ATMAJYOTH SATSANG Divya Jyothi Sharing the Enlightened Wisdom

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 J A N 2 0 1 2


Prabhuji Speaks 3 From the editor’s desk

and Spirit- 4 uality 7 Transformation 8 Story Geeta Yagnas in 12 Guru Paduka 14 Stotram —The 15 essential teach- ings • The pilgrimage 17 that was • • Lord Nataraja 18 • Vaikunta Ekadasi 21 • • I and Guru 26

Makara 27 Q & A 33

P A G E 3 Prabhuji Speaks

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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 4 Yoga and Spirituality

Again says,

“Wise persons do not see differences in the various paths” (Sankhya yogau prithakbala, pravadanti na panditaha).

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 5 Yoga and Spirituality

– The eight limbs of Rajayoga are, Yama

Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana


DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 6 Yoga and Spirituality

‘Thought is a thing. Thought is dynamic force... So.. Think be fore you think.. ‘ Yogasara Upanishad(6)


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‘From bliss all beings have come, by bliss they all live, and unto bliss they all return.’

- Tattiriya Upanishad

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 8 Transformation story

“If I can change anybody can change”

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 9 Transformation Story

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 0 Transformation Story

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 1 Transformation story

Creative Writing

‘He who recognizes all names and forms as his own Self and recog- nizes his own self in every name and form, to such an individual, there is no revulsion in life.’

Isavyasa Upanishad-6

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 2 Geeta Yagnas in Kerala

– – – The objective of these Janana Yajnams is to make the teachings of as the part of the life of as many people as possible.

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 3 Geeta Yagnas in Kerala

‘Just as waves arise from water, flames from fire, light from the sun- in the same way the various forms of the universe have arisen from me, God.’ - Vijnana Bhairava Tantra

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 4 Guru Paduka Stotram

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 5 Hinduism: The essential teachings



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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 6 Hinduism: The essential teachings

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Quiz Time

- Answers on the last page

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 7 The pilgrimage that was

‘All that is perceived, all that is heard, is , and nothing else.’ -Atmabodha(64)

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 8 Lord Nataraja

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 1 9 Lord Nataraja

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 0 Lord Nataraja

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 1 Vaikunta Ekadasi




DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 2 Vaikunta Ekadasi

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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 3 Vaikunta Ekadasi



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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 4 Vaikunta Ekadasi

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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 5 Vaikunta Ekadasi

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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 6 I and Guru


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‘Many are the paths of men, but they all in the end come to me.’ - - Bhagavad Gita(4:11)

‘Fix your mind on Me, …………………….you shall come to Me.’

- Bhagavad Gita(4:11)

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 7 Makara Sankranti


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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 8 Makara Sankranti


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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 2 9 Makara Sankranti

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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 3 0 Makara Sankranti

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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 3 1 Makara Sankranti




DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 3 2 Makara Sankranti

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DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 3 3 Q&A: Lord Narayana

Symbology of Lord Narayana image source:

DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 3 4 Lord Narayana

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‘He is free, who knowing the Self in moving and unmoving objects... gives up all superimpositions and remains in the Self.’


DIVYA JYOTHI P A G E 3 5 Answers to the Quiz

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