Quaker Higher Education QHE a Publication of the Friends Association for Higher Education
Quaker Higher Education QHE A Publication of the Friends Association for Higher Education Volume 9: Issue 2 November, 2015 What is the careful work that we as testimony of integrity and truth-telling, educators, artists and scholars must do to to the secular task of investigating crime. foster “Aha!” moments and perspective From Earlham College, Kelly Burk, shifts for our students, publics, and Director of Religious Life, and Trish colleagues? How do we draw on the Eckert, Director of the Newlin Quaker grace of language in poetry, theatre, and Center, carefully outline the steps and song, as well as the tools of consensus, resources that they and their students forensics, and Biblical exegesis to take have found useful when speaking one’s on tough conversations, realities and truth, listening to others’ truth, and truths? The six essays and works of this moving forward in (very) difficult Fall 2016 issue of Quaker Higher conversations. Education help us address these queries. Stephen Pothoff, associate professor of Bill Jolliff, poet and professor of English religion and philosophy at Wilmington at George Fox University, shares with us College, walks us carefully through the his keynote address to 2015 June’s confounding Markan account of Jesus FAHE conferees. He provides cursing the fig tree. His Biblical and guideposts for enjoying and growing historical “forensics” reveal how Jesus from contemporary poetry that offer was speaking truth to imperial Rome. delight, identification, transcendence, and epiphany. Finally, we present The Healing Blues Project, a multimedia engagement with Darlene R. Graves, Professor of Digital homelessness, co-created by Ted Media and Communication Arts at Efremoff, assistant professor of Digital Liberty University, takes us beyond the Photography and Video Art at Central Friends’ historical aversion to the “lively Connecticut State University.
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