ROCK N ROLL EXPERIENCE - July / August 2008

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ROCK N ROLL EXPERIENCE - July / August 2008

Rock N Roll Experience - July / August 2008

Features ROCK N ROLL EXPERIENCE! for this issue

Review of the 7/28/08 JET BLACK STARE show

Review of the 7/25/08 Warped Tour + an Interview with TAT!!

Review of the 7/16/08 Warped Tour!

Review of the 7/2/08 & 7/03/08 KITTIE/DOPE concert!

Review of the 6/17/08 The Veronica’s show!

Review of the 6/16/08 Donita Sparks show!

Review of the 5/18/08 Type O Negative show! ‘ello f**kers....welcome to the July / August 2008 page! Review of the 5/15/08 Scum The Summer is here, the weather outside is nice & warm, & life is of the Earth pretty freakin’ good in the world of Rock N Roll Experience! We’ve

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concert! got tons o’ new reviews, tons o’ exclusive pics, show reviews, & there’s some major stuff heading your way very me, it Review of the pays to be a loyal Rock N Roll Experience reader! 5/10/08 Arch Enemy show! I know that some readers will say, why in the hell did you decide to cover The Veronica’s? They are a freakin’ pop band, & you know An Interview what...the honest reason is, we LOVE to expose new music to our with Kerli! readers, we’re ALL about good music & in all honesty, The Veronica’s are a pop band, BUT, they are alot of fun, they have a Review of the killer, high energy rock band & guess who their drummer is?? None 5/9/08 of than Mr. Vikk Foxx from Enuff Z’ Nuff! I think it’s kinda boring to Nashville just bring you metal, metal, metal, so I like to offer some variety & Pussy / The Veronica’s are a nice, fun change of pace! Reverend Horton Heat I got a cd in the mail from an indie band from New Jersey called To show! The Bone & I have to admit, they might be the best band you’ve Review of the never yourself a favor & check them out if you get a 5/7/08 chance..they kick ass!!! Apocalyptica show! Anyways, (sand in your eyes Chelsea...sorry, personal joke!) as always, thanks for checkin’ out the site, thx for reading & Review of the supporting Rock N Roll Experience & you know, I don’t say it too 5/1/08 often to total strangers, BUT, my motto for life is, “If you’re not Mindless Self having fun, why bother?”, so I’d like to close on that note...enjoy Indulgence / every moment, go out & have fun & f**k it up, you only live once! The Birthday Massacre show!


Before you begin reading these reviews, we have a rating system to tell you just how good or bad a CD is & here's the breakdown on how it works:

1 Star - crap

2 Stars - This is stuff your Mom might like!

3 Stars - It rocks, but is only okay

4 Stars - This is good, but there's room for improvement!

5 Stars - You should consider buying's a good one!

6 Stars - Sell your car, dog, baby, etc., this is a MUST have!

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STRAIGHT LINE STITCH When Skies Wash Ashore Track Listing: Never See The Day, promise Me, Taste of Ashes, Eucharist, Black Veil, Adult Cinema, What You Can Do To Me, Seneca Tragedy, World Made Flesh, Yesterday's Gone

Rating: 6 stars!

Straight Line Stitch honestly sounds more like a sewing group rather than a hardcore metal act, BUT, Straight Line Stitch is a heavy metal act that's got a female singer who's vocals range from Aggro & angry to melodic & beautiful. "Never See The Day" kicks off the cd with fury, passion & energy, & it's heavy as f**k too with intense rhythm & crunchy guitars! "Yesterday's Gone" is the last song on the cd & the one that might throw's an acoustic one & it shows the band has alot of depth & range & is not just all about angry/angry/chunka/chunka ! I'd describe the band as somewhere in between Sevendust, Lennon, Arch Enemy & maybe a little Drowning Pool, but they have their own sound & are well worth checking out!

TO THE BONE Against The Dead Hand Track Listing: Gemini, Insectual, Shut Down The Heart, Supernova Casanova, Year of the Swine, On The Backs Of Rats, Give It The Gas, Your Day Is Coming To An End, Left to Rot, Against The Dead Hand, When My Day Begins

Rating: 6 stars!

New Jersey based To The Bone might be the best indie metal band I've heard in many years! Musically, the band reminds me alot of Mushroomhead..the vocals are strong, aggro at times & melodic in other parts, while the guitars are loud, aggressive melodic & dark! "Shut Down The Heart" is the song that really kicked me in the head when I heard's got a solid, strong rhythm, a strong back beat, solid foundation, & the lyrics are freakin' amazing in my opinion! "Gemini" is the lead song on the cd that kicks things off & from start to finish, every song is solid, there's dynamics, depth, & I am

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definity a fan of To The Bone, they blew me away from the first moment I heard this cd...that's something I rarely say about an indie band, because musically, the band is strong, lyrically, the band is dynamic, & overall, as a unit, To The Bone kicks ass in a major way & what's interesting is, the way the record business is falling apart by the minute, I wonder if this band even needs a label to make it, because their cd sounds good, they have great songs & if they get the right push, a solid fan base will follow, because EVERY song on "Against the Dead Hand" is memorable, interesting & stands on it's own as a work of art!

BLACK LIGHT BURNS Cover Your Heart Track Listing: Forkboy, So Live, Hungry Like THe Wolf, Lucretia My Reflection, Rid of Me, The Art of Self Defense, On The Bound, I Am The Sun, Blood Red Head On Fire, Search & Destroy, Drowning Together Dying Alone, Failing, Ribbons, Zargon Marfeauf, Vennisoun, Zlitchufdux, Giving In Again

Rating: 6 stars!

Wes Borland & the Black Light Burns crew are back with their 2nd release, which is basically an all covers disc with the last 7 songs being un-released instrumental tracks from the last BLB cd. Honestly, cover cd's can be either really fun or really bland & this is the BEST cover cd EVER!!! Wes approached each cover with the idea of being different, yet sticking to the original vision of each song. "Hungry Like The Wolf" maintains that Duran Duran pop vibe, yet it's a little darker & "Forkboy" has an Al Jourgensen sound to it just there's a more punk vibe to this cover, & "So Alive" by Love & Rockets is my personal's soooo much darker & eviler than the original! "Search & Destroy" has this classic guitar tone, but I didn't like the noises that replaced the guitar solos, but that's my opinion! "Lucretia My Reflection", in my opinion, is as artistically amazing as it gets..I fell in love with this cover as well! The new songs on the disc are like background music..there's some heavy parts, but most of them are slower & darkishly brooding. Overall, this is one of the

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better cd's to be released in 2008 so far! Art is NOT dead!

JESSE JAMES DUPREE & DIXIE INC Rev It Up & Go-Go Track Listing: Rev It Up & Go-Go, Bite, Drop Dead Ready, Tank, Wash Me Away, 1095, Money Lovin and Speed, Get To Me, One Extreme Intro, Welcome To The Show, The Party, Reality Star Intro, Reality Star, AJ White's, Well Enough, Fire It Up, Had To Get Stoned, American As Apple Pie, Far Out, One Extreme Outro

Rating: 4 stars!

Jesse James Dupree is the lead singer/guitarist for the hair band Jackyl, & if you are vaguely familiar with his music from the band Jackyl, then it's not too far of a stretch for you to imagine his solo record, which is 1/2 balls out rocker, 1/2 redneck country rock. The first half is the rocker, it's got songs that could easily be on any Jackyl record, then the cd kicks into the Dixie side of things, a more definitive southern rock sounding record that's got a sick sense of humor & I'd describe it as the Grand Old Opry on acid! Overall, the music is good, but definitley not flavor of the month material, so I doubt you'll hear any of these songs on active rock radio, BUT, if you dig the band Jackyl, then you'll love the debut solo release from Jesse James Dupree!

CARBON NINE The Bull Track Listing: What Is It We're Made Of, Crawling Over Me, My Friend, Somebody Like Me, The Bull, Mother, Butterflies In My Head, For You, This Life, Mary Mannequin, I'm Not Broken, Loving You, I'm On My Own, Lonely In Love, Tongues

Rating: 5 stars!

Carbon Nine is an interesting band that's part industrial pop, part tradition hard rock...each song on this cd is distinctly different than the next, & the cd starts off with a weird little intro that's introspective & dark. There's a quirky cover of Danzig's "Mother" that kinda loses the feel that the original version has because the cover is polished, glossy & it's hard to emulate Glenn Danzig's feeling in the original version of the song. Carbon Nine sounds interesting on cd & I'd love to see how the band pulls these songs off live, because there's some interesting moments where the live interpretations of certain songs would be interesting to see live. I have to admit too, I like the art direction & the packaging of the cd, it's very indescript, there's no definitive vibe, it's not totally metal, it's not totally anything, it's just more so a band that's ready & primed to take over the world!

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WHEN THUNDER COMES Farewell Nostradamus Track Listing: Caught In A Dream, Smiling Faces, Feeding the Masses, Bucket 6, In The Dark, Lightning Strikes, Calm Before the Storm, The Messenger, Shadow of Doubt, Land of The Ancients, Being You, Dance Around My Fire, Farewell Nostradamus, Once By Day, Visions of the Night, Harmony & Symphony

Rating: 3 stars

Musically, When Thunder Comes is straight ahead rock mixed with elements of psychadelia & basically, I get a very 70's rock vibe from the band, they are an indie act from Maryland & according to their bio they've been around for quite a few years, but I can't really recall hearing their name mentioned much in the last 10 years on the local scene, but If I read correctly, the bands bio stated that they were pre-90's, so they were kinda before my time in this area. The band has a good looking cd package, but the production is a little lack luster at times, BUT, when I really think about it, this is an un-signed band, the songs are what they are, it's almost like a demo release, so it kinda works for the band & on a writing level, they are solid at what they do!


First Visit Track Listing: Crazy Motorcycle, All Over You, First Visit, Get Off My Back, Dressed Incognito, Unemployment, On The Line, Devastation, Look Out, The Real Me, All Over You

Rating: 5 stars

Upon first glance at this cd cover, the first thing I thought was, omg, this looks like David Bowie during the "Diamond Dogs" era! This is a re-release of the Rogue Male cd "First Visit" & it's a killer cd that reminds me of early Motorhead meets Fastway...the band is straight up hard rock, but they do sound kinda dated, but what do you expect, this cd came out in the 80's! "Crazy Motorcycle" reminds me of "Ace of Spades" in pieces, & what really makes my ears ring when I listen to this cd is the guitar tone...dammit, they had an amazing guitar tone for sure!!! Sadly, the band never really crossed over & made it in the USA, so they were somebodie's in Great Britain, but kinda nobodie's here in the USA. Again, I think this is a great rock record, it's god killer hooks & it also kinda reminds me of the 2nd Saxon record, it's just pure riff rock!

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Track Listing: Mind Is Ugly, Dreaming of You, Always Falling, Start Again, She Lied, The Mutiny

Rating: 6 stars!

When I first listened to this cd, it reminds me of U2 meets The's got that droney echo effecton a few songs, & the vocals are melancholy, the overall tone of the disc is about love & loss, it's all beautifully written, recorded & excuted flawlessly, the recordings have this really...for lack of a better way to put it, earthy feel to them...they are polished, BUT, not overly polished & this disc reminds me of listening to a vinyl's got a really warm feeling to it & the music on the disc is timeless, it's got a very distinct English feel to it & it's definitley a cd that you can listen to over & over again & not get tired of.


THE GOLDEN HANDS BEFORE GOD CONDUCTS INCREDIBLE MAGIC BAND & THE SPIRITS Here Track Listing: One Fine Morning, The Ladder, Girl Half My Age, Communist Party, Blue, Interlude, Blood of November

Rating: 4 stars!

Psychadelic garage rock..that's the best way to describe The Golden Hands... new cd & I refuse to write out their entire name in this review, so they will be referred to as The Golden Hands..., so anyways, this cd is pretty cool, I could give you a slick, fancy review, but the core of this cd is mellow, laid back grooves, simple rock rhythms & there's nothing ultra fancy on this disc, it's really just something you'd listen to & in all honesty, it sounds like it could have been recorded in the 70's, it's just got a really solid vibe & that's a rare thing in 2008 for sure!

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SCARS ON BROADWAY S/T Track Listing: Serious, Funny, Exploding/Reloading, Stoner Hate, Insane, World Long Gone, KilL Each Other/Live Forever, Babylon, Chemicals, Enemy, Universe, 3005, Cute Machines, Whoring Streets, They Say

Rating: 6 stars!

1/2 of , Daron & John, have a new solo disc out & it's not even a solo disc, it's a new band they've started & the best way I can describe it is, imagine the crazy sides of SOAD that Daron added, mix that with The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Sex Pistols, & a little funk & Disco at times, & you've got Scars on Broadway...the initials SOB...I keep wondering if that was an anagram for Son of a Bitch, but anyways, in all honesty, I like this cd more than the last System of a Down disc & the song, "Enemy" was loosely performed by Darrin at various System of a Down concerts over the past few years! "Serious" is the first song off the cd & it really kicks the cd off right, because this is a kick ass rock record that's not overly heavy, musically, but lyrically, it'll kick your ass with whitty, often times sick, but humorous lyrics, which are both funny & serious at the same time! Honestly, this is one of the best records I've heard this year, it's really good, Daron plays the hell out of every song, the band is amazing, the writing is solid...listening to this cd, it's clear to hear what Daron added, writing wise to SOAD...Daron, in my personal opinion, is a genius, as far as his writing ability goes, because he can come off arrogant at times, then say something really weird, then be serious, yet EVERYTHING is written with the intent to provoke on this cd & it's a disc you'll listen to non-stop, over & over again because EVERY song is an instant classic! The honest musical direction is somewhere between punk & rock with some weird keyboard moments.


The Dirty Hearts Track Listing: Record Store, Alone, Cold Feet, Pigs, Possession Blues, Where I Come From, No Strings Attatched, Action Figure, T-Bone, Sin Ataduras

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Rating: 6 stars

Musically, think The Strokes, The Vines, & that total garage rock, indie sound that's oh-so trendy these days...a more amped up White Stripes even in some ways..that's how I'd describe "The Dirty Hearts" by's gritty indie rock played at maximum volume! "Record Store" kicks off the cd with rock n roll passion, & "Alone" is blissful banter with distortion! I really dig the details in the artwork too, there's many, many, many references to Pigs, pork, swine, etc., & what it really reminds me of, is back when vinyl records were all the rage, when bands put alot of work into their art for their, with all the downloading & i-tunes, artwork is a forgotten beast, BUT, PIGS did a killer job on their art! Listen to the entire cd too, there's a hidden bonus track! For the longest time I was bored with rock music, & PIGS shines a new light of hope on a genre that seemed to die a slow death over the past few years!


Burn Effect Track Listing: Lie To You, Believe, Your Kind, Catch My Eye, Fall, Sentimantal Conversation, Are You Awake, The Dead, Fly Away, Circle, Seasons

Rating: 3 stars

Ok, so I can tell the truth or offer up a sensational lie...the truth of the matter is, musically, Linwood are good, just, I don't know, I gave this cd a few listens & nothing really stuck, nothing stood out as a distinct song...I almost feel bad that I didn't get anything from this band, because they are talented writers, they know how to organize their music, yet, they just come across kinda boring! I gave the band 3 stars because they are not bad, they just fall flat on writing memorable songs on this cd. Sorry guys, I'm not slamming you, I'm just offering up my honest opinion!


Under the Black Light Track Listing: Silver Lining, Close Call, The Moneymaker, Breakin' Up, Under Blacklight, Dejalo, 15, Smoke Detector,

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The Angels Hung Around, Give A Little Love

Rating: 6 stars

Former child star & current indie pop princess, Jenny Lewis, along with her band Rilo Kiley, has a great new record out called "Under The Black Light" & it's chock full of alterna-rock-pop that's rooted at times in country, yet too overtly fresh & modern sounding to be called country! Jenny's voice is subtle & sullen & never scornfull, although there are moments where she comes across slightly bitter, but the tone of her singing voice is both dense & dark with a sense of sweetness & alluring charm! "The Moneymaker" is interesting, "Close Call" is quirky, & "Under the Black Light" is melancholy...overall, Rilo Kiley is not like the other cookie cutter pop bands out there today..they are delicioulsy dark at times, their formual for writing songs is simple yet delicate, & they have a great sound overall!

TESTAMENT -Re-issues

The Gathering, Demonic, First Strike Still Deadly Track Listing:

Rating: 6 stars

Ok, so I didn't bother listing the song titles on these re-issues because, there's nothing new here, BUT, the packaging has been updated, the sound is a little tighter & these releases were a little hard to track down over the past few years! "First Strike.." is a cd of re-recorded classic Testament classic & it features original shredder Alex Skolnick as well as Zetro from Exodus as guest vocalist on several tracks! "Demonic" was the bands pure death metal style vocals lacks the melodic elements the band is know for & instead it just rips your face off from beginning till end! "The Gathering" has some great guitar work from James Murphy & when you listen to all 3 of these cd's, Eric Peterson & Chuck Billy really are thrash metal's version of Steven Tyler & Joe Perry...they are the best song writers from that genre of bands, they wrote sooo many classic thrash metal masterpieces, & these 3 re-issues are MUST HAVE's for the real metal fans...they kick ass & the one that I like the most is "First Strike" simply because I grew up on the classic Testament songs & it's great to hear the band re-recording them in all their glory!!

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Human's Dust DVD Track Listing:

Rating: 6 stars

Ok, so I knew a little about Decapitated before I saw this dvd, BUT, this was actually my first time really getting to see the band play live, because they never really played alot of shows in the USA, & sadly, after the bands drummer passed away, the band has been on hiatus. It's interesting to watch the dvd, to see how the band evolved, how they went from a good death metal band to a GREAT death metal band, & the bands lead screamer looks like a totally different person in the concert see him going from a long haired dude to a clean shaven baldy! On a technical level, Decapitated are the most technical death metal band I've ever heard..they were amazing, & the only sad part of this dvd is, there's interviews with the band, BUT, they are in another language, so if you only speak English, you might wanna avoid the interview clips!


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DVD Track Listing:

Rating: 6 stars

This dvd is a documentary on the rise of Iron Maiden & the rise of the NWOBHM over in England...musically, if it wasn't for those bands, the current scene would NOT be the same..bands like Bullet for My Valentine, Avenged Sevenfold, etc., owe a wealth of debt to the bands on this documentary, & I might note that Metallica owe the bulk of their career to most of these bands!!! This dvd documents how the scene started out at a disco style dance club where a dj would break local bands & how Sounds magazine became the "in" magazine for that scene, & probably the most interesting character from that era was Thundersticks, a masked drummer from the band Samson! The dvd basically chronical's to the point where Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast's cd comes out, then it trails off & if you don't know the history of the NWOBH, this is a must see dvd for you & even if you do know the entire story, it's still a killer dvd to check out!

Earache Records - Immortalized 1986 - 2000 DVD Track Listing:

Rating: 5 Stars!

Earache Records is the best underground label for overseas hardrock bands ever & back in the mid 90's they released numerous home video releases that hightlighted all the labels best acts via their music videos & on this dvd, there's a slew of bonus material which features rare live videos from Carcass, Napalm Death & Cathedral to name only a few. The Carcass video for "Heartwork" got decent airplay on the old Headbanger's Ball & it was a definite favorite of mine, & "Wolverine Blues" by Entombed, which featured their old drummer, who would wind up being the singer/guitarist for the Hellacoptors many years later! Pitchshifter, Godflesh, At THe Gates, Bolt have it all on this dvd & it's great to see these vintage video clips being re-issued on dvd for those who were too young to experience them the first go

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round & also it's great nostalgia for those who lived it the first time, because you're NOT going to see these video's on TV at all!!!

THE SMITHS The Queen Is Dead DVD Track Listing:

Rating: 6 Stars

This DVD is a documentary on the "Queen Is Dead" era of the Smiths, & this was an interesting time for the band..they were in the midst of becoming pop rock icons, yet they were having personal problems, their music was in question, Morrissey's sexuallity was questionable, & probably the highlight of this dvd for me, as a guitar player, is the interviews with a guy from a guitar magazine, who breaks down the playing, shows where the influences came from, & it really adds some depth to the breakdown of each song as far as I'm concerned! There's loads of archival footage of the band's videos, interviews, & rare pics, & I'll be the first to admit, I knew very little of the bands career during this era & this dvd basically laid it all out, it explained what was going on & it's a great watch if you're a die hard Smith's fan or even remotley curious about the band!


ZZ TOP Live From Texas DVD

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Track Listing:

Rating: 6 Stars!

The 2 dude's with beard & that drummer who's got the last name beard, yet no long facial hair..they've been around forever, & they have a new dvd out that basically gives their fans EVERYTHING they could EVER ask for! You get a concert that features all the bands hits, & "Just Got Paid" is my personal favorite, the slide guitar Billy plays is phenominal! "The bands stage set up is simple, yet, they sound huge & for just having 3 guys on that stage, they kick some serious ass! I like the bonus features the best..there's a nice long interview with the band while they play cards...they talk about playing with Jimi Hendrix, Freddie King, The Rolling Stones, & then there's a bonus cover of "Foxie Lady" by Jimi Hendrix that's played in a more bluesy ZZ Top style! Overall, this is a great dvd, when you watch it, you realize that just because the band is older, they can still kick some major ass & Billy Gibbons is one of the best guitarist's on the face of the planet in my & coolness just ooze from that man's hands!

GORGOTH Black Mass Kraskow 2004 DVD Track Listing:

Rating: 6 Stars!

Gorgoth is one of the essential new school death metal bands from outside the USA that mixed elements of Venom with Burzum, etc., they are a huge band in the overseas Death Metal scene, & interestingly enough, the main convert footage is much talked about because it's footage that features the band onstage with a stellar stage show & they are surrounded by real, dead, severed animal heads, BUT, if I'm being totally honest here, they are NOT the first band to do's got a "Lord of the Flies" vibe to it & I saw American Head Charge do the same thing many years ago on the Pledge of Allegiance tour here in the's quite grotesque & sickening, but also artistic in it's own weirdness, because the severed animal heads are meant to be intense, yet, I don't see it that's almost Spinal Tap-ish when you look at it & what I really like the most about seeing Gorgoth in the concert footage on this dvd is their intensity for performance..they put alot into their playing & their stage presence is undeniably interesting & good! This is actually a must-see dvd for the death metal freaks, it's got killer audio, great video & loads' o' bonus material as well!

FALCON ST EP Track Listing: The Sandfighter, Birds & Mice, Listen In, Q of T, Bees

Rating: 6 stars!

I am giving this cd 6 stars based on it's concept's a band that re-recorded music from a young boy who died at an early age...the young man, whom the band is named after, recorded several hundred songs before his untimely death, & the tapes were discovered after his passing, & the band concept it to simply re-record ALL of Mr. Falcon's music...the

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music is somber & a mix of Depeche Mode meets the Cure but not quite as dark as the aforementioned bands! "Q of T" is simply beautiful & my definite favorite off this very short EP. Again, simply on concept alone, this band is brilliant & this is an EP well worth checking out! REVIEWS

SAVING ABEL S/T Track Listing: New Tattoo, Addicted, She Got Over Me, 18 Days, Drowing, In God's Eyes, Sailed Away, Beautiful Day, Out of My Face, Running From You, Beautiful You

Rating: 6 stars!

I'll be the first to admit, I hated that song "Addicted" simply because radio killed it by playing it so much, BUT, the debut release from Saving Abel is a strong record full of rockers, mid tempo songs & ballads...the band writes memorable rock music & the first song on the cd, "New Tattoo" is actually hard & heavy! The band, in all honesty, has an overtly sexual overtone to their music, which kinda reminds me of old-school rock n roll, before everything got so serious & people stopped having fun! I think that's the guilty pleasure of this band..they like to have fun & write songs about having fun, sex, & partying! The bands cd cover really says alot about their overall vibe..the cd cover has the bands name photo shopped as a tramp stamp on, what I hope is a female! At times the band comes off very radio friendly & clean, but listen to the cd closely & they will prove you wrong on that account! I actually dig this cd alot, I think it's got some great songs, it's got strong writing, good riffs, & it's just a great rock record over all!

ALL THE SAINTS Fire On Corridor X Track Listing: Shadow Shadow, Sheffield, Farmacia, Regal Regalia, Hornett, Papering Fix, Leeds, Fire On Corridor X, Outs, Mil Mil

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Rating: 6 stars!

Imagine for a moment if Radiohead were a hard rock band with a more metal edge, or imagine if Syd Barrett made a hard rock record...that's the best way I'd describe the music on All The Saint's "Fire On Corridor X"'s definitley lo-fi, the vocals are almost amateur sounding at times, yet the vibe on this cd is part trippy, part rock fury & it's maybe one of the most impressive discs I've heard from an indie band lately..this band is both artistic & energetic with an ample amount of great songs & there's even 2 songs that are over 6 minutes long...this band really has a psychadelic edge to them, but I think they lean more towards the hard rock stuff for the most part. Overall, I really like this cd alot, it's something different sounding & it's definitley a keeper!

SECONDHAND SERENADE A Twist In My Story Track Listing: Like A Knife, Fall For You, Maybe, Stranger, Your Call, Suppose, A Twist In My Story, Why, Stay Close Don't Go, Pretend, Goodbye

Rating: 6 stars!

Ok, so I want to explain my reasoning behind giving this cd 6 stars...personally, I'm not exactly a fan of this kinda radio friendly, watered down emo stuff, BUT, what I will tell you is this...musically, this is an amazing record, EVERY song is a potential hit & I can't even deny that song after song, each track is beautiful & alluring with pop hooks, catchy choruses & I'd really describe this release as a girls's not really meant for guys, it's more emotional, & the best rock track is "Suppose" which has a decent edge to it, but overall, it's ballad after ballad & I'm not even knocking the record, it's just too perfect to even talk trash about it!


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Comin' Atcha Live! 2008 DVD Track Listing:

Rating: 6 stars!

Filmed in February of 2008 in Minnesota, the new dvd "Comin' Atcha Live! 2008" from Tesla, captures Jeff Keith & the guys doing what they do best..rockin! The title of the dvd is taken from a Greatful Dead song, & the dvd has all the hits & then some..."Edison's Medicine" is probably my personal favorite, & intitially, I thought the band would suck without Tommy Skeotch, BUT, in all honesty, the band is still kick ass & although I miss Tommy, the band is just as tight with Tommy's replacement! There's a load o' bonus footage, backstage antics, & this is a new era for the band, they might be a little weathered since their early days in the 80's, but they are just as good now as they were back then & "Heaven's Trail" is another song that I still hear & get all excited over, because when they play it on this dvd, it's got the same exxact energy that it had back when it came out...infact, I think Jeff Ketih's voice might sound better now than back then! Overall, this is a great visual documentation for any Tesla fan & I'd highly advise checking this dvd out! The bonus footage where they show Frank Hannon's gear & guitar rig was my personal favorite clip from this dvd btw!

IGGY & THE STOOGES Escaped Maniacs DVD Track Listing:

Rating: 6 stars!

Ok, if you're an Iggy Pop fan, you've got to love the fact that there have been quite a few new releases from Mr. Pop on dvd lately..the most recent is "Escaped Maniacs", which is a 2 dvd set that chronicles a live show from 2005 & it features 2 full dvd's, it has 2 different versions of a concert from 2005 in Belgium, it has load's o' interviews & extra crap, & "I Wanna Be Your Dog" is one of the most recognizable songs ever, & it's played 2 times on this dvd, BUT, gone is "Raw Power" & "Search & Destroy" which I found odd, BUT, there's loads o' new tracks & Mike Watt adds alot to this line-up of the Stooges! Watch closely & you'll see Iggy's butt a bew times, & for a man his age, who's been through so much in terms of mental issues, substance issues, etc., Iggy's held up pretty well & you know what I will always remember from the times I've seen Iggy perform? Iggy's body has soo many scar's & you can see cut marks, wounds, etc., that you don't usually see on most people's's a testament to how tough Iggy really is! I might add too, that the audio is professionally mixed on this dvd, BUT, it sounds nice & raw & gritty & dirty just like Iggy & The Stooges SHOULD sound!

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Rating: 5 stars!

Pot heads rejoice, High Times magazine's Cannabis Cup competion has a new dvd chornicle's the event & the coolest part in my opinion was the little surprise of seeing Sebastian Bach from Skid Row & Chip Z'nuff from Enuff Z'Nuff making surprise appearances in this dvd! This dvd really puts it out there, it tells you the in's & out's of pot, what it's all about, the different types, & the funny thing about this dvd is what some people have said in various interviews on this dvd...the Cannacis cup is not just ne type of person..there's hip hop people, rock n roll people, freaks, normal people, business men, & the average have every kinda of person that smokes pot & over in Amsterdam, where this even takes place, it looks pretty insane, because it's all legal over there! I'm not a pot head, but I did learn alot from this dvd, there's an entire marijuanna sub-culture that I knew nothing about until I saw this dvd!

MONGREL Fear, Lies & Propaganda Track Listing: I Refuse, Who Would Jesus Destroy, Shut Your Mouth Open Your Eyes, The World Loves A Tragedy, Bound To Crash, Shut Up Get Dead, West Memphis Hell, Houdini Act, Immolation, Attribution Retribution, Watching Myself Die, Without Mercy, No Gods No Masters, Dyslexic Alchemist FIAA

Rating: 6 stars!

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When I got this cd, the first thing I thought when I looked at the bands picture was, ok, this will be another cheesy, corny metal band with nothing to say, probably loads o' talk about the devil or whatever the song writer's think are evil, BUT, to my surprise, Mongrel actually reminds me of Henry Rollin's era Black Flag..they are a mix of metal & hardcore...I was also reminded of a personal favorite of mine, Mr. Casey Chaos & AMEN...what I thought was funny was, when I read the credits & thank you's on the record...BOTH bands were mentioned as influences...go figure! Hands down, the last 2 songs are the best songs on this cd..."No Gods, No Masters" has a great chorus of, "No Gods, No Masters, Fuck You, You Bastards" & it's said soo many times in the song that it's like a chant for life & I LOVE that! "Dyslexic Alchemist" has a great chorus too & it goes, "I had it all & I fucked it all away"...the music is raw, the band isn't over produced & what I LOVE about this cd is the lyrics are so real, to the point & honest...I would consider the lyrics on this cd to be some of the rawest & purest poetry about real life & human emotions that you will EVER hear! My final statement is, this is a killer hard core rock record, check it out & experience what real underground rock is about in 2008!


Track Listing: Deadlines, Pages, Waiting, Remember When Used to Be Used To It, No More Room To Breath, Addiction and Her Name, Taking Chances

Rating: 5 stars!

There For Tomorrow is an interesting band that blends modern rock with emo edge to create their own niche in the rock scene! "Taking Chances", ironically, is the last song on this 7 song EP & it's my personal favorite because it's kinda punchy, has those oh-so-typical emo vocals that you'd expect from this band when you see their press photo's, & don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking them, I'm just calling it like I see it, the bands press photo's match their music to a tee...they are sharp, young guys who play modern rock with passion &'s clear to see that they probably have a HUGE female fan base, based on their looks alone, & what seperates this band from some of the other emo bands is that they can actually write catchy songs to go along with their looks!

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TRAPT Only Through The Pain Track Listing: Wasteland, Who's Going Home With You Tonight, Contagious, Black Rose, Ready When You Are, Forget About the Rain, Cover Up, Only One In Color, Wherever She Goes, Curiosity Kills, The Last Year

Rating: 3 stars!

Ok, i can be honest with you or tell the truth...musically, this cd is produced well, it sounds amazing, the band do what they do, but overall, it's just kinda bland & boring...everything after "Headstrong", the bands first hit single, they've kinda been on a downward spiral, & the bulk of this cd reminds me of Three Doors Down at times, especially "Black Rose"...I don't know, I don't wanna trash this band, I just listen to this cd & think, wow, they had quite a bit of time between their last record & this is the best they could come up with? I like it when bands push the envelope, bust their ass & make each record better than the next...with this cd, it feels like are just coasting on their previous success & whether or not that's the case, overall, this cd is just kinda bland.

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LIZ PHAIR Exile In Guyville (Reissue) Track Listing: 6'1", Help Me Mary, Glory, Dance of the Seven Veils, Never Said, Soap Star Joe, Explain It To Me, Canary, Mesmerizing, Fuck & Run, Girls! Girls! Girls!, Divorce Song, Shatter, Flower, Johnny Sunshine, Gunshy, Stratford-On-Guy, Strange Loop, Ant In Alaska, Say You, Instrumental + Bonus DVD

Rating: 6 stars!

I'll admit that when "Guyville" first came out, I was NOT into the indie rock scene, I was more into the metal stuff & it took several years for my musical scope to broaden before I listened to the original version of "Guyville" & "got" what Liz Phair was all about...this cd is a song for song reaction to "Exile on Mainstream" through the eyes of Liz Phair, & this reissue is great because you get 3 unreleased bonus cuts from that era, & the bonus dvd included tells the real story of this the cd was recorded for very little $$, how Liz was using people to make a name for herself & get by back in that era, how alot of the cd was written about Nash from Urge Overkill, who was her crush at that time, & you get to hear the story of the CD cover & why she was topless, there's a funny story about when Liz opened for Oasis, & honestly, this is just a great package for Liz fans & indie rock fans..."Divorce Song" has been one of my personal favorite's for many years & it's great to know that music fans can buy this cd again & get that along with all the other great songs on this cd again, because the original version has been out of print for many years! This cd is also a pre-curser too because Liz is prepping a new cd for a Fall release, so Liz Phair fans rejoice..the queen of indie rock is back & what better way to celebrate that than by re-visiting her first cd...again!

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SOUND & FURY S/T Track Listing: Schools Out, Teenage Rampage, Can't Get Enough, 18, Bad Touch, Night of the Ghouls, High School Hot Box, Runaway Love, Supercharged, The Stranger, Hellhound

Rating: 6 stars!

Loud, fast, Lewd, Sexy & Crude...the new cd by Sound & Fury kicks ass, rocks your socks off & has this overall sleazy appeal to's kinda like if Motley Crue & Iggy Pop wrote music together but musically, Sound & Fury definitly go for that New York punk vibe & I dig the hell out of it! "High School Hot Box" is my personal pick for best song off this's dirty, raw, & riff-tastic! As an added bonus, you get a free stencil of the bands logo so you can tag all your crap if you'd like! This is a kick ass cd from a great new band, so check 'em out if you have a moment, I think they're a great new band!

EARSHOT The Silver Lining Track Listing: Closer, Don't Hate Me, Missunderstood, Wasted, Sometimes, I Hate You, More Than I Ever Wanted, Beside Myself, Pushing To Shove, Where the Pain Begins, Go

Rating: 6 stars!

I remember talking to Jason Slater who produced the first Earshot record & he told me how much this band was obsessed with Maynard from Tool & you know, it's NOT a bad thing, I mean how many people can really sound like that? With that said, when I hear this cd, I hear Tool & Maynard all over it, atleast vocally....the vocals sound beautiful & amazing & the songs are great...I can only put it like this...if you like Earshot, you will love this cd..they didn't really break any new ground, it sounds like their previous material, it's very distinctive & I dig it, it's all good, but I can't deny that the vocals sound soooo much like Maynard that it's insane!

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PLAYER / KOMMANDER On The Eve of Absolute Get Down Track Listing: Be This Way, White-Out of the Mind, Way Faux El Diablo, You've Had Your Fun, Physical, All Night Wednesday, Lay Back Down, Easy When It's On, Solution, You Put The Wig in Wig Out, Damaged Goo, Hard Girl, Overadored

Rating: 6 stars!

Distinctly odd, in all honesty, that's the only way I'd describe this band..they have some weird arrangements, some songs kick ass, some have loose grooves & in general, the band is all over the place, funky at times, rockin' in others...Player / Kommander is a freakin' weird band to categorize...all I can say is, if you like interesting, at times odd, yet always amusing rock music, then this is a band to check out..."Be This Way" kicks the cd off, but it's by no means a representation of this entire cd's body of work!


Rating: 6 stars!

You know, I used to see those t-shirts all the time that said, "Punks Not Dead", I can't recall what band came up with that

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slogan, BUT, there's a movie out with that same title & if you know very little about the evolution of punk, then this is a must-see movie! There's footage & history lessons from all the great bands like Bad Religion, Iggy Pop, The Ramones, Stiff Little Fingers, all the way to the present bands like Green Day, My Chemical Romance & The Used! Punk was always about DIY, the Do It Yourself attitude...watching this dvd, there's a ton of interviews, rare concert clips, band interviews, fan interviews, & you realize that punk rock is about's about unity, it's about being together, uniting the misfits, & where rock n roll kinda ostracized some people, punk united EVERYONE who was a part of that scene! My personal favorite clips are the clips with the Offspring, because I'd never seen the band so young & I was mostly familiar with their later work..I never had an opportunity to see their earlier stuff via video! The subject that is talked about alot on this dvd is the idea that a punk band is selling out...what I really like is, the bands who have made it, they come out & say, look, it's all about making a living, you have to make $$ to survive...if you don't, you can't play music...the idea that if a punk band signs to a major label, gets alot of fans, sells alot of concert tickets, & sells alot of cd's is stupid...when you think about it, because if a band has no fans, isn't making a living, etc., then they can't do what they do & I want to make sure & mention, check out the bonus features on this dvd..there's a ton o' extra's! Overall, this is a killer dvd & I'd suggest EVERYONE check it out, it's really informative on the entire punk culture & scene!

SIXTEEN DAYS IN CHINA - A Ducmentary By Martin Atkins DVD


Rating: 6 stars!

Martin Atkins is best known as the genius behind Pigface, & he's also been in Nine Inch Nails & Ministry in the past as well, but I decided to combine both of these reviews together, because they are both a Martin Atkin''s ALL Martin, ALL the time & you know what, Marty is freakin' hilarious, whitty, odd at times, & overall, one of the coolest geezer's..he's someone you can laugh at, he makes you think, & he's genuine! The first dvd is all about his Tour Smart therories, based on his book of the same name & he tells you how to, duh, what mistakes opening bands make, how to mic a drum set, how to travel, & if you are in a band, or even thought about putting one together, this is the holy grail as far as what to do & what not to do..I learned alot from this dvd & I won't tell you all of Marty's knowledge, BUT, I will tell you, you really should check this out, if you think rock n roll is all glitse & glamour, this dvd will prove you wrong! The 2nd dvd, "Sixteen Days..." is Martin's misadventures in Tibet, he finds underground bands, clubs, & what proves to be the best part of this entire movie is the whitty, often odd, yet thought provoking comments from one point he says a kinda racist statement about all the people there, or rather the bands, sounding & looking the same, then he points out that he's not a racist by proving that alot of the same people played in different bands that he saw, then

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he chimes in, "those people can't drive for shit!", so yeah, Martin's a freakin' riot & he had a very interesting 16 days for sure, as this dvd proves! Martin Atkins is a one of a kind & he should really so spoken word, he's really good at it & he's kinda like rock music's Andy Rooney in a weird way!

THE AMERICAN DOLLAR A Memory Stream Track Listing: The Slow Wait, Call, Bump, Intermission, Lights Dim, Transcendence, Our Hearts Are Read, Anything You Synthesize, We're Hitting Everything, Starscapes

Rating: 5 stars!

Undeniably moody, melancholy, dark, & I might add, totally instrumental, the new release "A Memory Stream" by The American Dollar is a work created by 2 guys, Richard Cupolo & John Emanuele, & the band is a mix of Radiohead, Coldplay, & cal me crazy, but I even hear a little John Tesh in favorite song is "Intermission" because it's the most "rock" oriented song on this cd..basically, this is all cinematic music, it's musit that would be great to make love to, great to vaccum to, but NOT really great to drive your car too, simply because it's not aggressive, it's really got this simple, mellow & artsy vibe to it & don't get me wrong, I totally dig that! "Lights Dim" is another great song that's slow, artsy, & I can't help but wonder what the bands music would sound like if they had a singer...I really want to hear some vocals over this duo's music..I think they could go alot further & broaden their audience, BUT, as a complete piece of art, EVERY song on this cd is different, interesting, & even thought their's no vocals, each song evokes an emotion that's introspective, artistic, & again, this isn't a rock record, it's more an art piece, background music, or a film score, but don't misunderstand that reference, this cd is still cool as shit & worth a listen!

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MOTLEY CRUE Saints of Los Angeles Track Listing: L.A.M.F., Face Down In The Dirt, What's It Gonna Take, Down At THe Whisky, Saints of Los Angeles, M.F. of the Year, The Animal In Me, Welcome to the Machine, Just Another Psycho, Chicks = Toruble, This Ain't A Love Song, White Trash Circus, Goin' Out Swingin'

Rating: 6 stars!

Gather round & rejoice kiddies, the original bad boy's of rock n roll, Motley Crue, Mick, Nikki, Vince & Tommy are back! Saints of Los Angeles marks the return of the 4 original members of the band & the overall sound of the new CD reminds me of the Dr. Feelgood era of the band, which, in my personal opinion, on a technical level, is the highpoint of their career, because their sound, their playing & their songwriting was the best! I love the bands first 2 records on a personal level that can never be topped, but Saints of Los Angeles offers sleazy, dirty, & fun rock n roll with guitar solo's, sexual overtones & don't think, ohhh, this is just 80's hair metal, it's NOT fluffy & lacking in's got depth, dimensions & it's pure rock n roll energy! I think Mick Mars sounds amazing on this cd, his guitar tones are loud, harsh & pleasing to the ear, which Tommy's drumming is the backbone to EVER song! "Down at the Whisky" is my personal's got great lyrics, it's mid tempo, it's a rocker, but it's just a little mellower than other songs on this cd & it's really a radio single waiting to happen! "This Ain't A Love Song" has a funny chorus of, "this aint' a love song, it's a f**k song" & that IS the pure essence of Motley Crue! This cd is loosley based after the band autobiography, "The Dirt" & if this were to be the bands last record, in all honesty, it's a fine way to go out...they are at the top of their game, EVERY song on this cd is kick ass & every song represents the vision of what Motley Crue is all about! Hands down, this is one of the best rock records of the year! Motley Crue are playing Crue-fest & if you are in the same area as us, the closest date is on July 13, 2008 @ Nissan Pavillion, so hope to see you there!

WHAT LAURA SAYS Thinks & Feels Track Listing: Couldn't Lose Myself If I Tried, Fashionably Moral, Illustrated Manual, Wish I Could Fly, Dot Dot Dot, Pairadice, Waves, Get Better Soon, July 23, One Thousand Faces, Done What's Right

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Rating: 4 stars!

Musically, What Laura Says is kinda melancholy, overlly dramatic & the songs on this cd are a mix of up & down emotions, the band is really mellow & verges on interesting songwriting mixed with a small amount of pop credibility. It's kinda like trying to explain a sandcastle...they are exactly what they are, there's no need to over-define What Laura Says is all about..they are an indie-rock band that's got song's that are deep, yet, kinda boring in parts, but that's my personal opinion based on the fact that I'd like to hear the band be a little more edgier in parts, BUT, when I really listen to this cd closely, I don't think they have the "edge" that I am speaking of because they are an indie rock band & that's what they do best, so overall, this is a well written record, it just lacks edge at times, which might make it mildly boring to hard rock fans.

THE COTTON SOETERBOEK BAND Twisted Track Listing: Set Me Free, Pretty Maureen, Twisted, Colorado, Leave Me Blue, Little Sister, Gold & Gray, Still of the Night, The Game

Rating: 5 stars!

The Cotton Soeterboek Band is an interesting mix of classic hard rock & classic rock...they kinda remind me of Deep Purple when David Coverdale was the bands singer & they definitley remind me of White Snake in various moments when I listened to this cd & that's not a bad thing at all! The cd has a good sound too, it's not totally polished, it maintains a slight rough edge, yet it's NOT under-produced's just a proper balance of both sides & it makes it sound fresh compared to every other pro-tools recorded record that's out now. The artwork, I will admit, reminded me of Ace Frehley from KISS right away, it's got a sunburst Les Paul guitar growing in a field as the theme & it's something that, conceptually, it just reminds me of Ace Frehley, but I guess that happens when you're a KISS freak & I know that not everyone will see what I saw in the artwork. Musically, the band is good, they have strong songwriting, they are definitley rooted in the structure of the song as opposed to the "Flash" & disposable pop song & if you like classic sounding hard rock, this is a band you'll dig!

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Jet Black Stare In This Life Track Listing: Ready To Roll, I'm Breathin', In THis Life, Every Moment, It's Over, Rear View Mirror, Fly, I Won't Let Go, Poster Princess, The River, Next To Me

Rating: 5 stars!

Radio friendly & set to take over the world with hit single after hit single, the new cd "In the Life" by Jet Black Stare is chock full o' catchy, memorable riff rock & the band's approach is simple, write memorable song after memorable song & that formula totally works! "Ready To Roll" kicks the cd off & it's a very modern sounding mainstream rocker & song after song on this cd fits into that mold...each song sounds different, yet they all have the same distinct sound that lets you know it's Jet Black Stare immediatley & I think it's the mark of a band that's going to be around for a long time to come, so check out this cd & cehck out "In This Life", "Fly" & "Next To Me" which are the standout tracks on this cd in my opinion!

ONE BLOCK RADIUS You Got Me (Single) Track Listing: You Got Me

Rating: 4 stars!

I recently got a 1 track single from the band One Block Radius...they kinda remind me of PM Dawn, slightly, they are a mix of pop, hip hop, & the song is catchy, rhythmic, &'s a total single if ever there was one, & I only have the one song to go by from the band, but what I heard sounded great!

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