Workers of the World, Unite! Fallacy of Wallace's Anti-W ar Program See P a g e 2 the MILITANTPUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE V O L. X II.—¡-No. 13 NEW YORK, N. Y.. MONDAY, MARCII 29. 1948 PRICE: FIVE CENTàì Murray Machine Washington Uses Pushes D rive to Oust Stalinists TRUMAN CLUBS WURKERS Reuther Raids UE, FE Italian Election to And Mine-Mill Unions The drive of the C IO leader­ ship to purge the Stalinists is going ahead full blast and now Incite War Fever dominates the political life of the organization from top to bottom. WITH TAFT-HARTLET LAW Washington is continuing its incitement of war hysteria since Truman’s sabre-rattling speech on March 1£ to the joint The slow - moving, do-nothing Murray machine in the CIO, which Mine Strike Spreads session of Congress. In t h e * - - - the^j; ifintain'and has not been able to find the energy Slave Act Injunctions past week, American imperial- p rar>ce would favor restoration of to organize a united campaign for ism’s drive toward a third world the territory of Trieste to Italy. wage increases, has revealed a sur­ war was going strong on every This appeal to the nationalistic prising vigor in lining up the CIO MenaceAtomic,Coal/ front. sentiments of the Italian people behind the Marshall Plan. The newest arena of the “cold was an obvious direct offer of a President Murray sent out a letter war” between Wall Street and the \ bride. A t the same time, unusu- last week to all CIO affiliates urging MeatPrintersUnions ,, . T. , , __ . , 1 ally reliable diplomatic sources” them to act with “utmost speed" to Kremlin is Italy, where a crucial I * . „ . broadcast the promise that some of pressure Congressmen to pass the The federal government has swung the strike)-, election is scheduled for Apiil 18, ( Italy’s former African colonies Marshall Plan by April 1. We must The State Department is inter-1 might likewise be returned, have, he exclaimed, “Action Now,” breaking club of the Taft-Hartley Act in a rapid vening in the Italian elections in | W ith equal cynicism and disrc- and told all CIO groups to make series of blows against AFL atomic workers, soft this the “No. 1 priority task.” Such lhe most brazen manner imaginable. I eard °f the wil1 of lhe Peoples in- coal miners, CIO pack-tHis first move was the establish:-' voived, U. S.-British imperialism decisiveness has not beeri seen It. is issuing dire threats against ha({ made a deaI with the Kremlin around CIO headquarters for years. in g h o u se workers and ment of an "impartial" three-map the Italian people if they exercise at the cnd of tlie war to divide AFL printers ! “fact-finding” committee composed Meanwhile, the letter sent out by T t ,, i of a federal judge, the former head' their democratic rights by voting: control of Trieste with Yugoslavia Murray's stooge, John Brophy, ad­ In the first use or the na- of ^ wage.freezlng Nafcional Wal.; and to hand the Italian colonies to for the Communist (Stalinist) Party vising all CIO state and city bodies tional emergency” clause of the Labor Board, and the publisher #; the victorious imperialists. Now as candidates. These threats are com­ that they must accept Murray’s Slave Labor Law, Truman on March a boss newspaper in Louisville; AS further means of influencing the bined with promises and outright policy on backing the Marshall Plan 19 demanded and secured a federal Italian elections, Trieste and the bribes. and rejecting a third party, is be­ court injunction to halt the sched­ African colonies are being used as coming the instrument of dislodg­ In two speeches on the West pawns and bajt uled strike of 800 members of the j Cost of Living Rises ing the Stalinists from all positions Coast, Secretary of State Marshall I AFL Atomic Trades and Labor j There has been no “weaken# Even conservative commentators of leadership in these bodies. The bluntly announced a new policy of of capita)ist newspapers have to ad- Council at the Oak Ridge National ing" of prices and the high cost;;; Murray machine, according to all open U. S. intervention in the in -, m it tha|. “already the United States Laboratory. This is a government- of living is continuing, the U. S.; indications, intends to proceed ruth­ ternal politics of all,countries seek- ¡las veered from its traditions of owned plant operated for private Department jot' Commerce re--'* lessly to isolate the Stalinists. ported on Mar. 22 in its latest * ing U. S. economic aid. the past” in its intervention in profit by the Carbide and Carbon , Chemical Corporation. monthly review of current busi- “I f the people of any nation," he Italy, as James Reston states in the | LIN E D UP These Pittsburgh members of the United Mine Workers join the walkout of saft coal miners to pro­ ness. threatened on March 19 in Berkeley, March 23 N. Y. Times. He describes Tlie last March 22 CIO News car­ test the coal operators’ failure to set up a pension plan. On March 12. U M W President John L. I.cvvis The White House has likewise set; This is the Commerce Depart-? “choose to vote into power a gov- , the “moral problems” involved and ries the box score on this battle, announced the mine owners had “dishonored" their contract; on March 15, miners struck. in motion “fact-finding” machinery ment’s first detailed analysis Of>; ernment in which the dominant asks. "How can a democracy, based according to which all state CIO Federated Pictures prelimiiiary to invoking a Taft- price trends since the drop I n . political force would be a party | on the right of all men to organize bodies have lined up behind the j Hartley injunction against the pen­ commodity market prices in Feb­ | Murray machine with the exception! sion strike of 400,000 United Mine whose hostility to this program has i political parties of any persuasion, ruary. ; of California and Iowa. Workers members and the “Big | been frequently enunciated,” then | declare that it will oppose the right Wholesale prices for farm ' this “could only be considered evi- : of the Communists to take power Four” meat trust walkout of 100,000 The struggle is proceeding with Penn. SWP Nears Goal products dipped 10% during the:. dence of the desire of that country i by legal means in another country?" i the same determination in all City members of the CIO Packinghouse1 Workers. February break, but these have, to disassociate itself from the pro- I STREET’S W IL L CIO bodies. In the Cleveland CIO since "recovered some ground.’’! gram (U. S. economic aid),’’ He 1 Council, as reported last week, the Meanwhile, in Indianapolis, a fed- : Retail food 'prices, whose ad», pointed specifically to Italy "in con- 1 F5110'1 moial problems do not , Murray machine decisively trounced In '48 Petition Campaign era! judge'was holding hearings on1 vance was temporarily halted by- nection with the electoral campaign j disturb u - s- imperialism. Its pro­ the Stalinists and took over the a National Labor Relations Board gram is the “containment of com­ SWP National Committee for Presi- | DETROIT, Mar. 22 — The the wholesale market drop, l^ave now in progress.” . ----- leadership. This Council ha's been PHILADELPHIA, Mar. 23 petition for a sweeping injunction munism" all over the world and the dent and Vice-PresidcJnt respectively. | resumed their climb since caiiy in Stalinist hands ever since its for­ —The campaign to put the Michigan branches of the So­ against the AFL International Typo­ OFFER A BRIBE preparation of war as the means to The biggest spurt in the cam­ March. .Non-farm prices ate mation in 1937. cialist Workers Party ended | graphical Union, whose members On March 20, immediately follow- impose Wall Street’s will every- Socialist Workers Party presi­ paign came last week-end, when I “above the 1947 year-end aver-, the first week of their presidential have been on strike four months ing this threat of economic retalia- where. FULL BLOWN SPLITS dential ticket on the ballot in members and friends of the Phila- j ag e" ' Pennsylvania has already passed petition campaign last Saturday, against the Big Business dailies in tion, Washington announced th a t! In Greece, U. S. imperialism is The vast majority of the CIO dciphia SWP Branch gathered over the three-quarter mark, state cam­ with a total of 3.250 signatures. This Chicago. soon as this board reports its “find*i! in the event the Italian people 1 already engaged in a shooting war Councils are similarly passing into 2,000 signatures. By a week ago paign manager Irene LeCompte an­ represents almost one-third of the mgs," the government can seek an to force the Greek monarchy on the the hands of the Murray machine, more than 1,000 had also been col­ FOLLOWED PRECEDENT nounced today. Of the 8.000' signa­ signatures needed by May 2, when injunction. ''¿'m jM Greek workers and peasants. Amer- although full blown splits appeal- lected in Pittsburgh, Allentown, Truman has followed his strike­ tures needed, over 6,500 have al­ the petition-collection period ends. -ican officers are directing the likely in Los Angeles, New York Reading and New Castle. Work will breaking precedent in the Novem­ REJECT ULTIMATUM ready been collected, with almost i continue in all these centers, and Over 2,000 of the signatures have royalist armed forces. On March City and possibly Detroit.
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