PALAIOS, 2011, v. 26, p. 522–544 Research Article DOI: 10.2110/palo.2010.p10-122r TRIASSIC FLORAS OF ANTARCTICA: PLANT DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTION IN HIGH PALEOLATITUDE COMMUNITIES IGNACIO H. ESCAPA,1,2* EDITH L. TAYLOR,1 RUBE´ NCU´ NEO,2 BENJAMIN BOMFLEUR,1,3 JULIE BERGENE,1 RUDOLPH SERBET,1 and THOMAS N. TAYLOR 1 1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045-7534, USA,
[email protected],
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[email protected]; 2CONICET—Museo Paleontolo´gico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew, Chubut, 9100, Argentina,
[email protected]; 3Forschungsstelle fu¨r Pala¨obotanik am Institut fu¨r Geologie und Pala¨ontologie, Westfa¨lische Wilhelms-Universita¨t Mu¨nster, Hindenburgplatz 57, D-48143 Mu¨nster, Germany,
[email protected] ABSTRACT number of Antarctic plant fossils during his career. His collection—now at the University of Kansas—includes plants preserved as impressions Continental Triassic sequences in Antarctica are among the most and compressions, palynological samples, and silicified wood from continuous and best represented in Gondwana. Triassic fossil plants have numerous sites, including southern and northern Victoria Land (SVL, been collected sporadically from Antarctica since the beginning of the NVL) and the CTM. twentieth century, but our knowledge of the vegetation during this time Certainly one of the most significant contributions of Schopf’s has dramatically increased during the last three decades. Here we review fieldwork in Antarctica was the discovery of permineralized peat from the fossil record of Triassic plants as representatives of natural groups two sites in the CTM (Schopf, 1970, 1978).