The Federal Theatre Project: a Case Study Barry B
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82259-6 - The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study Barry B. Witham Index More information Index Abel, Don 11–13, 34, 56, 93, 97, 110 “blue blouses” 169 Lysistrata closing 72, 73, 163 Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt 17–18, 57, 93, 106, 153 showboat campaign 18 Boettiger, John 17 Acropolis 54; photograph of model 54 Bonneville Power Authority 80 agent-cashier 111 Booker, Doris 101 Ah, Wilderness! 137, 147 Bosworth, Francis 122 Altars of Steel 105 Bradbury, Florence 43 American Legion 45 Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby 94; photograph Anderson, Clinton 139 of 95 Androcles and the Lion 58, 61, 92, 96 Bridges, Harry 17, 71, 127 Annals of the New York Stage 51 Brief Candle 74 Anthony, Bill 43 Brooks, James F. 130 Ardella, the singing parrot 48 Brown, Gilbert 120, 157 Arena 35, 109, 147, 150 Brown, Gilmore 21, 22, 27, 61 Arent, Arthur 80, 107 Brown, Lorraine 135 ASTR (American Society for Theatre Brown, Theodore 62, 68, 72, 75, 156 Research) 60 Bryn Mawr 92 audience surveys 4 Bucket Boy 99 auditions 33 Bulletin (King County Medical Society) 115, 120 Bailey-Gatzaert School 45 Baker, George Pierce 2, 22, 24 Can You Hear Their Voices? 2, 78 Baker, Jacob 27, 31 Canwell Committee 62, 155 Bankhead, Tallulah 18 Carnegie Foundation 22 Baron Knights 46; photograph of 47 Carnegie Tech 22 Bay, Howard 107 Carroll, David 157 Beck, Dave 17, 71, 81, 127 Catholic Centenary Committee 142 Berner, Richard 107, 113 Censorship 105 Bettinger, Barbara 157 Chambers, Whittaker 78 Big White Fog 1, 153, 174 Chandler, Ben 68 Biggs, Howard 61, 62, 99, 101, 119, 148, 156 Chapman, Horace 12 Black Empire 61, 94, 96 Children’s Theatre 92–96, 156 “black out” comedians 33 Christopher Columbus 114, 119 “Blackrobes” 139, 144 Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni 144 Blackstone Theatre 113 CIO 126 Blanchet, Father 140 City Light of Seattle 80–84 185 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82259-6 - The Federal Theatre Project: A Case Study Barry B.
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