Hydrogeochemical Indicators of Groundwater Flow Systems in the Yangwu River Alluvial Fan, Xinzhou Basin, Shanxi, China
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Environmental Management (2009) 44:243–255 DOI 10.1007/s00267-009-9301-0 Hydrogeochemical Indicators of Groundwater Flow Systems in the Yangwu River Alluvial Fan, Xinzhou Basin, Shanxi, China Dongmei Han Æ Xing Liang Æ Menggui Jin Æ Matthew J. Currell Æ Ying Han Æ Xianfang Song Received: 27 July 2008 / Accepted: 2 April 2009 / Published online: 23 June 2009 Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009 Abstract Based on analysis of groundwater hydrochem- variety of lithologies encountered during throughflow. The ical and isotopic indicators, this article aims to identify the groundwater flow systems (GFS) of the Yangwu River groundwater flow systems in the Yangwu River alluvial alluvial fan include local and intermediate flow systems. fan, in the Xinzhou Basin, China. Groundwater d2H and Hydrogeochemical modeling results, simulated using d18O values indicate that the origin of groundwater is PHREEQC, reveal water–rock interaction processes along mainly from precipitation, with local evaporative influence. different flow paths. This modeling method is more d-excess values lower than 10% in most groundwaters effective for characterizing flow paths in the intermediate suggest a cold climate during recharge in the area. Major system than in the local system. Artificial exploitation on ion chemistry, including rCa/rMg and rNa/rCl ratios, show groundwater in the alluvial fan enhances mixing between that groundwater salinization is probably dominated by different groundwater flow systems. water–rock interaction (e.g., silicate mineral weathering, dissolution of calcite and dolomite and cation exchange) in Keywords Xinzhou Basin Á Alluvial fan Á the Yangwu River alluvial fan, and locally by intensive Groundwater flow system Á Hydrochemistry Á evapotranspiration in the Hutuo River valley. Cl and Sr Hydrogeochemical modeling concentrations follow an increasing trend in shallow groundwater affected by evaporation, and a decreasing trend in deep groundwater. 87Sr/86Sr ratios reflect the Introduction The complexity of flow and chemical evolution in D. Han Á X. Song groundwater systems make them inherently difficult to Key Laboratory of Water Cycle & Related Land Surface understand. Groundwater acts as a receptor and informa- Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural tion carrier in changeable ambient environments, and thus Resources Research, China Academy of Sciences, hydrogeochemical information can be used to characterize Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China long-term behavior of groundwater systems, even when D. Han the natural state has been perturbed by water extraction, e-mail: [email protected] climate change, etc. X. Liang (&) Á M. Jin Since the ‘‘flow-systems concept’’ was first introduced School of Environmental Studies, China University by To´th (1963), groundwater flow system (GFS) analysis of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China has developed into a powerful tool in the field of hydro- e-mail: [email protected] geology. Based on this theory, extracting and synchroniz- M. J. Currell ing isolated information can reduce uncertainty, and help to Hydrogeology and Environmental Research Group, School more accurately understand processes in a groundwater of Geosciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia basin. According to the hierarchy of GFS, basin scale Y. Han groundwater systems can be divided into local (LFS), Shanxi Geology Investigation Institute, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China intermediate (IFS), and regional (RFS) flow systems. The 123 244 Environmental Management (2009) 44:243–255 GFS division is based on understanding a number of factors the west. The basin and river valley are spreading in a ‘‘6’’ in an aquifer system, including topography, geologic shape, in the direction NE65 *70° (Fig. 1). Mountain structure/composition and permeability. Flow field, hyd- peaks around the basin include Wutai Mountain (3058 m), rochemical field, and temperature fields can also be inte- Heng Mountain (2250 m), Yunzhong Mountain (2428 m), grated into GFS using modeling approaches. This can help and Jizhou Mountain (2102 m), from northeast to south- to clarify the relationships between groundwater and the west. Elevation ranges between 800 and 1000 m in the ambient environment. Groundwater Flow System theory basin. has been applied to solving many problems in hydrogeol- The strata outcropping in the Xinzhou area include ogy in the past decades, including integration of regional magmatic and metamorphic rocks of Archean age, Cam- scale flow systems (Wu and others 2002), management of brian-Ordovician dolomite and limestone, Carboniferous- water quality and quantity (Stuyfzand 1984; Wu and others Jurassic layered sandstone and shales, Tertiary basalt, and a 2003), contaminant evolution (Guo and others 2001), variety of Holocene and late Pleistocene sediments. These groundwater–surface water interaction (Winter 1999), sediments include alluvial and lacustrine sand, sandy loam- paleo-hydrogeology and environmental evolution (To´th silt, and silty clay (Fig. 1a). The strata beneath the Ceno- and Corbet 1986; Stuyfzand 1999), and residence times zoic sediments in the basin are mostly the Archean igneous (Edmunds and Smedley 2000; Cartwright and Weaver and metamorphic rocks, and locally Cambrian limestone. 2005). Cenozoic sediments range between 50 and 2100 m thick- At present, the analysis of flow field is often disjointed ness including about 50 to 360 m of Quaternary deposits. from analysis of hydrochemical fields. This research The Quaternary groundwater system in the Xinzhou examines groundwater in the Yangwu River alluvial Basin is recharged via infiltration of precipitation, lateral deposits, in the Xinzhou Basin, Shanxi Province, China, influx of groundwater from mountain areas, and leakage of and uses hydrogeochemistry to look at flow systems at river channels. Among these, influx from the karst water different scales in the basin. It puts forward an integrated system of the Yunzhong Mountains has been estimated to method for simultaneously using the theory of GFS and be 14.03% of total recharge (Liang and others 2007). hydrogeochemical indicators. Inverse geochemical model- Groundwater is the most important source of water in the ing is performed using PHREEQC, revealing hydrogeo- basin, accounting for 70% of total water use. However, chemical behavior within the hierarchy of flow systems. with rapid economic development since the 1980s, indus- Understanding the hydrogeochemical evolution of these trial, agricultural and mining activities have dramatically systems is important for sustainable development of water increased the demand for water. This has resulted in a resources in the basin. It also has theoretical significance continuous decline of groundwater levels and deterioration for the understanding of processes involved in causing of groundwater quality in urbanized and agricultural areas groundwater environmental problems, development of in recent decades (Han 2007). groundwater flow system theory, and provides information to aid in sustainable utilization of water resources. Sampling and Analysis Geological and Hydrogeological Setting of Study Area Based on prior analysis of the geologic, tectonic and hydrogeologic background of the Yangwu River alluvial The Xinzhou Basin is located in central-eastern Shanxi fan, forty-seven samples, including 39 groundwater and 8 Province between longitude 112°130 to 113°570 E and lat- surface water samples, were collected in August 2004 and itude 38°120 to 39°270 N, occupying an area of 3385.2 km2 August 2006. The distribution of sampling sites can be seen (Fig. 1). The basin is in the arid-semiarid region of in Fig. 1b. Groundwater Samples from production wells northern China, and is one of the Cenozoic rift basins that were collected from a range of different depths, including form the Shanxi Rift System (Wang and Shpeyzer 2000). 12 shallow (well depth \50 m) and 27 deep groundwaters Annual average evaporation is about 1600 mm, which far (well depth [50 m). exceeds the annual precipitation of 418 mm. River chan- Depth to water, pH, and temperature were measured in nels are well developed in the area, with Hutuo River the field. pH and temperature were measured at the time of flowing the length of the basin. Yangwu River originates sampling using a portable WM-22EP meter. In most cases from Yunzhong Mountain and flows through an alluvial fan alkalinity was determined on filtered samples in the field, into Hutuo River. The alluvial fan of Yangwu River is by titration with H2SO4 (0.22 N). Samples for major anion located in the Yuanping depression (Han 2007). The analysis were collected in polyethylene bottles, tightly Cenozoic rift basin is bounded by two mountain belts—the capped and stored at 4°C until analysis. Samples for cation Wutai anticline to the east and the Luliang anticlinorium to analysis were preserved in acid-washed polyethylene 123 Environmental Management (2009) 44:243–255 245 Fig. 1 The structure of groundwater systems in the Xinzhou Basin Yangwu River alluvial fan; 8. River; 9. Division of groundwater (a) and water sampling map (b). Geology was simplified from the systems; 10. Basin boundary; 11. Basin watershed. b: 1. Surface water Hydrogeologic Map of the Xinzhou Region (1:200,000) (1977). a:1. sampling sites (marked with ‘‘R’’); 2. Shallow groundwater sampling Pore water system in Quaternary deposits of the Xinzhou Basin; 2. sites (marked with ‘‘S’’); 3. Deep groundwater sampling sites (marked Fracture water in magmatic and metamorphic rock; 3. Karst water in with ‘‘D’’);