District: Jodhpur, Rajasthaa
Date: .O7.2O15 To' The Member Secretary, State Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority, Rajasthan Secretariat, Jaipur (RaJ.) Sub: Regarding Environmental Clearance of our Sand Stone Quarry (Q.L. No. - 2LOl, Area: O.18 ha. Capacity: 1,710 TPA, at Village - Sodho Ki Dhani, Tehsil & District: Jodhpur, RaJasthaa. Sir Our proposed mining project alea is, less than 5 ha. Category- B-1 Project. We seek EnvironmentaL Clearance for the said project. We are enclosing the following documents for your kind perusal. Form - I Pre-Feasibility Report I-egal Ailidavit By Project Proponent On Rs. lOO/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper, Duly Attested By The Notary trgal Afiidavit By Environmental Consultant on Rs. IOO/- Non-Judicigl Stamp Paper, Duly Attested By The Notary Proposed TOR Copy Of Approved Mine Plan / Mining scheme And other related documents Please consider tJle same for grant of EC. We request you to kindly consider our case in upcoming SEAC / SEIAA meeting Thanking You Regards -i-S- Manohar Singh (ApplicantI APPLICANT SAND STONE QUARRY Q.L. NO. 2LO At Near Village - Sodho Ki Dhani Tehsil & District - Jodhpur (Rajasthan) (Mine Lease Area: O.18 ha. Capcity: 1710 TPAI PROPOSAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE (TOR-Category B- lf (1(a), Category'B'As per, the EIA Notificatlon 14th Septembef 2006,l Applicant: Manohar Singh Address : 321, Old Rakasani, Jodhpur (Raj.) email: saharan@gmecinternational. com ; Telephone no.: 99285-9957 I Project Cost: Rs. 5.O Lacs Work Order No. & Date: Nil & July - 2Ol5 GLOBAL EXPERTS (QCI-NABET, New Delhi Aecredited, NABET S.No. 73 - June 11,20151 C-23, BJB Nagar Bhubaneswar-751ol4- Odlsha- India Tel z o67 4-2436853Fax : 067 4-2433487 GLOBAL MANAGMENT AND ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS I N T E R N A T IONAL Saharaa Tower,3O8, Oflicers Campus extensi6n, Sirsi Road, K.hatipura, Jaipur 3O2O 12 (Rajasthan| Phone-O 141-2353241 inf@gnecinternational.com, oIfi ce@mecintcmational.com FORM I 1 APPENDf,K I (See Paragraph - 6l FORM.
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