Page 3 Agenda Item 2 Minutes of Sutton Admission Forum Tuesday 8 February 2011, 10.00am, Civic Offices

Present Core Membership Local Authority Cllr Kirsty Jerome (KJE) A Cllr Moira Butt (MBT) Primary schools – Louise Austin (Primary Head) (LAN) Dorchester Primary Community A Karen Rhodes (Primary Head) (KRS) Rushy Meadow Primary Terry Gorley (Primary Governor) (TGY) Robin Hood Junior Primary schools – A Brian Stevens (Primary Chair ) (BSS) St Dunstan’s C of E Primary Voluntary-Aided A Margaret Sinclair (Primary Head) (MSR) St Mary’s Infants Secondary schools A* Jane Pascoe (Secondary Chair) (JPE) Stanley Park High School – Community Will Smith (Secondary Head) (WSH) Greenshaw High School Secondary schools Rosemary Satchell (Secondary Chair) (RSL) – Foundation Barbara Greatorex (Secondary Head) (BGX) Wallington High School for Girls A* Simon Brown (Secondary Chair) (SBN) Secondary schools A Philip Howard (Secondary Governor) (PHD) The John Fisher School – Voluntary Aided Diocesan Board Carol Jerwood (CJD) Church of Simon Parr (SPR) Roman Catholic Parent Members A Gemma Fitzpatrick (GFK) tba tba tba Local Community To be confirmed Representative

A = Absent A* = Absent, but represented by an alternate.

Others Present

Steve Hume (SHE) Glenthorne High School (for Simon Brown) Brenda Morley (BMY) (also acting for Jane Pascoe) Pam Cooper (PCR) Cheam Park Farm Infants’ School Jackie Saddington (JSN) Cheam Park Farm Junior School Gordon Ironside (GIE) Paul Harding (PHG) Carshalton High School for Girls Karin Rowsell (KRL) Nonsuch High School for Girls Peter Smart (PST) Wallington County Grammar School Gary Kirkwood (GKD) Foresters Primary School Dave Christmas (DCS) Brookfield Primary School Shirley Gruffydd (SGD) Holy Trinity CofE Junior School Dee O’Reilly (DOY) St Philomena’s Catholic High School (for John Hordley) Samantha Chung (SCG) Stanley Park Infants School Peter Simpson (PSN) Joint Acting Strategic Director Nigel Simms (NSS) Head of Capital & Planning Sharman Lawson (SLN) Executive Head, Parent, Pupil & Student Services Peter Gasparelli (PGI) Interim Head of Admissions

Also present was Cllr Wendy Mathys (WMS).

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KJE welcomed members to the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Moira Butt, Jane Pascoe (Stanley Park High School), Gemma Fitzpatrick, Martin Kearsey (Devonshire Primary), Margaret Sinclair (St Mary’s Infants), Damien Charnock (Wilson’s School), Simon Brown (Glenthorne High School) and John Hordley (St Philomena’s Catholic High School).


Minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2010 had been circulated. There were no comments, and the minutes were agreed.

KJE raised some matters from the minutes not covered on the agenda:

Parent & Local Community Representatives Due to the anticipated changes in the new Admissions Code, which are likely to make the Forum non-statutory, it was proposed not to recruit new members to the Forum at this time. It was agreed to write to the applicants to explain the position, and to review the matter at a future meeting.

Mid-Term Admissions Procedures KJE reported there had been significant down-time to Admissions IT system due to a suspected software issue, and this had contributed to delays to the admissions process. PGI added that there were conflicting views on the issue, and server capacity had also been cited. The software providers were working with the Authority to resolve the matter. TGY believed some pupils had not been admitted to schools by school census date as a result.

Fairness of Admissions Arrangements KJE) thanked all schools who had come forwards with proposals for 2012. There are pockets in the borough with issues, particularly in the east of the borough, and this needs to be supported.

WSH said Greenshaw’s offer of a satellite admission area had not been taken up. PGI said the area in question had good access to schools, though not all are named as a preference, and was covered by a number of schools by the end of the process. KJE said the additional places were very much welcomed, as were any steps to alleviate stress on the young people concerned. RSL felt admissions criteria should be that as many as possible get a place at 1 March and it is a pity the offer was not taken up. KJE said it will be considered in what is a complex admissions system.


NSS updated the Forum on expansion plans for 2012. 7 schools have expressed an interest in a 1FE expansion (All Saints , All Saints Carshalton, Brookfield, Cheam Common Infants & Juniors, St Duntan’s. St Elphege’s and St Mary’s Infants). 4 were needed for 2012 and 4 for 2013. He would take forward 2012 along the same timetable as last year i.e. to the May Executive then planning consultation through the summer and the 2 Page 5 Agenda Item 2

application in September, then review needs for 2013 which would include looking at new school options.

It was recognised the increased numbers would flow through to secondary schools. Much of the strategic work had been done as part of the now obsolete Building Schools for the Future plans.

LAN raised the issue of the proportion of Catholic and Church of England places being considered. NSS agreed a balance was required, however, the cost is key particularly as the Authority’s basic need allocation was less than expected.


PGI said the consultation period had started. The Admission arrangements were the same as those presented at the October meeting. The admissions schemes had some changes due to pan-London template changes and agreements, such as the primary school offer date moving from 4 April to 18 th April, and an infant to junior template scheme now in place. There were also some process efficiencies; the removal of automated acknowledgement letters and no further requirement for the Authority to write to applicants asking if they wishing to remain on the waiting list after closure date. The Forum raised no issues with the proposals.


PGI highlighted the key changes included within the arrangements for schools currently consulting: St Cecilia’s - Simplified arrangements by removing a criterion St Dunstan’s - Cosmetic changes to dates Glenthorne - Increase places by 27 and the introduction of a Worcester Park priority area for the additional places Nonsuch - Clarification of re-testing and distance measurements/tie- breaker, and revised sixth form criteria Sutton Grammar - Revised distance tie-breaker to be measured from the school rather than Civic Offices Wallington Girls - Increase of 30 places and a 6km priority area measured from a point in Carshalton for the additional places Wilson’s - Revised tie-breaker for boys receiving the same test score

The Forum raised no issues with the proposals.

PHD said The John Fisher were also consulting, but their arrangements were not included with the agenda or on the website. PGI said he had not received these and would contact the school to resolve the matter. 3 Agenda Item 2 Page 6


SLN explained all secondary schools bar one had signed up to the protocol. The Vulnerable Pupils Panel had held discussions around changes. However, the new Admissions Code was due and changes to the Fair Access Protocol were expected; if the discussed changes were to be progressed, schools and governing bodies would have to be contacted now and then again in the autumn. SLN felt it would be better to delay the changes until the impact of the Code were known.

GKD suggested, as a non-voting member, it would be better to wait. No other views were expressed.

BMY asked that the table of schools in the attachment included the full school name.


SLN highlighted the key admissions related issues within the Government’s White Paper which will likely be included within the new Admissions Code; ensuring fair access to schools, coordination to continue and to include Academies and Free Schools, no statutory requirement for an Admissions Forum, a likely change to Fair Access Protocols, a streamlined Code, Authorities retaining responsibility for transport, a consultation in allowing Academies and Free Schools to prioritise children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and no annual report to the Schools Adjudicator. SLN suggested that, if schools or Forum members wanted annual data that was included within the report, e.g. Free School Meal numbers, they could let her know and a shorter document can be produced.

KJE said the Revenues & Benefits team were looking at sharing data on families entitled to benefits, however, there are possible data protection issues. BMY said the Schools Forum had raised Free School Meals and Stephen Ingram was going to ensure a notice goes into the borough magazine. GIE added it was a national issue and a solution was expected too, maybe with the pupil premium following a student for a number of years after the initial assessment for eligibility for Free School Meals.

SLN outlined the timetable for the new Code; consultation is due to start at the end of February with the final version ready in July. Some slippage is likely, though it would still be anticipated to come into force from January 2012. Information would be shared with the Forum as it became known.

KJE asked the Forum for their initial views on whether the Forum should continue. TGY had read the concerns in Battersea around a Free School and felt a Forum would be necessary to discuss any such local concerns. WSH supported the Forum’s continuation and discussion on representation could take place based on any changing status of schools. RSL suggested a return to the pre-Forum arrangement where there was a

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meeting of all headteachers and chairs of governors, however, KJE said this would be too unwieldy.

GKD agreed with the contributions and said the matter needed further debate; a Forum was needed with a new structure, but with parents and carers in the wider community.

KJE said all schools play a part in providing places, regardless of the proportion of in or out borough places awarded, and would continue to have a duty to place these young people. The matter will be revisited at a future meeting.


PGI introduced this item and said the last Forum meeting was held after the public meeting but before the adjudication outcome. The parental challenge to the arrangements for the boys grammar schools was unsuccessful. The attachment showed the conclusions reached by the Adjudicator in making their determination. The key points are the referral to the wider issues of school places in Sutton, which are to be considered as part of the fairness item with schools and the Forum at the next meeting and beyond; the recognition of the very good comprehensive schools; the need to employ measures to counter under representation from the most deprived wards; and the role of primary schools in achieving this.

BGX said grammar school headteachers had met and looked at the Adjudicator’s comments. She and GIE had attended a primary headteachers meeting to raise some of the concerns and to ask for feedback. The primary headteachers group had appointed a representative to meet with the grammar school headteachers at a further meeting.

Verbal reasoning was raised as this was not taught in schools. Some of the grammar schools have dropped this element of their testing. LAN said this would help those who were less able to buy sample tests and tutoring. GKD thanked Sutton Grammar School for the support they have given Manor Park, and the support Wilson’s have given Foresters.




The next meeting is 14 June 2011, 10 a.m.

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