
Anatomy Review Upper Extremity WARNING: The content in this slideshow contains some sports footage that may be gross. If you don’t like bodily be warned! SKULL/ FACE

Four major bones fuse together to create our cranium . . . → parietal,temporal,occipital and frontal bones

Two major bones of the jaw . . . → and Maxilla INJURIES TO THE SKULL & FACE

This is raccoon eyes, and battle sign which indicate a .

Common cause is blunt force trauma to the head, for example, getting hit in the head with a baseball.

Often seen in individuals who are beaten or abused. INJURIES TO THE SKULL & FACE

This is a picture of Victor Hedman a top defenseman in the NHL.

INJURY: laceration to the face.

CAUSE: helmet visor was pushed into his face.

Lacerations are common during sports and either treated with stitches or glue INJURIES TO THE SKULL & FACE

Mandibular Fracture Video

Link above is for a Fracture to the mandible

Sidney Crosby was hit in the face by a 90 mph slapshot!


TREATMENT: Surgery ( Jaw was wired shut)

He was also provided with a Jaw shield ANTERIOR TORSO

Ribs- Remember are discussed in pairs

True ribs vs. False ribs- true ribs connect directly to the sternum false ribs do not.

Sternum- Broken down into three parts: 1. Manubrium 2. Body 3. Xiphoid process INJURIES TO THE ANTERIOR TORSO

INJURY: Fractured Ribs

CAUSE: A direct blow or trauma to the ribs

Usually detected on x-ray POSTERIOR TORSO

Vertebrae →

7 cervical

12 thoracic

5 lumbar BONES OF THE

3 Major bones make up the :

1. Humerus 2. Scapula 3. Clavicle INJURY TO THE SHOULDER

Shoulder dislocation- Enes Kanter

Shoulder Dislocation Video BONES OF THE ARM

Upper Arm ● Humerus

Lower Arm ● ● Ulna

Humerus Fracture Video

If you want to skip the wrestling and watch the injury skip to the last 20 seconds of the video. BONES OF THE ARM

3 Major sections of bones make up the

● Carpal ● Metacarpal ● Phalanges FINGER DISLOCATION

Finger Dislocation VIdeo

Joel Embiid finger dislocation BONES Anatomy Review of the Lower Extremity


The major bones that comprise the pelvis are

1. Illium 2. Ischium 3. Sacrum 4. Coccyx 5. Pubic Injury to The Pelvis

Hip Dislocation Video

Hip dislocation BONES OF THE LEG

There are 4 major bones of the leg:

1. Femur 2. Patella 3. Tibia 4. Fibula PATELLA DISLOCATION

Patella Dislocation Video TIBIA & FIBULA tib/ fib fracture video

Fracture!!! ANKLE AND

The bones of the foot are grouped into 3 categories:

1. Tarsals 2. Metatarsal 3. Phalanges INJURY TO THE FOOT

I apologize it was extremely difficult to find videos of foot injuries in sports.

Some common ones are, fractures and dislocations. Often times we do not see these injuries occur. They are usually hidden by a sock or a shoe and some players may even ignore these injuries. THANK YOU!!

Stay safe, I hope you enjoy some gruesome sports injuries. I don’t know about all of you but I am really missing sports!