bnai wnofen. a. Tacietr: Miw jh Xefr-tnip-- ) Claims Paid, fc.nawi t aawaaia SO ia AX 1CU1T T3r,AQtiiy ami KO inciu UIIEUEU. It - off ai&t qaaiary; fei HATE i 'ir i T.tL ..ii.u a. 1 ' - ihuly wJKat 3RIS, lti 9Si , turf 3 atfi aiwp' in tfrtt BUGKSMiTE FIBEOtEnLPaG, HEZfHUUbKA IWl .f - A M andawmitim I . . ?& Pif""l& t i fK. $d.lm & d R4!rti aji WHITMAN WRIGHT, nifl uiacBia zrn !tar f nunKniT". - i atalt Ia' ta nma; i 'rrriMiv-T- !- Ma' fca-r tw Blifernir Cotter .mi all itnaiitMs: Piijt Pin Jockafc. --wMafl atr .tafflxKfefcarrimnf, rj.nl fjrin, Bfer. JfU" ' al - xn vistn inamfa Wav if tawf 3rmliaK a tttrmr I"" ara... ft Jt. J lltt!! - fiaoaaiaai. " , i.iTi - aj-ita- aaMi mm tfar xt ?';bt stutt- y7 ajw mil ' fig tp .ar Ta ' Red nder wn Engings - - - t4 " nmr lefts, i"r ir - M - "- r- tfemgr 1H9I jjiswr mSHb ISli. H.C3-S-a-X- i ii CHARLES HAJOEEK j SiVTtarai av Coscavanti - tbia in. ag gofa)cs a& ra t - taiB line wb have qaalitiftj. jIHIIwliivfa. win he low aa -- aw T a wiM. Sgstt x 2$f usi xai weife. M L TOOLS UlTIlii - f FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY -' Iwnlt&ai. .; H')ft?E WAyivETS. itarfe. SADDLES, faH JiSV a tail a ami lisliae of Gea a- Ca.fc. Steel: i - a - from, "Siacfc" -- Bw:bt for a Urn w 'i.i .; - SaAte a mmmm at $& to j. Plric' at 545; also. LAWKS SADDLES. aW tiaftf or nvEKPOoL. zstclaxd. a raa aa mc of jour aiiiaxt a, 7ar awaa Capital 5IO.C0O.CCO tbenirr iniaaiy Fkst-Ct- UNLIMITED LIABILITY. ar CAPlPETS, & os Hareess Fittest RUGS, .U ., NEEDLES if 4jjKrtjlii Carriage Manufacturers, W fax- - t TV' if ffnaH-i- liy tu - at ! ift a Uf "AePw&r TelreC Piia; Centre Bmr--. fi to 14 anartet stiw fatseras 3n tah.t imr- iar) aa-- 4V - S&GG, iaar vaara. - SffirhiafiwCtthific rwit: j. Im- (jt S16. Saiis aiiii Xait. both Xehet awl ?. -- lat to? bawwc i bwji ny aa taw mm Wheelwrights aortaitiii Taffetr?. H3 ljriaajyaay aj ta aaa!- -t ' rftbito syv nucxr. Tile est TTnracas taS piDri.E AID m ta. ri aott be afeere iaT rm at 4 - fiSfiflfanofufiL im GERMAN LLOYD - . "U : i ' fwap- a fcrr tfiaawi fe Szpahjc "One Slue Stipe" Sugar- Sag, or raat- fonifial aaiie --tt Cheaper than any House Mama tewateg Censaj K Haifa. GfcXERAL BLACKSKITHS, a. Wawafflseaiiitfaciitesiept IFSESS BOfiix tfete rj TCTJ tftn . -, iwcamKr to tnia , treat 3Kum&isax&i ut aifer fee me nx Qttot Ftcser Pra are of tfie CO. A c ott paif er testis- BlTirHASE. TSTIL POKTUX .. KracSI. aajaittne to befvuer1 fttOTtr -- ( - " B05T JS, ",, ;9aail ' fee lie Esoiiieeii tkiwmm- Cotarcii otrai(i4fl aniiifi a4l prc iat caa ski wiiiwic al?, uitd. &c c5fa( CSJBf arj s SeifL HATT-bE- as. bS5is ajeetoisiy aoqpmC ror his - HUVUI.LI.I. II. I. , rpsc ISnli: flCaaSC rlfrASI&- 2E2i tiWKjjpeg. a aisQSajijB Mria afaaj aaa Daatun ttaramwm L aaw- - ajfciinaii Aw a aa da aiber oiijcct. Owu r arra a. jimn ina..i iaayaC GtmrnnL Ajt5Caiart anaiwlamf j cater ExsTaaTnat araataflaaKinw. aCa-- a - fr3pn- - f ta- - . S fc Tbdollki adwan , jw Sj -. - Ka- w V - ,A- GALVANIZED IRON. ClIliHitfnr JU. Jf ( aawnHy 4 ff TV M raa KaTlH ft mi c. TIw repass y Jf Traa- - fc-- mat aai pnrsuatfar Se T. fe- ffnlf . aa iiiiirwc4 BB.I cni; HTa2a 1. Ami 3 feet. 24 nraurs: Flut. 8 feet 54 xmssz Sasw, aaf WasAeei. Leati derale(I W :; 7 A WKK7XXm af anmaj thun tfe at ir 3 SBftH: LmeL 3Ic3tlcaxL SciclcLlos, - "Wa)iis, S&eet Sbi FESCE WISE. 3 aaif fizxnas: Fence Sfcagfe. sarvr viw iorair- Uts aftr' j4 6aIaBceiI riiars. Titx ;" nfr raiunw Carriage Shop, tire KM(iai Wank Eusba. Fzy Rhk. SJanfen Bonfennsr aaii Bciifa " laatialrmc tm- - "l km nimtt--T Jt At 6c etL tfaui Iteirtf. SitiSa. aal 'Mat f- inl CO.. Wheelwright Shop, - V WILDER Kiir - 3at- r apmi wane arrastftt "a C3Btea.Fae Ckf. Foe Bccfcs. Lime. CTroffr, Bsogna Slti&y. B)iLiiI U&se&L GiL WKce ami Lnpr ii aU& XASTJLXIOS 1 Atmi Bfaclsrnrth Shop, iKsoapansi; Setl Urcergiml Satt. Fnnfiwti 6rw:erfea. Lea. "Pfecina Wbreesterabca Smee, Evix arf - Jia la liwS'lMS bad 1J. Paint Shop, and uirgar juusuc QgwaTagar. Cacae Bwctjb--" Caiair OH. EaJrOQ. Tenfiii FLCOBfOIL FS HstHal life InsoraBce Cwtsp'j fa I LaiH: Sit. altos; CEO. LUCAS. Trimming Shop, "I mafi'l OflSEr azul 3 ;aa &fc. new pftteras: LEAl'MEit klL'i'iieT fcst (jmSty FBdfefe. 3 Coosr Seals H4if3r;j Sis.. aill feijfc.i srsnr t.ck. atf Ii Tia. Jun uvkbl.9 t E in. qnaati&Gi So smc JWeH Durfiryn: Steam. CnaL 4p srass: rnriTRAcrnR 4 km nufcR Safsssand 'Hast lit mm anaal la lagarj. ai'fci . &w .a a.fi. f XoiaailleBa, (at h Zrzest. fmawf mt A. at i aial ECONOMICAL LIFE IHS. CO a an&nai riwir fc $bS&r2 Txmtij CirrUeaa. v a ixtloi . .am hi Horse-Pow- er UTH2W02LB! Kzt a wotcn oaiL ) 6 Steaj Emgime, PlU4WM. stwib Portable Ti.r Baarr l over SSO,GCO,GO0 I ntpxniatesL rtii HWelrt lean FUEBBg Xilb-- Cash Assets, B BDHDEB3 6F STEAM atunaaiffaT j- - - lUdlSm unwrm OF SOAPS, aia- 7r "anMtalaa; tk. rmmpgmwT aa4 Cl Cfca iia?fi- - 3. L f.w Saw. aT baanaiHtit IQgtyMWjaaj, tatmoc Steel wsi Fifc Fluter & ami Sgffies 3faieL. Orfias CwrBiponifeBee EtyUuft, Saatarf 4aar.4grc.ar 2i& 13" r pw aaniMC. Ontrrr m J rarniajja. pramT-azteiiilet- a. arill rt wlttt gfiwapi t 3laaiiAa"atn bl Unit, rf BraaJka. aHama4Hftt. Saamllp, taat !.(Mdlaotij "3rf r Mcufdfnss, Sracfcets, B atiimi Btiatos & Co. JI XKUT.T rrawscs, ENGINES AND BOILERS TEiEO. H. DAYIES l Windcw FIBE IMSUKAHCT COMPAH't, Xt& Wax ofaa in tlm - - .. ' ESkxis, Sashes.Occrs " rfurtii .k . Kl Atfl a. a7 lhuniiw. artj j lit Tlmto. f ?.aji. rMM WTK ... lat Ww4 awtir Tf ant t ttXSS2BZXTXaL9 Kat, 0arU. OarH. aTacsv Lka :rna Torainf, Seia Jfrf 3.ii Sswa! am gaiwant m Kaavl OUrta. A& - --I t. In a ' iaj airti . I u ir A. a ttw masanoa if imtfearrsaaiit.j unamm. ;ajiiiJMi bmhwhill r &: : Kfsn nanm ..-- rf-- nmi CEHMAM S02: SiIraH iu IIOHTK lUmjmjmmmr. 9i aaa i iit.aa ;. aaaaaa al .ht4s i and .irai prams tn beeaaac raadcas 'Eir ilairtr ai.a.M laurf Pacaw. urJKa.i BXCI gai-cnl- ISSUEA5C2 G05IPA3T, I Zaa ttuwa. ChwI Sunday me d ifcen a ari Jhaa oar uaV" fMajwvi-n:TM.n'- ia ilEE Ha. Wjaiapa Ptaotadaa.. Liaffna:itl rtJarjtriw.. UIHU. ffiioM wham, dm naarfiar. dunfcm: Tar fWii'tLEXLE U r BUCXSMiTUVfG aaaalM a Taah a atar TSm GMEb, HaM das wm ''" " ar , Mpncar ptiaaatut IDiu. Vi TO if al toeks, Scp-- - OZBSJd UPTtr ATTEShCb . - fc4 toainxmrlKM aaad: ianas, UUlHi Wa4inisiTinT7vX. ST rant-- P& ar a, - "i ' aar a JtVVmamm. aawwaariC ' t aWTLkESPT arbac: I anall 4u antlajnai jutjtia pm,-g- . Ja4 wrla 1J1J . aat y.. X3 Fasscica-- a iwIit. Inarta flipr witaaa TMS'na atflrJBB miMI HII - . LaaBtrant Latuii Ham m mnMb .y J .' UMmCT A Tk. Jgw. ananMM. TI tri iaar- J r- tanBUaaBd auppnrc ar I Wart., MIUH. ..' t an- - tfevft da taaat wr taium iiaali ja- Saatlaadarattaatfiaai aaia ?"" Ctrrtttr It. , .... Ataaaaaaaam. aa Jk. KJIBWMfl- - AtotJwtJaJC4i-4itJ- r ' twaa-m- jwiait in rv at?. .Ha7 aaad JJJL3 '! 'i a a.wa aaaa jajnaaa - an awaati tfcw MaafHqpaaaa. ritfa tfcit laaric ff" . i. SPSIKGrXSUJ ma- - juniig ut ataaai Mn'iiJa.aaBi aaaTw- - am -- . 2aalara"ia Laaiar astt. all af Sailais? Wart. iau kicm rr.arv jmr aSi . I inwt nax a r.,i.i.Ti.R. jl co ;? aaml KtiiijWar-- a. Jkfrt aj m r .' aaa aaaa aaa. h. Jr. it - 4 rawW B wfta A Ssatut ouaqr fliltKJJH JJ3 :i22aaJT3 maaarrftaa-&aatw- fj aaaaajriK Afataaa; H gf Tfwft, fHIT .t irf ala. a Tarfl eawwarc MaeMiies ajDBaaakair Gas - ai . 9arlaad) v aa rwiwsi ttevfli Hiwauaa tlw to .Tiaiaai yraaw tpiat-t tMaa Or 3Tj Tirftrnf IIM Mfl. f Sealers raCcnerarMertdtanrffsc nrntfavaMtlPiwi. ilmi - Haaa lmai.a, . ayija a. (Htiamrta a,pcsnm af avslaanaaal mswr- a- sasjuiaUcoab jt t ". BCr7K& jl coenfaT M. .faraanrO Ti-- V4rtUM 4f Aa aat life aaesHs. - ..-- - , a3arC- Ifevr ciaissd Katiat wt, . the HA afonn, winvs an prX a :warnx f- - at asf ' m 3.cu fit nav PiZUau. gnaialiBTaj tttwrmjrr Horseshoeing a Specialty, m ttBiiJaiflwato. Eton niiiln 1 SaMrniL Talala 1f. J lltMI'UieiiriMb ,,- - Wa fec3a Haai aim. EconomIeI in rm aaaipBaa- aiayaataaaaaav u ftV- Jlost ntlmi f tialtM in ii m. mmm. - Ifcatratj , - aa--a -- aaiai.JIii T. ie rt, aaat Ilicie ans a wwa. Warn tfaatfamaavaac ainJuiia Mm FtlilMla i aavaaaal ! faaiaTHaf, Ci.j. 3X a..t- aiaar . IT. aai XJUMaafT.aal Ua 6Ma V mm aura Thai ftflfc. iinliaiiaiairB fta-- ate-- W niiiMlliia Hails fta a rwai fmtat-r- fupnaj XII.-- THSCJI. nr ii a aai. Steel anttas. laaBaaaaasar tfta it ti ,j lHH.iaaMraiar ba ic - - .aaaa-- awfla- aaaar aAai jaa 9aaaaaHa ffaw- ' ' i t m a fMrt2kbM fwfiw aaenn an3ain&3craEX 433 Tftarala flu am ' Maiai irj aa T a MS raadas tamt a. O ajaat Caaaa : aftfce iaananr. aTO ifw cstn7 sr attaWfiBa 1n.a.iMavh..cd.a.TtMalfcinafl "ii Kaaaayfa a awraratr ra iayaww la mw aanaai atBadafeaa. ft. G 0.U- - SVaaM'ltKaaMiiaattraaal 3adna. KyiZPZn AA B fallW 410194? U I ri.r TNnr 3imnpin :TjBiafcd aat aaavtiaalt y d Taaaaar aai Hi aiaala Parian fa,.. fja rtAf - ta Jusrrecerred per Msxatlan Caa.a&aa SCitot , - y 4.an. rfM aaaiaafcitnnt-- ; WJIgr-- - .mmi waiw. lulrtj laia iHEiTm crrEi ts repiw m?,i. imjj if- Kaaka&! --.i..aai laictsCTromi iaaat-ai- c: a mi TT7I..H a Hilar II an i T ( m- - ra7laaT.I4, W. ej.ttmralnawi taaias Tin itLi ar Ana or ia- - XBMraa tt, ,, M. T a.i 3 uUUM f '. a- BBrwra Twjftmi T frsaaW 'vviviiaui lajwarfF rar TUOaaaar. f IIBa a. fcr Tlatk aainlaa. IVrlTi .Inif JnsiTicraf ntntr yxKan. E KMir' 14 tfist tbet9-v- n aazii aa raaata 'if 'JtB i ar.aajp,. E TTn cls.reXcL d& & WEIGHT. txmnQBbim cnaBa manattcs REDG-- HOUSE, Co. WHTTMAir 32ZJK)0O00! aw KII0WLE8' aitarpen dwsr awn.irWwtt l2m nareta raaTaca-m- -- V x mxnv lsOW! Sm '"'ned mto tin mT.Fr GOSSi-f-- fMfaasli fa.rfai 4tmt. H9STACZ. .' J '"w1 . nacad hacK i S72lX4S9?S7fH?BIIS Smb. wlnn 'THX 5onLffWfcrP'HWH-- C. STRATSWcYER, wn toe. lK HHtHMfJaV! UjraaH C tiacit tjen ' irfmc f i..m waWs nrn' i nmm atTia CAJTIX & COO kiSMM H"i rtr C. O. ESKCEF?, -.- im jnia. TJuai iip ,rafi a itdarcea aod 3m ii. Vhoeare art HetaU Croor X -- - . - iaaw aat a "fcai 4 i(. urnum ' - m rat. S iimw .Cima- btw fanaaad r ar Jw nJ B ' ' aa) ... iairaiiie in a aJanWi Baa ar anrt asa vmsmm BrccJcs. Oars. Paints and Paint Oil. , ' . t w ' ? rf - attfA', jaajBfr .Ue C3TU4I i" trails SSUtrZmmlVZ. fjatj. cstxrP 3r;wii jsi imm V Hafj? a itMUa-- arrvvab 'MUfk.mj aanMlT-a- ra iwi aj' ' ii. .nail Ma far .fc.la a. 3J,ii.nar. KZSS:X B Was IT ' UftXAJtllatCr, Jfcprg it imtattd. - m

... ,.f.. 'V L; yiab-3Jail- . 14 v- :0L - .t-- .t , v..Jaii jaHI.i! June'l iSs -y ' j - 3v!H1 i i: t.-4i 4bti?i)i. x.a ;--

A.'l : autauanQa2Htiv f Mil H I i ,!.. y 1 i'l f i!r.iS" liliirilTlvm ' t, ! ROBERT A. gr-- :- .. CRIEYE CO. P - : j.. --.v. " .r- "'1 ,t M H ! - ' W (lir ; ms i mm ni ii tit ivir wift" .'ixjtftxui$tv l mia M WWMMWI(! m f).mi ftwh lM i .W . ' fcf .MHiiT V. KAIt Mini Mvnwiiiaa.lt1. ...! mMV ft. wwntll Wftlft. M ftn . 1 Mtow. TiiiiMrfiWliMWIIM.I.IHMrtlnl.4. Www SEiiM!fcSJ. i XX T.; 13. 1SS4. i !)i)(5. XaAutStnACrw VOL. XlX.-- No. HONOLULU. WEimESDAX, FRBRUA1.Y WHOLE No. Jfrmttanrt 4UlitS. Iv aw Jf aaai m aafe Via te- , A. XV - Saw v. A yv. I. Tftftftw-- C. HOWE TO"THE FEONT AGAIN ! Batn tiwrJ f Vmlfrsrllfrt, UNION INSURANCE COMP&NT WILLIAMS. DIHOSD a CC r..i.s SjUXK THT3WKW. HMaAa5iav radmHrvTlfTltaJESTrfev for ik iiix.lu. ATTORN EYS AT LAW, VciT i.u4i. 11 .iM vn IrplKC and CnnMsa KmJttSl m at v univn. uu. a. tiv :. vtat t tv"ttVC .; nttndrlpbtA naril f rniJtrwrlltr. ftftl 11.1 ftft.l.i...l w..gfcMlftl a w)iwfcH WlWWMk itt.uuv:;t:is tin XkTnvluo ai ixrxcrtj am xswum BLACKSMITH AMD MACHINIST & Buitdor W H 0B0$S31A-- aTiiu, niiBiR JX Contractor isoonromTEt), m i tk wM w a - mni aax. araaa. 2- - W. SiUTK CO. IMl "aa aA - COMMISSIO MRRCHAXTS. Tjr at- xwqr wd WM n. w - ji w. Stcc. and RalEstatt Brokers-- . , .LHOHICIHIL A vciiu- Mt Kk KM'r Jt t CASTLC COOKE. ACENTS lMiaa4Mp , Sfft 41 k Jj 4 UK.Tnr.M.MrJ.trl.rtll tl III. II.W.H.1K I.U.il.. Iia stw Tav. CI, SOTT, JMmt ( J CMr-- J T WalfilWl lKEJiClt T. ASXrOKA. JCtttX tlMdVUwIW-irMm- lt V am afcu iBiJkiL Ha ha wM feala. aJaJl 1m soiinsinnn ins xawiirtiu; itr MM)W r. c uoccj( jc cvx lmrtr INnlr fwrk R4-- Fine New Shop 3U V wt - aaf tanKft... CWjdmw ftftl.ot&Aftftft. Ooiupnny H. W. SEVERANCE Vtxf A.ft.i- a Mata-- .I. IiiNurnuoo -t ftl Nftftftftft Si. iwwiiuu. i or miMix 1111 Kniinvri4n. --- WM.A KUOIT. J, C OXT Jt CtX. SAUJit AKC2Uk KINC STREET, Insurance Notice. Ca(blthd 1800. COMMISSION MERCHANT jrrtftr A Cvirtnttoaten. MffPCftit ii-ir- i. C Mw.aiiHT. 9.W1M bwMdK 1 t ( .KMI ta Mlmin . aa aaa !.. offal w. m4 r.ml MMr.-a.- X Ar.MIr4 U.N4 I.W.4I SWk 111. .W kwiwUMi . ih .t In JUK!Jk. t. WAT. m4 RHw. Kut iiiiik 11111: iiku IVftro-- ft, IwlW itrajtsx iav. jc;?. 3jyva. 1 i.n:N.iur.i4IIKTTI tut tfto IriMMt. DR. & CO. mtc dmi aufe)ag . it mutt M to ... ..I.m ..il.ft JORDAN ). WitoJnt h kecnftftr ( COX F KCTIOXU K V ! H'l"0lw .M4 r .Wfta.Hi ll I. I.t. clal r mi - or t'HOFJiSIH at. kj-tcs- . Candy TXW a JMVItv. Trti. l'll'lt.H ji nuLscss Manufactorr andeak.crr T. AcrvMMI Tm .r . I w rftrtji... .1. I w It I lj X"ZXZYJ?a l. .tl ... W.wftm yoivnwii. Maman) tut, tkMJtlikC ITlHftllMf. rrwtmi CaaARaark Cauk 3i-- 11 ii'iti:.MiL U, iNftwM wl TlaiftM. .lafth, vift.iio. aiiVf.H.ftfti..inft. vaalhmt, . okrik t ir. U HAUL, JL o rSr rl tnitruuii. ftl.!. hW'r Hlli.'rtllNwrtcni. im.h.i-i.i- MM (nMw) ft. TtlftwtnWtiwytwuyw tty XIKE AJim HUlAL LK4S ft reus. tlT'JiXSii A3 aSATS24 rt XAXTAU INSURANCE COMPANY. mwrwRiJixuu ii WWb wm vs. 07 Mmin, FWlrto. Vtteawi VwtK. Jtran4taWi. rtK w wmc bkwc ' un iiuhviu t? VomJfart aJ tout Wt Champatno Cider Manufactory) ,vtir i.nAi nnu mni:ninuiiM:iiuinuinr iMMwt Wm . uJuii: iti( M Tiri M XvKMflb 9ITMWJ. V MUH4 AtM X ato u. set or 4)B OCT" THE PACIFIC MUTUAL . Ml r.t. mil. .vrt tirr JU G TTT T '..-- m.. hum w Mil Rtlfft u4 o Mrrra.pMt f.. iarrf 11 1 nd X9WJL3LD F5tESXOJ ZXroIxor! fc Jixa ta Ct ll. 39tt sitock- "UGJLJk mm4 ConTootlonGry LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY JL TUXTVtWA Jtnvrar OmwSwr t lav. Wtv-V Mta, Bmi4. aattwtout Lywftww tfrafta nt t v?taf iMna twwms Wk tw v.ao. CffaTffcJS. P Jifx HAMBURC-MACDEDUR- C ur t XrLt V.im WTfc AV rmioKMi. INDIA IUGE MILLS, & J, DQULCTU Jt REDUCED PRICES! FHIE INSURAKCE COMPANY, i , .tt ift. l "n4uiiWt iihauw srt.ftlwl OX !.!. Mu.ir itli.i rr.ftMty. 101. mixutACux Al or KAttftrs.' XOftutSlll tvnr xjfc.,'r &aH Ctfar- - to - Jka.t t JLdawwZZxaKts W Tlaiunlta. ajt FtjnVrIMkWr tm S THK BEST BRUPs OF rilOKK riGtKS mil- Fremont Street, Sau Prandtctx sdCm twa. tOrivtAn? BaanK Tw. aat Imv aaal OoMir Viw, Xi9 Tw W W t ;ft auto. iTRSXMatrvl-rr4jtfaM4rttai- a 1 TAlinfiajt ! & WwteMtf- -f aVraa. Wa4i?al-- tt Vtttevaf atailBMra tMt jnuimiii at Tkvk.tMVK tkVM t Trnti.n .iT"tma.Mt aa4 ( Mt uLr.r-s- , nfvt9e3iBMret. x. Apt', h.-- rriiK India hick Arret IU. .ntT)KVJk. ttKOritlTJK. iWtirt7 baaiaUartarfaaaitaVp..iatf. j trKau rt wawa 11 A rtrar rraattrai ota CittjtowftfKk,cflfcv, W. twOtRif -. rui tnwiirtii ram" lyrtiWit1 WWc- f aVlffCSXT. STJ&S 3JJCX XT !! t" l uw4 pral fca afraaa a7tmi-i- ii ipMrtHM ji ivb. 4yK VKr ?232 i rKXETK. arc ia aat a nntaaa mmy anrw - i ",'um.f Kaa ami Fr "wtt. auarinjtt. IrRX3CE GREAT WrSTERJr rw tfm Hurt htMaw aamta. Fm TW.M.la. aaa, Pull til aa af "t rtaaJ aarivan4( Til iwtt at fsatfaTWt katx Pit t , INSURANCE COMPANY. rt nMii r aVa a4aa Mr - -- tfurn tawawTt H raJas iwfiij . c 1 TTtafeM ftw" wi 9wJ aaiix inin ra am -r' w a. Nr Twk rant ajuwr. Heaa Oa 20 VI1SC Xw Tar a. aw -- tiaaiii laan ifcaa aaa JatBa aVant SMrr taaaian a ! '.a riafifaan ttwjcta SnaitfiMewMCMS Ti w p4.t Ait : XatMl iian a4 tr UirtMiil rtttjr. 3r-rlo- nvw:-- tlu4t I.ttMU.(rx ! ArrFta t XtocXixoo o dwur bw4, W- - aHHW or a saw a J. 11. UIUY13. - Mar1 m Yrr tHo ativ t txttx x CO. aavtAWaafaa4T-tv.- bln a. y;at. i n. . Ttu t. mm f ift. mm rvttftW. c.MftW .fttMil & Tobaccoaisxs. i3r' i aii ccwti :r- i WALKlaV Im ft. pnlM. m4 ftM IMtW. ril Cfctfw tit 9ty truuiim WnarnhM, Sanfttre, hMwnM? y.ta H ma tavaa m. fcy Urusistwavt,jrsijji BSTifc. WITTIOf iTrKxrR. IS3?f M.i.tlr. ftift.tn.im IftW) .L To 50cts. for 100 pounds oj - vi - f Krtftw IftfeMftftfM. wttt. t nUI m Mltwl. ITuOirtBiti. jIaartt Practical Watch Clock. MaKor XT2?c3:c5r- jr 1MIIM THE NUT AHVa1Ta)K3 WtfJWI Sir nil mining y . W. LACK. sufl0B&ecM. tttrtviaa. n- itaavkx i Mt nt MnrrMMrtnDi wurttu m and Jeweler, m aad Maritte InsaraRce Company ihral lanlki UftMi a; n tia.-- an atir w. vvnL owaihnt tthr talto wn &. CKIX2SAC31 X CO, fc .lnlhli itdkti WOUHB. iC 2w. i ICn KraL OuaMiiuu. B L. poiMilv .a. or KW 2ULIMV irt fa. 9H. Van mwt. Sjntwitua. U. L PliMmtr CvrtOiC. WftH? i. tr(vMj ruta n ta ractw ggMJ CAPITAL : i i I !3.OO)00O VUh, - jnfan. tftuaiiiMl bu .ttft ovvmatat- - &a atewiaaftaX aa u;nip to.tGrpfi Huow- twin dim --wit-. uiuni tn! .atlnrl taltvMv tfwrfuIf ftAI incfiil jy ftaamfc. M. J. D. LANE'S cxrftBLiMicn as t aaatcafti M. lunri.i Ira far n i M(.iaaaat a- 1ft. .... - Hmsu tft. N -t nw A aac hm mmA gf avwaoJwwr, dtoc lH mtmul LYCA-- T CO.. to Iinilu l Hat rrwa mm a4 EvaaM taat- 4 JKtatti w tatei jtnwiMfoti"t fcigtaiian ir 1MAKUI.E Cftl V TnfV.4 ftcrryl ift.l4.sftfol frt kUrr. rrtm !Hft au ?wto, frirtts oiimft tot tnrvaxaas n . f ' tn Mtft&tt. 'Jt WfcnJ 4f Uabtt. r.:s j works, vtlr. 'mi .Miftifc.ni. m4 imlMi 1. SAMUEL 3lb failiaraallra.ia.CtOTaaillaa raMpl unit il &o tibl airtim. Wtf. th. cnuoibiv Ifenftl Cocrniissior: Kerch Ztfawical farv a 131 Paiatia-- . t ftWtv NOTT, am UaWllf J- Caml LIt. ruitMtciT. xr.Kuirii.r. laWartil.-- Jin awgnoum rnua tM tti cult. rrt-tay- . Clxva-o-- v, TlfcK rMllrrrv-- t ra ftbtaKaw.ti'' inn U1I7K TK- - a . W- - t - li.la.JUi .T a ' a ianra, a J t Ta CaaRt sw Sa? MiSIiFiPnffiBQF Mosromrrs L..H . rrwapUr ImH .M rMJn.l. 1.. aftai4 OF 11 mi- - ?ll ia- - TU e''T v . aj a anrl5iwiRwrf ttN fine ami Stag Mtte; a IX13S F93.im.H HCKtni i valsic - nJ. iarlr- m Aor 9iinn-m- g - aaaT x diur awdt autt raet: $ The CItj- ofLondon Fire G'.vs Fittimt, al jern--i. t if Ifqrrt. Wijijuid aad CcnsigrtraEBts of StUs Oaai&axi a4CaaLauaaura.3Lcaaaao. Ta, Co limited. ?iiij Sofeifti Tbn aj t tfaskai ami wm at nwtni b t&r Unpucitr mi Um.im m WMntmj Mwmatwdiw. 4Ma H0X0LTTLI? IBOX VTOSSa CO. T2i5 a Sseisai'WMt. Slriis. TUVS.AMTII & ROOFEK, o II. i. M. 3froitiih. m. d- ! Wm. GREENWOOD, s.iiHyasciv - -. CAPITAL. So.000,000 (fiuts wdy TiHra Ijmi am 70011. rK.tK K.1ISX1K.-- 5CU1R XILLS aiRSLEWOEXeFEYtHTDESCRIPIIM :::::: GMr4 Caa aataaUa KanAavat tuaA UEMS-- S?2t - T US CHH.2n3S rKISICUI. FrvprUtM- af tW Bia-- a JCUU. Xonc ZUhiohi Ltfua has m Wsc a. l.lll1liIIIU.I.UMI.tI.lliLM'T IT sMuMt wa-K- Machinery cf laefj Ceacrtption .. SM won rt leoers 3pon 9nibtndllwte tut toe AT THS IQTSST rOSSITT.'S SATIS. mi. rr .11 ilii. ..1 ft ftlu. wand! H Ciitnw UttiwHi ttjwimaailti Uw4fr. lagPfftuft iuttirawuB, X wcniH tu " gjnrxs iiwch-.- jii twati- - irtaattaa sa SHi? 31wirai2iiixf .. Xfttam. 1. tft a &uc ftrttiL dx 'ju .uiit,i jil ftnnM u.. rvi. ! tu It umi tiiat thi oauti joio it riTA TTJLEP K O E a I - -- J taaMTttia. Ttaty I jj mmt a 'rtato an ar mauut iraw --. ..!. ut.l.w.. fftm.J Law VrvxtUr Fislieries mt IX K. HTTCHCCC2C. tt Pur fin aioif . uirumitt u4 Xim Tarit vflh nt r u nut; its. rvlllK .tR& Krft4lfttA,ft 11 -r --vaJ. Xufc-j- y FaiZi-i- i' BMntt ( 3lMiip A L . amotum. W lg AatoirxtfZ at t. cxjxvxarrcTxux. uuHftDiin, i Nw BUa IvauU ttn aa QlBu 'n tCiu. w1ri wftt prfrniptlf .l,nt Ut mttmnl tu ail MM.m itiiTVKinC bt ton. SMlmtXm utt Ji 'cnuV t 4mtllitir' Vaa Tt-- t" Kimi-- t. jtm SUPPLY HAW &1a, ' speteii in IfeaJH. C au W1I mmt. n Jli rf tl Cttcntt aiui UtiVPi. Wfiir oJ tMT Hum. "a Utw H SU MES. THOHAS LACK. The London anil I'rnvincial THE AIUX ISLA5W rntth COMMISStCN MERCHANTS Mil iJkw 40)111. til Uitai i.in7ULOinratn Lu. r tiuuit to? Wti. t)9l1(rUrn- - ff 4JI1 lrut-t- i- 'ft" Bay 'HHin. 4Qil pugs P30Jturn,r imin f"fttaj Etlmuiuin. U. L w mttw t? X. "3 rrt St. BftaftUlx. -- iuvtc iMfcMjf 4M(M tr in Uht iksilitrw. ;. !. IBWtn. 5. G. Lzvrr cvx PIKE llishrt iin4r mf CvttM 5e(lit, OfUJ 1. li MltUAjtS lilPORTER and DEALER ! Whoisal-t- ? RetaK rjLjaxrxx ut rNSUBANCE COMPANY IXTi.' tj ?ACtTC3 ani Crccrs TiTTncnui Trsarsrxxxi lD IUM on ?fleutmoun HinDut aim tttu. &mr Suipf ConiaLiaaiflii 3unaiuin. U. t. 2x1122. ' 3ala' rOT "TllSaT Axa 3imnr aau mtiher wan " uilngcapn apvn-ur- -. ttununtin. U L it Sawing Machines, and Ccnuino Xjtmlt cd .Fta&ifrvvmn, atit) r 41I tunifo a tiuntt. riSIFHHt 5r H3. C5C3J?HC1. t- Nets and Seines to Order, JL kBtat Putwuwi Ijiiot ol Aaiurtcaa rnrnttare Pint t. 5!hts at Oil Sna-fri- bH A -Tf '" J7C. miliar Wirl Parts, Attachments, l PITA L S3,000.(HH) Jurats thm liwCiUmiM rfUo Sumiu. CUc-p- aa tu (una tU awtd at nu 'inrrt mNdLpt mnt. : ' jx1 aaf1 XtaA to i.iT?tT,JH7"'""f Cm tea-a- trf ! iMKnih tu i. purs if tnti ty iW PataaV faCHaaaa wnw w taftt him tfatL i fc and Accessories. V aiWfii te tenuis OfT 1ST-- itniE nMtkituO. ana pmnpi HHvci (htm tsn hUiht tuuiib irmmCr tOwnibfi. ilfttXXLtXUL wifcpi vttfa titfioirity tfaan Lht -- mw " ftit I? iwm im ui "w mubm. iy Gattaai m IitlcTtka Hraf, acrt IHxaiit PHOTOGRAPHS ! ITiite. Stv Esse. Xl--T ai t - 7 5rv4 t ua j r S'J OVES, Uat 141 "thi 4?" auMLCamn. "Th'a f amra: SSftLS. TEACHIS. Zlff flaaT. 1K.LIX aucrrrrxiv rwa Tut EaTa. Qtws. Harpist J T WATKaUIWE. Xsrnx Inm TtBUUnme all srv.-ji- -i - rvi aiitC cutUxiL i. jol uvrzi. csjurrv OHS. ff'trt rru ifat ii"r tin- Jt DlulLaMtt i Uxvuu orattlir: u Riiitwcnsa- t J. tJa UmllaA. a a EWtt ft iw DaJramllr aw4 StU. Shu Hw i'tTw S AatMJM, Xasw, r tnimip. KAIVGES, rf IrorttaiuN in- - to4irBi 5aftttij5i.t3un. ajtl n iLnif it fnti thifiniiraic F)aa teila.. a.apinam j aatAtoand m, tftotdtete lit Pncn ttnpllT Cm tet . 4T arthKt:im! wit 3ifcr. tt L. American Net and Selnti Co vfticfi nuiio . - P- - CEUt a.amir ar J-- . xrsjLTarirrcift, IFbrttSSlriMi tfauiu 'wu umihtjiuirl 'fir iuniMH gwmimia. Xjtxu ii XV Hn g Tt ChaiHlclierSj tsv- L.uiips, tu -t Juk3iiTrItiucit-o1- to ILaJkue aac gzt rat,mm ftt awta a iOhm- - JLiat nuucf Aht it at fftwihm ahmt An f Cuar-M- it SIMPSONS REILEY, CrfeUKS2fc DR. BRBWNITS . 31 J. COlllS CH10R08TRL mar vf a inmil jwa, Umc m itbxtihiA. to tdvir f lirtlK. 'JtHf n- -r "liu T'ntt JJJIE a3AtUt.VT Sli HUT1A STHKST -- bwHiM. 3H.ua cfai jumim i 61I! thuf mna& ACarn42 and CauR3Har at Law. bjt razsps'tj Ti x sa THI VKtUIX lUmiBvyf. mtt tarn of dhar suliuu33UMHCi . , HiOTMM p?nKlttr-fl)llt- Jut. M tftw mtMrnt .iC Emnui. ). ."LAEft XI iif aabttattiena i iinT ui maititm va Hml PLUMBERS AND CASF1TTERS, IX C1B.Jt lHOE fni).. Gonornl 4mi tfcwot aniaet Tt Sww ava Ifakt v. ir. arrv3 a. tt ItALKtt rx -t tftMwi ant uilla a urn Uim- 3aniA Dsvir-l- Cttwltnithv D-- am 5il of inrntiw lk XiC-r- -f FtAHu xait CtfiixaiiMuuawr C Stsrv ajtit Stf.et leva &aut i tuft HBUSE FURNISHING - -- ffwtiia taltwnrCallfWr-il- a ioil 5t--r Ttirt. SoaiTk Tls. ta- - t ttw af f"a) ai M a( .. Oatcrm rfttrwwriaV f aaaaafc 3.1 atimiinia tt. f. Cj$r- AJT. ri!ni (Ma. rr' pwami -f p ii a3mdlnfH u 4 Dr J ta - iy K.nt '.inonuit m ttiutti ft Sflpt-- tLMnrtButnt r CM "ft- - t t- Cl liMlaJM)aT mnw n wwn aKan n jnwatn n ml. ! a a ar f. Kfjataaavrstavaskaaiaya ArraajaT AJ3 caTJsazai itiiAV TI1U. It. Jt C - U CVFIXiUj IIAUIB'AISH mtmA irCiMiriiminHitTEMani4 111 Till ittvTm ITftAffu J.inm.mttfusaa A Cit.J Xkit B&fMt ir am Ui 3HAPt6tu tdf ai Hwat--r in uit Smpir- -' Wiliram B. McAllister ti, i IIU1I.:T - wmter m vaat acwi aarnnn nglTTTW AI3 COTTnatgJ JLXOC3AJTS. KF,ROSrJE STOVES! f'" 5.ooo,ooq ( mwmpt 1 tn U. ; XKW IIMK K. amTmraffjlinuiaiiaii ntib waidtnftj vtomfnnl hsa mmars ma X3TTTS: X f!3?. :nft A- - JAECER,1 t VII'HFtr." Ruaaii i B - t ami t 4 OTi.aiijn mtHi. nrar, aarf" '.Vi JL CO. UittpfSaniJ flw Umreimi Cmh?rrnm. :r-- in If 1 itwc ir ji;on bo. wok UIAtii.ft.l.Tl Lrtra.-m- ( Sunatt Uil ffrmijn SartnH bimiranca MuinnMir. iarf j inn .! li H - JilT . Hit IftfW "F" TU t f SiJ, Tte. rasDiiri rtv Ui inn. auU: a. tkit; taGooisaj AJ3 3X1X13 a zauwaxi Jit Jtnttmrn jwanmni Caromiy t71x trafwC ii rr i'SlIbt Hit MimnK MmM. titbh t ftUiontt ww ,",r;j .UYEBPGDL and lOfflHHi aad GLOBE ... ifH. ' f 71 Dnrtt ffralima. Htt !(uk wintec Uiitftmn JCJL W Jl & C03IP AST. BUiiraae" in Ulitul i Ct INSURANCE C3.Sun($55aJ&7 jwifly (wwHb.ir ftr CO. iim - rnuu. vi i irwrn mm mat. r&a? 9at a ran r w.iriiuioi.'! lfliTaI XcnraffiB A iimrawiiii A; mfes ; Pardenlar iiu rMtmtniD ana rtui IMETDTIHT! - - J T jio (H3HX11. MffliMIISSSW Assets. S31.I61.000 L aawbi aod wima Ea24DT23. AJ3 3XA1XZ E3 oa.Wt, aam jam tu munU 'yaa tmtf ml ham rf ami ptdtau a gf axuniAjacs. t ar-- ibt. jmi iml gnua. W MtrrH. ginmlirin. g. Claims Paid, SSS.714.000 nfc Ej fiawf T inanity af jjvm htm t&mn Mafia Ip . Auii3lanairT .11 AV.E.TIX 1.1 tciuaas. TJ HE IMttUUDI-- '.-- .j s. y. - lYnumrnr suit Jrnmary If.n .... I, 1 ". . ra aaa m cAicna CEO. S. KARRIS, II t - T k. amt am obflafKr m tflaomL Akpint tu tsiAs AitSt " Cm axsarauT .. . .fcutHtir I Mwia-- .i m .rM ... ji ft.'. ,. aaatk . - iaaa ar raas - - -- . DUUHITTtHS ShTP GENffi.iL HUGHSMiTll 9 A Jul sj fa JL mnL-- whti her XSS 4W FIRE EriLDHCS, HCKf HIAHISK - . ftTll Jl ladr Hunitt mmannl - Sua. 0. OltrSIF ff. A. P .MHTHH. ' - - aa.aar a&armarr&ictl.aag&t te !w iiwumwaWo Wily Uir. SiUS.!. LltklT 5S f BrTELLHCS & a"t- T Wanun . SimJrtlmrUC.WU Ptafltmt Kaiaiis. - WHITMAN WRIGHT, wa pmrat a. ht aiipts ainuo at party, inr w. r fwbubiwi .Vrja-a- ft v w uiii puueau HUifflntf aait Ttm i air aarf rartxaat tsaaa' t pnil ranrw 'ana owTn iC 'Bcm 4ifa a a - am .,,... -- . raa aaftl iti'i JlmiObaeti. "r - ipb fa x. j. . tiw two "t tfunav"' aa.rf u nmnoiv a,-- payala Bfti-- . Koir - ra ' jLitt5r ami itio Tan orawmC "that ifia Bfia'i a4 jTH'Wt- - ' . . , . " s m Wsgare fef Eisfnes t&is Thv Ait. Wbhw1 Unitnr.nmltw n aaaiL TfisSK aajwc ui fer dw Imabacd a. havai it iret I HwtitAKwaiiwi a cftr Umii iv FHcfcaf 'Wsffiamalicrs Jawsilers, - - fraraa -- ' U',wt Iii- a 1391 tela, cuncBt ana atua aTnjd fpiarnwB mc tha fhtom i mr a t?.t.t!.c; a TynvrPTR OaO-jT-iA-X- jUTV - - tava "VTnTtt a- tt t .a rf F - m dia ruraup aftur tfin i t Ssc atr X T Watmftimva'. ARTESIAK VELL TOOLS ttJTTtii ' arsa t aa?" TWU1117 bpsaSaoc amf Buttta tiw anivfen FIREINSURAHCE COMPANY VfattAn iT Ail lemb to nur'in-f aftatWW r-- rjafssuKi unarm. am anrar ex Gnaaral Jtarshaadisfl Itnmimi r u ' l Titt saac& ShuiBir rati at aemmnauiit Ptacs IMantt Qnim tt n r a 'HA1 th ' .an uVi - 4tw itUiiM wa n 'tv iT'itoiowf "torn. ituttiw aMav Or LITTJIPOOL. EXGLAXD. . t - ar tBnrinl to Vila. Pnmnuiiv. Anil ! mnit dunm hw as .tfa r raiaa Bit m. taw; (6ra"t tfunft nu r!iTTnl(a?fiC r t , - MMt a raatf waKbv l tjtrAimH m null af naaf- - M 4111m "af 941ianjjli' Il tic If T. :a?tUl 310.000,000 acari fmrn- tfasrtt'' rnirJ tasarinai tiiu aider aim. T" in i Iral .ftf IX t . aV aa r Laicw PTaaini; liii tm ia Fkst-Cla- ss ffarness UNLISfilTED LMBILITT. Snk UclaiHrzu t-- die inew m x lame anw fiitiogs! IflwatT o u tS 4aanrtaatw W aVctW at Co23.fy-amc- laaaeaa'r - Carriage Manufacttirers, r- -- w C32CIT sjxcixr. r. fcaviaaVraar aaar. n , tmiatinj iraniaumi a. aa. pmjt. waik bratki amor a vooAm aaxpwtv if tli- - ' SMwaUaa ' midlne. VjlLJUUt. jkajmi kiu m atttE CjrjiiarT ar Hawailarr; J. WILLIaMS & co3 J. hr Maiatatai talaaaV . aaan Wta-a- iJV fflta: bis Sc tfrnram, orataad tipan a ofoui; r. l-l- at aaaja I iiiii Caataaaay tea aw awe Wheelwrights TJat iia btpi apwi &mr maniaa to ramlnte 3i Ml nzt 3TKXXT. Tbo jBcst Sarncsa -t twywjat jary T c F wtart B ty tautHtaH.enr2blwtl up ami hrwn as tfce E Laai mniiitmn Rttaml wauiJii il rr Tlia a Umtl ar rrj fiiiot.i-z- f CatTI33LZaiL AX LAT tHdiog FEBIBESATSESS af KaaafuliL mt im tMra (fcrr tinjio r nnf hj wnf in 4T3233T1J3 latav ji 9wl at Law. GERMAN LLOYD tn gan ariiniem l wrtfl 3fc. T & Qraau 2S anil I vt.tui nsj tt Cheaper than any Eonse ururctlia tn ttm tube &. a dtaac HTt-- iwH itaiarrt srmapr AtmUuB. im ty tesaass Caafaaj s Betas. GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, ftnar miy WAfaw Ciliax. CcaTim. Mie 3eEWHMT7-- taa die omaoliim net tu taridi Ml 3m aailtunmaii "H.. aireotBin. If. i. LTorra Lzvrr. anytianr tw to BM tmiefettTb- aojrWrinmnf i f nrriL FORTUXA tiw teai qf dw axpaomanl. Cha attoaat. 4f Piuta. CsLtrati Ac bovt pnmric. H1UC&. ttWfftt. Srt n QninTinftt. Ziizul Eaaaat e. Saih. mwrnGty aopumi dm piimiuu &na 9Mr ; TOr HKS fiOe :. fe;K kr t UAftUt Off Finwrnniff. ;TOi,TL BST1TK Tile hj (aisrC f(flJrrtftHi uf HATEEK5 ir. 1. ittfcnlmliii ifiwiaist aontftet UJi di luffiBMMfiri jmic iaCaTa.ac No'fLi'.r. ir TTi-- mrmHH. ABtl iaatnaJ ont?iia' Mtcarfwi ni. E gftAaiaa oticaaaw iniaatlafc .t IV uifeer abjwt. iJna avssas rwt'fWTTT 4 J aaat awtaur Kiraa A Afawrfr.ijafc. m4 nnut fxtraantfaa i .. rtbAftl . ia.frTta-a- i. CaaMrat ataavta4 s taa - JDK i. uwfttwftftl l.iiftiH.".. :m& AzmUv- fiir Aairntan amC F.impraa Canaan jbk jmk mnna art p wfailtt dta- atfctfr faa th unT t taw agairiT.i.tnnta. JtHrfbptw flRttaat Ci al. aaa Darcrr at W tnrt.t-.fe-- , I aatrfaaa X. WCLlCaa Jr. fff4 laMllif Bta. Tax airak. laiast aa aa. i ' A." . CM... - ' aa ,. ,,-..- . ?i:7iiic m amtipiKfl Ifcroni ssuf & ilaw 3tTcxlisrjat45 ivw raiavAaa Trrata. ta aajt jjaiii mt ta t airetn tenr dio- aagfeggimi T fimr datrra. AaitBtQLaDAcx3(nlMU(aiinm ODLlaaarAanaaats BCliArscai 2kTc3cc4a2r Sa.cIc3J.es, v n 7 HjjimiJro ftMVMAtwu rhv jttnnc- Uid iagTn aC ICkiaasUti,. afaasBT i aiii" DB.i.W 3XCHUJI..t jjjutzs&c ffrstGtse. Carriage Shop, l Urn find tHaiiea with occfestiHwantrv amf. CX?ISSAL. ACiCIT. urf 3U3MI33 hie mm of chirr;.. fijcsch ,Tr 3aarttut & CO., Wheelwright aiwn twntf atrasturf. oiraawiiljun rfttwrUwa (Hacv m 3iaw Blw. vrnrt- 4m amL Edatiaawau wi WILDERWnaatafa, SaiaAi ftjiat. w Shop. ben; spaxsi; aiaUnl Ctiat dw osa efararealur mnw. HwiMMBi " 't amm TEum Mun- at Zi.E?JLZEILL rLiSTAXIOy BJaciftSmlth Shop, Tumour fuui. Driavj tjC ffttsn 6nni t&tf odfaesMre of oantaptm. It at an dm. aunut&C aonnirot CEO. LUCAS, Jiatual Life Iasarance Coffip Paint Shop, and aailr-- I -- Bii vanaumi inae marttt vniaauBj9, Hunk anataflam gifaaa. aaat actl aai li Trimming Shop, -- Bum Saauta tL all fiart. Ur ffiaafaa. baaaar 2: sw, tufwvrerv Mai ifaj v&uriB if CGfREr B2al2 38tJ HlT3Ti SlS--. mmt .aataa IW rteaar MctBne wnnt all am XTtaratriiiiCiCILiuai. Crv-rttt- s r Kawtfin HiWAHA-- f soap woezsj COhTRACTOR BUILDER rinri.il. jiiUBuuiusi uit, it. un QaBuim wittt tawrw MatwBaimi Largest. Mast J Mraaaaal M aarHaaaaVr W - aturj. at fit aamant Unnavra of MMm smnrnnt S3f:stand aftaaw 3- - -- l at law at af '."anfluai WHT'tu oarrr m Inv aand ait SOT' 3. basa Olwan. unm'niiiaai aaraf i :tvtau. Axaaojt arfn. warnimunaaMi aaaMltaaii IItM4C fCffMlg,! ECOMOMICflL aranga tiannwai Ott jatnanta and aaa4aal timajaaa. LIFE IHS.CO ' Jt diliat vtdi. eum. ratriaiirii artlctra. ' uaKtaimoaa jrrllmira. gliSSt - ravaaUy Caarlafffea. TATLOf. r. iUXIX IHU H, 4.9pOifff Tmoa Ut Ann mmwat ji wnagw: ilfwauia, a. L CREY i, CO., a- TE2 wobld: PLaj4aaa. jonncnaial TiiJi m THE 3ATJH OF TO 3j(LCTftL JjijitfiMtiivtr Aa.f Ovatcva. nunma soiima, amta; tti a ta Cash crer SDO,fXX),0OO I qrrijHirwi Bimaaif nren jifinxiim Xnrmutulr fioeoliiii teJB PLiBiDi Mills, Assets, paMing- osaiftaBa cr aariMrnnivn, ianH BUHDEH3 OF S7MH M1CIIS11T ma ALL KiMDS OF mr jtfiwiTi. iwi.:.i...y ft. (. uiimicarau. innT.il vojca agHastinc r OtinHtii. SOAPS, li.mii &.1VILMA a MUM. EJI9bUa, HiHUbfeT, H. I. ft.Jii.li rf .. 19.., - tJEen attnurtrt. T!Mt HnL piairiu nafni. in HMes. & Tsfiev I loss; uoa nua. unnuz:- pwruia, jKBnn ftU9f Traav Mrtatixaw ..'i. . Iea!ferf i Brrf. Tntttm 401I 'miw Tulnw aaiMC flntnr -- ft T iittf.n CS3L -- I I !! tHUt.witsua D.1Xl'n tjwmi Hit- w jtver wtM ymmar a XKiiiIiK.ftMa Ml .lad I' BraaaaW, ut--- 't I r Stftambaai. t.nal liailautr; anraataua awir- at dte af BTIU.1 BJCI nt Meufilnss, Brackets, Sl.im.hl0. aomtt QuaUfli bay luhr iff UtsC aua haff a-- AIH3Ttt raaZ iiinpoilBis af Eaienr flfndrandiss 7rTrcooi-rr.a- C jtAKiwcrr VHncJcTw Frames, Tlft'lTLJlTIC fibtMi ai ttur SQfMa? i3fnanl j! ne rf tiw Lbb- i- Soa.j Corap. FIRE INSURAMCE COMPANY, ENGINES AND BOILERS in- aBiininwh tb ammiiankhiy of liiHife am P3tH Qfff" C; Bands, S35tM5, Occcs WitLff0 Pfapffawr, r r nuitru. nitv rt uf av wna sib aacn. auaatc atqac pmm wi Mi Kmfti W Tjtfiilft. tmaa.1-ni,ii.An-- PtAtalWa1rflWaiaf! rULar u i.'(wki aOHtC 9rwarPXiHM4'(M. .i4ral nllgB aijsw Liho mm, af fwuifptasav dtMf aim a rTlnirar IlMnto Xtutm Carta, JOa Carta. 3B t'aiamai Jtnaaa ana aaav . - -- n-t- w aw axotManuii spintM tu HuMttHm Bmiahra; TaraiK, Scisf saf Sari Sajai! I & ffsMMAW ttau ajlaqpittHr as . W rX a 4lniet; T. L fLand flbrta Ac, aTaal. Ifw -- . piip aa dm tfemam. vf dm aasaoat nacHim. HttctaianaM. 3. 3lt9ftm Iimnllllft. Ac t S&IH & SA33LS IXATHS2. taja; ,m mtm a- - ami ara Brants ubjhmi naqaa mm! xL KORTH CEHMAH 3aaa ka. oxfrlft aViafa aav . tfl.ftm riTJi-i.- i gfrtn-- i la aaW. V aaaat . raciK. Gattt i aaalaaBWa itoa, Laat "nn?4y w of dton. wa gam. 1 liM- X Ta33iid aad S&e XgaaagatXailtTp TTS.Z ISStlEAHCE COSIPAiTT, aaat - Gtoa, PlMratlM. . scftj 0 s F.ft ft.ftft.2 - eaHuif OBeurv fiawnar. Onnkmg: rMtwunuUm u naaaKKAi, VJ an. jru.sitii te mmrmwUrat a f w 'av TaA air ahannrlhra rata mrt. aaseb JSuw, Hmysv 111!.. i:MUmu.wn: otasxs r& a mritEb tu foi.tt1mtf.vmvmrr mr EUCKSMfW al rts Brawls, t 3ftUuni8T m krrtr kftkiwUaM- aat ia a rajn-- - HmJF i E.rtWtfcioT wttat latuU 4i. aattt Mas, UftU 'V.!.!. r GBNir aw saaaaaaaa t tawar wmtf jou giigaiftwii iftf ft KlM'TaaatrT. F"-- Cxsautia. rvafa-a- Ja( 1vc KaiaraaiiaA Cl.llll i amnftawt C ahaii tai bmw i;..fti..r A3 anrwxaRiaK t nwai auaii antr? ftt.ftil.ftl -- i t :ifamB3FX''i.. Jmix gwawrtwlK. jTj OFB- Ifftnw VKjUM -. jwi. watt tftmk. Jw tiaai ? tu 4b h mute gglrtftftlftrilftftlliimariA.AlJ.ftUlncamf .fclttpnc I T. JMfJCJI. mis aVJV i ra a my -- Jt ly rtfHJK oxIUftftft.ci,ftlujefti,ftt.jR,ft Crtttf ffftrt. a mfi i - w afat aar fw mu in lap. ja.' awl xuun icisu.'ftr... eyncz. - aaai4faav jl dft. I Cftw Bftftftlftftft x-- . sii '" '"di "an .utoi twaas "if" c ft. JCJEUIIIIK ?i.r3nr SPEINGFE21D rf ft... ftw aavftftftn 4aM I j mil. Icmtft wt 3nititinir Iftftk am mwm.m n ftftftftft. iliftgii. IwiUmn )rta. wm afmiiW to dua Sbaw. dank. ;ou 3Miiniji 7.ti all i--t A LPAT!E3nr WAa- Mi MUmnmviam fftiftm Jw.i.wij afjMaat MJIftJJt 11 MsU r jt WBFWitw awry IT. Jhrato mm Jk. rf.Mftv Mr atMIJUMIK. TwiftTitrfdm trhnfa ofeaa pttin 2dtaiiftlftv7auio. Oil. c.f. cib.r m aalXra a.OwlftUAM.M.1. Tm I nil iftMrtM Virt, luna? uiaajn xj3 cnaccaiirn' axiir.Tri am lax: aarfaM jnniataaaroia uMMttnn faaAarau Am w wr ftr . Oft. ftwpt ! ftwftw HBamnjsn TftlltStaftMra. rtaraiaaHAivattaav1EBUheBatiiaio7 Gas MaclhiTies II lrtMM TfM Hwt. IRewieC dm aaummmm. tbu aaaa ITMiH.lf.i gfr ftCKtifti dKwtpt rraCarTerafMerctianirger icb Jii ipaiwrapiB so. iaaniia anita prrwoita .gamm af aMadtamtBU mjpar- a- Cuafcrs r Mft.Mft.if ssajrocmini. ir. c flaaargat jt Tunf. mstaV - up a m axeesuion m it la- ttavt31H ja,aaft.iiinftjriMirt t. KimArr m t. nnmu Tana CaJftwaK.at gayaiaaa aVac ana. aaaa la rt. aa. Ml afwHv wunir smear an tTMrf tTaanw. a bbk 1 tn inwsru. In die Mwwami t. Horae-shoein- g- BltUSlL If ill til IrtWTftarT m tfW- - - ftwpioBi n amaihaBaiSpr. dwm t x nlii 111T: ..ft.. fcaftift. nmm itii o. JIJ aK a Specialty. n. am Mtf-'-iiH- ri rf tiwi atBBSai nuniDnnana. m. OMfts 'I. emui.il.tmi In lM.k HTKiUCatfVrrii. nauL tirima ftUK ii.i Jlost EcofleinicftI Uc - axa . . tdmmtk IIP a . -- W)- '.aaaaaaaWaat. Pair4 M Biwwnii Uuien. ura miw r iwht, awf ai ic .ftftift. 5kmUm s.jwm..ft. mifti. iiCfttrftCirm, - wte BlMilftllMm ..gi.l ! ii ytjftYr.rfif .-- afca mnymfft mm Hear panip. matnu&BCB iaaarBiR- - !- rTm.iiftiii. muiMft 3r. Haiu. T?aiTfi (Mo. Lmft Immrmmu O lstnut i jrmk Steel U. mr Opt trial a "tytfa-'- ciUbh. tkaL iMiar noatar iiaiiwiHiiaii : ruictn. TDIiftKJtIk.. ad. "vTctkti AatanwatfwiWy- - flar dn ti lUiz rMtmxtmtmn aMfajaa ' 'laaat raaatim aaaaat. ta lat laWoaaC aT SrXSBa7XAX.VS AiliUZ Hiiiill a 3nmt3X33ATI nfMtI MftO- inlftftlh t Aft) rafj raaa Mfcaat afaf 3a KaiMAiai lUffe tkumtaiam kV Mft Iftftftftlftmf dftnft . vftftv TifltT buC a UK him: JMai ttiuiiM. ifiat'L tlta mctnry wttu l Btam- ttiaC mT finm f ib PASxaazZn itaai S3 Jw.jjfurZArTwitit FaCauimR. mi av'NafEraa H. "nw. aaa. Utawi ttmtmmr ftftftftf jraa' rniimkwmiittoanradticfeMaiiilirtm Mamiiaau r wt l. Oj M. IraitwtBrtawirfflap' Ti,ftftft ,h- - n. I. Waaaaar 3aTaaaa. Kft. rcatrax tw i iw ILj. . UIftftftiM h--i . mC '"' 1 nrt Hmwaala Pamir Ljan. l&rjftlTun. LftftK BZ ftrVC X ttjjfttt arACT wtm .ft.HM a , I U1 T6 Jtaiaauav' Lam. Wmmtmtw aaa ffvanm-- Justreceneii pr Mazatfan JSphuij 6iftftft , aaaV'Tttimar. at. Dr- Jayaar AVaaw 'atibawl MwdrtBr, ItftftCrKftK. I ll.i.w ifti.l ..AqTr imn mEiTKi 6t.Ei to mm. worl Hi Mjrtar aa HaffK. ftiAjafprortU frwte-i- TBn- - ftftJftttftftM rn trl .Tfttfmft. rW m.UiQiallbnl anit Th ,3rwrmmM,rHUmf 1tdnU. ailaaxartibai. aaSrMHmitartlwaaanaiir jtua. Hit W ar Wmtftemmmft. - TmAws m.. v a? WMwanwr rmmmmmw - flTir tnwri t Tmrtti ".miwiuji eayr ta aiaaarat MmhuM ft. I.lli niftfti. wn nn lis&lz. r- .v.Hf T. v ttati 9t$f ittM. gWillftll AOrt z Sirmtcrnf PHnttr BeftMnwt ftftftftftft Mftftftft.-M-- l. ft. diiX dm HiaBDftT 'nauri traa matfe rrr ifett a.ri.iii.1 7wmmmm-f- i P E CTZ.TG1.CL sSs 4 miwrrrtitc-- a. tntii itwar vupiuai mmtrng tu r EEDG-- HZOTJSE, TTn CO. CAMnD( --a. am SlA . ! WHITMAN & WEIGHT. Htmrrran dMttr awira WTii Out .natstayaaasatUr ITtTTTit. S1330OJjOOI KH0WLE8' - Sccsir SZawaif. mr a. una, tlwi (ana Aim maawai nta tfco t in TmA IAttmts tUm4mt AMMMrJ. Stalk, wiltm itM 3an mwk Maoaci raatk to fff 3r" LJllilW?rtP HirW 'I'UJL 1 swnn- 101 C. STSATSWEYEB, C HWFtACZ- - ST2AM ARB7AC3BKPIXJS o arrwk in 4iw. .1 tiia ttt- MiiHwciia 3il "'tnntir i ft. tttltt C viaclt Beir uiari vjurs - w u mm ii tu- awt i 3n Join. XSim At .iwbii i--j and ue iraw frv C. O. BERCER, CASTLE & COOKE, AJEMT t nc k .rt. .aw far ! n t in sin k'ii.znjuiYiiirxT praxiiBA - -. r-- ,Irftft . ujat-fl : ntiiwir' CVaAfcrtLrt ir. Vhofjftafff antj Retail 1 , iuuaai a avpnaamt n ino4 ran jn. p jm- ii if 1 m fit iir in 'mem rMtMCUlltllllllUIIM Croc' t , .... hum mC4. ft tiuil- ur - Bar jb inioi.a O itmxm )Bt i - - Km m ' wni arraBl wlumt. iat as i u E5I3ffiH3X . Cl sTudl1 ti vlis - us 3tbiA aa it tu Tut tntt i a'T or " " r SK5" 5F7?2 & Blccis- - Oars. Paints and Paint Oil. . . V . 33M ft. . ii'wr aiwT ffilf - . - ..ftftftft. fUlb auiwr wai-T- f f r I " . . ... r ., 4jnn a: nnmir-- 1) unainr bid liitwoami m utwit ftuurnix rill lui ftMUill. - rMAnr. mxet as ttfA.MJSfuit :;tr.ik fAHiit. i. '4" .V 3.ftf.f m ftft.il? jwit .r' ..v - . 71.. Tlft'..i .. ,., alevg tt ifTham, 'ICMff JI HIIIESK' )rx VnUU4kU. r (I1U.I, t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammagmmmmamm Ifrtr --7rfrJftni(!f. SktfftzS Xtftt gdittlataitKt. gf gt&K (finzctte. taai iVatraiinn W 1X1) 131.'$ ROYAL HAWAIIAN Caat ,Vaaa artataa. . a.taaa ria. . v - .. "--.---. ' " I - TV- aT ...-..- -. Steamship Company HUaHa lkWft!J..- W pw. - " aa- -a tMWStfc( .fc - - raaaaaa S - Baa . -.. .. I B. - a- - - - I. .. - 3.t. v J ' - ' " T"- LIMITMX) " A aiiiri atel && 3vtal . nV - aaatlra" ltaana-iaiiMaatot- MKVkMK A r V " aaataa , . i kwt ,aWa,a, TVytvr " - - bnm ISffcK rktaymt ha a. -- ot Maf wwa: w fffa Hla X VITV mw aa; .lawit. taw wUn aari nfCKwa. navii vftvfeMN. m - Laaaaa a.ll-B- aifa ; ktT A U iSSp CIL. Mi WKII OI 3VN0iaklT. a-- - Sa .. aaaa. .1. - a-- - kaaja.i. y. T MArOaa: Wanak --. . n- . w aat twma iwv tvaoas rf aad la tx. i: ... ttvt.-- t - - vt. a ayakaW Lm s s.wtaKiAttnc tt .!. taw laiM Vtv Viwm wstwas -- u a wamsattwr aaU aviSw s fcVf vy san( ttM STEAMER 'KINAIT Wa V Maa kVaaal I . aW WBV : - . !. Oaraaaa. VFtart Mataaa a - iMkBiil rarty. MS ntr ie sara; cvaJMactKa7 fcttX. V V U 1TJ.V ,s . i aaaTtaaaa 1a .na. - tart; a- rarrajro mm laa trcfcWw. aav v( Mfcht tas tr rkaaH aa la. a ttaal - Kaat . i MaarM Mat irf 111 in W a wa. " - aaaa, V Caaav baaaa Kattat rtam a it J w XWt W Kaac aa A; svac wq vauamHaliir iTKit -- - - Jla alaat at natH k - kaw aNNttteawa f aacasi m ,. hM TnaanWa4r V.MU Si S. aaf ntlMI Imt wa am aaSmn: XJarcrt ta-t- B MKJ tod kwbw noa. - ; UaVW-laaa-r.tt p U4a raattaaat. I., VlalM u MnnaJi.a'aif - PajVfSiaa,k iai ta ircw a4aaaa I. ' 1W tehyNriMtTtet; M . II a aau fcart rn -- M v l tttW TWraK- - a V - ' a,- PiagaaM,in-a.tlA- i.;';.- W rrr -, " V" 1. HMIMHI i tfct A wt wa tW evacyauyl Mai arttv v. aj-- . W J - -- raia hanMc - aa. jaayMaaHt aaaaamaa aaHivuni a..v - - tttmaaMMtA.H.TaalJ - hw' lx Am kV LMn4itai "t 1I K- W jaawwiW va5aa; h.w aw a sta ftiinl rti SajClaTtf CTaJtk AJtSVAI. ato- -1 KnvMMt inatkwaws. ftmajm taafete t HcataSa . V.AJW. anuaoaM fcvic? a VJXSViL& MIS - Caluaai - MtlKi t iMnnlrwtamstxo k Inat . ... J - 5a- tteLtt'2 ' ' tins aau rat WW w. a liaaK ul am ataraa aaiia iia VaaSt V M .mc WW Oav -' aac a am aiaW aaJ iAaaianaT-waaala- tita asaB.rf kW a aw AGRICULTURAL and HORTlCUtTURM afriaatalaaaKi.aaattwywattvart cvoae? AIIaaafaaJIVv VtU.at4i.vtl at kaaataaa aMaa to. .- mm ; g TkHaliw m w km as. Sf srwNLai aaj a r-T- Kvc at a .V'aaaht? ly tcNaa. gtaaaaaa owaajaiilXi. aai fTMfaaartvV aktaal ta aaaa tMaa Arn. aua .lalt.vt1ms wwe . aaaatv IrftMMaak MWMMtlw laaa a- - rafcar too nww -- - - - MC VMM kV racatfcxrf THK LUSS"V THE KLKCVllkN. IS QCO"W It- - Tiaaaiaai w Jta Art na iWa4waaittaU AWwrwaKm l,htm XtftaakW si lwiwar avUnaaMat UKkk ? .nan. iTiaaaaT I-T- twwl VnHiM tijani a aaM -M -. ttv A4 Ml fw t W -. w cr nssaw- anWLtai. IV. watt at IB. ""fT5jrf tia 0l i . av -- itawaM LlKKLlKK1 a. -- StKAMKK K aaaaaa. ami r--i Wk i.xaU Or at ta Kjalii tW IfaattaA-tte.taiiaH.aa- . .RnXttIULIMrLaKSIKM'.iSP tsMla'UaVamtaAit- mwt tif is. Jjft iilalM Kaaa BLaPIOLAl-- T JPARK ' . I. it r( lw.- I1 jAaain Ibt Ou - vrti MACMIMHtT. bMewc JaW a Ji r?ctr2:-A- law utakaWaMWaaMaaahia.Mnijjkr nan a At . 1W mi rfa vorr xik aav IUtadwNMaatt(tvaa fan tva aaU A. at IW ka fewkiCH Ms Kwrtniua. wav a Mtt AcBant . as daiaK.aw ttWiMjnnaiaattrq II - j i:m Illhllllllf W ! ; tlllP v,M1 " f "T""- laaaaf-cjami- aaawia ?J4 1M K MHI nxoMttaat IaaiaBB..jaaBo!-Sea- t l-- - '" ft iteysf V- - 'a- to - ; aMaMt. ,u:vwaF SATURDAY, " H t - wtsiriw tjTii. aad to. sai aa . aWu L FRIDAY AND IK IkH .Trt- H ate karahI MWiiMn. ta i ta mtktij a amwt a"ajawa. aaaanaaawp tMb lbnr '& Koa. vlMtari rtwiw t mv. Hikj J1 mii aw wai tav fe faMamaiw ai- aVwfaoa al aaa iji aa C iaar aaL ftnai - awmhn Mb. jhmiiihi VNI4. vHvu kMC aatf a e-- a !Ml BB-au- tkvxi.i ikx- tbas W anaWfi mubv ycrnlMn a a at 5a oaal anal aaa a ratttf- lA.i.MiitiiL)UtmtW TI- - llJfca.aaaMlillillt tl " " ttOtWj ttW tbr pmo i W .! araanamjaak. aaVaaaaanaaaav .aakaaaarajr. VVHt lavii wv . aa. W aril saaaiatjuj mail .M. hWMinwlwi.wna dac ! c MM W VaaUlk. .Wiatnnm. ttMM IVrtAk. 14th of W aian H lirtftP The 13th and June. van; ifcifcaH far Ktov wtoam. 1. ( w Sato tif tikfr n tx a n aj.i)i. aataaaa r aaai aKjf a kaabaaafcraaiiaB. Itiriawjw lkAaaWkaat-b- . AtJ my lrraM a HI acwt oaa ism " " " " a ! af oaaCaaJ a. taaattwet lMrfI-.mt-MnMf- c Miialmnrna mHA nwinmaaa'J toat aiiant naaq araaa tat nv'uajiaaa iaMiiiiUK;i aiwtyf"": jBaw naa ai a n raaraw. evflaaaaaal saal feuiar 3KJX aai araaaj aaaia ai niia. i.aic waMBs an safaawaac av u t 1 SJ wjwaaljaiia ovdK. TnuiKweiaae-- JUaar aK aaBatav Ito TW kattat: araj 1 ilM tfem-a- t Tk.irf ua. nrs.rt. i . ban a. fara Maaal.aiial Ula aaaaaWta aaall aa aaaaaaa raa aaj-- laat aacauaism uW a.' UBrttJ Juo maKwaani a? .jjuiiiill.'ii aiaaal aa aiaknift lhiilr inr'"il r laati aaaaa a atlV. " STEA1Y.ER 'liEHUA' Ma rata. Maa lama- - aaaaalaWa. aaal aaall aara all taa laMtorft cwawai ia&acaaa aawrwiCTOwl tvaant inmlntoirail jrf.aimn snkartialaaxanaCas. a ailMaaiyaaaaaaaaa. v ak suawua. izu ? 1 aarc aaw aja aaal a aaaaa i atari h ait mvioiam! iaiai atamnrntaaaa iaa.aira taiiaaoaaa UaaSKkUA, t t IV.111XPU1. aaal a - B tiiuak9asinfc.kal aa saal u ttiu aa aru fc...... -..-- .. at aaa Mr kaw aafacaadj saaa -- ,j- awta awW. OnAm W laiMiir u . 1 ta- rU WaaaUa ataVa at IV aanl. imx i ..HHft htr , aaaaaaata. wa atettat, t.ll aMt (I uitn Ihi i liiaii -- -! Urn FainrMYai I g Ba avaii aarai,,-!- amxamallH && wactlblKn.lWi. iiwat aa wa Vaaik.uaiaa.aaaaaaa late Safe ttaiW M. TW it ii a ' xn . aa a.aaaaaaaaBraaaau .(. S. WEBB, wm. BawaX. O . t.T i ! aM mm tahnjrt I aJUOsva JC JU tSNM WW swn inai aallia anil naif la lliitl"'ii "ill! ta raaaaaaaaaaaa-iV.W-BoaJSj-l- J. bf awaja. T ittnts uiPE IBP J.BBB fc 'fc ' .a aatcaaf aLi. aaaeaa laatTai Vrpr.fta'y. wtv-- v..l Kadhavci torn Waa Mkd m XS3L nmhK Bw rf Ca4Seaa. aarDMlas. nSa7Sa aawailliia trial M X. Mat rn b to tfc. 1V OT akniaaraitJaaaaari. ,"'J?.0;n tbt iiiii.a at aBWB.aiattar asu a. mat Mtr Caxt ke 7aC. Mjitiv nacw aau. aajwc tl aaw a 3 Vkta " Ul Tat !. "-- - . - rfrfkAAiratsllBtajUOIB -- - a ! aaaaaaca ,Mia.M aa &aaraaitaWipru.w WJUiWT3 atrtK ninu aaca-aai- a toianai1hT taanaau iuaiiaia. STSABR 'MOKOLII' TW Jrjaja gdrttfistmtnli. wa avrt. late aaiaeua. 1 waneeiwiJaili awiaaie a maiiiiiiaq ataaaaa KU m Uw v . i itt.m nw "if alNaaa.. w a. WlaV a a MUhaaailtetaa - w Wn UM Ik i nam mh ks. - aha Baa haaaVcv IkjA- fcaaas a nnioatx. ct-ri- kt t rf atawcatakr Hiia-MIXl- l. ante cvruKMK or tiik ha aa CfcorS a tf aafK agfcnt-aaiaaaaAg1aV- a.i - KauS. Kataaii aal aTafiaaaa. - U iW Miir-- IW MhtM( aaNt k8a Sanaa JLajiaae 3. SdfaJU. oi J ttaaa. WMI cw. V J ( atam- a 0UM1 aai .XtLatMaWt; O flu f !.. afcii'mhai 3ftc. - aya jc manmnHLigtw rt3vaaaiaa aiLi. rararawnr ry lteti oea!. SIM niaain'niiiif 07 wowna wf ivnwvM - ufcscw fmvc4? ?. M lMtM4MKfVnn)lWnklMi- lauaaa aac a oMBaianl "Hat myK- . imaaf foratka an aac laca7 JVM) AfkiaMt tk SalMHI rUt UHlll ftf Qv k Txtr?XL I WW VMi 4W aaj9 aafOL W atvf taau ajmac ai ubk (Vmw..U - rOwtmt t K aS . a aa "1 fvt a t- ' tigr . AIIUwUl !UahtU. a , b Thn &immr atwum t t a" it u - Aw .UBWktnir:m.Mir-,!- II.J mi nk. na elnr cuwd was jmSj !tml aaat sBavtl bxaaV Ons - arttu faawar art Ri . t - cdAit rim taW SlaaaUj aT tt. baartaar sw ttbuii . tefcitoriat, GMtMa C-e- t - tarts m iai liaia aaataa tiaaiaat - KVKDAT mctity. .. tM, rvaua. arroauC Ouaa najMKF iwaoajl au w w. Bwhb akt.1 tacpapr aatHW. t waaarMaa ,T..i;t.JfMW ..- miamiaw iwMimitIiic Kxt iVr t - mu raW taka Jw -- r"T"- ' - Wwjuaaia.'n uor KaBHaoauKW acac ia( Br aar aa -- aa AHili at V ? mM yw-t- a t ataaia. aVa aa aula w n-- aaaaa Data lav tut. ak. 9ur mrfcaia'y Azteiv -"- fv Kulnftl a Mam h&m.im awjCM. 11 " 4riM ifta- - aAM.BHas w u m4 ? YaaUM k. aatTCrlaa t, "r a in--1 1T1 jliia canai n"iianaiiaiif aasant. aHjK7f.rf mu n n mh tmm --il manwhiart rnrr f Jin . smm-- 1 u. v v - ai aeenhtiti. rtv ria ia saw xk raaawatKCMB-- Mjan-:ia"a- a "" Uw Sj aucTa4toiMiMiiiilitnMy - awnu- Tit vt t t tflhllftl .niaaVMt-- .t AM HK5KT SMITH. 1T-- 1'lttk. Tin a-- stfttfanwi'- a tSw -- U MrtrtMai L Bra-- aia naM jtnar-c-T- MakUaaHsr. an nz atfcwl fc at tacwu Tfitonnc ate atter Mitmik. Wkat. aaal kiini" tMU ibc aai .- -. aariajcaiit tag Jt&mr if wa-T- Him- It ta aun aaaacai rf noaa. a a a w aaa ft t i- k ai ciralV - jjsi bju taC aaJ anawtiuti. ftir wdtaic wwasfti- httH nuactlr; aTVatwaanrtal ttyauitatotr CvriaaiK couirr or tiik ha- prt ftmr"-'"- "t - iici-To- tSc 1 Srf" icu: VaaJtlCt l C Jal"a,pt,i"at, aitn -. 1 tW tauttor rf Ik Eftltte f iiiiniltiinTM rr attiito O am atsjfxr. a"1 "W III uliilwm r 'I v5DL-?- a mi I a wmtbitbtL Hate f teUatfttfit KUEJ. C. XtC S. Trfaaurr attXTt. at aar w fcsaaa to '.t 4"B- - tTl fcl criHMt W xpaa aceaea S" evare & huhfti thai t 5V aVttl.XnW .ttwlXOlWHtit t- -- m bV aaaaac f i.aagx avm. &n aai iwajf. k uttiaijrsKct '. 3L Jtoratmtaml rtata; tMa U ik-- TUMa lit M odiiu. Wjaitatttfcn. BF STBflMBHS Cta a4 .Ztt -- can a ivmuiiaio taa Ituacvt &V amwufciiL V ahm icwil at TIME WBtE vr k .wUaUairf n T rf - akaB kaic Thu jaobva auaw a. a" ' HWj Yuiw,l BwUkiUttai.w nM-- tiwwl m 19- f iiair Jafctjiw rf sbaar qaa: ihfimvMt4 "'?"?' tfcioKV'iitw.:kiSaitffcC-LSi- - r ax 1W larfl rf iW emit. - ArOaJ,! l!ir. ami jbk ml iutlt-c- ajxii - J Mn aaman. M. T n (rf ial dtBv fttf4M 4uC fttei? m 3x.E W-- Hrfavn.t wipjkMUlaWfsniMj"-- ' nsiaiBHi aaw ami natK xRtiwtvtknnViar -- rtWCk UW fc Jjs njum a. tbr rjfitt ihiilkiM .la . r.tMa.MtM-- J. - M IW inn' .piw Hal fcarada cfwt IW 4.M t "r naataaaaa) ww aaai i. itreunitaif Ml II - a . w - tzx a WtiMf atrt rf KLrti-- i a. BtznWw a men abi0. II i JaaVIUU.al aatr hiv .W - rr A f - nm. rf . ."'.Hi'- :ua tt XT wf Btv Ciri - 'aarf tfte suKpirftf utaocdv UTTER-ISLAN- D fMil kr Sn. - tfC&KC -- MMtnauM1' wJxaa. ttbtfil t&ar 5nueitfC m tlW HJlMr ttf CSW- t- MVtllUilC- Jr tawttM. a " Hut-- BES-a- T 3tnH. tltla- - .jtWah . --an 1 Tlkawi am ailu Hto lUatRRC VO tiw Mot nwiititwrn tu prt aatow &'& Ma PfMr Ib- -b tiat awamwr iatftfrvtV tto-- kw ta f C am. tfiuiw wilww JrtBtmta il rq tMatli t JTtamaaa-teaaaaT- --apkeag-pii. NAVIGATION CO. niwi h ia mvci STEAM t antaTaM MMHrftl S"rii;rjnK corirr or tiik ? wmi cm- - ttt - aaaaatn- - a Dafianw a rt m rfhr nnw tit mjc ifcjnpm sadm tibi tttMl oecami? Maaatttwtrt. hAttl'U. B aAItT.rf IiBtUlillttJ f Mimi. wav am asar -- powac? t4rrMihl1-xtt- o IW - rf UI aao? f .mm f isWvmaev can mSTMu? auiiiti to Jw-n- tt itaMil -a anajiaai .ajgia,,.,.,,,,.Vf lltoiwtMtiiiilwaiini--- l aM4 , at aaaaaapai aaaa iaa- anjaafi aa aafe asuivr aiii oi3wiiiiasi tbv JanjeJ t&w fcawoarf & iwr rf etiwatfiisi n ttts aami i.ka? nnf ii cuuuinim t iBWi e -- nwiit puritnme im . Aar; aaaaaC bp.- - yw.- -f rt. Hi at. H!-- . kSTtKC ifc kaaat. pt aait.Bs Sa fuca&teaki iromptj a sin r!he . toabi fcmi th T Mt rf AaH auaiiiaraiWa. uanB? M&".ha'' iconli!-.rat- e Butsajmiai-- JI - a.rflr-vi7-.VD.-ra?ai-at- a mM a ruoa. am wmaac war. -- . tStmt AfCf. mot rf tttuiMi wllu oijewmt ou lOV !' tpa. ur anal irtlr.lar'M"i 1ati. i.i MINN antowriln - cji trjfti. aiaj. Cwf. iattoa Ut r- -t Tan- - araaac Sar aav wmvl ftir itmjgan aoai. titer mfp.wtt ni tfiufi swltot. attttfc- Wtw. "Pht eaOf rf Mfciaf tor Pwto ai t tratkMaUrr Uf2Jt W -- Tlwo su aWlt Man a. uktocv arfCaBmataSttiMi?wiiI. tfcu mniiat w4 w tV lM.tacc rf fcT OTTS. aaacvmda a acrmamD- - ; tax ((aa.BMsanaT BcqbtMMi tttv euinva an 4r teMt? -! aBM liaBlIC tlBOH. WUW tfWHI(EaTai. aw a aaar UaTV. Oaaaaiiiiiiirf. T to tAat WXbsiSUAr. U. t&a TmrtrtufT' nRtcurt Schedule of Prizes: "'tk?.m-!kyl- l (Cpajsom. aa? ., -, lattllC JQB outitr . Tkaaiaflar w iiiiiin riiiin inin rnitr--r aaIua at. mlHl IKPIIIIIM SI. BshOi xuvixmBOLaca cuttBnaini Kau ha. imiiamatf ftjranca tfimt :autfc "iioiff - -- Will fcr Kh aaJ J.TIX-V IW at f iftttin w" tan way tn ttuym eillr- ic IfetixgnHMi sUm tifintML s3ac taff aa Ka Ksbj; Chdi i i NEAT IW 1mW rf 0tA.Wv&W - it tfaciaiar aikv rf Ifct (tot Vrf C btnssjesft Mtef laawr tbxai HaWI 4C TOISIW---. -- .(- autwAlafti-nd-aQ- tu uae tJai aiattaatefft tMMMW PWa-M- uimmrl Ki-- sni ", oi Uatt 4IBU1SI1WUC ttt ar MtjaaiaU at I t - tom 1 Mfcttf" lattrtvtri MjfaMnajintaa Km Mat ahnattQUIL Lrata "J." rfcilir- - - aUT-- "..aiTT a " a.Ja.uaiaaaaaBBall n taut Ir dte rf khM aaaaalPv ''! a .-. at- - a - padlMT aim ami J kara aaan.-.- r"- aajartjd (aa ..rr .....- - 6 (.. aa a a - s- JL . aaajaWHBtfaiaatv . - aajajaaaaaaj apw ibmh-- k twatfeaftjk .unuiBa. - . a a la - rm - aVaaaa. t. aaaaaaa. Baaiakail f,rrjaat(lj Sir j fea tnaltttiu. Hinv quiiih3ila"ibMftiW:aUHtate w nut Hu2MiaaiK. t II k II ".. taraarrr j ' -a akdMnJkaoniiilaW fcj ua tSl an tit ESa- - nC llaajnr II "la; rtT 1km nt,- - ana. t t--r aiuai a rta- .. g nfc ,k iiaJVua rliat BBaaC. rrrrf !! WMMtitMto a- - -- , a. ' eu tAn ftmt df baJ. K3lMtaBAlBabaaLaCtIK- tM3MTaWit9rtal -- afaamJi. ta CkllTTT. t IMN a-- aa . - aajaa aaaay aTaa ad I' .. a .j at a a annafaaB SttO. AfTnMr- tWHitlt il ialal jTlaa aaimnat-III- aiaaatiMLL a. a Mldm vnatvat u-- t rWukW ta tb city K Dm . raaaulll jr Dill an jLJr?LZ. a. .. raia fTla Maty, p, F - - n tflabak i.aa rhuajMia.! .Mui ajk, Mf fcaftim ! OOlairjaaU. ' ajK. . ,if tLmda aaaaaiaaa aaMicia matoa aaaaa kaatri? raaar drffmital. ami ae is. tiw taiiW ifOllC CHB. SHU 5anTt aHa UaaWf Wftu Bat. lanrvsM. iibim i"n-- " a cTucurtfi-alu- tEoix. sou at im Htm ltoa-4 iilkkha. 1, Fcrkwy . aa- - vttii -i oaa mk. articr jucUftu ax &mnm tMiwi Arrive HmIiI ft IL rf ifcOr IbtBT m amu-r- fr to) JtfiVrt'-i-- SafcTfnaa .flTur .;ntiTnf ki lnjnnrf a&rrtfcw-P- MrCnXT --.'- S? dutt ..37 ! kaaaaBatlaaHaa-Saaii'a-aaa- a . rf cut j-- '-i - amt mmrom, ttrni, bm am jLtfiLua fCaiu coae-- . tmanniaSE LiiJmk .JfUrt rf - oftB Jt6wtA ,iU JTi afntt . tt wntSUifli-- - . Xjtrt. ixL-if- : : ' w r. Tfr .wnH injdhm,-- nay tftwmv Cw khm as"011 viWa . ira . Train?. -- r,JrJ!: BU a WWWIalfalU 9fK Hw ajni omA tihfira UwiiunbUau.'i J wm !"'' wiaaa. Tn. tf frnfattnr at tMklM, H wl jctTi .. f my atltr Mai n. mi. mm. Vm w r.jfkBiepaKakCKaairfmuiaai .0a7V knrKTVak a- - iJSTrTS: ma a. b anriim tte &MC ini-t- aUtn ocriiiDiK-- cocirr of tiik iti . - tLHl Ullill III fa TOm aju& t KJ lfc.Tiaan--l- j tt aMa- -t JPto.-taa- ,10:0 Traagaf K;Hrtai (hlirw-- uHtucBi in ttntvi mUK kallhl.CWUJ " J XZmSZZmZZZumSSmi iafaiaMuiifci sacw,-t A.WII. ffe-r-t- w aaa piinaiianiiL p. feaaaat aaaaat nrmtfli iiaa- himaaaaf .. alatllaW aattBflaa.-- r-- ),,. nunnaJ Aat PlamtiJ.lnffiH mxmiTfiBUBt!aat9tu tOmKf 4C0 "WjL-iJ- S timchc WW 1 "' km. Stmi I lllM. MiV JMKI aaf Hill if taWftaUan-- J "?"'-""'- on jw. I "-'!- :1 " as n teaman. m tmhua? aiWAsu.w MaUVka. aMBIB a af ItW W lapa- - im aii! awttWiitamfc i!MtlI8t aJUOTW an i fMMl lHhii U? Iwt a naa - :.- no.-"-- D aoUitmAaiaiittia!?THaiT StUtilBlI Hft. BlU3USfe ilM. 09 vximjx Ml aania oiruiuaMuwBmik a f a. WMll aa Coamiiaw- Bwl Sbalaa m.1 bUK t Mtl A JrJZ.j. wflni tfiu anltpaitfant Vnibrt qmAtrat cnUEiuiuc LtiixBMH'.S'lC-i1- f t;t at' "JN.IIUMIK aaMT X & W ffraitW aa SM Ja laaat aaa aaa- l- ! 31" agUll.Htt. WyTO aitwr a.Hni wftu cjtuq JmM IaPifr 31 p. 4wf Mt t almH - TTyktki TMsaUj.il 5 a. PBK ?illlliriir ., - jrr- Zaam erej I wr - it aairlaiil a 5W.T 'II ftral .. ri...".1 .hnIT nm laanJ nu TtrnmiTif StnuWc " rr ate - Mtan - aaal ff.issi. Mj Ctte'iiWttiitMMIaU-to- t ttlfaiuitofc WWail UfM KtH. ttatVoftte -- pMttB fe Sjfev3fe J. .Ma A aa. to tkmi.fcj wMl.llteart S5I "UT a rtn9laiw rim gw k.m a ntntAT. aiftmB7 vJMxsttW. Etiw uprami uul frti nnmrm MWtt Tjani. ( pmiiiai n irnna anr a h KavfMi-lisr.- tu CaaAClHtKCBMa. SaCfciiE. Letra A. amir tw Itexw Auw wtitt ato Ptemna arO. ttiinw f aniilttir snotnMitteJtt. n Tibj- aaaar , tftrMwii7.lkml--OMjrt fcaa r nU a Csuila-t- t, to ' wtrnr JLaarDaamr SjoA Wk.M4 mw.ititt hrrifrj i tW ii.a.H aaSaaaiMaaSai Jl. Cmiiatakaily aa 4kcci- - at At I iMi arm TMam a ttaWl Mr rfii-- fLT ttM CQtliHaaaiicaianh!b tir-- an a , wnawatriu. sa ntrajccBaX Sto b tatrw aKtUMMat wa M Mai mmm lit tSMw mrtmmimxhmAVilkiriini4iTf-faB.a-r-- i aakua anMia wv m kjr r tv taatr-tr- ay-- - a tglmm HiaHZ TmrriW ft tiu jcunsai riiwft. aHWa-- MrraM Mr . aaani tint laaaaa - uaag BtaaBi- - . sunntt-j- a J jiif .iiaai..iu. , fag. BIJt em at a n ant janiT. voaaiaTwwjEK ia ifATTF:P, -- arTr" aUB at shi rrarate jf ffilfflar; ar tfe arw 4tn ttnu. 1f"F" """"- - BM3M) WBI Stmr. JAS. JhM ataBaaaakMaar am cl-- - Aaaicaru ltMJaf aaaar ataa. at i aiaajin fr. , wfl. kauaio aa S irt 7h to tarilMT tfeat MOcmr a kr .teal a jiantow ftnaaaaac ocny t ttamtva 3UtUXli FatCaafCC J13U iilUi aaU XS aW ImI - Ik aTatSKLU fBail jjntM M taWa I WHHk! afJK ia faTT Ilk!- nniwrni w mt Matt, ou rtaaJf'ii rita BmuU istutr faaMatfa XL u. Bi jpfBami jf lajMjiT t vm1 ta ltasaV3. guqaaomiCM IMITT-il- " 'ilM t33w-ate--Tiar5a!uj.3p.3- IhMataJKrm tamat, mmt m mm i nnyit rttJ nmiMWrikal "imTll it U - afajanBat - MMtla L xmnianpai ttMtfj attpinuc 3BStvt3ijii oi.aine3i9aCiJiia fe eibuu Jt xr DMf--l BikHik. H- - JkA. A O H-- SlF ZAQitB. EatttTTffTX- - 1C LaajCUBn?tMr1NaiMkML T. atfUfl. . - ' - T FaBT& ' 3IESW Hint IS BMMirnf. Matkt A. I . ,.L.41ant. Banc 1 IBT Sa - utnni: tscli-13- 5 aaK !( - CMwf a ifc - t !2Ua MJBWf 2w ateiriiT: ai wy Kautu izil - 7afcatf JCnl- -. Jajrr IIMt a- -. j--a r e . 7 f i 1 tert-- ?f I & a. am a pniT ifV"!1 'ii tT.;" )uu -l- njt!MMMMjtiNgat on aa . - - - 1, SLSwrS- - -- n It'it -- - mm aaaatr at. K aunr 8 SSUtC UHF9 MHUir- MJaWk fr? tc - !wtt Tip- MMXTC apaatt. --jMHii ''Tpa-tf-ZTaS.r- c Warfkmctfcm. Ob mxot Maana sad tn. AkitWl n. Xtar t XLuf aCfuCun. mi&fttip mill --in dOaWtgiiRtt tiatM!.' 3fcuiicut. aWrtf MatWaraiitj afMni. hnr Miti THK MTIMtOH: COUirT OF at t- IJlWaa'a'MlC I nTllaatJ ?Maaaa?aTaa aaalt"aaBWaBaJBal IX t&MX ii. inn sflmo till 'to pwarai-- t wiimti- lu. .laa'ejm ftarmitfiiBM a x avm6fcira 'il: .. (.i- jTliaaaaam .m-- T-- ttffM S Bar f n - uina ,t WailH H tcrn- UOACMOaf1 1MHUIUC &anpt MM W fJMla-k- a" laAIaakKAaU. " rf ! rf tir rfto aaetn-g-ail- t fig j WflMaiktayB telli- !- aaaillg lajilj"!!. 1&JIOT1BCT- awcabiii jcButom. Em aifat9c mrnnftwWwt i. in rtm iMlmr ftiir J Xx.&ama? lllntl.IaTkaft wiui -i - (JujjTmnjiii C. BISHOP, !- -, X ri KHr 4a t ftaam MJT M MTI anl Stmr. S. mr T VIUJLlX t MBit. rf At aw wgan aBanstH, "-- tw fr'Miiy : aaaan ai aaoi(flim. a '-. "" riiMC (liMr Muf tfitt ttai)iiwttit timeata!iaim mr- - & Ihif--, uni mirtxTarnrra. Oairc. : 4am. m$ Cm tk " . amuix.tii.iji' MM T mm ur isiii OTnnnainij an j TW IMIPilill t. HUM! UIUJ. an JEniarc. JfeJSljr oua iiiiimMJHaiitiac -- nna&H - WV5VEVA2L afcaB to tMl - it. wa-- tin tte - jmmt aar MitokktiMt ta cm iW p aaMUlMU ! "- BtJ-Kjt- aaaaB. x & - - MiMMMiCa M - t taaWa tnat? BHunly attnc an hob rMt rf una sua. mzumrj jj iiiUm jesh- - c cttitbbihu TTTlkilT. ll. 4 X 2- AtVtr artotoM limj mmf llnT aatilkW amCHll r5Y Ca3'aaiaa.tiinc ?! n a.t aV r'aaaaaan ,- .- lk.iarjl.at. Pwiill-a-uht 1 ii aa f hra Iai nt lSMi(Sri srfMrtrfMtWM4t)-afa-jMiMj- rt ailWIta-- t watfaMr Siti-:j-a m EmatMCa xL Tama aatofarf. to ft MM rf a Crt EMrf(l I "rra Saanrf .aawrftaainrl amiBIaaaBJttgtrrJataJallif CMMtali- -r. HiiihH. te tft "- aHiitittHiaJHnCtfiii'iaii ldI idur X oV--c KatK l4n4rf &, Jt ti. tiH Itaaa. laaaaa. Baa , -a- i--,! o.,m WOJBr d aMw a, b a 4ltiaCT 5JailttParaiaaWa ttbi .Jhnif a, ja.i toMEk. !) mil akl Jna-H- . - b tattaar CiaMa t -- -. w Mi mmm aittt-- MH j, . Itjrt- -- tfuiM.-Mn- lianp-m- l atwl " mm Hal 111 t fc ptwarmiit& 6aHiitiiT tottnri tu - ifcaM ka wiiMl Mm Mrrnmt " aatkaa.aa.a Naaa, IM 'la aakkan Zeint cunBakai aataaotte - ttos ram IkMf - .. . - afttan (. -- dtrrai Hunt ,,.---Lfinc- imKtBim mtn is. angwaifa dm Iivram bjiiuti.air'Xaare LTii" t ttmm. aMMtlM nt- -. wmwrr a. warrant itafBUV Battle wwnasif wnm bhik" . Benuivr tii an" . IM..C taalMi-- g .. jaiwinaaaa, a iimi rJuaiC W aafMESOUV Qir IUliU iubu. --" f U7l'-- .nt wrnu. 'Mit i LL. am- trwit AtMl aw 9 ti ' mmm mmmu a ajfct CTggawI m !Bg g'-n- 8ir3CTiaBata:ii. 05Il it t rilMttmilMWni.tNtWlMm am K.Wt nut j ai -n-.4tm. rtiiifa--- amL Stu oiim saatw tZ dil --nil Ua aucfliui'x nt IMf pMMaaaMif TaaM. - t MMIMa, ! '"laJHf ,MnMMjH tfta mUIIMJ wtcrar watarf ju. ax a Mnal totMMjA MM nu - M BMai " T iaM-- l laalt - - - wdtMKH. 5aiaaaaB-!Ui-Ji--r- f B:rtiiwiHin. awt irM t aanar ajlliataaalaaaaua'tta3laalla ' ; T. tSBSotv Dun I " Fm!"aa-r-t. ataa ' naaak j CXtLV (fB Ott ftn: ut Jiirfliiii rfttiiimir :ii ' itaiUV a.... . aa "' .hlt ftm. aaa aa. . kaaaaatata Btarra anal Otrt. aaa waaaaaia aaa fama ' - - aT at vjulv rf rti ft fan in iim i w iji nmtSl. KM -r taktraai ir tiki tarts tiimaanj amt dm fnct djac sa pupninCiai r tu Star Braia nprft-aM- a, tw. fiu- mtmm f0mmBiittKm nncuii stbi ri tw. ailhimia rWHMi mt - uiiii. li Mi artiw- - mm piMMitS" ttfc' mmr main Wiaatiaeora ,,-- , (tuiwi T 3IKW OJ BDI afla tin- - a tb6uii a taotwaitat- . aaa laiiUMIallla iBB, IWwfca MMMM MlKITpt t?r.H iate3toa b HOE tOXO. ItMaVffaVa.' .aa. - ,a ""' fJaU- L aaaaaaillM-- J.llaiaiK (f llWtlto 1Wt-- lt fAr-n- MMM ttSi'M M IP IMH I m 4WM akpl mmim ft aa bantamatl tfcat aka DBBl . -- Tauiaataia. na.itaf BU ffial aEB- - " , WC. TAJIK I, --- CMM. i btauMainii. .tMEatim tTMMnvftB JfirflaO. M CvtM M akMllaall afiatamitj an-- hmd - aiuMtrf ttttt. artBt awatj &" m. whwh. tan uOTwastamiu SfMaa. taitfi t amntai. ilur s&u gawc a.aatLm,Min fc. -- M ' latiAlkpi M CaAllfr-tt- MMt M 1lM,nt &w 'pHll &nam amamx a wino -- aUsfto; BlMfttT -- af WM aVaaaMa. W. matV-tpa- i, ha aitTOTfarf. mMaatrmitt. jaag Otir 40. tfe mdmitKM iioiiincx L"-- t. inula aaM aaa aitM 'LMf llaMMMJatATfcMl all. Vaaaaaaaa aaaaat a j gmBnmM baa anstan. ttwtr rite-- ant mniiiLiiii UfcahlHtlrtM: -. lato--al tu .wuii 113-t- aUnTAIUS ILAJ- rf 0.,- -t . aaa taaaaal aaal tl pamufte. w laMBiraiita anit Jl ail saac a. tawatai- .tiic JTIWjtattSrlatt LJJMiaMI. tk4 , atatkaalO In wl SUBJ1BaI, auuntf ntt. at mnwlaaa' Anam Kjeutalilla aaMbbetf MM. iMtkMMMfHrtan I WrtM mrtiy Oat wkMa tar jgatair to a, a.aaia.. ana.aa ayani aum aroat aa awrail? aaTaja- -i r aWMaarfl lit anaii yjn. !w!tB ,m nn, 0& aaaf auXTt talSIl latH Esttt. oust. i Amn-tr- atiK. nm - &b&m jwt tMflltt aar tOaszaiaiKajL I Rte ftiil C mm aittdtacc tlhr itwaaB. Twt failings STery Week kJtolMfeHm.JMi:vVMa.h'air najrnaca. ami Bt9X are nu winic a t. mm! m-- Ac JUri4rfi rrUra; U&tt !Miiii-ae- - w rf rH tut MtfiaX MIMIrMM aaacut tenia laaflaa.at anfl.astSa7 atw gaaaaSatatatT' HI taaV CtelBK iaumcry u du :nr- bu At CMrt.N ajaXa, aaataWlMjaMaU. L - AaaTt Jaa Smm itacHTTint: mm Ba B t 11 IB taMaTaM aaaOaat rMt uriinrooi.; t.itH aaanoia marki oaaat Waubtaa. biiAHTi ittu aiit tfDifiMM - . -- F. .tftr Mint RTji.fily, aani at sat Saaranaii i.b iHRZim - - .. m t "is ow; TtaatMr LftMaaaailBy PHTkH t,.lMi.fcaIto aaa ham ttriaij anal r i -- . an-- ..(- mum IJnmi taSktO "" laHDW ai'lKi OTKllaMa kM MTtoMlt 4 r- - Ha aaanawiui Mannsaf xlMaiEEisaatt. aDraaaV ak laiaainaiu.. aiaaa aaaaM.a. J Ha TOaaM T ttt fJta. " - wmmmrvm. mmm. akaat?.ttucaaraa-anai- Mitrnc mM IttdkVlf-sM- namaiiHJH)-li- t oarat aw patn u "TTt aatJlWIMlltliaakl. CJH VVllliiH IUL ' ftf naaitk lalK lli 4 B- U- lTaMatTaEfiMfasaa'.viMM aa aa Jmaugaily. lata til-- .muMJMlll. M axauitj aajiaaa BtMan." llrrim. tsznH n SATava MfalMrf. I x fcaMWa am MM1I - M, uuntf till t dmn-- t wtfa iwiaita riMtt. Uha uuxnniaiwBtiiriC at itiMtSfim. inii OF ?aSJ.Ct: MMMM Mi tQaSaV MBW mt 4 W aMMJla - Bto rMMBHk Cmr VvMnfaMMMI M IT MJP (MMJHf MMM, mnffifffrr aV anmoi Diw $mcii opialiB-Ja- c i , , 4 l- aialfc tttf rf iato tm twuii fttDi--i tw laaiC cmilHE a& JmsMii fimir a. uiflfcwi!i ttw Wttto a dli --watt rf 1 rf JU B fuc anrm ana aatzaaia; 3w it mi iMtjiif at .CTiiiaBt.giiTflg3-- s. Brminj.aw -- . - ho. rut Ihttriiiut mi t 1m aaaav Ixi Jucat tmirMto r Tin , aawtltts. mw Ha- - Am. hi a fimwuHt?"? nwaz vu t SWlL&T. .n n- rf f Tm, " MMOBlLtllvtfflUMir - w mm aSaiaaa. pn - ant- tJ- : nrw a MMi - UaaDB Jiflluititia ja aaf wai (team w x tnnn- aunt - ma ma .,,., A,, .MWtQI i: t thk .surnuiE corirr of taa-a- sago. loiliB Jt dm ttont tmaiw .a-- --, nat LS&ia.. Jl ftkt ITlMililrfW NMM .ItfaaMaMJM at. aa "jp ain fantl aTr taaaeaariaaniaiinallaaaiiaa'aiaala aa laaia aa. aav a Ctor. ?,WUII j,,, UBQir" la. dm iiaiferv Bu &itnp-- tr. a. ail y a rf baaLrfttot ,,,1; hoi? sum mttMji tu alkjr in anaaaaaar ca. ltgl, uw ttac ttiatto tirniiiuinnMM lanuaatic acttna Bfc ' aaatn aa sua tu aaaL pita. JH - aMHBiaP'-K- - aaa giiaai laaaa aj. aiuiuaftu. (s.sa&Bt Xhew ra ct. teitiT- .IftaniirtHtWi rjS3iXa.ta.jitoMMirftwialH. aumii Ibetur J. auit MOua-a- ataatas aSITT.aaj1Jkat. Tiuujic "aaaattaVft "aTMaaNtf AaTaMfVV taV aaMf MriaMakaCL alaaT Ha aa. INaaTaaa aailtBaataai kJttH l tEiii i. Sir Eaiasattif ,Jb ni t on "jaaii tftustc at dm acac tc pcwmai lie Maraif aftaar-"t- piMagLtt i ii i rrfflTT-T- -' 4LtoiM;-tHi- MaajaJI "(iflBk-- 1BW frnnmnf jkaty aatnkf aaaaA ni.Mirm.aiMTiiT.a-i- "'- w rf to -- KIC "liaWf!! Ml H 1aaMaBPMaTaTa' tiuf Kaaaaa. . jfadt. rUti jkmxum- Jto-- MaM AKTilCXJ.V a titjatii avmiaii tf a wtl iflir - Tatagas; a. nam i fa- CMM aa all. at at OlkvMa.MHaji Mi srt7 it ctfiit vi ai ir j - jfc - IkalaaSa" mVUmi mLmlt. M ft & ,iMh.. ,. tiwi am aajax iurar uaur V attlttHi a4BUttUatlfi ..., ,. 4Baaaaaaaaaaa.Saa.Taaa. 0. (a . 9tmmtf. nat ak tttnt atnu.au tbih0tl-- 4tt huaiuaiM. tan .innnai aaarAaMtiiaMryS?a rftM Vraarf. V m,J C nm at 4 jm.im- a' nfcii rnr,M iit i Caatrtntarttaaa ajlaaiiii. dtti!C-Mi- ohtt Hnniur I iiiiimiiiMii ttiiatluiwian f i Ttraa VJM mm tMT wty ajaaiaa Httwr Zh'siulbiyal ittSmAaht b- t&t! )r m oMwiinif rf attfin. - " aaaaat ftla" r tiHKHW ibmA- and mgrftt IkalWI EU HaUH. DJ. I - aMSlUlttmM Sfraai ro aaaaTaaataaaaaaaaC iMW fiaaaaa aajanaaaaa tftaajkaf a? nnmttair IWP " fhaama. TTJlllItt tdl Jl- St. if ttaaaa. aaamaata. giaiia f ,, UaOlMMna rf WlUttNy if . tauM CtQDan7 afblWia c o NJ&t' MKlii la it-- bfearfrf tH-iH- - ai-rEi- ouaMwwkt. intC mmammitM"' - altaafcria. ta.aai naakaaa. tateakataataa mk. W t MB II UtaMj Wata- 'imiw- 'tfaM liltMJC' janniuici-j- tnttfMfaMttatiit'i Vir 1 - Turn . Uaainar aaitltauaV. ar aaiig kl tanlBaXtlUa Th-- viuim.iG 1 aa. aMiaaaaaaaaaabHacHaHtBat aaat ffaaika nirrfi rf rf ta- a. ibl. 9-- -- Iwii-M- fcnMTOMi aaat 711 .rf,Jara. mm f k fctv. 'Mr tui i JMrnm. - TlEiiawSafc.-BWaiaaaakaallt- -x HMaar u -t F tsmm Ajroa- -. baaal , aa- aa thlbraaK a lanaan f JttJtlJtli EtattaamiaaBaBa tabu to sajn VTJM HnaaSafaPa1IlKa--M- tUltS SlU UlCUlIff aHt. rMfafaajK. aaaTHfaTS aaaa. an PUW TT ,n oiiw flw&um mstii. em aa aaoiaaar tm. aaaaaa. .taajjaa. laTWm ji - miiaa a l najaniei JK M nlrS!IM--- 1 aana aaaal laa-- aaaaaa1aaa NataVtfMMMalr- -- w rvMMa. illaa.mn- t- rf aiv anatlUB TdtDHC'QI.IM-alC'fe- lt Oik. aaaraaia m it lr- t Kawlz; a - - - - P aij- - A kMnr atorc tatn xvm wB. trlA a. M t iaaitalItaaM- aHat naw--: a at. aw !, aYaa at. r Jam, tMHiHM1 aaiaaaiai niuaaltlilll a ataaaun. if Hb H. BtitttuiatiHat. 4lMTMMliMllftaM, fi aMliatTM--a-.a 4T MJB-3- iHTj I tlflllll n Ml4 nauatamt. it site Sic .. CaarfataMttt arela!r smvKf.inLlKllJlBt JiJlnHia tNMffV. MJ M W IllUlir tlaaalWaaaf ateatKlaaraaaa. M i- - m mo M- JL p. MM. iimsnie &i- -' nnnmi(.. . . aaa rf ur IVlaVMjIBnBt IBIWHIaMB'l' W' aHBaMJBT MIXaW- - taW rajuntr mmm. awt. it mam Mtmtn aa.il laat tfcata fcaiat. aaataaaa Vakf. Wira. frrpa-a- cirrt. aaaea aunaaaaaaat mJHC 1U. fFEJiltSitlf CflrMf aaaara awrafi aaaaa-- Ion H'JIfr-I- M MMT M CPtMO lay aaweura aO. tzw jaaapcnl. Satraaa ftnm Ornaatalma TLr lair aaa tit paM 4MJI nnRiii tain if aaaMiaaa irlaarataaBaiaaa aaaaaa IkPtMl tor MMt h. MMM 1MMMHM Maa HajaaaNa. aatea.a.BKaa.llvKaa.SIBtt, jaa.a l!r far MAUMI aMJ. br llljnn aiT"llft aaar aanaaaaaana. tare taifartaafi g&m AauasfinKL Ah l1jJ(lttte Sa3a(S3ia; Francisco. taaa a. JitiaMKJa-wl-al - .to t- lala knajaaia-- n mmr . IM- Ifaja. ami iaiiiB!t nrri 'if Fsr San raMMM noinMaa apgraitimiijaai ta a fi--- Jtaaaaja . :aaua. Uar aawaBtr a tu ha ? mea jTaa-il- - .rta- -r toaaaaar Una. X aa aaBf fiudfant "ib!5? asit law. &i mtn "a.1 kraatott.LfM. aa an w i - - Mtaaaomaa: wnm aaaaaa aiaiajM aaavaaMnoaLtu lutanBg -f- -- tu -- ao uiftii aan JL aitBUDOiitr to ttmr uafla. aaouia i4atB. - . haJlli, a a aaaajt &tmmm)mrmum ftJ . B. atasaooaua. - - 2B nil ml iwiv wwmx ska Baa tSa g. a E I lap. aaa 'alaailJt aaa at ataai tit tarni .. Jill trt:j itiaaara UaWallaUSEH &ak4rftk4Wv awaiT SaaaajBtup . ia, baaar aaar at tkaaat nS3 IHCX3aS HtlkiMllm. rtMMajf- -, ,i,. .SBaaaaa-itHaasar- a MfiMkiiiirin iMMrn t MMui HanMM 9MS IMM?MWI in toroa5lea lmmm AtbaVrffc mmmmv-- i; TrjCattt-mptitft-it.. U.ailrtillH aw ttaa gn . JWr)r ate uaajaaan nail ILILi'ianaat aaariataaa TBt, BaBnat anafi 'llaia. aaBUm: if Aar fla-ta- DnHLaMrfafawrf dkar t laUTwtatMira-- : Bartfctt miriti. Oat a4 a --fibf SwcaintBi.anif mtacatlmlw-mai- aauiiaiinr a i.., aaan mtvmuuHiit IrSr;? db nttP jiimw iiimntL zml faijtf te Sffis! tkic -- jT m nui wtW amM. Um. Ituia aaaazrf. Slaami atui! fc ataai. Ta vamlaaataal atB her &H BIK& wilO gawaat. t OBaBZ aajataaatata. raa-a- mm to dto Ttr.lAwi- . II ma, JtWrtS a aMMM; ?! IM'VgJtU ttilHl Baaii. apaaa. ajamluaaatud: maa ilaaitMT Mm 4jja if aTaV Bata- - Maaai t.ainr. hmh MMai akt ffMlaHta M) BakkiMtMpa' tatrfofrirhii- ..gWilfcgntWl'M C MMMMMJKa-- ) m -r UhH -- aaall. II tfeo Hftty yttimiu" cter uui-- m. anitabfii tu auif anmaunaigmtllani taan ilg.ttaiaj.iai aate fiaiar-- tqpdt? Tm aim k? ot? iw BtW raaU- - S-- D' tBatc HIKKX Bit JI.1 nJ.CK.1 at t M rum mtafimw mv wm tff tmu mum - MtaonisaM. ami ft finvtuffiMtia, taw .anilnitwminfr-- tan 9.1pm. am. leVa Kaaasim. Wtaa Ml 11 tMjf ammmiM anat JtanaHXtatnan. it Haa aaltaaat aillllliaamii - i '.bl ar liaatt Kuatua; jria, ti. a tKMM, a. 1 Jn-- wrtajHWIW MOIatMM lb Am fcwigt bnan. aaaaaaaat dla aaa ftlini ail iBaaia baiaaa aJjDaacE. ..j aWMM aa mniir f amiiiwiitiar - - - .. jiHHii --i ttt Bfv- - ax mm nmavm. Kauav aa Wull.'ra Uaaaa. daata BaaaataaaaBtia; aaC Ta M ,, ..aa; n nall'll - r h sun w St Birrftim,UMTialt i iZt4toimmtmmmnmimmmi tka-- -. n mum, nwrMMBiif 11m aaaa tmliiaaaatlla -,- .nr mhi h tMM ,&( row am mit dMr a?i-a-r ifiH rndmiBin. Thf am item lllliaWManuaa rf j - a r in.if -- a. . ' aaataaaajaaTaj.xi.jr lawHn MnrtiTCmiawniL --hC tun a aBocitifc? "ga" - aaaaaal.aaaa-.l- aSTllliaT - LWMMJ kflOMi MM, KaCMMK. cant rr!ii? -b iwtla0174 II III --aaii naaaaa-- TTl "fCHni 5aOli-j- - tiitty 4U BTIW EUIW -- Sttf "niiMyiiiHiiir pKtavZ? aaa al aaaaaaa aa cL'PKKwr. jia-- raCaaftfaa, aialMtli ?M tM-- Mftu tltal? tnuOC Brit til aiiwt ! ilia a ai -.- a " ""- - (JfTY cfjrur or ttxk la. '.u- Tiia. m aiariBm Jl iimii it ' OFSTDXEV! TtaaM fatoMfiT, w- w - in O fa H Or 'wtww y wimjmwulbm f jmi- -i vane xsicRa apra nur acv-- fatM. la Mfctf rf MS MS miiwiiiin ra- 'vt tnaiia nmrt. laiatMr a..aa! rSJoaat) aUSS laiTBUaVaB. jEmt. rf rtiawi - ari'MafAf'. mm! Mmt i ' tfe aULaraaal teuiam WXHtiatafltl in.aii.nr 4nmmwM. am cziuzouja Vi'iniiMMa -- -" tFtwmtwc. wini gattm gjjwauw-- tti Timm TllwniH if rf .bMHtoJM M HkwrnA CWtf ? 4t3uu Iumi C tbj imiiiir adrnimaiwaMB. ntt afc temtmaa. x acnt. t n ltWr ''m L (6i dmWW Skit to a-- Mt tWUPWin mmt. to biniag wm uuiifiH mcM tmtMSlC .IPHMIMI C UC ioaajjuiiiuit. Jtini caw ' WiIWi in, A' r t,r '&. itiir - " !x- -t dEt aiH-r- K- ' juiaalwi ". wmc J Sir bsoh. ami tuna OttlU. . awitanaaana,llaaii aaaaaaaat. JaiaoaaTxpUi-a- i; tl atarf rtSff- VUMCttfiMaZMMaMJ-Mala- " J wiTrii Ja-. dtM aiiaaUafM. aaatPaaaVaittt aklniiUkatanUiWiaiaaU aTMJa) MllintlafW &W im&MA&Mi at. . Jl - i .IT -a- u.an.rl JaaiC aC .Ulii ttaaalarir temwmwttUm iniwiij U-I- BUI .-. MMMIiZ M9 UV liana. u rffcrrfiMB.toali.l'art.tl6tliMMiKa ftiMjyi'A - taVry aJtovat--l M Mopuwii rama--j. UMtBaeMaW'lnMLBtlMlMati j jlidlaxM,; it! JM Mal aa aai fHMcMVJWL MtMatl A DrxatMcwr H -- -- CkVMM MI MJMM. rf- l ttr aMmraaftiM-- ttto - C MJ1 j "f attiw. .WiuinW f gnffaBfar T!lwc BunHnm fiif Bos sniim T"HMlaMj. MaW IIHIT ialaaMMllaaaaat M MJT WlMMftJ aP LMMja fill jftWJS traM. 0toMWM"Ji "a-.- ..- -. . , , . , - la atmt am hu twni 'WPa ff"i.-- j. - X. tjm.mm.-inMmtwM-A 'x tttm & lfc.ll ft Ml tM 4.JH.J,. anl ttu Mt mnmuKud it.iammna iC mr BinvUME &4xrr- it ihwimj tattcuty noun; uissc Jtw jfHttnt atmtttnLtui mk obm jmrnvMl 0 tokLLrfTMMMM Ke- - nu I)um- -. Iicn- itttrj-w- -s m- -t pmiilHat TTjr tur aaniimr toti !itmh Mni &m sum ami ou .rf ffimoB ajar 3Mw aCTM. rfaaesiu-B. mt tt hTit; ai II" " fa-a-w fmlWfc -- LTtW DHtr akOti. gOftnC MM fc - Mn . mm4 unmn im mi mi" OmL mlummntn ttMutSifirtMif iiiiimiiTK- - a. r -- -- nniji liatM. BtopitoiiBM rfiiteitioffrCw- CakW - t ni - Ami mn titi nit T --aaC(Mf --W Jfjv-- a. MM wjiiiiMI MMt ' m Ml IM- i ,. . u. ... raraanaaa fcjta T .aalan. aaunaaaaaraaaAIlB MJMfOHlE JCS MlalC 'B--" kwtotnl icTtlCIT 4y rf L aaHB'S. aaaaai. LtaCMaMMMMli IIIC L J jw CMJr- -i a. J MaT Ml MUTMWM WiUtrnt n T !JT(lMjalaakT,a LUaaU7faa. atVUJ rIaaUU. A tttWnP Of Bnt JIIW rUMllalMf rf m, iUmmm a jc ttM tmt if """ want npttnr w. m. JQ Cakaa, Jgaahac. in-- , tomtn trfterMjfcw I MMJtoMagfck- n uunw j.MJ' ' IIUMMB rwitM IWU- - mu ItturaavfroOTni ' int .rf dto ft; r& ant .fiwrrrf tr3fiMiffir:f ilia jiiwhihimi. ir iiiiimI (jt if wf MaM. rf rt lp M4MT iwig'tt'.-MW- wmmm n IMS.. iMMtm. tar Jrf WM i J MiMit M fihtt lAwnm Ml PMI (tM aMItM niniailf Htw cfew - taiC ttiac an BmUi miiih. ftnipii iEBiicstiiaismpco. 4ant Mat Mau- - Sir taaMlax M4 iitilna Mat wnuna, .ntfsaBiunrimfiati. tine baft aa MMfcHlMlJMtftM MMb:U lAlaMMtkt aatmt Ob-- HlMffao MMM H. MM hllWlM Jf - ..NMm IIIMl ii.ffcM.riia.gMtiaMaTa mm Mk MM IP Mil MM aM ak4 wawil-M- 3BjniMr ffrii im ' a bbpi man ac i2kMf 3171 rsap- tMjt JattBT itUi - J fMMa aUMijMt jrtllW i tf tins iaHranft WlMapt HOI na BMBMMUCt XlWMlil.Mli av- '- M9B iiMM CiMM rf WaTr W ,1 ... i.aaan i - r - iArX.l'tndwv j - rtMaMnt ttM MmMtl k m.ranfr nmwiMir im&mwmamwamxm; 100 vmimmTmsnnmHf mwmtBiv awr-ri- iwp"fc,ja'f- tMjMj)m.ttewbia.f " jM W SMCCCA IMS ttrf. CM MtalW M ''Ta.-Jwtt- UMM iMll-i- M iMMi a - ttUw SIM OStBt awiimiuifa- TIL BiMMjflaa.. m MlaW aJtTaMHS af 3 TSr dial Utta atMt - 11aaTtL aa mhrSMlMMMt-- MlNWM Su feat .if ftVlBM ftt Offlfflbm tw m4t mf p Jlun EeaNaBj. am- mm akrt BarJHall - aaaa i yaijmaa -- . MMp aw tit-- Bl afrHHt ttMHiinlllMllia age ! C --fen Kl tfbl tff SJaSBSOr r:.r.aaaa. finaw fMw aMat MHiattoatV U AfilMMMtoL aaant jj jntaJ.. amttt TTinufi Ttm !gmriTt aqytiM-- V.aaMSa IJMttWI1ll Mt an JMtt. M altoil TOW aMifMMtMtriM.iWt. SalMMae vf fa Ms UiM" fa : (MarflritoVteMaaTaWMtnt, ctotwC tf- a- paiL a nm nwiittL T iiw SmC - bmriL "ra& HTOtilMrttlti r"'r f wu stuui 93i- n Kaw-iti- m a" t"MV - ffnniin ' m Juil i .MA Wimu - Jiiiatiiir .- yimtom himniiB i sg3.inrTati.at'Tr OTiaaaT MM. 1, tMWyM' t&nn-iipi-- faaiMMrf imaQmlMt tltti r3 a&feufmA. out 1- tiw aw dfar tMnMMStaM Wfmrn faii.tnig: Cu- - imj- nllr baamiF rf '"' in rf MjwHtMfffann a. raSaAV-a- aWM, Xw Lteb. 9aagnuiiniii mtl jlMII MilaW la Ml IIMrf - MM.a JU fclljltlM r ttiUmm n.iaa MM MB) nljKL It UtaUL JUlLlMll AinniL'dii raaai tnM - Ht . MMM jatarraittitrt rinif- ma Ml H.iui-- i. llarjfjwi E KnlWia. LC nnimT Jll.nT.1 M atw ttu-- &? f- 3d Mjrf TVOf-lMBKH.'- Ltrv tnnnw rf Atfiwt: to. Camtattiasiat FinaL t&a - - C1KTVtT4VItGt n--l 4 mj. (to ll w I rfafca. ai f DL jtator JUa ttattarr mmm Ma .liiiMiMr..riiiiMnTy- I liW- vnm jrac i afafcg MM IM m A niim" i t. qui finnf fnr. Pwiw aiMlttfcllfli atoir riiiinaiuwR Taunx junta tww. ac liiiiMMtiH Uurtr- - iciiitt mm. aiiw mmjt mm mmm Out im4 aTlMaiM 1 aJMhaatkaaaaavaaaaaakvMaa ftaf MatoM MaO Hf ll m si imni muqf ttew luwtr,a ani. 14ji. LfiiiaJMiiiw-- li -- --a aaa aTataat aT ataXaaVaaX W If .Aaf. - iW- - ;nmrtwat mu. M4MIK J - TlMIMl JM MM. fc aattaa'ar tun- m. itupon. Jtndt nmnuc ton icnD- iVw BmnM4manBrawiittQH lktuf Six noHsmt tiu twtv IMM .klllMI-l- i 1aatali-- r H s. aaaaaaaat MtJMar M M,llHMM- - gurt'tfrot IliMilwllllHBIHIlMlll IiMncuiiT our an Ihm arAaaafiav illlMWIWlt !.! Tgtac and Sfe IiritiM Mtmtf aiapr rium O.tqaSa aaaaaax laaaaT aa. a a (aaa. If bHMM uiMMTiMjimt XuuHtMm- - pMDm-amptit -- 'ifenatL im jw It ' -' 'aa b aai "f a MMMjMjiftoj imha in? siHaiET" ataaaU aaf "" - la Mtrf 4mdw tfc ynHaijii rf tn 'la. - tftnaa. aBIlaataaBl anal rtllTTm laTtM MM fina- Mavaaaj --aaa r aaa. aaaaaVa 4aa ai tuaii na 1 taT- IjaaaaMl. BUBaaJ.a ami ' "H HUB a . giMITU-t- aaa aMUfOMUC? ton? am r,i i1 t ttrm JbafmiMf 1fi iti dla a lM ilUltllHai "',' a1.".. tftMI&MTtt 1tn! ttftaawr 4ii!tM i iuaaV SVriaW a! .- rf -- jyjgitifi3atiijit-aMtairf.-aatjja- Jta--t -l ! TO-- nil"'f- auMji-vhii- atHMM WaXa. Bwr W LB- k- TU.., 'intiL'-t- Sarw4i, Mf- twvw. i '... r tMK MrflMBJlMI rf AaHtvs 9tant Ma tataaaaiaat aaaat aU t. T Hlli HMt i?T VdftJk. 4MH-- w ilUat a ateaaaaa aaaaka Hat at at aW aaaaaaaat 1U r &nc d- CaHkW latatett rto 111MHM7 ri btT Qcw.ff tn- - wiuimHiwtawgi uiah pmut asm?. - tJ1- - f irfhi ii aot imnqniam bcil t; nan aaa njp; anajaj Wfflaj jny ' m mnm - jTwlrf - a JUJi a m I Wmimsummtm a. 4mmmmt wttnm. Wtect- 'V aarilia-a-MJM'aan-- a&n&mg: rwaaaaataaaaaVaai. TRD. wIihih u t SaoauR FMty Ommmac? iwi ai 'tOTir ifeU&BjLT4itlr4jia aaninlllMU JaaHrtffft. UMiMltiaiH t aaa. jaaBaVBWastaaaa aaCaaaSaaaa aaaat aaaaa fta. Ctrr s ttaa rktMr. KSal liTWalC la - gUMn aia Ml 3- - a- rtaTraOa tt) iifMllVA STcMl ' 3U. Qafl'SaTB 1hTa- CElM Mi.hiim m iiiii tT - aaa aar aaaar ttflmrUiSfiaaB aaat at f ttMtllb BaltfaalMI MM ILlBlf mnttllt til rtimnnn ic J&i-'Jiasrx- : j n- ilbaMMna aaafaia a. tti- aiM aajfj L " drSn Mtm Ji" if tUnUMif't ntwW' a- Mttr'naWAffmitaaaMI tcu aaaiu - aa.. .a iaa. aaaifaiaa .. an i.ia an III! Da- MRtC- tBWT tti BHSUL (. aate 4 -. ja .aaH Tin. aiaTiaurru-- a jj-- 'BBjag all. a " ' .LllllWll flaakV kanrSia Iartaa lafaacav I Hi ii ii if itaaaa aHaa jjjgj tTUMfv? IUIl,t. akuaa ...a. - iat Kl aaaaaaua . f autaaaftaaVa aln.,. Htt agmMMjBM TimnnMimnh t- - - - ar aaaaat--t &lll I Ontei - aaaHaaaaa aaat aaTataaaaaa. aaa ank.t-itariitt- al MI tarn ixxumm ttea TiiiJaBi- ar TB! --. - ? axirtj nwii aur laaaar fcaalaa mrnmmant i -- - Hi it amy". 9mm aa aaf ana-- aa" a aaaaa.1. WlaV-lala- w m jmymmMimjei m-- c n- ll . ttf- LAimt aaaaaafl'lllaa r&A - a ataaaaaf ataa t la IB m eEunom uh iiiiffl Tmftx- of ton tUEUf .aHnst giigms: bobuk 10pr-- piirn; raa. aaa. raaasaakxat. Trfiu ha-- rnkTiMV3.Ajmc ikMitoM tmu-. - . Al-- -- aJUc'aMfc m on nwtta? zsnon tTBiitis:tc . aiuMt m imwsa- ranr? '"-- '" ta. ''aajMlntSat aaaaat fctgx U ktat. K. 1. rtteumtvi st&samiii -- - TiTltJJ 6 MtaaSllta If t al aDili- - r"- naaf aaa.tMt.aaa. . TRU BinTimr . &kaiM mm. j 1m!lll- MW rf r! iMioltlMLj." ana rE I 9-- jtW-at- tV(IWl.ta f t - . . t aa aataa - --I aaBBtaJlaaaa. ---. aafc- ,- "" Ctfc,,. " .it -- wt u I'ilaiiTUfaBnL.. J.. IMk nu. tB-M.a- armn. " LtU niM6M tutbirrf kW- lHf 1KB rrraBlJ' fimni. i umifT WUHa Kta.UliniUl. ivtitmio- -- w nttartit Itaut ll llllkai alirnMrit J.ra U On. trjrcix Otis', ttteiikk WxaHa TThara HHPiaatlll mlllW aka traKat. tr-- j aaan ai wa SaaBtf napairtilirrf st a rtrnmniina. rttM..ir TMunur waa mn CtMHSi? I aatXttxaTln.aa. rf iM Slll IMMaW M" JttUL aLMi-ar-- XxmoVM- .OW (ftjr . h fetrOrSeCte f paaaaar an unaiUK ttraax wa 't&a taaaawaaaaaT tu fGT2 -- Iratiautft Tna.--- l lTf TITI. ttATTKK 1V THK J&tTATK - llapiaaa. tf al . Mtfi.MMiaBiMte rUrn:a Urm-- - U tn at OllVaWXlXa.T tauaaaa aaat aa. itaaaar M " aaa MI WIMt) TOCMKat aaUatflEM uiujaa. om- tiuat ail rmiinu ndnamat tant -j--n aajr-tat- Trt-a- !. in iai la ttkamnm MlHIr!" mHcnnashta avuinia tauinaic rail .MMi 4anauwlftiz: mtMtiitf 411 wa x at r. . , . 1 nu-i- aiirl i.tuniir-n-- 1. - Ariqti 'a.aVtal. mji wm pmfii-HiM- aatfjattaariajtagSUBe mBBH-B- -- laiftior 1 jMlili atUKtS l m xml awl Bleat Jtraer & a jnfimr A mmm it arw.L' jbu .i. i'' J r Jainnlttl I. a.aS.1 - - tail wji t. 'nat "' aaW" . a MNiT"aTfatBSa Hni. iu .'.itriJJ ataaa. . i1PWl tt00ktaj MaMJlHf Sar anaanar iiHoiniaL naBttai anac apt as if riTia tat' mnr atuttataA iaMHLV' uiiaUU iai uiaUi"t .. ., l...4 "DT V t. MbumwmIm w rf ton IIMII llUntTl a.!- - - a, - - i"-- t ' M't f mr J- - a. jjaiaaaK if... ' - laMJijMWtotoatlvA-n- " ttnrtow aatc ipaaaiaauiiunaii aaa fin aa aaa aatJllatf ictsv iiTt: ttt "abm ar anjf atiuar mimtiiiiainii h.:. . . It .1 t Tir- ,1 J ! Anrrf r tan CatetW aMkMC. Oaf - rr. 4 rf aajai liuajalw- aaaiaaaajaai. 'itlX aiuaC. 5aatSiraa Traittn. antatiuig tw am ctxaa au. ajju!, .( I' tU. nd l.tir n - . aW aJ .lta-n- r SU tM Pknri, mm in akn raaaBiBBiaf ftttaa ttw raaajJttV Xtaffl5nl2llBai5lI3lrfTia-- ,. tinl as u (; im tu 1 tl r UtakaMarfa i.n jiJiiUuta. .a .in u iMMataaUlctoajMrf mTmt 91 -- shstvn a. Mei a mat .ntB unf jams. BtB taairuaai tna tainaaiaBaiisaairii ktc. ur-- - - aaMMrf Mta AaP aaaiaawtW Wata tl a 1. a bar Btw tMa-t- Sran tlw awmn-- .foaraea cinira-a- .iBt arma-- await am in annrr-- , n- -r aaaia aaaaalf ajaaarf IVaaaaaa. ta snlllaa. s iW-i- lf 3Mk -- aJtIaaalaW.aab atlttaUX, !ta arlttjar ataatH. atlfc tzUUHa Cltdf nan.iilTaia 7 lafll tjlt talH rf nttnaTiaaTat. apiaiiniiaajll .aatmut at -- iffitaT J af fa a I jtii.JI lOIUUaiiiaUatib ta akkv aaUaK tkaaajf. Iknaa iBaajarr r tiiHnnwjawa, Hit- f aaagniia JaairauVatta-auar- 3I.T Bftana aaa 'jiWMWUtfm.'TiLj naaa aaa audi aawB aajka. haaaa-t- natiBa hi riw JEanrs ItkaUnUaU 9lanlatattt,XiauL.i ' tjUiaTU,l Wyina Tawa. .ft? mum tAamanmatiOa fttTiai. Aim -- il asa ap aluataA l '.IT W l.aalt JU ailU laf aaaatlllaaTtaatiiBBiis; taattaaata- an. ttaa imiamirfthitBatv:hmt.inraftliafiiJ aiKUif SMmaumms.xiamVt aiatuUsm. tf to at; aaaaia aaiaanaa ..aaa aa . Jm

L Mr - I tjuAiail.l.llaaa M;aW" - iras ,- at -- " ((IIMM , . ,! r tj.flf. & AV j

! j " - - tOXXESCUl rwU fintTS5 tk. Hlvrt uttl J hfcJ tatw-- ,ln) Wiirtw. V rU" -- p.rt i linonk Stir JJitt(listamts. allien ft 'V ( am a t 8t - ui HKtHtt It! - rtwiatwv tvwU)U as. tt fl.v4. w v- ., .t . x; fr( " 7, tt .M - I r ik, Vti I.YONS XXVEY. A fttrT Mkr. tT ft Br E. T. ADAMS. CwM fy RwnlHMhl w C9v at " arwaarwa as tSaK 3. a- MM PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT . - ivattoaW ta. fe nrMaavlank kaaa- M ttiataftyM at tox waaj. j wT r&o (li iflMi vt ctv aal kw W Hr fr mmi Vk iniaa. WW!.' "Vaa-ra;caarii- 1 im ftwMi4W ''""" taaaiaA Mat ULAR ,, 1 n i IVV.M 3. RED y wOrtu a tN law Wiwi MB. a;-a- aaj aataiitr Mixed Ready far - w wifg vn - r. Vie. Any REGUURJBASHSA ' &3v 5 - ItoMwwkt. aaat W to iwnwn lXfyn. ittn pr.l l.j- t: fCUviMMficXa!vruh tw4 p .& B CairiNtMu; M.- - tataaKaltVarLka. iwtm Jla. One Can Apply It. V S $ A fi -t II ttt aiww, la- mw Vki Ottm v m k ttfelMi amavvli;aaMaKk!taw llaluiart . tJwMfcc. tW IttV Sow W : H. I Ktm tg, H1I.VM ana . Um On Thursdny,Feb.l4 MM) I V. . nMMtklt. JVwtfvc fU alw ani, aanl Watt a V" VLv w WB 5t MK VlaMslC Ik CWirt, Cawrrru r.wr-- k KtMUtowa. U W aw Uv M 1L. bnte cvsr iarriiaaa Pfr ft " of twu? MhVwmjtMm Tim m MtaMt , tr ! Cahvv -- tse lie Faeiiic Friday, wy.1, Jua.iT ti Aititit trna fetal art Fob. 15th, It ass, i w niHU w w tMn-nHa- t. l.t.t. ali llhul.t,f4.kaiaMlU atrna at ataalaatenai. w.ll ar .hl i aaflha. gyigw inn f p tan mm H; KiMNh tS Vv t nam. ani oatT kntrxaatat ao. S f ttw- TiiiJiiii l"tt "n (VttUMU tauVTnaaua. tVrt aaU tliatMiaalinl--t r llul!)cr it Mvjtrt. ast, ) Tvtatvnl. aa tljaahhaal't iaiul Dry Oooala, Ctelklna;. Dry, Goods, M. rflnklKMKtwiikHei, Ivrihkw W JK4k53 wtabf Aw IV ' tyyo. n tM ataaaJvitnaaawtaaafttaulvSaalta. TVW ntl AHMHM wmiiwi,KWf&x.mM?miirptfiTf tt rft Mr DUB1BLE. GLQSST IND ECONOMICAL rairnltnre. Jw1r7i Fancy Goods, M tV w W 4NVWWTIW m. ikntiilvtlm ri VlHaiwabaalKtfltIla4tlMalamL AaC 4T4tKV Jw.zqtTva iH; v (aotxla. JLi.n la.mi.to. C O- - V-- ,. ffffM 0 Mfnt ttx rjtarj IV VB Bw, Ml twApiHtt WkfrvtiwlItt m. 1 Aiwil It h atalr n .! Mtaxnlr M OMrin KK OXIT 9HMI WPC ISM IMMWMiUiia IK M tWIM aift fietl at JliSl Ti tt t Groceries, Etc. C. rul g .aaf, a w ttvatao r iMaataaaa. Hrrrdl-I-t Sks. Bran, Potatoes. 1 and 3 Sugnr Stun. A.Sf. aiiuM at irvamt ls la lHar ( Unalut. avs aMirrtTTvlrtlatt bj VVI11TTIKR, FULLER & To, MANMV CUI.VIaS tVf nt at tW tout aaaavaa asf rmatt fKaaa tM,i,o'na4. ritOll'H And Line Fresh Groceries kl tW ilVi.ll.i M S- - la aaaal UW i TOSCT OF HOMUJXUC lM.l IkVltlA Ml tih ttatnrt tlat lev iwaaiil kaM ka Uaait aa-- San Francisco, Cal. Prime Salmon in bbls, &c Hj:.,mijM.wtoTtn,.JtMar talk, tah B. n.UU. tte Ulvr .turf kA Km fr3voa I1iat f r Ukt -- . !w 4t.ai larwilfT itMolala. I Haaall Mara, J latHon. , -- nniiiwk . Kulru.lvr.kii)auT v u pttaau lliaaaaafi k. v.. vaai t. Haraaaa. t- npkMwK tMt -- 1 UwaJx; aVwl aatalt latla call r aa! I A t la Ha il 4r inoalai imt at tw (MitMab. u . rt lmaVtuitaa (!nartav LTOXMJt ",UTIT. .taal'i MortifijM't Kotlc of Inteatlca UrtndiaSi lMl w lrMit atism Hnnttu Hut Krw. .U f4r !larirRMarS(LiVtUrU It la Made WMpb S. wur. h nc ywwuwil xaekK ahakT tKaaVirMi aa or Hn Fl .. Mi rajCTl IgtlWo. linn a Ut.tiltvm wS iluta isaul alMwUla Tttu. of tno Best puicst Matsrlals. ud Salt. tlMtflH KT M MB UMMWtX. BUra. MVlW IVWKU prfwi tvflBWwffi IN AtttmiKUNCKAVITH AWIW, UV Tu'IiK.tan1WMiMMarfQa aat. twiafaait Uxl Rrt OraarUfc. Vionrrr White UxMc or Important to Faniilins a. 'awf aalacaatalaMlla natal laml.aji aaaaaajial Jail tfc.pawi fc4wmf Awn a lat t Lead. Zinr, a w crip A : lay. . ,HV u ratal a Dam tka ajalM. Kakaaaalaaala. at baila. Iaa i4 LaaVt, a: JS iiiiiiiTiwii.wc.voai tt la.i hmi, vv f vt. Tajj a awa ataaaxmi hem wahtaal Oil. (lennlnr FURNISHING! Canaprtai AaNalahrtralaaaf taar.tala at ItTw DaLt. lanapnafWMi iu uni Mtrrtu Uu ty I'nrc I.Inwil Colors aaaaua. aataal X.i ink. la UVrt ilaU Hal . nt r tV tk t.ku traii faHaaaa. taaaatia Xaalaa-!- rl aarahr rtva. taat aaaat iteMHp KrwiUii 3ftCtak & SNMk . was i wict jtr J 5Vt.),U.inf raoSM)Ua. aaa a t aaaWal wtla a TlhSu MU TK r On Friday, Feb. 15 nixv alUlaMI llmkiaaM. ' Tfcl ffWii iwtj r7 IA I aa. w a W ffi Ma1 aivaita.Wt..ltlkao... nutvaaknankaa IMIM.I aJ mrt w tai inw mh haMttf'tf 1y mtaaifPt t a Tho Bost India Rubber. nr w eatwl itt- M d fjfMBKar4KBh. w 53 vpn c wkt1 rafa. ot waurM i .to. tta ruiMa UaM.wa.lliai ylmiriai. t4r aMaTfcw. rw hM tarwwafTif apfCi mc wuaf Vawafc1irfloarvaearwt-tfJf- v a a B nnipiafc 1mwb4 aafr gn? ttrt-- rritMtfttutTamaMIVtJaTa at W l llttattklala. tte fcfcfc i - t Jin tat NttRfltf Oaka. na MDtVir ttnwuwirfMiwc dtfME iv taw mMmc. Xht aaj bm aaaka uuv wf PIONEER WHITE LEAD! flMtt 4ar nf .1 rt X .if nM 4 ta I ! -- tr. Uuv AnaaM it j V V K A T U K VriW aa.aartf.U.' tWritfa 5 Mlii. R tl. Ku- wft 'will Mac yiufwa ipncat. Fwwn asi slat smushmk W lUaaaati-- a tkl. Laaal aa Va t tICTl.T C"t IUMarttoakrraa M. Vmir TVaaavaial SmaaactW maajM . KU tat A kk4f teaniifci tmt wjffwwt i v TV MMhtrf MttUX AimvLi rrK.viuwno-LKAi- !. Alttmml U t CAKTWRIUITT ld tatw.vKf.1 Hnmiaauu. rtmKMFIMDU'OKXDOll.aaalll aaal aaa-tt- IV MVvwMn T Vi, v kaaairal Maw pta LtH'XIalla. MU tnU . naastat ..f nteakt t casr IHMT. Mv. an aaaljac ax Haa fta--.j Aaatfata aaal lla Taat r.m( aT. UWlH IjiJ jecl . V-- Xart UaM4 at WU lttM4 r KHv wl it t hnaKUul,n tt WntHalttnac rin.uoaa FaaMaaa tki HAII :AT1tABS. PttXUVra K. Otka tU4 laiMiiMii ii ftt'iniii SMtlM. W oti t PIONEER WHITE LEAD ia Maaafactaraal BtwNAMinf.ntlilta laaaFaaa-aa.apriT- Mtra. Tf. a- - T aar. Wra Fraaa.aa faaa W ITT. y Rvkvai . w - j A wuaawawA, IrAiitb; Ski IlmU, W MH MUTtl UKf -aala - a4- Maa- - Ii.. MLikMt w vvikaMK rf KlaHuaaj aaal la aaaallttaa aa aaata. I.tlia.a.gi l.ttr.T. " vtafttt"".k Iimtt TWHalteU juq. cjl4 m to .atlr. I rjLsaacxsERS. (MBiajCNt A tW fctofil am utn SaMBM. U tM m ni aa aa uh laaraatal alW l TWi-r- V U alt IrKa ai Tfcmmi Hiil,Q . tl ta vtm.hi HHaaaai, iai uV .Lie RiiKl.uUBiniklaj aj eianaat la a awtr. laaa taa aaxal af tte aataa WtiH It Haaatta.h rnt mm a4 Wva M. vae-svct- an - -- a r i I K. OIMW.W. Ebr wvt u & noanaf 1.W atowriaay, bw tvMawn Bk uxiTttf taay.aaal aanaaaail- ta teaaatlaai aataa- la Mortgngcc's Notic of Sale. a fHitf tjf watrr it " aw y St thus- awvw t ate. ? IUom . ... a Mat " a alam Hltwtxa , IMS. Ia miiiiiw miwuw at jo. X. 3L KiaawiM.1. . ... AH TiMtt Uw ataavR ttr Vnc tn.vtTCtI t "10 rcs ,r"- - kmte Ji .aiI 1 '. yeatUPagy aaraaia-i- laia Moritj 5otke of Fondamn 4 of Sal. I at ii ; jw lailayt lawaaaaai laM u aaaaai: THaal. Ia SMvtMi cfw -- vjrrssioK-oDT.-aA)Tiix- aarartattaaakf J kaAtt tlnMna IS! at f- tViaUa rmnu. ta a atatala t iilll"i a AiUaun. lUHOrafCM; q Htwtamia-aca- r. Tic4, aaal aa aittaaait aa laatelar .taMlfat ataalaa ML laaa. N ACCOIUlANaTK WITH A .r.l,rtn. . te 'M,- f aaaal aaaa R WW. xk umpmmt r. . i iTinT aiTu mi aM. It i in aa .w mj i at J Kavalaal laraartaa J rtaaatiuataatlta W rMlatej m a amaaatak jlMiMBiaft aw aflat A ba I. aa n la. M ia fl ia a.. aaat taa; Atrf twtaia nwtrC . - aaj flvm tt aVt a 1 uan laaa aaaa tat at KiaUwatotol aatt KwhIUm krr tm varlr wucfvt laaiaaxa..tailSvl$L. aa4 a :a tta aalk. aa la aaaan Uaa fraaa to araraiatl aaHrMaaa. !..hiiiiiiiiii a U aaaifiiMtt - JaaB. laaalhaaaaKaaa.ttvnuT.ta!, l"jM. Traaw W H.i Cuirha), iW .4 ara. al ar la M .v4 WtMl aavivsa tax ItH ttuni taM taaaac aaal Lirt. .taaarataui rail J la Kaf la aa taa faat unaaa. Mnaa lt.aalala.jte w Wibrr. iwrW ta ii :; p t Mth wlia! at. cvtau t tai aaau"1 aaatiHaat la iM aMrt(iaf9 at ivaiaHi I.Wt-- ar tkat M ' . wmiL raff aaniuaM. tea aaltal aa ajiaaaaaaw aa taaM, Ta)..alaMiaaa. ia Haaaaiau. aiifcaai -- cla ti ! -- ; . v JPyiC?ayti-tninji- i a to jiaajic r. tten Stt fi aWt Maw tt ,ctUIj FrmlM t W mM m t fUw, t(M H li la m, tar tittc M k.litirM. aaak . IVtaa, CtalftV Mart). aaxnaaaaal katrn. a; rk. ainnm. rawlhtr WUq. r - C ! Awra VeTt C.bubi tkal E!aj. takaaltac XaaaMaaaal aatr Msdat at Ktela UImhI p .! t lMt in Vle tin ;- ui. at.W.ia. aat hiaall naa awiaVJ raa fklyaa.aatfr a tliaaua tVaataalni lawifitati aa laiw?f. m WHITTIER, FULLER & tf MM tftfAla Kami MfM -. rwartf It r,jaliRtMM a MODAT, wk ar a .aiav. van a a..nc CTMEX anaAltaaaAkattHasaaaa. X aaaW i..MBalv m. Co., Ut Kf.Brtv.vtatahwn arfatv my of nM. m oaM 4aj thtn-ai-!$l ian aim Uk ImhI 4mcHm4 U PMmi X 7 la H Wlw .warfaWL . i.a---j. laajafcgiaiMW anHBBS taMVCar - rWiRTaaaaiaUMawaiai apwilatlag;- - ex.rj ajiigaa.a. aval Mtata aaU Mtaak at Mlxaal Bri orwtiwc ltatl wwflwi-. i, i lllimit A iimMt P3'i'- Oiasvaalaiw atau. K uw laaa. aaal "rHn -- Shp S.aHcr - " - ir jjgntfrtnw in TW m-t-rr - - - Varaia. tataart. Hwur. Aw f tfarnr - tlK ') aaa M i MWMirviiw. rfltv Ftaaata vti tTtaaaaa Uaat.. U J. rAKTWaUaitT. ttwkl taatknAnaraaaairltvaaaadt tW Mar tjaataaa. avtrui l lar7 S tTaat-t-i- . MT B" aa t alifjcaia. rillh ' i f k am , LATEST FOREIGN NEWS KikaaTaJaaaaUL amaaswanaaal laaltaa 3!al Naa. It .ttuitaFww-- r lrMiM-ia- aaasac SNaaaaaaaai .bMUiit tu u.l ccl tnatiiM llll Ut-r- Ji : ," vmmmmpe Tte rtaaaiMaaoaataVcianal in mL Mkw. f avoaj mc - alrvTarh pvrrlMfarf tc -- mwr aa.ut.au aa 31 ate naaMtr ! Ittiw "!.. rjivraf f r iiOa aaaartir !, nilaH iipTiiiiTifljlaBi aaMahvi; 1. JLlttt,i'1 For Sale l.tn'VHa i.i.Tr.i. latta ipM aa 3C - Kah-t- SmAb. T la I . mat r iiiiiiitifiiftr tmfn nil Tliiiai TV caiaV.aai tatte taataal aaat; Bauau S. simwo. rr uKwiwTi wtft n Msotrt wwwr-r- Wawaaacwt' FB041 tUS tajaa. aaul aa tea raan aa akotna- - BELFAST GEfGER t aa liniX tLlAftv BBCJhMV ttfva ISKJQr OTTiM (& Ftu-ft- XlUWv aamrf tte ALE List of Registered Letters D. m wji wj mt. a Waira. pa MN tenatraa J. RAMSAY. BMC kJlMM. IKMi tfBtrJUMr-N- 1KMAIXINi IN TIIK mzXKlaUVl.. llUlf tCWSian laaJhiaataYtWaaaaat i aaat aaafcaaaa !- - aSrlTWa-.- tnm tte uiaat tefan V wMtHthl,MP- liiaaaa faaVt aVnqCft vwaAsnnl or la 7aprrt cramtL J Champagne Cider. 1KIHM vni C 1.IL. n w lpawtwi .MMafliouii vaaaSk tte IVaart aataaaj. Oonoral Val akOMoaff J wavaajuaaa at afaiamc a ate aaaaaV aaxj mmu X 4C sW ipjwi i nff ansa;? mw m .. . A.1D f . mnWi ? a?, lkdk4u...11 wiiimiiii 1it aaatfo. Xwnainkk'7ai!vaakaLaaaaaiKVnaA lfal.LCj.B34 ..imm Jti!MB. 3Ctat MK FtWraCX !l a Bass's Ale, - SMnASiinHiini aaaaasutr Mb waiiC aa Buck awasaaaaaaa ctWn2 t ccateaark tt tte aanaaatk. alaoi. Una UKarvF ri ruutuv .j HiMKfbBv asvf av7wn rc tor FTwteaittta BCv)nwt K Ixw 'ia. t ussxv t dunc sactaat awe aatt aart a giiwiIK aattc ftr aa4 iiteirt ua e. Ht Itttm brp tkaaa xBatfrifli.aT Naaaar ajiatta.aiaaaaa. cuinncss's stout, Provision ' oMfc. wajat . aaar ataaaau aaa Dealer? imnf E aaaaaaax aMafla. wdns txX Wt Ale, a i '. tMH M aonvn S .Txw f4naaH- - aaaC O. ll8iaa ffBaaafwi ntf Jeffreys Oaaaa. .to.7ii(iTlll.a.T, i ll'oiaLtLC. 4m Cta. L tiaqe-MXK- TanSf- - Vbt e iiniaVbt "Ml Ihaaataa. X' ,, II i. mw t au ; - aaaaE aawear anaa a laMBlBaial -- - vane? sjij-rteitrt- aaaU aal Haattaaa hii O. cu 4fflwaaBBcrw rtrtt aya- 2 sm rtRw4aacna-- 4!tX Jeffreys' Porter, aiaaa Oowla OellTtTal to Ctutoaacr'a : pimiiilii i 33? M tfiBQie. Himnwifl;. galRsttsaittt aaanaEtaiaikaaaaf .aaauaav 3aaa aai Xaxauw. !hw rf J,, Maraaaa Rtii. VarJalaaBaCMfL. aXjUBaBlavT JaltWAaaV SaUaS tatW L saot aw Caaaalle f imm mmmL aawn ua. 2it. Mutter's Beer! ataar taaaatarati df aeca. ! or CAat-- e av aaar aajtaaaac CteOBBriaM Iumia SAtwc xfvc(ai irvyri.ii! VJi.t aaanacaiat a?a. anwati a? at awa is 44 Flat. las aai a Uaant Jau a lata a ! ,t Kaic &Hiwmw. teac- aapataj-- T otahaawt.jan.'iM !fa- - a .. fma mr vbs. ajuwir Caw aaaaj mribri atat ag afc faaaar ttufaaiai vmab sat .tAevietasr t A an Jadatk Jtnaaal - ssKjdcnaW ttt- -- .atcjtt ratll liaala j . Bit. Sir aaaHBaBBka. aaaa awaaac adat aaaaaac- arniaaaar tawagy. XW tm " - (aaabawc-- irr riant tlrtariaa - naan.IW. la. Xxttt Scotch and Irish Whiskey Garden Seeds & v c" lao. nxuxluanlaW)knBieiaifr.aHmmQK. artniiiiat ana wont. 3a3aLV stran artiflriaslr a, giwiitiliie. &MieuaB.2Cmittae&titaMax)tf rtfte aaat aaat. aaf.iaa a'W 7i Fresh Qroccrica, !&!.. awftp-t- - oiatsKe. m. ate L stctttwL taaaaka - aaaaana afjiat aaataauTw aaawwrftaaaH. aaarwQaaxaaiesf at Ofer nana X. T arauata T v a W- lUORDtMjIUIB Wltl fKaTHtU. -- . aajtagapr-iftmi- C Lj Jtaaa. l iwii iflmmin tf fna oaatalStfDuab M aait Saaw an al lot StMS-- w tte lMas. XtT m f?aan aciiMkUiBtCi: Jtataa.M Vtakak at lLxnoKPKa ao.i tTKD if tlW laillllli fMMil I1IIM IIIILIIIWIIIH im lllll Mhac 3lKBBaata4bMlBav aaaaoMIl atar4V tm. aw 9jt AihaB it the ntwfcf. CcrPartncrship UKALAKAUA"" CHA3dPAGNE. sto iinlinf miillillinnv aaafam! lja.i iiafll . Notice. Ik ti in knit imc a aacaamariajaMcaaaa St .iut. ICmi. ass. bB aWaaaamaeeaaai. aftaa aWwa- - ttn asaoal. aoi TlrIicfia;BaiM aiwuiauwifcii: taw Ir laasmftaiua ftr ttM KlVi HAS Till; 1.a.il"PBt - iiiniai acaTaaa: as ton aiacuranaaw. mcfi J. atU nrVanC Ttm atkr SeaB. f arif.t-h- l A Cak aarn x.awt Vaattaaaaa IUilXK-- .t m f2MajMH a Car j3Ef szaK&t Ctasnl tass. aAa&rr l a - 9aa Vm i. ji. af -: - .. n .Mm? nwitn m PmiK. Mwmrt- . laua 1 -- . ?- . tin; wnaer J MafW Utef Jaaataat V aTakJka)4tt naaa . - Jta aana Jai xniaamaa, r umM 4 rwOik ite 10011 - - - pj o aTK u I ,arrTu - - "?- teu inCMunr " ots?aae. .L-- .r .,- - .aw-- a. . rajgian w liyTa ? mie&ttwmUmftBtceamx-- t aMaaaaaa. aWaaajgw -- Sia. TOwia Talhir, I . . ... ttiKiMfo4aNlK-a- . MnELVKIUffTXt-- aYaiaal Foi Sale by Of i" Tar j cttat t rsOarfralaaa im Vai aittiaite ar TttiSt t. xtrjursuniM vftaed; jnU ftitw - taa a l.unjiyu.u ISMaa-w.,?- t .s?22Sif aw. - st swee tkr- ia lUatraptr.v. jarixolcJTolcl cto ajaa- t- aaiaaac H. .iai aaaBCBajBraar s "fc CMr aM.SLtas- K tat a naaa Oo . , . aaattaEaaalas? ccuS aBaas 53aV llap aBhaBaaaBaHic "'"'I'V Vaauax. arTHEi TIIK rNKi:lGXKII. AS- - Iiaal Bat .H . u AY MrMa(1af rata ,' DILL18HAI&C0 MMI Aala a. rarra a. 9 SaatkL - i4 cnfatit. fib aiajToaft rf Snet rtfeaitt Jti &wy. V.U I J" 3Ma vtMaal laana Ma; wta tMmtttCix. IIIU NOTICE. aaOaaa aaai KlTaaailli C- B H JOa--H Ualata. a Mr,. aaiat fltuexe a f - sa JtuuaciT' ailaaiaiaa4a..a1a.'111111 an aam ajaaaaaAMaat at. Paaaflnln. aa - ...- - ,. W iriten L SOTT RECEIVED A FULL LUTE a;A jaa J ajWUmgt Kliaanalli arftaariHt laajim S"y . Icracattx sx Ifetao&cawiL."" tifc.ClH. naaa WINDSOR nii-rZniZe.XV.im. fa TTSr aalaaiaiai ah? " q iimH ltrt fta. BESTAURAf.1 ""'" T?BhnirrB ri tjBt.. iUamtc? Stsit. tttthait Oakia9 AJsi-na-U 4Aai &Hsnoi tftiK TacUy anaunliiiari? fuy Uw 5. XOTICK ! fiiim r ti !aa.at-- a fe afiiaia.ljva. WJ aliiifCla3tTi." PART.VKRsltlP aaaal liaaaa Jtaraaa a Saaa Once More fcsfixs to the Front. . JS ja- - fllK HimETiK -- aaaacmaataaaaaMKaamaiHR.,"'?.,?gyj?g? a ..j, 1BMlr wmm ,. ,, fSaai Aaaa baaaaaaW I Breaking Ploirs aw tracf miilii i tab I lltial JU ISJT F3MCO. MkMi MNta-- wpr.ltat CB.aret. tt.rwT . . - -: 3 AL-- THHTai;;1ijaiaa laaz; aaaaa .i5-i-?:- WMMt3Mii. 3LtX Vte F- - iM Tarr, ,a- ZSS!iI'L,Z,ZLZ1 anMttf tt aa Ve WlnNi)aiv saw kaUcattW ajvl sua V aura jSTOW feESJcrrrrrr RICE PLOWS. 5 TO 13 INCH tf IS OPE2ST.

a.- - S, lrn.ia.nr a liilHaa. ' ill IIIMI ftaBtoavtS BB DILLI.-MW- kra B Via ar mtiftiafti. t eOi fcrra nrnft. mux? V ALXT taj ffiiuMaaaaiaiaaa::'iii iiiaaiia aatlTiujaiiw auiMU. aaa. aairr. auaactt fit .MAATtn af JIataate - ...... oftanfc 40 mtm treiufti fens ent aha 4t !Waa .!faa a aar, bucv - - - - - aaarnai aar ITiionttaw. matfilMic ai 1 ICTJtHa- V. v r as aunnf T t am. aaw " aaaaaaaCataaaa ataaaaaae. iattalaaT HH aaaai BhAutraa hv xBBtvnar. hdc FiraEOW PLOWS tto arrive aaaanr am alat naaaaaW rj-t- ji aa Jyinai. .af aTiu,., aaaiai lliaa - . ' t .. rd?5D S0IICX JT- : - 2 aaa.lfcaaiitmBMil- afl fc , m, - T . Ciaam.alLw vtui,,l..t,ia r-- . VnMEa ..IT aggS" B uittt TEL rIU11ltl(. DIXCCIIED tkl.lfll Vlllttr lll.V Caaan,a.iai-Caa- ta mmmttmr Hbbbb aaat aax m:ac aaat jaaaaaaaa., ?f flunTait aMaT"; iaauiaPiJi Z wwafie? In Jisutt iom. an f fimftfkm XmU f . it. aaiaillll aaacaira. ax aainiiawanat Tlim TTiaJliaa BataJL fwcfajw atL 3rrp- et- iOaTxjr-nrx- -i jiiTliiaiaaaaa. MaMtecvaaiM. "'aai1 A T n .. 2 tcnsMt sicwicbic .ir - -- rorx roooaU. anl , - & x 31 9B atmmtc jnmHWkik.-- tUrmilU .aitf--t Ba aaawKiaaaOataaatai aaaa. IWbtub 38m. IB a- IVt taWCTaiBT ftofcttftOfi IBMrlaafCAJTint aiu. acax-- a . r& WaaiaVaaatC1' n aosaaE is Traiiaita aa9a. iv. wtuattaMtiiio; mtsaaj 3a4 Sc Dissolution SI aaimaiafaiatiraoaattaWaihaMiii, aarr aV at,tm,3Mt-- a mat On :S iytfla.1 MB aad Kirnatx CiAMiiu tciimc Socpf Cwa ttl (nr WEAREAGESTSF0RTHI3 KASUFACn ! llataaaaaa of at y. jg. aaani aiBaaaFauita nam viCHr . atwr wis u a Jala. ! BBI 1 l ilaaf laaaafaa. at Baat aa8aE.3W iimm .laiacaar iaaalt Tiaiaal. iiama t ECVM4MC tlfarGUtiHt it alLt - 1MB Oratah lattaa VMtllK IICMrnT .ITlC1TIItT THC 9l )lMmtllLMlNtt.' tewrf tawraa- rn-t- aiaai.aaaaiiiin laJECaaUaat trncotcD or J Mtff, aVB aaM)r laWKMilfm tfMati: MraiinRMT tii.i aaaaaataanaMitoi'an. r ISbf jmihim awataw ipaaaC avaas aataan Bag Miatfli Stc,&tevtcua Dnsiwtf YSwtrul- aaa r 4t aAW a aaaa. aa... - ' teBnve twlaWtyaiMtAiaLr)HV aatalrteaC IfaniMani aaaaaat aaTaar aa JBwiiifcaigCaattaiV r tit hirwi E aCamtk micx !. lIaWc bk. iiMbiuii mmm, avaaa. e Kaaaaaaant ac Eaaawuja. . L,ai "Tjk. W iltWk tna Cultivators. Horse Hoes atniiln rtaaiatc JitlL w ihi duwvaj ., "m -- 3t C.awalcmamJmc 1 jh TnfcfawrftJajr C lhr fT9 t i Mt4 " ta&t lllaTJI KB M mam. .. iiaJLainBijl., i.C- LwaiiaL. au. S6tt Tinimi safief t & TKHtJa.rfTaaaaj' I, r aJTtll BM TVlMMV f-- a - eksbi toranW4a to j Btfa itoawer: - mm.1t- - JftS B- - and Mafanf tlair, nit a-- laceflaaaL. XHemsii jia X XXiriXV IVllt Harrows. taaaallv. aha mrlil iTataaaJiit...... aaaaK sai 3. vaMr ansaaacaa-a- awmnaaa aat ,afc.a7.R.a1aJii aaat anaaaea m. JttaBa.aaaCaaa.it; a. fljfTflwrf fr Amajiifti?- - aj '?jr'T!'aig v - atr bsW JHN aairM. WArl liit. aS a IW 4a- - t aaaaaaa a.iln -a- - - - - tamat.aaiaataaaaaa.aaaaBai,iaii Mn. maaija Ilia ga aah aala. an' - ' taNatlar tffaC ITlWIII LatafL SaitfllHt: S Mrf tUM. Ji' Old Pattern iloline Plows, TMth' Wtm --aajVaaay aawnlnF jteaaat aa aiaaam agaaaa, awa aaaana rnaaaa ate laalsamt aait aajkaar aapata ' PUBLIC NOTICE wt.T BAH0SK. BSBJI lEraaaawawiKil amis, tutwnc amMimu- Tnnirt. r rllRTI-EMv- ; a- ij " JIB. TaXWfMMC. IW ItTgrrAr AT THK AJTXrAL MEETINC. Plantation Tools. aU kieds Jmirr rah vai aaj to Mtf rfi" V. f. 3fti ls TV. 1 MttVAl :aes )bjWteaxa.a 3StW6BVS -i tf air SttKUrtUrn SkfKlLA Slaaaaf tSaaaata Vat uirt-a-y : W Pwrw awrttaij ftrm- e- ' r HiawiiaBKj cr Knuiri- !kr -- ttroiixMi. aiaiv mini lain bthtnrtm - mr l V i tfer SB Maaacfftta Ettt " HaHTlB aal tax. u Lr Oaar Diflerential Pulley Blocks, avntnat tofft. I amatti f, rfS-U- AiBtittt. srrr"" Ibttf jaM jajartai-ixv- Stat 'annrtp .r .oafc '1fla wt nr ynaa ar grti iJ f , fircwr Ka iqanftiJ IplSmnMcir iw tM,Firtan- MxiwwTai' tciaaaaraaT Mt u ltUai JBr saw caa-- tm- .an && lB a ptaun. jner c - ph;. o J? Jaap-""- "J gnaaaa aaa? aa rw 4.'J mmmmr iaaffaw Ttht atbtesNti lUw TimfliflMHi vvw MWinroiili.'Hi. h..-- m crtaati( IBinalcoj-- viai Vhmmram An. auc w " " rilit uftonaiiilfac .am. i .:.,,. awr ui feis?wafca .. J USX. Mowerx, al(ifl l, "aaat nmtmtmn n to itw; arav j laratNtaH b- si TtMnkta- - wr . larttwfii 3fc-Bil- ic. & , aw K!iaaiMki nm ST Jfm. Kc ?Wrlhaiu SfWarra avaaaaaar tt VBBB n H f j. JI I C ..Sik...?LbamtL HYDRAULIC JACKS, wifri I fw TMt Mtnttf Ik MR av TOitaaata slit Jbsui JwcftTtct tiMtfrMMaraaiu aTtit? m ia ta ft a, A a 9fkaU j r FODDER CUTTERS, a- sue aae St 32K n i CbMtoC ton aMraejiraj - te::.:., C.J. HARDtt, Iil.9id-riiiUB- ; fcwiiwp. jiUk . baL.. W.,a ... a3 Carden & Canal Barrows, 11 af Katrryrtaa, a;iH Notice to 3aiL-a- Bf KaiV Ham vz !nal CTTfC t Bff fcjWTtWa.fcay ELBH4 MK. mHCUmtCm Creditors. fl t a I ' AalavlJJaaW. AMaaaaC aaW- CSt TTBniTl attttaPaBatfaBtt "WW ft 1FI faalliatL .tjtat. t OILS, t.a linCKHK.iCD IlkTMU BLl.a ''XB fit LLDRUTmf. 'Jllll.1 faty MfpmittM vt - -- TI wtHBL. ICbi tvijI eccxt t sales I4aialn! --JiarSi?X!a!!JL"liirySSEMfe' tiMiir xohce. . - mt ib- - ! .a-l i. ,. ,. IH ir Char tTaa li- .TiaSZ. .raff Turpentine, aVllatrfeaW-- t H 'tl Ifc . L rf rf .1 Sy iniMit3niL r1r. r - a , . Octox rf jfitscf' - ota AtMh rHn lamai Waat ta ito IUv4aU'- 4 all III! la a. aa. - . . . - ar THE AlOrrJU- XEETEKC OF M FrwcMtaaa W l fw.itWiiaTillar.fcIPH n lllium AT ifcifn Ua aaAnmcal4 n hi ' XH !- M at 7M. Kerosene Oils, aac: Miati-C- artaatoaarll tliW rsTr' K" Ctrimu: S mtrmT Mb wwtt aa---.S.- a. SjiVarf 1 gtimftm. iS t.t.-'ii- .a BOB. aa1tTltnU.itafliyrtaa wMwuri IW 4kaMC at k.o um l ii Eta iAiiw as isxkz JrartarMa Lai 4 -.Kaff iBmi- Tfw fcaaaiai wtrhta. . 4 .. xnmtlu-UBwt.ia-2- ah .raa.nr ? aC --a. fcaatfraaa- - antta i.- i Hxtsruimt tzuiucvrm J Bafe avv raw- '. i m ittuc arsjr wmiki tv BftioEBr. iJ - tu mm p" ' 3MitaHn hi mad. ITiiiinnaa in liiiira !t TTmmm uamm m. a attnctutt a.atiu&. 3 r.ltCHBSJ: - - - .Ctemtra.- Paint Paint Oil MB Ai!M ttfaanrM t kiTf; JB - kxuf Tt. MIMUaaa JIaf1b mMM- mmmUU . aWO llatlj . SglaiaaaJ OUt.- I.I III It'llH - - - T THHaiT TMfC. If Om rBflaat xeswiw Twrnmil cs - EI! Kirt y.t t Ft Trwi 4air rtMteBT StfVJUaiHRi Mill liaf ty " W and WO But. .IK, Varnishes. Dai b - .hi i ajf p " im. Bnrlaa Ja IvaffaBfll Hrr-- -- itot- fl . It.. " . " "" aMMCflaf 1 g. M if ir 3Bran. am t ii atMB. mm. jfiiiiiijl.iJ . v. . " T I aT ks sat was at WXL acaJTT wriaeT ! H. OttHir .& aTW Studebaker "Wagons " M.WHITNEY. P. STc-c- to PaUaStersJ! FOR SALE. St Mttrsn HtMam. a. imbktw iteif a sedtet: asaue.'ualiiiat f she fwOiJbau 2iet cfcr C. BBWJB CO. iiiwcf a ai 'aims sue xt wn-r- tsttf k XaHftHr . 'tin Jml Stares HB ttv ttinv 7nir i iintat iMimii ' - rf.. i,lim j 1aIJ .,? ScT r a tfamiic A fsii hzl Boxes BAXTER ENGINE ! - "- mriwiC3LaulMtitk ' THiafti iiii mill t-- - ibiw., c r 5rilf f SniC tut vramtM aw x riirm?m: rf x Jii: Fire Extinguishers, ,B &&9bBBX HAVE ?jflnc ,ftl ata 2.31t an E TtB&WV THE KOT artrCHfetSm, BTT rin i frtf-- .tr ot rf ntSuaaft Irac 2 !HAnnanrate-aail!iRunaTLUi- B '.iiir-- 3 3fcc- - X I IIUaVICroaiSR. Q. ?m:axainDBiffHncM aC.5wairfjtkit JiiiJifiiitHMt liatf nJMmwL flwgg 1 Sim&tt-- FW js X3&K aaontfat Vf Oam fB w iliiaj. iloiKoFiiniisIiiiigd'ooils B mcttiTm.jwrf-iwwB- wacactf ftt ' xran tU. a". Ctata rf alif- ma- x $pnUito tent Amhhj. 9afanv fc o ar aadwi iw ! tlMtilltllrfiatt!, atuStir .bvBB aw rft. joarts fce- tat .JUST EECEIVED . g xr AC Igtt gtfj.tT. - ja a,. iW ! jaApil aat. nut HLM ajmwrKg3iagn anmBC? wast JOMduimwitL mav fcrBaip jh am aidant f Lmrvfnaaan 5 Dcane ! aw nfins- - 3h(MlL TT fe sa K.BDarzu irtv uaitxsa. Steam Pumps ajP rtmm i imiTImi ib rtff Stfr rr,n:nifl' iw4r MBnovaaurif Elu aKttf tat&atnia.9HWK Sag laapaWM. aaitoas tc &iMt. urTILaararafaxaa.t rtX 4H1KII1. --v wrrJ-- if r mm 1 4r3ajM JBflfcjW(ftiBJaJ. inif Jtiw Cirar. jwnB. iffrr fewfikiiH: uiisktosw jQaraiiiBiafaav iTat Hlw itaatenitseic at - (Utt thuuri if l au: iCfMaia- jbi-a!- 3atoran!ntitoilTiRijaV :&sxuiii gvcmE )W' ipftiSaw. Xvm BLIKL'k. tV ni jiiiL aitm igMiauuiia la ' i3tte tffx Taffinr f ti- H.l tLTft lt f,ffltvW',Aifi f af fatrtmn't th imm Iiii !. QnatMB. tw ?ii1m "Sajsnw nmr jtrdUbt rf ivinn6flrlw oxania enf muc erttflail Tr Bnanrnn rt id anlft S1W nrrliril Nimnm xfttoii. a HI UiTKl tit tMPn lailllllf 4n rtiiaani lniBiaf if OHiai "V ajaa- Hum in snw icv. vnjc it aoaKxcBui.'vaHn any arrjmwittc aagirntiLaa aaig A. aWMpjwicg rf IIsuliyttiRiti (mi- TtTiDi itutt jejaWfliftt din 3aLtsunefIhnasiHr Bark Ceylon H. HackTeia Co., vt ftr A Basal r Sim aaaaoaK t UtHHc 3mcmif fiusr atau unc 0'IEltSICNEU KEKEBV aaftiig!aaiafcbraf3tfiTfi?MMaCTaa nte ttef lae THE 3m6m 9ae iShf turn, limwi Lotvest l.BUK 4MJU jaWa. tt OILUMCHAMPrices nac ajrra- iwauv amx. so ftn- ju. mnf Cnagiaj Saa (KaoSMr a Stttaaa. OakatCartaa CO. Tin. Tim Swan, flwinim & i ratioaiK. iwiatr ! Hwatrr At- .J- SUITI' alllllUlll Hi .MaW IE gaJ-- ifaranSaTIS. I. tWfcj!S.aii t " FcrtStreef. aaeajt, Staax: &BaL n grhi if snuaant of inaairTx, itmt SZm anm zStmS Ctotr" nr 3b itmiixiaatac rf at TSt muC Bi LrtBir NOTICE ! ifrjMinaa (C lOw mx 3r attfaiar ts aiwi: ahM gWktamii Ttmb Iflati! uaaan satUw volin. d tCKBittani&ttic utif itrmy jtouv. m IEjAiS; onrc trw jmubut ana aatf akr nvsniHt i&uauiv ttrrtii fagj p. WMlmiii.1 r.J r.r Utr taunr irtttr t M on-- ! : c.ivkn m. j iuuubfti 3ir iUiimiaDiw. 3i mm at Atb if jqQ4iani 3Mtmr MJTICK MERCHANDISE Ii1i:kkhi - tii -- jfc. m X Thai a -' m ate iat ai wiaiiA lm aimidliirtii.i ' - -- - - ..- aaaa. in Jnaiti foanwHinac w.t w ril !te amm iai iftaC 1ir 'i- ff . a. wam. avaaiu aaaaaata.w. ia.ag aaaaaaT- ar iaiByIl4W aaaBataTaZaaaaaU- o4 ta aftb - - .iair-aicaaa- aie agv;aaHataFaaB atcawn: 4" aja lfl 7tn arte r Utt m ft3baaaVpaiff HE Mi.erOki Havana arMf toal w ifc i alaMHat: aaUfat. JRC JCamUjaaC IBataaBB. Blh WtmtairlTnTafataaial hlMTTIir II atjlaf, all? tHaV tUlllWWHallV ten. ittBr k .iyyr.lL of tt BfTf"T nrar t ! niniaa JuantMC tMJ baaBB to $mmmimt 4to 137 Ml i aar raH m aaan fl aaap" aa racaa- OnoiaritaraMfiMCamit icnaai: 36i Chw IB ! T i "Wliich wa iki 3VFrsitb rdft. iiMMft J m axoC llMorrana: jt. Uwtjfcw at C Tinliiiiiaiia J. V u. will be Sold at tnaW tva 4 laataatyaaj -- .arfteaaaM. aiiunmmmt Cirra aittL tm. & fewSiAflMnnitL. Him !tt St XlTKinM .ut at . . ' ia S Etirmiir ml aMSMtb Eteww tu sqaax tSwc tint j Ktnntnin fir fl Wt 4m TRict)!. L b t '.t tt rfn cf r f aat ana i ISi. fa rail Jf riBuftin ?aa"eVr'f Mhinajanii aatMaag ommt. Tiairrei n aaa jrlt- -r utaa a. c 2 a TMKuraBMb iuafwtaa, M lfttL IMC jjy );ifia iaa namta m smnt&mt mt aaj LOW EATXS ! aa M to vacwmL EbBMMitt. JfO. "Jia. Th m 4aaar7 a iat t ' mtmlitnr vital ania?sajwfii ii at !ib nra Jflt 5a t' lawtwa- inmai ttasm. jemuttf jaa si. mtmm'r4 ifmifirrt4 to Ci tsunrar Sir xta iiamM. ma arc UuUar anatta. JiClurHa4ca- eft Sir awicjr ifaQec 8200 BEWA2D ! atfjCtll H m aK aai. ii wis tftn aranst tempaa. Tiian ttnlf 'OCft ataix BOaSX 3GliL: BOSS HZAX! f " ftoMtoai Sniwi. vim- tuhw- dil&miic aii aniiLiajii JJU 1IILftXL31IiC3llI.btTas 415. Oil'v: ,J IVUVaan sttliix iUhi Jadrrx tnvmt Slu Uwrpir tu itsaa Vtri-- ai ite !il ic Mk r Electric r . ..If M a DMimiaw am svait) n an f'laam wm - te lfaioa nxttum, aa nlw Iw arrrprttmm m. KiuhCu; 4nii 3i utiBttuiLame ma wit Vai.X Swiwax MjnssW v mttuM to jais ttea me m sauaur 'iaur nsrwiiariuiL twwwiaLi Taut if H Smut jmvamL nutittmnd SLfijt Am ipnwtgigim m icraif Hui amm araaX Ittf at am tontx. Smiuiuii. atsl f yaaai 7W.3tw:a NWAaiiiaiww uat attBl JllitfiiatHidaat3icSiiatcjlaaUll'' : ir toHaaPi wt-t- ami va wnaiuia. anMinna (Ctennu ummm rin ilnrf 1 ill In imL&mt 3Miimti!iiiiliiticiiC3i41iim. Ik a ieibnwC atac turf gtiiwaznirT luft. -i Xt aMatW au . ' -- T --' wfin iia.ti Snail Zsml iwaaODf Urna iuiirnlMc3fcr tt 3ai t HaailaaiaaI... 41Ha. HUM .it. HWlimJUL. ( iWotr mm titmiumti- yemom- Haa- ijm Jvam ftinatt. jh4 SictfiHnu inn Ji WLcat.fi awawVrtMtv - B 'I waiaa toiimi ao9 Hua to I AIU), 111 .5 A- HI Ib. PAILS KnwtB. aim nvnutl if "Ha Jtsunntf Ul fatr: m aaxUkftwCaUif- miu uu r"nf oettiitumuiiif- Sim auric rJHaai m 31h muS tm- OticiBl nulcx-DAt- taiMvfi vwtsuU 4tac jUaai. tU Batac Atmitart outs tan onficsniesBf BUCK - Or.LA?iDT. Notice to Creditors. LBrHidmi'ari Sir iMra 9nhiacbaC ji tin tawm jaQt. Wuiactttsr if wmxmwx JitnarajtaUL-aoiB- i v iia icrwu if jnsSaaaniii OK' aMaitit. txXBa awucj- - JaF riaOXUr. ESTKA PRIME rtiHi:i'3iicaxaiuaeoiiTiEu gv ikmub ar aBii aMmtes-a- r 4a ikiMt tacaawC famf If ti 3w tsh sn at - aar-- ta jBjiiawimaBWi i - , I )yaa.aa1iiMMi Mfnriima teaars ,Bc? enuarnta ana. crim aft?aflttS !! W Jaat jHlliaaallL frcltDtKt! VU NT aa.a ( U f KTt. iaaw trlaiilial-- &n Jkbtlaa. vntuB. aaii Triiirntaiir wjwaa. a Mnu HaijfWK h atw tnamuBr JCjcan. Jjina y ml J Mai. rHaaiaai at Waa r:iiA i faitMfe. a aaaiwaiMMii .ic yuywify .ii.imiimrfL jTunaa M atriiaiilkal a mmd. i. T tyf fff a Ufr - (atKtui.lHilit laaa If. flaanJlMiinMi anc iHtitr js3 afciaMi'fcww a to atoup Ha o ajiftfall aaftTaWaltl (to Tjut iBiutai. 3tQiir Httir--i -- P itttr arnuf twbi BTiaaaJLSL atfr rttac itt- Vit a. J Tl 'fcW Jht cub .tte iitnuni- tmC JTjmaa?iifc. itiia.lIMjr aaifll Jti3Q-- ti n nut 31 jttuurmr maMo- ims m mv4 Jti- - ar tain atto--t WatltUfe (' whs ai attttms: oanun nrniA auMf ir SICOBXViaHD ! toT Jjk ltd dThrc 11m anas: :Uittt ai Saiflial Mtt.abH ate-A- OIL JI aWT TV- - If Ha-- . xtuaiita nmiit9ui an KBi LAED rj aWl l JEaw .lac du 3ibi. t T" . K tBM aov vnm mti a m .aaitiaiwitliiaitai THESatk HIT r fiIX. ray-- f aawwa TW H Vattof mhI ! ana 9tal !jWatat wril .IW "laawTIWaa. i- IMaaamnaajgaai UHLItlVOJVT ar it rnanriA tss con T '" iiiwi naaanwa ja rij,! aJtjXy. ymmt toarcaartoaaff aa ! ,r jt af Ta M & . mij laninw "ihiHiiill la caiuaU iw cq. JIHUlM afiemit Wifatv HT-- sum- Sac-aa- aiMU ntMB nMifT aiuiuiitg wawiiiwriFiaiBn SUPER-FHOSPHiTE- jaal rauert aar L AaTLO. a Er 3mc 4t Ham. ttmcnBat J&jsaati ntlp wtnliXite atlanlionit wiaiiini " HaaMABat. aat ialai.N('UHtfi(kti " i 'naa aum i as riw3TPatw inn ifin iniiwii a Ffar n mK aa auar t K atotaT to- - aW .!) baWW 3 wia.ttac 3TMK CThttfe. X M Snm "it ateow:aufttcadtaa:tilail TBnr itXimoiitaBt agwmmigc "rfunmL aa Smrr (: aa wn4fcwarOtSM WaK J t4U- - M laarrHl ng vf atn mn iiim be. .. an, tc Pitch, aaVaH .44 Ba awn mmiiiiih Tar and iniwit awiwaiii. ntL rrffarihuc gnaajfc. aaaaaaata MTaWa Z ttienummt&tihmkmm.Z3.mii6tmt' a yesaa ar t 4tv ytamm Ttiillfliaaj 1 Qjkriwaai xbb ttaaitar aaala &aaj. i&nmi ac alt P ttMr. aaf fem-- ittal err far aatacaav Shr'anaaiiitf f " aVaPI SDBT llaaayilMMII.I JHUIMI-a- UA JMfit. 'VWaa. iNft 3&tt Mttti aftatMt ftimEnMTr. ' TTi "Tawi aiasBijei lajiBnEai ifl- - Stlso raatM teat r aaa wV aa HftW, TVS' 0 (Mill-xW- rfJit nwn w avair ulisi &mai S Sksra. 36b. Cawgnunm. !L. EtpmiSa v XL jm. air 'jHsatSk. amnatsae aaKic- Jac-- . s ;iu !toiMavian(liat a-- ar COAL i tfi Tftii 11 riwi , tt t ig cawaw twt. . ., - Jww aao unf Nf aWtw Mf ml aaairianii. ai amLiwinyt Mai iltlWLJIIUaWI i. Mi... aiE aapna. tfrrt-ar jinaftgg.-wgT- wfc jEcr?- La ajaTfI (UtTfOiM!- XPIUIM. MaT1JiMnMHItl MlSHafaWiaataaW Dtajr f anBIE asnttun. Jtran BOtb. Jft.n jT. T Z " aoiCf can) In Casks for Family Use. 3SW W-ra- - h Tf" Xxa" 4laiHkia jniwaa. lie 3artali-iiju- i' Htor- An jfcl nuMsn-ffi.r- i Jal'STt?- , rf itraa' jaaacaTaaKat3araaamean- . S200 HEWABD ! ClaVVtTI i- aaaia Tt ajattn-- aHcav. aaaal. laal nil IT ajv- -.'itWSrii ;!"..,- xrricE! mnw lawar a "aaaBaaaiaiaaiiatnai. ai irr,aft. rM.tua. ihtfitaKaiiiiR " Y?Lroferc &n Bsrfbn da. -, n ajaanafawti fcitta4 aunpuivniiTUMtr tC aUditva n AuuiaaL 4nmas T THE AXM XEE1TXC OK irnuti..WN a Mvaw2Tficisiti'iTifTttia.1 iiagriatiiis ijoznt sflTjaa ' ..-- i - At mi - Al rf. na aul. c 3a astim. vol i w in i . g . ?tjv.-- uln, ateaiuiaiJiiiiaiiTaa tM aSS-- . .i. aaa- Ka-ia- wmkm aagaicK id a. . aaacat ajaaaaa. iKat. b3h t3t aTr. cat aacrcu aixr- 5ata of Iat-ta- urortdata Cal. tmmmmaHK. 'i njaj'jt. ataaaaT amHaKaat wpaat awm waam &' tiu. it Xitztt 3tenr9t vrngcBmsr ir ar nBaan. cam aSta.1 ILnaaaat, aVaTaaalte C. lEataaa, lfjaaaBt: to JOC W1- caaiM SUe- - atb ,' f aajaanax aar. maw. JaW avwrf-ai Ma aTjaA .urf of irnna wjawi. tllaaalaaatodk. . aaaaaa . gai ta Krfc Mrrrti3p "ZJZTZJL.' aaiaaV MIIIH i..BBDK. aUJalaa. 3BIt aauaaaaaarttT. toi ..jjaM U vt Vgawt iiatatto . lOlt 3iBMTaJTIaWg j- a. au. t f) - jtf it xaaunwii. rmc: .. -- xu. n CUfflBERLAND COAL rs I nr. iiwmawi-- i Trtaa r a- - .ttUJirKwiTiiaan ii 3om mum: miwao. ar aug' autaca BfB n: tat i laaKprtMiiiitf ant was ai fHlaWl-- jr TTmrir wv tfMjwiaww arm ic if iw MfMlB3 t... -fa.l mi'wi tr L ii nuia i aa a i i V zi wwrtt-to- ynttiHiMaT. Titar ii&wi up, IBa)ti.NM aar ato attar tra aStcabcrn a jnemt ar f W - . m t waF i aWna. aAV km a Wr yawiiaa.t.a raaM Iak4 rsMM awaamnut 3m tat niMnisat o wiMUmiaiuia T a!lgl5fcJaa..a y1 iJtg'" aaf tCTUWt n uiltliifi- - .&3n-- w aajBStKtbtat mtivrfiHt. f b. CARD MATCHES atVarlaMB"i tV W B W wiot IUHI rf iu, if r Kir - W 'maVRSL a f- a Pr-- Faxaaar. V .aiiaa rarap- - toasaffnmmmikmmwmam 5 -- - aML--E nla, 'Iiry. IrnUm HC- . wi tMt (aaaja. ffff. .WNL Fairlttiiks I'llform caieij, kaT eaut laaaaS9faaaaaaBaaaaW aVBav WBat Kit awar: pi "UWat JTWTIHaraW lia anounta av buhuioie h-KT'iZSkTrrS- a v w,.,. 3t-- Vrnt, ifr .. JBiapaMB r. .. MMl.74i St a li 1 i aaaTi ' aat aMOH aar fi, r to-- tto- -i I asta v- aato naac: auiorr anH m jwaittat irioi . tk ItULffaittC Sttfifir t aJ! iaaaaa aaiftV to- aril.taaaaa.aat- -' as w. ftarannti. aa moid- VALUABLE TRUTHS. ! waat4 aairi iwara f- ninLvvzrlmm. aUUt. la aim ai JIUIIalllUI Jli SKUJU Sicnai sieo HIHASD aTII ? taa - -- . w?aMBtttTnwBiTWiiiiiaru'lt mnmE'm.Wixm 'S'?Sir,Vri0StJi' ' afjMUMa-.- . Klal ifilllt Haa. m TKE U4 ftt& T ar rfi a mM awlitu V tv MNtmai L; . mnBjrioiiK. " 41 HaW-t- rto-- f m awaay apaitfai-a- aar aup tI'JJZ1 aaK atrmatk ttt - ia rJ.a.Mi WiTTiT to wmMcai'aai "" 1jaana f M&Mmcy bbW - - aia xnni wwrfia. nauiii.iitir .rjiucaaigi timna Timpn flrf i" "Tift-- 1iftt tt a- )rm ttfc 4ar r aaar, vmt ai i - jtf. fahi .Hffia , aMto bnmt an Wv f IIXaM in 1H rfBaaram. ITU Jtiil JMT Si Hm Ml laaaB runr far jartmypamaa jy tftK pitg 45 ! ..Sl!iH.S.lC.17,I8fl aw ataaainaaaii .,. .. aaaajnr wvarara MJ t.a. laliaaaaauail uaE'taaaaaaaaajaajaEai in -- itaamt to fTfi KVS Ittwauv tavfL Xiaitaa. i ..aa- naa- J..l...aarTlan. IUIf Jjaatuaa tT. 11 .. ,&, , Win U(aT a WW-- fawfl akT j. a - - aaC tto aiLFiftoia 4nrfik af r-- a .. le M. 01 "aalto ' c.atv- tat aWa-- 7 m L. - 9Lm -- . indaaUwiB-r- f naiilli adbanm. aa Hai linut y Utmr. CSi aJMl taiiU. m. H'Wti Jannagr Eto Smi Ism- - .fMm- f i. aaFtaraw a a w- s i aanntuc Sijflaaintt ytaarti att ' fSi iVnIr, otiniJ -- ianaa tWTO ai aaata Axe " Dattftaiaast gaac Sat .atao aaa: TTtiimH JTiT Iiara:ifiinaa9S4tx aT c a - JamJafJattflaaal tat Jinrii.ua. k iTafni'llj Handles, aajanlMlilyi mi itaaat m it Tiimaainai i9t4eE4ffl; SKfunna .SliiMt'iaiwmttun amtMfauu. -- aanta alllac ir aK r aaaTa)iBM aaateaaa Jta. waaat jariieaay 1 tfcr aatoM a tl Aafl . mm. aa--i Haaaaafa- r amttio at 'iiaaar WHi tow. Jt Caaaa. fit: aittiiMiur. .rraTMtnir tftac taaoaslcF tbnanai. atatac (artivMt. Pick Handles, Mf -- AmuLv 't: If 3c 11 a.j " a Jui illia ! aaas Aai ifc aadaataaau Km JC UttuBrn. jaVi'liiLt. -; Mab4 atar " - , ir iana.1 t. .in j af - E t laeljuma aganjiaiaaiLaim,!tt jufliiJjta. f -- at r t jj Lat at itDu tnaak- aCaBdi: Q&ttnL !- - ;Bfc. U'aTKV' ' Cotton Wtoato at OtwraryiU hmm-- - Cantl. . Stat aiaar afiw rf lUil SesaatteAK. aiDi J,te(CJt ItVatrar J- -. naaatkt, ML 34K a Waste, v a aa .. ! Ifatura Vairr-v- ai aaagai-- aaaaaaaa ami a&aaBjmi ataarancsV 4ttB .MMti rk 4aaa i af J WW , Itajancaa I ui.ii P ai " iHfca- asfct I Salt, i ', ftiHjwfairfafctlaaC. tum. ar ICliia, 4mrsui14 Tiflnaaf ai ainirau. Plaster, r Tatwnf tiil ifsamlrUar' Saalkc ae Hi n4 la- -. . awt !, ttnaaat aatatit ana. Uala aa. 4iac X 4 Ca 3ML JEini-LJ- K jut if J5: i JiIiiiiuiJitai'C-nttJL.f- c taSS VKlfKROXKfl HAXlXt, A Choice of ,,, ai 3r - Ba&aiSitaKad . " Selection ..m... Tl.iatrilt at 3ni iJ'aMrJU-- aatf laal alHtatl aaa - on ' :. Hit. tMiHwa.. A tar. iaa naT 3ia4caiBaaa Hi ItmuwezaaHL. ft kfluna. k. tta afciiauMttC-Sritau- c B i 3- n Ja Ily airnrt af aatti.fc ton. . ua 5to njwr aar aLSaatBaa J , rfr---- yyy - a,a" gi aiiiaKoiuiw. aai &t araaa it? rtta IUurrwH fifcT jat ! artn X afajayaa.' laiaaafT- j. i. iiiuil, sac hojjw.) -- Saar7 . aWM,,f. CHAIRS a aKM IC. Hr Of aK n a aw at itoMtofaik. '3B laHTaP1. anatEaVMBt Utta-lu- tv aiiMniJ T" lUilun flEJML SHanr tua uia ar li " " ' .tewal.U atim (TaVf In tT-- 7 IE 2- atliMeK. SiiivXjraBiiK nait aaiauij. Tiataimwrt 3p Ito maD .af i J. Ii Ka lac Jft - raaTwaar-flMtVK aCat sarpiaSicaa asm - aaaal ! V laHBTT aan tanE .T. JTTtiaiaf at at f aaHaraT jfflaB3iv hk ' If aaar f awitaxr - fhataiJaa-aaii- . J&uaum tCitt war aajlajta m0x VJttt Q anartlii aT-tt Snooks The undersigned cSnnt to aiaaauwum, . tat .urna. ata- t uanaaaii auai LUiivt3B:ttoaHaraifeaa-tCaa- ffat Al ioxr Xnm. nmac7 taafiaa Ima 9 too' Barrel r3aaC a. !!.: -- Jt if tmtxtmt SUaVWaW tmmamX, j ifiavaotm. acat 'TTiinHii. ctti (!: iCttui fw ZiawtBteti a- - to Saaiau uL ratal.. vaiava KioilttBal aSuittifaV tfiisiS; rmaaH a.t 3 Jlmtun..l--it Fjiers.i3r 3'm. aitat law im it iara knr t .t c 4 : - altawr ogliiiaiaiii ftani. paiilMH?i? aanaa-i- aiaap jprniuaf jaoaa a att HCmnit. Souam. &JMr . Z. siTwLiiiaaL. Eoa. nriarirriT waaaaimi 3aaraa e faraaOa-- EXCELSIOR, Bell or bwr iBJ jacn rtitorf -- r aw aaaWa?atiar ai tag iaif Leau mxaimmmarvMim a. - taat 7m M jat&iat. 11 am. raw 7m iiaraa f laaMa wata tta van i ant- atattltaaiaiucf xnai ajxta t CL L3. Bwtui. fljSr 7tmuL: V w jwr .ataawtttftta arijtog JhAaf T r Aarp aMlllaam 4ab iAbb an. WiaMt rihn-- HL af la jniUliaaiimi ittiaKIUIB. 3lttiiaa?. fc Ba. Iftesiti larfaaaai l - iltenaimc Jipaarrjf r,aiaitiif a aMtoc ant attar inatlana-uataki- jniijaa.- z.iLae. amsut, f jssk t. ar JPiia'Jati CarIs uja.Uaaj.r. ac t it tfaarmis Ely 4a7a 4to aaat) TIIK IIIf.0 TA.KKT tf'ialfciMMjitiatta xm at n-- r fcaTaw. JtOtor rrrJlt SirasltawrxmftliaiaUBiac TniiiTiaa..t35t TiaiHwr naaai rAir.aOm Hi.3. 3Iia jrmirMn. w . J4--- affjana auitana vatiwtftoaiiiBatr&saia a aiLaydtoJia,ai 'i...... fc iraaaflM Ht,JL. JjMttlt. Q,,. aniLinimaii mian miiiiui. 2GJrara aa CM J Itafcra a aaar. lilar&haVs nw Bnnann tarlbre Sale. HAHDY PHETOMS, Aaaab affaarteBlf STmiib. imiriiaF jtzncuol atMttiur iaaaatlaB4uianaviasBr -- paa n laltaMnu Ua aaaal aacE"""it liwrffffcnUHm if aaAaae. IT an to aj r Tv kxwjtvtu OS MltlatoMJUe riutMa. C ab jl Ha um ?as; aiu t jau: raa jrr tu.aB: Jto toa-- mm)i m WaaCtoE.nwrrKrAEfTrtWMa. .W fubct ttr.-- rf KUIat - li ouh . aoggattfanraqBitiaa aa.. a JJ mvmmmm iti aa- mm cotfaflnar tat jituaBnu. g:-- ... ai Aa Oafi teaat TaBa iawarafaaaap araapr j ava aa- tr aauauri a vaaj M Xe air it t aaaapiats- iaBa Style, of rf WiM twiaal. ma- - tua h 3bo t itac r atataliaila. aatvaa- aawtVar "WW atPaaa w aw a amraiaaac. y a niuiaTiaiian. ,aacuBt( .aMaroic .aaur 3in awtt -.. . ti taacwnWiJai JHftV-J- fc fttmi HiOtoa.!; LfariSMMaaiCHi B- Jto-- - -t atata anaai aa Sar jaft- - ia so iaaMc lMto. mm . . ,. , wasB Stana, vrttun. aiaia jmuirmi c Haant Unu: jauiawa. ja aw auytr at, finafcenatx atoa ta niiurajtan. am aa.aaa: XSrirr I wj a mtnumwr la mt3xmem ja ito mmjumm 3r ttB tmt. QtUaa.? jm inti at tttlt SfMaafi. n7 j Isrmr tc It u C0,TTAGE ijh . "OP mm tt mU a. TO LET. -i- iU airaiii we amiimJaa.li'lfcaf Ja li 1 aaaaatt Jut mamr-a- nQa. aaayJarl B a Sm wimwt mtu Ar mi. - raM: an- - ToKmmt-1- am aiio rtina i tuamw 1. 5:tirfacaWlK. m aaa JUlattl liar vtnaeu TtSa- aac "aiiliuiaw toto aar aLaaaar , CaCaVaW faaiaf waJ PI.K.tff.tX.'f.T IXKtilKO tSto . vnaew - . 'ril.1T W itavam JrEto wiiaw iima 'igalaV aetat Baa . juawatr iiutaw ttaait. rf Amfffsui. Bauoauuc a JtwiaKa aMawxaajiMraailai at afwaajtaai . n J M uaa., I X. "'ai jbrjau aw-ia- carrxc a, Kitif HtmMWM M laWTBi nrMAwa. anu. ttia isctMia JLtfmrdiM iAm. Cl-- ya-- mc waaavaaiT uv Ladles' Phaetons, aa . Tfinamirinn. Jta liani an nutw niter sttaaaT? imayi BXtitt: aZSa i att- - aaatwin' ja4jn'--i- iun, ' Wd-- VlrTatH tf airf tilaiUaav iitai jrtiwt. Ui ti guamttajrtf rBjiuf if ar lt. jacr miacui: iusL ifet Htav i . ai am tta HuUi. Suuiiunpr tic S"nruusi ifaisfe jtirMtt Jtar toaa aannir-fha- ar SlatOMS aa CIDER VINEGAR, Ma. aaaii saar aa aaasaaHaa VOtonMM. I .. ii iCII K tv laVk,. fu 3a see uunian. n u jit arit' a jnirl TK tr 3iauatpi u tie Tttiiaa- m De ,1i- - - "" HyH,,, .. sad. ummnn. ualatin m imu. uU jaiaUauuiajw- aJII.ai.aa.,....( yy J HAJID CARTS, ajlmmfftttf. a1 annmwatimi itiu-- . if tvuteu, anmaaa.ar MtrmnMf . aanww anm'aE i cent ateau)' tsnzna jruiuIttatBi- laWIW. tW.jl- ja1iC ) Kt riaW A. Jtoi. .a --to ato ffottee BimahsUcm cf t. n ij-- taiurJ J Jiiattat fl.' aaa. r tt rnnigrtTnuiaiiiJimatoi Sh. 3. fcttiaoag. ana. taa tu titum en trmivM ' it.awiintimia' fttfaagr n!-r- j 3toc tun iin. l u OMjruHUiim tu xrma3liltzt mac ax ib "1 tuaniir r anAfrW WturttyaBB Bamatr tf aVwaaia.i Haaritoi 1 aao uJ cutta. ini. .j r ju i 'aattiia, a .tat, S- yau. v f - ASTERN MADE OXCARTS (UK rt.r.jrrsfEWjini' iikke- - hat i if - aJaVj I laaaax aaVa taav a alatiaunit. tteutaaaWitCiiiiUi-aJta-atiatn- y imggi - xfc al. Taaaat 1m Jra ., .r a.intru- ; .t nL B " 3HbKr NWaaW . nHtv. ' Jia-r- m CfitS2Lb, i. stil !". . t&tKttjOKFp ' aau ainvniMc. aaa ucsxaa- - Qta.' - aaaaaBf aoi-- i tor )j a r i n t,aic . faraVaaalaf..It- - n, ru 41a ayi? . ,.''.. ., j"ii iaj'..aaiyaaMatfii'- j aa m 1 antoaomi ' .. tS4 - JTm h'' urn an JUihiwrtB inil.Ka'i3ia: auniua cnu fB,K: " 3ua' ' - k 'fnoL lut JI .t T mT i tt J a ti ij jrit-- t. fete SUGAR BAGS, .ItJ-v- i .rf i k.a iflaaiaaMaMaEin-cani- n- - - Lji - wi a rati iim. vmataoaL tut .n.. ,i :t. a.m. iiii ftv.. nIi hfhou u aoa aau. ittil ( jaUoim if aq. amiamv iattlar tatfacau ia hob. mwimil f wf. ?Kt j ta ar af Sfatrft m wtr ,n.aaai aaifTTir OtiBDuini Hiaaf lOgUiia ana loa- jbjv as w a anm.anagas - to aUaw a. i tei m aa.i jaaaaaaa awn tlo. iil.ni afusttaaa uaa jmmtti mc Ji. ra S.a HiLAr-- . awmmBsar Jiafiaaa. inirnHuaL. MtaaaiiaM. x i jntaar oumol. u I HJ tTdai SaluHKi. -- fiiranuu. 3nf.fia- a aMQtuttX lat larj anaaia jut: itar r It ja - Caw. Ao. vfu wist. 3CtME ii tat- - . aVa taai SMailv aaui. M u ltn Idemuan i .tiax ia. a&tatr ar tautikK. i n r uCU ii. Jr mm m MK ina iaaua ia lut .. nit wa. rfaa laalaahj ye. fTnaaT imntat m Z amca i mi at Afitfc-1- ! i.f rt SVtt .TMl.2. - fcKKHtfcit i3nmrnnninti.gr W itoA- atom 7cfbe3 irrar tmuitvi. inx Cuasc Jan. i ' waitiai iaitti u aaa.iaa4.amiLj ainaatl linilM aaaat J4J,LlalI ItUl'Fi miir !. i'ai'A.U - Jf xurur.u . ariij Ita ati wa ranuiM n.ui.jgni: a nmin tirimua ji tiu. isu. jai. fnlttwc j&itic; In 2j&.l, Sku1bt JIVP JFTS'M.r tttrrwKCU. . HOHHB u f 'unsiiiriiH wub rf Xh uu tu niiiu: . IWI- Mil ft j aw (, it, JI aaa JUWttM- JUT UatMO -- tOJlaJ.lt. ItaSt JUaClC aaui iu W, 13. futi if -e Hemp & COUflSELLOR-AT-tai- Han. liuialTiii ar t arrnrm 4. ! cnmiHr it . iu "tuinitj-i II UXBUaaV !! HUaEasC rrB!?r .1 tltUTt JL 111 abatfr- altf AltaC li tr.at.at, ... tat 4.Hn1f irmttt, TJi Ccrdage; Manila. iomti:tttm -- . "rTtTi atous; u utu ji- - .!.tTTwniB ; jUiw I':.. JU' lit K1 i Hemp and FJax Canvas.' FriwrMT Ha avuKia t1".! ratals mt avrn mvn ircut. tu aaiai-a- mtt. wa ljntuajaji, .,! yu,,-- tut ." w,-- .,n atrti f I tIia t J't Li. s; J .) saQ. aril, 3 Uraxti jcacnax Ur .msnaus: nraaae '"-- ' a4THal allUaaUel TSTU.altIt It Mtl twu w , 5 . IU a. r: rru,im' It jmataBaaifcaCTtaitfa 'ammilm wmta-Biaa- it .',ftfl'aW. a trrit - nuiaitl. it JMUXaaVi B.tvtt--- P jwi Out T(W KAVftlikatlltBAm gmrr.iJ Jtmhitttlixr tnrrrv ifHti riu CsHf gmraiian (feefte, . A CHOICE SELECHOK OP H.HAGKFELD & GO Kusn. "Pioneer" Line CALL see newgoods i - v an:d the ) Sjc Out tia HaarattKa.' lOaxax Jmuj Tin. A-.- l? i . -- HOLIDAY GOODS! INVOICES OF NEW GOODS J r S kCXTV XT Ju.. AxHOB X fclSV- - ft owKracnac K & Jwaxnx U vSit. Km x l 0rT rt u iiT Sr , ;tst KsoxiEr OoxislHtxxas ox - ra .j. . jt, js-- ' '' w BARK 4 C, R. BISHOP." AND V Op j3JtMH. A C. FISHEL'S jii Itaccs, Embroideries, STEAMER " EHREHFELS." TVKwttVCTgM!WlSi J. mint m A 4njuki to t . Trimmings, Tidies, XSOX SSKy. WVc&vmctftuovabC h ff.vYc Satchels, Fans, A !- - AssL of In GmJs, Kcbku to aiBimBi!:a'it- - ubnUrcrf 5.(r.ua!tnctbe$M( XS LIVERPOOL, Childrcns" Dresses Ttocr w 3a MAiyraj rin1" FROM OF ilXl, f tfc ptnf AtJ- !- - Icjflh.lWtaWS.Tajta'r - TIIEfl. II. I1AVIES if tO. ALSO-- A LUGE 4B WELL ill' OtRr ,i(9 hi Will Vte m wwC3 ft fttHsp yrt U at ws M OFFER FOR SALE Bajaa. Mwv Aaja (utM CVaV aat li, uc t 4aK wm afeinAiii &niWJnaMMt- - ! : Beaver Hats, Drcjss IV xei Zi tit W xli -- Proni tlie Cargoes HSrCLUDUSTG-- -- rvGoods. mK jfy urint F J Feathers and - Jl at ffMrCCr iwM &t CvtTVCkSra W4T rctri(XmmltWMasKiR- a 1m alliiiiiail.lV.mnBiari. T.iaai. aftu 4x esv n wri6C Swli BABK MAIXSGATE Millinery, fB4? MiAKiMrSk-'nK- n wvYTunaik jl- - Fresh OaMlmii.TVamaaiaaB;'aa,.. JfCtfcg; BMW Flowers. faBa EaTPaE B'BaaaaHB. tnT MatC IklPt UKK Hi KtTTf, aim w k xxA mrh va w Received ex " Mariposa," w.iJBit fSw. we f W Vaifcig ACL. M OtQier recent Vessels Just aaV ad n4 JFca titers. Flowers, !. U.M AifcgUKffi.tiiMitto "flCvV At And Now Opened For Inspection at DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING TJULOBS" GOODS rtwU UtoX ijV, fit vctrs . Mats. &c, - &e.. rirtilml;Awm.mUinmi win m xm jrw i? Mt tj- JIM 3HU,llMaAtf Xt J.TTCT gvCTtfTt&Ott 5A Vtoc7wf TWee, TWwrl & lfciff" SMfilA ro rf Kwurx cvc?tfctuat U TcwrJ. T!bi Cto4l !.Txls3ir&i, A Splendid Asst. of Shirts. rxre Creiwfae, ON MONDAY, DEC. 3d, 1883. 4X. &Mt twKfw bt oman Ur trees. Lis vtn r t5s kMM WM u uiM.tIni ttx rw svon&dMk&EC wM rrsn.-- Xlol 104 PORT STREET. Mo. A 4m ixt mare R lyA cte fMwe b ctqwni vt U 05ESSE0QDS. WHITE 4C0L0R0 SILKS 5 SLftae Twi AiAacftQl.ercf xc ntucf z JLYew V K. B. Store Open till S ?. 2L During 'tie Holidays. tfttf 7kiozA l . Bsx U tU r IVvrn si Trvbrf, roods by !Late Arrivals r clothim; pmtftiiii;wi(j nail rK n WaSVc Ue CWrs. J NUtoe Jt C i larc.e intmce rarr- - itzxtsh FBwtaJGn; FUaawiA. FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ((' Lava Rwi Stwol CWioe. WtaCttrtuBK mtostz faa BatCMlPniOMiai & mhmti Iak te i YORK & hHl TO NEW ENGLAND, if tnpaiaWk ?MKS CfC?.Ytt 0rt 2ii Otori. LtoiAK Txkt nrttM tVxxK Ok r" Sijrtt. Rafc. iiijJiii iii ri rscy nwis. RorUta WW Svt ml rnw rrfwH ruiACviAretmmr mi c T)jr uJ CVkcrJ (Vo.mb Skirts wear Jt AffiaftuS aarric be Xweuy ral K0m. it& KxSc CVAi. Ca uA t. put wfr- - Received by Castle & Cooke Mj&aai flp la; kw ls, sfctt 4 ttmte- - MtntetovRr-suia.TriHitfI- .il ntmft4sNM:ni n. Mrtl" Xfcto 4ff MUI it38ft &UU La4k Ho. Kkir CVOx. ALSO. TO AKKIYE VTSSEtS DUE FROM ABOVE PORTS. THxtwank X. r. Jtaettem k .lauMf . T K. OuO TKMbCM omij ey jc w ctetf M HtoL. Rw i Cat Hm KifXnk Br AND !TeTir r- ft&i avfcs. an r: fcc Kc Ckr. C. ! fcc cWr mirfaa iTit iti iflfBuaecctw Ksriaxj ft.AiH.ta Omij iwij.- IMnML JUKi.7 M. IvS. iliMfTlT it 9&KdprK ftrr k J. jfti Ik I jftltlli 1 If 3 JfirT i Til XHTtfT fttttt 11 Tdift Xthti Kbcn. Tfhet e .VTTiOWKSX HATES 331 V"laTl-riJ- : iiMfiiwiiffWftiwjNergiawaafc;uahfc Crrt, l' ii emj ) ilMWOB)tlbt Cnor toe cvaxCia&Uu aod Taprlry lor XK GOODS K&siua xx JL Ej.Ttvt & On MMLitaMt n. Ttoaaax Jar VMrm.tMiliH.Macfvc. Tte &v rrspKT ixi for m- Jrot!W. Country Bm Jfc. C. A. JMTM -t J- - . n.iiiii ak Stnc A3ii k KUTf Srt1 Tr SADDLERY! Suitable Plantations, Stores - aa tacoM JBMa. hA rmm i - i m .... I. fmv t in,. wAcAfe2ftft7pfr xacasFrrwH ' .votfC& ma UN jihrtTtTrT Ttmitc ecvww wiaostm Or FAMILIES. OivrrFillel at Shortcut Notice ami niJh Sati-iactte- ti f rKsrrKKKT. wiTER. a it VMC -. ruraiu S&e & fjciarj o toanew d CaYkteJ&ss. fir W dbvftcft rf Era- - tHhc taet v vnoiAe nA jejc far u KiAa. M( Otts. CtiMi Slfaa. ta I'Brrfcar?. Altrntiuu N Callol to Our If :k yVrfrfU nam ife sW idftnatfr Star BAGS. 20x36: CI BAs", &lL. vim A t fz ai napiiiu. l Xj Lh.bnM.llalilMll HI,. Uftc fW .XtbW cvcsvg&zss. ' xeqj. zta at zwi Jjuprovecl O lOM.SltlM-- ? ttfeit irm wn n X a Paris P W V if wK- UmA- 'kai iiiiiii iii 4 LtubL inr khmi rnifwuT w" nt omt bccrixs riu rum x vic ur ruLivEn at txei u4 uuuku IEXNA rCRXTTTKlw WlSbtm KS3Wtrswa:Jcitia5E:i5t- - Miter Press Bagfs, I ftfT" SELL JlrfiOftfcT KiAffUikf xwvtrnEAl!WWTmwkiftf4 Lfcfttf OMQiawaqun- Ikdba ft? - BmmMk. i.IS 4 1. Mjl toaiofi F. 22 8Q. Cwm, WdirtJftMwwMMKY S iSi iTrtH. in Omt Droned QllMVillBwte WALTHAWI WATCHES iwt to hot fcc r a iwii tfwaK. Sj d Sntftkiireil RUUt'x A aSLT U3IUISW Xamwtort SO AS TO PLACE THEM ia 7uun.biiMMtMKV J JlwanuJL. - . DISSTOyS CTLEBRATCD SAWS AND FHXS, at.t. SIZES; iiwijinim t im piTli Na fiHPK JiWirA&r Mat fcc 3u in. Kiir iiB&f sb auCT-- WCM, MMf MdTWIM. ftyW tf , mtaa ft x c N ux wTae toe Oct fiM Stf terxs HM ul M ton S- 4hTv 30. CU 4b, nr Jk X k Uct lMtCT Ac rwufO KICX BAGS A5D TWTSE. Witlxlii tlie iea,cli everybody ftut TVn in i in i Ti iirmwii flrrrl w ismdi- of 5a . "" T" Z cfc 3Sico Eags z & fca tofiofi tor fcc S - CALVANIZED Sxs3" !!. ft tbr te An&ET tt iflfc- - Latest Improveiiients in Shelf Hardware JbMriOZaJC T33DE2 ftdaHiallrilM. hr C 1KD AflHr - Upt m aAi idrf T hum i at nz JSrvec u ahOKt CORRUGATED ROOFING : wtot WEWtmwkjW? TlrfOcCLXtfrtiito TimrSiH to, IW te.KXhrAMiiCOdbs. Sutotv&t. nuriasvsn.Gt.'iutBitkMOiE. v4ml iTiri iL lK CtwriKMn to xIm niimf ftft 0W5 Si c c tt w rf sva cr Simplest TiinerKeeper to the Jinest .K.TKi:iE- - K at urn Out tU Ausdk - to iftW uw Ac nnr Xik-- a? &. s1 e: x i.'S" cs- kn rf itor CULTjLMZOft KltVHXG. s o o id &., r. KmiAs. NikMi. Hncki4 BB5a. Sfertter - tmi MjiM FIumI. finished Adjusted Watch. CMrUKnK.SMmMk.(.(iK. to C cwk iBtu s tike scrt f i a X32Mu3t fcu Vm.Ne&L3vC.I,sa2bffatfl, km w lIi litt larc h miii.On lllOLHlnli B ifcirfmri mt to kiwt Acvwrfat v Bir Jbnomc saw finhecadf rf Sfsucauze 5 aSir.iuhiL. to- to& iuf 9S. UtatbMrftaMUZIftk j - GROCERIES, Golden Gale, Star Flou vam li. lB.f f:ar afaftgiate lfW SiBBiC IHKH ifm- T5kw l3of53A, S can; STAPLE 4, Superfine mnat f X tnt J.X.NO fcc Mitotic r Siici 3m Warrajit theni all Perfect UvSORi: Hinds. ! jwat )kbt ft ofesfcekc I - fciatja PA TIMS BBICitf.GABDEX TILES l.i For-Kerose- OilWeOfferTHEPAlACE.andGuarantCB bMkte.LlWIW Jk3A ItaMt X.XtatBf 3tojK? s Every "Way. ftMfttarSmc jirfiiriTf pofleaf vst cannot be for quality or price; THE In i,;iin.irxmm icrmf: a S.fC it beat also, . g-l- rseE3asT-- V Ui-CAJ- a. good oil test: ,If you "Want the "VTarti of your 2llan.ey. Tlr Hipiliiwa 3BfjA-- Iten and above far Crockery and Glassware. Will Give to Ton. in Cermanand Ha.ana Cigars W J Xa0. Jt WOODWARD I BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS I it F,il Ox.Tt:v Sg-- Ti mtiii fan ftW JCiO Tit Uwapft GW l'uiw; f w Haita Orran Co.'s Tarlor 0rsaii. --iAiaWAKl FKIU.H8 CEHDfT HSE BRICKS WATCH. am. m&n- - i A WALTHAM aaiiinMr 3umCkuucfmsm3m7Mmo ItMMt aaL SdrWk 3hw&. aA C rMfc MKevft.ftg & m dMaT MftaOnHC a 3 ff. "Ti cdton. rC ruAs 3VtCLy "oint CbX Tar 6wniMi, 3fc - jrmc cohp'yJ.T. tiwn iwliaraCJ- v . arunAOt too c JaA SweHjirs tsisu- &x? 0, . m. carter and aternouse, itofti- w ....to - ? C GSQSr lift. IkWuiOBauwlN a. rxaA TMiiie ittu toncrwSfito AciBt rf rtd. Rooflng Slates or -- iwJlwv xriTiA iiruiioT tuc ir. lute. OkIbJil Ak. Amai ste tat BbiE iinnwi s. Hflt icnia.. B ant -i- ftrTrimiTlrtrlik- Trrrr ftir riifT fisomn I2i S zsres. PAcrrs ass soittd oels Firewood Coal and Feed. Portland. Ceiuent. WOL3t TfiTfi-- ' wipiriwTiimi Following Goods Just Rcceiired . ...Cm. I Gti3i2i"tr XSnuBE&an. jtznst Tin OH; BndaBd&OMniilfec&. VkKlW VOrl mf Mam smnf c MMnMim xiac w nr C3SfHC Wwit I wrftipT am i.toe SI ertJi.lMl4lr w "am frvf ibu aean. ITK LiTC (KRirtlAs ",.fcr-J"-'- 1 l fWfti . y . alnn.!&r?rtOi-iiiArMSrt- KB .t. I Slack French Merinos, (lfliiiifn iir ar IStolfctx S cm c H.HACKFELDoiCO. Or CMuuMct ( ib,jrejrfxrEnamv.j; iaaa Tl- - raawi SEftraer utoito' i.T4rHatf ItopSAIL-- a fi " - SHEET" CHAINS vleotfAS- - sttTO.cwM3aatoflt3J;lltflMir3ft - "" : l lag..' m Ocafl". Bia.il atUnvMticecxKnv Iwl . - an gn . i!m.iM-a.i- . i.. . " .i .w t ITaiinahiia: CM TMt Ca.ul Sc -- ? k CIVE US A CALL! WILDER . CO. Omc Ch. TTTl iiZVf"IM j wj.9ru.Ehu.. if mf dv 3 jtui .j m - Powell Coal W a tj UnSrjn Steam Gent's XIndcnrear, in-'- iom. arm frft irooflo.rr pas Ladies' i: ?4bf rihdi ftA iiai& .datf AimriT fflfflT a h IWiz is & - . . t AA ilinnmfcMwfl Aafh flPMU . I Jth oa oti-ttii- k Iiar:n tit i fEisBosasT. Woolen Jc Cotton Shirts, EWtE LX&J2ZX SBL.TIS5. to E: - - oafriitrfKilifcs. jn iiiiiii fliu mJTh. i.ii Tiii,ii.i li tti Hay ftTicX Oats, UKbC AXHtKTnKTT ar LUMUEB FLOOR OILCLOTHS CaXii in id jar Twjml WMte Linen SMrts and Collars, BrfidjtKBMh-iesBtr- vat imjmmmiimiaeiAiatmautTtSSSiiiiSmtSi. sw- A TT.S, irilTm.fc aaal aBBerlaaL LATEST nU.l an 5 gjff.nTJwt 5ot. sanra? ZZTlTi.w STEEL R 5 Onfcr Cbc jawrt araEat BUILDIKG MATERIALS ! TELETBUSE0.S. - Plata?. B&ts szid 2nts, X3i2 a xxziajt anaek aasaaxa. jaa3 Ml aaajaw XU .tov rh (fcin laaa aat mOcc lalaaaa aaScaaal. Edgings and Insertions. m KjatA& r?KE. TV JUTtB ogHGis.faLd.cu)r4Hat.oi j. jump j miuifi in twT i nnrTTf if DELTFEE T Old Stsad. So. S SaahnaBan Sxreet. sac u sSofit fcnr: Jf ic;-- wi&tffwg &: ac a nyjut-fir- i?S a At the Ssy u dita " OSZ SISTBOSSL-POfrE- nsEuror JUST UECKI VED ench. tfad; aar 33flahiw far Sicrteaa i uwpC y v "" wn - ji L . ..- .. I ilnxtt tuo 5n ant wafmai ar taa i2kx v. i.ti PORTABLE ENGINE SCOTCH TWEEDS, TIM, COPPER & SHEET 1B08 WOBKEB &i bclsu Jorac sssfiaT" inBiaaf Haa0nK.Afi-rcefiairaSmc- rf tf :New Designed Prints, & LATE ARRIVALS!! S.M. CASTER Co., a w m VERTICAL ENGINE Trr f PJjTJMBIG. an all its branches: HJI1TJG EOCfcUI THE .Eflghsh and American Goods sflui. Fiiii ii imTinlTir if flwinii ji l awn 1 anjiwiiiiiiiin nnii ni nrnmnur Tt iff tth &2. &. &C " ammo-a- c amnwiE yrraTin-ig-titiiL - EeraaBaciaCHtfL Sm teantuBUr lmnmaM Ten araneitTo jicttiix. Artesian "VTen Pipe. aH sire&J LEGAL TENDER QUARRY to. p-- Hotel Street Market, jClt(bl j naiaf m jbbwbib far ?cerTmm. 5tnl Sh S ftrnr BiBBttaau. to an maacua viih j scumBam c bf mmrnnwtflgiiTc v -r xxx. JUST RECEIVED (xjiwufflw oc xaa. f sane w. 3a. Snaaar,rjr 3asS 29 ruritmn AHB StNG-- juiSmic cct 3 n n:ine G STORES .arfVM.7TiEiaimcs2UEr dnv WLUfc 'mnaE ? fejSmf rTEE?TGXED "OCLD COXCHEE&AEUIN-- 9 AaCfaaOjfTvfeaatjntalac At jf jCEimirI rt .bta -T.m iH- - jnu.4-- f IZZl Stone umoi '.i - - - , ,., . mwwm LiiEii. w xpouc -- lrc: Furnisli k. fltfUILO k " - As vmKm f naiaai ? annttr.' !"-!- " "J - um T,w 5a rss-s- V. 1B. ' nt vir X ill raucnnic 3v tnanL s V knMir luittt. HeiiiiHi anwaJJ ar7 : w cStS;fiitf: Jte jriaui!C:s Sarurt. "an XsC fflnnej-CmM- Lj yiinini iVnufs s 3uv ii f nu V C. 3ic - Ecrfs el Yarions iiiMi 5 mu n uuir. "wm i. 3mlai5ir .""'" Hff Dssciiptious nirfrfm!fi!-Bi3irlmt3mriHC5l- l irnra; "' Jba.S-.l-- l. 31 PurTjoses, on at JLU. ?jBT fSTJ!2 1 uCi: &Z3X t ii iuic nJ ibf linsmiSi'7rcir'rf Building Galrsiiired Iron "BTatos Pipe, all sices. ad laid c WJCtjni 3w JjsiL 2 sonic lAFSiEIS. 'Chinese and Japanese Warel inriin.r VfT T rf" YW pitiiit rf i jy-- fnujjaiaj jujo Litest or Cass Xrsaa lixf.i.t-- ft. ShAr TiazxmL I- am Ccc tnti loirtsst Kase: sA Xid Sa.Pe. far - 2xaot -- x:J f Xa-t- a.t Iiotvest Kates' lOYRTlES IM2ES. MiSX. SUlXltE. ceo. caxr. BALLAST for SHIPSHSDPEM IIJEWELfln G--o o sM kiads: l iscimwiiac Souse FnrTnshing: ds. I23.C3 AJI 2X1 1: - icE3 ox.3e; tvti JL - SpcciaJ. Notice i IXE SETS OF TIG Ell CLAWS f - A Wiifwt wijm. K.E. A. HAET HAS TCsT KE " w !Pfpt u?m. Tfrir M9x7jaaisBC&.JBCSuw g bkAUH NU bLAUK b'ANU: mc " t- ' n" '' limu - l -- -; ! roiisnrorvT k onriia; 3a si rattncrjisiit - rllI niunv rinTnnv lee Cream Saloon ( Japanese Lacquered Ware CtiaiicLelieis.iaxEips. t as issk.emji a ?iis bflnui rALiuni STUD" DLT21P CASTS , 11., Sa. I Etot Far Mk. j ly lanterns i isK.MM!a';riAin ff mZKY T1&A- &X v :Tb 1 llllll jill III IT yimilUi 4b f Itaiicf a,! u ,bin-- tn- M.ntf m tnlbir ;aL !Tlie li; rYsjrislcrs Gf Mis. m m- - ir aiuuiicijmM-m-i si ELITE lugi SassK- ,3tgAHCTT m ie ttw 'rEj?" ix iws52kinua r 4 M am JL- -t 1 toi A rlRfeT CLA.!, DO, EXISZISb. Xas roc jlift'iJlmni Am- siC ma- I TX: J.TK MCX. Tmn lew ! J. EBDDraiCB aTEr. I iaa xsa. - 3ZTT TiCIQET fc BA 7?y H '. y aan tut ftmna & t trcnal frta HOSOIVCIVC . HU5. smCT. ,.. aal feaa-.r- ajei. a. u. KW IK 2 O. 5 XTTCiXrr STKTTT. ,, . :. . rf.swmrjvj OH OmuwTbt a. Mirar. Aesiam 3. . ju . .T7CrC'l(W mI:'!'- - ".-"- rvrf jr u as . - - Mns.sirr.2se atfewg-- .i SS fciarA bv - AwfiinlTi.iBan iuK9H ' ttiiB. wi "" ) Kt " iC 'n Tafr- w KtwaCao Ar tia jitilirrxVT7ajrfsyn:iiii CO-- rTeiepfcsne 305. -- a .(. tVanaAfk ttottl I ii - ndk flOLLISTER & Br Mrs m ROW0()D rj oi nre Candies Pry ay AT7E 2Ici4JUiyK'S j jmhii iai - GINGER M g STYS SiJ6ES S3""" FtKaSmsi jn- onwi kc fcr jfiaBSir na.il Mini m2!J.S " 3ram Pacific Coast - m -- - QAI 11 3 AMiWncp a. K aifnnaf bb: 3eiiiuii S Cre2fflS. Siib Wsicf !?2fS3fe-I- rrriTiun T T . .. i . fiKrxnlste" r"r 3i JMfauw wjuu i iii ac a taatn-- nl miif. awim cbvij mir n ju vJfta br iiufcniftimTT ai nutun uiaaeaT, Business DiYecioiy Vmrf t KliSssrSliif 4me-lHafc.aii-r amci'u ar At gucnajf .sxiac; - wiSSa. , sic Hfe trx AanHB BKsntt mt 3m. jam. tas- - - Sixj-Xaaiiar- AJbmmf if zn pewe: totnr atMTimf jcaganf Only Pure Fruit Acid Sares 25 per Cent, of Fucl- - Isttu 2 IOI SJjnP c 33f sssao. fie fcitC luJuei. canEBOfic i. f C2EIX Ci531ZS.pzxt txtt; TUrilitlllHtU m tog incnftriPiiftn iolaiiuo, xSL 1: a arqiHiiaJU at tofgt m ,c JXarsij-Maoir- s, Pure Fruit Flarors, and ?2ICS 2EDUC2D TO S7.50 BBL. 3m laipr- to- Soft .1 . &i 4uf jaa-- a i - TMCO. H.OAVICS A C- o- aalsrscr ii3rtIRiiil. C-- Drops, aoi Pure Filtered Water, Josaftk Cum Fnat Boa E os CSIt UrcIcht f H0SOLUI.D: W t"j1"1 ' tl g-i- W ar suuain MiflBMLaL lata ouium jftto 6 7KirrxxrAExTix y Moctague Rarige, M2MIC i5S Si - "9 af jmbwibm raxj3 it anf PiSill ?skc tto affi- l jimii iinrimi TTintTir" jh vrzz 1 !TATW & - Tcnr. CO. ... --..JS "l. " A. Sim- 28& 3nm -- i. Sir JbiS! mCm&,.i? rM ) t Class. -- -- c Smcsi Tt feni Y" cni T m? r 00-- T& lEHKK CUc 3F "& HIST FUKff mniutcctraiti 3fn3Lsc aawa zjebbl Salt, cm iiiftiT ii n hum in hiiwIm imiiiii 3?ricc: L. SI T'TcKKMiiis & Co,( 33oaX XEixysaix 3cit Kr 1"' die amr tea tts oc "y ma? tesisz&iz . Very Fireirootf. "It Arfsuyii-jw- ar man w it sis 3ut fresh ZZZZVr-zi- z? We PaSi co sS- - MifilCE PIES ahrajs .T.ymTK. . . wyrlKMKs- - Kay,G2?ain,tfcc. wnt tie mpeaf 5e taansriraS to- atudoftT w ji 5bfvt ttsr DOORS SASK BUKDS 3arn ( $:sri5 inn! kHrSa Sao "" sa "TL Frederick: Eagxrt, mrrxTTEz SIiilcs! 'i,HcrscsJ !b3F sue &as jMxaannrf .ftizrtxs sarrss. o- ' n . aji Hose-Had- e CO- - . "Lowest TTs?o-- TVrf3 Cormaaiiv. i rs uintC fiie tossvss! Jfc. wac Since Heat gQT.T.TSTER fc - IrTarket Prices " rmaiT-j- j twk km 3"strt-- e tff-Ll,"-- Oe zxnc Cizentt 3Tjiuc "iTarfviniit ttciwrf 6ej-ir'-x "tr t kV 'rSBatTv TtanL jsmaa VJllteL ?- ,IM1 .SoU: & kii TXV1ZMIX A3 CT7J1L a na n mi tm a mm 0-- A ' Qk ts ssSbbi? atoKic cafev Breasc l 7n il w-- w tiiyOr ran toitoiat T "T FOR SAT.S. go sss it 3?mnfc r amiuftC. n ferifc m ataiaH to toaaaot S 1m .et77tu: x3crr 3tT- ytamtff; 3ai aroit waaCtfieniet i- l- , aU.WS.BaSF.iKi.&.&' ir ! irxjiT-vaM- i DEUGGISTS A OjBjb. Jisfrtr CL OCjnty-- ama--c 31 sCf f afas n ana. 5ar 4ks I AT THEJLOWEST R&TES. uu amsnueL te a sw- aooiu ID WiiKPatent Steel Sleeners t?IC i -- hootzz tzizfhosz.-- t CSOCHUSH PiftcJi coyaasaaxxs r Tar scd HLr3Tts-tea,fer3tenif- ir or " --tjjcdlx, TXXL. - Tobacconists, Cono C7a2ac mxuxor 4;I3CtgTcam- - es KuncK TxxxzvaL -- - aVXHT oicaiaw - . JRSHitt tic 8 i- - J-- mcj--- : TTinhiVi, iFn in'3 Bw. mHtH rsiramrr s 3W SftXITE4JE TZzra,xz. 19, 47, n T . . 9 M - y BSSSS.2 : ,r i.f, fTiim ; V

jaiuaiiai(6aztttc Famt !. i aa S a t Tf jr ' n t4JMJ, jry aiM-iVi- i- fi j ? 3 J 911 ROBERT CRIEVC A. CO. SiSTScSs; KtrtT Mr4arda taralai:. iffs "sssss: JvUM. WW1 awtw ! rtrms ; iMjxrt wiiiniBniM.i" S. . Mlr Xi.iI'.'. l Atr--j w .-- . ?yjr.!?"!' i 91)7. a- 20, 1884. WHOLE No. Cwn t. fn XTX.-- o. HON0LJJLTJ, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Mhil!iiiCBllll. ul VOL. &. -- t- - ta. Cat. l n (Jjnfe. jfnsannre UtictS. jfortiga iJeSns. la B43C Gcswrjrs n?s. rusrsi jrs. Jflrtiacirxl girds, Jflttlaaiat IVtwMltMl H w-- I rwt ww i n.ii t.iiiaa a. w- X. A c. r;f UHlClHSaEAHGE.aOMEAKt rmj ! K. 1. All ATI , tr - Ttrarwv nx rout: ,A ;B",BMrt SMITH UXiliUtX.itUAJyrttttttiii ,. rtici lwaiiWMjgpUa T- - rfeal ViMBlHkUa &m laitaai J .i .1 jMUftCff-&f- i CcsTiwkx X.crtir' .TSKBST03Lummn4 '"Hm' " 2

Tt ? Wll !. w Iffi .. pa,.". ?t& V aw4i rv m an .Hwiiim! (liWm - 4jf. rs. TH ttywl la w aaja fte to" a ww jSOT' Ai Ibm m nn laaaA pwi few jwamir pa. - Jp F-- V nw k.; W UniHBK - rvi... Sct &elcit. iih TOBAGGO, G2GAHS raw Ml laajwwnwK mm. HB - IVWfi a! .n. Am-- V. or UtH. (MM 3Hawaiian Gazette Supplement Feb.I3. owSet nJai: aoT iana NT tiidc mm lt vatamaMi mmk SJIOKElis ARTIVIihS iir jCTtridiiKTjwfflenaKWjaw IleM ofac.w wt tirTwwifl(leooanT. IaIaSntua READY FOR - W.H. PAGE, a k FIMISfilE TNG LARCCKT A..D XMT L Causa , - 1U roMo, itn muw. In ura and States I aaiw of '.irtiu Ytadtcciy rrlr s IIES.!."0-Practical Pharmacists art x)a)aaw ' - Mt HHiIiBHt trimr v '"isi d" I " Honolulu Varied Assortment ttfftMnrprfwKIDtKMMS. Annul awng ct) t? ;w 113PortSu : : : Honolulu, EL I. Carriauc !"! tarCf -- TOI CtateB W nMjfhui ndi fan)E Jar f Krffs sMy AU. io rxriT ros soxxicsx a scbxicxxs 'TSKaWF i ndin O MioreiMcwawlaTCWar; MANTJPACTOBY, FOUNTJ Df HONOLULU ! immiBL Nos. 123 and ISO Fort Stroot, WtmCaaWallna uHlal ... i laaS w Eimiiira muHtn. niiiiwrt M r a raq&Mla. N lOpwiuu tkr rBti-t- a ?iwWv TfeJ iwnyie cfii om aa iii-- iL-YO-A- s I TKrifct tfeeialniihl ln Itunwouw a ant ajm i nw. a shict sro.-- OF AaMlilt. IL L Fresh. Supplies lat iiiiUjif th jCTmn icfcwrt irlmtpaii; Jr ; Srti n! ntaaMw CARKIAGE 1 tax TBI A T a laa,aaaluaa3maaa. MANUFACTORY incifT. mM it s chniMi tdtis U yaVfc mm. aaa uawr jt--- TOILET SETS! K-- HftF Host" Reliable JIanufacturers Mrkss Kts i im wiw citrf. Ta aAmunsrama f WHEELWRIGHT AND ICOl ffcrrmtBiTTor lwiap itf-- fam bj mIv o it xtvM w pr of Sartc caanraNl, K Tm aanwrrf a, a ai' PASUH5SETS. FUXOS IX TIIK Cirrr.DSTATIS. T5li 15n anraMrt, fcy at MCTjnsai BRUSH AD C03IB SETS. GENERAL BLACKSMITH. JLmTIMlWKlM: ci tuiaylniiy B2DStXM SHIS, ORGAXS, JtUE.Xn FOR .MM. 417 till 1ms. iortj U k lim IKfrt tMXMKL JR? Oairafea' drt jnoraiAae--afca- THI XAtl COTTilX! 1 trt ay la uc mw mc vMeanc. own, OODCHAIR5, GCITARS, Pine Perfumery P. Lorillard & lu i inf in jaaiijmni n" Fnaca Cos it.r aat ra aas hew auttu a Oniiiin tat BixtsG tables, ACCORDBOXS, Complete Carriage Shop tin tnidcatrMjw. C5aai cirr oiass Tin Tag Tobaccos, An jiiwnrw o K m4 at. ' UStrat wlwie ataerotoias.i;il CEXTES TIOLIXS, .... iSD .... Blacksmith Shop, "irp manati l . TA31.K5. Vanity Fair Tobacco and Kbc: mini of vut&cMm jWcrflawmpii. lianr-aaiwaa- & Paint Shop and SKHlJRtVr jKiiwtaa-eal- V XAtTEHSSES. BAXJ05, ETCHED BOTTLES Cigarettes, ba&tH rw x. Wwl. k)f smt ftr jaalyji ttagoK" atMBTd laai aai .i.tiai TEST JLFrSOrEIJLTX FOB Trimming Shop, vk Af pm;M ri tec ltwai ( the won "Tiaafv" a CWil r rwuows, rums, asTja. xx iiiaminiia wcy AScak I Sac ! d oin it HARSI0XIGA5, Holiday Family Carriages Othors.m1UO - nt;jaabui feeua KJBS. III Pxesents. nf LkSa. etBji Witi; iiirt-Awjr JW apKsi. Expresses. a nrlwam: x a EnB1' ir STEIXG5, a. ti3 rMraK. "KA&miunr MtJcnanA.ali Jj-a- XATTIX6. Buggies, Ibl H C4sisv a SikmV.f ana it I (W Ox recrc anoaeKt. viack ! ! ( at J5 asa Axmoik sue 1'aansbnt. SH IsBtc, far , aE Teas Teas Fhstons, ltaaM lacn K Min4hi a a Lliiai CIGARS. MEERSCHnUitl 1 -- r nrKas aai ai 3wiCm-n-4 rrva Um XB 3K Ka33B. Mad JV : iiljuaill ill at4iM(acaaia-iuaK- i tr t.vt ovtratr4 Omnibuses, AXD nc icl XTm-wa- mfaew-- aai Uir afcjaiac Cm ale -- jti . TEA HOUSE OF U P. HOORE CO. 1 vp C7 aas uAtt r v afl I -- Drays cfco rS-r-Swi- - " and Trucks BxrUxxXlios, cbon riTri-nrei-br.' iyj.! aiamWlNMi II "D ) Of Tdbobmrnw. JajttE. s vrri irlcctcd iwL W xe nBMr K u iiaJJA iniX mAwd mr daeau,aaaaA.MiaxaM'. 1ri 9 fifIVI JT T ." Breaking Carts, &; Co. 3mk IWgJJlif KB r ! Hollister a wajandw Pure Japan Teas Plantation Wagons, Tbf ataN4 teK AMOoat 4w lama i HaltMltud KcUIITdbttwal.t.. not tt t 4wrirfT wawifftatMaMa.V TiMtititMBwtuifttpHi'lwl trjwV,j4trg Hand Carts, Etc,, Etc. !4Bacis i Kaae r all ! l .S txr araciTT. k lljuuuiu isp oar Taai a a CSVV aacad wtiii. aaajiaw ; nMr au a aat dap IDE TO GRDER OK I3ST FlYORlclE TERIS 1)T hxr&K. iar Trmx"lM.r' St, aa.twi. a olfcati wwi IWaJiw: Sworn Certificates of Purity from WM WENNER CO. iif SM iw ae$fia! inBi at At Sw Awsm h.w tS And AU Work Gaaxaatnd! " a nc hroiM. a htaJ. aiciil?iMBiuaaBr. H lx Fiysinizs --id Anlym. Bilk Iranan. tatf an LtiiS Ta. (hM man pnj u KSTAIX WORK OF NO. 92 FORT STREET, 9u. unit a ahafialw t - iATATt t WWa. Km VOM fi- OtAxkn v lnmi. Mtitvn. AIXSTtDS. MALSw Ul a hrt oalM apat j StV FlAVCwmW. JlXlTkTMU (IP VVfvs aad br artf4 'L. : Bivtec km ta o. ta. I.I.M. hm tasir ismiiRv fal'J;! 1 COfiNICES f. t." Mm ss aa a Sir j. ma 0c jcvreH iMIBIEQtfiiS, f Itiiiial VyntWLf SMrc.TUa4ami.As4 .taitii ilMti. ta.ai.il.. M lu tw Mrt taif.l tt Tarn akai IT- AU mr. itwlm AI MiTtaiAL I Fine Jewelry, Watches wtawMitat.KaK.Maws.KXVTiw-- OMabXaualiM til diic w jo- - ataaL af J YXSAGITA. fratoly r.MMti i wirt fcaii ay aKt ahit: a aac ar T t mbiJ w. Mml Cw- - Oaana. . " iWt InacrteJ Javaac -ii at Ft- ht 3irt7 a a trim aiai;tiianau3araK Hj7' aaafaUatbtt rntautat tlnvarfT Plated Ware, &c. eM fce iimwC, ilan ! ns a siwc Iw rak AaSwaT af aracne daw c Boat taa Flua - )- OvmcarT Eta. rajnKxmui. Citntt. rnt Hite Btteittd ex Lilt a aaArt xat ar i nBj-- autftwTT . Jut Atrinl, 7 OeAic "IVv Ir igJili tay . ?mit ravAc-r- t Mia." C-- aat t i AOTD . nud-- 1. Fiat Anortaeat of V aM 4K TV-m- XrtMkH.uI m & & In n an raaccn. aMartf W H. PACE, ivoacajtMC. atcwa x Qaact i maafj Om ffi Taw. Oaaauuiis .1 rfku " viwtITCfc-H- ttfH - Kt aaaaaatatatiwiaiiaj. ratCSaatwMOM taMflttite tiiir wwalWIHllt alf- Proprietor. GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. .( d!W an r 1cm alUjiM M. GrosiV a itnBtaTj c isd ta kirst oto a xiaaaa lato ijunma nvm caerott Ute Bracelets, Brooches, an; Ki-aii- i fc-n-k, Aa tf aatf4 fcy l P. Iwt ! lingual t aaKc 4 Twrif JHwtm --wa-ii tjf tie M- - Just Arrived Earrings, Finger Rings, Matear ftatti te $Z,:: faaiKi. itaar ow i awwinWk (."Hlkal tanMra." fam tituatl. ler, unV atoak oiawf, wg pw'.fot 1 f iliii. cttwwat af flat wrrH- csrwiac law W4kv tamwfWfct waarf; 5. Unt tawil asm gata UArtiru.Y tr - axta. sMfeJ;r" i &rr w stt rw rraaawc utatu 3LlVX3 ! madr E-- n. aa wl&. K lb Oimh hiimihi nr. itMrifw kr ia nadaBunMt POH. SI,32 Diamonds &: other precious Stones ks V. 1 Kaodi at Orak-r-- e ti2P' ij lmniiM 'tin ONE MILE OF 9' a. cwaW, K iaaiwSI aval i iftw; I tjf i W Mitam VJwW wl a wv ws ni oajsa;. ILSO- - A. Klrtaiit Btfa. M tiin iR sum? aavesi law4;,W aeoassaiT ocaat ciwt rfaav Sa. IIIWftaai aJamdaan KKSTsroac a naaaW tt pewr .:; ia.ladu rtV Light Portable Railway Rails, rjA ii jCTi taar km MOMies aa ataiu; gcy& vcaoK- aa?- aw a '! tto: raaaira i tat ara aTaar taT Every DescriptloriL M IW. aar jart: as. aaiar. gaaf aitt a Of nca( iCt, T Jjiil if j,n naa i n Tafaa-fc- SawMtaac. fTii nan1ajt. W1LKIKG CAKES. RICHLY MOUNTED Beuc kb wafAgnna. winW- -' mt tea owe JC r. riJtu t Filir CaJaj-B- -. 131 OOLX AXD ML1CK. Hgjg aVrtAjc nftnf raifefc-PE- - 3i! T WSft la- tatV a. TMUa. AND 10 UGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS Miw. sBvo&en teconwCf Xa. .I-n- wri Jni y - -- i nxja lallltliilMlraltlMuMnwnaan jfearf Anphntfiav- ?4A omitaj. livv 1 ikjaf" aai a win limn anaaMnl 9a itms Haiif ron basis. 9IVCK att aw frri IKL aaraas. aaaavwaaTC 3S.m. JVto KaOvaj . ngoak tar laUfeb .W Ixv9K aM eab W v'-- M.AJ3E TO SiaV lll I biqaa W aaHiaii alayrf jh bu ORDER. lw. 17 anrKT Vat jaW nr flmttet anMn aiaj i jiii nHiJifi-i- " aSK. ttt ALSO FOB SALX - jf $Mi!kirwlsaF --w -- MiiiiaKiaiwtPj taaltMuiortittttwl TW w. pwHcaawr if Ifcf MwI-EiU- . Mw4i.allalf mnrvs tar inat aaknir JJt-- Cf. itrxirkt s 11 U t. jir4 ' rat imx ha siatir ', ban. ! .iiiimjrV 71UC. tML. 1. afarinraanaatHHiaNf ?r? tkai a laist lall. 4aC IK KMnaMafaNttf ts. toraf TlailtWaailatfgafaMii Jaka Jmjn A Ca. - j Jawn 141,- r. C yjfegyBa, Sataay rail. aa aw t:a aiamaaH- aar K & 107 W-- WEXXTR. . CO-- IcmBl Ta a Jarwcat 105 FORT STREET. araaHBTOa.JMITnw.te: a.w.bM..wartapaaaM.aw ia. a...n SoHurV fcr laa Iw aac Lr - rSrrBtwrreitrcaat wBwwaTSr Ban oieasr. aaa jgwes aa sn aaiaH- w tr j 7 Tineai wTaaaa Jaaaxz Taa. va -- L "KTaiiiaTot :bMa. - STlLiluuMiaa I uaocit: ; i- -j V. GKS. Ikr cbft .a.awan r G V. SCACTAJaLAXE A toUadfM taxraU t-- SJia: laa C.. King's Celebrated Eye Preservers, aanal li Ac t lucaa witar aiatcjfa-iaVirwT-- ' Aceatataric.jsrinrjeiACa ' iiTtlJD ji' J- - jmvrs&. Vat A imJf ua..- Mt jwr aw JOwjin wa 9mct r lx3ctMv taW wfc.aaiwaa.iiiaia.ataaiijai. iif :sc SKaor aatf a4tr ix nrmnou-t- ifcaaK tc fctfi WicHtian un. sosolttijTX, i. WWnwt A tiVXCTZ K aSl ranc Gaam fciiniaji wjaw. ' 111. W 'IImi ar aai ft. "ielaatm sostt & Iwr jatif"" aw uJ tw.. o0uJ ITCXliJUa M-- ., 9m ItlHWt U taflal W latll aal- - ccaaaalk twfo &x sugar, las tva aw cm a T aa - enre c safe aid wMfrf ; vaa. 3? aB rort as. ass aaw. A" Fr tnr aa fimoVr tr- a caix. ) wtjSBaf 4Jt rt.il x4 SK WM.WCNNER X - ttlut as prufmmm. Mil CO.. MTraiinil mttnmiiT tti- mw( y itVui: fcraKtajttTat 3a. aniBaaw Island Orders will Receive Prompt and Fort Street. j. tAijV A tt xim- nr ." Hb. Ala IJal waa w wallaafiW G. W.HACFASLAHE & CO. J' onrsdmaitsK ijiJl tmifi True to the Test ! mca!ai(a' gg i,.1 nnuuwtiaattmle vsli4eQ 3r raxag .1 n aa ar juaiwic has v aatB i fasSl baW Wl" akns liw a. V ". asjat it tcw . W l Kir tf da; jBfi- - ! Gareful Attention. Macneale & Urban Safes. aaa-- ibk ah fas- id ofiak i usukMnaii :it waoawt w af J.M.OAT.JR.&GO.. liwa.Aiia suinav- - Je so&--4 , : S&idaeaCnadvitat aaaA. acaaa5eSL4 HitijoriJliwaap-alaBctL'' xi -- i3u Bm'S92 laimr ac ttofoorfk. . CARD. 4 9 CWj. SaTq. aipci4.aciirafiaTM swi prvricx 'j f MacaJ. L -- jAgwA, I Tisi&f&rvkMBiDK. stjc Oask' onaisrwaewma u, licit tea:- -! at awww at lawat pa Hat aff xdbdw awts Statkfflcrs News Dealers, Baa sar japtttsr as can $: aae umJwr a ad it. Sat: in mi a caw war aw i jWp i lc at - Ol jw. Ky wnid u aja! . Vawi JertAMl M. i . aavtaaMaWaaaaaaatal wW nt,i; mtan 1 ijle ac aad fmaadai Jatc ltmwvtg! x 3tariaaaa, a tt riuwii.ar laaawwa. a jsa ts nai. tm OW natl.illlB (tiw. ac anlat at ?" It evaoff kt HOLLISTER & CO, tat, v WJ.3 - Itlliwl inlnli fg-i- J TWJ I g JKWXWOGai V. nw in . catM... Taan Tnlr aB statioiJeey, ytct Ty aac Haaaawte tat L. WAT. aajuan Ttaiimmwu. i l A of Celebrated uioxs jut scrocxs u. Ttiai t3i xoat l&nV aaaawti'umfi' wi Lare InToice the ran iJw.wa.iaa. TOt fv. ininiiimanT x' 1am. SwctHw iiMWKtawt. Lnavrigar. . T Wj n.j.1 fakCa. I 5MBT1J A Lirrf r lk JkIIj Ctr-- I O - TRUSSES aar Hh "t w tfir lrlf Srra.taH)- aaa4. a sir Stosnnt Cran at. " aSSSCJBIaLlDLOIDtflutoi Jktt imapaw a: imr. anS J arinK M.itt.CTOfT &iSk lKfcrfBVtt TaUafsUk ... OLD SAFES THE IK EXCHANGE. jIhrtc&wlwwM-tewia- 3ia5 Saar IKK t fc U.UKtil:M 111 ill I, aen.s. im rnip...... jruajsloirri a ctaA Direct Rrom. . Pactoiy. C. ana: i mieimam-taii- . of Tmi&s iriaiau O. BERCER. TBOSSES. xsur.i3t.i n ZZZlZTZFJSZSX We Haic Esd FACIUIIES k Adjasiieg uaokKlathUaatetl CntlwHwllalliili r POST OFFICE tBTTEK. SCAI.'ES. .l ILS i feiC-A- Steel Hails it-- tmSieii at rf - --a - tSJTCm Toaar CnWrfcwiactTnv i Siaiau. .Nisaai Co.. cimn tc 3e rt i aii Hollister & PORTABLE OR PERMANENT Sis- 5s It iWljWaallK Ki Cor. Port and Herdiant - 59 Nunanu St. mi s Rail-way- ! mdr yetst trim A.i-.- URtntsitnai.la aaata am. !i aaw r Serf .u jShittot 1 jt'LLjtit- A. I 3E msaisv a tnnd XMj Ja i mill ti it tiartt awt cfc IS ft. Icselaii 14 Iba. ta tn. jutA Var-- x Ilfl'l ib ua abea bw& a arauirT tt tbe airul Co. li MiiM.t: afu...saa yTfJari Xacui Hollister tssi. tagiBse b Irai?-- sai i: a lecumg tfT.iW iafiuiads af nuscana jfiArrr&-Bii- ' haiaillrftifc.tl'mii." T tUMttlOM'S - j- - - I 3Mt sbe 3 At- wj roTmiiJ Si. IYi ttoc a tra1aaM& asi PififUift ndftSwl Sis fia . anc tnaar cl-- SifteSIwcaeaa.wmS' Vvaat j L.OBZU. a tej cnr. zwte3A&rxwna"iiaim ! "". X-- rfcj-- t aniji . v. aacTAtxajis pucct j. - rr 3naare asilauanniL as jsuj, 2 new ! a c. mmnttmi'iiBw3aV7 TihiiT Al ffnsActaaesi: 33m 3uw iati: &ac in uir jsat X Tl I w Perfninery ATiiwwarc racaar, CaMfcj. INaxgla. mi Atotwfaa rfcAC Jtnnndic. 'rap ll'T'J CRYSTAL SODA WORKS Anrw Xfar WW V 32. eXH l&a a untam K limit I PeriTimery - JR sB Ibt ronflltmut - m tat Ish9 a tat JKrewnnli at inrtr Perfuiaery F;TvroxraJL.. VisA sEBst JC- WW w.na-- J3 Vir. taadsn xusilTta- Sanush Wt".--TJIttXl: j A Tnuflin IMl IUIHKCUK AttsrrteisrfaeBec! -- Mtf-'- im suaoe aalnwlAa tolMiLt XtT" B Jar ok J tnBraTBan&wtinrabiacaaa tLttiaiHBw?iAtwmniftj. "R A TT'T' ! 11 Joty iwet far MOW' vbbI5v SBda.. s 3s aarmtT St ma & GO., 1tItK gtr XnWI Taja, iMiir i naLTitf. Tja H III, fag JICK IMilI3loau.itc JltMr HOLLISTER tuoiiEt yBairjX, i Fapea- & ZATtSapca rfaBaawgaaiiratf-aswwiiiiiwiiivdj- j& Saic aofuii 001 St t trttrti. j We Use Patent Stoppers; ttt 1 ! Ajri I. Snv. tj Sacritatw aiTn4ik; BatSK Jtc wni Hare Just ReceiTed the argest i a. ywrnweca rwA t OPTICIAN. JEWELER and .6r JlP 5 taut tujtilj- prafe j IDlUDt t.. har-c- Jm.'. Ci" a. m a.farfyrig. w: . i g Miimit-niiE- AU Jwsw iilaiia: SIXTXEE ?2ISnS.L2GZ 4 S3C11X: Baitttodiwai. acDtnnwat,wfX- - nn-f- cl- j - TJtt 1 i "fa- r- loaULaC tn. WATCHMAKEE, XtSas: af ahK t9 tjHBfiiajit PERFUMERY iEA.r GingerAle but ours ttftssrsnEmoaL tht Jkatorat Siwrnabi, LOT OF CIUhv JUKI UCaJCI IS iTiUb!Edl ICSUWgEHlS. Tvatr m. aiaa taa: 1 bnou Katcntst. - rvt i EirrnstT rtua. t:uiI5 'rr IsalUhordiST J- StFrS Ct)HPEI5I5G ssrtxa. ItatfciS. MBBtac - Miilwww?---- a Efil IJtiXKTrB IXrO THIS EIMIK.a. IRS ie KjME. jaOWW atl OURSODAWATERj Kis noma, ai;nii:3ts.T3wufia in3a x jlata. Or at l?j At tsxtrrtaaa .w t.n,r tn ute unnimis. aa'tTy trtf.-ti.t.r- i bX" V. tf ywi. A4wi- -f a La i ws Celelrrated. ; S! j Lart ra i Tat Over H&t DiSereiit Odors of the lS."UJS.Taaf IW. .. ac taw? fcmc. aC iWJ - c- ! arsriu. - t jot kwo- - stc IFHSTE GOODS xic: Oat aaajiihaig naawgs j amiKQf la- r aiaarT suuiiuiaf LyjaT"',,'ir Mannfaeture. THe Crystal Soda Worts, 1 . . . .. atwSia o Wpa-- inndbors1 jEEII El'BEEE STiSP 1CEKCT ! Jf Iii Km amn9T. &r wuHUnlu&UI &3a Odor-Case- s. ia.f JrJotxies, & t aa latKE. Ii'iiiiiijii. rf iimtvc ,JCT: tfSrSr; r Fdncy oxes? 5c -- iiijwxzUZ2sas.-w,G0LD- SLVER yATCHES prft w jijbairoaTWVWUVBw. Sii:, ASUalnari?iwU - JC OAX. A CO. .xssjaa&er j- 3. Jr. awaaw ma, rm. m www a ikx adnairanr w. w - BbaMww bB aarfr - is tt nr XbK.sat9ixi.a k. prpdbeatr- Jttt&xc Hernias- fsSaar f MIT1CE. Co. - Hollister & s. I Musical Instrnmeats, itrS "WjOTt. SOEs. MAjBA OMi GROCERIES jw . ..rt. -.-- . ctl "e. li MA. jjjoctati-fl- dom Arou.xnri:or a. M jcm. T"f.!.,jyA.g a ' W" nw- - caaaalkiMWaw at a. . a. "SSSS" wfc ? twiTtata. xtuxt cu. wir Sicw.rf ieSr oat JwaffiA aoikA. ffij-i9- y nc a r rrri.w-j- tian3cinrrujr iraQB- - ssrrn- - tMi' jaetsrrf a a5gS -- - &2Utn!ibw, "Sjtf' Vfava frvw. t i.... n Mm an rawiwii ftTH rf imraV. aA JPS " FOR SAlliT traat t Asm.. rmw -- : V,- - M. tttal. tr Wonaiattwa STRATEMETER, Unajeav r ul" iti- W rwai. .Crl C C. 4 a snilfT W -- TrrnTrtTTTTli a- - lit. i Frn I Jt4w Ut.i.n.imrKty - 1 . gAXTEB EMOiME 1 1 tJ-A- - 1 - yyXU.XiU.ai taAUT.A, .' JLTt JJ Jl-v- - u ;" .v.. 31300300! l7" KHOWLES' "K'orrsi- Ha-waii- r.U - I - - ' Crvrri - - ttrni 4t7- - in . trj- Ln Hril j GOSSTP. 2 .r r KrarxACE. STEAM ARD T1CDUM F9MPS 1 TDI.D-. ft 9.c0 c . . .wnv nm-tS-T ttt.tl- - THT 3axn. iw iffiiMis .- .. rxEEat.-i- iita Billlii tiiii - I I ilrf:J-,- .JZ.ZZ -.- 1 iL. .n-- A a.t ar wl.ltar-a- i CAETUE COOKE, AJSJITS -- . "- - A O. BERCER, '"T .- ti-- w m,-i- i ii- - " I;.,.Bf -- C. u ! u awn - - rr. rotTjiKjittrtiiAsitt-tt-i j and Retail Crocor, TJease Steam IXLiaps - ,4ttr-- A " A" 2 - Wbol23le TJIKrxiiJslGXClJIAVEJtT 5 te Una- i uautft- mom twnA.iiau.'3w ir &..- " iiE- - .ti jwn fa. I ti .""'b B. an T fc la rt..ja tay. irti wfica- rrai .? Mimrtri ,: - LttKT - Ha- - SO Ttraju- -. dac :Ay-- t bwW tt SARDINES! TPa nl COTQAZtl HCIHD faniJS TlttTX ttf " Twurt i-- anor Blocks, Oars, atrKJtt. jt ' nut rsr wi""wi' - r or cut rtutii - - S,Srrrw : ft TTVUU 3w& 3w?Bl OTBWW . a;tT'rt Aimttxx .v- x m catu' lib.- - Mt"ia'"-- i xsr St r catMtf Mr? atrsaiMttt -- taa a. TEL & Co. i "&. -. O - Sl wi Eackfeld ' m. x-x- l XnrlAXa !- BWAtAU. tv srrzt,nhn tt. far as jl. te un. i firqrral Jllmlandtlf, (Qrnrral ffrrrkattdisr. Sapreme Court of the HawallAa ItLABdA. tflrrtlpitdist. Hawaiian 05azctfc. la Babco jAaoArr Tun ISSe. Stntril 4fltrcfutdi$t. firittrat A CHOICE SELECTION OF IlixuSLl&rusriTioatOaiiT&XT, Ta. Jen Ale. H.HACKFELD&GO JTEDSESPAV, FEBRim' IJ. ISSi. Kiton. - "Pioneer" Line U- - Saprrai. Camrt of th KvftlUa IalAnda CALL AM SEE THE EEWGOODS I vFFER FOR SALE jAjtnArr Term, A D. 1SS4 In Bum. GOODS TlttcasecrantoUdaGcnrtnponeicrrAio&tto HOLIDAY INVOICES OF NEW 600DS J. F. lUcmUl KT At, AjKtSXKBt IX SAN E. IheoTrrnuinc cf a det&nrrer to lb complaint. Bmcr v. Ixo Chot kt The cotepltitit IKK. that t the rarioM. Uhh UECEXVEXt al And datra hereinafter roe&lioDed, Uie plaintis vaa A T S$ JEST TEU aad now ia a body 12 Conslsttas o C. XlC-- tZTjmrt.m 3. -- . dnlr lecorrontxl as. JH J. J 4r Ue lw of lbontiuUI of CAlUomu, Vnitrd BARK "C. R. BISHOP," AND rttrrl satw of AtoericA, Aad u rock corjorttloo Ibra Iaccs, Embroideries, STEAMER " EHRENFELS." .!.. wuActlibtrt!icAnd ilotnc bsstirn onttie Thi caae if hm en a& appeal from decree Island of Oafctt." C. J. FISHEL'S Trimmings, FKOM BREMEN', estrred en the decision of tbe Chandler in ThtdemBnrrreaJa "Tbat Um aaid JfcUration Tidies, cipritv ertfin atide a ofa&tofetjof & afttral)mnj;thalUMilalnuI is a fonicn dd faila to abaw aQrcc rice plantation a&d c&tfit. aitnated at reailos. ot Ibat the aaU Satchels, Fans, Koefanloa, Oaha. executed by the hanlnrpt - this Uy-iQfJTk&4- trhsi- la n 03t tin UlaisWr o! Io- - if!Js GRtfJVB OJPEJVIJVG I igtpirtf.t or a ttrca czua

ALSO-- A UK ,1

U ort of ptvrtznlui. and t the AtttrliJLn and Ttw 2iiid Mall pirt rif V,1lii?'.,. Beaver left Ha of tbe ter cantYiere mi eeQ rrmie -- - ox1 'The ttapenTT coctrmci for trvupertilMn ef withacrprefitrf$.tlM. Gh. is ."W a. x x - 3sr New i.xcx:a1Mi. t4trAtatrIiftN Smith mA Amerieia XH Mti Goods! " v Fe Sc FraTidKCo ftfid JLutralia and ?CltfiSnUbil, ccsmnct. tins awetfa. The Tkb Lite Qctioc or Mambascae Ta II OSES JMtfa of KkWTateM U4 Q&tffi rf Mdftg -- Carriage Manufacturing Gomp'y. FRESH GOODS! MfM'IlTWjftMlli tRM &Y1 FT car. vu sol ia altrM)er &&cxreded cvn4. a An Elegant Preparation of For otDe yrxn alie in bealtk. t farmr cWaet bfcfc cxnm t 13ib ht lf. fW Succrcaors to GIDEOX WEST. Ko. TO (JOEEN STREET. rou Just Rcce pMrntvr next, to a&ord iW calneln as and rowr of Wr decvave bur of late l cpportnutT rf itamtc Jbe mv1 aw depart-XKtrf-ri fretjscat. Tbe Daify .Vnrw tin be will 1 j " ALL KINDS Softening tho Skin, ai!(ofBtio irrmHcT Vet recreiied. aotoair rj ber own saoject, ; OF thrre oeis taiteat. of foT as heretofore. br all friv&da of LcaaaBttr aad pregTe, St j FANCY GOODS, Romoving Sun-bur- n, Ac, And Tfc airtDcrt t ran tl tnrKe nll l waaiftettard woman wbo na occopiea Now Op te Wagfoiis e TRKPARCD the Saakadia, and CitT cf S.tttrtj. tbrexe of Madagacar isce tbe rUMbiseat Carriages!., and Carts OSLT BT xrawfcmd tbe ncChtjaTNcw u tkt ef lUva djnattr bj Kadaaal.(151S). Bull and lUfuiml ta a SljW asd Datable Vtamirt. BENSON, SMITH & CO. Tabaiaa andYttl J4miimm w Tbe retpi of tbe Rutaraloca was marked STAPLE GOODS rrait, tc5 rt RockAirayA. DrAja. FarAaaaeiatA. m wH I twutod o U Ajt itH-a- of ix wffli by tbree axafatnarj and prolonced penect a. a prtriwofrlT, We are ad to fetrn that Ike tiesi ol tbe Cferiftiat. aatirtt. Misj trrre Pbirto&s. Ox Carta. m2 will i .Mrpayd and (We detefi-tlt- fe&rBt. otbett ltaried beadle from i pma Ex Mr. Variposa aad bark t'alt- rim, now al wt jru toteeed, lidi nli rbert. ptec near tbe capital, a&d othen ei it Buccica vrSaVVl Dtllrcrj-waroo- diKbaraiaf:, Maile Cologne fatWtiawocnptod to crtioj; tbc Tacific basisbacnt. or to die of atarvaimi or ftret K'StVSfc8'' 104 nnbealtb) OeciiroMiderab)T. Tkre farerilc Tewda. draotate and dtftrida, Kabo CAne TAfnft. 3HHkrV - Dnnp CatIa. For ! MtwreaJorM.lbf tnrtJiikj; fcHk fo berisa. tbe vest oeen, ahbowph reanuig the Toilet H. 5. Store Open tf DBek uliafaciieD dorine tke lose retted of & u tbe lat, a fieattcn, won remarkable lor ber Has Also oa Hand Tor Sale. NSSSSiSS- - A Complete Anortaaent of KENNEDEY & CO. Is Fully Equal to Farina or any jwr. whiefc tbe cootract baa beo is iit-- penal aad liberal spirit. .bc allowed free- other Importod, Is rocr, are roflr efaal to u rraireaseoia et dom of opmoa atnesat ber aebjects, aad cfc and ariiT ml snliacrifced ctYcliot) "Wagon rVEtntoriaXs tk d H a trifitoc aMttioul ufendj. eren to tbe of Cbria tiao Carriage IUw melted a lr t (MriMe !. ot Very Ulnch Lower in lurea.m rite iraV ot ceaK iil,ve hare link cirtircses aad reboots. At tbe coroaatioB of AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Price. OB fcrstsli ncerd that fll4 to tbe aroeod tUaaraloaa. Lowrrer, a cbaagc Ae. 4eaHc HOB. SPOKES. rELLOES. KIMS. a-- PEsrAniD oslv nv the pobhc rnr?s to notice Ttte reftcwd at Imkc i4aco. Ucibeo sjixboU were &liotiard. MUFTS. OAK. ASH. WHITE WOOD, io for a period of twelve aad tbe BiWe placed in a position of boaor on IIICKOKT KUi IKON". BOCStt IEOX, STEEL. BENSON, mv oatend And hOBSESUOE SHAl'ES, Standard "Fresh Gioceries SMTTK Jt CO. baad, Frooa SOKWAT 1E0X, mad, a witter accepted, for it aAotds tbe taoaarrfaa rifbt tbal tiaw tbe PbAnaAciata. coauaoed rapid pro- . AMI MTLRIOR qi'AUTT . bat coscreaa an opponowtT ofireeptteiaX)ie oocBtrj baa to male or tilKltl rtMMt iriica will b 4riirenlta aaaatl t to talt to cfcc gress Into HORSE-SUOE- bt Tipkt of coUwi to tW of both in ledge and tbe arts of ctri. All nu o nd mlM MaUriala in for th trad, iwch Aa f tht t of tae fw ici E rrt dt;. tUpf saj i t IUala rW io faarotftiuif -- btMiMR. Tae capita! i realle a haadaoar riFTH-- HEELS. HOfv BE4XDS. SITS.lrWASIIEKS, rEELOErEATES,UlVETS,SESaiX-TRE- BARGAINS FOR AH. Ancfi ttic And tp. IV etjrltt er it fca been i&rdrd dtj, aad bat sow a noatbfr of sebetaatial I'LATES. AStE CUK, FEIUJULES. rosod Kjnare. o&td ami Lean ! aoiely y te Calotuea of New Stb tValrs tcUdtcpt wbicb aiora erea aa Ealb "TO" x Other s coDstantl oa tbo vraj. Fat Purses Suited v New ZeaUad. notwitWtaitdimc the fact proriacxal tbe bkb ois Mado xo asd ton. AtBo&fst referas ! St AND .CCT r.OCGU CSiGES, AT VEBTOrderlOW BATES. SeMWc Ckaftdler. is Ute rear 1?T kteo win reader aesionvalc tbe reipi iA KaaaTa-km- a cm ftl A .UCLES, at :rEs ' lie a ecc of tbe tbe 11 are tbe abtdttien of trial erdoal. Lajw Si.i rf srEISGS aod AXX.ES. baU pateala and C0SCOKD of all aiiw. CiU.rxuiieia4Hcoar1ac4 bat tan pfeaic tvfle refrrtenuure af br HaTtoc;" a oCKrlrm.vT are acquainted wUh the want of the aoteom ibe aU4Uoo of UTerv as as Jlscaat-buj- Jdaaalac.arui IVmrtorot lttr jwatn rrery retperL GvecBet of ibis cotuorT, pT a far tbe trade. ABdveaaaUeouc ToTLoiaAte AfTraAlrjof ATerftrxEyEKTTHlXO oabandcwu for batldinc tf COLBY'S io hi t& tbe tfaat are cvocemed, tbe ebaerraixo f . 4rdf pice s&ate f A U'acan a Oarnac aa brrrltfora ; there baa beea A creat wart of Stock in oar, hoe, iadlpenaable to KtLEIl. At (O, aid aWald lpreowaeieficteote-d- i bj complete ceasatiota fraea Ialr, a Mrs ttACOA KatMicc and mceasArj in C3CSt$unf in aaapsane aruuea, recauar 10 xuaca rrc fUsxd en Uk Itae. i&ttead of tW otd tea c sataMud edeatioa iatfnrftced, polv- - aaattbiac aad Fasily Grocer, Cinoor t a Meek. tloterM. Great 10 Cent Store worn d beefers tbee ced br "KtkiC faaaT discoaateaaaced b rejal decree, a fair rr t Wm. JOHNSON, : : : Manager. .$ factory of the JL refereace to Secalor Chacdier' foeedi en aad epea tnl secared to all o&adors and ilte Tons IBeait Coal tSrTriepaoaXo I 0 x: HMt oecastoB i!l detooaaUate tbe fat tbat omdaswBcf treatiea idcnaMBorceaadtiiead- - liiO Blacksmiths' Fort frtml.eppo.Ue 31.Ulmil .aarala. aaebM(4t u tbeZelaBdw Jlktiralta uid sbip lib Ateenca. Baflaad. aad Getataaj Depot of U'ooJliirn Dairjr, the tarseaaU Varied Olj frdner are of tbe tomsae asd power Tbe Conn of tbe deceased aaeea was retaark niK &.OE is qcctities to scit. 9S6 Ar;e:an Ice U'orks. yowitrg Attn tbe able fur tuc ot its arrasgeaaeau aid IVo-Whe- ol it Bereftarr te?. dtuj' el Brakes. Manufactured in our own Factory, 25 per Cent. yic Pacbcftl cxpeneecc tbow" tbe wisdoa. baMcs-lik- e aiaaaer in bkfe eTerjthmf vu STOCK OF JEWELRY: ibe Samator tt tbe rctaaiVa carried oat. All laafVt of fonaer baiiurteai 9? Cheaper than Imported Brakes. dfceriftrf Brn Mcrrc Ibett wade br bno, -- d tbe adeatraUe aod ere abulitbed, aad tbe Carvpea bj aoJ Rinff Chile. laaaier m wbtcb ibe coMtact ba lea clOBiiS were ad(4ed hx tbe Qaeee a 4MdVW TO-5T- S. laaiojumed cVarl aocoosta for tbe pgfUntj fur ber id.u-c- e hi cerenwMl anattera. Tbe TOYS: The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest CD XKiIU. i'tSaaFraocseOftriHiteonr alt otbera trots Fnaw Mmutert W was tbe bbail of tbe . 1 ffl.Q3aBUltaP rictarr cxl.. Watm. DWLr. -- tto AitraJifi Iated f late Qaero, i a ataa ef great frgci aad i&- - so as wilb tbe beetw, Acncaa 3ili&ce; MBie ol m m 3IUSIC are bee a dra; cbam upon tbe tradertaiata tbea daci-- in arApe,bMl aehr Store j. INs'lHPMFNTS: loll lot tbe eoaIlT MiaveJi to tbe Si Furniture in the Kingdom, g h Iff taTMC lrapon!.oo of taai t Jerued Wj - ITinnf-nkl- im:mfaaaw7eViu'BKl Flair, .tcmdnnf Vhlr)o. aorea tbeOMKiaeotof Menca aJ tfti-iai- ; cwl eWv.Uoo of tbe br etcvi- - Within atb tbe Xly - - tlier lofluii GoTemweni to tbe Cing fJa,.luM:T aatf atia eUocttua c m . 3DL-E- tbe colwoiita. This t- tbe Qwe prevraitre - palr7 ibroabiMt . dawudvaa. j GOODS! t UiIy. JVrTr.ToiirU. IlamDactrairf. i0er WiJallj 4ced beferc tbe attaa'f li xi ibe of tue Cwart to adjourn fur NiLti. AfWatbittiO) ty Jtvrt J. Cmghtoo, Eq, ansae iaoutb of tbe eaataaer to AaU hut alt j PIONEER laowrewapreot te ;ew eautad tfuarru a hut cit abeni IJ nulec vvatb ol U o.p,ui House Furnishing' Goods, We bone lo loam lba Aaiana)Mtriri .nd it is beie tha. ber Simplest !. pB- -. Ktlllrat, 1 U I J!!--, T1 Time bis aw.'ioa danac tbe lecef w rodaxtire peat tbe Utt raoa:b uf hex life FURRITITRE s Fall. lmmir Qcr, VntLeCari. aBJ a .rceat.srC. aTcoed. It waaW bare tdSarded as aaUfiac- - - ritr. to a depauiKat , Oltv-a- boa bun taai tbe v - - Perfumery, Soaps, tfec, Finished bod airifd to reprcvewt ibetr at a i na m&A:':, iwaarij Stationery, in:rvu SUGAR MACHINERY WAEMOOMS CtMatptitin- -. rr. 1 M ate was m wrraa.ten aonng iiwcwMag tvre- - j t--' . Ott Arlklrr. I r , TH Baa.Ki3aTffaBfaafa?:laTaTr?f aJ aa, bat Ml ta of tbett oe .' - S u, ' EJstftTDllslied. ic- dobopetbatXr.OetpHu u naau. Pel" MnHsgate 1859, Mmwigwt 5-- ' Music for the Million I Warrant iaaed la o tbere aad conpU-.- tW pood work aydaauald Eir-t- C. E. PROPRIETOR. pf r be las maapiraied. Jteaaiuae ' ..&. ct.r.-i- '' WILLIAMS, Vti t uf 31 Bait. CtMUt!B of SWt- - r, eas- " caaidnVlt arocreas can U made u Sac ' 5 -s Uoof from tbe Works of tae "!P- :a; E fc? j MESSRS. MIRRIiFS. WATSON Cn.'s I - In tvear- - ea I .Qperte4..n? all other ,.. Hollers The HAM Trade At iu laat annaa! I Save Received, Most Noted Musicians. Amlav I iKlidialfce report c' m rVBMdegt. Just BEcirsr it is aonE itee Jawti S. Tabor, io lac naportancc ol maunam. FROM you "Want U Economical Fuei. If iaa;ataal taeaaiUMtaliec iritk tbe cslotuea of MACHINERY of Only 10 Cents. aettaha. . eajr Xr. Taker bat Oaatam T1 G x. kaTT tm kairaV. cratij ac ttr; San Lm LUUe to Explode. CALL EAKLY rtbec attestors en Francisco I Will Aetrr ad root fordblT oa AND TEE EAST, Eailtr o Transpcrtatlon the labjact uW a rewolatioc canbodriaf tkeir One rfriplo -- Kiloot- AM) JIAKE ncira ns saaeaaaoHlT ASaajed. .ow, baw-cr- Another Urge Addition to my Already large AND COSTS NO ! aa tbe tnae MORE VOUR ri'RCHASES. actire AMaacrea, and ve txaucr fc rwrjaCt Frj--- - A WALTJ fr frfca.. a Fall tarMxiptlaas .ndpnrrtc! V obtainrd by "VIS. nawHiallj Area tbe atleaaiaa of tbe Board jttniTja. rcBaptcqc Ajrad "Vrtx-icc- i ciamr Stools. apptkattost ta, eTndeMtaeraaoenaaceoi tbe fabjeo, in X)oulle-Etroe- EaT 3cyrV S A ape atat oar grmtMB vill aeet atitk a One i. or W. E. ROWELLHonolulu. ! Hwm.1 30U Fi 381 U . IVtt4fT heanr anarvraL Oar caetaclioB ia that tbe - it Afm! navaiiaa IfUotU. Irish Damask Soar of Trade aboald coarae a apodal se-i- C "is.aSss?"1 CxIioIsster.v, at oact aad aau fact noltMa eaaErm. "" Furniture, Pianos, AMC at tketr innoaalr upreaseal luumu - a win 4 E. O.Hall & Son bate acfaeaee apoa CoasTeaa : tbat Westons Patent Centrifugals. 9fll.3ir.ll lUStrimiCIltS, SOWEDg- We tteeerraotatJaM be forarardad t:be SoaaMra wis Eapsw aa4 Xji.pt Oe s: nal.IJLs l.v Have Just Eeceived xaat --Vaaabeat of tbe Aaaeeablr for ibe Pacife 2 ' Cat, vith a leaaeat Ibat tbe uile4 reSaeoce Weston's Patent Centrifugals. Macliine. tie., fcc. ,'peivcd tic, - A VIRT FIXE AS50BIMK5T OF - aai adreoacr ofoar BeameaUtiTea aad Haeiag had year exptneDCe in tbe ranutcre Basaxsa in HoooltUv, I prepared to meet tte be wared ia fartberaace oTlbefoUov-aBiect- a. Bmmc irwivcl faeifiaw im ia autfartm ! S ta Hall'sSteelPlows jaf makiM. nae fffrtn raw. ft rtita. ta vat of all, as I hTr tbe LHK5E5T STOCK, tbe tales Styles, ani SELL AT LOWEST TRICES. taeam : CtttttgliimHoi1 them by I A ttatuiai of caarjea for traaiortalior. avaunallr KUKXD rRUlX I I Inp ux.he. cdtfK Irish Double Damask of laaflt actees be fcfoonw,. In wwrnrlr 9 Full nf- ?,inos, caaHacaft. lrcimcAm.i.i'.HiEixonir titcMollne Plow -- To obaaio an AUewaace ! Co. for oarriare of J ai j conTTirusaisparcs "KTaliiut, .sh. Painted, Stained, Varnished ww aamanrni av m aauvti (t UR fael W I "' r i t AGKICriJTIUL e Mtaaaater J - TABLE LINEN eerat. I tra.,.-r-t oT tae JSroilIll ISllGrillO. .Vtttraiaac Ba3 Iroaa Eaca i acA & . Su FrHcuco tc New ej .aeh A Complete Assortment Cheap Furniture, DIPLHIECTS DIRECT FEOM - .1' , tbe ,em. rfi Clariflers, Plat Coolers. -' Shirts, (WAce-- sa.-aetjjTt.- T e a tWSeZerfaad and posiiblT1 A Large Assortment of e . .!..Sea Walea taaU Dae oo k rac- - "" Sr" ! BELFAST, IRELAND " Oa. Spa.-- e Sice KT tc & o fc M u- Sets, Lounges.Patent Bed Lounges & Sofa Beds, -t sjare iiMieaM psr i is- Parlor - - .Collars, CainVllrc TTyleita mt a Praaeen. co. cossistiso or Crsrrrjr & EarCbam.PavstfnEBocAei, latest designs: Ottomasa, Foat Keetj. riano Stoola, 4c, Mltaaa a ajar or lira, aarc a Pari! irtter, G. . Macfarlane A Co. JOilJ aciar Wa Keec eoaaiderablr uHereated orer A Pull Asstortment of Upholstering Materials, 9ga .aVlAAttetA ke wi.)Mrmre of tae FraaceM Soaror!; ! a CAeliiie. Silk Ka-v- Sdaa. CashiaereA, Sercre, Oaxaaala. TABLE CLOTHS, i OoaaEffiHOS riBea, era. At the Old Stain TV, Imaliaaie Xaaa Ia4r at daris; eaaar ALSO-Cor- ds, Gurps itt , tair aad leader. aad -- At leiaaaat. atar atNTct NEW and STYLISH t.B tnipi . Uons, mm' ni tiaau. Hajr aid Featber Mattrcsaes acd FEatvs oa Land and nada to ae4 a aat tae lea reeaarkabte ae acroaat of ' Sua. EMeiw.M. ErriA.rolc " ire. loimi ail t:te ot tHnlx Tattle, . -- Order. CtauxpAW. Ked.Lbe Bet ia cae; .HI Uat ahfetizse. ALSOPaaf ore asd Ha to hre.1: the b Ske CSOOtl! S4ar ivw ffucMi Uovea Vara MaltreMea assorted sixea. fpnes Alacream. AlAOK TO Veea ' 3fllllHerV fCtsf TIN, COPPER! haaaa aeex at eataer of taeae plecea or OfiDEk. Vibom. 5Aadea,nai& aad I'atectretss Hollers. - aaiAoiiArlt'S: Ladies' Underwear and Having Secxired the Services of ME. D. SANDEHS, Willi iXapkins to Match J?rints, - Tfce "ftfl ataown Su FrucxM CftafaUrer tad Thipu. bo Lai Lad tarse ipnac ia the Clotbing Kiad of I aa rrerared to do aU kiad cf Work in thai Lfee PLUMBING ?t&?l&g:CI-' ilens' Fax rb4T, We aa or aa ia enre tkaa oae caa EiSjl: IX THE BESI AM) LaAlLi tell, KB uaeautnaelAeJUmu aiii. Tfcea. LINENS tae ucertaaarr fettle, rans. .Vre ,be kat - COOIiC STOTJ3S Are the FINEST Erer aVeaaSTreaaec-- aSiM4ca! wa-- e. j. -f- c k m Imported to ttla Market, asd w. InrlU Goods Artesian in uiliiirjonu Ctoi'taiiis. LJx'aperies and .LiarnbrequirLS. A5II SlJ?0lj&CwnCZx&iiilLlUttTUi. onr Friesde to cjvo them aui InapMtie. J A LAEGE SOKTMENT OP MLSBOBS, S STOVES JlilliucTaV Drcss-llakc- r HA.3STG-E- Fed -a , PbrfeaaaMlFaotareGlaa,: ALSO- rarietr of Taaer Firt&re Frazses. card, eabiaet lanaiiBii tt3tEX&aaj m aaia.rvi UaTaVEirTf cU aJ OF G.W.Macfarlane&Go afffi wnn,g. ALL SIZES, loaiKlace, laiLll laaul tae aecy aaae Ryw oi aaCTT a ahtjkt jhs racisre j raoea ncdov Corajcea laiiiHi aaaaraMc Tbe Pmr. OF FORT STREET. A aarre Taraetr ol Vabv Camacea Aad Kobea. Qdrea'a xrresa Wacoca. nkmlllpt Itnfcr mhrK aleeeea11aajlfa Carta asd ETTCHEX AM) tweaer Maewet ! t,aaaiel I" fraTeilaki; aad tae Priaeeaa .! it, talie. laM, aa. a ac Xiltali.r. Be. Baa HOUSEHOLD GTEILS-- o area M Maaare aa frean of eAoleaaeat. She uaaai aieap mma M jj aa i i ami rT aa . aU atajed Urje rutea, aaa! aer FOR SALE OR ! att boadae,. ar PIANOS HIRE PAISTS AM) OILS-- ajl ot la aaa! her of ajada; Beaver Saloon ia. aheraatr bobtt Uvea aad iTialLr.Caamilaiai, Aeoaaaaaa. Goitar Bttjoa. Tagbolrioea. aad aB aiada of Maaieal aaaaagt eee tW Iattrssesla LCERICATI.NG OILS-oe- at aioek ia the . iptions Galvanized Iron Wat aeeaatioa at Maate Carka. ?TJsvtZi. aaWa.QaAadAeforSaleCrtfrtAatiea.bue. TiofaB.GsnaraadBasiobcrSLCS of maittt; Brerje,iaaat.arfcetarAaaaag-ro.cieee- MAKE, T3 1 d s. i BST at crata rer Set or Casta rata EKEOSESZ OIL Denara, Xmmdij A Leatral: ke JfAii-r- af Gs iltrtaiaii aartrof gmtM at VTABE-fra- oa Ixvrcst Rates: alarft j & ! SFLTES FLATED Seed Barton NC-T- eaarerja her atta setae maaiaaalt gea Aa. Esstt. "WAIiL 3? IiJJbt t H. J. E, : : : : Proprietor. Ax aftaeSeirert aad Latertsqiw WAEE-f- ra. eaae ratjker race aawedotea an related Tja r ' EV5;M:auac'. aaaTfcec4.str. SOLID SILVEB tbe Goraam Co. th. - Aot Mr, awt ber ataxia- T he IS IV.. ri. a. t K... - I FOWDEES-- Ih ktoda, boat Gala. Peadrt Worte House Furni T iUTGA LARGER STOCK TIIAXAX.L ,tSD Be;, to aaaeeace t. tla rricada aad Ue ?. '"-- A OTS 'A Catatr Dtt-f- CAESUGE UACHHiE BULT5--aa t ". I FFA" FA tae Fan u n ii BaAlt! frnUt1 eiw: peMc la reaeral Oe of there ulea HHril; SSItS'SiSJAitBr rr.r.-.4- . n.Mita Se3BAum3t,A t 14 i ia lie S. trrkca. vaPrxnrtlltUjWZ$TMz& iM ae at fcer aapawa the Fnecete, e Qtt-.-fad- tiAir .' tatr aer . i:tec zt That he ha opened the Urft and rn lx.n. rr. Vwa hafee kaerota the raaai. Boot ta Xia. aroaaaea.-- SaerA awr r C. XL WTT.T.TArrrs, abore Saiooa Lead Tip ate: CVwrt tare' raiap teod Heaolala. B. I, ?LJW8 Aa atareo of the FaJaM Boa1 Theater, who utDtct" Ofice a Tarromj. Fv Szmt. 2Cc T Wert a Ta where firstXaAA I. S iDitaua, lit TfTMsL Sae? ut. tlUj Stmt RefreAhments raa aaaaac her rctau, parlted it an. Sited it AD rUlUatCA cf aU Descript.0, HARDWARE .tu be tertel Ilea I a la. tin 0. au, CAdrrtta Ztttt&&XZ&S&gEHtAay laaeaUta tarerrtale. at a Ceoorteat Cltf CmMm Chandeliers the Finer tiet the eir.aiaie,At theeaa-hrare- a) A Syleri?id Aaaortmest; ae ACaTeaa w, arr dear, Toe 2aties-- kaardRt, THE ITSEST CEASES OF 'are dtC mriL.L.iAMs, -- etc aha hare a rate of roar oara, ant eai la rat. aThanBfl. LEATHER Of AH llesfriptlon; aaao." Thaa araaaate area aaal Tobaccos, faes, the ae. CtT Cm Good arr of U-- trKaabj: tRea haa aar the aliprcr aeder a gUta AAueerna'ckaoStlcacRi-;K- - awVMV . bat ut ka ratt aaao. aad a M IKJ Hi 99. Ja .aaa. farak;wr mw rfcrac Cigars, Pipes and . -- mat eaacrGe.aNl..Ia-- - 95 aSl 9 JHills. A aerj arrfeh Taaaa; aaaa. arhe t cSaAaeat Rtr exjtaxnen .itraicvn& t trw rrrritBTN. T . -' . I " Ko. 5 XXTTJAS" M at Mnaaea. aetAaed s a.. . . v'nri Smoker's Sundries !LAbi tlltt - . . Coa- aaataeofaae ereoaar W- atarkaavr Cm- ,a ' LndrriaKin? in nil if a v--j , U - ran - irJn.hs;ui'iDt..sJt.....te.u,..a.wi. H v u QIWI. m CiVii aaa exaaiae omt s Suwfcef Gid rath Keaaaaa hade, arho VieAaed u i a X rtndal Ckom Wanmail Kteetka frea lnvttu, nua-- rHit " Jeaac- arith bu -- S AT OUR cT aaa ' I - .. . .,-.- "''V"rw 1., aaeieA "Mu a Tbfer-vz- WAREROOMS. raiser iaUt aiaaiLi aoreame. aat OTTacea. aatl ZtxitUcUciiT Unid U gar&lrfa-- Eoaeiale rl v-- vrrty .e. Agents for h althoa he ilrrnttj. tf avt a atravger. That a t Iam Btn XraaAKr dolt .1 TA Or ear the vai hearr j j al Breexriik A Bdae, wiaaac, aad heo ahe left TVs table ofiered COFFINS & Saia rMaAeeaao trwHaad traac taate aaao Call CASKETS JTourists' p"J a and See the Novelties The Eetreat, Crlebra.ed Billiard Tables Vrttiaw VTrraSSrSnii a- - Drtc-.ft- t. aad tae Lateat Hrfca a Trlsciarr. At JEIoasApo. Kas. Hawaii. i.rtaxef He. TVbtrt eArtheaa. a Liai.ra.aAC Serial abea alaart oa Atxd. aaa! BEEF and PORK! leaialie; agaie daraar; the arhole IOKK CXTEA rajflLV 13f AID OTUr.CS. Vtt neBketAerKdagaaaattherriaceet, X" EEIT j j t.ttetnAeValeaM.aa.drlfeOaeaistesdisclnaa o caa paoxiqpaie. Te ea. w. fine. a. fMI. at THE XETSEAT. the taraAjr praehjetas aeaota) hat and Carriages for Funerals TAe ja3a -r- r-j-'-"Sn.Ac. ia ai parte JtIM WRK ta Stwa. fcaJf bMT lii liaaaiifai TING .aW ni recti ia AT REASONABLE " UraBl,. AaA.rte.baadartaeaaaaOTajBarSreae. Paints and Paint Oil. aA,fui,h.efaa1huoar,asdea . a & RATES r. terleeJea tt. VWeaaA feaai the Maaae. JHal(eAaraT&e loaa aiaah ratereo. TSaa1 t teYMfc WHIXATZ. AFUJlL XIXK OF THESE COODS. BOLLUa Ca. OSre. Sc-- 111 Ten Etreet- - 0 Telejbtce Alxia, So. 76. . - For Sale r asi JHeht J. tXTTEIZe, ratamt loun a co. ii'iHes X FUOl- -

Igtata. w. TrT.TTHOy, V We want the Public to ur. ifthwaa,. mincrii always rresn evBAwiriE. euniriiini; stand that the ijDOORSSASfT BLINDS frrer,T re coaesrsec to aactsde a a reaerra-tje- n fita AK5ArAHLA- - SXnlcs ! a..HopsEs ear life the AS ALSO jeCnl.Um. lata B" aad C" , f - --. au Atid'tiot ao thjni Bag-ot- which u Union xeed Cotapany,. Sis? Aa, JUSIIDV llit atsii at acTrrea! Fredericlc ottzuzo at the ?, wevUpsteTeodaie 1st Home - Hade Mince Meat .nam; i . , jtviioi dc Of Eastern and California Make. fmaltfnx's" HOIaLISTEB & CO, dituve tauiorma r $lr M 2oEBdL Ft lowest Market Prices eerUialT Alziost ealirelr aa 9Cst 14 Tr niTX DIDItT EPtS Jtr IrA GOOD PAK1I.T EOESES rOK MLE K CriSTITlES TO MTT eretled the jaut WHOLESALE A5B RETAIL .us Bomtxa fK ,n wnijt uruiu..! .M -i w ' aaav aa .bscc I sexsatf or the y of Ike arved aencaa Jer saacatactanir ail fm tr ra on nil WAKAJ rf rwail- - A5T AT pUistit TW FOR SALS. vKtK - laad tr star tt ". T.M ii. a..., m AOESTsruaTiiE- - Betea aac tosalj. IT. A llii tht jialn iar Ternao aiai it u , TaW ! P..l.i Cgpt. John ciuney. eeT ! l.B.tl,. cWaWMttf f c razcSB to ac ska: .Jj k .. xy EveffTaB-- DRUGGISTS rtmiers laieni irdmvfayjpcMntnatrjferMnxaae.cop,Br. AT THE LOWEST RATES. lanj 1 a , !nMt .. ;. .wwrva.j aae.1 -- 1 fwrf Sail- - : ;ata Ka.1. OF CAUT3B3IA. a anaM e AMkeaeen rae.aaara GROCERIES! trace ei OF'. ASD Tar and Pitch. erected fcetweza "A" Aad .'" BOBlf. Agtsli for A IVVMU.YCSO--I awEiirvn SQBTB . r. for L rraetfca: Caef ertivcer A Famr t k WithPatent Steel Sleepers tht 'HOOVEB TELEPHOHZ." ?ikK":oF prxan. tab. locert riaiotZ; J. KA!ak - Ti oil. EAaarat ruautaTAuruia. for HeSeodaat. aa- TtU MJ fTA5I. H &T1X FT. COMMlKSIOHEir OT DEEDS rtt s Tobacconists, o. I?5.-5!- j .v. . . 'jJI ColAA5atca SOLUS A HonoSaa, FebrtAlT let. I SsL irrstxr it. x J. 75 i ae 9mH : Im . roa rAirrocriA C. .". ut UJITUC KTSEET. rartrzi a ro w TiLirnoyz so, 47, i f V alephohaaa. 'IflPgMfffi

.8 -- - ":.nj - t .r " MIBMMHaMMaMMBgaBaMBBMM. - , i.,; . : WBBWlipiwpiWPBBiMIMBBHHe

- - i TT ' - F nniw uttl"! lUU'",l" ' .mi.iii i-- " - -- atv'X'jUM '.- itiTBi v oar aovv .y mmmMi VJ f v JXZSSZaLZ. ' ' liV i9KI V rCBLISUEU tl'JaM CSeh'Xtf C - jfft M),BHe- M r jc &. -l lae- h- ROBERT CRIEVE CO. MlMsa-tlaci- hw I Mila- n- iaekta: 11 - - Ill cry Wcili-es-li- tj Jloniinu. Hlta- - I ImM IMtitfefCeenmt i JC e?- f AKKUM TaM.tefOsJet.. ee- m ir &T FIVE DOLLAKS PER HJIXC-Iu- , Mas. w ., ! It ;. A- - tnteHMuaJUMSiee PATAtILK IX AltVAXCE. vaavaseaw .. jS9ea-se- . s. it; 4.T Sasiaea Card. tmi-- "Jf Snlrsr-jllMr- PC.V3 In Adtatirr, wa ! - Forrldl tisewedaaeeeaafnatheee'er w) -- ITlilcli prepaid. charged if.1- H sJTrkuat,werafe - ti X. --UAH ferelxa rferuseaHnte r?' te with theper wheaseee4 ta. ee e a?C a And 27 thevt. Tfcerateeef.hargeeaeegisea t J 5s si Office la new Gazette Bull dine. XIX.-- 7. remltuaeee far Aaurteaa S l VOL. N0. 13. arer43 e Merchant Street. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1884. WHOLE No. 996. errtftleaawee asad he haah hus i.ai" -- jucestaaspe. 'I Enphrotyne. M. gushttsS zrds. I mutt not Mj ibatsbc naf tra business gprds. eSIetlaitital Qtrds, 4rrtoiiiral ards tgnsttrattec Notices. gnstmntt ejatitcs. &creigs geHa. Yrt let ine mt that the vat fair; And they, that lorclj fate who t!w. r.. W. O. Sxrrn. L. A. honM If r. aiahis. Thci!tox. ED. C ROWE ! Boston Board They mil aek troth le there. Auctioneer and Commission TO FEONT AGAIN of Undenrriltrs. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY WILLIAMS, 4; CO. Merchant. SMITH & THURSTON. House and Sign Fainter, Paper Hunger, te TEE 1 OEXTJ DIS03B TtvoMeedln-hrar- u. Qnfcn ' for tho Hawaiian Islands. TrnihbatlH truth? '"3 Strttl. Honolulu. ly WO 10T C. BUEWKU CO. by men, by fori ace tried, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ly No. King Street. Ilonolnln. 3 A 5Tlr & OP SAX FIIAXCISCO. Shipping and CoaBisskB HftSw Woanded 9IS No. SS Merchant St Honolnln. II. I. tf OatwearicJ with their lonely part', iiori'.scni.,vi:i:u a: to., Hrt-- t :i. . j 7VT.tvr-Lri- JM Satj..,i.-f3.-- .. . Philadelphia noard of Undcrwrllers. o. H rleria ' Vow to beat henceforth tide by tide. IJIPORTEBS AND C0KHISSI0N MZKCHANTS it O. ullliliJlAi., Srm. L.A.Tinmnot. (or I WS llonolnln.O.hn.11.1. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST Contractor & Builder tlie ItnTralUn .lands, W- - 1 at Jj W. O. & AGEXTS C nUEWBH-tC- IJTCOBPORATED, H. CB0S33IA5 ESa. The orW to them was era and drear. SMITH CO, Ilnrsc Slioeln, Cnrrlnce 'Vor-- , w 18SS Their tot wac bat to eer and mourn. A; r.' De to notify hlf friends and thr public generally COMMISSION MEROEAHTII Ah, let them keep their faith sincere, II. IIACItri:i.l CO., Stock and Real Estate Brokers, IIaulntlon Slnrhlnerr. that he has rref a A. MGlIAKrEK, & WS So. sa Merchant St- nonolnln. I- va on King tid I CASTLE COOKE, ACENT5 For neither rooH cubfttl alone. GESEEAL C0XU1SSI0K AGEKTS, - It. - tf next Castle ACoole's. , ly 4 GKnTorOrsmen Boarilof rnrlerwrlters, Sl 3 Queen jL Ki For the Hawaiian Islands. J T.Tm. Stl Mm. Honolulu. II. I. ly CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, JOHN NOTT. AttntorDreMenDoardofrnderwrlter. efersae-CaM- le A reehe and J '" TT.:3Tit I On one the nulled. nd be wa Wett; Agent el Vienna Board of rnderwriters. Ml IJT Mie em. lea elMwhere e make a din' & cbo., Importer and TJealer Stoves Rancea, 30KTH BamSH MID JtZKCASTIlI F. T. LENZHAU CC Attornoy, Solicitor, in Fine New Shop Claims against Insurance within the Juris- not tore heaTed her 0FFICE-- Metals. Ilnnse Fnmlslilng (Soods, Glass and But 'twas that breast Importers and Commission Merchants, I3 Kaahnmann Street, Croeleiy, diction of the aboTe Boards of t nderwrlters wtll hart "V7. childl- -lt the bllis within. . China Ware, Practical Mechanics, Ilonolnln, II. I. on the lot lately oeenpled by his old Shop. ralr irat 091 Xnninn Strtf-l- Honolulu. ar nonolnln. II. I. tf to be crrtlted to by the aboro Anil to make then Innurauoo Oompnny H. SETESASCE, JfoUAfw Amok!. Ml It destroyed by fire on the morale;; of the:SHb nUM on Talid. or i.osno.T A.tn Eoixnrnan. WM. A. KINNEY, Wli lUnaHAii Cooal nA r. a. .sciiAi:ri:u x. ;.. J. M. OAT & COM SATLMAICEKS, KINC Miscellaneous. : . xi.A"CTrf STREET, Insurance Notice. Established 1809. Importers & Commission Merchants ATTOitmi Ixjft In A. F. Cooke's Neir f Unlldlnj, t COMMISSION MERCHAWl B7T Honolqla. HawtlUn ly OFFICE, No. IS KAAnCMAXV STREET, of Nnnann where he will be hapny to receiTe and execnle al JC 3,000,000 Modesty lias advantages. It enhances Iumd. Street. onlers In line with promptness. FOR nsCallfweUCi ;rc a: rcat 8S1 Honolnla. 11. I. ly hit rriUK AOEIT TIIK ntllTISIl For. Aermanlated and Faad 1,097 I 'nTliK beauty and serves as veil niKotnelincss. i: ;. Honololn, II. I. Marine In.nrance Coopaar (Limited) has Iareted a to iiitciicock. Telephone yo. (933) rrcelTcdeliInstrnctlons J ATTOKNEY A. ROSA. 2S Flags, of all description repaired- . U3. L. WAY. lo Keilneo thellats of To prevent butter from slicking to tlie ladle AT LAW, HIXO, HAWAII. made and - between Honolnln and Ports in Ihe Tactile, and havi: nr.c.t 991 Hill? promptly collected 1) ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTAHT PUBLIC, Is no prepared to ! Pollcie. at the lowct rate, Tin: AGENTS rat the saaehstea Itbad. DR. JORDAN & CO. dip llic ladle Srst in liot water and then in PIONEER STEAM ! with a srrctal rednctlon on freicht per steamer.. and are aathoriaed to Insure afalast ftre e Faeorahfe cold. FRANCIS M. HATCH. Office tritli the Attorney General, AliMaii! Hate "Bakery CONFECTIONERY TIIEO II. DA Tersas purii or i'koftsso Candy Manufactory and a VIES EE7 Risks Sresse HI f Par HIT Erit For. Mar Ins. Co.. Limited takea la aar part ot the Island oa COtm. .ias tf . IIoxoIhU, II. I. ly 'r Arnt aad Wooden alerehaft-b- sesa nf tnaieia-- i aa m cr5;lje$ Machine oil stains can be rcmoed if, before P.HOHLU Balidfaite. aad e etered there- v Attorney Xiaw. Practical Confectioner, Paltry Cook and Baker, OP. 1VL&TTSJ Jz1jLIS2 v in : Ihrelliae Iloases aad Famitare. Timber. CoafS. letter, OOee 311 al ra-- washing, the spot is robbed with a cloth wet OK. yo 11 O. 1IAI.I. A: SOS, iiA.mti;i.(ii. iire3ii:.-- Kaahnmsnn frtrect lyr i:. 1t7i 71 Hotel street, between Nnnann and 3hlp la barn.tr with orirlthoatearseeeer nader repair. tUIWralf.atHe KlDXStt Fort. Sly, Ho. 71 above Hotel MASDOOIr. WLl-oNf-li"li ttitli amniouia. IMPORTERS AND DEALEBS IK HABDWABE Fort St, St., PIEE rNSTmANCE COMPANY. E A CO . S. SOLE, DISa.AHKSt.e-T'I- sth'nu"! 1 B. Dry Goods, Paints, Oils and General Merchandise, FISHER'S 9aB Asrate far the Hawaiian Islands U. i. While her mother was taking a fly out of At and Notary KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND DISASI'-- JIE.t Counsellor Law Public !SV ly Corner Fort and Kin: Stf. TJ.tDEiiNiKxr.n iiavisij nccs ai. the bolter, Daisy but- . Ho Champagne Cider Manufactory! -- Tnr, little asked: "Is that a Office it tlie corner of Fort and Merchant Streetf n ac? ortment of the bet Frenct and Asenta of the aboTe Companr, are pre THE PACIFIC MUTUAL k ?niK:rTT?crl terfly, mamma?" nolnln. G. ELLIS, 13 L1LIIIA STREET, HONOLULU. California mannfactnred pjrr.Ho In. are risks lire on Stone and llrleU rT A. llullilliiir, and on stored therein, oa a '' Thl Health Invigorating Cererage Is for sale at all the the Tlerehanill.e 35. rarrt Stoves may be kept looking nice for some EDWARD PRESTON, Stoolr. Leading Saloons In the City. i most faroriole terms, ror particular applr at tee BUY OK BroltorlhELI. I'IASTATIO. Confectionery eillceof ymir A SCIlAEKKll ,t CO. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY time by robbing them thoroughly with a new- Attorney and Counsellor at Law. W1I.I. Bonds, and other 3Iarketable Secnritles Orders from the Other Islands Promptly Attended to. Which he offers for tale to the trade, or at retail. r mAnutiitD, isn. spaper every day. ly 06 Fort Street. Honolulu. 973 at Markci Value for Cash. OFFICE WITH E P. 9l31y HAMBURC-IVIACDEBUR- C or AI.II-or.il . ADAMS. Auctioneer. 77 ly emmeltjth" AT REDUCED INDIA RICE The smallest pony known, is the of the R. CASTLE, J. --S CO., PRICES! PIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, Desire to call the paMrealar atteallen at MILIi Jct W. ALSO srerjaodf, 1X1 Baroness tt. The pony ATTOIU5EY JV.T XiATV WILLIAM AULD, No.5 Nonano Street, of 107. 109 aad stands only thirteen inches high, and is five Agent to tako AcknowledgmenU to Con- Tinsmiths and Plumbers, Sealers in Stoves THE BEST BRANDS OF CHOICE CIGARS TO T1IB1R and Notary Public. Attends all tlie Conrts of the tracts forLnlior .nr.iiciiAsui.se. rt'it.M. Fremont Street, San TranciM. years of age. VJ1 Kingdom ly Ranges, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, keep con To be had in th market. Buii.nisiis. In the District of Kona.lslandnf Oahn.at the Office of stantly on band a f nil assortment of Tinware, Galrart. Insnrrd anlnst Fire nn tire I W most faTonble terms. Tontine investment Policies "And n hat this animal called?" asked the Honolnln Water orks, foot of Xunann street. Ized Iron and Lead Pipe. India Rubber Ac. & 1UCE V1TK is & lIosc,c, THE BEST ICE CREAM, SODA WATER CORDIALS A. JAr.GF.I., Ap-n- t for the Hawaiian Islands. IDIA MLLI. the teacher of tho class in natural history, as ii. i:.3Iciatvki: isiiotiii:k. an ly 831 ly Walea eeatala the " leeMs peesWe Crame." TUB of Pneitckl SxrtrTsivrsi. wt vi:S t STORE and BAKERY tiifji.-s- v ffOlT he GROCERY. TEED & COm XrVALJ. AXls ti:y Ho HeetrVMKni an Trirel ItMsiei, i.pwii7 mtairra r oncvi jiipFwwwn pointed to a picture of a sloth. And the Honolnln. A. W. PEIRCE LAWRENCE & FREETH, tw saw ilm tn ni ruction uf lbi Cr XI Cotner Kins snd Fort SttecK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Peee freea Oaacer FMfaHaie kMrwm. Foe nfnl class all shouted messenger VM SHIP CHANDLERS -- --C GREAT WESTERN" t Tbmroaah v" - at once, "A ly t C W P X. C ss. i AaET roR O J. n WM7 tmrtvuiiti nwiir-atracwJ- boy!" Plans and Estimates Furnished for Wcrfts of Con ALHJ 71 ttitt of MtcIbUM Hu tM IVII.IHHl V CO., Brand's Gnns and Bomb Lances, INSURANCE COMPANY. pwi4i frm pa4ai stmctlon. "What is true bravery?" asks a New York nd Cuccn Honolnln, Perry Darls' Tain Killer, I Corner of Fort fctcctr, Ait Hoad Omcc, 50 Wall St. Now York. Tltr Pcpoi.t Knilorrmont l'ollcj and! Ihf 8 mt temt. jnf iton ihti f - Ctsi paper. It is going to the front door yourself, Oils, and Building 'Mi Ho. 40 (Jaeen St., Ilonoiaia. ly Civil fijwvvmmia kaw caAbinl i itrgt Lumber, Paints, Kaili, Salt Engincoringand Surveying The abore .Mntnal InTCStnirnl tXi 9 when you don't know kind- - Company harlnc established an Azener at l'ollcj. whether the caller is a icaly MateriaUof avery OFFICE on KAUWILA STREET, next to Ilonolnln for the llawallanlslands. the is 3ELo3L-lXC- .1. V. IKVIS. Wldeman's Brick Warehonse. Rnilersrxned t2xo Fxrloil dear frfend, a book agent, or a man with a HOU.ISTER & CO., anthorlzeil to accept and write Marine ICIsks on Mer- Merchant General Dealer 99. P. O. BOX 1 01. iy chandise, Freights, Tn anre Commissions aad Uolls, Tale Is oae of ike awet xna bill. Cummitiioti anil at enrrent rates reliable Coasnale. euaal: roi: uri.u.nu cLiusiau & Tobacconists, J. s. WALKEIi. aae ao eapenor. aaa rew esHsaia. OetrtW all Ckrhae The Republic of Guatemala lias engaged a Druggists In Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardnarc.Stationery WIXEIAM TURNER, 3"t ly Agent foo the Hawaiian Islands WHOLESALE AND HETA1L. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and pemapuf; acwaeveeur aaa rslHj j a.1. To 50cts. for 100 poun&l Ceylon planter to introduce into that country 973 Glassware. & X3T" For farther iafenaatlea. write to. oc call on 33 nuanu Street, Honolnla Practical Watch Clock Maker uisjioar 1II..( TIIK .IDVATTlDtl 500,000 cinchona trees, for obtaining Peruvian W0 WAILIJKU. MAUI. ly R. W. LAtNK. Mlit M. MELIUS, Fire anil Marine Insurance Ueaeral far the i'.MiniimiJi'.iDi iaA3tmS bark, from which is distilled the salts known MRS. A. and Jeweler, Company Aat lltwalUa IsteaOs i toa xtt Cloak Molcer. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO, amllUiiissit t tit w 3 as quinine. Fashionable TJress and No. hi King Street, Ilonolnln. II. I., (opposite the or xeiv zr..vixi. mf iinitniiRSti! ii4" w .' 101 Fort tlrftt, Honoluln, II I. Pioneer Carriage Factory.) A Pittsburg girl who had refused a ixroKTEns r t-- a i Saa ftBCU trai ly CAPITA I. 910.000,000 ltKu4riortxMilk. fWk telegraph repairer man threo times GcnornlMcrchanillsonnd Commission Mcr- - EiTVtond orders attended fo with promptness and W. AUSTIN WHITING, packed carcfnlly for transit. DWq. within six gave I'M Gods J. D. LANE'S months, as a rcson that iie At-La- chnnt., Honolnln. H. I. ISrAlII.ISlli:i AX AGUCTal : Attorney and Counsellor HAVI.MJ under-slcne- nr !Ij was too much of a wanderer; that he roamed & ror the Hawaiian Islands, the 3nl Ratine n Hai. .rteaJ Asenl to UVc Acknowledgements of Instmmente for M. !S. GRINBAUM CO, L7CAK CO., are prepared to accept risks ajralnst Are In from polo to pole, from one climb to another, the Jelflnd of Oahn. IXFOnTEBS AND DEALE1.3 If MARBLE WORKS, dnellinrs, stores, warehon.es, and merchandise, on fa- Rk. Merchants, , vorable terms. SAMUEL 3l!i VlfbrmiIjrHiHlCZiUIlilM and, if he did come, he'd be insulate V W Commission 30 roitrsTitni.-T- NOTT, that m Kaflhomann btreet. Honololn. General Musical Merchandise, Paintings, norr.i.sr. K. t)r M:it on freights, bottomry. proKle the neighbors would bo to No. St- Francisco, Cal Chromos, &C--, &cv, Jlnrlne lllekn carji. sure talk. 1 . 121 California - San Engravings, &c and commissions. .1. 31. WIllTrtKY. 31. 1. (916 ly) flrB ctimpUm- - tl a sttl A young fowl may pluck- !., The Cheapest place to Bny clMNf4 i beknonn before Dental Booms on Fort Street, mandfacturerTf monuments LoseproiiiiilljniUii. led nml imjnhle here. Plumbiivg, KIM cr ' tr ing by N. EMERSON. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE IN HONOLULU. WALKEH. AX1 Htt-T- he the largncss of tho feet and leg joints; Office in Hrcncr",H!ocL, corner Hotel and Fort tlrtcts Dr. B. Headstones, Tombs, lr J llelUr KniM wt" r mind aa"- -. ii. -- .ar" after plucking, a thin neck and violet thighs 0C8 ly Entrance. Hotel Street PlIYtJlCIA-- S VXD SUIIGKOX. PICTURE FRAMES of all kinds nff may be taken Itooms and Residence o. 2 Knkui made to order. Tablets, Marble Mantels, The City of London In- Gas as invariable signs of ago and IIOI.I.i:S A: Strttt, corner of Fort. Fire Fittiivg. CO.. - Ml o 107 Washstand Tops, SqUgIHnI toughness, especially in turkeys and fowls. Ship Chandlers and Communonaterchanu OT- OFFICE 1I0URS--- 'S to lOJ, a. m; 1!J to3' p. Tort St.. llunollllll. and Co.. Consignments of Pa.dy m Telephone So. 1 10. WS ly surance Limited. Tlio age of ducks and gecso is tested by their Importer and Dealers In General Merchandise. Qoecn HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Tiling in Black and White Marble. TinrsiuiTu & beaks, the lower part of which j St- Honolnln. 11. 1. ly Hoofer, breaks away - SARAH E. PEIRCE, M. B. CAPITAL, 85,000,000 ! Wm. M. GREENWOOD, quite easily when they Meareha-af- are young. a. . .v Co.. sTiiA.n i:acim:, sccjak jiills MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION :::::: General Commission c a. cixtiitom LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN, MBlriiiv.'i Hollers, Cuolers, Iroo, Urmss aod LcadCaitloct 3Imc. IiConic Leon has in her possession a mroETSRS 4KD DEAUES lit MADE TO OKDER i.sr.ti:M.Mii:i Proprietor of tlie India, Klea MIDI Offlcc of Every Description H.ivi.M. ax at series of letters upon politicalvcnts for tho and Ilcsltlcnee. Ifo. 3 School Street, be Machlnory for Ihe Hawaiian Islands,auivtthe nader sin irtr 'an Gonornl morcliarLcUso, tnecn Fort and Emma, Made to Order. AT LOWEST signed l prepared tn accept risks ajralnst are oa last ten years, which M. Gambclta ail Corner Qnccn and Kaannmann Strcctf ly erf 'SI THE POSSIBLE BATES. wrotu to OFFICE HOUItS-10:- 30 loll:) a. x Farlicnlar attention paid to Ship' BlaeksmltMng Furnllnre. Msrblnerr. cm tho nteet from day day. Jt, J:to3r favorable terms her to It seems that ho used JOU3 II. l'A'I'V, us. "TELEPHONE 201.-i?- '.r721y Monument nml ! to write to every J HcmlMoitct Clennctl nml Losses rromplljr her ovening hen they n ere NOTAET PUBLIC and COMMISSIOHEB of DEEDS ltrvet. r.ttalilc Here. Fislieries separated from each Office D. H. HITCHCOCK, N.F. BURGESS, other, snd to describe For the States of California and Sew A'orl. at Orders from the other Inland promptly attended to. O. IICllUKIt, riMir. ITDKILHKa.nCXl ARK ".rKCIAlAl Hani, A. Honolnla. OTi ly Notary PntHc, cb , ( minutely all that had taken placo. Accord- the of lllthop Co.. Attorney at Law and CAIirEKTEH. irjo SSllj for the JL pf rparra llae tiitciitd hi. 031cc In Hllo, where lie will prompt. Shop on King Street, opposite Rose's. A.ent Hawaiian ing to tho Fiyaro, this new to "Journal i.aiai: .t co.. attend tn all bnelnCES cniruftcd to him. Estimates gUeii on all kinds of building. When re- Stella," is expected to sco tlio light .Q no Will attend all the Terms of the Circuit Court, and quired, OiUces and Stores fitted up in the latest East MRS. THOMAS LACK, The London ami SUPPLY THE HAWAHAIT TSLASOS I COMMISSION MERCHANTS will a!io attend the Local Circuit Court In Kati. Provincial very distant day. Importers or and Htalears In Hay. Grain, and em styles. Repairing of cTcry description done In And V71 &UKYEY1XQ DONK ly the beet possible manner, and at rates. .'31 General l'rodoce. Honoluln. 11. 1. ly rKOMPTLY. reasonable No. with rue A good-looki- Sixth avenuo girl, whose 9lS ly 70 Fort SU Ilonolnln. loTcr lately CXAlSsrKECItELS wit. u in is. S. G. LEVEY & COM 3?IB.33 asked her in the lenderest tones ;. i:. IMPORTER and DEALER Highest (irade or Cotton 'Setting:! suc ws so magnetic, cxp1ainc3j . W31. . IKWirN A. CO., avii.i.iais. ! ""J and Retail Grocers, IMP0EIEB. JIAHDFACIUEEE DPnOLSTKEEB INSURANCE COMPANY IV the phenomenon''a8 by informing him that her Sugar Factors and Commission Agents Wholesale ANU JIVP1! fi roirr STREET, Ilonoiaia. II. I AND DEALER IK mother and father Ttcro both telegraph opera- Honolnln. 11. 1. SOS Sowing Machines, and Conuino djlmitocl.l tors. ' . Krcbh lroccrks,aud Troxlelons of allVlndion band FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Nets and Seines to Ordeil JNO. A. HASSINGER, and rccelred renlarly from Europe and American FuraUnre s 'o.6I Fort fat. Workshop at Parts, Attachments, Oil Suli.cril)iMl During tho last illness of the famous Cur-ra- n, which will be eoldatilic lowest market rates. CAPITAL 8",0()0,000 Agent to talco Acknowledgments to Con- - the old stand oti Hotel fatrcct. of Kl- u itui iiooiU deli . crcd to all of the city free of charge. I'ereriar sersaccle. saa" some one told him that lie parts and Paelflr seemed to tracts for XaToor Krleiand onlcra solicited, and prompt attention Orders from the other Islands promi4Jy attended to. Accessories. 1,000,000.) althe lrean cough with moro difficulty than on tho pre- IT4 Interior Office, Hont lain ly will bcpUcn tuihcfamc. ) ly Jb3 ly vious day. O The abovt Company hare now established an Cotton is lighter than Hemp, mors DniaVI EMPIRE HOUSE, ! White, New Home, Agency here, and are Prop- "Do 1?" said Curran. "That's odd enough; DR. E. H. THACHER, PHOTOGRAPHS-- prepared to take ltiska on Srl OVES, and less ZxpenuTe. J. OLDS, IToprktor a (3 a;ax erty ufcTcrr description within th'fl Islands I've been practicing all night!" via iu:fitti:d ion the Davis, Crown, Howe, and lftl J T WATEltllOSE. Jn., Aent. oii.m:k mjua.mj amiioti;i. riti:i7i.v 3s'o. 1UIJ4 Fort .street, (next door alio. e SI. IJIcteon'e pnrpose of attending to Photography, I am now nre pared UnleeranllT rued In the. United State Press', I'hotccraph Gallery.) to go to any part of the Uronp, to make Views, Florence Machines, The Freie of San Antonio, :::! F y Texas, 'ortraits, or any kind ot a CHOICE AXES, WINES AND LIQUORS Satisrnctiou Price and work belonplnz to RANGES, tells, of species of ants found in UiatBtato U.b ly cnarnnteed in Only firet class productions will be made. Howard's Machine Needles, Amorican Not Co. which make a honey equal to any that is pro- Quality of Work. II. L. CHASE. and Seine U.KAWAINUI, Ilonoiaia, .March 28th, ISPi. yb03m Mt Ijr ttastwa duced by beco. Tlio little insects storo tho J. I'urc NItrana Oxide Gas administered for painleeo all kinds & sizes; Agent to take Acknowledgment, to Labor VjZ fo Lamps, Chandeliers, honey as they gather it in pouches extraction teeth. about the Contracts SIMPSON &REILEY, Corticalli Silk, DR.J.CQLLISBROWNESCHIQROOTK size ol a small pea that is attached to their For the HUtrict of Kona ordec oer the Tost OC'.ce JAHKS M. JIONSAKKAT, XO 83 HOTEL STREET, A"f bodies. ST.Mj CB- - -- in all colors; ' When this pouch is full they march . Attorney and Counsellor at Law. TELEPUOXE Xo. 313 S3 ja THK ' into tho cells of their subterranean habitations U. M ltOUTU.. O. n. I,OI,TON hprcfalattcutlonpaid to Ihe negotiation of laoanF,") Converancinct snd nil matter appertaining to Iteal V PLUMBERS AND CASFITTERS, ci..vi;kv 3iji,b i:mi,3iaciiim: coitus, elttrlc t frJtd 'f vim "i 6t4. ija.tt and lliero At Gonoral r unload. Tho VVrw sajs that 4J. w. r.oitxo CO Eftaic. J DEALERS VS frtslitc fnrtrnm c Vaa iS.y1 Choice Gro- agevt rois mis 3 these ant hills aro as full of honey as bee Store. Iinnc Itanch l'lantatlon. Dealers in ceries and Provisions and General Merchandise. Notary Fitbllo and Commissioner of Deeds 3Iailame inuiiMin. tPTBav. mTijTrir n hives, and Stoves nnd Ranges, Tin, Sheet Iron and Drmorrst's llcllable Cut rajwr latlrnis. HOUSE FURNISHING - i. e suggests that they could bo turned STI ly For the Stale of California and XewYork. rvgaUtr tk cirrlnilnf "v'tfm- it u.r .til4 wi Copper anil Publications. Dealer in w to tho Bamo practical uso rrODlcc. No 211 Merchant St., Ilonolnlo, II. I. Ware VNRCOMPArJY r?( MfsThL ronrarlf th lut man i fraruT it cr if - J Colli (late f similar 'tea ly Kcc? Constantly on band a Superior Assortrarnt of CF 4te7lr tlrrtwnf rnM'lira. 8faT care were taken in breeding and cul- iciciiAieo i'. iiiCKUirio.. Hlflrs, l'lslols, Gnns, and btorlin Ooutl., " LOND0N,EgLAJtI S which Ita . VJi Tin Ware, Oalranlaed Iron and lead pipe ly smth. iMir IlLuHiDUV'.Jt Aa tivating the insects. ATTOBHEY AHD COTJHSELOB AT LAW ii. A: Co.. fchot, Powilrr, Cans. & Stciallc Cartridges. 1I.4KDWAKI1 ! iflaOMintHi ny it rtirra.'n ok ad mzmtttll Will attend the Terms of Conrts on the other Islands iavii:s . nn raioaoMr' m i i.r n. Tho best food for hens to make rui:.Late J a mo v. Gnii & Co. M wsevvsyvs''rl4- - iir them lay in Money to lend on Mortpajes of Freeholds. William B. CIILOROUTNr- ihrlK-.t-m-. McAllister t- No. 1 Dr aid's IMF0ETERS AND COMMISSION jt a:hl tho t inter is vthcat varied n itli corn-me- al Merchant St., 2 doors from SUnenw MERCHANTS, KRROSEf,E - l.r 3m STOVES! 5,000,000. - lOMBMItM, llti VI (Mates c vMi'jiKnrs N - ' and mixed into mush, with scalded skimmed AND ACE5TS rOK In all A. JAECER, Ap at fnrthn Han u - xkh- nr.ocK. i. HtnWH - m 3 Urrfctttl f emir a - milk, sweet or sour, and A: CO., Llnjd'e and the LlvcrjKKI Undenrntcrf , us the rrict-- s of a rilRFT Uppoeit, in n it twtr it given hot. On such IlI.I.I.XiIIA3l LOCATKU ST"IIaTf trcntrd Firit Class Gun iolir Wir,,,.ti IIriUh and Foreign Marine Ininrance Company, PRMAXi:XTI.Y IN HONOLULU. Mt 1 pre- food, with warmed water to AKD DEALEBS IK HABDWABE and Irfsfkfniith and thorough chanlc, am now V -! Nf mi V tl drink aud a tight, IilPOBIEBS Andyorthern VS l pared to ilo nrk In Hoe. oil"- - ni i, Hjr tr!tiir - ta; and General that witli promptness and YoHDOH Bplixpay, aip.uti.si .f t"3 I ? sunny, warm and clean house, a small flock Cntlery, Dry Goods, paints and Oils, dispatch.- Iglanil nrdera uMi cited. IHp.1 LIVERPOOL anil GLOBE -, Merchandise, OFPICK Corner Hotel and 1'ort U.S. and nieOKUD Nh - thr- ..'7 - a r ;.- 20 Brahma C. & Strects.orer ' ' ' r of Light liens last winter laid from KB No 37 Fort Street, Honololn ly BREWER COMPANY. Treloan's Clothing btnre. Entrance on Hotel M. aiwt-- TimtJii . M ?? Tt Ail 12 to 15 eggs a day. It is hardly possiblo for (LIMITED) INSURANCE CO. mM" T. Krom Hywi i I'tiarnirV- t "jt MM food to do rooro than that. They JOII3 HATIIKIIOliM:. (cneral Mercantile A Commission Agents, rj.t Particular Attention paid to restoration android ICBIiTDTIBFEfiOITI ' had a run TiCOBIilllIuSnS - cul llli, ' r Ttiwt IMPOBTEE OEKEBAL llllinye. 831,161,000 u- ir . . over tho fields and yard when tho ground AND DEALEB IK QUKKN ST11EET, HONOLULU, II. I. Assets, tl Ur jt '. .11 n an K wjs Ki . baro-o- MEECHAKDISE. llclyin? Kood work charges Drue Sir W t .tl rt - 3m: f snow, and picked a good deal of grass. on at reasonable to cain M Q.ncen Street, Honolnln, II I ly or orncEKs. the confluence of the public. Ml dm Claims Paid, $88,714,000 iitl 71111 i?pfi 4 pr'4tl'i 3 j jSJ Tho quantity of food given list aw Mr I "()- - t was threo quarts 1 C. trrniit i .r;tait -- JONES, jn rrident and Manager i.sr.vi!i.isi:i:i ax kjiimy i. ha r . a tee a daily. Good wheat is better than screenings S. CARTER, O. Honolnln, for th rmd ne.n.f mx'. M. JOSEPH CAltTEh TreasnrcrandSecrrury CEO. S. HARRIS, Hawaiian I'lauds. and Ihi nn urr thtt Ka wwttj (ot 1 mc ata and cheaper in the end Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con- HEMtY MAY Auditor derslneil are prepared to write ricks against qufittoa h it t in, r xstir ( A. young tracts for Labor. DIRECTORS. SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. FIRi: OX JIKRCIIAMlISi: V attd wr that , tr b .r ii j . lady who thought her personal Dl'ILMNGS, errry Anal' ' ' i . Offlcc 1 M S Dock, Esplanade, Honolnla, II I. Hon. CIIAS. IL Hov. H. A. V. CAUTEIL ' r tl charms at Illslior, i n gave her the right to bo disagreeable !TI ly 1H3 ly intuitu:, iioum: am iiiuvy mVEMIXGS tfy to frat-'- tatar :m n- & mr u a a was present a few nights sinco dnr-in-g Sinr. Work, 3louldtn? Ultts, 1'lanl- Knires WHITMAN WRIGHT, aninff 3rr at party, C. 1. r.EMCH. W. r. PAOEnROr. Anchors and Anvils repaired. Coorenrcks, Crank Ax On fsTorabtctrrmt I)nrtIInjrIWkiii .sprrinlUx cillbrlmt l a Hi. 3"2Mir which xL.-NTTixx:c3- In quarrels between husband and wife and Watson Axles made for the trade ou reasonable Ut.tacbldwetltnj:DtlcoDtDt Intnrrit (or pcrtorf miinJliimw . TaKtltM.i 1. i lU AMK.N I'ltoi'itiirroie,hoteii, aV of three rear", for two rrrmioms tn adrancf Browaa 1 mi UUrrrim o ' vrcro discussed. said nmnar- j Doii, UE3ISC1I FAGKKItOSS, terms. - (.SiicrMtin lo M. )r:!3 "I think," tho - Itromptij- Iiert-- . 4. KO.SD. '4pasiDia.li.iMi al.,'' li m aa CORNER OF FORT AND HOTEL STREETS, HONOLULU. KINO ASD FOirr bTREETf' n4lji.tnl nml imjaMr - Jlrici1 clder Bon who was present, "that the UW 6m fr an4 a a xen iv- - Hut in z.- m Kp constantly on hand. Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines niIIOPiO - thing The lnst Ales, Wines and Liqnors prroaal oh r arinHm.n OlBpcr is for the husband to havo it out I'M Lirery atiaclied to Ihe Hotel ly Practical Watchmakers & Jewellers, - cfai huMes AMI DiarThira.il th mn- rr ' rar St 1 ja at o&ce, and thus avoid quarrels for tho futuro w c. No, h Kins Street, Honolnln, oppoIte CHARLES HAMMER ra orprt az 5a.r I woulaiighta cigar in the carriage after the Ai'tnu, ittn powr vi nr'ti ! hi r ef bi r HAVING akeflH-l- wedding breakfast and Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer J. T. WaterhonscV. ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS lha aVewanrirr ' W t 1 K - settle tho smoking COMPANY thai itUtlMl mt t- z -- l Watcbc of all kinds Itepnlrcd In a Satlefaclory With all their Fitting, a fapeclally. FIRE INSURANCE ( iet 1 question forever." in General Merchandise JBBaaaa-aP aJL ''' ' nn 41 ! b t. t r "I would knock tho cigar for Cash, Large wrnit. tnth r Manner and at lUaconabte at llouslit a Stock ti ii f - 1 out of your month," interrupted the belle. And China Goods, in the Fhc-pio- Store, comer Kin. Trice. Island Orders All Orders Promptly Attended to, and Work ytiiton tbat l.tnti.m tr, ys and Stnnann streets. ly tended to ulth Promptness, and all work done by us Is Or LIVERPOOL. ENGLAND. Rrowur u irtuw Mm, d r r4Tat a r "Do you know, I don't think would be Guaranteed, aiiME2gi-Sg- r ma iim-- r . .a tatjrt jou GoarantcT.1 to pWe Satisfaction. o MI g fabt - ;F aa there!" quietly remarked tho Shop Capital $10,000,000 Ai.iaa H at r Utthfuii? n . elder eon. E. S. CUNHA, on the Esplanade, In the rear of Mr. Geo ' IX. tar I'lanlng-Mll- First-Cla- a . a Lncas l. trjii 3m ss I UNLIMITED LIABILITY. UmKri'ifth .! Lighting gas with the finger is a feat any- 'Oc7,ijxo ALBERT C. SMITH, Harness Fittings Kxtf llracj ih- - if ' h' m t body may perform; Let Xlotnil Doolor. O 33. o x . Fire lnnrain?! of ull ilcfrrlpitnnx will liti at a person, in his slip- UNION SALQON, o v y nn o o Carriage Manufacturers, ' vi ' tMBf-r.- ft r - Ww ALL KINDS OF LEGAL WKITING.S carcfnlly moderate rat re of pn mlnm. hy the aadrrtlfned. riux pers, walk briskly over a woolen carpel, In the rear of the " Hawaiian Gazette " lralldin;. done Is now enabled In mannfactnre latfd that Ur J !l Hiwn- - jn m 1 in either , . & co. J. 8. WALkRiC Aemt for Hawaiian r r,j4fmr that t m I his feet thereon, or stand 1ST English or MliArdS ik upon a chair, "o. ly Hawaiian; laiorancc-Comiean- . . a Merchant Street. TJfcLo DBojst 1. S. Theltojal baa the (argute Wheelwrights Uaat twrvwtmm - dfht-t- x. f.nf Z. I with its legs upon four tumblers to insulato COPYING AND TILN SLATING. All. 10t lllllT TIIKIM'. Haruoss pft unrplottof any FlreConttanr in Hie world WtV Ijr vttnpti lo aj I it J.a, b it, and be there rubbed up and down on the ci:cii. iiicoiva. Laud nud Coart Kccoid searched for Titles to Land or EVEIt I'KOUl'CEIl HEIIE, AXIS Attlj M. IflM Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Sold ! bottk- - - u .. ( ! E6- - body a few times with muff, by a second in- attobney ahd codhsellob at law, data In Salts at Law. Honolulu. al I'i'i t a GERMAN LLOYD each ! I - 'tm a SOTAItV PUBLIC, Orders left with Mr. 26 23 Mer- iraaliir- dividual, and ho will light his gas by simply tT T.O. Thrum, and WORK FINISHED IN Cheaper any House Ha trow a ' hUmdjw ,aav zvt And Asent for aJn; Acknowledgments of Instruments chant Street, will recciie prompt attention. 993 ly than Marine Ovatwhtmlnr n. - a tac placing. bid finger to the tube. It is only for the Island of Onhn. - Insurance Company of Berlin. GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, Hrl rntz li&sssary to take the precaution Water Colors, Crayon, IN TOWN- haUl. not to touch an Xo, IS Kaahnnann SUllonolnln.il. I. ly LYONS & LEVEY, ' anything to be India Ink, or Oil, rantftni iwjr 3 . z" cr touched by anjbody during F T V N A tfa..f-w-i-..- - robt. Lrwsns cm coots. AUCTIONEERS & GEN'L COMMISSION MERCHANTS " JI0.VT l'UltCHASE, r.NTIL 0 It r ftr"1 tlio trial of tho Xos. 77, 7t) ami SI St. II tr"-- t " e ii experiment. Tho shock of x. Photo. Colored &c General of Berlin. 75, Kin? Kn R'swsnc '' - electricity acquired by the process we havo i. i:avi: st.s cooui:. Braxr lllock, Qncrn Mrrct, Honolnln. Insurancejompany Successors to Lnwrns & Dicksok, SALCh OF FCnXITCKE, STOCK, KEAL EbTATE Tliu Only Coni'iIcU" Collection of YOU HATE SEEN HIS (S00HS." described is discharged by contact with an- HOOLUX.t II. I. & IN LUMBER and General Merchandise properly attended to. Amur. i.NUUAMi; o7iiavii.h other object. Ono person must turn on the IMPORTERS DEALERS Islunil A'ii'li"', Fine blnjleand Doable Harne. Tui: cftatilUhcd a General Agrttcj hrv, anil Ui gas whilo the And alt kinds ot llnildinx Materials, Sole .?piits for American ami Kuropcan Concord and ilnle ltarnese, tinderlQfd, General Aifratu are aathoriaed to uke other fires it. Fort Street, ! ly Honolulu. Fern1., MiclN) Kipref s and Plantation Ilaraeef. SIT MEUCHANDISE. r.ridle. Whip, Cnrry Combt Hlkf. nclul the Ilnnscr nl Hit N?a Ht lliv The rcputo of "thieves' vinegar" as tic C1IAS. '1'. tJIJI.ICU. CnrioHilio, ,tr. Itnihe, fipnrtf, Dreteiinrr. etr.. rtc Hnnt Ittnno tinkle JtnlN, nml un Hie Thr Uw Bjwcator, in contagious fevers cfc stNtir Irm having yirtlwd fruai is said to have 3PTT33XjIO, 33XXX03P CO., 3Io4t I'i ornble Termrn. the Hujch aad lottl well-h- arisen from tho NOTA.H.Y 'A , M M or confession f four thieves, Agent to Uke Acknowledgments toXahor Contract! B N K E R S CTOIiarecs MCodorato.i IVXo3zJ.ca.XL SacLcOlos, Wilj FA HCUAEFR& CO., (tmenilAKMU. ol 'he isle J HUHE. eoaelelnu the who during the plague at Marseilles, plunder- IIOMJI.rl.V, HAWAIIAN ISI,A.M)S AND TIIK IJEST IN THK ISLANDS. ijjCnD-- ed tho dead bodies with perfect security, MIIAWtil!EXC1IASGE OS Qomcstir .Jrailuce. Carriage Shop, and, GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Itepalriodone in the brvt manner, and at the upon being arrested, on condition of lives IHE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, : : : : SN FRAC1SC0 (V & their Unlcc in Makec'e Block, corner Q:uetn and Kaahnmann Lowest ItatCri. Unly FIrit tus WorVmen 'mployrd WILDERIlniiolnltt, Ivlnuita.lJetiCO., Wheelwright Shop, being spared, stated that the Mrccts. Honololn. J70 ly AND TUC1R aGtNTS If 9Si Ilaunllmt uso of aromatic KATIPAKUEA PLANTATION Agent of ih Blacksmith .Shop, vinegar had preserved them from tho iufluence WISEMAN & ASHLEY, rii Ynrk, fil'IIAII M)W tOJIIMl IN nnil for snle In ml of contagion. It is on this account sometimes & lloslon. ij quantities tosnlt purchasers, by Paint Shop, and lftBIti'JPB Real EttateBrokcrs Employment Bureau Purls, ! ly C.AFONO. CEO. LUCAS, Mutual Lifo Insurance Comp1)' called vinaigro Cotu-e- s, Houses, sell and leases "Lo dose nuarte voleura." Itcnt Itooms. and MESSRS. h a. ROTHSCHILD SONS,: :LOHO0n usod H?al estate in all parts ot inc ninnom. r.mpioy I Trimming Shop, It was, howovcr, long before tho plagno w Ol' SEW TURK, Corner Beafs and Howard Sis., ment f onnd for those seeklns ork tn all the rarious Tlie Orjrnfnl Hunk toriiurnllon, i i I,onttuii HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS! CONTRACTOR & BUILDER 01 tiars-iiic- 9, lor was constant custom of business connected with these Islands. Ale aisw pteaareel recesTeeeetefe fee weefc e Isrial it uio branches ASD THK1B SBASCUZB 15 Largest, Safest and Most la of Cardinal Wolscy to crry in his hand an . B.Lc;:al Documents drawn. Hills Collected, la aar erf the aawev heaac-H- sai .1 iarciaia. I'mmiLstr- .nd Are ounts kent. and rencral offlcc uork trans Hong KoliRi nui' orango deprived of its contents and filled with fe ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO m acted. l'troni;e solicited. Comtiiissloos moderate. & Family Carria.f.cs. w. h. TAIL02, rut - xoort m I a spongo which had been soaked in vinegar Ilonoiaia, li. l. ' Melbourne, CREY CO., IN THE WORLD! loan impregnated flith various THE BANK OF KEW ZEAURD, , Phaetons. spices, in order to ManufActnrers nntl Dtnler In I preserve himself from infection when M. W. McCHESNEY & SON Aiitklmid. " Honolulu Moam Planing Jiills, Cash Assets, over 300,000,000 passing DEALEKS IN Clirilctnirrli, nml Bagglca. BUILDERS OF STEAM MACIiml through the crowds which his splendor or limirtllll ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, ovKor information concernlne the Cosapeay, ead II. for lutes or laseraecc. app lo V4 LDEI: A Co , Espresses, office attracted. Tho first plague in MESSRS.UDD BANKERS OREGON Ijeleo, ICIng Street, Honolulu Esplanade, Honolulu, I. If BB- raged Leather, Hides, & Tallow I TILTDN. PORTLAND, Oeal Aveete, II ALL IT- -- UK? 1C19, whereas Wolsey died 1531. And transact a General Hanking Bnsiness. 911 Bref, Mntton and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders left ir in ly Co's, btreet. will meet with prompt 3Iannfac'nres all kinds of J E WIt)EMA5, Omnlbtues. - t tinccn att VM ha Gallantry awakeus early in tho breasts MiaiCIIAWTH HY.HA.- trntion. ly So.rteltlnArnt. Breaks. Stoamboat, SteamshiK. Land of AGENTS FOlt III. OS.. tl Boston boys: A lady in has a Mouldings, Brackets, aotno that city - of General TUA A AX TIC Trucks, class in the Sunday School of one of tlis lead- XLoyal - Comp'y- Importers Merchandise ni:ri:ioi.iTA?s .ii.ntui:x. Window Frames, ENGINES AND BOILERS! !Tr No. 41 (.qccnSt..So.i-Honolulu. II I. ly FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Milk Wagons. ing churches, tho membership of which con- FROM Blinds, Sashes. Doors A- C.WALLER, Proprietor. or iiAitncno. RIUH "11' '.iXn ' J. of boys who are each about .'. IV. IIACrAULAAl! - CO.. And all kinds of Woodwork Finl-h- . panj&neserre.IIelc-iaasarkejDUif- sists eight cars FJIANCE, ENGLAND, OE11MA A1', AND Capital of the Com -l Plantation.WaRon., of age. Like most youngsters, they are of IMFOItTEHS AND COMMISSION MEECUANTS, King Street, Honolulu. their Companies " IOITjOijo ChoIceslMeats from CarU.jOx Carts. .11 f Dnlldln;, UNITED STATES, Flnestlferdr. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! Sale TSMCL.'-e- f am too exuberant spirits to keep altogether as Itoblnsons ToUl Belchsnark lK,tmjLja StrntJl (juccn street, Honololn, H. I. .Co. 3Mcrchnt btreet, Honolulu, II. 1, Hand Carts, Ilwlle ef eaV tsna m t u qniet as tlio demands of tho school requite, ron SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, ALL 1II..IH or &c ic and are prone to become restless and noisy nxtJi.irsi w ?nnH ahca ji. j at The Glasgow and Honolnln Line of packets. U ..HA.". IMtO.S., Planing and Sawing, NORTH GERMAN )Iade is anler, la the aoet wwetsMltka aaaaer. at oitni.xtnY times. Last Sunday ono of tbcra was parti- John Hay Co's Ltrerpool and London Pacaels Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins sheet Bailee, aadl ess the aseat fasasaMi Htm Morticing and Tenanting. INSURANCE COMPANY, - cularly uneasy, when the teacher, thinking The Waikapu Plantation. WHOLESALE GROCEUS, VTI.V f ItA.N U AND II) It HAIX PISE i,hiiji-'ii- c iu...- .1.1 '"nn ; The spencer Plantation, Hilo. C10NSTA yrell known iiAjiumtu. srcin to shame liim into qniet, said: "Now, George, llllo. A or eiACKSMITHING in all sesaeleal wttk refreeace t ta, .Ti. jsisltls, Hakalan Planution, .16 and '.'IS Calllornia fctrett, AVnlmen Tannery, I . 1'itrkrr, ORDERS PROMPTLY TTENDED TO CapIUIafllieCompaejBnerTe .KfltosmarkUlVU its Branches, I don't know what I shall do with you if you Mirrlecs.Tait s. Watson, bazar Machinery. J. l'roii'r. " are ta he ssa iref! V& '"tnt, as nl 'Jw Jl X V H TMiiuerjr, S. Ami .Vrk sjiinrnutctil. ' their Coaapaalee 1r.H,(Sl The Funiot Sheep Itanch Company. .1 K A I c o . Hilo r. Innnu, Proprietor. r water gaeraaeseW are so noisy, I am afraid I shall havo to punish r Orders from Ibe other solicited. i i iT.rr i.i-r- 1t A S ACQ.. Agents. Islandt Total . . Reichimark ejimjK taj t -- you, and think tho best way to do so would s.caxlex. x.r.. Kontssox. HT I articnlar attention paid to filling and shipping Ilonolnln. May t. 1CT mt 6m ftrntn nais.Cai.1. raira,a r r . a AI.I.L.A .V ICOlilA.XO.-N- Carrlagr Work, ;. ae-- bo to mako 3 ou sit in my lap." "Ah," said Island orders. 308 y rgiiiB L.Mi:iusHi.i:D.t.i;si,i:Ai. Asit.. r . the naalHj af t&e aat'enai nia scrtaK-"- At Itoblnson's Wharf, PATENT NOTICE. JL wash tho young scapegrace, Willi an arch look; "if S. . CATLX. J. S. ATnEHTO!f of the abore three corapeBles for the Ilawailaa Work, uee hat trswla. reatvi Lumbar of Enilding SPRINGFIELD I.Uada. are prepared to Insere IlelMlafe, Homr do Mrs. , Dealers in and til kinds yas fernltefe. su.UAit-n.mi.-.-: you should that, I think you CAMI.i; A: UOOUK, a rAacexT Merchandise and rrodace. Maehlaerr. Ac, alaa EMsear tu.H niLut asd ha MaUrlali. PainU, Oils, Hails, Ac, M. on the alth Janu- Mhlp .Vort, s would find the whole class getting noisy," tc.tc, EHIPPIKQ AND C0MMIESI0H MERCHANTS Wiimtius Jarrls, and lUce Mills, and se.sels la the hareer. aalast See CHI.IcnT ewee after ik au-i- srrr- - f'res aOEKTS or SCIIOOSiEIU ary last, by the Jtinisler of the Interior, nnder the lawa or damage fcT Are, oa the most farer aate teraas IMPORTERS AND ot this Kingdom, for a Gas and t'onsnmtng ArtMbn .Tell Wort, Mm all hWlet liwa w wh through tho microscope the mos- HALEAKALA. CaneTrash Gas Machines nai tj 11. iiAcmretp a co Viewed Fnrnace, -- mt KULAMANU this Is to warn all persons afalss I an Infring. WATHHrlPfcafaWlerw.."hhee i Si quito presents a picturo of mechanical ingenu- Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise, ment of the said Patent. Or Maehlncry Torslns. .a7. as is devilish KEKAULUOMIt 2o. HI Klnc Street, Honolnln. 11. I. C. BKEWEn 4 COMrAST, BMe tat eattlMe lesethe ('it ity as marvelous in execution it aach-- H --KY ELLEN. Amenta of the Jai .Is ForaaceCo The Celebrated 3Tachine are the Cett and Dheata retted, poached awl in design. In the bill alone, which seems so AGENTS FOR rer J. O. Carter, hec'y. New England Mutual Life lnsuranceCo. TAUAHI, 16"- Horse-shoein- g readt ee he Steele m roel. fragile to tho uuaided sight, there is a combi- KohaTS Co. Ilonolnln, febrnaryl' -. ? Specialty. ' UILAMA, Tht Sugar It. Ilatilcid.orWaiilnt 0FBO1T0J, MAM "fc' a tlTnl.trlJOBtVeTI.IO. nation or five distinct surgical implements. LEAHI. The llilka SDarCo. l'lantatlon. ; KeWta'i tH The Bald- II. bmlth A Co- K- lHostEcouomicaliiiisiv We emse Keehealee. tee rtae he Ihl. etakUhc.a a These arc lance, meat saws, and a suc- Ilonoiaia. Hawaiian Islands. ly Alexanders A. - I .t co ni'o u a nn, is33 eaealar batOa nat KUtfel ' a lo win rianUUon oto, Kaaal. ! east ear Jt.lTEIIIAl. le A I. Hreraallc Brtta alaehnserr uiarq-- a wll tion pump. The fifth instrument have lUmakoa flan tat ion. J. M.Alexaniler.Hiltii, OlUil Purely Mutual Life Co-i- I TIIOM. TIIUIj.11, ThtIIHchc6ck&Co 3IaoI. Steel lie Iuurmce aerx bw seeeftet ta head wash. Rails freaa Mee4 respeetfeUj saHdMa. but lalrar under the imnrcssica that it laroimso jlxi KixmcTrKixa Being Worked Automatically. the United Slates. Orders the ether riantatloa IHP WORK. Hti e4 Ve T Ua: EjW is a portable Corliss engine to run the rest of STATIONER, NEWS AGENT, BOOK-BI- DEB AHD The Union Insarance Company of San Francisco. Clrcalallej mats T.a tM Tber art well Introduced on these betnjr la rollciei I on firorahle ILL WOM 'XDBjH.nl-- - OlMmUu. tCtaeaee, Atr aw4 the factory with. 1 know that tlio hum ot tne FATES EULER, The New England Life Insurance Company, of Doston 18 Lbs. per Yard, with Fastenings. Islaad. until tie nut Terox ' f The Blake JManofactnrlD Co . of Boston. Use at Ihe seeet apfiesisl ata mosquitoes in tho Cottonwood thickets along tho Merchant M. near Fort, and Fort St. near Hotel.r II ono or.VQt-rorIeJlM- rVsaee as be.eee pesehaelac eeeuul- - J). M. U cston1 ratent Centiif ogal Machines llxitniple 1'Iau (in a call ef WreeAefctP--:s-iie'.-f3a- . Jain, Oahn, U. I. PaImsi, a claewbere rCJirS. Lower Mississippi reminded me constantly of TheXew York and Honolnla Fackct Line. Rojai IS3UUED AGE, S LIF ias K with the jaf Alto, rnblicherof the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual The Merchants Line, Ilonolnln and San VranciK. received per FtAS- - Water Vferhetaraeece ttt.a:4M. tlio hum a manufacturing village, and sev- and Hawaiian Directory and Calendar, Just Mazatlan Hawaiian Hotel. Mnestee ether lc Dr. Jayner t faon Celcbrmtfd Medicines. t Aaaoal preinieBiceatiBaesP-.le&- 3 jeare 14af ATTEHTIOH GIVEN TO REPAIR WORX. r tar star limes walked back look- ptrtet Mn.lo Hall, Tart-tlVi- eral I several miles Th ilerchaPtftrcrtSlore The Fort Store will Wilcox Ulbb, MoerMannfactnrin; Company, and And for 5 Aaaaal prcmletas cwsUnac FoUe t reare ISdefs ASenU Iwri. (Mcsj will be derated to General embrace Floe stationery. SCi t dewing Machine ly f cir tale br 3Annaal centtlase Pefurj a ale ing for a town before I could convince myself premlaaf jsjatfQ UsT AIDBB1SS0IUEWTOP U BOS yB buzzing SUtlonery, Blank Books. BooVf. Artlfta" Matrrialf. Ami a Number of ilesiilcnce . 4AhanaI premiums ceatiane Feilc 3. that tlie I heard was made by the Binding Depart (Toys and Fancy Gondf. l'rirate continne Puftcr HseiwliefejsrV News and E i Annual prcaijaaie eveis mosquitoes, with their engines running to ro cpu ly EEja.oTrel3. BIDG-- HOUSE, db Oo. Bar SATISFACTIOX OCTAU VSTBED. S9 & WEIGHT. sharpen their saws. When the insects operate Aassota. s 513,000,000. WHITMAIT KNOWLES 1J the lance is first pushed into the South Kona, Hawaii. iif on a man, TTXJD GOSSIP. W Toi elrcnlars, jniccs, c. apulj to toa.fHs I tltl lliraissts Ilauolsslrt Ac.tiC7. flesh, when tlio two saws, placed back to IS XOIDIiK GObSIP THK UXDEKSIGXED 3JKGS TO C. C. STRATEMEYER, 540000 C. HIJSTACE, STEAM iNBTA8UI(S?!Il? work up and down to TIIEUE the nnderelnied will Uke rortraltsln his friends and tfaenablieinFTnersl that V A back, begin to enlarge or his well known HOCfaE la ready to ir"eratessy wHt II Sane 'ou the pump started any ttyle or rient to ordeT In the beet ttyle the asafo receiTt CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS VIi the hole. Then is and the Thoto-raph- ic ArUaudoa themoit Reawnable Termt v m or. rnAcncAi C. O. BERCER, "PIU; I'lJKfcslOKHDn - syphoned up into reser- --but idle which m " he will not try to The House t sitaatcd Smiles Inlandfrom Kealakekna HAWAIIAN ISLA3IIJ Wholosalo antj Retail Grocer, L lemsnl art AM nn TctjU.-- ictima blood is the it if colp Sole Ilawallan Islands. n FOUTI!.. - I'tSCt" pleaBe, for he alwaya waa and will be willing to liar, at an of aboat I.W ftrt and .ffer a Zm3 Aent etre-- Hsraioaj Rail. rtnn tame Sfjew'- and finally, to complete plee HI Kiev t. uder . voir carried behind, tTeryone who be enlted, and nerer treated anyone most charrain- - Tiew in addition to tht rrer pure and imi id b. rea. tan ha W- - s the cruelty bf Ihe performance, the wretch oat of the wy, and never will treat anyone othcrotee balffiT air of the dletricL the dellebt of both tnm-U- t and SIGN WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER Blocks, Oars, Paints and Paint Oil. I ami i. ri.nuiim mil Ship. Kterr sapplleil eoiep itatmrvi 4i. ' c. cban a. proper manner Do not listen to coffin, bn Inralld. Bath Ilontea connected with the esubltsb' CIIjVES'fci, A :'UlIIa01TH13-3EG001iS- short iwit - 'ew iwiod he erery steamer vtvet tlea ally m mim Yjr drops a quantity or poison into the wound in S3CAXiT AXCIIOltS ASOJ . -r ute (. come and see for yonrieH there li always two (Idea to menu uespecttnlly. - an ataortmrat or Tot Stlt trvm ike irth- Ulaaeb raithfalr ecatL it irritated. a story. (TO) 8m) II. L. CHASE. M17- K. H. TB. V& REAn OF 10. SI USE ST. m. SIOVMH db Cf t eoLUst a ecu

S 'ISBTT rsrmrmzm "all jzjjamm it LBfKSKKBKWKKBUmKi as well as foreign descended is claimed that tho influence referred to is themselves hoarse, bccoinui Cnllv u.cnpciu.ted Ilawaiians from further effort Ml guflwrifn. "Hawaiians theso taken togetlier consti legitimately used, and that their oppo- in this lini Oia prominent wjng QpJldcirllstmtnL cw JkV(fafwrV. "W M gjt gatuamm supporter of the independent , a middle &mft$ tute tho National Party, justly nents nro tmitors, "and ''tholung's ene aged nativo Outdid himself in his oratorical wrest- The opposition opposes wrong doing what mies, are acinauxi in weir uppusiuon so- lings, Lo rhoutcd and jelled, Le fiercely gesticu- Cut, rnTscm. 1ST SIODI7S IS ItEBUS. ever may bo the parentage of tho wrong lely by selfish and sordid considerations Jib lated In avtyle only possible to an nthicte, ho "MiMEIi'S 1 Best enaeri of Bantu ... too fierce, no doubled himself up like a shut jack-knif- in his 3- - unreat eoireeuea or .rWMtoltirtMtr.er lsassaW FEBItrAUY 13. 1E3I. doer. Theyopposo invective ias been calumnies exalted fnniy and Ttt Oranges Ban WEDNESDAY, till at last the Coceannta and of tho country, who- too virulent or personal to bo hurled willing jstint could bo longer to ex- t WTk dictate the (trapes T1 --. ' . Attwg-iv- annivpn-ar- hausted lungs, and mTTTl IT finrtTTIRr I i if i col YusTEiaiAT vas Uio tenth r of ever the one man may be, they opposethe against this opposition, both in the his most violent contortions Steamship Company II HI - - Pine Apples . Sfc 91 Uio J!KrtYrr and EUU when could only elicit a faint squeak, lint ho had done irill'l i it-- Atlrstor reara acccson of King Kalatana to tho accumulation of two or even three cabinet umns of un his work nataiii ii. iinni. Miiinii - -- lbt nnd the results fully vindicated his ex- aaMWWaal A UawlJJ UUU1U. Aa 1 - February 1884. throne of Ifevaii. The day vras ofBcially offices in ono man's hands. Thoy oppose der tio Premier, and in social circles. If ertions. 9- -- reaeaet licenses Expiring in IjIMITED W- -- rrcosnizeth but ivas not kept as a general tho sudden and capricious iTJamissals of tho opposition, believing as it does that it It shouKl not be understood that tho govern TREaiDEST. ment candidato depended JI - Greadfnlt nrrAit-oAii- D. holiday Cabinets, of Ministers, of Trivy Council- is contending for great principles, for pure wholly upon the spirit- tltiavaa llsasduls ual aid ot bis priestly father It lsneverthe-les- s IIIS MAJEbTT THE KISO. wtaX 1 Quern street lors, of Boards, of oven individual officials government and for its rights, has been Citron. MIJtfoWllrfaras ArCo, Fort street true that his main reliance was npon tho I- 1 J J Ovt! ureal- lesson mnst bo taken fiom tho and fall- Huf BOARD Ol MANAOKilENT, I- 1 Wlnr Lee Un Jt Alsleheo without any sort of reference to public human in sometimes retorting, in ajiirif powers; for tho steamer hralam, which i-s- " Unrm C elpctions, the Independent - I- " 1 1 M IHtte. Bethel street and that is that wishes and public welfare, and they op ing short of that "conciliatory" attitude arrived early on. the morning of election day Ills Mijeaty rreaMcnt - Lwtsal. s S M Carter Jt KlnEMrret bnt brought a powerful C- - " Tl, V. is no socalled Toreign Party, reinforcement to hisstruggling imi'oncrA.rWadd t- T team Navtretrea to EerdsnaSe I'artv poso tho reckless wasto of public funds. which our now contemporary counsels, it YteermMeftt - - CbreaMyaf i who battalions in the shape of numerous cases of 'kin Hon. nnann street have A. S. ....L " T Unday. "it is formed of Ifcrtnuians mmm Clrzhoro. Hit Honor Mct'aity, TM Thomas that is not a remarkable result moro "con- d ait lln. - street That the King can do no wrong is a very If liquor; sinews of war. althouRu J- - in L AVsn. Jta.nal.ca true lovo of their conntry at heart. iut UI.M-;- s COJIMAMlEn, ClialI.Jodd,DT7n.reKII.3:r M.D - Water Mt!-- 19 r 7saana street tie convenient maybo worked ciliation" would havo accomplished tho a few .voters were incapacitated thereby frum in- i 9an - - the. platitude, bnt it won, 34 r. Chft. Laea. tl link tr IF paldinr. Nunanu etreet Tho Independent Party in these Islands n to telligent Toting, were insufficient to turn tbe tide "Win nave llonointa 2J - Baak.t iiMrtnl Fkffl to death. objects sought is P''3" bo suro that each Tuesday at 4 T 3t.,forta- - 1 13MrakMnm.cvirlueenirdRIeerdslreele i' was a. Mr. - -- Aw! any is tho Patriotic Hawaiian Party and our It clear that tho district was determined to .ua, Muln-- Makcna, MAhutoii Kawt.hir.Laop-IiocIh- X Jarrr TrwMrtr ether WM et Oeonr Tin A On. Hotel street it was not used; but the courso pursued S II tin: send to tho coming legialattiroan Independent can and II tio, Armiii at llllo eirly TborsJty Mr. J Wtbb . - semtery ssi IS Merchant. Fort street friends abroad nmst understand this. The As Act of tho Legislature of 1S7S Will Kate Cum Louie Adlrr.Nnuanu street has succeeded in obtaining a larger nativo dilate, and the government controlled no influ- l'nru.n. llllo each Thursday at noon: t GeMAtpanen It foreign votes cast amonnt to a mero baga business ences Xa'iukon Friday al 4 M.; Kawaihae at 1 A. SI. It Kirone Trt Una: A Howl street foreign corporations doing vote for a foreign candidato in llonolura sufficient!; strong to distract this resolve. fhilafepoaaG I. - " raa IT C streett. Koloa thi3 oNiubcUt A. M., Mcaliraal 7i3A. M - UarroU E WtlHems.loTt telle, it was the solid native vote that put file At sentiment was even sirougi r than at TO in this Kingdom, to in tho Interior than was ever polled before, and in obtain- nnd Labsfaa at 'J A. M., reachlo; Honolulu each TIIK feOCIETVS SSCUN'l) 4 I .hO.al.htn; street Lihue. and soon after the ballotrag begun it waa Saturday a fir raoon. A95VAf. Tarnlp, 1 tho Independents in. ofEco a designation of some person upon repre- - kiri Ylnc. VUVI ing a moro nolo and independent Tjucut uuw mo uav was PAShEUEU TIM IN from Xlnll. will Imy. Cabbaat 1 Geotoct, Hotel street coins. ..h 1 " CMKBffW.r whom legal notices and processes of court Friday 1 Jiho-bon- a N unarm street, sentation of tho country at largo than lias i iimuini .iut iiuiiiu jar. y. iwwiil was at P,ai to connect wlih the Kino at 7- - " rnjapkftn SI Tre Chas. The conntry districts have fcjxjken ont elected by a grand majoritr. c tl III7TAII- .- can be served,, and that any snei corpora been in tho Assembly sineo low. At Hanalei and Ka AGRICULTURAL s stsaah a Halt .ill. The elections there waihauMr. I'alohau, government a Tbtivlaoa WILI,TUlCH at llonulala and. raaahaa and HORTICULTURE m in'no donbttnl way. oo candidate, had (in raWM-jctT- 1 T w tvva. Makspale.? KtdssVs tion tailing to uo tins slionla uenica forty-fiv- tript for if a t liziul made from majority of e votes over Mr. Kaapena. tbe topuio - " BscKralt Con Hinr, Wnlmea have returned more opposition members the rights of tho laws of this Kingdom." shore I-I- " RaiHaoe. Xlh LESSOX OF THE ELECTION. next strongest candidate. Mtaa-tx- It Asesn, kailes, Kena to tho Legislature than has been elected 1SS0 TJIK jy Ktftfa will Dot Uko heary frefcht for H- - KsMraM An Act passed in mjuiring that -- w It Ah list, l.aurboreM. Hire was Laopahoebo Lljbr. frf .got and packa-- only. All CIttv It ( .wal. Malapela. X Kohets within tip last twenty years. No such body every foreign corporation which may de- Honolulu Election. A Letter From Kan, Tyfreirht rarMhc abore port will bo UTtenby tte nuswa Tkebewa, alines, KiMk The Like lit r SHOW h of intelligent representatives has been I-S- lUtl?o C S Kittrrtfcr, Hlle sire to carry on business, and to hold, take, Enrron Gazette: KauBane was elected by a VTlHlmheM.1 -- Ir The result of the election in this city surprised - 1 HIV) seen since the old days when tho Assembly All jl. and convey" re.nl estate here? should nlo in some disappointed many. was hopcu clear majority of SO over the government candi- IT ItafcH aMottod VantAbtM Sunr fcee. KarnpiM. Kefcela and It that And any other , " was composed of two separate Houses. bo hope eihtbU of merrt net meaHeaed lattae J White Malal-asa- koiaea the Interior offico in addition to tho re- ilr. Carter at least weald returned. The date, Kauhane had 193, Knpahn 1S9 KeooJi 7, mak- Steamer Tho issues of this election were fairly made was on many of both par- 'Likelike' quirement of tho law of 1S7S, a certified founded the belief that ing a total of 3tt votes east. A large lttjsober of trtr.r-r- . lunAMnii and folly discussed tho hustings ties wonld vote for him. His voto was 829, exact- VHV J : l().HMA.M)EK. KAPIOIatAIffI PARK Assee.WaU.lu nit at of charter, tho names of its offi- Kanhano's voters did not come to potto from MACIIIXERV. It copy its ly 300 behind Mr. Kaulnkon who headed the list the Will Lfian; Honolulu upon following S It Ah Pan. rale, Malawae They were confined to the merits and de- somo cause or other. is reported they were the ditrs at T C hnosea cers, and an annual statement of its assets with 1U3. It U worth considerinc whether the It that Maw will b, n far lbs bwt ublblu or Impkr. Alans, kcsnae, of paid to stay away. It R 1' Kabootele. Msksalea. Haas ments the Minisby which has ruled this Kingdom, and result is one which the cabinet can be procd, or at This is quite a victory consid- Thnrdar lice JlTharvlay. mralSMlMMa4anx'aHyaIaptnltlbr antral - and liabilities in that we Jan.... .'.....31 Mral nkAtMrft. . 21 Cm- U alMka bo disheart- ering the odds bad to pall against, as both Monday. -- .t tfta., Xalalf arrd to tbe prtvara. Atasc the country during the past two years. which the independent electors need .. .S.iMondJT,Fb II tKB.fara(anlMrtl prodoMs 27 John GrandwaM. I'ala. Makane. upon complying with these requirements ened. It is the first election in Honolulu, at least and llilea plantation worked strongW Thtnxlay IcJan !O.TT.rtr,i!W V.I. -- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, r.r eiportatMn.aKt Tho fact that tho independent members l tpectolly for ttm sf .ante la th! iti.rAii.- - ai. it has the same powers and privileges as a since tho constitution of 1B6I. when thero was n us and both money sad whiskey vnrubably Monday. Jan... Monday, Mareh 3 ki were elected outside of Honolulu, in almcr-- t i v as freely gin csed was Al 1 Aewe.kav.al.an domestic corporation, and for tho purposes square contest between two parties. The result is and no stone loft unturn- TakiD" freight for Lahaina. Miiliea. at.,. MiTtn. ever- - ed to defeat us. Wo fcsl untold kona. Kswaihae, Vaaahan, 21 kepata. Liber district where they ran for election, was constituted, may.takc, remarkable in that there was bat one Tote cist satisfaction llonokaia. Kobolalelr. Tb. Mtavbac ntrarta from lb. Rata. r tkaSorfAr for which it in having beaten tbtra. W e had to work both Ookala, I.Btnahoehor llakaian, Utiomea. Pankaa, ar- is full proof this Ministry con- mort-gag- which was not for candidates of either of the two - Bobmthf.1 tar lb. Informatlm sf wlm tiert line. that is hold and convey real estate by sale, o bard and sharply when we saw tbe steps taken by rapnibuu. Wain a to and HU" llctornli)" will tonch at The 13th and 14th of June. nn bar. 2 Ylm Yea. IIcta. koola.tV, Oaho demned by the conntry at large. tickets. It was a straight combat, with Tery little all the abov port. ftt jri Bttvmt ma&ef. s Hart Nsftans street. lleeM'olu otherwise scratching. Tho total number of Toters on the tho Government crowd to defeat us. It has been a V. lire or hard an nre irora iatrauia? nin( beihipprd by the ltl Ay pYr.n may DrttMn . BvsiD.r.f rs. IT J h kelaala WiMihu. Kim. Ha.All These elections aro bicnificant also in The Act of 18S0 was probably mado in qualified liit was about 2710 of whom 1912 came earned victor? acuiimt tlm tnveninint Likrlikc Set4y b. a. isaaal paymrat of sreilortara, 17 In: Fete. Hotel street. Ilenotel. showing that there is not tlie antagonism to the polls, or 800 short. Thiscreat falling off is crowd combined and no hope to hear that RafcXIII. Th. Bajmrnt ot aire karxtml itoKir. Is 2 Tan order to satisfy doubts entertained by wo havo well 9M th yoeieiy tttalt eonalHat. rs Ion. Matewa.Meai between the aboriginal race and the whito partly accounted for by the unusually larco ab- done as in other districts. Ihe tw t. flffl lilt I UN. counsel of California incorporated compa sence of schooner and steatucr crews who arc near- Sprcckles crowd marched their names to the polls The Eoant uf ManaTrawat barlai bm pfmiiatJ which some feared, and which a soluble die fur parpwsnlll atKS amnoHaaM 1 Palmer A.Thaclier, street, llosndul!) race their to enforce real cstato ly all registered in Honolulu, and becufeo many under tho American flag, lhere was intense ex STEAMER 'liEHUA' th. Itak XIV. Life iball be uaatpt fmn pay. lrt lo nies, of right citcmeut at more saw andanbslantUlbnlldlnttat th, Part fn lira nmp-tlo- SHSit aoo.al ihra. and aball bave all tbe few hao apparently sought to make. It old men who wero registered this year through the the polls, than I over at the : : or t pritSMn urciivsTAiiLi: securities in this country. Islands before, but I glad say i.oi;i:7.i:, toMjiaiKiiEn, (tek and oth.r ablbtta. and "IB pravW rftmfhMffy members. 7 Italian Livery MaWe Ua, lleresiala is by Hawaiian voters that Messrs. Dole, zeal of runners for both sides, failed to appear am to that there every nrcefrary convrnlence as4 far III of the Heeia Plantation, on wero no rows I believe no were made. WW k'ave llonolnln each JIomLtT at 5 1 M for fr rahlMtt. AV. The owners and add their votes to those polled. Besides the and arrests DepnDiic run tieiatla ot tun. mil Imwa 11IKII.I.XI.IU IJoweH, 13rown, O Smith andD H. KauhaEo'fi men came to polls I'nkoo, Undo, liana. MaLaalae,KIiiahnlaand tbron-- h aa nn r of tke the Island of Oahu, which was incorpo- addition of old men to the list, there has been an the with banners Nun, th. pre, lb. arranraamtt. Bari s Itteisashaai A Co, Fort street. Honolulu elected. some in nnd mottoes flying In bodies to aud at Kaanie every othrr week. Ample room will, throszrt tbe Irbmltly tl2TTE2: J'Xlc,-- Hitchcock havo been In actual increase in the Toting population of Hon- and marched solid of 12T ni. r Kins see. lleaedeiu rated in 18S2, under tho laws of California, whifo lit? turning will touch at Lahalna, I'nkoo and Kanna tors of Ihe Kaplol.nl AaftxJatlwi. b avaltsM. stances, at A ailnku, white and olulu during the last two years. In spito tho polls, the opposition tried to "yank' 1 J. S. WEBB, 21 M rMWW A Co KiiIhhmvi ltm. Ilmolata as uatne our Courts last year, against of this, kakal. fcaefilnr llonolnla Irldav M. for the display of all nK of nklbttf, aod slaonar , lost a case in tho palace nartT fell short of tho Totn nulled them from tho ranks, it was a subject of remark n- claes SrcrWnry. ISOM. candidate-- were on tho same ticket and br that ahowl- stock ti advartt,. oatald. I brtr aullm 10 ' ono of its laborers,f or its failuro to comply them at tho election of 1SSJ. 1 vu years ago it the Hawaiian flag was not seen in tho ranks rumiiti, IlnnohHa elected, others, not- - KU 17 kHo, Ilonnlahi both were in laws. case by the was generally surmised that tbe King and thegor pf the government crowd. Their American colors Jrba with tho above Another camo The country has reason to congratulato de-- eminent did not work together at tho election. from Naalehn. 'lhere were fivo candidates STBmBB. 'MGKOLIT TIIK same corporation has recently been iu tLe field rOLLOWtl MltR ATH. itself upon the of four sturdy When this is bo the number of Totei commanded but as tho day came oa they withdrew 2icu:ti:.u!;, s iojimamiek. Jt;fa gdrtrtistmenfi. 11 "m HxeLnuial. IIimLu, Ilmll claretl by tuooupremo tjonrt touo ueiec by the goTcrnment is much reduced below the full iufitvorof tho two leaders. Their names wore Have been laid dovtt the ot exlilMtorf, II O W C . Hawaii Hawaiian independent members. Messrs. Will leave ltonolnla rath Moada P. M for the wind- fr Jmf kit. tivo for want of an averment in its com- strength of the King and Ministry combined, and J. Kauhane, J. X. Kapaha, Keoli, Kekaula and whoe atiratlob to ihe Mime N reapectfally re HAIJIOX. Geo. Glendon. ward aide of Uaha Will pi by way of Vvalulna, when- COUKT OF 1'ilipo, Kalua, Xawahi and Kauhane. regis- the largo majority commanded by Mr. Gibson at aatQclent qnwted by MetMa;ciitent SUIMIBHK Tlfn II JfolalKnia. North Xaaat. Ilanall plaint that it had complied with tho ever Inducement oflVr, retarninz every ibnltoard nl In the matter nf tbe Xaltta( These men will lie true to their former that election is to be accounted for by the fact Friday I". M A. n. KERR, a voluntary bankrupt. Notre. If brreb, 29 J B kaaoao. Okraata, Jlaat tration laws. ho Treaty Talk- - 1. IVnrtotkDhnll boalloweillobv fxhlblted nnlesa record. that nroclaimed himself tho DconleitMn.Rnnd It shall have been dnly enterctl alveBtbalSMeetlnrfof tbeimltlfr.wb.lurre prorra roBU nirrnni;. In neither case was tho question raised was coin" to lead them straight to health, that bo - dtJUe aitinil U. above aamed ettate tu tb. amo.ntot Tho following reports of the Senate Committee oa- The Company will not be for . b- I Akkra. hohahu llairall received largo majority mrnmttble any In csf there hallbc nocomprtltloii In any cat $KW mere, will - beM at tbe sOre of tbe sink of Washington about our as to tho validity of the registration laws a usually cast for tho on Foreign Iterations, takea from ihe Alfa Califor- ot pacjeorre nnicH rcreipieti lor, nor lor per- aprixewlll not be anardrd nnlevs Hale, fra, Makairal. Xaal The news from Ministerial ticket and that reg- gonalirapi th nplc exhibit n A!"to, Kwea.e. a In: under tho treaties, as for instance Article there was no nia gpuak for themselves. Xbo majority report baggage nans, plalulv marled. Not reapontlble be. In Ihe opinion of the lady- - lently meri WEDSE3DAV.K&Vf Sl'tb. Cthclay of Febnary. B. KHI. ka. Hawaii treaty is excellent. An observant friend arranged eQort to election for rnnnry or Jewelry placed fl , A. 37 AlBlyilam.ka,laiTMI ularly secure the of states that objections to the treaty are arettly unlera In charge of the torloai. rannncln at o .leek .m for tbe pwrpoM ef efeat-Ir- 8 of tho British Treaty, reqniring that ''the I'arwr. or -- in the Kast writes: "The chances of con candidates representing the constitutional princi- overbalanced by advantages, which even the hostile 3. Ttrpeenre in the r oflcfail Amltmera all baaknpt'a Mate, pwresanl I nil". AHJ1V Hut Ml ore will be taken of Live Stock., bat the pte Hle-- eala the t. tinuanco aro in our favor, dead low water suujectsotciuier ot tue contracting panics ples. whcneTer it so happens that the King minority vash to terminate tho treaty with n Yiw "lblu hine, exhib4L mni he tittemt .trinrr ft p m on atatste li,K llauhhuaa, Kwn, Oaaa and the Ministry aro Lomuuny will nols"aineany rlk of accident Wednesday, Oster) 13 in the territories of the other shall receiv e in accord as at the recent to entering into other commercial relation with S.VHT ). VV1LUEI!, itth Jnne. UoMlala. Frb. Illb. 1SI. lVnl'uwataai. Kam,lh happened last winter, the tide has been eay COO and perfect protection for election, it is safe to that nt tho Toy least the Sandwich Island, cioro uoarlr reciprocal, in S B HOSE, Secretary. 4. . here the word native apNan In IlritioM I. ItESKT SMITH. Dep--y CWtk '.Alii. As Judgo S. remarked and enjoy full OFFlUE-LM- or rKiiiii.nu rising ever since. Toterscan be absolutely depended upon to vote other vrords tho majority recommend npholding iitr Fort and Uucen Streets. to IV.. the tfodety'e eehednle of lrtae. It ftbalie Mltacfc. kiaeaVaai their persons and property, and shall havo for whatever candidate or dummy they choose to Jlonulnln. live 1U, ISM. as7 contrnt-i- t to mean aa animal bum la thl Kltsmm, to me this evening: 'I sec a wonderful tho treaty as it is; tho minority are fur a new nnd irrespective if access to tho courts of jus- put forward. Honolulu is and will probably con-tin- uf jtetHjrrw. couirr ok I't.llltl.l.tt. chango in the temper of Congress from free and open modified treaty. .7?.".?. ,"S,,a!I, i4 tiik ha. 27 T k McDmuM, klaHaaa for tho prosecu- to be the stronghold of the palace party. Here It seems probable that the majurity report will In order l compete for prlar in t lata VII . ELISHAC MK.SULKSS, "'""s rohwUry' sx ' that of last winter. The outlook is hope- tice in tho said countries VIII. Pair Trwlnce. tin- - k.skrsM. III II aro the recipients of the larger share of govern- LonccenteU. WohatOROodniun in Washington, rUh.H'ro Domestic Notice t. hereby riven that s meetlns ef eredtter. wV. tion and defence of their just rights; and vol- Mannfjieintw; CU X, Agrtcaltural Trodttce,I. and have proved It ful.' Two days since the Mexican treaty ment patronage. Here nre those such as tho lions. Carter, Smith, Cul. Spalding and oth-er- a deku azalsst the above named rsiat.M 6 ClwnxLaaAO-.l'rt-ri.- wi. Ililo ilott Clai XI. HorUenlrnre. the exhibit a binm haTe been the of $1M) or mere. wtH enjoy in this respect tho same rights and unteers and others of that class, who are not likely raited, ue mA . saao.nl heMat tke .(Be. ef failed by ono Its friends expect to have duco Rood sen ice hitherto and are nut mantifaelnred. tmmn in thu trr the of the M.preme Coart. In ARMasj lote according to havo any very strong or intelligent principles relax the An eacepttoa (hit will lletk Itase. GOVERNMENT LOAM! privileges as nativo subjects. If nowhLcly to their exertions. Altogether riblbllor to rnle be made no.arase.on loeSttn oy arrebemare bring it up again and then succeed: possi regarding government and who will vote as a rulo In the case of Rural the . .V. 1) UEI'AMTMfrvr KK 17 Civil Code, the word the outlook ia hopeful. Follow ing is tho extract; dehra', etc ned In lJl.cosaatenloato'ek)eka.in.. foe e lAtE. to Section of the with the government or King, because thenco which need not be the wth of theaoff the Iff-- . bly they may, that is not our affair; but that "Tho reports of tho majority and minority of erhtbitor of elMtlat assllaee. of the saM bankteM'a llnHAlt Aa; SMI rDTTER-ISLAN- D Mteie "corporation" when used in tho treaties or aro they most likely to receive pecuniary or other Uio Committee on Foreign Relations on 0. No one Kxhlbtt ihali be awarded 4 prlar in more psarsaant lo ibe statnle. NMlcr l ImiH that a)ilHliitii Utt what i our affair is. that tho Senators who Senate fl'r uf laws has the same meaning as tho word benefit. There are also the host of bangers on tho joint resolution to give notice tu the Hawaiian than one chut. Dated Ilonolnln It I , Feb lh. Bsl IKjrtkm ol lli E hatu loted for tho Mexican Treaty enrolled ltoyalty and thoso whoso there, T MrtlluWIM UPAo.lo "person," or anv word importing person, of interests aro all Government of the termination of the Reciprocity Animal which took prtaea at Jan year thow Jt 11ENIIY SJimi. PeMr.lert. 300,119(1- - will ira W infirrj al Ihc Trranuj, Ibe themsehes as believers m reciprocities. of whom make a considerable army and who aro Convention of IS75, were submitted to the Senfttu STEASVi NAVIGATION will be admitted to compete again it is a fair question wliethcr a corporation as certainly depended on as This CO. 8. rale latrf eat la Bxt at I II Ml Ik rait nrr aQtiani Among them are many who were bitter the sunrise. Senator Morgan makes the report on The right to alter or amend the mtblfehed ache COl'irr OF TIIK HA )traVIanil aflnnaltj. and the IloMa arc Xrottt of ono of the treaty powers can lawfully year no doubt that number was increased to at of the majority adversely to the resolution. dnle of prizes, at any time before the entries are walUn Islands In Trbate la the matter eaBtt against us la't winter. With this commit TOO. Is f naiHpTT be denied tho benefit of tho laws of the least Take this number or even 00 from tho Tlie report siys the committee has failed to dis- cloaed. reerTed by the Itatrd et Management SAMLEL II. HALsEY.af WaHaka. IrUiJ .( Mast, r , JNO JI. KAIXNA incut, they cannot go back on us. Sena 112J giv en to Kanlukon and whero would that tick-c- t revenues deceased Order appoinltor lime for probata ef will - country for failuro to comply with tho pro- cover that the commerce or of tbe United and to .Visiter rt UnaDc. tor Logan, last winter, was implacable. have been? That is, take from tho government been compensated by dlrectlns pnbllcatlon of notice of same. State have not adequately Njte. Kxhftr.tera of tockara reqaeated to A document, parportisr. to be wrH visions of the alwve Acts. ticket, tho voto of thoso who represent no intelli- Sandwich farab the Usl aid leshv This winter ho has lotod for Mexican and tbe ndY.mt.ines of trade with the Islands. whenever practicable, (he pedigrees of their Kxhtbtti ment of Samael 11. Ilalser. deeeaaed. havrnr th of gent support and that ticket would bavo been n c NOTES. buccumbs to argnmeuts for tho Hawaiian There is no doubt that in tho absence in Iho rate of transportation leauingtrom tne Wh ilar of rennury. A. I. Issi, been preernted hn aaM any constitutional prohibition or treaty pitifol minority. Ocean lu Knropo will, the committee Ihin&s, SfcmiPL.AJSrTE:R rrobate t oarr, and . petition for th, erekslr tsrresat. Attrnltbe wvnwit lpirwiifju exiUm iu trade Treaty And so of other Senators They On tho other baud who comprised tho SJ9 votes pot in jeopardy the trade of tbe United States and ror the tMnanee of tetter, testamentary t WV stipulation, the Legislature may restrict O. ctrclw m Cftiuult, n late ittper says: "TlieHJcnr see riciprocity in connection with enlarged for Mr. Carter and tho others on the independent with tho Hawaiian Islands tmlcij tho present 1ATE8, Commander, Item Saslth tuvlst eea lied by tTHflaai b rasbj. oxer-pro- la berebeJerdstrd tnompaijM noi iuo lenst to snucr I rum d ticket? It is not too much to assume that not ono per- It that WKDNKSUAT. foreign trade, opecially if cnlarged.trade. ioreign corporations in uieiriiiouo oi uuiug treaty agreements are continued and nude Schedule of Prizes: day of M ARCff, A. D W action, herernl bare malted vu of them voted that way tho hopo of oHic or na- Will Kim Ki'gulur for Komi and Ksnt 11. at SMS dvltntions business in the State,or exclude them alto- in manent. It expresses the opinion that other day. at the cejtrt rom of sard Itraeiete. ra new as in our case,is supplemented with t eighty caso success. were Dmrrai XR.VT U.VTTLE -. eoarusl the coTtnuuent with a to a tlra other emolument in of They tions will bo found eager to seize the advantage th. Islsad of Oahn. b- and the sun. hereby as Irtck on all ncor irfined in Canada for exporta- gether It is also true that by the law of most emphatically free and independent Toters. Lc.nes Honolulu ;it 1 p.m. on Imported poisled ror I. iwlitical considerations. 1'ortunatelj for courts this country rthnqaishcs by tha abrogation of the Ball. Dsrhssi the ttrne prevlnr saw wUI and hrtrlsz sail tion. Tbefonr refinmw in operation in Canada us, Scarles, Gibson, Hardy and others of comity between nations, tho are whoso numbers have doubled since the election of treaty. Australia and tho Dominion of Cuuad i, Imported Bnll, Ilmferd applreatlort, when and where any person tstevrtrd are nmdaciiic far niurv than is rt'oam-- to fctiiuJv always to corporations as 1S82, whoso vote means nn awakening of tho peo- must fav- TritUv, JaV ..UFr!diy,ll 3 Heat Imported Ball, Anf ever appear and eealeel the said wttf. and the etantt. ojien foreign it thinks, would be willing to make the ITne-iIa- local Ofnmnd. Hie pnriltt cniinot Ijo Uirowu into our enemies outdid themsehes last winter, ple to the fact of bad and unconstitutional govern- Tuesday Jan Marcb 4 Best Imported Bnll, Jeraey of letters teaumentary And It I. farther ordered that sureties, whether in tho capacity of plain orable terms with, the Hawaiian Go. eminent for 1 Krld.iT,.M-r- Best Imported Boll, llolatcln cnropeuitoD nmrketn nnieM n or rather tho winter before, when Judgo ment. Tho count shows an- Friday. Feb J nolle. Ihrrcf be riven by poMteill.n h threi in iortin bounty of tho ballots, also the trade of tho Islands and for opening a canal Toe-da- Tub . March s Bert lmpirted Bnll, Ayrftelre weeks, the tiff and in tho United utter-ance- is lUwttue Oalsm ted KsAea or aorawitackonraw auowiiU" or defendant that other fact, the utter untruth of tho friendly s T .1 inaienutf Allen alono and poorly supported, like a across the Isthmns of 1 arten, aid cause Hawaii to Beat nattre Ball, llnrnam, orer yean okt ofTgfVtfl, abated ssd pabruhed la the city ,f Hen tllo States foreign corporations may take a of the Athertiftr: Mr. Carter can congrat- seek better market in Europe than tuo United Arrives Honolulu uu 8 Best &allT,BulI, llnrbam. nnder Syesra old Mrwiw Din Tahmu.gta Soiib A. Co in revicw-inctf- shorn lamb, had to endure blast. Tho al Best Bnll. Hereford mortgage on tieir debtors' real estate with ulate himself that his defeat was caused by a solid btates offer. Alluding lo the loss of revenue here 9 natlre Dated llomdnla. 11 I . Vebraary ,. I"St Inistana rice coHurr, nay that tlie crop reaction has taken place. This year Searles voto of the Adrtrlleer and its friends against him. by tho treaty, says: Fiuliy Ja IS.Frlday, Frb. ... 10 Best natlre Bnll, A nans wa Rrently dainnccil overflow, the same rights as other mortgagees. Alion the operation of the committee Tut day, ir(Tiie.day. I- I- Best natlre null, l.WRE"!CB MeCCUT. for Iif-- by the and others have had to acknowledge the Ho owes nothing to any of them. Tho worthless-nes- s country represents on- l,..i.Jan March. llol.teln worms niid was 'lhe balance nrimst this ... Frldiy, March.... 1 z Bet nallre Low. llnrbam kAltc Justice of SepitiraCeaMf raltw. Hie lutal crop iilflO bar- corporations as well as individuals were of such friendship as theirs is demonstrated ly our own people employ- rels, abotit KW1 Iwrul less than "com" of facts, and of mislead tho prohts and gains of Taraoay, l en.. .llfj 11 Bsst native Cow, Jersey tm II Itsenr Snrrn. 1'w.v Is the prcriou held long 1814, to bo within tho more clearly by tho count than it ever could have financial 1 1 Cow, any DM.- year. Jn inglJelmont and 'other patriots. The usual as ago as ed in agricultural and dealings with the Best native of other breed tit? crtp vm it little btuiod tlint purview of tho British Treaty of 171)1 with been otherwise. Hawaiian people.1' Tho report closes with this 15Best Imported Cow of anr breed SI of the pmjedmjjjear. llir price reacbed result has lpponed, and the patriots wero 210 for- "Mr IS Beet of native ountraiij coirjiT op - h hate There about voters on tho list of statement: hatotr objections have so far been 7oke woexlna Oxen vrsllan ran: ha- was Deoetnutr, bei. it Ha- - .',sit5iC. ITie fcpecu-lator- tho United States, which required that K-- Bet nallra rat bleer 1J lahnd. InFmhl-- l the ssaUer sf sVe gone back upon tlib refiners." eigners or those of foreign blood of whom about found to the workings or results uf tho treaty aro Kaute of HOLMS A MOTT. iunorins tUt cuuditioii of foreign 130 IS Second beet natlre fat Steer .f HMesaesaed. cotmttin "British subjects who then held lands in voted. Many of these wero brought out only greatly by tho advantages wo have Stmr WA.LA.3STI Order apeI.MnsllieTrr-rot..- f WIH 5 ear. Tho Senate Committees havo agreed to overbalanced I 19 Best native Heifer. undr3ytaje oM aed dareet-ln-r marLrU al the Ixfnatun? uf tbe nid the am by strenuous exertions, and nineteen out of twenty MbUcsthm of sub-Cor- the territories of tho United States and acquired national senxj and b tho benefits a) Best native llelfer, under 3 notice ot the mine ple anpplies at botne centers, )ort very bMTiIy. 1 be the opinions and reports of their n iJh LAMEKUN, Commander. vests ekl A Toted the independent ticket without scratching; to our people of n profit tblo t r id' ith the Haw- 21 Best JlllrltCow, Impotletl or sstlve sxmmeal. parportlst; be Ue tan wm sad tsels outlook iuo crop 01 irvs-- 4 is nut at, ungbt as nt American citizens who then hold lands in y ment of llollls A Scott, lor mittco in faor of tlie treaty. Senator a few ballots only were changed. Thercwasprac-ticall- aiian bivisw-- t deread. rtavlncsw, teHei first, on account of the drouth, lliu eron i uti-- tho dominions of His Majesty shall con no swapping. Leaves Huiiolala every Tuesday, at 5 p. m., dar of January. A D lH, been prewntedtnaaM ar however, Sherman presented a minority adverse re Senator Sherman ronkts the minority report. 1 Beat Importeil SlalNon f mtt bate toart and a ror mated to be nIioat210,IX31tarrtlaKlisbt Kolda,-Elccl- csrrvafe prtlttm the lfobat thareW, aaat tinno to hold them according to tho tcnuro fho election means that Honolulu, as well as tho The bodv of tho report is identical with sob- - for NavnlFwili, e 3 Second beat imported increase oTcr last year. The crop is an id to be of port, and both rejwrts are now creating country opened that and Waimea, bullion for earriav; ac lor the lasaasee of hitters teeUsveatary t Nratt B. of their respective estates and titles tiero-i- districts, has its eves and deter mi I ted by tho Fmar.oa Cotnmutco in respect to n 5 Best Imported blallton for draft ne, Meott asvlnr been sled by John . tctj cue ui...y. open discussion in the Senate All things to done tLe ODd thoso Kauai. Retiming, leaves Kawiliwili every lmportnl " Undoubtedly mines have with l'icmicr similar proposition iu the Forty seventh Congress. t Best bullion for saddle ose It Is hereby ordered, that FRIDAr, Ibe Mi dar as! 1'roTLr iMcLacea through considered the the treaty is cer an American or British who with him would undermino and destroy tho minority loss revenuo Saturday Evening. , 3 Second beat Imported SUUIos for saddle use Frbraary. A b. 1M. at W.'eleek A afraid shy. at wndinn the mails to prepect The consider Jhat the of to s Bullion, over 4 year, C'essrt rtuusii X. tbe United tStatea or Kurop? should firft inquire of tainly hopeful corporation is regarded by tho courts Constitution, who would forco upon us an abso- tho United States overbalances the benefits deriv- llest natlre old the of wH roert, at Chambers. lutism equalled only by the oriental chiefs. 7 Best nallvc Stallion, nnder I and over 2 years o d Hi.HSlala be. and the .ens... t. hereby appeewtsM I ine J'onmasicr wueuicrRucunckacetinxe maila of their respective countries as entitled to ed from the treaty, and they think tLe best thing S Best native Slallien.3 veara old and oudrr the tlase for seeelaff aaid Will and office t The election means that the "missionary part" a bevtBa.u ..ia. bt bc dead letter at ahiitton tv It is well known in planting circles that tho rights of an American citizen or Brit- to do is to tenmwtte the treaty, with view of en tf Best nativo Filly over Syesra old ealloa, whea sad where aay perse. Inters-sar- sue a, ceiVMrrvrydajr pnclagea from Stv York, the few "sore heads" tho "small and discontented term; into other commercial relation with the Stmr. MAKEE, IU llest native Filly under .1 years obi pear and cnle.1 the said will, and the ayaaeWer Is, and lMlliniore. which are held up Col. Spreckels with his plantations with ish subject miuontv" nrated of bv tho covcrnmentn.trjer.nud Sandwich Islands, more ne.ul reciprocal than the JAS. 11 Best native Mare 3 years ufcl or over ten testaaieatSTT. Uie contents are llaule to dot. hen tho drew from tho l'lauters' Company last Oc On th(! other hand, a corporation is an so constantly sneered at, is no sect, no chnuc, no' provisions of the present tre vty. FREEMAN, Comnumlcr, 1J Best native Mare and foal It la farther ordered, that settee there.' be arena tre wrttmare Vinfwn IbefwpacVacesare returned to uissausueu party ot "ouis," it is mo coumrv un- 15 Second best native Mare and foal pablkwtloa, roe three saceeaelve weeks, la the Haw. tober. and may be regarded as opposed to artificial body, tio crcaturo of municipal Best Dative saddle animal, - r - iting against usurpation and corruption. means leaves Honolulu every Thursday, at 3 p. m, II horse or man J.4" """Pr-e- prlated and assMMved ka tbem. Irtit If not. the turtles to whom UieT nre ad- It An .Entertainment and Invitation 15 Second best "V"- that Company and to its methods of doing law, a law which has no forco proprio that if possible Hawaii shall yet stand in tho lino & natlre .addle animal, horse or mare Iloacdala. drewtl are niti!iul that such are htOd for Kapaa Kilauea. Returning', Leaves ii - iiev native carriage anlsaai, Irorse nt aiare Dated Uonolalu, II I January Ssih. t Veil. business, osecially to its advocacy of tho n'jore outsido of tho State in which it is of nations able to govern herself and to securo up- fho of free liter J musioal enter- 17 t nod only lie acnt by exprww. Man of theM; sines iry in Kauai every Monday, at 4 p. m, and touch- Best imported Mare v. r jid, rwckHcetharc at tonch aa ftj ctots worth of Treaty at A ashington. On some accounts enacted. It may bo said that laws requir- rightness and justice to all. tainment given nadir the auapioesof the Y.JI.0.A. H BMt pair of native carriage Horses tllesl t hlef Jaetlee .4 Ihe snratae Caws. , by imported wuicuareoi course losu 1'er-m- in thtir hall, which was luterrrpted the ing at VTaianae both ways. Jack ltsiav Serra. Depaly llerk. 9 m this divergence of views may bo matter of ing a foreign corporation to comply with Tho , est native Mnle ivndinc uarccU through the mails fibould al- - Election nt WnUulm. "holiday-- and the subsequent lUuedttuf Mr. Cruzau, vrnya write regret, but on other grounds, not. Tho certain formalities as a condition of their who had them chtrge, will be resumed 21 Best Imported carriage ardaaal. horse or raarr tbeirnatoe and addre$ npontbem wi Eprron Election day at was in SI Imported racing Stalllois, trmvsnrhBrcd S TIIK SUrUKJIK if from any up, can planters, while satisfied with doing business and enjoying privileges Giieite: Wailuku (Thnrdiy) evening. Alfterobi Lodge uf Bcl the couirr of that eane thev are held they perfectly tho tie notable occasion. Tho N B --The places or llaeallaa Nlsrewas be rrlnrtml the 'ITjis would a interest manifested for Good iemplars,un the solicit of Mr. Gruzan ihe animals marked with a KAL.IK.L1A. br the Ste.ee mt Umtkmt SSm " lo wndcr. eusure representation in Washington, which is of citizenship aro necessary for tho protec- weeks before the work during itui mnst be exhibited when by tbe tbetr dvlirery turn. H.mUt election, tho earnest hr.fi prepared an entertainment, which will un- Stair. C. R. BISHOP, rerinireil mlsaer. lahwde, orrt If exerclw np-o- u tei.i . made by tho Hawaiian Minister, MrJLA.P. tion of the community and aro not an un that day: and the enthusiastic demonstrations .VHKE.gXsr-ahb.W- .. more care in lunilun: iKttr ud jnrLsi-- the doubtedly bo both entertaining and instructive UAY13, Commander. Division in S11BB1" T.WitI;MJlt; Carter, the announcement of tho result of the voto told 1 Best Imported (for wool) ex fsy-Gaar- nja: dead I tter t(5ce wuld not bare to Ifitdbick k and his able coadjnter, Dr.J.Mott roasonablo restriction upon their treaty Among other numbers un the programme there Itim are aeeeay plainly lhat tho issue was of more than ordinary nro readings by Mrs. II. F. l)i!Iingham, Miss J Second best Importeil lUin (for wool lea cos much matter. Smith, desired, fcr this w inter at least to rights. Leaves Honolulu Every Tuesday, at 4 p. m., 3 Best imported WISEMAN, Defradan import. Jano Hare, and Air. Carpenter. Charles Dad lev lUm (terniHtle) saswer wtthla twe secure the services there of one of their It is noticablo that our Act oMSSO docs 'I bo parties wero clearly defined as "Government" for best Imported lUn (For mstlou t Tm deciionof lb luitedLMalcs that Warner's 'At tbe Kcgistcr," will Kukuihaele, Honouaa and Paauhau. 5 Importeil sad Bsnvear befaee tl own ex- and "Independent;'' the one favorof tbeGibsou Bel two Ewes far leave the constrncl ion of xlie act excladinz number, to watch and leport the not declare taht an alien corporation failing in be given by Mrs. A Jams, assisted by three other arrives at Honolulu every Sunday Second beat two Imported Ewes aryrera. Inereof. to be IseWe. MtfteCrrt administration, the other opposed to it and all its Coart Uessje. llevMshsle, ha the 1 stand ,.Xoei-- Chines laborers from tin United btnlottwimewlMt act condition of things. It was thought to register cannot do business or hold real renders; Mr?. Simmon and Messrs. Rona nnd "Best natlre Ram of Ouha... supporters. B bara In doubt. Svme time bcj tbe nrnttt-- r btlore Patterson nre to siig solos; and ltev. W. C. M ar- Mornin?. Second best native Ham wj. w imj oi mmwmj aeas. at r. .asMS a. as. that public men would often talk more cstato here. That question may therefore Early in tho campaign the government ticket Is Best lo native Ewea lo show case, why th. claim rt J.ssph K. Wbeasea the United IStatas Circuit Coutt m Itoton ret t is billed for "A Snort lalk," This entertain- ssMsdd nea freely with one who is not a government bo regarded as still open for investigation. was G. E. llichardson and Kakookoo, but later IV three Fleece, native nslatht be awarded Mas psreeaaaSl. she raw person of Chineae nareaUct. vbo .rag ment given especially for young men, "hough - Bct J of aim la withdrew, and tho whole energies of tho is cs- OFFICE of ihe Company, foot of Kl lanes Slreet tease aaaexed peUtiea. bora in Hone KoucafOr Uceon by China to official. For this end, Col. Spalding who all will be cordially welcomed. UiritHw iv SWISEf Aad asra yea the there thla Writ, wslh Mi party centered on llichardson, although tho in ar th- - Wharf OTT setae. Great ItnUiti. JuJcw lvwellaml N"(Uimdfcidtl was understood to bo on the evo of visiting We desire to meet our neighbor of Uio I'JISfl tf o 1 Bet imiMirted Boar of year proceedings thereea. thnt lbelaiidiui;of ihuindiTidual wbr not n viola Keanu attached himself to ltlchardson's 2 Second best Imported bwinc Wrrasee, lt.w .V. FR.VSVW JClrt) the au- two-fol-d for January t tion of the act of Cunirtv , whiob was directed United States with his family, was Ailtertuer fairly and fully on its position ticket, for tho purpose of helping him Rainfall FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK 3 Best Importeil Sow seals. the and himself also. 4 Second best Imported bow t tspveaie ef December, A. &. acatnt tbe OifneRC not at a race but as a nation thorized by tho Planters' Company to re- that the fact tho white population of Mr. J. II. Wood has kindly supplied the follow- fcrt M A jrardi that 'the Independent ticket was W. O. Smith and 3 Beat native Sow Wnaxax FWeraa, Clerk. alitr. fhatt tltixf after nrocielv the kaidp main in Washington during tho present ing figures relative to the rainfall for tho month ft Second beat Sow rcpresnta-tio- n L. W. V. Kancalit, besides whom other independ- natlre late of facts waa prwentwl in ac.i! Judce this city havo failed to obtain a of January, as noted by him at his remdenee in 7 Best litter ot Dst nnder ten mowlhs ohl native Ilavtaar made dllireal seatresi fee Iks wltM. aseatams Field of the United htalea irapmne session. It was believed that this open ent men attempted to run on their individual ac- Court, aitli&f; advocacy of in tho Legislature is due to the injn count. Knuann valley. Also a comparative statement of fat I'U. naflte f?. Vf"; m ,'" sssaet heleawd fa in anu ue rtjaciicu a the treaty against the attacks the greatest, average raiDf.Ufxtnrinff best fat lljf, nstlee this t?!Klaidem I aerehe rerara Use aasameM net served aiircuHtfoae uaIlIon1. dicious manner in which tho opposition to Messrs. least nnd the '"r-ae-dl different concloBion. holding that the lanenftco uf made upon it by interested or misinformed Smith and Kancalii had to contend with seventeen, Mr. Divisrot W c PARKE. tho govemment all tho infiuenco that tho government could bring samo month for tbe just jrwtrs. w...i, ., tbe act wasasufncieutlv broad and cumprrhendYo has been carried on. Our GUIAEB LINE 1 persons, was more honorable, and in all to bear against them. Means and wero Wood states that the number uf Uayp without rain Best white Leshern; ISoortex sntt 3 heal Ilonoluln, Der Ma, lam to embrace tniinese laborers without reenrd to the contemporary claims that he, as a looker material was 1?, number with hsritt spnntre 11, number 2 Best brown Inchon; uWsder ssmUZ ham. country which .night aubjecta. resiiects better than what is usually termed supplied from Honolulu. Mr. Spreckels' inllucnco Spanish ; sant X of they be and that on at the game, can seo moro than tho recorded 8, on wluchiUS! inches fell. From Dec established 1840. bUdt Jlenaler hens IIAWAILVN ISLAarsH, Lleed f Oaha.-sv- a. was also with the government ticket, and tho 4 Host trans I any other construction of the law would holly lobbying; by professional lobbyists. The 2Sth,1883, to January 21th, bat S inches fell. llomlnict Renter and heeebTCj.lly that the wltbla sad h. iui purpuric result lirmly will players, and that ho has discovered that a of ltichardsou'a election was believed iu 5 Best name fowl ; Rooster and t ben HSSeJab.esl uurni it is believed justify this be Among agencies The average fall of rain during the mouth of Two failings Every Weok S Best three domestle (Jeese ?ki!5,J,,'"i0' i courso moro "conciliatory" to tho throno Honolulu to assured. other years was liLSb la dsroree. JoaerdtJ"""WWerean re. EssesW Mo. course. employed, Janunry in the last seventeen 7 Best pair natlre Ueeae ami cd Thk lirnnim MttMif 2 came out in ood and to tho F. H. Uavscldeii, during snrao any JVIaemsa, ale. th. Marshar. rttarar sadtsal The argument has tho Hawaiian people would havo came to Wailuku before the election and endeav- indie, the greatest fall tho time io:t 2.ii:i:i'oii.: Best pair other breed Saseeas. Coart M the Juusary Tenja , B. pmt. lira e and with a fair at lection of been freely used by 51.28 .80 jVrir Vork every i'eJnetdoy, V Mnccovy article. lis fr. secured a better result ored to Hot hi3 efforts being lacho. the lenst inches hnn Three Usclu ial "The ar Gold X'lece' ia continued themiponents of tho treaty, that it serves assist. did more harm than itt ' Three Aylesbery llseka Kgt, la -- to its good From Boston every StilnnLnj aad lint the saeaaSa,aa iteserdtopyer eaett dCUin canpter. un Let us first turn back tho pago of Ha- to their party. II ' Three Canton Ilscs, oute rxlucation is a useful mainly to an overweening monopoly, polls were whole Ilonolnln Athlatic Anociatiou sweecrroea oy tsesuiete. re contnboUontothe study of tbe tmbjrct wlncli, waiian history from the linio when this The surrounded tho day with a 13 Three Tarkeys qalrlns said BsaettanUesnMt.F!. .S aaewer at eaMA,etl which, besides, 11 however, i one of which must said controlling tho entire su crowd of wide awake men. Iho voting was con- TUo annnil meeting uf tuu n&fociation, wnioh RATES OF PASSAGE: " Three Varieties of rigeona Term. it lo mtny country began to exist under laws snch as faiily well, although IIOOM lis wrenasa wlbM.f I men, no many minds." gar crop and carrying trade of tho Ha ducted the appointment of Oivisws vr B . ke. - head aad rbe not imcrUnt Nakookoo was Rillnl liv Secretary Wetli fur the evening of tkiii sso, mill jnm il,i IM of tsy: kw.. wrn. rLci-pltn- prevail in civilized countries. Human lifo as chairman of the Hoard of Inspectors Setter ty.1 rsaisresa. t'eaut at II IMS no doubt is that on Prison e waiian Islands, was supposed Rcotrniplisheil HIS Iriouind to havo a was looked mem- tlio 7tli inu, did not become un AfCCQfdliis to Accommodation. 3 Second Best k dayof Janaery. A. 6 ML WILLIAM bj Mr. O. Ktnith, which was read before up to a comparatively recent date was of on with suspicion, and another ilktu largo influence on tho Hawaiian Govern- ber of tbe Hoard, Mr. L. Hal, was an employee of fact, on tho mentioned, owing to tbe absence RKTUBX TlJCBTS Oft PAV01Unt.E TERMS. 3 Best Pointer f "' Oik Seyreme Cssert. (he Honolulu Social hcience Awociation. 1 hougb slight value com- tttenty-fiv- e ( oouni-tut- e I Spaniel ment and Legislature. here. It was death to a ltlchardson's and the third was choice of the nocessary persons, to rueontjre. far from exliaostlve, it contains much that is well In reply to this the of the A meeting .. .HJS Ciirreney 5 lletrlevtr (water ipsalrl mon native to allow his shadow to fall up- n qnornm. pro fonmt was held at Uootl T" TIIK StTUbJIK OF worthj of consideration. It would be well if Mr. argument there is now much to be said. wlilcli Wandenborjf presided,' ami ccommodatliMia can alwnya be nn an. sheep Hoi X the HsweAUa Khvedena. would follow on a chief. Thero was no such notion and There was but little drnnkenuess, tho Independ- plleatln tir WII LIAMS DIMONI) .1 CO . 7 Orejnonnd , Smith op tho subject, aided lij the Twelvo thousand tons of Hnwaiian sugar, on mutton Uio Secretary was instructed to alaaia1 K117' J ' "" " light which been lib- ent party supplying no liqnor at all, and tho gov- bk.hu 3an rranclsco, s SkreTerxIrr f "" B,',, has thrown on the discipline in Hack-fel- no such thing as the right of personal meeting Thnraday ovenniR, JAM through the agency of Messrs. IL d ernment party having reserved tho greater part of call a for ALEXANDER, 3 insn Trnn T. WlLLUMC PAHKB. Bee, tlie Uonolalu JaiL in the coarse of the inquiry held Coped will be sufficient nam SM - the Ac. Co erty or as a right to any property, real or no mu nt which it Is there h state Slreet, llotton, 10 StotcllTI dnat, or his Deaaty Oasms. Jl.r.. Kr At the death of its late povcrnor Uin. IJackli. are this year sold to new pur- Buiiinv iur luu gioiiucaiiuu mier uecuou.. j c per- - personal, Tho polls wero closed exactly bcr lo constitute a qnornm nnd ruble the VERNON II. BROWS X CO . II EnsllshTerrl ITie Fneml for Febttwry. conUlns fttuon oilier chasers. Tho withdrawal of Mr. excepting lhat right which might at fivo o'clock, and It- " Terrier Spreckels tho counting began. As tba independent ticket formance of busme&i connected with the annual I ilawllrt Green, New York - roi HLUtTTT Defendant, la case he shall 3c rrtetea Tkv wninouuous, an insuimeni 01 anoliier 01 makes, and tho might lay exclusively in meeting, i and election of 11 " Ball Terrier eveei wtthla twenty daya after aeressa hereof, W. ilr, from tho Planters' Company shows that ho began to gain in number ufj'votca counted, tho viz:, receivinr' of - tee.,. F. Damon's iutcreM in lettercthis frnm lliinn. tho hands of the chiefs. ofliccra. There will probably bo nn exhibition of I-I- Masllrri smear before the SueeemeCenutatrheJaaaary Teem konc, 1st, together HnancMl no longer controls, or seeks to control that cheering increased, and vvhenHharcjult was an- Vutici to raeeenajer. from Anrtralla, New Zealand 13 " Best Newfoundland thereof, u be hofctea at Ibe Boom Iec with the tho tug Tho Missionaries, gymnastics at Iho close of the business meeting end Uonfdnlie Tbe CnnardLlueaflonla more than nvual other merlleerovn Co.it .r ta.CoM 01 me Association, influential body.That gentleman's es- American whom it is nounced tho Bhout was dcafeniugJThe votes cist Also for exhlbiu at the dlcrelon IIo.ee. Itnoraln la Ihe Island of Mhu.e Hawaiian irancelical open fadiUIea t, tbroqgli juaMeruccra from Tranf-l'aclf- l, oftbcjsdze the day Jawaary br Mr. W YV. Hall Ircas and of the V. M. A. pousal of the the now Uio fashion in some circles, to con wero as follows: 5 sevenU nest, al a. m' a cause of Ministry, and his W.O.Smith 317 500 will bo paid for any caso that Hop IilU ra pon,wBirsacTaijsllllni;a lirecinllni;aIlpoM Urmnm SIl ,o shew caaae the claim ef by Mr. U. C. Jones, Jr., the latter is a final rt TKrt demn, assisted tho chiefs to establish a ..'. l.lllty of delay In Sew 1 oil. mrt'be avowed opposition to tho election of nt X. W. 1'. Kancalii 32.1 will no. cure or help. Doubt not. Seo advertise- PlalalhT.slwe.ld awarded hee mret!rtl.'W Hrnlhbows a balance in hand of 'rr,r,7. basis of popular rights as well .is of indi- CsT Good sccommwlstlona always reserved 1 Best specimen fresh water Fish I not native to lcaia of aaaesed beUtiew M$t'ht,Irttrter JiWAiy as usual full matter member of tho Legislature for G. E. llichardson ,. ....(.,!! ment. VBRNOS II. lUlOW N 1 O . " - f the conntry u of vidual system VV.H.Keanu 915 t ' unrreKiinR and instructive, air. Jaeger coutrib- - tho coming session, is outsido Ho- rights, upon a of laws taken Jit,l!2 lj (BowllnzOreen. New York Hrvm.m FltODUCR. of'JelesmlCthVeeer "" met of Scattering- WttuSM, II01S. A UkGn uuu way ue mainly from tho laws of their nativo land. - t.123 10 rRAStlS tD Cam, Jssscsr. iiuuus uskui uuicu croau nolulu by the election of all the iudepend ytM Hofi(M Firkin of Batter, ta or stare of oar Supreusti Ihls Jt umbuus, flou mo innunieralilo u Hut the vote from Ulopalakna (samo district) PACIFIC MAIL best Firkin of a or aaeee tonrl Uttt d.s mt Oct,.""A. Bl eSss udiosi Liko their Puritan ancestors who carried STEAMSHIP COHPAHY Batter. If ' Itowrhich their r.nducta inar 1m imiL Snmtrwt.iifa. cat candidates. This does not show that changed the totals somewhat so that tho final re- 3 Best ponad of Batter, the exhlMteea belas; house- "snt Htm. Density lliolL Itica by S. N. into tho American colonies tho spirit of ROOMS Neat and coolly Fur keepers and making t&elr ewa hatter Hon. Castle, ojnUins very tho danger is to bo apprehended sult stood: FURNISHED Haeiaa; sasde dIHieat search Iur the wMJthi DaucT, juki ajwaTB ue Englisi liberty and law. so did these men Ii. YV. Kanualii , Rooms can be had by i early application nt For San Francisco. 4 tfeend bestdw siiallaaid buoatu ai uana tor reference which has been declared to lie looming up P. ,..3.3 nlthed Cheese wisu 10 keep Uicmseirea well W.O. Smith KB NO 1 OATIDEN riajwiuo Jafunn over Hawaii seek, according to their light to establish (B) LWE. 0 Second bet lies tin tbe rabjects of which it treats. as tho direct result of tho G. E. llichardson 335 ritr, srr.viiMiiii' treaty. in Hawaii a system of freo popular gov- Divi'irls MASfFACTCKE? W.ll.Keanu ltd BASKET TRUNKS I ban Francisco Alta sars: I!xiNnmtuiT ernment with equal rights secured to all. Scattering 183 Msls lnc t. Uu Iut rtctired a few of these FINK TKLMtH 2 Hats HAWA1US ISLANDS, WOsIm...... voruhum. ihenvAtmrnrtnrf. attempt It is not strange that they erred in Itn. tsaittvallfmoi for The of the lifrrrtiVr to define tho Immediately after the final result was announced which arc oJrable for traveler 3 " haps "tif vsvrnn. hava been meiiitlr ntiil in tho of Hawaiians tho representatives appeared at I ' Calabashes riif...u Guv cnnuent Party as the capacity for tho door of the arc Loit&tr bound and Cloth lined, in llftoer county elucwhtre, Xational,aud tho were mulli-tud- o Tlitr Rk.BR tn.l the .ilenninlili 3 " Bowla of Wood and cd Casasrsntt and with roralu that self government and failed to forseo Uiat court house, and met by tho expectant BtHaU. are quit Kratifjing. 1 bis gives us lucal who seized Mr. YV. Ibctulfot only half tbe weight- - bnt more durable tlian Ornamental Kakal aikajl aad ethoss ad that SB. a interest opposition as tho Foreigners' Partv, them, and H. ilailey also, 7- sapsease Cesart, Use problem fails tho raco of powerful chiefs who then ordinary and arc thoroughly water prtfof - Artisciat Ftvtrerf an irreaflbs at Jasmary Teim ,.. U. M.er in tbe ctrat of the mannfactureof roar raised them upon their fdiouldcrs and amid con- lb trunk Voed or Siowe MS. . ihe iwTKhnm signally. H by "National" Uie wrilormeant aliv u Carvlne on eesllneed t. aext AprUTerra. A4J from Prrup, which after lone delays and were and ablo to hold easy sway over tinuous cheering bore them up the bill to Mr. 's Call and examine them. AUSTEALIA(iiiuvr. ojfiA.ifm.i( thai la the meantime aa alteslrsl many lUsappoIntweuta, alioriginal Hawaiians. and by t& Ssddlt eeeyef sardf seems at Ist to have been foreigners tho ignorance and passions of tho populnce, residence. The crowd with drums and Hags OTIlm T1IEO. U. DVylK-- j S. IU WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SIN FR1HCISC0 HarnM assTie he Misled se aeeeennea ay the 3lacae laauf practically aotved Even if the sorshnm vroduc-in- c ho meant those of foreign birth or descent would so die and demonstrations of tho wildest enthusiasm Horse Sheea aaM .trthae A. B. ElUett s. aaewer at tfc sMJ capabilities of this are ques- soon out leaving nothing completely blocked way IT. or about Monday Feb. 18. farrlaee Teem hute out of tbe he must now, if ho did not earlier, know tho from tho court bouse NOTICE. In I tion, there would befeufScimt reason for taking behind them to take tio placo of tieir own to Mr. Bailey's bouse. Thero hand shaking and BANKING Wagon wrrsn. whereat hw heresat. set my bsad liveliest lhat these aro not tho dividing lines of tho The nnderslffiicU have formed a FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! Piece of Faraltere of llawaitaa Wood, and (seaiJ sad Seal ef the tfspresne Cert at ItmvsT the lnttretvt in the dtTiInntiipnii.nr ti.n Xersonal influence. Thoy may have congratulations wero lollowed by brief but earnest SM. u tn1( of for best or any other ssaaesaade exblatl r nseril thla IHh day .f J..Ure.A. B. iwrchum business: in its natioual anpcts two parties. Of tho leaders of tho self too rigid a morality, very likely addresses from the miinbers elect, and the crud r tbe fim name Sprockols A. Co., m. is of the first tin. of carrying on a lisukiuj and Ex M'l.irVDIlt STKAJtSllIf Dmsrol I'RUDICTI) it importance. Tlie United bUu is styled Nationals, who are they who conic they ought not to havo withdrew. j purjiose Ointral 4 rilr. s ClwkerereCssrft. an importer of sugar to the valne of $100,UOO,0 extended tho suf Iho triumph of the Independent lKtrty was most change Dustnra at Itonolala and each oih r places In Cutss i rnoDScrs aa MAatracTVinro rai Exwarr Annually, of pure Hawaiian raco Ot what nation frage, and the amount of revenue collected but relied rather upon tie aristo- complete. Of their two candidates, Mr. Kane-al- ii tlie Hawaiian Kingdom a may be deemed ad, Ualih CST OFSYDNKY! 1 Best washed Ssxar CUIMEK3IK IIA-k- imports by ality is tho Premier, the man who COUltT OF TJIK J from ncar tue Govemment has boen has been cratic government to which Uicruloof Uio is will known as a moit decided opponent uf (Mffocd) CLAl'ri HriJhOKKI-- . ikaiiikii:.. 3 " unwished SSfar wsllaa lalaade. Ia Prahau la the matter or the from firatyjCM to $.V)JtXUiO0 every year. Xow, allowed to appropriate to himself moro tho present administration, and Mr. Smith was - 3 M Itlee, IB I,, or ssare chiefs conformed. Bnt they sought to do vm o. t I " Coff--e. & shoold the United States become producer of sugar most bitterly opposed by government. mwiv 0 .a about February 26, 1884, t er mere "! l7,H??ll sweeaeed. Al Chsabera kerar. tStef offices, more functions than were ever at tho Moie F F. I UW Exhibit or Fibre or - the extent of its own needs, what was best for tho naUve race, and Mr. tsmilh Vet. ghi Pasnag, nndjr to 3 " froai say native latrs- Jadd. O the retention ot the than that is a whito man. a Honolulu, January .Hth, IHM fjr antl daced plant srnwa hare tlQ0,n0uVOXk which tempted by any ono individual a more yyO-- C . " bepetlttTOHlaeea.al. is annually sent out of the sought tiaf object with all earnestness and of the district and is identified with the plant, II. IIA.KrKI.A to ..tsenl. Best sxhIMlof any kind of dried or preserved country, would change whole naturalized alien; tho of tt trait i?."l? ,iSi "I-- llimTtsreisH the course of com- - Minister Interior, sincerity. That Hawaiians did not moro ing interests. Every argument was used to defeat KcfrrrittS (o the above wc bc tu mforai ilu huaincs tlotHKforMiliMit-i- iiriSteniiier ran nnir crown la this ceanffy taw. Will of Her lllsajsess BUk Keesriataat. merer, and be an industrial him; the old worn In Ihe f 1st, .1 revolution of such a Hawaiian without a drop of Hawaiian generally out attempt io creato race public that we are prenBred to raakt, Lnan, THafrennt bcMnntl, l'rrrul lliarcr. flreitraif Cuisa it Srstn Cava, oa crass PaooocTa whereta tkey ask tab. aferaed magnitude, that it is impossible to forsci. more developo under tieir brief train- was ruiortcd to; tho employers nnrv um nenr uic nicnmrr t. iinri. IOTJW.-- and eharae tkemserre. wrttt blood, no moro and no less of relation to Approved Note and I'nrthjw Exchange at the betl I Best bnndteof ,', lrSSJ9t.n, Hawaiian Sawart'sse ,fc than a small portion of the consequence. Hut ing into great statesmen, lawyers and and planters was urged, and every kind of reason-in- ThAicniU hare are now rcparetl to ""? m1 w eaamlned iWisanni Nationality than Cnrreat IUte. Oar am Bremen if for s.llln Sx 2 Second best beadie eJ. d. 'it i& s Sn.1 orderamy' he made one of the consequence would dearly be the solu- are tho candidates financiers, a result which would have (air and unfair was brought to bear. IHtieTUkp.tliS.i FranclUco ami 3 Lareeit toneetlo clWerent dltcaasraW tnem is change on the principal point n In 1 niti-- States llclnrn, of varieties .f Kasar their aarelle. from all funher ses.seiretJa,. tion of tho surplus revenue nrobleu, without the lately representatives today, the complete triumph was tho result mainly of iltr Cane sack a. the followed any other conceivablo training. - cxecutoes intervention of Congress, fcorghuni u hearty Europe, China, Japan, and Australia bun;; made rUK8lS3 THE KOUMI TJHI', 4 for the miu-- The Attorney General ono of tho a disapproval of tho present tendency of Best ainsie stick of Sezar Cane It is ordered thai Tl ESDAT Ike SIS da; - March. syrup, grown It is not at tho door of Uio Missionaries Iven Wc 3 Best Kalo A facta re of has been in the United most recently naturalizeJTorcigners. the government, and of deep rooted fear of threat- and when iCTfecleddne notler m.I be D. IWI. al w ockiek A. St tem fteT Mates a creat tnanv vlotk. and the nrndnrtinti r Tho that tho fault can bo laid, that no Hawai ening dangers. hall aIo beprrparen to recerre Deposits on open CEAliTc "STEARISHIP COi thl.fJn.llee. ai tkambera. la the I earn Ueeee. ac syrup increased CtOMj0U0 gallons INK) Minister of Finance? BaUcy, 0 7 tlreatcst number of varieties of Kalo Heaolara, be ami tke same hereby le irom in to n mero ians at this day aro merchants or shop- Tho carrying of Mr. as well as tbe repre- mike CollecticB0, and conduct a General Bank like la ear, ot Faddy aatwhssed she 16AWJ0cHcms in 1S70. Though fig. sentatives elect, through tho elec- '"' eZsMate. the census dummy whatever niay bo his nationality. keepers, streets after the and Exchange X,Qit.e. SPItJtCKELfe A CO 9 Sweet I'oUtoea Xl2?.? I?"pereaaa.'T"1" "may ares for 1M) liavc not yvt been be- while every nationality that comes was significant aa ins leteresled elwdthem aad there ai published, it is So too tho electors of tion bearing on the question of 10 " Irish Totatoe. asdaharw came. If aay thee way lieved tbey will show tho capital city of hero succeeds business. race prejudice. tH) 11 am. the sans. that the production of fyrup in farEcriTon. Teanats sbvald nea be greeted sad that, ardeT the kingdom havo just returned, at tho Or bestof say other prodsct of saerit this hi wu uv hican j iiiunwu. In 1661, upon tho accession of Kameha American Width am Watches he Eeirtsh aad llawaitaa Uaeaaxre, U rMtshed Is head of tho poll, a who meha V, came Uio first serious break with Kanai The Election at X.lhuo aoid Koloa Cuua risrvtw sua Dime Puvts IUT.V,.".,J4,.l!rr! 4 osam sewspepes, ntsled Th. Kohftla ControTezii)-Cloaiu(- ; Cor only recently Awarded TWi Gold iledal Ttt. only medale award 1 For the greatest rarlety cd Fariae Plssti aad published la lloaadala. fee three encsas.es, wee. declared himself mcapablo Uio Missionaries, although they were not Tbe election at Lihue and Koloa was n pleasant prevroae to the time Iherela Ttiliilfir cd for WaehCTaj Malbonre Internatioaal Rzaihition THE MAUMFH ENT SEW IIIOS bTEUISHIPS sentln; J elds of net lee. lasa ost iere irr sslilkrsrlai of holding high professional position by success. was v For the latrodactlva r any Datedatllonorata.il I , tklaSKayJaa. A. Mot the only, if they were indeed the principal The weather fine. Two hundred nnd I5S1. aeeral forelsn forsce l. liniTOt , - Plantpruvedtaasccesd In aay part A. lt JVDO' Gumt-- u llr. K. C Uoad "itinJmt- - reason of defective education, tliongh ho twenty-tw- o of this Klaidosa opponents of his courso in setting aside Totes were polled nt Lihue, and two The only Goldteda!, alto, lbree pvciFWaMi four -- ror the aTeaUst Tarfety of SaiM, ptssta proved thief JsiIms sepma, sSeert. icnlly jtuics;" am! it is not lo Ik won Jircd nt Lhat sought to lay tho blame of the defect on hundred and twenty ono at jS'oloi. At t llest Depniy Clerk. VMM tho Constitution of 1852. From that day, the former first pnzea, fcydnej, 1S7J ..luripsn and Alamcdii to soccesd In anr nan of thla Iflnednm llssar Ssrra. when place Mr. Dole received one hundred tiglity-thre- e the best lleatsa Plant inion fur a man sUrts In by UkiDR a hh the wrong, that is on other shoulders than however, unUl rccenUy, there havo been and The Oold Medal, I'rIa,l?7B tour Firtt T Med small, thrive la this votes, and Mr. Kalaeonc thirty-eig- At rir conntry, Hcdr. mast be at least VU feat keae, TXCJIAJIJIKItS. poeitioxifaei8TrrT.pt tuoanbnDc deeper his own. Again, look round the IsTO. sad CJRCUlTJrilGJ ctUn!: tio various few successful attempts on for- Mr. Dole forty-eig- a la. Philadelphia, the plant mast act bare the eAjecttMsala charac- A District, Ishusds. PrvdMie antl deeper jti. qaestion the part of latter received ono hundred and .WHILoavo Honolulu tSan Francisco Jadklal lUnetaa la lue ivardias tue truth heads of departments under the Ministers, eigners residing in this country, to and Mr. Kalaeone seventy four; which ThentjeqnalcdaacecMof theirt ''clebcatrd Wale hi- teristics as the tastassandMntrSee. IHpeclrsaiel Ia the matter of the EsUte af JOHX BOARJBXAS of tbe item vbicb appeared in Tour oulDtnns. is obtain give I plants of Ihe above lo tx exhlbfted at shorn ) or Maul deeeaard Dole thirty-on- e produced a t.Mt of imitations On tho Each Month. Kahalai. was of wiat nationality aro they? thoy aro in reprcscntaUon Uio Assembly. Mr a total of three hundred and ba wnrtblrn lnera standlSthof Mbsc the petHsew, Amy whether the ilrm a trntliora falsehood. Xow m Tie old Mr. wlUobscrre the Trade Mark. Hal I bant. M-a- tu Diviaiox Oa readlas; sad ef Laau pro-r-e. by virtue of Totes,and Kalaeonea totalofonohnndredand FASiiENOEia nuy hare their namea ljooke4 in Klac, praylnajihUtoaitl.seeVe thai atlas) -- IUAt rimer (bo writer told the tieir posts snprcnie necessity, fen-- plate all Wattaam Us alin Iran eiact Missionaries meanwhile have with twelve. The balloting was lively in craved on the of Oeauiic Wtrhrr office Cuss i nt. a a -- f ami personal. aome luihaja'a the early part W 14k. or , bj appllDjs at the of tbe Axtnls OiuuiuL This rum made tk. psteTtT.ral el IkeUle trnth or of best men arc fAUifiera, not by virtue of any sentunpntal raco ideas. of tho day and amusing. (rtild case are ttaiaped A. Co, Hk. and collectloit of ef Kahatnl. Xaet. aa bare beard br word of month from a number exceptions passed away, but tho term often Mr, Kalacono is Silrerca are atauped Acicrtcaa Watch Cowyaui 1'aacsmtRra bj thla Ll&c are hereby notlilnt that ferelcs Ferret Trees uluble Joha Doardmaa deccaexi. tar the I Then whete is this National something was thfj-wil-rTl fjt this country rfl.Uu.nutaetJuiWUIeflhaaaldaVenurf Party which "Missionary is used oppro-brion- s of a and backed by his bLerllna; Igl ly bealkJwed3V wod1 of FUZZ bj that Ur. llotid itd base his petition on ay resigna- Party" as an father-in-la- Wajthainila8. baae 3 Best eestarmt -- s prominent Lahana. Tho nightbe-for- e Orertaat! JUllwaj when trsTeMn; cast. clW.len ef natlre Forest Trees It Is M the Idwrtiarr strives to evolve from no ono ilc 3- - - - iuinau.viauAi.iasI p sie f tion, and if lhat Kentlnoa.n trill call on mo I will epithet to characterize all who have tbe election wat sleepless - Palms Fery, fftl. st tawJsr him the names of tboe that so stated. be knows where, and who aro its leaders! a one for him and BxcttraloB Ticket for the roond trip, $123, rood to - " " lllMfci ka. Msat ss the time aad alee, far IsenrlarUV Kin If In set themselves in opposition to what they his bouse, being spent deertistments. aay -- maul ia 1 hi proyrn for his success in- efr ntara by of the Company Steamrra wlthiaW 3 " " " Draeaevas .U pearttem aay obiecUoa. Ih.f mar thinks bis pontiou not a false one adrise him what sense are the opposition foreigners, termixed with varMii onco donned encroachments by tho government appropriate uicantaUons. On the " " " K!or"' sf Bisonia. theeet.: ad ft E. Boardmaa and ft W to take bis petition wort tu tbe prerioas sisn. Nationals tho morn of the decisive day this pious MSUCIIANUI'-- intended tor ehipmeat by thU i, - Croton dele ojeented the Win sa ers and he vill no longer be in doubt. and not? position is untcn or by tio King against popular rights. government ! Iloe eiecauar. at r able, there is no party or (of candidate appeared at the polls at Lihuo carefally Fine Front Office to Let will be received free of cfaajveln the Company' w o3 ' " Ferns Itaerdmaa. dereseed. asd sny ether perse, hsvvstrssi ' Voors Ucspcctfollj, group of men Entertaining, as recefpt a (s dozen " lalerest la said esUle arc hereby fat those do who havo arrayed in a snit of spotless white, this being, un-B- rcMii: ornrc ronsiKBi.y icfixxajirr Haixebnute. and lfoed for atme. Icanrance aeatf ed ataeskd. C, 1851. Tnoxrsos; capable mlinp- - BL, Esq , adjoioic the Oazeue will b WV ABK. FOtUIASDEB. . Sobala, Feb. L. 8. aboritrinal descent of this allied themselves the instructions of his prophctio father-in-la- Joseph . Wieman, im 3sTerchsad!e is the Warchoote at owner .IniLFern with this opposition, the i II a Ml twenty-fou- necessary Oftico. Term mat favorable. it. litis " collection of Caasdianta H. t, Kingdom, as it now is, for r belief that foreign residents coun- n condition to hu success, a the (MZKITE OFKICH, 3I. 13 " Lahalna, Jan. 1Mb, ;r)t. " K .JCBHOAOirrox: A fnend baa just Kent me a m this old man had ascertained through 3Ji a.THWISACC, ceneral cellectloa of PUats. and anr other ' m Inst, hours. They havo still under tio consti- try havo rights to be fairly the medium of i3 A&nf O. . V. Co. mrritoTiosi exhibit of plsnts not menHoled in the am ot Ihe Ailrtrtiur vf the 2nd together represented in his incantations, that only by wearing white could above Hit jfttfi (be repated writer uf a brief com- - tution, power !o exclude from tho Legis- Legislative ... In the Sapreae Court of the mine of tio Assemblv as well as the Ins filial iriumnh over tha General Insurance Com'py. n --Ctrr Ftowss. EtitiA UiwM. senicatian therein in which a apecihe charce is lature all merchant?, shipowners, pro The failure of bis iirognostigations .; iJusf tio Cabinet, and that all undue influence over has not as yet Sea, Notice tosCreditors. I Best Botninrtof Flowers TIIK M ATTEIi OF TItK BSTATK Wiade rojaclf. That charge I will here ukujuuMx ijfuuauij tie Kjui Dy Tor River antl Z.aaliltranspart UAT1XG ItEEX asinrf - ducers, professional men, and these latter tho popular elections or over the members whi iui, misieu tue JMSK rNHtlLSniXEU best d. . rs' --r ami ajid a a f and luiple. MoreoTer, accord- obscurity of some of bis testa. Between B duly appelated Admblitratof aodAdjalnlitratrU -- of. oHhe 5BD.SELlT'Y gM rare for another biennial period must go un of mystic of BRESBEN. Best llonijnel Raees MAK gttrTT ssd the sVsaeCM At. ins to the best of my iuowlnlce and bebef the the Legislative Assembly, is against the nine and ten o'clock at Iahno an interesting caval- "t Ui44ar lloauaall, Utoof Honotaln, IiUnd 4 Second heal pattus miaky nross falBeboods into his cum. represented as far as tie capital city is of this cade proceeded down the road toward the TTAA'IJNG ESTAJILTbUKl) AN vf Oaha deccae4 aotfer l Leretiy riren to all per 3 Best slnslelRoss Hr order of tkle IloooraM. (. oast the setts ef wrier spirit or any oticr constitution court J-- Jd.ail are Uteinro: and implica- - housz. With warbke music L Arrney at Jienolnm far the Ifawafiaaj wbj ta.CTftti tbrtrcUlmaajulsfl tbeEtUta of atd C " tleraalame KeBy. late of Xeaaima Brills CatamMa. asm WfiHimtion us there concerned, but what really National of fife and drum, the JlaMjimili 7- tie which professes to secure tio rights of all see nnaertianiea ue&erai Aarn.art.avi&otii J d!y aatbenilcated, whetaer aecarrd by - " Carnatious sbeat the 12th djyof Aprlt. fast, arc Mr seed hi meal, tMpt tbereftt. - in- Hawaiian colors flyuig in tho breeze, some on raortjiwe ntbenriaeto Daild HanaTcn and Mohtlt (lltdeoll eUlmstoJaswi. E.Bosd, Party can do when removed from the peopleoy a representative form of govern horseback and some in wagons, this heterogeneous ' Lkars.slVveet.lht. Msafalrar t m Kort6KoB4U,Fcb.7,lS8t. fluences of Court and officialism, is shown Risks ag&lsLst Uio Baager of tlie SoatifiUiio afoaiiaalf attkanffecof Cecil Itrown. en Kaafcomaaa s ' Pausles t?Mea Davie . Wlleaa. nJTssjtCT saraes. '" i 'i ment a line of separation was at once company of voters marched to) tho polls. Beforo ctrret, wltbla rix month from th dat hereof or taer-H-I Id Fnchsfa T'e,Ul-AHor,-"!." ' petlesa.aSm Iwfo-vrL- - ? ' thsw OateaBBBjberoMtie newly eiccicd ImJepeD- - by tie returns from tie country districts marked out which could not bo ignored voting they were briefly and enthusiastically ad- XTost ReasonaMa Ratea. and on tie barred. aodaJlpertosf Indebted W laid II Dahlias meatb, u tUta heteor. eeherwtee the ailsla w,n dressed by orators in behalf of both candidates, 9u;e are arreDy rrnscatca to mass laimediata pay It " BtmUs v!'!- - dMit from Itw other i&Unds, arnTed of Oahu, as well as from Kauai, Maui and by fi Most Eavoralilo Tornu. thereof (fclsoe-l- ) DAVID l- Pinks SKIMHaf cmdiiiateB either side. On the side of those who the abitr-robe- d govemment candidate joining cent MANAKA. - tiHawndDrjngthe week ere able to in (Mimeili H0I10LK MOAUACXt, 1 1 Any other exhibit Flower, of taecbV fe and Hawaii: these have all sent representatives 1 of Ss?1 cioso to call themselves "tho lung's Par- these appeals to ho free and independent A.SCJ1AKFHR est in this voters r fc0 AdolaUtratrli of tha .tat ot exhibit ot ptMied 3i.Hses.rtim aat other I Y IrtiiKle tbrfr rejofciofiPtwith srujpathuer to the ranks opposition, pure blooded.1 the district. Some ot the speakera tEirOarT- f of tio ty," more lately nationals, it was and ot shouted 9Xi ly ti AgiM for the llaai:aa iaUndi 4. JJwTnall decuKd, plants sad fldwers SsseerM CsuUB ,Jrr. " MtS nivii-lt- jKrtvnfif, tie astfettK Cjt, fcltlsh iU

jyawafl "-- mr 4iel tl "Mac mbissar arir . jft c . MJjwBBaaiwomi"" ,m) "i "i'' mils' n ''jjiwifxannuwiiii ur m li iirwwuPiirttMjBM - onttnes the ciannrf Id this luubor. lablie spir ti forion News From eivcd from the COEIMERCr'AL. Govern-tnen- the Count rtadsnt assistanl Surenntendent lis UJQAl! 1; themj vbr cannot the t n at Katawib: Paris, Ja ary3L Tho report that Admiral itl s Courbet had stormed Hacoinh, been jJurwc alts. u. supply a ligM o nrghU for the interior of Vistrict-- ! ! ! eow Trtr jrnxxEs wesz rjnrrxamimi. and rcpnlscd, ntupotrtr. rsBJtr.ier the ciocs on Mr LaeaV nea baUding is pronounced without foundation. iUK ha revived tat ante, m Kalawao, Jan. 15. ISSt. 'annary J.YONS & there m better mi. 17. Deab Sin I haTB ZVLn Finn reasserts that Hr rthoBh li The sjm.Ttrsarjr of tho txpeosiTC fullr ot Fchra rUWAlUn VOTERS WHEH ROT CONTROLLED BY ir inrhonr. tried AdmiralFT! Courbet lately pWfJTrUBBER ixrarr t the bailnc ccmnnuiltj yvtXtxixf my best to please von all. Tha ma nfieent n - attacked Bacninh and was PflfNt relative totaeBcee-- met (My ISth, l'S!, vnu ceMinitcil in this THE EDVERSBEHT SPEtK repulsed with lasses equal to those faistained liVYk. r"ii". of closing oj o&Seeat Gov- PHIlUYI! ents sent to the afflicted lepers have been given at at by the GoTemment antl Sontay. The same says tho 23,-0- ULAR j caintes put, all persons receivmR some articles of cloth rarer French met REC ernment schools at noon from thetiattery well armed and strongly posted Chinese re- Mixed Ready for TJse. Any Rr)-itl.- ing hi. cliTWOBidbca nnd ltnrsaan man-of-v- . antl hj the THE HOKOLULf ELECT 10X. Anemaieseacnanandkerchler, acars, one gulars KTTthrVti.lK'" " ' package of cakes, one package candies tied np nnder tho walls of Baerunli. ""UB ri dnc,.i,0V' "S"i" display consular itRV Bo:nes was in no nay mz SKEAD 1XD rUTTXX 23UaitE TICTOS10CS. of warrdbr ' in a handkerchief, with some articles of clothing; Cairo, January 31. General Gordon leaves As- Ono Can Apply S A li fi y CASH the other iABd dnrlnr. toe put snsrecTO Vweek ago on the tth inst, the proud the females the Sams with a iln ar nrttrlM souan en route for Khartoum. He has wnt It fOrdcr. cttvaave B l"v fTo3w rorcaasable lathM The acent of McKuine; a Honolulu Ihrrcturr 1 ritilegv i accorded by tho Constitution of the of clothing; the little boys and gills tha same with ten a letter to El Mahdi asking hint to stud the On!aiiradiiyjk?ob.3 retsmetl to this city on the 9th inft hana; country, was eomo loys ana nuts, omitting tho cigars. European nnsoners in his possession to Khartoum. J- tad.---. f fiMiwta4rd taken advantaga of, by the native Use - ib htItsI wr There was no nartialitr thn . all ,i Pacific the casrass of Hawaii. The canrassof wm Cairo, January SI advices ihe Aridity, Feb. 15th, clement to a great extent and only by small num- from Sinkal are Mara is still proemwne. soon to he completed. a alike. I was presect myself at tho distribution, heartrending. Is said tho peoplo havo bI-- It eaten all at IV a aa. as gako Haiaaa. will a swU al asanas,. The agent left by last steamer for Kami, to corn ber of foreigners to cart ballots for the candidates and Kcv. D. K&hano and liev. Uonaloa. The tho dogs in town, and only horses and one bag of nest tnings were to were raencc the oanrass of that island, at the conifde-tio- a for the Legislature of lSeX The Government given those that the poor. barley remain. There will bo nothlntt left by Feb ilubiiei' Paiiiit Dry Goods, Clothing--. Dry, of which be mil retam to this crt as the est. Those that had nlentv. pat nnlv cImm and ruary 1st, and, relieved, Coeds, boildi" declared voting place, for tho some unless the Inhabitant's voters in the district of Kana. and at bajn. polls cakes. intend to try and cut their way toSuaklm. They rnrnltare. Jewelry, and (.hi ( whaler. b!o heMtn C, the Hoping this DURABLE, GLOSSY AND ECONOMICAL. Fancy " TJ anacal BieeUss; of the Hrevcx Go were declared opened by Judge 15. F. Dtckerton, will meet with the approbation of say they had better be killed than starved. Goit Ani i int-a- all who helped the Fancy Good. i took pjace this city on the 7th nd in contribution. bJlI-"iSL',- f in the Judge of the elections. is good m co.t ootnpIrtwKi or It stated on autbont that tho district srr.u Tl REI UNUT Bt GrscerTes, Dl ?$,!MUliu, t rranci,co after tlae some rootine basinet There was a small crowd ot natives on hand, to i out rsost obedient servant Sua Ning. the Province ot Kwnntnug, 1 .kitt fu Bell III. in ballot following oGi bTEAWN, Asst. bnpL in is great 'Sks. Bran, Potatoes, and 2 Sugar t tart. kltsap .d the j&Ueiseii were elected as the lake advantage of the first opportuuitv to vote, all C jyaptated at present by the doings of tho Hak. W ruaber porta on the Loatt cers of the corporatioQ for the ensgina being supplied FULLER & Co, trra, tix: with tickets of the Jiatiocal party, Two trviln. kas, who are credited with the desire to wrest bv WIUTTIER. CIIOICK MANIIaA CIOAlW. Groccrll president, 1. C. Jo&w, Jr.; amhtor. H, May; di- which they deposited boxes, of tho committee were present at tho feast means And Line in the ballot after at the branch hosnital at KaknaVn. nn tha first of revolt from tho present holders of the ?rei PORT OF HONOLULU. rectors, Uoc C IJ. lhshop Hfnry Waterhoasc. passing the carcfnl scrntmv of Mosrs, J. A. distnct the PuntK ground by Ca!. day of January, when 116 lepers partook of In the held their an San Francisco, Prime Salmon in bbls, &c J. U. llrown. F. H. Hayselden, Y. L. VI it cestors. t- - Geco&d Rew- tho large dining latpo-ti- B fioaoj-tf- a. 11m captain, chief and officers and A. H. Capt, hall, which had been festooned Tor ale by lar Hon a of Tat I Man- - a'S AftIvmL ltosa, bnuth, J. b. Smithies, Geo. It Is stated Waddington am- ALSO saxall Vats I. JtHa"", ard of the KmU have been the -- with maile and ferns, while many of the patients that the French 1 r4N il r BaStnns from cf Ixed and H. Kaia, who made np the pt in- FjirlGr-Lnvill- a. op io IS lb Has ' rail aad A lb Ha, l l3S MHfoM. ShhI, ft oorpi wore bassador, hasdedared to Pn!.-- n ra, LTKSS X LEVEY r. iftm&ss-x- m r.-c-J fccU of a species of poisoninc, sapposed to hate spectors, wreaths sent in by their friends, and most of 11 .tan Hwtrjsjte" Stwin I clerks, etc having supervision of the Minister, that Franco will not recommence nego- ItwiUBOtCIKLR.rELsrCRAWt. If McdO i tJ Soile-d-. been caused by the ctensils in which their food IS. them were dressed in holiday attire. Excepting Hendry, he voting the government ticket Ton-qu- aad tho disfigurements caused sad disease, tiations with China nntd all her objects in in of tho Host Purost Materials, wtofStd KAlaUaa. HIIIcv his beec cooked on board the ship. The Tictims election. by the a mtot haTe hospi- more cheerful or happy company nowhere assem- are achieved. Waddington informed the TN AtTOKD.UfC T S, PQl Tbtbct been under txea;inent at the Queen's nn-d- er Wtni.-- AH hCtte InriD At tho polls an intp-'- force of pobce officers -- Important to Families A. BBB1 WBBBalsji --- -. ri s, dW - hwk S'ptrtoo, Uooajkoos; tal and three of them the ac4 eond officers Captains and Marcos bled on New 1 oar's Day than tho recipients of tho rrcucauovernmenimai uranvuie approved Pioneer White Lead. Oxide or Zinr, wfy Am .Kf ' nt Mehrtens kept order in charity which wo have, tho views ot France in the matter. awa, Kajlla MjISA , L I and steward are recoTennR, bok the captain Is yet and rublic had lb pleasure to , J v. nboat the immediate vicinity of the ballot Two FURNISHING! dMaaaawsf i a dangeron condiUon. distribute, with thv varne.t of Mr. new iron steamers have been ordered by Pure Linseed Oil, (.eiiiiine Colors BBBBBMal. "W, A Vm1b in Port. in boxes and deputy Marshal Dayton regulated the , dBtad Ha. CBB. Van Gei'-en- the superintendent at Kakaako and the Panne Mail Comnanv for tha Chm tr-- o- entrance and tismbcr, (six at a time) of prospect-iv- e STROM. at MM "U- . s:i UiltebtaBdl ChzA. B, uattr-vor4- Mr. Mol They Comblanl with a HlU.TIO'". llaaFawBajBt tBtSapaaA tfaj H I K X - Basbwnil. Mr. Wflsoo, snpennteodent of voters. A railing bad been placed across the ilycr and his depnty Mr. blrawn on will be built in Philadelphia, and are to be On Friday, Feb. 15 XKKCBAXTVEX of this rat has been enaKvd ftn suice time okau H.M.Win et. about 2J30O tons burthen each. This company has WM nun. j hallway, up to which the candidates were allowed Tho India Rubber. w. farartbv mmMmmf Vi pA In plans, looking to the rqaro IE Watabbotse, secured a renewal of its contract with the Mexican Best ll tlaaoa. wtllarllet fjahmain. iaarr t4 I1i kale prepftnnc to come, beyond which, only voters were prtvilPced; llraawaawTitVI aai a awaaBnaf Harrle supply S. DAVof , uovemmtnt ymrs, afFrn 900 of water to the city In connection this arrangement tended greatly to give full free- C for carrying mails for three at UssJTlB a"aim Imbfclerloa Baretow irith his labors the &emoes of Msjor V. &. Uender, L. McCcllt, ts3,000 per annum. ah t Vamwasl. Howard dom to the voter, nnd ota to the maintenance- of PIONEER WHITE LEAD! 1 da, of Pa a hjdrocraphic engineer of marked ability was Votes E. F. Adaxs. U N U ! BIlMllll . Haw Bak lolABl Uarrela quiet and order. were polled up to o'clock Matthew Arnold is in Chicane F R T It E Wd. . eaiffed, in ban Irancssoo, and this gentleman was We GearaBtre this Laad to Be STRICTLY PURE Jttst n rrlvrtl rrasa tha Coaas n4 tme awsttt, rwaht, I - "iwl Haw ech Jennie Walter ciloa at n rate of ?D an hour,f ter that more haste A Close CalL The vessel beanng the rat. XUmw w vUZ apeisl inth his knovledfze and experience in noticeable. The total number of votes cast was remains of HerrLosker ARTICLE rritrtAItnONVTKOFLKAU UresndlB laehaalwt patting the plans workable shape. There - has reaohed Brcmerbaven. rntK REFINED LINSEED OIL. aad It la eM e IMPORTS. ia is 1312, and as follows- Ine ar- Chemical aaaiysis Bios, PARLOR rTX LOIXaaBS MD UKCSUIK. therefore a prospect of the miles of water pipes schooner Jtmnn Il'oiir, Capl. Nison. .Arrangements are making the Brooklyn Navy t to afld lb pipe Teat OVHU. nved port here, from Fanninc's Iciand. on the - at HAIR PIIXOW'S sirBOSM per Mariposa, Feo e A fall lying aroBnd loose, being soon clilized. in Yard for a fittim- reception of th nf th- - l Manufactarrt wTtU(S. JTvs Ma JraBeieco. DtSTEICT HotOLCtV. Uth Captain N isson voyage PIONEER WHITE LEAD prudwec. etc or inst. rcpirta that the Jenmtette heroes. bids rrr anlawlBBflaSi, A awwtcd aierchaBdi. provi.ioB, up was a very one, ia an rraarisco, arrives here Fresh, sod can hr nt. A handsome monument, brought by tha KaU. Hon. John Ixit Krulukou, G...., UJJ pleasant until nrnval off these promptly la qaaatltlea as I.TIH1A I.CTI3T. n"lr. dhaaal Jftvl 'w inlands', when heavy enuoun-tere- d. There is said to bo food enough in Khattoum to sad uted V " is being erected m the British naral lot in the Hon Jame, Keau.G 1.T3 these a cross sea was reahaeM la Economical, la Ihe Oil la which BVW PASSENGERS. also last fijOOO men for five months and the usual grain lu thai aajdV- - Jscoa c Ce&M&Tj, to the memory of Cant. Uope, Lnt.JohnlnomaslIaker,G.-,- , 1.11S He relates thnt the vessel had a verr It la CToaud Is sot toaked lots the Mat of the packa-cr-a. G 1,113 narrow escape from contact supplies are arming and Is aBd Hohjtat per Lrhaa Feb -lr Ueo L of U. M is.Ck imtrfoH. who oime to an ttntimelr Hon. Edward Kamakau Jjlikalani, wlrh a watenpout, in cooteqaeutiy the farauitloii of' atlas Mortgagee's Notice of Sale. From .Va.l O me anu. wuen a xrom and Minnie Lon- avoided Inch, A I. Jad-o- li AUaweoa U Uexaader A end by a fall from his horse in thi? city on Kame-- J Cartcr.I ,.,.., ,. ... &a nigui only snort distance lotta Falmer draw fairly in A. K. Kunuiakaa, F01 Tahiti, the danger only being discovered when don. Their tncks nmnse The IMOS'EER WHITE LEAD Is prSB WHITE w all. Jl u Jioosarrai nan.eoa aay monoment consisis oz an I the gallery, but the (1ROCND ine vote IS FINER than say other la this Market tly of 1 1 Flalael. BMrlMajao Bock. crossir type flat J U. Kawainul, I K almost upon them and the vessel being practically stalls them vulgar. 11 XS imler haelea tW Xaal .ad Hawaii. wtl'UBter, inscribed of ancient Irish nth a ab'FERlOR "BODY. or COVERISO PROrilt-TIE- 5 tn a errtaln loaledtBtv ofaMirtsaas. oaaaaljaai M lr Cowiard. Teaic- - J Joooa. at.-- l'arfr whole close-grai- com- . 1. halankoa, I 7U3 helpless to ccape tho threatened destruction, Earl Grosvenor, la aa espial TN s rather J slab and foot?tonc, the of son cf the Duko of Westmin- and without mad b, K Kawataal Caar J ! utor.it(i rtl 1 being wind, 3U t. mw.nu Hrji iTcraBtra, H there no sea being smooth BKfcwItB. L oKhrud Hoo unffllw. pact red sandstone An iron railing to snrronnd F.Pahia,G the as as ster, died of congestion of the lungs after three ll Is pm ap la lb lb UOIbaod SB lb In aa Kaai 1 glass. A wmd from a art ltherrcMaarniMaaaiC9;, RMUWBBU E,)rd'itt.FB.:ot.Xr.J was shipped same Tessel, Kejected the vicinity of the waterspout days Ulness. He waa --April 2S, 1S53. tin lb aad H lb tin pall, aad la email lias from I to pnbll:aaclMUTl.-haT.tl.M- nanmMNN(sjtoaa. J the grave not in the bat born 10 C. (,'- - 4 BT - - ! Kiaau, heb b Oot J O DtsTBi j or Ewa A Vi A ulna happdy filled the sails sufficiently to allow the lbs each TJiodard l"oru,jtt expected by an early arrival from Glasgow. c It Is stated that Young and Lark, Australian Fall arv l.l.IKaB.ataar'luiiiaal. rf.nilalB ta DonlaU. U' U Hog J W kalu Taebln. b L h Hon Frank llrown, I . 21 vessel to fall off, and, when the roanng column Mipnly la loBitaa.'y Krpt In Stock by lb prrailara descrthecl Ib saM Baoavasass, a aacalaal Bmvsi 1; merchants, have asked an ot Wholesale lfoaae io UoaolBia eianrlalty 1 AullB. K HitcitMcW. V. K cal & L voas J bitnon, 93 passed, there were but Imntg yinft between it extension time. lo whom we frraiiisj t. b. aaM ar a aaltasis asMl nanus4 t U M M 1 LbbiUb. ti The neceeriarT xps prriiminarv to the vdening JF.Kama.G Debts, JEtO,000; assets, 1210.000. reconmead iBteBdlox; bajcrs Maaaraclnrasl oaly by of Knhaaa, laauaa) M alasnm Vrr J ficr J rikt. completed-th- e Distwct or Waulda. and the Jennie IPalei. Cagtain isaon says that PUtrkt Oltl-od- . H' Jg aaHli, Alr aad S of Merchant utrect are now last of Seemed tho Placards threatening hostility to 11 tlwlansf i.iirhlB aaal rBtraa . UV a rnBTv. af been the finding the dnwn to Jess mara, G., .,,,.,,,., ,...,.,, . .. ,, 07 all hand: troubled with palpitation of foreigners, aro FULLER & rm chWrtB these harinr. of jary 18 which posted throughout Hainan. V at- WHITTIER, Co., tu KawatBnrtaj, coataiBiBaTia! 7vmn da. t project. b. F. Kaskna, O heart for a short time, but n long breath mob recently M- JfvBi aB IrancLtco p MaripoM. l 3 J C upon tl deairabihty of the IJy their who Coirmfrn oF Whltr and Ml lh. uuial iJeacrlhW la ami ta JB8 Distbict or KootAUtoi. they all drew seemed to relieve them wonderfully. tacked foreigners, took refuge in the British Manateturm of 11 a-- H aad wife Mix V viaoortB. 4ls Osiika. report preoeuted on batnnlay last, the proposed ralni Colorf, itdrnHbM Whitr Mil Import3fid to KaoaBaBaaam ikl. rootatal am, aaat fat. Ahrank 'CecU Brown. 1 100 Consulate. zie. aa--All tlae taoal Ua VIM I) ABdmr- - II it V aad vlfr. K II alterations, shown by survey Mr lif-iic- SQtl WlniUn ilnull roaaaa '.j&ajsa. lirrtfr Jom as the of J. F M. CI Madagascar advices state that the new Queen, rt of BflcUn Ule to naiaAma. eoatataiair lllori. J I.n4cr? . tvempatn. JlUiO Joaaa, Mli X llrown, have been adopted, the effect of which will J hanahikaun, G 93T tNm Franciftco I iliiWola t 1" 4 21 Kanavalona UI. was crowned on 22d No- It Partner Baiileaatra ran he hao irf II V Jarbut, A U Eltu.ilr. bsxm ud be to a uniform width of forty two feet to that J. Kaluhi. G LATEST FOREIGN NEWS tho of ZtT r kVln J(aBxl.C II LeaawBa,.tin.Mrs J 1' loelt, 4 nue Distbict or KootxcroEo. vember. Tho Queen and Prime Minister declared raarBe7-a- l Law l h.p. vjWB a. tkiMm,: lnereaauistr important thoroughfare, from Nan 1 s. lans cMMm aad aarw Kn baaptro, l)r i II Mallard. J AsaKiulia, G 2!S By the nrnval of the O. S. S. Co's steamer they would not surrender an inch of the country ! Tb ah ilwi al eaans f faarebaawv. b B Mlxat, 1 B Major ana to King sireei. abolish the numerous "jogs" , I 111 . aaaaaaaaaaaam. a.di wBHssjlBs. J BJ4. Jll Halt, tlf . J K.haobko, I M Jfi ir, Capt. Howard, in port here on tho Sth to the French. Sale I.TONSA l. sIMn 1. For JUa4r.J J Cairn F It JaaicB. !.&), Uc-.- which haTe heretofore marred U, and extend its Inst, G days 11 hoars and la) minutes from ban Vln M Lwabtoa aad 3 cUMrta. K Jfrrry. Bathx lunit cunsiilerably Ieazly a score of baild Elected The 'explosive" in tho tunnel near Boston bta f nLn Fruncisco, news dates to and including, the 1st havo designed For I K Blfbop -T Caaipbrll inga will thus require to "move or be captured fbqm OTiiEU islands. instdiaye been Mndjy supplied tion, said in been to destroy the BELFAST GINGER ALE List of Registered Letters D. ILmiUl.w lb the by FurserMcLane. Fnnce of Wales, proves to bo J. RAMSAY, AadKw Utttr including Mclnernys and Hyraan Bros. stores THE SSEAD A.SU UhlUlUE. Following snmmary most a harmless TUK KETUT Or bCTTU Ua of tho Important probably dropped from tho OKJIAIXIXt. IN l.KNKIJAr. I ram Kabahu. prr KUanca ll.l. I ri. TW II the AJrtrtwr office and the balcony of the bailors lthough tho place hunter", police and military foreign news contained in tho papers received. train before Champagne Cider. JLV POST OFTIt I IIOtOLl Lt ttvaraa aad wlfr M' II Bailrjr I Orrr, Joka Kick Home but the improved appearance and enhanced tho Trinco passed. Gonoral succeeded in throwing up the smallt Oery small, Washington. ISJrd. e flOVa labriro ardvoa, II Aaatia. Jadje Jl Kaikelaal, 1' -- January Tho Senate ABIimlottio Jos. Xclamr convenience of the street will amply atone for when II Ale, 1MT Van-- ! U VICoodalc O ortw, A It JattUi A X Bnml, il thecircumstancesaret'ikenintoaccountt on loreign Delations has ordered an No ono can bo sick if tho blood, liver Bass's Mteln. I.aiolal it - the aots of destruction necessary to brine its mkn 300 odd fat or of the government stomach, Oaloia Aloma, Jlr- FJ rbilhw. F TrUaua, J majority of in adverse report on the resolutions introduced by andkidnevs are well. Hop mat Jon lilnlia Dt-alf'j-l boundary in line with the Gazette tuikling Honolulu, the fiat was not as "Honolulu Bitters keeps them Cuinness's Stout, ana. Jom do. oaataa ratsta ta II ticket in Gibson, Pre- - benators Jones and requesting tho well. Notico advertisement. Josh- Cavar Provision, Frwa Kaaai IralaBi Feb 10- -J B braat wile. went so went every place," for, the arnnl of the sident to tako steps to tcrnnnato tho Hawaiian Jeffreys' Ale, W. Su .sio.criieTtu.wrr. SaVI4VfA HiWAIT Ijthva . showed Mo. DoBsiBBja. GoaMo 3 jir Alia. Planter and C Vihop Bociprocity Treaty. Tho minority of the com aafM rcaaelaeo BB.Uou was " large majonty" Independent Jeffreys' liladr, il; Appkloo Hitchcock it Co sent to ths Coast by the kmma that there a of mittce will report in favor of tho resolutions. JJcii,' 3durliseinciils. Porter, saaaj siaraaaa Corrao Good Dsatarttt ta Oeradjamiij", Cl tS2 tons car VmanuU pl&ntaticn vol- e- on the Islands of Hawaii, Maui and Kauai, MOW j. cirta Caattlk. Washington, January L Jm s giisent by the same vessel about HO tone. who knew was and snowed ihegr deter- 2Uh, Morgan, frem tho Mulder's Beer! aaumht Trim "Jenevi. rrs arcau-- BORN. bat pgt Senato Ccmmitteo on Foregu llelations, reported "iVANTHI) ! Ojiart and Pint nm to cru-d- i wrong, by the manner In which slOB Joaa a. U,al Jbm ., aa. . , - mination adversely Ha- bbMI B.a,.4 "oLEE t IMKo" Wfdairiajr. rebraary , lo The sch. Emm Clatttiinn, dipt. MatAou, clear they rolled the figures np in favor of Independent the joint res dutions abrogating the AnioBl Jaelnla. Irrasal i lh?irporKer K B a voa FranciHX, Tho Butter Brigade" waii treaty. The resolution now goes on the A Mast lie COmrK'tent toteach tht Knirl!hl,,nrh Scotch Ta klorutB So.tr. Oloes ed from Uilo for San on ITiursJay, Feb. candidates "ilread and and Irish Whiskey OOBt v.Hbb Garden Seds & Frnh G: io-- t. 1 calendar, bhsrnvui presented the minority report Frrach and maslc UefreBera exehanirnl BrhTB la Ihii city al ala. a tk 41k Ike all' of J Tth. having on board 3G0 tons of sngir and 91 hides. abroad was well supplied, (from trustworthy nc ffl AniaaloaV Mou. - Holt. Jr. a on necessary on tho seme subject Ordered pnatcd. X. Y., alloka P O .Niiurn si.it, ou -i , ar- lUMMMTun i counts) nitu suniuianis, lor gnuuiious g 'I .Maal it OSS Xaao.1 oOiinea rrri Tn ntws from the district of lana regarding distribution, but the fates were not as propitious Tho friends of tho Mexican Treaty m Washing, " i. sWIT AaloH Jom Ylakeira lwLiitiKrt,. DIED the eleetionsj s of the most cheering nature.Kauwila on the otber islands as on Oahu, towards the ob- ton are now confident it will lie ratified. KALAK&UA'" CHAMPAGNE. eiMl ABtaaUd. NhatoauB following Notice. Maria Jom the Independent candidate 13 elected over Kekoa taining 6f a racked Legislature. The London, January 21th. Samuel W. Baker, who RblarnlBe ream3a a II l AiMalloka JIaal Icbraary 3 the government bylS and the Independent gkokoi: .1. i:os& Eibaeher M.s.0.1 Otrntr IL eandrdate. ciajorty returns speak for themselves commanded the first expedition for tho suppres- Mi:, has Tiiih tlelslnhelmer Ranentlialir Saw.1 Maitlaho oa 51N-- . prim..D II atedTJjrarj retired from the firm of Soper, Wright Co ai rtfiEY Uauct rooster croweth at tho significance. A h suttl sion of the slave trado in Central A fpcaj under Mljir I'lanlrrs at Ookata. Hawaii Measra Rn, .hi inn r l,r t UW 3ok Jotoaao ieam VAK1 JOAA-Ib- Ii cuj al of election two men Isa John II. ttBTJo FonaaH, tit The of tueh staunch as J MAUI, luu jstu Mi , uiu e, toper and John N" t continue the on n v Jae tbeacred Hrarts. OB tke 7tb iafUBl of coataatpUoa. wahi I) with such over- culice ui luruics iucui, rlht bnslnees Bauer i sm: BBfM MbbimiI and II. Hitchcock, an . says. 'General Gordon and myself recently agreed the firm name of Soper W rlr.ht Jfc Co.. aod aWooao Macro Ms4er Mabt Joasa. a aalirr of Iraace ad3yean Fisteict or LAnAi-u- aBBie all 31 whelming majority. 2K t I) shows plainly where courso now forced upon the liabilities of the firm W RIGHT 3ei, aaraoixjEoica. II Jow do Sbco 1 ktal For Sale by 'Hon John llliain Kaloa, I 1U0 ntion tho the English .t LO. oo. Uaaaai lr,rtr II1I0 stands. The right tnit tnmpk Ministry by events Egypt, now Honolnln. leb Hth 1S.M tr 31 1B.I 0CI Ara Hon Luther Aholo, I .11 in but I fear it is IKli MbbobI AAaxrawk. M ml ISLAND LOCALS. 110 too late to fulfill a programme which would hare S9BB7 rraaobeoaBB, sjaaioo Electjon day at Hilo passed off Tery orderly, and Kta Nabaolelua, G Notice in raito U. ua saved much misery and bloodshed had it been llaukriiptr. (aMJaatBBBi, EC aluL te Ccl CTO Kanmopili. G.. k.., JETnolcf XDOCT TOUTC. a large yois was polled, ballts'.beins cast in a as-alne- SUM Maaoel d Distbict or adopted two months ago Our cowardly abandon Tin: es lhr PIbJmI. voting list of only about 7D0. 1 he Independent ailceu. S Lrrii:r.5.iGn:iJ. & CO Xatoalo Pemro laoiTuw m fcU ValeaUae'a Day." L. W ment of boudan has encouraged disloyalty and or the Eetatra ot Horatio (I Crabbe anil DILL1GHAI Mill do. lai'. lo ticket was elected lasjas majority. F.Kaneabi, I Kobettvon Oelhoffen SON taloaloJoosiaaarr, !r a bmith, I .3.V, has broken the spint of both officers and troops. of Hnnolnla. hereby notify all 'W.O The employment of General Gordon at this time persona Indebted to either nf raid ealates to make 1m llta Manart Tmvne. NOTICE. Tbe Athletic Association meets Natives tLe o&tlying llllo, G E. ltichardson, G tOi Btrtllate pnTment to the Jom d. Oraolku from distnsU atout is like summoning the fire brigade after tho baild nnIcrl;rncd. saaM Tbursday evening at theclubjAll. to accept near halres and qaarters in tt.ILKcanu. G 113 s J LEF.Y Xaao.1 (Mart d. Mha refuse the GO tng has been consumed. Iho Ministry's conduct ;47 Joaa da JIibbIih atevriro. change, satiac. "they not vanted," such in- M. Kealoha, U , SUILNOTT RECEIVED A FULL LINE WINDSOR Tire Board of Kngmeers of the city fire depart- an , 58 upon ljgyptiau affairs, is a national unmuiauon." Ilonolnlq Frb.Mh.iai st to rraaeatd rwa RESTAURS! deed was the case at HUo on lection day J.llaole.I ,, Of Ihi laur'i DILLINOIIVM orvM LnsaaBM, d Ahrvo ment met at their rooms on the Tth inst. b.Manl O . ... 31 London. January 21th. Unssia makes a formal ti ' X0TICH ! mm Llllatiaedruw.latal "Commotion day," as one little girl of Hilo call-- 1 r B Cummincsl demand that Turkey immediately pay the 1230, 6WBM Vaaoelttaaaea dangerous boles, soma of them eight feet 000 rbue Wednesday. Feb G, oomraeneed with the beat Distbict or Makaw to. still owing as indemnity exacted after the PAUTxinrsnir iumirro-for- c Llb.no ABtaata do tmmm owe m& xsESs !b tie deep. stQI remain uncovered in Emma square. . Hon 1 n lSresikiu' Flows .THO ingof drama, to wake sleepy voters from their John Kamikele, 5 iar eilstiog between tfeman Jl AihUy tlolnit rranrM.ro r. dUla Fll Kalama, I -- 18 do sin cig m JiODomm iins'trsa) naps and to call them to the poIU, when J. ..I.... Haiphong, January 21th Tho French attack t itraerai srnt If I schooner moraine A. WE J,n. uMaa The Am sailed on the :3th ult from 13 y. thttlardlolTMbj mallitlconwiiL Mr re- Tiki,, nral candidates for the legislative honors demand- U.K.Kaule,G on llicniuh is iostponed till tho middle of thltr iOX Jus. 00 Slrva haa Franasco for this port, she bring a light Hi-M- . tires and Mr Wiseman contlnacu the ed of each thai they "rote early and if possible, Distcict or debt bolmaad MUt .'..io d .ltra il. 1 M,Ifci. IS ISOV OPEN cargo. Hon. 1 203 anmrs all and llibllitlrs owed br the late firm RICE PLOWS. 5 TO 13 INCH otteu' for them. Joe Gardner, 2 Ml 1003 aanaolde lBa VataVltw K. 113 bt Petersburg, January Ith the femalo J E UISEMW E U. B. U. Pnncc&s Lydia held hex ual raonthly J. llaunna, G students, a class from which many Nihilists were W l ASHLKV, IHI.LI.Mllf 111 Mr )l!k I aunaho '..l in street, iUci. b .Kaai,G CO" Mr Athley coutlnnej th bnsin-- i of Well?. Sim limls Aho. d Mraa receptioa at her residence ou Beretania on enliited, are now compelled to resido a house , at Farjo Co 9W .f.is tnloBlo ii.aaao do the 7th inst. , The at Makawao passed off in a very Disteict or Kaaxitau. provided by tho nnd be at home by t arrive) LjG .., ., 73 authorities FURROW PLOWS Uo Ul hrsjMlKollsamrMaMsi quiet and orderly manner. A total of votes John UuhariLoj, il HI d IVmaa bVbiWb. rnanac-tentO- 33 pm. POUND NOTICE. TLOWH Jos. There is a rumor prevalent that the f was polled, aad Kamakete, Government J.A.Kaukan, G , Thesi. an all mull Ironionr uwb paltirn, 909W A J. the liv J Lom the Hawaiian Hotel will be changed on J. K. Nahaku, Q 13 Canton, Jon. i5Jth The excitbiuout in the spr. cbv 1111: ioi.umu.'su iiiaMniurn the OlillllNU MULINE ILOIT HURKS oi 4TON Ci mrmt candidate, was elected. i Domlauns d f the arrival of the .(taMu MOLOEAI A. IiANAI. rounding country Las again nsen to fever malf will ire mM at PnMIc auction In JOIlNIIEEKE.thellnni-irV- .irrn Plnir Mannfarli rx 19l lano.1 JimbIM the TOUMl KUIIOLV anil the Lar pt SI Witk. In th" nnrM - drjarha. Captain Hay ley in command of taeltemenuf Hon. b. K. Knplbea, O --IB pitch and further cutragesou foreigners are re- AH& UOEl.NMKM ellliw ITT ate ported. Two American Protestant H7.J io,iat 131. O.N SVri i:ilT. trb 16 .lac Jooo de MraalBBBUtB The scfaouiier Jrtun4 W'mllvr bnught a largo the new rausnleil nulice force, arrived at Hahulai Hon. Xazareta, G missionaries Ont bar Hor-- e with white mot on forehead and foor WE ARE AGENTS FOR THIS MANUFACT'Y Dlwoiuhou of CVrartacris.x I number of eoooanuts fit for nlantixie, on her hist on the 6th inst per Knaittn Ho, and the party S Paolo, I Ill and a Itoman Catholic priest havo recently bad to white, brands M with Otro In middle One Ilea into bhameen for their lives nnd their places fft Oroulva tarWk !. iitciiRtfT w tnp op from Fanning island. landed in good order, the Lor?ee looking finely Elected. , ,, bjj horce with ! hind feet white, brand uodeKrlbabk op COB9 Jean Vkaahrl YntefA1 MtKtaf seemingly -- ' of worship hare been destroyed It is now next to One Illack Horse, brand Al One lrey Mare rritoMii stills ... and veil trained. mwAii. - 192 Joanh Lefrbce Hui impossible will he rold on the l- . 1 Z noon, 3 The Bmlhtim makes a good point on the nsnal Disteict- - for a foreigner to trust himself in the There alo astb eb at SOW JOBBBB ItaVBBBMk MMttTI'' orllitoA Ilorees Til I Clack mare with Sblaekfctt, brand Hoes "DOB Katrre asked after the decease of & prominent Mr J. J. Dickey, bopenntendent of ielexrapb. Hon. MM streets of Cantos. Cultivators, Horse ABr Ora. Joseph Xawabi, I t.ft. andescrlbable 1 Baj Hone hind foot white, brand TliJJ ttwki Xonolalaan. "Who'll get his billetx Lmon FaciSc ltailroad, expected by the coming 2Cth gales JOMflokatv a- - n. is O. H. Hitchcock, I ,.,...' 1W London, Jan. Furious are raging nndrtcrlbable OH Sklhafoni tBBM will - F. M b.b. Civ of to lsit his brother D.B. 13C throughout Great Bntian and Ireland. Telegraph U KAVLKL'L Ponnd Matter. and Harrows. II SiJtft Wahinc.G flat tn ihn nta uiua.au The IhmoHd amved in ban Francisco on (Mr. C U. Dickey; and sisters on Mani, and take J.K.Akina,G . . ..e. 157 lines are disabled by thunder storms. At Cork am ARobmaaa y Old Moliiie the 17th ultu, and the captain reports encountering his daughter home. His 7xf& comes with himt and I M the Diver Lee, swollen by tho rains, did PUBLIC NOTICE. Pattern Plows, TABS Tbo. XoC. E.F.Hoiai, . very heavy weather during the Toyage across. tbey expect to see the oleaco and other sights DismicT or Pc-n- much damage along its banks. Plantation Tools, nil kinds; MOW David before morning. Hou.J M Kauwila, 1 117 ancouver, W.T, Jan. 2GUi Tho first femalo Till: AlrAJ, .MKI7TIXO Lxoaa His Majesty has returned to hu "old love vt E.Kckoa,G W notary ATof Ihe Stocl.lK.Mera of theihOIULV SCGVK 73K Kloaao aniBBhilli Vbbbbb Sandaty water excurswws taking on the 11th lost, A correspondent writing from Lahalna says, public ever appointed in menca by any htl.l ItlJir Fcbrnarr 11th at the Office Diflcrential Pulley Blocks, 3nov uMMarna. Koiiala. -- another prolonged trip to the vicinity of Kalibi that, "the election there was very qmet in spite of Divteict oi Governor has just been appointed by Governor nf CanlQ CooVo, the follon lor OSIcrrn vrere elected M7J A a iravta . SW5-.f- i Wwb4 9 h the large quantities of liquor used by the tveo gov 'Godfrey Brown, I , ,....,.333 Newell, in tho person of tho wife of ex Chief Jus- for tho crtmlBj yejri M31 Ua, Hlt m G. 1. Kamauoha, G, ,.. tice B. F. Deni)ion, of this city, Buckoyo aaaf lM arf -- jSia t The theatrical troupe did not arrive per the eminent candidates. The two independent can- .,5 Forrrtflilent.. . . s. C ttxs Mowers tw flTWdWd!. elected, W. Aholo, Disteict or IUiukci. 1! Hon. KchaeMrt Ll Mtnjnm as was expected, and the probable date didates J. Kaloa and L. did not 133 Victoria C, Jan. 2dih Honlan and Leo J. -ainrr Sarril JB Ta4MBaa flaaitk placed of nse a drop liquor to influence votes. The great Hon. J. K. Knuuamano, D.... tho Mexico. Both were y i reaanrer. s. Casixr HYDRAULIC JACKS, of their arrival H in thchrt uncertainties. of 01 arrived this morning by 11 er portion of the liquor used by the defeated can- C. Williams, G invisible and sick all the way. Hanlan ato break- frecielaij J .VrnEBTov M Aadltcr. .. C 31 (OOKC FODDER CUTTERS, "" Work is progressing on the new wharf to be didates was supplied by the "son m law." Distbict or Xoetii Koxi. fast for the first time on board this morning while JK0hiLaB rto, CJ.Ht.OIt er - VT, J D T1IEI.T0N. built for Wlder's Meamhip Company, the Hon. G. W. Filipo, I .- entering the harbor. Leo came in and the stew- Cardon & Canal Colli KAUAI. 79 Barrows. Hat Shin being busy in placing the foundation in J. G. Uoamli. G ard refused to let him sit down till Hanlan told frenry Ckoaie Ca place. KotA. llnnolnln Teliy II ISM vr, at Notice ta Creditors. There was an unfortunate Japanese killed at Disteict or bourn him who he was There was a great crowd at the 91 Cham T I oh Barn R&sxl Waimea. He found his wife was too intimate with Hon. D. H. ahinu. G lit to receive mem anu incy were louowcd every-wher- OILS, HB tn ivntwiuiKD lihTta. A lodger Hotel oarne very ending wnari LUBMftiThti aillnm 9nk.t t at the near his a Kanaka, n quarrel ensued, a tight, and the in- C.W.P.Kaeo.G 137 The race will probably come off next NOTICE. IWM IB. I.BSPBB; earthly existence on 10th 367 1 - the afternoon of the dignant injured husband unfortunately killed in- DlsTEICT OF KAC. Thursday at Esqmmalt. Tho course was marked WlhBBWah (PalMla inst, from the effect of an overdose of chloral l'J3 Turpentine, OP AbiobIo VmIib Snsjdh, BfeS,-- stead Hon. J. Kauhanc, I out by Cipt Un Blackburn of Her Majesty's ship '11(11 hydrate. J.J,.Kan-ihu- , G 130 Tin: AXiTAi miiittixo or rraiilm da "tlraa Uau Heroine. AttheST.VK MILLtOao, held In llnnolnln Krby Kerosene Oils, awn, jiw. reainrlaeo d BlBiir Cruptut failed to concert twice last cck, on A Midnight Mission Raid on n Robber's Elected London, Jnn 2C Tho shins citr of Lucknow 11th the followlc; officers wrre elected to crredartns ITtatl Manoel L1b th-- TawM .wwaM,,, , .. Thursday and Saturday evenings. Cause, n Roost. KAUAI. and binila, engaged in tho Australian trade, came the cnniD2 year 5JS6 Joe. Bodrltf.es KrBlb S. IB. .U b. . ... IE. VWIO Modrlran t r, Ii. , that there would be a small audience, DlSTElOT OF LlHCE A KoLOA. in collision in the English channel. The W. Caitle .Prrtldent Paints, Paint Oil -- tntonlo ssl .,rt 1.0, i 11 m The of the readers of the G.izrrrx; has B. Dole, I 'SJi Seventeen persons were saved, J Atiieitto . .. . . lee President Mail. EmIIU d. oils. probably correct. attention b bimla sink. and -- Waao.1 Kraii eo Frella. been Waimea twenty W O. In ix . cereUrj and Treasurer tla probably attracted by the publication of four Mimu. men are missing, II . . . . . aditor and V"ariiishes. taVAl J .. tliiMirs UrBrhan.. Kev. Father Bouchard returned to this city, advertisements, by some of the leading Chinese W.E. Howell. I l IW) J Patt from Hawaii, on the Mb inst. and preached his lteports from all parts of the Kingdom agree tW6 It WM O IRffl'g. Secretary ! H. M. WHITNEY, firms of this city, offering rewards aggregating a Disteict or Hamixi. thaPthe gale was unparalleled in seventy. Studebaker "Wagons P. M. C. farewell bernxm in the Koiaan Catholic Cathedral total of 000 for the arrest and conviction of the Hon. G. B. Falohau, G on the 10th inst. thieves who had broken into and stolen goods from Elected. Fans Jan. Sttli Dunng a performance at Port Notice to Planters!! rmn-raooj- !' FOR SALE. on llEOArnrtATio'?. bt. Martin Theatre, Faris, a panic was caused by back, mer- their places of business dates mentioned The The government organ, a while made matter was early placed in the hands of Captain ISUKC. Govt. Isdit. Dirrrx. a suuuen cxtinguuning oi tuo gasiignis. tne G.BSEWEfi & CO. ry over the three Browns. What does it think of slamming doors by wind anil Wet Furnace Automatic Feed. cfc Mebrtecs, but the "peculiar ' people he had to deal Oahu C 0 of tho tho roar of the Trash Safes Boxes ! the three Browns now? Bather a solid phalanx with and amongst whom he hoped to find both Mani 0 tempest drowned tbo voices of tho actors. Hern BAXTER ENGINE lo meet in the house. theives and goods, made his progress necessarily Hawaii 1 hardt's loot was wounded by a fragment of n Fire Extinguishers, HAVE 0 broken window Tin; most succi;&srLTx. rirr The rain storm prevailing in this city on Mon slow un tne evening oi ine iiin insi, snincteni Kauai A Trah Fnrnace In the lilandi U the furnace In nc i lrtv. with accompanying high wind, preqantcd the information had been obtained by Deputy Mar Molokai&LanaiL' 0 Halifax, N S,Jon. 27th The bngantino 6. J. at the SpreckeUTlllr Mills, and patented by tha-- . loi!sSo'uriiis)ii)gials HnBric sailing several vessels which shal Dayton and Captain Mehrtens to warrant the Mhmoii has amved in tow. Thrco of tho crew are Spree keN and JoaeDh Moorr It can be attached to ! from port of had in jo 17 1 any JUST RECEIVED tended to take departure. search of certain premises, where some of the badly frozen. Two vessels with sugar for the boiler now fn ne witbunt reeettln; the boiler good) stolen, were judged to be, and, at 10 15 Nova bcotla refinery were abandoned at sea, Urawlnrs and description can be seen at the nfflre of iiMr,tni.Mn r.n:ns. s 5 Deane Steam Pttmpl with W O Iim IN, or by application to W E HOWELL. iJtl.itu bunday night officer accompanied Tho tho to hare galvan- largo cargoes, valued 7",000. i.nJC I'll: Notwithstanding! the damp weather on last Sat o'clock on the result of election 6ecni3 at Insured. IfJOalOl Ac At tr ttr it by Messrs. Ahlo, Gnawk and Mow Chan, rep- ized tho government into a sodden consciousness urday afternoon. Here Bergtr waved his baton loo Khartoum, Jan 27th The steamers sent to clear - . Tat resentatives of the firms who had had goods sto- of its duties. At the close of a financial period Aotlcr or nml tS- cw looda couflanlij, jmvu , ji t El-- IU.tKt. &! and the band playd the entire programme of the Blue Nile failed They were attacked by the of Diolitllnn rarlnerIiip keep rrrrj thing In our line and fit al ven net zona occasion. len from them, started from the Police Mntion in new public works of considerable extent and vast rebels with great fury. Tho rebels waded to is lor ine of. Hie Water the of Appointment of UccclTcr. Ss. two expresses bound for expense nro being talked bureau attack and were only repulsed after SO rockets had Bark Ceylon H. Hackfeld Cow 1 Telephone Com- - wbich bad $3KK) left when the Minister of Interior iikki:ijv Tfan etarr of the Mutual AH CHOW S rKEHISES been fired into their ranks and after they had fpni:JL uxii;i:sicxi:i) Lowrest took now prepared to spend notice that the firm Lmnni as tbeCbnck Prices stock in np his portfolio is ten tfrta & larry, has issscu a call to subscribers to Queen street on the road to Kakaako. suuerea ucavy loss. DILLINGHAM CO.. 1 come situated on times that sum off hand, and so on. here is all Tans liicc pianitTf l Aanaaa, imdii na nn tin nuiii. the eorapany, to forward and deposit the Arriving there the house was surrounded by the El Mahdi El Obeid ago. des- been by order of the Chief .Justice of the bo "J" m the rate 2.7) per share. this money to come from? left nine days His dlioUr! FortStroot. NOTICE ' third asaesamtnt, at of party, which had been added to by tho arrival of tination is unknown. He has 37,0UO men, plenty premeConrt on thecomplalot o'tanTin and IlnLnng Lieutenant hanoma the police, and two of the planters la Mid firm, and that the under " from Maui, of native The Leper Festival Fnnd. of ammunition and Krunp guns. LI Mahui lost col ! : irsitr.tOKi t i r ri, I" Governor Dotmnis returned to town, knocked onlv rl;ned by the rime order Is appointed llecdrer to NOTICE MERCHANDISE X sow thw; i . on and resumed his official duties as Captain Mehrtens for admittance lb 300 men during tho engagement with Hicks Icct In and tell the and wind ap the affairs of the blh inst story door to was LE, a!ett uVN'N'ITAIj M.w.ll. Governor of Oahu His Excellency Is not good make a long short, the the store EETOBT QF THE COMimT Pasha. said firm, all debts owlm; raid firm mast be paid at ri'llH MI.KTIXC. OV it in finally broken and an oriental madam con- having charge of the contribn once and all ald firm be prwented JL Ihe atoeh holekm ol the ISTER HLASD STBAJt health, however, rheamatitm again troubling him. in The committee London, Jan. 27th The Ctt of iMtlHotr, in cUtms asalnst matt Wloicli will be Sold saaBlaarf.aH.arWBBM .i..wa. I i- - fronted the officer and stated Mr. Ah Chow was lions made to provide the lepers with a Chnstmas with the Simla in the English to said KccelTtr. at his oQice at No 13 Kaabnmana St , A lOATlO-- CO .ill hr h.lil nn Ihe Hbproilam Bt at Channel, has Honolulu on or before the March A D their office on the Ksulanade J JB5A, absent, a search was made of the bed however and festival, beg leave to report that the responses Twenty-tw- o Mhdarnf lSi Ja. " Dig Dcn" a negro watchman, shot and killed arnved at Grayescnd. persons went WM A JW II X Lo the absent one was soon found. Ihe search was made to their appeal were very numerous and so r.INXia.JteceiTer awjlnliT i.laodS RATES ! Jmobt, WM. aast k a Fortugnese, at Honokaa, on the 8th inst. The down with tho $tili, HonoUlo.teb.ntli IH It lOW own then proceeded with and the merchants present liberal that they were enabled to provide some to- !, murderer then attempted lo end his life by valued ban Francisco, Jan. CUth Judge Fermi's Court EEWAED ! taking poison. The cause for the murder was not succeeded in identitving a piece of silk at ken to servo as a Chnstmas gift for every leper, S200 some silk handkerchiefs and some silk both at tho branch hospital near this city, and was lu session yesterday afternoon for the especial BONE MEAL! BONE MEAL! ox o stated. pnrposo of allowing attorneys riinsuiaitii Oil'V V- - thread, which being gathered together, wis taken also for the still larger crowd at the leper settle- tho for Sarah T T 1MI, cerUln ieraon or prraoaa hai "Electric Hill bharon and Wm. M. Neilson to pot the broke and entered ike .tore of HOIll, Tips.!' A r m btatements are made in ban Francisco news- to the Folios station, as also the proprietor, Ah ment on Molokai and in addition ererv ono par. BONE MEAL! SINOt ta IMS TKI1 IMTP fTEXT loaal'lao. Co. grand jnrors on the stand and get them to tell how on Hotel alreet. Hooolala, Bod atole Ihcrefrom Iipiece, papers, that the Oceanic b. b. and the Pacific Chow. After arriving and depositing the plunder, took of the feast provided, and shared in the dam 1 avUciao two new steamers, presnm would the indictments for forgery ,perjury and conspiracy oi Lblnaae Silk. IombIui Set llh dlMM t line are each to have Captain Mehrtens concluded that he visit a tics and clothing sent to them. It is believed that Meal warranted pare frrmi the ma no factory of Lblstie Cotton ulolh. ChHIies etc. Il I hereby aoO. as store School persons became were found, and who voted for them. T he first Roe ably to run in the China trade, with Honolulu a situated nn the comer of Ialiha nnd over ono thousand thus tho recip- placed fled that a reward rf is) will be paid to anj persoo nr LARD, in 5 it ID lb. IMIIdS port of call. streets, also owned by the oriental Ah Chow, and ients of the fund, and several testimonials have jnror on tho stand was Charles bontagg. 8. OHLAWDT, person who ahall give toch laforaaatlon to the police Notice to Creultoxrs. - accordingly a start was made that place, the papers, showing Judge Tyler, handed him one of the indictments BUCK a wilt lesfl to the appreh.BeloB BBiTeosi.lctton nf the i- Col. Spreckels making many for been published in the native their Miss IIIIUKV,H.1U1IIAIM is propositionj at Arty being again added to by the arrival of an gratitudo for the chanty. Gifts were received in against Hill, and asked him if he was pre. sak jnciscu tbtef or thlevea 11. Order EXTRA PRIME 'I Krr. present to land owners the block bounded bv sent when it was voted upon. Witness declined LI (i hlor.e I nli.D r!ITi ' Tmh - in ubiquitous Gazette representative. ome instances very generous and valuable from Oidrrs for this celebrated frrtilla-- r will be iretWed IJIEl Sitjl iiiiili Mi V Alakea, Queen, and Merchant streets, ail to answer. In this manner Martin Mangels, W, HoBOl.la, Wll so. fa, Isiaad - XiORE the following persons, whose cards accompanied by the nndcrl;ned Planter are rensested to tend b,l mi cnh I tending toward the improvement of properly in I . Garratt, Henry M. Black, Thomas M. Quacken-bus- their there will be delay lo M. all B'liawl a. pw lb--- their contributions; but many other gifts were orders hi early tn that bo laaa . - that vicinity. During the entire ndo to tins second store of J. D. bpreckels, John I) lly and U. Mangels them filled In time for the plan I Ins fearon. ! osbM sent in without the donors' names, and which we haln; 3100 EEWARD OIL m.aodlt. ua. w- -r- . Ah Chow was most voluble, both in Lnglish took the staud in the order they aro named, LAED b, his. and e- are to acknowledge with the others: i . S ai.BBfh , . - new list of the subscrib- to the Hawaiian Chinese that the party were onlv unable each decltnisl to answer on the ground was AIJv) Tucson. or dm If Iltltllll-- CKO iiT ".rt- Dell Telephone will soon by company and protesting, novoES or ewons. that he lWii, certain perMn or prroni bnrglartotttly till am. aOBw . be isued the member an- IrToVe "wasting time," "nothing lo be earned by the tnp,'' Gnu-ban- m a of the present Grand Jury, and to ami entered Into the itore nf L A1ILU on 1. will a large names which Princess Liliuokalam, U, Hackfeld A Co., SUP'ER-PHOSPHATE- 5o Miahani. lw.ts and contain number of Mehrtens only re- swer would bo divulging its secrets. The o, ana street, Honolulu, 9 '- - have been subscribers etc etc, but the hard hearted A. Co., HonschlaegeT .t Co., A. b, Cleghom jnrors and i.ole pltce of i.iWebmsl a. added as since the issuance i. IIlBeCrfttb 3 fancy B1- - I plied, that " it was a better night for nding than Co. Hyman Brns Hon. G. IChodea, 11. May A Co, were all committed for contempt of court, by the IScdDilii and diveri other article Tar and Pitch, .a. of c iM. the previous list; walking," the rain pouring down in torrents and presiding judge A finb fertiliEer for in. It la hereby notified that a reward or !H will be paid auk. naassll I J. r Waterhouse, Ehlers A Co., Hon. C 11. Bishop, to any perron or pertonA whn .ball glTe unrb informa-tfo-n OBavd , ws l being deep Arnved the Jan-2st- The monthly meeting of the Mission Children's the usual mud ancle at Mechanics Bazaar, Mrs. Freeth, Capt. h The ship from Liver- Orders received to snit. p4llee a appreb-nito- ajw-- suffi- (Jce Price 1mdon. Jnuo, in quantities to the will lead to the and 4 Till NKacty was held at the residence of ltev. Ilr.llyde, store entrance was obtained easily , after n 1" Lewers, pool foundered the thief or Peirce, Horn, Mre. Covington, It. J. M. for Calcutta, in the Mersey, and o. mw Co ccBTletlon of ihlevm oa the 9th The usual of in cient number of candles had been lighted to enable twenty-fiv- e mi is IiyOrder LI N y I TJse. instant. mitllm Oat jr., ltev. h C. Damon, Cajil Marchant, Mrs. all hands, In number, were lost. Many Azeat LtlEI her ihine d.oo In Casks for Family teresting events were- - thoroughly appreciated by a proper scrutiny, exclamations from Vhlo, Mow llobertson W. J. 1 ennell, 1. Oneve, S. J. Levey barges were sunk in the Mersey dunng the storm. Ilnnoraln F. b 3d, lt4 nr, n 4W ' the audience present. Chan, and Loo Gnawk showed that they had At Ncwcastle-nron- - Tvno MI (.USJIklf Co., b !ott, V. Mclnerny, Mrs. borenson, Mr. the scire of All Saints' Vl Ba..sj.i.. - 11 recognized some of the stock as their missing pro- ltolinon, C Gertz, Mrs. Ferry, Mrs. Bice sen., Church was badly damaged and the roof partially notici: ! 3200 REWAED Major A. b Ilender, reported to be an hydro-graph- perty. A oot&ple'e examination and search of all destroyed. In Kerry tlXTIIfaSSIIi I 1 Mrs. Ivamaka. Mis. JndrreMcCcllv.l. W.Ilawlins. Ireland the railway train A Wlft.ICKlfH, OI'JW., IftOlNT engineer ot excellent ability, arrived xn the rooms connected with the establishment was M. Cooke, Mrs. H. Mist. Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. was overturned near Londonderry and sixty yards T TJIK AXXLAfi MKirnXG OI' peracm or penoan bnnrlaiionaly SftFES Mr. J. IX. the LAST MAUI STOCK LO , hM at Ilonorahi, bnke and entered Into the more WN, tKHIIUTt l tlZTJt i 50tMCerfIawwtlMteFiTt3(4l thisatv rer Vr,i i.on the Sth inst. Mr. C made and, at the close, quite n pile of recovered .Vott. Her ij. bmitn, uo , Airs, n alUce, of the embankment of the Northern Hallway were f WuCHUI MtggtS Mangels, brother in law to Cot. bpreckela, also, plunder, consisting of pants, cloth, shoes, thread, J. tiyeani lebniarr lib, 11, the followlaa itOcava were rleelett ItO owned byCIIOKUtlOl k(Nl Nnnano ptret sue Mrs. W. L. Green, Mrs. W. It. Castle, (J. Hustace, swept away. lor the rear IlQnArBln.and tole therafrotn 3W Silk Hand aaM game was eaeains av.wrta Ta armed by the vessel. handkerchiefs, bed curtains, et&, etc, visible Mrs. K Mrs,Coney,Mrs.lIickerton,Mrs, White llk Ktc It herebj r v,IJII tTVW 1 Lishman As the restoration of leleranh communication H I rtrewer .PnaMeut ketchfer, Iplfee notified CUMBERLAND COAL l(Ui:IHM the centre of the store. be recovered property Iw- in Capt. Luce, Mrs. T. Lack, Mrs, H. Uobinson, Mrs. progre&se., news of disasters by the gal rtjone, Jr . ... .Harrrtary JtTrrtworer that a reward of i$n will paid to anr prrwn w per R.wl swl. The ballot rejected by Judge Dtckerton, at the was gathered together and sent to the police sta ismrs in. eon McKibbin, Mrs. T. If. Davits, Mrs. Atkinson. T. breaEwater .CeaJItoflf ,. . . ndltor who tball tTefncb laformatUan to thr put ire an election last Y ednrsday, was a piers! one, the en- Ah Chow the meantime having signified iho at Port Enne. Isle of Man, cost wilt trvl to the apprehealnn and ernTletl n nf MATCHES ortttftS ,.).,' tion. in G. rhrum, Mrs. y. M.Carter, Iter. b. . Bishop, ing 170,000. was entirely destroyed. DIIIECTOKK thr CARD velope containing the one vote, having sixteen his intention of disclosing the whereabouts of Brown, Godfrey, thief or thlrree No CapUJ.U. Mrs. Frank Mrs. Fur January SSth. Tho Tenij J o tarter U II lloWneon lly Order LI IIIE1 NO - y I tin. straight Government tickets endosod therein. other portions of lbs yet missing property, pre Kinney, Kennedy & Co, Bev. Geo. Paris, aajs: The VHM ! C JllNEH. aeuetary I'lalForm Scales, got m ker, Mrs. language Marquis Treng, Chinese Jb, Ilonoinln, Feb &Ll-- t a Fairb.niks wonder the Independents "left pirauon were maoe io continue me niiuaigiu It. b. bmith, Dr. W hitney, Mrs. II. M. Whit, of Ambassador, fsrSa"' nde to a place that might well be regarded from Aiwohl, Ha pa, Manaole, continues met warlike. It is that, China is only ! supply val- ney, Mrs. Harry bwinton, VALUABLE TRUTHS. 3100 REWARD ISMIKTI.O Mr.H I The water in portions of the Nuuana its locations and surroundings as Montano, waiting the attack on Bacninh to make formal ley unceremoniously off Friday, Makanui, Kanka, Mrs. Misses Afotig, war on or wasratber cnt on A BOSBEB. a noosT. Mrs. Preston, declaration of against Frauce. and that the If yon are ttefferin fivat health lirmiiKiM tiii: mil nil int.. being asigned, any Mrs. J. O Carter, Ed. and others Chinese Government Viceroys vn , v les.1. ecrtalB nvrMw w prrsona bnrelarioaalv no cause nor warning given to I nder the cmdance of the. seemingly, conscience accompany has ordered tht, of or lantrBtthln: en a ot ftckaet aast WO fl householders. xs whose names did not weir gilts. l! brok. raided Into IB. tor. of wiyill O.I 16,17,18 r4 m4 " The vicinity of a steam boiler Ah Chow, the party drove out to the u poxoes cusn. the different provinces lo report the number of 'takeebeer for owordbv on Mannakra DoawlBra ;KII0!.S. mnit on such unbooked srticken or can IIHIILON strrrt. not safe for occasions. nanu road and along that thoroughfare, past the Judge C. F Hart, $100, 0. Lucas' Mill. 2; A. b. solders tbey furnish. and ftde lacrciroM two hnadln of Flablnr Set It iitvrn ill cure f indications of wealth and aranenee. aa ensptayeu W ebster, 1", F-- Waller, $Zi, Castle Cooke, jf"5, Bieinn, January 29 Tho New England Free- 1II lou. UhefbBrtltlMlbslar-wanlr- IHWwIII be paid'. Axe Handles, Uy the incoming VnMf, llonoialu people Convention havo formed 'If ya are ulropfT atlins if joo feel aa perMt or perMm. who .hall ciVi' soeb InfiBaatloit in the elegant residences, past the places of rest Kawaiahao Church, 31. . lriend,ahi Ilawaiians thinkers an association, to Iho a. will kfsd lo the and eon vera given the opportunity to welcome back Mrs. & 1G, a by law, demanding 'weak and dUplnted. without clearly Mile. spwlfosinn PInBic 4Voke and family, Mrs. Ixiuiseon and quiet, as indicated bv the white tombstones of in Lewers Cooke's Mrs. J. M.Cooke, $17; with that churches be not kivrwlajrwhy victiaa of tho thief or I Here. Pick Handles, J. F. and farailv, Kauma-kap- exempt rihBdBWI Jienmanand family, Meean. H. Hind, "the cities of the dead' inst that sarcophagus G. II. Ilobertson, f 10; b. M. Damon, 10; from taxation, the judicial oath abolished, II, Order. LI tllEI IL hln-- a, I nlon Mrs.!'. II. earthly power, VMitr, 10; all laws enforcing tha obscrvanco - Tr TC Cotton Waste, E. Cunha, A. G Ellis the ever popular Uerr which 6bows the final ending of Church, bchaefer&Co. Mrs. CM. of the Sabbath IIo; ISItter- irill ICcrlrc 3111. IImoIbIb. Feb .JWI ll I C nnuer 10, Davies. ?10, H 10; ana repealed, Bible aaa m swa.pi I. . .. Kerger. past the sleepers in the ecaltereu namiets Cooke, 1. IL J.Kolte, US. Ubnstiau morality the read yon art a Minister and have over Salt, Plaster, Hi al I was Luce, 5; to schools. If the shadows ot Tantalus, until at Ut a bait Cunha. flu; Mrs. Capt. Thos. Sorenson, refused sectarian taxed yoarielf wiih yowr uuioral Ailnilniitrator's Notice. m ,wi made in close proximity to the old residence of J, b. Both, ?5, J. H. Patr, f5, Mrs. Boston, January 28. O. Abbett, for ten years datlei, or a Mother, worn uot with Fnvate letters from Callao ute that II. M. b. Here the party alighted and nn McCully, Capt civ piii: irxjH!:bi(.xj:i having A Choice Selection, of V IIP Comttter was to leave that port for Honolulu on Queen Kalama. ice sen, ., Mrs. fl Mist, ii, Dr. cashier of the lmon Market National Hank, at and work. X t dfllj appolRied Adnlaistralcr of the .slat, guidance of the Celestial guide marched m btangenwald, Dr. Baldwin, i&, Itri-lpr- the last day vf January, bhe may therefore be der the to, E. F. Adams, Watertown, Massachusetts, has absconded, taking Hup II I It rr II! c of A.tOB. Jlaaa.1 of IioaolBlo.dfxMd with IB. Will ! single file, to the music of the pattering rain drops, 5 1 Dunscombc, $3, A. Campbell, $3, A. Jaeger, funds ot tho bank aggregating, so far as known, jit aBBOSOd, Botlc. la hmrwbf fivipB loall piro JSTOTXCXEl expected here early in March-- U. M. S HtnHt led HomO. lf jiw ate a wan of btMinera, or hana CHAIRS sail in February, from Esquimanlt, this down tb stctn and Blmoerv embankment that Mr. and $3, llhodes, $5, 31,100. There is besides a blank check gone data, ajcatnat lh .aid catal. to prearvrt th. tarn daljr rwas ti for to a ford acrom a shallow but nevertheless very. liss Fcer, Hotlister, S3, Mrs. Mackin- UtxHirrr weakened by the etrala of anlBenlicateil wfth th. proper voiicha whether e port. f3;U.U. , from the check book. joreTrTy-da- dalle or m of let I stream. The prayers, abjurations anu tosh, W. Dean, 'J30-- Mrs. U. Diroond, cafod bt Bftavtsaf. er olbirwl. to Ihe oayleraiirBfd undersigned eirer to ml 2M; lerf , t4lfitz orer jomr Mtdahrht work BWotha frova Sliooks The ?S, wllala dale nr members par f3,Bev.Mack-intosh,ia- ); Moscow, January 23. The bodies vic- all th. thfT'Of the, will Barrel Green, the The Board of Management of the I loyal Ha emanating from the of the W. Chamberlain, f3, Jay of barrod and all Chinese, during tims Jrannette arctic Expedition have ar- I rw h forevtv par" iodrbled in sahl Agricultural buciety have decided to have ty in Fnglish, Hawanan and the r.Dalton,J; J. Fisher, ?2J0, Mrs. uftbe Hop It ttr irlll ffrentlictt jom ealalfl ae . Botlasst to wake Inaaedtale i Sell or ratun sharp potnled rocks of the Damon, nved Lere. Tho Amencan residents placed flowers paimnt lb. EXCELSIOR, lesaa annual show Haptaiam Every perilous tnp across the A. loans, fO; E. C JiiO: A. T Atkin over-ea- W PAKKI the next at Fatk. , upon - If yo ar anieriBZ from t Iny BBdminrd. endeavour will be made to make the event a suc- ford, would employ too much space to publish, as son, L B. Peterson, $2JM-- Fnend. !; W. and wreaths the hearse. or drlnkiBjc. aay faaWrclloB or oiaet Adai'r eslale of laloa. Alannrl with Will aan.anl impromptu dnekmzs, $ii, Bishop, HsMlalB, Jao M. cess. The Glinrx (nblubcs the official woukl also a rcount of the J llamsey, t2, Bev.S. E. f Mrs. J. Ferry, Petersburg, January 2X Gabieloff, patloa, are ym & znmia too 11 SITa mishaps individ- . A- - lllee-S- W. Fnm,l il- - HI bt the jnz Carts TUB HILO T4iM.E mud baths, and other that befell lJlkiT. laet. aa ! otU thr cite, Ihwlon to KharkhoS by Colonel Sndeikin, to uals during the tnp to ttrnt firmn. After a walk iieckley and daughter, --', V-- B. Thomas, $ JO; Bice OnilA rmmtjcr of vourcr calbeml together well up investigate Nihilism, was assassinated on the 1Mb Hop KcUctc you. Sale. a xieu of about half a mile hi and to the base Brothers, G L. Desha, ?lj A. Fnend. fl. Tho police discovered up- lllllcrn "ill Marshal's HANDY PHETONS, bonday afternoon the meeting ruom of long low piratical looking Instant a plot for the A'lI.TL'KOF AN' JnCKCL'TION Of SLIMIVIOLC rKatKsa, oa last in of the hills of Puhwa. a rising of peasants Little Ilowia, and also a If yon are In th workflwp ow Ibe the 1.AUU..V. ball anu looa. pan in me usual building came into view, and a halt was called by EEcnprs ExrExonrEis. in farm, al tbe desk, anywhere, aad reel lined by IL r nteknUB. K Police J.Mkr of cash ash scheme putting strychnine A I (Jyrriagt-'s- mnr" " pre&ent . ( for in the Czar's bread. needl tea IIoboIbIb. on thr tllh day of Janoanr II WL In r. New of , fmrmnimmr v.- - bonday exerciMS. The interest at mani- the commander of the attacking party, n ah received .... Many been that jrorlr clanIs, of Jljanan tee Styles r "newdejttrture," presages a success house sur- Vi itder Co. trip of MokoHl... . $ M in $) arrests have made. in , vr itrmaUHsff. wltboat laiexteai tiro. plalott aad (ch) dafendsal. fested, in this plan of attack formed, and then the tr for thp earn S&L96 I -. 1--. aw - & T Colhani I trip or lieu bi;c!. . w V 1 Obeid in?. of and emu 3 Bav. Irvled bbob Hi"- lUwail. fnl Isaac. rounded. Having gainedentrancevonly two men i lui Klnrtoum. Jan. J9tb refncee from bb1 ihafl capiMi. for aale hldiW, (. totkiag porchaeed ar M saw Major Von to th. hlrb..! fX were found within, proprietor, Leans Tods, reports that he Zockendorf stab- In WEOESUaV tnh dav of March A B UM. llx Cake ami tindie. . ... 3131 bed Hop Hitlers irliat you iiccil. tht at HO FarserGtcGHecUey of the stasper being told the occasion fur the visit, quickly pro- GI to death while on a bed in the hospital. taoaoeUoB room of Ljon.4; Lever at fn o alnck a . COTTAGE LET lloa-- for Kalawao fcat W are oM aad blood thin n -. J liStftif the tlec duced from beneath his mattress, two qoilts, sewn for Kakaako U) Edmund O'Donovan, correspondent of the iMiy If jna yar BBdrx article, inch pa. Calico. L.aip JKxii'-- Vicon-- i went to the trouble of preparing J, llora feut s was and Impair, palae ftMr, jonr nerre Lamps LaAIaar Pot. Kaoc.es Cblaia. VT .I.KAcvb.NTI I 1(111, killed lltehcra Maui, and forward within one another and then within a blanket , the . Vt Ari near General Hicks. The rest nniteaily.anUyowr facnlliea lawtoeiotl 'ril t . Ml returns, from Hawaii and Europeans, wanlas B7. Mhlrte & atloaaotbr article loo BBaaevv X al aw.a ta newsmners this city. Tho DronPltv wasimronhalelrzTCognuedbyMr Aholo Ti Icavw . I of the lielonsing to the army, he mw IK so ed the same to tbo of parcbaal for leper Charcb. 13J lying dead battle, ho Et ouatomcBlloo. BBiwfllhofaJlj mad. known al the Ladies' Phsetons, s llaili'sl acknowledge returns A search produced otber property and . the Oran tl After the says, Mahdi Hop Mill clvc you lATc or e- SwanMi. a..a (ilxrrrr the favor and sold large Illllrr iiriv lime aal- Bal. aald ladxaieBl aad .xpeaaa. ar. wl tt laa, thanks. party then retired, bringing with them the 5ia quantities of watches, rings and the like, prevtoualr paid. V I PlHbE, Mankal iiol ha..a. PBt.oilli I ma bbeik Obodi been summoned and llour. l CIDER VINEGAR, BMIOXBT HU.W captured Lcong Tong. b&emingly for revenge, . . TSM has to Khartoum bi 'lliroirfula. Sib 9B4 It rwoajir.. llaUace. ! to avoid -- HOI' ClTTEr.S In an rlezant bn-th- rt ' ftTbe Gospel leinperanco meeting held m the the new addition to the party, who was permitted The committee, finding a surplus of over two surrender, bloodshed. Tbo town la quiet, lBI ft inveigle but the soldiers are clamonng for their pay. The and refrei hlnr flarorla for ftck L' HAND CARTS, iletbel vtstry room on the tvemng of the !fch inst, to guide, managed to the raiders into the hundred dollars on hand, after the lepers had been n7mdrinkff,ip4rewatrriSc, feadfT ItC L'lT J JJ O B AT CI IA3I3I KI 18 HotiM of Ms et Vicinity of innumerable water courses arrival of General Gordon anxiously awaited. CIThM JidlclalOUtrkf, Ili.ajl.a fahvanH-- kn dw was well attended and the exercises were of a very generously provided, conferred with Mr. Myer as In then bannlMf t and vweetenlsx (he li interesting Mr. 11 and each like, and the return tnp to the expresses recommended Hussein Pasha is offering obstructions to every Btonth and cleanefn tbe wutterof IbeEmienf ATO of Illii, Hawaii oV-a- d cxr-jrrsfctwti- character. J. Atherlon, Fast to its disposition, tie that an or, rtoraub Oa reading- and AHa; L. Hsmerabcc MADE OXCARTS --"ur'r" adventure and , mea . th. pottlloa of EXTERN L w Worthy Chief Templar of Alpcroba Lodge I. O was full, chock full, of interest. n be purchased for tha Protestant Church at AdffllBHtrab of tho of Apa,oflltMi Hawaii w Moderator, San Francisco Jan. 30th Henry eal BHVwiadff4BB.;is tkl. da. - G. 1 omctated as CXOSrsu CHAPTEB. Kalawao, the two Catholic Churches at that place The bark James deccaard. aaklaz for aathorltj lo acll th rAl eatatr ,,f ta .4nw - a: VSTi After arming back at the police elation, other being already well provided with organs. This arrived at ostona yesterday, and it is probable Cleanse, Purify .nd Enrich the Ihe decaaicd. thers not bJflzaAga poraoB.1 prop.rtT wind storm lime BAGS, w Tin heavy on the early morning of visits were pe id to placed suspected In cmtain advice was followed, and IJU of tha gurplas was that by tins Jomtny Quirk, the defaulting toaaUifirthclflitctalnaairalBat IMeaUl. ills Bee. SUGAR MBMd r w, w. iiApa k. kr searches way. 7C harbor official, has been captured by detectives Blood irvith bj otdered that I'lflD tie Ilk daj of March UM, 11th prostrated the leicphonwt i con some of the stolen property, but the made spent in this bull a balance of remain. It. -- the inst, f this city at 10 o'clock a. st . la tha Loort Hmm at ItUa IlawatJ. TJXM ti Diamond Head station with this city, the two were fruitless although the in ed, which nas been passed over to Mr. Meyer, from la ! mi. saecting in instances IXoj lSIftcrt lb. tine aod place ippolated for brarlwz aald Waii.k Jmwmr hf jYevaiUng inclement weather prevented icrest was heightened by a rather Uvely attack, at Sept. of the Molokai Leper Hospital, to be dis- Cairo, Jan. 30th Baker Faiha, with lCJXJO Hon b4 all objectloni that mar ks oaVrcd tterclo pt until late in the afternoon or that place, the raiding officer, and at another, poned of as he thinks best, troops landed at M'jndiy. addi- Andyoa will hare nBkknei or inlTerl&it wr doclora Y. A. LY JIAJi Clrtnll Jodcr C. BIlLWEIt & OOJIPANY lreiB made one on ' Tnnkifat and an pay dalo when perfect communication was restored. bun Chnck boe, a "wanted" party in connection Tho committee cordially thank the public who tional body of 2 men landed Tcusday, com- 0 bill to llllo Hawaii, Ftbraarj lit B t Bda with the affair, was captured indulging in opium so generously responded to this call, and without pleting the force for the relief of Takar Nearly IlUP BITTErtS notifies the pnblic general to lan rteranu Fla routing for COU?ISELLOR-Ar-l."- T" JJr. Geo. Locas in emoking. solicitation contnbuted tho raise of at least 20,000 rebels are Mwren Innkitat and Takar, tick Hemp & raid was conducted J1JJ3, to enablo tho outcast lepers to thars in the where first will probably lie fought rwim drlnka and Impure water rendertns them Cordage: Manila. Canvas. that, hcreaf ttr oa the arrival of the steamers from The manner in which th tho battle turmlev- - eweetenlp- - Ike pKralh, and clean 1 in tbe Hemp and Flax bajs Francisco the steam whistle of his planing reflects great credit upon Captain Menrtenaaud CbrutmaS festivities; and thus tain their thacghts Small bodies of the enemy which approached with, ttonafb. AsuoursihNT or kkw to their and our Lord and ArtiM. MAaafartBrr which am In inid it A is AttrjuirrsiKNTi in i$ONi,on mill anil be blown, 1st when the incoming vessel adds to his already established rtpnUUua of being Master's birth and in 400 yards of the camp were abelled by the For Kale by, , Ihe Lowtit Price paw officer life. In conclation, they append rro- - Bntish, lx rrr CO. H0BWi is t Coco Head, and Sid, when the said vessel is a competent and hard working a letter gunboat Spbyax. na f II0LX1STER t CO-- , UffBolaia. Yii BOLLES CO, ,j BOLUS! 9 &1S pirt,-- J " jse&f'SM of tan gwtrra tjffltnhandist. Supreme Court Hawaiian Islands. Stntral trtfotitTift. tutrjl rrftywrftsr. geqeral Jtftnlundise. garoninut in uanco January Terra, i&ai, feette. JorctMc-Kejktc- Htai Scale rrasTi hot Cuarixr, vs. x. it CHOICE SELECTION OF H.HACEFELD & GO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1SSI. Line - A JU l .J., XcCmll amt Jmt,,J.J. tW. Pioneer" CALL AND SEE tfEWGOODS- Supreno Court of tne Hawaiian Islands kft .. Me Cmrt per Jm!J C J. ' THE OFFER FOR SALE Jannary Terra. A-- D. 18S1 In Banco. The case come to this Court upon exceptions to OF GOODS J. F. llAcrrxu) kt az., Assiosris Kuct-Brn- cr the overronnc ot a demurrer to the complaint. HOLIDAY INVOICES NEW The complaint avers, "that at the various times vs. Iso Cuot rrr al. and dates hereinafter mentioned, the plaiatiS vat ijs A T r JCST KECKIVED PEK and now is a body corporate duly incorporated un- Ooxxsistxris of Ji4 C J-- JtcCmUf ami JLialim X J Tr of der the laws of the btats ot California, United BARK " C. R, BISHOP," AND ftCoribrJ)tfJ. btatesot America, and u sacb. corporatioa then STEAMER " EHRENFELS." was and cow is actios and doing business on the Embroideries, Tliit cas ipr en an anneal from atlccrce Island ot Oahu." C. J. FISHEL'S Laces, TSOM BREMEN, entered on tho decision of tho Chancellor in The demurrer reads "That the said declaration aside deed of moietj- - of a after alleging that the plsinua is a foreign cor- Trimmings, Tidies, equity setting a a poration fails to show or alleev that the sal. ear. WMitbu: Ik part of as CqUow rice, plantation and cnlSts, sitnated at Fasalas, niratmn has complied with the law of this Kin?. 9f Fans, Koolialoa, Oahn, execctcd by the banVropt dora bvrUinc in the OSce of the Minister of In. Satchels, A. Asst. of Dry Goods, Knnsat to the defendant lor; Cbor for a con tenor the requisite designation of a person upon hiigo whom semes of process could be made." sideration of 3,000, and a mortise lor S00 abundant Ghildrens7 Dresses defen- There U authority suppoitiaz the FROM LIVERPOOL. executed by said Ing Cbor to tho olLer view that in the absence ot legislation forbidding o:f Denis. Btovh sad Ykit Cottons, dants, upon the gronnd that ther were fraud- it, a foreign corporation can sustain a suit be- Dtdb. Tielms Tcriej KisL ACi, ulent as to the creditors of the said bankrupt. yond the jarialicuon wherein it was constituted. il WELL (IF On the evidence taken in the Court Silver Lake Bank v. Xorth, t John. Ctu ST0. II. CD, ALSO-- LUCE fflffll) 8WI readirc Angell Ames . lll Me rin black and color Ed, 4 qualities below and the opinion of tho Chancellor thereon and on Corporations Chap. XL MIS os, But it is cot necessary to enlarge upon this point i re see no reason to disturb his ending on the since we have, a statute which prescribes that a OFFER FOR SALE Kepis, Coboctc. Alpacas, Italian Cloth, and facts, and vre adopt his opinion. foreign corporation shall be denied the benefit of The decree directs that the deed and mort- the laws ot this Kingdom unless it shall file in the designation Beaver Hats, gage be cancelled and. that the property be sold Interior Ontca a of a person upon I : whom of process can be Act From Cargoes 'INCLUDING-- Dress service made; and by the fcfCHA:?Goods. br the assignees and that the proceeds be ap- of the Legislature of 1SS0 certain other requisites Featliers and t'ancv l"rlnt, Tnentj-Fir- c Sen, Stjlo, plied, first, as the property was the private are to be complied with. ormc property of Kunsai, to tho payment orfiis pri- It is quite generally held that a corporation may Printed Satteess, lAxarailoors. llaids, vate debts, and after to the payment of the declare in its corporate came without setting forth BARK TVTATXSGATE Gtsgri&xas, Victoria Laarcs, Sitia btnrG, in the declaration the act of incorporation. An- - Fresh Millinery, Flowers, firm debts of trie bankrupt. VXD Fancy btnped Grenadines. ?11 and Ames Corp. Sec. (S3 and eases there cited. White iatk Japanese. TailU. Sirees. This decree is in exact accordance with the at though it may not be necessarr in the raso " FOedins, Sitin and Moire, provisions of See, 092 of the bankrupt Act. As before us to set forth the charter ot the plalnti3 Received ex Mariposa," Btacr. Just and Colored Velvets. the deed and mortgage are declared franda-lent.- it or the various steps it may have taken under the Other recent Vessels SILKS, is as though they had never been made, laws ot this Kingdom to enable it to do business FIXE in this countrv. wo tnlns It is necessarr to set THE rOLLOWISU Feathers, Flowers, and the property they referred to is to be sold forth in the declaration that it Is "legally doing Hack, Grocr&m. Fancy, CororvU and btnped as decreed. at Baxece, Crejv, Ac, business in wis country or some otuer expression DRY AND And Now Opened For Inspection The attorney for the defendant, Ing C'boy, to indicate that it has complied with the laws of GOODS CLOTHING Kingdom respect foreign TAILORS' GOODS: claims that the proof sho s a payment as part this in to corporations. Prints of latest colors ; We think this is necessary in order that an issue stvlcs, fast of the consideration of the $2,000 by him by Blue Denims, Win to Crodon Sheeting Hats, s&Ce, can be made by which these facta can be enquired &c., Heelsiias. DagonaK Tsreeds, Cords, direction of Kucsaf, of Kunsai's private debts, ixg8, hdems, Doestios, Cassuseres, Ac. into. The averment that the foreurn corporation Horrock'a Long Cloths,Bron n Linen Drills to the amount of $1,G6I.S0, and claims that "is now acting and doing business in the island of Waterproof Tweeds, Towels & Toweling, A, M. MELLIS', might be true a foreign this sum ought to be treated as proper paid, Oahn of corruration Glass Towels, Table Cloths, do. Napkins, A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, complied with laws and that the balance only above that sum that has cot the of Hawaii. Pure Linens, Shawls, Grenadines, (Woolen. Hui Calico. Ilickorr Denial, Ac) should be applied to the payment cf tho Srm In those countries whtrs the common law exists, ON MONDAY, DEC. 3d, 1883. the rules of special pleading would require that 104 FORT STREET, Merino ami Cotton rnders&irts, debts. As the deed and mortgage were both tho question as to the corporate character of the DRESS GOODS. WHITE & COLORD SILKS r tVlui Ikjsom Shirts, Ac held fraudulent and oid, we cannot here and plaintul be made by a plea in abatement, since by - tvclcs and btockrnfr1, Handkerchiefs, now recognize any payments which may have pleading to tho merits the defendant admits the Colored Satins, Grass Cloths, CS-ood- s B. Open 8 P. HL During- !the Holidays. Gloves, ff. Store till Foolards. grown out of their execution capacity of tho plaintul to ne Bat the plea of Artificial Flowers and Feathers, Wew the general issue by our statuto allows the de- Cotton Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, by Late A LAllUE INVOICE OF CJ.0T11IMJ The only decree which could properly bo Arrivals fendant "to give in evidence as a defence to anr Woolen Table Covers, Col'd Satteens A Crart made in the case is the one entered. Vheu civil action, any matter of law or fact whatever.'' Fancr. Mixture, Blue and Gray Flannels, FROM SAN FEANCISCO, m the funds arising from the sale of the property Civil Code, bees. HOG and HOT. And under this Victoria Lawns. Brooks Spool Cotton, Fine Black Cloth Frock Coats and lints, shall be realized by the assignees wo think plea tho plaintiff on its amended petition would be Lace Curtains, blue and white: Beckibn backs, Pants and show corporate existence baits. Ing Clioy may be entitled to receive subro- required to its and its Check LishuhK Fancy Dress Goods. NEW YORK & ENGLAND, Felt, Mohair, Drill. Flannel backs and Fasts, by compliance with the law. A e allow the demurrer gation, Fancy Plaids, liegatta Shirts, Wool bhirts, r - ' Boys blurts and Children's Jackets, first, out of those funds if sufficient on this cround and the plarntiil may amend ae W hito acd Colored Cotton bhirts. Monkey and bailor Jacket. therefor, the sum of all honest private debts cordinsly and the defendant answer in twenty Pilot Reefers, India Bobber Celts, Capes acd L K. Coats and Lecrmss, Carpet Slippers. of Ing Clioy which may have been paid or set- davs. Leggings, & bilk and I. C. Umbrellas and Parasols, objection is made that the conclu- W by The further Men Brown Colored Received s hite, and Half Hose, Castle tled for by him. Cooke Fancy and Travehns Soasls, sion of the complaint is insufficient in that the Ladies Hose. Mens Beady Made Clothing, Toa-e- K. F. Bickerton for plaintiHs; W. It. Castle Cotton and Turkish piamtiu merely prays tuai process issue ciung ue--f Aien s uats, ume acu uray norse uisnketx. ALSO. TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DUE FROM ABOVE PORTS. AND White and Fancy Qmlts. for Ing Cboy; C. lirown for other respondents. endant to appear and answer the demand of tho Woolen Blankets, all colors, sixes A weights. Felt line and Brussels Carpeting, Honolulu, January 30, 1SSI. plaintiff whereas he should pray for "process to 3 cite the defendant to appear and answer this his Velvet Carpets, Velvet Hugs, Velvet . Noijd Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands complaint before a jury or me country at tne Vols LOWEST KATES term of this Court," Ac. at J3H JannaryTerm 1SS4 InBanco- - llorve Blanket;. hite and Fancy Blankets. The forms Riven in the Code for complaints in and Tapestry Door Mats, .... ancy btnped Woolen, two GOODS i sizes. Maikai rrr vs. A. & Co. c nl actions are only guides to pleader. Declara- Nrarlet. Orange, thrte Woolen, 3 and 4 poinU, al. lUsraos tions may bo "in aubstance" according to the Tape. Elastic, bcarfs, Threads 4c, JmM,C. J form given. The law does not require an exact ! it bilk and Velvet Kibboos. J itcCnltf Austin, J.J.OftKtOlt of compliance with the form, and a prayer for pro SADDLERY Suitable for Plantations, Country Buttons for bhirts. Coats, Dresses, Me Ctnrt iy JM, C. J. appear would Stores ! lints, cess citing defendant to and answer A Fall .Vwortment entitle plaintiff to whatever process was suitable of GcnU Ladies,' Girls' PERFUMERY, FLORIDA On apieal from Commissioners of Water We and IIots Saddles. Or FAjIILIKS. Orders Filled at WATER, to his case under the law. think it better prac- A lew JOCKEY SADDLES, Shortot Notice and with Satis "Watch Kihto for the district of Ewa, Oann. prayer in- scteyottetnerican Cologne, tice to conclude with a for process as Undies, Cloths, Genome Fan de Labia's Extracts, Vie are of the opinion la tho form, but do cot think the depar- Saddle Chamois Skins, faction to L'urcIiMM'rs. is Toilet boaps, rhQocume, Uair OiL Combs, that tlie petitioners, dicated Attention Callcil to Our Maikai, Waikano and Fault and also Kahale-mak- e, ture in tho plawtiiTs declaration to be fatal. Mirrors. Looking Glasses. Pipes. As regards the authority ot M.Nemcr to make Sugar JUGS, 20x36; Coal HAtiS, L K. Balls, Harmonicas, Blank Books, vr did not sign the petition, are en- lo affidavit to the complaint as attorney, agent, or 2Cx37; Albums. Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, titled to water from the Makalia stream iu director of the corporation, we think this is nut Improved "W 31. 3L. X.. TTaianac, with subject Paris which lo irrigate the lands held oroper of demurrer. FURNITURE: a TUKOXLY UEMINK PAHI How V VDI or ItlUSlIKI) IPLOVST STKEL, mhI S VIEXNA I by them. All these persons holders of 1. Neumann and K. Preston for plaintiff; J. M. Kl.nl tr Mt tb.lt. fhftn .. lb.!,!.... l .W- - f.i-- . . ! (lutubl are Filter Press Bags, v'-- . .s.Kijrr7i.v,-..-?'rjw"-I. i Extenion. Arm. Dining Boom and Parlor Kaleanas, awarded br the Land Commission. Davidson for defendant. i..:.. ii:;jr.if.. v riewa. Chairs, Honolulu, reb.tth,lSl. llorrelloe l'laaet Jr. iaBeKalves, made of best ale! loor order, I, Sajtk betteee, It. The other petitions are Jiuaatmu or tenants statins. Axe and ltck jUuoek. Pick. Uo. Vilir imi. Aw m1 .h. - - J.J f. baddies. Calfskins, Girths, btirrnp Leathers, at sufferance under the KcnobiUi and they leather Iv.lUnx.5 to 13 tick. be iiaallt; . In.ll. Kubbrr I IU met Supremo Court of the Hawaiian Islands All- -, Ito. i. !t. 5rt ' IhlS WALTHAIVI WATCi look to him for their supply water. By the 1883, SometiiiutrXcrraiul in Great Demand IttBon., for Her udarale e:, rurtsblr Forte.. Bjgl. AlreUs,A.atl fflrwT CUATt OF ASSORTED CROCKERY, of Special Banco Term. December, KosiMtaae ud AebetlM Stem Pncklax. Brsl rial InJU Haobrr Mna Psckraar lease from him to the defendant's assignors, Bsobet Xettt, Law Leather aad Uelus. India Ranker roaadlnd mraTall vs. Wo-s- Kx Mic, omxss. A FEW O.M.Y tm 'aba SO AS TO PLACE THEM Containing Plates, Cops Teapots, IVrxls, it appears that he has parted with his right Axxst iso rocs IIKJIAIMMl. AsbetMBoirnCovectrirndSlaurrimdo Maehmerj Oil. Iard.euturaadcjltads JWOH, Chambers, Kice Dishes and Bakers. to the water, reserving only two hours use of Demijohns, 3 and 3 rails ; Sample Bottles, ISrfort Mttmlla and Aattm.J.J-- JhM, C. J. dkl eer These BAGS are made to Fit Otto's Presses, and DISSTOITS CELEBRATED saws and FILES. ALL SIZES; Vasea GfetSiraare. same for his own h.alo lands and reserving N0tf fcfiM? interfiled OpiHion of ate of the M and proper tcxtnre. and Manila and Tarred Hope, risht i pear A Jukaoa'a and SUbb'a Uaauaera for MacMlfclii. Uemp 1. U. Coat (what lie could sot dispose tho water for the Conrt by HeCnUg, J. File, larpeaten. BiacksaaitW and Packing, Baskets, cf) Cat and Sail., all .) Have aad Male Xall.. bare JtMrtSISU, "Within tne reach ofeverybody native Kuleana holders, the exact expression RICE BAGS AND TWINE. Wrtt k. This case came to the bapreme Court byappeal cfc OEtico in the lease being, "sufficient water for all Ku- orig- Sugar Bags from the Intermediary Court of Oahu. The CALVANIZED Of all sues and qualities. leana rights." inal controversy is as to the line dividing the fish- Latest Improvements in It is difficult to estimate exactly how much ing grounds respectively of tho lands of Hono Shelf Hardware tsde; Coal a 1J Very Lo Bags Gunnies, Twine, Burlaps ItubbMs. L Oil. at Bate llnbback a WTallc water will be requireiMo supply the parties nliuli acd aipio in Pearl liner, an extensive aad Krd Woolpack and Twilled Sacking, Linen Hose, CORRUGATED ROOFING Mate Jl.nnfartarlaa Co. Slram r IrdiaUne and Yeenar rai.pTSr.loW. ftiealteuiTlM.-Catte- d loch m the island of Oahu. The exceptions relate Wire, Wire, to whom we award it, but the best conclusion cer- l'UlaPcncIn: OalvanUed Koote. w to the ruliUK of the Court upon the effect of Simplest TimerKeeper to the Finest GKOCEIilES at which we can arrive is that the plaintiffs aro tain proceedings had before the Boundary la 6, T, 3, Jt 9 ft. lcn;tb, ('I ;uj;t), screws A to have the use of all tho water from Mak-a- ha of Uiha. The following are the in- Sardines, in half and quarter boxes, 15 t"S" Gr 3D stream from T o'clock p. of every day structions asked fur by the defendant and refused, GALVANIZED KIDGING. O O II. and P. Btscnits. bait jars, ra. STAPLEPenim. S an4 9 Tick! uir- D And U aad t nMctKhod C S in by oi AlA BIMh4 ottona. . o cloclc and the instruction mren the Court: LtKe Hitf Finished Adjusted Watch. Cator Od m Tins, btearme Candles, 4, S and C, to - midnight and tne rest ot tuc time plaintiffs lessors are estopped from Annealed Fenca Vr'irc, Jfos. 4, S, C, 7, anil Staples, Urowa and Dlracbvd lrlll Llnra !hertliic Morqultv ft, DIe dU bcrltyiiikllla wa- L That the AF.ni tf White FUnrlf lso Matches. Coooannt Oil. Wash Wee. tho defendants arc to have the uso of tho now disputing the fishing right of Honouliuli be- lialv iron iiacKeu, all sizes; Aortimnt Uabbcek's Linseed Paint Ou, H White Lead, ter. Tho Konohiki is to tako his water ont ing present acd assenting thereto and the right of Gslv Wash Basins, Galv Garden Uonlcnccs "lute ujk raisu of the time allotted to defendants. aipio beic then passed upon. and Nettings, STAPLE GROCERIES, Golden Gate, Star u Tinned Iron Sancepans, all sizes; dSuporiioo Flou LIQUORS : J. A. Xahakn for plaintiff. F. M. Hatch 1". That if the jury are satisfied that J. Warrant them all Perfect was present, he being the of Tea Kettles, Ileal Japan BlacUrc, I C and Brown for defendants. llayo Bean. Al.o De Laage nls and Bontelleaa llrandy.acd the Chief Justice and assenting, or either of them, Columbia IUrer Salmon, l allfornla Lime. PortUad and llfdraalk Cnantt, other brands, Honolulu, Jan. 31, 1851. that'such assent to the ficdicg is binding between r.VYIM; MUCKS, UAltDEX TILES Kara, Gin, bt. Panl Beer, Ale and Porter, the owners of Waipio and Uonouhali, For Kerosene Oil "We Offer THEPALACE, and Guarantee In Every Way. Port W ine, bherry, llhine S ine, Sanreme Court of the Hawaiian Islanils 3. That if the Jury find that either of them was Garden Hollers, Lawn beats and Chairs, Fine and Table Clarets, Charapacns, January Term 18S1 present, it is strong evidence in favor of the de umoreua stands, iron scrapers. it cannot be beat for quality or price; also, THE G. U. Mcmm i. Co., bparkling Hock, fendants. Hat Hooka and Hails, LAWN TENNIS SETS, HeHL-eic- Tue vs. Which presiding Judge you "Want your Money, Dry l, Mooopote, Ch. Farre, Ko Mauukvliilii. directions the declined Clothes Haslets, Hand Haslets, Work Baskets VUXCAIT, If the Worth of Moselle, Ac Ac to give but directed the jory that the lessors of a good oil and above test: JmUttJ.JyieVHUynmilAmtUmt J, J, OptH of the plaintiff were cot bound by the proceedings You, German and Havan a Cigars Me (. try JllUH, J. before the Boundary Commissioner so far as re- Crockery and Glassware, WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED I Will Give it to in Plated Ware Spoons. Forks, Creels, Tea Sets, garded the fishing nhU claimed. And that the PIANOS Cops, ic Bill of exceptions from the third Judicial case must be decided according to the law govern- Fancy Glass Flower Stands, Fern Baskets, etc. Circuit Court. ing prescription in this country as no grant is The Cheapest Good 1'iaiio; ?w Jlaven Orsxan Co.'s LarIor Orgaits. HAUUWAUF The defendant was convicted on an indict- shown. A WATCH. A copy of the record of the Boundary Commis- - PORTLAND CEMENT & FIRE BRICKS WALTflAM ment charging forging and an instru PockH and listener uttering IS (IIUCUCU IU .UO u. IU1U holies. Scissors, Biuuer Dili ciccpuuus S. X CAETEB. r uiuujtst Sheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, Files, ment ot v men tne following is a copy. we ate from it as follows: case Fire Clay, WhiUna, Chalk, Yellow Ochre, jul. Spars. Galvanized Basins, Hoop Iron $70X0. Honolulu, Sept. 1 1, lsS3. "The present is a claim of right of piscary - 3''w. isoicxisriJEiJSisr. Kec Krrets, Hammers, over a navigable bay or loch 'perhaps unlike any S. HI. CARTER AND COMFY TlTwrt- Ottoar Yellow M eta! and Composition Xails, .after ihte ... .rmnt tjnif lo other in the Kingdom, and is a claim of exclusive J.T.Waterhouse, Babbitt MetaL Sngar Coolers. the order of. . . .Majrakalnln. fishing right as to the whole of a certain hrancn Rooflng Slates Si Kin; M Honrlaln II I II. Hi I'..: Iron Tanks, Clanfiers 4c Also, Seventy Dollmri. of the part lying outside ot a line "chin deepn op- Liverpool and Hock Salt, IMVITI.S I.1SI1.1TIIX THE the other lands situate on this branch. It or ci(. ...Mr. Hyman B posite 13 distinguishable from the right claimed and by ZINCS, PAINTS AND BOILED OILS Firewood Coal and Feed. Portland Cement. Vatft reeeieetl. statute given to KonoLiki with certain reservations Following Goods Kccoivcd Fire Clay, Blacksmith CoaL Fire Bricks, Ot De Geo.WUvon. Civil Code Sec. 5S7 ft! beins a clsira as a private Worcester Sauce and Groceries. We would notify tbr nobllc and non.eti rpt In par-- Just exclusive fUhing ticht as completely as that w oaaa-- Tiles, Empty Barl5,.Oak Itoats, 4c, Ac, i.Tlic words and tlcnUr, mat ke. an band aad far al la ic in italics form the priDted blink within his "chin deep" lice is claimed for the KiijiIiMi, American iV Hawaiian Flairs tltle. lo anlt pnreliaKTs aad at toveat raK fnol a. Order fraca tbc other It lands careiaUy Tibicli i Glted. The testimony shows that lands adjacent- - rollow.- - I.rdaodstv.. ema, lesrta;t;bnr- - nt uviv. .tnniVAi.Hi alteaded to by the name intended to be the signature was "I find in repeated instances that the Board de- l barcoal. .J.W. XasrcaMIt Coale, ocotck ConJ., define rights, leaving 3, and 7 lengths. aad tba Uittnted WelUnjti.a lira. Geo. Willfong. The note was offered by the clined to award and piscary 5, yards Darlanll.Laala: alaa. parties to their rights under general statutes e. g. CoaL Black H.KACKFELD&CO. defendant to the proprietors of a Chinese storo , nUalMUIb.' French Merinos, in the award toKiahuavol.10 pJJO where the fishing Tbfl above can ba ordered 07 televboae or atktmlac who cashed it. right was surveyed and included in the land asked TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINS and imninliaie uenverv jraaraatero. lie. and Cseal1. l:MhMlhM The defendant's Grit exception is based oil for, the Board expressly refused to award thh. por- Urn Skawllat. Pine tHrta. Admiralty Test sizes: , Ladle.' aad Oml's lloalenr Pen-n- al of the survcv the claimant to the h Ki i and tk the provision in the chapter on forgery. tion remittitur US A CALL! BasbtaMertd CMt Tavnr Gavtca WILDER CO. Code, Chap. XXX. Sec. 7. "Provided law. endorsing this refusal both on the notes of GIVE survey in the award and on the accompanying hov ever, that it is essential to constitute for- plot, and no instances of a contrary practice are Powell Dufiryn Steam Coal Telephone Mo. 305. Ladies' & Gent's Underwear, Importers and Dealers in gery that the false instrument should carry shown to me." ou its face the semblancs of that for which "Coon due consideration of the Dremises. I de HTATIONEUY, IKON BEDSTEADS, it ALSO KSKl' SKVCK was counterfeited and should not be ob- cline to award the fishery of Uonouhali as a risbt I Woolen & Cotton Shirts, it or as territory but deeming importance that ENGLISH LEATHEIS BELTING, 3 lo U; viously invalid, void and ol no effect." it of all rights depending on Kamaaiua testimony be laCiSty C123LC3. i..it u i: AvtortrjiE.vr op LTTMiiEB in tue King ts. HeJeluIii. heard on excep now settled as far as may be, and knowing of no Oats, tions at the last July Term, the Court consid- better place than the records of the Boundary FLOOR OILCLOTHS California and Mew ZaalanJ , A5U loiuuu-3Hue- White ered a case pTedselr parallel to this and the r tor me. preservation ot such nnirns Cum, v hole ami Gnmaeil; limn. Linen Shirts and Collars, reasoning and authorities there employed need I take the testimony offered on the subject and Barley, Whole and Grossd ; Wbeart, make such a supplementary finding as such tes .1TTI.K1I not bo repeated here. Middllnrja, aad other Feed. timony warrants." STEELEAILS, Unler tbe alravs throonh BUILDING MATERIALS ! ine line discnminatin- - between such false "Fibbing Bights of Honouliuli in Pearl Loch." 5f Wool Urea. tfu Lenjthj ; Mo. and lSlb per Yard. NO. 306, Ladle.' Hat i. trlauMd and nasttnaaed. instruments as do not bear the semblance of "For reasons set forth at large iu the record of TELKI'UONK (Mikb Em that of which they aro counterfeits and those the Commissiocer, the Fishing flight is not award- IU A I.I. body and wo warrant quick debverp, and (til wsagaL or KIMIV which do bear it, must be determined tho ed in the of the certificate of boundaries, Pish Plates, Bolts and Nuts, br but the finding of the Commissioner on the testi- Unlera lrom tne otner inamM goneitasi. Edgings and Insertions, complexion of each case as it arises, and it is mony well by RAIMtOAII MMKKK TO HITCH At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumami Street, presented as as the assent of parties Y noi iiceiy to exclude lrom too class at lorg-cric- s, adjacent and m interest is set forth in this supple- FREE BEIAVEli a run: or JUST RECEIVED papers ment to wit: ONE SES'HORSE-POWE- lot which are intended for forgeries to nil part ot tb. citj. llmsbar and which have been successfully uttered. We think there is but one sentence in the above which colorably supports the proposition No-18- SCOTCH The next exception is to the admission of citatiott 82 King Street, and Telephone TWEEDS, of the defendant , viz: tne Utter part of the last PORTABLE ENGINE Xiki TiN, COPPER .& SHEET 1B0HW0BKES evidence oi the defendants having another quoted sentence, these words, "the finding of the draft for Si 00. about a week before his arrest Commissioner on the testimony presented as well ALSO, ONE THKEE HOItSE-FOWE- New Designed Prints, LATE ARRIVALS! and his statements concerning it. This was as by the assent of parties adjacent and in icterest S.M. CARTER & Co. offered to show ii set forth in this supplemect as follows. But Aad a Urert Variety of bolk ; guilty knowledge and to rebut these words even taken by themselves, fall short VERTICAL ENGINE PIilTlVLBIN'G, in all its branches the presumption of innocence through igno- of a claim to jntisdiction. The finding is called a iiavimi uoKiiir English and rance. This is established doctrine in cases supplement and is excluded from that which the &c. &c! &c. &c. tiik American Goods of forgery and counterfeiting. See Greenleafs Commissioner considered himself authorized to TIIEO II. DAVIES A CO sizestg URGE AND Evidence; Vol.3, Sees. and A, where make. The assent of all parties must be taken to roo .tiJir.noturojjii.iTio.'s. Artesian Well Pipe, all CARGOES Ill III mean their assent to taking the testimony,fxi rte LEGAL QUARRY many authorities are cited, also IIS Mass. 161 for preservation which the owner of llonoubuli TENDER Com. v. Coe. wished to present for preservation. But the de- Hotel Street Market, The third exception, to the question what termination of tho Commissioner to take testi auk I'ln.fAiiin r . JUST RECEIVED prisoner did with the said S100. note comes mony must bo considered in view of what he had ItY STOVE! above expressed. Xothing can be mora expUcit under the ruling on the foregoing exception. MLTi-iir- cr and void of uncertainty than these wonl3, "upon Top, Palace, Flora, May, Contwt Grand Pn And finally we do not find that the verdict due consideration the premises I decline to UiKle&m.MedaUwn Hichmood. Tip cf 11 C0NCHEE&AHUNG Pansey. Jt Amy harUrBrw, was against the weight evidence. fishery as territory." He moft re pert fa notifr the pobllc that be ha Furnisli Stone New KjviI. Oprf. Derby. Wrea. Dollv. Gypsy, Qaeeu. lUamlLiail um, of the as a rmhl ot boozht oat 31 r. Fj(e Intrreit In the aboTe Market and roUT MTRBET ABOVE rwpenor, Macaet. Oxen. Atoeda fceteie. CtarUr Oak, Nimble, InwroTand Laradrv Stoves, The exceptions are uverrulcd gives the authorities and reasoning by which he KI5U, Iron W J. tekel FUed and Plain courKimsK, this conclusion. Uow can it be now that he It prrpirrd to famish the Brit Galvanfeed Iron and Copper Barters tor ltiaew. Ornate in, Attorney-Gener- al Neumann: W.C. Jones for arrives at claimed that a right or territorial lino has been New Goods of Various Descriptions defendant. by an officer when he has positively declin- BEEF, MDTT0K, Galvanized "Water Pipe, all sizes, and laid on at ALL WE USUAL MOCK SIZES Honolulu, Jan. 25, I6SI. ed to make it? And how could the presence of the P0EK, VEAI, Building Puruoses, IS Iron representatives of Waipio be held to give assent to & SAUSAGES, Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands something which was not done at all? Chinese and Japanesa Warel is We Al SoilFipe, January Term, 1884 In Banco. therefore overrule the exceptions. That tbe llartrt Affordl, AUKI, LATEST STTLE Ot Irowest Rates: Cast Iron andXead SCAHTLING. S. IS. Dole plaintiff; E. Preston and Cecil for Lo-ro-OB- t Keuikaxakaole (k) Kawaa Brown for defendants. ."t TIXBER. FLAMK, ts (k) asd Hates' EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ! BOAHDS, Aniosx (w). atf CEO. CRAY. BALLAST for SHIPS all kinds; ISCLtnjIXU ihjME House Furnishing Goods, PEHCIHO AKD Mil 13 Jdi C. J JfrC7y and AntlU J.JnOidmi ICE OLEI-lVt- ! Ike Cemri Atutin J, Special Notice INE SETS OF TWEll CLAWS BOBBER HObF.-lLI.S- lZr AM r.UU tj sim-- t Copper, Silk HandkercUef (hemstltchedh Lift and Force Pamps. Cuteni Pomt. Glvanued Iron, Stmt nl Iad This is a bill in equity brought to set aside Tb totl'm-ii- rroprietor of the A. IIAIIT HAS .TUbT All Lead Pipe Tut PlaU. Water CbjMts Marble SUba ami MrrwU junekrf Wash Stands, M1I.K. from Man Francli to, and hat opened aa BEACH AND BLACK SAND taiarl and quIM.. A Mott Complete Stock ol a deed executed by the plaintiff of certain lands 3EIOTsnE33E3It A riSI AlWOKTMKTtT or in Honolulu, upon the ground that when he Ice Cream Saloon ! Japanese Lacquered A FlHE executed he told and believed Ware ASSOhTMEKT OF WALL PAPER it wis that it STEAM CANDY FACTORY STTLED DUMP CARTS Also, So. 1 Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns was a will, which he alleges was paper he Itlce For Sale. l the an tr I.ATIT intended to execute: and. that tuc cieiendatiU JBn.1x.ory Alwtyt on haod In All onlcro at hort aotic and at KTM.lt. the And llMicaihk Rato. conspired to procure said deed of plaintiff Ir.irp. to infomi hi patron, and the pablle sener To liiB Proprietors of Sugar Mills. KAILS. LOCKS ana tnat tuereuy ce was cueaiea and de- allr UunolvHb.Un4lnztbe recent diaafltroo. The ELITE nr. IS tOXSECTIOSVWTH & OO B9 frauded. tie, hah KUEcrr.u .J?yKlil rlllST VleASS EiMKllLUTlI TIIK AHTOIC IlOC.Ii:. Veaira Hut Urea bare -- A AHTISAXK roli - J. The defendants deny fraud and con- Ik. .ubt.Ln( I. m.mh4 In BDTTS. HIKOES, all A NEW FACT0EY & BAKERY ituijjiiiii: Tin: ii'.niu.iM teacl tm aadHrat; !.- NTJLTAinj renovated-TH- E IlIII(n I'AnftlU.and Ibelr Perforated flit Air rarawe. (wHa No. 5 STREET, HONOLITLU, spiracy. neat dHpalxh) aerordlaf to ln daalana V. laa lata ' Or a. nacb. sre eitrotlre tKJlewhlchii nowin fall combined efUbrWbmenta are now the Flnett In the ,1 f k. v . . BOLTS. SCKEWS. Etc The Chancellor in the court below, decided oocalitrti. xwi wfakb. vlll b In compkte wot tin- - or 1IAKT llROil .Proprietor. A7J230?. rralawot nrwr pro. and TooU. cllriWIIf) a KTMGr S",1"""! in favor of the defendants, and from tho decree orJcr bj u early of new Michincrj 8 STB. tao, 'nZSr"-rZS!r- . . Agents 'Superior' Stove entered thereon the plaintiff appeals to this And is now Prepared to Mann factore l 30S. ntadBarr Patt Infrl.r-mrn- l. at BojaHle watch for the V Court. & CO'S lpalr lir wlidltr of tk. work and demlalta tka r. eOJLLISTER TJ,U mtmf ,.rM" " ik' mrxaM direct fxnn bEALKICS IX ft On reading the evidence, and the paper exe- - Candies ISf ."fill!-,, rrnioaa object., via: Barter o, cuted by the plaintiff which is attacked, we Choicest Pure McKEWlEY7S i'. ;?";J,,B " trtatwara wajont, eta. STOVES AND RANGES Scantling; Plank, surface and rough are convinced that the plaintiff executed it And trill afwavt bare on band bis lieHcloaf GINGER AXE, well knowing Uiat it was a deed, and cot a fllKSU MADE Pacific Coast Xl'u Zrrrj Dccnpciiof Beards, surfaced and rough ; Battens, will. It is in form of a deed; it mentions a Soda Water and Sarsapurilla SALAMANDER FELTING Pickets, Uutic, Lattice, Clapboard. consideration of one dollar and U forth an Vanilla Chocolate Creams, ilfeSlliilllllllf SHtET METAL WARE OH BAND ton- - agreement by defendants to support plaintiff Cocoanat Candles. Hare nerer been Sqaalled or Excelled for Business Directory OI. MADE TO daring his life, and reserves to the plaintiff onriEB. it Rich Nncrat, in bars; Pnril or xtellrnce of Flaror. Ooveriiijr Boilers, Sfcaia two con- j Pifcs IS S1UIU, lor Hie houses erected on the land AIo. veyed. The proof is conclusive that, the pa- ' Sngar Roasted Almond ETC , ETC per was read over the plaintiff afthe Only Pure Fruit Acid iMULiBiiinifii Pant zrd Whitewash Crushes to time CANDIES, Savos 28 per Cent, of Fuol-PRIC- ETl lOVrKACTED FOE. of its execution. He had before executed a CEEAM great variety; THEHAWAIIAN ISLANDS WIIITI. I.I.AI. is impossible believe will. It to that he did Marsh-Mallow- s, Pure Fruit Flavors, and REDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. WATERPIPEilF!mnG5.i..u not know that this paper waa a deed. Soft white ziacr, THEO. H. DAVIES & - The land conveyed is spoken of as one third Drops, and Co., s, f A'a a the ILia4flforl&e PAI3TOII. Cum Filtered Water, M' Aa'au. of certain land and premises. Upon "B" as Cum Bon Bons Pure City Directory of HONOLULU specified in the plan in evidence, the homes Fruit METALLIC AKD OTHER Home-Vad- e OT (Vlontague Range, PAINTS! reserved were erected. "11" is separated on Iff aUdeKrlntlona. All tboie freak and CnEDIXTIIVI'ItElVlKATlU pare Conirttioni . I ael) at 3a cesu per Toaad. ALL SIZES IS Class. the plan from ',A" the part not sold, by a TIIEMKIIKLIIIOIH tlKVr.IJAUrS IJW PAOEH, OTEU ajM TOWa LAINE & CO, fence. We think "B" and "C" mar be con RICH WE0OMB CUE OF THE nUEST FUVOfl iiAvi: ciirauju uo on JPfLICITlGJ a i.sitoRNTuti. r mas Salt. strued lo be appurtenant to the homes. Doubt L. M. the TTT.rPHfWTE No 811 U la al fIxeg alwajf on luntt, aad cmumtated TPrXoomt McKENNEY & Co., less uetore the new street was cut "B" and la tne nott anittie ttjle. GlXCEIt ALE ...... nicataperDorcii Vory Boat Firewood. "C" were in one lot adjacent to the houses. (rOTetr-7ort- b - SODAWATEIJ. .. .. SoprntapTDoxen, 8t Oakhlbd W tho Public to under- Take Notice We thick the reservation of the bouses may MINCE PIES always fresh wint - D- - SAKSAPAmtLA 10 per Doles. at Vontzonterr otreel, Saa VraaciKa Hay, dec, stand that the DOORS SASH BLINDS properly be construed to include as a reserva- lntn ' Grain, WLvLles I tkx tion for life the loU "B" and "C." rrederlclc Bagot, WHICH W OFTEREll AT THE TY. Horses! It is said that an actual as AiWATf JlAZIk. Fsm Ai.i.nizu, third conveyed - CorTCapoOstrat and ITmiem Company, M Ao Sui. woold go beyond the fence between Home Made Mince Meat Agat Peed "A" and HOLUSTER & CO., g Zm Tat Uawaftaa Uta.no Lowest Market Parices &, Of Eastern and California Make. and would off U) JBotli Native California "B" strike the edge cf a bouse Tot tilt at CrnU per Found. AB M certainly alocat erected on WHOLESALE XSU It ETA II, 0lfiED TO Ml W TK FOR SUE IS QriXTlTIES TO entirely the part Will rceele per Conntlo ta balaaceof my new mi Fin tm GOOD FAMILY H0ESES sriT unsold, acd which Is rested to tenants by nacaiaerj of tbe nxirrtttletixaa tor auaafactana-;!- ! FOR KTr, b! the SALE. AUr..ST OATS, IABLET, JRAff. tan plaintiff. The land aold is not described by dcsczipiienaof plain LasdJet jrort THE tb paWic for Kberal sa4 Uvees atrtftt Uooatalm. mete acd bounds. We think it was not in- TUantinr prmooi ptftmjp ! Fowler's Patent Tramway, Paclflc MutaalLlfo Insurance Conrpanr, .. trauT aad aoHdlTar a cooUanaacc of the Mine. n DRUGGISTS ixc. 5X rmoBB tended to off acd Very t Cspt John C. Cluncy. strike that edge, that the UepxttUr U poand IUIIt. It poacdBalt. o? cAuroicti THE LOWEST RATES. land intended to be aold is bounded by the -- 3? 0ECO3EUSr. XVB AT GROCERIES! fence erected between "A." and "B." AgenU for tho HOOVES TSLSfnGtiZ." JU t 1 MiCroMfaXjrr Tar and Pitch. lTKtkalCoafreUoiieri: Paitr, foot. WithPatent Steel Sleepers 1?AM1XY TAB. B. F. Bfckerton for plaintiff; J. T.. Kaolukoo - tcfcnewir IIXK OF StTEIJMiK S08TIT CtKOMM Tl coMSfiRaioNrRr or nrxas LI', AFCXIi uA. Ptttcmi Cnmrli, nrV u TAB Oil, BLOCK TAH5I.1H, for dsltcdant. ar THE OLI STASD. HOTEL 8T Tobacconists, siIJJ.sJ valX'. Sou Will be 4l4 lo a it sad Fre-- U For Oat by TKIZPROXE .7 - T.O.BOXSO.Ib V ck tfndffnni-t- FOB CALlrOKSIA - It- V.l BOLlXSiCO- VAU c BEEr?ea i. ca tX TSLBtBOSK SO X.UUill. .axes, .uiwutinu, equity stttic asiJa a deed of a moiety of a alter aUecisjUiit the plainUS U a foreign, Cowitia- - la part of as toUews: sitttated UtaU cot rk plantation aad outfits, at Fanaltra, rxuaboa has complied, vrtatfee law of till Kis?- - s, Fans, Keuhuloa, Oaan, enctttcd by tie baatrnct iom br41is la tie OSoa utt&a Minister of In-- OPEJ'MJTG 1 ' -- ,lr.i,.iT-- i. r Dry Goods. in- - ccn tersw the rarmte in .,, brge Asst. of Jvccsai to the defendant Loot lor a defaaboa irrrsoarjoa-- GltlYi MUi.;n fcnr T m.m ca WWW Dresses siderarjsm C&S1L w T?3nf '' V..V.

Qiuie Secret Societies. WhereTtr the Chinese kaTe establisswd ies Feb,13, 5 they bare, sooner or later, coos iota Hawaiian Gazette Supplement AND conflict with, tbe insane attiBority taroeh their secret societies. In sitae cases these crzaaixatieBS haTe jroirn s tjtraBOOS and & CD., SMOKERS ASlTitMS rowcrful thai the y hare attempted to oTerthrasr IITI W.H. PAGE, thstTensa:eBto"fthcocntiT. In tbe British FOS THE LARGIST AN1 MUST Chinese are nomeroaj. has REM I . colenks, where it been funad Btctssary to deal directly ami ia a 1DI1 In Praotical Pharmacists Varied inisrsary way with this qoeslie. sooe II Honolulu Carriago Assortment Oriental eooatnes cokoiied by Chinese there 113 Fort St, : : : Honolulu, H. . TO B hare been senoas strcgslen. for mastery be- tween tte colonists and the sovernwient. Ia DEfVT FOE E0EU1CKB SC1IKSCKSS MAISTTIFACTORY, FOUND IN HONOLULU ! Saa FrasciiOT the secret societies baTe loos the Chinese as extrdsed an oppressive stray over I Nos. 123 and 130 Fort St root, W. an CeasUattr ia Httl and are few Chinamen so pow- quarter, there liPAII I (O?rosiie ihc ranitirva Mabtrsv, erful as to escape tbor Nack-sa- il reqessitioos. LE-YOA- N ! A SEIECT 5TO-.'- OF tluaoiultt. 1L L Fresh Supplies In Saeraaenlo, a tew weets ajo, two "' hired fighters bcloojtnj to nral orgatuaatioos CARRIAGE WAiMFACTORY IEOM TUB of the tiaa, bail a sgas wjui a tot- " seT-er- al TOILET SETS! als in lb public street, aad there were Most" Reliable Manufacturers eriaus casualties. The administration of CEUXLOID WHEELWRIGHT AND t are justice ia American courts, where Chinese u.trrr.n concerned, is often interfered with, and at PARLOR SETS, PIANOS ix tub state. by the terrorism BRUSH AM) COMB SETS. GENERAL BLACKSMITH. times completely presented, BEDROOM SETS, ORGANS, ME.TRI FOR of the secret societies. who had TUB SASlrVCTORT COSTAtSS A Only a few dsys since a Chinese ODD CHAIRS, GUITAnS, Pine Perfumery P. Lorillard & Co.'s acted as interpreter in a San j?rancts court, and who had been useful in dectis the DiMXG TABLES, ACCORDEOXS, Complete Carriage Shop fradulent representations of Chinese CUT GLASS Tin Tag Tobaccos, merchants,wsritwas laborers who sought to pass as . CETBE TABLES, &; V10LIXS, .... .VXD . .. Blacksmith Shop, his position, and to appeal to Vanity Fair Tobacco and farced to resiyi ETCHED UOTTLES Paint Shop and the police frr protection agaiast the surcaned MATTRESSES, BANJOS, Cigarettes, or hired beJKes and assassins VERY APFKOPKIATE FOR Trimming Shop, ef the secret -- 'Hwji " When a Chiw-- e PILLOWS, FLUTES, icr.z. ax a j crime coauaitied tt is diScnh to end ! Otlaors.-e- is HARMOXICAS, Family Carriages ALSO witnesses. They are afraidtttto testify, because RUGS, Holiday Presents. they will be marked for Tengeasce. Expresses, br so doing MATTCfG, STRINGS, "hizh-beader- all criminals. They The s" are Buggies, are in the pay ot the secnt societies, which ! ! or latter, for their own purposes, shelter and Teas Teas Phaetons, protect and eaabte them to establish a crisn-B- al CIGARS, MEERSCHAUM 1 which the In- Wt ha Rcccirtd fnwa the guild to tbe deprpUtwsw of Jat Ctlcbntrd Omnibuses, ASD and law Chinese are exposed dus trioca abtdin: & without remedy. The Reoeral result is that TEA HOUSE OF L. P. MOORE CO.. Drays Bxd.EsO'I'lTpos, ctoo., d)o colony dominated by its worst and Trucks the Chtscse is or Teiekiiu. Japas. a wtll tclntnl Asst. o( elements, awl that ere the wealthy merchants Breaking Carts, fk, sS" are coopelted to pay btaci-ajai- l, while the Y.i ! Hqliister Co. mrieia laws are practically iaoperatiTe Pure Japan Teas Plantation "Wagons, Wholesale ami Ke tall Tobacconist. organi when seriously opposed by the secret To wbkb wveill th ttttmtlon ot the trade, and be: COMP' to refer then t the roUowta; rertlftcate: Hand Carts, Etc., Etc. t AStl NTREET. zations of Chinatown. an end to this condition of thugs Uw to pat DE TO ORDER OS HOST FAVORABLE TERBS Ik is, however, a diScalt questied- - The police Sworn Certificates of Ptuity from WENNER & CO. and the municipality ot San Francisco have Or And All Work Guaranteed! Ml ineffectually. The Legislature Leading Physicians and Analysts. tried to do so lb tk.cl zina u HEfAIR tVOItK OF NO 92 FORT STREET, i m. p.v- - j ltU otCtiiinnua n aisoMiiw" IVxcutx or Uu InriaiAi JArxK 31jniTT.t ALL KI-- teau The language IS f cwrse, .ie rf ihe SAX rUXCUCO, I I trrebj certify that the TEA 31. liT" Hitlitx tent la Itlsad for a - Chiu in'erpret. re jrc surtnl !. l taulam ih. rreatet ohstacle- mmm (ia tltiaoei&K pKKked by L. P. iloorr. Tehehacu. and Bmaer of maldrtai; aa- - bat ik nwat 11IUI Jewelry, ntfi:-iiM- e A Al proceedings cooccRiing iffiMtrai, tttbmiUed to me. i. tn mr opinioa. s pare, nnadatter vt Xecnnntcs.Jr,sad ai At MATERIAL. I can Fine "Watches atod no way has beeu funnJ uf bJ nUnrsl tear KU VANAU I V.V, fulctlj t.iranit all mt mTiK T Xtaatsctwr llillisir. at.till InperUl Jipcwac 3tajt?ty Consol at Ma Fran-ei- -- from oesne: intimidated or d. narallVefw raitaaHaic ctmbnr aa Plated Ware, &c. This diakalty of bruiirine; Chinese Don't Forsat tho Place ! Omnc vr Y. C Ketu PiuuucxrnrAL CBmxtaT.) - Have Just Beccived ex Late Arrivalt a coiooies under the sway of our Uws is really M - IS aad Put (opposUr ulxxt Txxrr Ihaact, l) Sl. DaTi SUbletl Tinft AeenrtmsTit tke most sere obiectioo that has yet been AlffD bthwet Cr Mikt and Oh it, an t"rnclco. J nf eeaignrhm, and there can be Tuxfltvealt May coscera: I hereby certify tbat X W H. raied to Chinee hTt exanmed tke Tirto brandi el Japanese Tei, PACE, bis doubt as Hs rsafoay. The Chiawe secret allef which ha been purchased by dlt intern ted par ' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. beyond jurisdiction. They tie, and foand them all to be more or less adaltrrated Proprietor. societies are r wttheolnriBS matter and other nVaUne ftreiru to can toauntc tin saet erime, eiercise the Tea wtth the exception or lote marked U, W 3t" Bracelets, Brooches, bljt-nw- il whole-ssl- e, L. teifr-- r wlre-eo- es tynany, tery (In diantoad. packd by T. 3Ioore, Yokohama. ! ai & The ansleeU of twelve different brands sire the foK euenues b K - Just Arrived Earrings, Finger Rings, puirib tbir saiiialin, ii3 toiarelt,TU- ptr"Dotof A Wttoni." form Umpeot. tatronze the whole colony, and defy ur police 7?B ?(. t Larsvamoonl of coloriB eosl3tieof rroj-ela- n BEAlTIsVLLY SET WITH FRAMES Dine (ferro ryanltlaof lroi.Oypstttaandtop-ttene-. and courts. 11 the Chinese are to remain ia .lVDO 2PO0ES. 31X33 ! any American State ia considerable numbers, e-- cnlorii;, ewiUn:of Indi-g- s ONE MILE OF Diamonds & other precious Stones permanently, ao appears probable, it will ly aad aleBimoQr earth. Thl brand contains a lars qnaatity of leaves aely revembbn tea In color. ALS-O-- An Btexaot DLplay ot be necessary to devise means f sup- No. 3 Colored with Indiro and alamlnons earth. Light Portable Kailway Kails, y 4 Blae and pressing their secret eoeietics, and bringing EST7-er- Ko. Colored with lrnlan and Uypvm, within the purview of our laws mixed with leaTes from other plant. their coleaies Description Colored with rmsitan BUe, and t9 per janl; and 2 iorh lih this has Of Ncl tttiBm It, zas and form of govemseat. Thus far Soap tone. WALKIHG CANES, RICHLY MOUNTED 1". o. cetoredwlth Indiro, rtnmbaro and crvf, crolaj, not been done. X Tniewe Clay. DIB o. T Colored wlthlndik riambaso and Gyptsm. AND 10 LIGHT SUGAR CANE WABOHS IX GOLD AM) MI.TEU. A Tieadish Joke. No. Slightly colored with Plomharo and Indigo. No. Colored with Praabato and Clay. 'o- - colored wlta Blae, Soap-ton- .t thiaV," a B orchestral IToiilia ualBittoa v4 Mr Mfi'-t-nl 9TOCK JhJ w T ttii and Yellow Oehre. N.B.-T- ff jvta.I)e; iU CiUnaj ! salukh f Aalsal rowo. aaiared thy will not Imt w)tkoC mUbca leader, "the best joke ever ptajed jn this No. 11 Colored with Indlso and Plambao. frea ht wny ttnrmmfr!if No. P..-- (la diamonds). L. P. Moore. ALSO FOIl b.UJt-- p- itwt Mnllnf rttclt bftrf an ambitwns amaleor pianist to Yokohama, perfectly Uelr aM?M iM was co order. free from and - tsrrn dan anjartlflcUl Tb prtHolsrlj- larllrrf I cotortn- - or other foreiza tnbetance. Steel-Kali- loMn n oil tnd mm Gettschalk was here. The amatear's Strai;ht It lb. to tbe jard la ww xtralr Stock of bopt itr --'rwstiy.f when 7RED C. KEIL , eras the owner'of a large, hall, and be frehecribed aad twora to before me, this tith day of ror lie wocttat of llMn. Joka Fowkr A Co.-- rail-w- father T. iiui v nrnpvrt x. -- . n.iif. locomoaTte, ose ef t Oottschalb for his auuij, ta-- . v ii Auii.ibit, .stij i ainic. aait la na4rtqaea bCK te refer l offered the h 105 & 107 4.i.3pncan.A ,oi?prfCEuniir, w&eranats ra. vnsmtR a co- - There was to be a piece for eicht FORT STREET, Jannate 11th. 163. no la fall opcmlaa. K.nfit Sax Faasncu. aate Lilso boa spwWaled got .Ajeate for I bo Itawa H the amatesx was to plar one of L.P MotKE, Esq . Dear &lrr Uaein read the result Forf artbtrparticatarf, spH, to ttiM. aad of the analysis of brands ot Japan Tea, we aa Ktaaslora. for Gottseialt woold rinoos W. ORKEN. the instrnnsents. I thoasht consider io-1-3. marknl I .Jl " (In diamond). t. or y,,m fit vhen I told hint that the aosatonr packed by yaar Arm m Yokrtam, the only Tea of the O. W. JtACftRL.VSE Jt Co.. King's Celebrated Eye Preservers, notes of piece. twefre eamsles fit for ate and oerf ectle wholesome 1 AtcH tor J.S.c Fowler Co' couldn't play three straight the T, th other bnnds containing more or less In inb- - all said rsois-oxatrraT- Jorioas ao aar ken lasttweted ia tk two of Mt sntam 'Heissare to throw s not,' I, sc. i. stanee, and an4er no elrcasiffUBCes should be allowed trte,Uaa; taw aasaaa wjroa. rnin the perforaaace,' to be need. A. GOEKTZ. il. D--. Tbeswa Glasses ar Jssorsedyy poootar. aad taw at aad UEO.J. BUCKNALL. 31. D.. testloa ot those lairetwstsd Is railed to tkwtr n'ii-fcil- t swore like major, bnt 'twas no J L. MEARES, 31. D. Iwaaaaaalasasaaw? 01? Tte bills were out, and he ooeWo't give c a even the cift of Car For iale reasonably low aad on most faTonble nr call. co but oa his ptoiramoje. if terms by WM. WENNER A. CO.. the halt for the Bt;ht was bo coco wentjob to Island Orders will Receive Prompt and " Fort Street. Ko. At last I bit on an idea that fixed the G. W.MACFAELANE & CO. whole business. The amitenr came, down to 1331) True to the Test ! rtuiinal. aad we praised him ap anttl he thoajht he was to bJ the star of the sight. As Careful Attention. IMacneale 8c Urban Safes. i1 soon as be left we tsoE tbe bamtBers ost ot 4r his piano aad made it as dsmb as aa ovster. (333) .MJAT,JR.&G0., I guessed be wuold sever know the diSerence, '4 with several pianos going at onee." The tnsefal convention langhed. CftHD. & said tbe leadert U. U. BRGER, Ea.. A cent "And just as Ithsoht," f few - MacneaJs & haaaeria- - on the Uble with his glass, "tha, S 'fiStotaSEslTl. r unateor or his iriends never discovered the Stationers and News Dealers, Daaa Sia. I tale areal pleassre to tateta! yi Inal trick." tbeS.31seieli Urban pwisikaseil "So!" Ilnnnllnn lnzcUeUIok.S72Iertbi.utHt. JSMh tf o jwars ax baa passwd tbrvaajk ta Ataelr, tea ""o. sir, be jail sailed in and pounded on IUn Jat Rectjirfd ex 3Iuipoa, a Floe m orkstntaattasaj enUre saUstaetlM. t oawaast tkw AtMrtaent of mas ao the combination bailBj-melte-d that piano as ifft was the worst eneeay he HOLLiSTER & (tins, etfc, baawto CO. wtlawat Tie was bound to show off asosc; 00 a.j diSealtjr. aa4 fwwad twnteala ever had. town so diet gocd pianists, and haiHaered oo his STAT IO ISTERY, Terr Irate. board satil tbe perspiration sear v Minded A Large AJIOSO WHICH MAY BE.FOCXD L. WAV. key Invoice of the Celebrated llonohta. II. I- - Jlwaw Mb. UM. bin. "ow and then I looked at bhs approv-ing- lr Letlvr Paar. to give him fresh coarage, and every Jtota Paper. Foab Ca, A tine that I did he gave tbe piano a lick that LeTal Csd. Large Asjortment or Ihfie Jujlljr Celf-brat- matchwood of His friends Cap, nearly sude it.. Bill S.LFESonatantljr on hand. all arosad threw bosquets at hint an til he CELLULOID TRUSSES Broad aad mum; aytherfaa; WockfiLor byQaire. like a wedding arch, and when 'twas XVinlMH limCJU. ACi AC, AC. loot's! " OLD SAFES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. .it ntrrUi fond Dareat fell on bis seek ia the Dii-oo-t BLAME IlllOliS i for $150 t1:Vie Factory. raU Coasd, Halt Dond. greenroom and slipped a check into F'rom Bound to PlcaM. O. hi hand. The eld man didn't know whether IS listAMIS: C. BERCER, We Uavo ACILlllES'for TRUSSES. Bankers Lart BinkCTs Small. 1" Uoal. IlawaUan Issawwe. fce wu stacdin - on bis beau or bis ccets, be Especial Adjusting is fact, we hare Inkstands for all. M Ateal was so tickled' 'Didrthe do cue, said be to e, "among POST OFFICE JVETTER SCAIES, first-cla- us t many ss prelesaMsals tool is SteelFORR.iails to CARTER'S Combined Conrln- - Jt Wiltln;. 'I never heard aa amatear do so well ia Hollister & Co., In qoaru, pints aad x pinU; said I, and what's more, I scant ir. CAETXB3 VBITISO FLUID, PORTABLE OR poblie, la qaarta. pinta. H plau and canea. PERMANENT U. vwtjw - --- - Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nnuanu St. Violet Ink, qU, pu, !i plnta & conn. UrGOA-Of- XJKfl, i"i) iadetible Ink, aaaorted. ABSOUrS Wrlttaj FlalJ. ! 54 Railways In qnarU. pinta, plnta Jt conea, Seresiees Thousand Fictores. STAFTORD" i la qaarta and pinti. CTPUaa Ferfamed 15 ft, lengths; 14 lbs. to to Ink. kSg tho yard It has often bees a nTsterr tbe woriJ JICCILIGC: pW-- ttaandeanea. laljt. Nbubu St-- nd Cor Fort & MetchanUM. 9 9 VJiat bccma of tbe tbwtsaads of pictures itifiOBQiifi's Faifect MnclUjo Bottle, Hollister C. Jlnat recoteea oet "Dae of Abernra, a twelTemealb mmmm. HiX.VSniPTIllinKlil frasa Llrrrswol. inmtad in Paris darinr aad HiK loll beaad and half Band. ru ' esbibttsd at tbe aasoal Saloo and other jra- l- lmll fill boend and ball boind. nr-Aii- tv. L. OKEE.V. or Mlnn'e Coprlnc Taper, - parrwtToiw or leriea. Some exrrianatioe, at least, is bow -- tuc O. Vf. MACFAI1LAHE Jt Cw, ! ! PFJi . IIOI.nr.H-- S s in real rarletlea; ' fazthecaitz There has jasl died in tbe Bae Perfiimery Perfumery AataawUe Feaeth, Cpjlnz Fesella. KM! Areata for Jaw. Fowter Jb Co certain M. Bormese, irho torn Fiber a Pencils. Dlion'f Pencils. He, an de Bitou a ! ! imvtTI.SO papux: pUIn aad Donated; CRYSTAL SODA WORKS oct to bare bad in bis possessies bo fever Ferfiimery Perfumery Manila Detail Paper, Una 17,000. rssdern pictures. M. Borniche E."TIX)PJ : ijOoaaorteJ; FLAVISr, CAIinS. ,nd corner Jt plain, Our Goods are Acknowledged the Sest ! ma a retired timber caercbant and bad made JIUIlin III II IIOUKN, a Urze rtrlely: a mat fortBoe. He seems to bare been pos TIME BOOS:, assorted; Gammed Label,. HO C0SKS. A.. KRAJETT, I CO., Stalppia: Tags.Tesrlat sessed by a perfect dassaforcainras. Quactitj HOLLISTER A Taj, iritli Ida vent before qaihtj. He cfiered, Invitation Paper & Enrelopea to match. We Use Patent Stoppers rnartet for strug-- tberefcre, a ralcabte jocdj 1 Have Just Received the largest Ball FrseraBBia Cards Pencil and Tassels, artists, "bo, it is said, rarely appealed ME5C CAEDS, all oar Dottles, Faaailat Cse no OPTICIAN, JEWELER and gliog ' la is Tain. All bis bosses beibg blocked to bin ITTBE PRESSES, IAE0E & SMALL ; with bis msltitsdiSQas acnatsitiees, M. Barn-- 1 was aboat to ImW a great gallery an Banker Bands; all slats. Ginger WATCHMAKEB, icte PERFUMERY BASE BAX.LM.Bats. Ale but ours land Lear tbe Boderard St. Germain, LOT OF til'IOES aadhroncnooiiN, And Dealer in ace - Musical Instruments. wherein to ban? then, for public exhibition, nitrniDAY caiidm. tUILDHEX tar FOK deaUi interrnpted tbe carryisj est of this IMPORTED TJHS KINGDOM, COMPRISING pociicriixirn, " Hnr-r!--!- -! bet EVER IT0 Aad articles too u:isrM project. Tbe 17.000. pictures are raw to aaaitf other saneroaf to mention. teetiTed foranrForelm OUR SOD AWATER HIS RECEIVED. PER UTE IBPQBTITIOIK. be (old at the Hotel Sroost. A beginning Paper or Mazaifce pnHI'ked. at any rime. Also, for vill be made with 6,06 dsrisg tbe cam-i- s- Celebrated an me iocai rapersaaa aiasxnnes. aeasldes. Brook-aide- s. ot I'ltj. LX AtMUiaa to ltf forma Mmk betd Over Fifty Different Odors of the Famttr Library, etc always on band, and special lie iE'a winter. Four sales are U be per i nam beta seat for to order Carefal atlontUm piw to Island Ordesa Addrsss vceat, and 250 pictures put np eaeb sale. - SPECIAL Orders Eeeetred for BOOKS. ETC JPHSTE ! Jjtmh Stadani. - GOODS XiimdboEg- Manufacture. --ALSO The Cirystal Soda Works, Sttl AS tbe Catholic States ot France, Belgians ! 3" Is RED RUBBER STAMP A0EXCT P O. BOX UOSOLl'Ll II I. 33 X 33 3L. 35.72", Spain and Portugal, tbe total of Pro- 37 IX Italy, Odor-Case- s, and Agents for tbe Eccyclopcdla Blitaaalca. GOLD, IIILER, Ac i only 680,600 is an aggregate Fdiicy &c. testants Boxes, Bottles, 1ST All Island orders Clied Promptly -- J OtfB TEIEPHOHE IS HO. 298. "6a cf 90,000,000. JJ GOLD & SILVER WATCHES J. M. OAT. Jr. & CO. Ordrra left wtta Beasoa. Jt aa TntBloct.3Jiercaantgt. ear uith Co.. So tU of the Best make and lfi Ut Fort Ijlreet. will reeel.e prompt aHeatl SM In i.k. 1 Last Ant. of 0T1CE. HollLster & Co., illlS. 3tAR" WOXG - GROCERIES I Musical Instrument;s,. Vakani.Xaat.aatn: kfl mj -serrts Eta-vsralliaii- SARDINES! From tao saaat lettklMRl Uaanfatnte,s. jl ii .: l - r ELlxxscaoiaa.v-- ,A Ullt.IiMXJJOPK.V3UI.YCno. for i : XV. CEEIES and Tftserred Goods, BFJi. rnr.xcii xannixc. in sock as MeaU Hair Eoaes. tar crmios ltj w n''', Fratts. Far by T'i . r .r . uhdles3 tVrZZLrr.BrrtUtdi-?f?,ssssatrs?'.- WOXB HiV. 59 Huuanu St, sidCor. Fort and Merchant St. aad Sal tar-- a or Daw 07 vahieiy.i ant DULLES CO EOLLBt 4c CO. aot fTBShr.".JT,'I,",8 aad FtU5JaaEaa.xs5t. 7ttswij

"5TTSS properlr be' ccna to include aa SAXUfAPJ.SU VLX ...sasfOL'raU per Dozes, 'iimtij Street. : : aa Ftaaatsestr- -! - mm BLINDS traed a rtstrra-tio- n j,.sJ, waxsjMatAJi tj fuuuKSASH" Tor life tli !oU "B" and "C." 1"VWJ? a .Horses! It is jaid'that aa actual lhird as ccr.feytd Prederielc Bagot, j which is OrTTEREn AT.TIIK . Xta Silx, -- I lc ooM tm hermut tK fw 1tw "" - Home Made Mince Meat H'OT.T.TRnriTP, Ar, CO taae.no a tint 4 ae T . -- uZ V T5t--2- ' atOk. J-- . SSHtJa. IVXrvrAxicu .H- ATTORNEYS AT LAW. SCTlt?.aww W ThlUdflpWa Board of linatrwrUer?, - . 3S XtrckJt St BoaOktni. ii--t. W-- H. CH033MAS IMS . OKXTJ Or Ifce "W l: i n ..- -. . rvs.vjrrTiKu Contractor & Builder KKUM . B4!';?mH'ST a onaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagMEgTgy'-s&dJB'.w- i &iz"WK'3fr5&EFmiaBgnvM9&z?w9'wr,'w" ' SBBBBBBBafAtgaBBBBBBBaaaBBBBBBBr..sBBBBfa2aBBetfatfncr2aaa&aBBBBBBBK?2atniB.a..s,ciaii '". we iWf, aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBMaBBBaaeaHnalV'SM?:' 'T T ' --i: uj3S"aa ilRKDmBHIBHKBiB "" V ?SHBBBaaBBRaBa)faaBtaaBBnaaanar

t ii naaniaii tT ay t a t ew.a m. v. as inwri par a m v. a. .at Ti. t tnrr hi nTrnorrun. r rr) asaaaaaBBiaP jtt.'1 era! of the season her caraKr left ! . . - contract foe trasscortatiea. of ,. .,v -- srale -- ST CXYClallMnis OF J&BKBS ..? . cf Si o.ooo.-G- &t- - ' -- w Ml "I i1 laVAastraltaa.tPTBnnsh. aad. Amertean, jlaits rx. t.r r5t AIIAN New Goocism fcetween San fraactsca aai Australia ami Xew Zealand, coaHneace this racBia. The Tux LATr Qcxjex or Macvoascas Ttie iSOSI ot-jm-bj mail is Veraj detain! ta Salni-cisc- a death cf Kacavalona 1L, Qaeea of Midios- -' Carriage Manufacturing Comp'y. FRESH GOODS! Jar six days fcejcni tbe time agreed bj car, was cot ia altogether usexpected event. ' An Elegant Preparation fee of Foe some years she has been feeble health, farmer eeomct watch expires tae IJta in Successors to GIDEON WEST. No. 70 QUEES STREET. ron Ptcrmter Best, ta iftmi tbe coatneten aa aad reraors of ber decease have of late been cpfertesity of timing the-- arrnrol ani depart- freqaent The Dotty Sm says she will be " Softoning tho Skin. ure f the sails ia fotate so as to emptor bat regretted, aat only by h.er own subjects, bat ALL KINDS OF firee Tessets tasteai of Soar as heretofore. by alt friends cf humanity aad progress. Sh FANCY GOODS, Romovlng Sun-bur- n, Ac. Tie (teaser t rut in. th semce will be was the third wcraaa who has cccapted the ami the Zalai. Asstnha and Citr of STtisejr. thrcse of Madagascar since tbe establishment Carriages, Wagons Carts TheCiiy of "ew transrerreJ to tie of tie Itova dynasty by Kadaraal. (.IStS). First-CUs- Ttt b Botlt and Impaired In s Stjle and Darablo Uanner. UTaVSOX. SUITU ft CO. Faaassa rvate, the deteouoas to. StiIcst The reign of the first Baaavaloea was malted STAPLE GOODS al Kcckaways, - Dray. Pnrnmaclsta. wBt be bstteti to 13 cfars instead of sixveeu by three soagaisary and prolooged persecu- yj,. as preTisosIj. We are slail to kora that the tions of the Christian natives. Many vrete x Cart diien-t- Phietoss. 0aj&!mt speed will" be ncmsed sail the ia bcxat, others hailed headteBg front a preci- Ex Str. MutMo aaatorcratt tl. at way potts lessectd, whsek wiB shcrt-e- a pice near the capita!, and others seat into Bugsies Delivery Wacom Maile Cologne the tKBe"ocimped ta ctossto the Pacific banishment, or to die cf starvation or fever ia vnaBEaBBlril Oceiu coaauJeriWy. These nurile tmscU, desolate and cnhealth districts, Riho-herin- a, Cane Wagons. SaaBaC9Br Dump Carts. I which hare aSsnied. the traTcKo public so the next oaeec, ahhoogh renuiauir For the Toilet HKk sitBtactiea iJaria; tie los petted of S ta the last, a heathen, was remarkable for her His Also on Hand Tor Sale. "'SrferSsSS' A Completo Assortment of KENNEDET & CO. Is Fully Equal to Farina or any which th--i costract has been m eaut-esc-e. genial and Kberat spirit. She allowed free- j3is, s othor Imported, and Is rw; are foHj- equal to the reasirestents ol dom, of opinion anongst her subjects, aad rf3 "vVagon nVEci-teiMal- the ae, asd bi a tri2ir additiorul expeEdi- - eves sabscribed to- tie electron of Christian Carriage lUTri4wfl dm ld imj KM aMt. ! Yen illnch Lower taxe at bm way oc caalu, will, we Have little churches and schools. At the coroaatiort of AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. ia Price. faratah records will be pteosia to the second Baaavaloea, however, chasjre dedk. that a HCK5. SPOKES. FEIXOES. KIMS, rcKr.xRKo the-- pebhc press to notice. The renewed coo. took place. Heathen s vmbots were abolished, S1UFIS, OAK. ASH. WUUZ WOOD, ostr nt tract aw catered ioto for a period of tweWe aad the Bible placed ia a position of honor on Hlft-mT- nm tlinv ttnrvn IRflV. STKEL. 1KOX, U0B5&U10E SHAPES, Standard Txesh Gioceries BENSON. SMTXII ft CO. was wisely accepted, Rc it the monarch's right hand. From that time the SUKWAY and laaKirr mm), a2ds 1- FaaxntaelsU. ourcsrress-ajtoppoctaatt- country has continued make rapid pro- - svrutjou qvAUTT of recogatzjeg the to - or ;iot ruiMi au WhlhIUVMlrnalaoaaaDiatniatt la far of the coktoMts to the of cress cota. is Knowledge ana tse arts ot AllUnf f.r.lii.!miWMMMl,ri'4k.r.tini!1x-- k for the trad. Sseh U U0RS&&U0ES. rnot tkeav,KalBtaaaaartnt bsUhsi ritthe Awencaa. people is the Mr. The capital is really a handsome FIFfU-WHEEL- BOLS. BlUNTlS. NirTS. WASUEIS. FELLOE PLATES, taVETS, SDJOLE- - BAEGAINS FOR ALL. For eight ;eacs has been sabsalized city, and has now number substantial TKEE PL.VTES, COTE-EYE- AXLE CLirS, FEKKCLES, ronna ana sqaare. -- - fite. it a of s.W solely by the letoeies of "w Sooth YTaks bathUags which, wooId adorn even aa English x -- lvlQ.ta.o Other ShipjicaU catrslantl' oa tao rrsr. Fat and Lean Purses Suited I Hteivka Zeahuid, W xo sad S aotwithstaadta; the fict proviactal town. Amongst the reforms which TO SliM) ANYolsKOCGU USAGES, AT YEKYOrdorLOW KATES. ORrnoei that Seaatar m the year 1S72, wlwo will render memorable the reign uf Kaaava-lo-aa CALL AT It as of the the are the abuMuoa of J3" A Larse of SPKISGS and AXLES, half patent and COXCOHD AXLES, of all sises. Calt,eaan4VaMivlmt aai fb he spois ce repreoeatatiTes ef IL, trial br ordeal. Sui oarsetne, we are acqrudnted with th wants ot the Hplnewl tins slavery Muzam Eaitm; a Manaiactsruai; Deuittruent joataerrrj respect. CoTefaaeet of country, gate a solemn the abolition of as far as the trade, and we shall eotle tor to make a specialty of keepiis EY KKYTlllNO oa hand nsed for boildisc ffrfll. sab-stia- San- COLBY'S ptedge ia hss pbee is the Seaate "that btqae are concerned, the observance! of - a Wacuo or Catrace as beRtof ore ; there has been a treat war t of Stock in oar line, indispensable to KCX.MIIll.t A CO.. aid should be pita wueaeScwnt Tea-e- ls day by complete cessation from labor, a svs Waxoo. BajKbne, and secvssarv in labor-satin- coasistis); in adiptabl articles, peculiar to Black were piiced a the line, tastead of the old teat of national edacutiea introduced, poly SButnia anu s. FaaUr (Isntets, (.inifN tlkvk. UotriM. Great 10 Cent Store le it wgro at side wheeSecs tbea Cied by Webb" gamy aiscountenanceu by royal decree, a lair Wm. : t t Managa'r. A reference to Seaator Chaadkr's speech en and open trial secured to alt offender!, aad the Coal JOHNSON. p 15 Tons est liiead-shi- If that tceasMS witl deaioastrate the fact that coGclustua of treaties of commerce aad BSacksmiths' Fort Stml.ttou.He MettU'.and uauli. saeh vessels as the Zcalaade, Aastnlta asd with America, England, and Germoav Depot of WooJlawn Pair. ike Larce aad Varied Cfcy of STdaey are of the toacaje and power The Cocrt of the deceased qoeeu was remaik-- for sale ix QCAxrrriES to scrr. iNTrY 93t? Attrsian Ice Worts. b Haiti: oat b hiai as aecessary for th eer-T- c. atHe tor tue ot arrangements i atgoiiy its aul Two-Whe- el Brakes, Manufhctiired in our own Factory, 25 per Cent. STOCK Practical expeneoce shows the wiaiita bosiaess-hlt-e tuaaaer ia which everything was OF JEWELRY: aad Swwijht of the Senator ia tbe reautxs carried out. Alt marks of former batbUnsm 954 Cheaper than Imported Brakes. rUni, RreeH-Kln- i, chea ade by htai, nd tbe adaunbW and were abuluued, aad the Euruueaa usa:re3 anU rlleevc lTMteae, Ckr. auaaec m. which the cootract has been cttstoos ere adopted by the Queen as iuudek 9 BwwiiaaMJ eiearly accoimti for the popoUrity for her atdaaee la cereiavotai nutters. Tbe TOTTS, TO"S"Sa !ie4 of the Ftascssco all Prime 3Iiatster, who was hosbund of The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest tull.. ., Wsstew, Meekr. Sia zaote qt others from the the laaaaaaaaaKaaK. ritt.r. l HE N the Aastraina Gotonies. lastead uf late Qaeen, is a mart of great tt&d with the Coluows, some of his w aaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBWaataflaBBBaUWaaBal howeTer, Amencaas sns have receited MUSIC"!. lNsTRl'-MFNTS- :' hare been a dra,; cham apes the limfertakia their cdacatlua in Eurupe.and be bas urn es- Store in the Kingdom. O BBBBBBBBfMataaallSr JJ ilAH I toll fate pecially devoted himself aswtal Furniture Uk traaaportotioo of anus to tbe aud tl.rmonleu FtstM. ArendewM WnwiJe., aczaas tbe Coaaaeat cf America and cuqaet--;; octat eUvatiua of the Malagasy by envvara-gin- g n - with the Eagt&h GorenaMnt to tbe ptej-aJk- Christianity aad making educallua cm 33DFa.-S- the casoaists. This greiraace has paUury throaglnHit the.Qmteu's aouiuuius. . Uiolrrr UluTt-.- Teweb.GOODS!Uedkrrrklf, hawsTerbsmi fully placed beiore tae aScials It was the custom of tUe Goatt to aujoarn for PQ Ssetrni. at'WashaBrtoa by Bubert J. CragUoo, B some mouths of the semmet to Ambt.huualaxa PIONEER " seanseasaliTe at the New Zealand Bwnern-M- a hill city aboat 12 miles soath ot tbe capital O WfiiUBA House Fiirnisliiiig Goods, ia Um eaiaatry. We hope to team that Aatananurivii, and it is here that ber Majet j Eh jit Keltic, riril,TIra4r.CFfc has mission the moaili hec -- danaf the recess wm (itodactiTe speet last uf lire. inrfra,(.rial. Marttea Can, and iMaeaMt.ef f gsoi. It wmU have srtdd as sjtisfie-ta- n Warm OjIo-t- t that a depautiua trum the es ft Porfumory, Soaps, Stationery, &c ha4 arrrted to tUBreeeat ibeu taterests at SUGAR MACHINERY WAEEROOMS, IS, t uMpri.i.r. .liaevtaTr, Over e,tai .Vrilelf aW seat of Sneraewot darm tnecoaua ees-si- bat ia the ereat of their, we hope Mr. Crwghtoa S3stlolis33.eca. that will be cumaiis-saa- ed Mnllsgate." 1859. alnaaaHarailf tl Music for Million to there aad complefe the good work Per the C. : : : PROPRIETOR. I ' t onin. r keet alaetc. of Setre-ll- he has so adssuabty naaganied. HeuBtime We Ht- - Erteivvil FarthtfrCuaaitciiairjBt of E. WILLIAMS, : : t o rwMa coasatccable progress can be made in San M front the Walk, of Ike towards carrying R mf Fttaclsee oat the object ia MESSRS. MifiRliES, WATSOH & I aH9- COs Sapertelu,; all ulhir . liollrrt, twv. The Board of Trade at its last annual Have Received. rViost Noted Musicians. arseaac reierred ut the report of President, I Just BECAIS.E IT IS MORE tot its FROM Jieoe c. laoor, to tAe importance ot maiotaui-in- r; Economical of Fuel. Only Cents. pestat corafflarucatiott with, the eoloaies of MACHINERY 10 3 AssnaiB. ealy Mr. Taber bat Captain HojkL Less Liable to Explode, CALL EAKLY tat yt And Iiave now oa reaJr foe iiIierr FnflJrraVlTraiMtnn&l ff?Pl San Francisco m .Merry aad other members spate so forcibly ca AND THE FaAST, Eaiier o Transportation the sehfect that a resolatioa embodying- their One Triple --Eileoc. AXD MAKE views was asaaiawasly adopted. 5Tow, haw. Another large Addition to my Already large AND COSTS NO MORE ! YOUlt ever, is Oa kutrM& lt a sutoj. ctratsjoui?' ? OS trqaare f rt'KCHASES. fine the tnae tot active aiaassres, aad we of HcatLB tarface. wttlt PnrnpOi t. Faint: and tt3Sf&-5S.C32fe3?lSi3- w Full dmrlptiM dpncecjn W oMalknl by cataSaeady TO mUr S direct the atteotuo of the Board ifimlm. romplete.. ftrirt "7"zrloca. Stools. appHdUon ta, fka ofTrade to the importance of the subject, ia - et CSQ tafc ITU- ?" ! the hope thirt oar sarestam. will meet with, a One Doule-Eile- "S OP W. E. ROWELLHonolulu. H 831 Bamask ote Irish hearty approval. the Aceat nwmllii ItlftwU. Oar coaiictioe is that HavtBeSOsaaarefeeCer heatm-sarts- ot, wttlt Ea Board of Trade sboatd convene a special meet-in- jr ia aat Xircatas. Fiiniiture, Cisholster.y, Pianos. at oaee aad pass such resolatioas coarra-aJor- y use sirr or of their previsssly expressed optciocs - $& as 4 Misgiesil E.O. Hall Son wa? have iaSaeace apos Coagress : that Weston's Patent Centrifugals, laisti'iimeiits. Seiriiig- We Have Received these resofcitioos be forwarded to the Senaters Wiih Eajiaa aad oTixer, One Set of lie ILEUS I.V Just aad KeeAers of the Assembly for the Pacific 2 &c. Coast, was. a refgoest the united Weston's Patent Centrifugals, Maciiines. fce.9 &c9 that iaisencs A ed VERY FISE ASSOKTMKST Of tt Mai aad advocacy of ear Bepreseatatives acd Del- Hocololo, am prepared to meet Ha-r- a; bad vears experience ta tfca Fnnutrrre Bosiaess la I the b atil egates be secured hi fartheraace of the Increased facilrcias for lac nuaafaclim tit Hnvine 3 Hall'sSteelPlows racse raachias. (tne Westers Patmt. far wsieo. ia wants o HI, as I have the LJU1GEST STOCK, tba Latest Stvks, and SELL AT LOWEST PHICES. a Great Britara has eoplr-d- l. we art taas enable to aier I A reaassiaa ofcharges for treaaportatioa them at nmrnallj OEDLCCD PRIlEs. Cattia; from a to H inches, nsade for theai br Irish. Double Damask ail I Keep in Stock a Full Line of ol mi aessas cae caafzeeac TTEIIA EA ril.1. ASJrtjrrrMEXT OF the Molina Plow Co. aex Z T ehtaBi aa allowance for carriage of Ai&erieaa asd Anslralian maifa oat of the CentrtfugalSpares Walnut, Ash. Painted, Stained, Varnished feed irrteoded ta he placed at the disposal of Linings. Brasses. Banber Bsaas aad Bashes, ic. AGRICULTURAL -- TABLE LINEN 1 . the Pcscaaster Ceaeral, 52 TV" t i.T 3 Ta raises the time for transport CH SETS, Ct of the dng'onal Engines: AastraKaa sails fros Saa Frascises to ew F.irh i taehes Of tt inches. IMPLEMENTS DIRECT ITHOI - York ta five days. A Complete Assortment Cheap Furniture, If Csdjttss woeld accede to the terns of "Clarifiers, Flat Coolers, iseh a petirioc, the "ew Zeahadaad possibly sbrSttTliadbr3bj-I-- A Largo Assortment of ; y.-a- One Snare Tn BaUer tor 3S By M iiL the South Wales mail fise weald be plic-e- d fnth It BELFAST, IRELAND Oae Spore sbie Boiler for U do do. ca a fins aad saaad feotiag. P. Motkomt. Sets, lounges, Patent Bed Lounges & Sofa Beds, zzJigk a --c JBeSao Oae Spare Intermediate Spsr Wheel for Parlor lONrllhTISO OF - GanrbTI-- rr Zxiloits a Princess. of Gearing of do. Easy Choirs, Patent Scrag Rockers, latest desijes s Ottomans, Foot Bests, Piano Stools, Ac, Wnhr a day two, says or a Paris letter, &. W. Macfarlanc ifc Co. society has bees considerably ioterested aver A Poll Asstortment of Upholstering Materials, he reappearance of the Princess SoawaroC 992 r TABLE ' Coraarisas Sill Cotelrse, Silk Plashes, Haw Silks, Cashmeres, Series, Damasks, Heps, CLOTHS, This haadsoaie Bassiaa lady was daring ana hair Ctoth aad Leather. ALSO Cords, Gimps asd Pnnts. seasoss th revgnuc; Jfice j NEW and STYLISH Wall star at aad 3Iosaco, Uattresses Alrll -. traw Eacelsajr, M, Ecreia, Pals, Harraad Feather and Pillows on band and made to JaaaaaaKlfirSSisl of all il- i t.ii oil .(He of Dialat T.Mei . aad was net the less reinartabfe os aecoant of Order. Caarapuni c fries Beds, the Best in cse; wilt last a Ills time. ALSO Pinafore and her freqaeat aueapta to break the back. She Star Serins bi um1 Woven Wire liattresses. assorted size. Sprtcs ltattresses MADE TO has sot bees seen at either of these places or Slllliiierj' rootli OBDEK. Wtmloc Baades, Plaia and Patent Spnnz Boilers. ia Paris liscc lss. She hved so fast here - MK. D. SAISUEHS, Willi av5 aad X2ld so heavy at Moots Carlo that the Ladies' Underwear and Having Secured tie Services of (VapkiustoHateii late Czar forbade her to leave the Empire till The WeM imrra saa Francisco Upholsterer and Draper, who ha! had lare experience ia the she repaired herfortaBes. Whether she has Gh ildens' Clothing Finest Kind of Uphobterv, I am prepared to do all kinds of Work in that Line BESf AXD deee so or at is sore than oae eaa tdf, bat fS THE LATEST STTLE. coon; sxovjds Thesa LINENS are the xTNEST Ever He is certainly back is Paris, where she has Imported to this Market, and we Invito already rested a magnificent boose, is which Draperies and Xjambreqiiiiis. onr Trlends to give them Inspection. she is to have sorae fas before the win- Mbs.'W. Curtains, aa gatsg H.WILKINSON Loose Covers Cat and Uade in the Latest Styles. ever. The Priseess whose ALSO ter ii maiden TTIE liSHIOSABLE case was Basiewska, was enerawoily wealthy OP MTSSOBS, w hea she married the Prince Seaward whose A LABGB ASS0ETHENT fartsse was very moderate. After a s flilliucr&Drcss-finkc- r Mirror Plate and PSctore Glass; ALSO a Brest vanetv ofTanej Picture Frames, card, cabinet and EANGES G.W.Macfarlane&Go OF ALL SIZES) of nmtriesny taey ajreed to disagree, and an UT2T sizes ; the very latest stvle of Picture Cornice MaaldraKS. Picture Frames 4 Window Cornices amid We separatMC took place. Tbe Prince OF STBEET, rsade to eaerer. A btrze variety of Uabj Carriaeesandi Bobes, Childien's Express Wagons, Carta and fort Ball Bats, KITCHXN ASD HOUSEHOLD CTKSBlLS- -f devoted hncserf ta traveltas asd the Princess Bezs t roforai tat Ladles cf Qsanfala aad tk ne WteeHxUTOTS, B tc west ta Monaco ia search of excitement. She ImaC tkat r has saw on view tie LaKGZsT sad allllDdn: SCOsT ELSGaSTaascrtaieat ot tie Laaut 5 tries nf PIANOS FOR SALE OR HIRE ! played with large stakes, aad her boUaess, her PALVTrf ASD OILS-- of all Mad; Beaver Saloon ceofeess, asd her alternate heavy toses asd JEHinery, Tioons, Csscertaans, Accordians, Gsittrs, Banjos, Taxabonrines, and all kinds of Mnsical Initramests LUBBICAmo OILS best stock in the market: wtBas3 were the sessatioa at Koete Carlo, alaavs on band and for Sale Cheaper than elsewhere. Tiolis. Gm'tar and Banjo Strings of , nff5ren, MAKE, per Set or 12 EKBOSEKE Downer-- Mooodsj A evening, when gaarbliag-roo-ei the BEST at Ii cents Cents each OIL Lasirtl: Every the ehreed Peathers, beta she eatertarsea a targr: party ot cuejts at A I SILTEB PLATED WAHB--f ma Heed A Barton; H. NCLTE, Proprietor. villa oa the An-rl- Bcnnstsv WATiTi PHH. J. aaferra her Promeoide des Aa Elesant aseortaml of tae 5ewest asdI Lalest Stjlee roar be found oa Show. SOLID SUA EB WAEE-fr- om the Ooraata Co. Seffle rather racy aaecdeies are related Eats, Etc, PO WDEB- S- 111 kinds, f Cala. Powder Wetka ahest her, asd her acaay decidedly eeceatric To be ia tttis cttraad r rota 2a4 ve&4afciibtnreits; TT'TT'-n- A T rjTOCK Best ta tsaewte to Ms firt sad tae isdlidari. Tftese Gcads were visa Care, t T? ATO HAVE A IaAItCER TITAN ALla CABBIAGL BOLTS-aflife- assecsates rave aoaiewbat sot V Hoac-lsl- KD MACHINE ssit ser a scaadafcias viS Stated M trtc waau . tie Larfits rt Bocoiola asd t J? J1j I JS X Q" A the otker Fsrslure Dealers in s tcraMaed. 1 ban tbe paeHc la seaeral reactahaa. Owe of these tales is that after tkclataads. Eet Xames Miirr aad taeaeaijrJ FtnU-tu- i t nbofataer in tb fcarfoa. uar Price, ire tbe LCT7ZST aad all the Ufciojr vers: twaraaleed lAweff irssirncMacrimKaspreKipvjaiieBoeaio. ' one of her sappers Pnscess, nff her . That he ha opened the above Salooa threw acres the room, wberespoe CssnriMd ta Xrr. WUVfafoa-- mtj be Irsml: C. E. WTT.T.TflMS, Honolnln, B. 3a.elf tapper it - Sii I, first-clas- s Sa-T- Refreshments as actress of the Palais Bayal Theater, who ladies- ODinnrttB. xn OSes and Wrerra. lit rct Street Teteioe. Wcrkiop aad ta Hotel Street where was araetrjr her picked it op, fated it ISFAXTS 1SD CIIILDCCVS zaest, via se ttntd best I s. ra. tM M s, n 4ct tko wjri charapocae wise, earatied it at a drau-- at CIOTHHTG of all Descriptions, HARDWAEE M the heiHfc of the hostess. This pkased I Ejad Bzs Imaiiilit. terrrririea ef s CersstMet Qhfdi OtUitt (( lifter Poctec LeiXtur; A Splendid Auortmentt isc rnecess uat sae exefataea, as sae ed &wj. bo. Ldx Cofcl Ecacet. TIIE FISBaT SHADES OF the actress my dear, ysu LEATHER rVU have TrUa Of Uescjlptfous; shall a of yoar owb, sext doer to Lnpcftt-- Hal laxj EctLt, Uutt tjia wi& Fltnr-t- r Tobaccos, assse." This prorsise was kept, acd the ac- , resZlert. Bfhfaoiu. c ta suscft. t3r Oar (. .odi an of the neat qnalllj; see taaak tress baa new the slipper osder a jlass case. X Urr vtorracst Ctfiirtn Scbool IIiuT Terj fercaih.ateahrirsaew. weieferet Cigars, Pipes and Ghtzp. aad x reaCTxnet7vrctlerGooi,tea3BSSMT-o- a forsnica. A very stress yoaag sua, who jot cleased tmratSao,UwLiJc&taie.UuFcticscf tfe ZaiOf cutoaert aad FBIE.tBS lo CUR ItDf ClSCXimis Smoker's Sundries f eat at at Koeaoa, aaicsed is cavttuiiy tarnUvt- - Ml JUJSUt. kick we will m4 toinaw aaea saaC Uudeiftiike?Undertaking id nil its Branches SnleMiM BtssekT oee eveaiBjr by marriag for the eaUn. or call lad cxaadee ear Sleet f Oeea kr a .cfectlaa frarn rase (setoffs, semlokUraed, fiitau. nii. rrfA Riisafirt lady, who brine; pleased wttb.hu AT OUR WAREROOM3. of Tort am ktt ken and wilt ke s ed to frote w jcaova sb xxe Latiief . tiil coutisac prwfaie TiotT)i;lij aad attended ta eer lute la llite. appearacce accepted his temee, altboojh he ia Satiifactorllr juac streett, nnrarn. tU-r- Ot s of Brtatwlek was a atrargcx. That day die was a heavy af wtj Ortt Trtairiiaeitei m th laxt Btlke's IS aal matt ttJthiambi itje. etto reser, aad whea she left the table onered COFFINS & CASKETS tins a tcwtsiad frame note is so Call and See the Novelties. The VoTzrists' Retreat, Cdebrated Billiard Tables sain c. Of J.I CeserirUoM and the of Kan, Hawaii. "ifrit delkats a raasser that a refesal was inrpcisi-hf- Lsuil 6tjle TrlsrmlCKi. Atjllormapo, transaction was laainci. aad Cerls! EatjesalnTf oahasd. It Tte next day the laae BEEF and J5TCWOIXC1 eeaaettwt with ike tetaMtkeual, where Sorer. PORK! TOL-BI&- SID OTIICttK. repeated, acd agaia dsriap; the whole TEW TOOK EXTBJL wHI e ef ike tae saa parueittav 7A Frajieiaee riSILT CCCF IX viilian Voleaee, Sad itjaa erao week. Then reck tarred agamst the Prieccss, i.w rr, 5,j JIEXS Bar, $aa Frsa Bodauone. bdlle Harrea.S'e--, ! TUB KETWEAT. eiteo rajiir.r 1.1 Vk tstA the placed his EXTst BEr.rii.SMi. r jin Hearses and Carriages for Funerals The llnat&illrauw l vest ea ae Meads fr - asd ttncjt geaweaas perse at JIESS PORE ia Erd. PtC PUCItraaair Mb. at -- ! but ef las safssandlnx Seeae-r- c-- isviltde. h Paints andri. Paint Oil. her diapoaal, who aeeep ted fas ofier, aad was eartaTMs,wlaKea'aadSBy'riaa. i ex Inclodiixta'ibt Voienev.(ami aW Heats. VirijLTanS-BfJfTirESEGOOlJ- "juihiprtaeeraer.fw tale nr i reasonable rates A ifee soon abtet9 pay the leas with fsterest. This xrTznzb xodehatz. For Bats sJ a BOI.La c. ' 02ls,Hc- - 111 Fort Street- - &0O . Telephane and Bight Alann, ffo. 76. j.w. - if lay J axmiiE. riminu SOLXX1 A CO. licon If ear. 'try apnf

tl f ER , - , . ,49.aooj ltst&' "ll TT laaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatll r tai SoGth Eona, Hawaii. roretrtaton. tric. aQr "WTaaaaaaaTaTraaW-- 1 aaaaaaT I FW asrirv & glass embosser tf tc CPWaW aM i iioiac-ranc- GOSSXP. BEOS TO sigh mvm M. X23IEJ rpiIE IHOJHTWIO'KP CASTLE & COOKE, AJfcWi a.11 rvr.Lair?.fl'jinunimMMn' yOXDMCOMIIIO Ma BERCER, and n ova i - I ' ; rr HEKBI5 taJera friiaaadtkerMlcr:raeraItkat C. O. ' vnff ?rifVc If Wf!kJCISLilUI LWholoaalc ""rl fiilaii WfHi