Wash Sustainability Index Tool Assessment: Liberia
WASH SUSTAINABILITY INDEX TOOL ASSESSMENT: LIBERIA FINAL REPORT JULY 2015 ThisJUNE publication 2015 was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development.This publication It was preparedproduced by for Tetra review Tech. by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Tetra Tech. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable time and insights provided by USAID/Liberia representatives, as well as Morris Israel and Alioune Fall from Tetra Tech. In addition, the authors would like to acknowledge the support accorded the survey teams by the iWASH project staff in Liberia. In particular, the authors would like to acknowledge LeRoy Johnson (Project Coordinator), Fatu Seysay (Lofa County Coordinator), Sherk Kromah (Nimba County Coordinator), and Michael Fogbawa (Bong County Coordinator), as well as all the informants at national, county, district, and community levels. This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development by Tetra Tech, through the Quick Response Technical Assistance Task Order, Contract No. 01/AID-OAA- TO-10-00021, under the Integrated Water and Coastal Resources Management II IQC (Water II IQC), Contract No. EPP-I-00-04-00019-00. Authors: Miriam Nyambura Wanjiru, ERMIS Africa; Ryan Schweitzer, Aguaconsult Contributors: Faith Milkah Muniale, ERMIS Africa; Hun Bu Tulay, Hun Bu Enterprises Ltd. Data collection: Charlene Hilda Dagoseh-Suah (independent), Joseph Gbozee (independent), Wataku Kortimai (independent),
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