Integrated and Sustainable Transport in Efficient Network - ISTEN PORTFOLIO Action Plans for an integrated network of ports and hubs in Adrion Region Contacts: MemEx Srl - Andrea Lorenzini
[email protected] Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation - Giuseppe Luppino
[email protected] Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria - Engineering Department of Information, Infrastructures and Sustainable Energy (DIIES) Domenico Gattuso
[email protected] Website: Linkedin: ISTEN Project Twitter: @ISTEN_Project The ISTEN project is supported by the Interreg ADRION Programme funded under the European Regional Development Fund and IPA II Fund This leaflet has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the leaflet is the sole responsibility of the ISTEN project and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or ADRION programme authorities. Photo by Stefano Zerauschek Stefano by Photo Integrated and Sustainable Transport in Efficient Network PORTFOLIO Action Plans for an integrated network of ports and hubs in Adrion Region October 2020 Document information Abstract The ISTEN Interreg ADRION project aims at qualifying the Adriatic and Ionian Ports as strategic nodes and hubs for the ADRION Region by setting up strategies, a transnational cooperation network and a joint action plan to improve hinterland intermodal connections, pushing in particular rail freight flows and last-mile connection to the TEN-T Corridors. Starting from the analysis of the main bottlenecks towards achieving an integrated network of ports and hubs, each ISTEN project partner identified a set of relevant measures to be planned and implemented for the achievement of the desired level of integration among port hinterland actors, infrastructures, and operations.