Vxát Axãá Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara

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Vxát Axãá Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara Centre for Vxát axãá Entomological Studies Ankara established in 1988 Announcements- General News – Expeditions- Information about the activities of the Cesa Publications –Visitors – Workshops - Seminars - free irregular internet Issues &c Nr.15 6 pages 15 May 2008 Scientific Note: List of the Lepidoptera of Diyarbakır Province (East Turkey) by Muhabbet Kemal Melek Aydın 1 In this paper, totally 241 species of 28 families recorded in Diyarbakır Province so far are listed alphabetically. Among them 18 species, collected by the second author in Kulp district Taşköprü village on 6-7 May 2008, are new to Diyarbakır Province. All the information and taxonomical evaluations are based upon the Info-System of the Cesa. New records are marked with *. Lepidoptera fauna of Diyarbakır Province are still very poorly known. In the previous issue of this series, authors added 11 species to the Province (Kemal & Aydın,2008)2. Field studies and evaluating of the previously collected materials have been continuing. 1. Arctia (Epicallia) villica (Linnaeus,1758) (Arctiidae)* 2. Euplagia quadripunctaria (Poda,1761) (Arctiidae) 3. Utetheisa (s.str.) pulchella (Linnaeus,1758) (Arctiidae) 4. Aglais urticae (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 5. Argynnis (Pandoriana) pandora ([Denis & Schiffermüller],1775) (Argynnidae) 6. Cynthia cardui (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 7. Inachis io (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 1 See: “Observing and Collecting Lepidoptera in East Turkey in 2007” and “Research programs in 2008” by Ahmet Ömer Koçak. – Cesa News 5 [21 January 2008]. 2 Kemal,M. & M.Aydın,2008, Spring Aspects of the diurnal Lepidoptera of Kulp District with new faunal records (Diyarbakır Province, East Turkey). Cesa News 14: 1-12, 15 figs. Nr. 15 C e s a N e w s 15 May 2008 Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara 8. Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 9. Limenitis (Azuritis) reducta Staudinger,1901 (Argynnidae) 10. Melitaea (Cinclidia) (phoebe) phoebe (Goeze,1779) (Argynnidae) 11. Melitaea (Cinclidia) (phoebe) punica Oberthür,1876 (Argynnidae) 12. Melitaea (Cinclidia) collina Lederer,1861 (Argynnidae) 13. Melitaea (Didymaeformis) didyma (Esper,[1779]) (Argynnidae) 14. Melitaea (Didymaeformis) persea Kollar,[1849] (Argynnidae) 15. Melitaea (s.str.) arduinna (Fabricius,1787) (Argynnidae) 16. Melitaea (s.str.) cinxia (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 17. Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 18. Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper,[1781]) (Argynnidae) 19. Polygonia (Comma) c-album (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 20. Polygonia (Comma) egea (Cramer,[1775]) (Argynnidae) 21. Thaleropis ionia (Eversmann,1851) (Argynnidae) 22. Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus,1758) (Argynnidae) 23. Brachodes diacona (Lederer,1858) (Brachodidae) 24. Coleophora obliterata Toll,1952 (Coleophoridae) 25. Coleophora subochracea Toll,1952 (Coleophoridae) 26. Dyspessa ulula (Borkhausen,1790) (Cossidae) 27. Dyspessa infuscata (Staudinger,1892) (Cossidae) 28. Dysauxes famula (Freyer,1836) (Ctenuchidae) 29. Danaus (Anosia) chrysippus (Linnaeus,1758) (Danaidae) 30. Watsonalla binaria (Hufnagel,1767) (Drepanidae)* 31. Ethmia candidella (Alpheraky,1908) (Ethmiidae) 32. Aroga aristotelis (Millière,1875) (Gelechiidae) 33. Metzneria artificella (Herrich-Schäffer,1861) (Gelechiidae) 34. Aplasta ononaria (Fuessly,1783) (Geometridae) 35. Aplocera mundulata (Guenée,[1858]) (Geometridae) 36. Aplocera obsitaria (Lederer,1853) (Geometridae) 37. Chiasmia clathrata (Linnaeus,1758) (Geometridae) 38. Idaea subpurpurata (Staudinger,1900) (Geometridae) 39. Nychiodes (Eunychiodes) amygdalaria (Herrich-Schäffer,[1848]) (Geometridae) 40. Nychiodes (Eunychiodes) divergaria (Staudinger,1892) (Geometridae) 41. Nychiodes (s.str.) obscuraria (Villers,1789) (Geometridae) 42. Pseudopanthera syriacata (Guenée,1852) (Geometridae) 43. Carcharodus (Lavatheria) lavatherae (Esper,[1783]) (Hesperiidae) 44. Carcharodus (Reverdinus) orientalis Reverdin,1913 (Hesperiidae) 45. Carcharodus (s.str.) alceae (Esper,[1780]) (Hesperiidae) 46. Erynnis (Hesperopegasus) marloyi (Boisduval,[1834]) (Hesperiidae) 47. Erynnis (s.str.) tages (Linnaeus,1758) (Hesperiidae) 48. Muschampia nomas (Lederer,1855) (Hesperiidae) 49. Muschampia poggei (Lederer,1858) (Hesperiidae) 50. Muschampia proteides (Wagner,1929) (Hesperiidae) 51. Muschampia tessellum (Hübner,[1802]) (Hesperiidae) 52. Pyrgus melotis (Duponchel,[1834]) (Hesperiidae) 53. Pyrgus sidae (Esper,[1784]) (Hesperiidae) 54. Spialia (Neospialia) orbifer (Hübner,[1823]) (Hesperiidae) 55. Spialia (s.str.) osthelderi (Pfeiffer,1932) (Hesperiidae) 56. Thymelicus acteon (Rottemburg,1775) (Hesperiidae) 57. Thymelicus lineolus (Ochsenheimer,1808) (Hesperiidae) 58. Thymelicus novus (Reverdin,1916) (Hesperiidae) 59. Thymelicus sylvestris (Poda,1761) (Hesperiidae) 60. Lasiocampa eversmanni (Kindermann,1843) (Lasiocampidae) 61. Trichiura (s.str.) sapor Wiltshire,1946 (Lasiocampidae) 62. Lemonia pia Püngeler,1902 (Lemoniidae) 63. Libythea (s.str.) celtis (Laicharting,1782) (Libytheidae) 64. Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus,1758) (Lycaenidae) 2 Nr. 15 C e s a N e w s 15 May 2008 Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara 65. Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus,1758) (Lycaenidae) 66. Chilades (Freyeria) trochylus (Freyer,[1843]) (Lycaenidae) 67. Chilades (Lachides) galba (Lederer,1855) (Lycaenidae) 68. Cigaritis acamas (Klug,1834) (Lycaenidae) 69. Cupido (s.str.) osiris (Meigen,[1829]) (Lycaenidae) 70. Glaucopsyche (s.str.) alexis (Poda,1761) (Lycaenidae) 71. Iolana lessei Bernardi,1964 (Lycaenidae) 72. Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus,1767) (Lycaenidae) 73. Lycaena (Alciphronia) alciphron (Rottemburg,1775) (Lycaenidae) 74. Lycaena (Loweia) tityrus (Poda,1761) (Lycaenidae) 75. Lycaena (Thersamonia) asabinus (Gerhard,[1850]) (Lycaenidae) 76. Lycaena (Thersamonia) kefersteinii (Gerhard,[1850]) (Lycaenidae) 77. Lycaena (Thersamonia) thersamon (Esper,[1784]) (Lycaenidae) 78. Lycaena (s.str.) phlaeas (Linnaeus,1761) (Lycaenidae) 79. Plebejus (Kretania) carmon (Gerhard,[1851]) (Lycaenidae) 80. Plebejus (Plebejides) modicus Verity,1935 (Lycaenidae) 81. Polyommatus (Albulina (Plebejidea)) loewii (Zeller,1847) (Lycaenidae) 82. Polyommatus (Aricia (Ultraaricia)) crassipunctus (Christoph,1893) (Lycaenidae) 83. Polyommatus (Aricia (s.str.)) agestis ([Denis & Schiffermüller],1775) (Lycaenidae) 84. Polyommatus (s.str. (Agrodiaetus (Admetusia))) alcestis (Zerny,1932) (Lycaenidae) 85. Polyommatus (s.str. (Agrodiaetus (Damaia))) hopfferi (Gerhard,[1851]) (Lycaenidae) 86. Polyommatus (s.str. (Agrodiaetus (Antidolus))) mithridates (Staudinger,1878) (Lycaenidae) 87. Polyommatus (s.str. (Cyaniris)) bellis (Freyer,[1842]) (Lycaenidae) 88. Polyommatus (s.str. (Lysandra)) bellargus (Rottemburg,1775) (Lycaenidae) 89. Polyommatus (s.str. (Meleageria)) daphnis ([Denis & Schiffermüller],1775) (Lycaenidae) 90. Polyommatus (s.str. (Plebicula)) amandus (Schneider,1792) (Lycaenidae) 91. Polyommatus (s.str. (Thersitesia)) thersites (Canterer,[1835]) (Lycaenidae) 92. Polyommatus (s.str.) icarus (Rottemburg,1775) (Lycaenidae) 93. Pseudophilotes vicrama (Moore,1865) (Lycaenidae) 94. Quercusia quercus (Linnaeus,1758) (Lycaenidae) 95. Rubrapterus bavius (Eversmann,1832) (Lycaenidae) 96. Satyrium (Nordmannia) abdominalis (Gerhard,[1850]) (Lycaenidae) 97. Satyrium (Nordmannia) zabni Oorschot & Brink,1991 (Lycaenidae) 98. Tarucus (s.str.) balkanicus (Freyer,[1843]) (Lycaenidae) 99. Tomares (nogelii) nogelii (Freyer,[1851]) (Lycaenidae) 100. Tomares romanovi (Christoph,1882) (Lycaenidae) 101. Turanana endymion (Freyer,[1850]) (Lycaenidae) 102. Zizeeria (s.str.) karsandra (Moore,1865) (Lycaenidae) 103. Acrapex taurica (Staudinger,1900) (Noctuidae) 104. Aedia funesta (Esper,[1786]) (Noctuidae)* 105. Agrochola (Alpichola) lactiflora (Draudt,1934) (Noctuidae) 106. Agrotis (Crassagrotis) bigramma (Esper,[1790]) (Noctuidae) 107. Agrotis (Putagrotis) syricola Berio,1936 (Noctuidae) 108. Apamea maraschi (Draudt,1934) (Noctuidae) 109. Basistriga flammatra ([Denis & Schiffermüller],1775) (Noctuidae) 110. Bena bicolorana (Fuessly,1775) (Noctuidae)* 111. Caradrina (Eremodrina) salzi (Boursin,1936) (Noctuidae) 112. Catocala (s.str.) elocata (Esper,[1787]) (Noctuidae) 113. Catocala (s.str.) nupta (Linnaeus,1767) (Noctuidae) 114. Chazaria incarnata (Freyer,1838) (Noctuidae)* 115. Cleoceris scoriacea (Esper,[1789]) (Noctuidae) 116. Clytie (s.str.) syriaca (Bugnion,1837) (Noctuidae) 117. Drasteria flexuosa (Ménétriés,1848) (Noctuidae) 118. Episema didymogramma (Boursin,1955) (Noctuidae) 3 Nr. 15 C e s a N e w s 15 May 2008 Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara 119. Episema lederi Christoph,1885 (Noctuidae) 120. Euchalcia (s.str.) dorsiflava (Standfuss,1892) (Noctuidae) 121. Eutelia adoratrix (Staudinger,1892) (Noctuidae)* 122. Eutelia adulatrix (Hübner,[1813]) (Noctuidae)* 123. Euxoa (s.str.) rubrior Pinker,1980 (Noctuidae) 124. Hadena (Anepia) silenes (Hübner,[1822]) (Noctuidae) 125. Heliothis viriplaca (Hufnagel,1766) (Noctuidae)* 126. Luperina diversa (Staudinger,1892) (Noctuidae) 127. Luperina dumerilii (Duponchel,1826) (Noctuidae) 128. Megalodes eximia (Freyer,1845) (Noctuidae)* 129. Mythimna (Aletia) l-album (Linnaeus,1767) (Noctuidae)* 130. Mythimna (Aletia) vitellina (Hübner,[1808]) (Noctuidae)* 131. Noctua (s.str.) pronuba (Linnaeus,1758) (Noctuidae)* 132. Ophiusa lunaris (Goeze,1781) (Noctuidae)* 133. Parallelia algira (Linnaeus,1767) (Noctuidae)* 134. Phlogophora meticulosa (Linnaeus,1758) (Noctuidae) 135. Polia serratilinea Ochsenheimer,1816 (Noctuidae) 136. Schinia cardui (Hübner,1790) (Noctuidae) 137. Sideridis (Luteohadena) luteago ([Denis & Schiffermüller],1775) (Noctuidae)
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