THE TWEED Spring Volume 3 #07 Thursday, October 14, 2010 Into Advertising and news enquiries: Phone: (02) 6672 2280 Action
[email protected] [email protected] Page 12 LOCAL & INDEPENDENT Campaign funds from developer go undeclared Ken Sapwell Government, Barbara Perry, to inves- tigate the former mayor for possible Veteran Tweed councillor Warren breaches of the NSW Electoral Act Polglase faces a new probe after fail- during the 2008 elections. ing to declare a string of secretive pay- Cr Polglase, who was mayor when ments to his re-election campaign. the council was sacked in 2005 be- Brisbane based developer Godfrey cause of an uproar over developer Mantle reveals that companies un- donations, says he’s always declared der the umbrella of his Mantle Group an interest when Mr Mantle’s matters gave $5,000 to Cr Polglase in six sepa- come to council and took no part in rate donations on September 12, 2008, the voting. the day before voters turned out to ‘I am not required to disclose do- elect a new council. nations under $1,000 if they come According to his political donations from different sources and in this case disclosure statement lodged last year, they did,’ he said from overseas where Beekeeper Laurie Waldron inspects a frame of one of his hives. Laurie says different entities sharing the same he is on holiday. the wet weather has made the bees a little sluggish. Photo Jeff ‘Hi Home I’m East Brisbane address as the Mantle ‘I have taken legal advice on this Big wet Honey’ Dawson Group, gave five amounts of $900 matter and I can assure you that ev- and one of $500 to ‘council candidate erything is above board.’ about 300 hives in the Tweed region Tweed earlier this month and a fur- Warren Polglase’.