State Spotlight — Army National Guard

TEXAS The versatility and resiliency of Texas Army National Guard Soldiers enable the rapid and efficient response to domestic emergencies, combat missions, counterdrug efforts and reconstruction missions. Whether the call is coming from the State governor or directly from the President of the United States, Texas Army National Guard Soldiers are Always Ready and Always There.

A Soldier with the 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard participates in the 2018 Best Warrior competition at Camp Swift, Bastrop, Texas. Texas Army National Guard Photo by SSG Mark Scovell TEXAS

A Texas Army National Guard Soldier helps residents evacuate with their pets after flooding in the Rio Grande Valley this past May. Photo courtesy Texas Military Department

flood disasters occur, said Anthony Di Marco, a Standardization Instructor Pilot of Bravo Texas Guardsmen a rescue swimmer with TTF1. Company, 1-114th Aviation Regiment – “There are not water-rescue components Security and Support. Task Force in the National Guard. That’s where we come CW4 Briggs said that at any given time in,” said Di Marco. “They fly us to where we he, his helicopter crew and TTF1 swimmers Members Respond need to be and help get us in the water or to can be ready to fly to wherever they are where the people are who need rescue. It’s a needed within three hours of receiving the great working relationship.” call to duty. to South Texas The working relationships between the “We didn’t have these same capabilities pilots and swimmers are not developed over five years ago,” said CW4 Briggs. “Local Floods overnight, but rather are orchestrated and governments now have in place very specific fine-tuned regularly. mission-ready packages put together by the STORY AND PHOTOS BY Di Marco said he sets aside his full-time Texas Military Department. Local officials SPC MIGUEL RUIZ civilian career being a firefighter in Plano, now know exactly how many of what assets Texas, once a month to train with Texas Army are available to them at any given time of exas Army National Guard Soldiers National Guard helicopter pilots and TTF1 need.” and members of Texas Task Force 1 swimmers. CW4 Briggs said what sets the Texas (TTF1) were deployed to South Texas “We rehearse daytime and nighttime Army National Guard apart from other Tthis past May. rescue missions with Lakota and Black Hawk components of the military is its ability In response to recent flooding in the pilots,” said Di Marco. “The back and forth to work more closely with Texas’ local Texas Rio Grande Valley, Texas Army dialogue is great; we work closely together to governments and organizations such as TTF1 National Guard helicopter pilots were jointly determine the most efficient and safest ways to establish disaster contingency plans. mobilized with Texas’ urban search and of conducting the missions.” “It’s our job to be able to respond to events rescue team TTF1. Thanks to consistent training and set-in- as quickly as possible,” said CW4 Briggs. “We Both organizations, which normally place contingency plans, mission readiness are always ready.” l work independently of each other, routinely is very high when disasters occur, said Texas combine their assets and expertise when Army National Guard CW4 Brandon Briggs,

2 C-S ISSUE 1 // VOL 2 // State Spotlight - Texas Army National Guard TEXAS

An Evacuation System with Accountability


hen a hurricane, flood, chemical spill, wildfire or other catastrophe strikes Texas, people may have Wto evacuate the affected area, often with little or no time to prepare. Their lives have been turned upside down; they do not know where they are going; they do not know when they will return; and sometimes families and loved ones get separated. They need someone to show them the way out of the danger zone to safety and comfort. When support for evacuation operations is needed, the Texas State Guard is trained and ready. Guard members provide a very specialized skill set during an evacuation – operation of the Emergency Tracking Network (ETN). ETN is an electronic system that tracks evacuees from an evacuation hub to designated shelters away from the disaster area. “One of the big lessons learned during the Katrina and Rita hurricanes was the need to track the location of thousands of people rapidly evacuating the strike zone,” said COL Robert Hastings, commander, Army Component, Texas State Guard. “In some cases, families were separated and ended up in different shelters with no means to communicate or locate each other. ETN was designed to prevent that from happening.” The Texas State Guard is the principal state agency with the Emergency Tracking Network mission. "Without a system of accountability, we would not know who we evacuated or which designated mass evacuation transportation they got on. With the ETN system, we have information which tracks the evacuee from an embarkation point to a shelter. Because we are trained on ETN, the Texas State Guard is performing a vital service to Texans who are evacuated during an emergency or disaster," said SSG Greg Illich, 8th Regiment, Texas TOP: Soldiers of the Texas Army National Guard support relief efforts to residents of Cyprus Creek in the aftermath of . State Guard. At an evacuation hub, one of the first BOTTOM: A Texas Army National Guard Soldier carries a young resident of the Cyprus Creek community during evacuations in response to Hurricane Harvey. people that an evacuee will encounter is a member of the Texas State Guard. As Texas Army National Guard photos by CPT Martha Nigrelle 3 TEXAS

how the system works to and evacuated to a designated pet shelter. In ease any concerns that this way, families know that their pet will not evacuees may have about be abandoned, but sheltered and fed until what will happen when they can be reunited. they are registered into the "Sometimes pet owners are afraid to leave system. Family members a pet behind and, as a result, are reluctant to at the hub are registered at evacuate. If owners know that their pets are the same time. This process going to evacuated, banded into ETN and allows them to travel sheltered, they feel relief that their pet has together and stay together not been left behind," commented PFC Sonya at the same shelter. Martinez, 39th Regiment, Texas State Guard. "During an evacuation, Guard members then direct the evacuees we want to assist family to designated mass evacuation transportation members in this way. located at the hub. As evacuees board a Keeping families together bus, plane or helicopter, Guard members is comforting to them scan the wristbands again to begin tracking TOP: Texas National Guard Soldiers come to the aid of citizens in Houston, and helps ease their their movement. The system records each Texas stuck in heavily flooded areas during the aftermath of Hurricane anxiety during this time individual who boards the transportation Harvey. of uncertainty," stated headed to a specific shelter. And when Texas Army National Guard photo by 1LT Zachary West 1LT Kendra Neuendorff, evacuees arrive at the shelter, Guard

INSET: A Texas Army National Guard Soldier brings a resident’s pets on 4th Regiment, Texas State members, for accountability, again scan the board a military vehicle during evacuation efforts in the aftermath of Guard. wristbands to log their location. ETN now Hurricane Harvey. As the registration has recorded the evacuee's travel from the Texas Army National Guard photo by CPT Martha Nigrelle process continues, Guard evacuation hub to the shelter. members place a wristband “ETN is a very versatile system,” said COL evacuees enter the hub, Guard members can on each evacuee. Each wristband has a unique Hastings. “During Hurricane Harvey, ETN answer their questions about what happens at identification number, which is recorded into was used to manage evacuations, determine the hub and show them where to register for the ETN system along with the evacuee's population at the shelters and keep track of transportation to a shelter. At the registration information. Personal medical equipment, pets and medical equipment, among other table, Guard members begin the process such as a walker or wheelchair, is also banded tasks. Keeping track of our evacuating citizens of registering evacuees into the emergency and registered into the system. And family and helping families stay connected is one of tracking system. They can explain to evacuees pets are banded on the collar or travel kennel, the most important missions we train for.” l

4 C-S ISSUE 1 // VOL 2 // State Spotlight - Texas Army National Guard TEXAS


THE TEXAS MILITARY DEPARTMENT (TMD) Counseling Team provides counseling and consultation services to assist Texas Army National Guard Service Members and their Families.

The overall mission of the Counseling Team is to increase individual and unit readiness and wellbeing through the promotion of psychological health and resilience. The team focuses on providing strategic support services to National Guard Service members and their families.

The Counseling Team is comprised of seven independently licensed counselors. Team members are located in AUSTIN, DALLAS, HOUSTON, WESLACO, TYLER & EL PASO.

To reach a counselor, call the TMD Counseling Line at 512-782-5069. 5 TEXAS

Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry Regiment, 72nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Texas Army National Guard participate in their deployment ceremony held at Joint Base San Antonio - Fort , Texas, in advance of deployment to the Horn of Africa.

Texas Army National Guard photo by MSG Michael Leslie

Texas First deployment ceremony May 16, 2018, at Joint This will be the last time that Soldiers Base San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston. The will see their Families for the coming year, Battalion Deploys battalion is preparing to deploy to the Horn of and MAJ Sean Ibarguen, commander of the Africa, partnering with more than 10 nations battalion, addressed that hardship. to Africa to promote regional stability and prosperity. “For some, the toughest time frame of the “This is a vitally important mission,” said deployment is upon us and that is moving BG Hamilton. “All people are created equal, toward the final goodbye,” said MAJ Ibarguen. BY MSG MICHAEL LESLIE and we are defending that freedom around “Soon your Soldier will return home and the the world, so it is critical that we do a great joy of that return will eclipse the sadness of his is a historic unit,” said BG job in helping the countries that we’re going saying goodbye in the coming days.” Patrick Hamilton, assistant [to].” The 12-year-old daughter of the battalion division commander – Hundreds of family members were in commander gave him advice on a painted “Toperations, 36th Infantry Division. “Task attendance to see their Soldiers off and show rock to carry with him on his deployment Force Alamo is aptly named. It traces its their support. – advice that he passed along to his Soldiers – lineage back to when Texas was still just a “Although your Soldiers wear the that “time flies.” Republic, fighting for its own independence.” uniforms,” said COL Rodrigo Gonzalez, “It may not feel like it right now, but time The Texas Army National Guard’s oldest commander of the 72nd IBCT, “you also does fly and it will fly moving forward,” said unit, dating back to 1823 – the 1st Battalion, serve with them in your capacity as a MAJ Ibarguen. “We will be back in the Lone 141st Infantry Regiment, 72nd Infantry Family member and you wear the uniform Star State before you know it.” l Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) – conducted a in your heart.”

6 C-S ISSUE 1 // VOL 2 // State Spotlight - Texas Army National Guard TEXAS 7 awareness to issues facing military Families. military Families. facing issues to awareness stands with military spouses at the George W. W. at the George stands with military spouses Second Lady of the United States, Karen Pence, Pence, Karen States, Lady of the United Second Bush Presidential Center, Dallas, Texas, during a Texas, Dallas, Center, Bush Presidential The listening session ran for 45 minutes, 45 minutes, for ran session listening The listening session as part session bringing listening of a national tour hidden warriors who are the spouses and the and the spouses who are hidden warriors sacrificesas of they a lot make – and children needed "So – it's sometimes Pence. said well," letting and awareness of bit a little raising just appreciate we and grateful are 'we them know they us." hope hear we and you,' every to for militaryallowing present spouse Karen Pence speaks with spouses of Texas military with spouses of Texas speaks Pence Karen bring to as part tour session of a listening members Families. needs of military specific to awareness "I think frequently the service"I think frequently member challenges that military Families face, Second face, military that Families challenges President Vice of wife Pence, Lady Karen to session a listening arranged Pence, Mike to visit military her from during spouses hear 4. During at the meeting May Dallas, Texas, the Center, Presidential Bush W. the George 11 spouses to Second Lady introduced was hear to the Armed Forces of all branches from struggles and of military the benefits about be to could made that improvements and life, in the future. transitions aid more there's or in the limelight the one is service our on when members attention these have behind the scenes, we really, hen considering the sacrifices considering hen the military across of members think of many Armed Forces,

One aspect that is often overlooked are are overlooked often is aspectOne that on the insight gain and support offer To Spouses Worth Military Military Worth OVERTON KRISTINA SSGT BY BY PHOTOS GUARD NATIONAL TEXAS HARVEY MELISSA TSgt Visits Dallas–Fort Dallas–Fort Visits Lady Karen Pence Pence Lady Karen Warriors: Second Warriors: Supporting Hidden

the various deployments, relocations and the and relocations deployments, the various associated consistently are that tolls physical service. of the cost with service support that members the Families and women men, of the globe. Millions across their their stability, up willingly give children other many among their homes, and careers support to everythings, in order years few those who for being the anchor by the nation freedom. protect to fight W TEXAS

emphasize particular challenges and elevate session with the Second Lady: TSgt Dan sure that information regarding programs issues that have potential to improve the Ledesma, 136th Airlift Wing production and opportunities actually reaches our lives and illuminate the problems of "hidden recruiter and Heidi Bearden, 136th Force military Families." warriors." Support Squadron Airmen and Family The Second Lady will be continuing to "There are several challenges that have Readiness program manager. participate in several listening sessions at been brought to our attention," Pence said. "It was a huge opportunity because we had military installations in the coming months. "[Spouses] having a sense of identity, if they the ability to represent not only our spouses, In the fall, her team aspires to gather the have to change jobs all the time or can't get but also the other members of the 136th information presented, and focus on one or a job in their chosen career – something Airlift Wing and their Families," said Bearden. two issues they may be able to remedy to they've trained for. It's difficult. [Having] a "From a spouse standpoint, being able to talk assist military Families. sense of community is difficult. Anytime they about some of the issues our Airmen face "There is something about military move, making new friends, finding a bank, and being able to verbalize the stresses and spouses, when you sit in a room with them stores, housing, education. There are a lot of strain that requirements cost our Families is – they are so resilient and so strong," Pence issues they face just because they are such a important. I was also able to bring up some said. "They are amazing people in their own mobile society." key issues from a programmatic standpoint, right, and their attitudes are so positive. Two military spouses from the 136th and by listening to the spouses, learned ways I'm glad that so many of them are willing Airlift Wing were selected to attend the we can improve our communication to make to be vulnerable and say if this were fixed, it would help a lot of other issues. They are amazing men and women and we appreciate them taking the time to help us get a better understanding. We don't know it all, and we really want to hear from them about what they want us to bring awareness to." l

LEFT: Texas military spouse Vanessa Barnes shares her experiences with Second Lady Karen Pence during a round table meeting at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, Dallas, Texas.

BELOW: Spouses of Texas military members meet with the Second Lady Karen Pence to discuss concerns facing military Families.


Funded by the State of Texas, the State Tuition Assistance Program is an EDUCATION BENEFIT that PROVIDES MONEY FOR COLLEGE to eligible members of the Texas Military Department (TMD) pursuing their educational and career goals.

This benefit is available to active drilling members (not AGR) of any of the 3 following Texas components: › Texas Army National Guard › › Texas State Guard

Applicants interested in requesting assistance must: › Have completed Basic Training (or its equivalent) › Be attending an accredited Texas college or university › Have a degree plan on file with the TMD › Be pursuing: » an academic certificate » their first undergraduate degree » their first graduate degree FOR MORE INFORMATION and a full list of qualifications, go to or talk to your readiness NCO. 9 TEXAS

Controller-Trainer (OCT) team from U.S. “We drew upon their knowledge of Texas Green Special Operations Command Europe and Unconventional Warfare from the Special the Joint Multinational Readiness Center Forces Qualification Course and combined it Berets Mentor Special Operations Forces (SOFs) Cell. OCTs with the training and deployment experience acted as on-the-ground trainers supporting to provide training feedback to [Operational SOF and conventional forces during training Detachment Alpha, or ODA] from 1st U.S., Albanian and exercise Allied Spirit VIII, conducted Jan. 15 SFG(A),” said the 19th SFG(A) officer in through Feb. 5. charge (OIC) of operations. Lithuanian Forces The 19th SFG(A) team mentored a diverse Texas Army National Guard OCTs group, including U.S. SOFs assigned to 1st reinforced the concept of “free play” during During Allied SFG(A), Albanian SOF, and the Lithuanian Allied Spirit VIII to the greatest extent National Defence Force Volunteers (KASP). possible to meet the rotational training unit’s “Being an OCT assisting in unit tactical training objectives. Spirit VIII development, bridging the units together “This experience was worthwhile as and integrating them into action, was a a guest OCT because you get to evaluate BY SGT KAREN SAMPSON great experience,” said a 19th SFG(A) team another unit's tactical training and standard sergeant. “Everyone gained from completing operations, and witness what works for llied Spirit was a multinational the exercise.” them,” said the operations OIC. “As a Special exercise involving approximately The Texas-based Green Berets were Forces Soldier, observing a [team] from 4,100 participants from 10 nations particularly impressed by the performance of another group gives you the perspective they Aat 7th Army Training Command’s Hohenfels their Lithuanian allies. have from their area of responsibility and Training Area, in Hohenfels, Germany. The “Lithuania’s KASP trained smart, were strengthens your unit’s repertoire.” l U.S. Army Europe-directed multinational decisive and their tactics were sound,” said exercise series Allied Spirit is designed to the team sergeant.

develop and enhance NATO and key partners’ The opportunity to observe and train A Texas Army National Guard Special Forces Soldier discusses interoperability and readiness. other U.S. Special Forces Soldiers provided a radio setup with a soldier of the Lithuanian National Defence a training opportunity for the 19th SFG(A) Volunteer Forces during Allied Spirit VIII held at the Joint The Texas Army National Guard Soldiers Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany. from 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) OCTs, challenging them to remain experts in Texas Army National Guard photo by (SFG(A)) augmented the Observer- their doctrine. 1LT Benjamin Haulenbeek

10 C-S ISSUE 1 // VOL 2 // State Spotlight - Texas Army National Guard TEXAS

The Heroes Next Door


amp Mabry opened its doors to the public during its annual Texas Military Department Open CHouse and American Heroes Air Show April 21-22, 2018. During the event, the The Texas National Guard and State TOP: Members of the community look inside a Black organization’s State Active Duty mission was Guard are composed of service members Hawk helicopter during the Texas Military Department’s Open House and American Heroes Air Show at Camp highlighted. that the State Governor can activate to State Mabry in Austin, Texas this past April. “For a State Active Duty mission, we Active Duty status in response to natural respond to a multiple of things, whether or man-made disasters or Homeland INSET: A Texas Army National Guard paratrooper glides onto the parade field during the opening ceremony of it be forest fires, flooding, winter events Defense missions. the American Heroes Air show held on , – whenever we have ice or snow – and, of Recently, the Texas Military Department Texas, this past April. course, hurricanes,” said CMSgt Michael responded to the Governor's call for Cornitius, Command Senior Enlisted Leader Hurricane Harvey relief efforts, assisting local for the Texas Military Department. “It’s a services in rescue and aid to those affected by State support piece so we can help Texans, the disaster. Two Soldiers with 551st Multi- which is what we are here for.” Role Bridge Co., 386th Engineer Battalion, 11 TEXAS

176th Engineer Brigade out of El Campo, Texas, were present at the Open House to share their stories about their role in the relief effort. “We went out on the first day after Harvey hit to the nearby [community] of Katy, Texas,” said SGT Robert Matthews. “It was a challenge to see the loss, but we saved a lot of people and the lives are what matters,” said SGT Willie Wallace. Opportunities for service members to share their stories with the public is why CMSgt Cornitius says the Open House is important. “It’s a chance for us to showcase the tools, equipment, and the Soldiers and Airmen available to help the State and our citizens” said CMSgt Cornitius. “The citizens of Austin get to come out and look at what we have and how we are supporting them.” This two-day event hosted over 5,000 guests, who were able to see and interact with Texas military service members and learn about their State Active Duty capabilities. l TOP: A Texas National Guard Soldier helps a young civilian put on a helmet aboard an Army helicopter while attending the Texas Military Department’s 2018 Open House and American Heroes Air Show.

BOTTOM: A young civilian waves an American flag while standing amidst the crowd during the 2018 American Heroes Air Show at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas.

12 C-S ISSUE 1 // VOL 2 // State Spotlight - Texas Army National Guard TEXAS


While Texas Guard Soldiers are fully prepared to accomplish all State and Federal mission requirements, it is equally critical that their Families likewise be properly prepared and resourced to function during the spouse's absence.

It is the intent of Family Support Services to prepare and empower Texas Military Department Service Members and Families to be resilient during current and future mission requirements.

Through the various programs within Family Support Services and Community Partnerships, we are prepared to execute Resilience, Prevention, Family Readiness and Reintegration activities to enhance the capabilities and resilience of our TMD Service Members and Families.

If you are in need of family support assistance, call: 1-800-252-8032. 13 TEXAS

Operation Crackdown Makes Texas Neighborhoods Safer


nock it down, knock it down!” Counterdrug Task Force commander. TOP: COL Miguel Torres (left), Texas Joint Task Force chanted a group of Rose Shaw “We provide the engineer assets that assist Counterdrug commander encourages students of Rose Elementary School students who communities to reclaim known trafficking Shaw Elementary School in Corpus Christi, Texas, to chant “knock it down, knock it down” to signal the Kassembled this past May to witness the locations by knocking down structures demolishing of a known drug house located across from demolition of a known drug house located allowing for community revitalization.” the school as part of Operation Crackdown held in May. directly across from their school. The Operation Crackdown was scheduled to INSET: BG Tracy Norris, deputy adjutant general of gathering of students occurred during demolish 20 structures throughout several the Texas National Guard, stands with Rose Shaw Operation Crackdown, a joint operation that Corpus Christi neighborhoods. Elementary School students gathered to witness the demolition of a known drug house located in front of partners municipalities and Texas Guard “This is being able to take your their school as part of Operation Crackdown 2018. Soldiers in an effort to rid neighborhoods of neighborhood back” said Corpus Christi Texas Army National Guard photos by gangs, drugs and associated violent activity. Mayor Joe McComb. “We appreciate the Texas CPT Maria Mengrone “We are the last piece of the operation,” Guard’s help. It saves taxpayers' money and said COL Miguel Torres, Texas Joint improves quality of life.”

14 C-S ISSUE 1 // VOL 2 // State Spotlight - Texas Army National Guard TEXAS 15 BOTTOM LEFT: SPC Jeremiah M. Thompson, a heavy heavy a M. Thompson, SPC Jeremiah LEFT: BOTTOM Horizontal with the 822nd equipment operator to waves Guard National Army Engineering Unit, Texas after demolishing an abandoned members community 2017. Crackdown house as part of Operation by photo National Guard Army Texas Patterson Yuliana SSG Joint of the Texas Members RIGHT: BOTTOM of Laredo stand with City Force Task Counterdrug Customs of the U.S. and an officer officers police Operation during the 2018 Protection and Border event. Crackdown by photo National Guard Army Texas Walker Ken MSG Texas Army National Guard photo by SSG Yuliana Patterson Yuliana SSG by photo National Guard Army Texas MAJ Travis Urbanek, officer in charge of Operation Crackdown 2017, 2017, Crackdown of Operation in charge Urbanek, officer MAJ Travis coordinates the demolition of an abandoned house in Robstown, Texas. Texas. of an abandoned house in Robstown, the demolition coordinates Additionally, the request included included the request Additionally, my community,” to for “Thissee amazing is validation that utilities had been had off, utilities turned that validation present were materials hazardous no that and Local other and the site. police departments, at also in partnered personnel, city appropriate removal and the pickup – ensuring the events coordinated. properly was debris of Elementary Rose Shaw nine-year-old one said and for clapped excitedly she as student during excavator the hydraulic on cheered think this will “I be goodthe demolition. l all.” us for Before moving into Corpus Christi, Corpus into moving Before in be to included wanting Municipalities of the a description included “Therequest Operation Crackdown demolished 17 drug demolished Crackdown Operation Robstown. in nearby houses submit to required were Crackdown Operation several with supporting request a written support. receive to in order documents the appropriate of drug completion nexus, ‘hold and understanding of memorandum be to each site for agreements harmless’ the sites,” reviews of historical and demolished Torres. COL said TEXAS

Texas Guard Soldiers may qualify for the HAZLEWOOD ACT

THE HAZLEWOOD ACT is a State of Texas benefit that provides qualified Veterans an education benefit of up to 150 hours of tuition and fee exemption at Texas State-supported colleges or universities.

The program is also transferable to Texas Guard member children (one child at a time).

To learn more about the HAZLEWOOD ACT, call 1-877-898-3833 or visit 16