Centro Educacional Sesc Cidadania Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais

Goiânia, ____/____/2020. 6º ano Turma: ______

Nome do (a) Aluno (a): ______Professor (a): Lívia

Atividade do 1º Trimestre – Disciplina: Inglês

1. In , it is common to bow the head as a , to express thanks and to apologize.

Shaking hands is not usual among the Japanese.

2. Cheek kissing is a form of greeting among Brazilian women. Men usually shake hands.

3. American men shake hands. It is not common to .

4. The French prefer to shake hands and kiss.

5. In India, they hold their palms together, bow their heads and say “Namastê”.

6. In the Maori tribes of , people rub their noses.

7. In , depend on ethnic heritage. Shaking hands, just smiling,

the head, or kissing are different forms of greetings there.


A) Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).

1. ( ) Japanese people bowing to each other is a for greeting, apologizing and thanking.

2. ( ) Brazilian women usually kiss each other on the cheek.

3. ( ) French people bow to each other.

4. ( ) American men always kiss to greet each other.

5. ( ) In South Africa, there is more than one kind of greeting.

B) Match the sentence halves according to the text.

1. Shaking hands ( ) is common in Brazil and .

2. Bowing ( ) is common in Brazil, in the and in South Africa.

3. Kissing on the cheeks ( ) is a gesture for greeting or apologizing.

C) Complete the sentences with words from the box.

among – depend – express – kissing – uncommon – usual

1. It’s ______for men to kiss each other in Brazil.

2. Shaking hands is not ______among the Japanese.

3. Rubbing noses is a common way of greeting ______the Maori.

4. In South Africa, greetings ______on ethnic heritage.

5. In France, shaking hands and ______is a common way of greeting.

D) Search the internet for other used for greeting people in different countries and

write what you found here. Your answer can be written in Portuguese.






