Atoll Research Bulletin No. 189 the Natural History Of
ATOLL RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 189 THE NATURAL HISTORY OF NAMOLUB ATOLL, EASTERN CAROLINE ISLANDS by Mac Marshall with identifications of vascular flora by F. R. Fosberg Issued by THE SMITHSONIAN IYSTITUTION Washington, D.C., U.S.A. August 6,1975 TBrn OF CONTENTS LIST OF PLATES LIST OF TABLES INTRODUCTION PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION REEFS AND CURRENTS METEOROLOGY NON-AVIAN TERRESTRIAL VERTEBRATES OTHER NON-AVIAN FAUNA AVIAN FAUNA URINE MOLLUSKS ACAMTHASTER PLANCI INSECTS VASCULAR FIDRA BIBLIOGRAPHY TABLES PLATES LIST OF PLATES 1 Aerial photograph of Namoluk Atoll dated 29 June lgw. U,S, Navy. 2 From Tbinom Islet looking across to Ullbap Islet with tip of Arnwes Islet in the distance. June 1971. Mac Marshall. 3 Mangrove forest, lagoon shore, Amues Islet. June 1971. Mac Marshall. 4 Bruguiera gymnorhim growing an open reef between Arawes and Umap Islets. June 1971. Mac Maxshall. 5 Forested interior, hues Islet, showing Asplenium nidus growing on Arbocaspus. June 1971. Leslie Be Marshall. 6 Forested interior, Namoluk Islet, showing abundant growth of Nephrolepis. June 1971, Leslie B. Marshall. 7 Sandspit (called "Piemann locally) at the southwest tip of Amwes Islet. June 1971. Leslie Be Marshall. 8 Forest of Pem$h acidula on Tbinom Iihlet. June 1971. Mac Marshall. 9 Lagoon beach on LhIslet. June 1971. Leslie B. Marshall. PO hagoon ahoreline of Toinom Islet with Amwes Islet in the distance. June 1971. Leslie B. Marshall. 11 Forested interior, Namoluk Islet, showing typical dense growth and undmbrush, June 1971, Mac Masshall, 12 Anwes Islet, looking east froa the long sandspit at the southwest tip (see plats 7). June 1971.
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