U.S. Naval Academy | 13 Cla ss History PREFACE t all started on 29 June 1966. We I came for a variety of reasons. Some were living out their legacy; some just wanted an education; some wanted adventure; some liked the uniforms; some wanted to fly; some wanted to serve their country; others wanted to avoid the draft. For whatever reason, 1337 (joined by two others who had been prior midshipmen) raised our right hands in Tecumseh Court and swore the oath of a U.S. Navy Mid- shipman. During the course of our four years on the Severn, eight others were “turned back” into our class and eight of our number were “turned back” into the class of 1971. Geoff Francis and Bob Yager both passed away while we were Mids. dropout rate. One company experi- belated over-ebullience was in part an Most came directly from high enced attrition approaching 50%. But appreciative response for our being school and some from fancy prep we did have points of pleasure. Who able to catch up on our ZZZs. And schools, although a wide sprinkling of could forget the awful, 1950s West- who can forget the tormenting song new Plebes had prior college experi- ern shown to us one night? While “Teach Me, Tiger” coming from the ence or service in the fleet as White the movie itself was forgettable, the Second Class Squad Leaders’ rooms? Hats or Marines. Most of the latter phrase “Let’s ride!” was repeated Meanwhile back in the real world, 93 (of whom 72% were sailors, and throughout the flick, almost as a also on June 29 the U.S. began bomb- 28% were Marines) served a year catchphrase. So, for that Plebe Sum- ing Hanoi and in the in purgatory at the vaunted Naval mer at least, “Let’s ride!” became like a War and the following day Academy Prep School, at that time motto (funny how it never came to be future world boxing champ Mike located in Bainbridge, Maryland. We included in Reef Points!). Then there Tyson was born. On July 18 Gemini still wonder if the “urban legend” is were half a dozen heavy-duty lectures, 10 was launched; on July 28 the U.S. true about the Mom who dropped her unerringly occurring on evenings after announced that a U2 spy plane was son off at the Library Assembly Area a heavy evening meal, at which some lost over Cuba; on August 1 a to register and then trotted around to 90% of us were lulled into dream- killed 13 students from the bell tower the Main Office to inquire as to where land. However, we were so polite our at the center of the University of she would sleep. erstwhile guest lecturer never sus- Texas; and on August 13 the Cultural Records show that the summer pected the somnolent effect he had Revolution was launched in Commu- of 1966 was the second hottest in the had on us, especially when he regaled nist China. Despite our best hopes, Annapolis area in the last 50 years. in the standing ovation he received the world was going on without us. Perhaps that explains our tremendous afterward, never suspecting that our 14 | Class of 1970

PLEBE YEAR always where you were supposed to five minutes? How did you explain t was during Plebe Summer that be, but always on time, in the right to them that “carrier landings” could I our class developed its special uniform, and squared away. You not only be done in a dormitory but relationship with the most outstand- got used to weekly haircuts, weekly were really kind of fun? Or “water ing leaders of the class of 1968 who laundry bags, and later on in the year, skiing?” Memories were sharpened, constituted our summer Squad Lead- weekly trips to the Academy dry not so much by the ubiquitous “chow ers. While obviously some were more cleaners. Tony Watson was elected calls” but by the imperative knowl- than forgettable, most were the kind our first class president in August edge of our “Plebe rates” which could of leaders we would seek to emulate. 1966 and re-elected a year later. He be required of us to be spit out at any Perhaps this happens with every was replaced by Pat McGahan our time. Such memorization of trivia, class, and perhaps this is why even- last two years. Thanks to you both for we learned in retrospect, was valu- numbered classes are more “alike” with stepping up to the plate. able in remembering the operational other even numbered classes, and odd Parents Weekend came way too parameters of our ship while we were with odd. In any event, many times late and the Brigade seemingly arrived operating under great stress. After those summer Squad Leaders would way too early. Attrition continued all, isn’t the purpose of having a “real” be the first to “spoon” us Plebes upon apace. Challenges like Plebe chemistry Plebe Year to weed out those who the Brigade’s return; and in some, we (for many of us) proceeded to out- cannot handle stress? Are they able to found lifelong friends and mentors. strip our comprehension and in many do that today in Bancroft Hall? One individual from the aforemen- companies, if you were “Sat” after the For most of us, the first time we tioned class of ’68 is unforgettable, first 8-week grading period, then you ever got away from Annapolis was the especially for those forlorn classmates were “bagging it” as a Plebe and you Notre Dame football game in Phila- in the 5th Battalion. This is one Jim were in trouble. Some of us skated by delphia in mid-October. Some met Webb. Mr. Webb, all too often, would that challenge as it was obvious that their “grease girl” there for a few hours volunteer to run the Plebes’ extra duty it was not in our quiver to have an of bliss, while other, less-enlightened in our batt. Most likely, you would un-Sat CUM; but for others, it was classmates over-indulged in the long- end up with more demerits at the certain and expected. Football season denied “fruit of the vine.” Of course, we end of his high-volume inspections took some pressure off, but frankly, didn’t win the game, but we won the than you were running off that day. guys, the Big Blue had only one win- party anyway – you can be sure of that. Added to that was the fact that while ning season in our four years by the Fall intramurals kept many of us we were in gym gear (or sweat suits Bay and only once did we beat Army busy. There was company volleyball over gym gear) and our erstwhile ED (Youngster year). But pep rallies prior and soccer; moreover, there was bat- leader was in full combat regalia, he to each game broke up our routine talion football, basketball, boxing, still ran us all into the ground. It was and gave us a channel for our abun- crew, cross country, fencing, hand- most, most memorable! Mr. Webb, dant energies and tremendous class ball, squash, swimming, tennis, and as we are all very aware, went on to spirit. In fact, the huge Farragut Field wrestling (whew!). Few Plebes had become a highly-decorated Marine bonfire before the Army game Plebe as much pleasure as those of us who Corps officer in Vietnam, a Pulitzer Year enabled some of us to meet ABC Prize-winning author, Secretary of sportscaster Jim McKay. the Navy, and now the senior U.S. Our world was more controlled Senator from Virginia. by “come arounds” than by academ- We learned how to stand watches ics. Our Firsties, the erstwhile class in Bancroft Hall. Always the “Mate” of ’67, were determined that our at this point in our military evolution, class – by God! – was going to have a we learned punctuality, responsibility, “Real Plebe Year.” Accordingly, most and judgment – when to follow the of us were in the best shape of our letter of the rules and when to allow young lives. Who among your civil- things to slide a bit. We got used to ian friends believed that you could the routine, the gut-grinding routine: change your complete uniform (com- constant accountability – not only plete with “soap” and shower), all in U.S. Naval Academy | 15 could tackle their company’s upper- football season. But classmen while playing linebacker once again we enjoyed on our batt football team! Being a a rare liberty in the member of a singing group – either City of Brotherly Love. the Glee Club, with its heavy travel And when we returned schedule, or one of the three church to Mother B, although choirs – kept many of us busy and we didn’t get “carry- entertained (not to mention the on-until-Christmas” fun-filled exchange visits with the for beating Army, we corresponding choirs of certain girls’ did get something. schools). Masqueraders and other Apparently some such activities also provided alterna- Congressman, worried that Plebe spider webs or filled to the brim with tives to a constant menu of sports. “hazing” was preventing us from empty milk cartons?) Meanwhile, the world was con- excelling in the classroom, conducted Christmas Leave was a much- tinuing apace: On October 6 Bobby an experiment to prove his case. appreciated and deserved treat. Time Seale and Huey Newton founded the During the experiment, we were not with our families was important, but Black Panther Party; on October 16 required to “chop” in Mother B, and time with our old high school bud- performed live for the the upperclassmen were not allowed dies made us more proud than ever first time with Jefferson Airplane; on to make us “drop for 70” (so they had that we had gone to the Academy and October 21 Congress approved the us drop for 10… seven times). After that we had so far made it through AFL-NFL merger; and on Octo- this experiment ended, our academic almost half of Plebe Year. Talking ber 21 NATO moved its HQ from achievement was analyzed and… with our “civilian” contemporaries Paris to Brussels. true to an emerging class tradition of crystallized our thinking of why we Thanksgiving came and went in not exactly doing what was expected were there (although some of our a flash. For classmates with families of us… our grades had dropped. classmates made the decision dur- within a few hours’ driving time, this Despite the omnipresent bur- ing this hiatus that Navy was not the was an opportunity to take room- dens of Plebe rates and continuing place for them) and reassured us that mates and favored company-mates to academic struggles, planning for what we were doing was important the abode for a home-cooked meal. Christmas Leave took center stage, and was really what we wanted to do. Most mothers “tsk tsked” at how but little thought was given to the In contrast, many high school chums much weight we’d lost, how polite inescapable reality that three weeks were seemingly adrift, and our being we all were (what she didn’t know after our return, finals would be upon well grounded as future officers gave wouldn’t hurt her), and how much us! Meanwhile, given the change from us reassurance and comfort. Upon chow we could pack away. The bravest First Set stripers to the Second Set, our return to the Hall, we signed a and “ratiest” among us took doggie all of us had the pleasure of break- new form for the first time: the one bags back to Mother B. ing in new Squad Leaders. Geesh, that swore we had not gotten married. The world still didn’t stop with- will all this work never end? I guess How many of us asked ourselves the out our involvement: On November someone had to do it; if we couldn’t question, “Where else in the world 8 Ronald Reagan was elected Gover- whip those new leaders into shape, do they require you to sign such nor of California; on November 15 who could? Cold weather arrived, a document?” Gemini 12 (James Lovell and Buzz and window closing duty was sprung Elsewhere, on January 4 The Aldrin) splashed down safely; and upon us. Didn’t you just love it when Doors’ self-titled debut album was on November 24 the Beatles began some jerks, who knew you would be released; on January 6 USMC and recording sessions for their landmark helping them out in the dead of night ARVN troops launched Operation Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club to ensure they didn’t freeze to death, Deckhouse Five in the Mekong River Band album. would still set booby traps for you? Delta; on January 15 the Green Bay Army handed us a 20-7 loss, (But didn’t you also love it when the Packers defeated the Kansas City dashing our dreams of carry-on same guys came back from weekend Chiefs 35–10 in Super Bowl I; on and dictating a 4-6 record for the liberty to find their rooms strung like January 27 Apollo 1 U.S. astronauts 16 | Class of 1970

Gus Grissom, Edward White, and classmate Terry Bidnick once took a During football games he would Roger Chaffee were killed when fire walk, alone, on a rather dreary Satur- be on the sidelines sporting a “Bite broke out in their spacecraft during a day night. In those days, there was a Army” blanket. launch pad test; and on February 10 limit as to how far Plebes could wan- After graduation, we lost track the 25th Amendment to the Consti- der. But Terry, being the adventurous of Dodo. Shipmate reported that he tution (presidential succession and sort, went up West Street as far as he passed away in March, 1971, perhaps disability) was ratified. could go. As he started to turn around from a broken heart, realizing that his The Class of ’70 entered its first and come back to Mother Bancroft, classmates (as he clearly was a mem- “Dark Ages” and Plebe rooms were he saw a black and dirty-gold mongrel ber of the Class of ’70) had all joined overflowing with murmurs of prayers dog that looked as forlorn as Terry the Fleet and wouldn’t be coming to help us pass our first finals and felt. He called the dog over and petted back. Shipmate went on to say, “It was to hasten the advent of Spring. We him for a while. The dog seemed to quite evident that he was meant to engaged for the first time in the really appreciate the attention, and as lead the life of a Midshipman.” (Like ritual of paying homage to Tecum- Terry said “Goodbye” to the mutt and some of us?) It’s a safe bet that he is seh, the “god of 2.0” by reverently headed back to the academy, the dog now watching ESPN and rooting for tossing pennies to his statue on followed him. Terry was concerned Navy from doggie heaven. the way to our final exams. Winter about the dog straying too far from We studied our signal flags and sports seasons were in full swing, home, if it indeed had a home; but try our Morse Code for the mandatory and in Brigade Boxing classmates as he might, the dog wouldn’t listen signals exam. Any intentions we had Roy Golez (127 lbs) and Corky Peck to reason and kept following him… to blow this evolution off was miti- (155 lbs) both won Brigade cham- all the way back to the Academy. The gated by the word that June Week pionships. The rest of you were just dog followed Terry right up to the watches would be assigned depending lucky that your Firstie didn’t win the door of Bancroft Hall, and had a sad on our scores on this test as compared heavyweight Brigade championship look on its face when he closed the to our classmates. as mine did! Company sports like door behind him. Dodo (how he got We attended a half-dozen Sunday basketball, fieldball, and both light- that name has been lost to history) “tea fights” in Dahlgren Hall at which and heavyweight football occupied became a member of the Class of time each one of us hapless denizens much of our time and provided a 1970 and was ubiquitous throughout of the Plebe ranks was (blindly) fixed way to gain respect from the upper the Yard. Whether it be in our rooms, up for the afternoon with a female class in our company. Battalion class, the latest lecture, or a hot new companion for an afternoon of danc- handball and squash rounded out movie in town, Dodo was there with ing, conversation, and punch. Most winter intramurals. the inherent nonchalance of a Mid. were memorable affairs; some were In late February the class of ’67’s Hundredth Night occurred, at which time we changed places with our Firsties for a day. Some brilliant classmates somehow rewired Bancroft Hall’s reveille bells to begin ringing incessantly at 0400, just as many of us were in our Firsties’ rooms setting booby-traps and making mischief. It was fun having the person who had been tormenting us for the past few months come around to us! However, we were ever-mindful of the fact that once the day was over, the shoe would be back on the other foot. As a lonely Plebe, somewhat depressed and missing home, U.S. Naval Academy | 17 even pleasurable; others were… well, best forgotten. It was at a tea fight that most of us saw a mini-skirt for the first time in person. Some of us won pool bets as to who would be matched with the least attractive partner. Spring sports ensued and once again (for the eighth straight year), Navy won the national lacrosse championship, while all other Spring varsity sports teams had a winning record. Weekly P-rades commenced and boy were we glad if we could legitimately avoid those evolu- tions due to membership on a Plebe interscholastic sports team or were involved with Big Blue’s spring prac- tice. Some of us took up where we left off Plebe summer and checked out a knockabout on weekends. It was just a shame that we still couldn’t take a member of the female per- suasion out with us. During come arounds we’d hear songs on upper class radios that were intriguing but unknown, as we couldn’t even ask down on academics so as to obviate a Redoubtable, was launched; on April 9 about them (since we didn’t have the visit to the Academic Board. Some of the first Boeing 737 took its maiden privilege of even listening to a radio). us non-technical types realized that as flight; on April 15 large demonstra- “Cherish” by the Association is one long as we avoided any “F”s we would tions were held against the Vietnam such song that comes to mind. Spring be spared that travail, but the Acad- War in New York City and San Fran- intramurals intensified competition emy insisted we major in engineering. cisco; on April 24 Vladimir Komarov within the Brigade. In addition to What an antiquated concept! How- became the first Soviet cosmonaut both slow- and fast-pitch softball ever, warmer weather made it harder to die, when the parachute of his there was company knockabout rac- and harder to concentrate on such a space capsule Soyuz 1 failed during ing (who knew?). Additionally, those mundane thing as studying – after all, re-entry; on May 1 Elvis Presley and of us not involved in varsity sports Annapolis is indeed the most beauti- Priscilla Beaulieu were married in Las played battalion gymnastics, lacrosse, ful town in the country in the Spring. Vegas; on May 19 the Soviet Union rugby (did you know that over But some of us couldn’t even take ratified a treaty with the United 20% of current Mids playing inter- advantage of the red beach as Plebes States and the United Kingdom, scholastic rugby become physically unless we were sure the upper class in banning nuclear weapons from outer unqualified to be commissioned?), our companies would turn a blind eye space; and on May 19 Yuri Andropov squash, tennis, track, volleyball, water to Plebes sunbathing. In other compa- became KGB chief. polo, and weightlifting. nies, Firsties would hang out in their Our final exams would be trau- Spring Break came and went, and doorways after class and stop one of matic for many of us (you guys with those of us who were lucky enough us from a different company, calling stars will never know such terror), to have a young lady with whom to out to his “wife,” “Hey, roomie come but most of us got through them spend this time clearly didn’t want to here, I got one!” okay. Dead Week followed and most return to Mother B. Spring was also In the real world, on March 29 of us just used it to catch up on the time we realized we had to bear the first French nuclear , Le much-needed sleep. Next was June 18 | Class of 1970

Week, which kicked off for us with anywhere, even in a paint locker or 171; on June 13 Solicitor General the Herndon Monument climb. The a covered ship’s boat. The local Navy Thurgood Marshall was nominated as Alumni Association keeps track of wives’ clubs outdid themselves in orga- the first African American Justice of each class’ time, and they say we took nizing weekend hops at the Norfolk the U.S. Supreme Court; on June 14 1 hour and 21 minutes (beating ’69 by Officers Club to introduce local love- the People’s Republic of China tested nine full minutes), but in any event, lies to us. Some of us met high-class its first hydrogen bomb; on July 23 it was done despite a few broken ladies with whom long-term relation- Detroit had one of the worst riots in bones and more than a few black ships were initiated. After a week or so U.S. history when 43 were killed, 342 eyes. Jim Zaborowski is the classmate in port, the LANTMIDTRARON injured and 1,400 buildings burned; who replaced the dixie cup on top of headed for the open sea. Some of our on July 29 an explosion and fire aboard the monument with a combination classmates had their Youngster Cruise the USS FORRESTAL in the Gulf cover. By tradition, he was supposed on the Academy’s 44-foot Luder yawls of Tonkin left 134 dead; on August to become our first Admiral; while and maybe even a few went on YPs 23 ’s debut album Are that did not occur, he reportedly (the standard Youngster Cruise for You Experienced? was released; and on was the very first one to make O-3! today’s Mids). September 4 the Marines launched June Week itself was, other than our After three weeks at sea, during , a search and destroy obligatory watch standing (depend- which fleet maneuvers culminated mission in Quang Nam and Quang ing on your signal exam score), a blast. with the two separate groups (orga- Tin Provinces of Vietnam. We could legally ride in a car, and we nized around the two capital ships Sometime around the beginning could legally consort with a real life mentioned above) of LANT- of our second year at Boat School, the gal within the seven-mile limit! MIDTRARON coming together “diggers and fillers” finished construc- in mid-ocean, we retired to Puerto tion of Michelson and Chauvenet YOUNGSTER YEAR Rico. At this point, one of us may Halls between Maury Hall and mmediately after June Week, we have become the only Naval Acad- Bancroft Hall’s first wing. These engi- I took off for Youngster Cruise. Some emy Midshipman in history to fall neering, science, and math buildings of us left the very next morning on an overboard during Youngster Cruise. were the source of the generation of APA, the USS CHILTON, (forever Most of the ships went to the capi- much brain power (and, for some, after known as the “Chilton Hilton”) tal in San Juan, but the flagship, the pain). One of our classmates, Ray that transported several hundred COLUMBUS, went to Ponce, the Mast, even did pioneering laser work of us down the Chesapeake Bay to second largest city in Puerto Rico on in the basement of Michelson Hall Norfolk where we embarked on our the south coast of the island, where before some prof blew the whistle on assigned ships from the Atlantic coincidentally Bob Hope was visit- him, bringing an end to his efforts. Fleet. What a tan we got in just one ing. He promptly volunteered to do day! Some two hundred of us were a USO show that very evening for assigned to the USS NEWPORT the crew, which clearly was a cruise NEWS and the USS COLUMBUS, highlight. Some of the ships sub- the first missile- in the fleet. sequently visited New Orleans and While it was fun, exciting, and chal- other Southeastern U.S. ports prior lenging to spend some two months to returning to Norfolk. A month of on an operational Navy ship – view- annual leave then commenced before ing the operations, communications, the return to Mother B. engineering, weaponry, and deck Meanwhile, on June 5 the Six- forces from the viewpoint of enlisted Day War began with Israel occupying men – it was a complete turn-off when the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai it became apparent that the ship’s Peninsula, and Golan Heights after company had painted over ten coats defeating its Arab neighbors; on June of paint awaiting the Mids’ arrival 8 Israeli fighter jets and Israeli war- to do the hard paint-scraping work. ships fired upon the USS LIBERTY You learned how to sleep anytime/ off Gaza, killing 34 and wounding U.S. Naval Academy | 19

How many of us in the late ’60s had even heard of a laser? Youngster Year’s academics were tough. We started our mandatory study of engineering, commenc- ing – for most of us – six straight semesters of engineering courses. Calculus was one thing, but this stuff was ridiculous. Anyway, if you wanted to go here, you gotta take what they throw at you, right? Many of us found Youngster Year academics the toughest of all four years. If engineer- ing courses like Statics weren’t bad enough, then they whipped differen- tial equations on us – eeegad! At least Navigation class was fun, although sharing a classroom with 400 other guys at a time was a bit much. Commander!), the Bitter Ends, the General, and Director of NASA. One The ability to date kinda, sorta Outriggers, and the Marksmen. Some of our first classmates to join the Big made up for those onerous academic of us hit the hops when we were “sup- Brothers Program at the end of Plebe burdens, but just partially. Football posed” to be restricting! Over our last year was Barry Steelman. His involve- season was very strange: despite beat- two years, we also enjoyed the sounds ment in this program would become ing Penn State, Michigan, Syracuse, of the JayGees, the first Academy the seed from which many other such and arch-rival Army (19-14), we “soul” group along the line of the programs developed. Other members actually lost to William and Mary and Temptations. Most of the JayGees of the Class who joined Big Brothers tied Vanderbilt! were classmates: Bobby Woo, Leo included Rick Farley, Brock McMunn, Youngster Year brought with it Williams, Tony Watson, Bert Free- Bert Freeman, Leo Williams, Bruce one “rate” that we would have killed man, Dean Knuth, and Lucian (Tick) Brunn, Mike Simmons, C.C. Davis, for Plebe Year: the right to succumb Acuff. Many more weekends than we Mike Knudsen, and Mike Roberts. to the entreaties of the pad monster could count were simply spent in the By the time we graduated, the Big and rack out on the blue trampoline. library, trying to stay one step ahead Brothers program had grown from At how many other colleges would of the Academic Board. a small group of midshipmen in our one rush back from a classroom half The Class of 1970 also made Plebe year to a Brigade-wide program a mile away just to rack out for 45 significant contributions in other, minutes, and then to rush out again more substantive areas, having an for the next class? impact outside the class room, beyond We took our place on the sidelines military training, and off the athletic of the Plebe/upper class indoctrina- field. The contributions to and the tion continuum and helped out the impact upon the underprivileged former when we could. Many of us kids in Annapolis are something of spent an inordinate amount of time which our class can be proud. At that restricting for demerits that were time, the only social program con- clearly levied unfairly and without necting the Brigade of Midshipmen cause. Others spent many Sunday and the town of Annapolis was the afternoons in Smoke Hall at the mix- Big Brothers Program. In 1967, Big ers, meeting young ladies from area Brothers was a small group led by schools and dancing to the Spiffies Charlie Bolden ’68 who later became (whose lead singer was the Brigade an astronaut, Marine Corps Major 20 | Class of 1970

of more than 50 midshipmen in 1970. various Navy sporting events. William J. Knight established an The program still continues to be suc- Our class also helped the kids of unofficial world fixed-wing speed cessful at the time of our 40th reunion. Annapolis celebrate holidays. In one record of Mach 6.7; on October 9 At the end of our youngster year example, the Class of 1970 was the Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia, Barry Steelman started a tutoring first to ever organize a “trick or treat” and on October 26 Navy pilot John program for local students. During allowing local town kids to come S. McCain, III was shot down over our Second and First Class years, inside Bancroft Hall for fun and a and became a POW. many 3/c, 2/c and 1/c midshipmen, little Halloween treat. In addition, In sports, the 150 lb football tutored at four different elementary just before Christmas Leave of our team went undefeated, the soccer schools. Rick Farley was very active First Class year, a group of Mid- team went to the NCAA tournament and assisted in the leadership of shipmen helped put together a big finishing third, and the wrestling the tutoring programs. Other 1970 Christmas party at the Tyler Heights team was undefeated (Bob Chris- classmates who participated in the Housing Project for the children of tianson and Ben Welch each taking operation included Dan Bowler, that community. third place in the Eastern Champi- Dave Butler, Ed Giambastiani, Bryce Many of us by now had “town- onships). Roy Golez again won the Graham, Aguedo “Bobby” Ingco, Rick ies” or maybe “grease girls” who came Brigade Championship in the 127 lb Pilger, Chuck Paddock, Greg Potter, down every weekend to help take our class and Craig Silverthorne was the Mike Roberts, Dick Stearns, and Stan mind off of academics and the grind 155 lb champ. Weeks. Another contribution of our of day-to-day life in the Hall. We got During the Dark Ages, clearly the class to the Annapolis community to know the pleasures of the “drag hit tune “We Gotta Get Out of This was the Tyler Heights Boys Club that house.” We still couldn’t legally ride in Place” by the Animals became our Barry Steelman created and led dur- cars, but “where there’s a will, there’s theme song. As far as the world was ing our First and Second Class years. a way.” Our locker doors now sported concerned, it was a total mess. On The Club, which consisted of approxi- posters of Farah Fawcett, Raquel January 21 the mately 25 boys living in the Tyler Welch, and that beautiful blonde began, one of the most publicized and Heights Federal Housing Project, Atlantic Richfield girl with the huge controversial battles of the war, end- had weekly meetings, holiday parties, brown eyes. ing on April 8; on January 21 a B-52 overnight camping trips, picnics, visits Meanwhile, on October 3 an crashed in Greenland, discharging to monuments and museums, and X-15 research aircraft with test pilot four nukes; on January 22, Rowan & U.S. Naval Academy | 21

Martin’s Laugh-In debuted on NBC; SEGUNDO YEAR nationally in triples) in baseball; Dan on January 23 North Korea seized ur three- to four-week summer Rugg an All-American in dinghy the USS PUEBLO, claiming the ship O leave was way too short, and we sailing; and Gerry Guppy and Mike violated its territorial waters while returned to the Severn with visions of Aycock in golf. In Brigade Boxing, spying; on January 30 through Febru- Plebe indoctrination dancing before Roy Golez won the 127 lb crown for ary 24 saw the , with us. Frankly, it took some getting used the third year in a row; winning their Viet Cong forces launching a series of to: Running Plebes is an acquired second titles were Corky Peck (155 surprise attacks across South Viet- skill for most of us; it takes some lb.) and Craig Silverthorne (165 lb.). nam; on March 18 Congress repealed practice to do it without just breaking Corky also received the Spike Webb the requirement for a gold reserve out into laughter, especially if one’s Outstanding Boxer Award for being to back U.S. currency; on March Plebes were relatively squared away. judged the Outstanding Boxer of the 31 President Johnson announced But thanks to our classmates who Brigade Boxing Championships by he would not seek reelection; on served on the Plebe Detail for getting combining boxing skills, fortitude, April 4 Martin Luther King, Jr., was them that way! good sportsmanship, and fair play. shot dead in Memphis, causing riots Football was barely a diversion Out in the real world, on Octo- to erupt in major American cities this Fall as the Big Blue struggled ber 14, DOD announced that the for several days afterward (causing to a 2-8 record and another loss to Army and Marines would send about already-approved weekends to be Army, although classmate Dan Pike 24,000 troops back to Vietnam for rescinded at USNA); on April 29 the led all rushers in the annual Phila- involuntary second tours; on October musical Hair opened on Broadway; delphia Fandango with 107 yards 30 President Johnson, citing progress and on May 22 the U.S. nuclear sub- and a TD. In soccer, Casey Bahr in the Paris peace talks, announced marine SCORPION sank with 99 made the All-American squad and that he had ordered a complete ces- men aboard, 400 miles southwest of Bob Tamburini joined Casey on the sation of “all air, naval, and artillery the Azores. All-South team. Noted perform- bombardment of North Vietnam” We staggered up to and barely ers in other sports were Es Marks effective November 1; on November through final exams and looked for- and John Fedor in 150 lb football; 5 defeated Hubert ward to a relaxing Dead Week and a Jan Fladeboe in cross country; Cap Humphrey and George Wallace for fabulous June Week. Life was finally Parlier, Bill Kemp, and John Gilchrist President; on November 11, Opera- good again. Then, literally, our class in swimming; Bob Christianson, Ben tion Commando Hunt was initiated was split into hundreds of pieces as Welch, Mark Kane, Greg Koons, to interdict men and supplies on the classmates were flung north to New and Steve Bannat in wrestling; Scott Trail, through London for submarine indoctrination, Semko, John Seeley, and Bill Parks into . By the end of south to Pensacola for exposure to in basketball; Jan Fladeboe, Doug the operation, three million tons of flight training, askance to Little Creek Backes, Tim Joyce, and Monty Felix bombs had been dropped on Laos, to rub shoulders with Marines, and in indoor track; Bob Mackey and slowing but not seriously disrupting nowhere to Bancroft Hall for special Steve Klotz in gymnastics; Greg trail operations. On November 22 classes and/or to serve on the Plebe Stiles and Harold Mashburn in the Beatles released The White Album; Detail. Decisions on service selection squash; Bill Stockho and Gary Mar- and on December 24 Apollo 8 entered were either formulated, changed, or vin in rifle; Tom Noonan and Carl orbit around the Moon. Astronauts re-thought as a result of this process. Smith in pistol; Bert Freeman in Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and William It still amazes me why the subma- fencing (First Team All-American); Anders became the first humans to see rine service thinks people would be Bob Kirk, Reed Clark, Bob Edmond, the far side of the Moon and planet attracted to service in New Eng- Bill Parks, and Jim Kenney in out- Earth as a whole. land after a ten-hour bus ride back door track; Harry MacLaughlin (First On the evening of October 4, to Annapolis on a vehicle with no Team All-American), Len Supko 1968, occurred the seminal event in head, and the only reason the driver (Third Team All-American, and Ed the history of the Class of 1970. It stopped for that purpose was that Tempesta (Honorable Mention) in was a dark and stormy night… well, he had a full-fledged mutiny on his lacrosse; Denny Losh (.415) and dark anyway. It was also “stormy,” but hands! Scott Semko (17 RBIs and second not in the usual sense of the word. On 22 | Class of 1970 that night, the Class of 1970 made But as it turned out, the major- its mark forever on the history of the ity of our teams had beaten Army, Naval Academy. but we (the Second Class) were not Stories conflict on what actu- granted the expected privilege. Some ally happened, why it happened, or of us were disappointed. Some of us who – individually – was involved. felt betrayed. A few were genuinely But what counts is that that was the angry. (Some of us had by that time night we became famous. My recol- become so cynical and fatalistic that lection of it was that we, the Class of we just shrugged it off as another 1970, got a little too rambunctious indignity to be endured.) But when for the administration’s comfort. We we went out and blew off some steam, had a spontaneous pep rally that we may have gone just a little too far. really was spontaneous. That is, it did By the time things quieted down, not evolve from the announcement, the rumors had hit the street – and, “There will be a spontaneous pep worse, the fleet – that there had been a rally in Tecumseh Court…” at evening campus protest at the Naval Academy meal. According to Don Patterson, of near-riot proportions. Remember: he and Steve Wood were commis- this is 1968 we’re talking about. There erating about our not being able to were protests of near-riot proportions have a long weekend for the Army (and beyond) occurring on other as 34th Company Commander. game. They decided that if we showed campuses. Indeed, there were actual Go figure. those in authority that our class has riots. But not at the Naval Academy. OK. So we sat down on the more enthusiasm and class spirit than We did not burn our draft cards or Superintendent’s and Commandant’s they had ever seen, they might relent our bras (clearly, we had neither to lawns for a while (which proved and give us a long weekend. So they burn). We did not occupy or trash disconcerting to our classmate Skid decided to have a spontaneous pep any academic buildings. And we did Heyworth, whose dad happened rally to show them. When we heard not assault any professors. to hold the latter job at the time!). people running though Bancroft Hall It didn’t take the NIS long to find And we did not disperse “immedi- yelling things like, “Second Class pep out where the whole thing started, ately,” as the Officer of the Watch had rally in T-Court!” we thought, “A real and upon whom to fix the blame. ordered us. And we did engage in spontaneous pep rally! What a novel (What ever happened to the con- some “provoking words and gestures.” idea!” and we rallied. We rallied for cept of not bilging your classmate?) For that, the powers-that-be proved the purpose of, among other things, So Don and Woody found them- the fallacy of the claim: “They can’t raising spirit levels for the forthcom- selves after a day or so in front of the fry us all!” They did fry us all. And ing football game against Army. Midshipman Leadership Board (or they restricted us all. We also came to But for some, there was another whatever it was called) headed up be known to some as “the class least agenda: to vent spleen over a [per- by then-Brigade Commander, Tim likely to succeed.” (But we’ll see about ceived or real] denial of a privilege Oliver, to present their case and for that. Ring-A-Ding-Ding!) they thought we had earned. In years the authorities to decide whether they In January, some of us volun- past, it was an unwritten tradition should be expelled from USNA. The teered to march in President Nixon’s that if a majority of the Fall sports Board let Don and Steve stay, but in Inauguration parade. While it was teams (excluding football) had beaten addition to the two weeks the class memorable, our P-rade uniforms Army, then the Second Class (that’s had to restrict, they were “Class-A- didn’t cut it in the freezing cold of Juniors, to anyone reading this who ed” and had to restrict an additional that bitter winter’s day (the smart might be unfamiliar with Naval Acad- six weeks! Ironically, shortly thereaf- ones among us wore long johns, emy jargon) would be allowed to have ter the First Set stripers of our First of course, but for those of us who a long weekend (and not have to ride Class were announced; Don was believed that the weather was too cold those horrid busses to Philadelphia) selected as the 6th Battalion Com- to ski that time of year, it was misera- when Navy played Army in football. mander and Woody was selected ble). Our company-sized complement U.S. Naval Academy | 23 marched behind the WooPoos, and to get engaged (yikes!). We got our MELBOURNE collided with the it was surreal that both formations class rings and spent wasted hours U.S. FRANK E. EVANS received cheers from our civilian (uni- staying away from the ’69ers who, in the South China Sea, sinking the formly ) counterparts, while if they caught us with our ring on, forward half of the vessel, killing 74. the same long-hairs jeered, booed, would make us do soda runs to the Exams, Dead Week, and June and chucked rocks at the helmeted basement. Serious time was spent Week hit in rapid succession, and army enlisted guys marching after planning the upcoming purchase of a most of us concentrated on getting us. Didn’t those Bozos know that the new automobile (given the extremely the right girl to agree to come to June Woops and we were gung ho volun- low-interest loans and delayed onset Week as the Ring Dance was (and is) teers, and the poor army grunts were of car payments offered by two really a big deal. It’s not every school primarily draftees? Guess not! banking institutions). When contem- that is able to have water from the Speaking of WooPoos, second plating whether to include a certain Seven Seas conveyed to its premises semester of Segundo Year was when accessory on your dream vehicle, the for such a purpose. The Class of 1970 most of us spent a long weekend decision was made much easier when was very fortunate to dance under at either West Point or Colorado you converted the problem into terms the stars by the Reflection Pool to Springs on exchange weekends. of “how much will it increase my “Take the A Train” and other won- We will never forget lining up for monthly car payment?” derful music played by the legendary breakfast formation in the cold, wet In the land outside the wall, Duke Ellington and his Band. It was a rain – in the dark of upstate New on January 12 Led Zeppelin I was memorable affair and it was reported York – and asking the grey-clad released, an album considered to be that no rings were lost during the denizens why they didn’t have the the first in the heavy metal genre; on dunking process. The same could not common sense to come in out of January 14 an explosion aboard the be said for certain companies’ “ring the rain. There the weather is grey, USS ENTERPRISE near Hawaii dip” parties, however. the buildings are grey, the uniforms killed 27 and injured 314; on January are grey – even the people are grey. 16 two cosmonauts transferred from FIRSTIE YEAR But they did have one very hot Soyuz 5 to Soyuz 4 via a spacewalk ollowing June Week, we newly- assistant librarian. while the two craft were docked F anointed Firsties again scattered Sometimes it was so cold in together, the first time such a transfer far and wide. Some enjoyed a leisurely Bancroft Hall that “Famous Naval had taken place; on February 4 Yasser cruise to Europe and the Med. A Sayings” took on new notables: “Heat Arafat was elected Palestine Libera- few lucky ones went on NATRON is a Privilege not a Rate,” “Heat has tion Organization leader; on February cruises with members of the class been Spotted in the Fourth Wing and 9 the Boeing 747 made its maiden of ’72. The pilot cruise was on the is Rumored to be Heading this Way,” flight; on March 3 Sirhan Sirhan East coast to Europe and the sec- etc. You get the drift. Blessed be the admitted that he had killed presiden- ond one went to the West Coast. We fortunate ones on decks 7-0 and 8-0, tial candidate Robert F. Kennedy; on worked hard at sea and played hard however. Back when we were Mids, March 18 Operation Breakfast, the in Plymouth, England and Hamburg, those decks were right over the boil- secret bombing of , began; Germany with available tours to Lon- ers and at night in the dead of winter, on April 1 the Hawker Siddeley Har- don, Berlin, and Copenhagen. Some we’d sleep with the windows wide rier entered service with the Royal were stuck in the Yard for a myriad open. You didn’t dare step on the lino- Air Force; on April 15 North Korea of reasons; some skippered major leum floor in your bare feet, as you shot down a U.S. EC-121 unarmed sailboats on the East Coast; some were likely to get your soles burned patrol aircraft over the Sea of Japan, were assigned to JO billets on ships of from the heat emanating from below. killing all 31 on board; on May 10 the the First or Second Fleets; and others Aahhh! Battle of in Vietnam were selected for a WestPac cruise Marching time came around began; on May 18 Apollo 10 (Tom off the coast of Vietnam. We were with the Spring, and we endured the Stafford, Gene Cernan, John Young) assigned to literally every class of ship P-rades as much as we could. More was launched, a full dress-rehearsal in the US Navy arsenal – from aircraft time was left for studying and guys for the Moon landing; and on carriers to oceangoing minesweepers. in our midst were actually starting June 3, the Australian The smaller the complement of Mids 24 | Class of 1970

patrol plane) under darken ship and radio silence. So we were unaware of the moon landing until we pulled into Naval Base and were mobbed by admiring Japanese civil- ians enamored with our nation’s space fete. Cool. On August 9, members of Charles Manson’s cult murdered actress Sharon Tate and five others; August 15-18 saw the Woodstock Festival held in upstate New York, with classmates Nev Shaffer, Eric Peters and Jay Jenkins in attendance. For once, returning to the Brigade was a pleasure. Of course, having been treated practically like royalty in some quarters as a First Class Midship- aboard, the more responsibility one whine, our classmates in their service man meant returning to reality in that gleaned. One classmate reported that dress khakis dug in and transferred all respect. But now, we ran the Brigade. he, armed with an M14, was assigned the appropriate bags from the larger Bill Currer was our Brigade Com- JO duty on a motor launch circling plane to the smaller one, literally mander. High stripers in our midst his ship all night in Saigon Harbor. crawling inside the baggage holds of left the cozy confines of our com- We stood bridge watches as JOOWs, the respective aircraft. Thank good- pany spaces and roomed with other engineering watches, and CIC watches. ness one of our number knew how classmates on Brigade, regiment, Such experience was invaluable to our to operate the ground machinery to and battalion staffs. Meanwhile, we future careers. Some went to jump make the task a little easier, but then assumed the roles of Company Com- school and others received special our comrades had to persuade the mander, Sub Commander, and CPO, assignments too numerous to mention. patrolling Air Police to leave us alone as well as Platoon Commander and A small anecdote will be illustra- and let us complete our task. The Air Squad Leader. The saltiest amongst tive to those wondering what makes Force was used to folks just coming in us assumed the roles of Mustering us tick. The Academy chartered a after they had left, spending the week- Petty Officer/Right Guide whose DC stretch 8 to take several hun- end enjoying San Francisco on TDY invaluable contribution was to find dred of us from the West Coast to pay, and not complaining. We are dif- the company’s block on the parade Clark Air Force Base in the Philip- ferent – devotion to duty and all that, field while running full speed. I, on pines for distribution to our WestPac and just do what needs to be done. the other hand, sometimes had to assignments. At the culmination of The most memorable event not stop and take a knee halfway there! the cruise near the end of August, involving our class directly that hap- Upon returning to Annapolis, the Academy supplied another such pened that summer was the U.S. many of us immediately picked up plane to return us from Japan back to moon landing by Apollo 11 on July our new cars (six months early to the West Coast. When this charter 20. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin be sure, but who’s counting?). We arrived at Travis AFB near San Fran- landed the Eagle on the moon while kept them in the garages of nearby cisco it was after 5:00PM on a Friday Mike Collins piloted the Apollo residents (for a fee, to be sure), as we afternoon. The large plane was ending spaceship. Five days later President couldn’t park them in the Yard until its charter there, and our classmates Nixon announced the beginning of Spring Break. Some of us had to stroll desiring to return to the East Coast the “” of the war and past the officers’ quarters outside of had to transfer to a smaller chartered began to pull U.S. troops out. Some Gate 8 to reach those garages; we aircraft; however, all the Air Force of us were patrolling off the coast were never challenged. Thus freed ground personnel had secured for the of North Korea (because of their from the bonds of hoofing it, unfet- weekend. So, without a whimper or a unprovoked shoot-down of the U.S. tered freedom prevailed. One thing U.S. Naval Academy | 25 remained the same, however – the time in a row at 127 pounds (hey the global Internet); and on December grinding routine back at Mother B!! Roy, wanna go a few rounds?), Norm 1 the first draft lottery in the United In September we enjoyed Lit- Carley finished on top at 135, Craig States since WWII was held. tle Anthony and the Imperials; Silverthorne won his third crown at Dan Pike was the Second set in November it was Jerry Butler. 165, and Tom Flaherty was crowned Brigade Commander beginning in Something had to take our minds champ in the heavyweight division. early December. In December the off football, where the Big Blue only Roy was the first boxer in Academy new Commandant, Captain Coogan, mustered one victory all season over history to receive the Tony Rubino announced that henceforth First hapless Virginia. Army even shut Four-Time Brigade Champion Class liberty would be expanded to a us out. At least the away games at Award; and Craig received the Spike 50-mile limit and extended to 0200 Pittsburgh and Rutgers permitted Webb Outstanding Boxer Award. on Saturday nights. Christmas Leave some fun weekends away from the Despite the anti-military feelings on was, of course, a highlight of the year. Yard. The 150-lb team, however, many college campuses during our For those so inclined, and with a will- went undefeated and won the league First Class year, it is noteworthy that ing woman, engagements were the championship; Bob Berger and Duke Jim Smee and Bill Ferris, competing order of the day. Those of us who did Dubia were both named First Team against hundreds of other colleges not succumb often heard, “You’re not All-American. Soccer was 8-1-2 with and universities, won four major good enough for her, so why don’t you one of the ties being Army and the intercollegiate debate tournaments just pop the question before she gets one loss coming in the first round of that season, placed extremely high away?” Did you sign your non-nuptial the NCAA tournament. Casey Bahr in numerous others, and ultimately form upon your return? Some guys was again named an All-American finished fifth in the national intercol- bought wigs while home on leave so and was selected for the U.S. Olympic legiate debate championship. as not to stand out so glaringly at DC soccer team; Dan Bowler was named Beyond our hallowed walls on and Baltimore clubs. But there was All-South goalie. Cross country, October 16 the “miracle” New York only one word to describe the feeling gymnastics, fencing, pistol, swimming, Mets won the World Series, beating upon returning from Christmas Leave wrestling, squash, lacrosse, baseball, the heavily favored Baltimore Orioles with final exams inexorably only three golf, and tennis all beat Army. The 4 games to 1; on November 15 the weeks away: depressing. fencing squad, again led by All-Amer- Soviet submarine K-19 collided with One of the gutsiest classmates we ican Bert Freeman, finished 4th in the American submarine USS GATO have is Dan Ellison, who was editor of the NCAA tournament; the pistol in the Barents Sea; on November The Log Firstie year. Now, we all know team won the Conventional national 15 in Washington, DC, 250,000- that what makes The Log well-read championship; the swim team fin- 500,000 protesters staged a peaceful in the Hall is its biting satire. The ished 4th in the East; the grapplers demonstration against the war; on incident that justifies the adjective in finished 1st in the East and 23rd in November 21 the first ARPANET the first sentence of this paragraph, the NCAA tournament; the indoor link is established (the progenitor of however, involves the cartoon that track guys finished 8th at the Heptag- onals (early in the season two schools cancelled their meets against us because of Vietnam); and the lacrosse team clinched a tie for the national championship with a one-goal vic- tory over Army during June Week. Harry MacLaughlin, Len Supko, and Greg Murphy were All-Americans in that sport, and Dan Rugg was again selected to the All-America dinghy sailing team. Firsties cleaned up in the Brigade Boxing tourna- ment: Roy Golez won for the fourth 26 | Class of 1970

changed in anticipation of an immi- nent court defeat. I do recall Father Jake Laboon bragging to his coun- terpart at Georgetown University (a Jesuit school) that there were more guys voluntarily attending a 0500 Mass in our chapel during the week on a Catholic holy day than in any Catholic university in the country. Two highlights during the Dark Ages were our own Hundredth Night (funny how my own memory has been blocked out concerning the details of that day) and Service Selection Night. We had no “2-7” ceremony or what- ever it is they do now, commemorating the fact that we had served two years and had seven more to go in our com- mitment to Uncle Sam. But on Service appeared in the December 1969 issue. how to design an ingenious weapon Selection Night we rolled the dice and It showed a Marine hanging a hand to blow holes in tin cans. I’m sure the hoped our class standing was suffi- on a Christmas tree. Funny Soviets were shaking in their boots. ciently elevated to get a decent billet and no big deal, right? Wrong. A Or maybe they wanted to elimi- or a start for the next phase of training senior member of the Senate Armed nate from our collective memories not too far removed from graduation. Services Committee (whose name YP drills where we practiced con- In the rest of the world, on Janu- we all remember but who will not be ning a ship, conducting ship ops via ary 11 in Super Bowl IV the Kansas reprinted here for obvious reasons), a maneuvering board, and trying not City Chiefs beat the heavily favored took umbrage at this “sick” sense of to redesign the bulkheads lining the Minnesota Vikings 23-7; on Febru- humor and clearly let the Navy pow- seawall. (Who was that classmate ary 26 the Pontiac 2nd generation ers-that-be know of her displeasure. who hit his new car with a YP? The Trans Am body style was introduced; Of course, the proverbial you-know- claims adjusters at USAA are still on March 5 the Nuclear Non-Prolif- what flowed downhill and our wondering how a car has a collision eration Treaty went into effect, after classmate caught a major ration. Well, with a boat.) Then there was after- ratification by 43 nations; on April 11 what did our erstwhile editor do? dinner speaking to develop us fully Apollo 13 (Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, The next issue of The Log contained as skilled, engaging dinner partners. and Jack Swigert) was launched a cartoon showing a grey-haired lady If they really would have desired such toward the Moon (classmates Ray at her desk with the Capitol Building an outcome, they would have pro- Mast and Warren Mackensen were in view out her window reading The vided us with real champagne! at Cape Canaveral for the liftoff ); Log and tearing her hair out while Many of us were probably on April 22 the first Earth Day was large stacks of paper titled “Vietnam,” unaware of the event at the time, but celebrated in the U.S.; on April 24 “the Soviet Union,” “the economy,” and on January 21 of our Firstie year six China’s first satellite (Dong Fang so forth lay unread on her desk. That Mids and a Woop filed suit in DC Hong 1) was launched into orbit is the epitome of having large ones, in an effort to break the academies’ using a Long March-1 Rocket; on my brothers! requirement for compulsory chapel May 1 President Nixon ordered U.S. The Grassroots entertained attendance. This was aided by the forces to cross into neutral Cambo- us during the Dark Ages, perhaps ACLU, of course. Since the Academy dia to root out NVA and Viet Cong to take our minds off those infernal later changed the compulsory chapel troops and sanctuaries, sparking weapons labs where they tried to take regs, one presumes that either this nationwide riots and leading to the brilliant writers (ahem!) and teach us suit was successful or the policy was in which four U.S. Naval Academy | 27 students were killed by the on our new set of wheels. After all, of your favorite classmates) during National Guard at an anti-war protest one needed 500 miles on that puppy which you could not touch the edges on ; and on May 9 100,000 to “break it in” before it could really of the pool? Our prayers go out to people demonstrated against the Viet- be aired out, right? More of us were those classmates who spent time on nam War in Washington. learning how to SCUBA dive and this the sub squad trying to pass those There was even a bit of snow on leave period was an optimum time to blessed swimming tests. Easter Sunday (but not nearly as much practice our new nautical skills in a Bill Currer was named the Third as during the two large snowfalls we warmer clime. I remember the night Set Brigade Commander. Of course, encountered earlier in the year), and of my SCUBA qualification test in with Spring comes weekly dress the NAFAC and the Masqueraders the natatorium was on a Sunday P-rades. Since we now led the Bri- were interesting diversions from the steak night, and I was so full I almost gade, we had a little more to worry routine. We also enjoyed watching the drowned! I got permission to com- about during these evolutions. Just Young Rascals perform. plete the test the following Sunday. pray no one changed around all the Spring Break brought our new Speaking of the natatorium, who company blocks on Worden Field. cars out into the open; we could park could forget the leap from the 30-foot Company drill competition followed, them in the Yard and spend more tower (once you climbed up, they as well. Is the rumor true that the time attending to them (not count- wouldn’t let you climb down; you had platoon commander of the very last- ing the YP encounter). Cars meant to jump) or the annual progression of place platoon in this competition even more private time with our OAO and onerous swimming tests culminating forgot to have his men fix ? road rallies for those inclined. Some with an hour swim in whiteworks and We had the trusty ol’ nine-pound M1 of us just spent time putting mileage tennis shoes (with at least a hundred to lug around; what does an M14, 28 | Class of 1970 the current parade piece, weigh? And crossed the road, a small voice broke in the Marine Corps (12.4%). The do they really no longer fix bayo- from the crowd, “Daddy! Daddy!” Alumni Association says that three nets – lest they hurt themselves? Most of the Company broke out were actually commissioned in the Air Our final exams, our “no more laughing, as they knew who “Daddy” Force. Funny how the Registrar didn’t rivers to cross,” finally arrived, and was. The Company Officer sup- know about them (spies, maybe??). we collectively heaved a huge sigh posedly said later that he always (OK, I know some of you retentive of relief when they were behind us. wondered why there was that photo math majors noticed that the numbers Dead Week saw us scattered to the in a certain Mid’s locker. don’t add up. Sorry. That’s what the winds and/or making final June Week If people ask you what was the Registrar’s Office gave me.) preparations. June Week itself, was a happiest moment of your life, how Eleven of the Class were selected major “come around” for many of us, many of you do not say, “The moment for the Advanced Science and Engi- while we attempted to keep family I threw my cap in the air when I neering Program, 24 were selected for and girlfriend happy as they cohabited graduated from Annapolis?” On 3 the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, in a usually too-small June Week cot- June 1970 the Navy-Marine Corps 13 were selected for the Navy-spon- tage while awaiting our arrival from Memorial Stadium never looked more sored Civilian schools program, 13 the Hall. And, oh by the way, some beautiful. Although some of us were were selected for individual scholar- of us even had an occasional watch to disappointed that President Nixon ships, six were selected for Guggenheim stand, and there were several com- chose not to address our gradua- Fellowships, and eight were selected mand performances. It was a trying tion, Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., as Olmsted Scholar candidates. Four time; we just enjoyed the Blue Angels CINCPAC, was more than an ade- were actually selected as Olmsted and kept focused on what was coming quate fill-in. Not to overuse the word Scholars: Stan Weeks, Jim Smee, Dave at the end of the week. but he was memorable. Five foot four Faucher, and Fred (Corky) Peck. The Color Parade was memorable, and full of p__ and vinegar! Compared to the classes preceding especially because it was our last, Actually 825 of us graduated on ours (going back to ’61), we had the and our immersion in the Reflection 3 June; six graduated on 31 July, and second highest attrition rate (37.8%). Pool of the Library Assembly Area one graduated sometime after that. Only ’68 beat us, and that was only by will never be forgotten. How many of According to the Registrar, 842 com- a tenth of a point. The class of ’62 had you knew that our classmates in the prised the Class of ’70 “membership an attrition rate of only 27.6%. Anchor Company of that year’s Bri- at the end of the course.” Two com- gade Competition intended to begin a pleted the four-year course, but were THE new USNA tradition: to march in the “deficient in the second semester and fter graduation, a good many of color parade with a guidon trimmed honorably discharged” and one was A us got married – some in The in black? That would have happened turned back due to illness. So, 838 Chapel; some not. All of us went except that a smack of a Segundo graduated and were awarded degrees. on commissioning leave to unwind, heard of the plans and blew the Steve Zavadil graduated at the top to recreate, and to get ready to join whistle to the Company Officer, so of our class; Preston Rusch was our the “real” Navy. We said goodbye to the proud, notorious 13th Company Anchor Man and $838 richer. Two the gents we’d intimately spent the just marched without a guidon! At the were not commissioned, being physi- last four years with, especially our opposite end of the spectrum, 32nd cally disqualified; one had his physical roomies, our “wives.” Some classmates Company, under the leadership of Ed status “pending and to be reevaluated” we would never see again. Some Giambastiani (a sign of great things in June 1971; and four were foreign of us went immediately to gradu- to come) was Color Company for the nationals (two from the Philippines, ate school, 103 to Quantico for The second year in a row. one from Peru, and one from Pan- Basic School, others to nuclear power On a humorous note, after one ama). Of those commissioned, 710 school, some to flight school, some June Week Parade a certain Company were unrestricted Navy line, one was lucky ones stayed and taught sailing Officer was watching his Company unrestricted line in the Naval Reserve; to the class of ’74 Plebes prior to our as they were marching off Worden twelve were Supply Corps, five were next assignments, and some directly Field and proceeding toward the road Civil Engineer Corps, and 103 were to ships. Some unlucky ones got stuck behind the O’Club. As the Company commissioned as Second Lieutenants in duty as library or recruiting officers U.S. Naval Academy | 29

The first ten years, serving as junior officers in the best and most technically-advanced Navy in the world was exciting. We were put- ting our training as young leaders into practice for, as you well know, you can’t fool a bunch of White Hats. They soon know who’s “got it” and who doesn’t. Such is especially the case in the Corps with a squad of grunts. You lead by example, not by ordering people around. By the way, in 1976, they permitted the first women to join the Brigade of Mid- shipmen. Now, 17-20% of each class is female. As we put on our baby stripe as LTJGs after 18 months – 15 months for some – (it now takes two years), (or some such mundane assignment) End Sweep – removing mines from more and more responsibility was awaiting their respective schools to Haiphong Harbor. Some of us earned handed to us, and as we approached start. In short, we scattered to the the Combat Action Ribbon as well as O-3, we were starting to get the hang four winds and began paying back other medals and ribbons associated of it. We were being awarded our Uncle Sam for our wonderful free with service in and around the waters wings of gold, our dolphins, and our education as junior officers and lead- of Vietnam. At least one classmate surface warfare badges. One class- ers of men! who left us during Segundo year has mate, Frank Lord, earned both of As we established ourselves in regaled us with his exploits as a gun- the last two and was just short of his our profession, absence from home ner on a PBR; hairy stuff. Dan Rugg wings when he DORed! We were was a common theme. This caused was aboard HIGBEE when that ship serving in Norfolk, San Diego, Long some to get out after our mandatory was bombed by a North Vietnam- Beach, Oakland, Honolulu, Mayport, obligation had been fulfilled. Others ese MIG. And Lynn Widener, Mike Jacksonville, Pensacola, Kingsville, thrived on it. Most of us missed the Kuhne, and Reed Clark were serving Newport, Philadelphia, Whidbey war of our generation, Vietnam, but in USS MAHAN and responded to Island, Portsmouth, Pt. Mugu, and a a small number picked duty on river aerial attacks on USS WORDEN host of other places. Operational ship patrol boats so as not to miss out on (DLG 18) – which turned out to have drivers were visiting ports like Naples, the action; some received their wings been “friendly fire” from our own Air Holy Loch, London, Malaga, Athens, of gold in time to fly missions over Force. And lest we forget, a number Barcelona, Hamburg, Rotterdam, North and South Vietnam; and a very of our blackshoes and aviators aided Yokosuka, Subic Bay, Hong Kong, few were in special warfare opera- in the rescue of the SS MAYAGUEZ Sasebo, , and various others tions doing the dirty, mean work of in 1975. where liberty meant fun times and up-close warfare. A number of the Meanwhile, the Rickoverites scenic sites. We spent way too much Class of 1970 proudly served on were burning the midnight oil getting money in places like Hong Kong try- various surface ships from 1970 to through nuclear power school; others ing to get “deals” on clothes, watches, the war’s end in 1973. We patrolled were cutting holes in the sky working cameras, electronics, and booze. If up and down the coast, provided toward their wings; still others were we were married, we would add to Naval Gun Fire Support for the already standing bridge and engi- that list linens, flatware, and china. Marines and Army, and performed neering watches aboard ship as they Some classmates returned to the Boys’ plane guard duties for the Carriers; punched their cards for promotion to School on the Severn as profs or as and some participated in Operation department head. Company Officers. 30 | Class of 1970

Nixon was overwhelmingly reelected President but was caused to resign due to the Watergate scandal, leaving his appointed Vice President, Gerald Ford, as President. Ford helped put that scandal behind us, but his par- don of Nixon helped Academy grad Jimmy Carter defeat him in 1976. What followed was a period of eco- nomic and spiritual malaise enabling Californian Ronald Reagan to defeat Carter in 1980, sweeping in the first Republican-held Senate since the Eisenhower Administration. The end of the 1970s saw a retrenchment in the nation’s invest- ment in our military infrastructure. Accordingly, a number of observers believed that many senior military Some of us made the decision to music as its primary legacy. Much of officials shirked their responsibili- join CIVLANT after our obligation the West experienced an economic ties by overly cutting budgets and was fulfilled, and we joined others still recession due to an oil crisis caused by using the services as social experiment wearing a blue suit in going to gradu- an oil embargo by Arab countries in laboratories more than as established ate school to either further our careers partial payback for the West’s sup- military cadres. This forced many or to start new ones, perhaps in the port of Israel during two conflicts in conscientious classmates to choose life professions. We joined the ranks of the last decade. Meanwhile, Japan’s outside their continuous tenure in the those in the corporate world and, if economy boomed. The economic Navy, despite the intentions of many, we were lucky, got junior management crisis at home saw the first instance from the outset, to make the Navy slots in the burgeoning IT world as it of stagflation with rising prices but their entire life’s work. began to take off. Some of us got out, sluggish economic growth causing and after checking out what the “real the U.S. economy to have its worst THE 1980s world” had to offer, got back in. Many ten-year performance since the Great uring the 1980s, our class of us joined the vaunted military- Depression. In Asia, Communist D entered the mid-rank cadre industrial complex to further the aims China started liberalizing its markets of Naval and Marine Corps units. of our nation from a different vantage after the death of long-time leader Department Head, XO, and CO point. A great many of us, not want- Mao Zedong and its acceptance billets were taken on and mastered ing to sever totally our connection to into the United Nations. The Soviet in the naval service, such as Mike that fine outfit known as the Navy, Union invaded Afghanistan where Malone’s command of the carrier USS stayed in the Reserves. A great many it stayed for ten years before pulling ENTERPRISE, Ed Fahy’s command of us made O-6 that way. back in defeat. International economic of USS JOHN F. KENNEDY, Larry In the Western world, liberal competition heated up as industrial- Baucom’s command of USS CARL values that began in the , such ized countries were forced to compete VINSON, Mark Flaherty’s command as increasing political awareness, with Latin American and Asian low- of USS TRUXTUN, and countless the political and economic liberty priced labor in the manufacture of others. Our Marine counterparts took of women, and the environmental textiles, consumer goods, and spare on battalion and regimental ranks, movement, continued to grow. As the parts. Only the advent of the com- designated as field grades. By this wound down, the coun- puter revolution kept the U.S. at the time, most classmates still wearing a terculture receded, leaving its distrust forefront of industrial performance. uniform had been to graduate school, of authority, longer hair, and rock Domestically, in 1972 Richard perhaps the U.S. Naval Postgraduate U.S. Naval Academy | 31

School in Monterey where they Eastern Asia (plus newly-emergent 1991, our classmate, Clay Grubb, led enjoyed the coniferous surroundings, China). At the end of the decade, the the Marine paratroopers who spear- balmy breezes, and golf courses. Some Cold War ended when many former headed the Arab forces that retook had perhaps been to the Naval War countries in the Warsaw Pact threw Kuwait City, breaking through to College in Newport or the National off their communist governments, the Kuwaiti resistance occupying War College or the Industrial College and people throughout Eastern and the inner city and then linking with of the Armed Forces at Fort McNair Central Europe demanded freedom the Marine Division approaching in Washington. In fact, many more from the oppression they had borne from the southwest. In 36 days of classmates were now being cycled since WWII. The Soviet Union direct ground combat including three back into the DC maelstrom for spots collapsed, the Warsaw Pact disinte- intense days in the City of Khafji and in or NavAir, NavSea, grated with countries breaking away, numerous border skirmishes, as well BuPers, or joint billets, since “joint” and Russia underwent an economic as reconnaissance in and the charge now seemed to be the ticket for pro- depression. In the developing world, through Kuwait, his units suffered motion. For many, this second decade struggling countries faced onerous only one minor American casu- was their first real shore duty since financial and social burdens and peti- alty. He was warned by at least one graduation. It was a time to strengthen tioned the International Monetary classmate that 42 was a little old to their family bonds or to begin a new Fund and the World Bank for loan still be jumping out of perfectly good family, since the long years at sea or forgiveness or restructured debt. airplanes! Clay does brag that he is deployment overseas had caused havoc This decade saw the largest increase the last commander in history to be within many families. in population in the planet’s his- assigned a direct support battleship The 1980s saw increased eco- tory, particularly in the Middle East, (USS WISCONSIN) in combat. We nomic vitality, fueled in large part South Asia, and Africa. For the first also had a number of classmates who by multinational corporations, time ever, trade between Latin Amer- began to be selected for major com- throughout much of the world. ica and Asia equaled that between mand billets. Under President Reagan, the country Western Europe and North America. Others also were stepping into enjoyed almost a decade of peace and major executive slots in the civilian prosperity. However, much manu- THE 1990s world. Dan Akerson became CEO facturing capacity was transferred n the 1990s, our class began to of General Instrument, Nextel, MCI, from North America and Europe to I reach the zeniths of our careers. and the Carlyle Group; Bob Prince Mexico and the thriving countries of In I in January/February was CEO of Duratek for 22 years; Kevin Sharer was CEO of Amgen; Jack Johnson was CEO of Active IQ; Mark Crisson was CEO of Tacoma Power; Bill Currer was CEO of Channel Master, Cogent, and now of Scot Inc.(IL); Ken Keymer was CEO of Taco Bell, Sonic, and other food service companies; Jim Langdon was CEO of Andros Analyzers, Cal Zeiss Meditec, and Oraya Therapeutics (all medical technology firms); Mike Malone was President of Skarven Enterprise; Cutler Dawson is cur- rently President and CEO of Navy Federal Credit Union, the largest credit union in the world; and Steve Reinemund became CEO of Frito- Lay and then Pepsico and is now the dean of both the Undergraduate 32 | Class of 1970 and Graduate Schools of Business and there was higher productiv- economy to tailspin and the national at Wake Forest University. Mark ity overall. In Western Europe, the spirit to first be depressed and then Crisson, Woody Sutton, and Brian European Union was established, cre- to rise to new heights. The nation McCoy have been CEOs of trade ating a freedom of movement among responded by invading Afghani- associations, and Roger Hill was the member states, such as the 1992 and stan and Iraq to root out Al Qaida/ Chief Operating Officer of Historic 1995 free trade agreements, a single Taliban and Saddam Hussein, respec- St. Mary’s City, Maryland. There are currency, and a trading bloc to rival tively. We still have troops in both amongst us at least a dozen dentists the economic power of the U.S. We countries joined in various degrees and at least a like number of physi- countered with the North American by our NATO allies. After a period cians. There are also at least three Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of decline, Russia under the leader- ordained ministers. Don’t even ask which phased out trade barriers ship of Vladimir Putin, former head about lawyers! among the United States, Mexico, of the KGB, is newly emergent and Worldwide, a combination of fac- and Canada. Financial crises hit East overly bellicose, both in its unwar- tors, including the mass mobilization and Southeast Asia, especially Japan, ranted invasion of Georgia, a former of capital markets and the dissolu- in 1997 and 1998 after a long period Soviet state, but also in its economic tion of the Soviet Union, led to a of incredible economic development. blackmail of Western Europe which realignment and reconsolidation of Specific major events included the unwisely became over-dependent economic and political power. Living Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, on the Russian bear for natural gas standards and democratic governance 1990, and the subsequent Gulf War supplies. China has become a major generally improved in many areas of in 1991; the German reunification economic power – and the U.S.’s the world, notably East Asia, Eastern on October 3, 1990, as a result of the major trading partner; however, lax Europe, Latin America, and South fall of the Berlin Wall; the breakup regulatory, copyright, and quality Africa. However, new ethnic conflicts of Yugoslavia beginning on June 25, control procedures have held back emerged in Africa, the Caucasus, 1991, after the republics of Croatia its ultimate potential growth. China and the Balkans; and the Middle and Slovenia declared independence and India both have flourished as East continued to be a cauldron of from Yugoslavia, which was followed multinational corporations increas- conflict. Many countries, institu- by the subsequent Yugoslav wars, ingly take their manufacturing – and tions, companies, and organizations involving NATO and the U.S.; the as of late their service and customer were prosperous during the 1990s, World Wide Web became publicly operations – offshore. Many fast- and the West experienced steady available on the Internet on August 6, growing economies throughout the economic growth for much of the 1991, greatly accelerating the expan- world, especially in Asia, have been a decade. Oil and gas were discovered in sion of public use of the Internet; major factor in the rapidly increasing many countries in the former Soviet and the Moscow coup and subse- demand for fossil fuels, which – along bloc, leading to economic growth quent breakup of the Soviet Union with fewer new petroleum finds, and wider adoption of trade among on December 21, 1991, ushered in a greater extraction costs, and political nations. These trends were also fueled new era. Domestically, Reagan’s vice turmoil – forced two other trends: a by inexpensive fossil energy in a time president, George H.W. Bush, suc- soar in the price of petroleum prod- of low petroleum prices caused by ceeded him in the top spot, but he ucts and a push by governments and a glut of oil. Political stability and was defeated for reelection by Arkan- businesses to promote the develop- decreased militarization due to the sas governor Bill Clinton in 1992 who ment of environmentally friendly winding down of the Cold War led was easily reelected in 1996. technology. However, a side-effect to to economic development and higher the push by some industrial nations standards of living for many peoples. THE 2000s to “go green” and utilize biofuels has The United States found itself to be n the first decade of the 21st been a decrease in the supply of food the world’s lone superpower. I Century, the seminal event was and a subsequent increase in food The country experienced its lon- clearly the attack by radical Muslims prices. This, in turn, may threaten the gest period of economic expansion crashing commercial airliners into world’s poorer nations with an even during the decade. Personal incomes the World Trade Center buildings more severe food shortage. doubled from the recession in 1990, and the Pentagon. That caused the Politically, after eight years of U.S. Naval Academy | 33

both General Motors and Chrysler. Commerce Department Assistant Secretary (three-star equivalent), SUMMARY OF Tim McLain was General Counsel ACCOMPLISHMENTS at the Veterans Department (three- ith the retirement of Vice star equivalent), Kirk Van Tine was W Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Counsel (three-star equiva- of Staff Ed Giambastiani in October lent) and Deputy Secretary (four-star 2007, our class has collectively retired equivalent) at the Transportation from the Naval Service. Gentle- Department, Nick Williams was men, pat yourselves on the back, for Deputy Assistant Secretary for we did pretty well. Some 153 of us Operations (two-star equivalent) at achieved the rank of O-6 in either Treasury, and I was a Deputy Assis- the Navy or Marine Corps. Sixteen tant Secretary (two-star equivalent) made Rear Admiral, five made Vice of Energy. John Grossenbacher is Admiral, and three made Admi- currently the President of the Battelle ral. On the Marine Corps side, we Energy Alliance and Director of the had one Brigadier General and two Idaho National Laboratory. Not bad a Democratic administration, the Major Generals. Ed Giambastiani, in for a bunch of disgruntled sit-inners! country was ready for a change and addition to having held the number Classmate Bill Daugherty was a former President Bush’s son, George two military job in the nation, was 17-year veteran with the CIA and was W. Bush, defeated Clinton’s VP, Al NATO’s first Supreme Allied Com- one of the 53 American Embassy hos- Gore, in 2000. Bush was reelected mander Transformation (SACT) and tages held by the Iranians for almost in 2004, but the domestic debate the commander of U.S. Joint Forces two years. over our continued involvement in Command (USJFCOM); Tom Fargo As for academia, Ron Machtley is the Iraqi conflict and the Republi- was CINCPAC; and John Nath- President of Bryant University, Dick can-controlled Congress’ rampant man was Commander Fleet Forces Gurnon heads the Massachusetts spending caused a voter backlash to Command (previously known as Maritime Academy, and Dave Ellison is return Democrats to power in 2006 CINCLANTFLT). Ed was recently the president of the National Defense in Congress and in the 2008 presi- added to the Board of Directors of a Intelligence College (and was formerly dential election when Barack Obama small firm called Boeing. president of the New Mexico Mili- defeated Annapolis grad Senator John Woody Sutton became a tary Institute after heading the Naval S. McCain, III. Lax federal regulation of the financial sector and uncommon greed among the investor class caused a major U.S. bank failure in early 2008 and raised fears of many more to come unless the government stepped in. Despite the government’s bailing out one of these major banks and the nation’s largest insurance company, the tremendous increase in home foreclo- sures cratered the economy and caused the Stock Market to crash, in turn causing a major credit crunch. With fears of a new depression, govern- ment intrusion into private economic decisions became the order of the day – including the virtual takeover of 34 | Class of 1970

Postgraduate School in Monterey ships. Closer to home, we have pro- in his “twilight” tour as an O-7). vided financial support to the 11th As for elected officials Russ Company Wardroom over the years. Hauck was mayor of Altamonte Our class leaders have also helped Springs, FL, from 1999 to 2008, Bob keep us connected by organizing Baker is a sitting Council Member in football tailgates before every home San Clemente, CA, Dan Ellison is a game – with added kudos here to City Commissioner of Helena, MT, Gino Marchetti, Rick Heaton, and and I was vice mayor of Falls Church, Grant Thorpe. A special recognition VA. Also, Roy Golez has served the must also be given to Royal Connell, Republic of the Philippines as Post- who has written the class column for master General, National Security many, many years, as well as being Advisor and as such a member of the honcho for ferreting out reunion the Cabinet, and five-term Congress- memorabilia for the class. Way to go, man. Eloy Bermudes was elected a Royal! Also, Nick Visco deserves a Senator in Guam. But, damn, we had big pat on the back for setting up and only one U.S. Congressman (Ron maintaining the Class of 1970 email like Leo Williams’ negotiation of a Machtley from Rhode Island), so list and web page, thereby enabling $10 Million contribution from his let’s get to it, guys! us to stay connected, advised, and then-employer, Ford Motor Company. That’s the good news. The bad? updated. Most of these “worker bees” (Did you ever wonder why so many As of this writing, 80 of our number are residents of the Annapolis area, members of the Class of 1970 drive are deceased. Twenty of these were which is paramount in representing Fords? Now you know.) Nor does “operationally killed” (all aviation our interests on class matters. These it include individual and Company accidents), two of whom were not leadership burdens continue and gifts such as memorial seats in vari- recovered. But one benefit of having members of the class are encouraged ous buildings in the yard, and other “missed” the Vietnam War was that to step forward when and where they ad hoc donations. And then there are we lost no classmates in combat. can, and whether or not you can serve, the many millions we gladly pay for express your appreciation for those memberships in the Naval Academy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS who are carrying the ball for us on a Alumni Association and the Blue and ince graduation the leadership of continual basis. Gold (Athletic Association). S our class went from Jeff Schott Over the past 40 years the Class Many classmates returned to the (1970-75) to Jeff Krstich (1975-80) of 1970 has generously “given back” Academy as Professors, Company to Terry Huff (1980-85) to Fred to the Academy. As of this writ- Officers, Battalion Officers, and other (Derf ) Hall (1985-2000) to Lynn ing, direct cash contributions to the positions. Noteworthy are Tony Wat- Widener (2000-present). It is to Alumni Association have exceeded son and Jerry Farrell, who came back these men (plus notable others) that $8.6 Million. These contributions as Deputy Commandant. Also wor- our thanks and appreciation should have funded projects in Alumni thy of mention are Carl Wick, who continually go for their efforts in Hall (East Concourse Landing, returned to USNA after a 20-year putting together our major anniver- Music Room, Coaches Conference Navy career and became a member sary reunions, representing us before Room); the Academy Seal above the of the permanent faculty as Profes- the leadership cadres of the Alumni Visitors Center entrance; the Sail- sor, Associate Director of Research Association, deciding where our class’ ing Center Trophy Room; the China for Midshipman Research, and was donations should go. Two of these are Station Battle Arch at Navy-Marine for several years Systems Engineering USS LAKE ERIE, (CG 70), which Corps Memorial Stadium; Cap- Department Head; and Dan Rugg, classmate Bill Parks commanded and stone Seminar Support; and Athletic who serves as Sailing Master, focusing USS HOPPER (DDG 70); we spon- Excellence Support. on the training of adults and Mid- sor annual awards to the outstanding This does not include additional shipmen participating in the Offshore junior officer and the outstanding untold millions of dollars in corporate Cruising program. Many others petty officer for leadership in both matching funds and special donations served as Naval Academy Information U.S. Naval Academy | 35

Officers (Blue and Gold Officers), now-ubiquitous head-and-shoulders representing the Naval Academy Bill the Goat logo that graces much at college fairs and career days, and of what the Naval Academy Athletic helping select future generations of Association publishes. midshipmen and Navy and Marine As Skip Thaeler, editor of the Corps officers. And let us not forget 1970 Lucky Bag, put it on the last Skid Heyworth, who as a Vice Presi- page of that publication, “The Class dent of the Naval Academy Alumni of 1970, right or wrong, famous or Association, is strategically positioned infamous, has proven in the past to provide information and support four years that its individual mem- to our endeavors. Paul Zambernardi bers are, in the final analysis, merely was head of the financial operation human beings – damn good human at the Alumni Association but has beings – but human beings, nonethe- moved on to other endeavors. By the less.” After 40 years, that statement way, let me hasten to add that apolo- remains true. “Least likely to succeed?” gies are given if I omitted anyone for I don’t think so. any noteworthy thing they have done or achieved; clearly, such an oversight RING-A-DING-DING! was not intentional and the fault is Beat Army! mine alone. And then there were some “intangible” gifts from our classmates: Roy Golez designed our class crest, Gary Knight and Chip Lancaster designed the