Sparta Chamber of Commerce Cleaners *
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THE SENTINEL-LEADER. SPARTA. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1943 — A!&UPi ITVIACNI N*w«> Mr. and Mrs.'^Robert Wagner of Kent City m-ere Saturday overnight and Sunday guests of Mrs. John Wag- ner and family. Gilbert Pearcy. who entered Hack- ley hospital Oct. 7, underwent a rnapor operation Friday morning and ts doing fair at this writing. Sunday he was visited by his wife and children, Cpl. Hilton Pearcy of Camp Blandlng, Fla., May belle and Malcolm Pearcy and Bernard Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ormal Thompson and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. Alvin Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blaekmer, ac- companied by Mrs. Tom Gaufibtar and daughter Bemadean of Muskegon, ar- rived home Tuesday after a few days' visit with Mr and Mrs. Blackmer's son. Pvt. Burton Blaekmer, at Camp Robinson. Ark. M: j. R. H. An dree was an all-day Thursday guest of her sister, Mrs J. L. Smith at Bailey. Mrs. Frank Maycroft was a Saturday evening supper guest of Mrs. Frank Bailey and Mrs. Sherman Stoddard. Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Wagner of Kent City. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wagner and Herbert and Ernie Sess- leman of Conk'n, Miss Geraldine Lav- endusky cf Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagner, were Sundav dinner guests of Mrs. John Wagner and farnllj. Sam Stuitt and Dr OJenn LewU of Muskegon visited Mr. and Mrs. Erl Wagner Wednesday. Mrs.. James Oiddis of Grand Rapids visited Mr and Mrs Frank Giddla a few days the past week and spent Saturday forenoon with Mrs. Sher- man Stoddard and Mrs. Prank Bailey. | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Seelman of Muskegon w-re Wednesday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs John Seel- man. Mrs Roger Beecham visited Mrs. A. Olson Saturday afternoon In Muske- gon. Mr. and Mrs Marion Byrd and Ivan Stark of Detroit were weekend callers of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lewis brought their Utile son Paul home from Hack- ley hospital Wednesday. AMERICA'S GREAT Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rodgers of Gadsden. Ala.. Miss Carrie Rodgers and Mrs Mat tie Gravlln of Muskegon spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Karel. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Steig were in Muskeg <n Tuesday and Wednesday on business. Mr. arid Mrs Glenn Hayward of Casnovia called on Mrs Bowman and Miss, Yojng<*uixt Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Carl Fr table and daughters and Brice McLaughlin of Muskegon were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wagner. Mr and Mrs Al Y.-ung spent Sat- urday evening with Mr and Mrs. Al- vin Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lane and Bonnie VICTORYLOAN Jean oi Jackson spent th£ weekend with Mr .and Mrs. John Lane and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beecham and Tommy were guests of Mr. ind Mrs. Ed O'Brien at Roekfnrd Sunday. Mrs. Karel and Mrs. L. Dun- neback and children of Conklin called on Mrs. Wi.i. Karel Saturday after- noon. IS NOW UNDER WAY! Ravenna Grange met in regular meeting Saturday night, Oct. 20 with a good attendance. The usual business was taken care of, and wc enjoyed the lecturers hour with the assigned top- ic. Does th» average farmer work more hours tnan his wife?" Contest ol carrying peanuts on a knife was won by Mrs. Fay Fleming for women and John Fisher for men. Next reg- ular meeting will be Saturday nigh?, Nov. 3, when we will have installation of offictrs-c'ect and pot luck lunch, honoring those having November ik A ik birthdays. Mr. and Mrs Lowell Bar- & num of Trent Grange, subordinate delegates to Michigan State Grange, this week, will be our installing offi- cers. LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY! Time to Think About Winter! There's many a sturdy, faithful winter coat thai can be put on its feet i again a good clean- ing and be ready for an- other winter of steady wear. Look over your winter clothes now and send us anything that •*. CELEBRATE VICTORY BY BUYING BOMBS IN THE VICTORY LOANlooks a t *al l possible. You'll be pleasantly sur- prised at the results. OPEN DAILY From 8 A- M. to 6 P. M. SATURDAYS 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. THIS MESSAGE (SPONSORED BY Sparta Sparta Chamber of Commerce Cleaners * THE SENTINEL - LEADER; SP ABT A, MIgHJGAN THUBfiSAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1946 Kalamazoo with Mrs. Addle Leaver POLICE OFFICER Mrs. C. B Leaver spent the week- HITS BULL'S EYE end with her mother in Cedar Springs. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Herrgord and NEWS SPLASHES The Sparta Hunting and Fishing son of Muskegon were Sunday supper KENT CITY NEWS guests of Mr and Mrs. Jos. Peterson. Club members were entertained last SPARTA NEWS week by Les Coykeodal of the Rock- Mrs. Katherlne KUnt was taken 111 WAR CHEST ford State Police Post. Les demon- last Friday and her daughter. Mrs. Latest available report* show a strated his shooting ability which is Mrs. C. W. Fulkeison. Correspondent—Phone 2701 Ottlng?r. to* her to her home a week steady upw»«i climb in War Cnest very well known, but must be seen to The Poplar St. Club will meet with i Mr. and Mrs Enos' only other son. ago last Friday and brought her home rx«n nrr.u>i of East y.««»iny and i Mrs. Nathan Wilkinson, the former cuotas for this area. be appreciated. Mrs. Oscar Bjork on Nov. 9 j Eujeas. last his life In the service of again on Wednesday. w^iach-! «tri» RoselL hM Wl th» emptor - >----•- the entire ~K» MUM *mnt itb* Mr mnA v»ra Rruee and his country. Mr and Mrs. Leon Klint and Uttle ers In Lake Odessa high school. *»nl of Klrkhoff Electric uo. rural area in the county with an ov- ion drove to Lapeer Saturday and; Ray -nond Wiioer nas rns release cnaries came to see tneir mot ner ana Chicago Thursday to meet her hus- cussed. The dates for the hunt were from Thursday night until Sunday ersubscription of 64%. extended to Friday noon visited Mr and Mrs. Norman Rosell.! fro.-n the army air corps and returned grandmother Saturday alternoon and night at the J. W. 8pangehberg home band. Sgt. Wilkinson, who Is receiving Alpine has subscribed 83'5>. Spar-a They also visited her brother in Mt o his home here from the Philippines Mr. and Mrs. A. L-Baron and Delores his discharge at Ft. Sheridan, having Captains of the two teams are Clif- while attending the teachers institute township 551 and Sparta village ford VanDenHout and Leo Murray. Pleasant - Wednesday. tnd Billy visited Mrs. Klint Sunday. in Orand Rapids. Also Lt. Anne J. served 4* years « 74% Supper will be Sunday night. Nov. 4 Miss Barbara Johnson of Hart villi- j Orlie Grow ha* received his dis- A family dinner was served on Sun- Spangenberg of the Percy Jones Hos- which were spent In the China-India- All quotas are expected to reach the at 7:00 o'clock, at the Camp Lake Pa- sd Evelyn English over tne weekend, i charge and Joined^his wl.e here Sat- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. pital of Battle Creek spent Thursday Burma theatre of operations. After top before the annual Victory dinner vilion. Mary Bonner of Grand Rap.ds vi-it-' urday evening' . The""y" went' to Cro.og E. Rice in honor of Mrs. Rice's birth- visiting relatives in Chicago they will day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. and Friday with her parents, Mr. and this Thursday evening. V- ed E-oise English last Thursday. lor over Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. spend a few days with her parents, Mr. Arltne Patterson and little Jimmy. IChaJmer Holben and son Bud of Mrs. J. W. Spangenberg of 8. Union FAHLINGS ARE Hilda English of Hastings visited street. and Mrs. Malcolm Resell and will MINSTREL SHOW her mother last Wednesday. A few of the friends of Mrs. C. V- Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Russe.1 Mr. and Mrs. Neal apsngenberg of make their home at Spring Lake. MARRIED 25 YEARS National Book Week. Nov. 12-17. Fulkerscn surprised her Friday open- McDonald and daughter Fay of Cpi- Eric li"wrtin of Rockford. who The M.P.R- minstrel show was a Or ant: Mr and Mrs. Dwlght Rice and East»ing were supper guests of decided success, ss lndlcaited by ca- will be observed In the Kent City ing. reminding her t.iat it was her has Just returned from England, call- birthday. They brought ice cream and yon Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark last week pacity crowds which attended both Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Fahling cele- branch of the Kent County Library. Tuesday evening and overnight guests ed on Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosell Friday brated their 25th weddin* anniversary Please watch next week's paper for beautiful blrhtday cake and also lOatt and son Charles of Belfllng. of his brother Justin and family. atfernoon. en Tuesday, Octobcr 10. wlt.a open plans for Wednesday. Nov. 14 birthday cards. It wa, a complete Mr. and Mrs. Duane Rice and Mr. and The rooms of the American Legion ^The™ club* will have a substantial Mrs. Albert Scvhsenhal of Halt; Mr. Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Slee erf Cold- sum as a result of their feforts In house In the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Henry Mansfield left Saturday surprise and their thoughtfulness w.«s water were guests of Mrs. Edith l*ary hall are being redecorated.