the BENZODIAZEPINE TOOLKIT By Reconnexion Acknowledgements The 2018 edition of the Beyond Benzodiazepines toolkit has been revised from the 1997 original updated in 2000 and again in 2010. For this version thanks to Erin Oldenhof, James Szeto and Jane Anderson-Wurf. The 2010 version was updated by Tomi Redman and Gwenda Cannard with additional material by Janet Haynes, Jo Marston and Laurence Hennessey. Reconnexion (now a service of EACH) is grateful for the support of ExxonMobil Australia for enabling the revision and update on the 2010 manual. The 1997 original manual was written by Elin Ree and supported by ExxonMobil for which Reconnexion is grateful. Thanks to the Psychotropic Expert Group, Therapeutic Guidelines Limited for permission to use the Comparative Information for Benzodiazepines, Zolpidem and Zopiclone table in Chapter Four. Updates, revisions and feedback retained in the revised version were provided by Therese Barry (Alcohol & Drug Counsellor, Western Region Community Health Centre), Dr Robert Cummins (Deakin University), Hilde Edward (Swinburne University), Lisa Frank (University of Melbourne), Melanie Hands (Project Manager, Drug & Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service, Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre), Terrie Hollingsworth (Counsellor, Sunbury Community Health), Dr Peter Johnson (GP), Dr Len Klimans (Chemical Dependency Unit, Royal Women’s Hospital), Dr Nic Lintzeris (Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre), Dr Mike McDonough (Consultant, St. Vincent’s Alcohol & Drug Program, Western General Hospital Alcohol & Drug Program), Peter McManus (Secretary, Drug Utilisation Sub Committee, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, Department of Health & Ageing), Dr Robert Moulds (Director, Department of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Royal Melbourne Hospital), Jackie Shaw (Manager, Depaul House, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne), Lyn Walker (Manager, CASA House, Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne) and Dr Sally Wilkins (North East Melbourne Psychiatric Services, Department of Human Services, Victoria).
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