Congregation Ohr Moshe

˘16th Annual Seudas Shabbos

Guests of Honor Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Simchas HaChaim Awardees Lew &Beth Gray

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Will ✓ Attend

Celebrating 30 Years of Service to the Hillcrest Community שבת קודש פרשת בהר‐בחקתי, כ"ד אייר תשע"ז May 20, 2017  Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos From the desk of Rabbi Asher Schechter I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who partici- pated in this successful Seudas Shabbos Fundraiser for our Shul. Your commitment to a - תומך תורה and love for our Shul and the ideals that it stands for truly make you a bless you and your family with many more years הקדוש ברוך הוא supporter of . May .עבודת ה' and the ability to continue growing in your נחת and הצלחה of

Special thanks go to our dedicated committee, its Honorary Chairman Rabbi Eliyahu Hartman, and its Chairman Benjamin Zanjirian, who worked very hard to make this Seudas Shabbos a success.

!at age 30 one is blessed with strength—בן שלשים לכח .years is a special milestone 30 for many of us it feels like it was just yesterday that we were nurturing the nascent new Shul that was to grow and become a vibrant and integral part of the Hillcrest communi- ty. If it were not for your foresight and commitment, we would not be where we are to- day. We may not feel as young as we once were, but we certainly can feel very proud of our communal accomplishments and we can and should face our future opportunities May Hashem continue to bless our .עבודת ה' with continued zeal and excitement in our Kehila with strength to accomplish more and more in the future.

This year we are truly privileged to be able to bestow recognition upon Norman & Rachel Gluckstein, our Guests of Honor. The Glucksteins in their quiet and inimitable way have enhanced our Kehila for many years and continue to do so each and every day. They have always been involved in all the good that goes on in our Shul and community. Norman & Rachel are among the most respected members of our Shul and their Torah bless them השם יתברך serve as a shining example to all.. May יראת שמים lifestyle and from their children and נחת in good health along with אריכת ימים ושנים with grandchildren.

It is also our pleasure to recognize Lew & Beth Gray, our Simchas HaChaim Award- ees. Lew & Beth personify good humor and good cheer in their interactions with all. They spent a relatively short time in our Kehila and became everyone’s best friend! Their and Chessed combined with their dedication to שמירת המצוות wonderful reputation for their children, family and community makes them a perfect couple for this award. May נחת they be blessed with many years of success, health and happiness along with much from their children. It has been a special pleasure to watch the spiritual growth and maturation of a unique couple who graced our Shul and Community for the past year. Itay & Renana Avtalyon, the recipients of the Maalin BaKodesh Award, have grown tremendously in over the past year. They have also grown as a family with the תורה עבודה וגמילות חסדים We have learned from and been inspired by them .אסתר לאה שתחי ‘ newest addition of equally if not more than they have learned from and been inspired by us!! May they be from נחת blessed with many years of success, health, and happiness along with much their family. We hope you will all enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of a family Seudas Shabbos to- on this, one of the זמירות and דברי תורה ,gether with our worthy honorees, friends יום שכלו שבת ומנוחה to a זוכה longest Shabbos afternoons of the year. May we all be .and throughout the world ארץ ישראל together with our brothers and sisters in

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos Chairmen’s Letter

Many people worked hard to make this Shabbos Luncheon a special occasion. Special thanks to Rabbi Schechter who worked extra hard to make today's event so beautiful. We would also like to thank all of the attendees and advertisers, whose contributions allow our Shul to function properly.

Many people take Shuls for granted. They just show up and expect everything to be "normal". They may not realize how much effort, energy & resources are required to create that "normal". With your support today, you have a big share in the creation and .of Ohr Moshe מקום תורה ותפילה "maintenance of the "normal

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein, Lew & Beth Gray and Itay & Renana Avtalyon are all prime examples of truly inspiring individuals who are constantly growing in Torah & Mitz- vos and bringing others along for the ride. May Hashem grant all the honorees much happiness and success as a token reward for all their hard work.

in a תפילות Besides the meaningful .מקדש מעט Our Shul is a unique and beautiful delivered by our Mara D'Asra שיעורים decorum filled atmosphere and the educational and other highly qualified speakers, it also provides a nonpolitical, warm and special en- vironment for our families to cherish friendships with the likes of our honorees and each other. We are extremely proud of the recent influx of young families with young children to our Shul which is evident in the large number of youngsters present today. Our Shabbos Youth Groups and weekly MiniKiddush and of course our Mega-Playground .become very popular ברוך ה' have

to continue to develop our Shul reaching greater and greater זוכה May we be .עבודת ה' heights in

Rabbi Eliyahu Hartman, Honorary Chairman

Benjamin Zanjirian, Chairman

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Guests of Honor Norman and Rachel married in 1967. Both are baalei teshuvah. They have had the ben- efit of studying with exceptional Rabbis: Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Rabbi Meir Fund, Rabbi Yitzchok Kirzner, and most recently Rabbi and Rebbitzen Elyakim Rosenblatt of Kesser Torah, among others.

Rachel and Norman moved to Hillcrest 40 years ago. Their first shul was ICHM, Israel Center of Hillcrest Manor with a new dynamic Rabbi Michael Strasberg. Seven years later, Rachel was learning with Rabbi Meir Fund and had just returned from studying at Neve Yerushalayim and the couple moved to Ohr Yitzchak where they were warmly welcomed by Rabbi Chaim Baruch Faskowitz ZT”L. It was a small shul with a very special Rebbitzen Razel Jofen Faskowitz, the daughter of Rabbi Abraham Jofen ZT”L. After many years and the passing of their beloved Rabbi, Norman and Rachel moved to Ohr Moshe. Again they were warmly welcomed and feel blessed to be part of the Ohr Moshe family with Rabbi Asher and Ruchie Schecter and their special children.

Rachel and Norman have two children and six grandchildren. Sho- shana is married to Rabbi Yehuda Halpert (a local romance) and they have four very special children, Aryeh, Avigail, Ezra and Leora. They live in Teaneck, N.J. David is married to Julie Cheshire and they have two wonderful boys, Cas and Kyle. They live in Warwick, N Y.

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Guests of Honor

Norman was born and raised in NYC and Long Island. He graduated from Middlebury College with a major in philosophy and did graduate work in philosophy at the University of Texas. In 1967 he graduated from N.Y.U. School of law. After law school he worked at ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) of music. He was a Judge for the Environmental Control Board, Workers Com- pensation Board, and the city Taxi and Limousine Commission.

Now fully retired for thirteen years, he reads, attends concerts, the opera, and reads some more.

Rachel was born in Honesdale, Pennsylvania and graduated from Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Scranton, Pa. She is a Regis- tered Nurse. In 1962 she came to and worked at New York Hospital Cornell medical Center. She was a head nurse for four years and worked on one of the first open heart teams. After having two great children (David and Shoshana), she started a private prac- tice in shiatsu and yoga. She was one of the first Holistic Nurses in .

Presently Rachel has a private practice in yoga, shiatsu and nutrition- al counseling. In addition she studies nutrition and Quantum Reflex Analysis and teaches meditation at Albert Einstein Medical Center.

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos Lew & Beth Gray Simchas HaChaim Awardees

Lewis and Beth Gray began their journey toward Jewish observance the year they became en- gaged. They wanted a place to go for High Holi- day services and a friend suggested the Queens Jewish Center beginners Orthodox service. It’s free! No tickets required! This was important because Lew was unemployed at the time and Beth was a full-time student and could not afford to shell out $300 a ticket to connect to the Al-mighty! The dynamic Rabbi who led the service suggested they take his classes, a Hebrew reading refresher and “Intro to Judaism.” The shul invited them to “ Across America” Shabbatons and the Rabbi invited them to his home and introduced them to the beauty of Shabbos. The couple began to attend Chabad of Northeast Queens run by Rabbi Yossi Blesofsky and took wonderful classes on the Tanya and other topics. A few years later, a friend suggested they go to the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island. It was there that they met the directors of the center, Rabbi Moshe Turk and Rabbi Naftali Portnoy. They took more classes and were overwhelmed by the amazing people who hosted them in Kew Gardens Hills, especially their friends and mentors Rabbi Bob and Susie Garber, R’ Eliezer and Lenore Szrolovits, Israel and Agi Zwick among other very special and dynamic families. In their homes, they felt free to ask questions about Juda- ism, Torah, and mitzvah observance. Two days after returning from a trip to Albany to “check out the community” (Lew was offered a job there), New York City and the world as we all knew it changed with the horror of 9/11/01. Lew, along with countless others, felt the roar of the second plane over his head as it flew into the second tower of the WTC. Their decision to move was clinched. That week, as the smells of burning and destruction wafted throughout the whole of NYC, Beth and Lew kashered their kitchen after months of study and practice. When Beth asked whether this was an appropriate time for such a venture, Rabbi Portnoy said, “The angels are dancing as they look down from the heav- ens.” One mitzvah led to the next.

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Lew, Beth and little one year old Rivkah then moved to Albany, which, after living in a mostly Italian neighborhood in Flushing, became their first Jewish community. Once again, they were touched by the warmth and genuineness of the Jewish community there. They were happy to be able to return the favor of the hospitality they received by inviting others to their home to celebrate Shabbos and Yom Tov. They continued their learning from new Torah teachers such as Rabbi Israel and Rochel Rubin, Rabbi Nachman and Clara Simon, Rabbi Bomzer, Rabbi Chananya and Sara Rosenblum and Salo Stepper, ZT”L. They lived there ten years and though they truly enjoyed the “out of town living”, they knew it was time to return home to Queens, by then a family of seven, ka”h. After renting a place for two years in Kew Gardens Hills, Lew and Beth needed a place to stay while they renovated a house they purchased in Kew Gardens Hills. Lew’s moth- er generously offered them her house in Hillcrest where Lew grew up, and after a short search (actually, not much of a search – more like the Siegels saying, “You should daven at Ohr Moshe!”) they decided to daven at and join Ohr Moshe where they were warmly welcomed by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schechter as well as the Siegels, Olen- icks and others. That winter, the Ganchrows moved next door and the two families forged a friendship. Lewis gray was born in Flushing, New York, the first of three sons of Linda and Sey- mour Gray (OBM). He grew up and lived in Queens his entire life until the move to Alba- ny. Lew has his Master’s degree in Business Administration and has worked for various government agencies as an auditor and an investigator. He currently works for the Division of Homes and Community Renewal. He has also been known to entertain the lo- cals with his unique comic style. Beth grew up in Highland Park, NJ, the fourth daughter of Stanley and Ruth Weinrib (OBM). She has her doctorate in Psychology from . Beth works as a school psychologist for the NYC Department of Education. Beth enjoys jogging, yoga and hiking. She ran the Mikvah in Albany for many years and volunteered her services for the girls’ high school in Albany. She volunteers as a shomeret at the New Hyde Park Mikvah. Beth and Lew have five children, Rivkah, Avi, Sarah Esther, Nomi, and Leah, ka”h. Lew and Beth are saddened to leave the wonderful Hillcrest community where Lew grew up and where they were welcomed back so warmly. They will miss the inspiring drashas and learning from Rabbi Schechter, the child-care during davening and the co- zy kiddushes. They want everyone to know that the walk is not so long to KGH and they expect to see everyone there for Shabbos lunch (one family at a time!).

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Itay & RenanaAvtalyon Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

Renana and Itay Avtalyon joined our commu- nity last year when they decided to come to New York to spend Renana’s sabbatical year from teaching with her par- ents, Rabbi Michael and Elaine Strasberg. Renana and Itay met each other two years ago when they bonded over pizza on their first date and the rest is history. Renana Strasberg was raised here in Hillcrest with her siblings, Chaya, Zahavi, Malka and Amichai. After she graduated from Yeshiva of Flatbush High School, she spent two years in Israel studying at Midreshet Harova in the Old City in Jerusalem. During her second year there she decided that she wanted to make Aliyah. She spent the following year back at home with her family while working as an assistant kindergarten teacher at Westchester Day School and preparing for her move to Israel. On Chol Hamoed Sukkot, Renana made Aliyah. She attended Bar Ilan Universi- ty where she majored in Early Childhood Education and minored in Yid- dish. She continued her studies at Kibbutzim College in Tel Aviv where she received her teaching certification as an English teacher. Within a few years she became a regular first and second grade teacher (mechanechet kitot aleph-bet), teaching reading, writing, math, science, Torah and many other subjects. After ten years of teaching, she decided to take ad- vantage of her well earned opportunity for a sabbatical year and spend it in New York with her family.

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Itay Avtalyon was born in Tel Aviv and grew up in Neve Yarak, a moshav in central Israel. From a young age, Itay showed interest and talent in com- puters and programming. Even before he was Bar Mitzvah he started his own “software company” with his best friend. Software they wrote was featured on the early internet and their picture viewer program, one of the first programs of its kind, was almost bought by a German clip-art com- pany. Itay’s work as a programmer also led him on an adventure to Singa- pore where he worked for a year. In 2011, he started a software business with his younger brother, with whom he works to this day. Their current project is a smart trading algorithm for the stock exchange. Itay decided to pursue his interest in acting and went to acting school for three years. During his time there he participated in two plays in the Tzavta Theatre in Tel Aviv, as well as other minor performances. Itay loves Star Wars and comics, Superman and Spider-man being his favorites. Growing up secular, Itay credits his time in Singapore and his work for three summers in B’nei Brith Perlman Camp in Pennsylvania for sparking his interest in Judaism and putting him on a trajectory for meeting Renana and embarking on his journey of learning and exploration as an observant Jew. During the year here in New York, Itay was welcomed warmly by Rabbi Asher and Ruchie Schechter and the entire Ohr Moshe Community, who have all assisted him and been an integral part of his phenomenal journey of spiritu- al growth. A regular at the morning minyan, Itay has become an important part of the Shul family. Itay and Renana were blessed with a beautiful addition to their family this past February, Esther Leah. They are planning, b’ezrat HaShem, to return to Israel in July. Itay and Renana are ever so grateful to Rabbi and Mrs. Schechter, the Ohr Moshe family and the entire Hillcrest community for opening their homes and hearts to them and for their kindness, support, guidance and friend- ship.

Congregation Ohr Moshe



We would like to express Hakaras Hatov And Best Wishes To Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter We appreciate and thank you for all you do for the Kehillah

Mazel Tov to our Honorees Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Congregation Ohr Moshe Benefactor

With great Hakaras HaTov To Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter And the Ohr Moshe Kehila

When we arrived in Hillcrest in the Summer of 2014, we never imagined that our stay would be two and a half years! If we had a quarter for every time someone asked us, “is your house ready?” or, “when are you moving?” we would have collected quite a sum! Our stay was supposed to be short-lived, but Hashem had other plans. And we know nothing happens by accident! We feel very blessed to have had the time in this special Community. We feel we grew in Ruchnius through Rabbi Schechter’s amazing Drashas, as well as other learning opportunities. We really enjoyed the special Davening and incredible child-care during Davening that gives the kids a great environment on Shabbos and Yom Tov and the Moms a chance to Daven too! The Ohr Moshe Kiddush, which takes place every week, rain or shine really brings the Kehila together. Though we no longer live here, we have made friendships that iy”H will endure! We wish the whole Kehila long life and good health and success in all areas! Thanks again for making our time in Hillcrest so pleasant and memorable! Lewis & Beth Gray & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Benefactor

Mazel Tov to the Worthy Honorees

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein And Lew & Beth Gray We would like to express our Hakaras Hatov to HaShem for His Hashgacha Pratis for bringing us to this point in our lives To Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter, Thank You for your guidance and friendship, welcoming us into your home and Shul A special Thank You to Abba and Ema Strasberg for letting us move in for the year, taking care of us and being our role models. Words cannot truly express how grateful and thankful we are to you.

Thank you to our entire families for all your love and support

We would like to thank the Ohr Moshe Family and the entire Hillcrest Community for accepting and warmly welcoming us and making us feel at home. We hope to find this sense of Family and Community in our new home in Israel. We would like to especially thank the regulars at the daily morning Minyan in Ohr Moshe, for being patient and supportive and for your friendship. We hope to see you in Eretz Yisrael. You’ll always have a home with us! Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Congregation Ohr Moshe Benefactor

Mazel Tov to Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Guests of Honor

Lew & Beth Gray Simchas HaChaim Awardees

Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

to our dear children הצלחה Best Wishes for continued Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter And their beautiful family

and joy to us נחת May you continue to be a source of and to the entire Hillcrest Community

Dr. & Mrs. Yehuda Mayer Schechter

Congregation Ohr Moshe Benefactor

We are Proud to join with Congregation Ohr Moshe And our Children

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter In Wishing Mazel Tov to

All the Honorees Our Attendance at the Shul Dinner is an additional perk to our Retirement!

Special Thank You to TheGlucksteins For taking such good care of our room at the hotel!

Rabbi Peretz & Chaya Steinberg

Congregation Ohr Moshe



Dear Nana and Papa,

Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!

Thank you for your continued Love, Support and Guidance In our lives.

We are inspired by your Dedication to your Community, Family and Hashem.


Yehuda & Shoshana

Aryeh, Avigayil, Ezra and Leora

Congregation Ohr Moshe Patron

Warmest Mazel Tov Wishes To our Good Friends

לאוי"ט Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Norman & Rachel are a couple that always shies away from Kavod. They are true friends, and very unassuming despite their vast expertise in so many areas.

Norman has encyclopedic knowledge about many Gedolim, and has the uncanny ability to produce a relevant book or article at a moment’s notice.

Rachel is so compassionate towards everyone. It is not surprising that she graduated from “Mercy Hospital” and worked on an “Open Heart Team”! A vivid early memory of Rachel is her helping a friend and fellow congregant who was about to faint at the end of Ne’ila. (That was how we found out that Rachel was a nurse, and even more exciting, a Yoga Instructor!)

We wish Norman and Rachel much Nachas, and the strength to continue being so nice to everyone!!

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Patron

Special Mazel Tov To our FORMER Neighbors and FORMER Carpool-mates But our EVERLASTING Friends

לאוי"ט Lew & Beth Gray Lew & Beth are always striving to grow in their Yiddishkeit. We wish them continued Hatzlacha in achieving this lofty goal.

It’s such a good thing that the Grays are in such good Physical shape, they love to bike and hike and do all sorts of exercise. This way we are ensured that they will keep coming back to Ohr Moshe to visit, without ever breaking a sweat!

We wish them much Hatzlacha in their new home - Hillcrest’s loss is Kew Gardens Hills’ gain!

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter & Family

(P.S. Rivkah—we miss you!!)

Congregation Ohr Moshe Patron מזל טוב מעומק לבינו לזוג מדהים ומיוחד אתי ורננה אבטליון לאוי”ט

ולבתם אסתר לאה שתחי׳ החמודה ״מעלין בקודש ואין מורידין״ ולפיכך משפחת אבטליון חוזרת לארצנו הקדושה להמשיך עלייתם על במתי התורה והיראה אנחנו בטוחים שהם ימשיכו להיות מקור נחת לקהילתנו הקדושה קהילת אור משה ונרגיש תמיד את הקרבה למרות המרחק הגדול איך בזמן כל כך קצר נהפכנו להיות כמשפחה? ואיך נסתדר בלעדם? יש לנו רעיון! נתפלל עוד יותר חזק שמשיח צדקנו יבוא ויגאלנו במהרה בימינו אמן!! הרב אשר ורוחי שכטר וכל המשפחה

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Diamond Pages

Diamond Page

Mazel Tov to

Guests of Honor Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Simchas HaChaim Awardees Lew & Beth Gray

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees Itay & Renana Avtalyon


Eliyahu & Fagie Hartman

Congregation Ohr Moshe

PlatinumPages Platinum Page Mazal Tov and Best Wishes to All our Friends and Fellow Congregants at Congregation Ohr Moshe under the Leadership of our Mara D’Atra, Rabbi Asher Schechter, And his devoted Rebbetzin Ruchie, on this celebration of our annual Seudat Shabbat.

Congratulations to all the Honorees Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Guests of Honor Lew & Beth Gray Simchas HaChaim Awardees

And Especially to our Dear Children Itay & Renana Avtalyon Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

It has been a very special Zechut for us to watch you grow as a couple and as a family during this past year of Spiritual and Academic Achievement. May Hashem continue to guide you on this path as you return home to Israel.

Each of you, our honorees, has, in your own special way, enhanced the quality of Jewish Communal Life here in Hillcrest, for which we are most appreciative.

May you each go from Strength to Strength in continued service to our Community and to Klal Yisrael.

Rabbi Michael & Elaine Strasberg

Congregation Ohr Moshe Platinum Page

Mazel Tov to

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon


Steve & Carol Neuman

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Gold Pages Gold Page

Mazal Tov and Congratulations to Itay &Renana Avtalyon

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

May the two of you continue to always be a source of pride and accomplishment for our family

A Heartfelt Thank You to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter

and the Ohr Moshe Kehilla

for all you have done for the Distinguished Awardees

Amichai & Adina MR, MD, TR, H, & TBD

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page Mazel Tov to the Guests of Honor Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Always a smile and a kind word each week in Shul (and we even got a Pesach Bonus this year :) Thank you for all you do and may Hashem continue to grant you Koach for many years to come, and continued Nachas from your family!

Mazel Tov to the Simchas HaChaim Awardees Lew & Beth Gray KGH’s loss was our gain these past years—sorry to see you go but glad you’re finally settled in. Thanks so much for the comedy Melava Malka—it was such an enjoyable night for all! May you have much mazel and hatzlacha in your “new” home and continued Yiddishe Nachas from your wonderful Mishpacha!

Mazal Tov to the Maalin BaKodesh Awardees Itay & Renana Avtalyon (and Esther Leah of course:) We’ve been truly inspired watching your family grow, in so many ways (Itay, we’ll miss you at the morning Minyan and at Tomchei Shabbos). We wish you much hatzlacha and bracha in Eretz Yisroel!

B”H another year that we can wish a heartfelt thank you to our won- derful Rav and Rebbetzin for continuing to create an environment of limud Torah, Warmth, and Achdus in Ohr Moshe. And once again to my co-partner in N’shei “crime” for a simcha-filled and “comical” year!

Yasher Koach to Ben (and Sarah!) Zanjirian for all your hard work! Please know how much we truly appreciate you both each year, even if we don’t say it enough!

Last, but certainly not least, thank you Malky (and Mordechai Shimon :) for all your hard work year-round on the website, and to Rivky and her Mom for putting this journal together so beautifully!

Matti & Beth

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Mazel Tov to Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon


Alvin & Greta Warshaviak

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Mazel Tov to

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon


Gedaliah & Amalia Rabinowitz

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees

We thank

The Glucksteins The Grays and The Avtalyons

For all they have done for Congregation Ohr Moshe

With deep Gratitude to

Rabbi & Ruchie Schechter For making Congregation Ohr Moshe And Hillcrest such a wonderful place To spend Shabbos and all Yom Tovim

Fern & Arthur Sisser

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Congrats and Best Wishes To Ohr Moshe on the Shul’s 30th Anniversary!

בן שלשים לכח

Mazel Tov to our Worthy Honorees Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Who we’ll miss (y’all come back now, hear?)

And especially Itay & Renana Avtalyon Who we’ll also miss

מחיל אל חיל May you all go And continue to grace the world


Sam, Maxine & Bezalel Kosofsky

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Our Deepest Thanks and Gratitude to

Rabbi Moshe Berkowitz

Our Honorary Gabbai

Thank You for your many years of Service to our Shul We could not have done it without you!

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

In honor of our Gabbaim

Eli Siegel Hank Strom Sruly Beylus

Todd Sullivan for excelling in the thankless job as Gabbaim of our Shul

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

In honor of the

Ohr Moshe Chabura

and its

Rosh Chabura


All The Volunteer Speakers

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

In honor of the Ohr Moshe

Daf Yomi Shiur

and its Magidei Shiur

Rabbi Asher Schechter And Hank Strom

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Yasher Koach to

Ruchie Schechter

for preparing this most impressive Journal for our Seudas Shabbos

Thank You to Rivky

For her Technical Support!

We truly appreciate your dedication to our Shul

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

This page is dedicated to

Beth Friedman


Rebbetzin Ruchie Schechter

for spearheading countless special projects as the Presidium of N’Shei Ohr Moshe

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

In honor of the N’Shei Ohr Moshe Rosh Chodesh Shiur for Ladies

Yasher Koach To

Miriam Perkal And Yocheved Roitman

for continuing to make it happen

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

In honor of

Jennifer Fisher

Our Youth Chair

the Parents who volunteer


all our energetic Youth Leaders who make our Shul's Youth Groups so enjoyable

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Yasher Koach

to our Webmasters

Matti Friedman & Malky Siegel

and to our CalendarMasters

Ron & Rachel Levovitz

for bringing our Ohr Moshe Communications

into the 21st Century

Tizku L’Mitzvos!

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה

In honor of the chairman of our Bedek HaBayis Committee Zev Feldstein

And his Assistant Gil Winokur in recognition of their tireless efforts for Congregation Ohr Moshe

A very Special Yasher Koach to Benjy Schikman for his many professional contributions of advice, time and materials to the wellbeing of our Mikdash Me'at

And Thank You To Lane Sparber who keeps things bright in Shul

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page In honor of all the Ohr Moshe Baalei Keriyah

David Bart Eric Bart Matti Friedman Robert Greenberg Sam Kosofsky Ron Levovitz Josh Meisner Howie Shatz Josh Sisser

Thank you for delivering the words of Hashem so professionally

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

to יישר כח

Ron & Rachel Levovitz

Kiddush Committee Co-Chairs

The annual Seudas Shabbos is the Levovitz family's favorite Shabbos of the year -


Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

In Honor of All the Participants of the Ohr Moshe Youth Shabbos

Avrami Davis Jordan Levovitz Binyamin Davis Zechariah Perkal Kivi Davis Shalom Perlman Moshe Davis Tzvi Siegel Ariel Ganchrow Aaron Sisser Yonatan Ganchrow Yosef Sullivan Avi Gray Tzvi Winokur Lazer Velvel Schechter Coordinator

And its Mastermind Benjamin Zanjirian

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Pages Silver Page

In Honor of

Renana & Itay Avtalyon

It has been a pleasure to enjoy your company in our Community during this past year—along with the special celebration of the birth of your daughter Esther Leah (Ellie)

Your return to Israel should be with strength, happiness and success

Enid & Stanley Hyman

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

Mazel Tov to all the honorees on their well deserved honors

Thank you to

The Glucksteins for all they have done for Congregation Ohr Moshe over the years

Thank you as well to

The Grays and Avtalyons

Even in the relatively short time you have been here you have all made a tremendous impact on both our Shul and our Community for the better

Good luck on all your future endeavors

Your friends, Joshua, Rachel, Aaron, Rebecca, and Sophie Sisser

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

As we celebrate our Shul’s 30th Anniversary It is with great joy that we honor Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Thank you each for your individual and special participation in our Shul!

And as always, a special thank you to

Rabbi & Ruchie Schechter !

Marilynne & Marty Vogel and Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

Mazel Tov and best wishes to Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Upon being selected as the Maalin BaKodesh Awardees. We appreciate your contribution to our Morning Minyan. It was a pleasure to get to know you and we wish you much Mazel and Hatzlacha in your future. We will miss you.

Mazel Tov to

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein and Lew & Beth Gray

Upon your well deserved honors

We also wish

Our Mara D’Asra and his Rebbetzin

Much continued hatzlacha, mazel and bracha. We thank you for all you have given to both our Community and our wonderful Shul (and “the block” of course). It is a pleasure to have you as neighbors and close friends (and זכות and “cousins across the street”!) May you continue to derive much Yiddishe Nachas from your wonderful family in good health עד מאה ועשרים שנה

Joy & Zev Feldstein and Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

Mazel Tov to our Guests of Honor

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein On this well deserved Honor Thank You for everything you do for Our Congregation and Community

Mazel Tov to Lew & Beth Gray On this well deserved honor We appreciate everything you did for Our Community and we will miss you

Mazel Tov to

Itay & Renana Avtalyon

On the Maalin BaKodesh Award May Hashem give you strength to continue everything you do on behalf of Klal Israel

Eve & Todd Sullivan Leeba, Yosef, Rivka and Sarah Leah

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

Mazel Tov to

All The Honorees

Roberta & Abe Katz

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

Mazel Tov to

Guests of Honor

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Simchas HaChaim Awardees

Lew & Beth Gray

And Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Thank you for all that you do for our Shul and Community

We wish the Gray and Avtalyon Families much Hatzlacha in your new homes And hope you will come back to visit

Ron, Rachel, Sarah and Jordan Levovitz

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

Mazel Tov to the

Guests of Honor

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Simchas HaChaim Awardees

Lew & Beth Gray

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Akiva & Tamar Perlman & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

The Young Israel of Hillcrest Proudly Joins Congregation Ohr Moshe In Honoring three wonderful couples Whose Community Involvement and Values Are Deservedly Worthy of Recognition and Gratitude

Continued Hatzlacha to Rabbi Schechter And

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss Kevin Leifer, President Louis Tuchman, Chairman of the Board

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Thank You to The Honorees for all that you do for the

Shul and Community

The Fisher Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to the

Guests of Honor

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Simchas HaChaim Awardees

Lew & Beth Gray

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Shimshon Elchanan & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to the

Guests of Honor

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Simchas HaChaim Awardees

Lew & Beth Gray

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Sruly & Nancy Beylus

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

In Honor of Itay & Renana

“Mazal Tov!”

“Kol Hakavod!!”

With Much Love, Dod Chaim & Dodah Rivka

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Ruchie Schechter For continuing to provide the members of our Kehilla with a very warm, welcoming, uplifting and quiet place to daven and learn

Mazel Tov to the Guests of Honor Norman & Rachel Gluckstein We are Blessed to have had the privilege of enjoying their friendship for decades

Mazel Tov to Lew & Beth Gray For receiving the Simchas HaChaim award Even though you moved away from Hillcrest you are even closer to the Perkals now

Mazel Tov to Itay & Renana Avtalyon For receiving the Maalin BaKodesh award

Srulie & Miriam Perkal and Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Gluckstein

On being chosen to be this year’s Guests of Honor It is very befitting that people who are Very modest should be chosen for this award

Mazel Tov to our dear Friends Beth & LewGray

We are so fortunate that you decided to stop here for a couple of years so we could get to know you. Our lives are forever enriched by your friendship and even though you have moved back to Kew Gar- dens Hills, we hope to continue our relationship. You are definitely worthy of being honored for all that you did for the Community while you were here, especially your hysterical comedy show.

Eli & Marissa Siegel

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon


Leor & Brett Samuels

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon


Abe & Sima Ancselovics

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to

Guests of Honor Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Simchas HaChaim Awardees Lew & Beth Gray

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees Itay & Renana Avtalyon


Shani, Gil, Avigail, Tzvi & Rachelle Winokur

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to

Guests of Honor Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Simchas HaChaim Awardees Lew & Beth Gray

Maalin BaKodesh Awardees Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Jessica & Robert Sullivan

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congratulations to All of The Honorees Thank you to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter For all you’ve done to enrich the lives of our Family and Community

Congratulations to Itay & Renana Avtalyon On a well deserved honor. I hit it off with Itay from the beginning and I assume everyone else did as well, given how warm and engaging he is and I am so fortunate and honored to be Itay’s friend.

It was an equal pleasure to recently meet Renana, and it saddens me to know that they are leaving Hillcrest so soon and I hope someday we can join them in the Homeland. I always feel elevated when I’m with them and I can’t take my eyes off their newborn daughter who so beautifully beams the love emanating from her parents.

We wish the Avtalyon Family all the best in every way!

Fondly, The Schwartz-Messing Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazal Tov to The Honorees !


The Sparber Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to

Guests of Honor

Rachel & Norman Gluckstein

On this well-deserved Honor

Your tireless dedication to Congregation Ohr Moshe And to Other Jewish Causes Is an Inspiration to us

Mazel Tov to

The Other Honorees

Erica & Kevin Leifer

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

With much Hakoras Hatov to

The Rav and Rebbetzin

For leadership, friendship and inspiration

With much appreciation to

The Honorees

For embodying what makes Congregation Ohr Moshe Such a unique Makom Torah And home away from home

Michael & Susan Horowitz & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

We would like to express our appreciation to Congregation Ohr Moshe and

The Schechters

For providing a special Makom Torah and Chessed in our midst

We warmly congratulate

The Gluckstein, Gray & Avtalyon Families On their well-deserved Honors

Nitsan & Mindy Lavie

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Heartfelt Appreciation to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter and Family

For your significant contributions to our community

Mazel Tov to

All The Honorees

And much gratitude for your devotion to our Community

Rachel & Howard Neiman & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazal Tov to all the Awardees Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon

And in special Appreciation of our Special Marah D’Asra

Rabbi Asher Schechter

and his Aishes Chayil Rebbetzin Ruchie Schechter

for all they do for the Community and for Klal Yisrael

Judy & Mark Frankel & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazal Tov and Yashar Koach to Ohr Moshe’s 2017 Honorees Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon Thank you for all you do to enhance our Ohr Moshe Family! May Hashem continue to shower all of you with blessings and light!

To Rabbi & Ruchie Schechter

Who continue to create a makom torah b’chesed v’ahava!

Rivka Olenick & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon

And our Hakaras Hatov to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter for their invaluable Harbotzas Torah in the Community

Shmuel & Mindy Gunsburg & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congratulations to

Lew & Beth Gray and all of the Honorees at this year’s Dinner on being recognized for such well-deserved Honor

Lew and Beth, you are such an inspirational couple in every way and we are privileged to be counted among your many close friends.

We Miss Our Annual Pilgrimage to Albany, NY, where the Gray Family was the mainstay of the Jewish Community and previously established their Home!

And with much Appreciation and warm wishes to

Rabbi Asher Schechter

Mara D’Asra of Congregation Ohr Moshe

Naftali Dembitzer and Chaya, Nechama and Moshe

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazal Tov to

Lew & Beth Honorary Members of the Ganchrow Gang From the moment that we moved next door to you, you made us feel welcome and part of the family. Little did we know that we would learn who likes which potato chips, that the Mets are clearly the better Team, that it really is possible to fit eleven people in a mini Sukkah and still get along, and that one doesn’t really need a key to open a door. Kew Gardens Hills is lucky to have you! Mazal Tov on your well deserved Honor

Mazal Tov to

Itay & Renana

It has been a pleasure getting to know you this year. Wishing you much happiness and success on your return home. Take care of that adorable baby!

Jennifer, Yonatan, Elianna, and Ariel


Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Lew & Beth,

The following members of Congregation Ahavas Yisroel Made a donation to Ohr Moshe in your Honor

May Hashem continue to Bless you with Health, Yiddish Nachas, and continued Community Service Opportunities

Binyamin & Basi Blumberg Loren & Anna Ecker Mark & Linda Frankel Elliott & Lorey Friedman Robert & Susan Garber Chesky & Chana Goldberger Harry & Laura Goldsmith Elliot & Leora Hecht David & Andrea Keehn David & Bella Kirschner Jerrold & Gila Kurtz Shai & Tziporah Rosenthal Yaakov & Atara Serle Simcha & Adina Shapiro Shmuel & Gitty Siebenberg Chaim & Chana Wasserman Rabbi & Rebbetzin Welcher

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos Mazel Tov to All The Honorees

for your dedicated work on behalf of Congregation Ohr Moshe

We wish continued Hatzlacha to Rabbi Asher Schechter

in all your endeavors on behalf of Congregation Ohr Moshe and our Hillcrest Community

Susan & Chaim Banner & Family

Congratulations to

All The Honorees

Vivian & Moshe Labell

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos In Honor of our Friends Lew & Beth Gray

איזהו מכובד? המכבד את הבריות

We are fortunate to enjoy and be inspired by your thoughtfulness, caring, humor, listening ear and enthusiasm for growth!

Binyamin & Basi Blumberg Yitzchok & Sara Rivka Pacht

Mazel Tov to

The Gray Family Beth, Lewis, Rivkah, Avi, Sarah Esther, Nomi, and Leah On this well-deserved Honor You are Role Models to us all You Demonstrate such Beautiful Ahavas Yisrael in all you do for your Family, Friends, and Community We are so happy you are now part of the Kew Gardens Hills Community

Bob & Susie Garber & Family

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congratulations to

All The Honorees

Abe & Cynthia Hercman

Mazel Tov to

All The Honorees

Abe & Janet Feld

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congratulations to

All The Honorees

Zvi & Gail Weinreb

Mazel Tov to

All The Honorees

Dov & Osnat Laks

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

We acknowledge and Thank

All of The Honorees

For their valuable Contributions To our Shul

Carol & Joel Spira

It is with Great Pleasure that we join Congregation Ohr Moshe In Paying Tribute to this year’s Honorees

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon For their well-deserved Contribution to our Community May they continue to work on behalf of Ohr Moshe and Klal Yisrael In good health

Carole & Gary Eisen

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazal Tov

To our Dear Friends And Machatanim

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

Johnny & Aviva Halpert

To the Esteemed Honorees For Service to our Community

Lew & Beth Gray for your humor Norman & RachelGluckstein for your kindness Itay & Renana Avtalyon for service (and Davening!)

Henry Ducat Beverly Ducat

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos מזל טוב To our Worthy and Distinguished Honorees

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon May Hashem Bless you and your families with the strength and ability to continue your valuable work on behalf of our Community and Klal Yisroel

to הכרת הטוב A Special Expression of Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter For your continued devotion and dedication on behalf of our Shul And for your Warmth, Kindness, Leadership and Inspiration

Diane & Sid Lichter

Mazel Tov to

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Benjamin & Sara Zanjirian

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to all the Worthy Honorees

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray

And very special Mazel Tov To very good young new friends

Itay & Renana Avtalyon

Sammy & Sury Bialik

Mazel Tov to All The Honorees From

Mindy & Josh Rosenthal

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

In Honor of Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Lew & Beth Gray Itay & Renana Avtalyon For their Dedication to Ohr Moshe and the Community

With Gratitude to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter For their strong leadership, gentle guidance, and wonder- ful warmth. You help make Hillcrest the special place it is.

Miriam & Sheldon Greenberg and Family

Mazel Tov to

All of The Honorees

Linda & Burt Blass

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to our Friends Norman & Rachel Gluckstein And to Lew & Beth Gray And Itay & Renana Avtalyon On this special honor We are so happy to celebrate with you This 30th anniversary of Ohr Moshe May you continue to serve the Jewish Community with your commitment, sincerity and dedication

Tsvi & Bracha Ingber

Mazel Tov to All The Honorees—Tizku L’mitzvos! מרא דאתרא Special thanks to our esteemed for his friendship and leadership And for bringing us all to higher levels continue to Bench ה‘ ית‘ May .עבודת הקודש of good ,אריכת ימים ושנים Him and his family with .נחת and שמחות ,health

Ellen & Steve Naiman

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos Mazel Tov to The Worthy Honorees and their families

Thank you Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter for leading and guiding our shul

Ohr Moshe Chabura Dulitz Family Kosofsky Family Lermer Family Mazel Tov to our Longstanding, Dear Friends Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Guests of Honor

May Hashem Grant you and your entire family many Brochos in the years to come

Lester & Susan Kaufman

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

In Honor of

Lewis & Beth Gray Mitch & Lita Aeder

In Honor of our Friends

Lew & Beth Gray Reuven & Ruchie Grossman


Rachel & Norman On this well deserved honor

Shelley & Irvin Schmutter

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Dear Renana & Itay,

Mazal Tov on your Honor! We’re so proud of you.

Love, Chaya & Dani Moshe, Avrumi, Binyamin, Kivi & Shmuli

Dear Renana & Itay, Mazel Tov! I am so proud of you!

Love, Zahavi

Dear Renana & Itay,

Mazal Tov on this Honor! We’re so proud of you and happy to celebrate with you.

Love, Malka & Z

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

To Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to Lew & Beth

Congratulations on this well deserved honor! All the Honorees Upon a So proud to call you our well deserved friends! Honor

Fondly, Dr. & Mrs. Yitzchok & Shuli Alan Perry Younger Mazel Tov To our dear Friends Mazel Tov Lew & Beth Gray Simchas HaChaim Awardees Itay & Renana Who happily volunteer in the many Jewish Communities Hillary & Mark to which they belong

Spector Lawrence & Nehama Teitelman New Hyde Park/Albany

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congratulations Mazel Tov to

To the Honorees

All the Honorees Norman & Rachel

Gluckstein Hank & Judy Strom Anonymous

In Honor of Mazal Tov to Rabbi Asher Schechter Norman & Rachel And his Wonderful Gluckstein and Rebbetzin to With Appreciation for all Itay & Renana that they do on behalf of Avtalyon our Community On these well-deserved Congratulations To Honors Lew & Beth Gray Haviva & Harry Thanks for the Boxes

Peters Lorraine & Steve Konigsberg

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazal Tov to Mazel Tov to The Shul Honorees Our Dear Friends Itay & Renana

Two very special Rachel & Norman people Gluckstein With love, Vital Members of Eileen & David Our Community Kupfer

Molly & Mutty Leba & Howard Ratner Nat

Mazal Tov to

Mazal Tov to Lewis & Beth Gray

On this well deserved Honor

The Honorees Mark & Linda Frankel To Beth & Lew ומצא חן ושכל טוב בעיני Henri & Dora אלקים ואדם Azizo “You find favor in the eyes of Hashem and people” What fitting Honorees The Mathlesses

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos To our Dear Friends and Neighbors Rachel & Norman Gluckstein Congratulations and best wishes on being selected as Guests of Honor for the Seudas Shabbos Banquet Celebrating Congregation Ohr Moshe’s 30th Anniversary

It is an honor richly deserved, and a fitting recognition of your many contributions to the success of our wonderful Shul over the years. Mazel Tov!

Sarita & Avi Grossman

Mazal Tov to Lew & Beth Gray From Carrie & Jeff Buchmann לשנה הבאה בירושלים!

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

To The Grays—real role models! Shlomo & Elana Kravitz  Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lansman  Harvey & Felecie Akerman  Ronald & Deborah Herschaft  Kol Hakavod to the Grays! Debbie & Sid Stark  Mazal Tov! From Rabbi Nachman & Clara Simon & Family  In Honor of Beth & Lew Gray  From Esti & Barry Graham & Family  The Price Tag 73-13 , Flushing, NY 11367718-261-7029  Rame/Suhag Wines & Liquors Inc. 69-30 Main Street, Flushing, NY 11367718-793-6629  In Honor of Itay & Renana Avtalyon Hazzan Devin & Karen Goldenberg  Todd & Kerrie Greenwald  Beep America167-13 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows, NY 11366718-969-9696  In Honor of Norman & Rachel GlucksteinMelvin & Goldie Isaacs  In Honor of Lew & Beth GrayZvi & Elana Lew  David’s Cleaners71-42 Main Street Flushing, NY 11367718-544-7500  Mr. & Mrs. Howard Katzman 

Congregation Ohr Moshe Business Pages Platinum Page

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein Guests of Honor Lew & Beth Gray Simchas HaChaim Awardees Itay & Renana Avtalyon Maalin BaKodesh Awardees

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Dunkin Donuts of Hewlett takes great pleasure in congratulating

Rabbi Asher Schechter

All the Honorees and

The Congregation

on this special event

We wish to express our deepest sense of gratitude to the Rabbi for his Hashgacha and the Congregation for their ongoing support

Thank you

Dunkin Donuts of Hewlett 31 Franklin Ave Hewlett, NY 11557 (Across from the train station)  516-295-2210

Uri Back, owner

Congregation Ohr Moshe Gold Page

Mazel Tov to All The Worthy Honorees, Congregation Ohr Moshe Rabbi Asher Schechter.

Shirts only $1.25 Suits only $8

10% discount to Ohr Moshe Members!!

All work done on premises

Congregation Ohr Moshe Silver Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Under Kosher Supervision of Rabbi Asher Schechter

44 West 44th Street, NY, NY10036


Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to

All the Worthy Honorees


Rabbi Asher Schechter

We appreciate your patronage

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to

The Honorees

and best wishes for continued hatzlacha to

שליט״א Rabbi Asher Schechter

.מקדש מעט and all the members of this beautiful

David & Ayelet Feldstein & Family

Safra Judaica & Stam 69-64 Main Street Kew Gardens Hills

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Best Wishes to All the Honorees for Health, Wealth, and Success!!!

186-05 union turnpike fresh meadows, ny 11366

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Chocolates, Candy, Gelato & More...

Dolce Confections 1319 Broadway Hewlett, NY, 11557

Kosher Supervision Provided By Rabbi Asher Schechter

Congratulations to

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter on the Shul’s 30th Anniversary

Mazel Tov to All the Honorees

The Man With The Truck

Congregation Ohr Moshe Sixteenth Seudas Shabbos

Mazel Tov to

All The Honorees

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Congregation Ohr Moshe