Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report
Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report ©UNICEF Cameroon/2019 SITUATION IN NUMBERS Highlights August 2019 2,300,000 • More than 118,000 people have benefited from UNICEF’s # of children in need of humanitarian assistance humanitarian assistance in the North-West and South-West 4,300,000 regions since January including 15,800 in August. # of people in need (Cameroon Humanitarian Needs Overview 2019) • The Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) strategy, Displacement established in the South-West region in June, was extended 530,000 into the North-West region in which 1,640 people received # of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the North- WASH kits and Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) in West and South-West regions (OCHA Displacement Monitoring, July 2019) August. 372,854 # of IDPs and Returnees in the Far-North region • In August, 265,694 children in the Far-North region were (IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix 18, April 2019) vaccinated against poliomyelitis during the final round of 105,923 the vaccination campaign launched following the polio # of Nigerian Refugees in rural areas (UNHCR Fact Sheet, July 2019) outbreak in May. UNICEF Appeal 2019 • During the month of August, 3,087 children received US$ 39.3 million psychosocial support in the Far-North region. UNICEF’s Response with Partners Total funding Funds requirement received Sector Total UNICEF Total available 20% $ 4.5M Target Results* Target Results* Carry-over WASH: People provided with 374,758 33,152 75,000 20,181 $ 3.2 M access to appropriate sanitation 2019 funding Education: Number of boys and requirement: girls (3 to 17 years) affected by 363,300 2,415 217,980 0 $39.3 M crisis receiving learning materials Nutrition**: Number of children Funding gap aged 6-59 months with SAM 60,255 39,727 65,064 40,626 $ 31.6M admitted for treatment Child Protection: Children reached with psychosocial support 563,265 160,423 289,789 87,110 through child friendly/safe spaces C4D: Persons reached with key life- saving & behaviour change 385,000 431,034 messages *Total results are cumulative.
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