Washington Uses Italian Election to Incite War Fever
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Workers of the World, Unite! Fallacy of Wallace's Anti-W ar Program See P a g e 2 the MILITANTPUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE V O L. X II.—¡-No. 13 NEW YORK, N. Y.. MONDAY, MARCII 29. 1948 PRICE: FIVE CENTàì Murray Machine Washington Uses Pushes D rive to Oust Stalinists TRUMAN CLUBS WURKERS Reuther Raids UE, FE Italian Election to And Mine-Mill Unions The drive of the C IO leader ship to purge the Stalinists is going ahead full blast and now Incite War Fever dominates the political life of the organization from top to bottom. WITH TAFT-HARTLET LAW Washington is continuing its incitement of war hysteria since Truman’s sabre-rattling speech on March 1£ to the joint The slow - moving, do-nothing Murray machine in the CIO, which Mine Strike Spreads session of Congress. In t h e * - - - the^j; ifintain'and has not been able to find the energy Slave Act Injunctions past week, American imperial- p rar>ce would favor restoration of to organize a united campaign for ism’s drive toward a third world the territory of Trieste to Italy. wage increases, has revealed a sur war was going strong on every This appeal to the nationalistic prising vigor in lining up the CIO MenaceAtomic,Coal/ front. sentiments of the Italian people behind the Marshall Plan. The newest arena of the “cold was an obvious direct offer of a President Murray sent out a letter war” between Wall Street and the \ bride. A t the same time, unusu- last week to all CIO affiliates urging MeatPrintersUnions ,, . T. , , __ . , 1 ally reliable diplomatic sources” them to act with “utmost speed" to Kremlin is Italy, where a crucial I * . „ . broadcast the promise that some of pressure Congressmen to pass the The federal government has swung the strike)-, election is scheduled for Apiil 18, ( Italy’s former African colonies Marshall Plan by April 1. We must The State Department is inter-1 might likewise be returned, have, he exclaimed, “Action Now,” breaking club of the Taft-Hartley Act in a rapid vening in the Italian elections in | W ith equal cynicism and disrc- and told all CIO groups to make series of blows against AFL atomic workers, soft this the “No. 1 priority task.” Such lhe most brazen manner imaginable. I eard °f the wil1 of lhe Peoples in- coal miners, CIO pack-tHis first move was the establish:-' voived, U. S.-British imperialism decisiveness has not beeri seen It. is issuing dire threats against ha({ made a deaI with the Kremlin around CIO headquarters for years. in g h o u se workers and ment of an "impartial" three-map the Italian people if they exercise at the cnd of tlie war to divide AFL printers ! “fact-finding” committee composed Meanwhile, the letter sent out by T t ,, i of a federal judge, the former head' their democratic rights by voting: control of Trieste with Yugoslavia Murray's stooge, John Brophy, ad In the first use or the na- of ^ wage.freezlng Nafcional Wal.; and to hand the Italian colonies to for the Communist (Stalinist) Party vising all CIO state and city bodies tional emergency” clause of the Labor Board, and the publisher #; the victorious imperialists. Now as candidates. These threats are com that they must accept Murray’s Slave Labor Law, Truman on March a boss newspaper in Louisville; AS further means of influencing the bined with promises and outright policy on backing the Marshall Plan 19 demanded and secured a federal Italian elections, Trieste and the bribes. and rejecting a third party, is be court injunction to halt the sched African colonies are being used as coming the instrument of dislodg In two speeches on the West pawns and bajt uled strike of 800 members of the j Cost of Living Rises ing the Stalinists from all positions Coast, Secretary of State Marshall I AFL Atomic Trades and Labor j There has been no “weaken# Even conservative commentators of leadership in these bodies. The bluntly announced a new policy of of capita)ist newspapers have to ad- Council at the Oak Ridge National ing" of prices and the high cost;;; Murray machine, according to all open U. S. intervention in the in -, m it tha|. “already the United States Laboratory. This is a government- of living is continuing, the U. S.; indications, intends to proceed ruth ternal politics of all,countries seek- ¡las veered from its traditions of owned plant operated for private Department jot' Commerce re--'* lessly to isolate the Stalinists. ported on Mar. 22 in its latest * ing U. S. economic aid. the past” in its intervention in profit by the Carbide and Carbon , Chemical Corporation. monthly review of current busi- “I f the people of any nation," he Italy, as James Reston states in the | LIN E D UP These Pittsburgh members of the United Mine Workers join the walkout of saft coal miners to pro ness. threatened on March 19 in Berkeley, March 23 N. Y. Times. He describes Tlie last March 22 CIO News car test the coal operators’ failure to set up a pension plan. On March 12. U M W President John L. I.cvvis The White House has likewise set; This is the Commerce Depart-? “choose to vote into power a gov- , the “moral problems” involved and ries the box score on this battle, announced the mine owners had “dishonored" their contract; on March 15, miners struck. in motion “fact-finding” machinery ment’s first detailed analysis Of>; ernment in which the dominant asks. "How can a democracy, based according to which all state CIO Federated Pictures prelimiiiary to invoking a Taft- price trends since the drop I n . political force would be a party | on the right of all men to organize bodies have lined up behind the j Hartley injunction against the pen commodity market prices in Feb | Murray machine with the exception! sion strike of 400,000 United Mine whose hostility to this program has i political parties of any persuasion, ruary. ; of California and Iowa. Workers members and the “Big | been frequently enunciated,” then | declare that it will oppose the right Wholesale prices for farm ' this “could only be considered evi- : of the Communists to take power Four” meat trust walkout of 100,000 The struggle is proceeding with Penn. SWP Nears Goal products dipped 10% during the:. dence of the desire of that country i by legal means in another country?" i the same determination in all City members of the CIO Packinghouse1 Workers. February break, but these have, to disassociate itself from the pro- I STREET’S W IL L CIO bodies. In the Cleveland CIO since "recovered some ground.’’! gram (U. S. economic aid),’’ He 1 Council, as reported last week, the Meanwhile, in Indianapolis, a fed- : Retail food 'prices, whose ad», pointed specifically to Italy "in con- 1 F5110'1 moial problems do not , Murray machine decisively trounced In '48 Petition Campaign era! judge'was holding hearings on1 vance was temporarily halted by- nection with the electoral campaign j disturb u - s- imperialism. Its pro the Stalinists and took over the a National Labor Relations Board gram is the “containment of com SWP National Committee for Presi- | DETROIT, Mar. 22 — The the wholesale market drop, l^ave now in progress.” . ----- leadership. This Council ha's been PHILADELPHIA, Mar. 23 petition for a sweeping injunction munism" all over the world and the dent and Vice-PresidcJnt respectively. | resumed their climb since caiiy in Stalinist hands ever since its for —The campaign to put the Michigan branches of the So against the AFL International Typo OFFER A BRIBE preparation of war as the means to The biggest spurt in the cam March. .Non-farm prices ate mation in 1937. cialist Workers Party ended | graphical Union, whose members On March 20, immediately follow- impose Wall Street’s will every- Socialist Workers Party presi paign came last week-end, when I “above the 1947 year-end aver-, the first week of their presidential have been on strike four months ing this threat of economic retalia- where. FULL BLOWN SPLITS dential ticket on the ballot in members and friends of the Phila- j ag e" ' Pennsylvania has already passed petition campaign last Saturday, against the Big Business dailies in tion, Washington announced th a t! In Greece, U. S. imperialism is The vast majority of the CIO dciphia SWP Branch gathered over the three-quarter mark, state cam with a total of 3.250 signatures. This Chicago. soon as this board reports its “find*i! in the event the Italian people 1 already engaged in a shooting war Councils are similarly passing into 2,000 signatures. By a week ago paign manager Irene LeCompte an represents almost one-third of the mgs," the government can seek an to force the Greek monarchy on the the hands of the Murray machine, more than 1,000 had also been col FOLLOWED PRECEDENT nounced today. Of the 8.000' signa signatures needed by May 2, when injunction. ''¿'m jM Greek workers and peasants. Amer- although full blown splits appeal- lected in Pittsburgh, Allentown, Truman has followed his strike tures needed, over 6,500 have al the petition-collection period ends. -ican officers are directing the likely in Los Angeles, New York Reading and New Castle. Work will breaking precedent in the Novem REJECT ULTIMATUM ready been collected, with almost i continue in all these centers, and Over 2,000 of the signatures have royalist armed forces. On March City and possibly Detroit.