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J. Moll. Stud. (2000), 66, 197–204 © The Malacological Society of London 2000


B.J. GOMEZ1 and A.S. RODRIGUES2 1Departamento de Zoología y Dinámica Celular . Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del País Vasco. Apdo 644. Bilbao 48080. Spain. 2Departmento de Biologia. Universidade dos Açores. Rua da Mae de Deus, 58. Apart. 1422. 9502 Ponta Delgada. Açores. Portugal (Received 7 June 1999; accepted 8 September 1999)

ABSTRACT Characterization of accumulating cellular types in molluscs, as well as their physiological The presence of connective interstitial cells in the wall role, was first described by Fournié & Chétail of several organs of the distal reproductive system in (1982). According to these authors there are Oxychilus atlanticus is described by means of scan- four accumulating calcium cellular types in ning electron microscopy (SEM). Connective inter- stitial cells extend from the distal part of the vas molluscs: free connective cells, secretory sub- deferens to the penis, being the dominant cell type of tegumentary cells, digestive gland calcium cells, large portions of the epiphallus as well as in the whole and amebocytes. penial caecum (flagellum). These cells are highly Various forms of connective interstitial cells mineralized and are characterized by the presence have been histologically described in the wall of of large amounts of solid spherules (up to 4 m in the male reproductive system distal ducts in diameter) in their cytoplasm. A semi-quantitative several stylommatophorans. Lusis (1961) and evaluation by X-ray microanalysis demonstrates that Smith (1965) working on Arion rufus (L.) and calcium and phosphorus are the main elements of the Arion ater (L.), respectively, describe them as spherules. Their function is unknown, but they could aid in copulation or they could assist the survival of vacuolated cells. Also in several helicids such as the transferred spermatozoa. Helix pomatia Linnaeus and Theba pisana (Müller) interstitial round cells, which stain light with general histochemical methods have INTRODUCTION been identified in large amounts in the connec- tive wall of the epiphallus (Noyce, 1973). They Oxychilus (Drouetia) atlanticus (Morelet and have also been recognized in the epiphallus of Drouët, 1857) is a stylommatophoran snail of Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud) (Zubiaga, 1986) the Family , endemic to São Miguel and Arion hortensis Fèrussac (Walls, unpub- Island, Azores. Several systematic studies have lished in Runham, 1988). Histochemically, these been undertaken on this species (Martins, 1991; vacuolated cells have been shown to contain Brito, 1992), mainly due to the great inter- non-sulphated acidic polysaccharides (Smith, specific variability. Presently, we are studying 1965; Zubiaga, 1986), but no positive reaction the structure and function of the reproductive has been obtained for calcium demonstration. system (Rodrigues, Gómez, Cunha & Martins, Most of these interstitial cells have been 1998; Rodrigues & Gómez, 1999) in order to described as secretory cells. Only for Arion advance in the knowledge of the reproductive hortensis they have been described as connec- biology of this species, a potential predator of tive tissue cells containing large spherules Lymnaea truncatula (Müller), the intermediate resembling calcium granules (Runham, 1988) host of the trematode Fasciola hepatica (L.) resembling those we have found in Oxychilus (Cunha, 1991). During the course of these atlanticus. The presence of similar granules has investigations we have observed the presence of also been indicated in several reproductive connective interstitial cells in the distal ducts of organs of Arion rufus (Lusis, 1961) such as the the reproductive system of O. atlanticus. These bursa copulatrix, the hermaphrodite duct, the cells are characterized by the accumulation of vas deferens, the oviduct, and the atrium, and great amounts of spheroid granules in their described as small amounts of large spherules, cytoplasm. measuring up to 8 m in diameter. 07 197-204 Gomez 31/3/0 10:59 am Page 198

198 B.J. GOMEZ & A.S. RODRIGUES As far as we know the chemical composition the copulatory process there is both a progres- of such granules has never been investigated. sive eversion of penis and intromission of this Scanning electron microscope energy-dispersive organ into the female ducts until the everted X-ray microanalysis has been undertaken in the penial caecum reaches the bursa copulatrix present work to determine the main elements lumen (Rodrigues & Gómez, 1999). that constitute the composition of these struc- The penis is highly muscular with the wall tures in O. atlanticus in order to know their thickening towards the atrium. About a quarter nature and to compare with other inorganic way from the atrium there is a conspicuous deposits subsequently found in other stylom- sheath of muscular-connective tissue which dis- matophorans. tally fuses with the penis wall. At the proximal end of the penis is a penial caecum (Fig. 1a); this is folded, and the wall slender and less MATERIALS AND METHODS muscular than the rest of penis. The columnar Adult specimens of O. atlanticus were captured in the epithelium is surrounded by connective tissue field in July, at the beginning of the mating season of with muscular fibres on it. A thin muscular this species. Copulating pairs, as well as non-copula- layer, thicker in the distal penis, is external to ting specimens were collected and immediately frozen this. The vas deferens is a long slender duct with by immersion in liquid nitrogen. Alternatively, speci- three or four longitudinal folds. It is replaced mens were kept alive in the laboratory until process- distally by the epiphallus, a slightly enlarged ing. In both cases, the soft parts were withdrawn from duct with five or six longitudinal folds (Fig. 1b). the shell and dissected under a stereomicroscope. There are many granular cells in the connec- Isolated reproductive distal organs, vas deferens, epi- phallus, and penis with penial caecum (flagellum tive wall of these organs. They have their cyto- of several authors working with zonitids) were dehy- plasm full of granules, spheroidal in shape (Figs drated with ethanol (70%, 96%, 100%). In copulating 1c,d,e). They vary in size, but the majority of specimens the whole copulatory organs, from the them measure from 0.5 m to 2.5 m in diam- atrium to the bursa copulatrix, were removed and eter; the largest can measure up to 4 m in treated together. Fixatives or buffers were not used diameter. Transverse sections of the penial for the preparation of this material in order to avoid caecum show that this cell type represents the potential contamination of tissues with exogenous almost all the connective element of its wall chemical elements. To perform scanning electron (Fig. 1a). It can also be the main cell type in the microscopy (SEM) observations, the isolated organs were immersed once more in liquid nitrogen and a connective portion of the epiphalic folds (Figs. transverse cryofracture was made. Afterwards, these 1b,d). They are also present, but more scattered, organs were returned to 100% ethanol. They were in the distal portion of the vas deferens and in then treated in a critical point dryer (Balzers, the proximal penis, beyond the penial caecum. CPD020), coated with gold in a Bal-tec SCD 004 These granular cells can also be observed in the Sputter coater, and observed in a JEOL SEM 6400. thin outer muscular layer that surrounds all these The X-ray microanalyses were performed with a male distal organs (Fig. 1b) as well as in the energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDX) associated penial sheath. Several morula-like cell bodies of with the SEM microscope. The SEM was operated this cell type can be seen quite distinctly pro- at 20 kV. Granules or spermatophore tunicle were probed centrally with the beam operating as a station- truding on the external wall of the ducts (Fig. ary spot. X-ray spectra were obtained with a Link 2a,b), unless they are stretched; the roundness microanalyser. The acquisition time was the same for of the granules they contain is noticeable under all the analysis (100 seconds real time), thus allowing the cell membrane (Figs. 1c, 2b). The X-ray a direct comparison of the amount of metals between microanalysis demonstrates that the main ele- the different spectra. ments of these spherules are calcium and phos- phorus (Figs. 1A 3B). No other elements were detected. Elements with atomic number below RESULTS that of sodium, such as carbon, hydrogen, nitro- gen, and oxygen are not detected by the used The distal portion of the male genital system of techniques. O. atlanticus consists of vas deferens, epiphal- A transverse section made across the everted lus, and penis, with a penial caecum originating penis in copulating specimens shows the epi- at the subterminal insertion of the epiphallus on phallus being enclosed by the penis (Figs. 2c,d). the penis. In the female distal part there is a The wall of the latter is turned over with the bursa copulatrix with its duct, a free oviduct, dense microvilli of its epithelium placed on the and the vagina with a perivaginal gland. A short external surface (Fig. 2c) while he outer thin common atrium opens on the body wall. During muscular layer of penis and epiphallus are face 07 197-204 Gomez 31/3/0 10:59 am Page 199

CALCIUM PHOSPHATE GRANULES IN OXYCHILUS ATLANTICUS 199 to face. Several granular cells of both outer Frequently, it is possible to find a spermato- muscular layers are ripped and the spherules phore in specimens killed during copula. It can they contain released into the quite narrow be found inside the proximal portion of the space that exists between penis and epiphallus epiphallus, before having been transferred, or (Fig. 2d). in the bursa copulatrix-pedunculus after sper-

Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of distal male reproductive organs: a. Transversal view of penial caecum (180). The connective elements (star) are present between the epithelium (asterisk) and the outer envelope; b. Transversal view of epiphallus (300). There can be seen several folds with their epithelium (asterisk) and the connective granular cells (star). Arrows indicate the presence of several granular cells in the outer muscular layer; c. Detail of the morula-like cell bodies of granular cells in the penial caecum (1800); d. Detail of the internal folds of the epiphallus (650); e. Cytoplasmic spherules of the connective granular cells (2200). 07 197-204 Gomez 31/3/0 10:59 am Page 200


Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs of distal male reproductive organs: a. External view of the epiphallus (170); b. Detail of the wall of the epiphallus showing several morula-like cell bodies in the periphery (400); c. Transversal section of male ducts of a specimen killed during copula (170). The everted penis (asterisk) surrounds the epiphallus (star); d. Detail of the space that exists between penis (asterisk) and the epiphallus (star) in copulating specimens (400). Arrows indicate the presence of free spherules on the surface of both organs.

Figure 3A,B. X-ray microanalysis spectra of the spherules of the connective granular cells. 3A. Full energy range. 3B. Detail of the calcium and phosphorus peaks. 07 197-204 Gomez 31/3/0 10:59 am Page 201

CALCIUM PHOSPHATE GRANULES IN OXYCHILUS ATLANTICUS 201 With respect to the genital system, there are several species which are thought to elaborate calcium reserves in the organs involved in the copula process. Nevertheless, the nature of their calcium has never been investigated but only suspected on the basis of their whitish colour. This is the case of the ‘chalky gland’ or the ‘lime gland’ of the Urocyclidae (Van Mol, 1970). Rigby (1963) says that the appearance of the five to six white longitudinal streaks which can be seen in the epiphallus of may be due to the accumulation of calcium salts in the connective tissue of the ridges. Furthermore, several authors have indicated the presence of extracellular crystal-like struc- tures placed on the surface of the penial system epithelium of various stylommatophores, some- times embedded in a cuticular membrane. They have been reported in the (Steen- berg, 1925), in the Endodontoidea (Atkinson & Atkinson, 1987), or in the (Runham, Figure 4. X-ray microanalysis spectrum of the spermatophore tunicle. 1988). Atkinson and Atkinson (1987) working with Anguispira alternata (Say) and A. kochi (Pfeiffer) demonstrated by EDX microanalysis matophore transfer is completed. A section of the presence of large amounts of sulphur the spermatophore of O. atlanticus shows the together with moderate concentrations of cal- sperm core enclosed by a peripheral tunicle cium, potassium, and phosphorus in the penial (Fig. 1f) as is usual for stylommatophorans. The crystals of both species. Runham (1988) also X-ray microanalysis of both core and tunicle comments on the presence of calcium-contain- shows that only small amounts of calcium and ing crystals in the lumen of the epiphallus of no phosphorus are present in the spermato- Helix aspersa and Cepaea nemoralis (L.). In phore (Fig. 4). Gymnarion (Urocyclidae) there is a thin cap- sule covering the top of penis (pers. observat.) that Binder (1976) refers to be produced by the DISCUSSION lime gland of the epiphallus. Perhaps, the origin of the calcareous envelope that covers the Cells with solid spheroidal granules are found penial papilla of the helicid (Schi- in a variety of tissues throughout the animal leyko & Menkhorst, 1997) could be related to kingdom (Brown, 1982; Taylor & Simkiss, these crystal precipitations. 1984). Large numbers of them are calcium con- The results obtained by the X-ray micro- taining granules that are to be found in specific analysis in the present work proves that the cell types in the molluscs digestive gland or granules of the male distal ducts of the repro- kidney (Taylor, 1995; Gibbs, Nott, Nicolaidou ductive system of Oxychilus atlanticus are com- & Benianno, 1998). But there are some other posed mainly of calcium and phosphorus, cells containing granules in several tissues such probably in the form of calcium pyrophosphate as the connective tissue calcium cells, pore cells, (Ca2P2O7) as this is common in calcium phos- and muscle (Fournié & Chetail, 1982; Simkiss & phate deposits in a large number of inverte- Mason, 1983). The role and function of these brates, including molluscs (Simkiss & Taylor, deposits are not well understood but they are 1994). The intracellular deposits of calcium considered to be a source of ions which can be pyrophosphate are generally known to occur in mobilized when large amounts are needed, as large numbers in the pyramidal shaped ‘calcium in the shell synthesis and repair processes cells’ in the molluscan digestive gland (Simkiss (Watabe et al., 1976) or during egg shell calcifi- & Taylor, 1994; Marigomez et al., 1995; Gibbs cation (Tompa & Wilbur, 1977). Their role in et al., 1998), generally in the form of calcium metal detoxification has also been tested by magnesium diphosphate. Nevertheless, mag- several authors (Marigómez, Soto & Cajara- nesium is virtually absent in the granules of the ville, 1995). male distal ducts of O. atlanticus. Granules 07 197-204 Gomez 31/3/0 10:59 am Page 202

202 B.J. GOMEZ & A.S. RODRIGUES associated with carbonate and phosphate show basis of this behaviour, we think that the secre- a spherical shape with a diameter ranging from tions of the penial caecum could probably delay 0.2 to 3 m (Taylor, 1995) which is in accord- the digestion of the spermatophore, allowing ance with the morphology of the granules we more sperm to escape from the spermatophore have found in O. atlanticus. tail into the upper spermoviduct, as has been A question that remains obscure is the physio- suggested by Koene & Chase (1998a; 1998b) for logical role of these spherules present in the the dart-shooting phenomenon of Helicoidea. reproductive ducts. On the basis of their cal- It has been suggested (Charnov, 1979) that cium phosphate nature they could have a role calcium donation during copulation to the in the acid-base control of the medium that mating partner could be a nuptial gift for the surrounds the copulatory organs during copula- production of eggs of the recipient, which tion. It is widely known that carbonate and would also increase the reproductive success of phosphate are the most common buffer systems the donor. This hypothesis is based on the in biology. These calcium deposits could also observation that many land pulmonates inject a restore the intracellular calcium depletion calcium carbonate dart into the partners body caused by the prolonged stimulus of genital (Hunt, 1979; Tompa, 1980; Leonard, 1992). We ducts during copula, which may take several think this is not the case in O. atlanticus. The hours in terrestrial gastropods (Tompa, 1984). spermatophore of this species is free from the In O. atlanticus it may last at least 24 hours spherules stored in the male distal organs, (Rodrigues & Gómez, 1999). It has been docu- having only a small amount of calcium on it. mented (Randriamampita & Tsien, 1993) that This hypothesis of the nuptial gift of calcium intracellular calcium signals that last more than has also been rejected by Koene and Chase a few minutes after the onset of stimulation (1998a) for the spermatophore transference depend critically on influx of extracellular cal- and dart shooting of Helix aspersa, cium. An alternative view is that the granules Other reasons that could explain the pres- act as an energy store, regulating and releasing ence of these calcium phosphate deposits in the phosphate for functions involving ATP. male distal organs of the reproductive system Another possible function is to contribute to are related to the copulatory process itself. synthesis of the spermatophore. It is known that These deposits could participate in sexual the epiphallus (and flagellum when present) is stimulation of the mating partner, as has been the organ responsible for the formation of proposed by Atkinson and Atkinson (1987) for spermatophores, but only the peripheral tunicle the penial crystals of Anguispira. This stimula- is synthesized by the epiphallus (Rigby, 1963; tory function has also been proposed for the Tompa, 1984; Runham, 1988). Koene and Chase calcareous envelope of Cochlicella (Schileyko (1998a) have found that only small amounts of & Menkhorst, 1997). It has been established calcium (mean values of 0.018 mg) are present that the courtship of stylommatophorans is in the spermatophore of Helix aspersa. This is in characterized by several kinds of injuries and accordance with our findings that show a small pheromone injections (Tompa, 1984; Adamo & calcium peak in the spermatophore of O. Chase, 1990; Gómez, 1991) that serve to syn- atlanticus. This low calcium content could prob- chronize or accelerate the reciprocal copulation ably be associated with the hardening of the of mating pairs. The presence of free spherules spermatophore, as it has been previously inside the narrow space that occurs between suggested by several authors (Rigby, 1963; penis and epiphallus during O. atlanticus copu- Runham, 1988). However, this can not explain lation, together with the observed scratches on the presence of inorganic deposits of calcium in the surfaces of both organs, support a mechani- the penis and penial caecum, because the cal stimulatory function for the spherules. formation of the spermatophore in O. atlanticus These scratches are common in the studied is restricted to the proximal half of the epi- specimens of O. atlanticus that were killed phallus (Rodrigues & Gómez, 1999). during the copulation, and we think they are During the copulation of O. atlanticus the not an artefact. penial caecum reaches the bursa copulatrix of More studies are required in order to know the partner before spermatophore transference. the extent of these granular cells in the genital Penial caecum is then everted, having its epi- system of molluscs, as well as to elucidate the thelium in close contact with the bursa copula- possible function of these calcium and phos- trix epithelium while the anterior end of the phate salts in the hardening of the spermato- spermatophore is released directly into the bursa phore, in the copulatory process, or in other lumen (Rodrigues & Gómez, 1999). On the aspects of molluscan reproduction. 07 197-204 Gomez 31/3/0 10:59 am Page 203

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