Mawtham et al., 2020 KS-1558 Popular article ENTOMOLOGICAL WARFARE- AN OVERVIEW M. M. Mawtham* and C. Gailce Leo Justin1 Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641003, Tamil Nadu, India 1Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli-620027, Tamil Nadu, India *Corresponding author:
[email protected] Received: Aug 30, 2020; Accepted: Oct 22, 2020 Introduction Entomological Warfare (EW) is a type of Biological Warfare (BW) that uses insects as war weapons, tools of terrorism and creating nuisance from ancient period to modern period. Minimum 12 insect orders have been used as biological weapon, which are classified into three categories based on damages viz., direct and indirect. In the first category, insect toxins were weaponized, particularly in Hymenoptera to inflict pain to assailants and second category involves use of insect as pests of agricultural crops which cause severe economic damage. In the third, disease transmitting insect vectors like Anopheles mosquitoes (transmitting malaria), etc. were used. Insect borne pathogens of humans, livestock and agricultural crops constituted more risk in bioterrorism. In the 14th century, Asia Minor plague transmitted through fleas (Black Death) was one of the earliest events of using insect as biological weapons during World War II (Chaudhry et al., 2017). This paper clearly discusses the ways in which insects have been used as biological warfare. Ancient and modern history Ancient people know about using insects as weapons to attack and to protect themselves from enemies, where hornet was used to dislodge entrenched enemies. In Persian practice, dipteran flies were used to torture prisoner, by forcing the flies to cause diarrhoea until the enemies succumbed to myiasis and septic.