Comhairle Chontae an Cabhain



A Report for the Year 2003

S Neely F Gibbons Environment Section County Manager Director of Services Cavan County Council Environment April 2004


1. Preamble

2. Introduction

3. River Water Quality

4. Lake Water Quality


3. References

© Cavan County Council 2004

All or part of this publication may be reproduced without further permission, provided the source is acknowledged.

1. Preamble

Cavan County Council has a general statutory responsibility for the quality of river and lake water within its functional area. More recently this responsibility has been formalised with the requirement to meet the standards set out in the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus) Regulations, 1998, S.I. No. 258 of 19981.

In 1999 Cavan County Council prepared a “Measures Report” 4 to meet its statutory obligations under these Regulations.1

The “Measures Report” summarises existing biological quality ratings for rivers and lakes assigned by the EPA for the period 1995 - 1997, identifies the improvements required to meet the specified standards and sets out the measures to be taken to secure compliance with the quality standards prescribed. The report is, in effect, Cavan County Council’s plan for addressing pollution of waters within the county arising from all sources, including agriculture.

This current publication contains the results of the council’s river and lake monitoring programme for the year 2003 and provides a brief overview of progress.



Eutrophication is the term used to describe an increase in the concentration of plant nutrients, particularly phosphorus, in waters. As nutrient concentration increases, the potential growth of algae and other aquatic plants also increases.

Given sufficient light and suitable growing conditions, the maximum amount of plant material that will grow in a given water body is usually dependant on the availability of the nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. In most fresh waters, plant growth will lead to the depletion of phosphorus before all the nitrogen is used up. This means that the maximum amount of plant growth is effectively limited by the amount of phosphorus present, so phosphorus is said to be the growth-limiting nutrient.

It has been recognised that many human activities can add extra nutrients to waters and greatly speed up the natural process of eutrophication. During the last two to three decades, because of increased human activity, many lakes in the country have shown signs of increasing enrichment. Lakes differ in their individual capacity to absorb increased nutrient inputs, but shallow lakes as exist in Cavan are particularly sensitive.

Eutrophication itself is not intrinsically bad, but it can cause changes to the ecological balance of a water body which may interfere with human activities and reduce biodiversity. It is because of these consequential effects that eutrophication is often undesirable and needs to be controlled or reversed. In lakes, the development of algal ‘blooms’ and shoreline scums, as well as a lowering of the transparency of the water, have adverse effects on recreational and amenity uses such as bathing and angling. Fish, especially the more sensitive salmonids, may be endangered by deoxygenation arising from the respiration of the large biomass of algae and other plants. The main concern in eutrophic rivers and streams is the deoxygenation caused by the enhanced levels of plant respiration.

Lake eutrophication is a recognised problem in County Cavan. This is due to a number of factors. The economy of the County is largely agriculturally based, and this, coupled with sensitive waterways and very difficult soil conditions, has resulted in a more rapid upsurge in cultural eutrophication in Cavan than has been experienced in other parts of the country. However, recently this problem is manifesting itself nationally, in particular the Killarney, lower Shannon and western lakes.

Agricultural Waste Issues

In the past, in subsistence agricultural communities, the elements necessary for plant and animal growth were recycled. Crops were consumed by animals and man close to their place of production. The resulting animal and human manures, as well as crop wastes, were then applied to cultivated land, returning the nutrients to the soil. The recent development of intensive farming enterprises has broken this nutrient cycle and has largely replaced the closed system with a linear throughput system where nutrients can build up in the soil towards or beyond saturation level and eventually end up in rivers and lakes.

There is therefore a clear distinction between agricultural activities where the number of livestock is limited by the land available (closed system) and intensive units where no such limiting factor applies (linear system). In the former, animal manures are used as a resource, while in the latter they are generally regarded as a waste product.

Without doubt, traditional farming units can pose problems for water quality in Cavan. These problems relate more to a lack of proper facilities and poor management practices rather than to any “fatal flaw” and manifest themselves particularly in wet summers. Priority should therefore be given to addressing these shortcomings, which is the strategy adopted in this Council’s “Measures Report”.

There are of course other problems. Phosphorus reduction at point discharges can be very significant even in predominantly agricultural catchments as the greater portion of agricultural P losses occur during winter conditions when the flushing capacity of lakes is greatest. Consequently, there is the need to upgrade Local Authority sewage treatment works and substantial public sector investment has already been committed to this. Discharges from all major industrial discharges need also to be addressed through consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency, where appropriate, or through the Local Authority’s discharge licencing system.

Agriculture, however, will always remain the dominant factor in deciding water quality and ultimately, no significant progress will be made unless a meaningful reduction in agricultural losses can be attained. Water Quality in County Cavan

The classification of rivers in is based upon the results of biological monitoring carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency. A summary of the classification system is provided in table 1 below;

Table 1: System of Water Quality Classification.

Biotic Index Quality Status Classification

Q5, Q4-5, Q4 Unpolluted Waters Class A Q3-4 Slightly Polluted Waters Class B Q3, Q2-3 Moderately Polluted Waters Class C Q2, Q1-2, Q1 Seriously Polluted Waters Class D

Classification System and Beneficial Uses.

Unpolluted Waters (Class A) High quality waters suitable for supply and abstraction. Game fisheries and high amenity value. (Satisfactory).

Slightly Polluted Waters (Class B) Usually good game fisheries. Suitable for supply. Moderate to high amenity value. (Transitional).

Moderately Polluted Waters (Class C) Coarse fisheries. Not likely to support a healthy game fishery. Suitable for supply after advanced treatment. (Unsatisfactory).

Seriously Polluted Waters (Class D) Fish absent or only sporadically present. May be used for low-grade industrial abstraction. Low amenity value. (Unsatisfactory).

River Water Quality

The overall trend in river water quality for County Cavan is shown in figure 1 and table 2 below and is compared with the National trend based on the Environmental Research Unit (ERU) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports2,3,6,7.

1987 - 1990 (%) 1991 - 1994 (%) 1995 - 1997 (%) 1998 - 2000 (%) 2001-03 Cavan National Cavan National Cavan National Cavan National Cavan Class A 47 77 53 71 58 67 62 70 86 Class B 25 12 31 17 25 18 27 17 11 Class C 27 10 15 11 17 14 9 12 3 Class D 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Table 2: Comparison of Recent Trends – County Cavan and Nationally

The 1995-1997 position for County Cavan indicates improvement on the 1991-1994 situation and even more significant improvement on the situation during the period 1987-1990. The national trend, based on the EPA publication “Water Quality in Ireland, 1995 – 1997 (fig. 2) for the same period, in contrast, indicates a continual reduction in unpolluted waters and a corresponding increase in slight and moderate pollution. Further improvement in Cavan was recorded in the period 1998-2000 and for the first time a national improvement was also recorded for this period. The 2001- 2003 water quality data for County Cavan show a significant improvement on the 1998-2000 period. It should be noted however that the figures for Cavan from 2000 onwards were calculated using a best case scenario for the status of the rivers. This involves choosing the Chemical or Biological data whichever gives the higher classification rating, as defined in the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus) Regulations, 1998, S.I. No. 258 of 19981. The National figures are based on the biological rating only of the rivers. The overall trend in water quality for County Cavan and for the country as a whole are presented in figures 1 and 2 below.

100 80

60 Class A Class B 40 Class C 20 Class D 0 1987- 1991- 1995- 1998- 2001- '90 '94 '97 '00 03

Figure 1. River Water Quality in County Cavan, 1987 to 2003 80

60 Class A 40 Class B Class C 20 Class D

0 1987-'90 1991-'94 1995-'97 1998-'00

Figure 2. River Water Quality Nationally, 1987 to 2000

The practice of choosing the chemical or biological data based on whichever gives the higher classification rating is the prescribed approach in accordance with the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus) Regulations, 1998, S.I. No. 258 of 19981. However, a better understanding of the information may be obtained by comparing like with like. Therefore chemical only data and biological only data for Co. Cavan are shown below in tables 3 and 4.

MRP 2001 (%) MRP 2002 (%) MRP 2003 (%) Class A 53.1 70.1 77.1 Class B 35.1 22.9 19.7 Class C 10.7 4.1 2.9 Class D 1 3 0.3 Table 3:Chemical Only Data

Q 95-97 (%) Q 98-00 (%) Q 01-03 (%) Class A 49.3 47.8 51.8 Class B 24.5 29.6 27.4 Class C 26.2 21.1 20.8 Class D 0 1.3 0 Table 4: Biological Only Data

The trend for both sets of data shows an increase in unpolluted waters and a significant decrease in moderately and seriously polluted waters. As stated earlier, the biological data is supplied by the EPA based on surveys carried out at 3 year intervals. Therefore, since some of this data is not as current as the chemical data, the biological rating may not reflect the more recent improvements shown by the chemical data.

Note : Statistics presented in river water quality section are based on EPA stations and additional stations originally programmed in the 2001 river sampling programme Lake Water Quality

There are three hundred and nineteen lakes in total in County Cavan each with their own individual ecology. Eight lakes are monitored on a monthly basis by Cavan County Council. These eight lakes are those assigned a baseline trophic status in the EPA’s ‘1995-97 Water Quality in Ireland’ report. Because of the increased effort required in lake water sampling, in comparison to river water sampling, these are the only eight lakes which are monitored. These eight lakes were originally chosen for the monitoring programme due to their history of poor water quality. They should not be taken as representative of the overall lake water quality in County Cavan. For instance none of the 8 lakes monitored are in west Cavan, an area of pristine water quality.

Overall there is a reduction in water quality at the majority of lakes monitored. Monitoring results indicate that seven of the lakes are subject to eutrophication of some degree. Lough Kinale has achieved unpolluted status. With the exception of Lough Sillan none have reached the required target trophic status. Although many of the inflowing streams to these lakes are showing reduced molybdate reactive phosphate (MRP) levels, this is not reflected in a corresponding improvement in lake water quality. It remains a possibility that there is still a reserve of phosphorous within the lake system (e.g. lake sediment) that is allowing the eutrophic conditions to prevail.


As stated previously, the 1999 Phosphorous Measures Report4 is the Council’s plan for addressing pollution of waters within the county arising from all sources. It sets out a series of measures designed to improve water quality which include;

¨ The upgrading of wastewater treatment plants,

¨ The provision of collection and treatment systems for villages not currently sewered,

¨ A complete upgrading of landfill facilities,

¨ Liaison with other relevant stakeholders i.e. EPA on IPC facilities, neighbouring county councils, etc.,

¨ Establishment of a complete and comprehensive monitoring programme,

¨ The regulation and control of certain agricultural activities under Section 21 of the Local Government(Water Pollution)(Amendment) Act 1990.

The initial progress in implementation of these measures is outlined in the Council’s 2000 and 2002 Implementation Report5,12. However, ultimately the effectiveness of Cavan County Councils actions will be judged by the improvements achieved in water quality. The monitoring results detailed herein suggest that progress is being made. It is hoped that by continuing this pro-active approach to water quality issues the quality of rivers and lakes in County Cavan will continue to show improvement towards unpolluted status. 2. Introduction

This report presents the summary monitoring data for 2003 for the rivers and lakes in County Cavan; it can be viewed as a companion volume to those previously produced 9,10,13.

All monitoring was undertaken by the Council’s Environment section. Monitoring complies with the requirements of the Phosphorus Regulations (Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus), 1998. As part of these regulations Cavan County Council was required to submit a Measures Report setting out the measures to be taken in order to secure compliance with the prescribed water quality standards. A review of the river monitoring programme was undertaken on foot of the Measures Report and this current report is based on that revised programme. There is an increase in the number of river stations monitored in Cavan for 2003. Approximately 120 river stations are now being monitored and 27 lake stations are also monitored. The new monitoring programme will allow comparison, on an annual basis, of the chemical river and lake water quality achieved with the target river and lake water quality required as stipulated in the Phosphorous Regulations.

The Biological monitoring referred to in this report was undertaken by the EPA as part of its National Programme of Biological Assessment of River Water Quality8 The EPA’s contribution is gratefully acknowledged.

Chemical analysis of rivers for Molybdate Reactive Phosphorous (MRP) was monitored on a monthly basis with chemical analysis for a more complete set of parameters being undertaken on a two monthly basis.

The lake monitoring programme involves the monitoring of all eight EPA designated lakes as required by the Phosphorous Regulations. The number of stations monitored on each lake varies depending on a number of factors including lake size, historical data and uniformity of water body. Samples are taken at time intervals specified by the Phosphorous Regulations. This involves a minimum of ten samples taken at intervals of four weeks or longer in a twelve consecutive month period.

In order to allow the reader assess the information regarding the quality of river water with some perspective, three tables are shown below.

Tables A and B set out the standards specified in the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus), 1998 for rivers and lakes respectively. These regulations identify biological ratings and Molybdate- Reactive Phosphorous Annual Median concentrations, either of which must be at least maintained or improved in order to meet the relevant specified target standard.

Table C sets out the standard specified in EC directive 78/659/EEC (Freshwater Fish).

Table A: Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977 (Water Quality Standards for Rivers), 1998

Existing Biological Molybdate -Reactive Phosphorous Target Biological Quality Q Rating annual Median concentration (mg/l P) Quality (Q) Rating

5 } 0.015 5

4-5 } Unpolluted 0.020 4-5

4 } 0.030 4

3-4 }Slightly Polluted 0.030 4

3 } Moderately 0.05 3-4 2-3 } Polluted 0.070 3

< 2 } Seriously 0.070 3 Polluted

Table B: Trophic Classification System for Lakes

Lake Trophic Target Trophic Total Phosphorous Annual Max. Category Status Average Concentration Chlorophyll (mg P/l) (mg/m3)

Ultra-Oligotrophic Ultra-Oligotrophic £ 5 < 2.5

Oligotrophic Oligotrophic > 5 £ 10 > 2.5 < 8

Mesotrophic Mesotrophic > 10 £ 20 ³ 8 < 25

Eutrophic Mesotrophic > 10 £ 20 ³ 8 < 25

Hypertrophic Eutrophic > 20 £ 50 ³ 25 < 75

Table C: EC Directive 78/659/EEC (Freshwater Fish)

Parameter Units Salmonid Waters Cyprinid Waters

Guide Mandatory Guide Mandatory

Total mg/l N < 0.03 < 0.78 < 0.16 < 0.78 Ammonia

B.O.D. mg/l O2 100% < 3 100% < 6

D.O. mg/l O2 50% > 9 50% > 9 50% > 8 50% > 7

Total mg/l P 0.065 0.13 Phosphorous

PH pH units 6-9 6-9

3. River Water Quality

Rivers are listed in alphabetical order. Full chemical data is provided in Appendix 1.

Summary data

River name and catchment: Included are the river name and catchment name. Namely: the Erne, the Boyne, the Shannon or the Glyde. Sub-catchments are not listed.

Sampling stations: Sampling stations are numbered according to the EPA assignment. In the case where the EPA has not assigned a sampling station number, no number is included. Stations are listed in a downstream order and include stations that are biologically assessed. It is not always possible to use the same location for both chemical and biological assessment, as the requirements for both are different. A brief location description for each station is also given.

Biological Quality Ratings: This report includes recent and historical data from the EPA’s National Biological River Monitoring Programme. 2002 figures included are provisional. The biotic index classification is listed in Table A.

MRP results Results are separated into MRP results and other chemical results. MRP results are included in the summary data. For MRP the following are given.

· Station No. · Median 1999 result · Median 2000 result · Median 2001 result · Median 2002 result · Median 2003 result · Base Q rating (based on 95-97 EPA data) · Target Median P (based on Phosphorous regulations) · 2002 Rating. Pollution rating is based on chemical data from the Phosphorous Regulations ratings; see table A: Class A (unpolluted), Class B (slightly polluted), Class C (moderately polluted), Class D (seriously polluted).

Assessment A summary assessment of the water quality is given which is based on the chemical data.

Change from 2002 Any significant changes in quality from 2002 are also given. Note: The analysis of MRP involves a specific procedure. Analytical procedures are designed to accurately detect concentration levels over a specific range. The upper and lower limits of this range are assigned as limits of quantification. The lower limit of quantification for MRP is assigned at 10µg P/l, in this section, if a result of £ 10µg P/l is recorded, this is reported as 10 µg P/l.

List of Rivers Monitored

River Catchment

Annalee Erne Bawnboy Erne Ballinagh Erne Blackwater (Kells) Boyne Blackwater (Newtowngore) Erne Blackwater (Swanlinbar) Erne Bunnoe Erne Cavan Erne Chapel Lake Stream Erne Cullies Erne Dee Glyde Dromore Erne Drumane Erne Drumkeery Lough Stream Boyne Erne Erne Glyde Glyde Inny Shannon Knappagh Erne Laragh Erne Lislea Boyne Madabawn Erne Mountnugent Shannon Moynalty Boyne Nadregeel Lough Stream Boyne Owenmore (Glangevlin) Shannon Owenayle Shannon Owensallagh Erne Rag Erne Roo Erne Shannon Shannon Sheelin Feeder Streams Shannon Sillan Feeder Streams Erne Stradone Erne Swanlinbar Erne Templeport Lough Stream Erne Woodford Erne

River: Annalee Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’89 Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0080 2nd br. u/s L.Sillan 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-5 3-4 0150 2nd br. d/s L. Sillan - 3-4 3 3 3 0250 1st br. d/s L. Tacker 3-4 3-4 4 3-4 3-4 0350 Br. Nr Anns fort 4 4 4 3-4 4 0500 New Grove Br. 4-5 4-5 4-5 3 4 0600 Br SE of Fort William 2-3 4 4-5 3-4 3-4 0800 Br.NW of Rakenny Ho 3-4 4-5 4-5 4 4-5 0900 Ballynallon Br 4 4 4 4 3-4 1000 Br. 3-4 4 4 4 3-4 1150 Br. Nr Curraghanoe 3-4 4-5 4-5 4 3-4 1350 0.2Km u/s Cavan R confl 4-5 4 3-4 4 3-4 1400 0.2km d/s Cavan R confl 3-4 4 3-4 3-4 3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical

0080 NM* NM 24 17 17 3-4 30 Class A 0150 60 50 47 30 36 3 50 Class B 0250 NM NM 41 24 24 4 30 Class A 0350 NM NM 35 21 24 4 30 Class A 0500 38 31 36 27 28 4-5 20 Class A 0600 NM NM 32 30 23 4-5 20 Class A 0900 52 42 40 40 24 4 30 Class A 1000 NM NM 39 41 36 4 30 Class B 1150 NM NM 39 41 35 4-5 20 Class B 1350 41 40 41 41 35 3-4 30 Class B 1400 NM NM 55 47 43 3-4 30 Class B *Not Measured

Assessment Overall this river is in satisfactory condition in the upper reaches with the exception of the station d/s of Lough Sillan which is unsatisfactory. It is unsatisfactory from Ballynallon bridge on. This may be as a result of pollution loading from the Laragh and Bunnoe tributories.

Change from 2002 Improvement in all stations downstream of New Grove bridge. There has been a welcome overall improvement in all stations over the last four years. Biological monitoring is scheduled for this year.

River: Ballinagh Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’86 Q’89 Number 0200 Ballinagh bridge 3 2-3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical

0200 114 109 128 108 152 2-3 50 Class D

* Baseline Q rating on this station based on ‘89 Q rating

Assessment Unsatisfactory, water quality is poor reflecting this station’s position downstream of sewage treatment works.

Change from 2002 No change. The sewerage treatment plant in Ballinagh is to have phosphorous removal introduced this year.

River: Bawnboy Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0300 Br U/S Brackley Lough 4-5 4-5 5 NM 0500 Br U/S Bellaboy Lough 4-5 4 4 4

MRP results

Station 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical

0300 NM 13 10 10 4-5 20 Class A 0500 NM 19 13 10 4 30 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory.

Change from 2002 No Change.

River: Blackwater (Kells) Catchment: Boyne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’90 Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0100 Br. 2km NE of Balieborough - 4 4 4-5 4-5 0160 Upstream discharge pipe at - - - - - Drumbannon 0170 Drumbannon 1 2 2-3 2 2-3 0200 Footbridge u/s Castle lake 1 2 - - 0280 3rd bridge d/s castle Lake 3 3 3 3 3 0420 Br. D/s parkers bridge 3-4 3-4 3-4 4 3-4 0500 Br in Killenkere 4 3-4 3-4 3-4 4 0600 Stramaquerty Br (nr Drumagolan) 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 0800 Br. u/s L. Ramor 4 3-4 4 4 4 0900 Nine eyes Br 3 3 3 3 3 1000 Daly’s bridge 3-4 3 3 3-4 3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 32 18 19 17 10 4 30 Class A 0160 - - - - 69 - - Class C 0170 NM NM 40 53 65 2-3 70 Class C 0200 55 38 ------0280 NM NM 26 24 17 3 50 Class A 0400 NM NM 16 15 20 3-4 30 Class A 0500 23 23 34 20 15 3-4 30 Class A 0600 NM NM 16 21 16 3-4 30 Class A 0800 29 28 19 25 15 4 30 Class A 0900 NM NM 17 15 10 3 50 Class A 1000 10 23 22 15 14 3 50 Class A Assessment The river is in satisfactory condition with the exception of Station 0160 and Station 0170 which remain unsatisfactory. It appears that the primary pollution source is upstream of the point at which a piped stream enters the river at Drumbannon and downstream of the bridge 2 km NE of Bailieborough. An IPC facility engages in a form of landspreading of wastewaters and may be the source of this pollution in this area.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Blackwater (Newtowngore) Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0180 Br west of Knockmore 5 5 4-5 5 0200 Br. NE of Stadiran 4-5 4-5 4 5 0400 Br. D/s Blackwater Br. 5 5 4 - 0600 Br. U/s Ballymagauran L 4 4 4-5 -

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0200 NM NM 13 11 10 4-5 20 Class A 0400 12 11 13 14 10 5 15 Class A 0600 NM NM 15 14 10 4 30 Class A

Assessment The river is in satisfactory condition

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Blackwater (Swanlinbar) Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0400 Br. D/s Blackwater Br. 4-5 4 4-5 5

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0400 NM NM 12 13 10 4 30 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Bunnoe Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’89 Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0500 Br. W of Killynenagh L 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3 0700 Br. U/s Annalee R confl 3-4 4 3-4 3-4 3-4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0500 NM NM 39 61 29 3-4 30 Class A 0700 39 50 47 63 37 3-4 30 Class B

Assessment River is slightly polluted at station 0700.

Change from 2002 Significant improvement in quality at both stations.

River: Cavan Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’89 Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0002 Tullymongan Upper - - - - - 0030 Narracks Bridge - - - - - 0040 Br nr Breffni Park 3 3-4 3 4 3 0085 Br N of Killycannon - 3-4 4-5 4 4 0200 Br. D/s lisdarn 2 3 - - - 0300 Br. d/s St 0200 2-3 3 2-3 2-3 2-3 0400 Br. u/s Annalee. 2-3 3 2-3 2-3 2-3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0002 - - - - 40 - - Class B 0030 - - - - 45 - - Class B 0040 - - 41 36 43 3 30 Class B 0085 NM NM 70 42 60 4-5 20 Class C 0300 NM NM 107 83 59 2-3 50 Class C 0400 99 68 72 36 58 2-3 50 Class C

Assessment Unsatisfactory. Overall the river is in poor condition. The river is already slightly polluted prior to entering the urban area.

Change from 2002 Deterioration in quality at most stations however there has been some improvement at station 0300 downstream of the Sewerage Treatment Works.

River: Chapel Lake Stream Catchment: Boyne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’90 Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0400 Br near Drumoosclin - - 4 4 - 0700 Br U/S Blackwater Confl 3 4 4 4 4-5

MRP results

Station 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0400 NM 19 17 22 4 30 Class A 0700 NM 25 19 14 4 30 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Cullies Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’89 Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0300 Br u/s Gulladoo L 3 3 3 3-4 - 0550 Br. U/s Drumhart L 2-3 3-4 3-4 3 - 0600 Br. Nr Kilbracken House. 1-2 3-4 3-4 3 3 0650 Br. D/s Laheen L 3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3 0750 Br. D/s Disert L 2 3-4 3-4 3 4 0900 New Br. 2 2-3 2-3 3 2-3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0600 11 14 17 13 10 3-4 30 Class A 0650 NM NM 17 10 10 3-4 30 Class A 0750 NM NM 18 10 10 3-4 30 Class A 0900 35 33 37 26 25 2-3 50 Class A

Assessment River in satisfactory condition at all stations.

Change from 2002 No change

River: Dee Catchment: Glyde

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’90 Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0016 Br u/s Ervy L 4-5 4 4 3-4 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2002 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0016 14 21 18 17 16 4 30 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Dromore Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’89 Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0500 Ballynascarva bridge 3 3 3 3 - 0600 New Br. at Clementstown 3 - - - - 0700 Old Bridge 3 3 3-4 3 3 0900 Killycreeney br 3-4 4 4 4-5 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0600 36 38 35 26 33 3-4 30 Class B 0700 57 44 53 35 37 3-4 30 Class B 0900 58 48 53 40 39 4 30 Class B

Assessment River is in unsatisfactory condition.

Change from 2002 Deterioration in quality at the New bridge at Clementstown coming in from County Monaghan.

River: Drumane Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0200 Br 3km W of Ballyconnell 5 5 5 - 0500 Br. u/s Woodford R 4-5 - 4 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0200 NM NM 12 11 10 5 15 Class A 0500 10 10 12 11 10 - - Class A

Assessment River is in satisfactory condition.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Drumkeery Lough stream Catchment: Boyne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0100 Br d/s Skeagh L 3 3 4 - 0400 u/s Castle L 3 3 2/3 2/3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 NM NM 18 11 14 3 50 Class A 0400 12 21 40 10 23 3 50 Class A

Assessment Water quality is satisfactory at both locations .

Change from 2002 Deterioration in water quality immediately upstream of Castle Lake may be as a result of forestry activities.

River: Erne Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0100 Br. 3km S/W of Crosskeys 4 4 4 4 0200 Derrin Bridge 4-5 4 3-4 3-4 0300 Br d/s Derrin Bridge - - - - 0400 Br at Carrigan 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 0500 Legwee bridge 3-4 3-4 3-4 4 0700 Kilsarn bridge 4 4 3-4 4 0770 Dernaferst Bridge - - - - 0900 Dingins br. 3 3 3 3 1000 Br east of Corlismore 4 4 4 4 1100 Bellaheelin Br 4 4 4 4 1200 1 km u/s Carrs lake - - - - 1270 Drumulig Br near school - - - - 1300 Bakers bridge - - - 3-4 1400 Br at Kilconny, Belturbet (RHS) 3-4 3 3 3 1410 Kilconny, Belturbet (LHS) - - 3 1 1430 D/s Marina LHS - - - - 1500 2.5 km d/s Belturbet - - - -

MRP results Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 - - 46 29 26 4 30 Class A 0200 - - 29 39 28 4 30 Class A 0300 62 40 - - - - - 0400 - - 70 70 50 3-4 30 Class B 0500 - - 52 57 46 3-4 30 Class B 0700 63 53 60 61 47 4 30 Class B 0770 14 10 ------0900 - - 35 22 16 3 50 Class A 1000 - - 42 29 30 4 30 Class A 1100 41 41 37 32 33 4 30 Class B 1200 41 38 41 31 32 - - Class B 1300 40 23 27 26 23 - - Class A 1400 37 21 36 27 30 3 50 Class A

Assessment River is in unsatisfactory condition. The stretch above Lough Gowna to the bridge at Carrigan has consistently high MRP levels.

Change from 2002 Slight improvement at most stations.

River: Glyde Catchment: Glyde

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’90 Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0056 Br W Drumsallagh 5 3 4-5 4-5 - 0066 Br ESE of Corrinshigo House 4-5 4-5 4-5 4 - 0070 Br. U/s Magheracloone branch 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 - 0100 Cormey Br. 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 46 41 46 30 36 4-5 20 Class B

Assessment Slightly polluted

Change from 2002 Slight deterioration.

River: Inny Catchment: Shannon

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’87 Q’92 Q’96 Q’99 Q’02 Number 0300 Ballinrink br 4 3-4 4 3 3 0400 Ross bridge 4 - - - - 0500 Finea Bridge 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0300 23 19 34 19 16 4 30 Class A 0500 10 10 10 10 10 3-4 50 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory.

Change from 2002 No change

River: Knappagh Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0500 Br. D/s Derrygooney lough - - - - 0600 Vicar bridge - - - - 0700 Br. U/s Annalee confl 3-4 3-4 3 3-4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0500 21 20 ------0600 30 27 ------0700 - - 22 22 21 3-4 30 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory.

Change from 2002 No change.

River: Laragh Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0015 1st bridge d/s L. Acanon 3-4 3 3 - 0050 Br 1.5 km E Laragh 4-5 4-5 4 4 0080 Br. In Laragh 4-5 4-5 4-5 4 0200 Shanns br Lisclone 3-4 4-5 4-5 3-4 0400 U/s Annalee confl 4-5 4-5 4-5 3-4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0015 - - 10 10 10 3 50 Class A 0050 - - 21 18 10 4-5 20 Class A 0080 - - 31 30 18 4-5 20 Class A 0200 - - 28 30 18 4-5 20 Class A 0400 35 29 28 31 22 4-5 20 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory

Change from 2002 Significant improvement at most stations.

River: Lislea Catchment: Boyne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0100 1st bridge u/s L. Ramor 4 4 4 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 25 40 32 34 34 4 30 Class B

Assessment The biological quality rating for this river is satisfactory however the median chemical data indicates that water quality is unsatisfactory.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Maudabawn Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0070 Br E of Canningstown 4 3-4 3-4 3 0200 Br. 1 km S of Drumcondra 4 4 3 4 0600 bridge u/s Annalee river 4 4 4 3-4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0070 - - 25 27 24 3-4 30 Class A 0200 - - 36 38 33 4 30 Class B 0600 33 26 20 30 26 3-4 30 Class A

Assessment Station 0200 remains polluted.

Change from 2002 Slight improvement at all stations

River: Mountnugent Catchment: Shannon

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’87 Q’92 Q’96 Q’99 Q’02 Number 0040 Br. Near Rockville - 4 4-5 3-4 4 0120 bridge se Rockville 4 - 3 1/0 - 0200 Br.near Derrylea 1 4 3-4 3 4-5 0350 Br E of Killnacrot House 3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 0500 Mountnugent br. 3 3-4 3-4 3-4 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0040 - - 39 24 16 3-4 30 Class A 0120 - - 32 28 35 3-4 30 Class B 0200 40 33 33 24 29 3 50 Class A 0300 28 24 29 33 43 - - Class B 0350 - - 26 19 19 3-4 30 Class A 0400 23 21 ------0500 22 24 35 20 18 3-4 30 Class A

Assessment River is in borderline condition. Station 0300 and Station 0120 are slightly polluted. Very high Nitrate levels at station 0300 are probably as a result of EPA licenced industry in Ballyjamesduff. Levels increase at periods of low flow.

Change from 2002 Some deterioration at stations 0120 and station 0300

River: Moynalty Catchment: Boyne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’90 Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0050 Br. Near Lurganbane 4 4 3 3-4 3-4 0070 Cloggagh Br 3 3 3-4 3 4 0090 Skearke Br. - 3 4 3-4 4 0300 br. D/s Rosehill Br 3-4 3 3 3 3-4 0400 bridge u/s main channel confl 3 3 3 3 3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0050 - - 77 74 50 3 50 Class B 0070 - - 43 45 32 3-4 30 Class B 0090 - - 33 39 26 4 30 Class A 0200 27 51 ------0300 37 49 31 29 27 3 50 Class A 0400 - - 134 70 94 3 50 Class D

Assessment Unsatisfactory. The river is severly polluted at 0400 which is probably as a result of discharges to the river from Mullagh Sewage Treatment works. A new sewerage treatment plant is to be built in Mullagh this year. Station near Lurganbane is also moderately polluted.

. Change from 2002 Improvement at all stations except for 0400 which has deteriorated.

River: Nadregeel Lough stream Catchment: Boyne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’90 Q’94 Q’97 Q’00 Q’03 Number 0100 Assan Br. 3-4 3-4 4-5 3-4 3-4 0200 Billis Br 3 3 3 4 3-4 0300 Footbridge d/s billis br - - - - - 0400 br. SW of Lisgrey X-rds 3 - - - - 0500 Bridge nr Cranadillon 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 - - 23 29 23 4-5 20 Class A 0200 27 22 20 23 21 3 50 Class A 0500 14 18 16 15 11 3-4 30 Class A

Assessment River in satisfactory condition.

Change from 2002 Improvement at all stations.

River: Owenayle Catchment: Shannon

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’92 Q’96 Q’99 Q’02 Number 0050 Br NE of Aughrim 4 4 4 4 0100 Br D/S of Owenayle bridge 4 4-5 4-5 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0050 - - 10 10 10 4 30 Class A 0100 10 10 10 10 10 4-5 20 Class A

Assessment River in satisfactory condition

Change from 2002 No significant change

River: Owenmore (Glangevlin) Catchment: Shannon

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’92 Q’96 Q’99 Q’02 Number 0100 Carty’s Bridge 4-5 4-5 5 4-5 0120 Br. SE Carty’s Bridge 4-5 5 4-5 5 0140 U/s bellavally branch 4 4-5 4-5 4-5 Confluence 0160 Br. NE Moneensauran - 4 - - 0300 B W of Legnacrow L 4-5 5 4-5 4-5

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 - - 10 10 10 4-5 15 Class A 0120 - - 10 10 10 5 30 Class A 0140 - - 10 10 10 4-5 20 Class A 0160 - - 10 10 10 4 30 Class A 0300 10 10 10 10 10 5 15 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Owensallagh Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0500 Br E of Drumcor 5 5 3-4 4-5

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0500 - - 10 10 10 5 15 Class A

Assessment River in satisfactory condition.

Change from 2002 No change

River: Rag Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’89 Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0200 Br D/S Clonty - - - - - 0400 Br D/S Togher - - - - - 0500 Br D/S Aghalane - - - - - 0600 Br. Nr Killywilly house 3 3 3 - 3-4 0800 Br u/s Tee lough lr 2-3 3 3 3-4 4 0900 Bridge d/s Tee lough lr 3 3 3 - -

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2002 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0200 - 24 34 27 38 - - Class B 0400 - 30 42 37 41 - - Class B 0500 - 27 34 16 38 - - Class B 0600 40 29 44 38 24 3 50 Class A 0800 - - 40 36 22 3 50 Class A 0900 - - 26 32 26 3 50 Class A

Assessment Unsatisfactory. River is slightly polluted at several stations

Change from 2002 Unusually there is a significant deterioration in the upper reaches of the river coupled with a significant improvement in water quality in the lower reaches. It has not been determined why this has occurred.

River: Roo Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0200 Br. W Barrran 4-5 4 4 5 0400 Br SE of Thornhill - - - 4 house

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0200 10 12 10 10 10 4 30 Class A

Assessment River in satisfactory condition.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Shannon Catchment: Shannon

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’92 Q’96 Q’99 Q’02 Number 0100 Shannon Br, Derrylahan 4 4-5 4 4 0200 Metal Br. S of Tullynafreave 5 5 4-5 4-5 0300 Dowra Br 5 4-5 4-5 5

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2002 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 - - 10 13 10 4-5 20 Class A 0200 10 10 10 10 10 5 15 Class A 0300 10 10 10 10 10 4-5 20 Class A

Assessment River in satisfactory condition.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Sheelin Feeder Streams Catchment: Shannon

No Biological Quality Ratings available

Sampling stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’92 Q’96 Q’99 Number 01 Belsgrove bridge - - - 02 Crover Bridge - - - 04 Schoolhouse Bridge - - - 08 Belsgrove(Ballynakerry) - - -

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 01 24 36 22 19 17 - - Class A 02 29 31 57 34 47 - - Class B 04 34 32 37 27 17 - - Class A 08 - - - - 21 - - Class A

Assessment Satisfactory. However the station at Crover Bridge is slightly polluted. This station historically has produced erratic results where the river can fluctuate between highly polluted to unpolluted status. The fluctuation in water quality at this station is probably as a result of the fact that it has low flows and any external influence exerts a substantial effect.

Change from 2002 Improvement at all stations,with the exception of Crover Stream.

River: Lough Sillan Feeder Streams Catchment: Erne

No Biological Quality Ratings available

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’92 Q’96 Q’99 Number B Footbridge / - - - road D Bridge at Bellapressen - - -

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical B 57 26 36 22 30 - - Class A D 35 35 29 24 24 - - Class A

Assessment The polluted nature of Lough Sillan (see Lake Water Quality section) is a cause for some concern. Results indicate that all inflowing streams to Lough Sillan are unpolluted. This evidence would seem to indicate that the reason Lough Sillan is polluted is not primarily as a result of the water quality of the inflowing streams but rather as a result of point discharges into Lough Sillan.

Change from 2002

Slight deterioration at Station B.

River: Stradone Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0075 2nd Br. D/s Lisnanagh L 3-4 4 3-4 4 0200 Br u/s Laragh R confl 4-5 4 3-4 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0075 - - 40 35 26 4 30 Class A 0200 38 38 33 32 27 4 30 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory

Change from 2002 Improvement at both stations.

River: Swanlinbar Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0100 Br. Nr Altbrean 5 5 5 - 0300 0.6km d/s Swanlinbar br 4-5 4-5 4-5 -

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2003 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0100 - 10 10 10 5 15 Class A 0300 14 13 14 13 11 4-5 20 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory.

Change from 2002 No significant change.

River: Templeport Lough Stream Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’93 Q’97 Q’98 Q’01 Number 0600 Br u/s Templeport Lough 3 3 4 3

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2002 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0600 16 15 14 20 12 3 50 Class A

Assessment Satisfactory.

Change from 2002 Some improvement.

River: Woodford Catchment: Erne

Sampling Stations and Biological Quality Ratings

Station Station Location Q’85 Q’89 Number 0400 Ballyconnell Quay 4-5 4

MRP results

Station 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Baseline Target 2002 Med Med Med Med Med Q-rating median P Rating (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/l) (ug P/L) Chemical 0400 17 12 15 17 11 30* 30 Class A

* Baseline Q rating on this station based on ‘89 Q rating

Assessment Satisfactory

Change from 2002 No significant change

4. Lake Water Quality

Lake Water Quality

Lakes are listed in alphabetical order. Full scientific data is contained in appendix 2

Summary Data

Lake name and catchment:

Included are the lake and catchment. Catchments that are listed are one of 4 major catchments in County Cavan, Erne, Boyne, Shannon and Glyde. Sub-catchments are not listed.

Statutory Requirements: This table outlines the trophic target requirements under the Phosphorous Regulations. It includes

¨ The baseline trophic status of the lake as designated by the Environmental Protection Agency and the required trophic status specified by the Phosphorous Regulations,

¨ The chlorophyll limits for the Baseline trophic status and the target maximum chlorophyll limits,

¨ The total Phosphorous limits and the target total Phosphorous requirements,

Annual Status

This table indicates the annual status of the lake in question and includes

¨ Average annual Total P (mg/l),

¨ Maximum Chlorophyll,

¨ Annual Trophic Status based on the best case scenario of Maximum Chlorophyll or average annual Total P,

¨ Whether or not the required trophic status has been achieved.

Assessment A summary assessment of the water quality is given which is based on the scientific data.

Change from 2002 Any significant changes in quality from 2002 are also given.

A graph of the monthly variations found in Total P concentrations for each lake is also shown

List of Lakes Monitored

Lake Catchment

Gowna Erne Kinale Shannon Mullagh Boyne Nadrageel Boyne Oughter Erne Ramor Boyne Sheelin Shannon Sillan Erne

Lake: Gowna Catchment: Erne

Statutory requirements1

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Eutrophic ³ 25 < 75 > 20 £ 50

Target Mesotrophic ³ 8 < 25 > 10 £ 20

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Annual Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 61 121 Hypertrophic No 2001 47 107 Eutrophic No 2002 72 56 Eutrophic No 2003 76 52 Eutrophic No

Assessment Unsatisfactory.

Change from 2002 No change

Lake: Kinale Catchment: Shannon

Statutory requirements

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Oligotrophic ³ 2.5 < 8 > 5 £ 10

Target Oligotrophic ³ 2.5 < 8 > 5 £ 10

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Annual Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 28 77 Eutrophic No 2001 24 56 Eutrophic No 2002 27 26 Eutrophic No 2003 28 18 Mesotrophic No

Assessment Unpolluted. The quality of water is satisfactory however target status has still not been achieved. The water quality of this lake is inextricabily linked to the quality of water in Lough Sheelin.

Change from 2002 Significant continuing improvement in maximum Chlorophyll levels.

Lake: Mullagh Catchment: Boyne

Statutory requirements

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Eutrophic ³ 25 < 75 > 20 £ 50

Target Mesotrophic ³ 8 < 25 > 10 £ 20

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Annual Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 53 147 Hypertrophic No 2001 44 40 Eutrophic No 2002 62 56 Eutrophic No 2003 57 73 Eutrophic No

Assessment Unsatisfactory.

Change from 2002 Little change. Increases in maximum Chlorophyll levels.

Lake: Nadrageel Catchment: Boyne

Statutory requirements

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Mesotrophic ³ 8 < 25 > 10 £ 20

Target Mesotrophic ³ 8 < 25 > 10 £ 20

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Annual Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 47 103 Eutrophic No 2001 47 85 Eutrophic No 2002 54 118 Eutrophic No 2003 59 111 Eutrophic No

Assessment Unsatisfactory.

Change from 2002 No change

Lake: Oughter Catchment: Erne

Statutory requirements

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Hyper- Eutrophic > 75 > 50 Target Eutrophic ³ 25 < 75 > 20 £ 50

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Annual Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 73 183 Hypertrophic No 2001 64 129 Hypertrophic No 2002 70 494 Hypertrophic No 2003 94 187 Hypertrophic No

Assessment Unsatisfactory. Lake is polluted at all stations.

Change from 2002 Reduction in maximum Chlorophyll level recorded.

Lake: Ramor Catchment: Boyne

Statutory requirements

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Hyper-Eutrophic > 75 > 50 Target Eutrophic ³ 25 < 75 > 20 £ 50

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Annual Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 67 90 Hypertrophic No 2001 59 92 Hypertrophic No 2002 73 80 Hypertrophic No 2003 100 165 Hypertrophic No

Assessment Unsatisfactory.

Change from 2002 Increase in Total Phosphate concentration and in maximum Chlorophyll levels.

Lake: Lough Sheelin Catchment: Shannon

Statutory requirements

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Eutrophic ³ 25 < 75 > 20 £ 50 (Seriously) Target Mesotrophic ³ 8 < 25 > 10 £ 20

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Current Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 32 36 Eutrophic No 2001 23 34 Eutrophic No 2002 28 32 Eutrophic No 2003 31 46 Eutrophic No

Assessment Unsatisfactory.

Change from 2002 Increase in maximum Chlorophyll levels.

Lake: Sillan Catchment: Erne

Statutory requirements

Trophic Status Maximum Total P (ug/l) Chlorophyll Baseline Hyper- Eutrophic > 75 > 50 Target Eutrophic ³ 25 < 75 > 20 £ 50

Annual status

Year Average Annual Maximum Current Has either standard Total P(ug/l) Chlorophyll Status been achieved ? 2000 77 73 Eutrophic Yes 2001 57 50 Eutrophic Yes 2002 56 73 Eutrophic Yes 2003 66 52 Eutrophic Yes

Assessment Unsatisfactory. However required standard has been achieved.

Change from 2002 Some increase in Total P levels, significant reduction in maximum Chlorophyll levels.

Appendix 3 :



1. Statutory Instrument S.I. No. 258 of 1998. Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977(Water Quality Standards for Phosphorous ) Regulations,1998 Published by the Government supplies Office

2. The Biological Survey of River Quality 1987,1988,1989,1990 Published by the ERU

3. The Biological Survey of River Quality 1991,1992,1993,1994 Published by the ERU and EPA

4. Cavan County Council- Measures Report 1999 B. Johnston, J.Tiernan et al Internally published by the Environment Section Cavan County Council

5. Cavan County Council- Implementation Report 2000 B. Johnston, G. Finn et al Internally published by the Environment Section Cavan County Council

6. Water Quality in Ireland 1995-1997 Published by Environmental Protection Agency

7. Water Quality in Ireland 1998-2000 Published by Environmental Protection Agency

8. The Biological Survey of River Quality 2001 Unpublished draft data kindly provided by Environmental Protection Agency

9. The Quality of River Water in County Cavan. 1999 B. Johnston, J.Tiernan et al Internally published by the Environment Section, Cavan County Council

10. The Quality of River Water in County Cavan. 2000 B. Johnston, G. Finn et al Internally published by the Environment Section, Cavan County Council

11. Code of Good Agricultural Practice to Protect Waters from Pollution by Nitrates. Published by Department of the Environment & Local Government and Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

12. Cavan County Council- Implementation Report 2002 B. Johnston, F. Gibbons et al Internally published by the Environment Section Cavan County Council

13. The Quality of River Water in County Cavan. 2001 B. Johnston, F. Gibbons et al Internally published by the Environment Section, Cavan County Council

14. The Quality of River Water in County Cavan. 2002 B. Johnston, F. Gibbons et al Internally published by the Environment Section, Cavan County Council