Vii. Report Preparation
VII. REPORT PREPARATION A. REPORT PREPARATION LSA Associates, Inc. Report Production and Management; Project Description; Land Use, Population and Housing; Agriculture; Air Quality; Noise; Global Climate Change; Public Services; Utilities and Energy; Visual and Scenic Resources; Alternatives; and Other CEQA Considerations. 2215 Fifth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Judith H. Malamut, AICP, Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager Hannah Young, AICP, Planner Amy Fischer, Senior Planner (Air Quality and Noise) Phil Ault, Analyst (Air Quality and Noise) Jason Paukovits, Air Quality Specialist (Global Climate Change) Fred Bauermeister, Planner Lauren Haring, Assistant Planner Jennifer Morris, Word Processing and Production Patty Linder, Graphics and Production LSA Associates, Inc. Historic and Cultural Resources; and Biological Resources. 157 Park Place Point Richmond, CA 94801 Christian Gerike, Principal (Cultural Resources) Steve Foreman, Principal (Biological Resources) E. Timothy Jones, Cultural Resources Manager Tim Lacy, Biological Resources Manager Andrew Pulcheon, Associate (Cultural Resources) Greg Gallaugher, Associate (GIS Specialist) LSA Associates Inc. Air Quality and Noise 20 Executive Park, #200 Irvine, CA 92614 Tony Chung, Principal (Air Quality and Noise) Ronald Brugger, Air Quality Specialist Baseline Environmental Consulting. Hydrology and Water Quality; Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Mineral Resources; and Hazards and Hazardous Materials. 5900 Hollis Street, Suite D Emeryville, CA 94608 Yané Nordhav, Principal Bruce Abelli-Amen, Hydrologist (Geology/Soils, Hydrology/Water Quality) Cheri Page, Senior Geologist (Hazards) Ralph Russell, Environmental Specialist (Geology/Soils, Hydrology/Water Quality) P:\CYK0701 Yolo GP EIR\PRODUCTS\DEIR\Public\7-RprtPrep.doc (4/27/2009) PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT 819 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. YOLO COUNTY 2030 COUNTYWIDE GENERAL PLAN EIR APRIL 2009 VII.REPORT PREPARATION Estep Environmental Consulting.
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