Area: O.18 Ha. Capacity: 1,710 TPA, at Village - Fidusar, Tehsil & District: Jodhpur, Rajasthan

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Area: O.18 Ha. Capacity: 1,710 TPA, at Village - Fidusar, Tehsil & District: Jodhpur, Rajasthan Date: .O7.2OLS To, The Member Secretary, State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority, Rajasthan Secretariat, Jaipur (Raj.) Sub: Regarding Environmental Clearance ofour Sand Stone Quarry (Q.L. No. - L3421, Area: O.18 ha. Capacity: 1,710 TPA, at Village - Fidusar, Tehsil & District: Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Sir, Our proposed mining project area is, less than 5 ha. Category- B-1 Project. We seek Environmental Clearalce for the said project. We are enclosing the following documents for your kind perusal. Form - I Pre-Feasibility Report Irgal Aflidavit By Project Proponent On Rs. IOO/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper, Duly Attested By The Notary l,€gal AiEdavit By Environmental Consultant on Rs. IOO/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper, Duly Attested By The Notary Proposed TOR Copy Of Approved Mine Plan / Mining scheme And other related documents Please consider the same for grant of EC. We request you to kindly consider our case in upcoming SEAC / SEIAA meeting. Thanking You Regards Dhirendra Singh (Applicant) APPLIOANT SAND STONE QUARRY Q.L. NO. L342 At Near Village - Fidusar ,Tehsil & District - Jodhpur (Rajasthan) (Mine Lease Area: O.18 ha. Capcity: 1710 TPAI PROPOSAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE (TOR-Category B- 1) (1(a), Category'B'As per, the EIA Notification 14th Septembet'2006,l Applicant: Dhirendra Singh Address : Roopawaton Ka Bera, Soorsagar, Jodhpur (Raj.) email: saharan@gmecinternational. com ; Telephone no.: 99285-9957 I Project Cost: Rs. 5.O Lacs Work Order No. & Date: Nil & July - 2Ol5 GLOBAL EXPERTS (QCI-NABET, New Delhi Aecredited, NABET S.No. 73 - Juae 11,2O15) C-23, BJB Nagar Bhubaneswar-7510 14- Odisha- India Tel : O674-2436853Fax z O67 4-24334a7 GLOBAL MANAGMENT AND ENGINTERING CONSULTANTS I N T E R N A T IONAL Saharan Tower, 3O8, O[Iicers Campus extensi6n, Sirsi Road, Khatipura, Jaipur 3O2O 12 (Rajasthan) Phone-O141-2353241 [email protected], offi [email protected] FORM 1 hprucnut (Uo' 2 APPENDD( I (See Paragraph - 6) FORM - 1 I Basic Itrformation S. No. Item Details 1 Name of the Project Sand Stone Quarry (Q. L. No. - 1,3421 2 S. No. in the Schedule. Schedule 1 (a) Category - "B" as per MoEF, New Delhi, EIA gazette Notification dated l4th Septmber 2006. 3 Proposed capacity / area / length / s. Particulars Details tonnage to be handled / command No. (as per approrred area / license area / number of simplified miaiug scheme| wells to be drilled. 1 Quarry Area O.18 hectare 2 Mineable Reserves 554Ou1 tones 3 Capacitv 17 1O TPA 4 Life of Mine 33 years 5 Waste 450 MT 6 No. of wells to be Nil drilled 4 New / Expansion / Modernization Existing quarry (not initially covered under EIA Notification hence no violation) 5 Existing capacity / area etc. Capacity 1710 TPA, Quarry Area 0.18 hectare 6. Category of project i.e. 'A' or 'B' B 7 Does it attract tJ.e general condition? No If yes, license specify. 8 Does it attract the specific No condition? If yes, license speciry. 9 Location Plot / Survey / Khasra no. Fidusar (Govt. Land), (location map attached) Village Tehsil Jodhpur District State Jodhpur, Rajasthan 10. Nearest Railway station/ Airport Nearest Railway Station is Jodhpur at 8 Km along with distance in kms. Nearest Airport is Jodhpur at 12 Km. 11. Nearest Town, City, District Nearest Town, City, District Headquarter is Headquarters along wit1l distance Jodhpur at 5 Km in kms. 12. Village Panch ayat, Zilla Parishad, Village Panchayat Fidusar Municipal Corporation, Local body Zilla Parishad Jodhpur (Complete postal address with Municipal Corporation Jodhpur telephone no. to be given). /Board/ Council 13. Na4te -qf the applicant Dhirendra Singh t4. ffiB$".{gdd.."" Fidusar, Jodhpur, Rajasthal ls. / SS for rrespondence APP i^ t^l Name Dhirendra Singh Designation (Owner/ Partner/ Licensee cEo) Address Roopawaton Ka Bera, Soorsagar, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Pin Code 342304 E-mail Saharan/ri gmacinternational. com Telephone No 99285-9957 I Fax No. t6 Details of a-lternative sites No alternate site was examined as it is a working examined, if any. Location of these m1ne. sites should be shown on a Toposheet. t7 Interlinked projects NiI 18. Whether separate application of interlinked project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission 20. If no, reason 21. Whether the proposal involves approval/Clearance under: if yes, NA details of the same and their status to be given. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, (le8o)? (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? (c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? Whether there is any Government No Order/ Policy relevant / relating to the site. a'7 Forest land involved (hectares) No 24. Whether there is any litigation No litigation is pending against the license area in pending against the project and / any court of law to the best of knowledge & or land in which the project is information. proposed to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders / directions ofthe court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. II Activity 1 Construction, operation or decommissioaing of the project involwing actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S. No. Information / Checklist Yes Details thereof (with approximate quaatities / confirmation /No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data i, w 4 / 1 I Permanent or tempora-rJr Yes Permatretrt or temporary change Laad Use: change on land use, land Present land is Govt. waste land as per revenue cover or topography records. It has been allotted for mining purpose. including increase in The change in land use will be temporary in intensity of land use nature and subjected to the mine license period / (with respect to local land mineral exhaustion. The impact on the physical use plan) form will be restricted to the quarry area. Permanent or temporary change Land Cover The license area will be excavated as per simplified mining scheme. Area to be exploited '*'ill cause permanent chalge in land cover. t.2 Clearance of existing No The quarry is already in working condition land, vegetation and No clearance required. buildings? There are no buildings in the working area 1.3 Creation of new land Yes The new land use pattern will be as follows as per uses? the different stages during the life of mine. 1.4 Pre-construction No No boreholes are required for mineral exploration investigations e.g. bore holes, soil testing? 1.5 Construction works? No There will not be any significant construction activity except for workers rest room and office. t.6 Demolition works? No Not Applicable 1.7 Temporar5z sites used for No None construction works or housing of construction workers? 1.8 Above ground buildings, No There are no above ground buildings, structures structures or earthworks or earthworks including linear structures. including linear structures, cut and fill or Cut and lill or excavations are not required. excavations 1.9 Underground works No There shall not be any underground mining including mining or activity. Quarrying shall be carried out by open tunneling? cast semi-mechanized method. 1.10 Reclamation works? Yes At the end of life of mine pit area will be act as a rain water collection reservoir, which helps in groundwater top up / recharge and backfilled area rehabilitated with plantation. 1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable t.t2 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable 1.13 Production and Yes Small blasting witJl low charge of holes just to manufacturing loosen the rocks is proposed in upper layers to processes? remove the hard overburden. The blasting shall be done by the authorized contractors on contractual basis. These Contractors have their own safety explosive container as well as \t\ Explosive License. Occasionally gun power will { 7 I 5 AP 7; be used for blasting. l,oose materia-l loose mineral will be further cut in to required shapes and sizes. 1.14 Facilities for storage of Yes Storage of goods or materials will be confined goods or materials? within pit area. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or Yes Most of the solid waste is useable in construction disposal of solid waste or of temporar1/ boundary walls and forest liquid effluents? enclosures. Small pieces unusable mineral / OB will be disposed on specified locations / waste dumps we shall be reclaimed by spreading top soil and development of plantation over it. There shali be no use of water in quarrying except for dust suppression. No effluent shall be generated. 1.16 Facilities for long-term No There is no long-term housing provision within housing of operational the license area, as the local persons will be workers? employed. I Ir t7 New road, rail or sea No Adequate facilities are availabie in & around the traffic during quarry site. Interlink road connectivity is construction or developed by the quarry owners collectively in operation? their mutual interest. Drinking water facilities, dispensary and toilet blocks are proposed to be provided jointly as CSR and have been proposed in tlre present EIA/EMP report for the subject project. 1.18 New road, rail, air No For tJle purpose of mining activities, existing waterborne or other roads are sufficient. However, haul road will be transport infrastructure suitably developed within the proposed area. including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of No Not Applicable existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffrc movements? 1.20 New or diverted No Not Applicable transmission lines or pipelines? t.21 Impoundment, damming, No The run-off from the license area will be suitably culverting, realignment or coilected through garland drains and will be other changes to the stored in sedimentation pond for further hydrolory of utilization in mine. However, a-11 measures will be watercourses or aquifers? taken not to disturb the natural drainage system of the surrounding area.
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