St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council held in the Brannel Room, Fore Street, St Stephen on Wednesday 4th March 2020 starting at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr Berryman, Cllr Mrs Broad, Cllr Davey, Cllr Hallett, Cllr Harris, Cllr Mrs Harris, Cllr Hatton, Cllr McLening, Cllr Sibley (Chairman), Cllr Truscott, Cllr Wonnacott MBE, Cllr Mrs Wonnacott and Cllr Mrs Yates.

In attendance: Linda Ranger – Clerk, Ruth Mills – Administrator, Cllr Wood (7.10pm), Tasha Davis – and 3 members of the public.

Cllr Sibley welcomed everyone to the meeting. He ran through housekeeping procedures and advised everyone present that if they intended to participate in the meeting, they could be recorded, photographed, filmed or otherwise reported about.

FPC48/20 Apologies: It was RESOLVED to note apologies from Cllr Simpson and Cornwall Cllr Greenslade.

FPC49/20 Declarations of Interest: a) There were no declarations of pecuniary interests. b) There were no declarations of non-registerable interests. c) There were no dispensation requests. d) There were no declarations of gifts or hospitality.

FPC50/20 Cornwall Councillor Reports: Cornwall Cllr Greenslade’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Cornwall Cllr McLening’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cornwall Cllr McLening added feedback on the Boundary Review meeting that he had attended.

FPC51/20 Tasha Davis – Community Link Officer, Cornwall Council: Tasha Davis introduced herself and her role. She explained she would be covering the china clay network area for about 6 months and her priorities would be devolution, china clay network panel, working with stakeholders and supporting plans, including neighbourhood plans.

Cornwall Cllr Wood arrived.

Cllr Mrs Wonnacott introduced herself as the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group and detailed the support the group would like with the plan.


The Chairman thanked Mrs Davis for attending the meeting.

Tasha Davis left the meeting at 7.15pm.

FPC52/20 Public Participation: Cornwall Cllr Wood spoke on the Council Tax increase.

A member of the public spoke in objection to the application under agenda item 16 and took questions from Councillors.

Julie Broad spoke on her co-option application.

As per the co-option policy, the Chairman requested that the members of the public leave the meeting. 4 Members of the public left the meeting.

FPC53/20 Co-option: It was RESOLVED that Julie Broad be co-opted as a Councillor for the St Stephen ward.

4 members of the public returned to the meeting.

The Chairman announced the vote and welcomed Cllr Mrs Broad to the table.

FPC54/20 Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Cllr Mrs Broad signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was duly witnessed by the Clerk as Proper Officer.

FPC55/20 Full Council Meeting Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5th February 2020 be adopted and signed as a true and accurate record.

The Chairman duly signed the minutes.

FPC56/20 Matters to Note: The Clerk had nothing to report.

FPC57/20 Committee Meeting Minutes: Planning Committee The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 5th February 2020 were received. There were no recommendations therein.

Development & Environment Committee The minutes of the Development & Environment Committee meeting held on Wednesday 12 February 2020 were received. It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations –

Environment Policy and Procedures: That the updated policy be adopted.


Good Citizen Award: That awards be created as detailed within the document.

Community Emergency Plan: That the updated document be approved for circulation.

Planning Committee The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 26th February 2020 were received. It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations –

China Clay Community Network Panel Highway Scheme – Nanpean School (SN07 original site notice: To support the proposed amendments.

Terms of Reference: That the amended Terms of Reference, namely that delegated powers be given to the committee for the consideration of Highway matters, be adopted.

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Annual Membership: That membership to the aforementioned be renewed at a cost of £36 for 1 year.

FPC58/20 Financial Matters: a) It was RESOLVED to approve the following expenditure –

Payee Item Method Net VAT Total Items for Ratification: Petty Cash Petty cash DC 120.57 Google Gsuite services (Feb) DC 77.20 Amazon Delivery DC 7.99 GWR Train ticket DC 112.60 Argos Ethernet cable DC 10.00 Amazon Paper cups DC 7.80 Next Voucher DC 50.00 Amazon Books DC 72.44 1.22 73.66 Amazon Black ribbon DC 0.79 0.16 0.95 Amazon Black frame DC 5.96 1.19 7.15 ASDA Cleaning/Hygiene DC 29.50 products Amazon Badge of Office black DC 2.98 pouch Vodafone Mobile phone x 3 DD 71.24 14.24 85.48 E-on Nanpean toilet electric DD 7.33 0.37 7.70 final bill E-on St Stephen toilet DD 10.91 0.55 11.46 electric 19/20

British Gas Nanpean cemetery DD 52.76 2.63 55.39 electric Initial Hygiene contract DD 8.58 1.72 10.30 OneCom Fax line DD 15.44 3.09 18.53 SWALEC Car park electric DD 8.77 0.43 9.20 BT Phone and Broadband DD 154.19 30.84 185.03 Cheaperwaste Waste contract DD 79.00 15.80 94.80 NEST Pension payment DD 602.78 (Period 11) Salaries Salaries (Period 11) Telepay 10,294.69 Telepay Total 487.41 72.24 11,875.76

Items for Approval: British Gas Office electric first bill DD 371.09 74.21 445.30 (2 months) British Gas Brannel Room electric DD 173.12 8.65 181.77 HMRC Tax and NIC (Period EP 3,142.07 10) Britannia Confidential waste EP 33.21 6.64 39.85 disposal Jewson Digger hire EP 429.41 85.88 515.29 TradeUK Storage box EP 18.33 3.67 22.00 Eden Springs Water cooler lease x 2 EP 28.40 5.68 34.08 SeaDog IT Hosting fee EP 20.00 SeaDog IT Site security annual EP 99.00 premium D May & Son Materials EP 313.54 62.73 376.27 Compu-K IT support EP 11.50 2.30 13.80 CIS Graffiti remover EP 97.20 19.44 116.64 Glasdon Bench seat EP 845.78 169.16 1,014.94 Cornwall ALC LCAS Quality Award EP 100.00 20.00 120.00 fee Jason Tree survey EP 525.00 Bellenger ICO Data protection EP 40.00 renewal Royal Images Condolence prints EP 74.00 14.80 88.80 Glass EP 24.25 4.85 29.10 Glass Hay Nurseries Village sign planters EP 469.78 88.96 558.74 Blackies Fuel Cheque 75.18 15.03 90.21 Total £2,421.58 £458.36 7,472.86


b) It was RESOLVED to note the following income –

Payee Item Total Lloyds Bank interest (Feb) 2.68 CCLA Shares (Feb) 54.03 Various Rent 725.00 Various Burial fees 1,550.00 Various Brannel Room hire 128.00 Eon Electric refund 36.91 Various Water bill refund 249.09 Total 2,745.71

c) It was RESOLVED to note the following information–

Balances as of 29 February 2020: Cash 29.43 Lloyds Current 3,645.47 Lloyds 47,991.74 Business Unity (January as no statement received to date) 84,891.40 CCLA (January as no statement received to date) 85,923.50 222,481.54

d) It was RESOLVED to approve a transfer of £15,000 from the Lloyds Business account to the Lloyds Current Account.

e) Cllr Wonnacott MBE confirmed that he had checked and signed the January bank reconciliation.

FPC59/20 Correspondence: The following correspondence was received and noted –

Post: 1. Sowenna Appeal: Letter of Thanks 2. Brannel School (CELT): Thank You card 3. NALC: LCR magazine – Winter 2020 edition

E-Mail: (All previously circulated) 1. SLCC: News bulletins – dated February 2020 2. NALC: Chief Executives Bulletins – dated February 2020 3. Cornwall Council: Town & Parish Newsletter – dated February 2020 4. Cornwall Air Ambulance: Notification of arrival of new air ambulance 5. HM Treasury: Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) – Change of Governance


Invitations: (All previously circulated) 1. St Austell Soroptimist Club: Unsung Heroine Awards 2020 on Sunday 8th March 2020 at Golf Club. 2. Cornwall Council: Environmental Growth Workshop on Monday 2nd March 2020 (Cllrs Hallett and Truscott attended) 3. SLCC: For Your Financial Health Seminar on Wednesday 1st April 2020 in Royal Wootton Bassett

Consultations: None

FPC60/20 Consultations: None.

FPC61/20 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: Cllr Mrs Wonnacott advised that the minutes of the last meeting had been distributed and gave a brief update. The steering group would next meet on Tuesday 10th March 2020 in the Brannel Room, St Stephen.

FPC62/20 Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultant Tender: It was RESOLVED to accept the tender from fya PR & Marketing for £5,320; that the Clerk, Cllr Hallett, Cllr Truscott and Cllr Mrs Wonnacott be given delegated authority for additional expenditure up to £1,000 that be taken from grant funding (if received) or general reserves; and that the Clerk draw up a service level agreement starting 1st April 2020 between fya PR & Marketing and the Council.

FPC63/20 Application offering unforeseen benefits: At the discretion of the Chairman and under standing order 3f, a member of the public answered questions. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk to write to NHS England and object to the application stating reasons of parking issues at the stated location; the detrimental impact on the dispensary at Brannel Surgery; the uncertainty that Brannel Surgery would face due to the removal of services; the impact on the local economy due to loss of staffing at Brannel Surgery; the errors within the application; the negative impact on patients registered with Brannel Surgery, Probus Surgery and the Clays Practice; the negative impact on the social structure of the Parish; and the damage that would be caused to the community.

Cornwall Cllr McLening advised he would speak to the Co-op to see if their range of “off the shelf” medicines could be increased.

Two members of the public left at 8.10pm.

FPC64/20 Virement of Funds: It was RESOLVED to approve the virement of funds as presented.


FPC65/20 Grass Cutting Agreement: It was RESOLVED to request that Cornwall Council add the following areas to the agreement –

Grass verge either side of the entrance to Dabryn Way, St Stephen from the A3058; Grass verges opposite layby on A3058, Lanjeth at entrance to Parish; Grass verges on junction corner of B3279/A3058, High Street; and Grass verge opposite Seven Springs, A3058.

FPC66/20 Strategy Plan: It was RESOLVED to acknowledge the ongoing activities and approve the recommendations as presented.

FPC67/20 Tour of Britain: It was RESOLVED to form a working party consisting of Cllrs Harris, Mrs Harris and Sibley to liaise with local organisations, including the schools, to plan events to commemorate the occasion and bring a report back by the May Full Council meeting; and that an expenditure limit of £1,500 to be taken from Parish Community Projects (Code 4800) be set

Cllr Hatton left the meeting.

FPC68/20 Policies: It was RESOLVED that the following policies be adopted as presented –

• Disciplinary Policy • Grievance Policy • CCTV Management Policy • Parental Bereavement Policy

Cllr Hatton returned to the meeting.

• Business Continuity Plan • Employee Code of Conduct

FPC69/20 Power for People motion request – Cllr Mrs Wonnacott: It was RESOLVED that no further action be taken.

FPC70/20 Appointment to Outside Bodies: It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Harris as a representative to St Dennis & Nanpean Community Trust.

FPC71/20 Charge Cards: Following new information, it was RESOLVED to supply the Administrator and Operations Manager with charge cards from Lloyds Bank and impose written internal limits of £500 and £250 respectively; and that the Parish Council pay the £32 annual fee per card. 23/20

FPC72/20 Chairman’s Chain of Office: It was RESOLVED that the ribbon be replaced with a chain; the chain no longer contain names; the design be simpler than those presented; and that the Clerk investigate other designs and bring the matter back with costs.

FPC73/20 Website Template: It was RESOLVED to authorise the estimated expenditure of £225 for the website homepage to comply with the “Death of a Member of the Royal Family” policy.

FPC74/20 For Information: 1. The Clerk advised that as from April 2020, to ensure compliance with the Local Government Act, Sch12, s10(2)(b), the agenda items entitled “Matters to Note” and “For Information” would be replaced with “Clerk’s Report” and Member’s Reports” respectively. 2. Members were advised that John Vine – Imerys, would be retiring on 27th March 2020. The Clerk was asked to send a card on behalf of the Parish Council. 3. Cllrs Hallett and Truscott gave feedback from the Environmental Growth Workshop that they had attended. 4. Cllr Berryman advised that there had been vandalism at St Stephen Recreation Ground. The Clerk reported that the public toilets had also suffered vandalism so were currently closed. 5. Cllr McLening gave feedback on the new youth club in Foxhole. 6. Cllr McLening spoke on speeding along the A3058. 7. Cllr Davey spoke on the harsh hedge cutting that had taken place across the county. Cornwall Cllr McLening stated he would look into the matter. 8. The Clerk gave feedback on her meetings with Zoe Hall – Cornwall Council, on parking and with Tasha Davis – Cornwall Council, on land asset transfers to the Parish Council. Both matters would be agenda items in April.

The meeting ended at 8.55pm

Signed as a true and accurate record -

Chairman ………………………………….…

Date …………………………………….
