Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier U.S. Department of the Interior

Of all the fire which like beacons, once blazed along the Pacific Coast, Mount Rainier is the noblest.

A of immeasurable inspiration, Mount , massive rivers of ice up to 750 feet deep, last two months. Adaptations that have taken centu- For thousands of years, Mount Rainier has been an Rainier is the center of the nation’s fifth national flow down the rocky slopes. Yet, on the summit, ries to develop prove crucial in a race for survival. important place for Indian people. park. It is a place of discovery and of personal steam escapes from deep within the mountain’s Profuse wildflower displays and pollinating insects Nearly two million people from around the world triumphs, where family traditions endure. core, a reminder that it is still an active . bring life to the meadows. and for- now visit Mount Rainier National Park each year. age on the abundance before winter quickly returns. As global development increases, this mountain At 14,410 feet, the mountain is the tallest volcano in Above Mount Rainier, millions of stars illuminate the remains steadfast, a place where people can the Cascade Mountain Range and the most glaciated night sky. The park minimizes the use of artificial Entering the park is a step back in time—a portal reconnect with what is important in their lives. peak in the continental United States. Basalt col- light. This preserves darkness, through which into Mount Rainier National Historic Landmark umns and other remnants of early eruptions and constellations and planets are remarkably visible. District. Roads, buildings, and other structures were flows reveal Mount Rainier’s ancient geologic designed nearly one hundred years ago. Massive history. In spring, melts first in the foothills. Beneath logs and round river boulders characterize early Moving up Mount Rainier’s glaciers and the old growth , flowers bloom and ferns un- national park rustic architecture, which harmonizes lava ridges, their routes illuminated by headlamps, climbers travel steadily toward furl. Across the subalpine region, summer may only with the park’s natural scenery. the summit under a star-filled sky (above). © JEFF BERKES

Unforgettable Destinations Longmire Paradise Ohanapecosh Sunrise NPS NPS / JASMINE DAVIS © DANIEL WYKNENKO NPS / JOHN CHAO NPS / JOHN CHAO Longmire is a year-round destination. Visit Paradise meadows when they are at their most spectacular. Camp, hike, and explore beneath towering old Enjoy unsurpassed, panoramic views while amid resplendent Capture the lush vegetation and giant old growth trees. subalpine meadows. growth trees of the rainforest.

Accessible year-round. or cross- During summer, hike the maintained Old growth forest is the signature of Sunrise, the highest point in the park Meander moist, moss-carpeted paths country ski during winter. Stroll the edge around meadows, streams, and water- Ohanapecosh. Ancient trees, wildlife, reachable by car, offers a panoramic view through temperate rainforest. Discover of a meadow where history meets nature. falls. Watch and listen for wildlife—bears, waterfalls, spring wildflowers, and fall of Mount Rainier and surrounding peaks. the dynamic forces of a glacial river. Day hike to expansive vistas. Step back in grouse, butterflies, , and more. mushrooms abound. The Ohanapecosh Day hikes lead to glaciers, lakes, and Mountain-bike a historic road. Spend a time; discover rustic park architecture Explore exhibits at the visitor and climb- River—transparent green or blue depend- meadows. Dig into geology at the visitor night in the backcountry. Visit Mowich along the Longmire Historic Walking Tour. ing information centers. Rest a night or ing on the light and your perspective— center. Discover the rustic architecture Lake—the park’s largest and deepest Stay a night at the historic National Park have a snack at the historic Paradise Inn. surrounds the Grove of the Patriarchs. and history of Sunrise. Enjoy a snack at lake. Camp near the lake or enjoy its Inn. From the porch, admire the sunset’s Grab a sled and head for Paradise’s winter Many day hikes begin at Ohanapecosh. the day lodge. Camp nearby at White serenity from a canoe. the deep glow on the mountain. snowplay area, set up a snow camp, ski, Camp or picnic in the campground. River Campground. waters. Hike to subalpine meadows. or snowboard. Discoveries Await

alWonderl and Tr i Mo View from Ricksecker Point © NICK POSTORINO wich NPS / Lake NPS / STEVE REDMAN MELIND Winter at Paradise A SCHMITT © DEBY DIXON Grove of the Patriarchs Mountai NPS / CHRIS ROUNDTREE NPS / JOHN CHAO n goat

Black-tailed eer d © JEREMY SELL Reflection Lakes Box Canyon on Stevens NPS / DANIEL KEEBLER Hike amid ancient trees Mount Rainier from Canyon Road Black bear and past waterfalls on Tipsoo Lake NPS / STEVE REDMAN DONNA DANNEN © KARTHIKEYAN ERODE

the Eastside . BACKGROUND PHOTO: NPS / CHRIS ROUNDTREE NPS / CHRIS ROUNDTREE Explore Meet the People Witness Change Home to animals seen and unseen, People have been coming to Mount Inspired, mountain clubs, scientists, Though the mountain may convey a Mount Rainier’s wilderness is an Rainier for more than 9,000 years. and communities successfully sense of permanence, Mount Rainier evolving landscape of , mead- Archeological findings suggest that lobbied Congress to create Mount is anything but permanent. Ice and ows, glaciers, and craters. Wilderness Native Americans hunted, gathered, Rainier National Park in 1899. rock continually break away from the performs functions essential to life and conducted spiritual and ceremo- peak. Glaciers and rivers transport on Earth. Melting snow produces nial activities on the mountain. Their debris and water down the moun- fresh water. pump oxygen into descendants maintain a special tain, and often wreak havoc with the atmosphere. Protecting the connection with the mountain to roads and park buildings. Subalpine mountain’s wild places, and the wild- the present day. meadows, buried beneath deep life and the natural processes they snow most of the year, rapidly bloom support, will become ever more In the late 1800s, miners, entrepre- once the snow melts. Animals must essential in our developing world. Snowshoeing in the neurs, and tourists recognized the These projectile adapt to this ever-changing environ- Wildlife park (above). The mountain’s potential to provide points, made 2,500 ment, migrate, or die. and ecosystems park’s wilderness is years ago, reveal a shift with changes Beyond the roads and parking lots is habitat to wildlife wealth and recreation. They came chapter of the in climate. wild land. Over 97 percent of the such as this spotted with the hope to prosper, to recreate, park’s history. As Earth’s temperature rises, it is ABOVE: © JAY THOMPSON; RIGHT: © THORSTEN SCHEUERMANN park is Wilderness legally protected owl (right). and simply to breathe the clear NPS unclear how such a change will affect ABOVE: © JOHN T. STROTHER; by the 1964 Wilderness Act—untram- RIGHT: NPS / KEITH BAGNALL mountain air. the mountain’s dynamic forces, its meled, free from development; a plants, animals, or ourselves. place to recreate and find solitude. ✩GPO:20xx—xxx-xxx/xxxxx Printed on recycled paper. \

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Bikes and Motorcydes fees Mount Rainier .· Roads are narrow and collects fees from visitors shoulderless. Beware of whousethepark . Recre­ rough roadways . Bikes and ation fees enhance visitor motorcyc l~ are prohibited experience . onparktrails.Wearyour helmet! l odging National Park Inn at Longmire is open .-ill Protect Yourself and the year. Paradise Inn is open Park Follow posted speed in summer only. Visit our limits and use pullouts on website for lodging .-ind the park's wi nding roads. camping contact informa­ •P etsmustbeonleashes tion. nolongerthansixfeet and are not allowed in Accessibility Mostvisitor buildings, on trails, in off ­ centers, restrooms, picnic trail orbackcountryareas, areas, and designated or on mow . • Do not feed, campsites are accessible or approach, or disturb wild­ accessible with help for life.• Stay on designated wheekhairusers. • Find trails . • Federal lawspro­ accessible lodging at Long- tectal l naturalandcultur­ mire and Paradise.• Para­ al features in the park. dise Jackson Visitor Center, •You must have a permit audiovisual programs, and to travel above 10,000 ft. exhibits are accessible . and for any overnight • Sunrise Visitor Cente r wildernessstay .• Fishing andexhibitareaareacces­ does not require a permit siblewith help via the or license, but some wa­ northentrance . •F indful- ''.'.!(l••w,, te rs are closed to fishing lyaccessibletrailsat Kautz -,--­ or are fly-fishing only. and Paradise . •S ome trails at Paradise and Longmire firearms The use of fire­ are accessible with he lp. arms is prohibited within Mount Rainier National Emergencies call 911 Park. People who can from any phon e locate d \ legally possess firea rms in the park \ underfederal,Washing­ ton State, and local laws Winter Driving All vehi­ may possess them in the cles must c.-irryti re chains NATIONAL park. However, federal law when traveling in the park prohibits firearms in November 1 to May 1. certainfacilitiesinthis park;thoseplacesare posted with signs at pub lic F0REST entrances.

More Inform ation Mount Rainier Nationa l Mount Rainier Park is one of over 400 National Park parks in the National Park 55210238thAve. East System. Learn more about Ashford, WA 98304 parks at 360-569-2211 TTY360-569-2177 [l~ °f'~tion . Join the park community . www.nationa

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