Hyde Park from RO
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ORCHARD STREET GREAT CUMBERLAND PL PORTMAN STREET EDGWARE ROAD 98.414.436 CLARENDON PLACE bayswater NyE BRIGGS HYDE PARK STREET STABLES STABLES ALBION STREET STANHOPE PL 98.414.436 MARBLE ARCh 3 mins walk from Hyde Park STANHOPE TERRACE ChRIST LANCASTER ChURCh BROOK ST OXFORD STREET PADDINGTON HYDE PARK GARDENS GATE 7.98.390 10 mins walk from Hyde Park OXFORD STREET LANCASTER GATE 2 mins walk from Hyde Park STANhOPE 94.148 ALBION PLACE GATE GATE 94.148 274.390 NORTH AUDLEY STREET LANCASTER 274.390 94.148 GATE MARBLE ARCh NORTH ROW 46.94.148 BAYSWATER R OAD CLARENDON 274.390 274.390 GATE PET vICTORIA CUMBERLAND GATE 94.148.390 GATE LODGE MARLBOROUGh WESTBOURNE CEMETERy GATE GATE OAD CUMBERLAND CUMBERLAND GATE GREEN STREET R GATE PARK LANE 148.414.436 PARK STREET LANCASTER GATE BAYSWATER vICTORIA NORTH CARRIAGE DRIVE BUCKhILL GATE LODGE P PARK LANE DUNRAVEN ST qUEEN GATE LODGE MANÈGE ANNE’S NORTH RIDE FREEMAN 94.148.390 h FLOWER WALK FAMILy SPEAKERS’ LEES PLACE NORT ALCOvE DRINKING CORNER TWO BEARS FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN JENNER WEST CARRIAGE DRIVE GROSVENOR WOODS MEWS ITALIAN STATUE STATUE OF ROOSEvELT GARDENS EISENhOWER MEMORIAL BUCKhILL 148.414.436 PLAyGROUND ANIMALS IN WAR UPPER BROOK STREET UPPER DOG MEMORIAL SEPTEMBER 11Th DIANA, PRINCESS OF GATE mayfair MEMORIAL WALES’ MEMORIAL ThE PLAyGROUND FOUNTAINS ThE MEADOW 10 mins walk from Hyde Park UPPER BROOK STATUE OF ThE PARADE STREET GATE CULROSS STREET REAGAN SQUARE BUCKhILL hyDE PARK GROUND SPEKE MONUMENT P UPPER GROSVENOR STREET CENTRAL KENSINGTON PALACE T ROyAL PARKS 12 mins walk from Hyde Park NURSERy h PEACOCK WALK BUCKhILL E REEVES MEWS ShELTER ShEEP PARK STREET SOUTH AUDLEY STREET PETER PAN TROUGh REFORMERS TREE P STATUE BUCKHILLWALK P L P DORCHESTER RIDE KENSINGTON O NEW LODGE LOWER DOG MOUNT STREET N GATE ThE hUDSON ThE OLD MEMORIAL POLICE hOUSE GARDENS G ThE RING ThE ThE RESERvOIR ALLOTMENT W MAGAzINE ThE JOy OF LIFE FOUNTAIN ROyAL PARKS h.q. ALDFORD STREET COTTAGE & INFORMATION ISIS EDUCATION A ThE MAGAzINE POLICEMAN’S PATH CENTRE CENTRE AT STONEyARD ThE LOOKOUT ALDFORD STREET T STOREyARD NORTh GATE E PhySICAL ENERGy i SOUTH ST STATUE R MAGAzINE RANGER’S 148.414.436 GATE LODGE DRINKING FOUNTAIN qUEEN CAROLINE’S TEMPLE SERPENTINE P NORWEGIAN SACKLER P WAR MEMORIAL RANGER’S ALDFORD STREET GALLERy COTTAGE SOUTh GATE SERPENTINE LIBERTy DRIvES HORSE RIDE BRIDGE ThE COCKPIT SERPENTINE LOVERS WALK LODGE TILNEY ST LUTyENS MAIN STREET PARK LANE DRINKING SPRING 2012 www.chacha.co.uk FOUNTAIN THE BROAD WALK DEANERY STREET TEMPLE SERPENTINE ROAD GATE STANHOPE GATE ROUND POND 6 mins walk from Hyde Park ISIS SCULPTURE BAND STAND BOAThOUSES 7 JULy MEMORIAL 6 mins walk from Hyde Park P P BOAThOUSE 148.414.436 ThE LIDO BOATING MARCh – OCTOBER RESTAURANT ThE LIDO T PARK LANE hE CURzON SWIMMING AREA SER LITTLE NELL PEN STATUE GATE LUTyENS TI ThE SERPENTINE BAR & KITChEN DIANA, PRINCESS DRINKING NE CURZON GATE P OF WALES’ MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN ThE BANDSTAND hyDE PARK CORNER MOUNT SERPENTINE ROAD GATE WEST CARRIAGE DRIVE 148.414.436 AChILLES CAvALRy GATE LANCASTER WALK qUEEN MEMORIAL CAROLINE NANNIES MEMORIAL LAWN ACHILLES WAY FIShERMAN’S DELL STATUE OF ThE ALBERT TENNIS KEEP BRIDGE AChILLES MEMORIAL ThE ROSE GARDEN CENTRE STATUE OF JUNIOR ROTTEN ROW ThE hOLOCAUST ByRON TENNIS ThE DELL MEMORIAL ThE hUNTRESS FOUNTAIN qUEEN ThE OLD FOOTBALL PITChES ThE BOy & SENIOR ELIzABETh BOWLING PUTTING (SITE OF ThE GREAT EXhIBITION) DOLPhIN APSLEy hOUSE PLAyGROUND FOUNTAIN GATES WELLINGTON GREEN MUSEUM ThE COALBROOKDALE PAvILION 9.14 GATE P P MANÈGE 52 19.22 CAvALRy APSLEy NEW RIDE MEMORIAL GATE MAChINE GUN ALBERT APPROACH ROAD ALEXANDRA LODGE CORPS MEMORIAL 9. 10. 52. 452 ALEXANDRA KINGSTON GATE PRINCE OF WALES DECIMUS GATE LODGE WEST PRINCE OF WALES SOUTH CARRIAGE DRIVE BURTON WELLINGTON ALBERT LODGE EAST ThE PAN ALBERT hyDE PARK SCREEN STATUE MEMORIAL KENSINGTON ROAD PARK PASSAGE STATUE GATE WhITE hORSE CORNER LODGE GATE PRINCE OF WALES RUTLAND hyDE PARK BARRACKS GATE GATE GATE EDINBURGh NEW zEALAND GATE WAR MEMORIAL GATE WALK PICCADILLY UNDERPASS ROyAL ROyAL SERPENTINE ARTILLERy GEOGRAPhICAL MEMORIAL SOCIETy SOUTh KENSINGTON hyDE PARK 11 mins walk from Hyde Park CORNER KNIGHTSBRIDGE 1 min walk WELLINGTON ARCh 19.22.38 14.74 9.10 from Hyde Park if you would like to support a project, KNIGhTSBRIDGE/hARRODS 52.137 414 52 ThE ROyAL SCIENCE MUSEUM large or small, in your local royal Park, 5 mins walk from Hyde Park ALBERT hALL AUSTRALIAN 7 mins walk from Hyde Park please contact us at WAR NATURAL hISTORy [email protected] MEMORIAL WILTON PL WILTON MUSEUM RUTLAND GATE or you can donate now by texting ST SEVILLE WILLIAM ST BUCKINGhAM PALACE vICTORIA EXHIBITION ROAD 10 mins walk from Hyde Park TREVOR PL hyde33 £3 to 70070. 19.22.137 7 mins walk from Hyde Park 15 mins walk RUTLAND GARDENS vICTORIA & ALBERT TREVOR ST 452.C1 from Hyde Park (v&A) MUSEUM knightsbridge 9 mins walk from Hyde Park Underground eating & DRinKing The LIdo CAfé hoRSe RIdINg There is a specialist BowLS The Pavilion Centre has a the ROyaL PaRKS aRe PARK mANAgemeNT Pedestrian With stunning views along The horse riding arena, or ‘Manège’, as well well-maintained 6 rink flat green station Information Deckchair hire Turnstile Jubilee Greenway Steve Edwards i crossing The SeRPeNTINe BAR & Serpentine and a large alfresco dining as two designated routes for horse bowling green. NB: The Centre does Bushy Park KITCheN serves an all day and area, the Lido is a great place to get riding (North Ride and South Ride). not hire woods. The Green Park The Old Police House evening menu offering a wide variety of refreshed and watch the world go by. Horses are available for hire from Greenwich Park Hyde Park, London W2 2UH Bus stop Briggs Stables T: +44 (0)20 7723 2813 T: +44 (0)20 7262 3474 for information Disabled toilets Restaurant Park features Diana, Princess seasonal home cooked foods. Freshly The restaurant is licensed for alcohol; on opening hours and booking. Hyde Park Statue prepared sandwiches and salads with Nye Stables T: +44 (0)20 7262 3791. Kensington Gardens T: 0300 061 2000 of Wales’ facilities include toilets, baby change, E: [email protected] Memorial Walk a daily selection of cakes and puddings high chairs, newspapers, and outdoor SwImmINg The Serpentine Lido and PuTTINg Tickets are available from The Regent’s Park & Primrose Hill Public access sites from the bakery are also on offer. the Centre reception or the café and Richmond Park Cycle hire seating. Paddling Pool are open to the public Public toilets Shop (opening Coffee and loose leaf teas, cold drinks seven days a week from May to the include the hire of putters and balls. St James’s Park CONTACTING periods vary) and cocktails are available from the bar. Location: South side of the Serpentine, beginning of September each year. Brompton Cemetery POlICe Memorial Cycling permitted There is a large outdoor terrace near the Diana, Princess of Wales’ T: +44 (0)20 7262 3474 for information Grosvenor Square on opening hours. Non public and garden with seating overlooking Memorial Fountain. T: +44 (0)20 7706 3422 for information Victoria Tower Gardens Police station Café P Car parking the Serpentine. on opening hours and booking. T: 999 for emergencies. access sites T: +44 (0)20 7706 7098 DiSaBLeD aCCeSS T: 101 for other calls. Fountain No vehicle access Location: Eastern side of the Serpentine TeNNIS The Sports Centre is You can also report a crime online at Open: 9am-8pm in the summer, accredited by the Lawn Tennis Open: Every day 8am-8pm 10am-4pm in the winter Liberty Drives provides free mobility for www.online.met.police.uk Postbox Children’s Disabled Association. There are 6 high quality anyone who finds it difficult to see all P Cycle parking The park is open from 5am until play area car parking Serving Breakfast: 8am-12noon tennis courts served by a friendly 760 acres of Hyde Park and Kensington changing pavilion and café. midnight all year round. Drinking fountain Lunch: 12noon-3pm SPORt & LeiSURe Gardens. 10am to 5pm Tuesday to Friday Afternoon Tea: 3pm-5pm T: +44 (0)20 7262 3474 May to October. Telephone Senior Playground Dinner: 5pm-8pm SeRPeNTINe BoAThouSe Rowing boats, pedal boats and the for opening hours and booking. T: +44 (0)7767 498 096 www.royalparks.org.uk Solar Shuttle are available for hire 10am www.willtowin.co.uk E: [email protected] to 7pm between March & October. www.hydeparkappeal.org wALKINg dISTANCe (mINuTeS) 3.