2020 Handbook

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2020 Handbook Handbook 2020 2020 Handbook Royal Aeronautical Society SAF-AP RECRUTEMENT 2019-PULSE LINE-LE DOARE-180x250-EN-V1.indd 1 22/11/2019 16:32 Royal Aeronautical Society / Handbook 2020 Contents Section 1 4 Headquarters Royal Aeronautical Society President’s Introduction No.4 Hamilton Place Chief Executive’s Foreword London W1J 7BQ RAeS President United Kingdom President-Elect +44 (0)20 7670 4300 [email protected] www.aerosociety.com Section 2 Find us on facebook.com 14 Follow us on twitter.com/@aerosociety and @RAeSTimR Strategy Join us on LinkedIn Membership National Aerospace Library The Hub Registration and Engineering Council Matters Fowler Avenue Branches Farnborough Business Park Divisions Hampshire GU14 7JP Young Persons Committee United Kingdom Corporate Partners +44 (0)1252 701038 or 701060 Accredited Company Training Schemes and Apprenticeships [email protected] Accredited Academic Programmes Approved Academic Programmes Editor and Designer Editor Knowledge Wayne J Davis Sharing Knowledge Through Events Publisher Aeronautical Knowledge Resources Royal Aeronautical Society Publications and Communications 1 February 2020 Policy and Public Affairs Advertising Outreach and Skills [email protected] Primary School Engagement Corporate Partners Secondary School Engagement [email protected] University and College Engagement External Partnerships and Events Membership & Subscriptions Print and Online Careers Resources For enquiries about existing memberships: Skills and Industry Engagement +44 (0)20 7670 4304 [email protected] Apprenticeship Assessment and Development Diversity and Inclusion Events & Conferences 2020 – The Year Ahead +44 (0)20 7670 4345 [email protected] Careers & Education Section 3 34 +44 (0)20 7670 4326 [email protected] Honours, Medals & Awards News & Publications +44 (0)20 7670 4352 RAeS Foundation [email protected] Specialist Groups Branch & Division Contacts Venue Hire +44 (0)20 7670 4318 [email protected] Section 4 44 Media Enquiries +44 (0)20 7670 4362 +44 (0)7919 213 597 Corporate Partner Scheme [email protected] Corporate Partner Profiles No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or otherwise, including photocopying, without the explicit permission Cover image: Airbus’ Bird of Prey hybrid-electric airliner concept. (Airbus) in writing from the Royal Aeronautical Society. 3 Royal Aeronautical Society / Handbook 2020 President’s Introduction In 1866 our founding members set up the skill set for the rapid digitalisation of 21st Society ‘for the advancement of Aerial Navigation century industry, but also re-skilling mid-career and for Observations in Aerology connected employees), and the many diversity and inclusion therewith’. I am sure that they would be pleased issues that result in large parts of the population to see how far technology has progressed not considering aerospace or aviation as a the RAeS has over the past 150 years, and how the Society possible career path. become the has continued to play a role in facilitating and The Society is heavily involved in a wide influencing developments across aviation and range of activities addressing the above issues, world’s leading into space. Indeed, the RAeS has become helping us to remain influential in the areas that professional the world’s leading professional membership really matter. This handbook describes many membership community and independent source of knowledge of the opportunities that all members can get community in aerospace, aviation and space. involved with including local branches, specialist However, despite the many important groups, corporate members, schools outreach, and historical contributions from our members that engagement with universities and industry, independent we quite rightly celebrate, it is towards the future accreditation, and many more. The Society is source of that out thoughts and energy must be directed. very much an organisation where the more you There are many immediate challenges that our put into it, the more you get out and I encourage knowledge in community must address including: reducing the all of you to get further involved in 2020. This aerospace, effects of aviation on the environment (an area handbook will give you some ideas of how you aviation and where there is quite rightly a lot of pressure to might join in, and I commend it to all of our find solutions quickly), skills shortages across members. space the engineering sector (not only in providing Prof Jonathan Cooper, FREng FRAeS FAIAA school and university leavers with the correct President, Royal Aeronautical Society World Renowned Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME), Training and Examinations • EASA Part 66 Modular Training and Contact Air Service Training Examinations in Categories B1.1-B1.3 for more information: and B2 available throughout the year. Air Service Training • Zero to Hero training packages Perth College UHI, Brahan Building, covering EASA Category B. Crieff Road, Perth, PH1 2NX • Approved training and examinations [email protected] delivered under AST approvals UK.147.0002 www.airservicetraining.co.uk and EASA.UK.147.0002 01738 877105 (Approval reference is activated post-Brexit) 4 ENABLING OUR CLIENTS TO NAVIGATE THE EXPANDING APPLICATIONS OF DRONE TECHNOLOGY Drone Major serves to advise on what is possible using autonomous and remotely controlled systems (drones) in any environment (surface, underwater, air & space), where to acquire it, and how to integrate it safely and effectively. World Renowned Aircraft Maintenance With the largest network of suppliers in the world, unparalleled expertise Engineering (AME), Training and Examinations in any environment and every vertical, you will be amazed with what you can achieve with support from our world class team. • EASA Part 66 Modular Training and Contact Air Service Training Examinations in Categories B1.1-B1.3 for more information: and B2 available throughout the year. Air Service Training +44 (0) 207 458 4088 • Zero to Hero training packages Perth College UHI, Brahan Building, covering EASA Category B. Crieff Road, Perth, PH1 2NX [email protected] • Approved training and examinations [email protected] delivered under AST approvals UK.147.0002 www.airservicetraining.co.uk Level39 | 1 Canada Square and EASA.UK.147.0002 01738 877105 Canary Wharf | London | E14 5AB (Approval reference is activated post-Brexit) Royal Aeronautical Society / Handbook 2020 Chief Executive’s Foreword ALPHA It was clearly tempting fate when I recorded in the foreword to last year’s Handbook that 2018 will go down as one of the most politically turbulent years in our recent history: undoubtedly, 2019 was an even more unpredictable year and 2020 may yet BRAVO surpass both. The level of uncertainty that now exists impacts heavily on aviation and aerospace: the long-term stability of old that is so critical now seems a distant memory. Nevertheless, from a Society standpoint, 2019 was not without some encouraging signs. At Government level, there was seemingly a COLLINS determination to reform the airline insolvency Young guests enjoying a Cool Aeronautics event in Shannon, process following the high-profile collapse of Ireland. Thomas Cook. There was also a commitment ‘to making the UK a global science superpower ...there are and a magnet for brilliant people and businesses from across the world' and to the creation of a encouraging Cabinet-level National Space Council through which signs that to launch a comprehensive UK Space Strategy. leading-edge Volunteers feature prominently in all aspects technology of Society life, particularly in the activities of the We are Collins Aerospace. With our customers Branches, the Specialist Groups and the Boards we chart new journeys and reunite families. and advanced and Committees in head office: they are indeed manufactur– the lifeblood of the Society and I pay tribute to We protect nations and save lives. We fuse the contribution that they make both collectively intelligence and partnership to tackle the ing will and individually. But there is an opportunity here. Sir Brian speaking at The Global Urban Air Summit 2019 in toughest challenges in our industry. And every feature as As ever, we are very keen to attract apprentices, Farnborough in his role chairing one of the discussion sessions. day, we imagine ways to make the skies and an important undergraduates and graduate trainees into the Society so that they can broaden their spaces we touch smarter, safer and more element of perspectives by rubbing shoulders with more advances in technology that now face us, it is amazing than ever. the economy. experienced colleagues: the reverse also has more important than ever that we retain our focus merit! But, involvement with the Society can assist on the registration and continued professional To that end, in developing the younger rising stars and help development (CPD) of our engineers. In this UTC Aerospace Systems and Rockwell Collins we have in nurturing their talent. We can give them early respect, in February, we will be launching a new are now Collins Aerospace. revised the experience of organising projects and operating in learning management and CPD recording platform, priorities in committees, much of which will assist them in later which will be a key tool in this fast-changing world. professional life. The Society is committed to ensuring that TOGETHER, WE ARE our external In this latter
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