October 13, 2012

By John Hoffmann


Why did I do it? Curiosity was the main reason. I had written about getting invitation to Claire McCaskill fundraisers where the return envelopes had suggested donations ranging from $250 to $15,000! I accused her of being a closet republican asking for campaign contributions in four and five figures. I also wanted to see how much big- money was being raised before ’s “legitimate rape” remark resulted in making the senate race a national issue.

Sen. Claire McCaskill Rep. Todd Akin So I spent about 30 hours picking out all the large contributions made to the Todd Akin and Claire McCaskill campaigns from January 1, 2012 to the first week of August. I only listed contributions of $1,000 or more.

The task wasn’t so hard going through the Federal Elections Commission records of Akin’s contributors. There were 89 pages. However, McCaskill was another story. For 2011 to August of 2012 she has 636 pages of contributors. Overall she had out-raised Akin $6,294,160 to $1,588,028. Again this was all before the adverse publicity after Akin’s interview with Charles Jaco.

There were only two West County places Akin did better than McCaskill in big money fund raising for the seven month period. One was in Chesterfield. He out did McCaskill in getting wealthy people in Chesterfield to give money to the tune of $59,200 to McCaskill’s $17,750 from donors giving $1,000 or more.


Of the 30 people from Chesterfield who gave more than a $1,000 to Akin, Mitchell and Jody Waldman gave $10,000. Kathy and Thomas Maneniti also combined to give $10,000.

The highest amount forked over to McCaskill in the first half of 2012 from Chesterfield was $2,500 from attorney Craig Towerman.

LADUE WENT FOR AKIN TOO: The other spot along Clayton Road that Akin was really able to rake in the cash was in Ladue. He had 14 large scale contributors who gave $44,500 over seven months. Robert and Robin Herman combined to give $10,000 while Deanie Reis, Erle Linberger, Nick Karakas and Mary Trulaske all gave $5,000 each.

Claire got $31,400 in super-sized donations from Ladue, led by $6,000 from Hope and Julian Edison followed by $4,000 from Ed Dowd.

CLAYTON WAS A DIFFERENT STORY! One thing you noticed going through the Federal Election Commission records was that Todd seemed to have a lot of doctors giving money and Claire had a lot of lawyers. The home to most lawyers in St. Louis County is Clayton. 65 people using Clayton as an address gave McCaskill $116,950. This was led by Ann and Randy Lipton coughing up $7,500. She had five other people giving $5,000 contributions.

Chesterfield city attorney Bob Heggie, listed his donation as coming from Clayton. Heggie who works for a city full of Republicans, gave Claire a $1,000 in 2011.

Todd had three people from Clayton give $4,700 including $1,000 from James Runnels of Enterprise.

RICHMOND HIEGHTS WAS ALL MCCASKILL: The money-section of Richmond Heights is along Clayton Road from Hanley Road to Lay Road. Akin did not get one $1- 000- plus contribution from someone claiming to be from Richmond Heights. Claire got eight for $13,600.

EVEN TOWN AND COUNTRY WENT FOR MCCASKILL, BUT IT WAS CLOSE. Our crunching of the big dollar contributions from January through July showed that 14 people from Ground Zero of Snoburbia, Town and Country, where Akin lived for decades, gave Todd $27,100 in contributions of $1,000 or more. The largest was $5,000 from David Keinath.


McCaskill had two fewer T&C large-size contributors but raised $28,300 from Town and Country in the same period. The largest appeared to be $6,000 from Jane Peacock, followed by $5,000 from Debra Robson and $5,000 from Tom Santel of BJC.

In Frontenac it was two big donations of $3,400 for Akin and eight to McCaskill for $14,825

THE NORTHERN ROADS TO WEST COUNTY WERE ALL McCASKILL! Jerry Jost was Todd Akin’s only high-dollar contributor from University City giving $1,500 in 2012.

26 people from University City forked over $1,000 or more to McCaskill for a total over the first seven months of 2012 of $38,150. Barbara and Donald Lea combined for $10,000,

In Olivette it was $1,000 from Barking Dogs, LLC for Akin, Six people give $14,000 for McCaskill, including $5,000 from Aaron Saks, who listed his occupation as a “coach” at Clayton High School.

In Creve Coeur Akin did better, but it was still McCaskill with the most. Akin had 10 people contribute $16,750 including $5,000 from Charles Drury of Drury Inns and his wife Shirley. Claire got $22,150 from 12 Creve Coeur residents with Phil and Sima Needleman giving $6,500.

HOMETOWN ADVANTAGE: We mentioned that McCaskill did slightly better in Town and Country than Todd, despite Todd living in western T&C for decades. Akin is now a Wildwood resident. He got just one big contribution in 2012 from Wildwood for $4,000, Claire had three big contributors from Wildwood for $5,000.

McCaskill has three cities where she has connections. She went to high school in Columbia and attended the . She was a state representative and a two term prosecuting attorney from Jackson County. She now lives in Kirkwood with her lot abutting Des Peres.

In Columbia Akin got $10,000 from Dr. Timothy Holekamp and his wife. 20 people coughed up between $1,000 and $3,000 for McCaskill from Columbia for a total of $28,000.

Todd had six large contributions from Kansas City for $12,750. Claire had 115 for $246,813. 41 contributors listed their occupation as an attorney or were law firms.


In Kirkwood Todd had four big contributions for $6,850 during the period checked, Claire quadrupled that getting $26,850 from 17 people. In nearby Des Peres it was Akin by a nose. Each candidate had four people give large sums from Des Peres. Todd got $7,500 and Claire got $7,000.

You can’t say Kirkwood and not mention Webster Groves. Webster was almost all McCaskill. Akin got one donation for $2,000. Claire got 11 high-end contributions for $23,000.

EVEN IF MY GUY WINS BY A LANDSLIDE I WILL HAVE PISSED OFF 40-PERCENT OF THE VOTERS! That was the sage advice I was once told by Roy Gleason, the owner of Webster Records, a store with two curved windows on the main street in town that had a heavy amount of foot traffic on why he never allowed political signs in the windows.

Roy Gleason with his wife Dorothy outside of their record store. There were lots of posters in the window, but none were ever political.

I thought about this advice when I noticed that in 2011 Craig Schnuck was a big money contributor to Akin and in 2012 Roger and Sharon Dierberg combined with $2,000 for Akin. Both Schnuck’s and Dierberg’s recently built a 74,000 square foot and 75,000 square foot mega-supermarkets about 1½-miles from McCaskill’s Kirkwood home/compound.

Now if I were in McCaskill’s position, I would not want to be shopping with people who are giving my opponent large sums of money. This would mean I would be at the Kirkwood Shop and Save and the Manchester WalMart a lot more than perhaps I wanted. For the Schnucks and Dierbergs it could mean losing one of the area’s wealthiest persons (McCaskil’s husband) and his wife as a customer. It would also mean customers could not say, “Guess who I ran into at Dierbreg’s today? I saw Senator McCaskill.”


CENTRAL WEST END: McCaskill had a real gold mine going with the people who live on the big private streets in the 63108 zip code. She received $44,426 from people in the 63108 area, including a single $10,000 check from Todd Epstein. Akin had two donations for $3,000 from the land of closed streets and impressive gates.

MISSOURI OVERALL FOR MCCASKILL. The votes from outstate Missouri may go against Claire McCaskill but the large campaign donations were all for her. 537 people from 78 different Missouri cities and towns gave $986,852 in large sized contributions to McCaskill in our 2012 period. Akin managed $297, 920 from 137 persons from 38 Missouri cities and towns.

16 TONS AND WHAT DO I GET? In the case of coal miner Todd Akin he got a lot of money from the coal industry. Not the miners or miner unions, but the industry. Large contributions came in from people in the coal business from small towns in Southern Illinois, Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky.

One would have to think Todd’s view of downsizing the Federal government’s role in business regulation and people’s lives might have come into play. Let’s face while coal mining used to be one of the most dangerous jobs in America, it doesn’t even crack the top-10 anymore. But those Federal Mine Inspectors can really be annoying. (Taxi drivers are now in10th place, with loggers and commercial fishermen in the top two spots of most dangerous jobs.) McCaskill voting for Cap and Trade restrictions of the coal industry also would be a good reason why money would be reaching her opponent. Plus new EPA regulations from the Obama administration on clean coal is still another reason for money to flow from coal companies to Republican candidates.

In out of state big-dollar fund raising Akin beat McCaskill in Ohio, raising $52,450 to her $12,000. His money came from places like Pepper Pike and St. Clairsville. He also shutout her out all together in West Virginia and Kentucky, thanks to Coal money. But McCaskill crushed Akin in places like, New York, Connecticut and California.

(Todd’s lone high-end contributor from Webster Groves listed himself as the owner of the “Mine Supply Company.” )

THE OUT OF STATE MONEY: If you are a cynic like myself you might think Todd Akin is in the pocket of the coal industry and could care less about miners with black lung or buried in graves call “collapsed mines.”

If you are a McCaskill supporter you could claim that Claire is loved all across the nation. If you are a cynic you might ask, “Who the hell is she representing anyway?”


The reason is that from January 1, 2012 to August 8, Claire raised more high-dollar contributions from outside of Missouri than in it.

She brought in $986,852 from within Missouri and $1,294,954 from outside of Missouri. In New York City alone, 99 people handed over $236,650 in big contributions. She took in a total of $330,800 from New York State including NYC.

Akin got nothing from Chicago, while Claire nabbed $72,800 from big donors of the Windy City.

Akin got one $2,500 contribution from a person in Naples, Florida. McCaskill took in 28 big contributions from the Sunshine State for $65,513, including four from Naples.

Akin had got two big checks from California during the period examined for just $2,300. Meanwhile Claire deposited 80 checks from people in living in 35 different California cities for $166,075. There were a few notable Hollywood names, but McCaskill did fundraising among the show biz people in late 2011 and got a lot of checks from the likes of Barbara Streisand and the Spielbergs before 2012..


Town and Country mayor indirectly stiffs the Republicans: Jon Dalton, well known cigarette lobbyist, snatcher of elderly widow’s property and businesses and the mayor of Town and Country is a partner in the law firm of Lewis-Rice. Akin got nothing from Lewis-Rice while the Democrat McCaskill got a $500 contribution in 2011. Akin’s fellow candidates in the primary, Sarah Steelman and John Brunner also got nothing from Lewis-Rice.

KC Republican gives to Claire. Former Republican Kansas City Councilwoman Teresa Loar, who for a decade ran the reelection office for Republican Congressman Tom Coleman gave a $900 contribution to McCaskill in 2011.

Doctors versus lawyers!. I found what I thought were a lot of doctors giving to Akin and lawyers giving to Claire. In Missouri out of 137 big-dollar contributors for Akin 24 were doctors. (17.5-percent)

McCaskill beat Akin in the doctor race by one. Out of 537 Missouri contributors for Claire, 25 were doctors and 139 were lawyers. More Missouri lawyers gave big bucks to McCaskill than the total number of Akin contributors from the Show-me-State. A total

6 of 26-percent of McCaskill’s big contributors during the period were attorneys or law firms.

WOMEN: It also seemed that some pages from the McCaskill FEC files had an unusual number of women names. In Missouri 40-percent on McCaskill contributors were women. It was 34-percent for Akin. I bet that percentage of women for McCaskill went up after the Jaco interview.

PACS: Akin received $1,000 from two different Political Action Committees during the period of our study. McCaskill also received contributions from two PACS, but the amount was a little bit more than Akin saw.

Claire got $129,375 from the Act Blue PAC of Cambridge, MA. She did even better from a PAC in Washington DC. Emily’s List kicked in at least $160,000 for the period we checked, plus more in 2011.

Lobbyists: Lobbyists by their nature like to hide the fact they are lobbyists. Checking the occupation of contributors from Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland you see a lot of “consultants” and “attorneys.” “Government Affairs” is a code word for lobbyist. I still remember from my days in Washington several of the DC law firms that did nothing but lobbying…however, while I think most of the contributions from the DC area are from lobbyists…I will just give you the total numbers.

Washington DC: Todd just got $1,000 from General Dynamics. As a sitting congressman he still may have dealings with the defense appropriations.

Claire collected 29 checks for $38,500, plus the really big money from Emily’s List PAC.

Virginia: Todd collected $12,750 from the Virginia DC suburbs. All appears to be from lobbyists. Claire got 22 checks for $37,300. Maryland: Todd got nothing from the DC suburbs of Maryland. Claire got 20 contributions for $25,000.


BEFORE THE HIPPIES IT WAS THE BEATNIKS AND GREENWICH VILLAGE AND PROFESSOR LEHRER: One $2,500 contribution from Cambridge Massachusetts was from Tom Lerher who listed his profession as professor and song writer. Lehrer wrote

musical political satire for the piano, which was later copied successfully by Mark Russell in Washington, Dc.

Lehrer, a Harvard math professor, had two hit albums that featured songs such as “Poisoning the Pigeons in the Park” and the “Vatican Rag.” Lehrer’s work was a favorite with the anti-establishment crowd. I remember playing him on the radio when I worked as a DJ at the hippie radio station on Gaslight Square in the late 1960s. (I thought I was a regular lefty and the station management considered me their conservative from the suburbs who would appeal to teenagers.)

Here are the links to three of his “biggest” hits or just Google Tom Lehrer and his You Tube material will show up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhuMLpdnOjY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f72CTDe4-0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEJ9HrZq7Ro

ODD AND ENDS: I noticed more small donations made like a monthly payment going to McCaskill. These were from retirees, government workers, school teachers, etc. That smallest were checks for $5, although regular $10 checks were not uncommon.

McCaskill also won the “most interesting occupations of contributors” category. She had opera singers, ballet directors, dozens of writers, publishers plus members of the media, but they were mostly from New York or California. The only known media name from St. Louis was Emily Pulitzer who no longer is a stockholder with any interest in the Post- Dispatch.


Laugh: The one that made me laugh was the occupation listed after a $10 donation from Nate Kennedy in Poplar Buff…it read…“$10…Nate Kennedy…Jimmy Johns Driver.”

Here are the lists starting with Congressman Akin:

Akin 18 states 238 people 56 women 25 Drs 112 cities or towns 61 DONATIONS FROM SMALL TOWNS ASSOCIATED WITH COAL MINING

City Amount Name

MISSOURI 140 24 Dr $297,920 38 cities and towns 48 women

Ballwin, MO 2 1 Dr $3,500

$1,000 Danis, Dr. Peter $2,500 Mabry, Amanda

Bethel MO $2,500 Sharpe, Lavril

Chesterfield, MO 30 5 Dr $59,200

$2,250 Coyle, Dr. James $2,000 Slocum, Dr. Stephen $2,000 Waldman, Mitchell $2,500 Laiderman, Howard $3,000 Waldman, Jody $5,000 Waldman, Mitchell D. $2,000 Coyle, Cynthia $1,000 Stahl, Barbara $2,000 Capps, George $5,000 Maneniti, Kathy $5,000 Maneniti, Thomas J $5,000 Rayner, Michael $1,200 Cahill, Kimberly (Parkway teacher) $1,000 Hodge, Charles $2,000 White, Dr. Brad $2,500 Laiderman, Bonnie $1,000 Backer, Dr. Robert $2,000 Cross, Paul N. $1,000 Dierberg, Roger $1,000 Dierberg, Sharon $1,000 Edwards, Jeff $1,000 Elliott, Dr. John $2,500 Keinath, Carolyn $2,000 Knoy, Mark and Mary $2,500 Laiderman, Bonnie $2,500 Laiderman, Howard $1,000 Levy, Susan $1,500 Nelson, Mary V. $1,250 Smith, Ursula


$1,250 Waller, Michael

Clayton, MO 3 $ 4,700

$1,000 Runnels, James (Enterprise Rent-aCar) $1,200 Nelson, J. Roger $2,500 Waldman, Evan

Columbia, MO 2 1 Dr $10,000

$5,000 Holekamp, Cheryl $5,000 Holekamp, Dr. Timothy

Creve Coeur, MO 10 1 Dr $16,750

$2,500 Beuerienin, John D. $2,500 Drury, Charles L. (Drury Inns) $2,500 Drury, Shirley $1,000 Arnold, Dr. Donald $1,000 Short, Kathleen $1,000 Applewhite, Claire $2,500 Ashmore, Craig $1,750 Gallagher, June $1,000 Kienstra, Theodore $1,000 Snyder, William

Des Peres, MO 4 $7,500 $1,500 Fay, Charles $1,000 Burkemper, Orville $1,000 Schlafly, Jeanne $4,000 Weir, Timothy & Elaine

Ellisville 2 $ 3,500 $2,500 Bracken, Phillip $1,000 Echeie, Vickie Fenton, MO 2 $5,000

$2,500 Meyer, David (Joyce Meyer Ministries) $2,500 Meyer, Joyce (Joyce Meyer Ministries)

Frontenac MO 2 $3,400

$1,900 Zivnuska, Anne & Frederick $1,500 Jackson, Ronald

Glenco, MO $5,000 Gershenson, Lisa (homemaker) Hawk Point, MO $1,950 Haglin, Paul

Jefferson City MO 2 2 Dr $2,000 $1,000 Carr, Dr. George W. $1,000 Roberts, Dr. E. Dwain

Joplin, MO 3 3 Dr $7,000


$1,000 Ipson, Dr. Brian $1,000 Majzoub, Dr. Hish S. $5,000 Slawson, Dr. Stephen & Michele

Kansas City MO 6 1 Dr $12,750

$2,500 Sharpe, Charles $2,000 Miller, Dr. James $5,000 Susz, Mark & Susan $1,000 Miller, Sean $1,250 Peteete, Terry $1,000 Phillips, Susan

Kirkwood, MO 4 $6,850 $1,000 Kelly, Stephen $2,350 Pugh, Robert $2,500 Kiefer, Margaret $1,000 Medart, James

Ladue, MO 14 3 Dr $44,500

$1,000 Danforth, William $1,000 Fiala, James $2,500 Hill, Virginia $1,000 Thomasson, Dr. Jeffrey $2,500 McMahon, Dr. Robert $1,000 Hudspeth, Joy $5,000 Reis, Deanie (homemaker) $5,000 Linberger, Erle $4,500 Brennan, John $1,000 Emanuel, Dr. James P $7,500 Hermann, Robert R $2,500 Hermann, Robin $5,000 Karakas, Nick $5,000 Trulaske, Mary

Lake St. Louis 4 $12,500

$2,500 Beckman, Bernard $2,500 Beckman,Janet $5,000 Keinath, Warren C. $2,500 Cole, Terry

Lewiston, MO $1,500 Luttrull, Melissa

Maryland Heights, MO 3 1 Dr 1 Atty $4,000

$1,000 Dosser, Don $1,000 Gibbons, Dr. James $2,000 Trout, Scott Atty


Neosho, MO $2,500 Schwartz, Eugene

Nevada MO $2,500 Buerge, Charlotte

Olivette $1,000 Barking Dogs, LLC

O’Fallon, MO $2,465 Osborn, Gerladine

Overland, MO $1,000 Wilson, Dr. Jon D

Pacific, MO 2 $5,000

$2,500 Kelpe, Thomas $2,500 Shelton, Dorothy

Pilot Grove, MO $2,500 Waibel, Joyce

Rogersville, MO $2,500 Cunningham, John

Sedalia, MO $2,500 Furnell, David

St, Charles 5 1 Dr $8,100

$2,500 Burns, David T. $2,500 Burns, Julia $1,000 Conoyer, Dr. John $1,100 Kimmins, William $2,000 Olson, Richard

St. Peters, MO $1,155 Day, Virginia

St. Louis MO 63102 $1,500 Cusumano, Mark (Kemoll’s)

St. Louis MO 63108 $1,000 Magee, Suzanne $2,000 Zimmerman, Richard

St. Louis MO 63139 $1,000 Schreier, Louis G. 4 All St. Louis $5,500

St. Louis CO MO $1,000 Eber, Dr. James $1,500 Powers, Robert L 2 1 Dr $2,500

Sunset Hills MO $1,000 Weber, James

Town and Country MO 14 3 Dr $27,100

$1,000 Nutestine, Patricia $1,500 Peters, Judith $2,000 Knight, Travis (student) $4,000 Carter, Ronald $2,100 Debnam, Frances $2,000 Debnam, Dr. James $1,500 Azrak, Dr. Elie


$1,000 Azark, Corine $1,000 Bale, Dr. Robert $2,500 Holekamp, Eric $5,000 Keinath, David $1,500 Kozeny, Vicki $1,000 McKinney, Joan $1,000 Vaughan, James

University City, MO $1,500 Jost, Jerry Warson Woods MO $4,000 Sauer, Frederic

Webster Groves MO $2,000 Adorjan, Michael (The Mine Supply Co)

Wildwood, MO $4,000 Cordell, Joseph Atty

Winfield, MO $5,000 Moran, Roger

ILLINOIS 20 0 Drs $44,000 15 cities or towns

Alton, ILLIONIS $1,000 Republican National Coalition for Life PAC $1,000 Long, J. 2 $2,000

Brighton, ILLINOIS $1,000 Saale, Jane Burnt Prairie, ILLINOIS $5,000 Lewis Scrap Metal LLC Carmi $2,500 Burtis, Melisa Carterville, ILLINOIS $1,500 Heartland Dredging

Dahlgren, ILLINOIS $5,000 Dahlgren trucking $2,500 Allen, Roger $2,500 Allen, Russell 3 $10,000 Galatia, ILLINOIS $1,000 Morris, Joe Harrisburg, ILLINOIS $2,500 Rice, Matthew (Date Mining) Marin, ILLINOIS $2,500 Storte, Kelly Pinkneyville, ILLINOIS $1,000 Lamb, Gregg Raleigh, ILLINOIS $1,000 Grisham, Paula (Grisham Bulldozing) Shawneetown, ILLINOIS $1,000 Downen, Stephen Thompsonville, ILLINOIS $2,000 Miller, Paul

West Frankford ILLINOIS $7,500 Wallace, David $1,000 Orr, Robert $1,500 Kopec, John 3 $9,500 Yorkville, ILLINOIS $1,500 Fredstrom, Jason

OHIO 22 0 Dr $52,450 16 cities or towns

Beachwood, OHIO $5,000 Hunt, Jeffrey C Belmont, OHIO $5,000 Cecil, Randal $1,400 Moore, Roger


2 $6,400

Clarington, OHIO $5,000 D.O.V.E.S. LLC Columbus, OHIO $2,500 Lee, Donald (Horizons CEO) Dublin, OHIO $2,500 Elsass, Rex Flushing, OHIO $1,500 Withrow, Ricky Lancaster, OHIO $1,000 Tubaugh, Bruce Neffs, OHIO $5,000 ICR Contracting LLC Pepper Pike, OHIO $1,500 Hurt, William A, Jr. $1,850 Murray, Robert 2 $3,350

Plushing, OHIO $1,500 Withrow, Rickey Powell, OHIO $2,500 Blankenbender, Michael Powhattan Point OHIO $1,000 Brown, Marvin D $1,000 Hendershot, Brian 2 $2,000

Shadyside OHIO $1,000 Koonce, Michael Solon, OHIO $2,500 Zinkin, K. James St. Clairsville, OHIO $2,500 Murray, Ryan (Ohio Valley Coal Co) $1,200 Forrelli, John (Ohio Valley Coal) $6,000 Kohut, Peter 3 $9,700

Steubenville OHIO $2,000 Duffy, David (Duffy Equipment) $4,000 Paul, Donna 2 $ 6,000

WEST VIRGINIA 12 0 Dr $24,150 8 cities or towns

Beckley, WEST VIRGINA $2,350 Cushman, Thomas $2,350 Phillips, Jack (Phillips Machine Service) $2,350 Phillips, Jimmy 3 $7,050

Benwood, WEST VIRGINIA $2,500 Popicg, Patrick Clarksburg, West Virginia $1,000 Stainaker, Randall Grafton, WEST VIRGINIA $1,000 Whitescarver, John E (Quality Hydraulics) Montgomery, WEST VIRGINIA $5,000 Falbo, A. Thomas Morgantown WEST VIRGINIA $1,000 Hibbs, Douglas $2,000 DeWitt, Thomas $1,000 Helbig, Courtland 3 $4,000 Wellsville, WEST VIRGINIA $2,400 Puskerich, Thomas Wheeling, WEST VIRGINIA $1,200 Sebulsky, Phil

PENNSYLVANIA 11 $22,300 9 cities or towns

Beaver Falls, PA $2,300 Akin, Josiah Bridgeville, PA $1,500 Memmo, Dean Fayette City PA $2,000 Watson, James


Gibsonia, PENNSYLVANIA $2,500 Simms, Susan E. (Nurse)

Indiana, PENNSYLVANIA $2,500 Reschini, Jospeh $2,500 Reschini, Roger $2,500 Mullins, Birch

Venetia, PENNSYLVANIA $1,000 Crane, Jeffrey Washington, PA $2,500 McClenathan, James Waynesburg, PA $2,000 Lemley, Donald York, PENNSYLVANIA $1,000 Weinel, Ronald

TEXAS 11 1 Dr $13,000 6 cities or towns Arlington, TEXAS $1,000 Haddad, Mojy

Dallas, TEXAS $1,000 Hunt, W. Herbert $1,000 Denion, Randy $1,000 Nye, Alice $1,000 Smith, Marlin Corsicana, Texas $1,000 McNutt, Robert (Colin Street Bakery) $1,000 Snyder, William Fort Worth, TEXAS $2,000 Olclott, Dr. Michael

Houston TEXAS $1,000 Rutherford, Pat. R. (Rutherford Oil) $1,000 Grenader, David

Irving, TEXAS $2,000 Ellis, Ralph & Joy

VIRGINIA 8 $14,750 6 cities or towns

Alexandra VIRGINIA $5,000 TEXAS FREEDOM FUND Chilhowie, VIRGINIA $2,000 Campbell, Paul Falls Church $1,000 Casey, John Great Falls, VIRGINIA $1,250 Fasano, Judy (Kaiser Health Plans) $2,500 Elsass, Laurie McLean, VIRGINIA $1,000 Helm, Robert (General Dynamics) $1,000 Novakovic, Phebe (General Dynamics) Restin, VIRGINIA $1,000 Conservative Opportunity Leadership PAC

KENTUCKY 3 $6,000 2 cities or towns Clay, KENTUCKY $1,000 Hendrix, Steven Sacramento, $2,500 Caudill, James $2,500 Caudill, Jessie

CALIFORNIA 2 $2,300 2 cities or towns Twenty Nine Palms CAL $1,300 Dalby, John San Diego, CAL $1,000 Harris, Frederick

OTHER STATES 9 $13,450

Mystic, Connecticut $1,000 Poitras, Kevin (General Dynamics) Washington, DC $1,000 Johnson, Jay (General Dynamics) Naples, Florida $2,500 Rothert, John


Prairie Village KANSAS $1,200 Hall, Thomas B. (KU Professor) Shreveport, LA $2,250 Oden, Ray Bath, MAINE $1,000 Geiger, Jeffrey Mooresville, North Carolina$2,500 Baughan, Roger Clover, South Carolina $1,000 Adams, Justin Price, UTAH $1,000 Shiner, Kent

MCCASKILL Jan. 1 2012 to August 1, 2012

Total US 1,685 contributions $2.281,806

City Amount Name

MISSOURI 537 contributions $986,852 215 women 139 lawyers 25 doctors

Ballwin (2) $2,500 $ 1,000 Berra, John $ 1,500 Phillips, Robert Atty Barnhart $ 2,500 Hendrickson, Tim Benton $ 1,300 Ralph, Marvin Bernie $ 1,500 Crump, Judy (Farmer) Blue Springs (5)$10,200 $ 1,200 Boyd, J.R. Atty $ 1,000 Boyd, Laurie $ 2,000 Emison, Alesia $ 5,000 Emison, Mark Atty $ 1,000 Stigall, Sandra Atty Braymer $ 1,000 Sears, Nina Brentwood (3) $4,000 $ 1,000 Harrington, Denise & Randall $ 2,000 Holyfield, Margaret $ 1,000 Meslans, Maurice Buckner $ 1,500 Pearson, Thomas Jr. Cameron $5,000 (2) $ 2,500 McQuitty, Christine $ 2,500 McQuitty, Don Cape Girardeau $5,650 (5) $ 1,000 Austin, Caroline Gibson $ 1,500 Grimm, Stanley $ 1,900 Hunze, Charles $ 1,250 Ponder, Michael Atty $ 1,000 Rice, Joel P III Atty Caruthersville $ 2,500 Hoskins, Wendell Atty Cassville $ 2,500 Cupps, Donald Atty Cedar Hill $ 1,000 Jack, Douglas Center $ 1,100 Evans, Donna Chesterfield $17,750 (15) $ 1,000 Sanford, Julie $ 1,000 Irvine, L. Bosworth $ 1,000 Peter, Walter $ 1,000 Sedichi, Margaret $ 1,000 Stock, Daniel $ 1,000 Zajak, Scott $ 1,200 Davidson, Rebecca $ 1,000 Dueker, Jane Atty $ 1,000 Eisenberg, Gregg $ 1,800 Hungerford, Thomas $ 1,000 Irvine, Katharine $ 1,250 Mlynarczyk, Susan


$ 1,000 Rosenberg, Alan $ 1,000 Sedighi, Dr. Homayoun $ 2,500 Towerman, Craig Atty Clayton $116,950 (65) $ 1,000 Abdulrauf, Saleem $ 1,000 Maylack, Jean Atty $ 1,000 Sokos, Rose-Lynn $ 1,000 Demerath, Jeffrey Atty $ 1,000 Muller, Julia $ 1,000 Finkelstein, Edward (Publisher St.L Labor Tribune) $ 2,000 Eiseman, Rita $ 4,000 Costantin, Caroline (Dept of Justice Atty) $ 1,000 Wittner, Kirk Atty $ 1,000 Ledbetter, Rich T. Atty $ 5,000 Millston, Robert D $ 1,850 Aronson, Judith $ 1,500 Block, Susan Atty $ 1,000 Boulton, Joanne $ 1,250 Brown, Dwyer $ 1,400 Capes, Judy $ 3,000 Carp, Larry $ 2,500 Cooke, Brian Atty $ 1,000 Daniel-Gentry, Jean $ 1,250 Donius, William $ 2,000 Eagleton, Barbara $ 1,000 Fischoff, David $ 2,500 Fischlowitz, Sue $ 1,000 Glenn, Gail $ 2,550 Glick, Diane $ 1,000 Goldstein, Rebecca Atty $ 1,000 Heifetz, Phyllis Atty $ 1,000 Kalish, Karen $ 2,500 Karandish, David $ 1,000 Kipnis, Lynne $ 1,000 Krezel, Dr. Lilianna $ 2,000 Levine, Diane $ 2,000 Levy, David $ 1,000 Levy, Mont $ 1,000 Levy, Ronald $ 1,000 Lipstein, Susan $ 5,000 Lipton, Ann $ 2,500 Lipton, Randy $ 1,000 Litwack, Michael $ 5,000 Maddox, Ken $ 1,000 Markow, Joan $ 2,500 Marshall, Tracey $ 1,700 Miller, Charles Atty $ 1,000 Moog, Donna $ 1,500 Murray, Richard T II $ 1,000 Newman, George Atty $ 2,000 Nicholson, Cal $ 1,500 Nussbaum, Dr. Sam $ 1,100 O’Malley, Kevin Atty $ 2,500 Poplawski, Steven Atty $ 1,000 Putzel, Judith


$ 2,500 Roberts, David $ 5,000 Saks, Katie Atty $ 1,400 Saks, Sharalyn $ 1,000 Schreiber, Dr. Robert $ 2,000 Schwendinger, Robert Atty $ 5,000 Sims, Christopher $ 1,000 Sleckman, Barry $ 1,250 Talve, Rabbi Susan $ 1,000 The Lowenbaum Partership, LLC $ 1,000 Uchitelle, Ben Atty $ 1,500 Uchitelle, Susan $ 3,000 Unanue, Emil $ 2,500 Varvares, Chris $ 1,000 Wells, David Atty $ 1,000 Winfrey, Christopher $ 1,200 Wittner, Kirk Atty Cleveland $ 1,500 Muller, Linda Columbia (20) $28,000 $ 1,500 Bumgarner, Mary $ 1,000 Bumgarner, Roger $ 1,250 Burnam, Mike $ 2,000 Butt, James $ 1,000 Charton, Scott $ 2,000 Fisch, William $ 1,000 Hazelbaur, Gerald $ 1,550 Horner, Winifred $ 1,100 Kessel, Nancy $ 1,000 Leuthold, David $ 2,100 Littrell, Doris $ 1,000 Mathis, Dr. Rebecca $ 3,000 Mehr, Dr. David $ 1,000 Noren, Wendy $ 1,350 Schattengen, Sharon $ 1,000 Sears, Thomas $ 1,000 Smith-Lewis, LLC $ 1,000 Swaney, Dr. Charles $ 2,000 Van Matre, Craig Atty $ 2,250 Winnacker, Elizabeth Creve Coeur (12) $22,150 $ 2,500 Eilermann, John (McBride & Son) $ 1,000 Rotskoff, Sherman $ 1,250 Blakemore, John $ 2,500 Gould, James C $ 1,000 Frank, Roberta $ 2,400 Moriconi, Susan $ 1,500 Needleman, Phillip $ 5,000 Needleman, Sima $ 2,000 Pereless, Joseph (Drury Inns) $ 1,000 Schupp, Jill (Mo House of Rep) $ 1,000 Sher, Richard Atty $ 1,000 Wallis, Marc Atty Crystal Lake Park $ 2,600 Weil, Phoebe Dexter (4) $4,000 $ 1,000 Barney, Janice $ 1,000 HHR Investments, LLC $ 1,000 Holden, Stephen Atty $ 1,000 Parson, C. H. Atty


Des Peres (4) $7,000 $ 1,000 Allen, Paul $ 1,000 Caraffa, Ralph $ 2,500 Gidlow, Jerome $ 2,500 Siteman, Ruth Eureka (3) $3,500 $ 1,000 Denson, Rosemary $ 1,000 Baxter, Warner (President Ameren UE) $ 1,500 Voss, Thomas R (CEO Ameren UE) Fair Grove $ 1,250 Ellison, Larry Florissant $ 2,075 McWilliams, Robert Atty Fredericktown $ 1,000 Page, Phillip Frontenac (8) $14,825 $ 1,000 Bloomberg, Terry $ 1,000 Sant, Gertha $ 1,000 Gonzales, Anthony Angel $ 2,750 Bader, Jack $ 2,500 Burkhardt, Connie $ 2,500 Burkhardt, Daniel $ 3,000 Minogue, Rebecca $ 1,000 Silber, Dr. Sherman Glendale (2) $2,000 $ 1,000 Heller, Ross $ 1,000 Weaver, Thomas Atty Hannibal (3) $4,500 $ 1,000 O’Donnell, James J. $ 1,500 Reinhard, James $ 2,000 Wood, Kathryn Atty Hillsboro (2) $5,000 $ 4,000 Brady, Marsha Atty $ 1,000 Roberts, Kevin Atty Hume $ 1,500 Querry, Diane Independence (2) $3,000 $ 2,000 Martin, Michael $ 1,000 Vaughan, Carole Jefferson City (6) $9,000 $ 1,500 Driskill, Joseph $ 2,000 Hatfield, Charles Atty $ 1,000 Gamble, William A (Lobbyist) $ 1,000 Heisinger, Khristine Atty $ 1,000 Roberts, Dr. Jonathan $ 2,500 Steele-Danner, Kathleen Joplin (2) $4,500 $ 1,000 Cowen, Joseph $ 3,500 Johnson, Roger Atty Kansas City (115) $246,813 $10,000 Gautreaux, William $10,000 Sherman, John $10,000 Sherman, Mamy $ 2,250 Bough, Stephen Atty $ 1,100 Arche, Janet $ 2,500 McDonnil, Jean $ 2,500 Evans, Susannah $10,000 Dollar, Burns & Becker LLC (Law firm) $10,000 Dollar, Tim Atty $ 5,000 Operating Engineers Local 101 PAC $ 3,000 Int. Assoc of Firefighters Local 42 $ 2,000 Anning, Douglas (68,350) $ 3,300 Atterbury, Judith (Atty Jackson Co) $ 1,000 Beck, William Atty $ 5,000 Bixby, Alice $ 5,000 Bixby, Robert P. $ 1,000 Bloss, Robert C (Hallmark Cards) $ 1,150 Boyd, Vicki (Jackson County Courts)


$ 2,500 Browne, Pete $ 1,000 Bruer, Robert Atty $ 1,500 Burgess, Mitchell Atty $ 1,000 Byrne, Jeffrey $ 2,250 Campbell, Jack Atty $ 1,000 Churchman, Jean $ 3,000 Claassen, Dr. Robert $ 2,500 Cofer, Robert Atty $ 1,000 Cofran, Dan $ 1,950 Crouch, Jennifer $ 2,500 Deal, Robert $ 2,500 Dixon, Karen $ 2,400 Donavan, Brittany $ 1,000 Doyal, Stephen (Hallmark) $ 1,000 Duffy, Mary $ 1,000 Epstein, Robert $ 2,338 Flanagan, Sarah $ 1,500 Frantze, Jim $ 1,000 Gautreaux, Christy $ 1,250 Grimaldi, Gerald (Truman Med Cntr) $ 1,000 Leyh, Gregory Atty $ 1,000 Gromowsky, Aimee Atty $ 3,000 Hall, Jill $ 2,000 Hallquist, Allan Atty $ 1,000 Herman, Karen $ 3,000 Herman, Michael $ 5,000 Hess, James $ 2,525 Hoffman, Sharon $ 1,000 Holman, Elisa $ 1,000 Holman, Kirk Atty $ 2,000 Holmes, Jason $ 2,000 Hubbard & Kurtz Attys $ 2,500 Hughes, Carl $ 2,500 Hughes, Cheryl 52 75,663 $ 2,400 Jackson, Shane (student) $ 1,000 Jones, Kimberly Atty $ 1,000 Junger, Ellen (Hallmark) $ 1,000 Kemper, James $ 2,500 Kenner, Nancy Atty $ 1,500 Klumb, Begonya $ 2,000 Kurtz, John Atty $ 2,000 Kohn, Herbert Atty $ 1,000 Lombardi, Elizabeth Atty $ 1,000 Long, Mary $ 1,000 McCormack, Dr. Francis $ 1,000 McNamara, Timothy Atty $ 1,000 McPhee, Mary $ 2,000 Merrigan, Jessica Atty $ 1,450 Metzler, Stephen $ 1,000 Miller, James $ 1,000 Miller, Janet $ 2,500 Miller, Marshall Atty $ 1,000 Miller, Stephen B Atty $ 2,000 Moore, Dr. Linda


$ 2,500 Morris, Jeffrey Atty $ 1,000 Numrich, Bob Atty $ 1,000 Overton, Glen (lobbyist) $ 1,500 Parr, Debra $ 1,500 Phillips, John R. Atty $ 1,000 Polsinelli, James Atty $ 1,000 R.J. Investments $ 3,500 Robb, Gary Atty $ 3,000 Rowland, Landon (Janus Capital) $ 1,000 Rushing, Douglas $ 1,000 Schaffer, Kenneth $ 2,500 Schaffer, Nancy $ 1,000 Sebree, Frank $ 1,000 Shalton, Lonnie Atty $ 1,000 Shay, James $ 2,500 Sherman, John $ 2,500 Sherman, Marny $ 2,700 Shouse, Margaret $ 2,500 Siegel, Norman Atty 65,150 $ 2,500 Slough, Connealy, Irwin & Madden Attys 92 $ 1,000 Smith, Deborah $ 2,500 Sosland, Estelle $ 1,000 Stallmeyer, Janet $ 1,000 Stigal, Jeff Atty $ 2,500 Stueve, Janna $ 2,500 Stueve, Patrick Atty $ 1,000 Sweeney, Kevin Atty $ 2,400 Talbot, Linda $ 2,750 Thomas, Curt $ 1,000 Tranin, Sally $ 1,500 Wagstaff & Cartmell LLP $ 4,500 Ward, R. Lawrence Atty $ 1,000 Weaver, Dr. Michael $ 2,000 Welsh, Deborah $ 1,500 Westrope, Kevin $ 1,500 White, Michael Atty $ 1,000 Williams, Brian D. Atty $ 1,000 Wimes, Michelle $ 2,000 Wolfe, Jeffrey $ 1,000 Woody, Teresa Atty $ 1,000 Yonke & Pottenger LLC Atty $ 1,000 Yonke, Micahel Atty $ 1,000 Zorbrist, Karl Atty 37,650 Kirksville $ 1,000 Campbell, Edward Atty Kirkwood (17) $26,850 $ 2,500 Myer, Gretchen $ 4,000 Bedwinek, Dr. John $ 5,000 Dredge, Richard $ 1,000 Gray, Patricia Atty $ 1,500 Holley, Julie $ 1,000 Johnsen, Melisa $ 1,250 Kibby, Dr. Thomas $ 1,000 Kulich, Roman $ 1,000 McCallum, Dr. Kimberli $ 1,000 McCallum, Michael


$ 1,000 Miller, Bette $ 1,000 Moley, Dr. Kelle $ 1,000 Myers, Gretchen Atty $ 2,000 Neil, A. Bruce $ 1,100 Nouri, Dr. Cynthia $ 1,000 Pope, Katherine $ 1,000 Virtel, James Atty Ladue (18) $31,400 $ 1,000 Moriconi, Susan $ 2,500 Lux, Donn $ 4,000 Dowd, Edward $ 2,500 Bergfeld, Jospeh $ 1,000 Basher, William Atty $ 1,000 Delo, Sherry $ 3,000 Edison, Hope $ 3,000 Edison, Julian $ 1,000 Kemper, David (CEO Commerce Bank) $ 1,000 Kranzberg, Kenneth $ 1,000 Lammert, Susan $ 1,000 Lowman, Lauren $ 1,400 Mason, Gary $ 1,500 Moise, James (Enterprise Rent-a-car) $ 1,500 Sachs, Nancy $ 1,000 Scott, Sarah $ 1,000 Van Cleve, Georgia $ 3,000 Werner, Peter Lees Summit (4) $10,250 $ 3,500 Emison, Laura $ 3,000 Pick, Roger A. $ 1,250 Redfearn, Paul Atty $ 2,500 Wright, Roger Atty Loman $ 2.000 Lear, Clyde Macon $ 2,500 Holman, Gary Maryville $ 1,000 Ritterbusch, Robert (Farmer) Maryland Heights (4) $8,815 $ 2,500 Bronson, Mark Atty $ 1,265 Hayes, Virginia $ 2,050 Robinson, Rush $ 3,000 Steele, Cathy Atty Mountain View $ 1,525 Humbert, Lee Parkville (7) $10,950 $ 2,700 Droge, Dr. Molly $ 1,000 Griffith, Cheri $ 1,000 Ozenberger, Laura Atty $ 1,000 Plumb, Gregory $ 1,600 Reffel, David $ 1,250 Terrasi, Ursula $ 2,400 Woods, Richard D. Atty Parma (2) $4,800 $ 2,400 Aycock, Barry $ 2,400 Aycock, Michele Perry $ 1,750 Hamill, Lucia Plattsburg $ 1,250 Roe, Mary Poplar Bluff $ 1,000 Kennedy, Douglas Atty New London (3) $4,232 $ 1,732 Briscoe, John W Atty $ 1,000 Brisco, Joy $ 1,500 Strode, Daniel Olivette (6) $14,000 $ 1,000 Friedman, Lawrence Atty $ 1,500 Meyer, John Atty


$ 2,000 Oppenheimer, Howard $ 5,000 Saks, Aaron (Clayton HS coach) $ 2,000 Shapiro, Dr. Larry $ 2,500 Wiedenback, Peter Overland $ 1,500 Staenberg, Michael Raytown (2) $2,750 $ 1,750 Ertel, Rhoda $ 1,000 Krizek, Diane Richmond Heights $ 1,000 Lehrer, Joseph Atty (8) $13,600 $ 1,000 Lents, Donald Atty $ 2,500 Burson, Marion $ 1,750 Fleissig, Bruce $ 1,650 Kass, Charlene Atty $ 1,000 Lehrer, Charles Atty $ 1,200 Losos, Carolyn $ 3,500 Rothschild, Susan Rocheport (2) $4,000 $ 3,000 Langworthy, Nancy $ 1,000 Wright, John Rockport (2) $3,500 $ 1,500 Stanton, Doris $ 2,000 Stanton, Robert Rolla (2) $5,000 $ 2,500 Trimble, Joyce $ 2,500 Trimble, Selden Sedalia (2) $3,000 $ 1,500 Mathewson, James $ 1,500 Shumake, William Sikeston (4) $4,000 $ 1,000 Barkett, Janice $ 1,000 Burns, Pete Atty $ 1,000 Heckmeyer, Betty $ 1,000 Marshall, Michael Spanish Lake $ 2,500 Gianoulakis, John Atty Springfield (18) $30,900 $1,000 Baird, Ronald Atty $ 1,050 Bixler, Frances $ 1,000 Carmichael, Marie $ 5,000 Cavner, Rev. Howard $ 5,000 Cavner, Maral $ 1,000 Cavner, Nadia $ 1,100 Fine, Constance $ 1,000 Hamra, Sam $ 1,000 Harper, David $ 3,000 Harpool, Mark Atty $ 2,150 Hembree, Carolyn $ 1,100 Kelly, Ruth $ 1,000 Loomer, Rodney Atty $ 1,000 National South, LLC $ 1,600 Nossaman, Calvin $ 1,000 Pearl, Peggy $ 1,000 Pebbles, Cheryl Atty $ 3,000 Perez, Dr. Carlos St. Charles (2) $2,000 $ 1,000 Griggs, Robert $ 1,000 Schneider, Lynn St. Joseph (5) $9,216 $ 4,616 Deshon, Richard $ 1,000 Insco, Michael Atty $ 1,000 Moya, C.A. $ 1,600 Reed, Nancy $ 1,000 Wagner, Tama ST. LOUIS 57 $125,351


St. Louis No Zip code $ 4,000 Allen, Cheryl Melinda (3) $7,500 $ 2,500 Angelides, Michael Atty $ 1,000 Beatty, John St. Louis 63101 $ 5,000 Graham, Maurice Atty (6) $11,500 $ 1,000 Holland, William Atty $ 1,000 Larsen, John Atty $ 1,000 Mandel & Mandel Attys $ 1,000 Mandel, Andrew Atty $ 2,500 Mandel, Annette Atty St. Louis 63102 $ 1,250 Jackson, Rebecca Atty (3) $3,250 $ 1,000 Keefe, Robert $ 1,000 Weil, John St. Louis 63103 $ 2,000 Everson, Susan Toft (3) $7,825 $ 1,000 Martinez, Linda Atty $ 4,825 Thompson, Kim St. Louis 63104 $ 1,000 Campbell, Jerry Atty (5) $9,000 $ 1,000 Daniels, Dr. John S $ 2,500 Holloran, James Atty $ 2,500 O’Brien, Andrew Atty $ 2,000 Sedey, Mary Atty St. Louis 63108 $10,000 Epstein, Todd (24) $44,426 $ 1,000 Lamoreux, F. Holmes $ 1,000 Katzenstein, Lawrence $ 2,000 Shrout, Debra $ 1,000 Cervantes, Barry $ 1,000 Dolgin, Deborah $ 1,000 Fathman, Anthony $ 4,250 Ferring, John IV $ 1,000 Gilfillan, Susan $ 3,000 Grant, Hugh (Pres Monsanto) $ 2,250 Heller, Elizabeth Atty $ 1,250 McAdams, Jerry $ 1,100 Miner, Jeffrey $ 2,500 Pulitzer, Emily $ 1,000 Shrout, Debra J $ 1,000 Sommers, Chris $ 1,000 Strauss, Mary $ 1,000 Wilber, Stuart $ 1,000 Suggs, Donald (St. L. American) $ 1,000 Teitlebaum, Marilyn Atty $ 1,176 Tretter, Ann $ 1,000 Utterback, Mark $ 1,000 Van Der Werff, Henk $ 3,000 Weil, Mark St. Louis 63109 $ 1,250 Neill, Joseph V Atty St. Louis 63110 $ 5,000 IBEW Local 1 St. Louis 63112 $ 1,000 Tuttle-Newhall, Dr. Betty (4) $7,000 $ 2,500 Carnahan, Thomas $ 1,000 Schoemehl, Lois $ 2,500 Tuttle-Newhall, Dr. Janet St. Louis 63113 $ 1,000 Edwards, Stacy St. Louis 63115 $ 1,250 Evans, Pearlie St. Louis 63116 $ 1,100 Gabberd, Kay (4) $23,100 $ 2,000 Harr, Robert T. Atty


$10,000 Reliant Care Management $10,000 Destefree, Richard (Reliant Care Management) St. Louis 63118 $ 2,000 Burger, Joan M St. Louis County $ 2,600 Mammen, Dr. Alex (2) $4,100 $ 1,500 Schmidt, Ann Strafford (2) $ 2,000 $ 1,000 Turner, Ann $ 1,000 Turner, William Sunset Hills (5) $6,500 $ 1,000 Harding, Gary W. $ 1,000 Hess, Phillip Atty $ 2,500 Hogan, Michael $ 1,000 Lamb, Nicholas Atty $ 1,000 Seats, Harlan Town and Country $ 5,000 Robson, Debra (12) $28,300 $ 2,500 Bacon, Dr. Bruce $ 2,000 Becker, F. Jed $ 1,000 Frisse, Catherine $ 1,000 Keeley, Julie $ 1,800 Kent, Jared $ 1,000 Kling, Rosalyn $ 6,000 Peacock, Jane $ 1,000 Quicksilver, Robert (Charter Comm) $ 1,000 Reeves, W. Thomas (Pulaski bank) $ 5,000 Santel, Tom (BJC) $ 1,000 Williamson, Janet Troy $ 2,250 Thompson, Donald University City $ 1,000 Kalish, Ralph (26) $38,150 $ 1,000 Raun, Joan Atty $ 1,000 Barnes, Wayne $ 1,850 Carlson, Susan (Mo State rep) $ 1,000 Chartock, Lewis (president Goodwill) $ 1,150 Cohen, Nathan Atty $ 1,000 Florin, Dr. Cynthia $ 1,000 Fredman, Diane $ 1,350 Greiman, Gerald Atty $ 1,000 Holly, Margaret $ 1,000 Jones, Endlessly Terrace $ 1,025 Kenyon, David $ 5,000 Lea, Barbara $ 5,000 Lea, Donald $ 1,000 McLaughlin, Judith Epstein $ 2,025 Nemes, Alan Atty $ 1,000 Olander, David $ 1,000 Pappu, Rohit $ 1,500 Philpot, Susan $ 1,000 Rosenbury, Laura Atty $ 1,000 Rudd, William $ 1,000 Shaw, Andrey $ 2,500 Shylanski, Jennifer $ 1,500 Simon, Shulamith $ 1,250 Sutter, Jane $ 1,000 Tollefsen, Dr. Douglas Waynesville $ 1,000 Pritchard, Keith Warrensburg $ 1,900 Kirkpatrick, Doris Washington $ 1,000 James, Dr. Weldon


Weatherby Lake $ 1,350 Winter, Linda Atty Webster Groves $ 1,000 Greenspoon-Kelly, Julie ( 11) $23,000 $ 1,000 Hosle, Stephannie Atty $ 2,500 Dowd, Douglas $ 5,000 Downing, Don Atty $ 2,500 Frane, Janet $ 2,500 Lemonds, James Atty $ 1,750 McArthur, John $ 2,000 Shannon, William $ 2,000 Stupp, Robert $ 1,250 Weddle, James D. $ 1,500 White, Cyrus West Plains (2) $2,250 $ 1,000 Morrison, Gideon $ 1,250 Morrison, Travis Wildwood (3) $5,000 $ 1,000 Bates, William Atty $ 1,000 Rozelle, David $ 3,000 Shepard, Barbara Willard $ 1,000 Powell, Kay

ARIZONA 3 $6,500 2 women 3 cities or towns

Mesa $ 2,500 Jennen, Mary Phoenix, $ 2,000 Wittcoff, Roma Scottsdale $ 2,000 Landsbaum, Leonard

CALIFORNIA 80 17 atty 3 Dr 30 women $166,075 Atherton $ 2,500 Marks, Charles Berkley $4,100 $ 1,600 Mixer, Madeline $ 2,500 Parker, Dr. Ann Beverly Hills $13,600 $ 5,100 Benedek, Peter $ 1,000 Emerson, John $ 1,000 Kiesel, Paul Atty $ 2,500 Michaels, Gilbert $ 4,000 Warschaw, Carmen Capistrano Beach $ 1,500 Worthington, Ann Atty Dana Point $ 1,500 Worthington, Roger Del Mar $ 2,500 Miller, Kimberly Fair Oaks $ 1,000 Vigran, Dr. Thomas Hayward $ 1,000 Simons & Jaspovice Healdsburg $ 2,500 Graseschi, Barbara Laguna Beach $10,000 $ 2,500 Price, Harold $ 2,500 Price, Sandra $ 5,000 Schneider, Bernard Atty La Jolla $2,200 $ 1,000 Arnold, James $ 1,200 Carroll, Candace Atty Long Beach $ 1,750 Solomon, Arlene Los Angeles $15,250 $ 2,500 Alte, Elizabeth $ 2,500 Breslauer, Gerald $ 1,000 Carrick, William $ 1,000 Hoberman, Ellen $ 1,000 Kotzin, Joseph $ 1,250 Rosenfeld, John $ 1,000 Safran, Thomas $ 5,000 Steinlauf, Shuli


Menlo Park $3,700 $ 1,200 Byers, Brook $ 2,500 Eustace, Robert Mill Valley $ 1,000 Rose, Briana Mountain View $ 1,000 Thatcher, Jonathan Oakland $8,875 $ 2,000 Delaney, M Quinn $ 1,000 Fernandez, Francis Atty $2,000 Jordan, Wayne $ 1,000 Greenwood, Gordon Atty $ 1,000 Lans, Alan $ 1,850 Walton, Zachary Atty Oceanside $ 1,000 Biggs, William Orinda $ 1,000 Oberman, James Atty Pacific Palisades $2,000 $ 1,000 Kaplan, Renee $ 1,000 Weiss, Jason Palo Alto $11,500 $ 2,000 Doerr, Ann $ 2,000 Doerr, L. John Atty $ 5,000 Singhal, Amitabh $ 2,500 Walker, John Portola $ 5,000 Bredt, Thomas Pasadena $5,000 $ 2,500 Unanue, David $ 2,500 Unanue, Laura Portola Valley $2,000 $ 1,000 Engelhard, Curtis $ 1,000 Gibbons, Lynn Rancho Mirage $ 2,600 Anderson, Dr. Barbara Redwood City $ 2,500 Turiello, Ronald Atty Sacramento $ 1,000 Kaufman, Gale San Diego $7,650 $ 5,000 Behner, J. Keith $ 1,200 Curren, Anna $ 1,450 Wilson, Shirley San Francisco $37,550 $ 2,500 Conway, Ronald $ 2,500 Feinstein, Diane (U.S. Senator) $ 3,800 Kroeber, Elsie $ 3,750 Levin, Bill Atty $ 1,000 McNuty, Sally $ 2,500 Moore, Charles Atty $ 1,000 Newmark, Craig $ 1,000 Parrish, Julie $ 1,000 Randlett, Wade $ 5,000 Rebe, Toni $ 2,500 Rohlen, Thomas $ 1,000 Schafer, Jack $ 2,000 Schram, John $ 1,000 Schweizen, Deborah Atty $ 5,000 Simes, Laura Atty $ 2,000 Spalding, Helen San Marino $ 2,300 Dewitt, Sally Santa Monica $ 4,500 Bochco, Steven (Television Producer) San Rafael $2000 $ 1,000 Pearche, Timothy Atty $ 1,000 Worsley, Sean Atty Sonoma $ 1,000 Feeney-Burns, Lynette Studio City $ 1,000 Schramm, Dean Woodside $ 2,500 Goldberg, Evan

COLORADO 6 1 woman $11,250 3 cities or towns


Aspen $ 1,500 Steinberg, Judith Denver, Colorado $ 3,000 Congdon, Noel $ 2,250 Congdon, Thomas $ 1,000 Detampel, Donald $ 2,500 Gill, Tim Longmont $ 1,000 Hoog, Thomas

CONNECTICUT 26 3 atty 7 women $43,500 12 cities or towns

Cos Cob $ 1,000 Tomberg, Gail Easton $ 1,000 Mendell, Steve Fairfield $ 1,000 Saft, Stephen Atty $ 1,000 Vinograd, Serge Greenwich $ 2,500 Holtz, Robert $ 2,500 Richman, Ellen $ 2,500 Richman, Richard $ 1,000 Torrey, James $ 2,500 West, Steven Monroe $ 1,000 Petty, Robert $ 5,000 Winograd, Bernard New Canaan $ 1,000 Dobkin, Barbara $ 5,000 Rutledge, Thomas (CEO Charter) Norwalk $ 2,500 Tomlinson, Stephen Atty Salisbury $ 1,000 Morrill, Mary Stamford $ 1,000 Erlenmeyer-Kimling, Niki Weston $ 1,000 Fraade, Jonathan Westport $ 2,500 Czekaj-Farber, Anna (Opera signer) $ 1,000 Bernard, Terry $ 1,000 Kassen, Shelly $ 1,000 Kliegman, Michael Atty $ 1,000 Landau, Matthew $ 1,000 Navon, Jacob $ 1,000 Olson, Kenneth $ 1,500 Reuven, Liz Woodbridge $ 1,000 Early, James

DELAWARE 5 2 Atty 1 Dr $6,800 2women 2 cities or towns Greenville $ 1,000 Grant, Suzanne $ 1,000 Kayne, Dr. Barry Wilmington $ 1,000 Margules, David Atty $ 1,300 Pincus, Kathryn $ 2,500 Pincus, Robert Atty

FLORIDA 28 3 atty $65,513 15 women 18 cities or towns

Aventura $ 5,000 Tuckman, Celia Boca Raton $ 2,500 Gilbert, Nancy $ 5,000 Hirsch, Scott $ 5,000 Hirsch, Stacy $ 1,000 Schaefer, Jamie Ft. Lauderdale $ 1,413 Berger, Mitchell Atty $ 1,000 Bergeron, Ronald M Sr. Atty


$ 1,000 Forman, Miles Austin Manalapan $ 2,100 Laufer, Marsha Marathon $ 1,000 Busch, Adolphus Miami $ 2,500 Hertz, Arthur $ 5,000 Tobias, Andrew Miami Beach $ 1,000 Coletta, Brandy $ 1,000 Silver, Ivy Naples $ 2,500 Findlater, Jeanne $ 1,000 Scott, Laura $ 2,500 Weg, Carol $ 2,500 Weg, Kenneth Newberry $ 1,000 Cofrin, Gladys Odessa $ 1,000 Maxfield, Melissa Palm Beach $ 5,000 Levy, Robert Palm Beach Gardens $ 2,500 Hogan, Francis Ponte Verda $ 1,000 Fitzsimmons, Ellen Sarasota $ 1,000 Perret, Charlotte St. Petersburg $ 2,500 Courtney, Patricia Tallahassee $ 2,500 Hinkle, Donald Atty Venice $ 5,000 Pfleeger, Emma Wauchula $ 1,000 Durando, Doyle

GEORGIA 4 $9,500 1 woman 2 cities or towns

Atlanta, Georgia $ 1,000 Gebhardt, Mathew $ 2,500 Paddock, John $ 2,000 Turner, R.E. Thomasville $ 4,000 Parker, Diane

ILLINOIS 70 27 atty 2 Dr $179,725 24 women 22 cities or towns Alton $4,500 $ 1,000 Darr, Lanny Atty $ 1,000 Davidson, Kevin Atty $ 2,500 Simmons, John D. Atty Carbondale $ 5,000 Hiser, Kelly Collinsville $ 1,500 Mark, Richard J. (Ameren UE) Barrington $ 2,000 Zelcs, Diane Belleville $20,500 $ 2,500 Epperson, Myles Atty $ 2,500 Brewster, James $ 1,000 Chapman & Cutler LLC $ 2,500 Clifford, Robert Atty $ 2,500 Corboy, Phillip H Atty $ 5,000 Crown, James $ 1,000 Durkin, Kevin Atty $ 3,500 Edlis, Stafan

Chicago $72,800 $ 2,500 Burghoef, Susan Atty $ 1,000 Epstein, Daniel $ 5,000 Eychaner, Fred $ 2,500 Friedl, Marcia $ 1,000 Heyman, Vicki $ 1,000 Leestma, Louise $ 1,000 Levi, Jill $ 2,500 Brandt, Derek Atty


$ 2,500 Cohn, Randy Atty $ 2,500 Gianaris, Ted Atty $ 2,500 Kirkland, Greg Atty $ 1,000 Levy, Paul Atty $ 1,000 Manilow, Lewis $ 5,000 Milstein, Albert Atty $ 1,000 Mohan, Daniel Atty $ 2,500 Patterson, Chaka Atty $ 1,500 Pritzker, Penny $ 1,000 Rodgers, Larry Atty $ 1,000 Rosenberg, Rachel $ 1,000 Ross, Neil $ 1,300 Saltzman, Bettylu $ 3,000 Simmons, Adele $ 1,500 Singer, William Atty $ 5,000 Stein, Robert $ 5,000 Stern, Abraham Atty $ 5,000 Suissa, Lorraine $ 5,000 Suissa, Makhlouf $ 5,000 Susman, Louis $ 1,000 Weissbourd, Marie $ 1,500 Wise, Judy $ 1,000 Wislow, Susan 44 Edwardsville $16,000 $ 2,500 Bamper, David $ 2,500 Miracle, Trent Atty $ 1,000 Schmickle, Benjamin Atty $ 5,000 Stewart, Michael Atty $ 5,000 Thompson, Jill Evanston $3,500 $ 2,500 Gottlieb, Anne $ 1,000 Shore, Debra Glen Carbon $ 2,000 Vest, Jan Glenview $ 1,225 Browder, Perry Atty Highland Park $ 1,000 Ingall, David Lake Forest $ 1,000 Bozorgi, Dr. Nader Lagrange $ 1,000 McCarthy, Daniel Lincolnwood $ 5,000 Wolfe, Sheldon Lebanon $ 2,500 Guinn, Christopher Moro $ 2,500 Garrelt, Amy Atty Northbrook $6,000 $ 1,000 Breit, Dr. Robert $ 5,000 Hebeisen, Jodi O’Fallon $ 2,500 Hampton, Erin River Forest $ 2,500 Conway, Kevin Atty Skokie $10,000 $ 5,000 Klein, Batya $ 5,000 Klein, Ben Urbana $ 2,200 Burkholder, Donald Wheaton $ 1,000 Doyle, Michael Winnetka, ILLINOIS $13,500 $ 1,000 Alter, Michael $ 5,000 Chesley, Richard Atty $ 2,500 Ferguson, Mark Atty $ 5,000 Hartog-Levin, Fay

KANSAS 35 14 atty 14 women $57,075 10 cities or towns


Bucyrus $ 1,000 Maher, Gregory Atty Fairway $ 3,000 Flanigan, Daniel Atty $ 2,500 Shumaker, Dianne Lawrence $ 1,000 Cyhambers, Donald $ 1,075 Michaelis, Mary Lou Leawood $ 1,000 Bacon, Jennifer Atty $ 1,000 Cohen, Clifford Atty $ 1,000 Davidow, Sheryl $ 1,000 Frantze, David $ 3,500 Knepper, Michael Atty $ 1,000 Martin, Richard Atty $ 1,000 Shupe, Patricia Mission $ 1,000 Hardesty, Jason $ 1,000 Hanson, George $ 1,000 Speer, Charles Atty Mission Hills $ 5,000 Allen, Joseph $ 1,000 Copaken, Lois $ 2,500 Hall, Laura $ 3,000 Heeter, Judith $ 1,000 Honnold Brad Atty $ 1,000 Korbelik, Mary $ 1,000 Krigel, Sanford Atty $ 1,000 Schille, Gene Overland Park $ 1,000 Moler, William $ 1,000 Privittera-Biondo, Rosana $ 1,000 Yeretsky, James Atty Prairie Village $ 2,500 Kunkler, Kathleen $ 2,500 Beckett, Theodore C. III Atty $ 4,000 Jones, Cliff $ 2,000 McDonough, Madeleine Atty Shawnee $ 1,000 Bartimus, Dana $ 2,000 Cartmel, Thomas Atty $ 1,000 Gardner, Brian Atty $ 1,500 McKinnis, Tony Spring Hill $ 1,000 Kurtz, Sara

KENTUCKY 2 $6,000 1 city 1 atty

Louisville $ 1,000 Satterley, Joseph Atty $ 5,000 Barzun, Matthew

LOUISIANA 7 $15,000 4 atty 3 cities or towns 1 woman

Baton Rouge Louisiana $ 2,000 Degravelles, Palmintier, Holthaus Atty $ 2,500 Green, Lawrence $ 1,000 Palmintier, Mike Atty $ 1,000 Posner, Linda Atty $ 1,000 Stemberg, Hans Franklinton $ 2,500 Green, Jeff Natchitoches $ 5,000 Salim, Robert Atty

MARYLAND 20 4 atty $25,000 11 cities or towns 7 women

Bethesda $ 1,000 Farber, David Atty


$ 1,500 Larue, Andrea $ 1,000 O’Neill, Joseph (Lobbyist) $ 1,000 Skalet, Steven Atty $ 2,000 Stein, Mary Ann Atty Chestertown $ 2,500 Gabel, Caroline Chevy Chase $ 1,000 Alexander, Stacey $ 1,000 O’Donnell, Thomas (Lobbyist) $ 1,000 Regan, Patrick Atty $ 2,500 Zirkin, Nancy Ellicott City $ 1,500 Ruckdeschel, Jonathan Glyndon $ 1,000 Macks, Lawrence $ 1,000 Miller, Stephen Kensington $ 1,000 McCurry, Michael Owings Mills $ 1,000 Fidler, Ginine Mack Pikesville $ 1,000 Neuberger, Anne Potomac $ 1,000 Kritcher, Danny $ 1,000 Panitch, Irwin Silver Spring $ 1,000 Parks, Derron Upper Marlboro $ 1,000 McMillan, Waldo

Massachusetts 16 6 women $28,750 plus $129,375 9 cities or towns Boston $ 2,500 Grossman, Barbara $ 2,500 Halfenger, Brian (Bain Capital) $ 1,000 Ledley, Charles $ 1,000 Rodgers, Francene Brookline $ 2,500 Riehl, Peter (Bain Capital) Cambridge, Massachusetts $129,375 Act Blue PAC $ 1,000 Ansbacherhunt, Theodore $ 1,000 Halprin, Lee $ 2,500 Lee, Barbara $ 2,500 Lehrer, Tom (1960’s songwriter and recording artist) Charlestown $ 1,000 John, Gregory Ipswich $ 1,000 Schmitt, David Lincoln $ 1,000 Kass, Amalie Wayland, MA $ 2,500 Bekenstein, Anita Wellesley $ 5,000 Gimik, Judith Wilmington $ 2,250 Simpson, Michael

NEVADA 6 $13,400 2 cities or towns 1 woman

Las Vegas $ 1,500 Cohn, Francine $ 1,000 Gale, Jeffery $ 2,500 Nave, Dr. James $ 2,500 Sanfilippo, Anthony (CEO Pinnacle Entertainment) $ 3,500 Trimmer, Dr. Theodore Laughlin, Nevada $ 2,400 Allen, Yoko

NEW JERSEY 16 2 atty 3 woman $50,750

Allendale $ 5,000 Zettler, Daniel Cherry Hill $ 2,000 Pick, Robert (Comcast) Cream Ridge $ 5,000 Tyler, George Atty Englewood $ 2,500 Katzenstein, Joseph


Fort Lee $ 2,500 Kahn, Nathan Mount Clair $ 2,000 Lacey, Andrew Oakhurst $ 1,000 Rumeld, Myron Atty Ridgefield $ 5,000 Bendheim, Jonathan Ridgewood $ 2,000 Halaby, Rurik Teaneck $ 5,000 Bendheim, Jack $ 5,000 Drazin, Shifra Towaco $ 4,000 Kruger, John and Randi Voorhees $ 2,500 Langan, John Wayne $ 1,250 Lafer, Barbara Westfield $ 1,000 Berkower, Lisa $ 5,000 Goldberg, Gary

New Mexico 3 $5,500 2 cites or towns 2 women

Albuquerque, New Mexico $ 2,500 LOBO PAC $ 2,000 Roberts, Peggy Santa Fe $ 1,000 O’Brien, Polly

NEW YORK 135 $330,800 53 women 18 lawyers 24 cities or towns Bearsville $ 1,000 Merck, Friedrike Bronx (3) $12,500 $ 5,000 Bendheim, Ethan $ 5,000 Bendheim, Sarah $ 2,500 Malina, Bernard Bronxville $ 1,000 Cofey, John Brooklyn (5) $12,000 $ 2,000 Zyskind, Barry $ 1,000 Berkowitz, Cecelia $ 2,000 Melnicke, Michael $ 5,000 Ratner, Bruce $ 2,000 Zyskind, Barry Dobbs Ferry $ 5,000 McKellar, Marie Great Neck $ 3,750 Hamburg, Donald Atty Hasting on the Hudson $ 1,150 McFall, Elizabeth Flushing $ 5,000 Lindenbaum, Cheryl (Nurse) Kingsport $ 1,000 Richman, Steven Larchmont $ 1,000 Warner, Priscilla Lattingtown $ 1,000 Jacobson, Mitchell(Chairman JP Morgan Chase) Little Neck $ 1,000 Sander, Elliott Mamaroneck (2) $3,500 $ 2,500 Glodberg, Sunny $ 1,000 Straus, Lynn Mount Kisco (20 $10,000 $ 5,000 Kohlberg, Jerome $ 5,000 Kohlberg, Nancy New York City (99) $236,650 $ 5,000 Rohatyn, Jeanne $ 1,000 Album, Mitchell $ 2,500 Altman, Roger $ 1,000 Arche, Ellen $ 1,000 Bachner, Robert Atty $ 1,000 Baum, Marc $ 1,350 Beinecke, Clay $ 5,000 Berger, Stephen $ 1,000 Biggs, Penelope $ 5,000 Blank, Matthew (pres Showtime Network) $ 5,000 Blavatnik, Leonard $ 1,000 Breslow, Stefani Atty


$ 1,000 Chapman, Dr. Anna $ 5,000 Cohen, Rodgin Atty $ 1,000 Danzinger, Kate $ 1,000 Davis, Gordon Atty $ 1,000 Deull, Norma $ 2,500 Domingo, Lauren (Vogue Magazine) $ 1,000 Duff, Patricia $ 2,500 Dutcher, Laurel $ 5,000 Dyson, Robert $ 1,250 Fuchsberg, Jacob Atty $ 5,000 Furman, Dr. Gail $ 2,500 Gair, Anthony H. Atty $ 2,500 Gallogly, Mark $ 1,000 Greenburger, Francis $ 1,000 Georgescu, Peter $ 2,500 Harper, Gerald Atty $ 1,000 Henderson, Kenneth Atty $ 1,000 Hurst, Fern $ 1,250 Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm $ 2,500 Johnson, Richard $ 1,500 Katz, Robert J. (Goldman Sachs) $ 1,000 Katz, Wayne $ 1,000 Kennedy, Susan Peterson $ 2,500 Kirk, Clay $ 1,500 Kistler, William $ 5,000 Kramer, Dillof, Livingston & Moore Atty $ 2,500 Landowne, Morton $ 1,000 Levin, John $ 1,000 Levy, Marion $ 1,000 Livingston, Judith Atty $ 2,000 Lyne Susan $ 2,500 Marcus, Barbara $ 1,000 Mattes, Bari $ 1,500 McCarthy, Robert $ 10,000 McGrath, Judith $ 1,500 Meck, Terrace $ 2,500 Meyer, Sandra $ 2,500 Moore, Thomas Atty 40 $ 1,000 Morgan, Mary $ 1,000 Nijenhuis, Ekica Atty $ 1,000 O’Grady, Kathleen $ 2,000 Ortenberg, Arthur $ 1,500 Papain, Nicholas Atty $ 5,000 Parker, Sean $ 2,500 Pelster, Terry Atty $ 2,500 Pollack, Anne $ 1,000 Pollack, Michael $ 1,000 Poole, Jane $ 1,000 Powell, Wesley Atty $ 1,000 Reger, Robert J Atty $ 3,800 Robinson, Richard $ 2,500 Richman, James $ 2,000 Rockefeller, Wendy $ 2,000 Rosen, Carolyn


$ 2,500 Rosen, Daniel $ 3,000 Rosen, Jack $ 2,000 Rosen, Jacqueline $ 2,500 Rosen, Jordan $ 2,000 Rosen, Phyllis $ 2,000 Rosen, Samantha $ 1,000 Rothko, Christopher $ 2,500 Rubin, James $ 4,000 Rubin, Shelley $ 1,000 Rubin, Stephen $ 4,500 Schlapbach, David Atty $ 1,000 Schneiderman, Irwin $ 5,000 Sikkema, Brent $ 5,000 Slater, Jill Atty $ 1,000 Smith, Mary $ 2,500 Soros, Jennifer $ 2,500 Spencer, James $ 1,000 Stephens, John $ 2,000 Tessler, Robert Atty $ 5,000 Tisch, Andrrew $ 5,000 Tisch, Ann Rubenstein $ 2,500 Tosi, Alexandra $ 2,500 Tosi, Laurence $ 5,000 Vogelstein, John 40 $ 1,800 Von Furstenberg, Dianne $ 2,500 Von Simson, Ernst $ 5,000 Wainwright, Cynthia $ 1,000 Weisbrod, Carl $ 3,500 Weiss, Daniel $ 1,200 Widmeyer, Scott $ 5,000 Wilson, Fred $ 5,000 Wilson, Joanne $ 1,000 Zelnick, Straus Painted Post $ 1,000 Flaws, James Pelham $ 2,500 Larkin, Deborah Purchase $ 1,500 Loewentheil, Sanford Rhinebeck $ 2,500 Goldman, Amy Rhinecliff $ 1,000 Laybourne, Geraldine Riverdale $ 5,000 Bendheim, Gilan Rye (2) $2,000 $ 1,000 Van Dolsen, Susan $ 1,000 Weissman, Milred Scarsdale (4) $13,750 $ 3,750 Bell, Lawrence Atty $ 5,000 Stern, David (NBA Commissioner) $ 2,500 Stern, Dianne $ 3,000 Tisch, Bonnie Thomas $ 1,000 Roome, Hugh III Uniondale $ 5,000 Duffy & Duffy Attys at Law 23

NORTH CAROLINA 2 $3,800 2 cities or towns

Kinston, $ 1,800 Dixon, L.E. Raleigh $ 2,000 Sullivan, Richard

OHIO 11 $12,000 3 Atty 9 cities or towns 4 women


Cleveland $ 1,000 Horvitz, Michael Atty Columbus $ 1,000 Heer, Holly Atty Delaware $ 1,000 Gabel, Marianne Atty Gahanna, OHIO $ 1,500 Cooper, David Mansfield $ 1,000 Swack, Bernard Moreland Hills $ 1,500 Wuliger, Sandra Powell $ 1,550 Woda, Jeffrey Reynoldsburg $ 1,000 Shumaker, William Shaker Heights $ 1,000 Goldberg, Charlotte $ 1,000 Gross, Rochelle $ 1,000 Ratner, Ron

OREGON 2 $4,000 2 cities or towns

Portland $ 1,500 Fitzloff, Mark Rosebud, Oregon $ 2,500 Band of Umpqua Tribe

PENNSYLVANIA 17 5 women 4 lawyers $35,001 7 cites or towns

Bala Cynwyd $ 3,500 Field, Joseph & Marie $ 2,000 Jacobson, Yonina Atty Bryn Mawr $1,000 Henderson, Hannah Haverford $ 1,500 Stein, Mark Lafayette Hill $ 1,000 Feldman, Moses Narberth $ 1,500 Shell, Jeffrey (Comcast) Philadelphia, PA $ 2,500 Cohen, Rhonda Atty $ 2,500 Cozen, Steven Atty $ 1,500 Dooner, Marlene $ 2,500 Golomb, Richard Atty $ 1,750 Paul, Robert Atty $ 2,500 Roberts, Aileen (Comcast) $ 2,500 Roberts, Suzanne (Comcast) $ 4,251 Storey, Frances $ 1,000 Vague, Richard $ 1,000 Von Seldeneck, Judith Wynnewood $ 2,500 Elderkin, David

SOUTH CAROLINA 2 $6,000 1 lawyer 1 woman 2 cities or towns

Columbia $ 5,000 Suggs, Kenneth Atty Greenville, $ 1,000 Parker, Ann

TENNESSEE 8 2 lawyers 1 woman $11,400

Chattanooga $ 1,000 Siedlecki, Mark Hendersonville $ 1,000 Bone, Charles W. Atty Lookout Mountain $ 1,500 Faulkner, Sarah Memphis $ 1,000 Brown, David Nashville, Tennessee $ 3,500 Barrett Johnson, LLC $ 1,400 Bone, Charles R. Atty $ 1,000 Freeman, William $ 1,000 Smith, Wayne


TEXAS 44 17 women 7 lawyers $98,815 14 cities or towns Arlington $ 1,000 Duggan, George (BNSF Coal Delivery) $ 2,500 Warner, Richard Austin $ 5,000 Barnes, Katerina Blaine $ 1,000 Nabbers, Mary $ 3,000 Patman, Carrin Atty $ 2,500 Slack, Michael Atty $ 5,000 Welland, David $ 2,000 Wiedeman, Wyeth $ 1,000 Winkelman, Marc Bellaire $ 1,015 Guefen, Dana Commerce $ 2,750 McCracken, Darla $ 2,500 McCracken, Joe Dallas $ 2,500 Boone, Aimee (Planned Parenthood) $ 5,000 Connelly, Serena $ 5,000 Feldman, Cynthia $ 5,000 Feldman, Robert Atty $ 1,000 Ferrer, Jesse Atty $ 2,000 Fikes, Amy & Lee $ 3,000 Greenstone, David Atty $ 2,500 McManemin, Megan $ 1,000 Siegel, Charles Atty $ 1,000 Panatier, Chris $ 5,000 Stuart, Barley $ 1,000 Watson, Steve Ft. Worth $ 1,000 Ambler, John $ 1,000 Anderson, Zak $ 1,000 Bass, Anne $ 1,000 Olsovsky, Jo Ann (BNSF) $ 1,000 Shewmake, Charles (BNSF) Houston $ 2,500 Arnold, John $ 2,500 De Llano, Rod Atty $ 2,500 Morgan, Sara $ 1,000 Posti, Beverly $ 5,000 Susman, Ellen $ 2,500 Susman, Stephen Atty $ 2,500 Zilkha, Michael Little Elm $ 1,800 Gordon, James Mesquite $ 1,000 Lyon, Ted Atty San Angelo $ 1,000 Bridges, Elaine San Antonia $ 3,000 Boskind, Paul South Lake $ 1,500 Livon, David Southland $ 1,000 Draper, Fritz (BNSF) Sugarland $ 1,750 Pruett, Rebecca

VIRGINIA 22 11 women 5 lawyers $37,300 8 cities or towns

Alexandria $ 5,000 Collis, Lisa D $ 1,000 Klein, Benjamin (Lobbyist) $ 5,000 Warner, Mark Governor $ 2,500 Wendell, Sonya (Lobbyist)


Arlington $ 1,000 Hawkins, Amy (BNSF) $ 1,000 Joseph, Kevin $ 2,000 Lewis, Rita (Lobbyist) $ 1,000 Mason, David $ 2,000 Wiggins, Chani $ 1,000 Wolf, Agnes Bristow $ 1,800 Gory, Theresa Falls Church $ 1,000 Starr, David Atty Herndon $ 1,000 Warren, Wendy Atty McLean, Virginia $ 2,500 Browder, Lindsey $ 1,000 Gebhardt, Jane $ 2,500 Keating, Timothy (Boeing Lobbyist) $ 1,000 Krause, Paul Atty $ 1,000 Lupo, Debbie $ 2,500 Lupo, Raphael Atty $ 1,000 Malone, Lauren Vienna $ 1,000 Statman, Alan Atty Virginia Beach $ 1,800 Ray, Richard

WASHINGTON 3 2 women $3,000

Bellevue $ 1,000 Otten, Anne Coupeville, Washington $ 1,000 Denson, Rosemary Seattle $ 1,000 Weiner, Alan

WYOMING 2 $7,500

Jackson, Wyoming $ 5,000 Cumming, Ian Little Jackson Hole $ 2,500 Ricketts, John

WASHINGTON DC 29 8 lawyers 8 women $38,500 plus $160,000 PAC

Washington, DC $ 3,000 Bryan Cave LLP, Political Fund $ 1,000 Alsop, Sunny $ 1,000 Bayliss, Kim $ 1,500 Brown, James P $ 1,000 Carp, Bernie Atty $ 1,000 Casserly, James Atty $ 1,000 Cuneo, Gilbert & Laduca LLC $ 160,000 + Emily’s List PAC* $ 1,000 Feinberg, Kenneth $ 1,500 Frost, Martin Atty $ 1,000 Hogan, Joseph $ 1,000 Huvelle, Jeffrey Atty $ 2,500 Kaempfer, Joseph $ 2,500 Kaplin, Annie $ 1,500 Kennedy, Kristina $ 1,000 Kennedy, Sean (American Airlines lobbyist) $ 1,000 Lee, Penny $ 1,000 Leiter, David (Lobbyist) $ 1,500 Mehri, Cyrus Atty $ 1,000 Olinger, John P. $ 1,000 Parsons, Charlie Atty $ 1,000 Podesta, Heather $ 2,000 Ronan, Patrick Atty $ 1,000 Ross, Steven Atty $ 1,000 Rowe, James


$ 2,000 Salett, Elizabeth $ 2,500 Schaffer, Nancy $ 1,000 Symington, James W. Atty $ 1,000 Weinreich, Gady


Sterrett Alabama $ 2,500 Lee, Claude Little Rock, Arkansas $ 2,000 Russell, Bob Oklahoma City Oklahoma $ 1,500 Talley, Jill Ann Arbor Michigan $ 2,000 Larimore, Ann Wayzata, Minnesota $ 5,000 Carlson, Diana Bountiful, UTAH $ 2,500 Kamerath, Eric Milwaukee Wisconsin $ 1,000 Kohl, Herbert (US Senator)