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AUTHOR Ware, Mark E. TITLE Autobiographical and Biographical Resources for History of . PUB DATE 93 NOTE 17p. - PUB TYPE Reference Materials Bibliographies (131)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Autobiographies; *Biographies; *History; *; *Psychology

ABSTRACT This document presents a variety of resources for students to use in preparing class presentations and historical research projects on the . The resources pertain to historical figures in the field of psychology. Many of the references included in this bibliography are annotated and the names of the psychologists contained within most of books are listed as well. The first section of the bibliography lists four indexes to autobiographies and biographies of noted psychologists. The next section focuses on autobiographical references and includes references and/or annotations for both monograph- and book-length autobiographies. This section is followed by a section on biographical references. Included are sources for biographical sketches (1-2 paragraphs in length) of psychologists, as well as references and/or annotations for both monograph- and book-length biographies. A list of 4 necrology references which contain the death dates for 638 psychologists is also included. The document concludes with a list of bibliographic references on individual psychologists. (NB)

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for History of Psychology

Mark E. Ware

Creighton University


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Overview i

Indexes to Autobiographies and Biographies 1

A utobiographical References 2

A. Autobiographies (monograph length) 2

B. Autobiographies (book length) 6

Biographical References 7 A. Biographical Sketches (1-2 paragraphs in length) 7

B. Biographies (monograph length) 8

C. Biographies (book length) 10

Necrology References 12 Bibliographic References on Individual Psychologists 13

3 i


While teaching a history of psychology class during the last several years, I identified the following resources for student use. Students can use these resources to prepare class presentations and historical research projects. Students have commented on how interesting history can be when they get to know the historical figures in a personal way.

The sources identified in this guide are not exclusive. They constitute those references I have located in and ordered for the university's library. I got the idea of submitting this list to ERIC/CAS after a colleague asked for suggestions to order for his college's library. His response to my list was so favorable I concluded that others might find the list as useful.

Two features of this listing should prove helpful to teachers, scholars, and students of the history of psychology. I have annotated many of the references. In addition, I have listed the names of the psychologists contained within most of the books. Such infonnation should facilitate retrieval

4 1

Indexes to Autobiographies and Biographies

Benjamin, L. T., Jr. (1980). Women in psychology: Biography andautobiography. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5, 140-144.

(The source above contains almost 100 autobiographical and biographical references about 50 women who have contributed significantly to psychology.)

Benjamin, L T., Jr., Pratt, R, Watlington, D., Aaron, L., Bonar, T., Rtzgerald,S., Franklin, M., Jimenez, B., & Lester, R. (1989). History of American psychologyin notes and pews. 1883-1945: An index to journal sourcesMill Wood, NY: Kraus International Publications. (The source above contains an index of information from the six journals (Science.American Journal of PsychologNPsychological Review Psychological BulletinJournal of Philosophy. Psychology. awl Scientific Method, and Journal of Applied Psychology) that were most important sources of news and notes. The news and notestypically announced such things as the founding of new laboratories, new societies, newjournals, travel of psychologists, deaths, new appointments, changes in journaleditorships, promotions, lectures, fellowships, elections, !caves of absence , grants, meetings, and awards.)

Benjamin, L. T., Jr., & Shlossman, W. (1983). Biographical sketchesof eminent psychologists: A selected bibliography. JSAS Catalog of Selecteddocuments in Psychology,la, 1, (Ms. no. 2525) (The source above contains more than 1,000 autobiographical and biographical references to about 400 prominent psychologists from 1850 to 1983. It includes and extmds the two sources preceding it.)

Sokal, M. M., & Rafail, P. A. (1982). A guide to mansucriptcollections in the history of psychology and related areas Millwood, NY: Kraus InternationalPublications. (This source identifies the locations of papers of more than 200 psychologists.)

5 1

Autobiographical References

A. Autobiographies (monograph length) 1. History of Clinical Psychology in Autobiography (This book by Walker is the first of a series of volumes of autobiographical essays by these founders of the field of clinicalpsychology.)

Walker, C. E. (Ed.). (1991). History of clinical psychology in autobiography(Vol. 1). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.

A. EllisH. J. Eysenck S. L. Garfield M. Harrower M. Ives A. 0. Ross E. Shneidman H. H. Strupp

2. A History of Psychology in Autobiography (This eight volume set is a major source of autobiographical information about more than 100 prominent psychologists.)

Murchison, C. (Ed.). (1930). A history of psychology inautobiogtaphy(Vol. 1). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. (Reprinted editions from Russell and Russell of New York, 1961).

J. M. Baldwin M. W. Calkins E. ClaparedeR. Dodge P. Janet J. Jastrow F. Kiesa.v W. McDougall C. E. Seashore C. Spearman W. Stern C. Strumpf H. C. Warren T. Ziehen H. Zwaardemaker Murchison, C. (Ed.). (1930). A history of psychology inautobiogruty(Vol. 2). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. (Reprinted editions from Russelland Russell of New York, 1961).

B. Bourdon J. Dreyer K. Dunlap, G. C. Ferrari S. I. Franz, K. Groos G. HeymansH. Hoffding C.H. Judd C. L. Morgan W. B. Pillsbury L. M. Tennan M. F. Washburn R.S. Woodworth R. M. Yerkes Murchison, C. (Ed.). (1930). A history of psychology inautobiogmphgVol. 3). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. (Reprinted editions from Russelland Russell of New York, 1961).

J. R. Angell F.C. BartlettM. Bentley H. A. Carr S. De Sanctis J. Frobes 0. Klemm K. Marbe C. S. Myers E. W. Scripture E. L. Thorndike J. B. Watson W. Wirth

6 3

Boring, E. G., Langfeld, H. S., Werner, H, & Yerkes, R. M. (Eds.). (1952). A history of psychology in autobiography(Vol. 4). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press, 1952.

W. V. D. Bingham E.G. BoringC. L. Burt RM. Elliot A. Gemelli A. Gesell C. L. Hull W.S. Hunter S. Katz A. Michotte J. Piaget H. Pieron C. Thomson L. L. Thurstone E. C. Tolman

Boring, E. G., & Lindzey, G. (Eds )(1967). A history of psycholoa in autobiography (Vol. 5). New York: Irvington.

G. W. Allport L Carmichael K. M. Dallenbach J. F. Dashiell J. J. GibsonK. GoldsteinJ. P. Guilford H. Helson W. R. MilesG. Murphy H. A. Murray S. L. Pressey C. R. Rogers B. F. Skinner M. S. Viteles Lindzey, G. (Ed.). (1974). A history of psychology in autobiograptv(Vol. 6). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

F. H. Allport F. A. Beach R. B. CattellC. H. Graham E. R. Hilgard 0. KlinebergJ. Konorski D. Krech A. R Luria M. Mead 0. H. Mowrer T. M. Newcomb S. S. Stevens Lindzey, G. (Ed.). (1980). A history of psychology in autobiography(Vol. 7). San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.

A. Anastasi D. E. Broadbent J. Bruner H. J. Eysenck F. A. Geldard E. J. Gibson D. 0. HebbQ. McNemar C. E. OsgoodR. R. Sears H. A. Simon Lindzey, G. (Ed.). (1989). A history of psychology in autobiogmay(t Vol. 8).Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

R. G. Barker R. Brown L. J. Cronbach W. K. Estes F. Heider L. M. Hurvich & D. Jameson B. Inhelder R. D. Luce E. E. Maccoby P. E Meehl G. A. Wier C. Pfaffmann S. Schachter

7 4

3. The Making of Psychology: Discussions with Creative Contributors (The book by Evans contains oral histories and interviews with 28 prominent psychologists. Note that there are duplicate interviews with those in Cohen's book below.)

Evans, R. I. (1976). The making of psychology: Discussions with creativecontributors New York: Knopf.

K. Lorenz N. TinbergenH. F. HarlowJ. Piaget A. Jensen E R. HilgardB. F. SkinnerD. Norman J. B. Rhine J. Kamiya D. Krech D. McClelland S. Schachter N. E. MillerJ. McConnellG. Allport C. Rogers R. D. Laing A. Bandura H. J. Eysenck E. Jones C. G. Jung E Erikson E Fromm L. Festinger M. RokeachS. Milgram P. Zimbardo

4. Models of Achievement: Reflections of Eminent Women in Psychology

(This two volume set is a major source of autobiographical information about 34 prominent female psychologists.)

O'Connell, A. N., & Russo, N. F. (Eds.). (1983). Models of achievement:Reflections of çminent women in asyckfty(Vol. 1). New York: Columbia University Press.

K. M. Banham M. B. McGraw R. W. Howard A. I. Bryan L. B. Murphy M. Ives M. B. Mitchell E. Hanfmann M. R. HarrowerM. J. Rioch T. G. Alper M. D. S. Ainsworth M. Henle M. H. Jones M. J. Wright M. P. Clark C. W. Sherif O'Connell, A. N., & Russo, N. F. (Eds.). (1988). Models of achievement:Reflections of eminent women_jnasyd_gylolo (Vol. 2). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates, Publishers. L. H. M. Stolz L. E Tyler A. Anastasi M. S. Crissey E. Fromm L. E. Troll 0. E. deC. Engelhardt P. C. Smith J. LoevingerF. K. Graham J. T. Spence D. H. Eichorn C. R. PaytonM. T. Mednick M. E. Bernal F. L Denmark B. R. Strickland 5

5. The Psychologists (This three volume set is a newer series containing autobiographical information about 36 additional prominent psychologists.) Krawiec, T. S. (Ed.). (1972). The psychologists (Vol. 1). New York: Oxford University Press.

A. Anastasi I. A. Berg W. R. Garner H. Helson W. A. Hunt J. Kagan W. J. McKeachie M.B. Smith F. C. ThorneR. I. Watson W. B. Webb P. T. Young Krawiec, T. S. (Ed.). (1974). The psychologists (Vol. 2). New York: Oxford University Press. H. L. AnsbacherJ. Brozek R. B. CandiJ. McV. Hunt A. R. Jensen H. H. Kendler R. W. Leeper G. Murphy C. E. Osgood C. Pfaffmann M. S. Viteles Krawiec, T. S. (Ed.). (1978). The psychologists (Vol. 3). Brandon, VT: Clinical Psychology Publishing Company.

G. Albee E. Ghiselli M. HarrowerS. Hathaway R. D. Luce L. B. Murphy E. L Rhine J. B. Rhine L. Riggs J. Royce P. Suppes L. Tyler P. Vernon

6. Psychologists on Psychology (The book by Cohen contains oral histories and interviews with 13 prominent psychologists. Note that there are duplicate interviews with those in Evans' book above.)

Cohen, D. (1977). Psychologists on psychology. New York: Taplinger. D. McClelland D. Broadbent N. Chomsky H. J. Eysenck L. Festinger L. Hudson M. Jouvet R. D. Laing L. Lowenthal N. E. MillerB. F. Skinner H. Tajfel N. Tinbergen

9 6

B. Autobiographies (book length) Beers, C. W. (1953). A mind that found itself: An autobiograph.y Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc. Bruner, J. (1983). In search of mind New York: Harper and Row Publishers. Pilkington, R. (1987). Men and women of : Personal reflections Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers. Sarason, S. B. (1988). The making of an American : An autobiography San Fransisco: Josey-Bass Publishers. Skinner, B. F. (1976). Particulars of my life New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Skinner, B. F. (1979). The shaping of a behaviorist New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Sokal, M. M. (1981). An education in psychology Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

1 0 7

Biographical References

A. Biographical Sketches (1-2 paragraphsin length) American men and women of scienc(13th ed.). (1978). New York:Bowker.

(The source above contains brief information on degrees, honors received, positions held, publication, and research interests.)

American men and women of scienct 12th ed.). (1971). New York:Bowker.

Hilgard, E R. (1978). American psychology in historicalperspective: Addresses of the presidents of the A.P.A. 1892-1977 Washington D.C.: AmericanPsychological Association. (The source above contains brief biographical sketches of all the presidents of the American Psychological Association, 1892-1977. It also contains the presidential addresses of 21 of the former presidents, as well as a brief history of the APA.)

Hilgard, E R. (1987). Psychology in America: A historical surveyNew York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Publishing. (The source above contains brief biographical sketches for many prominent psychologists.)

Nordby, V. J., & Hall, C. S. (1974). A guide topsychologists and their concepts San Fransisco: Freeman. (The source above contains short biogaphical material and description of the key concepts of 42 psychologists.)

A. Adler G. W. Allport A. Angyal A. Bandura M. Boss E. Brunswik R. B. Candi E. Erikson L. FestingerS. Freud E. Fromm J. J. Gibson K. GoldsteinE. R. Guthrie D. 0. Hebb F. Heider H. Nelson K. Homey C. Hull W. James C. G. Jung G. A. Kelly K. Koffka W. Kohler K. S. L.ashley K. Lewin A. Maslow W. McDougall G. Murphy H. A. Murray C. E. Osgood 1. P Pavlov J. Piaget C. R. Rogers W. H. SheldonB. F. Skinner S. S. Stevens H. S. Sullivan E. L. ThorndikeE. C. Tolman J. B. Watson M. Wertheimer 8

Stevens, G., & Gardner, S. (1982). The women of psychologyCambridge: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc.

(This source contains biogyaphical information about numerous women in the history ofpsychology)

Zusnc, L. (1984). Biographical directon of psychologyWestport, CT: Greenwood Press. (This source contains biographical information about 526 psychologists and contributors to psychology 11600-19681. It also contains several references to other biographical sources for each of the 526 individuals.)

B. Biogyaphies (monograph length) Fancher, R. E. (1979). Pioneers of psychology. New York:Norton. (The source above contains extended treatment of the lives as well as the works of major contributors to the history of psychology.) Descartes Gall Kant Helmholtz Gestalt Psychologists Wundt James Mesmer Charcot Freud Galion Darwin Rwlov Watson Piaget Skinner

Guthric, R. V. (1976). Even the rat was white: A historical viewof psycholog)New York: Harper & Row. (The source above describes the contributions of black psychologists. It also contains biographical sketches of 22 of the early black psychologists.)

Kimble, G. A., Wertheimer, M., & White C. L. (Eds.).(1991). Portraits of pioneers in psychology. Washington, DC: American PsychologicalAssociation and Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence albaum Associates, Publishers. (The source above describes 12 pioneers in psychology,as persons and as scientists. Severalauthors impersonate their pioneers, presenting stories about their lives)

F. Galton W. James I. Pavlov S. Freud M. Calkins J. Jastrow E. TitchenerE. Puffer H. Carr E. ThorndikeC. Jung J. Watson

12 9

Kunkel, J. H. (1989). Encounters with great psychologists Toronto:Wall & Thompson. (The source above describes the contributions of 12 individuals. Each description contains a brief account (f thc individual's career and theory as wdi as a fictitious conversation involving that individual.)

W. Wundt W. James S. Freud A. Adler C. Jung L. Binswanger J. Watson B. Skinner A. Bandura K. Lewin J. Piaget A. Maslow

O'Connell, A. N., & Russo, N. F. (Eds.). (1980). Eminent women inpsychology: Models of achievement [Special issue]. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5(1).

(This special issue contains biographies of seven prominent women in the history of psychology. It also contains an index to biographical sources on women in psychology.)

M. W. Calkins M. F. Washburn K. Homey E Heidbreder M. C. Jones A. Roe S. W. Gray

O'Connell, A. N., & Russo, N. F. (Eds.). (1990). Women in psychoogy:A bio- bibliographic sourcebook New York: Greenwood Press.

(The book by O'Connell and Russo contains biographical and bibliographical information about 36 women in the history of psychology. In addition, the authors provide additional sources of information on worn( contributors to psychology and references to autobiographical and biographical information on 185 women.)

A. Anastasi N. Bayley S. L. Bern J. H. Block C. M. BM ler M. W. Calkins M. P. ClarkF. L. Denmark E. Frenkel-Brunswik A. Freud E. J. Gibson L. M. Gilbreth F. L. Goodenough J. J. Goodnow E. HeidrederR. Helson M. Hen le L S. Hollingworth K. Homey B. Inhelder M. Jahoda C. Ladd-Franklin E. E. Maccoby C. Mayo M. Montesori B. L. Neugarten C. R. PaytonP. S. Sears V. S. SextonC. W. Sherif J. T. SpenceB. R. Strickland T. G. Thurstone L. E Tyler M. F. Washburn B. L. Wellman

Scarborough, E, & Furumoto, L. (1987). Untold lives: Thefirst generation of American women psychologists New York:Columbia University Press. (The source above describes the contributions of prominent women in the history of psychologyand the gender specific forces that shaped their careers)

M. Calkins M. Shinn E. Puffcr M. F. Washburn C. Ladd-Franklin

13 10

C. Biographies (book length) Ames, L. B. (1989). Arnold Gesell: Themes of his work New York: Human Sciences Press. Benjamin, Jr., J. T. (1991). Harry Kirke Wolfe: Pioneer in psychology Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. Buckley, K. W. (1989). Mechanical man: John Broadus Watson and the beginnings of behaviorism New York: Guildford Press. Christenson, C. V. (1971). Kinsey. A biography Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Cohen, D. (1979). J. B. Watson: The founder of behaviourism London: Rout ledge and Kegan Paul. Evans, R. I. (1968). B. F. Skinner: The man and his ideas New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., Inc. Evans, R. I. (1981). Dialogue with B. F. Skinner New York: Praeger Publishers. Evans, R. I. (1981). Dialogue with New York: Praeger Publishers. Evans, R. I. (1981). Dialogue with Gordon Allpori New York: PraegerPublishers. Evans, R. I. (1981). Dialogue with New York: Praeger Publishers. Evans, R. I. (1989). . The man and his ideas New York:Greenwood.

Feinstein, H. M. (1984). Becoming Ithaca, NY: CornellUniversity Press. Fine, R. (1963). Freud: A critical re-evaluation of his theoriesLondon:George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. Gibson, H. B. (1981). Hans Eysenek. London: Peter Owen. Grinstein, A. (1990). Freud at the crossroads. Madison, CI': International Universities Press. Hearnshaw, L. S. (1979). Cyril Burt. psycholosist Ithaca, NY: CornellUniversity Press. Hirschmuller, A. (1989). The life and work of Josef Breuer: Physiology and psychoanalysis. New York: Columbia University Press. Hoffman, E. (1988). The right to be human: A biography of AbrahamMaslow Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc. Hollingworth, H. J. (1990). Leta Stetter Hollingworth: A biography Bolton,MA: Anker Publishing Co. Hudson, L. (1972). The cult of the fact New York: Harper andRow.

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Joncich, G. M. (1968). The sane positivist: A biography of Edward L. Thorndike Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. Kirschenbaum, H. (1979). On becoming Carl Rogers New York: Delacortc Press.

Le Clair, R. C. (1966). The letters of William James and Theodore Flournoy Milwaukee: The University of Wisconsin Press. Leys, R., & Evans, R B. (1990). Defining American psychology: The correspondence between Adolf Meyer and Edward Bradford TitchenerBaltimore: John Hopkins University Press. Lowry, R. J. (1973). A. H. Maslow: An intellectual portraitMonterey, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. Lowry, R. J. (1979). The journals of A. H. Maslow. Vols I & II Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. Luria, A. R. (1979). The making of mind: a personal account of Sovietpsychology Cambridge, MA: Press. Mills, E. (1969). George Trumbull Ladd: Pioneer American psychologistCleveland: The Press of Case Western Reserve University. Quinn, S. (1988). A mind of her own: The life of Karen Homey Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley Publishing Company. Raknes, 0. (1970). Wilhelm Reich and orgonomy New York St. Martins Press. Rancurello, A. C. (1968). A study of Franz Bretano New York: Academic Press.

Ross, D. (1972). G. Stanley Hall: The psychologist as prophet Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Schur, M. (1972). Freud: Living and dying New York International Universities Press, Inc.

Seagoe, M. V. (1975). Terman and the gifted Los Altos, CA: William Kaufmann, Inc.

Stevens, R. (1983). grik Erikson. New York: St. Martins. Wolfe, T. H. (1973). Alfred Binet Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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Necrology References

(The following sourccs contain thc death datcs for 638 psychologists.) Boring, E. G. (1928). Psychological necrology (1903-1927). Psychological Bulletin25, 302-305.

Boring, E. G. (1928). Psychological necrology (1903-1927). Psychological Bulletin 25, 621-625.

Bennett, S., & Boring, E. G. (1954). Psychological necrology (1928-1952). Psychological Bulletin 51, 75-81.

Annin, E. L., & Boring, E. G. (1966). Psychological necrology (1953-1964). Psychological Bulletin65, 193-198.

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Bibliographic References on Individual Psychologists

(The following sources provide a place to start looking for materials about a person or topic.)

Boring, L. D. (1920). American Journal of Psychology, index for volumes 1-30

Cumulative author index to Psychological Abstrac31927-1958) (5 Vols.) Boston: G. K. Hall, 1960. Suppiements covering the literature in Psychological Abstractswere published by G. K. Hall (1959-1963 and 1964-1968) and by the American Psychological Association (1969-1971, 1972-1974, 1975-1977), continuing series.

Shapiro, S. I., & Miller, A. C. (1977). Pictorial sources for the important psychologists New York Microfiche Publications. (NAPS Document No. D2911)

(The reference above contains a concordance of photographs of 538 eminent psychologists (1600-1967) referred to in the two volume works cited below.)

Watson, R. I. (1974). Eminent contributors to psychology(Vol. 1). New York: Springer.

(The reference above contains about 12,000 primary sources referring to 538 individuals.)

Watson, R. I. (1976). Eminent contributors to psycholagy(Vol. 2). New York: Springer.

(The reference above contains about 50,000 secondary sources referring to the same 538 individuals cited in the previous reference.)