Steps to Closing Your Portals

This information is to go along with the hand out called: "Defining Your Doorways." As you select one area, or portal, which you need cleansing from and eventually to be closed, please use the following steps for each specific item. Then select another and repeat these steps again. We call this the 4 R’s.

1. Repent from the sin. Ask our Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to forgive you from this sin. Then received God's forgiveness for this sin, and accept his unconditional love.

2. Renounce the offensive activity, (unhealthy) or sinful attitude.

3. Resist all future involvement. Ask Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to release His Holy Spirit upon us, so that we may be able to move and operate in His Holy Spirit ( and not our flesh).

4. Replace all the undesirable behaviors, and replace them with ones which are HIS desired behaviors for you. It is usually the opposite.( according to his word, in the Holy Bible). In your prayers, ask the Lord to heal a specific behavior or wrong attitude. 1 Then state the Godly behavior which you know HE wants. Ask Jesus of Nazareth to heal & change the wrong behavior and replace it with the type which He desires for us (which he directs us according to his word).

Here are a few examples: (ie.)

Unforgiveness ( sinful action) ------to be replaced by the forgiveness of God Fear (wrong action) ------to be replaced by Love Doubt (wrong action)______to be replaced by Trust in GOD.

Lastly, ask Jesus to completely fill every wound, stronghold, gateway or portal with the BLOOD OF JESUS. Thus sealing every entrance doorway, by the Authority and Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Before you can work in a deliverance ministry or before you can have a healthy walk with GOD, you must:  Examine your self  Examine Your walk with GOD  Know you are saved  Know your portals – Use this sheet to help you identify the portals in your life and the life of those who GOD is using you to help be delivered.  CLOSE your portals

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Defining doorways and entrances in your life is the first step to your Spiritual Journey with GOD. Going through a deliverance is serious. You must be committed to your deliverance. Taking every step necessary to WALK IN YOUR DELIVERANCE. Loving GOD and worshiping GOD is one of the most important paths we can take in drawing closer to HIM. satan uses many of the below doorways(portals) to hinder walk with GOD, your praise, and living a holy life. Much of your healing will come when you repent and confess these doorways (portals) unto GOD. Renounce their assignment sent against you. Many of these came by your choices, others will be by one or more of the below categories.

Remember evil spirits causes not all our problems. However, if you have chronic compulsions to act in away that is contrary to the word of GOD and or forged into your personality, EXPOSE IT! Demons tend to expose themselves by what they are trying to promote within the person. Go through this checklist; examine your life that you may become clean before the LORD.

Check off any doorway that you can identify with. Lets get to work!

There are 7 primary categories involving deliverance:

1. FAMILIAR SPIRITS (Actual Demons)

2. BLOOD CONTRACTS (You were given as a child to serve satan, sign in 2 blood)

3. EPISODS of RITUAL SEX (Incubus, males sex demon with a female, succubus female sex demon with a male.)

4. INSERTS (Pins inserted inside of your body for easy demon control)

5. OCCULT ACTIVITY (Things done in the body or mind to open your spirit up to demons)

6. FALSE RELIGION AND DOCTRINE (See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principals of the world, rather than according to Christ. Colossians 2:8)

7. FEAR – (Opens the doorway to many demons, if satan can get us to open up to fear of anything he has foothold in our lives)

Listed below are some doorways that can help you to identify some areas in you life. Check the ones that you are associated with.

 Inheritance (mother / father practiced witchcraft or served satan)

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -  Dungeons and Dragons (Fantasy role playing game)  Any occult games (Mystical or Occult Video games such as: Oujia board, Harry Potter, 8 ball, Jurassic Park, Guitar Hero I & II etc.)  Animal sacrifices (usually cats, dogs and/or rabbits)  Murder (yes also in your thoughts)  Horoscopes –(Reading and depending on them)  Blood contracts (blood sister / brother)  Practicing witchcraft (hexes, caging people, incantations)  Taking drugs (weed, pills, shooting up, snorting)  Karate (blanking out your mind)  Kung Fu- Martial Arts (bowing down to serve a false god)  Hypnosis (turning your mind over to someone else)  Incest (being raped, by either sex)  Palm Reading (looking into your future)  Yoga – (Idolatry)  – (Heavy metal, hardcore punk, alternative rock, Nu metal, Hard rock, , new wave)  Occult & horror movies – (Hell Boy, Halloween, Poltergeist, Night of the Demons)  Rebellion (as the sin of witchcraft)  Ingesting liquor / drunkenness (wine, beer, or any hard liquor)  Multiple Sexual Relationships – (Polyamorist, swingers, orgies)  Cannibalism – (Humans eating other humans) 3  Astral Projection – (Projecting your spirit somewhere else)  Tarot Cards (looking into your future)  Ritual Sex (Done as a form of worship)  Homosexuality (physical and/or emotional attachment to the same sex)  Pornography (internet, books, magazines, movies)  Snuff films (hardcore sex films that usually involve violence, including death)  Sex with demons (The demon name is Incubus)  Sex with children (Using young children for sex including homosexual acts. Group named sex gang children)  Fire walking – (Walking on items w/fire underneath)

 Levitation – (the process by which an object is suspended against gravity, in a stable position, by a force without physical contact.)  Séances – (Calling up the dead and speaking with them)  Roman Catholicism (praying to saints, false tongues, rosary, baptism, communion)  Black Hole Ceremony (placed in a pit / burial for satan)

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In most cases there is a doorkeeper that allows other spirits to come in and set up house in a person’s temple/body. The doorkeeper or gatekeeper must be bound in the NAME OF JESUS; his assignment must be RENOUNCED and TERMINATED afterwards cast into outer darkness. The BLOOD OF JESUS must seal the doorway of their entrance. The remaining demons must be cast out back into the outer darkness. If GOD reveal their name, rebuke them by name. Ask GOD to continue to show you any areas of your life that needs to be exposed and dealt with. Ask GOD to heal your mind and your soul and place your soul and spirit under the power of JESUS

ANTICHRIST (against GOD)  Rebellion attitude in any form: parents, job, husband, wife, and especially GOD. WITCHCRAFT!  Stubbornness (having things your way only)

ANGER – (What are you trying to control?)  Rage (uncontrolled anger)  Irrational (Acting out )  Temper (not having things my way)  Violence (anger that leads to an act of violence) 4 BITTERNESS  Hate – (Intensely disliking someone, or a group)  Self hate – (Intensely disliking of self)  Denying forgiveness (from others)  Nursing hurt feelings (rehearsing the pain)  Resentment – (Processing a negative emotion towards a perceived or real wrong done towards a person)  Revenge (vengeance is mine says the LORD)  Retaliation (putting vengeance into action)  Jealousy and envy (wanting something someone else has)  Memory recall (having a hard time remembering things)

BONDAGE  Hyperactivity  Stealing (including kleptomania)  Blocking emotions (not allowing yourself to experience any type of feelings)  Blocking affections (not allowing yourself to feel any type of affection)  Reckless driving (too fast etc)  Workaholic (too-busy)  Perfectionism (compensating for something else)  Tension Headache

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -  Insomnia  Always feeling pressure  Frigidity (thought association)  Bulimia  Anorexia

CONDEMNATION  Guilt  Unworthiness  Accusation  Inferiority  Insecurity  Shame  Shyness and timidity  Embarrassment  Intimidation and sensitiveness

CONFUSION  Forgetfulness  Mind control  Mind blocking  Mind hindering  Soul Fragmenting 5  Indifference  Procrastination  Illiteracy

CONTROL  Ruler (who is the ruler of you life?)  Manipulation (using emotions to get people to do what you desire)  Chauvinism (Unnecessary power over women)  Possessiveness  Domineering (Including sexual domination)

CRAVINGS & ADDICTIONS  Alcohol  Nicotine  Drugs  Medications  Gluttony (greedy or excessive indulgence of food or drink)  Caffeine  Affection (always wanting attention)  Sex  Gambling

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -  Craving of things (in excessive amounts)  Fear of starvation (GOD will supply all our needs)  Idolatry

DEAF & DUMB  Epilepsy  Convulsions

DEATH  Death wish for others  Suicide

DECEPTION  Self-deception (thinking your someone your not)  Separation  Self destruction  Failure

DIVISON  Divorce

DOUBT / DISBELIEF  Skepticism 6

FATGUE  Tiredness  Laziness  Insomnia  Despondency  Weakness  Lethargy  Sleepiness  Slumbering  Feeling old and tired


FALSE PROPHECY  Hearing false voices  Receiving a word that someone speaks to you that is not of GOD  Speaking in an unknown tongue that is not of GOD

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FEAR OF / PHOBIAS:  Abandonment (from mother, father, wife, husband, child, etc.)  Death (a forever separation)  Driving  Future  Poverty  People  Men  Women  Being disapproved of by others  Confrontations  Germs  satan  Going outside  Rejection  Authority figures  Success  Darkness  Height  Being loved  Loneliness  Commitment 7  Of failing (life, work, etc.)  Trusting  Starvation

HEAVINESS  Feelings of depression  Prolonged grief and sorrow  Sadness  Hopelessness  Worry  Anxiety  Crying a lot  Heartache  Self-pity  Emotional pain  Despair  Entrapment  Feeling alone

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LYING  To others  To yourself  Insecurity  Pride

IDOLARY / OBSESSION  People  Things  Hobbies  Business  Lifestyle  Problems  Sickness  Past  Native American / Indian ways (Practice of cultural god worshiping)  Sex  Alcohol  Drugs

INFIRMITY 8 Any disease or sickness that is a struggle in your life, name it.     

JEZEBEL  Seductive behavior (Flirtatious)  Manipulation

LEVIATHAN  Blocks you mind from Bible Study or memorizing scripture

MENTAL ILLNESS – This list does not always mean it is from the devil.  Insanity  Madness  Mania (hyperactivity)  Retardation  Deaf and moronic  Senility  Schizophrenia

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -  Paranoia  Hallucinations  Manic depression

MOCKERY  Making fun of peoples weakness or short comings  Being artificial in your personality  The little boy / girl inside of you  The baby you that refuses to grow up (pray that you would conform to the image of GOD and grow up in HIM)

REJECTION  Fear of not being accepted  Self rejection Some rejection starts from inside the mothers’ womb as with children who are adopted out.

PERVERSION  Lust  Fantasy  Homosexuality  Masturbation (self gratification)  Adultery 9  Whoredom  Pornography  Harlotry  Rape  Exposing one self  Orgies  Idolatry of all the above

POVERTY  Financial bondage, blockage and destruction

PRIDE  Haughtiness  Ego  Intellectualism (Looking down on others because of your intellect)  Vanity (being born with a great deal of beauty and flaunting it)  Self-righteousness  Self-importance  Arrogance

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PROFANITY  Cursing  Blasphemy  Taking GODS name in vain

REBELLION (is as witchcraft)  Self will  Stubbornness  Disobedience  Anti-submissiveness (to GOD and those in authority)

RELIGION  Traditional style  Caught up in doctrines of man and not hear the word of GOD  Ritualism (i.e. wearing white on first Sunday, no pants in church etc)  Formalism  Legalism (i.e. no wearing lipstick, nail polish, etc.)

SELF  Selfishness  Self Will (our number one problem) 10  Self deception  Self gratification (seeking to please oneself)

STRIFE  Conflict  Bickering  Argumentative  Quarreling  Verbal fighting  Physical fighting  Criticism of others  Accusation  Fault finding

TORMENT  Harassment (of others)

WITCHCRAFE / OCCULT  Playing Ouija Board  Familiar spirits  Using a Spirit Guide  Palmistry

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -  Divination  Horoscopes / Astrology  Fortune telling  Worshipping of the dead  Charms  Tarot cards  Pendulum  Water witching  Voodoo  Séance  Medicine Man Spirits  Indian witchcraft  Psychic  Controlling others

QUESTIONABLE SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTMENT/s & MEANING CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science as an extreme form of philosophical idealism THE WAY INTERNATIONAL This group is non-trinitarian and believes Jesus Christ is the savior and the Son of God, but not God Himself. UNITY CHURCH A school of thought founded upon holistic Christian principles within the New Thought movement MORMONISM Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers and we were all born as siblings in heaven to them both, 11 ROSICRUCIAN Describes a secret society of mystics, allegedly formed in late mediaeval Germany, holding a doctrine "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm. JEHOVAH WITNESS Believe that Jesus is the only-begotten Son of Jehovah, Jehovah and Jesus Christ are separate beings CHILDREN OF GOD It began a method of evangelism called Flirty Fishing, using sex to show God's love and win converts SWEDENBORGIANISM The writings of Swedenborg (often called The Writings or The Third Testament) are a third part of the Bible and have the same authority as the Old and New Testaments. UNITARIANISM We are a multi-faith group. As of 2008-FEB, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccan and Zen Buddhist. MASONS Believe in a Supreme Being. (The form of which is left to open interpretation by the candidate) NEW AGE After death, we are reborn and live another life as a human. This cycle repeats itself many times. SCIENCE OF THE MIND A correlation of laws of science, opinions of philosophy, and revelations of religion applied to human needs and the aspirations of man. SCIENCE OF CREATIVE A practical means to unfold the permanent experience of

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS - INTELLIGENCE higher states of consciousness and offers the theoretical understanding of that experience which is necessary for the most rapid growth towards enlightenment.

BUDDHISM Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities. HARE KIRSHNA HARE KRISHNA teaches that we all have and will live many lives. The spark of awareness within us ( the soul , the self) has no beginning and no end. It can not die. It is forever. BAHAISM Emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind; incorporates Christian and Islamic tenets TRANSCENDENTAL M Transcendental Meditation opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone.

HINDUISM Involving devotion to a single god while accepting the existence of others YOGA Is an Indian spiritual path aimed at achieving the union with the Supreme Consciousness. Some yogas go beyond it and aim at the spiritual transformation of the entire human nature and obtaining immortality even for the physical body ECHKANKAR Each of us is connected to God through Divine Spirit (the ECK), which can be heard as Sound and seen as Light.

SILVA MIND CONTROL The Silva method consists of the application of positive thinking, visualization meditation, and self hypnosis 12 FATHER DIVINE Father Divine claimed to be God. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY The human consciousness (also called spirit or soul) is in essence identical with the one supreme Reality, which Ralph Waldo Emerson called the "Oversoul," including each of our particular beings and uniting us with one another.. ISLAM Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, God's final prophet BLACK MUSLIM RELIGION OF MARTIAL ARTS God is one being and one "person"—the one Jesus called "Our Father". Jesus is the (or a) Son of God, but generally not God himself. UNITARIANISM Is the belief in the single personality of God, in contrast to the doctrine of the Trinity (three persons in one God) EASTERN STAR Commonly known as the Five-Percent Nation, the Five- Percent Nation of Islam, or the Five Percenters was founded in Harlem in 1964 by Clarence 13X, known to his young disciples as Allah (the Arabic term for God) or the Father The human aura - or electromagnetic energy field. COLOUR THERAPY

JOB’S DAUGHTERS Its members are not required to practice a particular religion. Members are required, however, to believe in a supreme being. Disciples of Christ in God few have denied

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liberal denominations in undermining the accuracy and authenticity of the Bible. SENSITIVITY TRAINING It involves the use of psychological techniques with groups that its critics claim are often identical to brainwashing tactics. Critics believe these techniques are unethical.

Please check if you have participated in any of the following:

Occult Involvement

 Acupuncture The practice of inserting needles into certain points on the body to influence the flow of Qi (chee)--the energy or life force of the mind, body and universe. Believed to balance the yin and yang energies.  Amulets A small ornament commonly worn around the neck to guard a person from misfortune, disease, witchcraft, evil magic, demons, etc. A common practice is to have a charm written on or spoken over the amulet.  Astral or soul travel Commonly called out-of body experience in which the soul separates from the physical body to travel to various parts of the universe. Used in ritual magic to 13 carry out the task of delivering messages or of gaining information.  Astrology The practice of gaining hidden knowledge about the future by observing the relationship of one’s time of birth to the position of the planets and the twelve Zodiac constellations.  Automatic writing Writing that is inspired by a controlling spirit while a person is in a trance state and is without conscious control of the body.  Biofeedback/mind control A means for gaining control of one’s brain waves and body processes such as heart rate and respiration to induce altered states of consciousness. This type of mind control is used to move and control the Qi or the energy and life force within the body to improve health, longevity, psychic powers and spiritual development.  Black and white magic Preferred spelling by the occult is magick to distinguish from illusion and performance magic. Magick is the occult "art" of influencing the physical world or another person’s mind to have one’s own desire and will realized. The use of white magick is said to bring about changes for the good and is considered helpful and positive. It is also used to combat evil.

The use of black magic is considered destructive and negative resulting in evil or bad consequences. Both ritually use amulets, talismans, potions, invocations to gods, and mystic

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS - sacraments. Note: In white magic invocations are addressed to God the Father, God the Son, and the Holly Spirit.

 Death Magic The act of placing a death spell upon another. One procedure is considering the person as already dead thus forcing the soul to depart from the body as it is called by the spirits of death to enter into their domain.  Hate Magic The act of placing a spell on a hated victim. One procedure is to write the hated enemy’s name on a parchment paper with blood and then burn it over the flame of a black candle to bring great sorrow and even death to the hated person.  Persecution Magic  Disease Magic  Healing Magic A holistic health technique used to restore a person’s health by the balancing of healing energy through touch or hand movements over the person. Spirit guides are often used to aid the healing process.  Blood pacts The sealing of a covenant agreement between one person and another person or group or demonic spirit by cutting themselves and co-mingling their blood and then drinking or signing a document. The blood seals the agreement.  Charms A charm can be defined as an amulet or talisman worn for its magical power. It is also the chanting or recitation of a verse or formula to conjure spirits to activate magical powers. Note: Religious verses are often used. 14  Clairvoyance Is also called second sight. The ability to "see" mentally beyond time and space without the use of the five senses. Psychic information such as historical or future events and other phenomena are attained.  Color therapy Color as energy is used to improve and balance one’s health and emotional state with different colors governing different aspects of the soul, mind and body. Different colors have different affects. For example, Violet energy is said to enhance spiritual power and creativity. The color and shape of one’s aura, the forcefield surrounding the body, make diagnosis possible.  Crystal ball gazing A form of divination or fortune telling by gazing into a crystal ball or a crystal rock. Also called crystallomancy.  Curses or spells A curse is the invocation of an oath, formula or charm with the intention of causing evil misfortune to another person or property. A spell is a ritual performed with incantations, herbs, candles, knives and other witchcraft paraphernalia to affect the future of another person. Conversations with spirits or spirit guides  Demonic tongues The counterfeit gift of speaking in tongues that is under the control of Demonic spirits.  Divining Rods/Dowsing The divining rod is a V shaped or forked rod, wire or branch used for dowsing. Dowsing is a form of divination (the attempt to gain hidden knowledge

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS - supernaturally) used to locate people, objects or underground substances (water).  Dungeons and Dragons An occult fantasy role-playing game in which players seek to build up personal power using all kinds of satanic, evil, or witchcraft practices including demonology, spells, murder, sexual perversion, and cannibalism.  Extra Sensory Perception The knowledge of an experience, an influence, an event, or an object apart from the five senses. With this knowledge a person can predict the future, identify hidden things and perform supernatural feats of knowledge.  Fantasy role-playing games Role-playing games in which players acquire the identity of mythical characters and engage in fantasy adventures. Most of these games are occult in nature.  Fetishism An amulet or talisman that is magically charmed with symbols, charm formulas or inscriptions. It is said to bring about occult transference of power.  Firewalking The ancient occult ritual of walking barefoot through fire or hot coals without experiencing pain or burns by entering a trance state. It is said to demonstrate one’s psychic power over one’s body.  Halloween participation All Hallow’s Eve—October 31. A pagan/occult religious high or holy day that celebrates the transition from fall to winter. On this day the spirits of departed relatives return. Satan and his witches have the greatest power on this day, as all portals from Hades to the heavens are open. This day had its origin in ancient 15 Druid rituals honoring their god Samhain lord of the dead.  Hypnosis or Mesmerism Hypnosis is a technique to induce a trance or altered state of consciousness by verbal or non-verbal stimuli. In this state a person is open to external suggestion. Mesmerism was named after F. A. Mesmer. It is a hypnotic state termed "magnetic sleep" that is induced by "magnetic fluid" energy which comes from the practitioner’s hands, voice or nervous system.  Iridology or Iris Diagnosis A holistic health technique used to diagnose physical ailments and emotional or mental problems by reading the color patterns of the eye’s irises.  Incest Sexual intercourse between closely related relatives.  Levitation-float in air The occult practice of raising or moving an object or person by supernatural or psychic means.  Magic card game Fantasy role playing card games that involve Satanism, witchcraft and the occult. A popular magic card game is The Gathering.  Magic eight ball A liquid filled black ball containing the printed words yes, no, and maybe on a die. Spirits provide guidance and insight to the person who asks questions directed at the eight ball.  Materialization The ability to summon the dead into a visible form so that they can be seen. This is usually performed by a medium at a séance.

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -  Necromancy-seance Necromancy is the practice of summoning the spirits of the dead to discover secrets from the past, to gain information about the future or to secure news of deceased loved ones. A seance is the session that is conducted by a medium through which the spirit speaks to others in the room.  Omens A prophetic sign about some future event that has been received either through divination or spontaneously.  Ouija board The occult board with letters and numbers and a pointer that spells out messages from spirits during a séance. It is a form of necromancy.  Palm Reading-Chiromancy The occult practice of divination by reading the location, length and shape of the lines and markings on the palm of the hand.  Psychometry The psychic ability to identify characteristics, events or future events of another person by holding that person’s material possession such as a ring, watch or article of clothing.  Rod and Pendulum The rod and pendulum are tools used for dowsing. The pendulum is becoming a popular source to diagnose disease, to determine the sex of an unborn child, and for physical and spiritual healing.  Self-mutilation The act of destroying one’s own body tissue by carving, scratching, cutting, burning, excessive tattooing or excessive body piercing. It is a way of dealing with overwhelming emotions, obsessive thought or dissociation. In SRA DID it is a way of 16 cleansing the body of evil.  Speaking in trance/channeling A person in an altered state of consciousness and under the control of a spirit speaks forth messages given from a spirit being. Also known as mediumistic trance.  Spiritism, visions or dreams In many primitive cultures the belief that either good or evil spirits possess inanimate objects and must be appeased. The term spirtism associated with Allan Kardec focuses on the communication with spirits through visions and dreams, the worship of spirits namely those of the departed dead and on reincarnation.  Sympathetic Magic The control by magic of a person, animal, object or event based upon two basic principles: 1. "The Law of Similarity" states "like produces like" or that an effect may resemble a cause. In other words things which resemble each other have a magical relationship (voodoo). 2. "The Law of Contact" states that things that have been in contact with each other will continue to act upon each other even at a distance or with the passing of time. In other words whatever happens to an object (hair, nails, clothing) that has been in contact with a person will happen to that person as well  Table lifting The lifting or movement of a séance table in response to communication with spirits of the dead. Participants usually place their hands palm down with fingers spread and connecting to form an unbroken circle to elicit a response.  Tarot cards-Cartomancy Fortune telling or divination using Tarot cards, a deck of twenty-two illustrated cards or Minor Arcana cards, a deck of fifty-two cards which hold the secrets to the future.

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -  Tea leaf reading The practice of divination by reading the patterns of tealeaves found in the bottom of a cup. Also called tasseography.  Telekinesis A form of psychokinesis, the psychic ability to move objects without the use of known physical force.  Telepathy Communication mind to mind without the natural senses.  Tattoos The practice of marking the skin with indelible patterns by making punctures in the skin and injecting pigment.  Transference of Sprits through laying on of hands Demonic spirits are transferred from one person to another by "praying" over and placing one’s hands upon another. Note: Demonic tongues may be used.

Have you experienced Spiritual Abuse? (Religious Spirit) o Have you been in churches that have control leadership? _____ o Have you been a part of a church that manipulated its members through guilt, fear, shame or intimidation? Or exposed your actions to the congregation after a consulting sessions? _____ o Have you experienced control in what you wear ie: lipstick, ear rings, dresses only vs pants, going to the movies, in the church? _____ o Have you had any unusual or false healing, prophecies in the church? _____ o Have you been forced to accept a false prophecy, or a word of wisdom or knowledge as the truth for your life? _____ 17

Have you experienced Physical manifestations of evil? – RENOUNCE the presence IMMEDIATLEY!!!

 Smells unnatural odors

 Hears unusual sounds

 Seen a demon’s outline

 Experiences things moving in the room

 Hears voices talking to you

 Seen streaks of light

 Felt presence of evil

 Seen a large dark image

 Experiences periods of catatonic or blank staring

 Seen objects move

 Seen glowing eyes

 Supernatural knowledge

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099 DEFINING YOUR DOOWAYS -

Pray this prayer for each of the doorways you checked off.


“Examine thoroughly the state of your heart and see where you are… Self- examination consists in looking at your life, and considering your actions, remembering the (your) past and learning its (your) true character… General 18 confessions of your sins will never do. Your sins were committed one by one, and as best as you can they should be reviewed and repented of ONE at a time.” (Charles Finney)

Do not return to your former state, it will be worse for you than before. Flee, run not skip or walk fast, RUN from sin, evil and the wicked devices of satan. He comes to kill, steal, rob and destroy YOU! GOD came to give you life, life more abundantly choose who you will serve.

In HIS Love,

Revised 7/7/10 Beyond The Walls Ministries ~ ~ 408-509-1099