JOURNAL of the SOCIETY for ACCELERATIVE LEARNING and TEACHING Volume 12, Number 1 & 2 Spring & Summer, 1987
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 362 045 FL 021 509 AUTHOR Schuster, Don, Ed. TITLE Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learningand Teaching; Volume 12, Number1-4. INSTITUTION Society for AccelerativeLearning and Teaching, Inc. REPORT NO ISSN-0273-2459 PUB DATE 87 NOTE 228p. PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learningand Teaching; v12 n1-4 1987 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Acceleration (Education);Administrator Attitudes; Adult Education; ClassroomTechniques; Educational History; ElementarySecondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education;Imagination; instructional Effectiveness;Japanese; Memory; Mnemonics; MovementEducation; *Music Activities; Program Descriptions; *RelaxationTraining; *Retention (Psychology);Second Language Instruction; *Second Languages;Student Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Education;Teaching Methods IDENTIFIERS Africa ABSTRACT The basic focuson this journal, which publishes wide variety of articles a on suggestive and accelerativelearning, is Suggestopedia theory, research, and application.Articles in the volume presented here include: "The Effects ofSuperlearning on Retention/Hypermnesia ofRare English Words in (Lynn D. Anderson); College Students" "SALT in Africa: Unityin Diversity through Communication" (Frikki Van Kraayenburg); "AnAccelerated Learning Magnet School: Attracting Teachers and Administrators"(Stephanie Merritt); "VitalComponents for Effective Teacher Training" (TwylaS. Moschel); "Eurythmy:Art of Movement in the Ogletree); "Teaching Waldorf Schools" (Earl J. Adult Learners UsingAccelerated Learning" (Elaine Voci-Reed); "Music as Mnemonic Devicein Second Language Learning" (Linda Dejin Zia, Loren Alexander);"Music and Accelerative Learning: Some Historic and Current Applications"(Patrick S. Brislan); "Students' Attitudes Towards the Useof Music and Mind-Calming in their High School Language Class" (UschiFelix); "Relaxation and Imagination Imagery" (Connie R. Hull,Gary F. Render, Charles E. Moon); "JapaneseLanguage and SALT" (Hideo Seki); "Dual-Plane Awareness and Techniques Other ThanLozanov's for Accelerating and EnrichingTeaching and Learning" (Win (MSE) Wenger). ****************************************************************u..c*** Reproductions supplied byEDRS are the best thatcan be made from the originaldocument. ********************************************************************** THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR ACCELERATIVE LEARNING AND TEACHING Volume 12, Number 1 & 2 Spring & Summer, 1987 ALT U S DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION Once ot Educat.onal Rinwarch "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS and Impeovemant EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) ha document has been teproducedaa S-NC:2 ,ecen,ed from me Denson or orgootiotton oopmahog 11 1,4.10, changeS nave ban mac* to.morot. Neoroduc000 oualay PchhisO) wew Of' oPhhOhS Stolid in this decd. "ant do not neCeSSanly raprIaant OthUal TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OERI oos,hon ci, pohcy INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC1' Published by the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching, Inc. ISSN 0273-2459 THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FORACCELERATIVE LEARNING AND TEACHING Guidelines for Contributors The Editor welcomes submission of manuscripts on aninterdisciplinary nature relevant to all aspects of suggestive learning-teaching-therapycounseling within the theoretical and procedural confines of Suggestology and/or Sugge4.;topedia.Tbe JOURNAL FOR THE SOCIETY OF ACCELERATIVE LEARNING AND TEACHING will publish awide variety of' articles - including critical reviews, theoretical analyses,speculative papers, case studies, quasi-experimental studies, as well as reports of empirical research(basic or applied) of ma)or significance. The basic focus is Suggestopedia theory, ,research and application. MANUSCRIPTS should be typed on one side of standard (8 yz x11non-corrasable) bond typewriter paper, clearly mimeographed or multilithed. Do not useditto. The original and three copies (carbon or dry electrostatic copies) should besubmitted. Authors should also keep a personal copy to check against proofs. AU materialmust be double-spaced, with ample margins (1 Vs in. on each side and 1 1/1 on top andbottom). Any paper should not be longer than 20 typewritten pages, excluding bibliography,footnotes, tables, figures, etc. In special cases, longer papers may be submitted for publication. REFERENCES should follow APA style. Authors should follow thestandardized biblio- graphic format for reference citation as shown in the AmericanPsychological Association Manual (1974). In the body of the text, the published work of othersshould be referred to by name and publication date in parentheses asfollows, "Prichard and Taylor (1976) reported..." In the bibliography at the end, the referred-to articlesshould be listed fully in alphabetical order by author(s), title and publication source information asfollows, "Prichard, A. & Taylor, J. Adapting the Lczanov method for remedial instruction.Journal of Suggestive- Accelerative Learning and Teaching, 1976 (Sum), 1(2)107-115." Footnotes should be wed to refer to unpublished material not generallyavailable to readers, for example in the text, "Schuster claimed that relaxation..." A list of all footnote)should be typed on a separate sheet and placed between the end of the text and before thebibliography. An example of an entry in this list of footnotes is, "Schuster, D.H.The effects of relaxation and suggestions on the learning of Spanish words. Unpublished report, PsychologyDepartment. Iowa State Uni- versity, 1972, app." TABLbM AND FIGURES should he kept to an absolute minimumand should supplement rather than duplicate text material. Each table should betyped on a separate shaet and be placed after the reference section of the manuscript. Figuresshould be submitted in a form r_ :table for photographic reproduction. UseIndia ink on a good grade of drawing paper. Pho- tographs (black and white only) submitted as figures shouldbe 5 x 7 inch glossy prints, uncropped and marked lightly on the back with a pencil. Submitall figures, photographs and tables with each of the four sets of manuscript materials. ABSTRACTS between 50 and 200 words of each manuscriptshould be :.yped on a separate sheet and placed at the beginning of the manuscript. PROOFS in typescript form of each article, letter to the Editor, briefcommunication, or book review will be returned to the author upon final acceptanceof a manuscript. These are Ze be reviewed carefully and returned to the Journal'spublication address within 5 working days. Typescripts not returned within this time limit will beconsidered approved. Authors are cautioned to read all tabular material and quotes against their copyof the original manus- cript. Authors will receive 5 copies of their work onpublication. All manuscripts should be delivered by first class mail to: Editor The Journal of the Society for Accelittive Learningand Teaching Psychology Department, lows State University, Ames,Iowa 50010 I BEST COPY AVAILABLE JOURNAL OF THESOCIETY FOR ACCELERATIVE LEARNINGAND TEACHING Volume 12, Numbers 1&2 Winter & Spring 1987 CONTENTS The Ef fects of Superlearningon RetentioniHypermnesia in College Students of Rare English Words 3 Lynn D. Anderson Unity in Diversity throughCommunication Salt in Africa: 17 Frikkie Van Kraayenburg Attracting An Accelerated LearningMagnet School: Teachers and Administrators 39 Stephanie Merritt Ef fective Teacher Training Vital Components for 49 Twyla S. Moschel Art of Movement inthr, Waldorf Schools Eurythrny: 65 Earl J. Ogletree Teaching Adult LearnersUsing Accelerated Learning 65 Elaine Voci-Reed Device in Second LanguageLearning Music as Mnemonic 95 Linda Dejin Xia and LorenAlexander Bookreview The Magic Feather.The Truth About Special by Lori and Bill Granger Education, 107 Reviewed by Earl JOgletree 1 Don Schuster PhD K..9 Her r Ph D Editor Associate Editor Marj Wh,tney Renate Nummela-Caine PhD Circulation Associate Editor EDITORIALBOARD W Jane Bancroft PhD Pedro R Portes. PhD Scarborough College School of Education Limy of Toronto University of Louisville West Hill. Ont M1C 1A4 Louisville KY' Owen Caskey. PhD Gabriel Racle Ph D 8201 Edgernere 1554 Rolland Av El Paso TX 79925 Ottawa. Ont K1G 0J4 McCrae Cochrane PhD John Senatore. Ed D Center for Cont Development Low of Southern Colorado 64 Mountain St Pueblo CO 81001 Sharon MA 02067 JoLene Somsky Priscilla Donovan PhD 3700 Orleans Av 3050 S Zenia St Sioux City IA 51105 Denver CO 80231 Win Wenger. PhD Kurt A Fuerst. Ph. D P 0 Box 332 Carleton University Gaithersburg MD 20877 Colonel By Dr Ottawa. Ont K IS. 586 Wendy Whitacre Stern 5381 W Calle Conejo L yelle Palmer Ph D Tucson AZ 85745 W,nona State University vVinona MN 55987 For subscription, send order to SALT Journal. Psychology Dept.Iowa State University Ames IA 50011 Subscription rates $20 00 peryear. individual sLbscription Outside US add $15 00 peryear for air mail iCanada and Mexico. sameas US) Back issues$7 00 per copy. $12 00 perdoubled copyListofavailableback request issuessenton Copyright 1986 by the Society forAccelerative Learning and Teaching Psychology Dept.. lowa StateUniversity Ames IA 50011 Ma ling Permit 190. Ames Iowa 50010 Printed in the U S A 2 J.of me Socety ior Accelerative Learning and Teaching 1987, 1211&2). The Effects of Super learning on Retention/Hypermnesia of Rare English Words in College Students Lynn D. Anderson Northern Michigan University and Gary Render University of Wyoming Abstract. The purpose of thisstudy was