Журнал основан в 2011 г.

№6(17) 2014

Главный редактор – Я.А. Максимов Выпускающий редактор – Н.А. Максимова Ответственный секретарь редакции – О.Л. Москаленко Технический редактор, администратор сайта – Ю.В. Бяков Компьютерная верстка – Л.И. Иосипенко


Founded in 2011

№6(17) 2014

Editor-in-Chief – Ya.А. Maksimov Deputy Editor-in-Chief – N.А. Maksimova Executive Secretary – O.L. Moskalenko Support Contact – Yu.V. Byakov Imposer – L.I. Iosipenko

Красноярск, 2014 Научно-Инновационный Центр ---- 12+ Krasnoyarsk, 2014 Publishing House Science and Innovation Center Издательство «Научно-инновационный центр» НАУКА КРАСНОЯРЬЯ, №6(17), 2014, 268 с. Журнал зарегистрирован Енисейским управлением Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (свидетельство ПИ № ТУ 24-00430 от 10.08.2011) и Международным центром ISSN (ISSN 2070-7568). Журнал выходит шесть раз в год Статьи, поступающие в редакцию, рецензируются. За достоверность сведений, изложенных в статьях, ответственность несут авторы публикаций. Мнение ре- дакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов материалов. При перепечатке ссылка на журнал обязательна. Журнал представлен в полнотекстовом формате в НАУЧНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ БИБЛИОТЕКЕ в целях создания Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ). Адрес редакции, издателя и для корреспонденции: 660127, г. Красноярск, ул. 9 Мая, 5 к. 192 E-mail: [email protected] Подписной индекс в каталоге «Пресса России» – 33298 Учредитель и издатель: Издательство ООО «Научно-инновационный центр»

Publishing House Science and Innovation Center KRASNOYARSK SCIENCE, №6(17), 2014, 268 p. The edition is registered (certificate of registry PE № TU 24-00430) by the Federal Service of Intercommunication and Mass Media Control and by the International cen- ter ISSN (ISSN 2070-7568). Krasnoyarsk Science is published 6 times per year All manuscripts submitted are subject to double-blind review. The journal is included in the Reviewing journal and Data base of the RISATI RAS. Information about the journal issues is presented in the RISATI RAS catalogue and accessible online on the Electronic Scientific Library site in full format, in order to create Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The journal has got a RSCI impact- factor (IF RSCI). Address for correspondence: 9 Maya St., 5/192, Krasnoyarsk, 660127, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Subscription index in the General catalog «The Russian Press» – 33298 Published by Publishing House Science and Innovation Center Свободная цена © Научно-инновационный центр, 2014 3

Издательство «Научно-инновационный центр»


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Publishing House Science and Innovation Center


V.B. Bezgin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor (Tambov) S.V. Pershin, Doctor of Historical Sciences (Saransk) A.A. Slezin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor (Tambov) A.V. Sharapov, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Barnaul) V.A. Dresvyannikov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Penza) Yu.A. Nikitin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor (Saint Pe- tersburg) Yu.V. Razovsky, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor (Moscow) B.Yu. Serbinovsky, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Engineering Sciences (Yaroslavl) D.P. Frolov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor (Volgograd) G.M. Shamarova, Doctor of Economic Sciences (Moscow) V.V. Kookueva, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Elista) S.V. Razmanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ukhta) V.R. Medvedeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Kazan) O.M. Orlinskaya, Candidate of Political Sciences (Nizhni Nov- gorod) G.I. Ibragimov, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, professor (Kazan) S.M. Petrova, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, professor (Yakutsk) I.V. Rezanovich, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, professor (Che- lyabinsk) 7

V.G. Ryndak, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, professor (Orenburg) R.Kh. Shaymardanov, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, professor (Surgut) V.S. Chernyavskaya, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, professor (Vladivostok) A.M. Kamensky, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Saint Peters- burg) E.A. Shmeleva, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Shuya) P.A. Kislyakov, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Shuya) M.G. Sergeeva, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Moscow) D.Yu. Trushnikov, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Tyumen) S.I. Yakimenko, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, profesor (Ni- kolaev, Ukraine) S.V. Kushchenko, Doctorof Philosophical Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Novosibirsk) G.G. Zeynalov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor (Sa- ransk) Ya.V. Zubova, Doctor of Sociological Sciences (Usinsk) L.G. Lisitskaya, Doctor of Philological Sciences (Armavir) S.V. Saksonov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor (Tolyatti) N.V. Yakovenko, Candidate of Geographic Sciences (Shuya) A.N. Fedorov, Candidate of Geographic Sciences (Yakutsk) 8 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Инновации в образовании (Educational innovations)

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-1 UDC 378.147


Kolchikova N.L.

The article under consideration deals with the problem of forming the Russian identity on the basis of dialogues of cul- tures in the process of literary education in the national school of Republic of Khakasia. Dialogues of cultures develop child- ren’s outlook, promote better perception of native, Russian and world literature. Modern methods and ways of successive and creative teaching of Russian and native literature are under dis- cussion. Keywords: dialogue, culture, approach, process, identi- fication, forming.

In the current Federal State Educational Standard of secondary education it is said that any educational process must guarantee «pres- ervation and development of cultural variety and language inheritance Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 9 of peoples of Russian Federation, the right to study a native language, mastery of spiritual values and culture of the multinational peoples of Russia» [1]. Education is set the task to develop the personality who pursues valuable and sense goals based on individual and subjec- tive positions, social competence, civic identity. The current situation makes it apparent the importance of transition to a new strategy of education, exactly, to social construction of civic identity (A.G. As- molov, 2011), according to the Conception of spiritual-moral develop- ment and education of a personality, a citizen of Russia [2]. Despite the experience accumulated in the sphere of education, educational process is still becoming the system of transition of objec- tive knowledge about facts and conformities of the outer world. This educational process is not, in the full degree, oriented to the general development of a personality and forming his/her consciousness on the value basis. Russian identity means realization of belonging to Russian State and its citizens, and also the possibility of presenting one’s own his- tory, culture, modern state and perspectives of development, the place among other countries and ways of interrelation with other peoples. As far as A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya and others put it, the requirements to the development of civic identity at secondary schools are: within the frames of cognitive component (knowledge of one’s ethnic belonging, mastering of national values, traditions, culture, mastering of general cultural inheritance of Rus- sia and the world cultural inheritance, etc.) In the frames of valuable and emotional components the requirements are: emotionally positive perception of one’s own ethnic identity, orientation in the system of 10 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 moral norms and values and their hierarchic order; feeling of patrio- tism and pride for one’s country, respect for one’s history; respect and recognition of other peoples of Russia, interethnic tolerance, etc. The actual component determines conditions of forming the basis of civic identity of a personality: skills to conduct a dialogue on the basis of equal relations and mutual respect, fulfillment of moral norms, skills to plan lifelong plans, etc. In order to educate Russian identity we made our contribution to the distribution and organization of the literary material which is in the curriculum. This contribution consists of a number of changes. The transitional themes, studied at every grade, are the following: man and nature – personality and society. The dynamics of the contents of the material from 5 to 11 grades is: national values – common to all mankind values – national character – national picture of the world – national mentality as the value basis to formulate all-Russian identity, A.G. Asmolov thinks that the key point in self-determination of a teen-ager is the formation of civic identity which means that a per- sonality realizes his/her belonging to the community of citizens of a certain state on the common cultural basis which has certain personal meaning. The structure of forming a teen-ager’s civic identity also in- cludes four main components: cognitive (knowledge of his/her ethnic belonging, mastering of national values, traditions, culture; mastering of all-cultural inheritance of Russia and the world cultural inheritance, etc.); valuable and emotional components (emotionally positive per- ception of one’s own identity, orientation in the system of moral norms and values and their hierarchic order; the feeling of patriotism and Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 11 pride for one’s own country; respect to history; respect and recogni- tion of other peoples of Russia, interethnic tolerance, etc.); the actual component determines conditions of forming the basis of civic iden- tity of a personality (Asmolov, 2011). The indices of forming teen-agers’ civic identity are such qualities as civic position, patriotism and socio-critical thinking which provides cognitive basis of independent lifelong choice of a personality. In ac- cordance with it, it is necessary to formulate the image of Russia at school. This image must be based on a complex of valuable, sense, historical, patriotic contexts; the development of tolerant perception and communicative competence in communication and co-operation. Education of tolerance, as moral value, and social norms among newly forming Russian civic society, understanding and respect for a differ- ent way of thinking and living are obligatory conditions of life in a poly-cultural society. These conditions are the basis of forming civic position and patriotism of a personality. While regarding the main stages of forming ethnic and Russian identity in the process of literary education we take into account general principles of age development of schoolchildren. Most psy- chologists consider that the most and important period to formulate ethnic and civic identity lasts from 10 to 14. Most favorable period for younger children (10 – 11) is characterized by mythological per- ception of the world, by special emotional state and openness to new ideas. As J. Piaget puts it, a child is capable to discern the unique history and culture of different countries. According to his opinion, by the age of 12 – 14 ethnic identity has already been formulated. It 12 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 is the age of «socialization», of active forming of reflexive layer of consciousness, the growth of intention to comprehend his/her actions and create his/her own way of behavior. A child is capable to identify himself/herself, his/ her belonging to this or that ethnic group. Active development of national consciousness at teens is conditioned by gen- eral psychic growth at this age, by perfection of intellectual processes, amplification of social ties, the comprehension of personal «I», the capability to reflection. At this period the attitude to reading becomes more deliberate, motivated by developing layer of consciousness because new personal coinages are being formed which realize new thinking and new attitude to reality. Early youth (15 – 17) is characterized by stable and intense pro- cesses of becoming a grown-up. It includes growing independence, initiative, new outlook, new ideals, civic and moral feelings. New self- consciousness, self-estimation and ethnic outlook are being formed (Cnezhkov A.I.) M.P. Voyushina, the methodologist of St. Petersburg, thinks that children begin to realize motives of self-education, formu- lation of moral directives being just in an elementary school, but «the results are, perhaps, visible only in the intermediate or senior stage at school» [13, 12]. Exactly, these motives, age possibilities and de- mands of pupils taken into account, promote the formulation of chil- dren’s civic identity. The birth of motivation to reading leads to the aim of meaning- ful reading which presents «personal meaning as to be ready to fulfill any purposeful activity» [24, 75]. Psychologists, while characterizing the system of motives of academic activity, make a special accent on Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 13 personal and social motives. Personal motives characterize demands and goals of a personality, taken out of any concrete subject context. In addition to the above-mentioned motives there also exist ideological motives (which develop the world outlook): ▪ the discovery of spiritual, moral basis of being, civic values, ▪ directives, self-determination in choosing life’s values, their hierarchic order, ▪ spiritual, moral self-perfection.

The other, not the least, important social motive, connected with the axiological aspect of literary education is the motive of correlation of eternal values of being, art and values of modern society. So, education of civic identity in the system of literary education in the national school presupposes the introduction of representative works of literature, which «represent concepts of culture and deter- mine the most important characteristics of the national picture of the world», being capable to generate «the field of cultural meanings». Education of civic identification also presupposes synchronization, correlation of a number of themes combining both literatures on the basis of meaningful and art correlation of works, both of native and Russian literature; exposition of «stable schemes and images», my- thologems, universals, archetypes, concepts as the basis for traditions and innovations; well thought-out organization of literary material to develop speech habits; use of different forms of academic activ- ity (travel-lesson, dialogue-lesson, integrated lesson, representation- lesson, project-lesson, elective courses, extra-class work). 14 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014


1. Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart na- chal’nogo obshchego obrazovaniya [Federal State Educational Standard of Elementary General Education] / Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. – M.: Prosveshchenie, 2010. P. 5. 2. Danilyuk A.Ya., Kondakov A.M., Tishkov V.A. Kontseptsiya du- khovno-nravstvennogo razvitiya i vospitaniya lichnosti grazh- danina Rossii [The Conception of spiritual and moral development and education of a personality of a citizen of Russia]. – M.: Prosveshchenie, 2011. 24 p. 3. Ageev V.S., Tolmasova A.K. Teoriya sotsial’noy identichnosti i ee empiricheskie verifikatsii [The Theory of social identity and its empiric verification]. Psikhologiya samosoznaniya [The Psychology of self-conscioussness]. Samara, 2000. pp. 626-629. 4. Voyushina M.P. Modernizatsiya literaturnogo obrazovaniya i razvitie mladshikh shkol’nikov [Modernization of literary edu- cation and development of junior schoolchildren]. – St. Petersburg: Prosveshchenie, 2007. pp. 12. 5. Terenteva N.P. Problema motivatsii chitatel’skoy deyatel’nosti v sovremennoy sotsiokul’turnoy situatsii [The Problem of mo- tivation of reading activity in modern socio-cultural situation]. Chtenie i literaturnoe obrazovanie v informatsionnom obshche- stve [Reading and literary education in informative society] / Ed. E.S. Romanicheva. – M.: MPSI, 2011. 238 p. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 15

6. Leontev D.A. Psikhologiya smysla: priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoy deyatel’nosti [Psychology of sense: nature, structure and dynamics of sense activity]. – M.: Prosveshchenie, 2003. P. 9. 7. Sergeeva V.P. Formirovanie grazhdanskoy identichnosti v siste- me obrazovaniya [Forming civic identity in the system of edu- cation]. – M.: Perspective, 2011. 32 p.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kolchikova Natalya Lavrentevna, candidate of pedagogical sci- ences, assistant professor Khakass State University after the name of N.F. Katanov Lenin St., 90, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, 655017, Russia [email protected] 16 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-2 UDC 37.04+159.922.73


Brikunova S.S., Voynov V.B.

The article describes the modern concepts of crisis phe- nomena in the development of children, with emphasis on issues related to their entering primary school. The material is considered as a basis for constructing pedagogical techno- logies aimed at not only student learning, but also their full education. The teacher should be in the process of building a full- fledged dialogue active participant in the formation ofthe schoolboy, the development of his spirituality. Draws attention to the intercultural and interdisciplinary teaching the basics of creating a single space. Objective. To reveal the basic phenomena of the «crisis of childhood» and identify ways to use these concepts in solving specific problems of education and training highly spiritual personality in today’s elementary school. Keywords: elementary school, the crisis of childhood, culture, spirituality, ontogeny. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 17

In view of the problem of education continuity in the modern sci- ences of psychology and pedagogics along with education system itself one frequently mentions «childhood crisis. What is childhood crisis, what are its main features, and what is the difference between childhood crisis and sustainable and successful development of a child studying at school? To predict and design development of educational system as continuity system we need to denote «childhood crisis». To our opinion depending on variety of answers to questions the variety of models and concepts of educational process continuity can be simu- lated and established. Nowadays the concept «childhood crisis» when talking about ill- being childhood in general and particularly concerning modern socio- cultural situation that influences different sides of a child’s life is used; they are from the one hand growth of juvenile delinquency eloquent displayed by young people finishing school nowadays, infantilism, and from the other it is, defined as a trend, the willing to achieve a purpose by any means, etc. Schools employees, medicine and social institutions, law enforce- ment bodies, parents’ communities, and psychology and pedagogics themselves undertake many efforts to positively influence the existing situation in any appropriate ways, and to transform it. Among the ef- forts appear humanization of relations between adults and children, attempts to form and to restore different kinds of children’s activity and communication, efforts to design new concept of education. National documents that come out through the last decade (New edition of Russian Federation «Education Act»), many concepts and regulatory enactments concerning schools development and particu- 18 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 larly every school parts from the one hand and from the other docu- ments saying about growing in number and increasing in cruelty deeds of infant vandalism and juvenile delinquency show that undertaking attempts have random, casual features, don’t possess mutual concep- tual basis, and have no general supposition concerning of grounding ill-being symptoms that could become a fundamental principle in cop- ing with problems of children’s lives planning and crisis components in it. The concept «Тhe crisis of childhood» has at least two interrelated aspects analyzing which, from our point of view, could present nowa- days childhood from different sides and point out causes of childhood crisis quite integrally. First side of childhood crisis concerns general sociocultural situation of a child’s development, and crisis inside that situation. The second one concerns conditions of development of a child and crises of a child’s personality development which in many ways derives from sociocultural situation of development. Let’s try to imagine both sides of «Тhe crisis of childhood». We, first of all, associate sociocultural crisis to the crisis inside of education system. Its general conditions bring us to the idea that the expression «education» is so to say «blurred». Education system, probably this is the most important fact, can’t determine for itself a sphere of value system, essence of education thus it doesn’t clearly respond to «a person’s order», i.e. purposes of education. That is to say it doesn’t introduce «character of profound adult that acts with self- consistency and responsibility» [1]. That is precisely why the educa- tion system functions within the paradigm of «traditional» education, it doesn’t have proper legislative ground that guarantee the right for Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 19 education to everyone and obtaining it «only within peculiar period» [2], and doesn’t provide high quality of educational services and con- sequently decreases the quality of education in general. In the system according to the same cause the substantial aspect of education itself is not worked out. Fundamental by accidental, variable, distinctly pragmatic is displaced. The concept «education» by the concept «in- struction» is replaced that pulls apart interrelated categories of train- ing, upbringing, and education [3]. There is no adoption of culture, inwardness, and national origin of education. Indeed, adding number of classes in any school which use its own regulations to introduce, for instance, classes of mathematics, natural subjects, or of music and fine art, etc., reveals just extensive way of a school development. This way doesn’t give answer at all, or answers not directly to the holis- tic questions of a child: «Why do I need this education?», «What’s useful for me in getting it?». Thus education and culture often don’t correlate alike education and growing-up are segregated from each other. There are no conditions for a child’s development in general, and particularly a child’s artistic skills, for a child «entering» society (when, at what period of my development could I consider myself as full member of society, when the rest members of society would take my opinion, when can I consider myself adult, what are criteria of my adulthood in a situation when «rituals of growing-up» (oktyabryonok, pioneer, komsomolets…) are lost, what is my attitude to younger and to older people than me, etc.). Development of creative abilities of a child doesn’t appear, different forms of a child’s cooperation with younger and older people are only declared; relations between people of different ages are not presented in the modern education system that 20 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 could be expressed in the matter of a child’s life, in different forms of poly-age cooperation, rituals of transferring from one age into next one within the communities. The ideas of subjectness, i.e. of activity, self-expression, ambition, self-realization of a person in a community and culture are displaced. For growing up child the essence of the ex- istence consists just of obeying to adults, accepting «rules of a game», and adapting to environment. Thus if the essence is not a main point to climb up the stairs of education system then the declared concept of education continuity by its continuation is not provided. Presumably according to these reasons the education system itself is not actually a system. It disintegrates because doesn’t fulfill a wide range of its functions. The present day education system’s efforts re- sembles yet the will and need «to change clothes» (Add or withdraw one year reserved for education in secondary school, five or six days of study in the week, should duration of a lesson be forty-five or forty minutes, etc.) instead of change and develop itself from the inside [3]. This could be possible only if «the main point» of development i.e. value and aims of education and education policy in general, and edu- cation’s strategy would be determined. Nowadays sociocultural situation in Russia, in our opinion, is not the worst in the last century; Russian citizens several times over- came more terrible periods of ill-being. To our mind, the most impor- tant thing is that we lost ideal, mental, but not material properties of the present day life; we lost mental core that helped to survive and maintain a human nature even in the darkest time of devastation and famine. Hence perplexity of young people, pessimistic perception of life, and withdrawal with adult’s society take place. Half of the young Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 21 people don’t consider education as important life value; savor for cul- ture, education, fine arts decreases, but demand cult of power, alcohol, narcotics, and prostitution takes place. On the background of population’s social separation, absence of moral and mental principles of society we notice striving of quite big number of children (age of primary school and secondary school) to understand and to employ modern equipment and devices (TV, video, computers), promptly respond on the speeding up movement of life and information in it. Primary school pupils and teenagers often reveal amazing competence in some spheres of life that puzzles adults. In the Russian Psychology and Pedagogics the idea of «childhood crisis» by L.S. Vygotskiy [4, 5] were introduced and concerns several fundamental concepts (perfect state, image of adulthood, and critical periods of childhood). Moreover we are acquainted with works of for- eign scientists that in some way concern problems of leading activity and critical periods of childhood. According to E. Erikson [6] establishing of a personal identity (i.e. psychological and social identity – realization oneself in variety of relations with society) takes place in the first twenty years of a hu- man’s life. Crises are the milestones where one needs to choose, and they appear in the personal quality with definite positive or negative trend. A child’s person character during crisis fully reveals itself when concerns to environment and oneself. A child needs constantly choose between two opposite attitudes; for example between confidence and distrust to environment etc. According to J. Piaget [7] a child, when maturing, passes all stages of intellectual development (stage of sensomotor intellect lasts since 22 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 birth till 2 years old; representative intellect and particular actions are from 2 to 11; formal actions are from 11 to 15). But time and intensity of intellect’s development depends on peculiar social and cultural con- ditions and individual characteristics of children. J. Piaget considered intellectual development of a child to be the main point of develop- ment and, consequently, principle of continuity. L.S. Vygotskiy [5] pointed out the necessity to consider develop- ment of all psychic spheres of a child in a dynamic whole. But still modern Psychology is far away from applying such holistic approach in investigation. Development of cognitive abilities of a child and de- velopment of other characteristics of his personality are considered as processes that have their independent parallel lines. Mostly in this area of Psychology and Pedagogics researches argue what is human as an individual and how to study the individual. Considering different approaches superficially one better pay attention some aspects of an individual’s problems in the stream of the research tradition that by the works of L.S. Vygotskiy were initiated. We support many views of L.S.Vigotskiy and other followers of his school. Vigotskiy’s [4] idea that a child, when developing, adopts two lines of behavior is considered to be a key principle of cultural and historic concept for understanding processes of a child’s personality development. The first line is «natural maturing». The other one is cultural development, obtaining cultural ways of behavior and thinking, transforming lower – elementary or natural psychic processes into higher – culture ones. Cultural development takes place, according to L.S. Vigotskiy, due to application of special psychological tools and means. He said that like in the way human impacts natural environment using tools which give Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 23 him multiplication of his physical power and strength of his hand the same way to understand his own nature, his own psychic processes, and behavior a man applies tools and means; but unlike outward di- rection they directed inside into subject itself. In this regard cultural development doesn’t create any exceeding or alternative possibilities and this is thought to be the possibility of natural development of a child’s behavior. Culture can’t develop anything new at all moreover of what is by nature is built, but it alternates nature according to a hu- man’s intentions. Unfortunately L.S. Vygotskiy gives only draughts of his reasoning of the causes of such «nature transformation». According to the opinion of V.S. Bibler [8], ideas proposed by L.S. Vygotskiy allow elaborating Psychology the way explanatory sci- ences do and at the same time they allow to avoid reductionism that is common for scientific method of perception. In this case the ideas and concepts like principles that affirm the integrity of psychology; the idea of mediation and transformation of elementary psychical pro- cesses to higher – cultural ones, that idea reveals mechanism of devel- opment of psychic setup in a child’s personality; problem of meaning and notion on solution of which depends the possibility of personal approach in Psychology. Considering cultural and historical concept of L.S. Vigotskiy as the basis of the modern Psychology and Pedagogics many research- es of the second and third generations, representatives of his school, seems to consider sources of a child’s development and «childhood crisis» from different angles [9]. We bring here the most interesting their discourses, from our point of view. 24 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Analyzing the state of nowadays childhood many modern psy- chologists and pedagogues interpret understanding of «childhood crisis» problem as methodologically wrong comprehension of devel- opment problem [2, 10-12]. According to their opinion the sources of «childhood crisis» underlie in general approach to the problem of development which often to resulting higher from lower is brought. These authors think that problems of development frequently by some isolated processes of an organism development or psychology are re- duced, and this is where the limits are set. At the same time the in- ternal, also isolated from each other, processes of development (e.g. genetic or physiologic) are marked out. Outstanding representatives of this direction are still representatives of psychological and physiologi- cal science which act as «legislators» when children enter elementary school and they reveal the preparedness of children for learning in the school taking into account level of a child’s palm development, memory, thinking, and imagination progress. And it is considered that a child gradually «with no problem» will move from preschool to el- ementary school only in the case if these processes are well developed [13]. The alternates of this approach are theories of sociological ap- proach often related to idea of «interiorization» when the essence of development outside are brought, into the society, environment of de- velopment, to culture, etc. Thus; for example, the early works of V.V. Davydov [14] bring the idea that there is no sense to consider a strict a human individual development as a strict concept. A child does not develop, but adopt social experience; so the merit of «development» in dialectic sense belongs to those objects which are continuity sys- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 25 tems («totalities») that exist only according to their own principles (the principle is the general way of interrelation of peculiar phenom- ena inside the system). Could a man (an individual) be this system? Является ли отдельный человек (индивид) подобной системой? The meaning of theories that consequently reveal failure of «adven- tures of castaway» is that they bring to negative answer on the raised question. A separate person is not a system which has «enter» and «exit» within itself. A person is just a component of truly holistic sys- tem that is «society». Citing L.S. Vygotskiy [4], V.V. Davydov [14] contended that through the course of a life an individual assimilates, masters, and takes possession of object-related patterns of own activ- ity which exist outside and independently from the particular individ- ual; and that are elaborated in material and mental culture by previous generations as social patterns. Thus all kinds and ways of a human’s activity including individual activity, demands, ambitions, and prefer- ences from the beginning till very end are the result of appropriation of presented by society and in some sense standard activity. But ideas similar to statements of early V.V. Davydov [14] still have their continuation in theory and practice of social upbringing of children. A human is the original material; out of this material with the help of upbringing («communist», »international», «esthetic», «so- cial», etc.) one could do anything useful for the state. Of course one cannot argue the fact that a human is a social being, moreover, a hu- man being is a natural, also «supranatural», and «suprasocial» being [15]. Underlining and absolutization of social conditions of psychic setup bring process of development to adoption of social experience 26 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 and lead to lack of understanding of actual essence and nature of a hu- man’s personality. A.V. Petrovskiy [2, 16], and at the present time, in particularly А.Lakoff [17] и D.Fishbein [18] consider the development of the per- sonality as the process of its integration to different social groups. A personality formation by special features of relations between a child and the closest social environment (reference group) is deter- mined. The members of a reference comparing to the other people are the most important for a child since a child adopts all values, moral norms, and behavior patterns in it. The definite reference group corre- sponds to each age; they are family, a group in kindergarten, a school class, informal teenager communities, etc. Action-mediated relations of a child with a group influence on formation of a child’s personality. It is possible to split those relations to following stages: adaptation, individualization, integration. Every stage of a person’s development experiences its own difficulties that appear at favourable conditions of positive character or is necessary for exclusion of unsatisfactory demands and consolidation of personal qualities which further build unfavourable emotional background... Historical approach to ontogenesis by D.B. Elkonin [1] and hy- pothesis of historical origin of childhood stages were elaborated. In one of the works D.B. Elkonin describes childhood crisis in view of appearing of subject role-play game. This period by loss of patterns of children’s involvement to the life of adults and vice versa, and loss of pattern of adult life representation to children (i.e. perfect patterns) was characterized. Moreover, pointing out various age-related periods of a child’s personality development as the major activities, D.B. El- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 27 konin marked out that a child’s moving from one age stage to another one, changing one major activity to the other one are complex, critical for a child, that includes a child’s moving from preschool education to elementary school one and further to secondary school, that are in many ways crucial, intense, critical, and crisis periods of a child’s life. Hence the problem of crisis of seven-years old and ten-twelve years old children gets its concretization as the problem of change of major types of activity in the given age periods; it is moving from subject- role-play game (game with rules) to education activity and further to communication. As the matter of fact researches of the modern psy- chologists who consider different aspects of overcoming «childhood crises» in the course of individual development of a child consider the same question. D.B. Elkonin [1], V.V. Davydov [14] and their fol- lowers in this view, for instance, find the solution of «the crisis» when children moving from preschool childhood to elementary school stage and further to teen age in development of a child’s intellect in the pro- cess of educational activity; it is considered as circumstance of conti- nuity between stages of elementary school and secondary school. Communication and its role in psychological development never escaped from the circle of interest not only of modern Russian Psy- chology but also from the sphere of interests of philosophers, sociolo- gists, and psycholinguists. By the opinion of V.I. Slobodchikov [19], V.A. Petrovskiy [2] et al. maintenance, registration, and acquisition by a child of communi- cative channels of various kinds in the processes of play and education activities, and period of a child’s moving from one activity to another one help to overcome «the crisis» in the period of conversion. Analy- 28 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 sis of results obtained by researching the genesis of communication al- low to affirm that a) communication is developing and obtains various new types and kinds; b) communication of a child with adults enriches psychological and value-semantic characteristics of every age-related stage; c) considering communication it is possible to get closer to un- derstanding of mechanisms of major activities replacement [3]. Consideration of personal features of a child’s development and establishing of «the required individual» period of moving from one major activity to another one, i.e. «individual periodization» of a child’s development [2, 16] is one more feature in overcoming of cri- sis situation while a child exits preschool age and enters elementary school. The Kravtsovs [15] deem that one of the causes of misunderstand- ing of «childhood crisis» problem is in separate, isolated considering of questions concerning integral personality development of a child, lack of attention to semantic, emotional and affective expression of in- dividuality, ignoring of a child’s imagination development, and with- draw of all previous mentioned from intellectual sphere of a child. According to L.S. Vygotskiy [4] formation of integrity of affect and intellect firstly in influence of the parts of integrity onto each other, and secondly the integrity is dynamic, variable, mind is displayed at that «every stage in thinking development corresponds the stage of af- fect development, or, in other words, every stage of psychological de- velopment by special peculiar to it dynamic and semantic systems as whole and indivisible unity is characterized». Highlighting of circum- stances of conditions of intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in their integrity and mutual cooperation during «crisis periods» of Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 29 children of preschool and elementary school ages, together with cre- ativity display, and imagination development are the conditions for persistent, continuous development and education process in general. Integrity of childhood and qualitative characteristics of critical and stable periods of its development is determined from the point of view of the category of «ideal image of adulthood» which by L.S. Vygotskiy [5] was brought forward. L.S. Vygotskiy and following him B.D. Elkonin [1] imply that perfect pattern as a pattern of abso- lutely adulthood is the relationship between ideal and real patterns. Only in relations of ideal and real the first one could be deemed as an ideal. What concerns ideal and real, emphasis moves from ready- made, build patterns of culture and its bearers to patterns presenting perfection – patterns of adulthood appearance. Perfection should come forward, i.e. instead of being existence it should become an event; the essence of which is in its accomplishment and event. Thus, within the frameworks of cultural and historic approach the second category is marked out, we also take it into account as fundamental while consider problems of educational process continuity; this is the category of oc- currence that allows integral imagining of childhood. To above mentioned, we would like to add the following provi- sion that have, from our point of view, the major conceptual meaning and it clears up our attitude. Categories of «occurrence» and «clash» we consider as one and the same; they include comparison of dif- ferent views, and relations (within systems adult-adult, adult-child, child-child, etc.) from the point of view of existing subject attitude to Ideal, Prototype, and Truth. Every participant of a running event can express, promote, present, and assert his point of view on what is 30 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 going on, surroundings during activity, and during communication ac- cording to own attitude to the Ideality. Thus we move emphasis from a perfect adult a bearer of attitude to culture on a perfect adult a bearer of attitude to the Truth. From the same points we consider a child who «walks» the road to the truth, and undoubtedly an adult has the role of mediator. The category of occurrence could be considered from different points of view. However we are expressing solidarity with B.D. Elko- nin [1] consider occurrence as one of the form of solidarity that relates to child’s development and appears to be its unit; it is not a unit of life, but a unit of development. To be more exact it is a unit of culture, a unit of formation oneself. Hence one can say that childhood crisis is the crisis of occurrence of childhood-adulthood life. An activity when excellence appears as event should be built on contrasting of perfect and real and while overcoming bound between them «the occurrence of knowledge is more important than knowledge of occurrence» [20], every actually fulfilled thought could be deemed as an event. The event has distinctions in its own contents. Apart from an idea expresses some content, a fact of expression and view of this expression is an event itself. An event of idea supposes that I, as a thinking creature, should perform, and establish myself. An adult and a child should «establish themselves» in an event of a perfect pattern, an event of a perfect pattern should be established as an event and not as a fact or incident. This is actually an event of growing up, an event of improvement oneself. Childhood crisis is the crisis of occurrence and mediation, and associated with its losing of a perfect pattern. Naturally a project of Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 31 withdrawal from the crisis is the project of setting up the conditions when adult community will act as mediator, mouthpiece and «pre- senter» of the Truth. However the more peculiar reference where adult community should mediate, what exact contradiction should commu- nity bear and present is necessary for planning. Thus, when stable periods of society and childhood «prosper», two paradigms in the education system could express the perfect im- age of adulthood. The first one is the knowledge paradigm where a perfect adult bears great bulk of information and can share it to oth- ers and b) intellectual-gnostic paradigm where perfect image of adult- hood by ability of «know how to get to know». When critical moment comes out the two paradigms in the education system are possible. The second one is meaning making paradigm within the frameworks of which the image of adulthood is the continuous search of sense in relations of real to ideal; this is the way to Prototype where one should overcome constantly appearing hesitations, reflection, search and find of the essence for oneself. That is why as compensation for not-revealing and uncovering, the tendency to direct relation between children and adults comes in the forefront during «critical» period of the country and childhood. These relations could be both love, and aggression. One tries to put education in the pattern of direct communication during this period, and since one failed (one simply cannot succeed) the idea of school crisis appears. At the same time these very patterns has no alternative at critical period of childhood development as outside of image of adulthood there is no authority of adult – the background of adult’s power. The power becomes formal it does not based on anything and 32 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 turns into aggression. Thereby adults lose their abilities «to influence» on children. If the modern childhood is the critical period in its his- tory, the period of breaking patterns of mediation between adult life and children life, period of wreckage of adulthood image take place it is absolutely pointless and wrong to plan patterns of living one period not taking into account patterns of living another period. This kind of planning is applicable during stable period of childhood development because it already possesses interrelations between ages and different stages of education; they are arranged and are open to anybody. Dur- ing critical period interrelation between ages should be considered as issue to work on, i.e. all ages because where the crisis is devastating. Through interrelation of ages and their content the future and an image of adulthood are presented to a child. Therefore ontogenetic development of a child in processes of game and education activity and the new patterns that appear in the course of a child’s assimilation to new forms of activity, communication that appears because of «perfect image of adulthood» are the necessary fundamentals for further child’s development. The more integrally and fundamentally one will consider this problems and pass solutions to practitioners the more trouble-free would be every crisis period of a child’s development.


1. El’konin D.B. Izbrannye psikhologicheskie trudy [Selected psy- chological works]. – M. 1989. 245 p. 2. Petrovskiy A.V. Voprosy psikhologii. 1984. № 4. pp. 15-29. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 33

3. Peshkova N.G., Peshkov S.P. Pedagog v sisteme lichnostno-ori- entirovannogo obrazovaniya (etap doshkol’nogo, nachal’nogo shkol’nogo detstva) [Teacher in the student-centered learning (step preschool, primary school child)]. – Rostov-na-Donu. 1997. 83 p. 4. Vygotskiy L.S. Orudie i znak v razvitii rebenka [Tool and sign in the development of the child]. – M.,1984. pp. 60-80. 5. Vygotskiy L.S. Diagnostika razvitiya i pedologicheskaya klinika trudnogo detstva [Diagnostics Development and pedological clinic difficult childhood]. – M.: Pedagogika, 1983. 6. Erikson E.G. Identichnost: yunost i krizis [Identity: Youth and Crisis]. – M.: Progress, 1996. 344 p. 7. Piaget, J. Science of education and the psychology of the child. – New York: Orion Press, 1970. 8. Bibler V.S. Ponimanie L.S. Metodologicheskie problemy psikho- logii lichnosti [Methodological problems of the psychology of personality]. – M., 1981. pp. 117-134. 9. Brikunova S.S. Pedagogicheskie usloviya razvitiya tvorcheskogo samovyrazheniya detey sredstvami iskusstva v sisteme nachal’no- go obrazovaniya [Pedagogical conditions of development of creative expression through art children in primary education]. 2005. 173 p. 10. Leontev A.N. Problemy razvitiya psikhiki [Problems of deve- lopment of the mind]. – M.: Izd. MGU, 1981. 584 p. 11. Cynader M.S., Frost B.J. Mechanisms of brain development: Neuronal sculpting by the physical and social environment // Developmental Health and the Wealth of Nations. – New York: 34 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

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DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Brikunova Svetlana Sergeevna, associate Professor of the De- partment of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences South Federal University B. Sadovaya St., 105/42, Rostov-on-Don, 344006, Russia [email protected] Voynov Viktor Borisovich, Leading scientific cooperation of In- stitute of Arid Zones, Sc.D., Associate Professor of Physiology Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences Chehova St., 41, Rostov-on-Don, 344006, Russia [email protected] 36 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-3 UDC 910


Martynov D.E., Martynova Y.A.

Purpose. The study of unpublished diaries by N.F. Katanov on its Central Travel during 1890-1892. Methodology. Historical-genetics method, systems ap- proach, critical method. Results. Exact amount of archival holdings in the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan, concludes the feasibil- ity publication travelling diaries by N.F. Katanov to the Semi- rechye, Tarbagatai and in 1890-1892 years in a holis- tic way. Practical implications. The introduction of new sources for investigation of the structure of everyday life, and the function- ing of the military and administrative apparatus of the Qing Empire in the last decade of the XIX century. Keywords: N.F. Katanov; ; National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Russian academic community at the turn of the XX-XXI centu- ries still interested in personality and heritage of the N.F. Katanov (1862-1922). The very special role in this process is played by the re- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 37 searchers of Tatarstan, Khakassia and Tuva. In 2000s there was a large number of publications described in the monograph by R.M. Valeev and V.N. Tuguzhekova [2, 4-9]. Despite the obvious value and impor- tance of published materials, we must recognize that a multi-faceted and volleying artistic heritage of Katanov still not fully explained and introduce in the scientific circulation. A significant part of unpublished material in the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan, its Dep- uty Director-General N.A. Sharangina, introduced in 2005 a review of the Katanov Fund [1]. Unfortunately this review is not quite accurate, which explains the initial promise of our publication. A significant part of life and activity by N.F. Katanov associated with the Kazan University, where he worked in the period 1893-1911 and 1917-1922. It is not surprising that it is in the National Archives of Tatarstan remained Katanov’s personal documentary stock. In one of the largest archives of Russia containing materials in their collections on the history of Oriental studies and personas – St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Archive (SPF ARAN), there is no personal fund by N.F. Katanov. According to an official letter from the Director of SPF ARAN I.V. Tunkina of Au- gust 25, 2014, in the collections of the archive contains mainly materi- als in N.F. Katanov correspondence with scientists from the academic world, in particular, A.A. Shakhmatov and S.F. Oldenburg. N.F. Katanov’s archives foundation in National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan (Fund 969) includes 551 files, covering period of 1878-1919. Among the files listed in article by N.A. Sharangina [1, 109-110], our attention was drawn to three sets of diary records, 38 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 whose description is, unfortunately, not entirely consistent with their containing. We are talking about three documents: ▪ Fund 969, List 1, File 10: Journey to Siberia, Dzungaria and East Turkestan, committed in 1890 (241 pages). ▪ F. 969, L. 1, F. 11: Trip to the Seven Rivers and Tarbagatai, 1891 (558 p.). ▪ F. 969, L. 1, F. 76: Travel to Central Asia, Western China (Turfan) and (487 p.).

All listed in the article [1] described as «wearing a rough charac- ter». In fact, the travel diaries of 1890 and 1891 were completely pre- pared for publication by the author, completely re-written in ink on a large piece of paper, and even supplied with a preamble. In the confu- sion could enter appearance manuscripts, some of the pages are lined by N.F. Katanov in two or headlines with, but unknown researcher in the 1920s tried to provide all the folklore materials contained in the diaries, single numbering inflicted red and blue indelible ink, which is not to add text external accuracy. Only materials of the file 76 are ac- tually drafts, because it is a small homemade notepads written in pen- cil. Some records have blurred, some pages (especially initial) almost unreadable. We shall now try to show the importance of introducing these materials in the scientific revolution. The reader should, how- ever, keep in mind the preliminary nature of these notes. The widow of a researcher A.I. Katanova, in a letter to S.E. Malov on December 7, 1926 mentioned that demonstrated authorized Ka- tanov manuscripts to Dr. Fettich from Berlin scientific organization, in which mentioned «Travel to the Seven Rivers and Tarbagatai» and Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 39

«Travels to Dzungaria, Siberia and Turkestan» later sent to Berlin [2, 6]. This letter now kept in the S.E. Malov fund in SPF ARAN. It turned out that the file 10 («Travels ito Siberia, Dzungaria and East Turkes- tan») up to 61 page contained folklore materials of Abakan Khakases and was published by V.V. Radlov («Examples of the Turkic tribes folk literature,» Vol. IX, St. Petersburg, 1907). These folkloric materi- als reprinted at least twice: in 1963 in Abakan («Khakass folklore»); and two volumes «Folklore of Sayan Turkic in XIX century», re- leased in Moscow in 2003 under the editorship and poetic treatment of A.V. Prelovskiy. Katanov travelogue materials sent in 1926 to Berlin were pub- lished by Prussian Academy of Sciences in two volumes in 1933 and 1943 in the translation by Karl Heinrich Menges («Volkskundliche Texte aus Ost-Türkistan»), in Russian they were peer-reviewed by S.E. Malov in 1941 and 1947. However, a significant part of a detailed Katanov diary, touch- ing a plurality of aspects of life of the peoples living in Xinjiang and Mongolia, were under the Manchu Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), has remained unpublished. On the territory of Qing China N.F. Katanov travelled several times. In 1890 he visited eight Chinese centers – Hotan, , Aksu, Kuchar, Karakash, Baya, Logucheng and Turpan, in which he firstly interested for language and folklore of the Turkic peoples of Eastern Turkestan. Next tour he visited, mainly Seven Rivers (Zhety- su), based in Chuguchak, held from May 13 to November 7, 1891, and in Chuguchak (in which he was from May 13 to November 7). Since November 8, 1891 to March 7, 1892, he again went to Xinjiang, where 40 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 he lived mainly in Hami. Then he went on to Kulja, and returned to the in May 1892, after having been on the China territory, a total 18 months [2, 33-39]. Diaries by N.F. Katanov interesting neither Türkologists nor Sinol- ogists, in particular Katanov himself intrigued by the control system of the Chinese authorities on region. However, even in the house- hold records, we can find a lot of information, sometimes unique. Here is an example of the description of the journey in the Seven Rivers and Tarbagatai: «July 14, 1890. At 6:00 pm came to me agent of my householder named Mohammad-jan Iskhakov, he is a native of Dzharkent, Seven Rivers region. I gave him for an apartment (5 days) 7 rubles. Moham- mad-jan exchanged to me Russian credit paper for silver. He gave 103 Kashgar janchan, each weighing 12 dolyas for 9 rubles and 5 kopecks, and silver bullion for 13 rubles and 60 kopecks. It is reported that in East Turkestan for 1 paper ruble give 4 silver Mithqals. One mithqal (Russian zolotnik) costs 20 kopecks, and one janchan costs 10 ko- pecks. He further said that the 4 Chinese zolotniks equals Russian 3 zolotniks and 12 dolyas (300 dolyas). Chinese cashes, is made from copper not circulated in Chuguchak, so for 1 kopeck can be purchased from merchants to 10 cashes. In Chuguchak Russian banknotes circulated on par with Kashgar species and bullion from the Chinese silver «(File. 10, page 64 verso). In the diary materials preserved sketches plans of Chinese border fortifica- tions and – on the other hand – visiting cards by Chinese merchants and officials representing themselves in those days, a piece of red pa- per with handwritten characters name. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 41

Thus, cast materials show that N.F. Katanov expeditions to Si- beria, Turkestan, Seven Rivers and Tuva and his contribution to the scientific study of Central Asia at least comparable with the legacy of Shoqan Walikhanov, Grigory Potanin, Nikolay Przhevalsky, brothers Grumm-Grzhimaylo, Pyotr Kozlov, Gombojab Tsybikov, and Giuseppe Tucci. However, it is time to give full scientific circu- lation and to the reading public the course of these travels in their entirety.


1. Sharangina N.A. Dokumentalnoye naslediye N.F. Katanova v Natsional’nom archive RT [N.F. Katanov documentary heritage in the Tatarstan Republic State Archives]. Naslediye N.F. Katanova: istoriya i kul’tura turkskikh narodov Evrazii [N.F. Katanov heritage: The history and culture of the Turkic peoples of Eurasia]. – Kazan, Abakan, 2009. pp. 109-114. 2. Valeev R.M., Tuguzhekova V.N. N.F. Katanov i gumanitarnye nauki na rubezhe vekov: Otcherki istorii rossiyskoy turkologii [N.F. Katanov and humanities at the turn of the century: Essays on the History of Russian Turkic studies]. – Kazan, Abakan, 2008- 2009, 354 p.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Martynov Dmitry Evgenevich, assistant professor in the Insti- tute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, D. Hist. 42 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Kremlevskaya St., 18, Kazan, 420000, Russia Martynova Yulia Aleksandrovna, concertmaster, Ph.D. in His- tory Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Kremlevskaya St., 18, Kazan, 420000, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 43

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-4 UDC 159.923.33


Kalinina R.R.

Goal: to study peculiarities of legal consciousness among youth in conditions of vocational education in legal and non- legal fields. Methods and practices: empirical (Assessing moral devel- opment: dilemmas by L. Kohlberg, Practice of self-analysis di- agnostics by A.V. Karpov, Test on legal and civic consciousness by L.A. Yasyukova, «Level of Subjective Control» methodology by E.F. Bazhin et al.) and mathematical and statistical methods (descriptive, comparative, and cluster analyses). Result: Peculiarities of contents in legal consciousness and its regulatory function in students of legal and non-legal programs were identified. Three types of students were deter- mined: those with non-formed legal consciousness, with formed legal consciousness and with formal legal consciousness; main directions for psychological and pedagogical work in the uni- versity to develop adequate legal consciousness in students of various fields were set. 44 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Applicability of results: results of the research can be ap- plied when developing elective courses, extracurricular activi- ties, strategy for character-building work of the university, both in training lawyers and other professionals. Keywords: legal consciousness, rule of law, subject of li- ability, students, forming legal consciousness.

The contemporary civil society, whose purpose is to ensure the rights and freedoms of its citizens, is impossible without tackling the problem of forming legal consciousness in the younger generations. This problem is being discussed fairly actively in pedagogical and so- ciological science; there is a constant search for yet new approaches to solve various aspects of this problem [5; 6]. At the same time, psy- chological aspects of legal consciousness remain outside the spotlight of scientific analysis. Relevance of viewing this problem namely from the position of psychology is reaffirmed by one of the widespread defi- nitions of legal consciousness as of an aggregate of notions and feel- ings, ideas and opinions, reflecting judgmental attitude of people to law and legal phenomena of public life [2]. Formation of legal consciousness during vocational education, and especially that in the field of law, is of particular interest due to the age specifics of studentship as the period of actively forming axi- ological sphere and top forms of consciousness (legal, moral etc.), but also due to the necessity to develop efficient methods and techniques of forming legal consciousness as creed (i.e. a unity of knowledge and emotional and value-based attitude to the knowledge obtained) of the most socially active part of the community. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 45

The psychological approach to the problem of forming legal con- sciousness presumes considerations given to both the social sphere, where the individual and their consciousness is formed, and the stu- dent’s personality, the sphere of their values and motivations. [1; 3] Based on the above, empirical research was organized and con- ducted with the purpose of studying peculiarities of legal conscious- ness among youth in conditions of vocational education in legal and non-legal programs. The subject of the research is legal consciousness as a form of individual consciousness, regulating legal conduct of the person and including their notions of the rule of law and liabilities therein. The hypothesis of the research is that law students are character- ized by a higher level of legal consciousness development, when com- pared to students of other fields.

To achieve the goal and test the hypothesis the following objec- tives were set: 1. To study legal consciousness – namely notions of the rule of law and liabilities therein – in law students. 2. To study legal consciousness in students in fields other than law. 3. To identify peculiarities in contents and development of legal consciousness in students of law and of other fields.

The research participants were senior students (21-23 years of age) studying law (30 persons) and humanities (30 persons) at Pskov State University. 46 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The most productive concept to study the problem, in our opin- ion, is the one by L.A. Yasyukova, which views the formed legal con- sciousness as personal responsibility for one’s conduct and law obedi- ence, appreciation of the supremacy of law, capability to respond op- timally to social processes and acknowledgement of the need in basic legal norms [4]. In the course of the research the following empirical methodolo- gies were used: Assessing moral development (L. Kohlberg’s dilem- mas), Practice of self-analysis diagnostics (by A.V. Karpov), Test on legal and civic consciousness (by L.A. Yasyukova), «Level of Subjec- tive Control» methodology (by E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golynkina, L.M. Et- kind). To analyze the collected data methods of mathematical statistics were used: the descriptive, comparative, and cluster analyses. The research into the legal consciousness of law students showed that their majority has high indications of their legal consciousness, and the students tend to act in accordance with law. They note that law is necessary to regulate human conduct, to prevent disorder, and the moral regulators of conduct – sympathy, compassion, unselfishness etc. – move into the background. They perceive law as a regulatory component of legislature, assuming that it suffices for the individual to know only the basic laws. They do not tend to reflect on their own deeds and actions and do not consider themselves to be directly liable, as a rule trying to rely on luck of the draw and people they deem them- selves dependent on. Thus, they shift liability from self to others – people, state, institution etc. The research into the legal consciousness of students in fields other than law showed that their majority has low indications of legal Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 47 responsibility; these students tend to act according to their moral prin- ciples, conscience, not necessarily complying with the laws – that is the functional significance of law for them rests at the level of justice. They suppose it unnecessary to know every law, and that it is suf- ficient to have basic notions. They are more inclined to reflect upon their actions and conduct, possess an internal locus of control, thus perceiving self as liable. Comparative analysis using the Mann-Whitney U test showed that students of law have a higher level of development of their legal con- sciousness (U = 94; р = 0.004), they are inclined to act according to law, perceiving it as a regulating element of the legislation system. Alongside, most of law students do not tend to reflect on their actions and conduct (U = 91.5; р = 0.003), and do not view themselves as directly liable, as a rule trying to rely on luck of the draw and people they deem themselves dependent on (U = 83.5; р = 0.001). Students of non-legal fields show a lower level of legal conscious- ness development, and to a greater extent rely on their personal opin- ions, convictions and views, not always complying with the law. The functional significance of law for them rests at the level of justice. They are more inclined to reflect upon their actions and conduct, and consider themselves directly liable, with the majority of the students polled presenting an internal locus of control – that is showcase a stronger sense of responsibility for their conduct. To identify typological peculiarities of legal consciousness in youngsters undergoing vocational training cluster analysis was used. The data were standardized using z-scores. Cluster analysis was run on z-scores yielding 3 clusters. Resulting from the cluster analysis 48 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 three groups of students were identified as presenting various devel- opmental levels of legal consciousness: 1. Students with non-formed legal consciousness (30% of the sample, with 3/4 being students of humanities, and 1/4 law students) are inclined to lean towards their moral and ethical norms, linked with personal convictions, act as their conscience tells them – even if that contradicts certain laws. They see justice as the main function of law, and assume it is sufficient to possess merely a basic notion of law. Yet, they do comprehend themselves as liable for their conduct, for obedi- ence to law, and tend to analyze their actions and deeds, demonstrating independently rationalized views of life. 2. Students of formal legal consciousness (47.5% of the entire sample, with 3/4 being students of law, and 1/4 students of humani- ties) tend to follow the rule of law, setting it as a priority throughout their lives – both for a citizen and the society on the whole. They con- sider the regulatory function of law to be the main one, acknowledge the importance of knowing the law, consider law obedience necessary, but deem it possible to violate laws in extreme circumstances. At the same time, they do not strive to analyze their actions and conduct, perceive legal violations circumstantial, and consider the society, state and law-enforcement bodies to be liable for execution of laws. 3. Students of formed legal consciousness (22.5% of the sample, equally represented by law and humanities students) tend to act ac- cording to legal norms, setting them as a priority in all spheres of life – both as citizens and as the society – even in the event these norms do not correspond to their perception of morality and justice. They consider the regulatory function of law to be the main one and Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 49 acknowledge the importance of knowing the law. At the same time, they do realize their personal liability for law obedience, and tend to analyze their actions and conduct; they are characterized by a proac- tive attitude, independence and responsibility. The empirical research carried out showed that law students pro- fess deeper knowledge of law and set law as a priority, however, often the assimilation of knowledge is barely formalistic, and law students frequently do not view themselves as subjects of applying law. Along with this, the young people not studying law professionally ground their conduct mostly on their personal moral creed, which, in our opinion, creates favorable conditions to form legal consciousness in them – the one based on values and the conviction in the need for law obedience. It is this type of legal consciousness that is true, when executing legal norms is an internal conviction of the young person, regardless of existent or non-existent external control or possibility of consequential punishment. Therefore, the following directions of psychological and pedagog- ical work can be identified with the aim to form legal consciousness in students: 1) The students studying subjects other than law should be granted opportunities to learn more of law and order (elective courses, seminars, and/or thematic discussion clubs). 2) When introducing laws to students, interactive methods should be used: - Case studies, with students as characters and situations comprehensible and familiar to the young (conduct in a club, an interpersonal conflict etc.). 50 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

- Role-playing games specializing on problematic situations the player cannot prepare for, and therefore there is a need in a fast and legally adequate response. - Discussions granting students the chance to analyze motives of a violation of law (including their own), to locate socially approved practices of achieving the desired result, and discovering more and more personal, subjective reasons to follow the law. 3) Law students should be granted the opportunity to act as the media of legal knowledge when speaking to school children, coevals, taking part in academic contests and quizzes etc.

The implementation of these recommendations would allow in- creasing the development level of legal consciousness in students re- gardless of the field of their vocational studies, as well as forming a regulatory function of their legal consciousness, which would in turn result in strict following of norms and rules, but also in rendering them as a party concerned in the event they witness a breach of law by other people.


1. Evstafeeva E.A. Razvitie struktury pravosoznaniya studentov v obra-zovatel’nom protsesse vuza [Developing structure of legal consciousness in university students]. SUSU Vestnik. Series: Education. Pedagogics. 2012. №41 (300). pp. 105-109. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 51

2. Emelyanov B.M., Pravkin S.A Teoriya gosudarstva i prava [Theory of state and law]. – M.: MWU, 2009. 344 p. 3. Kapshunova I.K. Formirovanie nravstvenno-pravovogo soznaniya stu-dentov yuridicheskikh vuzov [Forming moral and legal con- sciousness in students of law universities]. Izvestiya Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogi-cheskogo universiteta im. A.I. Gert- sena [Newsletter of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia]. 2007. №32. pp. 296-299 4. Yasyukova L.A. Pravosoznanie: diagnostika i zakonomernosti razvitiya [Legal consciousness: diagnostics and development patterns]. Prikladnaya psikhologiya [Applied psychology]. 2000. № 1. pp. 1-13. 5. Cowan, D. 2004. Legal consciousness: some observations. Modern Law Review, 67(6): 928-958. 6. Kurkchiyan M. Perception of Law and Social Order: a Cross- National Comparison of Collective Legal Consciousness (2011). Vol. 29, Wisconsin International Law Journal. No. 2: 366-392.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kalinina Rumia Rashidovna, associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology, candidate of psychological sciences Pskov State University 2, Lenin Square, Pskov, Pskov Region, 180000, Russia e-mail: [email protected] 52 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-5 УДК 372.8


Кучукова Т.В., Филимонова О.С.

В статье раскрываются некоторые аспекты резуль- татов исследования применения учебно-практической литературы, построенной в соответствии с учетом осо- бенностей развития учащихся и различных уровней слож- ностей заданий. Цель работы – обоснование эффективности приме- нения учебно-практической литературы при организации самостоятельной работы. Для решения поставленных за- дач определено понятие учебно-практическая литерату- ра; рассмотрены особенности самостоятельной работы учащихся; представлена система заданий. В ходе работы выявлены особенности построения си- стемы заданий, включающей в себя упражнения и задачи различных видов, направленных на решении определенных педагогических задач. Данные материалы могут быть использованы учите- лями, преподавателями, методистами в области приме- нения учебной литературы практической направленности Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 53

при организации самостоятельной работы. Предложен- ная система заданий может использоваться для различ- ных дисциплин практического характера. Ключевые слова: учебно-практическая литература; система заданий; самостоятельная работа.


Kuchukova T.V., Filimonova O.S

In article some aspects of results of research of application of the educational and practical literature constructed accor- ding to the accounting of features of development of pupils and various levels of difficulties of tasks reveal. The work purpose – justification of efficiency of applica- tion of educational and practical literature at the organization of independent work. To achieve these objectives define the con- cept of academic and practical literature, peculiarities of inde- pendent work of students; presents the system of tasks. During work features of creation of the system of tasks in- cluding exercises and problems of the different types directed on the solution of certain pedagogical tasks are revealed. These materials can be used by teachers, teachers, metho- dologists in a scope of educational literature of a practical ori- entation at the organization of independent work. The offered 54 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

system of tasks can be used for various disciplines of practical character. Keywords: educational and practical literature; system of tasks; independent work.

Повышение требований к уровню подготовки специалистов является одним из основных направлений совершенствования си- стемы образования. Повышение качества обучения за счет совер- шенствования содержания, форм, средств и методов подготовки обучающихся являются наиболее актуальными вопросами в на- стоящее время. Личностно ориентированное обучение, обеспечивающее раз- витие личности, формирование его активной жизненной позиции, стремление к саморазвитию и самовоспитанию в условиях из- меняющихся запросов семьи, ожиданий общества и государства на сегодняшний день является ведущим направлением развития системы образования. В связи с этим в педагогике разрабатыва- ются и применяются методы, средства и приёмы, направленные на выполнение личностного образовательного запроса учащихся в изменяющихся условиях. Систематичная самостоятельная работа учащихся на заняти- ях и вне аудиторий, восприятие и обдумывание изучаемого мате- риала, выполнение заданий становится одним из условий эффек- тивности процесса обучения. Термин «самостоятельная работа» довольно широко исполь- зуется в педагогической литературе, наиболее оптимально рас- сматривать его как систему организации психолого-педагогиче- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 55

ских условий, обеспечивающих управление учебной деятельно- стью учащихся без непосредственного участия и помощи препо- давателя. Самостоятельная работа студентов является одним из основ- ных видов учебной работы. Если цель лекции – получение ново- го учебного материала, цель практического занятия – формиро- вание умений и навыков, то умственная переработка полученной информации, ее усвоение, развитие познавательных интересов, умственных способностей достигаются за счет самостоятельной работы с материалом, выполнением самостоятельных заданий. Педагогами рассматриваются различные аспекты самостоя- тельности учащихся в процессе обучения. По мнению ряда ав- торов, характерными признаками самостоятельности являются: умение самостоятельно мыслить, принимать решения, проявлять творческую активность, инициативу и т.п. Для самостоятельного выполнения учебных заданий учащиеся должны владеть умени- ями планировать работу, выбирать наиболее рациональные спо- собы ее решения на каждом этапе, систематически проводить самоконтроль. При этом студент должен управлять своей дея- тельностью – контролировать, оценивать и корректировать ее со- ответственно заданным условиям. Таким образом, самостоятельную работу можно охарактери- зовать как познавательную деятельность учащихся, выполняе- мую по заданию преподавателя, направленную на развитие ум- ственных способностей, формирование умений и навыков. Одним из эффективных средств организации самостоятель- ной работы является грамотное использование учебной литерату- 56 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

ры, выступающей в роли активного дидактического средства, по- зволяющего учащимся осуществлять контроль и самопроверку, стимулировать самостоятельную деятельность, способствовать формированию творческого мышления. Многообразие учебных предметов в общеобразовательных заведениях определяет наличие различных видов учебной лите- ратуры, как теоретического, так и практического характера. При организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплинам физико- математического, химико-биологического, чертежно-графическо- го циклов важное значение приобретает развитие практических умений и навыков, поэтому необходимо использование учебной литературы практической направленности. Педагогическое исследование, а также опыт работы подтвер- дили эффективность организации учебного процесса и самосто- ятельной работы с применением учебно-практической литерату- ры – средства обучения, состоящего из систематизированных последовательно усложняющихся упражнений и задач, способ- ствующего обеспечению усвоения теоретического материала, формированию умений и навыков практической деятельности, развитию умственных способностей учащихся. Проведенная научная работа позволила выявить и обосновать систему заданий, входящих в учебно-практическую литературу, обеспечивающую развитие пространственных представлений, творческих способностей учащихся, качество приобретаемых знаний, умений и навыков. Систему заданий определим как совокупность определен- ных видов практических упражнений и задач, составленных на Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 57

основе общих научных требований, имеющих единую целевую направленность и развивающий характер. Упражнения – планомерно организованные повторные вы- полнения действий (умственных или практических) с целью их усвоения. При организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплинам практической направленности необходимо использовать упраж- нения, способствующие развитию у студентов профессиональ- ных умений и навыков. Это упражнения подготовительные, по- лусамостоятельные (направлены на усвоение и запоминание учащимися содержания шагов алгоритма, проверку их степени усвоения и формирования умения самостоятельного решения ти- повой задачи) и самостоятельные (контроль прочности знаний, умений и навыков решения типовых задач). Задача – это учебное задание, предполагающее поиск новых знаний, способов, умений и навыков. Для самостоятельной работы возможно использование задач трех типов: типовые (задачи с общими признаками и решаемые по единому алгоритму), развивающие (задачи, не решаемые по известному алгоритму) и творческие (задачи, предполагающие создание чего-то нового, отвечающего конкретным заданным ус- ловиям и требованиям). Проведенное исследование подтвердило, что организация са- мостоятельной работы учащихся, построенной с использованием модели учебно-практической литературы, способствует возрас- танию познавательного интереса, активизации мыслительной деятельности; повышению качества теоретических знаний, необ- 58 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

ходимых для овладения практическими умениями и навыками и, как следствие, возрастанию уровня успеваемости; формированию умений и навыков деятельности; развитию пространственных представлений и творческого мышления; воспитанию и самовос- питанию учащихся, что отвечает современным образовательным запросам российского общества.

Список литературы

1. Беспалько В.П. Теория учебника: Дидактический аспект. – Москва: Просвещение, 1988. 162 с. 2. Васильченко А.И., Чернет О.П. Учебно-педагогическая ли- тература. Картографические издания. – Москва: Книга, 1976. 142 с. 3. Гервер В.А. Творческие задачи по черчению. – М.: Просвеще- ние, 1991. 132 c. 4. Загвязинский В. Теория обучения: Современная интерпрета- ция. – М.: Академия, 2001. 187 с. 5. Зуев Д.Д. Школьный учебник. – Москва: Педагогика, 1983. 240 с. 6. Коджаспирова Г.М., Коджаспиров А.Ю. Педагогический сло- варь. – М.: Академия, 2000. 176 с. 7. Лында А.С. Дидактические основы формирования самокон- троля в процессе самостоятельной работы учащихся. – М.: Высшая школа, 1979. 192 с. 8. Преображенская Н.Г. Система обучению черчению и разви- тие учащихся общеобразовательной школы: монография. – Смоленск: СГПУ, 2004. 352 с. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 59

9. Сергеев И.С. Основы педагогической деятельности: учебное пособие. – Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2004. 316 с. 10. Ситаров В.А. Дидактика: Учеб.пособие для студ.высш.пед. учеб.заведений / Под ред. В.А. Сластенина. – М.: Издатель- ский центр «Академия», 2002. 368 с. 11. Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 29 декабря 2012 г. N 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» URL: (дата обращения 07.09.2013). 12. Филимонова О.С. К вопросам построения концептуальной модели сборника задач по учебным дисциплинам // В мире научных открытий. 2009. №3. С. 143-146.


1. Bespalko V.P. Teorija uchebnika: Didakticheskij aspect [Textbook theory: Didactic aspect]. – Moskva: Prosveshhenie, 1988. 162 p. 2. Vasilchenko A.I., Chernet O.P. Uchebno-pedagogicheskaja lite- rature. Kartograficheskie izdanija [Educational and pedagogi- cal literature. Cartographical editions]. – Moskva: Kniga, 1976. 142 p. 3. Gerver V.A. Tvorcheskie zadachi po chercheniju [Creative tasks of plotting]. – M.: Prosveshhenie, 1991. 132 p. 4. Zagvjazinskij V. Teorija obuchenija: Sovremennaja interpretacija [Training theory: Modern interpretation]. – M.: Akademija, 2001. 187 p. 5. Zuev D.D. Shkolnyj uchebnik [School textbook]. – Moskva: Pedagogika, 1983. 240 p. 60 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

6. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Ju. Pedagogicheskij slo- var [Pedagogical dictionary]. – M.: Akademija, 2000. 176 p. 7. Lynda A.S. Didakticheskie osnovy formirovanija samokontrolja v processe samostojatel’noj raboty uchashhihsja. – M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1979. 192 p. 8. Preobrazhenskaja N.G. Sistema obucheniju chercheniju i razvitie uchashhihsja obshheobrazovatelnoj shkoly [System to training in plotting and development of pupils of comprehensive school]. – Smolensk: SGPU, 2004. 352 p. 9. Sergeev I.S. Osnovy pedagogicheskoj dejatelosti [Bases of pe- dagogical activity]. – Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2004. 316 p. 10. Sitarov V.A. Didaktika: Ucheb.posobie dlja stud. vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedenij / Pod red. V.A. Slastenina. – M.: Izdatel’skij centr «Akademija», 2002. 368 p. 11. Federalyj zakon Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29 dekabrja 2012 g. N 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012] http://www. (accessed September 07, 2013). 12. Filimonova O.S. K voprosam postroenija konceptualoj modeli sbornika zadach po uchebnym disciplinam [To questions of creation of conceptual model of the collection of tasks of subject matters]. V mire nauchnyh otkrytij. 2009. №3. P. 143-146.

ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРАХ Кучукова Татьяна Васильевна, доцент кафедры дизайна архитектурной среды и технической графики художественно-гра- фического факультета Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 61

Смоленский государственный университет ул. Пржевальского, д. 4 , г. Смоленск, Смоленская область, 214000, Россия e-mail: [email protected] Филимонова Ольга Сергеевна, доцент кафедры дизайна, кандидат педагогических наук Смоленский гуманитарный университет ул. Герцена, д. 2, г. Смоленск, Смоленская область, 214014, Россия e-mail: [email protected]

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Kuchukova Tatyana Vasilyevna, associate professor of design of the architectural environment and technical graphics of art and graphic faculty Smolensk State University Przhevalsky St., 4, Smolensk, Smolensk region, 214000, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Filimonova Olga Sergeevna, associate professor of design, can- didate of pedagogical sciences Smolensk Humanities University Herzen St., 2, Smolensk, Smolensk region, 214014, Russia e-mail: [email protected] 62 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-6 UDC 614.253:371


Rogozhnikova R.A., Lyamova O.O.

The article is devoted to the problem of development of hu- mane attitude to a person in medical students. Despite all dec- larations everyday medical practice shows a lot of examples of soulless attitude to patients. There is an acute necessity to elaborate the problem of development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors who deal with the sick requiring spe- cial care and attention. The work presents a theoretical model of the educational process aimed at the development of humane attitude to a person in students of a higher medical school. The model supposes a gradual process including curricular and ex- tracurricular work of students taking into account their level of humane attitude to a person. Every stage of the educational process has special purposes, syllabus, methods and forms. Re- alization of every stage leads to a higher level of humane at- titude to a person in future doctors. Keywords: education, model, humane attitude to a person, medical student, higher medical school. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 63

Under the conditions of a contemporary tendency to humanization of higher education the problem of development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors is of great importance because sympathy to a sick person is known to be one of the most noble human feel- ings. Moral component of medical profession is a ground of doctor`s professionalism. Numerous examples of inattentive, rude, neglectful, offensive attitude to the sick demand to lay down the conditions which will solve the contradiction between declaring of the humane cha- racter of professional medical education and dehumanizing medical practice. Humane education of medical students will be effective only on the basis of the formation of humane attitude to a person which can be provided by the introduction of specially selected humanitar- ian knowledge about the humane essence of doctor`s profession and medical practice will be based on the axiological attitude to a person – acceptance of a patient as a unique moral personality. The analysis of psycho-pedagogical literature on the problem of the investigation and studying of educational possibilities of a higher medical school allowed us to create a theoretical model of the peda- gogical process developing humane attitude to a person in future doctors. The elaborated model consists of the following blocks: pur- poseful, motivational, content-related, processual and evaluating. The educational process is considered as a structure consisting of concrete elements and including curricular and extracurricular types of stu- dents` activities. The main educational result of the realization of the elaborated theoretical model should become a higher level of humane attitude to a person in medical students. 64 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The first block of the theoretical model includes the purpose. The purpose is traditionally understood as an ideal planned result of educa- tional activities achieved by all the subjects of a pedagogical process. The purpose of our investigation is the development of humane atti- tude to a person in medical students. Characterizing the motivational block it`s necessary to mention that people`s behavior is usually assessed not by its external form but by its motive. The development of humane attitude to a person sup- poses the formation of social motives making a medical student work for man’s benefit as well as the motives of self-improvement stimulat- ing him for active professional education and development of personal humane qualities necessary for future medical practice. Developing his personality a medical student will try to do good for others. Social motives in turn will contribute to self-education and self-improvement of future doctors. The content-related part of the designed model supposes the se- lection of the content of humanitarian educational disciplines and ex- tracurricular activities aimed at the formation of humane attitude to a person in medical students. The content of the educational process in- cludes two aspects: formation of humanistic knowledge, abilities and skills of humane behavior and their transformation into the attitude.

The content of the in-class education includes four interrelated and interdependent components: ▪ scientific theoretical knowledge about the main humanistic notions, categories, conceptions, theories, kinds of humane activities, etc; Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 65

▪ abilities and skills of inner (intellectual) humane activities, such as to give moral estimation to situations, facts, events, people`s behavior; make a moral choice; to analyze humane and inhumane actions, etc; ▪ students` experience of creative activities making future doc- tors use their humanistic knowledge, abilities and skills in new situations of interpersonal cooperation and communication; ▪ experience of axiological emotional attitudes to a person.

The content of extracurricular education includes: ▪ knowledge about moral foundations of life: main moral values, ideals, norms, principles, ways of humane cooperation, etc; ▪ abilities, skills and habits of humane behavior (to correlate one`s interests with wishes and well-being of others; to listen and understand another person; to empathize and sympathize with a person; to help and take care of others; skills of colla- boration, interpersonal communication and cooperation, etc); ▪ development of the main personal humane qualities: kindness, mercy, tolerance, moral stability, empathy, etc.

The educational content was selected according to the stages of the studying process aimed at the development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors. The processual part of the model includes different forms, me- thods and technologies of education chosen in relation to the stage of the studying process and the level of humane attitude to a person in medical students. 66 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Having analyzed scientific literature on the problem of the investi- gation we`ve singled out the stages of the development of humane atti- tude to a person: demonstrational, stereotypic and the stage of attitude realization. Every stage of the training process supposes certain pur- poses, aims, content, methods and forms. Realization of every stage of the educational process leads to a higher level of humane attitude to a person in medical students. During the demonstrational stage the students are supposed to get primary systematized knowledge about the phenomenon of «humane attitude to a person», its structure, content and characteristics in the professional activities of a doctor. It`s necessary to form the under- standing of this moral category, to overcome the formal character of students` views on humanism, to make future doctors observe com- mon ethical norms reflecting humane attitude to a person, to a patient in particular. The problem of humane attitude to a person is studied within such disciplines as National History, History of Medicine, History of Cul- ture and English. On the basis of the acquired theoretical knowledge future doctors will develop the abilities to analyze humane and inhu- mane historic and culturological material, to give moral estimation to situations, facts, events, people`s behavior, to hold a constructive sci- entific discussion. The studying process will contribute to the develop- ment of positive motivational sets driving in future doctors the need for humane cooperation, wish and readiness to show humane attitude for their future patients. The effective acquirement of the educational material is achieved by such training methods as problem narration, discussion, thesaurus, Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 67 research method, project method, video-method, multimedia tech- nologies which are realized in traditional forms of the organization of educational process in a higher medical school (lecture, seminar, practical class, research-practice conference, roundtable discussion, students` scientific, research and self-guided work). The content of extracurricular education includes the questions of the principles of people`s humane relationship and features of doctor`s humane attitude to patients: doctor`s moral culture, tactfulness, duty, medical secrecy, general principles of medical ethics and deontology, etc. Future doctors should learn to combine their personal interests with others, to help course mates and teachers, to follow common ethical norms of behavior, to come in contact with a communication partner, to communicate and collaborate in the initial student group. To form these skills it`s necessary to use such educational meth- ods as explanation, persuasion, pedagogical suggestion, pedagogical demand, imitation, example, exercise, request, encouragement as well as the innovative local educational technologies («speakers` tourna- ment», «in one bunch», etc). The effective use of these methods is achieved by combining both traditional forms of extracurricular edu- cational work (ethical talk, dispute, individual consultation) and non- traditional ones («open platform», «intellectual public sale», «discus- sion swings»). Therefore, the rational use of the selected content, methods and forms of the educational process on the first demonstrative stage will provide some positive dynamics in the process of the development of humane attitude to a person in future doctors. 68 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The transfer from the low to the medium level should be carried out during the stereotypic stage which is characterized by the devel- opment of primary humanistic knowledge during its practical realiza- tion. This stage supposes purposeful creation in the training process some active educational situations during which medical students will be able to practice their humane behavior. The in-class educational content involves the theoretic humanistic knowledge on Philosophy, Pedagogics and English. During practical classes on these subjects future doctors will learn to assess different moral situations, to analyze people`s humane and inhumane actions, to hold a constructive scientific discussion. The methodical component of the educational process should be added by such active training methods as the association method, brainstorming, case-study as well as some interactive forms of educa- tion: business and role play games, talk show, etc.

The content of extracurricular educational activities includes: ▪ knowledge about the essence, kinds and forms of volunteer`s work; ▪ abilities to evaluate different moral situations; to analyze humane and inhumane actions; to offer and provide help to those in need; to fulfill socially useful activities; to work in team; to take part in collective creative activities; ▪ skills of habitual follow of moral norms; humane relationship, cooperation and dialogic communication; prevention and constructive resolution of conflicts, etc. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 69

The methodical component of the out-of class training process involves the methods of educational situations, request, competition as well as such local educational technologies as «offer – choose», «sociodrama», etc. The extracurricular education is organized in the forms of ethical training, staging, creative activities and volunteer`s work. The stereotypic stage of the training process is aimed to lead a medical student to the second, medium level of humane attitude to a person. The third stage of the educational process is called the stage of attitude realization. Together with in-class studying activities it sup- poses that future doctors will gain the experience of humane behavior during educational practice in hospitals and polyclinics. The content of the in-class educational process involves the knowledge on «Medical law» and «General patients` care». During the course of «Medical law» future doctors will learn the regulatory principles of doctor`s profession, understand that the right of a person to humane attitude is not only an abstract moral demand but is regu- lated by real laws of our state. During theoretical and practical classes on «General patients` care» medical students will learn to make sanitization of a patient, give first medical help, use medical instruments and equipment, work with medical documents, carry out treating and prophylactic manipu- lations and procedures, etc. On the basis of these knowledge and abili- ties future doctors will develop the practical skills to fulfill the main treating and prophylactic activities caring of the sick. 70 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The main training methods on this stage are demonstration, in- struction, case solving. The integration of traditional (lectures, semi- nars, practical classes) and creative forms of education (information digest, portfolio, etc) will contribute to effective self-realization of future doctors. The content of extracurricular educational work on this stage in- cludes the knowledge about the methods of self-education, abilities of self – evaluation and self-correction of behavior in compliance with humane norms, abilities to stand against and suppress any inhumane actions, skills of reflection and self-control. A wide use of self-edu- cation methods (self-observation, self-analysis, self-evaluation, self- conviction, etc) will influence the sphere of student`s self-regulation, purposeful change of his personality according to moral demands of the society. Choosing the educational technologies for this stage we`ve taken into account those which will contribute to the effective students` self – regulation («problems and arguments», «person nearby», etc). Dur- ing the stage of attitude realization future doctors will continue tak- ing part in different kinds of practical humanistic activities such as volunteer`s work, charity actions, etc. The stage of attitude realization is aimed to raise a medical student to the high level of humane attitude to a person which is characterized by the formation of moral consciousness, developed empathy, sensible acceptance of social and personal significance of this attitude mani- fested in practical humanistic activities. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 71

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Stages 72 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Therefore, the theoretical model of development of humane at- titude to a person in medical students supposes a gradual training pro- cess taking into account the primary level of this integrative personal characteristic in future doctors. The realization of every stage of the educational process leads a medical student to a higher level of the development of humane attitude to a person. The layout view of the designed theoretical model is presented in table 1.


1. Barakat N.V. Vestn. Volgogr. gos. un-ta [Reporter of Volgograd State University], no. 3 (2011): 165-168. 2. Vospitatel’naya rabota so studentami v meditsinskikh vuzakh Rossii (opyt Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo uni- versiteta). Uchebnoe posobie dlya prepodavateley meditsinskikh i farmatsevticheskikh vuzov [Educational work with medical students (experience of The Russian State University of Medicine). Study guide for teachers of medical and pharmaceutical higher schools]. Edited by V.N. Yarygin]. – Moscow: RGMU, 2005. 76 p. 3. Ezhova Yu.M. Aktual’nye problemy nauki i gumanitarnogo ob- razovaniya [Up-to-date problems of science and education]: international collection of scientific works], no. 7 (2005): 89-93. 4. Shchurkova N.E. Sobran’e pestrykh del [Collection of various deeds]. – Moscow: Novaya shkola, 1994. 96 p. 5. Yas’ko B.A. Vrach: psikhologiya lichnosti [Doctor: psychology of a personality]. – Krasnodar, 2001. pp. 32-36. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 73

6. Yashkova E.V. Formation of axiological attitudes to a person in professional training of students. Diss. ... cand. ped. sci. – Nizhniy Novgorod, 2006. 187 p. 7. Berna Arda. Human Rights in Medical Ethics Education. Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators. 2004; 14: 5-7. 8. Chin J.J. Doctor-Patient Relationship: A Covenant of Trust. Sin- gapore Medical Journal. 2001; 42(12): 579-581. 9. Chew Chin Hin. Medical Ethics and Doctor-Patient Relationship. SMA News, 4 (3): 6-8. 10. Larry R. Faulkner, R. Layton McCurdy. Teaching Medical Stu- dents Social Responsibility: The Right Thing To Do. Academic Medicine. 2000; 4: 346-350. 11. Tara A. Young. Teaching medical students to lie. Can Med Assoc J. 1997; 156 (2): 219-222.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Rogozhnikova Raisa Anatolyevna, professor of the department of pedagogics, Doctor of Pedagogical Science Perm State Humanitarian – Pedagogical University Sibirskaya street, 24, Perm, 614990, Russia Lyamova Oksana Olegovna, post-graduate of the department of pedagogics Perm State Humanitarian – Pedagogical University Sibirskaya street, 24, Perm, 614990, Russia [email protected] 74 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-7 UDK 37.01


Lomakina T.J., Sergeeva M.G., Shcherbakova N.I.

The necessity of continuous economic education of future professionals is caused by importance of forming correct understanding of the economic reality, of comprehension of economic basic laws, of understanding of global and national tendencies in economic development; the growing role of continuous economic education as a major factor of formation and development of a postindustrial society is shown; the reasons and circumstances of the active reference of the domestic pedagogical science and practice to problems of economic education are emphasized; the factors influencing development of continuous economic education are established in the article. Continuous economic education is considered as a part of continuous education promoting the formation of a competitive expert in conditions of market economy, demanded on labour market and directed on formation of economic competencies depending on the type of preparation (economic and not economic) at different educational levels according to Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 75

models of the graduate and the teacher and realized by means of economic training and economic education. Keywords: postindustrial society, economic education, market economy, continuous economic education.

The postindustrial society is the beginning of transition to a new type of the civilized development which is connected not only to tech- nological revolution, but also to modernization and re-structuring of vocational training system. The influence of such factors as globaliza- tion of education, transition to innovative system of vocational train- ing, transformation of vocational training, creation of continuous edu- cation system enables to consider the economic education as a compo- nent of the global education of personality in the system of vocational training and education. The social and economic situation in the Russian society has re- vealed the processes proving the fact that the dynamics of economic changes surpasses the dynamics of personality abilities to adapt for them. The received knowledge and the economic competencies gen- erated during training appear to be limited, the acquired norms and values do not become reference points in the changing world and are exposed to reassessment. Changes occurring in Russia have revealed serious deficiency in experts possessing knowledge and experience of decision-making in conditions of market economy, and have caused increase of need for such experts. The developing society needs educated, enterprising people which can make the decision in situation of choice dependently, are capable 76 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 to cooperation, possess mobility, dynamism, constructability, feeling of the responsibility for destiny of the country, its further prosperity. An integral part of modern education is its economic component submitted by economic knowledge and skills of economic thinking, formed in person consciousness during all his life and allowing to re- act adequately to the world around, promoting development of the active civic stand, assisting to estimate this or that economic situation correctly and to be guided properly in it. Preparation of the experts capable to work in conditions of market economy successfully, having a certain level of economic competencies becomes an important and actual task of modern education. Necessity of continuous economic education of future experts, both for economic, and for not economic specialties is caused by importance of formation of correct understanding of economic real- ity, comprehension of basic laws of economic life, understanding of global and national tendencies of economic development; demand in all industry branches of experts having high level of economic com- petencies generated during training, providing graduates of vocational training establishments fast adaptation to dynamically changing social and economic conditions, new requirements of a labour market to the worker, his competitiveness, mobility, personal qualities of the future experts of market economy – activity, independence, competence, ef- ficiency, responsibility, enterprise, ability to make of the decision in conditions of risk. In modern social and economic conditions the role of continuous economic education as a major factor of formation and development of a postindustrial society grows. Innovative tendencies of world de- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 77 velopment cause changes in continuous economic educations which can be presented as follows: ▪ necessity to prepare people to quickly changing life conditions in connection with acceleration of economic development rates; ▪ formation of economic thinking and skills of rational economic behaviour, creation of preconditions for continuation of professional economic training and practical economic activities; ▪ necessity of increase of a readiness level of citizens to realization of a correct choice in conditions of market economy; ▪ necessity of communication skills development and of the tolerance in connection with expansion of scales of economic interaction.

In conditions of instability of a social and economic situation in so- ciety, absence of the development forecast of economy the formation of profile structure of experts preparation is complicated. Breaking of traditional connections of educational institutions with employers, weak influence of professional communities on educational system development, backwardness of a labour market complicate bringing the education contents to conformity with needs of economy and so- cial sphere, organization of practical preparation of students, employ- ment of graduates. The basic purpose of vocational training, under the statement of the academician of the Russian Academy of Education A.M. Novikov, is professional development of personality. The adaptation of worker 78 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 to conditions of concrete production can be achieved during the in- dustrial practice on various sorts of retraining and improvement of professional skill. During research work we defined the reasons and circumstances of the active reference of domestic pedagogical science and practice to problems of economic education: sharp necessity of development and translation of economy into higher level; the re- quirement of adjustment of economic relations and economic training of participants of economic processes. Genesis of the basic stages of economic idea in Russia, generalized by A.S. Bulatov [1], has allowed to reveal theoretical preconditions of modern economic education: ▪ multiformity of economy in Russia, caused by constant expansion of its territorial borders, ending with creation of the world’s largest Euroasian state; ▪ existence of national economic schools in which relations of the state and society were essentially different from those in the West; ▪ national installation on the principle of unity of economic training and education which provides preparation of qualified professionals. Thus the basis of competitiveness, economic growth and efficiency of managing is made not with the equipment and industrial stocks but human national Russian «capital»; ▪ influence of spiritual culture as a carrier of historical memory of people on system of representations and values, definition and choice building an economic idea; ▪ the economic life of Russian society including the relations, arising between all its members in the process of production, Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 79

distribution, exchange and consumption of material benefits; ▪ stage-by-stage development of modern economic idea which promoted the occurrence of a new direction in the econo- mic science – «Economics» on micro-and macro-levels and essentially distinguished from the rate of marxist-lenin poli- tical economy: on traditional political economy the market organization does not have future, on «Economics» there is no sense in other organization of a public economy except for market economy.

Development of continuous economic education is influenced with following factors: social and economic environment (high speed of obsolescence of professional knowledge; reduction of the sphere of unqualified and barely qualified work; structural changes in sphere of employment; change of demand from the part of the state, personality, labour market and sphere of services; limitation of time and material resources of the personality and social – pedagogical conditions (ori- entation on education and self-education during all life; construction of continuous economic education on a fundamental basis; multifor- mity of structures of economic education; variability of educational programs; readiness of personality for social changes; variability of structure and volume of experts preparation; adaptability of educa- tional levels) [5]. The tasks facing the education in the XXI century, and its numer- ous forms mention all human life. The continuous education adequate to needs of a modern level of development of society, assumes neces- sity to study during all life. Qualitative vocational training today is 80 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 continuous. T.JU. Lomakin marks, that continuous vocational training solves three interconnected problems: increase of the general culture, creation of personnel resources and their modernization [6]. Realiza- tion of the first problem provides reception of primary knowledge and general culture of education; the second problem – preparation of the professional staff, formation of base knowledge and skills necessary for inclusion in market economy; the third – modernization, develop- ment of personnel resources with the purpose of their operative ad- aptation to constantly changing conditions of production and social life. The system of continuous vocational training expands sharply its opportunities, raises the level of adoptability to surrounding public conditions, enables flexibly to respond operatively to change of re- quirements of society, social groups and separate persons» [2]. In conditions of transition of the country to market economy there is a sharp necessity for such system of preparation of experts which could react to varying market condition quickly and adequately. In this connection affirms the idea about necessity to strengthen the ac- cent on fundamental education which possesses long time of survival rate, is more conservative and which allows to pass «from education for all life to education through all life» if it would be built correctly [3]. Education through all life («life long education») is considered as a unique opportunity to be claimed in any social and economic con- ditions. Continuous education becomes today a problem, priority for a lot of social studies: economy, sociology, psychology, pedagogics, theory of management. The system of vocational education and train- ing is a part of general education system of the person during all his life. A special role in this system is given to economic education. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 81

Formation of the system of continuous economic education is caused by changes of the social and economic environment in which it is realized. The factors of the environment determine a set of circum- stances – social-pedagogical conditions promoting effective function- ing of the system of continuous economic education. We consider the efficiency of economic education of trainees in view of features of vocational training process. Thus it is important to take into account a complex of factors in- fluencing the given processes: • Vigorous connection of the domestic education system to processes of globalization, in particular, to Bologna process. • Methodological reorganization of educational system, transi- tion to innovative education and professional training. • More full reflection of the contents of the global education, ideas inherent in it, values and senses at all stages of general and vocational training. • The further development of new information technologies, creation of the uniform educational environment integrated with «world wide web» in Russian educational system. • Transformation of vocational education and training estab- lishments in organizations of enterprise type closely connected to economic, social and cultural development of region, country and the world; increase of its contribution to economy of knowledge at this basis. • Creation of the continuous education system covering all active human life [4]. 82 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The idea of continuous education in conditions of scientific and technical progress and changing conditions of the social life of society with reference to economic education provides constant updating and development of economic knowledge doing a person confident in any situation of reality and promoting his development as a subject of ac- tivity during all life. Economic education is a specially organized educational process as a result of which future experts possess economic knowledge, com- petence and skills, ways of economic activities, economic thinking shown in development of adequate representations about essence of economic events and their interrelation, argued judgments on eco- nomic problems, finding of experience in the analysis of concrete eco- nomic situations. Continuous economic education is a part of continuous education promoting formation of a competitive expert type, demanded on a labour market, and directed on formation of economic competencies on structures of preparation (economic and not economic) at different educational levels according to models of the graduate and the teacher and realized by means of economic training and economic education in conditions of market economy. During economic training as purposeful process of the teacher and trained bilateral activity on transfer and mastering of economic knowledge formation of economic competencies (key, professional and additional) on structures of preparation (economic and not eco- nomic) and at different educational levels is carried out according to models of the graduate and the teacher. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 83

Continuous economic education should be developed into system of the person’s continuous self-development support in new social and economic conditions – only in this case person becomes a subject of life and professional work that will allow him to be realized as a participant reforming social interaction. In this case a person’s self- asserting subjectivity is formed; his professional position becomes in- novative or a creator position; development of his valuable reference points and statement of professional and human self-esteem are also formed during his self-development.


1. Bulatov A.S. Ekonomika [Economics]. – M., 1999. 2. Zaguzov N.I. Tekhnologiya podgotovki i zashchity kandidatskoy dissertatsii [Technology of the master’s thesis preparation and protection]. – M.: Research center, 1993. 114 p. 3. Kinelev V.G., Mironov V.B. Obrazovanie, Vospitanie, kul’tura v istorii tsivilizatsii [Formation, education, culture in the history of a civilization]. – M.: Vlados, 1998. 519 p. 4. Klarin M.V. Pedagogicheskaya tekhnologiya v uchebnom pro- tsesse. Analiz zarubezhnogo opyta [Pedagogics technology in the educational process. The analysis of foreign experience]. – M., 1989. 196 p. 5. Koshkina N.B. Mnogourovnevaya professional’naya podgotov- ka spetsialistov v usloviyakh rynka truda [Multilevel vocational training of experts in conditions of labour market]. – Kemerovo, 2007. 251 p. 84 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

6. Lomakina T.Yu. Sovremennyy printsip razvitiya nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya [Modern principle of continuous education deve- lopment]. – M.: Nauka, 2006. 221 p. 7. Sergeeva M.G. Nepreryvnoe ekonomicheskoe obrazovanie v usloviyakh paritetnosti obrazovaniya i ekonomiki v obnovlya- yushcheysya Rossii [Continuous economic education in condi- tions of parity of educations and economy in the updated Russia]. ETAP: Ekonomicheskaya Teoriya. Analiz. Praktika. 2011. № 5. pp. 117-128. 8. Smirnova T.V., Prosnyakova T.N. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii k fakul’tativnomu kursu «Ekonomika» [Methodical recommenda- tions to a facultative course «Economy»]. – Fedorov, 2007.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Lomakin Tatyana Jurjevna, manager of the laboratory of con- tinuous education the theory, doctor of pedagogical sciences, pro- fessor Institute of the theory and history of pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education 7, Pavel Korchagin street, Moscow, 129626, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Sergeeva Marina Georgievna, leading scientific employee of laboratory of the theory of continuous education, doctor of pedagogi- cal sciences, senior lecturer Institute of the theory and history of pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 85

7, Pavel Korchagin street, Moscow, 129626, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Shcherbakova Nina Ivanovna, senior research associate of labo- ratory of the theory of continuous education, candidate of pedagogical sciences Institute of the theory and history of pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education 7, Pavel Korchagin street, Moscow, 129626, Russia e-mail: [email protected] 86 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-8 UDC 37.01


Sergeeva M.G.

Based on the known principles of continuous education, the author defines the economic competence principle based on requirements of market economy for competitive specialist training. The concepts «competence» and «professional com- petence» are the basis for determination of economic compe- tence of the graduate of professional educational institution. While identifying the essence of economic competence the au- thor proceeds from the categories «activity», «professional ac- tivity», «economic activity» and «work». In the given article realization of the reasonable economic competence principle establishes a ratio between knowledge as information and knowledge as activity while training of practice-focused spe- cialists for market economy. The author suggests a theoretical approach for development of continuous economic education which can be extended to other kinds of activity of the specia- list and is applied to different aspects and forms of continu- ous education; the arguments enriching modern didactics of continuous education regarding justification of the principle of economic competence, the contents establishing interrela- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 87

tion and technologies of continuous economic education both proving need and obligation for training of the practice-focused specialists for market economy are stated; prospects of applica- tion of theoretical development in the field of development of continuous economic education, in studying of methodology of adaptation and socialization of graduates in quickly changing social and economic conditions and modernization of system of an assessment of quality of economic education are defined. Keywords: principles of economic training and econom- ic education, activity, professional activity, economic activity, work, principle of economic competence.

According to the Concept of long-term social economic devel- opment of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020 a strategic objective is achievement of level of the economic and social develop- ment corresponding to the status of Russia as the leading world power of the XXI century, taking the advanced positions in the global eco- nomic competition and reliably ensuring national safety and realiza- tion of constitutional laws of citizens [1]. In Russian education the system changes are aimed at providing its compliance, both to requirements of innovative economy and soci- ety. Thus the priority directions in this field are reduction of the con- tents and structure of vocational training according to modern require- ments of a labor market and increase of availability of high-quality educational services. The concept «principle» is defined as fundamental, fundamental idea, the rule of behavior and is considered as the leading concept 88 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 representing generalization and distribution of any situation on other phenomena of this or that area [2]. In A.M. Novikov’s [3] and T.Yu. Lomakina’s [4] works it is speci- fied that in modern conditions the concept of continuous professional education has to be considered as the tool of the economic policy di- rected towards increase of competitive capacity, achievement of full employment of the population, ensuring professional mobility of workers in connection with introduction of new technologies and has to be under construction on the basis of the following principles: basic education, multilevelness, maneuverability, diversisfication, comple- mentarity of basic and postdegree education, continuity, integration of educational structures, flexibility of organizational forms. The principle of basic education means to move further in the edu- cation world, basic knowledge, and, according to A.M. Novikov is necessary, basic general education preparation corresponds to «school- leaving certificate». The principle of a multilevelness assumes exis- tence of many levels and education steps that will allow to conduct training of specialists of different education levels and qualification which will be able to find itself on a labor market. The principle of diversification assumes expansion of activity kinds in education sys- tem and acquisition of new forms and functions. The principle of a complementarity (mutually complementarity) of basic and postdegree education means that in the conditions of continuous education each person will have to continue lifelong education, irrespective of deci- sion-making to study or not at the following educational level. The principle of maneuverability of educational programs means that there is a probability to change a sort of the activity or to get another educa- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 89 tion in other areas at the same time. The principle of continuity pro- vides sequence and coherence in the maintenance of professional edu- cational programs, forms and training methods, nature of educational cognitive activity of the being trained. The principle of integration of educational structures means that the same educational program can be carried out in educational institutions of different types, turning them into versatile educational institutions. The principle of flexibility of organizational forms assumes a variety of forms of education, their flexibility and variability for ensuring free advance of the person into educational area in the conditions of market economy. Post-industrial society can be interpreted as the transition to the new type of the civilization development which formation is connec- ted not only with technological revolution, but also reformation, criti- cism and revision of a number of former basic values of technogenic culture: ideals of consumer society, its relation to the nature, force cult as to a basis of reformative activity. The market economy also demands continuous expeditious training for new professions. The history of society development shows that under the influence of life requirements the training and education principles therefore have to react sensitively to various changes and society requirements as well as personal changes. We support N. E. Popova’s opinion [5] that the basis of systema- tization of the principles takes interdisciplinarity. Thus we assume that the classification of economic training and economic education prin- ciples can be the following: 1. Principle of illustrative model. Education process is based in such a way that teachers illustrate economic concepts, laws, systems that allows «economized « contents in all subjects. 90 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

2. Integration principle. The modern science accumulated enough knowledge from nature, society, humanity, work, equipment, art, etc. Speaking about society, we mean at the same time the person, speaking about the person – we mean work. Where we imply work – we mean economy and equipment. All listed above can become a study subject within all disciplines and represent a whole, which is integration of knowledge. Fa- miliarizing being trained to scientific integration becomes an essential task of vocational school, as it is not mechanically transferred into the training of the main directions of sciences, and conscious need. 3. Principle of convergence. Coincidence of knowledge, skills in one subject with knowledge, skills of other subjects. The given principle helps to solve a problem of a person’s survival in the conditions of anthropogenous load of the biosphere, demands ability to think globally and economically to estimate various programs of social development on the basis of understanding of system essence of all phenomena and the processes happe- ning in the world. Thus, the principle of convergence promotes deep studying of several subjects at the same time. 4. Principle of an emerdzhentnost. On the basis of the created knowledge there is absolutely new knowledge, new skills. Emerdzhentny economic knowledge can be presented in the form of a hierarchical chain: formation of enterprise know- ledge, skills of economic activity; formation of an economic mentality; formation of quality of thinking for research and Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 91

analytical activity; formation of economic thinking; formation of economic competence. 5. Principle of semantic turns. Semantic turns on economic prob- lems allow to generalize knowledge of other subjects, to de- signate economy interaction with other disciplines, to present a real contribution of each subject to disclosure of the eco- nomic substantial line reflected in standards of education on economy.

Based on the known principles of continuous education, we al- located the principle of economic competence based on requirements of market economy to competitive specialist training. The basis for the determination of economic competence of the graduate of pro- fessional educational institution we take the concepts «competence», «professional competence» which define a terminological field of re- search and allow to give the characteristic to the concept «economic competence of the graduate of professional educational institution». While identifying the essence of economic competence we pro- ceed from categories: «activity», «professional activity», «economic activity» and «work». The concept «activity» in Psychology and Pedagogical science is defined as «dynamic system of interactions of the subject on the world in the course of which there is an emergence and an embodi- ment in object of a mental image and realization of the relations of the subject mediated by it in subject reality» [6]. Analyzing activity as a socio-historical category, B.F. Lomov emphasizes that it needs to be considered in connection with process of production, an exchange, 92 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 consumption, with the property relation on means of production, with a civil and political system, with cultural development, ideologies, politicians, etc. [7]. The most characteristic for the person activity is work and its ver- sion – professional activity. Schemes of classification for profession and work are created. Work in them represents the system which com- ponents are subjects and products, means of labor and people as sub- jects of work. The profession usually is understood as the typical, his- torically developed form of activity necessary in the social relation for which performance the worker has to possess a certain sum of know- ledge, abilities, skills, and also to have certain abilities and features of the personality [8]. Thus, the profession is considered always from two parties: with purely professional where there are such characteris- tics as a scope, complexity, technical and technological equipment, or- ganizational forms of implementation, etc. Other party of a profession contains characterologic and personal features of the worker owning a profession. Here data can contain intellectual features of the person, including and its economic values and the relations. The point of view of V.D. Shadrikov presents special importance as he places emphasis on concept of psychological structure and psy- chological system of activity in professional activity. «As it is possible to see, – the author writes, – the psychological system of activity turns on the following main units: motives of professional activity, purpose of professional activity, activity program, information bases of activi- ty, decision-making, subsystems of work important qualities» [9]. In our opinion, all allocated blocks have a direct bearing on economic competence as to speak about its successful formation it is possible Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 93 only on condition of representation of each of these components in their professional activity. Qualification is defined as a professional maturity, readiness of the individual for professional activity; existence of knowledge, abilities, skills and the experience, necessary for high-quality performance of a certain work. It should be noted that there is a point of view that the concept «qualification» doesn’t reflect the changes accruing in mo- dern production, being too general, theoretical concept. The qualifica- tion kernel (technical, professional knowledge) has some property to become outdated quickly. In this regard instead of the term «quali- fication» «competence», as more flexible and pragmatical concept, which core – personal qualities of the worker: initiative, cooperation, ability to work in group, communicative abilities, ability to self-im- provement, ability logically to think, select and use information, etc [10]. Competence is thus considered as a measure of compliance of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of persons of a certain so- cial and professional status to real level of complexity of tasks car- ried out by them. Everything mentioned above allowed us to consider economic competence as the integrated qualitative and professional characteristic of the personality including economic competences, forming economically significant qualities of the personality (com- petitiveness, initiative, mobility, enterprise, independence in decision- making, criticality of thinking) both reflecting readiness and ability effectively to carry out professional activity in various spheres and economy segments by means of forming of the professional career, proceeding from the individual values and projecting them according to strategy of development of society, the moral bases and rules. 94 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

We consider economic competences as an open system of know- ledge, abilities, skills, experience of practical economic activity and a personal responsibility which is stirred up in the course of professional activity in process of emergence of real economic problems which the graduate of professional educational institution faces [11]. The carried-out analysis of classifications of competences on vari- ous bases (a context of solved tasks: common cultural and profes- sional; level of distribution of competences: corporate, management, professional; level of development: threshold, differentiating; essence and contents: cognitive, personal, functional, social, etc.) We deve- loped the structure of economic competence, including the following economic competences: the key; the professional; the additional. Key economic competences include the basic economic know- ledge necessary for adaptation to professional activity in market con- ditions. In primary professional education (PPE) system for non-economic specialties on the basis of studying the economic theory competences on application of economically reasonable technologies and the work organization are formed. For economic specialties when studying all-professional and spe- cial disciplines (taxes and the taxation; bases of the economic theory; the organization and technology of branch) abilities to use sources of economic information, to count the main economic indicators of acti- vity of the enterprise, documentary to make out economic operations are formed. In secondary professional education system for non-economic specialties knowledge of provisions of the economic theory, economic Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 95 bases of activity of the enterprise, the main methods of control over the enterprise are formed; abilities to find and use the economic in- formation necessary for orientation in the professional activity; the listed competences are formed when studying the economic theory; economy of the organization (enterprise). For economic specialties when studying all-professional and spe- cial disciplines such competences which allow to be able are formed: to use standard and administrative information in the professional ac- tivity; to reflect operations in accounts of accounting and to make out them documentary; to carry out inventory of property and obligations; to make accounting, tax and statistics; to estimate liquidities and sol- vency of the enterprise [12]. In higher education system for non-economic specialties when studying the economic theory, economy of the organization (enter- prise), management, marketing, statistics knowledge of bases of the economic analysis, an exchange, public sector are formed; function- ing of the competitive market; basic concepts of property; macroeco- nomic problems of inflation and unemployment. For economic specialties knowledge of problems of a choice of the optimum economic decision is formed; economic strategy and economic policy; economic restrictions; economic risks; economic analysis; these competences are formed when studying the following disciplines: economic theory; economy of the organization (enter- prise); management; marketing; statistics; world economy; financial management; theory of the economic analysis. Professional economic competences assume existence of abilities to put economic knowledge into practice, ability to estimate new eco- nomic situations and to make optimum economic decisions. 96 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

In primary professional education system for non-economic spe- cialties when studying bases of the economic theory; marketing bases; the organizations and technologies of branch are formed abilities to count and analyze the main economic indicators of activity of the en- terprise. For economic specialties when studying all-professional and spe- cial disciplines competences of drawing up accounting and statistics are formed; carrying out inventory of property and obligations; par- ticipations in development of long-term plans of production and pro- duction realization; applications of the main methods and methods of statistics for the solution of practical tasks; carrying out the analysis financially – economic activity of the enterprise. In secondary professional education system for non-economic specialties of knowledge of the organization of production and tech- nological processes, techniques of development of the business plan are formed when studying the following disciplines: economic theory; economy of the organizations (enterprise); management; marketing. For economic specialties when studying all-professional and spe- cial disciplines knowledge economic – statistical methods of process- ing of registration and economic information is formed; abilities to estimate efficiency of activity of the enterprise for the current period and to predict enterprise development for the forthcoming period ac- cording to received information in the current period. In higher education system for non-economic specialties when studying the economic theory; information systems in economy; economy of the organization (enterprise); management; marketing; statisticians are formed knowledge of the main doctrines in the field of Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 97 humanitarian and social and economic sciences; abilities scientifically to analyze socially significant economic problems and processes and to use economical and statistical methods in different types of profes- sional and social activity. For economic specialties when forming competences it is consid- ered that professional activity of the specialist with the higher eco- nomic education is carried out in all spheres of a national economy and is directed on professional service of functioning of managing subjects of all legal forms of ownership, spheres of the state budget and off-budget institutional structures. In this regard at the expert on the basis of professional economic knowledge competences of the analysis and use for information directorate about assets, obligations, the capital, movement of cash flows, the income and expenses, and also financial results of activity of the enterprises, the organization, establishments, etc. are formed. Additional economic competences are considered as ability of creative economic behavior, ability to effective behavior on a labor market, ability for professional growth and continuous economic self- education, ability of system application of economic knowledge in investment projects; these competences of process of studying of dis- ciplines at the choice of trainees and elective courses are formed. In primary professional education system for non-economic spe- cialties when studying discipline of a basis of accounting abilities to keep account and documentary to make out operations on investment of means are formed. For economic specialties when studying bases of banking; bases of business competences by calculation of economic effect of invest- 98 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 ments into business are formed, according to risk when opening en- terprise business. In secondary professional education system for non-economic spe- cialties knowledge of the main economic methods of management is formed by the enterprise; abilities to find and use the economic infor- mation necessary for orientation in investment activity. These compe- tences are formed when studying world economy and business bases. For economic specialties when studying accounting; world econ- omy; business bases; research of operations in economy knowledge of types of risks in economic activity of the enterprise and criterion of their minimization, the principles of the organization of financial and economic calculations is formed; knowledge of an order of carrying out analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise; abili- ties to use computer technologies when processing registration and financial information; abilities to estimate efficiency of activity of the enterprise for the current period, to predict organization development for the forthcoming period. In higher professional education system for non-economic spe- cialties knowledge of computer technologies in economic science and education is formed; abilities on a scientific and economic basis to organize the work, possession of computer methods of collecting, storage and processing (editing) of information, applied in econom- ic activity; abilities in the conditions of development of science and changing social practice to revaluation of the saved up economic ex- perience, the analysis of the opportunities, ability to acquire new eco- nomic knowledge, using modern information educational technolo- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 99 gies. These competences are formed when studying the following dis- ciplines: investment analysis; assessment and risk analysis; marketing analysis; financial analysis. For economic specialties it is supposed that the specialist of an economic profile can adapt for the following types of adjacent pro- fessional activity: management-and-economic; financial-and-credit; expert-and-consulting; taxation; property assessment; external eco- nomic; scientifical-and-methodical; legal; scientific-and-pedagogical (on a specialty profile). The levels of continuous economic education developed by us (basic, professional, additional) in professional education system are congruent to economic competences (key, professional, additional) and assume transition from one step of economic education to another, keeping continuity, universality, integrity of professional education, considering psychological development of the personality, providing to graduates after completion of training at a certain level of continu- ous economic education to hold the corresponding positions.

Thus, the economic competence principle establishes a ratio be- tween knowledge as information and knowledge as activity reflects necessary requirements for formation in the course of continuous eco- nomic education of the competitive personality possessing a certain level of economic competences, necessary for performance of pro- fessional activity in various spheres and segments of economy and capable to solve practical problems. 100 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014


1. The concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period to 2020. http://www.zakonprost. ru/content/base/part/593274. 2. Kondakov M.I. Kratkiy pedagogicheskiy slovar’ propagandista []. – M., 1984. p.202. 3. Novikov A.M. Rossiyskoe obrazovanie v novoy epokhe / Paradok- sy nasle-diya, vektory razvitiya [Russian education in new eras / paradoxes of heritage, development vectors]. – M.: Egves, 2000. 272 p. 4. Lomakina T.Yu. Sovremennyy printsip razvitiya nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya [Modern principle of development of continuous education]. – M.: Nauka, 2006. 221 p. 5. Popova N.E. Nasledstvo dlya «Nashey novoy shkoly» [Inheritance for «Our new school»]. Ekonomika v shkole. № 1(55) 2011. pp. 11-24. 6. Proshchitskaya E.N. Praktikum po vyboru professii [Praktikum on choice of profession]. – M., 1995. p. 84. 7. Lomov B.F. Lichnost’ v sisteme obshchestvennykh otnosheniy [Lichnost in system of the public relations]. Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal. 1981. Vol. 2. № 1. pp. 3-17. 8. Kotelova Yu.V. Ocherki po psikhologii truda [Sketches on work psychology]. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1986. pp. 3-15. 9. Shadrikov V.D. Psikhologiya deyatel’nosti i sposobnosti chelo- veka [Psychology of activity and ability of the person]. – M.: Logos, 1998. 320 p. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 101

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sergeeva Marina Georgiyevna, Leading Researcher of the La- boratory of the Theory of Lifelong Education, Doctor of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Institute of the theory and history of pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education 7A, Pavel Korchagin St., Moscow, 129626, Russia e-mail: [email protected] 102 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-9 UDC 37.035.7

Model for the formation of ecological culture of the military high school cadets in the museum educational context in the process of research activities

Khrabrova E.V.

The article covers the formation of ecological culture of mi- litary high school cadets in the process of the museum’s research activities. The author defines the main mechanism of ecological culture formation, being characteristic of military high school cadets, and believes that the development of the cadets’ eco- logical culture, while they are engaged in the research process, will be effective, provided an innovative research context has been set up within the educational activities scope of the high school’s museum. For this purpose, the author suggests both considering the formation of ecological culture of military high school cadets in the process of the museum’s research activities and revealing certain links between the following components: socio-cultural environment and the museum’s one, the cadets’ research activities and the setting up of the ecological display at the museum, which comprises the contents of the museum teaching science. The author considers this model to be efficient for the purposes of the formation of the cadets’ ecological cul- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 103

ture within the museum educational environment, as it has been proved efficient at a civil high school. Keywords: ecology-oriented mentality, ecological culture, research activities, ecological display, museum educational context, innovation research context, socio-cultural context, humanitarization of military education.

The Earth’s life and environment support systems are very vulne- rable today, as the constantly increasing negative impact of man on the environment has led to the emergence of global problems. Military activity has become one of the causes of the devastating changes in the ecological balance of the living systems. The issue of interaction of military activities, society and nature, being so tense, has resulted in a number of new challenges for military teaching science. Environment protection is a vitally important condi- tion for the existence of human civilization, it concerns every citizen, including a soldier. Today environmental culture is considered to be a key prerequisite to sustainable development of the world, the country or region. Eco- logical culture is the starting point for the revision of many values ​​of the modern civilization. Upon analyzing the psychological and educational literary sour- ces, we concluded that among the factors that have a significant im- pact on the formation of ecological culture, little attention has been paid to visiting museums and environmental displays. In this regard, the results of the study by S.A. Stavropoltseva who researched the impact of various factors on a person’s ecologically-oriented menta- 104 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 lity, seem model ones. The factors that were found, such as visiting nature museums and environmental exhibitions as well as others, are not considered to be considered «significant» [5]. Our study aimed at searching for the mechanism to develop the ca- dets’ ecological culture concerns setting up an environmental display at the high school’s museum, being made due to the cadets’ research activities that greatly contributes to converting the museum into the most significant factor While defining the essential features of a museum, A.M. Razgon described it as a research, scientific and educational institution that meets social needs to preserve and use the real-world objects as ele- ments of historical memory, social information documentary means as well as aesthetic values; as an information and communication agency that is a kind of semiotic system. Museum is a unique public institu- tion that is characterized by its specific features, different from other scientific, educational, cultural institutions [4]. Our supposition is that the development of the cadets’ ecological culture while they are engaged in research activity will be efficient if innovative research context is created within the educational activity scope of the high school’s museum. To construct such environment we had chosen an environmental display as a research centre for the cadets to join the research activity. The value of the research activities for a cadet is thought to be the fact that its basis being not the kind of knowledge, but will pre- determined by their deep intellectual and spiritual needs [6]. Maste- ring environmental skills is quite a complex and intellectually time- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 105 consuming process, where independent work and continuous self-im- provement in grasping elements of environmental management is of great importance. We believe that it is a series of research activities carried out by the cadets designing the environmental display that give the creative nature to their environmental activities; the nature that manifests itself being aimed at transforming both the world and themselves. We confirmed [7] that the search activity, which allows to consis- tently develop and clarify the content of both ideological and theo- retical basis for the museum display, allows a cadet’s personality to expand the «field of experience» (according to O.F. Vichkanova), con- tributing to the creative transformation of reality, supported by con- stant inner work on themselves. Display activity has its own standards concerning display topics to be met while carrying out researches on environmental protection [3, P.198]. The museum’s display is the main form of museum communi- cation, its educational and training objectives being implemented by the demonstration of museum objects, which are organized, explained and placed in accordance with the museum’s scientific concept [3, р. 197]. Museums contribute to forming ecology-conscious mentality and environmental culture of the cadets, creating socio-cultural develop- ing context. Today there is a process of reframing the museum’s role and importance of presentation of historical reality, objects, nature displays, culture of their creation as well as the museum itself in the context of educational modernization and prevailing philosophical, cultural and artistic trends [4]. 106 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

For example, in the studies by O.A. Lukashevich the socio-cultur- al environment is considered within the humanization process of pro- fessional education at a military high school. It concerns shaping the intended service persons’ personality, being capable of understanding elements of ecological culture, as well as being spiritually rich, able to resist the negative stereotypes of thinking and behavior in the society and tackle the environmental problems of the today’s world [3, 70]. Considering the modeling possibilities of the of the cadets’ eco- logical culture formation process, we identified a variety of approa- ches to research the possibilities of museum education at the military high school, being the basis of scientific and research work. The described model of the cadets’ ecological culture formation in the museum’s educational context while carrying out research ac- tivities by the cadets, we reflect the links between the following com- ponents: socio-cultural and educational context of the museum, the cadets’ research activities and setting up an environmental display at the museum, which is the content of museum teaching science (рic. 1).

Using the procedure E.V. Asafova, we made the analysis of the level dynamics of the ecological culture of students (The affiliate of the Kuban State University in the city of Anapa) involved in the re- search activity aimed at setting up a museum display devoted to the 5th anniversary of the environmental disaster that had occurred in the Kerch Strait in 2007. The study showed that the museum educational context has a significant impact on improving the ecological culture of the students of both biological and non-biological disciplines [7]. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 107





THE SERVICE PERSON’S ECOLOGICAL CULTURE •knowledge on ecology •ecology-conscious mentality •ecological activities

Pic. 1. The model of the cadets’ ecological culture formation in the museum’s educational context while carrying out research activities by the cadets

Thus, the proposed model proves to be efficient not only in the for- mation of ecological culture of students at civil high schools, but also while educating cadets at military high schools within the museum’s educational context, due to its advanced nature.


1. Varenov D.V. Metod modelirovaniya kak sredstvo razvitiya eko- logicheskoy kultury studentovna baze zoologicheskogo i istoriko- 108 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

kraevedcheskogo muzeev [Modelling technique as a means of development of the students’ ecological culture on the basis of the zoological and historical museums]. PhD thesis: 13.00.02. – Samara, 2007. 26 p. 2. Vichkanova O.F. Formirovanie opyta ekologicheskoy deyatel’no- sti u mladshikh podrostkov v uchrezhdenii dopolnitel’nogo ob- razovaniya [Formation of environmental activities experience of teenagers at the additional education institution]. PhD thesis: 13.00.01. – Khabarovsk, 2012. 26 p. 3. Velikovskaya G.V. Vzaimodeystvie gosudarstvennykh muzeev i shkoly v izuchenii rodnogo kraya [Interaction between the state museums and schools aimed at studying the native region]. – М., 2001. issue 3. pp. 49-54. 4. Lukashevich O.A. Teoriya i praktika ekologicheskoy podgoto- vki kursantov voennogo vuza v inoyazychnom obrazovatel’nom protsesse [Theory and practice of the high school cadets’ envi- ronmental education in a foreign language learning process]. PhD thesis. – Samara, 2008. 188 p. 5. Raikov B.E., Rimsky-Korsakov M.N. Zoologicheskie ekskursii [Zoological excursions]. 1956. 367 p. 6. Stavropoltseva S.A. Osobennosti vospitaniya ekologicheskoy ot- vetstvennosti podrostkov na sovremennom etape razvitiya kul’tury [Features of teenagers’ environmental responsibility education at the present stage of culture development]. publ/ obshhaja_pedagogika/stavropolceva_s_a 7. Udovichenko O.D. Pedagogicheskie usloviya formirovaniya eko- logicheskoy kul’tury studentov geograficheskikh spetsial’nostey: Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 109

dis. na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata pedagogicheskikh nauk [Pedagogical prerequisites of ecological culture formation of the students at geography faculty]. PhD thesis. – Stavropol, 2005. 161 p. 8. Khrabrova E.V. Formirovanie ekologicheskoy kul’tury studen- tov v protsesse nauchno-issledovatel’skoy deyatel’nosti v muzee vuza [Ecological culture formation of the students carrying out a research activity at the high school’s museum]. Sovremennye issledovaniya sotsial’nykh problem [Modern Research of Social Problems], №8 (28), 2013. doi:10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-24 9. Heimstra N.W., Мс Tarling L.H Environmental Psychology. Mon- terey, 1974. 10. Hudson Kenneth. Museums of influence. – Cambridge, 1987. Pр. 187, 188. 11. Lee H.L. Experience, Environment and Human Potentials. L., 1980. 12. Jones J.M. In U.S., Many Environmental Issues at 20-Year-Low Concern. URL: tal-Issues-Year-Low-Concern.aspx

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Khrabrova Elena Vasilevna, graduate student Kuban State Agrarian University, Anapa branch 11, Chernomorskaja str., Anapa, Krasnodar, 353440, Russia [email protected] 110 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-10 УДК 372.8


Камалеева А.Р., Хадиуллина Р.Р.

Небольшое количество аудиторных часов (6 часов лек- ций и 10 часов практических занятий), предусмотренных для изучения дисциплины «Естественнонаучные основы физической культуры и спорта: Физика» студентами- спортсменами, вынужденных часть занятий пропускать в связи со спортивными сборами и соревнованиями, не всег- да достаточно для полного овладения ими соответствую- щих стандарту компетенций. Выходом из данной ситуации могут служить исполь- зование новейших методологических подходов, дистанци- онных технологий, оригинальных дидактических средств, таких как, например, «Физика в спорте» – разработанного нами учебно-методического пособия. В основу разработ- ки этого пособия легла идея интеграции модульного, де- ятельностного, компетентностного, концентрированно- го, исторического, личностного и многомерного подходов. В результате, четкая структура учебного пособия, каж- дая тема которого включает определенные блоки (поста- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 111

новка проблемы, блок актуализации, исторический блок, теоретический блок, блок обобщения и систематизации, блок расширения и углубления, блок самостоятельных ра- бот, литература), позволяет студентам-спортсменам изучать законы физики применительно к спорту, что по- зволит применять и трансформировать в области физи- ческой культуры законов естественнонаучных дисциплин. Пособие может быть с успехом использовано для сту- дентов других направлений, например, «Адаптивная физи- ческая культура». Ключевые слова: физика; спорт; студенты-спор- тсмены; концентрированное обучение.


Kamаleyeva A.R., Khadiullina R.R.

A small number of audience hours (6 hours of lectures and 10 hours of practical training), provided for the study of the discipline «Natural scientific basics of physical culture and sports: Physics» student-athletes who are forced not to attend classes because of their participation in sports events and com- petitions, is not always enough for a complete mastery of their respective standard competencies. 112 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The way out of this situation may be the use of new me- thodological approaches, remote technologies, innovative teaching tools such as, for example, «Physics in sport» – de- signed by us as teaching methodical aid. The formulation of this allowance based on the idea of modular integration, the activity, the competency, concentrated, historical, personal and multi-dimensional approaches. As a result, the precise structure of the textbook, each topic which includes specific components (problem, unit upgrades, historical block, the theoretical block, generalization and systematization, block expansion and dee- pening, block of individual works, literature), allows student- athletes to study the laws physics in relation to the sport that allows you to use and transform the physical culture of the laws of natural science disciplines. The teaching methodical aid can be used with success for students of other directions, for example, «Adaptive physical education». Keywords: physics; sports; student athletes; concentrated training.

Введение Одной из основных компетенций, формируемых у студен- тов-спортсменов направления подготовки «034300.62 Физиче- ская культура» при изучении курса «Естественнонаучные основы физической культуры и спорта (ЕНОФКиС): Физика», является «умение использовать законы естественнонаучных дисциплин, методы теоретического и экспериментального исследования Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 113

в профессиональной деятельности», что предполагает освое- ние не только общих фактов и понятий из области физики, но и формирование естественнонаучной картины мира, развитие способности анализировать физические явления окружающего мира, овладение навыками использования физических методов в физкультурно-массовой и спортивной работе, способности при- менять и трансформировать в области физической культуры за- конов естественнонаучных дисциплин. Согласно Федеральному государственному образовательно- му стандарту высшего профессионального образования (ФГОС ВПО) по подготовке бакалавров физической культуры на из- учение данной дисциплины предусмотрено аудиторных 6 часов лекций и 10 часов практических занятий. 20 часов отводится на самостоятельную работу. Образовательная деятельность студен- та-спортсмена связана с длительными спортивными сборами, тренировками, поэтому небольшое количество аудиторных часов не всегда позволяет в полном объеме овладению соответствую- щих компетенций.

Материалы и методы Выходом из данной ситуации может служить использование наряду с дистанционными технологиями новейших методологи- ческих подходов, специальных дидактических средств, учебно- методических материалов, оргинальных приемов обучения. Так, например, в основу разработанного нами учебно-методические пособия «Физика в спорте» легла идея интеграции модульного, деятельностного, компетентностного, конценрированного, исто- 114 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

рического, личностного и многомерного подходов, что позволит объяснять многие явления в спорте на основе законов физики. Данная идея, позаимствованная у авторов учебника «Теория обучения» [2], определила структуру учебного пособия, каждая тема которой включает следующие блоки: постановка проблемы, блок актуализации, исторический блок, теоретический блок, блок обобщения и систематизации, блок расширения и углубления, блок самостоятельных работ, литература.

Результаты и их обсуждение Приведем примеры представления законов физики через объ- яснение явлений в спорте. В пособии предлагаются следующие темы: 1. Кинематика движения. Прыжки в высоту и в длину. 2. Колебательные движения. Резонанс. Прыжок с шестом. 3. Статика. Виды равновесия. Звенья тела как рычаги. 4. Виды деформаций. Механические свойства костей, суста- вов, мышц. 5. Сила трения и теория скольжения. Сила сопротивления воздуха. 6. Законы сохранения импульса и энергии в механике. 7. Законы механики абсолютно твердого тела. Закон сохра- нения момента импульса. 8. Вращение снаряда: эффект Магнуса.

1) Так, например, понятие центра тяжести и законы кинема- тики движения тела под углом к горизонту, рассматриваются при- менительно к различным видам прыжков: в высоту и в длину [1]. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 115

Рис. 1. Кинематика прыжка в длину

Сложное движение спортсмена в полете определяется такими понятиями: как поступательное движение с осью вращения и вра- щательное движение вокруг этой оси. 2) Звенья тела человека рассмотрены как механические маят- ники – маховые движения рук и ног человека во время бега, ходь- бы, плавания, различных гимнастических упражнений соверша- ют колебательные движения. В качестве примера системы двух маятников рассмотрена биомеханика прыжка с шестом, опреде- лены условия наилучшего результата его выполнения.

Рис. 2. Звенья тела как маятники

При определенных условиях маятники могут испытывать яв- ление резонанса, что находит широкое применение в спорте (при 116 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

прыжках на батуте, в лыжном спорте, в легкой атлетике, в пла- вании, при гребле на байдарках и каноэ и др.) и, в определенных случаях, оно способствует улучшению спортивных результатов при оптимальной энергетической нагрузке спортсмена. 3) Законы статики, виды и условия равновесия позволяют объяснить многие явления в спорте: метатель копья, ядра при со- вершении броска сгибает руку в локтевом суставе; гимнаст перед выполнением упражнения приподнимает стопы на полупальцы. Так проявляются законы рычагов различного рода, при этом зве- нья человека, рассмотрены как с точки зрения простых рычагов, так и составных: кинематических цепей, обеспечивающих пере- дачу и преобразование механических движений.

Рис. 3. Звенья тела как рычаги

4) Закон Гука, механическое напряжение, такие деформации, как сжатие, растяжение, изгиб и кручение рассмотрены приме- нительно к механическим свойствам костей, суставов и мышц. Такого рода деформации проявляются в каждом виде спорта: гимнаст выполняет упражнения на кольцах; штангист поднимает штангу; наклоны туловищем при выполнении прыжков в длину, Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 117

с трамплина; вращение гимнаста, фигуриста, пловца. Неудач- ные движения или слишком высокие нагрузки могут приводить к растяжениям, травмам и переломам. Поэтому очень важно знать биомеханические свойства своего организма и, конечно же, со- блюдать технику выполнения упражнений, чтобы не допускать подобных травм. 5) Сила трения рассмотрена с точки зрения положительного и отрицательного проявления ее в спорте. Так, в одних случаях она должна быть как можно большей (наличие шипов у обуви сприн- теров для уменьшения проскальзывания, лыжная смазка для луч- шего сцепления с беговой дорожкой и др.), а в других, наоборот, как можно меньшей (та же лыжная смазка и правильная заточка конька для лучшего скольжения, специальные щетки в керлинге, которые делают лед более гладким, корректируя, таким образом, траекторию движения снаряда и др.). В продолжение теории скольжения рассмотрена сила сопро- тивления воздуха и ее роль на спортивный результат: преиму- щественное расположение велосипедиста (бегуна), находящего- ся за спиной впереди едущего (бегущего) спортсмена, который принимает действие воздушного потока на себя; или изогнутая (обтекаемая) форма тела пловца, конькобежца способствующая меньшему сопротивлению воздуха. 6) Большую роль в спорте играют законы сохранения. Броски снарядов в теннисе, гольфе и т.д., динамичная игра спортсменов в хоккее, футболе, в волейболе и т.д. рассмотрены с точки зрения замкнутой системы, к которым применимы законы сохранения импульса и энергии. Определена разница с точки зрения законов 118 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

физики в упругом, неупругом, реальном ударах на примере вза- имодействия хоккеистов, футбольных мячей, теннисной ракетки и мяча и т.д. Приведен пример закона сохранения энергии при спуске лыжника с горы, когда потенциальная энергия, переходит в кинетическую, а последняя – во внутреннюю. На основе за- конов сохранения даны объяснения, например, почему слышен удар ракетки по мячу или почему футболист, принимающий мяч на грудь и сбрасывающий его себе под ноги, в момент приема мяча резко подает корпус назад, и в каком случае нога спортсмена при ударе по мячу не играет роль амортизации. Даны расчеты из- менения энергии, которые происходят при прыжках спортсмена в высоту с места и с разбега, в длину, при прыжке с шестом. 7) Законы механики абсолютно твердого тела представлены на примере закона сохранения момента импульса, который объяс- няет, для чего фигурист плотно прижимает руки к туловищу при совершении вращения. Аналогичный закон проявляется при со- скоке спортсмена с перекладины в момент группировки или раз- группирования тела, когда скорость вращения его сначала увели- чивается, а затем уменьшается. Также приведен пример увеличе- ния крутящего момента (момента сил) при вращении дискобола в момент броска диска. Таким образом, каждая тема пособия структурирована: • ставится проблема; • актуализируются знания, изученные ранее; • приводятся исторические данные по открытию закона; • дается объяснение закона (эффекта) на основе имеющихся знаний; Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 119

• приводятся задания по применению закона (эффекта) в спорте; • предлагаются вопросы в качестве рефлексии; • обобщаются и систематизируются новые знания; • расширяются и углубляются новые знания на более слож- ных примерах, приведены примеры решения задач; • даются задачи для самостоятельного решения и источни- ки литературы для изучения данной темы.

8) На примере темы «Вращение снаряда. Эффект Магнуса» рассмотрим, структуру этой темы пособия. После названия темы дается либо краткая цитата спортсмена, в данном случае – «Футбол – это не только игра, но и наука…» (Валерий Лобановский), имеющая непосредственное отношение к рассматриваемому явлению, либо выдержка из народной му- дрости, пословица, которая точно отражают смысл изучаемого физического закона и т.п.. Далее идет блок «Постановка проблемы», в которой кратко представлено определенное явление в спорте и поставлена задача в ее объяснении с точки зрения законов физики. Например, рез- кое изменение траектории мяча в футболе, так называемый, удар «сухой лист» и в теннисе «срезанный удар», предлагается объяс- нить с помощью эффекта Магнуса. «Блок актуализации» позволяет вспомнить материал, изучен- ный ранее и необходимый для объяснения нового закона (эффек- та). Для объяснения эффекта Магнуса в качестве актуализации 120 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

знаний предлагается вспомнить понятие статического, гидроста- тического и динамического давлений, закона Бернулли. В «Историческом блоке» представлены ключевые даты от- крытия явлений. Так открытию эффекта Магнуса предшествова- ли открытие закона Бернулли и исследования Роббинса о причи- нах отклонения траекторий вращающихся тел. В «Теоретическом блоке» представлены единицы измерения физических величин, дано объяснение эффекта Магнуса, приве- дены соответствующие выводы и следствия: при вращении мяча скорость (V) воздушного потока на противоположных его сторо- нах будет разной; давление (P) с противоположных сторон также будет различаться: больше с той стороны, где скорость воздушно- го потока меньше.

Рис. 4. Объяснение эффекта Магнуса

В «Блоке применения» даны практические задачи по при- менению новых знаний. В качестве следствия закона Бернулли определены эффект Вентури, формулы Торричели, а также эф- фект Магнуса, проявляющийся в различных видах спорта. В качестве проверки полученных знаний в блоке «Рефлексия» даны вопросы для повторения. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 121

В «Блоке обобщения и систематизации» обобщены и система- тизированы различные примеры применения изученного явления (в нашем случае, эффекта Магнуса) в спорте: техника удара по мячу «сухой лист» [3].

Рис. 5. Эффект Магнуса в футболе

«Блок расширения и углубления» позволяет студентам зна- комиться с дополнительной информацией. В качестве примера проявления закона Бернулли представлено понятие и формула подъемной силы, которая также находит свое применение в раз- личных видах спорта. Здесь же предлагается решение задач на расчет численного значения подъемной силы. Кроме того, пред- ставлены различия в двух режимах полета мяча: ламинарном и турбулентном. Обращается внимание на влияние техники удара на вращение мяча. В «Блоке самостоятельных работ» представлены задачи для самостоятельного решения. В блоке «Литература» содержит информацию об основной и дополнительной литературе для самостоятельного чтения и рас- ширения кругозора. 122 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Заключение Структура рассмотрения и изучения тем подготовленного по- собия позволяет студентам-спортсменам изучать законы физики на конкретных спортивных примерах, самостоятельно ставить перед собой задачи и решать их. Такое пособие с успехом может быть использовано при обучении студентов-спортсменов не толь- ко направления «Физическая культура», но и «Адаптивная физи- ческая культура», как очной, так и заочной форм обучения; как на аудиторных занятиях, так и дистанционно и при самостоятель- ном изучении дисциплины «ЕНОФКИС: Физика». Нестандартная форма подачи информации способствует бо- лее глубокому пониманию естественнонаучной картины мира, формированию способности применять и трансформировать за- коны естественнонаучных дисциплин в область спорта и физиче- ской культуры.

Список литературы

1. Дубровский В.И. Федорова В.Н. Биомеханика / Учебник для высших и средних заведений. – М: ВЛАДОС_ПРЕСС, 2003. 672 с. 2. Ибрагимов Г.И., Ибрагимова Е.М., Андрианова Т.М. Теория обучения. – М.: ВЛАДОС, 2011. 383 с. 3. Локтев В.И., Агуреев С.М. Механика и техника «сухого ли- ста» // Молодой ученый. 2013. №2. С. 4-9. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 123


1. Dubrovsky V.I, Fedorova V.N. Biomekhanika [Biomechanics]. – M.: VLADOS_PRESS, 2003. 672 p. 2. Ibragimov G.I., Ibragimova E.M., Andrianova T.M. Teoriya obucheniya [Learning theory]. – M.: VLADOS, 2011. 383 p. 3. Loktev V.I., Agureev S.M. Mekhanika i tekhnika «sukhogo lista» [Mechanics and technique of «dry leaf»]. Molodoy uchenyy. 2013, no 2. pp. 4-9.

ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРАХ Камалеева Алсу Рауфовна, заведующая лаборатории обще- профессиональной и естественнонаучной подготовки в системе профессионального образования, доктор педагогических наук, профессор Российской академии естествознания Институт педагогики и психологии профессионального обра- зования Российской академии образования ул. Исаева, д. 12, г. Казань, 420039, Россия e-mail: [email protected] Хадиуллина Резеда Ринатовна, старший преподаватель ка- федры физико-математических дисциплин и информационных технологий Поволжская государственная академия физической культу- ры, спорта и туризма ул. Деревня Универсиады, 35, г. Казань, 420138, Россия e-mail: [email protected] 124 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Kamаleyeva Alsu Raufovna, Doctor of Education Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education of the Russian Academy of Education 12, Isayeva Street Kazan, 420039, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Khadiullina Rezeda Rinatovna, Senior Lecturer Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture Sport and Tourism 35, Village of University Games Street, 420138, Kazan, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 125

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-11 UDC 378:[37.011.31 : 37.041]


Khatuntseva S.N.

Purpose. Тhe aim of this paper is to study the nature of teachers’ readiness to self-education as a component of self- improvement. Methodology. This paper examines the current state of sci- entific and theoretical study of the problem of the future tea- cher’s readiness for self-education. Results. The analysis of scientific and theoretical founda- tion of the problem of teacher’s readiness for self-education has been made. The essence of future teacher’s readiness for self- education as a component of self-improvement has been studied. It has been determined that readiness is a compound, dynamic formation of future teacher’s personality and it is the result of his training on the basis of theoretical knowledge about the na- ture, structure and content of self-education and practical skills and personal qualities. Motivational, cognitive, operational, active, personal, analytical and reflective components are the components of future teacher’s readiness for self-education as a part of self-improvement. 126 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Practical implications. Higher еducation, lifelong lear- ning. Keywords: readiness; self-education; self-improvement; components of readiness; personality; future teacher.

Formulation of the problem Education is a key factor for social and economic prosperity of the state. Increased attention to the quality of education and to the prob- lem of professional training leads to the activation of educational re- searches because the implementation of innovative reforms, the pros- pect of the development of society and its social institutions largely depends on the teachers’ activity. Increment in functional and intelligent load in the teachers’ pro- fessional activity places new demands on teachers’ training. The rapid growth of modern science and the need for the daily work with the in- formation, technology changeability and competition in the labor mar- ket, the development of the spiritual aspects of life and enrichment of the creative content of the teacher activity determine self-education as a necessary condition for professional self-improvement of a teacher. The profession of a teacher requires updating of knowledge through systematic reference to scientific sources, analysis and synthesis of the material, skills to orientate in the large amount of information, research activity, improvement of professional skills. Therefore, the progressive changes in the system of pedagogical education are re- lated to the formation of future teachers’ readiness to self-education as a component of self-improvement. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 127

Analysis of recent researches and publications Studying science resources regarding teacher’s self-education leads to the conclusion that the problem is one of the most contro- versial and unresolved. In the works of educators and psychologists a lot of attention is paid to the issues that relate to the formation of background of professional skills of a teacher in the process of trai- ning, vocational and educational direction of his training [8]. Prob- lems of improving professional training in universities and, in particu- lar, the future teachers training, have been investigated in the works of S. Archangelskyi, M. Dyachenko, L. Kandybovych, D. Zynovyev, T. Ilyina, I. Kobylyatskyi, R. Nyzamov, V. Rozov and others. In the context of teacher’s self-education have been studied the fol- lowing issues: personal self-determination (L. Bozhovich, O. Gazman, E. Klimov, N. Krylov, V. Shendryk), professional self-determination (M. Gubanova, C. Safina, G. Solodova, O. Prekina), interconnection and interdependence of personal and professional self-determination (O. Borisova), self-education as a condition of teacher’s personal and professional development (O. Beznysko, E. Bondarevskaya), the content of professional teacher’s self-education (I. Glinska, M. Za- borschikova, V. Lukanenkova, V. Slastonin, O. Polonskaya), the value of self-education in the system of continuous teacher’s education (N. Kosenko), as a component of improving teacher’s professional readiness (S. Lebedeva, N. Salnikova). The analysis of scientific sources indicates that the problem of future teacher’s readiness to self-education remains urgent. Despite the large number of studies devoted to the problem of self-education, 128 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 the essence of teachers’ readiness to self-education as a component of self-improvement is still uncertain. Thus, the aim of this paper is to study the nature of teachers’ readi- ness to self-education as a component of self-improvement.

The main objectives are: 1) to analyze the scientific and theoretical foundation of the problem of teachers’ readiness to self-education; 2) to describe the nature of future teachers’ readiness to self- education as a component of self-improvement.

Core material and research results In modern society, taking into account the globalization of in- formation space, the rapid growth of educational technologies, pro- fessional training must be directed for formation of future teacher’s readiness to regular self-education. We define self-education of a teacher as a specific targeted activity aimed at meeting the individual cognitive needs in order to gain systematic professional knowledge and self-improvement. The quality of training depends on the level of teachers’ readiness to self-improvement and self-education in par- ticular. Therefore, there is need to study the concepts of «readiness», «readiness to self-education». In the study of readiness of a future teacher researchers also distinguish several components. So Z. Lev- chuk insists on the presence of four groups of components: theoretical and methodological training, which is reflected in the restructuring of technology development and education of the individual; effec- tive and practical (skills); social component, psychological level of Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 129 personality development (capacity for empathy, readiness of cogni- tive sphere to be creative) [2, p. 214]. We are impressed with the idea of A. Lynenko who defining the components of readiness for teach- ing activity emphasizes the need for knowledge about the structure of the individual, his age and individual characteristics and changes, the purpose and methods of educational influence in the process of its formation and development, pedagogical skills for the organiza- tion and the educational impact on identity formation, emotional and interested attitude of the future teacher to the subject (student), object (pedagogical process) and means of activity (training and education), the desire to communicate with children, share his own experience and knowledge according to the content and ways to achieve socially important goals [3]. Educators and psychologists focus on the fact that training in higher education will be more effective if the knowledge, skills of future professionals will be for them individually significant. This will strengthen the students' holistic scientific outlook and creative initia- tive that become the qualities of their personality and impact on their careers [5, c. 74]. Thus, analysis of scientific sources shows that the formation of future teachers’ readiness to self-education involves individual work, including the identification of their individual characteristics, finding and solving their personal problems, constant interaction of teachers and students oriented not only to enrich theoretical knowledge, but also to expand opportunities for students to solve personal or professional problems. It is important that the knowledge, skills of future profes- sionals are meaningful to them, subjective, can change future teachers 130 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 themselves, resolving their internal conflicts, expanding worldviews. It is necessary to instill in students the ability to self-exploration as a condition of future teachers’ self-development towards their self- improvement. Thus in order to achieve good results during training the teacher should guide and to some extent control the student’s ac- tivity of self-education. The essential point towards professional self- improvement is to expand student's personal qualities: comprehension of the world, learning and improving his potential, the capacity for self-organization, self-actualization, harmonization of «self-concept». Analyzing the researches of scientists, we identified the following components of future teacher’s readiness to self-education: motiva- tional, cognitive, operational-activity component, personal, analytical and reflective component. Self-education is based on the motivation to work. They under- stand the motivation as the totality of the driving forces that motivate a person to perform certain actions, to implement requests to meet the conscious or unconscious needs. There are different kinds of motives: goals, aspirations, interests, attitudes, beliefs and needs [10; 11]. We consider that the need for self-education is implemented in the profes- sional activity through the motives, which form the basis of motiva- tion. New Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language gives the following definition: «need is a necessity for someone, something that demands satisfaction, indispensability» [4, p. 844]. The need for self-education is caused by objective factors (social-economic conditions) and sub- jective (teacher orientation, desire for self-improvement). Needs are the main drivers of human behavior that define and govern its activity. Therefore, we believe that the need for professional self-education is Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 131 the internal determinant of future teacher’s self-education and makes his professional focus. The need for self-education can also be a crite- rion and measure of readiness for self-education. Orientation of a future teacher is an important element of the mo- tivational component of readiness to self-education. As V. Slastonin rightly observes, orientation of a future teacher is an integrated feature that ensures, on the one hand, the personality of the individual, but on the other – the communication with the outside world. Thus, fu- ture teacher’s professional orientation determines the success of self- education and represents the integration of the individual components and it is its dynamic property that reflects the dominant principles of the attitude toward teaching profession. From the above it follows that the state of need for self-education describes pedagogical orientation of a future teacher. This need is mediated by complicated processes of motivation and is manifested in the form of self-education (motive of self-educational behavior). A. Chernykh consideres professional teaching orientation as the quality of personality that characterizes strong interest in the profession in the unity of the general theoretical and cognitive activity and it is expressed in a desire and willingness to responsibly carry out their teaching duties. According to scientists, professional and pedagogical orientation grows out of interest in the profession and cognitive interest in the speciality (Sh. Amonashvili, A. Chernykh). B. Slastonin believes that professional and pedagogi- cal orientation of the individual of a teacher is a crucial feature of his professional qualification. The scientist focuses on the fact that incli- nation which serves as the need for pedagogical activity, driving force for the development of teaching skills is a prerequisite for achieving pedagogical skillfulness. 132 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Scientists believe that the activity should be studied on the ba- sis of personal subject involvement in it. Motivational support for the activity serves both as a prerequisite and criteria of professional self- determination and self-improvement. S. Vershlovskyy says that orien- tation to pedagogical activity is an indicator of the overall attitude of the individual. The process of students’ self-education has in its base the need to expand and upgrade professional knowledge, which is revealed as a motive and implemented in the interests, aspirations, beliefs, values and so on. Any difficulties, gaps in professional activity, an imbalance between available and required knowledge elicit the need to eliminate them, to remove by meeting the needs of self-education. Ways, me- thods, mechanisms, terms to meet those needs are defined by educa- tional background, professional values of a teacher and depend on the individual personality and experience. The conversion of need for self-education from motive to aim is the content of the process of purposeful self-educational activity. The principal motive of self-education is cognitive interest, based on the need to define own values, the presence of the interest in expansion and upgrading of professional knowledge, understanding of various aspects of professional duties, comprehension of own experience. We define the future teacher’s orientation to self-education as an integrated feature of the individual which is a set of interrelated motives (beliefs, aspirations, values, intentions, instructions, habits) that stimulate the systematic gaining and updating of professional knowledge and direct professional and educational activity to constant self-improvement of a teacher. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 133

Motives, goals of professional and educational activity depend on the teacher's orientation to self-education. Cognitive interest and ori- entation to self-education are indicators of motivational component of readiness to self-education. The motives of the individual are con- nected with his knowledge. The result of this connection is the set of beliefs that serves an important factor in the activity of the individual. Typically, the system of pedagogical knowledge is seen as a body of knowledge on the methodology of pedagogics, fundamentals of di- dactics, theory of education and schooling. For the formation of readi- ness to self-improvement, including self-education, it is necessary to consolidate knowledge from various educational courses and special cycles and make changes in the content of psychological and peda- gogical disciplines in order to guide future teachers to systematic self- education activity. We believe that the basis for the formation of future teachers' readiness for self-education is the following knowledge: 1) theoretical knowledge: the theory of scientific knowledge, the patterns of formation of the individual as an active subject of activity and social and cultural life, as a source of identity; 2) knowledge of self-education: principles, content and forms of self-education activity, individual and group forms of learn- ing, new methods to deepen and update knowledge, the system of knowledge about the nature of readiness for self-education, ways to implement them in the professional activity of a teacher.

Beliefs based on professional knowledge also belong to this com- ponent. We consider that professional beliefs are strong sound views on the system and organization of learning, confidence in the necessity 134 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 of self-education. During self-education professional beliefs allow the teacher to orient in a large variety of pedagogical phenomena and de- fine his approach to the activity and the choice of means, methods that are pained by individually specific qualities of the person. The cognitive component is implemented provided having the specific skills that are brought to operational-activity component of future teacher’s readiness to educate himself.

Operational-activity component is filled with the following skills: 1) diagnostic and prognostic: the ability to identify gaps in knowledge, take into account the presence of individual char- acteristics and qualities, pedagogical perception, identify own opportunities, critically evaluate the advantages and disadvan- tages of own self-education and foresee its results; 2) intelligent: the ability to analyze the situation of the educa- tional process and on this ground to choose the appropriate methods and techniques of self-education, to structurize new information; 3) research: the ability to adjust to new knowledge, critically evaluate and analyze the results of own activity, to plan both own and students’ cognitive and practical activity, to model the process of self-education, to design and present personal works; 4) constructive: the ability to apply appropriate methods and techniques of self-education in accordance with the situation, to build relationships in the team, to make a detailed plan of self-education activity, to organize it rationally. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 135

The personal component of readiness for self-education is repre- sented by qualities of a personality. The quality of a specialist is regarded as «a set of most significant, relatively strong his properties and characteristics, which determine the readiness to perform certain social and professional functions» [7]. Professional and pedagogical training is revealed through a certain professional model, a kind of which is a professiogram. Within the chosen problem the most valuable one is a professiogram of V. Gryno- va, who offered to include the following components: pedagogical, psychological, cultural, physiological and other kinds of knowledge necessary for every teacher; practical skills (informational, deve- lopmental, organizational, research, self- educational etc.); teaching abilities (didactic, organizational, structural, perceptual, expressive, communicative); moral and psychological, social and perceptual, in- dividual and psychological peculiarities and qualities. Creative potential of the teacher is increased in the process of self- education [9; 12]. V. Kemerov notes that the results of self-education activity are objectified, above all, in the fact of becoming an individual as a personality, but not in a new instrument or cultural invention [1, p. 160]. Different types and forms of activity demand the formation of the appropriate qualities of a doer. It is believed that the qualities (inclinations) are although genetically predetermined, however, cer- tain specific qualities are socially formed according to the changing demands of teaching profession. In the context of this study we be- lieve that among individual and psychological qualities it is necessary to pay attention to the following ones: flexibility, deliberate memory, critical mind, reorganization of individual experience. These personal 136 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 qualities are the basis of personal component of future teacher’s readi- ness for self-education. Let’s consider the analytical and reflective component of future teachers’ readiness for self-education. Reflection as a process of sub- ject’s self-discovery of internal mental acts and states plays an impor- tant role in the regulation and evaluation of teacher’s behavior, allows to realize own capabilities and aims at understanding self-education of a specialist. This component is revealed in the ability to observe, analyze, monitor, estimate the teacher's self-education activity. I. Se- menov and S. Stepanov [6] rightly observe that the peculiarity of the forms of personal reflection is in the fact that creating new opportuni- ties they improve productivity of intellectual reflection in its inten- sive, extensive and constructive forms. Constructive reflection allows to build own mental activity, intense reflection allows to direct it in the right direction by providing a correction of content progress and extensive reflection allows to control it. An indicator of such reflection self-organization is the productivity of thinking.

Conclusions Thus, future teacher’s readiness for self-education is a compo- nent of his self-improvement. This readiness is, on the one hand, a compound, dynamic formation of future teacher’s personality, on the other hand, it is the result of his training on the basis of theoretical knowledge about the nature, structure and content of self-education and practical skills and personal qualities. Motivational, cognitive, operational, active, personal, analytical and reflective components are the components of future teacher’s readiness for self-education as a Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 137 part of self-improvement. We suppose that one of the means of forma- tion of readiness for self-education should be an educational and me- thodical complex which contains themes of discipline, supporting lec- ture notes, plans and issues of practical training seminars, guidelines and instructions on how to prepare for an independent and individual work, bibliography, ways of formalized and non- formalized current and total control. We see the prospects for further research of this topic in the study of future teacher’s readiness for self-upbringing.


1. Kemerov V.E. Problema lichnosti: metodologiya i zhiznennyy smysl [The problem of personality: methodology and the meaning of life]. – Moscow: Politizdat., 1977. 256 р. 2. Levchuk Z.S. Formirovanie gotovnosti k professional'nomu tvorchestvu u studentov pedvuza [Formation of readiness for professional creativity at the Pedagogical University students]. – Minsk, 1992. 19 р. 3. Linenko A.F. Pedagogіchna dіyal'nіst' і gotovnіst' do ney [Educa- tional activity and readiness to proceed]. – Odesa: OKFA, 1995. 79 р. 4. Noviy tlumachniy slovnik ukraїns'koї movi / [ukl. V. Yaremenko, O. Slіpushko]. [New World Dictionary of the Ukrainian language]. – Kiev: «AKONІT», 2008. T. 2. 926 р. 5. Ovcharova R.V. Spravochnaya kniga shkol'nogo psikhologa [Hand- book of School Psychologist]. – Moscow, 1996. 74 р. 138 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

6. Semenov I.N., Stepanov S.Yu. Refleksiya i organizatsiya tvorches- kogo myshleniya i samorazvitiya lichnosti [Reflection and organi- zation of creative thinking and self-identity]. Voprosy psikhologi. no. 2. (1983): 35-42. 7. Slastenin V.A. Formirovanie lichnosti uchitelya sovetskoy shkoly v protsesse professional'noy podgotovki [Personality development of the Soviet school teachers in the process of training]. – Mos- cow: Prosveshchenie, 1976. 160 р. 8. Adams R.S. Observational Studies of Teacher II International re- view of Education. no. 4. (1972): 440-459. 9. Fromm Е. The creative attitude. Creativity and cultivation. – New York : Harper & Row, 1959. 345 p. 10. Kelly G. The Psychology of Personal Constructs. – New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., (1955): 147-162. 11. Lazarus R. American Psychologist. V. 46. (1991): 819-821. 12. Torrance E.P. Guiding creative talent. Englewood Cliffs, W.J.: Prentice-Holl, 1964. 260 p.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Khatuntseva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Ph.D (Pedagogics), Assis- tant Professor Berdyansk State Pedagogical University 4G, Schmidt St., Berdyansk, Zaporozhye Region, 71118, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected] Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 139

Инновационные технологии управления (Innovating management techniques)

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-12 UDC 631.53


Kasakova A.S.

Purpose. The purpose of present study was to propose im- proved full scale of morphologically distinct phases of germi- nating barley seeds and on the bases of that scale to determine each phase time of start and its duration. Methods. Seeds of five spring and five winter varieties have been germinated under optimal condition от paper in plastic bags. Morphology of each seed was registered during seven 24-hour-periods (until seed full germination) with 2 hours in- terval. On the bases of obtained data we made the description of each phase and calculated the time of its commencement and duration. 140 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Results. New improved scale of germinating barley seeds phases, which we named «microphenological phases of seed germination» (MPPSG), is created and each phase is described. The scale consists of eight phases, both well-known (dry seed, start of seed imbibition, radicle emergence, coleoptile emer- gence and seedling coming-to-be) and three new phases of roots growth (Roots1 of «fork», Roots2 of «short roots» and Roots3 or «long roots»). The time of each phase commencement and its duration were calculated. It was shown that full time of germinating seed roots growth (R1 + R2 + R3) occupies about 50 % of germination time. Practical implications. Improved scale of MPPSG of bar- ley may be used to study processes of physiology, biochemistry, genetics and others in germinating seeds phase by phase, and then to discuss obtained data as it was process in individual barley seed. Also this MPPSG scale may be used in practical seed farming to evaluate seed lots and in plant breeding to com- pere barley varieties. Keywords: barley, seed, germination, microphenological phase.

Seed germination means its transfer from the dormant state to active growth under the condition of appropriate temperature, aera- tion and water supply. Seed germination results in great morphology change: from dry seed appears seedling. Germinated barley seedling has 5…7 seminal roots and the shoot. During the seed germination many physiological and biochemical processes are activated and fol- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 141 lowed then by genes expression. To study those physiological and bio- chemical changes and especially to mark their start during single seed germination one needs simple morphological criteria of different seed germination phases. Unfortunately, seed germination is described by different phases in different seed germinating schemes. Seed germination is accompanied by intense change of physi- ological and biochemical processes. In order to fix the insertion and the inclusion of these processes in the germinating seed, it is neces- sary to find easily distinguishable phases of seed germination that may serve as tool not only to study fundamental aspects of germination, but will also allow make on a higher level evaluation of varieties in plant breeding, and seeds in the seed lots. We propose to call such phase «microphenological phases of seed germination» (MPPSG) by ana- logy with «phenological phases of plant development». In seed control germination is considered to be complete when the root and shoot will develop to such an extent that it is possible to judge the development of its all structures. When considering germination in terms of seed control one can determine three the following phases: swelling phase is characterized by an increase in volume and weight of the seeds; radicle emergence phase – the emergence of a root out of seeds, which indicates the passage of activation and the onset of growth processes. With sufficient access to air and temperature of +20 °C radicle emergence is completed after two days of seeds germina- tion and the third growth phase starts [5]. In this scheme, describing the germination of seeds, there are no clear criteria by which to judge the transition seeds from one phase to another. 142 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Strona [6] divides seed germination into five sequential phases: water absorption, swelling, growth of primary roots, the development of a shoot and then seedling coming-to-be. At this scale, there is no clear morphological identification of phases of seed germination, es- pecially in the step of forming the seedling root system. According to this scale, the phase «growth of primary roots» should cover the period from radicle emergence until seedling establishment. Zadoks [7] in his cereal growth scale describes the phase of seed germination (GS) by following growth stages: dry seed (GS 00), start of imbibition (GS 01), imbibition complete (GS 02), radicle emer- gence from the seed (GS 05), coleoptile emergence from the seed (GS 07), leaf just at coleoptile tip (GS 09). However, it is difficult to de- termine the end of the phase «imbibition complete», because there are no obvious morphological changes at that moment in the germinating seed. Also the duration of phase «leaf just at coleoptile tip» depends greatly on seed germination conditions.

Thus, clear morphological criteria are absent in existing scales of seed germination and one can’t fix the start and the end of each phase. Therefore, these scales of seed germination phases can not be used as a tool to study the physiological and biochemical processes in the individual seeds. In this regard, the purpose of the present study was to provide an improved scale of morphologically clearly distinguishable phases of germination of barley seeds, as well as to detect the time of the onset and the duration of each phase of barley seeds germination on the basis of the above-mentioned scale. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 143

Methods Seeds of five varieties of spring and five varieties of winter barley of local selection were germinated on paper in plastic bags under op- timum condition: temperature +20 oC, distilled water, darkness. Each experiment consisted of 50 seeds in four replications. Seeds in plastic bags were arranged in rows and each seed had its own number in order to study its morphology changes during the germination. Observations have been made in the interval of 2 hours during seven 24-hours-periods, because according to Russia Seed Standard (GOST 12038-84) [4], barley seeds germination is considered com- plete after this period. We registered the coleorhizae, radicle, seminal roots and coleoptile emergence, and also the number and the length of all roots, and the length of coleoptile. We accepted that seed germina- tion was complete when the seedling had two or more roots as long as the long axes of the seed, and the coleoptile’s length was half or more than the long axes of the seed [4]. All obtained data were statistically processed.

Results As a result of the study of morphological changes occurring du- ring the germination of seeds of spring and winter varieties, we’ve proposed eight easily visually distinguishable MPPSG by morpho- logy. They are characteristic of healthy normal barley seeds that make up the scale of MPPSG (Table 1, Figure 1). 144 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Table 1 The scale and its description of microphenological phases of seed germination (MPPSG) of barley (it was created on the data of five spring and five winter varieties) № MPPSG MPPSG description 1 DS Dry dormant seed. 2 SSI Start of seed imbibition (seed soaking). RE The emergence of radical covered by 3 Radical emergence, coleorhizae. It looks like the white point or «Point» on the embryo tip of the seed. Radical emergence through coleorhizae, R1 followed by seminal roots emergence, but all 4 Roots1, roots are no longer than 2mm. It looks like or «Fork» small «fork» on the tip of the seed. R2 Radical and seminal roots elongation, but all 5 Roots2, roots are shorter than the long axes of the or «Short roots» seed. R3 One or more roots become longer than the 6 Roots3, long axes of the seed. or «Long roots» Coleoptile emergence, but coleoptile’s length CE is less than half long axes of the seed. There 7 Coleoptile emer- must be also both long and short roots; or gence from the seed may be only short roots, or only long roots. Complete germination of the seed: the seedling has minimum two or more long roots S 8 and may have also some short roots; and the Seedling coleoptile’s length is half or more long axes of the seed.

When creating a new scale of MPPSG we’ve combined all ob- jective and informative phases of seed germination, presented in the existing scales, and added some new ones. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 145

a) MPPSG Radical emergence – (RE, or phase «Point»). We see coleorhizae covering the tip of radicle, it looks like white point

b) MPPSG Roots 1 (R1, or phase «Fork»). Radical emergence through coleorhizae (left), followed by the second and the third seminal roots emergence (right), but all roots are no longer than 2mm. It looks like small fork on the tip of the seed. No one root has root hairs 146 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

c) MPPSG Roots 2 («Short roots»). Radical and seminal roots elongation, but all roots are shorter than the long axes of the seed and they have root hairs

d) MPPSG Roots 3 («Long roots»). One or more roots become longer than the long axes of the seed. Here we see three short and three long roots Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 147

e) MPPSG Coleoptile emergence (CE). Coleoptile emerges, and it’s length is less than half of the long axes of the seed. We see also four long roots and one short root

f) MPPSG Seedling (S). This seedling has four long roots and two short roots, and coleoptile’s length is half of the long axes of the seed

Pic. 1. Photos of germinating barley seeds and the description of its microphenological phases (MPPSG)

In addition, the proposed scale of MPPSG is coordinated with the Russia State Seed Standard [4] in terms of germination of barley. So it will make it possible to find application in the practical seed farming and the study for seed production. 148 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The first three MPPSG of our scale (dry seed, start of seed imbi- bition, radical emergence) are common and have been described by many authors. MPPSG №№ 4, 5, 6 (Picture1 – b, c, d) are quite new. As barley seedling has 5…7 seminal roots, we have decompound the phase of roots growth into three new MPPSG – Roots 1, Roots and Roots 3, which are absent in well-known scales. The last phase «seed- ling» (Picture 1f) is described after its description in Russian State Seed Standard «Agricultural Seeds. Methods for Determination of Germination» [4]. MPPSG «shooting» (Picture 1e) was described as an independent phase, because the coleoptile’s length after its emer- gence is often less than half of the long axes of the seed, and such seedling cannot be accepted as germinated one according to Russian State Seed Standard. At the picture we have presented only one-two possible morpho- logical status of each phase. For example, MPPSG R1 means 1…4 seminal roots appearance, because when the fifth root emerge, the length of the first root is more than 2 mm; MPPSG R2 means that there may be 1…6 short roots; MPPSG R3 may have 23 possible com- binations of short and long roots, MPPSG CE may have 17 possible combinations of short and long roots and MPPSG S - 20 possible com- binations of short and long roots [3]. But all phases are easily distin- guishable by their morphology and thus may be used in fundamental and applied studies. The first application of proposed MPPSG scale was to calculate time parameters of each phase: the time of its start after seeds soa- king and its duration. We used seeds of five spring barley varieties that have been reproduced at the same year and on the same farm to find Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 149 any difference between genotypes (Table 2). All studied varieties dif- fer in start time of each MPPSG, but variation coefficient of start time of all MPPSGs has low values. It means that all seeds of all varieties have equal physiological mechanism in passing from one MPPSG to another. Table 2 Time of start and duration of spring barley microphenological phases of seed germination (MPPSG). Varieties names are: №1 – Mumlyuk, №2 – Rubikon, №3 – Zernogradski 584, №4 – Zernogradets 770, №5 – Priazovski 9 MPPSG or Varieties of spring barley inter-phases data

№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 Mean - Varia period tion, % Start of MPPSG, hours RE, «radical 23,5±2,0 20,0±1,1 17,9±0,6 25,0±1,3 23,8±2,3 22,0 13,5 emergence» Roots1, 37,4±3,0 31,8±1,5 28,0±0,8 32,9±1,6 35,6±3,0 33,1 10,9 «fork» Roots2, 40,7±3,2 36,1±1,9 32,0±0,9 38,5±1,5 40,6±3,3 37,6 9,7 «short roots» Roots3, «long 61,4±3,7 59,4±2,8 51,5±1,2 53,9±2,0 59,6±5,1 57,2 7,4 roots» CE, «coleoptile 80,0±4,2 80,0±3,6 71,5±1,3 77,6±2,3 79,8±5,8 77,8 4,7 emegence» S, «seedling» 86,6±4,4 88,4±3,8 78,4±1,5 84,8±2,4 87,4±5,5 85,4 4,2 Duration of MPPSG/interphase period, hours SSI, «start of seed imbibition» - 23,5±2,0 20,0±1,1 17,0±0,6 25,0±1,3 23,8±2,3 21,9 15,1 RE «radical emergence» 150 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

continuation of table 2 RE, «radical 13,9±1,9 11,8±0,8 10,1±0,6 7,9±0,7 11,8,0±1,5 11,1 20,2 emergence» Roots1, 3,3±0,5 4,3±0,9 4,0±0,5 5,6±1,0 4,4±1,1 4,4 20,1 «fork» Roots2, 20,7±1,9 23,3±2,0 19,5±0,7 15,4±1,3 19,6±2,9 19,6 14,6 «short roots» Roots3, «long 18,6±1,9 20,6±2,1 20,0±0,8 23,7±2,0 20,6±2,9 20,6 9,1 roots» R1+R2+R3 42,6±2,0 48,2±2,3 43,5±0,8 44,2±2,1 44,6±3,3 44,9 4,8 CE, «coleoptile 6,6±0,7 8,4±1,4 7,8±0,5 7,5±0,6 7,6±1,0 7.5 8,7 emergence» SSI - S, 86,6±4,4 88,4±3,8 79,3±1,5 85,5±2,4 87,4±5,5 85,4 4,2 «seedling»

Seeds imbibition of different varieties takes 17…25 hours before we can see coleorhiza as white point at the tip of the seed. After coleo- rhiza emerges it takes about 8…14 hours to penetrate that coleorhiza by the radical. During this period radical covered with coleorhiza elon- gates because radicle cells absorb water and increase in volume. Dur- ing next short period (about only 3…6 hours) radicle penetrates the coleorhiza and additional 1…3 seminal roots elongate and appear out of the seed tip (phase Roots 1, or «Fork»). Phase R2 continues about 15…24 hours, and next phase R3 is the most longtime and continues 19…24 hours. The duration of all roots emergence and growth (R1 + R2 + R3) takes up to 42…45 hours. After that we register short phase coleoptile emergence, which continues about 7 hours. And at last after 79…89 hours we register seedling came-to-be. Variation coefficient of full germination time and of each MPPSG’s duration has low values. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 151

The MPPSG duration time distribution as percent of full seed ger- mination time of five spring barley varieties is presented on picture 2.

Pic. 2. The MPPSG time duration distribution as percent of full seed germination time: average data of five spring barley varieties. (Notations: SImb – seed imbibition, RE – radical emergence, R1 – roots1, R2 – roots2, R3 – roots, CE – coleoptile emergence)

The time of seedling root system development (R1+R2+R3) occu- pies half or more of time required the seeds of barley to germinate. But unfortunately in all modern scales of cereal seeds germination this pe- riod is not distinguishable. Seed imbibition requires about 25% of full germination time. And there are two short time MPPSGs - Roots1 and Coleoptile emergence – which have time duration of 5.2 and 8.9%, correspondingly. 152 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Discussion If we compare our proposed scale with that one by Zadoks [7], we may notice the absence of the phase «end of swelling», as it’s not marked by visible morphological changes just by looking at it. Also in our scale the description of the last phase «Seedling» differs from the description in Zadoks’s scale («Leaf just at coleoptile tip»). According to the scale of Strona [6], his phase «the growth of primary roots» corresponds to the sum of four phases RE, R1, R2 and R3 in our scale. Some efforts have been made to propose any morphologically dis- tinguishable phase of seed germination. Counce et al. [2] proposed rice developmental staging system, in which seedling development consists of four growth stages: imbibed seed (S0), radicle and coleop- tile emergence from the seed (S1, S2), and prophyll emergence from the coleoptile (S3). But sometimes investigators collect seeds for biochemical experi- ments on the bases of day of germination. Thus, Sreenivasulu et al. [1] performed a detailed transcriptome analysis of barley (Hordeum vulgare) grain maturation, desiccation, and germination, but they col- lected germinated seed for analysis after 24, 48 and 72 hours after seed imbibition. So on the bases of proposed MPPSG of barley many studies in physiology and biochemistry of germinating barley seeds can be done.

Conclusion Thus, the scale of the MPPSG has united both the currently ac- cepted phases of germination and those that have been established by us as a result of germinating barley seeds morphological changes Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 153 study. On the bases of that scale it was shone that commencement and duration of each phase has closely related meanings for different bar- ley varieties. Improved scale of the MPPSG may be used as the tool both in fundamental physiology and biochemistry research of germi- nating barley seeds and in applied studies.

References 1. Barley Grain Maturation and Germination: Metabolic Pathway and Regulatory Network Commonalities and Differences High- lighted by New MapMan/PageMan Profiling Tools / Sreenivasulu N., Usade B., Winter A., Scholz U., Stein N., Weschke W., Stri- ckert M., Close T. J., Stitt M., Graner A. and Wobus U. Plant Physiology. 2008. Vol. 146. №. 4. P. 1738-1758. 2. Counce P.A., T.C. Keislingb, A.J. Mitchell. A Uniform, Objective, and Adaptive System for Expressing Rice Development. Crop Sci- ence. 2000. Vol. 40. No. 2. P. 436-443. 3. Kasakova A.S., Kozyaeva S.Yu. Shkala mikrofenologitseskih fas prorastaniya sem’yan yarovogo yatsmen’ya [Scale of microphe- nological phases of spring barley seeds germination]. Agricultural biology. 2009. № 3. P. 88-91. 4. Semena sel’skohozyaystvenih kul’tur. Metodi opredeleniy vshodg- esti. GOST 12038-84 [Seeds of agricultural plants. Methods for determination of germination. GOST12038-84]. – Moscow, Stan- dartinform. 2011. P. 40. 5. Smilovenko L.A. Semenovodctvo s osnovami selektsii polevih kul’tur [Seed-growing and the bases of plant breeding]. – Mos- cow-Rostov-on-Don. 2004. P. 34-35. 154 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

6. Strona I.G. Obshee semenovedeniye polevih kul’tur [Common seed science of crops]. – М. 1966. 248 p. 7. Zadoks J.C., Chang T.T., Konzak C.F. A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Res. 1974. 14(6). P. 415-421.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kasakova Aliya Sabirovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Pro- fessor of the Chair of Agriculture and Biotechnology Azov-and-Black Sea Engineering Institute, Don-region State Agricultural University, 21, Lenin Street, Zernograd, Rostov-on-Don Region, 347740, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 155

Международное сотрудничество (International cooperation)

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-13 UDC 82-94


Kravtsov A.N.

The article will provide an overview of current state of in- ternational cooperation in Russian émigré ego-documentary scientific study. The conception of ego-documentary includes memories, memoirs, biographies, autobiographies, letters and diaries, and makes reference to the European philological and historical science in the beginning, and gradually accepted by the Russian scientific community. Theoretical base in studying the memoirs was developed in Soviet era. But practical study of ego-documentary was in suspended status there. It is so often that memoirs, and even biographies and autobiographies were biased on committed political nature. In post-Soviet era the re- union of Russian metropolis and émigré literature happened. Interest in the study and analysis of Russian émigré heritage is increasing year by year. At first instance it was dealt with 156 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

the recognized Russian émigré literature masters, but then the range of scientific research began to cover the «second level» authors, periodicals (serials) publications, and single work au- thors. However the shortage of the publications exists. We need in the international cooperation between libraries and scientific centres especially in current digital era. Some examples of the cooperation are successful. It is worth to mention the disserta- tions, conferences and serials research workflow is increasing last years. So the interest is sustainable and has to be supported on the international level. Keywords: Russian emigration; ego-documents; periodi- cals; memoirs; international cooperation.

Nowadays the specialists are not taking the idea of ​split XX cen- tury Russian literature seriously, and the ideological component is a thing of the pastime. It was replaced by an understanding of conflu- ence and «saving idea of the truly creative forces conjunction» [5, p. 723] of Russian literature. So it is clear that to do any significant research in the national philology without cooperation on the interna- tional level almost impossible. At least it should be to have a simple access to the analyzed texts. After all, if the works of the most famous writers of the Russian exile become somehow available due to their massive republish, issue the anthologies and compilation of collected works, then the texts of «second plan» authors as well as the ego-do- cuments are not available due to their few original prints and current rarity. In particular it covers the materials published by the authors and access to the periodicals (serials). But how do we need in these texts? Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 157

Is it possible for science to avoid them? At least at the moment as the works of much more considerable authors have not yet investigated thoroughly. If we have a look at the literary process history it is clear that un- like in the previous centuries the memoirs in Russian twentieth cen- tury became the subject of constant researcher’s attention [8, 10, and 12]. In the early 1930s, the concept of «confessional» memoirs was introduced. The series Literaturnye memuary [Literary Memoir] star- ted to be published in 1948. By the end of 1970s memoir writers are distinguished by most researchers as a separate genre formation. Si- multaneously the individual stages of genre development designated. But along with a desire to take control of the historical memory of the society in the USSR it has resulted to the publishing activity ceasing in the field of recent memoirs for a while. At the same time the memoirs of Russian émigrés received almost a paramount meaning. But if the written in the metropolis memoirs contain the principle of «a calm», the produced in exile ones have a certain element of the justification, even the self-justification, «fenced off» self, and an appreciable fight between the historical realities and their explanation. Self-deception is compounded by the deliberate rigging of the historical records. There are some tensions between an objectivity of the data and a subjecti- vity of the recalled one. Obviously for a researcher and a historian the objective events and their presentation are more important. As per literary critic, the subjective component of memoirs is most. Search and find of the line and explain how the subjectivity is able to translate the text into another fiction level – a task of the memoirs’ researcher. As we know there is a typical mix of feature and documentary in the 158 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 memoirs, and even a shift from the artistic to the documentary in the XX century. But there is a reverse trend too – the memoirs begin to have more and more artistic so they might be viewed in the aesthetic perspective. As already mentioned the Soviet era memoirs «was stagnant in a hidden evolution as being thrown on the archaic and long overcome stage of its existence» in terms of the internal logic of development [9, p. 53]. So there are so few summary reviews in regards of the memoir general features as a genre, as well as for the evolution of the form. It is still not made ​the annals of publications of the works. And there is no single comprehensive bibliography of the twentieth century Rus- sian émigré memoirs [2, p. 7], although the similar studies took place abroad [8]. One such attempt was made recently with the release of the four volumes of annotated index named after Russia and the Russian emigration in the memoirs and diaries (Moscow, 2003-2006). Howe- ver it is worth to say that the main work of researchers of this title was made with assistance of the already existed bibliographical indexes [8 and 12] and also held in the US libraries, archives and collections, as well as in the collections of Russian state libraries and the State Archives of Russian Federation. It is certainly could not cover the entire layer of the ego-documents of the Russian diaspora completely. Thus the majority o f works published in Australia were not inclu- ded in the collection, for instance, and they were omitted due to their inaccessibility outside of Australia. For example, some of the missed works are Visiting Stalin: 14 years in the Soviet concentration camps (Melbourne, 1969) by Nazarenko P.; Russian family at home and in Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 159

Manchuria: memoir (Sydney, 1986) by Gintze M.; One of many ones (San Francisco, 1978-1979) by Khirdov A. During the Soviet times the Lenin State Library had a special se- curity department ( spetskhran) where a collection of émigré books and periodicals were stored. At the post-Soviet era along with a new name of the library a new name of this department had obtained. To- day it is a department of Russian emigration at the Russian State Li- brary. There was changed a nature of the fund too. It had ceased to be a high security department but become a repository of Russian for- eign thoughts. Still works on updating the collection are continuing actively till now. However there was collected not all unfortunately. Is it possible to collect everything or almost everything published abroad in Russian? Moreover during XX century with its world wars and hu- man migrations, no doubt, some works have been lost. But something remains unknown even to a narrow circle of the specialists. That is why an international level cooperation is more important than ever in this subject. Especially at the digital age when any prints can be successfully scanned and thus preserved, if not in print but in the electronic form at least. Similar interaction between the various li- braries of the world became recently. May be said as successful in this regard the followin g projects, the Internet Archive (https://archive. org/) and the Hathi Trust Digital Library ( In respect of a bibliography of Russian émigré it is known the North Carolina State University (USA) project Russia is out of Russia (http:// browse/collection/rbr/) for a while. The similar digital «books exchange» between the Russian State Library and the Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russian émigré Library-Fund is as- 160 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 sumed. By the way, the last named book depository has implemented the several projects to digitize periodicals (Illyustrirovannaya Rossiya [The Illustrated Russia], Rubezh [Frontier], etc.) too. And the leading literary Russian émigré magazine Sovremennye Zapiski [The Modern Notes] was digitized by the Nabokov Museum (http://www.nabokov- ooks1.html#). There are a few interesting pro- jects for republication of old rare books (4tets Rare Books project, Salamandra P.V.V. etc.). A new Print On Demand technology allows a publishing in relatively quick and bypassing bureaucracy methods that are often associated with the publication of any mass circulation book. Some of the state libraries of the world have collected a thematic col- lection of the publications not available in other parts of the world. So the Hamilton Library at the University of Hawaii (USA) has a large still-growing collection of Russian books published in China. The Na- tional Library of Australia has collected the Australian publications in Russian. At the same time the lack of such prints is sensed acutely in Russia preventing the productive work of local science. Just look at the bibliography of theses to be sure that the associ- ated with the Russian emigration study workflow is growing steadily. Back to the 1990s and 2000s it was began to appear the analytical works on the Russian émigré writers with inclusions of their mem- oirs heritage. It i s worth to mention the dissertations Estetika lite- raturnogo byta russkogo zarubezh'ya [The aesthetics of the literary life of the Russian diaspora] (St. Petersburg, 2001) by Demidova O.R., Memuaristika kak istochnik osmysleniya mentaliteta russkoy in- telligentsii [Memoirs as a source of understanding the mentality of the Russian intelligentsia] (Saransk, 1995) by Sirotina I.L., Memuaristika Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 161 kak metazhanr i ee zhanrovye modifikatsii. Na materiale memuarnoy prozy russkogo zarubezh'ya pervoy volny [Memoirs as a meta-genre and its genre modifications: On a material of Russian first wave mem- oirs] (Vladivostok, 2004) by Kirillova E.L., Ideynoe i khudozhestven- noe svoeobrazie memuarnoy prozy vtorostepennykh pisateley russkoy literaturnoy emigratsii (N. Berberova, I. Odoevtseva, V. Yanovskiy) [The intellectual and artistic originality of the memoirs by minor Russian literary emigration writers (N. Berberova, I. Odoevtseva, V. Yanovsky)] (Moscow, 2005) by Kuznetsova A.A., among them. The discussions of such perspectives are also occurring at the nume- rous conferences, scientific meetings and symposiums devoted to the Russian exile literature and to a new literary trend. Thus the interest of the Russian philology to memoirs of XX century Russian emigration might be considered as sustainable one. However it has not always been taken a wide range of the memoirs of a different nature, i.e. is belonging to the creators from the different occupations. And there are almost no studies especially to examine the memoirs published in the Russian émigré periodicals. Exactly such at- tempt is made in our research is carried out at Department of Russian Literature History of XX-XXI centuries in the Lomonosov Moscow State University at present time. This is the attempt to study and to analyze the ego-documentary by a Russian emigration second wave as well as their post-war publications (after World War II). The research is based on a retrospective author selection of leading socio-politi- cal and literary émigré magazine Vozrozhdenie [Renaissance] (Paris, 1949-1974). These serials are not so rare in world library collections. In particular, there are the complete magazine collections at the previ- 162 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 ously mentioned Russian State Library and the Alexander Solzhenit- syn House of Russian émigré Library-Fund. But it was so little interest in the publications of these serials to both local and foreign research- ers until now. We have found only one Ph.D. thesis entirely devoted to this subject [11]. But the Parisian Vozrozhdenie magazine gave the pages to some memoirists regularly. As a rule they were the little-known authors or sufficiently well-known and respected persons who were writing ir- regularly or sporadically. Their view of the described events is attrac- tive as a confessional text primarily at the level of everyday life [4, pp. 49-50]. In support of correct selection we will quote the famous Russian poet K.Vanshenkin who noted that the main feature of the literary memoirs as a genre that they are written not only writers. In his opinion there were some artists, scientists, military officers left remarkable examples of memoirs – people who are unable to write the novels or short stories [7, pp. 12-13]. This observation is correlated directly with N. Koznova words that «every day in the life of ordi- nary person could tell a lot about the military reality, and the moral and spiritual atmosphere that has arisen in a particular town <…> and across Europe» [3, p. 391]. Along with it the goals and objectives of our research are included the desire to show the unity of émigré memoir literature to present the literary life outside the country as a complex phenomenon. At the same time we would like to pass a uniqueness of every publication by the principle of comparative consideration. As noted by Yu. Azarov, «the same and is remarking that the émigré periodicals (serials) are a very important field of the literary activity abroad. The research will Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 163 monitor the trends in the spiritual life, culture and literature as well as their individual manifestations» [1, p. 7]. Unfortunately the Russian émigré serials are remained on the pe- riphery of the Russian philological study, staying the social journalism study rather than literature one. Along with the continuous study of the Russian émigré literature in Western science [9] the local research interest is noticeably manifested since the late 1990s. It is worth to note in connection to it the next dissertations as Otrazhenie obshchest- venno-politicheskoy zhizni Rossii v pechati Russkogo Zarubezh'ya (20-30-e gody XX veka) [The reflection of the socio-political life of Russia in the Russian press abroad (1920-1930s)] (Moscow, 2002) by Pimenov I.V. and Literaturnye tsentry pervoy russkoy emigratsii. Isto- riya, razvitie i vzaimodeystvie [The literary centers of the first Russian emigration: History, development and interaction] (Moscow, 2006) by Azarov Yu.A. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Sci- ence Academy has prepared and published five volumes ofLiteratura russkogo zarubezh'ya. 1920-1940 [Literature of the Russian emigra- tion: 1920-1940] (Moscow, 1993-2013) monographic series where a third volume contains the émigré periodicals details. At the same time it is clear it was not made enough, and the philo- logical science in Russia has yet to discover the rich, vast and excited world of the literary serials of the Russian emigration. The interest of the our country philologists focused to this scientific area is definitely not enough, the influence of the ego-documentary to the literature al- ready undeniable, and additionally there are the growing number of researchers are concerning to the «second level» writers. So look for- ward to see the new and interesting works in the study soon. 164 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014


1. Azarov Yu.A. Literaturnye tsentry pervoy russkoy emigratsii: is- toriya, razvitie i vzaimodeystvie [Literary centres of first Russian emigration: the history, development and interaction]. Thesis (Doctor of Philology). – Moscow, 2006. p. 7. 2. Kolyadich T.M. Vospominaniya pisateley XX veka: Problematika, poetika [Memories of XX century writers: Problems, poetics]. Thesis (Doctor of Philology). – Moscow, 1999. p. 6-16. 3. Koznova N.N. Memuary russkikh pisateley-emigrantov pervoy vol- ny: kontseptsii istorii i tipologiya form povestvovaniya [Memoirs of Russian émigré writers of the first wave: the concept of history and typology of narrative forms]. Thesis (Doctor of Philology). – Moscow, 2011. p. 388-394. 4. Mestergazi E.G. Literatura non-fikshn. Eksperimental'naya entsik- lopediya [Non-fiction literature. Experimental encyclopedia]. – Moscow: Sovpadenie, 2007. pp. 45-50. 5. Russkaya literatura rubezha vekov (1890-e- nachalo 1920-kh go- dov) [Russian literature in the turn of century (1890s – the begin- ning of 1920s)]. – Moscow: IMLI RAN: Nasledie, 2000. Vol. 2. 6. Tartakovskiy A. Memuaristika kak fenomen kul'tury [Memoirs as a cultural phenomenon]. Problems of literature, no. 1 (1999): 37-53. 7. Vanshenkin K. Rasskazat' o svoey zhizni [Tell about your life]. Problems of literature, no. 1 (1999): 12-13. 8. Foster, Ljudmila A. Bibliography of Russian émigré literature, 1918-1968. Hall: 1970. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 165

9. Livak, Leonid. How it was done in Paris: Russian émigré litera- ture and French modernism. – Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003. 10. Slonim, Mark. Soviet Russian literature: writers and problems, 1917-1977. – London: Oxford University Press, 1977. 11. Tomasziwskyj, Jaroslaw. Vozrozhdenie: a Russian periodical abroad and its contributors. Thesis (Ph.D. in Russian). – Nash- ville: Vanderbilt University, 1974. 12. Williams, Robert C. Culture in exile: Russian émigrés in Germany, 1881-1941. – NY: Cornell University Press, 1972.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kravtsov Andrey Nikolaevich, Postgraduate student, Depart- ment of Russian Literature History of XX-XXI centuries Lomonosov Moscow State University 1, Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation [email protected] 166 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-14 UDC 327 (470+571)

Russian Soft Power: Origins, Institutions, Effectiveness

Sergunin A.A.

Purpose. The paper examines conceptual and institutional aspects of Russia’s soft power strategy over the last decade. Methodology: research is made on the basis of the institu- tional approach which requires the analysis of both configura- tion and internal structure of the object. The study of an institu- tion’s behavior and its interaction with the external environ- ment is an integral part of this approach as well. Results. The sources of Moscow’s interest in the soft power strategy are explained. Various methods, techniques and insti- tutional mechanisms that are used by Moscow to exercise its soft power in its geopolitical neighborhood are explored. The effectiveness of Russia’s soft power politics is evaluated. Practical implications: the results of this research can be taken into consideration by the Russian governmental agencies responsible for the soft power strategies (e.g. the Rossotrud- nichestvo and ‘Russian world’). Keywords: Russia; foreign policy; soft power. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 167

Introduction In the post-Cold War era key international players prefer to exer- cise soft rather than hard power. According to the adepts of the soft power concept, the economic, socio-cultural, institutional and legal instruments are much more efficient now than the military strength or direct political pressure [6; 7; 8]. For many nations, hard power became an exceptional tool and a last resort in their foreign relations rather than a day-to-day practice. The hard power is now mainly ap- plicable to those international actors who violate international law or directly threaten national, regional or global security [2]. Since mid-2000s Russia tries to develop the soft power concept and implementation mechanism of its own. The soft power concept was formally introduced to the Russian foreign policy doctrine of 2013 [1] and the Russian top leaders (including President Putin) have declared that soft power instruments are the most important ones in Moscow’s international strategy arsenal. On the other hand, Moscow has repeatedly used the hard power in- struments in the post-Soviet space over the last decade, most recently in the cases of Georgia (2008) and Ukraine (2014) which is dissonant with Russia’s officially proclaimed adherence to non-violent/peaceful foreign policy methods. Having in mind this contradiction this study addresses the fol- lowing interrelated questions: 1) What are the sources of the Kremlin’s interest in the soft power concept? 2) What soft power resources and instruments of are available for Russia? Whether the Kremlin’s soft power policies are efficient or not? 168 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

The sources of Russia’s interest in the soft power strategy There are several explanations why the soft power concept be- came fashionable among the Russian political elites. First, there was a need to revisit the foreign policy concept after the presidential election. As followed from President Putin’s decree of 7 May 2012 (issued right after his inauguration) the basic goals of the previous concept have not been achieved [10]. Second, there was a need to improve Russian international im- age which has seriously suffered after the ‘five-day war’ with Georgia (2008) and public protests against the alleged fraud during the 2011 parliamentary and 2012 presidential elections. Third, Russia was lagging behind other major international ac- tors which have already developed and started to implement their soft power doctrines. As estimated by the 2013 Russian foreign policy concept, sometimes the soft power is used by these actors in a rather destructive and illegitimate way [1]. Some countries (for example, the U.S.) are using the soft power as a compliment to the military/coercive instruments rather than the only method of their foreign policies [2; 3; 11]. Fourth, with the help of the soft power concept Kremlin tries to foster the economic, political and socio-cultural integration in the post-Soviet space. The previous policies were mostly elite-oriented that, in practical terms, meant securing local regimes’ positions (of- ten) at the expense of Russia’s security and economic interests. It appeared, however, that the pro-Russian regimes lost their power in some CIS countries (e.g. Viktor Yanukovych), while potential suc- cessors may opt for playing an anti-Russian card to consolidate their Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 169 power. It should be noted that even in the most stable and traditionally pro-Russian countries such as Kazakhstan or Belarus, the popular sup- port for integration with Russia is not strong enough. In applying the soft power techniques Russia hopes to improve its international image and increase its attractiveness to both elites and societies in the CIS countries.

Soft Power: Potential and Resources According to Joseph Nye, the author of the concept, the soft power is, first and foremost, an ability to be attractive. The soft power of a country rests primarily on three resources: «its culture (in places where it is attractive to others), its political values (when it lives up to them at home and abroad), and its foreign policies (when they are seen as legitimate and having moral authority)» (9, p. 11). There are also economic dimensions of the soft power albeit they can effectively serve as hard power’s instruments. The Russian political class believes that the country possesses a huge soft power potential but it is often misused or used ineffectively. For example, in the Baltic Sea region (BSR), Russia has a significant economic potential which can be applicable to this area. At the same time, the global financial crisis hit the Baltic economies much stronger than the Russian one. As a result of this Russia has overtaken some of the Baltic States by the GDP per capita indicator. Besides, Russia is returning positions as an export market for the Baltic States. Now Russia is an attractive market for the foreign labour force rather than a source of severe socio-economic problems (e.g. illegal migration or smuggling) for the neighbours. With the introduction of the Baltic 170 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Pipeline System (2001) and Nord Stream gas pipeline (2011) Russia has reinforced its positions of the main energy supplier for Europe. The ‘cultural component’ of the soft power based on the assump- tion that the attractiveness of Russian ‘high’ culture is world-wide re- cognized and it is highly respected by Russia’s neighbouring countries. For example, the Russian Ministry of Culture sponsors the Annual Theatre Festival The Golden Mask in the Baltic States, the festival that presents the most prominent Russian performances to the Baltic public. The cultural exchanges between Russia and the post-Soviet state tend to grow as well. The Russian higher education system is still attractive for students from the former Soviet republics because the best Russian universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other provincial cities are still able to provide foreign students with good training both in the ‘hard’ sciences and humanities. The Russian diasporas in the post-Soviet states are viewed by the Kremlin as a channel for projecting soft power. For example, in case of the Baltic States Moscow possesses a unique compatriot’s resource, having in mind that the Russian speaking population constitutes about 1/3 in Latvia and Estonia. These communities are relatively consoli- dated (despite some internal controversies). They often feel them- selves discriminated by the local regimes. In general, the Russian- speaking minorities in the post-Soviet countries view Moscow as a natural protector and have a rather positive attitude to Russia and the Russian culture. Political values are one more key soft power’s component. As as- sumed by Nye, soft power increases «when a country’s culture in- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 171 cludes universal values and its policies promote values and interests that others share» (9, p. 11). An attractive domestic model (if any) could potentially become another value-based soft power resource. The attractive foreign policy of a country is a valuable asset for the soft power strategy as well. If we take again as an example the BSR, prior to the Ukrainian cri- sis Moscow made great strides in improving its bilateral relations with the countries of the region.. In addition to Russia’s traditionally friend- ly relations with Finland, over the last several years Moscow tried to improve its relations with Lithuania and Sweden as well as to ‘re- pair’ its complicated bilateral ties with Denmark (because of the 2002 Chechen Congress in Copenhagen), Estonia (after the 2007 ‘Bronze Soldier’ conflict), Latvia and Poland (both countries had numerous historical conflicts with Russia). The 2009 Medvedev’s European Se- curity Treaty (EST) proposal had a ‘Baltic dimension’ with the aim to strengthen the regional security system. The Russian CBSS presi- dency programme (2012-2013) was designed in a way to augment the EST proposal with the soft security component. In other words, the BSR has become one of the key regional priorities for testing Russian soft power strategy. It is interesting to know that the Soviet experience of international propaganda and positive image-making is viewed as useful by the present-day Russian soft power strategists. The Head of Rossotrud- nichestvo Konstantin Kosachev acknowledged, his agency is a logical successor of «the traditions and practical skills which emerged yet in the old Soviet times.» According to him, the actively utilized techniques of soft power, while the international reputation of 172 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 the USSR was very high [5]. In practical terms, it has been proposed to re-launch the system of ‘friendship societies’ with foreign countries, as well as to organize the Festival of Youth and Students in 2017.

Institutions and Mechanisms The process of the Russian soft power’s institutionalization has started even before the term itself became a part of the official vo- cabulary. In 2007, the Russkiy Mir (Russian World) Foundation was established by a presidential decree (although with the NGO status). The Foundation’s main function is to promote the , culture and education system abroad. For example, the Russkiy Mir has several centres and ‘corners’ in the BSR: five in Estonia, two in Finland, two in Latvia and three in Lithuania. The Foundation nominates the best teachers and students of the Russian language and culture for the position of ‘Professor of the Russkiy Mir’ and ‘Student of the Russkiy Mir’. It also has fellow- ship and internship programmes for foreign scholars and students to be hosted in Russia. The Foundation organizes various conferences, competitions and Olympiads on the regular basis. In 2008, the Rossotrudnichestvo, Federal Agency for the CIS, Compatriots Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation, was established with nearly the same purposes as the Russkiy Mir but with the governmental status and being subordinated to the Foreign Ministry. In addition to these two main institutions, a number of (often state-affiliated) NGOs, such as the Gorchakov Foundation for Public Diplomacy, Andrei Pervozvanny Fund, International Foundations for Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 173

Working with Diasporas Abroad «Rossiyane», International Council of Russian Compatriots, Library ‘Russian-language literature abroad’, International Association of Twin Cities, etc. partake in the soft power activities. Historically, the City of Moscow was a pioneer in pursuing its ‘foreign policy’ in the post-Soviet space. In 1999 the Moscow Foun- dation for Support of Compatriots named after Yuri Dolgorukiy was established by the Decree of then Mayor Yuri Luzhkov (currently it is a Moscow Foundation for International Cooperation). The founda- tion has a scholarship programme for the Russian-speaking students, mostly targeted to compatriots in the Baltic States. The Russian capital invested in a network of the Houses of Moscow, which should serve as centres of culture and business cooperation. The growing activism in the sphere of soft power policy is demon- strated by the Russian north-western regions, which are ‘specialized’ on developing twinning, humanitarian contacts and support of com- patriots abroad. For example, St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Oblast, Kaliningrad and Karelia are traditionally active in twinning with the BSR towns and partaking various Euroregions. The programs of co- operation with compatriots have recently been launched by some of these regions. The Russian higher education system gradually builds-up its soft power potential as it is increasingly becoming internationalized via the introduction of the Bologna Process and increasing the state quota for foreign students to be trained in Russian universities. The frameworks for academic exchanges are diversifying. The state-funded ‘slots’ for study in Russian universities are distributed through the Russian 174 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 embassies (70-100 slots for each country annually). A number of lea- ding universities (such as Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics, etc.) organize student enrolment independently through competitions. The leading regional universities, such as Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad), St. Petersburg-based universities, Kuban State University, Voronezh State University, Siberian and Far Eastern universities, etc., have nu- merous cooperative programmes with the partner universities in the neighbouring countries, including joint undergraduate and graduate programmes and research projects. The Russian academic community is quite active in using professional associations to increase its soft power capabilities. For example, Russia’s north-western universities play a prominent role in the BSR University Network being able to promote academic exchanges in the region.

The Limits and Constraints of Russia’s Soft Power The post-Soviet countries are quite suspicious about Moscow’s soft power policies in this region. For example, Moscow’s economic strategies were critically evaluated by the regional actors. So, Russia’s energy potential was perceived only as ‘energy weapons’, i.e. a hard rather than soft power instrument. As far as Russia’s modernization programs with European countries are concerned the conceptual ap- proaches to modernization applied by the parties actually differ from each other. Whereas Russia has mostly opted for European invest- ments and high-tech transfer, the European side favours developing a more general vision of modernization (including the implementation of profound legal and socio-political reforms) in the context of this Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 175 programme. Russia’s quite pragmatic interpretation is not fully in line with the broader views on modernization held by the European part- ners. As for the ‘cultural dimension’ of Russia’s soft power policies, the valuable asset of the Russian ‘high’ culture is always difficult to instrumentalize for practical purposes. Besides, Russia’s rich cultural traditions are often overshadowed by negative perceptions of current political developments in this country. It should be also noted that in contrast with ‘high’ culture the cur- rent Russian mass culture, lifestyle and media products seem to be less attractive for foreigners, even for Russia’s compatriots. The (ex- cessive) presence of Russia-made entertainment and news in the lo- cal media is often viewed as a threat to constructing a ‘true’ national or European identity. It is often claimed that ethnic minorities in the post-Soviet countries live in the Russian ‘information space’, which allegedly undermines their loyalty to the states of domicile. In general, one may find that attitude of Russian compatriots towards Russia is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, they express certain affinity with Russia and even with the ruling political regime (e.g. vast majority of the Russian citizens residing in Estonia voted for Putin in 2012). On the other hand, when they have to make a choice between countries where to get education and/or where to migrate they prefer Europe or North America to Russia. The role of compatriots in Russia’s soft power strategy is a sub- ject to criticism as well. The Russian-speaking communities are of- ten perceived by the local political elites as a sort of a Russian «fifth column», working against statehood. The statements about necessity 176 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 to consolidate Russian compatriots abroad. On the other hand, some Russian experts believe that opportunities to use compatriots as a soft power instrument used to be overestimated, since the size of Russian communities in the post-Soviet states is decreasing, while their cultur- al and political orientations are getting more diversified, complicating the task of their consolidation. Regarding the attractiveness of the Russian political values, as many foreign experts maintain, Russia has problems with harmoniz- ing its traditional and internationally recognized democratic values and standards. On the one hand, Kosachev [4] assumes that «freedom, democracy, rule of law, social stability and respect for human rights have become ‘a consumer basket’ of the modern world» but, on the other, he insists that «there are differences in their [values] individual manifestation due to national, historical and other specifics.» In other words, Moscow finds it difficult to persuade others that it shares uni- versal values and is ready to disseminate them throughout the world. Equally, Russia is unable to make its domestic socio-economic and political model attractive and sell it to other nations. Even Kosachev admits that Russia cannot export its specific model since «it has not developed any such model yet». Moscow is also short of efficient foreign policy tools in the soft power domain. None of Russia’s large-scale foreign policy initia- tives (including the EST draft and the Russian CBSS presidency pro- gramme) gained a solid international support. In its soft power activities the Kremlin sometimes does not take into account the ‘local peculiarities’. For example, the three Baltic re- publics still suffer from a sort of an ‘inferiority complex’ because the Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 177 local statehood and identities are not strong enough and still in their formative phase. The very process of state- and identity-building is often based on negative ‘othering’ Russia. In this context, any Russian soft power efforts are interpreted as attempts to breach the Baltic state- hood, identities and security. Besides, Russia is blamed for having a ‘hidden plan’ to reintegrate the Baltic States in its sphere of influence. To continue the analysis of Russia’s soft power’s shortcomings, it should be noted that Moscow’s instruments in this field are predomi- nantly ‘statist’, i.e. government-based and controlled. The NGO po- tential and resources are basically not in demand. The NGOs that are ‘officially’ allowed to participate in the soft power activities, in reality are semi-governmental and perceived by the ‘target audiences’ in the post-Soviet countries accordingly. Moscow often tends to forget what Nye wrote about the interac- tion between the government and non-government sectors in the soft power sphere: governments should «make sure that their own actions and policies reinforce rather than undercut their soft power» (9, p. 17). On a number of occasions the Kremlin undercut what was done by Russian regions, municipalities, private companies, universities and NGOs to promote their cooperation with international partners in the economic and humanitarian spheres. Duplication is another problem of the Russian soft power policies in the post-Soviet space. For example, there is a lack of clear division of labour between the Rossotrudnichestvo and Russkiy Mir; their part- ners in foreign countries were often puzzled by rather chaotic activi- ties of these two Russia’s leading soft power agencies. 178 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Conclusions To sum up, the soft power concept has deeply embedded in both the Russian foreign policy discourse and machinery over the last de- cade. However, the Russian understanding of soft power strongly devi- ates from either the ‘classic’ one (Nye-based) or suggested by other Western academics and practitioners. The Russian interpretation of soft power is rather pragmatic and interest-centric. As mentioned, the Russian Foreign Policy Concept of 2013 defines the soft power as a ‘set of instruments’ which is helpful in achieving foreign policy aims by means of civil society institutions, ITs and communication, humanitarian and other methods that are different from classical diplo- macy. President Putin was even more pragmatic and instrumentalist by defining the soft power as a mere foreign policy tool or technology that helps either to lobby Moscow’s interests in foreign countries or improve Russia’s international image [10]. Currently, Russia’s soft power strategy represents a combination of ideational and material motives. On the one hand, the Kremlin sees soft power as an important instrument in returning and maintai- ning Russia’s status of a great power as well as in shaping the future world order and making the West (particularly the U.S.) abide by the rules of that order. On the other hand, Moscow – in a quite pragmatic way – views the soft power strategy as an efficient tool in promot- ing its national interests in foreign countries, coalition-building and counter-balancing the West in the global geopolitical game. Is Russia able to effectively implement its soft power strategy? In general, the answer is «yes» and numerous evidences can be found, Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 179 especially in the post-Soviet countries. However, it goes without saying that the above-mentioned shortcomings as well as international crises such as the Georgian and Ukrainian ones make the Russian soft power policies less efficient and sometime undercut the Kremlin’s strategies in the neighbouring regions. It is still a long way to go to bring Moscow’s soft power strategy to widely-accepted standards and make Russia a really attractive international partner.


1. Foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation. February 12, 2013. BF7DA644257B160051BF7F?OpenDocument (accessed March 23, 2013). 2. Konyshev V.N., Sergunin A.A. Novaya voennaya doktrina Bara- ka Obamy i natzional’nye interesy Rossii [Barak Obama’s new military doctrine and Russia’s national interests]. Natzional’nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost – National Interests: priorities and security, no. 14 (2012): 2-9. 3. Kornilov A.A. Bezopasnost’ prevyshe vsego. Kontseptzii vneshney politiki i natzional’noy bezopasnosti gosudarstva Izrail’ [Security is above all. Foreign policy and national security concepts of the state of Izrael]. Niznhy Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State Uni- versity, 2005. 4. Kosachev K. The specifics of Russian soft power.Russia in Glob- al Affairs, 7 October (2012). The-Specifics-of-Russian-Soft-Power-15683 (accessed March 23, 2013). 180 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

5. Kosachev K. V mire slozhilas prezumptsiya vinovnosti Rossii [Presumption of Russia’s culpability exists in the world]. Kom- mersant, September 1 (2012). 6. Kubyshkin A.I., Tzvetkova N.A. Publichnaya diplomatiya SShA [U.S. public diplomacy]. – Moscow: Aspect-Press, 2013. 7. Makarychev A.S., Sergunin A.A. «Myagkaya sila» v deistvii: Ger- maniya i Kaliningrad [«Soft power» in action: Germany and Ka- liningrad]. Rossiya i sovremenniy mir – Russia and contemporary world, no. 1 (2013): 73-89. 8. Makarychev A.S., Sergunin A.A. Postmodernizm i zapadnaya politicheskaya nauka [Postmodernism and the Western political science]. Sotzial’no-gumanitarnye znaniya – Socio-humanitarian knowledge, no. 5 (1996): 151-168. 9. Nye J. Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. – New York: Public Affairs, 2004. 10. Putin V. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 7 Maya 2012 No. 605 «O merakh po realizatsii vneshnepoliticheskogo kursa Rossiyskoi Federatsii» [Decree of the President of the RF, 7 May 2012, No. 605 «On the measures on the implementation of the Russian Federation’s fo- reign policy course»]. PILOT/main.htm (accessed 23 February 2014). 11. Rykhtik M.I. Kontzeptual’noe osmyslenie natsional’noi bezopas- nosti SShA [Conceptional comprehension of the U.S. national security]. Vestnik Nizhegoroskogo universiteta imeni N.I. Lo- bachevskogo – N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod University Messenger, no. 1 (2003): 73-85. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 181

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sergunin Aleksandr Anatolyevich, Professor of the Department of International Relations Theory & History, Ph.D. in Political Science St. Petersburg State University 1/3 Smolny St., St. Petersburg, 191060, Russia e-mail: [email protected] 182 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-15 УДК94(477) «1932/1933»: 316.343.37-055.2


Булгакова А.В.

В статье рассмотрены характерные особенности по- ложения сельских женщин Украины в период голодомора 1932-1933 гг. Определено место и роль сельских женщин в структуре населения Украинской Социалистической Со- ветской Республики. Проанализировано влияние послед- ствий воплощения основных направлений государственной политики СССР в социально-экономической и духовной сфере на положение представительниц разных социальных слоев украинского сельского населения. Раскрыт вопрос о расколе среди сельских женщин УССР на сторонников и противников советской государственной политики. Ключевые слова: женщины, голодомор, коллективи- зация, ликбез, антирелигиозная политика, волынки.

The situation of women in the Ukrainian village during the terror-famine of 1932-1933

Bulgakova A.V. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 183

The article describes characteristic features of situation of rural women of Ukraine during the terror-famine of 1932-1933. Defines the place and role of rural women in the population structure of the Ukrainian SSR. Analyzed the influence of the consequences of realization of main directions of state policy of the USSR in social, economic and mental sphere to the situation women-representatives of different social strata of the Ukraini- an rural population. Discloses a question about the split among rural women Ukrainian SSR into supporters and opponents of the Soviet state policy. Keywords: women, terror-famine, collectivization, the cam- paign against illiteracy, the anti-religious policy, bagpipes.

Как известно, с одной стороны, история как наука стремит- ся к объективному отображению событий, которые происходили. С другой – история является продуктом современности, в услови- ях которой работал историк. Так сложилось, что до определенно- го времени женщины были лишены или значительно ограничены в возможности реализации своих экономических, социальных и политических прав. Результатом такого положения стало то, что утвердилась история «о мужчинах», мужской взгляд на истори- ческие события. И только «избранные» выдающиеся женщины прошлого, приближенные к таким мужчинам и сыгравшие в их жизни важную роль (ведь за каждым успешным мужчиной стоит сильная женщина), положили начало новому направлению исто- рической науки – гендерной истории, которая на сегодняшний 184 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

день приобретает популярность во всем мире, как социальная история, а среди ее направлений, и история женщин. Также следует заметить, что голодомор 1932-1933 годов дол- гое время замалчивался, в частности, Россия и сейчас не признает этот факт. Но, с открытием доступа к архивным материалам, мир все же узнал о тех страшных временах и социальном положе- нии людей в условиях голодомора, в частности, женщин. Появи- лась возможность взглянуть на эту проблему глазами женщины. До сих пор не существует ни одного научного труда, в котором была бы глубоко и всесторонне освещены судьбы украинских женщин периода голодомора. Научная разработка положения женщин в украинском селе в 1932-1933 гг. только началась [1; 2]. В целом, положение женщин в годы голодомора начала 30-х гг. в историографии было малоисследованной проблемой, посколь- ку ученые в основном обращали внимание на общие процессы, их предпосылки и последствия, где в социальной жизни женщи- на-крестьянка выступала лишь составной частью всего крестьян- ства. На данном этапе изучения проблематики положения жен- щин украинского села имеют место некоторые положительные сдвиги. А именно: исследователи все больше внимания уделяют вопросу гендерной составляющей в исторической науке. Таким образом, из исторической научной литературы можно узнать об отдельных аспектах женского бытия, в частности, и в период го- лодомора [3; 4; 5]. Детально изучив архивные материалы, можно сделать не- которые обобщения по данному вопросу. Приход к власти боль- шевиков привнес коренные изменения в различные сферы жиз- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 185

недеятельности общества, а также в политическое и социаль- но-экономическое положение страны. Одной из главных задач советской власти в сельском хозяйстве было не только решение продовольственных проблем, но и подавление сопротивления со стороны мелкой буржуазии, к которой относилась значительная часть крестьянства, особенно после революционного передела земли и осуществления новой экономической политики, которая давала определенный простор для развития предприниматель- ской деятельности. На этой почве происходили также и соци- альные изменения, изменения в человеческом сознании. Таким образом, время поставило перед новой властью задачу подавить крестьянские «буржуазные» настроения, направленные против большевистской политики, притерпевшей радикальные измене- ния после 1929 года: было объявлено «наступление социализма по всему фронту». В сельском хозяйстве началась насильствен- ная коллективизация. В традиционно аграрной Украине большую часть населения составляли именно крестьяне (около 94%). Причем количествен- но преобладали женщины, поскольку Первая мировая, а затем гражданская войны имели следствием огромные потери, особен- но среди мужчин, а среди тех, кто вернулся, было немало инва- лидов. Позже, в годы коллективизации и голодомора ускоренное уменьшение населения мужского пола продолжалось. Мало кто доживал до глубокой старости. По данным переписи населения 1939 г., которые основательно исследовал историк А. Палий, в возрастной категории «старше 85 лет» в Украине на 1000 муж- чин приходилось 2436 женщин [6, с. 366]. Причиной уменьше- 186 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

ния мужской доли в украинском населении была не только высо- кая смертность от голода. Значительная часть трудоспособного мужского населения (вместе со своими семьями) была сослана в Сибирь как «раскулаченные». Следует также отметить, что в 1932-1933 гг. представители наиболее активной части мужско- го населения – молодежь призывного возраста – были разброса- ны по всему Советскому Союзу, поскольку служили в армии или других силовых структурах. В связи со сложной демографической ситуацией в стране со- ветская власть осознавала, что построение социализма не пред- ставлялось возможным без массового привлечения женщин во все сферы общественной деятельности, в частности, в сельское хозяйство. Поэтому большевики приняли ряд декретов и поста- новлений, которые должны были обеспечить равные права обо- их полов, а именно: равноправное участие в политических ме- роприятиях, предоставление экономической независимости, воз- можности получать образование и быть социально мобильными. Несмотря на положительное значение мероприятий социального освобождения, сложно не заметить прагматический расчет – ис- пользование значительного объема женской рабочей силы. По- этому принимаются соответствующие законы и постановления, которые, с одной стороны, были призваны обеспечить первенство страны на международной арене в решении социальных проблем, но, как показал исторический опыт, это имело тяжелые послед- ствия для населения Украины. Особо трагической оказалась судь- ба женщин 1932-1933 годов. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 187

Говоря об экономическом положении украинских крестья- нок времен голодомора, следует принимать во внимание целый ряд обстоятельств. Экономическая ситуация в Советском Союзе, в состав которого входила в то время большая часть украинских земель, была очень сложной: давали о себе знать не слишком вы- сокий уровень развития еще довоенных времен, разрушения, вы- званные войнами и революционными событиями. Осуществляя установку партийного гимна, который призывал разрушить весь мир насилия до основания, а затем строить новое общество на принципах всеобщей свободы, советская власть сделала шаги в этом направлении. С одной стороны, были провозглашены унич- тожение эксплуатации человека человеком, передача земли кре- стьянам, равноправие мужчин и женщин, союз рабочего класса и трудового крестьянства. Но жизнь показала обратную сторону осуществления большевистской политики, особенно после от- каза от новой экономической политики (НЭП). Для большевиков крестьянство всегда было подозрительным, тем более украин- ское. Обстоятельства сложились так, что большую его часть со- ставляли женщины, которые испытали всю горечь насильствен- ной коллективизации и голодомора даже в большей степени, чем мужчины. В традициях украинского села домашнее хозяйство, практи- чески все хлопоты о жизнеобеспечении семьи были «женским делом». Поэтому те трудности, которые с особой остротой про- явились в 1932-1933 гг., прежде всего, непосильным бременем ложились на женщин. Ежедневное пропитание родных и близ- ких становилось проблемой, которую было трудно разрешить. 188 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

При практически полной конфискации продовольствия, мизер- ной оплате трудодней, отсутствии возможности приобрести еду на рынке, женщинам приходилось искать средства выживания в очень сложных условиях. Другим аспектом хозяйственной деятельности было массовое привлечение крестьянок к общественному производству. Поэтому кроме обычной работы в собственном домашнем хозяйстве «ос- вобожденная женщина» должна была идти на «новую барщину», поскольку был установлены жесткий распорядок дня для колхоз- ников, непосильные нормы выработки, а также налогообложение. Для тех, кто не выполнял подобные указания, предусматривались различные виды репрессий: от издевательств «буксирных бри- гад» (специальные бригады, которые насильственными методами осуществляли реквизицию хлеба в каждом доме для выполнения плана хлебозаготовок) до отмены продажи товаров первой необ- ходимости, таких как соль, спички, керосин, которые незаменимы в каждом хозяйстве. В частности, документально зафиксировано немало жалоб, связанных с издевательствами над женщинами в ситуациях, связанных с решением бытовых вопросов [7, л. 185, 312, 342, 403, 463]. «Новой барщиной» эксплуатацию можно назвать и потому, что, провозглашая «свободный труд свободных крестьян», власть не побеспокоилась о том, чтобы оплачивать его, хотя бы немного учитывая тяжесть условий его выполнения. Ведь в основном это была ручная работа, практически без всяких средств механиза- ции. На те трудодни, которые хоть как-то оплачивались, прихо- дилось немного продовольствия. Показателен факт, приведенный Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 189

в докладной записке заместителя Народного комиссариата зем- леделия А.В. Гриневича о ситуации в Зиновьевськом районе в не- чале мая 1932 г. В ней сказано, что в Зиновьевськом районе, кото- рый был коллективизирован на 98%, «из 70 колхозов, колхозники получили в среднем по 76 кг. хлеба на душу населения в год» [8, с. 363]. Таким образом работающий человек не мог заработать даже себе на пропитание. За попытки расхищения «социалисти- ческой собственности» предусматривались жестокие наказания в виде лишения свободы до 10 лет с полной конфискацией иму- щества. Украинские крестьяне не были пассивными жертвами режи- ма. Они пытались оказывать сопротивление действиям власти, которая оставляла их на произвол судьбы и голодную смерть. Ак- тивность проявляли в первую очередь женщины, прибегая к раз- личным действиям против политики власти. Происходили много- численные выступления на собраниях или, наоборот, их срыв. Массово распространилась практика обращения с жалобами к руководству высших уровней, вплоть до заместителя предсе- дателя ЦИК СССР Г.И. Петровского и самого генерального се- кретаря ЦК ВКП (б) И.В. Сталина. По подсчетам профессора В.И. Сергийчука, с 1 января по 22 апреля 1932 г. в ЦК КП(б)У и лично Сталину было направлено 115 писем, причем, на апрель приходится наибольшая их часть – 64 письма [9, с. 107]. Однако, не дожидаясь реакции со стороны власти в защиту их интересов, крестьянки прибегали к отчаянным мерам. Среди них наиболь- шее распространение получили «волынки» и «бабьи бунты» [10, л. 199-200]. Люди надеялись, что власть не сможет подвергнуть 190 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

репрессиям слабых женщин. Однако, так называемое «равно- правие» распространялось и на наказания. Женщин, так же как и мужчин, били, арестовывали, ссылали, бросали за решетку и в лагеря. Те, кто оставался в родных селах, были обречены на страдания голодной смерти. Социально-демографический аспект исследуемой проблемы заключается в том, что на протяжении 1920-х – 1930-х гг. в Совет- ской Украине происходили значительные изменения в социаль- ной структуре населения, которые были непосредственным ре- зультатом экономической политики государства, направленной, с одной стороны, на проведение коллективизации и индустриа- лизации (соответственно, увеличение количества колхозного кре- стьянства и промышленного рабочего класса), а с другой сторо- ны, на обеспечение равноправного положения мужчин и женщин и всестороннего привлечения последних к народному хозяйству. Однако свои коррективы в социальную структуру населения Со- ветской Украины внес голодомор 1932-1933 гг., который стал со- циально-демографической катастрофой для украинского совет- ского села. Больше всего пострадало крестьянство, в меньшей степени сельская интеллигенция, еще меньше – сельские акти- висты и управленцы. По возрастным категориям наибольшие по- тери – среди малолетних детей и пожилых людей. По состоянию на 1926 год взрослое сельское население УССР составляло 52%: 51% взрослых мужчин и 54% взрослых жен- щин [5, с. 5]. В начале 30-х гг. такое соотношение и оставалось. Это было связано с послевоенными потерями 1914-1918 гг. зна- чительной части мужского населения. Демографические потери Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 191

в 1932-1933 гг. лишь укрепляли такое соотношение, поскольку женщины были более эмоционально выносливы и более фи- зически устойчивы к внешним факторам воздействия в период бедствий. Мужчины и дети соответственно первыми переходили в категорию «умерших от голода». Следует отметить и тот факт, что многие мужчины, опасаясь наказаний и расправ со стороны активистов, бросали свои семьи и бежали по дальше, оставляя родных без средств для существования и спасения. Общественное положение украинской женщины соответство- вало сфере ее профессиональной деятельности и должности, ко- торую она занимала. По состоянию на 1932 г. около 6 млн. жен- щин были привлечены к труду в СССР. Более 991 тыс. женщин трудились в 1931 г. в народном хозяйстве УССР, без учета кол- хозного сектора. Для содействия распространению колхозного движения на селе и привлечения к нему возможно большей части женского населения при партийных органах создавались отделы по работе среди женщин. Организовывались различные ударные бригады, которые своим примером максимальных достижений в колхозной жизни должны были поощрять и таким образом сти- мулировать другую часть крестьянок к труду. А политотделы слу- жили своеобразным посредником между обычными крестьянка- ми и депутатами различных советов, которые продвигали первых в делегаты на выборах, а также на районные и местных управлен- ческие должности. Если в 1930/31 гг. женщины среди депутатов сельских советов составляли 21%, то в 1934 г. – 28,3% [11, с. 93]. Также сельские женщины, которые принимали наиболее актив- ное участие в колхозной жизни села, избирались и в Центральный 192 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Исполнительный Комитет УССР. Однако их участие было чисто формальным: реального влияния на принятие решений они не имели, только одобряли директивы, которые поступали «сверху». Это было одним из признаков «демократии нового типа», кото- рую большевики стремились продемонстрировать миру. За «фа- садной демократией» скрывался советский тоталитаризм. Положение интеллигенции, основную массу которой со- ставляли женщины, в частности, сельских учителей в голодные 1932-1933 годы было двойственным. С одной стороны, наиболее активные и лояльные педагоги переходили на сторону местных властей, которые всячески боролись с «антисоветским элемен- том», и участвовали в раскулачивании односельчан, за что часто подвергались издевательствам и наказаниям со стороны тех же раскулаченных соседей. С другой стороны, значительная часть учителей оставалась в стороне то «колхозного движения». Так, согласно бюллетеню местной информации Наркомзема УССР № 6 (на материалах местной прессы) «Единым фронтом против кулака» от 24 февраля 1930 г., в с. Ново-Павловка Киевской обла- сти односельчане отомстили учительнице-комсомолке, подожгли ее квартиру за то, что она вступила в колхоз. По информацион- ным сводкам ВУ ЦИК №52 «О женщинах, молодежи, сельинте- лигенции – в подготовке к посевкампании и коллективизации» за 1931 г., учителя активно участвуют в ударных бригадах, про- водят культурную работу в сельдомах, домах-читальнях, как то в Амвросиевском, Чистяковском районах. Но «основная мас- са учительства стоит в стороне от колхозного движения» [12, л. 54; 13, л. 169]. Были трудности с материальным обеспечением Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 193

педагогов, оно имело значительные перебои, особенно в 1933 г. в связи с ухудшением сезонных и экономических условий. Зимой учителя даже отказывались ходить на работу за неимением обуви и одежды, не говоря уже о еде. Больше всего «прибыли» можно было получить на тяжелей- шей «неженской» работе. Очень часто женщины не принимали трехнедельный дородовой и трехнедельный послеродовой опла- чиваемый отпуск, оставаясь на «рабочих местах» в колхозах до последнего [14, с. 396]. В постсоветский период в обществе считалось, что советская власть сделала для женщины гораздо больше, чем в то время было сделано в странах Европы, в частности создала равнопра- вие обоих полов в обществе. Женщина получала больше возмож- ностей для самореализации не только в семейной жизни, но и в других сферах деятельности, вплоть до занятия ответственных руководящих должностей. Этому должно было способствовать повышение ее культурно-образовательного уровня. В стране раз- вернулась борьба с неграмотностью, особенно распространен- ной на селе, как правило, среди женщин. Важную роль играли и другие обстоятельства: в СССР ощущалась насущная потреб- ность в увеличении численности квалифицированных кадров как в промышленности, так и в сельском хозяйстве; необходимо было как можно шире привлекать женщин к социалистическому стро- ительству, что было залогом надежного контроля над этой ген- дерной группой. Вместе с тем, возможности для самореализации, особенно в отношении колхозного крестьянства, на самом деле 194 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

оказались очень ограниченными. Колхозный строй мало чем от- личался от крепостничества в пользу государства. Исследовав духовный аспект положения украинской кре- стьянки времен голодомора 1932-1933 гг. стоит отметить его противоречивость. Поскольку, с одной стороны, проводилась по- литика сравнивания в правах женщин с мужчинами, на это время пришлись такие образовательные программы, как ликбез (лик- видация безграмотности), организация различных курсов. Их реализация привела к резкому сокращению численности тех, кто не умел читать и писать. Если в 1928 г. среди женщин насчиты- валось 75% неграмотных, то 1931 г. – лишь 15% [15, с. 143; 11 с. 109-110]. А с другой стороны, внедрение ликбеза в некоторых местностях оказалось непродуманным и малоэффективным. Как следствие, не все женщины получили качественный уровень гра- мотности. Школьное образование в то время переживало период пере- стройки на грани с кризисом. Ученицы и ученики сельских школ не имели возможности получить минимальные знания по всем предметам, необходимые для продолжения обучения на курсах или в высших учебных заведениях. Были недовыполнены также задекларированные планы по увеличению доли женщин среди слушателей различных курсов, техникумов, институтов. Но, не- смотря на эти недостатки, часть украинских сельских женщин (около 100 тыс. человек, то есть 1% от всех женщин Украины) по- высили свой квалификационный уровень, получили профессии трактористок, бригадирок, полеводов и др. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 195

Следует отметить еще одно новшество в духовной жизни со- ветской женщины-крестьянки – традиционные обряды украин- ского села в годы голодомора почти полностью потеряли свои устоявшиеся веками обычаи и ритуалы крестин, свадеб, похорон, праздников и т.д. В 1932-1933 гг. массово не справляли в селах пышных свадеб на несколько дней гуляний, крестин в церкви, похорон с почестями, церковных праздников. С одной сторо- ны, власть «сверху» всячески препятствовала этим традициям; с другой – у крестьян не было на это физических и моральных сил. Уже с 1934 г. подобные традиционные явления приобретают новое толкование и значение. Вместо религиозных праздников новая власть внедряла новые, часть из которых отмечается и се- годня (например, Международный женский день 8 Марта, Новый Год, Майские праздники. и т.д.). Происходила атеизация обще- ства. Однако, люди втайне сохраняли веру, чтили святых, празд- ники, традиции и ритуалы. Так они пытались противодействовать большевистской политике. Несмотря на разрушение советской властью извечных моральных принципов, идеологическое дав- ление, во многом благодаря сельским женщинам украинская на- родная традиция все же сохранилась. Сопротивление власти на- ходило свое проявление в народном творчестве, свидетельством чего является значительное количество стихов, анекдотов, песен, поговорок политического характера, которые сохранились до на- ших дней [18, с. 181; 19 с. 158]. Но не все выдерживали совети- зацию. Случалось, что крестьянки в результате нечеловеческих условий жизни, потери родных и близких заканчивали жизнь самоубийством. Народная психология испытала страшный удар. 196 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Голодомор, кроме всего прочего, стал гуманитарной катастрофой украинского народа. Подводя итог, можно констатировать, что 1932-1933 годы были крайне тяжелым, где-то переломным моментом в положе- нии сельских женщин Украины. Украинская женщина издревле была сильным борцом по природе за существование своей семьи, благополучие которой всегда было сутью та такого понятия, как «женское счастье». В экстремальных условиях голодомора эта характерная черта женщин проявилась в полной мере. Но исто- рически обстоятельства сложились так, что реформатором усто- явшихся традиций женской жизни и деятельности выступила мощная сила – советское государство. В результате его политики фактически произошла социально-демографическая катастро- фа, которая породила образ женщины-мученицы, потерявший родителей, мужа, детей, религию предков, и, по сути, целую вселенную, в которой и ради которой она жила. И после всего этого она должна была заботиться о детях, оставшихся в живых, о собственном выживании и жизни в этом обществе. Взамен она получила дополнительные обязанности, советские праздники, советское образование, так называемую «свободу, равенство, братство по-советски». Также получила ни с чем не сравнимые воспоминания, о которых вынуждена была молчать в советское время, но которые никогда не сотрутся из памяти. В независи- мой Украиной эти воспоминания, которых тысячи, были собраны профессиональными историками и опубликованы, стали важным свидетельством о женской судьбе времен голодомора, неотъем- лемым компонентом национальной памяти украинского народа Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 197

[20]. Вместе с тем, сложился перспективный слой советского общества, в который вошли «женщины-ударницы», «женщины- активистки», «женщины-депутаты», «женщины-руководители» нового поколения. История свершений этих женщин стала пред- метом исследований советских авторов, а с распадом СССР их публикации стали материалом для современных историографов. Однако особую актуальность «женская тема» в истории Украины получила в связи с событиями 2014 года, когда в Революции до- стоинства сошлись стремление к свободе и советская менталь- ность. И то, и другое в основном воспитанно женщинами, рож- денными в СССР.

Список литературы

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11. Kul’chyckyj S., Ljah S., Marochko V. Stanovlenye osnov socya- lystycheskogo uklada zhyzny krest’janstva USSR [Formation bases sotsyalystycheskoho Seal the life of the peasantry USSR]. – K.: Naukova dumka, 1988. 178 p. 12. CDAVO Ukrai’ny, f. 27, op. 11, spr. 1557. Bjuleteni miscevoi’ informacii’ ta zbirky Narkomzemu URSR pro stan pidgotovky osinn’oi’ posivnoi’ kampanii’ ta provedennja kolektyvizacii’ i bo- rot’by z kurkul’stvom, 18 sichnja 1930 r. – 20 zhovtnja 1930 r. [TSDAVO Ukraine, f. 27, op. 11 AB. 1557. Bulletins local infor- mation and collection of USSR People’s Commissariat of the sta- te of preparation and autumn sowing campaign of collectiviza- tion and the struggle against the kulaks, January 18, 1930 – October 20, 1930]. 129 p. 13. CDAVO Ukrai’ny, f. 1, op. 6, spr. 660. Informacijni zvedennja pro perebig posivnyh ta zbyral’nyh kampanij i stan kolektyvizacii’ na Ukrai’ni, 6 zhovtnja 1930 r. – 10 chervnja 1931 r. [TSDAVO Ukraine, f. 1, op. 6 conjugation. 660. Information on the progress of the construction of the sowing and harvesting campaigns and state collectivization in Ukraine, October 6, 1930 – June 10, 1931]. 243 p. 14. Istorija kolektyvizacii’ sil’s’kogo gospodarstva Ukrai’ns’koi’ RSR: 1917-1937 [History of the collectivization of agriculture Ukrainian SSR: 1917-1937]: u 3-h t. / Instytut istorii’ akademii’ nauk URSR, Centr. derzh. arhiv zhovtnevoi’ revoljucii’ i socia- listychnogo budivnyctva URSR; red. L.V. Gusjeva ta in. T. 2: Zdijsnennja sucil’noi’ kolektyvizacii’ na Ukrai’ni: 1927-1932 rr. – K.: «Naukova dumka», 1965. 840 p. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 203

15. Mandryk Ja. Problemy istorii’ Ukrai’ny: Fakty, sudzhennja, po- shuky [Issues of History of Ukraine: Facts, opinions, searches]. 2007. Issue. 16, part 2. pp. 142-146. 16. Zinchenko A. Kyi’vs’ka starovyna [Kiev antiquity]. 1996. № 6. pp. 97-106. 17. Slobodjanjuk E. Pravoslav’ja na Ukrai’ni u 20-h – seredyni 30-h rokiv HH st. [Orthodoxy in Ukraine in the 20’s – mid 30 th century]. – L’viv, 1996. 162 p. 18. Narodni tvory pro golodomor: 1921-1923 rr., 1932-1933 rr., 1946- 1947 rr. v Ukrai’ni, zibrani studentamy-filologamy Kryvoriz’kogo derzhavnogo pedagogichnogo universytetu v kinci XX – na po- chatku XXI st. [People work on famine: 1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947. Ukraine, collected by students-philologists of Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University in the late XX – early XXI century]. – Kryvyj Rig: Chernjavs’kyj D.O., 2011. 240 p. 19. Ni mogyly, ni hresnogo znaku: Golodomory 1932-1933 i 1946- 1947 rokiv u Chornuhyns’komu rajoni Poltavshhyny [No grave, no sign of the Cross: 1932-1933 and 1946-1947 in Chornuhynskomu near Poltava] / uporjad. M. Bulda. Chornuhy; Kyi’v, 2004. 480 p. 20. Ukrai’ns’kyj golokost 1932-1933: svidchennja tyh, hto vyzhyv [Ukrainian Holocaust of 1932-1933: the testimony of survivors] / Nac. un-t «Kyjevo-Mogyljan. akad.», In-t ukr. arheografii’ ta dzhereloznavstva im. M. Grushevs’kogo NAN Ukrai’ny, Derzh. kom. arh. Ukrai’ny, Kanad. in-t ukr. studij Al’bert. un- tu (Edmonton), Ukrai’ns’ko-kanad. doslidcho-dokumentac. centr (Toronto). – K.: Vydavnychyj Dim «Kyjevo-Mogyljans’ka akademija», 2004-2014. 10 t. 204 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРЕ Булгакова Алена Валентиновна, аспирант Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шев- ченко ул. Владимирская, 60, г. Киев, 01601, Украина [email protected]

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bulgakova Alena Valentynovna, graduate student Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University 60, Vladimirskaya St., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine [email protected] Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 205

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-16 UDC 339.924


Smagina N.N.

Global tourism market exposed the internationalization is forced to produce modern strategies, offering consumers inno- vative forms of tourism. Issues of the business communications, requirement of the continuous of business participants’ inte- raction, formed a new ways of thinking in the tourism industry evolution: business tourism development. The article reveals the concept of international business tourism. Influence on the factors determining the international business travel market trends, is relevant for the modern segment of the global econo- my. One of these factors contemporary world tourism market is the internationalization of business structures activity. The purpose is to justify the strategic orientations and effec- tive operation of institutional arrangements of MICE-industry due to the global transformational changes to enhance the in- ternationalization of business activity business structures. Methodology of the research was to systematic analysis of national and regional components of the tourist services market in the course of which have been identified and described sys- 206 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

tematically factors as contributing and negative influence on the economic integration processes of business tourism. Comprehensive review of the totality of the processes as- sociated with the regional market of business tourism, allowed to develop a number of actual recipes that make it possible to achieve significant practical results. One of these tools is a pub- lic-private partnership, that allows strengthen trust between the government and business representatives in the regional level. Formulated conclusions and practical recommendations for the business structures activity development can be applied in the regional, national and international business travel mar- ket. Keywords: internationalization, business tourism, busi- ness-structure activity.

The MICE industry, which refers to meetings, incentives, conven- tions and exhibitions, is one of the major sectors within the global tourism industry, which is growing and maturing at a rapid rate. The MICE industry – a service industry combining trade, transportation, finance, and travel – has been active in Europe and America. It has long been recognized as a sector that draws lucrative direct and indi- rect revenue for host destinations. Besides, it also creates employment opportunities and generates foreign exchange. As a consequence of all these major characteristics, the number of destinations vying for this young and dynamic industry is extremely increasing. The aim of this research is to explore and analyse the MICE industry development in the globalised world and identify its impact of the internationalization Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 207 process as a main trend of multinational economy system in the begin- ning of XXI century. Today, countries all over the world are putting their best foot for- ward to develop the MICE industry as a means to enliven national economic development. Russian MICE busines is growing and developing according to the current world tendencies of the secor’s development. As main tendencies of world economy – internationalization and globalization – are rapidly flow over all services sector. That is why in this article we are aim to analyze the definition of internationalization, its impacts on the business travel industry, MICE segment. Internationalization of business enterprises has attracted the atten- tion of the scientific community early in the second half of the twen- tieth century. Issues to business communications, continuous interaction be- tween the participants of business, increasing the role of business con- tacts both at the national and global level, formed a new vector in the tourism industry. In this case special importance is the study of the formation and development of the business travel market, the evolu- tion of its origin, define the leaders of the world market, the main actors and stakeholders influence. One of the key, but quite poorly stu- died issues related to this segment, is the impact of business travel on the socio-economic development of individual regions and groups of regions around the world. At the same time, institutional and theoreti- cal basis for the integration of the Russian regions with the business tourism market developed is new and demand on reveal. The need for conceptualizing regional segments of the domestic MICE-industry as 208 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 a factor in the internationalization of business activity has led to the relevance of the study. Vector of the world economy at the present stage was transformed in the direction of expanding and enhancing the impact of international trade in services. In many countries, there is an increase in production of services and their share in GDP, in turn, the number of employed in the services sector is increasing every year, which proves that the growing number of national and international companies involved in the services production. Realizing the urgency of identifying the genesis of increasing in- come from the service sector in the GDP of developed countries at the present stage of development of the world economy, consider it appro- priate to consult authoritative reviewers economists who have devoted their labors study of the service sector, in particular, international trade in services. For example, Christopher Lovelock, a widely recognized expert in the field of services, control theory, service organizations, to the development of services include: government policies, social changes, business trends, the development of information technology, globa- lization and the internationalization of service organizations [5, p. 53]. In the book «World Economy and International Business» by au- thor V.V. Polyakova highlights key trends and features of the develop- ment of modern international trade in goods and services, the most im- portant of which are: the prevalence of international trade in services over the branches of material production; the development of regional integration; transnationalization of production and manufacturing pro- cesses [3, p. 120]. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 209

Theoretical analysis proves in practice the global trend of growth and commitment to leading positions complex business and profes- sional services, submission service marketing, advertising, manage- ment, leasing, research, and information and computer, consulting, au- diting and accounting services. Its dynamism depends on the content of activities, it is critical from the standpoint of the development of a modern economy based on knowledge, and national competitiveness. [5] One of the most profitable and fastest growing industries in the world economy is international tourism. At the beginning of the XXI century, the market share of international tourism accounted for about 8% of total world exports and about 30-35% of the world trade in ser- vices. According to forecasts by the World Tourism Organization, the global tourism market will continue to grow. In the transition of the economy to the modern principles of ma- nagement innovation in the tourism industry there is a qualitative restructuring and diversification of business: expanding the scope of tourist services, there is a tendency for the synergy of functional and influence tourism and representatives of other businesses, the chal- lenge is to expand and strengthen national tourism market. In this regard, especially important to develop business tourism as a socio- economic factor of innovative development of the world, national and regional economies. Influence of business tourism on the economy of cities, regions, countries, manifested in a significant increase in na- tional income, and ensure conduct of MICE-events. The concept of «business tourism», «business tourism», «MICE- technologies» is increasingly common in the travel packages offered 210 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 by major tour operators and event-companies. On the recommenda- tion of international industry associations of business tourism, the term «meeting industry» is used by most experts as a general descrip- tive term work, the term «MICE» is also used, and in the lexical rela- tion has no differences; however, its use is reduced and replaced by the term «meetings industry». The structure of the business tourism market (see Pic. 1) is a com- prehensive and multi-directional range of services for organizing vari- ous events business focus. In this case, the business tourism sector combines two kinds of activity: industry meetings (Meetings Industry / MICE) and corporate travelers’ industry (Travel Industry) [compiled by the author].

Pic. 1. Business tourism structure

Issues to influence the facts that determine the trends in the global business tourism market, are relevant to the modern tourist segment of the world economy, each factor deserves special observation and Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 211 research. One of these factors of the modern world tourism market is the internationalization of business structures activity. In Russia it is particularly important to form and launch specific government pro- gram that would have a comprehensive and practical measures phased development and promotion of the industry. Here, considerable efforts of the government, business, non-governmental organizations and their clear and concrete understanding of the importance of addres- sing this problem. Promote the development of business tourism, given its place in the economy and the nature of the industry as an important component of the Russian tourism industry, should be the responsibility of the government and the business community. Mice industry as a conceptual category of tourist industry is close- ly linked with tourism and hospitality industry. It is an integral part of the tourism industry, providing a significant positive impact on the investment attractiveness and development of regional areas of the national economy, concerning to the context of international economi- cal relationship. MICE play a significant role in the development of business, cul- tural and scientific relations between regions and countries. Inad- dition, MICE – is one of the resources integration and development companies through business education and participation in trade fairs and congresses. Development of business tourism – one of the most important key the of successful business in the world economy. Meanwhile, as a support of the development of corporate com- munication, interaction between business structures in the formation of a platform of public-private partnership of regional and national le- 212 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 vel, the players of the national market of business tourism are joining forces to promote MICE opportunities in Russia. The leader of the national market MICE – Association of Business Tourism has teamed up with the international organization – Association of Corporate Governing business trips, for the further development of the Russian market of business tourism. According to the Association of business tourism such initiative involves the creation of a joint organization that will officially represent the interests of the largest international associations in the field of business tourism brand ABT-ACTE Russia on the territory of Russia and CIS. New format of cooperation will consolidate efforts to implement activities, training programs and ex- change of experiences between professionals business-travel market. It is expected that the role of business travel will continue to grow. According to foreign experts, by 2020 the number of international business visitors will increase three-fold – from 564 million. to 1.6 billion. Russian market of business travel and meetings industry until 2016, can take 1.3 million of visitors. According to international ex- perts, the total volume of the Russian market of business tourism in 2020 may reach 13 billion dollars. Today, Russia is ranked 6th in the world in the field of business tourism, as evidenced by the results of a study done by Euromonitor International [1]. Business tourism as an independent branch of the global economy is directly linked to the development of foreign economic relations, the desire to use the best practices of other countries in the creation of material and spiritual values, which enhances the quality and the num- ber of international contacts. In this regard, the relevance of the is- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 213 sue of internationalization of the business travel segment comes to the fore, becoming one of the most important items on the global agenda. Creating an enabling environment for the participation of regional business in international economic relations, infrastructure upgrading of urban areas, attracting new investment to the region and companies, increased regional trade and increase in capacity of airports and ho- tels, and is an incentive factors in the internationalization of business tourism services in the context of theregional tourist market globali- zation.


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DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Smagina Natalia Nikolaevna, lecturer of World Economy and International Economical Relations dept. Don State Technical University 1, Gagarin square, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Region, 344010, Rus- sian Federation e-mail: [email protected] Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 217

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-17 UDC 327.8


Niyazova G.Y.

The article considers the United Kingdom language policy on the territory of Azerbaijan after the Soviet Union collapse, which is a bright example of the world political map redrawing. Taking into account the fact that the language is an important tool of the extending one’s influence over the country, we can say with certainty that the success of the specific state laying a claim to play the leading role in on the global political arena strongly depends on its ability to promote its language abroad, to enhance its status and to create such conditions where in the foreign country its language conquers the status close to the status of the native language. In this regard, the United King- dom activity can serve as an example of a successful foreign language state policy. The authors analyze the activity of such organizations as the British Council, the BBC and BP on spreading the English lan- guage. The aforesaid British organizations are the master plate of the efficient language state policy tools, as long as they not 218 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

only actively develop the global picture of the world, but also promote the interests of the United Kingdom on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Azerbaijan encourages the United Kingdom intention to spread the English language on its territory and does its best in assisting in the implementation of the proposed initiatives, realizing that the spread of the English language being the lan- guage of a global communication in Azerbaijan would contri- bute to the raising of Azerbaijan status on the world arena. Keywords: language policy, United Kingdom, English lan- guage, Azerbaijan, British Council, BBC, BP.

The United Kingdom, being one of the leading world countries, strives to extend its influence over as many countries as possible. Herewith, along with the conventional influence sphere extension tools, London is definitely using the English language. It is not surp- rising as the language policy is one of the most efficient instruments of the national interest promotion and an important part of the ‘soft power’. Moreover, the constantly changing political map forces the leading actors of the world political scene to pay a careful attention to the promotion of its national language. The bright example of such reshuffle on the political map causing the world policy leading players to start promoting its national inte- rests on the new territories through the language was the Soviet Union collapse. The former Soviet Republics accustomed to the fact that the status of the Russian language for a long time had been likened to the national and by some twist of fate gained their independence, granting Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 219 them a right to retract from their ‘soviet past’, appeared to be opened to the whole world. Some of them decided that the refusal to support the Russian language status would promote the establishment of their national identity. Only a few former Soviet countries such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and partially Uzbekistan could effort preser- ving the support of the Russian language at the proper level. However, it does not mean the abandonment of the English language spreading on its territory. The growing interest to the English language in Azerbaijan can be explained by entering into the ‘Contract of Century’. It was exactly the moment, after which British organizations started to actively promote their educational programmes in Azerbaijan. The successful activity of the British organizations within the territory of Azerbaijan was en- couraged by the establishment of the English language as the language of international communication. Therefore, the Azerbaijanian orienta- tion to the English language was explained by desire to overcome the economic crisis as quickly as possible and make a name for itself as for a state willing to take a dignified place on the international politi- cal arena. Herewith, at the end of XX – in the beginning of XXI it became clear that the achievement of the goals set is possible only with the help of mass communication and new information technologies. «De- velopment of the modern informational and communicational infra- structure has actually unified the formerly separated and isolated parts of the world into the one single integral unit, which in combination with the national interests of the leading world countries has actually 220 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 turned any event taking place anywhere on the Earth into the subject of global interest, global international consideration, judgement and verdict. The international organizations, unions and groups of states are inevitably involved» [7, p. 15]. With relation to the fact that «the traditional struggle between the states nowadays is waged both in the conventional physical and new – virtual or cyber space» [4, p. 44], the value of the electronic in- formation exchange means is rapidly growing, while they account for significant volume of the whole information distributed. Simultane- ously, it is necessary to consider the fact that the representation of the official position of the state regarding some particular issue is a task of the public sector companies, not a private. Taking into account the fact that the language is an important tool of the extending one’s influence over the country, we can say with certainty that the success of the specific state laying a claim to play the leading role in on the global political arena strongly depends on its ability to promote its language abroad, to enhance its status and to create such conditions where in the foreign country its language conquers the status close to the native language status. In this regard, the United Kingdom activity can serve as an example of a successful foreign language state policy. British organizations by paying a proper attention to the English language spreading regardless of their primary goals make a signifi- cant contribution into the successful foreign language policy of the United Kingdom. Talking about United Kingdom, we, in our opi- nion, can distinguish three key world famous organizations labelled as ‘British’ operating in Azerbaijan. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 221

First of all, the one should note an organization, whose primary target is to spread the English language and culture abroad. In this case, this is the British Council. Acting in cooperation with the Min- istry of Education of Azerbaijan, the British Council achieves the sig- nificant results by implementing various projects aimed at the English language promotion in the education field. Thus, the year 2009 in Azerbaijan was marked by the implementa- tion of the project called ‘International English’. When introducing the project, Nicole de Lalouvière, the Head of the British Council in Azerbaijan, stated that one of the project components is the Global Home website offering special language mastering programmes and operating on a free basis, which was »quite popular in many countries of the world, but in Azerbaijan it would be introduced for the first time» [1]. The British Council website for the Republic of Azerbaijan is cre- ated on the English language. One of the current projects represented on the website offers to internationalize the higher education [13] by joining affords of the governments, universities and business of the United Kingdom and its Partner States including Azerbaijan. The pro- ject is aimed at the sharing of experience in the area of economy, busi- ness and culture. The project sets the following goals: ‘the reinforcement of the higher education sector by cooperation and sharing of knowledge; the stimulation of the new generation of partnership between the govern- ments, universities and business in Russia, the United Kingdom and other countries; the partnership support in the field of the higher edu- 222 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 cation by assisting the potential participants in studying and teaching and using the English language as the working one’ [6]. The British Council pays a great attention to the people participa- ting in the projects and keeps in touch with them; that indicates a deep and comprehensive organization’s approach to the English language spreading. Another evidence of it is the creation of the Azerbaijan-UK Alumni Association – AUKAA. The Association started its work on September 23, 2005, and nowadays with the support of the British Council, BP Company and the British Embassy it unites the people visited the United Kingdom under different educational programmes and achieved a certain success thanks to the education gained in the UK. The Association Members strive to establish and support the new social connections, to develop the cooperation in the area of economy at the level of the employment, business, reform projects, various re- searches and expert opinions [9]. The next organization that is worth noticing when talking about the United Kingdom foreign language policy is the BBC. The image of reliable news company created by the BBC has conquered and main- tained the high level of confidence in this leading informational Bri- tish corporation both within the United Kingdom territory and abroad. The British people confidence level in the BBC was reflected in the article called ‘The BBC Facing a Choice: Who Would Announce an Invasion with the Nuclear Weapon’ published in ‘the Independent’ on October 3, 2008 [14]. In particular, the article considered the hypo- thetical scenario in case of the potential nuclear war beginning. The author wondered with a straight face, who from the BBC newscaster should notify the population of the catastrophe occurred. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 223

It is notable that the issue discussed in the article was not the con- sequences of the nuclear war, but the candidates for the role of the Apocalypse messenger. The choice was made not between some offi- cial and the BBC newscaster, but a priory between the different news- casters based on the public confidence rates. Therefore, the perfectly known and recognized voice belonging to the respectful and reputable person is necessary in order to ensure the safety and prevent the panic. By default the candidate is elected among the BBC newscasters. His goal is to let you understand that ‘the BBC is still with you’ [14]. Having reliably taken the leading position in the national infor- mational field, the BBC is inevitably moving towards the beyond of the national broadcast limits to the international level and, therefore, towards the creation of the global informational picture favourable for the United Kingdom. Nowadays the BBC spread the information in all ways available to the electronic mass media, including radio, television and Internet, which is becoming more and more important. The Ukrainian political expert, the Head of the Gorshenin Institute of Management Problems, Vladimir Fesenko, when talking about the development of the unified informational space on the territory of the former Soviet Union, in his interview for the RIA Novosti stated that «nowadays there is a kind of ‘informational nesting doll’. First of all, there is a global informatio- nal space we live in. If somebody is fluent enough in English, he can watch the CNN or BBC, or Euronews… It is the global framework» [5]. This is exactly the reason why today the British company places its stake on the website. 224 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Despite the fact that the BBC is unwilling to lose its status of an ‘independent and impartial news provider’ [10], the corporation was forced to stop its radio broadcasts on seven languages – Azerbaijan- ian, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Spanish language for Cuba, Turkish, Vietnamese and Ukrainian. After the radio broadcasts were ceased, the service is switching to the online broadcasting via Internet. The Azerbaijanian BBC website is written on the Azerbaijanian language with the global news section in English. The website also has separate project BBCAZERI in Russian. It is interesting that in the ‘Main Languages’ section of the article dedicated to the general infor- mation on the country both Azerbaijanian and Russian are indicated. The reform affected not only seven abovementioned languages. «The Corporation announced the complete shutdown of five language services – the services in Macedonian, Albanian, Serbian language, the English broadcasts in the Caribbean and the Portuguese broadcasts in the African countries will be totally liquidated» [2]. The situation is quite controversial, as long as on the one hand it is hard to assume that the Internet has already come to every Azer- baijanian house. It means that the audience of the Azerbaijanian BBC version will rapidly decrease. On the other hand, the Internet is more modern information sharing mean than radio, and it will bring the in- formation to the rest of the audience in a more clear and straightfor- ward way. It goes without a shadow of doubt that the possibility to save and repeatedly reproduce the specific audiovisual sequence made the BBC activity on exerting influence on the global informational field more efficient. It should be noted that despite the wide variety of the com- Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 225 munication means, it is the video that makes the strongest impression on the individual, that is easier to perceive and remember. There is a good and justly saying: ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. The same idea is expressed by the professor N.A. Vasilyev in his paper ‘The Philosophic Aspects of the World Policy’: «…as it was noted by the number of researchers (e.g. G. Martin, G. Daytor), the material given via television and video is perfectly understood despite the fact that it may be seen on the screen only for a second» [3, page 92]. And finally, we have to consider the activity of one more British company, for which the English language promotion abroad is not a primary task. Being an operator of the largest Azerbaijanian oil com- panies, gas fields and transport projects, the BP Corporation is faith- fully interested in the development of Azerbaijan. This is the reason why the BP is actively supporting educational projects in Azerbaijan. In order to implement those educational programmes, the BP is closely cooperating with the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, National Academy of Science, Khazar University, Baku State University, Azer- baijan Technical University and Caucasus University. According to the information provided on the official corporation website, the BP activity is represented by the various programmes and initiatives in- cluding: educational grants, development of new disciplines for the Caucasus University, summer courses for geologist students, profes- sional training of English language teachers, etc. One of the latest initiatives introduced by the BP in Azerbaijan was a project consisting of a series of lectures dedicated to the geo- logic and engineering science (BP Geosciences and Engineering Spea- ker Series – BPGESS). According to the Rashid Dzhavanshir, the BP 226 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Azerbaijan President, doctor of geological and mineralogical science, professor, active member of the National Academy of Science, who was a first lecturer and spoke on the topic ‘The South of the Caspian Basin: The Unique Geology and Unique Oil Systems’, the project was implemented «in order to share the common interests in relation to the future, own disciplines and plans for contributing into the develo- pment of Azerbaijan oil industry scientific basis. By offering such a unique educational opportunity for Azerbaijanian students, we hope to attract the best candidates via respective universities who have a potential for making a contribution into the geological science deve- lopment and who are interested in the career and industry. We hope that this initiative will ultimately become an integral part of the uni- versity schedules and a real event for the community of students spe- cializing in geology and engineering» [8]. The BP activity also covers the creation and support of the oil engineer communities. According to the official BP website the most successful and promising of them is the Caspian Engineers Society – CES, founded in 2007 [11]. According to the CES Chairman Rufat Azizov, during the several years of operation the community has won two international awards, which indicates the recognition of the value of work performed by it by the leading prestige organizations [12]. The official community website is developed in two languages – Azerbaijanian and English. According to the data provided on the website, besides the BP the Community is also cooperating with Kha- zar and Caucasus Universities. Therefore, having considered the activity of such British orga- nizations as the British Council, BBC and BP, we can note that the Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 227

English language promotion abroad, even not being a main task of the organization, is still extremely important for its successful acti- vity. Azerbaijan encourages the United Kingdom intention to spread the English language on its territory and does its best in assisting the implementation of proposed initiatives, realizing that the spread of the English language, being the language of a global communication in Azerbaijan, would contribute to the raising of Azerbaijan status on the world arena. As long as British organizations are acting via the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanian prestige higher education institutions, their activity ensures the more successful achievement of the goals on promoting economic and political interests of the United Kingdom in Azerbaijan. The aforesaid British organizations are the master plate of the efficient language state policy tools, as long as they not only actively develop the global picture of the world, but also promote the interests of the United Kingdom on the territory of the former Soviet Union.

The work is performed with the support of Saint-Petersburg State University grant


1. Ashrafli R. html (accessed November, 14 2013). 2. (accessed December, 20 2013). 228 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

3. Vasiljeva N.A. Philosophskie aspekty mirovoj poliotiki. Politiko- philosophskij analiz informatsionnyh innovatsyj sovremennogo tsivilizatsionnogo razvitiya [Philosophical aspects of world poli- tics. Political and philosophical analysis of information innova- tions of modern civilization development]. – SPb, 2003. 4. Vinogradova S.M., Mihaljchenko I.A. Informatsionnoe obschest- vo: Informatsionnye vojny. Informatsionnoe upravlenije. Infor- matsionnaya bezopasnostj [The Information Society: Informa- tion War. Information management. Information security]. – SPb, 1999. 5. html (accessed May, 25 2014). 6. modern-ways.htm (accessed April, 16 2013). 7. Yagjya V.S. Diplomatiya gorodov [City diplomacy]. – SPb, 2005. 8. (accessed February, 2 2014). 9. alumni.htm (accessed April, 16 2014). 10. BBC World Service cuts outlined to staff. news/entertainment-arts-12283356 (accessed December, 20 2013). 11. BP’s educational initiatives in Azerbaijan. (ac- cessed October, 23 2013). 12. Caspian Engineers Society wins international award. http://www. (accessed October, 23 2013). 13. Internationalising Higher Education. http://www.britishcouncil. org/azerbaijan-education-ihe.htm (accessed April, 16 2014). Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 229

14. Milmo C. BBC’s dilemma over who would announce a nuclear attack. over-who-would-announce-a-nuclear-attack-949703.html (acces- sed December, 20 2013).

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Niyazova Galina Yurievna, senior lecture of the Department of English language for the School of International Relations Saint-Petersburg State University Universitetskaya nab., 7-9, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 230 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Современные модели и методы инновационной экономики (Up-to-date models and methods of innovation economics)

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-18 UDC 657.1


Bushmeleva G.V., Batov A.A., Solodyankina O.V.

Assessment of expediency of management tools of the indus- trial enterprises. The existing approaches of the management tools validity on the basis of IT are considered in the article. The valuation essence consists of the justification of the project on the basis of the following factors: a cost recovery and a qual- ity of management. Keywords: Validity estimation, adaptive management, cost recovery (return on investments), quality of management, management tools, modern approaches of the IT projects valua- tion. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 231

The question of increase of competitiveness of the industrial enter- prises in competitive situations takes the central place in the modern theory and practice of management. Long-term researches of condi- tions of the industrial enterprises allowed revealing that new theoreti- cal provisions, concepts, principles, approaches, development of the subject domain, the accumulated knowledge in the field of manage- ment are necessary. The new type of management – adaptive manage- ment is necessary. Theory and practice of adaptive management in industry Bush- meleva G. reviewed and publishedin a monograph «Adaptive man- agement of industrial enterprises in a competitive environment» (1). Adaptive management is a separate type of management, namely, flexible, innovative management of the industrial enterprises, capable to adapt to a new situation (to the competitive and internal environ- ment with change of plans and models depending on a situation: in the period of an enterprise exit from crisis, or at introduction of innova- tions, or in case of implementation of change) by means of new tools and methods of management. The question assessment of introduction of administrative tools Bushmeleva G. developed and published in the «Resource-factor adaptive control of industrial enterprises in a com- petitive environment» (2). Nowadays the problem of the assessment of expediencyof the in- troduction of management tools is the topical problem for the majority of industrial enterprises. In substantiation of expediency of implemen- tation of the instrument accompaniment of the process of administra- tive decisions it is proposed to use two options, namely: to consider 232 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 it as an IT project, and also take as a basis the end result of the imple- mentation, which influences the level of quality of management of the industrial enterprise. The key role in the calculations may realize the methodological regulations of evaluation of efficiency of investment projects and the level of quality of management. The methodology of evaluation of the expediency of implementa- tion of the instruments consists of three stages:

1stage. Definition of efficiency of the investment project

It is suggested to calculate the traditional measures of efficiency of the investment project: the annual economic effect, taking into ac- count the costs and benefits associated with the implementation of the project, the payback period instruments.

The x-axis is divided into 3 levels of recovery of outlay (Fig.1):

short - term, till 1 year,  Costrecovery = medium - term, from 1 till 5 years,  long - term, more than 5 years.

Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 233

Qualitylevel management θ , %

1 3 х 5 B 2

80 % 2 4 6

х B1 20 %

7 8 9

х B3

1 5 Paybackyears Ω, %

Fig. 1. Matrix expediency of introduction of management tools Ω , годы 2 stage. Definition of the level of management Fig. 1. Matrix expediency of introduction of management tools

The level of quality management is the degree of effectiveness of the capacity of managers of all levels on the basis of the totality of characteristics of management, measured in quantitative terms: effi- ciency of the management’s labor; the effectiveness of the work of the management personnel; effectiveness of the management system, as well as in qualitative indicator, the competence of the personnel. A set of indicators may be different depending on the needs of management. The level of quality of management determined according to the following formula: 234 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

si j γ i j = ∗100%, Qi j where

si j are indicators before innovation,

Qi j are indicators after innovation, j – is quantity in the group of indicators; i – the quantity of indicators.

On each group of indicators we determine arithmetic mean value

θi by a formula: n ∑γ i j = θ = j 1 , i n

Then we identify the level of quality management as the overall outcomeθ by the formula: m ∑θi θ = i=1 , m

Where m is the quantity of groups of indicators

The following criteria for determining the level of the quality management are proposed, which are deposited on the y-axis (Fig.1):

low, θ < 20%,  Criteria of thequality management =medium, 20%≤≤θ 80%,  high, θ > 80%. Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 235

3 stage. The definition of a synergetic effect from the expediency of management tools

At this stage, as calculated on the previous stages of the data ma- trix is built expediency of introduction of management tools – model of decision making based on the dependence of the profitability Ω and the level of quality managementθ :

Bk = (Ω , θ ), where

Bk areoptions of assessment innovations.

On the horizontal axis reflects the cost recovery, on the vertical axis indicates the quality of the management (Fig.). Each axis is di- vided into 3 borders, which allows you to allocate 9 areas of decision- making, classified according to the theory of social action. According to the theory of rationality it is proposed the following classification of administrative decisions: the most efficient, rational and conditional-rational, traditionally-rational, affective and rational. For a substantiation of expediency of implementation of the following it is proposed this characteristic of areas of decision-making: 1 – zone is the most rational decision, characterized by a rapid return on investment innovation and a high level of management; de- cision gives the best of the available alternatives; 2 – zone of the rational decision, is characterized by a rapid return on investment and the average quality of management, is adequate to lead to the desired result; 236 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

3 – the zone of limited-the rational decision, based on a high level of quality management and mid-term payback, where the decision adequately specified purpose; 4 – zone limited is a rational decision based on the limited ra- tionality, the average level of quality of management and mid-term payback period; 5 – area of limited rational decision, implying a high level of ma- nagement, as well as the unintended consequences of long-term pay- back period; 6 – zone traditionally-the rational decision, formed on the average level of management and customary borrowed long-term funds; 7 – zone traditionally-the rational decision, characterized by the desire to quickly return of funds, with a clear understanding that at the enterprise the low level of management; 8 – zone affective-the rational decision, aimed at obtaining ma- nagement tools by any means, without the assessment of the effects of low-level management and mid-term payback period; 9 – area affective-the rational decision, characterized by the desire to meet the needs, without the assessment of the effects of low-level management and long-term payback.

By means of simulation modeling we estimate Bk we think that

B1 is the best innovative option, because it falls into a zone where its level is higher than B2 and B3 . Fig.1 reflects the direction of decrea- sing the level zones that are required when making a decision. Matrix ofassessment of expediency of management tools of the industrial enterprisesis the simulation model of the substantiation of Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 237 rational decision means of two factors: the payback period and the quality of management. Generalizing the above, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the various tools which allow to reduce time necessary for an assessment and understanding of a situation are necessary for the manager for adaptive management, to warn a pathoeconomic condition, to expect its development, the offered tools allow to execute one of the prob- lems.


1. Bushmeleva G.V. Adaptive management of industrial enterprises in a competitive environment. – Ekaterinburg (Russia): Publishing house of Institute of Economics UB RAS, 2008. 215 p. 2. Bushmeleva G. V. Adaptivnoe upravlenie promyshlennymi pred- prijatijami v konkurentnoj srede [Resource and Management fak- tornoe adaptyvnoe promыshlennыmy enterprise in konkurentnoy environment]. – Izhevsk: UdGU, 2009. 52 p.

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Bushmeleva Galina Vladimirovna, Candidate of economic Sci- ences, Professor of the Department accounting and analysis of eco- nomic activities Izhevsk State University named M.T. Kalashnikov 7, Studencheskaya street, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia e-mail: [email protected] 238 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Batov Andrey Aleksandrovich, Candidate of economic Scien- ces, associate professor of the Department accounting and analysis of economic activities Izhevsk State University named M.T. Kalashnikov 7, Studencheskaya street, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia e-mail: [email protected] Solodiankina Olga Vladimirovna, Candidate of pedagogical sci- ences, associate professor, manager of department «Social work», In- stitute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Technology Udmurt State University 1, Universitetskaya St., bld. 1, off. 240, Izhevsk, 426034, Russia e-mail: о[email protected] Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 239

DOI: 10.12731/2070-7568-2014-6-19 UDC 330.821.5


Naydenov N.D., Kirosova T.A.

The article looks at the basic theoretical concepts of the po- litical economy of the sign (structuralism, postmodernity) and their development in the theory of power based on the work by J. Baudrillard ‘For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign’. The study is focused on consumption as the person’s so- cial status symbol, it compares and contrasts basic concepts of structuralism and neo-liberalism. According to structuralism social structure is reproduced through the reproduction of objects/signs. It is important that not only things or money but mathematical formulas, linguistic constructions and people can act as signs. Structuralism views consumption as a person’s social status symbol. Respectively, exchange is viewed as the exchange of symbols. The society needs the diversity of signs and manipulating the signs is one of the modern society’s illnesses. Liberalism is a social movement, which confronts the per- son’s enslavement by communal ties and limitations within the limits of property and in the aspects where the individual is helpless in front of the society. Neoliberalism proclaims the 240 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

liberal model of an individual, who is primarily concerned with their belonging to their society and the struggle between the signs is significant. Assigning a certain value to the symbol is typical both for structuralism and neo-modernism. The authors find it necessary to raise the symbolic diversity of the Russian society trough increasing the forms of consump- tion. At the same time we should not forget that the society is based on material production. Keywords: postmodernity, neo-modernity, societal sym- bolic diversity.

Introduction Political economy of the sign (structuralism) is a new trend in the economic theory, which introduces the economic content of the sign, information, exchange, symbolic exchange and needs, which previously did not constitute the subject matter of political economy. The study of political economy of the sign is timely firstly, because there is still no unanimity in scientific and academic circles regarding this aspect of modern political economy and its development. Se- condly, the evolvement of the new trend in political economy brings about the need to reconsider the concept and the essence of the sign in the economic theory.

Literature Overview The problems of structuralism (postmodernity in the economic theory) are studied in papers by P. Bykov, A. Mekhanik, M. Rogozh- nikov [2]. We shall accept that the sign is a phenomenon, connected Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 241 with another phenomenon. The first phenomenon is perceived by the doer and the second one is expressed for the doer by means of the first phenomenon. Postmodernity is one of the main modern tendencies in science and culture, which affected economics, sociology, psychology, politics, morals, culture and art. Critical attitude to traditions, reflexive attitude to stereotypes and values, annihilation of rational attitude in the long- term perspective are the characteristics of postmodernity. The main criterion of estimating the work method is its present efficiency. The efficiency in its turn is diagnosed by the number of positive references by colleagues. Among the characteristics of postmodernity are: ▪ ambiguity (a range of options, polysemanticism); ▪ no rules for subordination of the processes; ▪ hyperrealism; ▪ the doer performing the action is impersonal and decentera- lized; ▪ fragmented practical activity.

Jean Baudrillard and his book ‘For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign’ which was published in 1972 and translated into Russian in 2007 [1] became a typical representative of postmodernity in the latter half of the 20th century (he adapted the existing theoretical concepts of modernity to present-day reality). Structuralism is a syno- nym of postmodernity. Postmodernity views existing social relations and phenomena as signs. Initially the reality governed the people with the help of the signs, so the reality and the signs corresponded to each 242 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 other. Nowadays, we are governed by simulation principles instead of former principles on which the reality was based. Signs correspond to other signs, but not things. Everything becomes a simulation, even the labour, which does not manufacture, but only socializes the individual and transforms the individual into a sign. In the simulation the indivi- dual including the authorities representative, deals with abstract things, formulas and simulacrums, but not real people, structures or relations. Researchers refer to J. Baudrillard’s ideas both critically and posi- tively, because he proved the role of symbolic diversity in the societal development. Some authors view neo-liberalism the same positively as a concept of a liberal individual. (the individual who thinks that god lives in everyone’s soul). Neoliberalism considers social institutions necessary for the individual. [3].

Methods Analysis, synthesis, abstract analytical method, historic, ascention from abstract to specific.

Theoretical Framework The book ‘For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign’ holds a special place among the writings of J. Baudrillard’s (born in 1929), sociologist. In his book J. Baudrillard presented economic ex- planation of the sign as a fragment of economic reality, an economic category and a reflection of the societal hierarchic structure. J. Bau- drillard looks at things and exchange values from the point of view of a consumer and their labour equivalent and from the perspective of social infrastructure signs, which possess imperative force. Societal Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 243 structure is reproduced through the reproduction of things/signs. Not only things or money can act as signs, but mathematical formulas, linguistic constructions and people. Exchange is the initial theoretical category in the political econo- my of the sign. Normally, exchange means commodity counter-flow. The same is true for other definitions of exchange like the match be- tween demand and supply, continuing distribution, the match between the consumer’s and the supplier’s plans, the point where the curves of the consumer’s indifference and the manufacturer’s production capa- bility meet, reciprocity and centralization. J. Baudrillard derives from a different definition of exchange as an operation between two sepa- rate terms, which existed in isolation before the exchange, and as a double coercion – the coercion to give and the coercion to take [see 1, p. 79]. Such definition does not conform to the classical concept of exchange as the consumer’s free choice. It is closer to the classifica- tion of exchange forms by Polanyi: gift, distribution, commodity ex- change. However, J. Baudrillard does not differentiate between a gift, distribution and commodity exchange. He highlights the exchange’s functional aspect – whether the exchange takes place for the benefit of the use-value or for maintaining the parties’ social status. He proves that the main goal of the exchange is maintaining the parties’ the social status. Accoridng to J. Baudrillard there is always an underlying social mechanism of demonstration, differentiation and veneration behind the purchase when items are saved or consumed. The main reason for purchasing is not satisfying the needs, enjoying the advantages or user value, but it is in the symbolic value of the exchange, social demon- stration, competition and finally in class differences. [see 1, p. 14]. 244 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

J. Baudrillard thinks exchange (commodity circulation) is per- formed in four social codes. 1. Functional logic of use-value (use-value acquisition). 2. Economic logic of exchange value (exchange based on equi- valent labour costs). 3. Symbolic exchange logic (social status symbol). 4. Logic of cost/sign (the object is possessed as a status symbol) [see 1, p. 73].

The exchange is regulated by the rules of equivalency, differen- tiation and ambivalency. Equivalency presupposes that objects can be replaced according to their exchange value. Differentiation – the exchange can demonstrate the parties’ social status. Ambivalency – the individual’s acceptance/rejection of the other party’s passion and desire for the object, the discourse between the consciousness and the subconscious. J. Baudrillard argues with Marx. Unlike Marx who viewed manu- facture as the basis, J. Baudrillard thinks that the logic of exchange is prior to the logic of manufacture. Each of the two exists for the sake of the other, which is more important than their separate existence. Exchange predetermines the existence of the first phenomenon for the sake of the other. Exchange of things/signs both differentiates people by their social status and the object of exchange by characteristic ele- ments. Within the exchange system there exists social production of material differences, codes of values and status values, therefore, how functional goods and individual’s needs are is predetermined by these fundamental structural mechanisms and differentiation principles [see Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 245

1, p. 87]. Consumption does not exist separately as the satisfaction of needs and desires without use-value. However, there exists manu- facture of things/signs, which determines satisfaction of desires. Nei- ther does superstructure over material production exist. Ideology and moral values are the basic elements of the society as they reproduce and maintain objects/signs. According to J. Baudrillard user values do not reveal themselves under modern market economy conditions, it is only the logic of the sign that acts [see 1, p. 105]. These are the basic concepts of the political economy of the sign. J. Baudrillard is being very categorical and abrasive in his negative opinion of the authority. He sees the authority as something reverse to exchange. It is believed that the authority comes from logos and is opposed to passion and manipulating things and people. However, J. Baudrillard puts forth his own version of the authority. He thinks the authority is always impractical due to the idleness of the ruling classes of the society, their hedonistic pursuits and social hierarchy, which divides people into those who are beyond production and those involved in production. In the institutional political economy the manager gets residual re- ward and the worker only the vital minimum [2, p. 290]. In the politi- cal economy of the sign J. Baudrillard makes the opposite statement. There is a fundamental need in a certain excess, god’s share, victim’s share, excessive spending and economic profit. Luxury spending has a negative effect on the level of spending and raises the survival level, but not vice versa [1, p. 95]. J. Baudrillard thinks that unreasonable expenses, luxury consumption and consumption for the sake of dis- playing one’s social status are the negative characteristics of the ruling 246 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 classes. The necessary products become secondary in their meaning after demonstrative consumption. Thus, the authority disorganizes the exchange [see 1, p. 96]. It has a tendency to demonstrative spending and consumption. This way there is no difference between capitalist and socialist countries. In fact here J. Baudrillard’s opinion is not sup- ported by facts. In fact both capitalist and socialist countries’ strategies combated spending – potlatch and kula (potlatch is a luxury excessive spending, kula – exchanging the objects as gifts). He argues with the statement about the rationalizing function of the authority. In his opinion, the authority is a myth about economic rationalization of production and consumption. Production is rational in its essence and does not need rationalization and, thus, the autho- rity. In his opinion, the idea that satisfying the needs in possessions requires rationalization is a repetition. People only develop a need in something on condition that virtual requirements to the objects al- ready exist in the society. Then there is a dilemma whether the needs determine the individual or the individual determines the needs. [see 1, p. 80]. Virtual requirement to the objects makes the individual the force, which determines the relations between the human and the thing, while rationality is unnecessary. J. Baudrillard thinks that in primitive societies ‘the power belongs to the one who can give, but cannot receive. To give in such a way as to make the reverse act of giving back impossible means to break the exchange to one’s benefit, to set a monopoly, which creates a mis- balance in the process’. Vice versa, to give back – means to destroy authoritative relations and start the symbolic exchange process, based Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 247 on competition and mutuality’. [see 1, p. 238]. In modern society the authority takes, but gives nothing in return. J. Baudrillard claims that the ruling classes have secured their au- thority with the help of values/signs from the very beginning (archaic and traditional societies). In the capitalist bourgeois society, which he thinks socialist countries belong to as well, the ruling classes turn their economic privilege of taking decisions into the privilege of signs. Property or the type of material production is not important for estab- lishing the authority of the ruling class. The most important is who controls the process of assigning meanings to signs. [see 1, p. 150]. Rationalizing role of signs is rejected. We can draw a parallel between the concept of authority as the power of those who assign meanings and the concept of the managers’ revolution. Sociologist Adolf Berle was the father of the managers’ revolution concept. The idea behind it is redistribution of authority from owners to managers [see 4]. A sole owner is an obsolete phenomenon, that gives place to a collective owner. Professional managers replace capi- talists and owners and become the key figures. The society’s survival in developed countries depends on the qual- ity of the managers’ work, their competence, honesty and value. Ho- wever this is only possible because managers work with signs, process the information, make experiments with information and strengthen the society’s rationality by operating with signs. Managers cannot change fundamental relations of property. In social life the functions, which have to do with processing the signs are secondary as compared to real relations of property, material production and exchange. 248 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

J. Baudrillard’s version of political economy of the sign is impor- tant because it introduces the concepts of use-value, consumption, in- formation, managerial decisions, ideology, authority, exchange, sym- bolic exchange, needs, the one assigning the meaning and the one for whom the meaning is assigned, which previously did not constitute the subject matter of the political economy as economic categories. In this sense radical liberalism, which is seen as a social movement for the abolition of social institutions, is opposed to the political economy of the sign. Neo-liberalism admits the individual’s need in social in- stitutions.


1. Bodriyyar Zh. K kritike politicheskoy ekonomii znaka [For a Cri- tique of the Political Economy of the Sign]. – M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2007. 335 p. 2. Bykov, P., Mekhanik A., Rogozhnikov M. Ekspert. 2013. № 21 (852). pp.19-24 3. Davydov A.P. Nepoliticheskiy modernizm v Rossii [Neopolitical Modernism in Russia]. – M., 2012. 644 p. 4. Kuznetsova N.V. Istoriya menedzhmenta [The History of Manage- ment].

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Naydenov Nikolay Dmitrievich, Doctor of Economics, Professor Syktyvkar Branch of Saint-Petersburg State University of Eco- nomics Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 249

Sysolskoe shosse 64, Syktyvkar, Russia [email protected] Kirosova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Historical Sci- ences, Associate Professor Syktyvkar Branch of Saint-Petersburg State University of Eco- nomics Sysolskoe shosse 64, Syktyvkar, Russia 250 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014


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Обязательная структура статьи


ЗАГЛАВИЕ (на русском языке)

Автор(ы): фамилия и инициалы (на русском языке)

Аннотация (на русском языке) 252 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

Ключевые слова: отделяются друг от друга точкой с запятой (на русском языке)

ЗАГЛАВИЕ (на английском языке)

Автор(ы): фамилия и инициалы (на английском языке) Аннотация (на английском языке) Ключевые слова: отделяются друг от друга точкой с запятой (на английском языке)

Текст статьи (на русском языке)

1. Введение. 2. Цель работы. 3. Материалы и методы исследования. 4. Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. 5. Заключение. 6. Информация о конфликте интересов. 7. Информация о спонсорстве. 8. Благодарности.

Список литературы Библиографический список по ГОСТ Р 7.05-2008

References Библиографическое описание согласно требованиям журнала Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 253

ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРАХ Фамилия, имя, отчество полностью, должность, ученая степень, ученое звание Полное название организации – место работы (учебы) в име- нительном падеже без составных частей названий организаций, полный юридический адрес организации в следующей последо- вательности: улица, дом, город, индекс, страна (на русском языке) Электронный адрес SPIN-код в SCIENCE INDEX:

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Фамилия, имя, отчество полностью, должность, ученая степень, ученое звание Полное название организации – место работы (учебы) в име- нительном падеже без составных частей названий организаций, полный юридический адрес организации в следующей последо- вательности: дом, улица, город, индекс, страна (на английском языке) Электронный адрес

Рецензент: Фамилия и инициалы, должность, ученая степень, ученое звание, место работы 254 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014


The mission of the journal is creating professional space for discussing complex problems of international and socio-economic policy in education, science and neo economy. Krasnoyarsk Science presents publications of the most significant scientific papers on innovative scientific issues, research papers, developments, innovative programmes and projects to foster economic growth of the Russian regions, results of empirical research and experiments in Russian and international socio-economic policy. Special emphasis is made on various aspects of international cooperation. The editorial board include representatives of different Russian and international research centres. We encourage eminent scientists in various fields to contribute their articles to the journal.

Requirements for the articles to be published

Volume of the manuscript 7-24 pages А4 format, including tables, figures, references; for post-graduates pursuing degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences – 7-10. Margins all margins – 20 mm each Main text font Times New Roman Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014 255

Main text size 14 pt Line spacing 1.5 interval First line indent 1,25 cm Text align justify Automatic hyphenation turned on Page numbering turned off Formulas in formula processor MS Equation 3.0 Figures in the text References to a formula (1) References to the sources [2, p.5], references are given in a single list at the end of the manuscript in the order in which they appear in the text DO NOT USE FOOTNOTES AS REF- ERENCES

Article structure requirements

TITLE (in English)

Author(s): surname and initials (in English)

Abstract (in English) Keywords: separated with semicolon (in English)

Text of the article (in English)

1. Introduction. 2. Objective. 256 Наука Красноярья, № 6(17), 2014

3. Materials and methods. 4. Results of the research and Discussion. 5. Conclusion. 6. Conflict of interest information. 7. Sponsorship information. 8. Acknowledgments.

References References text type should be Chicago Manual of Style

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Surname, first name (and patronymic) in full, job title, academic degree, academic title Full name of the organization – place of employment (or study) without compound parts of the organizations’ names, full registered address of the organization in the following sequence: street, building, city, postcode, country E-mail address SPIN-code in SCIENCE INDEX: 257


Инновации в образовании









Model for the formation of ecological culture of the military high school cadets in the museum educational context in the process of research activities Khrabrova E.V...... 102



Инновационные технологии управления


Международное сотрудничество


Russian Soft Power: Origins, Institutions, Effectiveness Sergunin A.A...... 166




Современные модели и методы инновационной экономики



ПРАВИЛА ДЛЯ АВТОРОВ ...... 250 261


Educational innovation









Model for the formation of ecological culture of the military high school cadets in the museum educational context in the process of research activities Khrabrova E.V...... 102



Innovating management techniques


International cooperation


Russian Soft Power: Origins, Institutions, Effectiveness Sergunin A.A...... 166

The situation of women in the Ukrainian village during the terror-famine of 1932-1933 Bulgakova A.V...... 182 264



Up-to-date models and methods of innovation economics



RULES FOR AUTHORS ...... 250 ДЛЯ ЗАМЕТОК ДЛЯ ЗАМЕТОК ДЛЯ ЗАМЕТОК Отпечатано с готового оригинал-макета в типографии «ЛитераПринт» г. Красноярск, ул. Гладкова, 6, офис 0-10 Подписано в печать и дата выхода: 07.10.2014. Заказ НК62014. Тираж 1000. Усл. печ. л. 19,1. Формат 60×84/16