(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 9.18 pagi)

[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]



Tuan Speaker: Bismillahirahmanirahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera. Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I have granted leave of absence under Standing Order 81 to Yang Berhormat Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ismail, Honourable Minister for Welfare and Community Wellbeing and Honourable Member for for today’s sitting and Yang Berhormat Dato Sri Haji Mohammad Ali Mahmud, Honourable Member for N.17 for today and tomorrow sitting.


Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili Bin Haji Gapor:

Ikan buntal ikan terusan, Ikan Empurau Ikan Ketutu, Mohon Menteri beri Jawapan, Soalan saya, seratus enam puluh satu.


(161) Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili Bin Haji Gapor bertanya kepada Menteri Belia, Sukan dan Solidariti: Adakah Kerajaan mempunyai perancangan untuk membina kompleks sukan di DUN Beting Maro?

Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Menteri Muda Belia dan Sukan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih. Menteri Muda tidak pandai berpantun untuk menjawab Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Beting Maro di atas soalan beliau.

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Beting Maro, Kerajaan memang berhasrat untuk membina kemudahan-kemudahan sukan di serata tempat di Negeri untuk mengalakkan masyarakat bersukan dan juga untuk beriadah. Memang ini adalah usaha kita untuk membangunkan insan dan juga rakyat yang sihat dan sentiasa cergas.

Untuk kawasan DUN Beting Maro, Kementerian akan mengemukakan cadangan untuk membina kemudahan sukan di Beting Maro dalam kajian separuh penggal Rancangan ke-Sebelas iaitu RMK11. Memandangkan kemudahan sukan yang bersesuaian belum ada lagi di DUN Beting Maro.

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Beting Maro pada masa ini antara prasarana-prasarana yang sedia ada yang telah disediakan oleh Jabatan Belia dan Sukan dan juga daripada Kementerian Belia dan Sukan Sarawak, antara lainnya adalah gelanggang-gelanggang futsal 1Malaysia di Hulu Pusa, di Kampung Hilir , di pejabat Daerah Kecil Pusa, gelanggang futsal pun ada juga dan di Rumah Sat, Munggu Ruang di , di Kampung Ulu Beladin dan juga ada diadakan oleh Jabatan Belia dan Sukan, Balairaya di Kampung Pusa.


Prasarana yang telah disediakan oleh Kementerian Belia dan Sukan adalah Padang Bolasepak RGC Beladin di Betong. Terima kasih.

Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili Bin Haji Gapor: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan.

(a) Siapakah yang diberi tanggungjawab oleh Kerajaan untuk menyelenggarakan kemudahan-kemudahan sukan tersebut?;

(b) Adakah Kerajaan mempunyai cadangan untuk melantik pertubuhan ataupun persatuan belia untuk mengurus gelanggang-gelanggang ataupun kemudahan sukan tersebut? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Menteri Muda Belia dan Sukan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih sekali lagi, Ahli Yang Berhormat dari Beting Maro. Sebelum saya menjawab soalan tambahan tersebut, bagi pihak rakan saya Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada N.71 ingin mengalu-alukan rombongan yang datang jauh dari Bekenu yang ada bersama-sama kita pada pagi ini di galeri di atas. Mereka datang jauh untuk melihat persidangan dewan kita pada pagi ini.

Untuk menjawab soalan tambahan daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Beting Maro, untuk prasarana yang dibina oleh Kementerian Belia dan Sukan Sarawak, tanggungjawab untuk menyelenggarakan prasarana tersebut adalah Majlis Daerah Betong. Kalau di sini kita lihat prasarana tersebut adalah padang bolasepak RGC Beladin Betong. Jadi tanggungjawab untuk menyelenggarakan prasarana ini adalah Majlis Daerah Betong dan peruntukannya seperti tempat-tempat lain, itulah selalunya menjadi masalah, kekangan peruntukan.

Untuk Majlis Daerah Betong, untuk tahun ini ataupun untuk tahun-tahun yang lepas jumlah yang kita beri untuk penyelenggaraan sahaja hanyalah berjumlah 120 ribu dan ianya adalah untuk menyelenggara prasarana-prasarana sukan yang ada dalam kawasan yang dibawah bidang kuasa Majlis Daerah tersebut.

Untuk penyelenggaraan prasarana-prasarana yang dibina di bawah program 1Malaysia macam gelanggang futsal 1Malaysia. Saya difahamkan penyelenggaraan prasarana-prasarana ini adalah di bawah kampung-kampung yang mana terletaknya prasarana-prasarana ini diadakan seperti juga di Asajaya ataupun di tempat-tempat lain di mana gelanggang ini dibina, kampung tersebutlah bertanggungjawab untuk menyelenggara dan menjaga agar prasarana itu dijaga dengan baik.

Berkenaan dengan soalan yang kedua iaitu adakah rancangan untuk melantik persatuan-persatuan belia untuk menyelenggara? Ini adalah satu cadangan yang baik saya rasa kemungkinan untuk prasarana-prasarana yang di bawah jagaan JKK Kampung, kemungkinannya boleh diaturkan supaya satu badan dalam kampung iaitu Persatuan Belia atau Badan Belia yang selalu menggunakan prasarana ini diberi tanggungjawab untuk menyelenggara dan menjaga prasarana-prasarana ini tetapi sekiranya prasarana ini di bawah jagaan Kementerian ataupun jabatan-jabatan Kerajaan, saya rasa kemungkinannya ia tidak dapat diaturkan sebegini rupa kerana ia adalah tanggungjawab jabatan dan juga Kementerian luar tapi walaubagaimanapun kita amat menggalakkan Badan-Badan Belia untuk bekerjasama dengan agensi-agensi Kerajaan dan juga jabatan untuk memastikan prasarana-prasarana sukan yang terdapat dalam kawasan mereka dijaga dengan baik. Sekian, terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi .



(162) Y.B. Encik Yussibnosh Balo bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan: Judi Siber berlaku berleluasa dikalangan belia bawah umur sebagai penjual ‘top up’ untuk mengaburi mata pihak berkuasa. Apakah langkah-langkah Kerajaan untuk membendung kegiatan ini?

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr Penguang Manggil): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker questions No. 162 and questions No. 230 touch on the same subject matter that is cyber gambling. I wish there to seek your permission to address these two questions together.

Tuan Speaker: Ya.

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr Penguang Manggil): Thank you. Tuan Speaker, Ahli Yang Berhormat for Tellian asked his questions in Bahasa Malaysia while Ahli Yang Berhormat for Lambir for question No. 230 asked his question in English. That being the case, I will answer the questions accordingly in Bahasa Malaysia and in English.

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Telian, Polis Diraja Malaysia, Sarawak mempunyai unit khas untuk menangani jenayah judi siber.

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr. Penguang Manggil): Ketua Polis Negara telah melancarkan Ops Dadu besar-besaran terhadap jenayah judi termasuk judi cyber pada November 2015. Sejak operasi ini dijalankan banyak serbuan dan tangkapan telah dibuat oleh pihak Polis Diraja Raja Malaysia (PDRM). Tindakan PDRM dalam membanteras jenayah ini telah banyak dilaporkan dalam akhbar tempatan. Menurut statistik PDRM sejumlah 4349 serbuan telah dibuat bagi tempoh dari 1 November 2015 hingga 31 Oktober 2016. Dalam tempoh tersebut wang tunai sebanyak RM88,000 dan 826 mesin judi telah dirampas. Seramai 496 orang juga telah ditangkap atas kesalahan-kesalahan perjudian.

Memang tidak dinafikan terdapat pengusaha premis hiburan yang menyalahgunakan lesen-lesen hiburan untuk mendapat keuntungan daripada kegiatan ini. Untuk makluman, pengeluaran lesen cafe cyber telah dibekukan semenjak tahun 2004 dahulu. Pihak Kerajaan akan mengambil tindakan tegas dan tidak berkompromi dengan pengusaha yang rakus dan tidak bertanggungjawab. Pihak berkuasa tempatan telah diarah memantau dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya dan jika didapati ada pengusaha-pengusaha menyalahgunakan lesen pengusaha premis maka lesen mereka akan dibatalkan.

Operasi bersepadu dan serbuan ke atas premis-premis judi akan diteruskan oleh pihak PDRM secara kolaborasi dengan pihak berkuasa tempatan, Sarawak Energy Berhad, Telekom dan agensi-agensi Kerajaan yang lain. PDRM akan memperhebatkan lagi koleksi risikan jenayah terhadap jenayah ini sehingga kegiatan haram ini dapat dibendung.

Tuan Speaker, we are just not talking, we walk our talk and as we sit down here two days ago, PDRM, has seized two gambling outlets in as reported in Borneo Post dated 23rd November 2016 entitled Cyber Gambling Menace back in Lawas where they managed to seize a few items and arrested about 12 people and this people are being investigated under Section 4b(a) of the Common Gambling House Act, 1953.

With regards to drug abuse committed by youth in the State, enforcement agencies are currently taking two prompt measures to curb this problem. The short term measures include actions by the relevant agencies ie. PDRM, Agency Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan and the Royal Custom Department to intensify their operations to enforce the dangerous drug laws.


So far this action has resulted in some major success this year which include seizure of 18,000 ecstasy pills and one kilogram of unprocessed syabu worth more than RM1.4 million. As a long term measure which we would be involving the youth in creating awareness by educating the youth of the danger and the consequences of drug abuse. In this regard, agencies concerned would engage the youth and school students on regular basis and to inform them on the evils and dire consequences of drug abuse. Regular visits and talk to schools, villages, kampungs, and even longhouses and residential areas will be the order of the day to propagate this agenda. Thank you.

Y.B. Encik Yussibnosh Balo: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, kepada Menteri yang bertanggungjawab ke atas Kerajaan Tempatan. Saya ada dua soalan tambahan:

(a) Berapakah jumlah lesen cyber cafe ini yang telah diluluskan oleh majlis Kerajaan tempatan di Sarawak sebelum ianya dibekukan; dan

(b) Berapakah jumlah yang telah dikeluarkan ataupun diluluskan di kawasan saya termasuk kawasan dan Dalat? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr. Penguang Manggil): Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat dari Tellian. The total number of licences issued by 26 Local Authorities in the State before it was frozen in 2004 is 180 and out of these, four are within Majlis Daerah Dalat dan . Sekian, terima kasih.

Y.B. Encik Ripin Bin Lamat: (Supplementary Questions) Thank you, Tuan Speaker, thank you the Honourable Assistant Minister for answering my question. I have two supplementary questions here:

(a) In conducting operation to curve illegal cyber cafe gambling, what are the other agencies involved and what are the roles; and

(b) How many offences have been compounded so far? Thank you.

Menteri Muda Kerajaan Tempatan (Y.B. Datu Dr. Penguang Manggil): Terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat for Lambir. I have mentioned earlier on in my answer that in conducting the raids, we involved several agencies including Sarawak Electricity Board (SEB). Now, this is only reasonable because when we conducted the raids, we want to make sure that the outlets will not continue their operation; and that being the case, the involvement of Sarawak Electricity Board (SEB) is there to cut-off the electricity supply so that they would not be able to continue their activities.

Now, with regard to the second question, the PDRM has actually investigated a total of 1615 cases that involves cyber gambling and out of these, PDRM have compounded 895 cases. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Y.B. bagi Bukit Bengunan


(163) Y.B. Datuk Mong anak Dagang to ask the Minister for Welfare, Women and Community Wellbeing on how many registered under e-kasih and how many are getting the assistance in Bukit Bengunan constituency?

Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti (Y.B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Bengunan sehingga 1 November 2016 seramai 910 orang ketua isi rumah di DUN Bukit Bengunan

4 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 telah berdaftar dalam e-kasih. Daripada jumlah tersebut, seramai 684 iaitu 95% telah menerima pelbagai bantuan melalui berbagai program yang dilaksanakan oleh berbagai jabatan atau agensi kepada rakyat miskin seperti program bantuan ekonomi melalui 1 AZAM, BRIM, program bantuan rumah untuk rakyat miskin KWAPM (Kumpulan Wang Amanah untuk Pelajar Miskin) atau bantuan bulanan daripada Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.

Y.B. Datuk Mong Anak Dagang: (Soalan Tambahan) Thank you Minister. Saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Pertama apakah pendapatan garis panduan atau PGK yang diguna pakai di Sarawak sekarang ini, dan keduanya, daripada 910 ketua isi rumah yang telah didaftar di dalam E-Kasih di kawasan saya, bagaimanakah pecahannya mengikut PGK atau pendapatan garis kemiskinan? Terima kasih.

Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti (Y.B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Tuan Speaker, bagi menjawab soalan tambahan pertama Ahli Yang Berhormat N.31 Bukit Begunan, berkuatkuasa 22 Oktober 2015, pendapatan garis kemiskinan ataupun PGK yang diguna pakai untuk Negeri Sarawak ialah pendapatan isi rumah RM990 atau RM240 per kapita bagi kategorikan miskin, the poor. Manakala pendapatan isi rumah RM660 atau per kapita RM160 bagi kategorikan miskin tegar, hardcore poverty dan RM1500 bagi kategori mudah miskin, high risk to be poor.

Bagi menjawab soalan tambahan kedua Ahli Yang Berhormat Bukit Begunan daripada 910 ketua isi rumah yang telah didaftar dalam sistem E-Kasih, 271 orang dikategorikan sebagai miskin tegar, hardcore poor, 395 dikategorikan sebagai miskin, 14 dikategori mudah miskin dan 230 adalah terkeluar sebagai rakyat miskin sama ada disebabkan oleh pendapatan mereka telah melebihi paras garis kemiskinan ataupun disebabkan kematian ataupun disebabkan tidak dapat dikesan. Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Semuja.


(164) Y.B. Encik John Anak Ilus bertanya kepada Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar: Adakah Kerajaan mengenal pasti tapak atau kawasan untuk menempatkan penambahan penduduk dengan menyediakan lot-lot kediaman di sekitar Bandar Serian dalam masa terdekat ini?

Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih Ahli dari Bukit Semuja. Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Semuja, satu skim yang dikenali sebagai skim penempatan semula Serian 2 yang terletak di kawasan Ranchan yang berkeluasan 69 hektar telah diluluskan pada Mac 2016 yang lalu. Ianya dirancang bagi menampung keperluan lot-lot kediaman bagi penduduk-penduduk di sekitar bandar Serian, pekan Serian. Cadangan pelaksanaannya akan dikemukakan dalam kajian separuh penggal Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 nanti. Terima kasih.

Y.B. Encik John Anak Ilus: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Y.B. Datuk Menteri. Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua (2) soalan tambahan.

(a) Setakat ini berapakah jumlah lot-lot kediaman yang telah disediakan oleh Kerajaan di bahagian Serian bagi skim penempatan semula dan skim pembesaran kampung?

(b) Bagi skim penempatan semula Serian iaitu di Ranchan seperti yang dimaklumkan tadi, berapakah jumlah lot yang akan disediakan dan bilakah lot ini dapat diagihkan?


Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, bagi keseluruhan bahagian Serian, Kerajaan telah melaksanakan lima (5) skim penempatan semula iaitu Kampung Muhibah Batu 37, Beratok, , Tapah dan Tangga bypass, Serian. Jumlah lot kesemuanya dalam yang disediakan oleh kelima-lima skim penempatan semula ini ialah 1554 lot kediaman.

Bagi skim, Kerajaan juga melaksanakan dua (2) skim pembesaran kampung (SPK) iaitu untuk Kampung Hilir Serian dan Kampung Lintang Pancor yang menyediakan 208 lot kesemuanya dan jumlah semua lot yang telah disediakan ialah 1762 lot dan daripada lot ini 1683 telah diagihkan dan masih ada bakinya 79 lot. Jadi baki bagi skim penempatan semula Ranchan ataupun Serian Fasa 2, skim ini akan menyediakan lebih kurang 500 lot dan oleh kerana kos penyediaan prasarananya terlalu besar, Jabatan Tanah dan Survei akan mengemukakan peruntukan bagi berfasa iaitu Fasa 1 dalam pertengahan Malaysia Ke-11 ini nanti dan selepas itu barulah lot ini boleh diagihkan. Terima kasih.


(165) Y.B. Ir Aidel Bin Lariwoo to ask the Minister for Industrial and Entrepreneur Development, Trade and Investment: What are the downstream industries in oil and gas that Sarawak can explore?


(196) Y.B. Encik Ripin Bin Lamat to ask the Minister for Industrial and Entrepreneur Development, Trade and Investment: Oil and gas are among the valuable resources found and being developed along the coastal areas in Sarawak. In this regard, is there any plan by PETRONAS to push for further development along the coastal areas similar to those projects in Pengerang and the newly proposed projects in Gebeng Pahang?

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pesisir) dan Perikanan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) (Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi . Untuk menjawab soalan ini Tuan Speaker, saya nak kongsi serangkap pantun,

Terasa pedas cili dimakan, Ulam dimakan sambal belacan; Minyak dan gas jadi persoalan, Harapan untuk tambah pendapatan.

Jadi Tuan Speaker, since the question from Ahli Yang Berhormat for Sadong Jaya that is number 165 and question from Ahli Yang Berhormat for Lambir question number 196 are similar in nature, I would like to seek your permission Tuan Speaker to answer both of these questions simultaneously.

Tuan Speaker: Okay.

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pesisir) dan Perikanan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) (Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Sadong Jaya and Lambir, currently 100 percent of our oil resources and 93 percent of our gas resources are exported in raw form. That is as crude oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG). It is the intention of the State Government to establish a robust downstream industry to increase participation in the

6 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 higher value chain and thus creating a more sustainable development for the State amidst the declining resources.

Gas base petrochemical (PetChem) industry is being pursued by the State Government. In view of the gas composition, which is high in methane content, therefore Ammonia (and its derivatives) or Methanol (and its derivatives) are the most variable options for the State if we were to look into the possibility of venturing into PetChem industry. One PetChem project has accordingly been approved while the other is under consideration.

The State Government and PETRONAS are currently undertaking the Sarawak Petrochemical Master Plan study, which covers the coastal areas including . The study will look into the technical, commercial and economic feasibility of the petrochemical development in Sarawak. Among others, the study is expected to identify and recommend the suitable oil and gas downstream industries that the State can further explore. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, saya ingin mengumumkan dan mengalu-alukan kehadiran Yang Amat Berhormat Dato' Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke persidangan kita pagi ini. Hari ini kita merasa amat bertuah kerana dikunjungi Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia untuk bersama-sama kita di sidang Dewan ini. Sila.

Y.B. Ir Aidel Bin Lariwoo: (Soalan Tambahan) Thank you, Tuan Speaker, thank you, Honourable Assistant Minister. I don’t have anything to respond to your pantun but I have one supplementary question. Based on your explanation on the downstream oil and gas industry, so my question is, what are the spinoffs from these two petrochemical projects? Thank you.

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pesisir) dan Perikanan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) (Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Thank you, the Honourable Member for Sadong Jaya. The spinoffs from the downstream PetChem projects includes job creation for the local and business and contract opportunities for the local companies and the community. As such, I would like to inform here that among the opportunities that can be created include:

(a) The USD 1.8 billion investment in the Ammonia Plant by HuChem from South Korea will create 500 job opportunities and the spinoff benefit for the local businesses such as plant construction, service contract for the plan maintenance, supply and facility management etc.

(b) And the proposed investment in the maternal plan by Yayasan Hartanah Bumiputera Sarawak will definitely also generate employment and business opportunities for Sarawak. So, these are among the spinoff that can be created from the downstream industries in the PetChem projects. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Bin Aziz, Kalaka. Soalan Tambahan?

Y.B. Encik Ripin Bin Lamat: Is it Yang Berhormat for also have supplementary question?

Tuan Speaker: Okay, silakan.

Y.B. Encik Abdullah Bin Haji Saidol: (Soalan Tambahan) Saya ingin, soalan tambahan saya ialah menumpang Yang Berhormat Sadong dan saya juga diarah untuk membalas pantun Menteri Muda tadi.


Makan sambal sambil bersuap, Terlebih cili nanti perut teraniaya; Terima kasih kerana sudi menjawab, Soalan tambahan dua saya nak tanya.

Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda, apakah akan ada produk-produk lain yang boleh dikembangkan melalui projek ini? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pesisir) dan Perikanan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) (Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat for Semop. Tuan Speaker, some of by products of the PetChem Industries include the high performance plastic for industrial for commercial used automotive and pharmaceutical product, painting and coating, textile and personal care, flooring material and etc. So these are among products that can be created from the PetChem project that will be implemented in Sarawak, thank you.

Y.B. Encik Ripin Bin Lamat: (Supplementary Question) Thank you, Tuan Speaker, thank you Honourable Assistant Minister. I have two supplementary questions here.

(a) Is there any effort by State Government to push for more petrol chemical industry in view of our huge gas resources?

(b) Any example of successful stories in petrol chemical industry in Sarawak today?

Menteri Muda Ekonomi Luar Bandar (Kawasan Pesisir) dan Perikanan dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) (Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Thank you, the Honourable Member for Lambir. Tuan Speaker, my answer is yes. The State Government will work with Petronas to secure gas, more natural gas for the development of PetChem Industries in Sarawak. So we do hope that Petronas will respond positively because we understand this will be the future economy for the State of Sarawak and of course this will enable the State Government to establish more robust downstream industry and increase Sarawak participation in the higher value train in the near future. So we hope that Petronas will respond positively to allocate more quotas for natural gas in the near future.

To answer your second supplementary question Lambir, I would like to mention here that, yes there are successful example that we can give right here which are being proven by Japan and South Korea. Despite the fact that they do not have oil and gas resources but they are among the successful countries that have ventured into PetChem Industries to date. So we do hope that one day Malaysia in particular Sarawak, will be another successful story that we can share in this august House. Thank you.


(166) Y.B. Cr Ir Lo Khere Chiang to ask the Minister for Housing and Urbanisation:

(a) How many affordable houses have been planned in Kampung Landeh, DUN Batu Kitang?

(b) When will these affordable houses be constructed?

(c) Out of all affordable houses built in Sarawak, what percentage does the Federal Government contribute towards the cost of construction and land cost?


Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih, Ahli Yang Berhormat Batu Kitang. Saya juga ingin mengalu-alukan kehadiran Yang Amat Berhormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri. We are very much honoured to have you in the Dewan.

Well I got news for Ahli Yang Berhormat for Batu Kitang, there are three potion of the questions here. To answer the first question.

(a) 500 units of affordable houses under the Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) have been approved for implementation in Kampung Landeh in your constituency. To answer the second it will be concise my answer brief.

(b) The construction of these units will commence upon the necessary approvals from the various agencies on the Sub-Division Plan, Engineering Plan, and Architectural Drawings Plan have been obtained. We aspect the project to take off probably early next year.

(c) Well to answer your third part of your question who finance this project. For all affordable houses under the PPR Program, all costs, including land cost, are contributed by Federal Government. I think Timbalan Perdana Menteri is here would very happy to hear that. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Aziz, N.38 Kalaka.


(167) Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Aziz bertanya kepada Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar berkaitan dengan kawasan tanah untuk Lot Perumahan di Kampung Melango Lama/Pagan Saratok. Difahamkan ada 500 lot sudah disediakan untuk lot rumah di kawasan tersebut. Setakat ini apakah kemajuan tentang perancangan berkaitan? Bilakah lot- lot rumah di kawasan tersebut dapat diagihkan kepada keluarga yang sangat memerpukan lot-lot untuk mendirikan rumah?

Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Sebelum saya menjawab soalan ini, saya ingin juga mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Patinggi Dato' Seri ke Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak pagi ini.

Tuan Speaker untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi kawasan Kelaka. Kawasan yang dimaksudkan adalah merujuk kepada skim pembesaran Kampung Kupang Saratok. Skim ini akan menyediakan sebanyak 525 lot kediaman. Walau bagaimanapun pengagihan lot skim ini masih belum dapat diteruskan memandangkan peruntukan untuk menyediakan infrastruktur asas belum dapat diluluskan didalam perancangan Malaysia ke-11 untuk kerja- kerja pasarana asas. Walau bagaimanapun Jabatan Tanah dan Survey akan memajukan cadangan ini supaya dibangunkan secara berfasa dan akan dikemukan semula untuk pertimbangan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak semasa kajian separuh penggal ke-11 midterm review nanti. Kalau cadagan ini dilulus nanti sudah pasti ianya akan dapat dilaksanakan kursusnya fasa pertama dan akan boleh diagihkan lot-lot kepada para pemohon. Terima kasih.

Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Bin Aziz: (Soalan Tambahan) Saya ada dua soalan tambahan.


(a) Daripada jumlah 525 lot kediaman yang disediakan berapakah jumlah lot yang telah diagih dan dikeluarkan dengan surat hak milik tanah?

(b) Adakah Kerajaan mengenakan sebarang bayaran premium tanah bagi pengeluaran surat hak milik tanah?

Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Walaupun skim ini belum siap sepenuhnya, Kerajaan telah mengagihkan sebanyak 29 lot kediaman bagi penduduk yang memerlukan tempat ini secara emergency semasa dulu. Jadi dengan lesen pendudukan sementara ataupun TOL, setelah mereka mendirikan rumah nanti, mereka bolehlah memohon supaya geran ataupun surat hak milik tetap dikeluarkan. Dan geran ataupun surat hak milik ini boleh juga dikeluarkan kalau mereka memerlu untuk pinjaman bank, rumah mesra rakyat dan sebagainya. Dan setiap surat hak milik akan dikenakan premium secara minima 25% nilai pasaran semasa. Terima kasih.


(168) Y.B. Encik Johnichal Rayong Ngipa bertanya kepada Menteri Kemudahan Awam: Bilakah Projek Bekalan Air Bersih bagi kawasan Batang Air Hilir Engkilili dan Skrang Hilir akan mula dilaksanakan?

Y.B. Encik Johnichal Rayong Ngipa: Tuan Speaker, sebelum saya bertanyakan soalan, saya juga ingin mengalu-alukan kedatangan Yang Berhormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri kita ke Dewan ini. Semoga beliau di masa depan juga akan melawat ke Kawasan Engkilili. Soalan saya nombor 168.

Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air) (Y.B. Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn): Thank you, Tuan Speaker. I also wish to acknowledge the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister, thank you Sir. Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Engkilili kawasan yang dibangkitkan iaitu Batang Air Hilir telah dipersetujui untuk dilaksanakan dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11.

Y.B. Encik Johnichal Rayong Ngipa: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda. Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan.

(a) Berapa projek dan kos bekalan air yang telah dipersetujui oleh Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW) di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 (RMK-11) di kawasan Engkilili?

(b) Berapakah rumah di kawasan ini akan dapat faedah bekalan air daripada projek ini?

Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air)(Y.B. Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Engkili sebanyak tujuh projek dengan anggaran kos berjumlah RM58.2 juta telah dipersetujui untuk pelaksanaan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11.

Untuk soalan tambahan yang kedua jawapannya ialah ia dijangkakan akan memberi manfaat kepada 1398 rumah. Terima kasih.



(169) Y.B. Encik Kennedy Chukpai Ugon bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Bilakah Kerajaan akan membina sekolah SK Tegulang dan SK Metalun yang diluluskan di dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-11 (RMK11)? Adakah Kerajaan merancang untuk memindahkan SK Kuala Lebulu dan SK Bukit Balai di Tubau yang sering dilanda banjir?

Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti (Y.B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Tuan Speaker, saya juga ingin mengalu-alukan kehadiran Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak. Welcome, sir.

Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Murum, SK Tegulang dan SK Metalun telah diluluskan dalam Rolling Plan 1 Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11. SK Metalun adalah dalam proses pelantikan perunding, manakala SK Tegulang sedang dalam proses reka bentuk.

Pembinaan SK Kuala Kebulu dan SK Bukit Balai telah dikemukakan untuk pelaksanaan dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 dan tertakluk kepada kelulusan Kementerian Kewangan.

Y.B. Encik Kennedy Chukpai Ugon: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat Menteri. Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Apakah skop pembinaan kedua- dua sekolah baru tersebut dan berapakah jumlah kos pembinaannya? Soalan kedua, agensi manakah yang akan menjadi agensi pelaksana bagi dua sekolah baru tersebut? Terima kasih.

Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti (Y.B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Tuan Speaker, bagi menjawab soalan tambahan Ahli Yang Berhormat N.66 Murum, skop pembinaan sekolah baru SK Tegulang Belaga merangkumi enam (6) bilik darjah yang boleh menampung seratus (100) orang pelajar. Ia juga termasuk pembinaan asrama dan juga sepuluh (10) unit rumah guru. Lain-lain kemudahan adalah seperti untuk urusan pentadbiran, untuk proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan juga untuk kebajikan guru dan juga pelajar.

Manakala skop pembinaan untuk sekolah baru SK Metalun Belaga ianya merangkumi enam (6) bilik darjah yang dapat menampung 170 orang pelajar asrama. 20 unit rumah guru dan juga lain-lain kemudahan seperti juga untuk SK Tegulang Belaga. Bagi kos pada masa ini kita tidak dapat memberitahu berapa kosnya sebab ianya masih dalam proses pelantikan perunding.


(170) Y.B. Encik Alexander Vincent to ask the Minister for Infrastructure Development and Transportation: what is the current status of the construction for Sibu-Kapit Road?

Y.B. Encik Alexander Vincent: Thank you, Tuan Speaker and thank you Yang Amat Berhormat Deputy Prime Minister for coming here with us in this Dewan and I hope the Deputy Prime Minister can come to my kawasan next time.

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Sungai dan Keselamatan (Y.B. Encik Liwan Lagang): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Saya juga ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk mengalu-alukan kehadiran Yang Amat Berhormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan mengucapkan terima kasih

11 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 kerana telah datang ke kawasan saya Belaga dan Murum pada awal tahun yang lalu. Yang Amat Berhormat, projek jiwa murni dari Belaga ke Kapit sekarang sedang dilaksanakan.

Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat, adakah ini masuk soalan tambahan? (Laughter)

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Sungai dan Keselamatan (Y.B. Encik Liwan Lagang): ... (Laughter) ... Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat bagi Ngemah.

Tuan Speaker, for the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Ngemah, the length of road from Kapit to is 101.2km, of which 55.9km had been completed and another 35.7km is in various stages of construction under 4 separate packages.

The Prime Minister has approved the allocation for the remaining stretch of 9.6km from Nanga Ngemah to SK Nanga Temalat (the so called missing link) in May 2015 plus another 5.2km in March 2016 to by-pass the Ngungun Resettlement Scheme, with the total sum of RM150 million.

The Value Management Lab has been completed and the design for the 5.2km Ngungun by-pass is in progress. This “missing link” together with the Ngungun by-pass is expected to kick-off in July 2017.

Y.B. Encik Alexander Vincent: (Supplementary Question) Thank you, Yang Berhormat Assistant Minister for Infrastructure. I have two supplementary questions. The first one is, I understand that the construction of Sibu or Kanowit-Kapit is divided into 3 packages or 4 packages. May I know what is the actual progress of each of these packages. The second one is, you have mentioned that there is a missing link just now, the road construction. Now, what is the status of that missing link project? Thank you.

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan Sungai dan Keselamatan (Y.B. Encik Liwan Lagang): Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Thank you, Yang Berhormat bagi Ngemah.

The actual progress of work as to date in the 4 packages are :

(a) Jambatan Sungai Kanowit and approach road commenced on the 29th December 2014 progressing at 80.7% the actual progress against 73.20% as scheduled that is ahead of schedule and expected to be completed by 28 June 2017;

(b) The Jalan Song-Sungai Yong Package 2 that is 5.5km inclusive of 360 metres Sungai bridge. The work commenced on the 8th September 2014 progressing as to date at 74.71% versus 74.64% as scheduled. That is also ahead. Expected to be completed by 7 March 2017.

(c) Whereas Jalan Song-Sungai Yong Package 2 that is 12km commenced on 16 December 2014 progressing 59.77% against 40.30% also ahead of schedule. Expected to be completed by December 2017.

(d) Jalan Song – Sungai Yong package 3 that is 15.6 km commenced on 5 January 2015 progressing at 40.50% versus 40.30% ahead of schedule and expected to be completed by 4th July 2018.

Whereas the second question, the so-called missing link. The Prime Minister had approved the remaining stretch of 9.9km from Nanga Ngemah to SK Nanga Temalat, the so-

12 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 called missing link during his visit to Kapit in May 2015 and the Value Management Lab was completed in December 2015. This year the Prime Minister had approved the upgrading of an additional 5.1km of road with a concrete bridge to by-pass the Ngungun Resettlement Scheme with the total sum of RM150 million.

The State Government has requested for approval from Ministry of Finance (MOF) and KKLW for the 9.6km missing link and the 5.2km Ngungun by-pass to be implemented separately so that the critical missing link can be implemented first and the Ngungun by-pass implemented subsequently once the design have been completed.

Again the State Government is still waiting for a decision from the MOF and KKLW. Thank you.


(171) Encik Allan Siden Gramong asked the Minister for Public Utilities: What remedial actions are taken to ensure that the longhouse approved for rural electrification scheme with internal wiring done are duly connected to supply line and provided with meters without much delay? What has been the reason for the delay in our rural electrification program?

Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Elektrik dan Telekomunikasi) (Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi): Terima kasih, kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Machan. For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Machan, improvement to the SOP or Standard Operating Procedure, have been made to the application and coordination process which have been identified to have caused delays in the past.

Amongst the improvements, besides the preliminary dialogue, a pre-completion dialogue involving the contractor, local community, Resident & District Office, SESCo as well as Ministry of Public Utilities, will be held when the project nears completion to prepare the internal wiring for connection.

In addition, SESCo has assumed the responsibility of coordinating internal house wiring including the appointment of selected credible contractors to undertake the internal house wiring works under the RES projects since January 2016.

This will ensure that the internal wiring will be done safely by SESCo appointed contractors or AWS and prevent individual house owners from being deceived by unscrupulous vendors as had happened in the past, thus reducing the numbers of fraudulent cases that lead to the unnecessary delay.

Also for the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Machan, these remedial actions will ensure that households with completed internal wiring are connected to the supply line and provided with meters without delays.

Tuan Speaker, the main reason for the delays in the rural electrification scheme programs are as follows:-

(a) Limited funding

(b) Accessibility and logistic challenges

(c) Issue of way leave and land disputes

(d) The non-performing contractors.


Y.B. Encik Allan Siden Gramong: (Supplementary Question) Thank you, Assistant Minister. I have two supplementary questions:-

(a) How long will it take to complete the internal wiring works from the pre- connection dialogue?

(b) How does this new process help to expedite the connection of supply to the most remote areas?

Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Elektrik dan Telekomunikasi) (Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi): Thank you, Tuan Speaker and thank you, Ahli Yang Berhormat for Machan. For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Machan, we expect the internal wiring works to be completed by SESCo appointed assisted wiring scheme or AWS contractor within one month of the pre-connection dialogue been held. That’s mean after every dialogue we expect it be completed within the period of 30 days.

And, to answer the question No. 2 from Ahli Yang Berhormat for Machan, to expedite the connection of supply to the most remote areas, RES applicants are not required to go to SESCo office as SESCo will open a mobile registration counter at the villages during the period where the SESCo appointed AWS contractor is installing the internal wiring. So, that will be the latest move done by SESCo to assist our people in the remote areas. Thank you.


(172) Y.B. Encik Malang Anak Renggi bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Apakah status cadangan Kerajaan untuk membina sebuah sekolah menengah dan sebuah sekolah rendah di Taman Eko Samalaju?

Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti (Y.B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Samalaju, Kerajaan telah meluluskan projek pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kerajaan Samalaju dan Sekolah Kerajaan Samalaju untuk dilaksanakan dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas Rolling Plan 1.

Y.B. Encik Majang Anak Renggi: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat Menteri. Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Saya ada dua soalan tambahan.

(a) Apakah skop pembinaan sekolah SMK Samalaju dan SK Samalaju?

(b) Bagaimanakah status pembinaan kedua-dua sekolah berkenaan?

Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita Dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti (Y.B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Tuan Speaker, bagi menjawab soalan tambahan Ahli Yang Berhormat N70 Samalaju, skop pembinaan bagi Sekolah Menengah Kerajaan Samalaju ialah 36 buah bilik darjah, asrama yang boleh menampung 300 orang pelajar, 24 unit rumah guru dan juga lain-lain kemudahan. Manakala skop bagi Sekolah Kerajaan Samalaju, that’s the primary school, 24 bilik darjah, asrama yang boleh menampung 200 orang pelajar, 24 unit rumah guru dan juga lain-lain kemudahan.

Bagi menjawab soalan tambahan kedua, status bagi kedua-dua buah sekolah tersebut ialah kedua-duanya dalam proses pelantikan perunding. Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, question time is up.



Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a Motion under Standing Order 15 from the Honourable Member for Padungan dated 23rd November 2016. I shall now call upon the Honourable Member for Padungan to read out his Motion.

Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei moves:


1. The amendment of Federal Constitution in 1976 has reduced the status of Sarawak from one of the three regions that founded Malaysia to one of the 13 states

2. On 2nd November 2016, Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister has announced that the State Government will table a Motion in current sitting to inter-alia, urge the Federal Government to restore the status of Sarawak as before 1976.

3. On 16th November 2016, Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister made a sudden u-turn and decided that the State Government is not going to table the said Motion in the current sitting.

4. , a national party, has embarked on a task of drafting the amendment Bill of the Federal Constitution for the restoration of the status of Sarawak as one of the three regions in Malaysia. A copy of the proposed Bill is attached herewith and marked as Annexure A which I have submitted to this Dewan and its not printed for the benefit of my learned Honourable Members of this House. But I wish to record that if any of the Members of this House is interested in reading it, I have a copy, I can supply a copy to them. It’s comprehensive, the whole Bill of the amendment of the Federal Constitution. DAP has made the process of restoration status of Sarawak not a long and tedious one as what was planned by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister in his statement in this august House on 22nd November 2016. It is a matter of importance as the restoration of the status of Sarawak ought not to be decided at the whims and fancies of one individual who has shown to be capable of u-turning at punch time.


1. The State Government do directs one of the Federal ministers from Sarawak to table the said proposed Bill in the Parliament in the next available opportunity.

(Interruption) ... Hold on, hold on, hear me out.

Tuan Speaker: Order, order, order.

Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: Tuan Speaker, before your ruling, I would like to say something as I believe this is the common stand of both sides of this House and to make this happen, is as simple as just to adopt the Bill which we took an effort to have drafted, to table it by a Federal Minister from Sarawak and to pass it, that’s it. Rome can be built in one day! So, just adopt it, we have done everything. Just adopt, table it and pass it. The status of Sarawak can be restored. Thank you. This is my Motion, I beg to move, Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, this is my ruling:-

1. The Motion seeks to have this House to direct a Federal Minister to carry out some duties in the Federal Parliament, i.e. to table a Bill to amend the Federal Constitution.


2. Amending the Federal Constitution is a matter wholly within the purview of the Federal Parliament.

3. Hence, the Motion cannot be allowed under Standing Order 23(6) which reads:-

“No Motion relating to a matter contained in the Federal Legislative List shall be in order.”

4. Besides, the matter is not urgent as the Devolution of Power Technical Committee will be deliberating on a proposal from Sabah to amend the Federal Constitution and as the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister and Honourable Member for Baleh said on 21st November 2016, we should wait for the report of the Technical Committee.

5. For a Motion to succeed under Standing Order 15, it must be “definite, urgent and of public importance”. While this Motion is definite and of public importance as stated by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister and Honourable Member for Baleh, there is no urgency. This Motion must satisfy all the three ingredients namely, it is definite, it is urgent and it is of public importance. Therefore, without this ingredient of urgency, the Motion fails under Standing Order 15. Motion is dismissed.



[Sambungan Perbahasan]

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, in accordance with Standing Order 31(8), I shall impose time limit with regard to today’s debate on the Budget Speech. Honourable Members are allowed only 15 minutes each to address the House. I shall now call upon Honourable Member for Bukit Goram.

Y.B Encik Jefferson Jamit Anak Unyat: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Saya juga beri terima kasih di atas kedatangan Yang Amat Berhormat Timbalan Perdana Menteri ke Dewan yang mulia ini pada pagi ini juga.

Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Perbekalan (2017), 2016 dan Perbelanjaan 2017, di Dewan yang mulia ini.

Belanjawan Bagi Tahun 2017

Tuan Speaker, sebelum saya menyentuh berkenaan dengan belanjawan Negeri, saya sekali lagi ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri, merangkap Menteri Kewangan kerana telah membentangkan bajet yang berorientasikan pembangunan luar bandar di Negeri Sarawak.

Dalam belanjawan 2017, Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak telah mengagihkan peruntukan sebanyak RM5.928 billion atau 73% untuk pembangunan, dan RM2.206 billion atau 27% ialah untuk perbelanjaan mengurus. Lebih 50% dari peruntukan 2017 iaitu RM2.982 billion akan diagihkan bagi program pelaksanaan projek luar bandar (rural biased budget) bagi merapatkan jurang pembangunan luar bandar dan kawasan bandar di Negeri Sarawak.


Tuan Speaker, the budget 2017 reflects the commitment of the State Government, the Government under the leadership of Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister to give greater focus on the implementation of programmes and projects in the rural areas and to accelerate rural development transformation for the benefit of the rural communities and to achieve greater and more balanced development to support a desired economic growth in line with the agenda: “The Sarawak Transformation: The Way Forward”.

This certainly will ensure a balanced distribution of rural development throughout the State in line with the State Government’s effort to narrow the development gap between the urban and rural areas. It means placing greater priority on rural development by providing key infrastructures such as major road connections, clean and safe water supply, electricity and other basic amenities for the rural areas. This will create a conducive environment to attract private investors to venture into viable economic activities like plantation, aquaculture, larges cale food production and processing and other resources based value added industries. When this is done, the private sectors would then continue to bring in more capital to develop the economic potentials of the rural areas, creating cluster of related business that generates employment opportunities for the rural people.

Agriculture Development

Tuan Speaker, I thank the Chief Minister’s continual effort to assist the smallholders and farmers in the rural areas with an allocation of RM229 million for the implementation of the various projects for the budget 2017.

The topographical features of the hinterland of my constituency N.63 Bukit Goram, is suitable for large scale plantation and farming such as rubber, pepper and other suitable cash crops such as ‘dabai’, durian, ‘isau’, pineapple, cocoa, vegetables and other crops. Therefore, I request for the Government to provide more funding for the agriculture development in my constituency. To ensure a viable market for those agriculture products therefore I request the setting up of the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) office in Kapit.

Infrastructure Development/Roads (Propose Upgrading/Widening Of Selirik By-Pass and Jalan Selirik)

Tuan Speaker, I would like to propose for the upgrading and widening of (a) Selirik By-Pass and (b) Jalan Selirik from the resthouse (Sri Baleh) to Sungai Amang bridge.

I wish to refer to the above and would like the relevant authority to seriously consider the proposal to upgrade and widen Selirik By-Pass and Jalan Selirik from the resthouse (Sri Baleh) to Sungai Amang bridge.

In my opinion, upon the completion of the Kapit/Kanowit road which is just about less than three years time, many vehicles will be coming to Kapit from other parts of the State and I anticipated that this area will be heavily congested.

Therefore, there is a need to plan ahead to cater for the influx of traffic. I would like to suggest here that the relevant authority should plan in advance to widen, upgrade and improved the road as soon as possible to prepare for the future.

Tuan Speaker, I wish to thank the Government for the construction of the main road such as Kapit/Song and Kapit/Ulu Yong roads. However, many of the longhouses in my constituency especially on the opposite side of the are yet to have rural road, in areas like Sungai Menuan, Sungai Belawai and Sungai Ibau and others.


Thus, I request to the Government to provide the fund to construct the rural roads in those areas.

Exit Road At Kapit Hospital

Tuan Speaker, there is an urgent need for the Government to provide the fund to construct the exit road at Kapit Hospital to ensure a free traffic flow to and from the hospital. In any event of emergency, it would be very difficult to evacuate those in the hospital as the traffic flow is only one way and the turning point is very narrow with a dead end. Hence there is an urgent need to construct the exit road from the back lane of the Kapit Hospital through the valley that separated the hospital and SK Methodist Kapit.

Education Sector (Rural Schools)

Tuan Speaker, for many rural folks, quality education has and will continue to play a very significant role to assist their families to move out of the poverty circle. To support the cause of giving quality education to the young rural population, especially in Bukit Goram, I appeal for sufficient funds for the repair and upgrading of dilapidated rural school in my constituency.

I am very delighted when Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister announced that the State Budget has allocated RM21.0 million in 2017 to upgrade 72 dilapidated rural schools. The people of Bukit Goram would be very thankful should some of their schools are amongst the selected 72. I am ever ready to help identify the appropriate schools to be repaired or upgraded (naik taraf).

Tourism Sector

Tuan Speaker, Kapit has great potential as a tourism attraction centre with its rich flora and fauna, culture, adventure and nature. There is a need for the setting up of Sarawak Tourism Board Office in Kapit to actively promote its products such as Homestay, Powerboat, Baleh Kapit Safari, Pesta Kapit and other events so as to create Kapit as a tourism attraction centre in the central region.

Rural Electricity Supply

Tuan Speaker, majority of the rural population especially the longhouse community in my constituency of N. 63 Bukit Garom are yet to enjoy 24-hours supply of electricity. So in this respect, I strongly appealed to the Government and the authorities concerned that greater effort need to be done so that they can be connected to the State grid to enable them to enjoy 24-hours electricity supply without interruption.

Water Supply

Tuan Speaker, I must thank the Government for upgrading of the piping system for the water supply for the people in Kapit town and kampUngs. However there are many households in the suburban areas that are connected by road who were yet to receive clean, treated and safe water supply.

Thus I called on the Government to provide a clean and safe water supply to the longhouses accessible by roads in Kapit.



Tuan Speaker, as the majority of the people in my constituency in N.63 Bukit Garom are still lacking in terms information telecommunication technologies especially in the rural areas that has low and most has no coverage for cellular phone service and also the wifi- internet service.

Thus I called on the Government to provide better and more telecommunication services in my constituency.

Setting Up of Rejang Development Authority (REDA)

Tuan Speaker, here I would like to highlight again my earlier proposal for the proposed setting up of the Rejang Development Authority (REDA) for the development of the mid and upper Rajang covering parliamentary constituencies of P210 Kanowit, P209 , P215 Kapit and P216 Hulu Rajang that needed urgent consideration and attention by the State Government.

The rationale to setup the authority to be centres at Kapit is because there is the urgency and need for the Government to expedite, accelerate and fast track the development in the Mid-Upper Rajang region that extended from Kanowit, Julau to the upper Rajang include Song, Kapit, Belaga and Bukit Mabong.

The setting up of REDA is significant that served as a catalyst to accelerate development of the area to compliment the implementation of SCORE and to narrow the development gap between the urban and the operational under REDA.

REDA’s establishment among those others could help to:-

(a) Balance the physical (infrastructure and amenities), economic and social development of the mid and upper Rejang areas

(b) Create a competitive community to face the development challengers brought about by SCORE

(c) Accelerate the development of plantation, rural economy and eco-tourism sectors

(d) Create job employment opportunities and enhance the economic development of REDA operation areas

If we can have an agency specifically to look after the development of the region like the various agencies that has been set up in West Malaysia such as KETENGAH, KESEDAR, KEDA, and KEJORA to name a few, it could help to further speed up, accelerate and also fast track the development of the mid and upper Rajang region.

In this respect, I humbly called on the full support of the State Government towards the proposal for the setting of REDA.

Devolution of Power/MA63

Sebelum saya mengundur diri saya ingin merakamkan sokongan saya terhadap keputusan Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri untuk tidak membentangkan usul untuk mendesak Kerajaan Persekutuan menyerah balik hak-hak Sarawak seperti yang termaktub dalam Perjanjian Malaysia 1963. Ini telah Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri perjelaskan

19 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 sendiri baru-baru ini. And I also subscribe to the approach taken by Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri which is right and that ‘diplomacy will prevail over confrontation”.

Tuan Speaker, untuk mengakhiri ucapan saya, sukacitanya saya menyokong Rang- Undang-Undang Pembekalan (2017), 2016 dan usul untuk merujuk resoulusi anggaran pembangunan bagi perbelanjaan 2017.

Dengan ini saya ingin mengucapkan Salam Maulidur Rasul kepada yang beragama Islam, Selamat Hari Krismas kepada yang beragama Kristian, Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua. Sekian, terima kasih.

Timbalan Speaker: Yang Berhormat from .

Y.B. Encik Martin Ben: Tuan Speaker, terima kasih kerana memberi saya peluang untuk saya turut serta membahas dan menyokong Rang Undang-Undang Pembekalan (2017), 2016 yang telah dibentangkan oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri selaku menteri kewangan pada Isnin, 21 November yang lalu. Pada masa yang sama untuk saya membangkitkan isu-isu di kawasan yang saya wakili. Sebelum itu, Tuan Speaker, saya bagi pihak seluruh masyarakat di Kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedup ingin mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri selaku Menteri Kewangan kerana telah membentang satu lagi bajet yang memfokus kepada pembangunan untuk 2017.

Selain itu, saya juga ingin memberi penghargaan kepada khususnya Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Pejabat Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri, Unit Perancangan Negeri dan pasukan pengurusan penjawat awam atas kejayaan mereka menyediakan Bajet 2017 yang komprehensif ini.

Tuan Speaker, ekoran ramalan peningkatan ekonomi global terutamanya pada pasaran baru muncul ekonomi negara diramalkan akan berkembang antara 4 hingga 5% pada 2017. Di mana perbelanjaan infrastruktur, domestik dan pelaburan asing sebagai pendorong utama. Ekonomi Negeri pula dijangka kental berdaya tahan dan dijangka meningkat 3.5 hingga 4%. Peruntukan RM8.13 billion untuk bajet 2017 di mana 73% peruntukan memfokus kepada pembangunan merupakan satu sejarah. Lebih signifikan lagi bajet 2017 memperuntukan lebih 50% untuk pembangunan luar bandar iaitu RM2.982 billion peningkatan yang besar berbanding dengan RM2.354 bilion pada 2015 dan RM2.65 billion pada 2016.

Tuan Speaker, komitmen Kerajaan Negeri di bawah pimpinan Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri memberi lebih fokus kepada pelaksanaan program-program dan projek-projek di kawasan luar bandar. Hal ini amatlah penting dalam usaha untuk mempercepatkan lagi proses transformasi pembangunan kawasan luar bandar di Negeri ini dan merapatkan jurang pembangunan di antara kawasan bandar dan kawasan luar bandar. Sebagai wakil rakyat yang mewakili penduduk luar bandar pengumuman bajet 2017 oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri sememangnya amat menggembirakan. Dalam pada masa yang sama saya menyokong sepenuhnya usaha Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri dan Menteri-Menteri Kabinet yang sentiasa meneruskan rundingan dengan pihak di Putrajaya berkaitan isu penurunan kuasa atau devolution of power. Tahniah kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri tanpa mengenal penat lelah, beliau sentiasa berusaha untuk meneruskan perbincangan yang berterusan dan rundingan dengan Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri mengenai penurunan kuasa. Diplomasi adalah lebih baik dan terbukti banyak hasil yang positif seperti yang disaksikan selepas dua setengah tahun sejak Yang Amat Berhormat mengambil alih jawatan pada Februari 2014.

Kepada pihak pembangkang janganlah ragu-ragu lagi bahawa Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri kita memang serius untuk mengambil kembali hak dan apa yang kita berhak

20 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 seperti yang terkandung dalam empat dokumen penting iaitu Suruhanjaya Cobbold, InterGovernmental Report, Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 dan Akta Malaysia Akta 63. Maka dalam pada itu, saya seperti rakan-rakan yang lain mendesak Kerajaan Pusat dapat menambah peruntukan bagi kegunaan dan manfaat pembangunan rakyat di Sarawak.


Tuan Speaker, izinkan saya untuk berucap bagi pihak masyarakat di kawasan DUN Kedup. Pendidikan awal kanak-kanak merupakan perkara penting untuk membentuk corak pembelajaran masa depan yang lebih baik dan seimbang. Justeru bukan sesuatu yang menghairankan apabila sesetengah kanak-kanak telah dihantar untuk menguasai kemahiran membaca dan menulis seawal usia 3 tahun di pelbagai pusat pendidikan awal di Negeri ini. Sememangnya menjadi tanggungjawab kita sebagai pemimpin dan sebagai ibu bapa untuk memberikan pendidikan asas yang kukuh yang dapat menjamin masa depan anak-anak termasuk mereka yang kurang bernasib baik.

Tabika KEMAS

Dalam konteks ini, saya bersyukur kerana terdapat 12 buah kelas Taman Bimbingan Kanak-Kanak atau Tabika KEMAS dengan 13 orang tenaga pengajar dan 166 bilangan kanak-kanak di kawasan saya. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam usaha kita untuk memberi yang terbaik kepada rakyat, saya ingin mencadangkan kepada pihak Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah khususnya Jabatan KEMAS agar dapat mempertingkatkan kemudahan tabika di kawasan DUN Kedup.

Untuk makluman Dewan yang mulia ini, hampir kesemua pusat-pusat tabika di kawasan saya belum lagi mempunyai bangunan sendiri pada masa kini. Kebanyakannya masih menumpang di balai raya, bilik gerakan, JKKK atau menyewa di rumah orang perseorangan. Hal ini amat tidak sesuai memandangkan proses pembelajaran dan keupayaan diri dari segi emosi, sosial, fizikal dan pembangunan kognitif kanak-kanak tidak mengambilkira akan suasana persekitaran yang kondusif. Dikhuatiri situasi ini akan mempengaruhi sistem suasana pembelajaran berkualiti untuk pra persekolahan kanak-kanak. Sehubungan itu, saya mencadangkan agar pihak Kementerian dapat mempertimbangkan untuk mewujudkan kemudahan Tabika KEMAS yang khusus supaya momentum pendidikan asuhan kanak-kanak mendapat yang terbaik.

Sekolah Rendah Berpusat

Tuan Speaker, daripada 21 buah sekolah rendah di kawasan DUN Kedup terdapat 9 buah sekolah yang dikategorikan sebagai Sekolah Kurang Murid atau SKM. Mengikut data enrollment bagi 2017, enrollment paling kecil adalah SK Sumpas seramai 26 orang sahaja dan SK Pridan mempunyai seramai 90 pelajar berdaftar bagi sesi 2017. Keadaan ini pada pemerhatian saya amat merugikan dari segi agihan peruntukan. Sehubungan dengan itu saya ingin mencadangkan kepada pihak Jabatan Pendidikan agar dapat membuat kajian menyeluruh dalam konteks ini. Berdasarkan situasi tersebut, saya ingin mencadangkan kepada pihak Jabatan Pendidikan dapat mewujudkan sekolah berpusat ataupun centralized school. Hal ini saya cadangkan kerana memandangkan jarak antara sekolah terbabit hanya dalam lingkungan 3 hingga 5 kilometer sahaja. Syukur kita dengan program-program pembangunan Kerajaan selama ini, jaringan jalan raya di kawasan saya telah memudahkan lagi pergerakan masyarakat setempat. Seperti yang telah dilaksanakan di Semenanjung banyak kelebihan jika sekolah berpusat dapat diwujudkan. Di antaranya murid berpeluang menikmati kemudahan infrastruktur yang lengkap sama seperti apa yang diperoleh oleh pelajar-pelajar lain di kawasan bandar dengan adanya sistem sekolah berpusat ini. Peningkatan kualiti pelajaran, guru-guru yang cekap dan cemerlang di setiap sekolah dapat

21 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 dikelompokkan di satu sekolah. Para pelajar di pedalaman akan mampu mempamerkan keputusan yang cemerlang di dalam akademik jika diberi kesempatan seperti itu.

Kemudahan asrama yang ada akan memberi peluang kepada pelajar mengikuti jadual harian yang lebih tersusun termasuk tuisyen, kokurikulum dan aktiviti sampingan yang lain. Pelaksanaan sistem itu akan dapat memberi peluang kepada murid-murid di kawasan pedalaman menikmati kemudahan infrastruktur yang lebih sempurna. Sistem sekolah berpusat bagi menangani masalah ponteng dan masalah sosial yang lain.

Permohonan Pembinaan Jambatan

Tuan Speaker, dengan peningkatan bajet untuk pembangunan luar bandar yang hampir RM3 bilion, saya ingin mohon pertimbangan pihak Kementerian Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Komunikasi, agar dapat membina tiga jambatan baru bagi merentasi:

(a) Sungai Kedup, 40 meter di jalan di Kampung Mantung Mabuk dan Kampung Mantung Birawan;

(b) Sungai Mujat, 25 meter di jalan ke Kampung Mentu, Kampung Mongkos; dan

(c) Kampung Mujat, Sungai Krang, 30 meter di jalan ke Kampung Sg. Aping, Kampung Sg. Linsat, Kampung Kranji Bawah, Kampung Kranji Atas, Kampung Sg. Buluh dan Kampung Sungai Paoh.

Keperluan jambatan ini amat penting selaras dengan perkembangan pembangunan di kawasan setempat.

Ucapan Terima Kasih dan Penghargaan

Tuan Speaker, dalam Dewan yang mulia ini, saya ingin merekodkan rasa kesyukuran dan penghargaan saya kepada Kerajaan Negeri dan Kerajaan Pusat atas semua peruntukan dan projek-projek pembangunan yang akan dan telah dilaksanakan di kawasan DUN Kedup. Di antaranya ialah projek-projek RTP, Transformasi Luar Bandar yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014, 2015 dan 2016. Kelulusan projek penyambungan paip air ke kampung- kampung sepanjang Jalan Mongkos dan Jalan Mantung Marau di mana proses tender sedang dijalankan. Saya berharap projek berjumlah RM112 juta ini dapat dimulakan pada tahun 2017.

Saya juga ingin menyampaikan kesyukuran dan penghargaan saya kepada Pejabat- Pejabat Residen, Pejabat Daerah Serian, Pejabat Daerah dan agensi-agensi Kerajaan yang lain yang telah memberi kerjasama dan membantu saya dalam usaha memberi perkhidmatan yang baik kepada masyarakat di kawasan DUN Kedup.

. Tuan Speaker, sebelum mengakhiri ucapan saya, saya ingin menggunakan peluang ini untuk mengucapkan Salam Maulidur Rasul kepada umat Islam, Selamat Hari Krismas kepada semua umat Kristian di seluruh Negeri Sarawak dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2017 kepada semua. Dengan itu, saya menyokong Rang Undang-Undang Pembekalan (2017), 2016 dan Usul untuk Merujuk Resolusi Anggaran Pembangunan Bagi Perbelanjaan 2017. Sekian, terima kasih.

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Machan.

Y.B. Encik Allan Siden Gramong: Tuan Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak. I wish to State categorically here that I support the State budget for the year 2017. I wish also to join my other colleagues in this august House to congratulate Yang Amat


Berhormat Ketua Menteri and Minister of Finance I for introducing the Supply Bill (2017), 2016.

Tuan Speaker, the people of Sarawak ought to applaud our Chief Minister and the State Government for being able to come with a huge allocation in the budget compared to other states in Malaysia. I believe all Honorable Members agree that the amount of RM1.134 billion is huge and out of that 73% is allocated for development and 27% for operating expenditure. The principle policies and strategies behind the budget have correctly prioritized the development needs of the State. It is only right that the rural development be highlighted and given a large chunk of allocation for rural infrastructure and amenities as well as social economic programs to benefit the rural dwellers. It is high time the Government placed greater attention and provide serious and concrete effort to develop the rural areas to give chance to the rural communities to catch up with the urban folks.

Rural Transformation Programme (RTP)

Tuan Speaker, the budget is a clear manifestation of the desire and commitment of Government to narrow the gap and disparity of the development between the urban and rural areas as well as to eradicate poverty. It may be difficult and expensive to connect rural settlements with roads and provide them with electricity and clear water supply but as a responsible and caring Government we cannot shy away from the responsibility and obligation. We ought to have the political will to change and improve the well-being and livelihood of the people no matter where they live and whatever and however it takes. The strategic policy of Rural Transformation Programme which is the brainchild of Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri is indeed a clear, sincere and visible manifestation of political will of the State of BN Government.

Tuan Speaker, for information of this Dewan with the RM5 million for RTP in my constituency of N.50 Machan, this year we have managed to upgrade a number of access roads and various longhouses as well as individual houses. A classroom block was built for SMK Kanowit out of that fund to ease the congestion in the school. In addition to that, we also managed to upgrade the Kanowit Sports Complex. The playing field has improved drainage and bitumen tracks replaced and changed to synthetic. Utilising the RTP allocation, we have also built one nice family park called Dataran Kubu Emma where our new Tugu Pahlawan is located. It has become a popular place for people in Kanowit to organise various events during weekends. These are all high-impact projects benefitting a lot of people. For next year a list of RTP projects has been compiled and submitted to the relevant authority.

Tuan Speaker, the message I want to put across here that the Rural Transformation Programme is a commendable policy and effective strategy to bring about development fast track and for us to connect with people. In this regard, I urge the Government to continue with the Rural Transformation Programme, and if possible even increase the allocation especially when projects recommended merit consideration.

Parking Space for Kanowit Town

Tuan Speaker, I wish to request for more parking spaces, to be built in Kanowit town. Insufficient parking spaces has been quite a major problem in this little town, especially as more longhouses are getting connected with roads and more people buying cars, pick-ups, lorries and motorcycles. During weekends and festive season like Gawai the roads would be congested. Believe it or not, traffic jams is a common occurrence during weekends and festive seasons. Very soon, sometimes in the middle of 2017, the Kanowit bridge, which is currently under construction, would be completed and more cars would enter the town. With

23 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 the completion of Kanowit-Song-Kapit roads the problems would become unmanageable and unbearable as more motorists and travellers pass through Kanowit.

The need for more parking space is urgent and I urge the Minister for Local Government to look into the matter together with the Kanowit District Council.

The Old Site of SMK Sedaya

Tuan Speaker, I wish to bring to the attention of this august House the need for the Government to examine other alternative and beneficial use of the old site of SMK Sedaya situated across Kanowit Town on the opposite side of the Rajang River. SMK Sedaya has moved to a new location. Since then, the old site with its sprawling compound has been abandoned and is currently in a pathetic state. Prior to being used as a secondary school which started in 1958, the same site was used as a rural training center known as Rural Improvement School where locals learned some basic trade like sewing, woodworking and husbandry. Now it is abandoned, empty, lifeless and seemed to have outlived its usefulness.

Tuan Speaker, my question is, can the Government find an alternative use of the old site of SMK Sedaya, something meaningful and beneficial to the community? If I may, I wish to suggest that a new technical and vocational training college to be located there. It can be served as a center for human resource development not only for Kanowit but the entire Rajang River.

Water Supplies

Tuan Speaker, I wish to use this opportunity to request to Jabatan Air Luar Bandar to make a complete study of water supply needs of longhouses, schools and settlements in the following areas:

(a) Jalan Majau – 15 longhouses and 1 primary school

(b) Nanga Poi – 8 longhouses and 1 primary school

(c) Jalan Menalun – 9 longhouses and 1 primary school

(d) Jalan Nanga Mam – 4 longhouses and Chinese settlement

(e) Jalan Batu Luking – 5 longhouses and 1 primary school

By the middle of 2017, it is expected that Kanowit Bridge would be completed and it would be easier to lay the water main pipeline via the bridge to cross Kanowit River to reach all the longhouses, schools and settlements which I mentioned above.

Electricity Supply

Tuan Speaker, with regards to the electricity supply, a number of people have made their applications through the Kanowit District office which I believe have been submitted to Sarawak Electricity Berhad (SEB) for consideration and action. However, here I wish to recommend the following longhouses to be considered for electricity supply in 2017:

(a) Rumah Entalai, Nanga Machan

(b) Rumah Lunsa, Krangan Bau, Machan

(c) Rumah Brinau, Ulu Maong


(d) Rumah Teddy Betau, Jikang

Rural Economy

Tuan Speaker, now I wish to touch briefly on the subject of rural economy with particular reference to my own constituency.

With the hope of raising their income the people in my Kawasan have long been persuaded to participate in NCR joint venture project mainly for planting oil palm. Boustead Kanowit oil Palm Plantation was initiated in 1996 as a pioneer project. Despite all the problems it has been plagued with the project has brought a great deal of socio-economic benefits to the participants. There are obvious social indicators to show how the livelihood of the people have changed and gradually improved.

There is another JV project developed by Templete Sdn Bhd in my Kawasan and it is operating without much hiccups.

There are two more blocks already identified and earmarked for NCR Joint Venture Oil Palm Plantation called Leseh and Majau-Poi, each with an area of approximately 7,000 hector. However, so far nothing seems to be happening on the ground. Some years have passed and some eager landowners have started to question the status of their proposed projects. In this regard I would like the Deputy Chief Minister I and Minister for Modernization of Agriculture and Rural Economy to enlighten this august House on the matter.

Tuan Speaker, in all these plantations, it has always been the case that oil palm mill would be built inside the plantations. However, in the past participating landowners and local have never been offered equity shares in the mills. Is it possible, I wish to ask, for the State Government to work out a workable formula to enable landowners or locals to hold some equity shares in oil-palm mills established within and for the NCR JV Plantation? An affirmative policy decision on the matter would go a long way in raising rural economy.

Tuan Speaker, finally with this opportune moment, I wish all my Muslim colleagues, Salam Maulidur Rasul. I also wish all Christian colleagues and friends a Merry Christmas and everyone a happy prosperous new year. To my Chinese colleagues and friends, I wish them a wonderful happy prosperous Chinese New Year in the early 2017.

With that, I support the Supply Bill (2017), 2016. Thank you.

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Tupong.

Y.B. Encik Fazzrudin Bin Haji Abdul Rahman: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Bismillahi rahmani rahim. Terima kasih sekali lagi di atas peluang untuk saya untuk membahas Rang Undang-undang Bekalan 2017.

Pertamanya, tahniah dan terima kasih diucapkan kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri kerana sekali lagi telah membentangkan bajet yang menfokuskan kepada pembangunan dan memanfaatkan rakyat. Pada tahun lepas Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri telah memperjuangkan bajet untuk program Rural Transformation Project, di mana ianya ditentang kelulusannya oleh pihak pembangkang. Program RTP ini telah dirasai dan dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh masyarakat di Sarawak dan inilah fokus dan objektif Kerajaan Barisan Nasional tetapi ianya telah ditentang oleh pihak pembangkang.

Jadi, setelah Pilihanraya Negeri selesai dan kemenangan yang besar kepada Barisan Nasional, Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri terus menfokuskan keapda usaha-usaha

25 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 beliau untuk melaksanakan agenda yang telah ditetapkan demi pembangunan Negeri Sarawak dan mengembalikan hak Negeri Sarawak dalam konteks Malaysia. Itulah agenda yang utama Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri dan telah dijelaskan kepada seluruh masyarakat Sarawak dan mereka menyokong maka sebab itulah Barisan Nasional menang dengan besar dalam Pilihanraya Negeri yang lepas. Mereka telah memberi mandat untuk Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri meneruskan agenda yang telah ditetapkan tetapi malangnya pembangkang sentiasa memperlekehkan apa yang diusahakan oleh Kerajaan dan sentiasa mempolitikkan setiap usaha ataupun isu walaupun ianya telah terbukti dengan perkembangan yang positif. Agenda telah ditetapkan dan perancangan dan tindakan kita gariskan, perancangan dan tindakan kita adalah berdasarkan consultation and not confrontation. Hasilnya kita telah mendapat 13 perkara pentadbiran telah diserahkan kepada Kerajaan Negeri, Petronas kita telah mendapat tempat dalam Lembaga Pengarah Petronas dan pelbagai lagi kejayaan yang telah kita nikmati hasil daripada perbincangan ini. Maka disebabkan oleh cara consultation yang telah membuah hasil maka kita menyokong terus dan penuh usaha Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri untuk meneruskan lagi cara, perancangan dan tindakan sebegini.

Jadi, Gas of Distribution Bills baru sahaja diluluskan tanpa sokongan daripada pihak pembangkang. Bukan sahaja mereka tidak menyokong mala mereka memperlekehkan usaha Kerajaan untuk memperoleh kuasa penuh dalam bidang gas tersebut. Bill yang bakal memberi manfaat ekonomi, peluang pekerjaan, penambahan teknologi dan lain-lain lagi. Tetapi apabila di luar suara mereka amat lantang memperjuangkan hak Sarawak, tetapi hanya retorik semata-mata, but when it comes to the real deal, they seems not to care so much about it.

Semalam, kita telah menyaksikan sekali lagi plot pihak pembangkang untuk memburukkan dan mencerminkan bahawa Kerajaan kita tidak transparent dan corrupt di mata rakyat. Perhimpunan kecil dengan placard menuntuk penjelasan berkenaan MRP seolah-olah Kerajaan tidak mahu respond terhadap usul Yang Berhormat . Yang Berhormat Kota Sentosa telah membawa satu usul di mana dalam usul tersebut dengan jelas, dirungkai oleh Tuan Speaker. Terdapat dua points dalam usul tersebut yang telah membuat pertuduhan yang berat tanpa asas terhadap Kerajaan. Jika beliau ikhlas, beliau boleh menarik balik point-point yang menuduh Kerajaan tersebut dan meneruskan usulnya untuk memohon penjelasan berkenaan dengan peruntukan MRP tersebut. Beliau juga boleh menghantar soalan kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri, Menteri Kewangan untuk mohon penjelasan. Tetapi oleh kerana niat dan hasrat hanyalah untuk score political point dan spin segala isu untuk memburukkan Kerajaan, maka beliau tidak mahu menarik balik point-point pertuduhan tersebut dan agar usul beliau ditolak dan beliau digantung dari Dewan.

Maka rugilah pengundi-pengundi yang mengharap wakil rakyat untuk mewakili mereka dalam Dewan ini. Budaya sebegini amatlah tidak sihat sama sekali jika diamalkan. Ianya akan mengganggu fokus kita bersama agenda kita bersama iaitu mendapatkan hak Negeri kita semula dan ianya tidak akan tercapai jika budaya sebegini sentiasa kita amalkan.

Tuan Speaker, saya juga mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada Kontingen Sarawak yang diketuai oleh Menteri Muda Belia Dan Sukan dan Solidariti yang telah menjadi Naib Johan dalam kejohanan SUKMA baru-baru ini. Jadi saya juga telah dapat penghormatan untuk terlibat secara langsung dalam temasya SUKMA pada tahun ini dan saya telah menyaksikan sendiri komitmen pemimpin-pemimpin, anggota- anggota perkhidmatan awam kita, sukarelawan–sukarelawan, atlit-atlit yang begitu tinggi sekali berkhidmat untuk memastikan kelangsungan SUKMA dan seterusya untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam SUKMA.


Tuan Speaker, kita sedia maklum dadah merupakan musuh nombor satu negara dan ianya merupakan masalah yang kita hadapi. Whether we like it or not, the statistics have shown that it is a serious issue faced by the community. Not to mention cases that are not reported due to the families who are not willing to report it, when it involves their family member. Measures and actions need to be taken not only to enforce the law in related to drug but we also need to focus on creating the positive set of family values. These set of values can only be imbedded in our children when families have proper living facilities, options to be involved in activities which are of interest to them and a firm and yet supportive communities towards youth development. Thus I would like to take this opportunity to thank AADK and PEMADAM for playing their role in this matter and hopefully more concerted effort to be given into this.

Tuan Speaker, tahun ini sahaja, untuk makluman tahun in sahaja terdapat dua penganjuran sukan bermotor menggunakan jalan raya yang sedia ada dan ianya telah menarik ribuan penonton dan penglibatan daripada peserta dari dalam dan luar negara. Ini menunjukkan minat yang amat tinggi di kalangan belia-belia di Sarawak ini terhadap sukan tersebut. Sukan bermotor juga semakin berkembang di serata dunia. Maka belia-belia di Sarawak yang mempunyai kepakaran yang tinggi dalam bidang permotoran ini juga tidak mahu ketinggalan dalam pembangunan sukan ini. Oleh itu, saya ini memohon dari Kerajaan untuk mengenalpasti tanah yang dapat memuatkan track sepanjang 800 meter panjangnya dan lebar sekurang-kurangnya 50 meter dan memperuntukkan sedikit bajet untuk membina track ini. Saya merasakan pelaburan ini tidaklah begitu besar tetapi ianya akan dapat memanfaati ramai belia-belia kita. Belia-belia kita juga sebagai user juga harus di bawa bersama dalam merancang pembangunan track ini. Ini adalah penting supaya pembangunan ini dapat digunakan dengan sebaiknya. Saya pasti dengan adanya litar ini, aktiviti lumba ini akan kita dapat lakukan setiap bulan. Dengan kata lain perbelanjaan Kerajaan tidak hanya akan menjadi gajah putih tetapi ianya akan digunakan sebaiknya dan sekerapnya oleh belia.

Selain itu juga, untuk makluman Dewan yang mulia ini pengajuran sukan permotoran ini perlu mendapat endorsement dan kelulusan dari Automobile Association of Malaysia ataupun AAM ataupun kita boleh anjurkan dengan kerjasama persatuan-persatuan atau kelab-kelab yang berdaftar dengan AAM. Saya ingin mencadangkan agar Kerajaan Negeri boleh membuat satu ketetapan dimana perlumbaaan yang berskala kecil yang dianjurkan di peringkat Negeri Sarawak hanya boleh ataupun hanya perlu mendapat kelulusan Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak melalui Kementerian ataupun agensi-agensi yang berkenaan. Saya pasti kelab-kelab permotoran tempatan telah menyatakan komitmen mereka untuk bekerjasama dengan Kerajaan Negeri kearah hasrat ini.

Untuk makluman juga di kita mempunyai dua buah skatepark yang dibangunkan oleh Kerajaan, satu di stadium dan satu lagi di Dewan Suarah. Skatepark di stadium Negeri sudah tidak dapat digunakan atas sebab-sebab keselamatan. Ianya direka dan dibina tanpa penglibatan pengguna-pengguna. Hasilnya skatepark tersebut tidak dapat digunakan lagi. Kita bimbang belia-belia merasakan bahawa Kerajaan hanya melepaskan batuk di tangga when it comes to addressing the issues in relating to the belia.

Skatepark di Dewan Suarah pula perlu dinaiktarafkan sebab oleh keadaannya yang agak worn down sekarang. Pendekatan Kerajaan haruslah mengambil kira skatepark sebagai tempat riadah bukan sahaja untuk belia-belia tetapi juga untuk keluarga. Ibubapa boleh membawa anak mereka di skatepark di samping itu mereka boleh berjalan-jalan dan beriadah di kawasan yang berdekatan. Saya mohon agar tindakan dapat diambil keatas kedua-dua tempat ini.

Saya juga bersetuju dengan ahli Berhormat Daro berkenaan dengan isu Kolej Vokasional dan mendesak agar Kolej Vokasional, Kementerian berkaitan, MQA untuk duduk semeja dan melihat secara serius pemasalahan yang dialami oleh graduan-graduan kita ini.


Time is off the essence. Mereka yang diambil ataupun masa yang diambil oleh pihak MQA dan Kolej Vokasional untuk mendapat persetujuan berkenaan dengan silibus-silibus ini amatlah panjang sekali dan ianya memberi kesan kepada graduan-graduan kita kerana beberapa bulan merupakan masa yang begitu panjang untuk graduan-graduan kita kerana mungkin mereka hendak memohon ke Universiti dan kalau masa ini terlepas mungkin mereka terpaksa menunggu di tahun-tahun yang akan datang lagi. Jadi saya sekali lagi mendesak Kerajaan ataupun MQA, kolej vokasional untuk melihat perkara ini dengan serius. Terima kasih juga saya ucapkan kepada Kementerian perumahan di atas usaha mereka dalam memastikan masyarakat kita mendapat rumah kediaman tak kiralah dalam bentuk flat ataupun rumah. Terima kasih juga di atas pertimbangan Kerajaan untuk mengkaji semula konsep sewa dan ditukarkan kepada konsep sewa beli. Kita sedia maklum bahawa hasrat Kerajaan adalah menyediakan flat sementara untuk pengguna-pengguna di mana bila mereka mendapat pendapatan yang lebih tinggi, mampu untuk membeli rumah di luar sana.

Tetapi kita juga ada kategori-kategori pemilik ataupun penyewa yang mungkin tidak bernasib baik untuk menjana pendapatan yang lebih dan hanya mampu untuk membayar sewa sebanyak RM150 sebulan. Maka kategori inilah yang perlu kita titik beratkan kerana kita perlu memberi keyakinan kepada mereka bahawa hak milik rumah ini akan menjadi kepunyaan mereka. Dengan keyakinan ini maka bolehlah mereka menumpukan perhatian yang penuh kepada pembangunan keluarga mereka, kepada pembangunan anak-anak mereka supaya fokus ini dapat disalurkan kepada pembangunan yang telah saya nyatakan tadi. Ini penting tuan-tuan dan puan-puan kerana anak-anak inilah yang bakal membawa keluarga ini untuk menaikkan taraf keluarga ini di suatu hari nanti. Saya juga ingin memohon jika Kerajaan bersetuju untuk mengubah konsep sewa kepada sewa beli kita juga ingin memohon Kerajaan membantu menjadi management committee kerana masyarakat kita masih kurang berpengalaman dalam mengurus tadbir jawatankuasa flat ataupun apartment ini.

Jadi Yang Berhormat Tuan Speaker, isu kerosakan lif Hospital Umum Sarawak dan Klinik Kesihatan Petra Jaya sering kita dengar. Kita sering dimaklumkan bahawa peruntukan telah diluluskan dan pembaikan akan dibuat secepat mungkin tetapi ianya memakan masa yang begitu lama sekali. Kita sedia maklum hospital adalah tempat di mana orang sakit pergi. Keperluan ini amatlah mendesak sekali untuk Kerajaan mengambil langkah yang cepat untuk membaiki lif-lif yang rosak ini. Kita mohon agar pembaikan ini dapat dipercepatkan dan penyelenggaran bagi lif-lif ini dapat dijalankan dengan lebih efektif lagi. Saya melihat di kompleks Kerajaan yang lain di mana penggunaan lif nya juga amat tinggi, tidak mengalami masalah seperti yang dialami di Hospital Umum Sarawak dan juga Klinik Kesihatan Petra Jaya. Klinik Kesihatan Petra Jaya pula baharu siap dibina beberapa tahun ini. Jadi saya mohon Kerajaan untuk melihat perkara ini dengan lebih serius kerana ianya melibatkan kehidupan harian masyarakat kita. Mungkin syarikat penyelenggaraan lif di Hospital Umum Sarawak boleh belajar daripada syarikat-syarikat yang lain yang menyelenggarakan lif di kompleks-kompleks Kerajaan yang lain.

Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi terima kasih kepada PDRM khasnya di daerah Kuching kerana serius dan berjaya mengambil tindakan untuk mengawal kewujudan kedai-kedai judi elektronik haram terutama di kawasan Tupong. Saya harap perkara ini dapat dikekalkan demi untuk mengelak akibat-akibat negatif yang berkaitan dengan judi haram ini.

Pembangunan yang pesat di kawasan Matang seperti pembinaan jalan, rumah kedai dan perumahan bermakna banyaklah lori-lori pembinaan berulang-alik menggunakan jalan- jalan besar dan jalan-jalan perumahan dan mengakibatkan jalan rosak. Bukan itu sahaja, tanah-tanah yang dibawa oleh lori jatuh ke jalan dan membahayakan pengguna jalan raya terutama sekali penunggang motosikal. Saya telah berbincang dengan PBT, JPJ, PDRM dan


LPKP dan saya merasakan tiada penyelesaian menyeluruh dapat dicapai berkenaan perkara ini setelah berbincang dengan mereka.

Timbalan Speaker: Yang Berhormat, one minute to conclude.

Y.B. Encik Fazzrudin Bin Haji Abdul Rahman: Saya ingin mendesak Kerajaan melihat isu ini dengan serius agar dapat mengelakkan sebarang kejadian yang melibatkan kemalangan jiwa berlaku. Terima kasih juga kepada Kerajaan kerana telah memulakan pembinaan underpass di bulatan Abg Kipali dan Jalan Emart. Walau bagaimanapun, sementara menunggu siap, saya ingin mencadangkan agar Kerajaan mewujudkan jawatan Traffic Warden di Majlis Perbandaran Padawan untuk membantu dalam mengurus kesesakan lalu lintas seperti yang telah dijalankan oleh Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU). Saya juga ingin memohon pembesaran jalan Matang dari Matang Jaya ke simpang Taman Malihah dapat dilaksanakan dan saya juga berharap kampung-kampung di kawasan Tupong dapat merasai projek bekalan elektrik luar bandar terutama sekali di Kampung Paroh dan juga Kampung Sejijak. Maka itu sahaja perbahasan yang dapat saya sampaikan. Terima kasih sekali lagi saya ucapkan dan saya mohon menyokong. Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker.

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Meluan.

Y.B. Encik Rolland Duat Anak Jubin: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk turut serta dalam perbahasan Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan (2017) 2016. Sesungguhnya Rang Undang-Undang yang dibentangkan menitikberatkan pembangunan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat jelata, terutama sekali dalam usaha Kerajaan untuk mentransformasikan luar bandar. Sebagai wakil daripada luar bandar saya ingin menarik perhatian di dalam Dewan yang mulia ini untuk mengutarakan isu serta permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh rakyat di kawasan yang saya wakili.

Tuan Speaker, sebelum saya pergi lebih jauh lagi kepada isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan kawasan saya iaitu DUN N.48 Meluan, izinkan saya menceritakan sepintas lalu berkenaan dengan kawasan saya di mana dari segi pentadbiran adalah dikenali sebagai daerah Julau. Daerah Julau telah dinaiktaraf sebagai daerah penuh pada 1 April 1973 dimana sebelum itu ianya hanyalah sebuah daerah kecil di bawah pentadbiran Kanowit. Pada waktu itu, daerah Julau turut merangkumi daerah kecil Pakan sehinggalah pada 1 Mac 2002 apabila Pakan telah dinaiktaraf sebagai sebuah daerah penuh. Namun demikian, setelah lebih 43 tahun daerah Julau masih lagi agak terkebelakang daripada pelbagai aspek pembangunan jika dibandingkan dengan bandar-bandar berdekatan seperti Sibu, dan Meradong, malah pada hemat dan pengamatan saya juga jika dibandingkan dengan bandar berjiran pun seperti Kanowit dan Pakan, Julau nampaknya semakin agak ketinggalan.

Tuan Speaker, saya seperti juga pada persidangan yang lalu, masih lagi konsisten dalam membangkitkan isu-isu yang boleh dikatakan sangat penting berkaitan dengan kawasan saya. Antara isu-isu yang saya ingin kemukakan di sini adalah:

Isu Pendidikan (Dari Segi Prasarana)

Saya merupakan seorang bekas warga pendidik, sepanjang perkhidmatan saya malah sekarangpun sebagai wakil rakyat, saya telah pergi ke hampir seluruh pelusuk kawasan saya dan saya dapati banyak sekolah-sekolah di kawasan saya dalam keadaan uzur dan daif yang sangat-sangat memerlukan peruntukan untuk samada diperbaiki atau dibina bangunan baharu supaya dapat memberikan persekitaran dan suasana yang kondusif kepada pelajar-pelajar dalam menjalani pembelajaran mereka.

Untuk itu, dalam program pembaikan sekolah-sekolah yang uzur dan daif yang dikendalikan oleh pihak Kementerian pendidikan, saya memohon agar banyak lagi sekolah-

29 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 sekolah malah kalau boleh semua sekolah-sekolah uzur dan daif di kawasan saya menerima faedah daripada program tersebut.

Saya juga mencadangkan supaya dapat dipertimbangkan untuk diwujudkan sebuah kolej komuniti di kawasan saya supaya ianya dapat membendung masalah migrasi di kawasan saya dan seterusnya memberi peluang melanjutkan pelajaran kepada mereka yang agak kurang berjaya dalam keputusan akademik mereka.

Isu Pertanian

Tuan Speaker, saya sangat berbangga ingin memaklumkan dalam dewan yang mulia ini, kawasan saya adalah merupakan antara pengeluar utama hasil lada Negara. Pun begitu, seperti saya selalu nyatakan dalam ucapan-ucapan saya bilamana saya turun padang, kita tidak boleh hanya bergantung kepada satu hasil komoditi sahaja memandangkan harga selalu berubah mengikut pasaran. Kita perlu mempelbagaikan hasil keluaran pertanian kita, supaya kebergantungan kepada satu-satu komoditi atau hasil pertanian sahaja dapat dikurangkan dan dengan itu nanti dapat menjamin kelangsungan pendapatan atau hasil pendapatan sosio ekonomi penduduk khususnya masyarakat tani.

Namun demikian, dalam usaha mencapai hasrat seumpama ini, masih lagi terdapat isu-isu dan kekekangan yang perlu ditangani terutama sekali dari segi bantuan modal, khidmat nasihat dan tunjuk ajar. Untuk itu, saya menyarankan perkara seperti berikut untuk di kawasan saya.

(a) Pembinaan lebih banyak jalan-jalan ladang supaya memudahkan penghantaraan dan pemasaran hasil-hasil tani;

(b) Pembinaan stesen-stesen pertanian terutama sekali dikawasan yang agak terpencil atau jauh dari bandar;

(c) Mencadangkan agar sebuah Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan (TKPM) dapat diwujudkan di DUN N48 Meluan. Untuk ini saya mencadangkan Pusat Latihan Pertanian iaitu Agriculture Training College (ATC Julau) yang berkeluasan 30 ekar dijadikan perintis untuk TKPM.

(d) Agensi-agensi berasaskan tani lebih kerap turun padang kawasan untuk memberi penerangan, bimbingan khidmat nasihat dan seterusnya menyampaikan maklumat tentang kemudahan atau bantuan yang pihak Kerajaan sediakan khususnya untuk masyarakat tani kerana masih banyak lagi dikalangan mereka yang tidak tahu atau tidak terdedah kepada maklumat tentang kemudahan yang Kerajaan sediakan disebabkan masalah jaringan komunikasi ataupun connectivity masih sangat terhad.

Isu Pembangunan Infrastruktur Asas dan Kemudahan

Tuan Speaker, di kawasan saya masih lagi banyak tempat-tempat yang tidak mempunyai akses jalan dan tidak dapat dihubungi walaupun dengan jalan darat. Kalau adapun hanyalah jalan-jalan balak yang sangat sukar dilalui khususnya pada musim hujan. Begitu juga dengan kemudahan-kemudahan lain yang masih lagi jauh ketinggalan jika dibandingkan dengan kawasan-kawasan lain seperti bekalan air bersih, bekalan letrik, telekomunikasi dan juga dari segi sistem penyampaian Kerajaan.

Sehubungan dengan itu, selaras dengan dasar Kerajaan sekarang iaitu memberi fokus kepada transformasi luar bandar, saya memohon di dalam dewan yang mulia ini supaya perkara-perkara berikut dapat dipertimbangkan di kawasan saya.


(a) Mewujudkan sebuah Pusat Transformasi Luar Bandar (RTC) di DUN N.48 Meluan;

(b) Mengadakan sebuah Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia di Daerah Julau;

(c) Membina sebuah Balai Bomba di Kawasan DUN N.48 Meluan;

(d) Pembinaan sebuah Hospital/Klinik Kesihatan;

(e) Pembinaan lebih banyak jalan-jalan akses/jalan ladang;

(f) Projek bekalan infrastruktur asas utama seperti bekalan air bersih dan bekalan letrik;

(g) Pihak SKMM untuk mempertimbangkan membina lebih banyak lagi menara komunikasi berkelajuan tinggi;

(h) Jalan dari SK Nanga Entaih ke Rumah Sang Rantau Chire, Ulu Entabai sepanjang 18 kilometer. Kos pembinaan dianggarkan sebanyak RM54 juta; dan

(i) Jalan ke Rumah Gerasi Nanga Ju Sungai Mujok sepanjang 20 kilometer dengan anggaran kos pembinaan sebanyak RM60 juta.

(j) Menara telekomunikasi di SK Ulu Entabai, SK Nanga Ju, SK Nanga Jambu dan SK Ulu Entaih.

Tuan Speaker, isu-isu yang saya kemukakan di atas adalah merupakan rintihan dan keluhan rakyat di kawasan saya sejak sekian lama yang sedikit sebanyak mencetuskan rasa tidak puas hati di kalangan masyarakat yang sering melaung-laungkan kenyataan seolah- olah mereka telah sekian lama terpinggir dan diabaikan. Pada saya, adalah menjadi tugas dan tanggungjawab saya untuk menyampaikan dan mengutarakan keluhan dan rintihan rakyat di kawasan saya. Apa yang menjadi harapan dan aspirasi mereka ialah agar keluhan dan rintihan mereka didengari oleh pihak Kerajaan dan ingin melihat sesuatu akan dilakukan demi mengurangkan bebanan dan kesulitan mereka secara berperingkat. Mereka tidak mengharapkan sesuatu isu itu dapat diatasi sekelip mata, apa yang mereka harapkan suatu usaha itu dibuat biarpun bermula dengan skala yang kecil.

Tuan Speaker, sebelum saya menamatkan ucapan saya sekali lagi saya, ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Tuan Speaker kerana telah memberi saya ruang dan peluang untuk mencapaikan ucapan dalam Dewan Yang Mulia ini. Dengan ini saya seperti rakan-rakan daripada Barisan Nasional yang lain menyokong Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan 2017/2016, saya berdoa agar semua serta seluruh rakyat Negeri Sarawak khasnya diberikan kesejahteraan dan kerahmatan oleh Tuhan setiap masa. Akhir sekali saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Krismas kepada rakyat yang beragama Kristian dan selamat menyambut tahun baru 2017 yang bakal tiba. Sekian, terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Saribas.

Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Bin Sitam: Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Terima kasih Tuan Speaker kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk ikut serta dalam perbahasan bajet Negeri Sarawak 2017 dan tahniah kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri kerana telah memperuntukkan sejumlah RM5.98 billion bajet tahun depan khas

31 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 untuk meneruskan agenda pembangunan khususnya luar bandar. Ini adalah 73% daripada RM8.134 billion jumlah bajet Negeri. Dan pastinya penduduk luar bandar mengharapkan sesuatu yang baik untuk mereka dari segi pelaksanaan agenda pembangunan. Ini adalah kerana penduduk luar bandar berhadapan dengan serba kekurangan dari segi infrastruktur jalan raya, bekalan air bersih, letrik serta rancangan pembangunan ekonomi. Bajet ini juga menumpukan perhatian kepada pembangunan sekolah-sekolah uzur seluruh Negeri Sarawak. Pengumuman oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri adalah berita gembira kepada rakyat Sarawak iaitu Kerajaan Negeri telah memperuntukkan sejumlah RM21 juta tahun hadapan untuk menaiktarafkan 72 buah sekolah uzur. Ini adalah tambahan kepada 194 buah sekolah uzur yang akan dibangunkan semula oleh Kerajaan persekutuan tahun hadapan. Justeru, saya amat mengharapkan agar sekolah-sekolah di kawasan saya dimasukkan di dalam senarai Kerajaan untuk dibaik pulih pada tahun 2017.

Tuan Speaker, saya tahu Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri sering mengulangi istilah “sekolah gugur dalam air” ataupun sekolah jatuh sungai adalah merujuk salah satu sekolah di kawasan saya iaitu SK Buda yang rosak teruk selepas terkena hakisan sungai pada 8 Jun 2016 yang lalu. Dan saya amat bersyukur atas keperihatinan Kerajaan, sekolah tersebut akan dibina semula menggunakan IBS system. Jadi di sini saya ingin bertanya kepada Kerajaan apakah perkembangan terkini cadangan tersebut dan bila ianya akan bermula iaitu membina semula SK Buda dan apakah skop pembangunan semula sekolah tersebut serta kos pembinaan?

Tuan Speaker, daripada jumlah tersebut, Sarawak mempunyai paling banyak sekolah rendah yang daif dan perlu diberi perhatian serius oleh Kerajaan melalui Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Pembangunan semula sekolah-sekolah ini harus diberi keutamaan oleh Kementerian. Ini adalah tanggngjawab utama Kerajaan menyediakan fizikal sekolah yang selesa, kondusif untuk aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan dilengkapi dengan pelbagai kemudahan serta keperluan semasa sistem pendidikan kita. Kalau kita mampu melancarkan projek mega jutaan ringgit di negara ini, kenapa kita tidak mampu membangunkan sekolah-sekolah kita dengan pembangunan yang sempurna sebagai sebuah institusi untuk mendidik anak bangsa kita.

Ini zaman internet, zaman media sosial di mana ilmu pengetahuan berada di hujung jari. Adalah menyedihkan kalau masih ada sekolah yang ketinggalan dari segi pelbagai kemudahan. Maka, apabila Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri sentiasa mengulangi istilah masih ada “sekolah guguk dalam sungei” dengan izin atau merujuk kepada sekolah jatuh ke dalam sungai, saya sangat terharu kerana keperihatinan seorang pemimpin nombor satu Negeri Sarawak sebenarnya telah memberi mesej yang sangat tajam dan tindakan sewajarnya harus diambil. Maka itu, saya secara peribadi, sebagai wakil rakyat kawasan luar bandar atau sebagai bekas seorang pendidik amat menghargai dan berterima kasih kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri. Wajarlah anda disayangi rakyat Sarawak. Dengan slogan Oooohhaa you ... you.. Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri, slogan yang telah menyatukan rakyat Sarawak sekaligus membawa kemenangan besar kepada Barisan Nasional pada pilihanraya yang lepas. Tahniah semua.

Tuan Speaker, selain daripada itu, usaha kita untuk mencapai 90/10 atau 90% guru- guru di Sarawak adalah anak-anak Sarawak, ianya adalah tuntutan yang berpatutan dan tepat pada masanya. Untuk mencapai target tersebut, maka saya menyeru kepada Kerajaan pusat untuk mempertingkatkan semula keputusan kabinet apabila mahu menukar status IPG atau Institut Pendidikan Guru seperti IPG , IPG Rejang dan IPG kepada institusi latihan teknikal atau vokasional, harus disemak semula. Institusi ini penting untuk melatih dan melahirkan guru-guru dari kalangan anak-anak Sarawak untuk mencapai 90% guru Sarawak. Kalau ianya ditukar status, saya rasakan kita seolah-olah sengaja menggagalkan usaha tersebut.


Pada pandangan peribadi saya, IPG-IPG ini harus dikekalkan serta berfungsi seperti biasa bagi memastikan jumlah guru terlatih anak tempatan dapat memenuhi keperluan Negeri ini. Pandangan ini juga sejajar dengan pengumuman Y.A.B. Perdana Menteri sebelum ini bahawa menjelang tahun 2018, 90% guru-guru sekolah di Sarawak hendaklah terdiri daripada anak-anak tempatan. Sekurang-kurangnya juga ia dapat menyelesaikan masalah penggangguran di Negeri ini di mana graduan yang semakin bertambah saban tahun.

Tuan Speaker, untuk merancakkan pembangunan bidang latihan teknikal dan vokasional, saya mencadangkan agar dibina lebih banyak lagi institusi latihan teknikal di setiap Bahagian atau Daerah di Negeri ini. Kerajaan Negeri boleh mempermudahkan dari segi penyediaan tapak tanah dan premis sedia ada.

Kita sedia maklum bahawa keperluan modal insan dalam bidang teknikal dan vokasional adalah sangat perlu untuk menampung keperluan tenaga kerja mahir untuk SCORE dan industry-industri berkaitan di dalam Negeri.

Menurut sumber Kerajaan Negeri, kolej vokasional awam dan swasta di Negeri ini mampu mengeluarkan 700 sehingga 1500 pelajar atau graduan dalam bidang teknikal/vokasional dalam tempoh dua tahun tamat latihan. Jumlah ini cukup besar untuk menyediakan sumber tenaga kerja mahir kepada industri di Sarawak dan Malaysia amnya. Maka, saya cadangkan Kerajaan membuka lebih banyak lagi institusi seumpamanya mengikut bidang kemahiran.

Untuk itu, saya juga mencadangkan agar proses pengiktirafan Diploma daripada Kolej Vokasional Malaysia Qualification Agency atau MQA atau Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia sebagai badan yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk akreditasi bagi menjamin kualiti program latihan, bertindak lebih proaktif dan mempermudahkan proses mendapat kelayakan akreditasi tersebut. Agar tidak timbul isu lambat mendapat status akreditasi bagi mengiktiraf sijil atau diploma daripada program ditawarkan setelah tamat latihan.

Walaupun disediakan kelayakan akreditasi sementara, ianya akan memberi kesan kepada graduan atau pelatih/pelajar dalam usaha mendapatkan tajaan, ataupun kesulitan untuk memperoleh pekerjaan dalam bidang kemahiran mereka setelah tamat latihan. Isu ini harus ditangani sebaiknya dan secepatnya. Maka itu, saya menyarankan MQA dapat menyegerakan proses pengiktirafan penuh kepada Kolej Vokasional yang terdapat di Negeri Sarawak ini. Kesian graduan-graduan teknikal/vokasional ini, setelah setahun dua menghabiskan masa mengikuti latihan tetapi masih tidak mendapat pengiktirafan penuh ke atas sijil/diploma mereka. Tuan Speaker, saya ucapkan tahniah kepada kepimpinan Y.A.B. Ketua Menteri kita atas kejayaan rundingan autonomi dan penurunan kuasa kepada Negeri Sarawak seperti yang telah termaktub di dalam semangat perjanjian penubuhan Malaysia 1963 (MA63). Kita bertuah kerana punyai pimpinan Negeri yang sangat ikhlas dan berkomitmen tinggi menjaga hak Sarawak dan menuntut status sebagai sebuah wilayah yang telah bersama Semenanjung Tanah Melayu dan Sabah ketika itu untuk membentuk Negara Malaysia iaitu melalui rundingan. Sikap keterbukaaan Y.A.B. Perdana Menteri dalam membuka ruang kepada rundingan tuntutan ini amatlah dihargai membuktikan beliau seorang yang berjiwa besar dan memahami kehendak Sarawak. Kita akan berdiri teguh menyokong usaha rundingan ini agar mencapai matlamat dikehendaki.

Ini membuktikan kita tidak perlu bertindak kasar atau berdemontrasi seperti tindakan sesetangah pimpinan pembangkang yang gemar menangguk di air yang keruh. Sejarah telah membuktikan melalui rundingan dan kata sepakat dalam membuahkan hasil dikehendaki. Kita sedia maklum perkembangan positif daripada rundingan tersebut antaranya adalah, pengambilan lebih ramai anak Sarawak berkhidmat dalam jabatan


Kerajaan persekutuan dan sekolah-sekolah, operasi Petronas di Sarawak, serta memperkasakan peranan pegawai perundangan Negeri untuk melakukan dakwaan ke atas kesalahan melanggar undang-undang Negeri.

Begitu juga kejayaan melaksanakan projek-projek pembangunan luar bandar seperti bekalan elektrik luar bandar oleh agensi Negeri seperti Sarawak Energy dan pengurusan projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo.

Tuan Speaker, Y.A.B. Perdana Menteri sendiri telah memberi jaminan bahawa pintu beliau sentiasa terbuka untuk membincangkan kebimbangan rakyat Negeri ini mengenai hak-hak Sarawak yang semakin terhakis disebabkan salah tafsir MA63 atau perjanjian Malaysia.

Tuan Speaker, izinkan saya menyentuh beberapa perkara berkaitan pembangunan kawasan pesisir dan di kawasan saya :

(a) Cadangan Membina Lebuhraya Pesisir

Walaupun Negeri kita sedang rancak dengan pelaksanaan Lebuhraya Pan Borneo namun kesempatan ini saya menyokong cadangan rakan-rakan saya di persidangan ini untuk membangunkan Lebuhraya Pesisir dengan memberi keutamaan pembinaan jambatan-jambatan baru menghubungkan kawasan-kawasan pesisir ini. Seperti dari Kota Samarahan, Jambatan Batang Sadong, Jambatan Batang Lupar, Jambatan Batang Saribas, Jambatan Batang Lassa sehingga ke utara Negeri Sarawak. Kawasan pesisir ini merupakan kawasan padat penduduk dan aktif dari segi aktiviti ekonomi dan industri hiliran. Dengan adanya lebuhraya pesisir ini saya yakin pembangunan ekonomi domestik akan pesat dan maju sejajar dalam usaha kita ke arah negara berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2030.

(b) Jalan dari Kg. Tanjung Assam ke Kg. Buda

Saya mengucapkan penghargaan kepada Kerajaan kerana telah menunaikan janji membina Jambatan Sungai Sawit Kg. Buda yang sedang dalam proses pembinaan dan dijangka siap tahun 2018. Namun begitu, saya memohon agar dimasukkan di dalam senarai Kerajaan cadangan membina jalan dari Kg. Tanjung Assam ke Kg. Buda.

(c) Bekalan Elektrik dan Air Bersih

Kebanyakan kampung dan rumah panjang di kawasan saya telah mendapat bekalan elektrik tetapi rumah-rumah baru masih menunggu subsidi Kerajaan untuk menikmati bekalan elektrik. Justeru itu, saya memohon Kerajaan dapat mempertimbangkan subsidi penyambungan letrik di semua kampung dan rumah panjang di DUN Saribas.

Begitu juga masalah bekalan air bersih. Dengan peruntukan tambahan di bawah Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) ini saya dengan rendah hati memohon kepada Kerajaan mempercepatkan pelaksanaan projek bekalan air bersih di Kg. Tuie, Kg. Serabang, Kg. Supa dan Kg. Medang (dalam satu zon), dan Rumah Buda Illi dan Rumah Buda Ulu (dalam satu zon yang lain). Untuk itu, saya mengulangi pertanyaan yang sama seperti sebelum ini di Dewan Undangan Negeri ini, mengenai status Projek Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (BALB) dari Kpg. Manggut ke Kpg. Supa, Kpg. Medang, Kpg. Tuie dan Kpg. Serabang, Betong seperti telah diumumkan sebelum ini. Ini adalah kerana persepsi rakyat bahawa projek ini dilaksanakan pada tahun 2016 ini.


Memandangkan isu bekalan air adalah perkara penting dalam kehidupan manusia, izinkan saya mencadangkan agar projek bekalan air bersih diletakkan sebagai keutamaan di dalam senarai pelaksanaan projek Kerajaan. Dengan selesainya masalah ini akan membangunkan industri hiliran berskala kecil di kawasan pendalaman. Oleh itu, saya berharap agar bekalan air bersih dapat disambung ke kawasan saya pada tahun hadapan.

Skim Pembesaran Kampung

Saya berterima kasih kepada Kerajaan Negeri dan usaha Pejabat Land and Survey, Bahagian Betong yang mengemukakan cadangan skim pembesaran kampung di kawasan saya seperti Kampung Bungin, Kampung Serembang, Kampung Balingian, Kampung Sebemban dan Kampung Debak Laut. Namun di sini saya mencadangkan Kerajaan membuka satu lagi projek skim pembesaran kampung di Kampung Melayu Debak (Kampung Babu/Kampung Bungey/Kampung Lalang) kerana kampung ini merupakan kampung terbesar di konstituensi saya dan saya mendapat maklumbalas bahawa ramai keluarga baru yang tidak mempunyai lot tanah untuk membina rumah. Kebanyakan sebuah rumah didiami sehingga 5 buah keluarga dengan keadaan rumah yang kecil dan berkongsi bilik. Keadaan ini hanya mengundang masalah sosial akibat kesesakan dalam sebuah rumah. Justeru saya mengharapkan skim pembesaran kampung tersebut dilaksanakan pada tahun hadapan.

Menaiktaraf Market Debak (Majlis Daerah Betong)

Saya juga memohon kepada Kerajaan untuk menaiktaraf Market Debak dibawah pentadbiran Majlis Daerah Betong. Keadaan market ini sudah tidak mampu menampung keperluan aktiviti perniagaan di kalangan bumiputera di pekan Debak. Begitu juga masalah kerosakan di sekitarnya perlu dibaikpulih.

Membina Jalan Akses Keluar Dari Simpang Kemas ke Tebingan Debak

Saya mencadangkan kepada Kerajaan untuk membina jalan baru sebagai jalan keluar dari Simpang Kemas menuju Tebingan Debak sepanjang lebih kurang 300 meter. Ini adalah kerana kesesakan sering berlaku apabila musim perayaan atau ketika ada keramaian di pekan Debak. Dengan ini, saya menyokong Rang Undang-Undang Perbekalan (2017), 2016 dan Usul untuk Merujuk Resolusi Anggaran Pembangunan Tahun 2017. Sekian, terima kasih.

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi .

Y.B. Dato Henry Harry Anak Jinep: Tuan Speaker. My good greeting to you, Sir, and the same also goes to you all Distinguished Members of this august House.

At Onset

Before proceeding further, may I take a short moment to say thank you for this opportunity to address this House. As this is a first budget speech for me, I humbly pray to be given enough space of tolerance and indulgence in case I don’t make it to the grade. Meanwhile, however, I shall indeed try my best.

I now come to this Budget 2017 Debate. I want to place on the record that I support this 2017 Budget as proposed and presented by our Right Honourable Chief Minister in this august House. I shall not dwell in any great details on the Budget. I shall only touch on the general policy initiative outlines, and in passing.


And meanwhile as I traverse through this I shall propose ways and means to implement those policy initiatives and directives from the stand point of my own Tasik Biru Constituency.

Features in 2017 Budget

In his Budget presentation speech, our Chief Minister as a Minister of Finance said, and I quote: “In pursuing the objective of continuing to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas. The budget will provide more than 50% allocation for rural areas in 2017 amounting to RM2.982 billion to give greater focus on the implementation of programmes and projects to accelerate rural development transformation to benefit our rural communities”.

The Government’s plan as above is laudable, most timely and to be appreciated given the vast land mass of and the scattered pattern of populations in our State. Such fund will help. I am impressed by this provision in the budget for 2017, and I say thank you to Sarawak Leadership for this.

English Education in Sarawak

Let me digress here for a moment. I notice that there is no mention by our Finance Minister about any measure needed to be taken to improve English education in our schools. No doubt this is a matter under the Federal purview. However, as English is an official language in Sarawak I feel seriously that the teaching of English language should not be left entirely to the federal Government. It is common knowledge that the standard of speaking in English among people is not good; if not poor!

Students in rural schools are nowadays completely unable to speak English to the extent that they could only watch TV programmes aired in Bahasa Malaysia at homes. This is bad for our State and the people. If continues unchecked a day will come when the State will not have enough personnel to man, or like in Malaya, abolished the use of English in Government offices.

I suggest our State should restart the teaching in English in our schools in Sarawak, and get funding from the Federal Government to pay for it.

Local Experts/Leaders Talked of Impending Bad Times

One Professor Hoo Ke Ping, an Expert Analyst on Economy and Politics in Malaysia, recently has warned of impending bad times will land within our shores, contributed in part by the state of huge indebtedness our country is in, and in other part by low price regime of oil in the world market.

The Impending Bad Times Be Reckoned/Addressed

These alarm bells of impending bad times, if it is true, cannot be brushed aside as pretty issues, or not worth it being discussed openly. Rather, some serious positive actions should be taken I response to them. At the very least we must prepare for and in anticipation of those tough times, if it is not possible to ameliorate their bad consequential effects.


Worldwide Phenomenon

I would say that we could not do very much about the external factors like low oil prices in the world market which influence our income from oil to dip to low level: a situation beyond the means of our Nation to control.

However, a proper and prudent management of our economy should be our watch word at all times. And to couple with perhaps we should change course if we had over-spent our own depreciating income and find and refine a new strategy or two, and so that thus we could still ride through to this impending bad times.

Our Nation can ill afford to be so care-free in spending, and we should instead be prudent at all times. Having said as above, I believe that we in Sarawak will be saved from that calamitous scenario as we are led by our present wise Chief Minister Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Haji Adenan Bin Haji Satem.

Mitigating by Building Own Firewall

Nonetheless we in this fair land of Sarawak must build our own firewall if we are to prevent the problems as echoed by those distinguished personalities from becoming a reality within our Sarawak’s shores.

Plan to Increase Economic Growth

I propose that as one of the ways is to build a firewall against a possible economic woe from breeding its ugly unwanted menace in Sarawak. The other is to be proactive in our plan aimed at more growth and generating income in the society. Indeed there is the government plan in that direction incorporated in the present budget for 2017, although a deficit budget.

The propose budget for 2017 with a deficit provision should be considered normal as in the present economic environment. It is like a stimulus to generate more economic activities and it is the desired level. State target to grow economy at noble aim. I recognize and appreciate that our State leadership has this noble aim to grow our State economy especially with emphasis to the rural areas. It has set a target to reach by 2030. This is fine and a noble ambition. This priority in economic distribution has to be corrected.

Tuan Speaker, however, I am always reminded by one recent report, issued by United Nation that I read recently. It says that an increase in Gross National Domestic Product (GNDP) does not always translate into an increase in per capita income in our society. The United Nation report said the box of all the wealth of any given country is held by only 20 percent of its population. Without of the remaining 80 percent, the first 40 percent thereof is made of the middle class and the other 40 percent of the population is of the bottom poor. To me that is what is happening in Malaysia.

This bottom poor, which our Prime Minister is tabling the 2017 National Budget in Parliament recently has described that as the “B40”. The above mentioned United Nation’s Report noted that in most cases the poor in this bottom B40 category will not escape the poverty-trap. Otherwise, and if any, they will merely get a trickle-down effect of any of the wealth commensurate with the growth in GDP but it is not enough, and they will remain poor.

State Must Help this B40 Category


And in this regard I would humbly urge our State Leadership to do more to address this problem, and to ensuring that the bottom 40 percent of our population also get fair bite of the economic pie. They must at least be helped to survive through the impending bad times.

And further I pray that a fair distribution of the economic pie will not only remain the means in the policy initiative but will hold sway as the regime in the directives of economic development and transformation policy in order to address the plight of those people in the B40 category.

Not only that, but at the same time a fair distribution of the economic pie strategy will help to prevent those in the current middle 40 percent from sinking below their current level by the weight of the burden brought about by the impending bad times as well.

Low Value in RM is Affecting the People

Tuan Speaker, let me talk on what are the imperatives towards fair share of the economic pie, from my own perspective. Our low-valued currency Ringgit Malaysia has already affected many especially the poor, and even the middle class peoples, signaling tough times are beginning to bite which are already here.

Lack of Employment Opportunities

Still for many in the rural areas their lives are made difficult also by lack of employment opportunities. Lack of jobs for school leavers, and for university and colleges’ graduates, and including of the latter their inability to pay back the PTPTN’s loan are now common stories of woes that are affecting many households. They can’t earn enough income; and made worst by the depleting value of Ringgit Malaysia; what income is earned fetches less returns or receipt.

This issue must be properly addressed and quickly by our wise State Leadership, before it gets any worst. Although I still have faith in that this downward spiral in value of our currency could be arrested fast by the Federal leaders.

Finding Solutions Through this Budget

Tuan Speaker, having said as above, I believe this Budget Session is spot on as it is an opportunity for finding, and or, for bringing solutions to the problems we have in Sarawak.

Helping the Hardcore Poor with Houses

Tuan Speaker, in my local setting, that is after the first few months after election I have gone to various places to see the peoples in my Constituency of Tasik Biru. First thing I noticed is that there are hard core people who are living in old and dilapidated houses.As apparent from their sheer dilapidated conditions of their homes, these had been their abodes of ages. Many such homes had been carried over down from their grandparents days until today. The dwellers of these dilapidated houses are neither able to rebuild nor repair them and let alone they can afford to build new houses in their replacement and with several people children with their parents are living in such houses in this time and as pleasant and unpleasant with pitiful sight.

Such problem of dilapidated housing are serious in areas like Singai with no oil palm plantation nearby and Jagoi with limited oil palm plantation. It is not quite so serious Kampung Selabit Setenggang with some major oil palm plantation nearby. Seeming so this oil palm plantation I have been economic spin of affecting the local people nearby villagers.


If my heading of the speech is not long, I want to put this urgent request to the State Leadership and to address the situation of poor housing in two (2) areas like Singai and Jagoi which constitute almost the whole of Tasik Biru. I am therefore asking for a better MRP Budget allocation for Tasik Biru, constituency considering the bad houses tambah sikitlah, jangan kecik sangat and also bearing in mind that my constituency is almost sub urban with local tourist from town are often time frequenting at this places.

It is not nice to leave this unpleasant sight of dilapidated home for this local tourist to remark upon if this are left unresolved, disturbing. This is very bad, 50 years joining Malaysia and yet we have this kind of condition in our towns. Again I ask and say that with an increase in allocation made available in this budget for my constituency, I could do better to address these demands regularly coming knocking at my door if in the way forward.

Call for More Opportunities and Economic Development Programmes

Tuan Speaker, and in this context may I take this opportunity to tell just two (2) more things in this august House. One (1) we must operate the people for possible bad economic downturn coming our way, and secondly our country’s economic cake is to be shared by all and shared evenly and fairly.

4th Milestone and OPAR RGC at 17th Milestone

I would humbly urge the State leadership to restart these two (2) project targeted at the 4th Mile Bau/Lundu Road. And to get started with the project of OPAR Rural Growth Center sited at Milestone 17th Jalan Bau/Lundu.

At the very least these two (2) projects could give much needed employment opportunities locally while they could keep the local economy moving and will push other spin-off effects including bringing local resources to bear.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat Tasik Biru, you got one minute to conclude.

Y.B. Dato Henry Harry Anak Jinep: Can you give me extra Tuan Speaker? Boleh mintak tambah sikitkah?

Tuan Speaker: We have to be fair to everyone, we keep the time.

Y.B. Dato Henry Harry Anak Jinep: Ok, Tuan Speaker. Thank you very much. Tuan Speaker, I have to rushlah, pasang gear enam sekarang.

Start Serious Agriculture Education in Schools

And start with education at Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels on agriculture with seriousness. In the context of paddy cultivation or tapioca production we can revive these agricultural pursuits and make them attractive to people by monetising them.

And for a long term strategy, an education in agriculture, which could be coupled up with restarting the teaching in English in our schools as I have said earlier on, should be started with earnestness from primary schools up.

In these two (2) subjects, Sarawak can have a different syllabus from that of the Federal Government. I am not suggesting the Government should come in with total help and for a long time, No, I don’t. This rice cultivation industry in the above narrative could go on without too much of Government’s help and stay for too long.


Tourism Infrastructures

I also want to take this opportunity to ask for the State Government’s attention to bring more funds to develop tourism infrastructure in Bau.

Bau has a beautiful man-made lake, remnant of the lake good old days of gold mining. I say it is man-made lake because it is there as a result of a huge open gold mine pit left behind after the miners and the glittering gold had all gone and the hole had collected water thus the lake is formed. It could be beautified.

And if more people were to come to Bau Town as drawn by the rehabilitated and re- beautified lake, they will bring tourist RM to the town and economic spin off benefits to the people living there and in its vicinity in particular and within the Bau District in general.

Roads Networks

Before I finished off, Tuan Speaker, I would like to highlight Bau has many quarries, we have limestone, we have granite we have all other stone. With the Pan Borneo project we are the main producer of all those stone for the project. I would request that Bau road must be also upgraded or else at the end of the day when the Pan Borneo project is completed, Bau road is still remain unsafe than it is very pitiful sight.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat your time is up.

Y.B. Dato Henry Harry Anak Jinep: Closing, Tuan Speaker. Closing, closing. Before closing, I make mention of Miss Pandalela Rinong. Her resilience and despite her lack of means when she started, she turned out to display an exemplary achievement. She is our Lady Athlete Olympic Medallist and that she hailed from Bau makes me and all of the people in the Bau District very proud and I want to say, thank you.

I stand in this Dewan Undangan Negeri to congratulate her for her achievement and I say to her “keep it up, more medals next time”. I wish to conclude this speech with another word of grateful thank you to Tuan Speaker and very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone in this House not forgetting our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Maulidur Rasul. Thank you, Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member from Kalaka.

Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Bin Aziz: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan atas bacaan kali yang ke-2, Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan 2017/2016 dan usul untuk merujuk Resolusi Anggaran Pembangunan bagi perbelanjaan 2017.

Saya ingin mengucapkan syabas kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional negeri di bawah pimpinan Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri Datuk Patinggi Haji Adenan Haji Satem kerana telah membentangkan bajet yang seimbang dari segi pembangunan dan yang boleh memperkuatkan pencapaian pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Dengan budget Negeri difokuskan kepada matlamat dan strategi berikut menunjukkan bahawa Kerajaan Barisan Negeri adalah Kerajaan berjiwa rakyat iaitu difokuskan kepada:

(a) Development Biased Budget

(b) Rural Biased Budget


(c) The Agenda of Sarawak Transformation

(d) Growth to be driven by productivity and the efficiency

(e) Special focus and enhancing the effectiveness of the State Government financial management and efficient of it delivery system

(f) The development allocation continuous to give priority to commerce industry and sum of RM5.928 billion has been proposed for development which is about 73% of the total budget. It clearly shows that the Government is giving priority on development especially in rural areas. And overall, the State Government proposed a total allocation of RM2.982 billion next year for rural development of which, RM500 million will be allocated under the Rural Transformation Programme.

In the service sector, it is heartening to note that the Government is leveraging on tourism as the key driver. And with a total allocation of RM48 million for tourism industry in the state, I believe the industry players will benefit from those initiatives to transform the tourism industry in the state. Especially an allocation of RM4.5 million for airline incentive to organize more chartered flight to bring more tourist to the State and RM18.5 million allocation for enhancing and development of tourism products for example reimaging Rainforest World Music Festival, Kuching Waterfront and Brooke Dockyard Maritime Museum. The main objective is to bring more foreign tourist to the State to accelerate our economic activities which will increase the incomes of various sectors involved in the tourism industry.

Tuan Speaker, in the proposed budget 2017, the State Government has emphasised the importance of Human Capital Development by allocating RM 95million to implement projects:

(a) Construction of educational institutions such as Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Sarawak (PPKS) Mukah and Kolej Laila Taib;

(b) Centres of Technical Excellence (CENTEX) in Kuching, Lundu and Lawas.

Hopefully with the allocation, more highly trained technical work force will be able to satisfy the manpower needs of various industries in the state.

In view, as acknowledged, we are facing insufficient number of student enrolling in Science, Technical, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Technical Training (TVET) programmes, hopefully more exhibition and seminars in the programmes should be held in secondary schools throughout the State especially for form 3 students. Some of them later may be interested to take up technical and vocational training. And it is recommended that technical training programmes for youths in Japan and Korea should be looked into. These countries have been successful in producing highly trained technical and vocational workforce.

Tuan Speaker, Pusat Internet 1Malaysia telah dibuka secara besar-besaran di bawah Bajet 2013 di mana pihak SKMM menyediakan capaian internet jalur lebar secara kolektif di 100 buah kawasan Program Perumahan Rakyat terutamanya di bandar besar terpilih di seluruh negera.

Sehingga hari ini, terdapat lebih 95 buah Pusat Internet 1Malaysia di seluruh Sarawak dan Insyaallah khabarnya akan ditambah kepada 124 buah semuanya. Di kawasan saya, N38 Kalaka, terdapat 2 buah Pusat Internet 1Malaysia. PI1M Fort Ranee Saratok dan


PI1M Roban. Saya akan memfokuskan kepada 2 buah PI1M di kawasan saya ini sebagai teras kepada beberapa perkara yang akan saya bangkitkan dalam perbahasan ini.

Pusat Internet 1Malaysia berfungsi sebagai pusat ilmu yang menawarkan latihan asas dan capaian kepada maklumat berkaitan dengan pendidikan, pekerjaan, pertanian dan kesihatan. Penggunaan PI1M adalah terbuka kepada semua lapisan masyarakat tanpa mengira usia. Namun demikian, dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, bertambahnya kadar celik ICT di kalangan masyarakat, beberapa permasalahan turut timbul dan menjadi cabaran kepada pihak Kerajaan untuk menyelesaikannya.

(a) Isu yang pertama;

Adakah ada usaha pihak Kerajaan untuk mempertingkatkan kadar kelajuan internet jalur lebar ini? Yang sedia ada sekarang ini ialah 4MEG. Kelajuan ini tidak kurang relevan dengan keperluan hari ini. Untuk 10 tahun yang lepas, mungkin mencukupi. Tetapi meningkatnya kadar celik ICT, maknanya meningkatlah kadar penggunaan Internet Jalur Lebar ini terutamanya yang menawarkan perkhidmatan percuma. Mana mungkin 4MEG dikonsi oleh ratusan penduduk sekitar?

(b) Isu yang kedua;

Kemudahan Internet jalur lebar yang tidak stabil. Terdapat kerapkali gangguan capaian data terutama sekali apabila berlaku keadaan cuaca yang buruk. Malangnya keadaan ini turut berlarutan walaupun keadaan cuaca sudah baik. Antara lain puncanya ialah PI1M ini menggunakan Satelit VSAT yang mudah terganggu sekiranya berlaku hujan lebat, kilat, terputusnya bekalan elektrik dan sebagainya. Keadaan berlarutuan mungkin disebabkan perkakasan yang rosak sewaktu mengalami keadaan cuaca buruk. Sememangnya sumber capaian Internet ini harus dipertingkatkan.

(c) Isu yang ketiga;

Kekangan peruntukan untuk program PI1M, Tuan Speaker untuk lebih dimanfaatkan kemudahan yang sedia ada di PI1M ini, kursus-kursus jangka pendek perlu dijalankan bagi merancakkan lagi pembangunan ICT masyarakat setempat. Di samping dapat menambah jumlah ahli, ia adalah alternative sokongan untuk para remaja dan belia untuk bergiat dalam bidang ICT ini. Pendedahan yang sedikit ini boleh membentukkan minat mereka untuk terus menceburi bidang tersebut. Sebagai contoh, di N38 Kelaka, salah seorang bekas peserta kursus di PI1M ini dari SMK Kalaka Roban yang memasuki pertandingan grafik anjuran Telekom Malaysia di Putrajaya telah mendapat Naib Johan dengan memenangi wang tunai sebanyak RM2500, trofi dan 10 buah komputer untuk sekolah. Ini adalah sesuatu yang harus kita banggakan. Namun demikian, untuk melaksanakan program-program jangka pendek ataupun program yang berkala lebih besar, peruntukan daripada pihak yang bertanggungjawab adalah terhad.

Kesimpulannya untuk isu ini peruntukan kepada Pusat Internet 1Malaysia haruslah ditambah bagi meluaskan lagi peranan Pusat Internet 1Malaysia. Kita harus sedar inilah salah satu alternatif pihak Kerajaan mempercepatkan kadar celik ICT di Malaysia dan di Sarawak khasnya.

(d) Isu yang keempat;

Pihak Internet 1Malaysia haruslah dibekalkan dengan ilmu pengetahuan secara intensif, berterusan dan kepelbagaian modul yang lebih releven dengan usia


Pusat Internet 1Malaysia. Modul latihan yang lebih advance juga harus dikekalkan sebab usia Pusat Internet 1Malaysia ini telah melebihi dua tahun. Untuk tahun-tahun yang seterusnya boleh dibekalkan dengan modul pembelajaran yang lebih demanding seperti Photoshop, Photoshop For Photography, Illustrator, Basic AutoCAD dan sebagainya. Ini adalah antara modul kursus yang popular tapi agak mahal yurannya sekiranya dianjurkan oleh pihak swasta. Pusat Internet 1Malaysia adalah alternatif kepada mereka untuk belajar dengan lebih murah. (e) Isu yang kelima;

Salah satu ukuran kejayaan Pusat Internet 1Malaysia adalah jumlah ahlinya. Secara relatifnya semakin bertambah jumlah ahli Pusat Internet 1Malaysia, semakin keraplah penggunaan komputer serta perkakasan lain di tempat tersebut. Peralatan dan perkakasan juga menjadi lebih sensitif dan peratusan untuk rosak adalah lebih tinggi. Usaha pihak yang bertanggungjawab membaikpulih segala kerosakan seperti di dalam kontrak adalah amat dihargai. Namun demikian, sekiranya tempoh membaikpulih agak lambat, program-program yang telah disusun atur mengikut jadual akan tergendala. Ini akan merencatkan perjalanan program Pusat Internet 1Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, kita berharap pihak yang bertanggungjawab mengambil perhatian yang lebih berat terhadap isu ini.

Pusat Internet 1Malaysia perlu dioptimumkan penggunaanya dengan menjadikannya sebagai pusat kecemerlangan dan rujukan komuniti setempat di luar bandar. Sudah tiba masanya Sarawak Information Systems (SAINS) turut melibatkan diri secara lebih aktif dalam usaha membangunkan masyarakat yang celik ICT di Sarawak khususnya. Saya percaya SAINS lebih faham dan lebih mengerti keadaan di Sarawak, tuntutan masyarakat setempat dan permasalahan yang timbul berdasarkan kepada keadaan fizikal dan geografi di Sarawak.

Tuan Speaker, saya mohon agar agensi-agensi berkaitan akan mengambil perhatian dan tindakan sewajarnya agar beberapa cadangan projek-projek pembangunan dan sosio ekonomi dalam DUN Kalaka dapat dilaksanakan dalam masa terdekat iaitu:

(a) Berkaitan dengan lot-lot rumah dikawasan jalan Sawmill Kampung Ulu Saratok. Bilakah baki lot-lot berkenaan akan diagihkan kepada pemohon- pemohon yang sudah lama menunggu iaitu hampir tiga tahun.

(b) Sama ada Jabatan Pelajaran mempunyai rancangan untuk menambah bilik baru untuk kelas DSK Abang Abdul Rahman Saratok. Kerana pada masa ini kelas-kelas agak padat dan ada yang harus dibaik pulih dengan secepat mungkin.

(c) Perlunya membina jambatan konkrit menyeberangi Sungai berdekatan dengan Kampung Kabak dan sekarang masih menggunakan feri. Penduduk dari daerah Saratok, dan Pusak menggunakan kemudahan ini. Begitu juga pengusaha-pengusaha ladang kelapa sawit di Kampung Sesang dan Pusak pun menggunakan kawasan ini juga. Jadi saya harap agar projek jambatan ini dapat dibinakan dengan secepat mungkin.

(d) Tebing Sungai Krian di kawasan Kampung Melangau Seratok sejauh 1.2 kilometer menghadapi hakisan tanah yang teruk. Beberapa keluarga terpaksa pindah kerana rumah mereka menghadapi risiko tumbang ke dalam sungai. Diharap agensi berkaitan mengkaji isu ini dan seterusnya dapat melaksanakan projek banteng untuk menahan kesusuran tebing-tebingan sungai ini sebelum keadaan semakin teruk lagi.


Tuan Speaker, dengan demikian saya menyokong rang undang-undang perbekalan 2017/2016 dan usul resolusi anggaran pembangunan bagi pembelajaan 2017. Terima kasih.

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat sitting is adjourned and we shall resume at 2:00 p.m

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 12:28 tengahari)

(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 2:21 petang)

[Timbalan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]



[Sambungan Perbahasan]

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Tanjong Batu.

Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Thank you, Tuan Speaker, for giving me this opportunity in the debate of the Supply Bill (2017), 2016 which was delivered in this august House on 21st November 2016.

Second Bridge

Tuan Speaker, it has been almost 40 years since modern Bintulu took off with its development. Of course, today’s Bintulu is completely different from its yesteryears. The old town area had spread out much to several major commercial centres, like the Parkcity Commercial Square, Medan Jaya Commercial Centre, etc, etc.

For the past near 40 years, it can be said that development of Bintulu had very much been on this side, the east side, of the River. These two sides are only connected by a bridge at the southern end of the Bintulu town, the bridge over the Kemena River, on the Bintulu/ road, leading to the Bintulu airport. We need a second bridge over the Kemena River on the northern end of the Bintulu town.

I believe this will bring in the much needed development to the west bank. It will cut short the distance of going from the east to the west side of the Bintulu town, facilitating all the necessities for development in terms of goods, transport, services and others. And it is a must connection for the coastal highway, thus making the coastal highway complete. Especially now that money had been allocated to finish the Kuala Surupai / Kuala Tatau and the bridge at Kuala Tatau in our 2017 Budget.

The people of Bintulu hope that the bridge will be built and I urge that the Government make it a priority in the next 40 years of development. And perhaps in the future we can even shoot fireworks off the bridge on our festive celebrations.

Pan Borneo Highway Compensation

Tuan Speaker, while it is rightly so that the compensation had been made by the major contractor to the land owners and other entities on the construction of the Pan Borneo


Highway, I have received complaints from some land owners who are unhappy with the compensation.

Take for example, a land owner from Rh. Sam Km 25 Jalan Bintulu/Tatau. The land owner there, Mr. Dana Regu is very unhappy when he was paid only RM35,000.00 for all his fruit trees, farm house and everything else on it He had planted over 200 numbers of palm oil trees, 65 rubber trees, 30 banana trees, 28 langsat trees, 35 cempedak, 10 rambutan, 15 number of durian trees, and the list goes on and on and altogether 27 different types of fruit trees and plant totalling 547 in numbers.

Tuan Speaker, these alone is enough to be paid more than RM35,000.00. In fact, if his fruit trees are not cut and be allowed to live their full lives, the land owner would untung, always have a steady income for the rest of his life and his family too.

So, the fruit trees is his life line and now that is cut off, the land owner is not happy with the little compensation. What is worst is the calculation for the payment of the fruit trees is that, it is not specific like which tree is paid how much, instead a lump sum is paid and the rest are called dan lain-lain, paid off like that. This show the attitude of the valuation people as if paying compensation to these people is not important. That’s not right.

And what about the farm house? Not all farm house are langkau. Mr. Dana’s farm house is not a langkau. It measures about 20 ft by 20 ft and the wall are all make of 6”x1” planks overlapping one another for the whole four sides of the house. The floor, the rood plus all the other items, the house itself would have cost already the sum of the compensation paid. I understand that even the land is long house land.

Another thing is that, Tuan Speaker, there is the SESCo’s meter. If your building is within the Pan Borneo Highway construction site, yes, we have to move and yes, the building is compensated but what about the SESCo’s meter? Moving the meter could cost close up to RM10,000.00 and a post is needed, that is even more. So that cannot be included in the compensation for building or land.

Tuan Speaker, longhouse folks living near the Pan Borneo trunk road, many had planted fruit trees and others near the front of their longhouse for decades these trees should be compensated also. They know it’s on State land, but it’s their tree, it is their belongings, their lives and their properties and these should be compensated too.

Native Cemetery

Tuan Speaker, there is a cemetery for the native people at Mile 2.5 Jalan Sultan Iskandar, Bintulu. It is sort of on a small hill slop descending into lower land below. It is not a big cemetery, may be about less than ten acres in total, the slope and the low land, altogether about 10 acres. And as the land on the slope of this cemetery is occupied, the dead are buried into the low land area. This is not very good as the lower land area can get flooded and always wet. I, therefore, urge that the authority to look into this, perhaps to provide a better drainage system or to fill up the place higher or something to be done to it.

Telekom Service

Tuan Speaker, I had on the 31st May 2016, submitted a feedback to Talikhidmat, to request to replace just a cover to an underground service duct at the bus stop in front of the Methodist Ming Ong Kindergarten, Jalan Sultan Iskandar, Bintulu. When the requested work was not done for so long, I submitted another request on 12th August 2016 but up to this day, the cover had not been replaced.


Tuan Speaker, this is not just a request for service from me, it is a request from the people. I have known that a Mr. Ting had stepped into the hole and hurt himself. Lucky that he was not seriously hurt. He could have died had he fallen into the hole or knocked his head on the edge and it was night time. The hole is big, big enough for an adult to fall through and it is over six feet deep.

I have checked on the status on the progress of works on the Talikhidmat web site and the reply by Telekom is that sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa kes / aduan ini telah diselenggarakan. Mohon untuk tutup kes ini. The status on the Talilkhidmat web site says the case is solved. Tuan Speaker, it is not solved. The hole is still there. How could it be like that? This kind of misinformation would only taint the credibility of Talikhidmat.

Could the Minister in charge please look into this matter and what kind of a mechanism does the Government have to ensure that feedbacks submitted by the people are taken seriously by the Ministry involved. For it is not just about this hole, it is about the whole attitude of Telekom service. Yes, we all know of the policy of Telekom, always in waiting till enough people living in a place before they would consider pulling in the internet line or telephone line. They always tell us like that and we can’t do much, because we can’t see. But as for the hole cover, we can, we see it. So the whole issue here is about integrity, integrity of the whole Ministry concerned in carrying out their duties to serve the people, even those that we don’t see.


Tuan Speaker, 105 families of Taman Desa Damai, Jalan Sibiew Bintulu had petitioned to the MCMC office in Kuching via a letter dated 28th February 2016 voicing their concern and objection to the erection of the telecommunication tower by SACOFA in their housing estates. They are concerned that the tower being built is too close to their houses, beaming transmitting wave 24 hours a day which would be harmful to their health especially their children and the elderly.

The same thing also with the residents living near Taman Kim San, Jalan Kampung Baru, where a transmitting tower is built in the compound of house no. 780 and now another tower coming up in the house compound at the residential estate next to Ming Ong Methodist church, Jalan Sultan Iskandar, Bintulu. How can the transmitting tower be built in the house compound?

The petition letter in the first case was never replied by MCMC even up to this day and the tower now is up and the transmitting disc is fixed. It might start transmitting already.

I urge that the MCMC to go to the ground and hear these people out as they are rightly concerned and must be heard. Just imagine if a tower is built in front of your house, how would you feel. Thus consultation with the people within the vicinity is important as it affect their daily living and emotions. I am sure there are other alternative ways which can be used that can be acceptable to all. I mentioned this because this is not just happening at Taman Desa Damai but at so many places in Bintulu, in Kuching, Sibu, Miri. SACOFA towers are crawling up quietly in our backyards.

Junction at Taman Matahari

Tuan Speaker, I urge that the authority concerned to look into the traffic of the new road from Taman Matahari to Industrial Estate at CMS cement factory. The traffic is just moving too fast, easily up to 100 km on a State road where one is supposed to travel only 60 km only. What is also dangerous is the junction going into Taman Matahari near the Bintulu Port special road, at the entrance. As the road from Kidurong split from a single lane

46 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 into two lanes at the junction, the right turn stop line which is in the middle of the road is causing great fear to many that they might get hit right into their body by the oncoming car. I urge that the authorities to look into this and make the road and junction there safe for everyone to use.

Goods Display at Five-Foot Way and Others

The matter of shop displaying goods and sundries a little bit outside of their shop doors had always been an issue between the local authority Government and the shop business owners. Sometimes the shop business owners are allowed to display a little bit outside, a foot or two feet while other times totally not allowed not even one inch.

Last two weeks the Bintulu shop business people are faced with the not one inch order again. So everything outside had to be moved inside the shop. The shop business people are very unhappy especially when businesses are so bad these days, it’s not easy to attract people passing by just to buy even an item, lest everything is put inside.

We all know that the way business people putting a few of their merchandise outside is in fact a marketing tactic, been practised by Asian businessmen even before the marketing books were written. It also brings life and colour to the commercial area.

We know also that this should not be overdone but certain flexibility and tolerance is acceptable to help business to go through this difficult time and hopefully to be able to make some money. The shop owners had requested that a two feet space in front of their shop for the width of their shop be allowed for them to display their goods and sundries. When we are business friendly and when they make the money and pay their assessment taxes and other taxes, they give money for us to run our country.

I would also like to appeal for those up and coming entrepreneurs who try to do some business selling burgers or barbecue chicken, spare rib, etc or selling some homemade cakes and what not, they sell in the evening at parking lots or places where there is a crowd like at the commercial centres, some sell along the road sides in kampung. They do all these in the hope that they can make some extra money for their families as we all know things are so expensive these days, cost of living is high and there is always not enough money. A salary of a few thousand is really not enough and children are waiting to be fed.

These people are willing to work and try to learn the trade of doing business and we should let them, remembering that so many of us had come from these simple ways also. We should help these people. Of course, we know that it is against the local Government, local authorities by-laws to operate business like that. Neatness and tidiness are important, but so long as they do not interfere with the traffic flow or hygiene, we can tolerate with them for the time being while we plan for a way to solve this problem to accommodate them to get on to the proper business way.

Timbalan Speaker: Honourable Member for Tanjong Datu, can you wind up in one minute?

Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: One minute? Tuan Speaker, the folks of Rh Sengok, they have been living in Binyo area for a long time. There is a plan now to turn Bukit Sarang and Binyo Penyilam area into a national park. The folks of Rh Sengok, they have no objection over the creation of national park, they would rather that their NCR land be excluded from the park so that they can keep their land for their longhouses communities and living side by side with the national park.

Overhead Bridge at SMK Bandar


Overhead bridge at SMK Bandar in Bintulu at Jalan Tun Hussein Onn is really congested because opposite the SMK Bandar school, there are two gas stations, one McDonald there, and when the school gets out, the traffic there is just so messy and trucks and lorries going up and down the Miri/Bintulu road. I think, Tuan Speaker, it is very important that for the safety of the students there and the safety of the road users, I think an overhead bridge is important to be built for the students to cross safely along Tun Hussein Onn road during the time when they get out of the school. And I hope that the Ministry will look into this and build the overhead bridge crossing the Tun Hussein Onn road at SMK Bandar.

That’s all, Tuan Speaker. Thank you very much.

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat from .

Y.B. Encik Miro Anak Simuh: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Izinkan saya merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri yang telah membentangkan satu Belanjawan yang penuh berhemah dan menyeluruh lagi berinspirasikan impian ke arah pembangunan Negeri yang berterusan.

Penumpuan yang jelas kearah pembangunan yang lebih terancang, terutama di kawasan luar bandar akan menggerakkan suatu arus keseimbangan bagi merapatkan lagi jurang bandar dan luar bandar.

Justeru itu, saya amat berharap sekiranya pihak Kerajaan dapat memberi penumpuan penuh terhadap penubuhan lebih banyak pusat-pusat industri kecil dan sederhana, terutama sekali di daerah-daerah utama di kawasan luar bandar. Saya melihat Daerah Bau dan kawasan saya Serumbu amnya sebagai daerah satelit bagi Bandaraya Kuching mempunyai potensi yang amat besar untuk dibangunkan dengan industri-industri hiliran bagi menyokong industri-industri utama di Bandaraya Kuching.

Kewujudan industri-industri kecil dan sederhana ini juga akan membuka lebih banyak peluang-peluang pekerjaan bagi penduduk di kawasan luar bandar. Keadaan ini sekali gus dapat mengekang perpindahan mendadak penduduk kawasan luar bandar ke kawasan bandar.

Bahkan jika dilihat secara keseluruhannya, begitu banyak juga daerah-daerah lain di seluruh Negeri Sarawak yang berpotensi dibangunkan industri-industri kecil dan sederhana ini, dalam menampung keperluan penduduk setempat. Dengan adanya kajian-kajian yang terperinci berkenaan potensi industri di daerah-daerah di seluruh Negeri Sarawak juga akan memberi gambaran jelas akan industri yang berpotensi besar untuk dibangunkan di daerah tersebut. Menaik Taraf Jalan Bau-Kuching Lama

Menaik taraf Jalan Bau-Kuching Lama seperti yang turut dibahaskan oleh Yang Berhormat dari Kawasan N.2 Tasik Biru. Jalan yang bermula dari simpang lampu isyarat di Kota Sentosa hingga ke Pekan Bau, Jalan Bau-Kuching Lama sedia ada telah wujud sebelum penubuhan Malaysia lagi. Jalan ini adalah penghubung utama bagi kebanyakan masyarakat dari Bau yang bekerja secara ulang alik ke Bandaraya Kuching. Keadaan jalan sedia ada yang sempit, bengkang bengkok dan tidak rata sering kali mengundang gejala bahaya kepada pengguna jalan tersebut. Boleh dikatakan hampir setiap minggu ada berlaku kemalangan di jalanraya tersebut. Bahkan ada yang melibatkan kemalangan maut.

Sehubungan dengan itu, saya memohon kepada pihak Kerajaan Negeri, kerana jalan ini dikategorikan sebagai Jalan Negeri, agar Jalan Bau-Kuching Lama dinaiktarafkan dari

48 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 jalan selorong pergi balik sedia ada ke jalan dua lorong pergi balik. Dengan pertambahan bilangan pengguna yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, dan jika tidak dinaiktarafkan jalan ini, saya amat khuatir dalam jangka masa 3 ke 5 tahun yang akan datang, jalan ini sudah pasti akan mengalami kesesakan yang amat luar biasa.

Pembinaan Baru Klinik Ibu Dan Kanak-Kanak Bagi Daerah Bau

Seterusnya pembinaan baru Klinik Ibu dan Kanak-kanak bagi Daerah Bau. Buat masa kini Klinik Ibu dan Kanak-kanak Daerah Bau menumpang sekian lama di bangunan Hospital Bau. Permohonan demi permohonan telah diajukan kepada pihak yang berkenaan tetapi hanya menyepi tanpa khabar berita. Pihak doktor di klinik berkenaan telah memberitahu saya bahawa adalah tidak wajar untuk Klinik Ibu dan Kanak-kanak beroperasi bersama hospital. Ini akan menyebabkan kanak-kanak atau ibu-ibu mengandung yang mendapat perkhidmatan di klinik tersebut akan terdedah kepada pelbagai bawaan penyakit di kawasan hospital.

Justeru itu, saya mewakili sekian ramainya penduduk Daerah Bau bersama dengan ADUN N.2 Tasik Biru yang berkongsi daerah yang sama memohon agar pihak Kerajaan Negeri dapat menekan pihak kementerian di persekutuan agar perancangan untuk membina baru Klinik Ibu dan Kanak-kanak di Daerah Bau dipercepatkan dan tapak cadangan juga telah dikenal pasti bagi tujuan tersebut.

Pembangunan Sumber Manusia

Seperti yang kita semua sedia maklum, pembangunan sumber manusia ialah satu katalis penting dalam kita memacu pembangunan negara ke tahap tertinggi. Tanpa kita menyediakan satu kumpulan masyarakat berkemahiran, saya khuatir negara kita akan kurang mampu berdaya saing dalam membekalkan tenaga kerja berkemahiran kepada keperluan industri. Oleh yang demikian, saya amat berharap supaya Kerajaan dapat mempertimbangkan di bawah Bajet Tahun 2017 untuk membina satu pusat kemahiran belia bagi belia-belia di daerah Bau/Lundu. Buat masa ini tidak terdapat pusat kemahiran sedemikian mahupun pembangunan belia di kedua-dua daerah ini. Disebabkan kedua daerah ini bersempadan amatlah wajar sekiranya pusat kemahiran tersebut berfungsi untuk menampung keperluan belia daripada kedua-dua daerah Bau dan Lundu. Penubuhan CENTECH adalah amat dialu-alukan.

Menaiktarafkan Sekolah-Sekolah Daif Di Luar Bandar

Sekali lagi saya masukkan akan permasalahan berkenaan dengan sekolah-sekolah yang amat memerlukan penaiktarafan dan baikpulih dengan segera.

SMK Paku Bau telah memohon dengan pihak JPN untuk menukar bumbung zink untuk tiga (3) blok bangunan kelas yang telah buruk dan mula jatuh menyembah bumi. Adalah menjadi harapan kami agar adanya tindakan segera daripada pihak JPN berkenaan perkara berkenaan sebelum ianya mendatangkan kecelakaan di kemudian hari.

Demikian juga di sekolah SMK Lake Bau yang memerlukan wajah baru untuk sekolah tersebut. Kelas-kelas sedia ada terlalu sempit dan daif lantas tidak mampu menampung pertambahan bilangan pelajar yang meningkat saban tahun. Mohon pihak kementerian yang berkenaan untuk memasukkan peruntukan untuk menaiktaraf SMK Lake Bau dan membina baru blok-blok kelas yang usang dengan bangunan konkrit yang lebih moden dan kukuh.

Tuan Speaker, allow me to raise the issue of air connectivity especially the Rural Air Service or RAS for Sarawak operated under MasWings Sdn. Bhd. We have experience a lot of complaint of delay and cancellation of flights operated by MasWings that connected major

49 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 towns in Sarawak. It shows a bad sign of intra movements between towns in Sarawak and definitely counter-productive in our effort to have an efficient movement of our people, business community and of course the promotions of tourism industry investment throughout our major towns in Sarawak.

I might suggest in this august House, what if the State Government of Sarawak study a plan to take over the MasWings operations and put it under the State’s GLCs. This movement will allow our beloved State of Sarawak have our own State airlines and solely will be based in Sarawak as well. In view that the Rural Air Service Rationalization is going to be renewed, why can’t the Sarawak State Government take this special subsidy from Federal Government on Rural Air Service or RAS to operate it for State own airlines services by taking the operations of MasWings. If given the opportunity, I don’t think that we are shortfall of talented people from Sarawak that can manage and operate an airlines company in Sarawak. I have been made known that, not even a single, out of ten aircrafts that operated under MasWings belongs to them and I do believe that most of us in this august House doesn’t know about it. Those aircraft operated under MasWings are rented from Ministry of Transport and paid under RAS subsidy from the Federal Government. Again, why can’t MasWings have their own aircraft to give a better service to Sarawak people rather than depend on Ministry of Transport to supply them the aircraft. And I do believe that, if MasWings can operate as a Sarawak-based airline, we can give a better service to our client and spread their wings to our Southeast Asian neighbour country in spurring the tourism industry and the movement of investment in our state.

Rehabilitation of Old DUN Building as the Jewel of Sarawak Performing Arts Centre

The State Government have given a mandate to the Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture to transform the old DUN as Art and Culture Centre for Kuching and Sarawak as a whole. If Kuala Lumpur have their very own Istana Budaya, why can’t Kuching have its own Performing Arts Centre to motivate younger generations be to involved in performing arts. I hope that State Government will expedite the transformation of all DUN building in Sarawak to be the first Performing Art Centre as an added tourism attraction within the city which has been declare as City of Unity in the year 2015. As we all know, most major city throughout the world have their own Performing Art Centre and we do hope that Kuching city will have it soon. Tuan Speaker, mengakhiri ucapan saya, saya sekali lagi mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih di atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya untuk membahaskan Rang Undang- Undang Perbekalan 2017 Negeri Sarawak. Saya berharap apa yang dibahaskan mendapat perhatian penuh pihak kementerian yang berkenaan dan semestinya rakyat di kawasan saya terus berharap agar permasalahan-permasalahan yang diutarakan, diberi tindakan sewajarnya oleh pihak yang berkenaan.

Akhir sekali saya ucapkan dengan tulus ikhlas Selamat Hari Maulidur Rasul yang akan datang kepada rakan-rakan yang beragama Islam dan Selamat Hari Krismas in advance kepada rakan-rakan yang beragama Kristian dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2017 kepada semua rakan-rakan seperjuangan. Saya mohon menyokong.

Timbalan Speaker: Yang Berhormat bagi Engkilili.

Y.B Encik Johnichal Rayong Anak Ngipa: Tuan Speaker, thank you for giving this opportunity to debate the Supply Bill (2017), 2016 at Mesyuarat Kedua bagi Penggal Pertama Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak Ke-18 at this august House. I feel I am honoured and privileged to have the privilege to do so.


Tuan Speaker, amongst other things our Chief Minister has taken various measures such as reducing electricity tariffs, abolishing tolls in several places, showing commitment and firmness in eliminating illegal loggings, checking immigration of illegal workers, addressing poaching by fishermen, being steadfast in demanding higher oil royalty from the Federal Government and demanding devolution of power to State departments in several sectors.

Chief Minister’s decision to make English the State’s second language and preferred official language of the State administration deserves the people’s support. His ideas are practical. English, being an international language, should be the ‘bridge’ or common language for the people of Sarawak’s diverse races to communicate, as well as the language of technology and science in our education system.

And after the last election, he had distributed power-sharing very well, with all BN component parties and BN friendly parties at his cabinet.

I congratulate the Chief Minister for presenting such a realistic State budget for 2017. Of the amount RM5.928 billion or 73% has been proposed for development while the balance of RM2.206 billion or 27% for operating expenditures. It is a budget that is biased towards development and rural focused, which is essential to continue, since Sarawak is still a developing state. It is in line with the State Government’s objective of continuing to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas State wide. It is also in line with the State Government’s commitment to give greater focus on the implementation of programmes and projects in the rural areas in order to accelerate rural development transformation.

Such effort will also open up greater opportunities for development in order to benefit our rural communities under Sarawak Transformation: “The Way Forward”. Since all Key Result Areas (KRA) have been identified, I’m sure the allocated development expenditure and the operating expenditure will further spur the economic and development. Though a deficit budget first time in 15 years the deficit is still manageable. With prudent financial management the State Government will generate the surplus at the end of the day.

Now is time to work together without much bickering for the betterment of the state, for accelerated development and for people’s welfare; while not forgetting my vote of thanks to all my supporters and voters in Engkilili Constituency, who have given me their trust and have voted me into the august House. I’m looking forward to working closely with everyone, to learn from the ministers, the senior Government officers and veterans, to make Sarawak a better place for all.

Our budget this time clearly reflects that the welfare and well being of the people from all levels of society remain the State Government’s policy. As such, more Federal funding is needed to help narrow the development gap between the urban and rural areas in our state.

Such funding is needed to fund the much needed infrastructural projects like roads, bridges, wharves and jetties, drainage, utilities, basic rural facilities and amenities, facilities for education and medical services as well as allocation to assist our farmers, livestock breeders and fishermen in the rural areas to be in par with our counterparts in Peninsular Malaysia.

Resources rich Sarawak is a bastion of ruling State Government which came to victory again and again, and again last State election. Although a top producer of oil and timber, Sarawak hosts some of Malaysia’ poorest people, especially tribal communities in the rural areas separated from the rest of the State by rugged terrain and rivers. We all want Sarawak to move forward in order to be at par with Peninsular Malaysia. We all want Sarawak to be a developed State with high income status by the year 2030.


In view of our expanding development, we need the cooperation of all sectors, Government back benchers or opposition, wakil rakyat, be, we are Sarawakians or wakil rakyat at Federal level.

The Government must be given credit for an impressive 11th Malaysian Plan, the final lap in our pursuit of the Vision 202 goal of becoming a developed nation.

Given the recent uncertainties on the economic and political fronts, the 11th Malaysian Plan boosts our spirits as we look forward to holding our head high as citizens of a developed nation. But we cannot take for granted that we will realise the vision in five years’ time.

The Government and the opposition, civil society and individuals should altogether put their shoulders to the Malaysian wheel and heave the nation up to its new status. For this, there should be greater national unity and unity of purpose, regardless of race, religion and regional parochialism.

We must support good leaders and good governance and we must undertake to raise our commitment to do our best, each in its own area of work, to move the economy forward. Some effort and cooperation must be given to our State of Sarawak. The thrusts of our economic and development plan in the Budget Bill (2017), 2016 are significant. However, they will enhance delivery to the rakyat only if implemented effectively with the cooperation and hard work of all of us.

Tuan Speaker, while many other issues had been or will be covered by other honourable members, I would like to stress issues, pertinent to my constituency at DUN Engkilili.

A large portion of rural population in DUN Engkilili, still need better basic infrastructure and amenities including roads, schools, clinics, treated water and electricity supply. As such, I suggest our key transform measures which need urgent attention in DUN Engkilili, include the following:

(a) Access Roads.

(b) Rural Clean Water Supply (Bekalan Air Luar Bandar).

(c) Dilapidated rural schools.

(d) Engkilili and Skrang status.

(e) Agro-Politian Bukit Sadok area.

(f) Large-scale Wet Padi Farming.

(g) Implementing Faster Internet.

(h) Building New Clinic at Skrang

(i) Street Lighting Strategic Area.

On access road, I request that the proposed Phase Two Ulu Skrang Road from Ng. Murad to Rumah Rantai, Lepong Kepayang to be implemented as soon as possible. I urge the relevant authorities to take immediate action. Grant for the project is already allocated.


There is no justification why the project should be delayed. It is unuable. Bridges, drains and roadsides keep collapsing especially during wet season. The area has rich hinterland for agriculture. When the road is fully upgraded, it will be easy for the locals to market their agricultural product to towns.

The proposed access road Hilir, Engkilili from Stuga/Basi to Brayun, and the proposed access roads from Lidong to across Batang , Sri Aman should be improved and implemented soonest possible. Land and fruit trees have been paid but till now the project has not been carried out.

On treated water supply (Bekalan Air Luar Bandar), urgent implementation of clean water supply is urgently needed at the following areas. Bekalan Air Luar Bandar at San Semanju areas at SK San Semanju, Rumah Engkabi, San Semanju, Sk Ridan, Rumah Sujang, Semueh, Rumah Samai, Semuah, Rumah Ading, Semueh Lama and adjacent areas.

I also propose that Bekalan Air Luar Bandar be extended to Nibong, Bunu Beging, Titok, Berenggang, Gelong and new longhouses nearby along San Semanju/Jalan Lubok Antu junction. The proposed Bekalan Air Luar Bandar to Batang Ai, Engkilili and the proposed Bekalan Air Luar Bandar to Hilir Skrang should be completed soonest possible. Funding is been allocated by relevant authorities to take immediate action.

On dilapidated rural schools in DUN Engkilili, I suggest that the rural schools in Engkilili yang terbengkalai to be upgraded and maintained by the Federal and the Government using IBA’s system.

On the upgrading status of Engkilili and Skrang, I strongly suggest that Engkilili Town be upgraded to district level in view of the fact that the local population is fast increasing. Basic infrastructures are already there, primary and secondary school, health centre, district office, agriculture main office, police station, the local Council (MDLA) main office are all situated there. I propose that full banking facilities in addition to the present one Agro Bank ATM, should be made available to enable the large Engkilili population to do their everyday banking transactions, such as saving, deposit, sending money, paying bills, and other banking transactions.

I also suggest that Skrang area to be upgraded into a sub district of Engkilili in to accelerate development and administration of Skrang and adjacent areas. The historic Skrang has not been given an administrative centre since Brooke’s time. Basic facilities like school, hall, clinic, water reservoir and police stations are already there. In addition to the basic infrastructures, I suggest there should be a post office, for the increased of local population to pay their bills, save and send money or mails to their children studying in higher institutions or somewhere else. And perhaps, MARA, SEDC, LCDA, etc can build a row of shophouses for the local people to do their business instead of the many canteens scattered at various places in the village. On the Agropolitan at Bukit Sadok area, I suggest that an agropolitan centre be set up at area of historic Bukit Sadok. The soils surrounding the area and that of Ulu Skrang are fertile and conducive for large scale pepper and hill paddy farming. I have seen the people make their living by planting pepper and tapping rubber at this area. This area could be a productive pepper hub which can generate income for the local people at our State. This area is already connected by Ulu Skrang road which make it possible for the local people to sell their products to the town like Betong, Sarikei, Pakan, Sri Aman. Bukit Sadok has been proposed a reserved forest as well.

Lower Batang Ai and Lower Skrang River which are low lying areas, wet and swampy are indeed suitable for large scale paddy farming, wet paddy farming. Feeder roads along both areas are being built, have started though not completed yet. As soon as these feeder

53 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 roads are completed and upgraded, it would be easy for people at the area to transport their agricultural products to Engkilili or Bandar Sri Aman.

On the implementation of fast internet in DUN Engkilili, I suggest the Government and the relevant authorities to build wi-fi community, a menara komunikasi, a Pusat Internet 1Malaysia at Engkilili Town and two more at Skrang and Lidong area.

Having a high speed telecommunication highway is important as students and other community can use it urgently.

Timbalan Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Engkilili, you have one minute.

Y.B. Encik Johnical Rayong Anak Ngipa: Thank you. At the moment, the present slow rural free wi-fi in scattered places in DUN Engkilili areas cannot meet our internet need as coverage is very limited. As such I suggest internet and broadband services in the Engkilili constituency to be added, improved and upgraded.

On building New Clinic at Skrang, I suggest that a new Pusat Kesihatan be speeded up. The old clinic will be demolished soon to pave the way for the building of Pan Borneo Highway. The Land and Survey had identified the proposed the site. It is now left to the Government and relevant authorities to build a new Pusat kesihatan for Skrang.

On street lighting in DUN area Engkilili, I suggest that street lighting should be built at crucial areas along the road.

Tuan Speaker, as far as politic is concerned, I wish to state firmly and heartily, that I fully support the visionary leadership and policy of our Chief Minister to develop Sarawak as a high income and a developed state in par with Peninsular Malaysia. There should not be much political squabbling and demonstration. Protest and demonstration along the roads and towns are not our way of life. It is absolutely not our culture in Sarawak.

Tuan Speaker, I move to support the Supply Bill (2017), 2016 to be passed. Thank you, Sir.

Timbalan Speaker : Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi

Y.B. Dr Hazland Bin Abang Hipni: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Tuan Speaker, saya mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kerana telah diberi kesempatan ini untuk turut diberi peluang untuk membahas Rang Undang-Undang Perbekalan (2017) dan Usul Untuk Merujuk Resolusi Anggaran Perbelanjaan Pembangunan, 2016 yang telah dibentang oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Ketua Menteri merangkap Menteri Kewangan Sarawak di Dewan yang mulia ini.

Tuan Speaker, terlebih dahulu saya bagi pihak rakyat di N.5 Demak Laut ingin mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Ketua Menteri Sarawak merangkap Menteri Kewangan Sarawak kerana telah berjaya untuk membentangkan satu bajet yang seimbang, progresif dan komprehensif walaupun dalam suasana cabaran hebat ekonomi dunia yang tidak menentu, walaupun dalam suasana penurunan nilai ringgit, penurunan harga komoditi, peningkatan kos sara hidup dan peningkatan kos perniagaan.

This is a Rural-Biased Budget with more than 50 percent of the development allocation is for the implementation of programs and projects in the rural areas to narrow the rural urban development gap.


The government will ensure that the rakyat enjoys excellent services and derive maximum benefits from the implementation of development programs and projects through the Government Transformation Programme and Economic Transformation Programme as the guiding force.

Tuan Speaker, sektor perkhidmatan di Demak Laut merupakan penyumbang utama kepada ekonomi rakyat tempatan melalui industri pertanian, perikanan, industri makanan, pemborongan dan runcitan, pengangkutan, kemudahan, komunikasi, pelancongan dan pengilangan. Semua ini adalah hasil daripada segala program dan inisiatif oleh kedua-dua pihak Kerajaan dan sektor swasta.

Cadangan peruntukan sebanyak RM5.928 bilion untuk Perbelanjaan Pembangunan 2017 adalah sangat dialu-alukan. Pertama sekali berkenaan dengan connectivity.


Adalah menjadi harapan rakyat di Demak laut untuk meningkatkan connectivity di kawasan kami kerana masih banyak memerlukan jalan raya, contohnya, di Kampung Bako, Kampung Beradek, Semilang, Tiang Api dan di Kampung Pinggan Jaya dan Muhibbah Pending. Begitu juga dengan projek Jambatan di Tanjung Bako, Beradek, Semilang dan Tiang Api yang sudah begitu lama di tunggu-tunggu oleh para penduduk.

Pemerkasaan Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian

Adalah diharapkan peruntukan sebanyak RM229 juta untuk pemerkasaan Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian akan juga dapat dirasai oleh beribu para petani di Demak Laut yang mengusahakan beratus hektar kebun terutama sekali di kawasan Beradek, Semilang, Tiang Api, Bako, Tanjung Bako dan Sungai Nepong.

Pembangunan Luar Bandar

Adalah diharapkan peruntukan sebanyak RM743 juta untuk pembangunan luar bandar akan juga dapat dirasai oleh penduduk Demak Laut terutama sekali di Beradek, Semilang, Tiang Api, Bako, Tanjung Bako, Pinggan Jaya dan Muhibbah Pending yang masih memerlukan banyak pembangunan infrastruktur asas.

Pembangunan Kawasan Industri

Terima kasih diucapkan atas cadangan peruntukan RM67 juta untuk pembangunan kawasan industri. Demak Laut sebagai kawasan transformasi perindustrian telahpun disenaraikan sebagai salah sebuah kawasan industry yang akan mendapat sebahagian daripada peruntukan ini.

Perumahan Mampu Milik

Adalah diharapkan peruntukan tambahan RM66 juta daripada Kerajaan Negeri untuk membina Rumah Mampu Milik akan dapat dirasai oleh keluarga-keluarga Demak Laut yang berpendapatan rendah yang masih belum memiliki rumah melalui cadangan 1,000 unit rumah mampu milik, 140 unit Rumah Mesra Rakyat dan 17 buah Kampung Extension.

Pembangunan Modal Insan

Adalah diharapkan peruntukan sebanyak RM95 juta untuk pembangunan modal insan akan juga dapat dirasai oleh rakyat Demak Laut. Sesungguhnya pembangunan


Centres of Technical Excellence ataupun CENTEX adalah begitu sesuai sekali dibina di kawasan Perindustrian Demak Laut memandangkan ianya sudah dilengkapi dengan begitu banyak sekali kilang-kilang perindustrian yang boleh menjadi tempat latihan semula jadi.

Industri Perkayuan

Cadangan peruntukan sebanyak RM817 juta dalam usaha Kerajaan Negeri untuk Transformasi Sosio-Ekonomi, Transformasi Luar Bandar dan Transformasi Pencapaian Perkhidmatan adalah amat dialu-alukan. Kawasan perindustrian Demak Laut juga merupakan pengeluar produk industri perkayuan. Usaha Kerajaan Negeri untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah industri perkayuan melalui peruntukan RM5 juta untuk menubuhkan pusat kajian hasil industri perkayuan adalah suatu inisiatif yang akan menguatkan industri ini.

Naik Taraf Kawasan Perindustrian

Terima kasih diucapkan atas cadangan peruntukan sebanyak RM2.0 juta untuk menaiktarafkan kemudahan kawasan Perindustrian, di mana Kawasan Perindustrian Demak Laut adalah salah satu daripada kawasan yang akan dinaiktaraf. Syarat-syarat perundangan tanah industri yang membolehkan penggunaan optima tanah perindustrian untuk perindustrian kecil dan sederhana juga akan menguntungkan para usahawan.

Strategi Promosi Pelaburan

Adalah diharapkan cadangan peruntukan sebanyak RM1.8 juta akan dapat disalurkan kepada kawasan Perindustrian Demak Laut demi untuk menarik lebih ramai pelabur melalui aktiviti promosi yang lebih fokus, tersusun dan sistematik.

Pemodenan & Perdagangan Sektor Pertanian

Adalah diharapkan cadangan peruntukan sebanyak RM80 juta untuk meningkatkan pemodenan dan pemerdagangan sektor pertanian akan juga dapat disalurkan kepada para petani kawasan Demak Laut memandangkan terdapat beribu kaum Petani yang mengusahakan tidak kurang daripada 6 ribu hektar tanah kebun di Beradek, Semilang, Tiang Api, Bako, Tanjung Bako dan Sungai Nepong.

Pusat kaji selidik pertanian, pemasaran hasil tani, pusat pengumpulan dan pemprosesan dan pembungkusan, infrastruktur kebun, insentif pertanian untuk tanaman kelapa, lada, sawit buah-buahan dan ternakan integrasi lembu, adalah di antara strategi yang dapat meningkatkan hasil industri pertanian Demak Laut.


Adalah diharapkan cadangan peruntukan sebanyak RM8.0 juta untuk memperkasakan Branding Pelancongan akan dapat diagihkan untuk zon pelancongan Demak Laut yang meliputi Taman Negara Bako, Pulau Lakei, Bako Buntal Bay, Kampung Bako, Sungai Bako, Muara Tebas dan Tanjung Embang.

Fokus terhadap usaha ini melalui diversifikasi produk pelancongan, event event, insentif industri penerbangan dan penerbangan charter untuk membawa lebih ramai pelancong, menaik taraf infrastruktur pelancongan, inisiatif untuk konservasi dan restorasi tapak-tapak heritage, digital marketing dan sistem untuk merekod data kemasukan pelancong serta perbelanjaan para pelancong.


Urbanisasi dan Pembangunan Semula Perkampungan

Syabas, tahniah dan terima kasih kepada Kerajaan Negeri kerana akan memperuntukkan sejumlah RM30 juta untuk pembangunan urbanisasi dan pembangunan semula perkampungan tradisi yang juga meliputi kampung-kampung di kawasan Demak Laut. Perancangan komprehensif ini merangkumi infrastruktur untuk merancakkan ekonomi, pusat-pusat penjaja, tebingan sungai, restorasi bangunan heritage, mengoptimakan pembangunan tanah untuk pembangunan perumahan berdensiti tinggi, untuk meningkatkan sistem pengangkutan awam, untuk memfokuskan kepada usaha tebatan banjir serta sistem perparitan.

Meningkatkan Penglibatan Keusahawan

Adalah diharapkan peruntukkan sebanyak RM8.7 juta untuk pembangunan keusahawanan akan dapat juga disalurkan kepada kumpulan sasaran seperti para belia, golongan berpendapatan rendah, para graduan dan golongan yang mempunyai kemahiran dari kawasan Demak Laut. Ini adalah usaha terbaik untuk mengurangkan jurang ekonomi rakyat.

Transformasi Luar Bandar

Adalah diharapkan peruntukan sebanyak RM329.8 juta untuk pembangunan Transformasi Luar bandar juga akan disalurkan ke kawasan Demak Laut yang masih memerlukan dua buah sekolah baru di Kampung Tanjong Bako dan Kampung Senari, perkhidmatan doktor bergerak untuk Kampung Bako, Beradek, Semilang, Tiang Api, Tanjong Bako, Pinggan Jaya dan Muhibbah Pending, pembinaan paip baru untuk Kampung Tanjong Bako, Pinggan Jaya, Muhibbah Pending, Beradek, Semilang, Tiang Api, Projek Tebatan Banjir untuk sistem perparitan di Kampung Tabuan Melayu, Tabuan Foochow, Bako, Muara Tebas, Gobeilt, Senari, Sejingkat, Beradek, Semilang, Tiang Api, Pinggan Jaya dan Muhibbah Pending.

Pembangunan Pendidikan dan Modal Insan

Demak Laut memohon pihak Kerajaan memberi fokus terhadap pembangunan pendidikan melalui program-program intervensi untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan guru, menambah guru-guru pakar untuk matapelajaran English, Sains dan Matematik. Minat para pelajar terhadap Science, Technical, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) dan juga Technical Vocational Education Traning (TVET) harus ditingkatkan untuk pasaran pekerjaan yang lebih kompetitif.

Pembangunan Sukan

Demak Laut juga terkenal dengan penghasilan pemain-pemain bolasepak peringkat Negeri dan Negara daripada Kampung Bako, Muara Tebas, Gobeilt, Senari dan Tabuan Melayu. Oleh itu, diharapkan Kementerian berkenaan dapat memberi fokus untuk meningkatkan lagi kemudahan-kemudahan sukan seperti padang bola, padang futsal, mini stadium, sekolah sukan dan kursus-kursus jurulatih bertaraf antarabangsa. Begitu juga dengan kemudahan sukan permotoran, cub prix, drag race dan litar lumba kereta.


Gejala Sosial

Dengan adanya pembangunan dan pemodenan cara kehidupan, gejala sosial juga meningkat. Demak Laut juga tidak terlepas daripada gejala ini terutama dalam gejala penyalahgunaan dadah. Peningkatan dalam gejala ini begitu ketara sekali dalam tahun ini dan diharapkan pihak-pihak yang berkenaan akan meningkatkan usaha untuk membenteras gejala penyalahgunaan dadah selain daripada usaha oleh ibu bapa, para guru, pemimpin masyarakat, KRT serta usahasama penduduk kampung untuk membenteras gejala penyalahgunaan dadah secara habis-habisan.


Demak Laut masih lagi mempunyai seramai 200 lebih orang miskin tegar, 3,000 lebih penerima BRIM, 10,000 lebih warga emas, 1000 lebih ibu tunggal, 500 anak yatim, 300 OKU yang masih memerlukan bantuan kebajikan untuk kehidupan seharian. Adalah diharapkan cadangan peruntukan sebanyak RM2.0 juta untuk 2017 akan juga disalurkan kepada golongan-golongan ini.

Peruntukan Kerajaan Pusat

Daripada semua isu-isu di atas, jelas sekali kita memerlukan lebih banyak peruntukan daripada Kerajaan Pusat untuk mencapai segala pembangunan yang kita impikan. Bajet Nasional untuk Sarawak adalah tidak mencukupi. Oleh yang demikian kita merayu agar pihak Kerajaan Persekutuan akan memberi pertimbangan khusus agar kita dapat mengurangkan jurang pembangunan Sarawak dengan Semenanjung.

Tuan Speaker, the Sarawak Barisan Nasional Government, in its continuous efforts to institute positive changes to the State and country, will continue to find ways to accumulate more wealth for the State. The Sarawak Barisan Nasional Government has been planning and implementing many development projects for decades. Many were still being developed, some would be completed soon while others would take some time. Being a Wakil Rakyat from a sub-urban and rural area, I must state my appreciation and thanks to both the Federal Barisan Nasional Government and the State Barisan Nasional Government for placing and prioritising special emphasis on rural development programmes as reflected in both the National Budget and State Budget for 2017, which also includes my constituency ... (Interruption)

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Demak Laut, one minute, please.

Y.B. Dr. Haji Hazland Bin Abang Hipni: Yes, Tuan Speaker. Thank you. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the various Government agencies involved in the implementation of projects such as the State Development Office, the Kuching Resident’s Office, the ’s Office, the Public Works Department, the Land and Survey Department, the Housing Development Commission, the State Religious Department, DBKU, MBKS, MPP, SEDC, PELITA and many other agencies.

Hence the focus now is on Human Resource Transformation, which is a testament to the visionary and purposeful leadership of Yang Amat Berhormat Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Ketua Menteri and as such there is a Technical Secondary School in my constituency to train students of all races in the technical subjects to prepare them for the industrial job market. And most importantly the people of Demak Laut would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Sarawak Government for the recently approved Bako Bridge, a project which has been long awaited by the people. With this new bridge which will be completed in two years time, the socio economic status of the villagers of Kampung Bako would definitely be very much

58 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 improved. Thank you Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Ketua Menteri ... (Interruption)

Timbalan Speaker: Your time is up.

Y.B. Dr. Haji Hazland Bin Abang Hipni: Tuan Speaker, before I end, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Christian members of this house a Merry Christmas and to all a blessed and Happy New 2017 and Happy Chinese New Year.

On this note, Tuan Speaker, I render my strong support for the Supply (2017) Bill, and the motion to refer the Resolution on the estimate of Development Expenditure 2016.

Thank you.

Timbalan Speaker: Yang Berhormat bagi .

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Thank you for allowing me to join in the debate on Budget Sarawak 2017 in this august House, the House that is supposedly to convey our freedom of speech, independance and promote democracy for the country.

This DUN sitting session is set for Budget debate, we have seen the annual speech by the Finance Minister to spell out the State revenue and State expenditures for the coming year. We heard about the grandiose statements how our Sarawak BN Government has transformed the rural areas, how the BN Government assisted the public and particularly the rural communities. However, when we go down to the field, we see kampongs still with no electricity; we see kampongs still consuming water from the creeks and we are still travelling on the dirt road with millions of pot holes.

In the budget presented on Monday, I struggle to find the potential for any financial and economic transformation for Sarawak in the foreseeable future. I don’t see how this Government is genuine to take Sarawak into a real transformed economic state. To me, this BN Government is not ready to make Sarawak to become the premiere State of Malaysia.

The State BN Government looks tired in her administration. The State BN Government has not been able to come up with any new direction and any new ideas for our future. After 46 years of the same State Government, we are seeing the same rhetoric years after years, elections after elections. When are we going to have a plan for Sarawak for the next 20 years, for the next 50 years?.

Sarawak is blessed with abundant natural resources: rain forests, waters, petroleum, natural gas, etc. In the past 50 years, we have seen the massive deforestations. We have seen the rain forest being cleared for oil palm plantations. We have seen our successive BN Government hand over the oil and gas resources to Putrajaya without even blinking their eyes. And now we realised that our coastal border has shrunk to the extent that most oil and gas resources may be taken away from our door steps. And what is our State Government suppose to do now. To fight by saying what belongs to us is ours. Are we still believing the Federal BN will pity us? Are we still believing that what was promised as thin air from one’s mouth can come true one day?.

The time for action is now. We have the bargaining chips to demand what we want. We are just in front of the goal post and the ball is right under our feet. We just need to pass the goalie, hit the ball into the goal and make the score board read 1 - 53. That is 1 for Sarawak and 53 for Malaya. In 2017, we want to kick the first goal. We shall not believe what is pleasing to our ears only by demanding what we want to be. We want it to be black and white. And if needed, change the law or amend the constitutions.


Budget 2017

I like to refer to Budget 2017. Tuan Speaker, the Budget headline news was Sarawak will have the first ever budget deficit in 14 years with the reported deficit of 385 million ringgit. I put the Budget to my prospective:

Revenue for 2017 totalling RM5,321 million. Minus Operating Expenditure of RM2,206 million. Minus Development Expenditure of RM5,928 million. That gave us a negative balance of RM2,813 million and not the reported deficit of RM385 million. In another word, the Sarawak BN Government will spend RM1.53 for every ringgit we generate.

Tuan Speaker, I would like to make on 2 points on this budget, out of the reported RM282 million for development fund from Federal Government, RM269 million and RM30 thousand are actually Federal loan that is 95.5% is Federal loan, not grant but loans, the loans that we have to pay back in the future. In another word, out of the Sarawak total development expenditure budget of nearly RM6 billion, only a mere RM12.7 million, equivalent to 0.21% of the development fund, and I say it again, Sarawak got just 0.21% of the development funds from Najib BN Government. Every RM100 ringgit we spend on development, 21 cents can make a lot of noise with 21 cents, came from Federal Government.

And the second point, in the Development Fund Account, the balance at 31.12.2015, 11 months ago stood at RM5.34 billion. By the end of this Budget period on 31.12.2017, the balance of the Development Fund Account is estimated to be only RM1.13 billion ringgits. In a short period of this two years, the State Development Fund has reduced its asset by RM4.2 billion. That is equivalent to a reduction in State Fund by RM5.77 million ringgits every single day, every day, every single day or RM240,322 for every 60 minutes passed.

Tuan Speaker, I propose that the Finance Minister, in his winding up speech, to elaborate to this House on the forward estimate financial outlook for the next four years, to assure Sarawak what might be our financial future in 2020.

Sarawak Development

Tuan Speaker, as I mentioned earlier, we are blessed with abundant natural resources. Rainforest, water, oil and gas. Unfortunately, over the past 53 years, through successive Barisan Nasional Government, these resources have not benefited Sarawak significantly but was mainly scooped up and handed over to the Federal Government gradually. With the halting of the illegal timber industries, and the tumbling of petroleum prices, the persistent subdued commodities prices, together with the implementation of GST, all occurred over the past two (2) years, we are witnessing the suffering of the people of Sarawak. The street crimes have been more noticeable, the break-ins are reported daily on paper and make the repayment of the loan.

In the 1970s, the Republic of Taiwan was at the cross road. Taiwan was abandoned by the international community...(interruption)

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Meradong, you want to get clarification? Pujut, clarification from Ahli Yang Berhormat for Meradong.

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Will I get extra injury time?

Timbalan Speaker: He asked for clarification.


Y.B. Datuk Ding Kuong Hiing: Thank you, Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pujut. I did not hear a good words from Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pujut about our country, so even if it so bad and so useless why bothered coming back at all?

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: I love Malaysia, I love Sarawak, this is my country, it’s not yours. Everyone here. Taiwan was abandoned by the international community. She lost her seat in the United Nation and the country economy was still largely dependent on agricultural export. At that difficult moment, the Taiwanese Government has decided to embark on the major developments to steer the country into prosperity, for which the people of Taiwan still enjoying its success today. The so-called “Ten Major Construction Projects” ... (Utterance in Chinese) ... were the national infrastructure projects during the 1970s in Taiwan. The Taiwanese Government believed, at the time that the country lacked key utilities such as highways, seaports, airports and power plants. Before the turn of the decade in 1980, Taiwan has completed six transportation projects, three industrial projects, and one power-plant construction project. The Ten Major Construction Projects has changed Republic of Taiwan from an agricultural dependent economy to an industrial economic.

Tuan Speaker, we are at the same cross road. Even though we are 40 years behind, we can make it. Sarawak needs to make a decision for the future. We shall not bolt down by our daily rhetoric slogan; we shall not divide Sarawak into rural and urban, we shall not be bolted down with the race and religions. Let us draw out a plan for the future of Sarawak, a plan that will move Sarawak into a new era of prosperity and economic stability, rather than continuing the current methods of begging and pledging attitude years after years, decades after decades.

May I express my 10 Major Construction Projects for Sarawak:

(a) To complete the Pan-Borneo Highway;

(b) To construct a Railway Line from Northern Sarawak Kuala Baram to the southern tip of Sarawak, linking the major towns and cities with connecting roads to interior areas;

(c) To construct deep water ports servicing the Northern Sarawak, Central Sarawak servicing the Rajang and one in Southern Sarawak;

(d) To establish timber related industries, such as plywood, furniture manufacturing, etc.;

(e) To establish palm oil related industries, such as cooking oil, margarines, cosmetics, soap industries, etc.;

(f) To implement major agricultural industries, such as pineapples or banana industries for both domestic and export markets;

(g) To construct and implement establish major vocational training centre, to train or up-skill Sarawakians for all industrial trades such as plumbers, electricians, IT supports, building industries, business management skills, community services such as elderly and children care and hospitality industries;

(h) To secure adequate power and water supply for the future with our own assets using our oil, gas and water resources;

(i) To rejuvenate our boat and ship building industries;


(j) To upgrade all airports in Sarawak.

Without vision, people perish. Tuan Speaker, may we request our Chief Minister to give us a glimpse of his envisioned future for Sarawak in 20 years and in 50 years?

Transparency and Corruption

In the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference last year, our Chief Minister said, “I am fighting corruption” but the Chief Minister also admitted that “we can never rid ourselves completely off dishonesty, corruption but we must at least try, try to do it, as much as we can”. In the same conference, our Chief Minister also acknowledged that information gathering will be very useful to fight against irregularity.

Tuan Speaker, I wrote a letter to Miri City Council recently, requesting copies of the minutes of Council’s meetings. However, to my complete bewilderment, I was informed by the City Secretary that I will not be provided with the same, but instead I may attend Full Council Meeting which is open to the Public.

I can assure members of this Chambers, the media and the members of the public attending the meeting including myself would not have a slightest clue what has been in the departmental reports. Typically, none of the councillors will raise any question and the open council meeting is supposedly a place for discussion and information, not just the place for rubber-stamping, as what I have observed in Miri City Council.

In the Transparency International Malaysia 2015 Annual Report, the President’s message noted that, “Corruption typically happens behind closed doors and away from the public eyes”. Therefore, I call upon the Local Government Minister to review the procedures of Local Council meetings; to be truly open to the public by providing agenda to the public attendees, and allow the public to ask and/or clarify matters that are relevant and important to their life. I want to ask Minister for Local Government whether he is going to show his leadership and to direct all councils to allow public to access council approved meeting records. Miri Port

The development in Miri has been hampered by the limitation of the Miri Port. The shallow access to the port means large vessels are unable to dock and utilise the facility. We need a deeper water to cater for larger ships to facilitate further growth in Northern Sarawak. The upgrading of Miri Port is crucial for the further economic development for Miri and its hinterland in Northern Sarawak.

Tuan Speaker, in 2012, the Miri Port Authority’s GM was reported to say that Miri Port in the northern part of Sarawak has grand ambitions to become one of the leading ports in Malaysia. In June this year, Deputy Chief Minister Dr James Masing said all the technical and research parts of upgrading Miri Port had been done and the project was estimated to cost RM679 million. However, the long overdue project was not carried out as our current State BN Government has decided not to fund the project ... (Interruption) ...

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pujut, could you just wind up? One more minute, yeah?

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: And the Federal Najib Government showed no interest in this crucial infrastructure in Sarawak.


I beg the Chief Minister to take the upgrading of Miri Port seriously. We can’t rely on a private sector to complete this all important infrastructure. We need the State Government to fund the Miri Port’s upgrading.

Matters related to Miri

I have a few questions here ... err related to Miri:

(a) With the squatter families in Miri resettling to Tudan Desaria, can the Minister reassure the people that the infrastructures and utilities for new houses are to be ready before forcing them to move?

(b) The air-conditioners in Petroleum Museum in Miri have broken down since 9 months ago, from March this year. Despite many efforts to try to make the authority aware of the urgency, no real action has been done. Can the Minister make a commitment to put a definite day to resume air conditioning for the Museum located in the Resort City of Miri?

(c) If and after the Miri City Polyclinic relocated next to the Miri Hospital, can the Minister tell this House what is the future of the land and building at Jalan Merbau (polyclinic) and Jalan Brighton, the assisting two locations for the hospitals?

I would like to mention about, talk about ... (Interruption)

Timbalan Speaker: Sorry, your time is up. Final sentence, ya?

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: I got interruption.

Timbalan Speaker: Ya, I take that into account already.

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: One minute.

The Speaker of the Westminster House

The Speaker is the Chief Officer and highest authority of this august House. The Speaker shall keep the House in order and calls elected members to speak during parliamentary debates. He or she has the full authority to make sure members of the Chamber follow the rules of the House during debates and the Speakers must remain politically impartial at all times. The Speaker must also exercise discretion, in partially and fairly on matters prescribed in the standing orders of the House, whether certain emergency debate is proper to be put to the House, whether to allow an urgent question, etc.

In the past four days, a total of 10 Motions were dismissed by ... (Interruption)

Timbalan Speaker: I think your time is up.

Y.B. Dr Ting Tiong Choon: In the past four days, a total of 10 Motions were dismissed by the Speaker of this august House. I would like to stress that the speaker, with great wisdom and experience ... (Inaudible)

Timbalan Speaker: The Honourable Member for Pujut. The Speaker knows what his duty, ya? Your time is up, sorry.

Timbalan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Bukit Semuja


Y.B. Encik John Anak Ilus: Tuan Speaker, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to speak and to join the other Honourable Members of the august House to debate on the Budget Speech by the Honourable Chief Minister on the 1st day of this sitting. I would like to congratulate him for being so bold and daring enough for the good of the rakyat as a whole.

The budget is somehow or rather, is a rural based rural friendly, rakyat focused, rakyat oriented and rakyat centred. It was widely circulated, known, said, mentioned, published and even pointed out that it is a deficit as compared to the last 14 years. Now, why is that so?

Being an undeveloped state, years being left behind, it shows that our Government, the present State Government of Sarawak is very serious to close the gap, to catch up with our fellow Malaysian in Semenanjung Malaysia. Though, they are embarking to be a developed nation in the year 2020 but for us in Sarawak will be 10 years later.

In the last National Budget 2017, for 2017 the Federal Government allocated barely enough for us Sarawak despite our geographical factors is at our disadvantage.

So Tuan Speaker, I state once again that the need to catch up, the need to be developed, the need to be a high income society, the need to be a high income state require more resources, require more funding and thus we need to bear with I, the State has to push rigorously despite all the setback be it internal or external that affected us both direct or indirectly.

Tuan Speaker, the road may be long and winding, rough and rugged but the journey has to go on. Likewise with conditions and situations faced by many of us especially in rural areas, anything that is related to our basic needs such as schools, health facilities, roads, bridges, water and electricity supplies, telecommunications and internet services (dengan izin in Bidayuh) “semua bayuh sadu” meaning all is not enough yet and not enough.

So we, the Adenan Team is passionate about education, though it is a Federal matters and having a flip flop policy, changes every now and then, we look seriously on the academic and performances of our school ongoing children especially in rural areas.

As the saying goes “ Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul” as we come across schools with dilapidated conditions or sekolah daif/usang for that matter. Thus, I strongly support our fellow Honourable Members who spoke bluntly on the school problems and conditions that needs more serious attention by the Government.

My Kawasan Bukit Semuja is of no exception, two schools namely SK Lebor Remun and SK Riih Daso was classified as sekolah daif or sekolah usang. To built or rebuilt is a dream of the people especially school going children.

The much awaited SMK Serian No. 2 which was approved under the 9th Malaysia Plan, the site has been acquired, the land has been compensated but nothing or no development has been done so far as of today. And again, another Primary school named, SK Sri Sadong is also in the pipeline of the Education Department for years but no sign when it is going to start.

SMK Serian on the other hand, is facing acute problems like a sardine-packed overcrowded classrooms, presently having a total number of 2,214 students with 7 floating classes, although it is only suppose to house 1,200 students. School Hall, library, science labs and even school surau were being used to house these floating classes.


Tuan Speaker, I once again like in the last sitting, would like to highlight in this honourable House on the daily situations in Hospital. The sick, irrespective of young and old, and others who seek medical treatment would crammed as early as 6 am everyday at the service counter just to get the queuing ticket. Just imagine what more to say to get the attention of the medical officers.

In other words, the much awaited new polyclinic, where the site has been identified, need to be built as soon as possible to cater the daily needs and the increasing numbers of those seeking medical treatment in a more conducive environment.

Tuan Speaker, appreciation and gratitude to the Ministry of Public Utilities for the implementation of the BELB project in Kampung Merakai, the one and only kampong have yet to enjoy such facility, the 24 hours of uninterrupted electricity supply in Bukit Semuja, Even though the physical and infrastructural part has been completed, but the supply is not yet commissioned. Thus, I urge the authority concern to speed up all the unnecessary delay such as documentations so that they can enjoy the supply as soon as possible.

I would also like to request to this Ministry to look and consider the need of treated water supply to be piped to this kampong, being surrounded by oil palm plantations and depended solely on river and rain harvesting for their daily needs. Problem worsened when drought season persist.

In addition to this, I would also like to request to this Ministry, to speed up the late Applications (late applications meant for newly completed house/dwelling in the ever existing area that enjoyed the facility) for BELB (Bekalan Letrik Luar Bandar) projects to be considered and approved in all the kampongs , longhouses, tamans and other housing extensions in Bukit Semuja.

I would like to appeal also to the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Communication to look into the needs of a few kampungs in Bukit Semuja. Again for example, Kampung Merakai they only depend on plantations roads all these while and need to be connected elsewhere like any other places. While others like Kampung Bedup, Kampung Selabi Sangkam and few more other need to be widened and upgraded.

Bukit Semuja, is located very near to Kuching City, accessible to Entekong, Kalimantan, Indonesia and of course along the Pan Borneo road to Sri Aman and other major towns in the state. Land are fertile and suitable for cash crop such as vegetables and also livestock, can be export further in a small or largest scale with this I urge the Ministry of Modernisation of Agriculture And Rural Economy, to give priority to further study on this matter to assist not only the people Bukit Semuja but for the good of the State as well.

Tuan Speaker, 11 April 2015 was very significant to the people of Serian. Our Right Honourable Chief Minister declared and created a new division no other than Serian as the 12th division in the State. A mere one year old Serian is embarking to have a new State complex as well as a New Township right at the doorstep and gratitude has been shown by the rakyat in the last election, where BN delivered very handsomely. However, Tuan Speaker, we in Serian does not see any move or initiatives by the Federal Government to put up Federal Complex like in any other divisions to house all the relevant Federal departments and agencies. On behalf of the rakyat in Serian, I urge the relevant agency to look into this matter seriously.

Division in Sarawak, each had its own agenda, it’s own product and its own strength. Miri for instance is for oil, Bintulu for gas and fertilizer, Sarikei for agriculture, Samarahan is

65 BELUM DISUNTING 24 NOVEMBER 2016 our education hub. Thus, I hope for Serian, the relevant authorities will come up with a ‘niche’ product so that plans will be focused in related to it.

Tuan Speaker, in the ongoing, Liga Bola Sepak Rakyat where Serian for the first time participating in the southern zone group, have three mini stadium namely Siburan Mini Stadium, Serian Mini stadium and Tebedu Mini Stadium but it is not fit to be used for the level of tournament. The pitch does not meet the requirement set by Football Association of Sarawak and Football Association of Malaysia, but for the Serian Football Team it hosts its home game in Kampung Pichin Football field. So this I urged the Ministry concern to look into the problem, not only to upgrade the existing sport facilities but to build any new facilities for a new division likewise in other division. This for sure will spur young and talented sportsmen and sportswomen to have a greater height in the future.

Tuan Speaker, villages from Tembakang, Sorak Melayu, Selabi, Serian Hulu, Serian Hilir, Munggu Limo and other areas situated along Batang Sadong in Bukit Semuja constituency, are restless and having sleepless night fearing any prolong rain. It is just like routine activity yearly by experience flood. Needless to say any landslide and other related natural disasters. Worst of all, the entire journey through Bandar Serian had to be halted due to the road closure and other related problems. By mentioning so, I hope the agencies concern will look into it at least minimize the problem in their short term plan and doing the thorough study for their long term plan.

Tuan Speaker, once again I would like thanks all the relevant agencies, civil servants both in the State and Federal, local authorities, business entities, contractors and many others who are one way or another for being so supportive and very helpful in any engagement made. This close rapport, espirit de corp and teamwork are highly appreciated. Looking forward for future engagement in year ahead.

To conclude, I would like to support the motion made by our honourable Speaker on the Budget 2017. To all honourable members and others who are here in this Dewan, selamat menyambut Hari Maulidur Rasul to all our Muslim friends, Merry Christmas to all the Christian and Happy New Year to all. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Simunjan.

Y.B. Encik Alwa Bin Idris: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Ingin saya merakamkan ucapan terima kasih saya dan rakyat di kawasan saya kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri dan Kerajaan Negeri yang telah menggubal dua Rang Undang-Undang Kerajaan (Belanjawan dan Bekalan Gas) yang memberi manfaat kepada Negeri Sarawak dan rakyatnya. Kerajaan juga telah membawa pembangunan dan perubahan yang positif selama ini dan usaha ini akan diteruskan lagi. Devolution of Power atau Penurunan Kuasa kepada Kerajaan Negeri, saya berani katakan seluruh rakyat Negeri Sarawak termasuk rakyat dalam kawasan Simunjan akan menyokong usaha Kerajaan Negeri yang dipimpin oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri. berunding dengan Kerajaan Pusat khususnya dengan Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri. Adalah menjadi impian semua agar satu hari nanti, kita boleh membinakan sekolah mana hendak dibuat, mana-mana sekolah kita hendak buatkan dahulu dan kita boleh mengambil guru-guru tempatan kita sendiri.

Seterusnya saya ingin menyentuh kepada perkara berhubung dengan penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan peraturan oleh mereka yang telah diberi tanggungjawab. Saya ingin menyuarakan keluhan rakyat dan juga apa yang boleh diperhati sebenarnya berlaku.


Penangkapan Ikan Melanggar Undang-Undang

Terdapat kapal dan bot asing yang menangkap ikan di perairan Sarawak. Ada juga bot-bot tunda yang menangkap ikan terlampau dekat dengan kawasan pantai. Mereka menceroboh kawasan untuk nelayan-nelayan kecil. Kesemua ini boleh menjejaskan penangkapan ikan dan stok ikan di perairan Sarawak. Secara automatis ini menjejaskan pendapatan nelayan-nelayan tempatan.

Yang penting ialah undang-undang dan peraturan dikuatkuasa dengan tegasnya untuk mengatasi keadaan ini. Sekiranya tidak dikuatkuasakan undang-undang dan peraturan berkaitan, maka penangkapan ikan secara haram akan berterusan dan berleluasa. Kita tidak seharusnya membiarkan nelayan sering menjejaskan pendapatan dan masa depan nelayan kita sendiri.

Yang kedua, selain daripada nelayan-nelayan yang tidak patuh dengan undang- undang, saya juga menerima keluhan rakyat berhubung dengan lori-lori berat yang lebih muatan iaitu over loading sama ada muatan kayu balak mahupun buah kelapa sawit. Banyak kali kayu balak yang dibuat mengecapi jalan. Lori buah sawit dua tiga kali ganda lebih tinggi daripada lori. Kemungkinan juga banyak lori yang memuat buah sawit tiada berlesen ataupun selalu disebut “lori hantu”. Setiap kali buah lori lebih muatan, setiap kali itulah jalan akan rosak. Kos membaikpulih adalah sangat tinggi. Lori yang lebih muatan juga boleh menjejaskan keselamatan pengguna-pengguna jalan yang lain.

Saya juga merayu supaya undang-undang dan peraturan dikuatkuasa oleh pihak yang berwajib dengan tegasnya. Saya ulangi, dengan ini saya merayu sekali lagi, undang- undang dan peraturan dikuatkuasa oleh pihak yang berwajib dengan tegasnya. Adakan rondaan yang lebih kerap. Tangkap mereka yang melakukan kesalahan. Semua rakyat bersetuju kita jangan sekali membiarkan lori-lori berat berleluasa dan membahayakan pengguna jalan raya yang lain.

Tuan Speaker, seterusnya izinkan saya menyuarakan permohonan dari rakyat di kawasan saya Simunjan :

(a) memohon pihak yang berkenaan bersama dengan pemaju bagi Pusat Pekan Baru Simunjan supaya menggerakkan atau memulakan pembangunan ke atas tapak yang sudah dikenalpasti dengan secepat yang boleh;

(b) memohon agar pihak Kerajaan membina jalan pintas dari Jalan Nanas, Simunjan terus ke Jambatan Batang Sadong. Jalan ini merentasi ladang sawit dan jika dibina akan memendekkan perjalanan dari 20km kepada 5km sahaja; dan

(c) memohon agar Kementerian Pelancongan Negeri mengkaji Pusat Peranginan Gunung Negeli sebagai pusat peranginan yang lebih sempurna dan selesa. Cadangan ini memandangkan tapak di atas gunung ini sudah ada jalan menuju ke radar stesen. Gunung Negeli ini adalah kawasan Coal Mine musim jelajah Jepun dulu dan tempat peranginan yang dicadangkan boleh melihat seluruh kawasan Simunjan termasuk Natural Reserve.

Sebelum saya mengakhiri ucapan saya, saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Tuan Speaker dan semua pegawai-pegawai Kerajaan yang terlibat kerana telah berjaya mengurus dan mentadbir Sidang Dewan Negeri kali ini. Dengan ini saya menyokong Rang Undang-undang Tahun 2017. Sekian, terima kasih.


Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi .

Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, thank you for giving me a chance to participate in the debate on Budget 2017.

Budget Session

Tuan Speaker, the Budget session is very important as the Budget shows how the Government is going to allocate and share the resource, in the most basic form it is “who gets what, when and how?” Legislatures play an important role in monitoring Government budgets. Most democratic constitutions demand that Parliament/State Assembly deliberates on and approves the Annual Budget. Transparency and accountability are only achieved through independent checks on the integrity of a Budget. Is the Government doing what it says it will be doing and is the money spent to benefit the peoples?

Monitoring Government Budgets is also conducive to better decision-making within Government and prevents leakages. It provides a forum for purposeful and concrete engagement between the executive, the legislatures and civil society around critical choices and allocation of resources.

The goal of the budget is supposed to ensure that public funds will be spent in accordance with the needs of the people, ensure that public projects are structured to benefit the peoples as opposed to politically well-connected as well as enabling Sarawakians to achieve greater economic freedom.

Tuan Speaker, but in Sarawak, the Barisan Nasional Government has all this while has a free hand as such many have labelled the State legislature as the rubber stamp of the executive branch and the minority views have been drowned/lost in the House.

Malaysia Budget 2017

Tuan Speaker, are we happy about the Federal Budget 2017? Is our Chief Minister pleased with the scrap been thrown at Sarawak by the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister? I know two of his deputies are happy about the Malaysian 2017 Budget as they gave that away be telling the press.

However, our Minister for Welfare, Women and Community well being Y.B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah binti Abdullah said there were 486 dilapidated schools throughout Sarawak and 183 of them were categorized as ‘worse than others’. I urge to say “we need to upgrade all 183 dilapidated schools. They cannot wait. The allocation for only 30 schools does not even constitute half of the schools that urgently need repairs and upgrading.” Tuan Speaker, the Chief Minister when tabling the Sarawak Budget 2017 said that the 2017 allocation under the national Budget is just not enough.

Tuan Speaker, you see we have serious conflicting statements from the same cabinet. If our Chief Minister says the Federal Government is “stupid” then how about our own State Government? Tuan Speaker, I don’t have to say it is stupid.

Tuan Speaker, so how much was the actual grant and reimbursement for Sarawak from the Federal Budget in 2017? Only RM150 million! That’s like a drop in the ocean where the national budget is concerned and proves DAP right that the only way forward for Sarawak is for Sarawak Barisan Nasional to withdraw its support for national Barisan Nasional to show its resolve.


The allocation of only RM150 million is not even 1% of the development expenditure of the Malaysia Budget 2017, not even 1%. Imagine that the Chief Minister always says that because of the courteous relationship between the Federal and State Government we should be able to secure more from the Federal Government. Again we see that no matter what the Chief Minister says and no matter how Petra jaya supports Putrajaya, we are still been left out to dry by ourselves. The pertinent rights such as the demand for 20% oil royalties was not even mentioned much less been addressed by the Prime Minsiter in Budget Malaysia 2017.

Tuan Speaker, Malaysia Budget 2017 also ignored the State Government’s request for the return of stamp duties for land transfer, mortgage and other dealings, which was under the State’s jurisdiction and rightfully revenue for the State, but was wrongfully taken away from the State by the Federal Government. A review of the special grants for Sarawak pursuant to the Tenth Schedule, promised to be reviewed every five years after the formation of Malaysia but was only reviewed once in 1969.

Tuan Speaker, Sarawak can’t rise if Petra Jaya keep on bowing to Putrajaya, all the talks about claiming back the rights are just rhetoric without substance.

The Chief Minister must take the lead after the State election because he pledges to restore the glory of Sarawak and take back our rights. He made restoring of Sarawak rights his election manifesto but how much progress do you think he has made or able to make in his remaining four years in the post of Chief Minister. Time is ticking away and he must spring the long marathon like it is a 100 meter race or else he will leave the office empty handed.

However, everyone now knows that the State of Sarawak being one of the poorest States in Malaysia was attributed by the facts that the State Barisan Nasional (BN) who have sold our rights away over the last half a century, the worst were:

(a) Supported the amendment of Article 1(2) which downgraded our status from a partner of three to just a State of Malaysia;

(b) The signing of the Petroleum Act whereby Sarawak gave up our rights to oil and gas for a mere 5% of what we are worth;

(c) The State Barisan Nasional support that passed the GST act making Sarawakian pay for 6% GST and thus the downward spiral of our economy and made so many poor Sarawakians poorer; and

(d) The unconditional support of the State Barisan Nasional for the National Security Act which made Sarawak lost any of its residual power because the Perdana Menteri (PM) and the Council could revoke anything under the said Act.

Export of Sand, Clay and Stones, A Case of Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) Failure to Defend Our Rights

These are the minerals extracted from our land, Sarawak. Previously, before this year, for the exportation of such sand, clay and stones, the exporters only need to get the permit from the Land and Survey Department. This year, the Federal department of Mineral and Geo-sains, started to implement the new policy that all such exportation shall require the prior permits from the said Federal department. The customs department works hand in hand with the said Federal department and prohibits the exportation of such sand, clay and stones from Sarawak without the permit issued by the said Federal department.


In addition, royalties are also charged by the said Department on the exportation of sand, clay and stones from Sarawak. As a result, the exporters from Sarawak have to pay both royalties to the State and Federal Government. Tuan Speaker, by requiring a permit to be issued, the Federal Government is exerting its control over the exportation of natural minerals resources of Sarawak.

This is a new policy implemented by the Federal Government at the height of Sarawak Government demanding for more autonomy and devolution of power. Instead of devolving more power to the State Government, the Federal Government is now imposing its control over the jurisdiction that is solely ours.

The most disappointing fact in this further encroachment into the State autonomy is that the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment is a Sarawakian himself, the Member of Parliament for Santubong, a senior member of PBB, a local party. While the Chief Minister is putting up a show of bravery to fight for more autonomy for Sarawak, his subordinate in PBB, sitting as a Federal minister, is implementing Federal policies which encroaches our State’s right.

It seems that the Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) Members of Parliament are not only sleeping in Parliament while Sarawakian’s rights are eroded, but the Ministers from Sarawak sitting in Federal Ministries are taking active parts in the further erosion of Sarawak’s rights.

When Adun for Kota Sentosa raised the matter in Parliament, none of the Sarawak Barisan Nasional MPS dared to say anything, the Minister himself did not even come to Parliament to answer to the point raised.

Does the State Government know about this, Tuan Speaker? If not, are they sleeping after 50 years? If yes, why does the State Government allow this to happen?

Tuan Speaker, I challenge the Barisan Nasional law makers in this House not to speak of the lack of development in their constituencies if they will, for they always talk about Barisan Nasional bringing developments while the oppositions can’t. In actual fact, they always talk about the lacking of the most basic amenities in their constituencies and never ask why?

They blindly support the administration and like I said earlier “sign buta” of all the bills and motions or laws that the executive asked of them. For example if the Government ask them to sign away the Immigration autonomy, what would they say? That is the question they have to ask themselves.

Tuan Speaker, we should not make this House the Rubber stamp of the Barisan Nasional Government or else there is really no hope whatsoever for Sarawak. We need to rise above the gutter politics that had made us where we are today. There is no point crying all the time that we have been mistreated by the Federal Government when our lawmakers and leaders are blind loyalist of UMNO led Barisan Nasional.

Tuan Speaker, Sarawakians believe that as long as Barisan Nasional remains in Putrajaya the development disparity between Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia will never be able to be bridged as Barisan Nasional is the perpetrator for the poor state of the affair of Sarawak.


We need the State Government to pay more than lips services if we want Sarawak to catch up with the peninsular, words like “tidak cukup” or “we also want Sarawak to have the same facilities as enjoyed by our brothers and sisters in peninsular Malaysia” by the Chief Minister are not enough Tuan Speaker. When I tabled the motion for the State Government to demand that the Federal Government to allocate funding for Sarawak Railway Line, when DAP and PKR Honourable Members tabled the motions to claim back our State rights and what not, the question the Barisan Nasional should ask is “are these beneficial to the people of Sarawak?” instead of seeing them as the Motions from the opposition, Tuan Speaker.

My motion for a Sarawak Railway Line have captured the imagination of many Sarawakians who all this while thought we will never catch up with the West Malaysia counterpart. What I did though was merely fighting for the rights of Sarawakians and we deserve better than what the Barisan Nasional Government granted them. Sarawak Government must understand that if we do not demand, nothing will be given. The MP of Sibu has brought the question of a railway line in Sarawak to Parliament and the Minister replying to his question was because Sarawak Governemnt has never demanded for a railway line. That is why they did not entertain to his question, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, so much about Sarawak rights and devolution of power.

Sibu marginalized

Tuan Speaker, since 2011, I have raised many issued about the development of Sibu or rather the lack of them. Over the past 10 years, there is no new road or link being built/constructed in Sibu and Sibu’s development has basically come to a standstill. I have submitted a Sibu Outer Links’ proposal to the Chief Minister’s office in October 2015 and urged our Chief Minister to have it adopted into the 2016 budget. The 70 million proposal will ease the heavy traffic jam and solve the problem of the lack of connectivity between the densely populated residential and commercial areas in Sibu as well as pave the way to develop a low cost housing hub in Sibu.

Tuan Speaker, to deny Sibu the necessary budget in 2016 last year and now in 2017 budget is to totally cut SIbu out of the State development, the Barisan Nasional State Government is in contempt of the people of Sibu as we don’t see any reason for the Chief Minister to refuse a proposal which is good for the people of Sibu even if that proposal was initiated by the DAP.

Setting Up Free Tuition In All The 82 State Constituencies

Tuan Speaker, I myself has set up a Community Centre in my constituency of Pelawan and provide free tuition for kids and from the poor family and mini library for them to study, to spend their free time. For the benefits of the community in my constituency. DAP has set up an ‘Impian House’ in Miri which provide free tuition for the 37 kids who live in the squatters in Miri.

Our Minister for Welfare, Women and Community Wellbeing was recently being reported saying she hopes the Bill for the intervention programme to enhance students’ achievements in public exams will be approved, Tuan Speaker.

Thus, I urge the State Government to set up free tuition centre in every constituency in Sarawak to assist the students and the parents. If DAP can do it I don’t see any reason why the State Government cannot do it, Tuan Speaker.

The Police Chief of OCPD or KPD in Sibu


West Malaysian Head of Departments in Sibu such as the KPD in Sibu, must understand that they are in Sarawak and must not ‘sombong’ as if they only have to be answerable to their Superiors in West Malaysia.

Tuan Speaker, we have a KPD in Sibu who refused to have dialogue with opposition elected representatives although we have written twice to him for a Dialogue Session to address the issues of crimes and security in Sibu. Feedback from the public is that many KPD in Sarawak are those who are almost of retirement age when they received their commission for the post of KPD and thus the passion to serve knowing very well that it is simply a “pre-retirement posting”.

Tuan Speaker, as the OCPD, he should know that the police needs the cooperation of the general public if he wants to fight against crimes but how can he cooperate with general public if the refuse to work together with their elected representatives? I urge the State Government to seek an explanation from the Sarawak Police Chief failing which the Chief Minister can use his immigration authority to send Sibu KPD back to Semenanjung or the West Malaysian serving in Federal Department in Sarawak will then not dare to repeat the mistake made by the KPD of Sibu and the will serve Sarawakians with dignity and respect, Tuan Speaker.

GST and Its Effect On The Local Economy

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat for Pelawan, your time is up.

Y.B. Encik Wong Kee Woan: Just finish this one. Tuan Speaker, correct me if I am wrong. I was been told that the Rajang Port Authority (RPA) has experience a sharp decline in its volume since the beginning of 2016. I was told that from its peak of 4000-5000 containers handling per month, it was dropped to 1000 containers per month.

The seriousness of this is RPA being the port handling the cargoes coming into central region of Sarawak and if what I was been told is correct, it shows that import of goods have dropped by 70% and the local economy in the central region is facing its worst in decades.

Tuan Speaker, many small marts in Sibu have closed down in the past 6 months and the reason being their business volume dropped sharply because of the implementation of GST, they cannot claim the GST rebate and thus lost their competitiveness.

Business across the board in Sibu reported a drop of business from 50 – 70 % this year and many will not survive until next year, from furniture stores to fashion outlets to hardware stores, many are contemplating to wind up their business in 2017. But I did not see any intention of the State Government to address this issue or any plan to help the businesses that suffering due mainly by the GST. I want to place on record that because of State Barisan Nasional Member of Parliaments supporting the GST Bill and their vote for the said Bill to pass in Parliament, the State Barisan Nasional must be held answerable for the State of the economic affairs.

Tuan Speaker, I conclude one more sentences. I conclude my debate saying that a new development biased budget and a rural budget tabled by the Chief Minister will not be able to get Sarawak anywhere because Sarawak has been robbed of our rights and resources. The only way forward for the Sarawak State Government to make a stand against the bully in Putrajaya.

Tuan Speaker: Any other Member wish to speak? Ahli Yang Berhormat, any Honourable Member wish to speak?


That being the case, Ahli Yang Berhormat, the sitting is now adjourned. The House shall resume its sitting tomorrow at 9.00 a.m.

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 4.24 petang)