Day 1 - Read Mark, chapter 11 1. Divide the chapter into sections according to events. This may be done for you in some Bibles. Make a brief outline.

2. Write a sentence summarizing the eleventh chapter of Mark.

Day 2 - Read Mark 11:1-11 with additional references. 3. What are ' instructions to His disciples as they near Jerusalem?

Why a donkey's colt? (:1-5)

4. Skim Zechariah 9:7-17, is it easy to see how the people would be looking for a military redeemer?

5. Yet look carefully at vs. 9-10. What in that passage specifically points to the kingdom that Jesus did come to establish?

6. Read John 12:12-16. Did the disciples understand the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem?

When did they understand?

7. Read Luke 19:35-40. What were the disciples praising Jesus for?

8. Did He rebuke them for their misunderstanding, or for any other reason?

9. What lesson did you learn from today's study?

Day 3 - Read Mark 11:1-11 with additional references. 10. What was the reaction of the people? (Note Matthew 21:8-11 and Luke 19:35-38)

11. Read John 12:9-13, 17-19. Why was there such a crowd of people on hand for the Triumphal Entry?

12. What were the people saying? (Use any of the previous references.)

13. How did this go over with the Pharisees? (John 12:19)

14. How did they try to stop the procession? (Luke 19:39)

15. What was Jesus' reply? (Luke 19:40)

16. And yet, Jesus Himself brought the procession to a halt. Why? (Luke 19:41-44)

17. What lesson did you learn from today's study?

Day 4 and 5 - Read Mark 11:12-25 with Matthew 21:12-22. (Note: Mark's places both of these events on Monday, Matthew places the on Sunday and the cursing of the fig tree on Monday. In our brief study of this chapter, we will not enter into debate concerning which is correct or why there is this discrepancy. Also we will go with Mark's account as we are studying his gospel.) 18. What characteristic of the fig tree caused Jesus to approach it expecting to find fruit?

19. Did Jesus find any fruit?

20. What was His response to the tree?

21. As with most deciduous fruit trees, when a fig tree is in full-leaf stage, might one expect to find fruit on the tree?

22. In view of our belief that Jesus never reacted solely out of anger, but always to demonstrate a principle of His kingdom, what might we learn from this first encounter with the fig tree?

23. Jesus and His disciples next enter the temple. What does He do?

What does He say?

24. Read John 2:13-16. How does this differ from the first time He cleansed the temple?

25. What effect does this have upon the... a) Blind and Lame -

b) Children -

c) Chief Priests and Rulers and Teachers of the Law -

d) The crowd -

26. Were there any among those groups represented in the temple that were the spiritual equivalent of the fig tree? If so, which ones?

27. As they go by the fig tree again, what has happened to it?

28. How do the disciples respond?

29. Jesus uses this as an opportunity to teach a spiritual lesson to His disciples, what is it?

When did He teach them this lesson before? (Matthew 17:14-21)

30. What additional teaching does He give this time concerning prayer?

Day 6 - Read Mark 11:27-33 31. Read John 2:13-19 and compare with today's passage. What were the circumstances the first time Jesus was asked this same question?

What was His answer that time?

32. Please read the following texts and briefly summarize: a) Matthew 7:29 -

b) Mark 1:21-22, 27-28 –

c) Mark 2:8-12 -

d) Luke 9:1-2, 6 -

e) John 3:1-2 -

Had these Pharisees, who came to Jesus this second time, been given clear evidence where His authority came from?

33. What was Jesus doing when they confronted Him this time? (Compare today's passage with Matthew 21:23 and Luke 20:1-2.)

34. What 2 questions do they ask?

Why do you think they might have asked the second question?

35. How does Jesus stop them?

Why does this stop them? (Luke 20:1-8)

36. How does this confrontation end? © 2000 pjw LESSON 11 - MARK 11 ADDITIONAL STUDIES FROM THE DESIRE OF AGES

Days 1 and 2 - Chapter 63 "Thy King Cometh" 1. In the first part of the chapter, as the Triumphal Entry is discussed, please make note of any new or interesting thought you learned concerning... a) The significance of how entered Jerusalem.

b) What was in the hearts of the disciples.

c) The response of the multitude.

d) The purpose of Christ.

e) The reaction of the Pharisees.

2. What was the reaction of Jesus to the sight of the Temple and what was the reason for such intense sorrow?

3. Jesus laments over Jerusalem. Please give a thought that was especially touching in the discussion of Jerusalem and His love for her.

4. In the closing thoughts it is told how the door of mercy was yet open to Jerusalem and how her people should have known who Jesus was. Please share a thought given here that is significant for us today. Days 3 and 4 - Chapter 64 "A Doomed People" 5. As presented here, the Triumphal Entry and the cries of the multitudes were the final appeal to Jerusalem. This concept is a solemn one. Please share any of the thoughts from the first few paragraphs that seemed most notable to you.

6. Why was Christ's cursing of the fig tree so astonishing to the disciples?

7. Why was Christ's cursing of the fig tree actually a lesson of mercy and love?

8. Who was represented by...a) The full-leafed tree?

b) The barren trees?

c) Christ's hunger?

d) The withering of the fig tree?

9. What warning to all future Christians is there in the act of cursing the fig tree?

10. Christ had previously given the disciples a parable about a barren fig tree, please review it now from :6-8. How was that parable a lesson about the Jewish nation?

10. b) How can it be a lesson for us today?

Day 5 - Chapter 65 "The Temple Cleansed Again" pp. 589-594 11. What was the situation in the temple and what were some of the causes for such indifference to the real meaning behind the sacrifices?

12. Why did Jesus act again to cleanse the temple?

13. In the narrative that describes the cleansing of the temple and reaction of the multitudes, the children, and the priests, what thought was new or especially interesting to you?

14. Please note some of the differences presented in this chapter between Jesus and His conduct and impact upon those present, and that of the Priests and Pharisees.

Jesus -

Priests and Pharisees -

15. As the Pharisees draw Him into contest, what was Christ's purpose as He humiliates them by presenting them with a question they cannot answer? (You will need to finish the paragraph that ends on the top of page 595)

Day 6 16. Look back over these chapters and the lessons from Mark 11. Please list any of the lessons that you have applied to your life and how they have helped you.

© 2000 pjw