One of the new stormwater Health Snapshot treatment systems at Wentworth Falls IMAGE: Ian Brown IMAGE: Ian David Mark IMAGE: Managing urban runoff: More ways to help 2O18 your rates at work Report pollution This new stormwater treatment system is one of 17 NSW Environment Line 131 555 structures to be built as part of a $700,000 joint effort by Council and WaterNSW to protect Wentworth Falls Report sewage leaks Lake, Jamison Creek and Sydney’s water supply. Sydney Water 13 20 90 This initiative will: Dispose of chemicals safely 4 n filter pollutants such as litter, faecal bacteria, Household Chemical Cleanout: nitrogen and phosphorus n4 reduce stormwater surges Become a volunteer n4 protect creek banks and reduce erosion n4 actively engage local schools and the community We currently manage urban runoff and weeds with the help of approx. 500 the city within volunteers at 130 sites across the city. Locked Bag 1005 the city within a World Heritage 2 Civic Place Katoomba NSW 2780 a World Heritage National Park To find out about volunteering, visit: T 02 4780 5000 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER E
[email protected] National Park CREDITED IMAGES Boy in creek: Ona Janzen | Glenbrook Lagoon: Ian Brown Wentworth Falls: Murray Fredericks | Frog: Lucy Kidson PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER How healthy In 2011, hydraulic fluid from a truck crash entered are our the stormwater system, turning Leura Cascades waterways? into a kilometre-long chemical bubble bath.