THE WILLIAMS ALUMNI REVIEW Published by the Williams College Alumni Athletic Association
THE WILLIAMS ALUMNI REVIEW Published by the Williams College Alumni Athletic Association TA LC O TT M IN E R BAN K S, Editor and Manager • ....... .................... Issued in February, April, July, October and December of Each Year Annual Subscription $1.00; Single Copies 20 Cents Entered as second class matter February 23, 1909 at the post office at Williamstown, M ass., under the act of March 3 1879. All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor, 61 Main St., Williamstown. VOL. 4 APRIL, 1912 NO. 2 We are glad to call attention to the college student of his day. What a con reproduction in our advertising pages of trast between the motives and circum the etched portrait of Dr. John Bascom stances of a boy of sixty years ago, willing which has lately been issued by a New to endure privation to obtain the learn York publisher. It well represents the ing leading to a chosen calling, and those etching itself, which is a faithful and ad of an easy-going youngster of today, mirable likeness of one of the most emi drifting to college because his friends do, nent of Williams men. “making” a fraternity or a college letter, falling before the requirements of a serious The Williams class of 1885 is doubtless course of study, and drifting off again responsible for the growing custom of without knowing what is coming next! classes with a large membership in and While it would be pretty rough to say about New York holding annual re —as some one did a while ago—that our union dinners in that city.
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