Met Museum Spurns Family Tied to Opioids
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Late Edition "r\llthe News Today, clouds and sunshine, spotty morning showers, high 70. llonight, That's to Fit Print" partly cloudy, low 57. Tomorrow, showers or thunderstorms, high 72. @bc.lftHrflork@futt Weather map appears on Page Bl2. VOL. CLXVIII ... No. 58,329 @2ole rheNewyorkrimescompany NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019 $3.00 li'ump's Plan IVIISSITE PICTIIRES .. | ,t :j. Upends Rules STOI(I ARGUII,IINT On Migration OVIR IRAN TIIRIAT Basing EnW on SAr'lls MoreThan Families DEBATING INTIILIGENCE By MICIIAEL D. SHEAR White House Sees a Peril WASHINGTON - President Tfump on Thursday will unveil a at Sea SomeWarn plan to overhaul parts of the na- - tion's immigration system that of an Overreaction would impose new security meas- ures at the border and signifi- cantly increase the educational T his article is by J ulian E Bar nes, and skills requirements for people Eric Schmitl, Nicholas Fbndos cnd allowed to migrate to the United EdwardWong. States. WASHINGTON - The intelli- The proposal, senior adminis- gence that caused tfre White tration officials said on Wednes- House to escalate its warnings day, would vastly scale back the about a threat from Iran came system of family-based immigra- from photographs of missiles on tion that for decades has allowed small boats in the Persian Gulf immigrants to bring their spouses that were put on board by Iranian and children to live with them, the paramilitary forces, three Ameri- place, officials said. In its the new can officials said. plan would provide opportunities Overhead imagery showed for,immigrants who have specific fully assembled missiles, stoking skills or job offers to work in the fears that the Islamic Revolution- United States, provided they can ary Guards Corps would fire them demonstrate English proficiency at United States naval ships. Addi- and educational attainment, and SRST€N MOMN FOR T1IE NEW YOK TIMES tionalpieces of intelligence picked pass a civics exam. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Gmple of Dendur sits in the glass-enclosed Sackler Wing, seen here from Central Park. Jared Kushner, the president's up threats against commercial shipping and potential son-in-law and a White House ad- attacks by viser; spent months working on Aiab militias with Iran ties on theplan,whichwill serve as acen- Met Museum Path to Nullifu Roe Wade a tralpartof Mr. Ttump's re-election v Little Bit at a Time campaign message, Working with him was Stephen Mille4 the presi- The Alabama bill, signed into Spurns Fo^rb dentt top immigration Advise4 ByADAM LIPTAK Many Cases With the n;.*ffT:::ll;l'i#*iill but the plan falls short of ihe more TiedtoOpioids WASHINGTON - Abortion extreme measures that Mr. Miller rights are at risk at the Supreme PotentialtOEatAwaV squarety conflicts with Roe. rt has long pressed the preqident to Court, but the short-term threat adopt and that have long been op- may not come from extreme atAbortionRights H"Jll*f#ilffi133Jffi1';? posed by Democrats in Congress. ByELIZABETHA. HARRIS measures like the one passed by rape and incest, and subject abor- Attempts by Mr. Tfump's two The Metropolitan Museum of Alabama lawmakers- tion providers to harsh eriminal predecessors, George W. Bush penalties. Art said on Wednesday that it The court led by Chief Justice sions of Indiana.abortion laws on Because the Roberts and Barack Obama, to overcome would stop accepting gifts from John G. Roberts Jr. is more likely issues like the disposal of fetal re- court tends toward incremental- those kinds of differences and members of the Sackler family to chip away at the constitutional mains and an l8-hour waiting pe- ism, it is not likely to want to take achieve a bipartisan consensus on SARAH SIBIGER,/THE NEW YOK TIMES linked to the maker of OxyContin, right to abortion established in riod after state-mandated ultra- on a direct confrontation with that immigration policy ended in fail- Secretary of State Mike Pom- severing ties between one of the 1973 in Roe v. Wade than to over- sound examinations. The court Continued onPage A75 ure, Since then, the divisions be- peo is wary of Tehran's moves. world's most prestigious muse- turn it outright. It will have plenty will in the coming months almost tween the parties haveonly wois- ums and one of its most prolific ened, and there is little chance of opportunities to do so. certainly agree to hear a chal- tire American troops in lraq. philanthropic dynasties. new proposal will change that. For As soon as Monday, the court lenge to a Louisianalawthatcould .A NEAR BAN Alabamds.governor But just how the The decision was months in the different neasons, the broad out- "alarmed could announce whether it will reduce the number of abortion signed the most restrictive abor- Tbump administration should be making, and followed steps by lines of the plan described on hear challenges to three provi- clinics in the state to one. tion law in the country. PAGE Al4 over the new intelligence is a Sub- other museums, including the Wednesday are certain to be un- ject Tate Modern in London and the popular with lawmakers on both of fierce debate among the Solomon R, Guggenheim Mu- sides of the aisle. White House, the Pentagon, the allies, seum in New York, to distance It calls for construction of some C.I.A* and America's themselves from the family be- of the border wall that is a pre- The photographs presented a hind Purdue Pharma OnWednes- occupation of Mr. Tlumpts and ve- different kind of threat than previ- day, the American Museum of Na- hemently opposed by Democrats, ously seen lrom lran, said the tural History said that it, too, had, and upends family-based migra- three officials, who spoke on the ceased taking Sackler donations. tion in ways that Democrats and condition of anonymity because The moves reflect the growing immigrant advocates have long they were not authorized to talk outrage over the role the Sacklers opposed. And it contains no provi- about it publicly. Taken rvith the may have played in the opioid cri- sion for providing legal status to other intelligence, the photo- sis, as well as an energized activ- people brought to the United graphs could indicate that Iran is ist movement that is starting to States as children, known as preparing to attack United States force museums. to reckon with Dreamers, or other undocument- forces. That is the view of John R. where some of their money comes Continued.onPage A71 Cl;itntinuedonPage AB from. "The museum takes a position of gratitude and respect to those who support us, but on occasion, we feel it's necessary to step away Trump Found a Loue for Thriffs fromgifts that are notin tlle public interest, or in our institution's in- '80sJapan terestj'said Daniel H. Weiss, the BattlingaBoom president of the Met. "That is what we're doing here." The Met's relationship with rhe By JIM TANKERSLEY and MA,RK I/|NDLBR goes WASHINGTON * Sacklers back decades, and DANII ACKER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Donald J. Germany,SaudiArabiaandSouth one of itsbiggest attractions, the Tfumplostanauctioninlg88fora Korea for their trade practices. Temple of Dendu4 sits in the Where Rivers Are Rising 58-key piano used in the classic "America is being ripped off," he film "Casablanca" to a Japanese said. "We're a debtor nation, and ContinuedonPage A20 As they face damaging floods, a city's officials try to stay clear of climate-change politics. Page A10. trading company representing a we have to tax, we have to tariff, collector. While he brushed off be- we have to prdtect dtis country." ing outbid, it was a firsthand re- Thirty years latel few issues minderofJapan'sgrowingwealth, have defined Mr. Thump's presi Drive to Ban Fur Sales in New York Faces a Tapestry of Opposition and the following yeaq, Mr. Tfump dency more than his love for tar- went on television to call for a 15 iffs - and on few issues has he from a diverse set of opponents, ing on the proposal on Wednes- percent to 20 percent tax on im- beenmoreunswerving.Alliesand ByWILLIAMNEUMAN including black pastors and Ha- Black Pastors, Hasidim day, the deep dissension was evi ports from Japan. historians say that love is rooted . AndJEFFERYC.MAYS sidic leaders. Thdy say a prohibi- dent outside City Hall, Protesters "I believe very strongly in tar- in Mr. Tfumpb experience as a tion would fly in the face of cen- iffs," Mr. businessmaninthelgS0swiththe As Corey Johnson, the speaker andRapperFightBill yelled, "Put people first," and Tfump, at the time a turies of religiousand cultural ffa- , Manhattan real estate people and money ofJapan,then of the New York City Council, counterprotesters responded, developer dition. with fledgling political perceived as a mortal threat to urged his coll'eagues on Wednes- "How many animals have to die?" instinits, Black ministers have staged told the;Surriatist Diane America's economic pre-emi- day to ban the sale of fur Each side had celebrity power: Sawyer, in the protests, saying that for many Af- and garment manufacturers have before n",Tfii, city, he argued that The anti-fur movementwas repre- criticizing Japan, west it was the rican-Americans, wearing furs is raised alarms over the potential is something that has thing sented by Tim Gunn, the "moral to do." a treasured hallmark of achieve- loss of iobs and an attack on an in- "Project been stuck in his craw since the and any moneymade lrom $1,500, *r" ig+0.'oliit'd the effect on vrorkers in the fur in- selling banned fur would be sub- ;il;'i" errnd- York City, but allow it to be sold in father of Ms.